Mount St. Helens-A Bibliography of Geoscience Literature 1882-1986

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-292 1987 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY

Mount St. Helens-A bibliography of geoscience literature, 1882-1986


Connie J. Manson Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources, Olympia, Wash.

Carol H. Messick and Gertrude M. SiMott U.S. Geological Survey, Rcston, Va.

Open-File Report 87-292

This rcpon has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards.

Prepared in cooperation with the Washington Division of Geology and E:irth Resources


Introduction ...... • ...... • ...... • . • • . • ...... • ...... 1

Bibliography...... 3

Subject Index ...... 101

List of Index Tenns ...... • ...... • ...... 197

Mount St. Helens-A bibliography of geoscience literature, 1882-1986


Connie J. Manson, Carol H. Messick and Gertrude M. Sinnott

INTRODUCTION expanded geographically to provide adequate coverage of ashfall and meteorological, acoustical. climatic, and other far­ On May 18, 1980, Mount St Helens in southwestern ranging effects. Quaternary eruptions of Mount St. Helens Washington erupted. producing a forest-leveling blast. a giant produced widely-dispersed ash, commonly used as plume, widely dismoutedashfalls, extensive , flooding, stratigraphic markers. Some of these Studies have been listed, and considerable property damage, and causing a tragic loss particularly when applicable to Washington State, but no at­ of life. This was the first major volcanic eruption in the con­ tempt was made to refercncc all such reports. tenninous United States since the Lassen Peale eruption of In addition, we have included many overviews and sum­ 1915. mary treaanents, which can be found under the headings Mount St Helens' last major eruptive period was in the "General Works" and "Chronology and History of the 1980 mid-nineteenth century, but the eruption of May 1980 did not Eruption.• We have also selected examples of the types of re­ come as a surprise. In a 1978 report. USGS scientists tenned search being done in related disciplines such as biology, the possibility of a fuwre eruption a "near certainty" (Cran­ forestry, medicine, and the various social sciences, to il­ dell and Mullineaux. 1978, p. 22). In March 1980 scientists lustrate the broader consequences of a geologic hazard. detected increased seismic activity followed by releases of The bibliography cqnsists mainly of references to ash and by other changes in the volcano, which culminated monographs, maps, journal articles, conference papers, in the explosive eruption of May 18th. The location of Mount abstracts, theses, and open-file reports. Purposely excluded St Helens in a fairly accessiole area provided an unusual op­ were newspaper and news-magazine accounts, audiovisual ponunity for physical, life, and social scientists to study at materials, and ephemera. close range this catastrophic eruption and its widespread ef­ The bibliography was compiled .from the collections and fects. files of the two libraries. Additional references were gathered Scientists had studied Mount St Helens and its environs from database searches on GcoRef, Geoarchive, Water before the May 1980 eruption; this bibliography includes Resources Abstracts, National Technical Information Ser­ about 100 works published between 1882 and 1979. More vice, Dissertation Abstracts Online, and Meteorological and than 1,500 reports, maps, books, and articles on Mowlt St Gcoastrophysical Abstracts. All items in the bibliography Helens were published in the 6 years following the 1980 erup­ have been examined by the compilers. tion, making this one of the most heavily studied geologic events in history. ORGANIZATION The libraries of the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, V1rginia, and the Washington Division of Geology and Earth 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Each citation is given in full. Resources in Olympia, Washington, recognized the need to Works are listed alphabetically and chronologically by bring together this vast amount of material and undenook a author, with an · author's individual works preceding co­ cooperative project to compile this bibliography and index of authored works. Joint author cross-references are interfiled the literature on Mount St Helens from historical times to the alphabetically. present. 2. SUBJECT INDEX: References are grouped al­ SCOPE phabetically under heauings that provide either subject or geographic access. Only the author(s), date, and title are Our primary intention was to collect the research done given, and reference must be made to the Bibliography for on the eruption-related geology and hydrology of Mount St the full citation. Appropriate cross-references are provided. Helens through 1986. We focused on Washington State but Repeated citations, from multiple publications and(or)

1 2 !NTRODUCI'ION abstraets, are given once and marked with an asterisk(*). Par­ HARNLY, C. D.; TYCKOSON, D. A., 1984, Mount St. ticular attention has been given to specific geographic loca­ Helens-An annotated bibliography: Metuchen, NJ., tions in Washingtan State. including named lakes, streams, Scarecrow Press, 249 p. cities, and counties. RIGBY, J. G., 1981, Bibliographics of the geology and vol­ 3. USTOFINDEXTERMS: Allindextermsandcross­ canic hazards of the Cascade Range volcanoes of referenccs used in the Subject Index are listed alphabetically. Washingtan and Mount Hood, Oregon: Washington Scanning this list should be helpful in suggesting subject ap- Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File proaches. · Report 81-5, 42 p.


In addition to this bibliography, the user might wish to The bibliography and index files were prepared on the consult the following previously published bibliographies on computer at the Washingron Division of Geology and Earth Mount SL Helens: Resources using the Bibliographic Infonnation System designed by Bill Phillips and Connie Manson. Our special BROWN, G. W., JR., 1983, Mount SL Helens and volcanic thanks go to Bill for writing the programs and for keeping the action- A computerized bibliography; 3rd edition: Ed­ system running. monds, Wash., Tiburon Co., Tectonics Products, 206 p.

HARNLY, C. D.; TYCKOSON, D. A., 1981, Mount St Helens. the 1980 eruptions-A bibliography: Monticel­ lo, Ill., Vance Bibliographics Public Administration Series P-786, 42 p. BIBLIOGRAPHY

ABBOTT, L. S., set JANDA, R. J. [and others], 1980. ADAMS, B. K., 1980, Summary of group discussion on ABEL. K. H., see FRUCHTER, J. S. [and others], 1980. health aspects of ML St Helens ashfall, July 9, 1980. In ~sidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of ACKERMAN, M.; LIPP.ENS, C., 1982, Forward scatter- WashingtOn State University's Conference on the after­ ing and backscattering of solar radiation by the stratos­ math of ML St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington pheric limb after Mount SL Helens eruption. In State University, p. 63-64. Deepak, Adarsh, editor, Aanosphcric effects and potential climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of ADAMS, E., see GRADY, T. [and others], 1982. Mount SL Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and ADAMS, V. D.; ADAMS, A. B., 1982, Initial recovery of Space Administration Conference Publication 2240, p. the vegetation on Mount St Helens. In Keller, S. A. C. • 299-303. editor, Mount SL Helens--One yeM later. Cheney, ACKERMAN, M.; LIPPENS, C.; LECHEV ALLIER, M., Wash., Eastern Washington University Press. p. 105- 1980, Enhancement of forward and back scattering of 113. solar radiation by the stratospheric limb after Mt St AITKEN, CLAR.ENE. 1980, Mt SL Helens-Stal.king a Helens eruption [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ volcano: Rockhound, v. 9. no. 4, p. 10-13. cal Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 970. AKI, KEII11, set NOWACK, ROBERT [and others], ACKERMAN, M.; LIPPENS, C.; LECHEVALLIER, M., 1982. 1980, Volcanic material from Mount St Helens in the AKI, KEilTI, see NOWACK, ROBERT [and others]. stratosphere over Europe: Nature, v. 287, no. 5783, p. 1984. 614-615. AKRE, R. D., 1980, Effects of on insects. In ACORD, J. E., 1980, Montana. In Gordon, M. G.; Proctor, Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washington George, chairmen, The effects of the Mount St Helens State University's Conference on the aftermath of ML eruption on water resources-A forum held June 12, St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State Univer­ 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Northwest River sity, p. 14-15. Basins Commission, p. 71-72. AKRE, R. D.; HANSEN, L. D.; REED, H. C., 1982, Ef. ADAMS, A. B.; HINCKLEY~ K. E.; HINZMAN, C.; fects of Mount St Helens ash on hymenoptera l.E.FFI..ER, S. R., 1986, Recovery of small m~mals in [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St three habitats in the northwest sector of the Mount SL Helens-One yeM later: Cheney. Wash., Eastern Helens National Volcanic Monument In Keller, S. A. Washington University Press, p. 235. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years laICr. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, AKRIDGE,J. D.,set KURODA,P. K.. [and others], 1984. p. 345-358. ALBEE. W. C.; MOORE,J. G., 1981, M.apping Mount St. ADAMS, A. B.; LEFFLER, SANFORD, 1986, Insect Helens [abstract]: American Congress on Surveying recolonization of the northwest sector of the Mount St and Mapping, Annual Meeting, 41st, Technical Papers, Helens blast zone. in Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St p.455. Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern ALBEE. W. C., see MOORE, J. G. [and others], 1980. Washington University Press, p. 307-324. ALBEE. W. C.,set MOORE,J. G. [and others], 1981. ADAMS, A. B.; WALLACE,J. R.; JONES,]. T.; MCEL­ ROY, W. K., 1986, Plant ecosystem resilience follow­ ALISTAIR, C. D. L., see DARZI, MICHAEL [and others], 1980. ing the 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, Washington. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St ALKEZWEENY, A. J., see EADIE, W. J. [and others], Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern 1980. Washington University Press, p. 182-207. ALLARD, PATRIC~ 1983, Facing hazards from the ADAMS, A. B., see ADAMS, V. D. [and others], 1982. reawakening of dormant explosive volcanoes-The ex­ ADAMS, B. K., 1980, ML St Helens ash in the eyes of a amples of ML St Helens, El Chichon, and Galunggung in In physician. In Cassidy, J. J ., chairperson, Proceedings of 1980-1982. Tazieff, Haroun; Sabroux, J ..c., Washington State University's Conference on the after­ editors, Forecasting volcanic events: New York, N.Y .• math of ML St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington Elsevier Science Publishing Company Developments State University, p. 21-25. in Volcanology 1, p. 561-584. ALLEN, J.E., 1981, Why do volcanoes erupt?: Geologi­ cal Society of the Oregon Country Geological Newslet­ ter, v. 47, no. 6, p. 72-73,68. 4 ALLEN

ALL.EN, J.E., 1982, Scientific access to Mount SL Helens, AMICK. D. C.; SNIDER, F. G., 1985, Seismicity as­ 1980 (abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St sociated with reservoirs impounded near Mount St Helens-One year later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Helens [abstract]: Association of Engineering Washington University Press, p. 235. Geologists, Annual Meeting, 1985. Abstracts and ALPHA. T. R., 1982., Physiographic diagrams of eruptive Program, p. 55. effects [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1980, Controversy erupts Paper 1275, p. 218. over ML SL Helens ash: Analytical Chemistry, v. 52, · ALPHA. T. R., 1983, Physiographic diagrams of Mount no. 11, p. 1136A-1138A, 1140A. St Helens, Washington showing changes in irs summit ANDERSEN, D. C.; MACMAHON, J. A., 1985, Plant crater, 1982: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous succession following the Mount St. Helens volcanic Field Stlldies Map MF-1608, 1sheeL eruption-Facilitation by a burrowing rodent, ALPHA. T. R.; MOORE, J. G., 1981, Physiographic Thomomys talpoides: American Midland Naturalist. v. diagrams of the May 18, 1980, landslide-eruption of 114,no. l,p. 62-69. Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ ANDERSON, A. C.; KUNKLE, MERRil.L; SCHLOTS, vey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1289, 1 F. E.; KLAUSS, DON; LOUNSBURY, 0..ARS'l'CE, shCCL 1956, Soil survey of Skamania County, Washington: ALPHA. T. R.; MOORE, J. G.; JONES, D.R., 1980, Se­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service Series 1940, no. 20, 92 quential physiographic diagrams of Mount SL Helens, p.. 2 plates. Washington, 1979-80: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ ANDERSON, D. L., su VOSSLER, TERI [and others], File Report 80.792, 1 sheeL 1981. ALPHA. T. R.; MOORE, J. G.; MORLEY, J.M.; JONES, ANDERSON, JEREMY, 1982, Mount St. Helens May 18 D. R., 1980, Physiographic diagrams of Mount SL ashfall-The. human ecology of an unanticipated Helens and vicinity, Washington, 1980: U.S. Geologi­ natural hazard. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St cal Survey Open-File Report 80.920, 1 sheet, scale Helens-One year later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern 1:100,000. WashingtOn University Press, p. 181-189. ALPHA, T. R.; MOORE,J. G.; MORLEY,J. M.; JONES, ANDERSON, JEREMY, su WARRICK. R. A. [and· D. R., 1981, Physiographic diagrams of Mount SL others], 1981. Helens, Washington. showing changes in irs summit ANDERSON, L A.; JOHNSON, D. J.; DZURISIN, crater, swnmc;r 1980: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ DANIEL, 1983, Self-potential and VLF electromag­ laneous Field Studies Map MF-1279, 1sheeL netic surveys at Momu St Helens, Washington ALPHA. T. R.; MORLEY, J. M., 1983, Comparative (abstraet]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ physiographic diagrams of Mount SL Helens, actions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 894-895. Washington. and Crater Lake, Oregon: U.S. Geologi­ ANDERSON, N. H., see HAWKINS, C. P. [and others], cal Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1403, 1982. l sheet, scale 1:62,500. ANDERSON, R. Y.; DEAN, W. E.; NUHFER. E. B.; T. R.; MORLEY, J. M.; MYERS, BOBBIE; ALPHA. GARDNER, J. V., 1984, Limits of sensitivity in LEIGm..EY, T. A., 1982, Physiographic diagrams of Holocene climatic records from western North Mount SL Helens, Washington showing changes in its America [abstract]: Geological Society of America summit crater, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 430. laneous Field Studies Map MF-1420, 1 sheeL ANDERSON, R. Y.; NUHFER, E. B.; DEAN, W. E., ALPHA. T. R.; MYERS, BOBBIE. 1985, Physiographic 1984, Sinking of volcanic ash in uncompact.ed sedi­ diagrams of Mount SL Helens, Washington showing ment in Williams Lake, Washington: Science, v. 225, changes in irs swnmit crater, 1983: U.S. Geological no. 4661,p.505-508. Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1 n1, 1 shCCL ANDERSON, R. Y.; NUHFER, E. B.; DEAN, W. E., 1985, Sedimentation in a blast-zone lake at Mount St ALPHA. T. R.; MYERS, BOBBIE. 1986, Physiographic Helens, Washington-Implications for varve fonna­ diagrams of Mount SL Helens, Washington, showing tion: Geology, v. 13, no. 5, p. 348-352. changes in its swnmit crater, 1984: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1906, 1 ANDERSON, R. Y.; NUHFER, E. B.; DEAN, W. E.; sheeL DELMASTRO, G. A., 1984, Sedimentology of Mt St Helens cephra at Merrill, Soap, and Williams Lakes, ALPHA. T. R., see MOORE.I. G. [and others], 1981. Washington, USA [abstract]: Geological Society of ALT, J. N., SU WEST, D. 0. [and others], 1981. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 430. ALT, J. N., su WEST, D. 0. [and others], 1982. ANDERSON 5

ANDERSON. S. W.; FINK. J. H.. 1986, Rate-dependent AUSTIN, S. A., 1985, Modern catastrophic processes at formation of textures in the Mount SL Helens Mount St Helens and their implications for the dome [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union stratigraphic record [abstract]: Canadian Society of Transactions) 1250. Petroleum Geologists Reservoir, v. 12, no. 5, p. 1-2. ANDREWS. V. E •• 1981. Airborne radiological sampling AYLESWORTH, T. G.; AYLESWORTH, V. L., 1983, of Mount SL Helens plumes: U.S. Environmental The Mount St Helens disaster-What we've learned: Pror.ection Agency Office of Radiation Programs Tech­ NewYork,N.Y.,Franklin Watts, 86 p. nical Note ORL/LVF-81-2, 14 p. AYLESWORTH, V. L., see AYLESWORTH, T. G. (and ANTOS. J. A.; ZOBEL. D. B., 1982. Snowpack modifica­ others]. 1983. tion of volcanic tephra effects on forest understory BAILEY, R. A., see Til..l..ING, R. I. [and others], 1985. plants near Mount St Helens: Ecology, v. 63. no. 6. p. 1969-1972. BAKER, E.T.; FEELY, R. A.; CURL, H. C., JR., 1981, Effect of Mount St Helens volcanic activity on the tur­ ANTOS. J. A:, see ZOBEL, D. B. [and others]. 1984. bidity of the Columbia River plume [abstract]: Eos ARAS, N. K., see VOSSLER, TERI [and others], 1981. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 61. (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. AR.DOUIN. B.• see LE CLOAREC. M. F. [and others], S.") . 1986. ARNOLD. SCOTI, 1984, Discovering Mount St BALACHANDRAN. N. K.. see DONN. W. L. [and Helens-A guide to Mowtt St Helens National Vol­ others], 1981. canic Monument: Seattle. Wash.. University of BALLANTINE, D.S., see PHELAN, J. M [and others]. Washington~ of Science thesis, 252 p. 1982. ARTiruR. D. W. G., see MOORE~ H. J. [and others]. BALMER. D. G•• 1984, Establishing the Mount St Helens 1978. National Volcanic Monument Northwest Environ­ ARVESEN. J.C., see WELCH, R. I. [and others], 1982. mental Journal, v. l, no. 1, p. 97-118. ASHBAUGH, L. L. see CAHILL, T. A. [and others]. BAME, D. A., 1984. A soW"Ce model for low frequency 1980. volcanic earthquakes: · Seattle, Wash .• University of Washington Master of Sci~nce thesis, 95 p. ASm.EY. R. P.; EVARTS. R. C., 1980, Gcoiogy and ore deposits of the SL Helens mining district, Washington BAME, D. A.; CROSSON, R. S., 1984, A study of vol­ [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts canic earthquakes in the Cascade Range of Washington with Programs~ v. 12, no. 3, p. 94-95. (abstract]: Earthquake Notes, v. 55, no. 1, p. 12. ASHLEY, R. P .• see EV ARTS. R. C. [and others], 1984: BAME,D.A.,seeCROSSON,R.S. (andothers}, 1985. ATKESON, RAY, see Wil.l.IAMS, CHUCK [and others], BANAV ALI, A. D., see KURODA, P. K. [and others], 1980. 1984. ATKINSON. G. B.• 1981. The movement of St. Helen's BANAV ALI, A. D., see LEE, S. C. [and others], 1985. ash cloud over western Canada: Canadian BANCROFT, G. M,see BROWN,R. (and others], 1981. Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Annual BANDY, A. R.; MOROULIS, P. J.; Wil..NE.R, L. A.; Meeting. 15th. 1981. Air Pollution Sessions Proceed­ TORRES, A. L., 1982, Estimates of the fluxes of NO, ings, p. 291-308. S02, H2S, CS2, and OCS from Mt St Helens deduced ATTFIELD. M. D .• see BERNSTEIN, R. S. [and others], from in situ plume concentration measurements: 1982. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 9, no. 9, p. 1097- AULD, D. R., see BOOKER, J. R. (and others], 1981. 1100. AUSTEN, RUTH; KERR, J. W .• 1984, The Mount St BANDY, A. R., see FRIEND, J.P. (and others], 1982. Helens/Long Valley caldera parallel: Explorers Jour­ BANISTER, J. R., 1980, Calculation of the Mount Sc nal, v. 62, no. 2. p. 54-59. Helens pressure wave [abstract]: Eos (American AUSTEN, RUTII; KERR, J. W .• 1986, Long Valley, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. California-The Mount St Helens legacy. In Keller, S. 1136. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later. BANISTER, J. R., 1984, Pressure wave generated by the Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, Mount St Helens eruption: Journal of Geophysic:iJ p. 381-387. Research,v.89,no.D3,p.4895-4904. AUSTIN, S. A., 1984, Rapid erosion at Mount St Helens: BANISTER, J. R., see BASS, R. C. [and others], 1980. Origins, v. 11, no. 2. p. 90-98. 6 BANKS

BANKS, N. G.; BENNETI, C. A.; SCHMIDT, J. M., BARONE. J.B.• see CAim..L, T. A. [and others], 1980. 1978, Maps of photo lineaments and geomorphological BAROSS, J. A.; DAHM, C. N.; WARD, A. K.; Lil..LEY, fearures in the Spirit Lake quadrangle, Washingron: M. D.; SEDEI..L. J. R., 1982, Initial microbiologica1 U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 78-505, 2 response in lakes to the Mt St Helens eruption: Na­ sheets, scale 1:48,000. ture, v. 296, no. 5852, p. 49-52. BANKS, N. G.; CUTI'ER. B. E.. 1981, Temperature es.­ BAROSS, J. A.; LILLEY, M. D.; GORDON, L. I., 1980, timates of the 1980 directed blast of Mount SL Helens, Miaobially mediated production and consumption of Washington, U.S.A.. from thermal effects on trees and trace gases including CH4, H2, and N20 in 78 degree buried wood (abstr.lCt]. In International Association of C seep waters on Mt St Helens (abstract]: Eos Volcanology and Chemistry of the Eanh's Interior, (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61 , no. 1981. IAVCEI symposium, Arc volcanism; Abstraets: 46, p. 1014. Volcanological Society of Japan; International As­ sociation of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's BAROSS, J. A., see DAHM. C. N. (and others], 1982. Interior, p. 26. BAROSS, J. A., see DAHM, C. N. [and others], 1983. BANKS, N. G.; HOBUIT, R. P .• 1981, Summary of BAROSS, J.B., see DAHM, C. N. (and others], 1981. temperarure studies of 1980 deposits. In Lipman, P. BARRETI. E. W., see PUESCHEL, R. F. [and others], W.; Mullineaux, D. R.. editors, The 1980 eruptions of 1980. . Mount SL Helens, Washingron: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Professional Paper 1250. p. 295-313. BARRETI, E. W'., see PUESCHEL, R. F. [and others], 1981. BANKS, N. G.; HOBLITI, R. P., 1981, Temperature studies of Mount SL Helens deposits, 1980. BARRINGER, A. R.; LEIT, R.; RICE. ALAN; Washingron, U.S.A. [abstract]. In International As­ CZVEKUS, W., 1982, LASERTRACE analysis-A sociation of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's review of methodology and its ~plication to Mt St. Interior, IAVCE.I symposiwn, Arc volcanism; Helen's ash and marine geology (abstr.lCt]: Eos Abstracts: Volcanological Society of Japan; Interna­ (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. tional Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of 45,p. 1143. the Eanh's Interior, p. 27. BARRON,.]. C., see COOK. R. J. (and others], 1981. BANKS,N. G.,seeEVANS, W. C. [and others], 1981. BARTUSIA.K, M. F., 1980, Lessons from the mountain­ BANKS, N. G., see HOBUTI;R. P. (and others], 1980. Mowu SL Helen's spectacular show enables scientists to learn how to predict eruptions: Discover, v. 1, no. 1, BANKS, N. G., RY AN,~ P. [and others], 1981. see p. 112-114. BARKER. D. B. • MURCRAY, D. G. [and others], see BASS, R. C.; BANISTER. J. R., 1980, Dusty gas flow cal- 1981. culations [abstr.1Ct]: Eos (American Geophysica1 BARNES, IVAN, 1982, Volatiles of Mount St. Helens and Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1136. their origins: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal BATEMAN, A. F., 1951, Geology of dam sites on Lewis Research, v. 22, no. 1-2, p. 133-146. River, WashingtOn: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File BARNES, IVAN, 1985, Mineral-water reactions in Report, 11 p. metamorphism and volcanism: Chemical Geology, v. 49, no. 1-3, p. 21-29. BATERIDGE, THOMAS, see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [and others], 1980. BARNES, IV AN; JOHNSTON, D. A.; EV ANS, W. C.; BATII, MARKUS, 1982, Aunospheric waves from Mount PRESSER, T. S.; MARINER, R. H.; WHITE, L. D., SL Helens: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ 1981, Properties of gases and waters of deep origin actions), v. 63, no. 11, p. 193. near Mount SL Helens. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, BAXTER, P. J., see BERNSTEIN, R. S. (and others], Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional 1982. Paper 1250, p. 233-237. BEACH. G. L., 1984, The 19 March 1982 eruption and BARNES, REY, 1986, Broadcasting in the public neces­ at Mount St Helens-Implications for Ma.nian sity-Mount SL Helens 1980. In Keller, S. A. C .• outflow channels? In Holt, H. E .• compiler, Reports of editor, Mount St. Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Planetary Geology Program-1983: U.S. Nationa1 Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 399- Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical 400. Memorandum 86246, p. 178. BARNES, W. C.,see HICKSON, C. J. [and others], 1981. BEACH, G. L., 1985, Morphologic evolution of the Mount BARNES, W. C., see HICKSON, C. J. [and others], 1982. St. Helens crater area. Washingt0n. In Holt, H. E.; Waners, T. R.• compilers, Reports of Planetary Geol­ BARNES, W. C.,see HICKSON, C. J. [and others], 1986. ogy and Geophysics Program-1984: U.S. National BARNOSKY, C. W., see DA VIS, P. T. [and others], 1982. Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum 87563, p. 263-265. BHAGAT 7

BEACH. G. L.; DZURISIN, DANIEL, 1984, Drainage BEESON, M. H., 1981. Hydrothermal alteration in the evolution in the debris avalanche deposits near Mount Cascades. In Duffield, W. A.; Guffanti, Marianne. The SL Helens, Washington.- In Holt, H. E., compiler, geothermal research program of the U.S. Geological Repons of Planetary Geology Program-1983: U.S. Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 81- National Aeronautics and Space Administration Tech­ 564. p. 48-49. nical Memorandum 86246, p. 179-181. BEGET, J. E., 1981, Rates of eruption and volcanic BEACH. G. L.; PARSONS, M. R.; PEARSON, M. L.; hazards in the Washington Cascades (abstract]: Eos ROSENFELD, C. L .. 1984, Post-eruption geomorphol­ (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. ogy of the Nonh Fork Toutle River Valley, in the 6, p. 61. {Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. vicinity of Mount SL Helens, WashingtOn [abstract]: 5.") Oregon Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 20, p. 36. BENNETI, C. A., see BANKS, N. G. [and others], 1978. BEACH. G. L., see PARSONS, M. R. [and others]. 1983. BENNETT. J. T.; KRISHNASW Ai.\fi, S.; TIJR.EKIAN, K. BEACH. G. L., see ROSENFELD. C. L. (and others], K.; MELSON, W. G.; HOPSON, C. A., 1982, The 1983. uranium and thorium decay series nuclides in ML St. BEALS. H.K.; CLINE, SCOTT; KOLER, J.M.. 1981, On Helens effusives: Eanh and Planetary Science Letters, the mountain's brink-A Forest Service history of the v.60,no. 1,p.61-69. 1980 Mount St. Helens volcanic emergency. Van­ BENNETI, J. T., see KRISHNASW A.i\fi, S. [and others], couver. Wash.. U.S. Forest Service Gifford Pinchot 1981. National Forest. 82 p. BENNETI. J. T •• see KRISHNASW AMI. S. [and others], BEAUCHAMP, R.H.. see HARTI.EY, J. N. [and others]. 1984. 1981. BENNETT, W. A. G., see HUNTTING, M. T. (and BEAULIEU, J. D.; PETERSON, N. V., 1981, Seismic and others]. 1961. volcanic hazard evaluation of the Mount St. Helens BENSON, L. V.,seeWHITE, A. F. (and others]. 1981. area relative to the Trojan nuclear site; highlights of a recent snidy: Oregon Geology, v. 43~ no. 12. p. 159- BENSON, L. V., see WHITE, A. F. [and others], 1986. 169. BENTLEY, F. G., COMPil.ER, 1984, The mitigation of BEAULIEU, J. D.; PETERSON, N. V .• 1981, Seismic and ashfall damage to public facilities-Lessons learned volcanic hazard evaluation of the Mount SL Helens from the 1980 eruptions of Mount · St. Helens, area. WashingtOn rel.arive to the Trojan Nuclear Site, Washington: U.S. Federal Emergency Management Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Agency. 70 p. lndustties Open-File Repon 0-81-9, 80 p. BERNARD, ALAIN; LE GUERN, FRANCOIS, 1986, BEAVAN, R. ].,see MCNUIT, S. R. (and others], 1984. Condensation of volatile elements in high-temperature gases of Mount SL Helens: Journal of Volcanology BECK, BETI'Y see WIGHrMAN, J. P. (and others], and Geothennal Research, v. 28, no. 1/2, p. 91-105. 1981. BERNEX, RENE, 1980, Apres le reveil du mont Saint­ BEE, SUE, 1980, Volcano: Geological Society of the Helens (U.S.A.) [After the awakening of Mount St. Oregon Country Geological Newsletter, v. 46, no. 9, p. Helens (U.S.A.)]: Monde et Mincraux, no. 38, p. 24- 98. . 28 • BEESON, STEPHEN, 1985, Supercritical D. L.; SELF, BERNSTEIN, R. S.; MCCAWLEY, M. A.; ATTFIELD, flow in pyroclastic flows [abstract]: Eos (American M. D.; GREEN, F.; DOLLBERG, D. D.; BAXTER, P. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. J.; MERCHANT, J. A., 1982, Epidemiologic assess­ 1151. ment of the risk for adverse pulmonary effects from BEESON, D. L.; SELF, STEPHEN; MCPHERSON, J. G., persistent occupational exposures to Mount St Helens 1984, Mega cross-bedding in volcanic ash (tephra). In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount deposits-A product of high energy, high aggradation St. Helens-One year. lacer: Cheney, Wash., Eastern deposition on steep slopes [abstract]: American As­ Washington University Press, p. 207-213. sociation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 68, no. 4, BERNSTEIN, S., VOLL\1ER, W. M. [and others], p.453. R. see 1986. L.; BEESON, D. SELF, STEPHEN; MCPHERSON, J. G., BETHEL, J. P., 1981, Volcanic mudflow deposits in the 1984, Mega cross-bedding in pyroclastic flow Cowlitz River valley, Washington [abstract]: Geologi­ deposits-A product of high energy, high aggradation cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, deposition on steep slopes [abstract]. In Workshop on no. 2, p.45. volcanic blasts; program and abstracts: Nottingham, Eng., International Association of Volcanology and BEZDICEK, D. F .• see COCHRAN, V. L. [and others], Chemistry of the Eanh's Interior, 1 p. 1983. BHAGAT, S. K., see HARTZ, K. E. [and others], 1984. 8 BHATTACHARYYA

BHATIACHARYYA. S. K., see THOMAS, L. [and BOHN, C. G.; BLY, B. G.. 1981, Landsat observations of others], 1981. Mount St Helens. In Doyle, F. J., editor, Electr0-0pti­ BIRDSAll. MURA. 1980, Ape Cave: Lapidary Journal. cal instrumentation for resources evaluation: Society v. 33,no. 10, p.2166-2177. of PhotO-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Annual Mecting, Proccedings,v.278,p.32-40. BIRKELAND, P. W.; SHROBA, R. R., 1974, The status of the concept of Quaternary soil-forming intervals in BOHN, C. G•• see WELCH. R. I. (and others], 1981. the western United States. In Mahaney, W. C., editor, BOHN, C. G., see WELCH. R. I. (and others], 1982. Quaternary environments-Proceedings of a sym­ BOIVIN, PIERRE; CAMUS, GUY; DE GOER, ALAIN; posium: Toronto, Ont., York University Geographical GOURGAUD,ALA.IN;K.IEFFER,GUY;MERGOIL, Monographs 5, p. 241-276. JEAN; VINCENT, P. M., 1980, Le reveil des volcans BIRNIE, R. W.; HOLCOMB, R. T.; SW ANSON, D. A.; [Reawakening of volcanoes]: Recherche, no. 114, p. LANGE, I. M., 1983, Infrared thermal swvey of the 1000-1003. lava dome, Mt St Helens [abstract]: Eos (American BOLDING, DICK. 1981, Surviving the blast: Water Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 894. Spectrum,v. 13,no.4,p.38-47. BISSELL, V. C.; HUTCHEON, R. J., 1984, Forecasting BOLT, B. A.; TANIMOTO, TOSHIRO, 1981, Aunos­ and warning for Mt St Helens streams. In Schreiber, pheric oscillations after the May 18, 1980 eruption of D. L, editor, Water for resource development­ Mount St Helens: Eos (American Geophysical Union Proceedings of the conference: New York, N.Y., Transactions), v. 62, no. 23, p. 529-530. American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 674-678. BOLT, B. A., see MIKUMO, TAKESrll (and olhers], BLACKWEI..L. D. D.; STEELE. J. L.; SCHUSTER, J.E.; 1984. KOROSEC, M. A., 1980, The regional thermal setting of the Mt St Helens volcano (abStraCt]: Eos BOLT, B. A.. see MIKUMO, TAKESm [and olhers}, (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 1985. 46, p. 1134. BOLY, Wlll.IAM, 1980, Fire Mountain-The eruptions BLEVINS,J. Y. K.,ueRYAN.M.P. (and others], 1981. of Mount St Helens: Portland, Ore., Cathco Publish­ ing Company, 74 p. BUSS, L. C .• see REYNOLDS, G.D. (and others], 1986. BONEI.U J. E.; TAYLOR, H. E., 1981, Impacts of BLOCK. ED; BLOCK. KATHY, 1980, A post-eruptive Mount SL Helens eruption on hydrology and water trip to Ape Cave and vicinity: Speleograph, v. 16, no. quality. In Trace substances in environmental health­ 7,p. 65-66. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Trace BLOCK. KATHY, see BLOCK. ED [and others], 1980. Substances in Environmental Health, 1981: Columbia, BLY, B. G.,see BOHN, C. G. (and others], 1981. Mo., University of Missouri, p. 261-264. BLY, B. G., see WE.CH, R. I. [and others], 1982. BONELU J.E.; TAYLOR, H. E.; KLEIN, 1. M., 1982, Impact of Mount SL Helens eruption on hydrology and BODELLE, JACQUES, 1981, L'eruption du Mont St water quality. In Decpak, Adarsh, editor, Aanospheric Helens f!he eruption of Mount St Helens]: effects and potential climatic impact of the 1980 erup­ Meteorologic, no. 24, p. 125-133. [in French] tions of Mount St Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics BODELLE. JACQUES, 1981, L'eruption du Mont Saint­ and Space Administration Conference Publication Helens-Quelles lecons en tirer? [The eruption of 2240, p. 43-46. Mount St Helens-What are the lessons learned?]: BONINI, W. E.; HUGHES, D. W.; DANES , Z. F., COM­ Geologues, no. 57, p. 38-51. PILE.RS, 1974, Complete Bouguer gravity anomaly BOEHLERT, G. W.; MORGAN, J. B.; YOKLA VICH, M. map of WashingtOn: Washingron Division of Geology M.. 1983, Effects of volcanic ash and estuarine sedi­ and Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-11, l sheet. ment on the early life history stages of the Pacific her­ scale 1:500,000. ring, Qupea harengus pallasi: Corvallis, Ore., Oregon BOOKER, J. R.; AULD, D. R.; LAW, L. K., 1981. Water Resources Research lnstirute WRRI-87, 72 p. Geomagnetic induction data from Mt St Helens BOGOY AVLENSKA YA. G. E.; BRAITSEV A, 0. A.; (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ MELEKESTSEV, I. V.; KIRIYANOV, V. Y.; actions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 61. (Note: text of journal mis­ MILLER, C. D., 1985, Catastrophic eruptions of the labeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") diretted-blast type at Mount St Helens, Bezymianny BOOKER. J. R., see SCHULTZ, A. (and others], 1981. and Shiveluch volcanoes: Journal of Geodynamics, v. 3, no. 3/4, p. 189-218. BORCHARDT, G. A., 1970, Neutron activation analysis for correlating volcanic ash soils: Corvallis, Ore., Oregon State University Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 219p. BRANTLEY 9 .

BORCHARDT, G. A., 1970, Neua-on activation analysis BRADLEY, J. B., 1984, Transition of a meandering river for correlating volcanic ash soils [abstract]: Disserta­ to a braided system due to high sediment concentration tion Abstracts International, v. 30, no. 11, Section B, p. flows. In Elliott, C. M., editor, River meandering: New 4870-B-4871-B. York, N.Y., American Society of Civil Engineers, p. BORCHARDT, G. A.; HARWARD, M E.; SCHMITT, R. 89-100. A., 1971, Correlation of volcanic ash deposits by ac­ BRADLEY, J. B., 1986, Hydraulics and bed material tivation analysis of glass sepanues: Quaternary transport at high fine suspended sediment concenaa-· Researcb,v. 1,no.2,p.247-260. tions: Fort Collins, Colorado State University Doctor BORCHARDT, G. A., see NORGREN, J. A. [and others], of Philosophy thesis, 155 p. 1970. BRADLEY, J. B., 1986, Hydraulics and bed material BORNHORST, T. J., su CASADEVALL, T. J. [and transport at high fine suspended sediment concentra­ others], 1981. tions [abstract]: Dissenation Abstracts International, v. 47, no. 5, Section B, p. 2080-B - 2081-B. BORNHORST, T. J., su HARRIS, D. M. [and others], 1980. BRADLEY, J. B.; GRAHAM, J. D., 1983, Effects of high sediment concentrations on bedfonns and river BORNHORST, T. J., see HARRIS, D. M. (and others], hydraulics [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical 1981. . Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 707. BORNHORST, T. J., su WOLFE, S. P. [and others], BRADLEY, J. B.; SIMPSON, D. P.; BURCH. B. H.; 1984. COU.ISTE.R, J. L., 1982, Physical properties of Mt BOSWORTH. D. A.; MCCABE, TIM. 1980, The St Helens mudflow and sediment deposits. In regrowth of Mount Saint Helens-Fighting the threat Washington Water Research Center, Proceedings from of erosion: Soil and Water Conservation News, v. 1, the conference, Mt St Helens--Effects on water no. 8, p. 8-9. resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water BOX, M. A., su DEL.UIS!, J. J. [and others], 1983. Research Center Report 41, p. 31-45. BOYD, L. L., 1980, Agricultural impacts discussion. In BRADLEY, J. B.; SIMPSON, D. P.; TEMKO, H. M., Estimates ~idy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washington 1982, of Cowlitz-Toutle River system State University's ·conference on the aftermath of Mt. sedimentation. In Washington Water Research Center, St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State Univer­ Proceedings from the conference, Mt St Helens-Ef­ sity, p. 67-68. fects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington. Water Resean:h Center Report 41, p. 1-30. BOYD, L. L., 1980, Washington State University College of Agriculture facilities and faculty expertise. In Cas­ BRAILE, L. W., 1970, The isostatic condition and crustal sidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washington strueture of Mount Saint Helens as determined from State University's Conference on the aftcnnath of Mt gravity data: Seattle, Wash., University of Washington St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State Univer­ Master of Science thesis, 37 p. sity, p. 39. BRAITSEVA, 0. A., see BOOOYAVLENSKAYA, G. E. BOYKO, CHRISTINA, su MALONE. S. D. (and others], [and others], 1985. 1982. BRANDT, E. L., see LIPMAN, P. W. [and others], 1981. BOYKO, CHRISTINA, su MALONE. S. D. (and others], BRANTLEY, STEVEN, 1985, Mount St Helens study 1983. yields useful insights: Geotimes, v. 30. no. 5, p. 14-15. BRAATNE, J. H.; CHAPIN, D. M., 1986, Comparative BRAN11.EY, STEVEN, 1986, Two dome-building water relations of four subalpine plants at Mount St episodes at Mount SL Helens in 1984 and 1985 and Helens. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-­ their accompanying seismicity: U.S. Geological Sur­ Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington vey Earthquakes and Volcanoes, v. 18, no. 5, p. 207- University Press, p. 163-172. 217. BRAATNE, J. H.,see CHAPIN, D. M. [and others], 1986. BRANTLEY, STEVEN; GLICKEN, H. X., 1986, Vol­ BRADLEY, J. B., 1981, Mt. St Helens sediment canic debris avalanches: U.S. Geological Survey transport-The first year (abstract]: Eos (American Earthquakes and Volcanoes, v. 18, no. 5, p. 195-206. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 858. BRAN11.EY, STEVEN; POWER, JOHN; TOPINKA, L. BRADLEY, J. B., 1982, Cowlitz River basin sediment J., 1985, Reports from the U.S. Geological Survey's yields (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Cascades Volcano Observat0ry at Vancouver, Transactions), v. 63, no. 8, p. 174. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake In­ formation Bulletin, v. 17, no. l, p. 20-32. 10 BRANTLEY

BRANTI.EY, S'IEVEN: TOPINKA, L. J .• EDITORS, BROWN, J. J., 1982. Role of the U.S. Forest Service at 1984, Volcanic studies at the U.S. Geological Survey's Mount St Helens. In Martin, R. C.: Davis, J. F., David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory, editors, Status of volcanic prediction and emergency Vancouver, WashingtOn: U.S. Geological Survey response capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of Earthquake Information Bulletin. v. 16, no. 2, p. 43- California: California Division of Mines and Geology 122. Special Publication 63, p. 205-211. BRANTLEY, STEVEN: YAMAGUClil, D. K.; BROWN. J. R•• see FYFE, W. S. [and others], 1981. CAMERON, KENNETH; PRINGLE, PATRICK, BROWN, J. R., see FYFE, W. S. (and others], 1982. 1986, Tree-ring dating of volcanic deposits: U.S. Geological Survey Earthquakes and Volcanoes, v. 18, BROWN. L. A., 1980, Mount St Helens ash fallout im- no. 5, p. 184-194. pact assessment report: Spokane, Wash., U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 159 p. BRANTLEY, STEVEN, see ROSE, W. I., JR. (and others), 1985. BROWN, R.; FYFE, W. S.; BANCROFT, G. M., 1981. Semi-quantitative surface analysis of ML SL Helens BRAZIER S.; SPARKS, R. S. J.; CAREY, S. N.; ash by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS): Ap­ SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR; WESTGATE, J. A., plications of Surface Science, v. 7, no. 4, p. 419-424. 1983, Bimodal grain size distribution and secondary thickening in air-fall ash layers: Nature. v. 301, no. BROWN,R. L.,suGRADY, T. (andothers], 1982. 5896. p. 115-119. BROWN, TONY, 1986, Life on a blasted island: BRECKENRIDGE. R. M., see OTIIBERG, K. L. (and Geographical Magazine, v. 58, no. 10, p. 518-523. others], 1981. BROWN, W. L., 1980, A perspective on disaster-related BRECKENRIDGE. R. M., ~e OTIIBERG, K. L. (and research. In Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of others], 1982. Washington State University's Conference on the after­ math of Mt St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington BRIDGMAN, C. J., see HOPKINS, A. T. (and others], State University, p. 29-32. 1985. BROWN, W. L., 1982, Areas of controversy. In Keller, S. BRITTON, C. M., St!.e SNEV A. F. A. (and oth~]. 1982. · A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: BROGAN, P. F., 1952, Lava flow on St Helens believed Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, rcl.atively new: Geological Society of the Oregon p. 165-166. Country Geological News Letter, v. 18, no. 4, p. 40. BRUGMAN, M. M., 1980, Response dynamics of glaciers BROGNIEZ. C., see LENOBLE, J. (and others], 1984. affected by the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount SL BROWN, B. E., 1981, Effect of ashfall on snowmelt rate Helens (abstraet]: Eos (American Geophysical Union at Paradise, Mount Rainier, Washington [abstract]: Transactions),v.61,no. 46, p.956. Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. BRUGMA!'f, M. M., 1983, Glacio-volcanic interaction 62, no. 6, p. 61. (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. and isotopic composition of ice and runoff from Mount 62,no. 5.") St Helens (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical BROWN, B. J.; THOMAS, W. A., 1982, Numerical model Union Transactions}, v. 64, no. 45, p. 894. of sediment movement Cowlitz-Toutle Rivers, BRUGMAN, M. M., 1984, Resurgence of a beheaded Washington. In Washington Water Research Center, glacier on Mount St Helens-Irnponance of water Procudings from the conference, Mt St Helens-Ef­ input in glacier fluctuations (abstract]: Geological fects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. Water Research Center Repon41, p. 46-65. s. p. 273. BROWN, B. J.: THOMAS, W. A., 1983, Mt St Helens BRUGMAN, M. M.; MEIER, M. F., 1981, Response of impact on Cowlitz River sedimentation. In Chen, H. T., glaciers to the eruptions of Mount St Helens. In Lip­ editor, Proceedings of the Conference on frontiers in man, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R, editors, The 1980 erup­ hydraulic engineering: New York, N.Y., American tions of Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ Society of Civil Engineers, p. 147-152. cal Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 743-756. BROWN, E. C., 1984, Ttltmeter analysis of Mount St BRUGMAN, M. M.; POST, AUSTIN, 1981, Effects of Helens, Skamania County, Washington: Ponland, volcanism on the glaciers of Mount SL Helens: U.S. Ore., Portland State University Master of Science Geological Survey Circular 850-0, 11 p. thesis, 153 p. BRULAND, K. W., see Wll.LIAMS, R. W. [and others], BROWN, G. W .• JR, 1983, Mount St Helens and vol­ 1983. canic action-A computerized bibliography; 3rd edi­ BRUSVEN, M. A., see MILLIGAN, J. M. (and others], tion: Edmonds, Wash., Tiburon Co.. Tectonics 1983. Products, 206 p. BUCHANAN-BANKS, J.M., see ROWLEY, P. D. (and others], 1986 CANADIAN MINING JOURNAL 11

BUCKHOUSE. JOHN, see SNEV A, F. A. [and others], BUSECK, P. R., see VAREKAMP, 1. C. [and others], 1982. 1986. BUEHLER., A. R., see IKRAMUDDIN, MOHAMMED BUSTAD, L. K., 1980, Biomedical effects of ML SL [and others], 1981. Helens ash (bases for our evaluations of its consequen­ BUEm.ER, A. R.. see IKRAMUDDIN. MOHAMMED ces). In Cassidy, 1. 1•• chairperson. Proceedings of [and others], 1982. Washington State University's Conference on the after­ math of ML St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington BUIST, A. S., see VOLLMER, W. M. [and others], 1986. State University, p. 4-5. BURCH. B. H., see BRADLEY, 1. B. [and others], 1982. BUSTAD, L. X.. see ENGmOUS, 1. C. [and others], BURCHFIELD, L. A., see KURODA. P. K. [and others], 1982. 1984. BUZZE.111, BEATRICE, 1980, Historical and legendary BURGER, R. W., 1984, Source mechanism of the May 18, infonnation on the Mount St Helens area: U.S. Forest 1980 St Helens eruption from regional surface waves: Service St Helens Ranger District, 11 p. University Park, Penn., Pennsylvania St.ate University CADLE, R. D.; HEIDT, L. E., 1980, Gas chromatographic Master of Science thesis. determination of some constituents of volcanic gases BURGER, R. W.; LANGSTON, C. A., 1984, Source [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ mechanism of the May 18, 1980 SL Helens eruption actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1153. from regional surface waves [abstract]: Eos (American CADLE, R. D.; HEIDT, L. E., 1982, A comparison of con­ Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, 16. p. 242. no. stituents of Mount St Helens eruption clouds with BURGER, R. W.; LANGSTON, C. A.. 1985, Source those of some other volcanoes. In Deepak, Adarsh, mechanism of the May 18, 1980, Mount St Helens editor, Atmospheric effects and potential climatic im­ eruption from regional surface waves: Journal of pact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens: U.S. Geophysical Research, v. 90, no. B9, p. 7653-7664. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Con­ BURGES, S. J •• see DATIA. BITHIN [and others], 1983. ference Publication 2240, p. 155-159. BURGES, S. J., see ERICKSON. KAROL [and others], CAHEN,. CLAUDE, see LEFRERE, 1ACQUES [and 1980. others], 1981. BURGES, S. J., see LETI'ENMAIER, D. P. [and others], CAHil.l.., T., see LEIFER, R. [and others], 1981. 1981. CAHil.l.., T. A.; BARONE, J. B.; KUSKO, BRUCE; BURGGRAF. D. R.; TIIlEBEN. S. E.; WHITE, H. J.; ASHBAUGH, L. L.. 1980, Size-composition profiles -TiiOMPSON. GREG; FEmEL. CRAIG, 1981, The of airborne fine particulate matter from Mt St. Helens October 16, 1980 eruption of Mollllt Saint Helens­ [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ Characteristics of tephra from near Cougar, actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1139. Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America CAHIU., TIM, 1980. Volcanoes of America-Fiery Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 6, p. 272-273. death. fiery birth; Geo, v. 2, no. 8, p. 118-139, 141- BURGGRAF, D. R., see NORDLIE, B. E. [and others], 144, 146. 1983. CALL. W. A., 1974, Soil survey of Cowlitz area, BURKET, S. D.; FURLOW, E. P.; GOLDING, P. R.; Washington: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 112 p., GRANT, L. C.; LIPOVSKY, W. A.; LOPP, T. G., 56 plales. 1980, The economic effects of the eruption of Mt St CAMERON, KENNETII, see BRANTLEY, STEVEN Helens: U.S. International Trade Commission USITC [and others], 1986. 1096, 83 p. CAMPBELL, D. L., see RADWAN, M. A. [and others], BURROUGHS, W. 1.. 1981, Mount St Helens-A 1981. review: Weather, v. 36, no. 8, p. 238-240. CAMPBELL, 1., see GLASS, M. [and others], 1986. BUSECK, P. R., see TiiOMAS, ELLEN [and others], 1980. CAMPBELL, K. P.; JOHNSON, S. R.; WOL­ NIAKOWSK1, K. U., 1982, A pilot srudy of potential BUSECK. P. R., see TiiOMAS, ELLEN [and others], phenolic contamination of fishes in the Columbia River 1982. and tributaries in the vicinity of Mount St. Helens: final BUSECK, P. R., see VAREKAMP, J. C. [and others], report: Portland, Ore., Beak Consultants, Inc., 32 p.; 1980. U.S. National Technical Information Service PB 83- 146357. BUSECK, P. R.. see VAREKAMP, J. C. [and others], 1981. CAMUS, GUY.see BOIVIN, PIERRE [and others], 1980. BUSECK, P. R., see VAREKAMP, J. C. [and others], CANADIAN MINING JOURNAL, 1980, Mount St. 1985. · Helens eruption-The first months: Canadian Mining Journal,v. 101,no. 10,p.83-84,87. 12 CAREY

CAREY, S. N •• 1982. Studies on the generation. dispersal CARSON, BOBB, see HEALY, M. J. [and others], 1983. and deposition of tephra in the marine and tmestrial CARSON, BOBB, see SCLAR, C. B. (and others], 1980. environment: Kingston, R. I.. University of Rhode Is­ land Doctor of Philosophy thesis. 383 p. CARSON, R. J .• 1980, Ground and aerial field trips to Mount SL Helens. Washington (abstract]: Geological CAREY, S. N .• 1984, Studies on the generation, dispersal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. and deposition of tephra in the marine and terrestrial 7,p.399. environment (abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts Interna­ tional. v. 44. no. 7. Section B, p. 2091-B. CARSON, R. J., 1983, Ground and aerial photography for monitoring and predicting volcanic activity, with em­ CAREY, S. N.; SIGURDSSON. HARALDUR, 1982, In­ phasis on the 1980 eruption of Mount SL Helens, fluence of particle aggregation on deix:>sition of distal Washington. In Renewable resources management, ap­ tephra from the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount SL plications of remote sensing: Falls Church, Va., Helens volcano: Journal of Geophysical Research. v. American Society of Photogrammetry, p. 647-654. 87, no. BS. p. 7061-7072. CARSON. RICHARD, see FARMER. JUDITH [and CAREY, S. N.; SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR, 1982. Par­ others], 1980. ticle aggregation and a fallout model for May 18, 1980 Mount SL Helens ash [abstract]: Eos (American CASADEV AU., T. J.; EWERT, J.; HARRIS, D. M.; Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 18, p. 459. ROSE, W. L, JR., 1982, Gas emissions and the predic­ tion of eruptive behavior at Mount St Helens, CAREY, S. N.; SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR., 1984, A Washingt.On [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical model of magma discharge during the plinian phase of Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 8, p. 174. the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount SL Helens (abstract): Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ CASADEVAU., T. J.; EWERT, J.; SYMONDS, R. B., actions), v. 65, no. 45, p. 1142. 1982, Gas emissions and 1981-1982 activity at Mount SL Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos (American CAREY. S. N.; SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR, 1985, The Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. May 18. 1980, eruption of Mount SL Helens; 2. Model­ 1143. ing of dynamics of the plinian phase: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 90, no. B4. p. 2948-2958. .CASADEVAU., T. J.; GREENLAND, L. P., 1981, The chemistry of gases emanating from Mount St Helens, CAREY, S. N., see BRAZIER, S. (and others], 1983. May-September, 1980. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux. CAREY. S. N., see Rt.rI'HERFORD, M. J. [and others], D. R.. editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, 1984. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional CAREY, S. N •• see Rt.rI'HERFORD, M. J. [and others], Paper 1250, p. 221-226. 1985. CASADEV AU., T. J.; JOHNSTON, D. A.; HARRIS, D. CAREY, S. N., see SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR [and M.; ROSE, W. I., JR.; MALINCONICO, L. L.; others], 1980. STOIBER, R. E.; BORNHORST, T. J.; WILLIAMS, S. N.; AND OTiffiRS, 1981, S02 emission rates at CARNUrH. W .• suREITER.R. [and others], 1980. Mount SL Helens from March 29 through December, CARPENTER. P. J., 1982. New lakes of North Fork 1980. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, Toutle River-Mount St Helens. In U.S. Geological The 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens, Washington: Survey, Activities of the Waia Resotll'Ces Division and U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. Resident Cartographer, Division of National Mapping 193-200. in Washington, 1981 fiscal year: U.S. Geological Sur­ CASADEV AU., T. J.; JOHNSTON, D. A.; HARRIS, D. vey, p. 39. M.; STOIBER, R. E.; WILLIAMS, S. N.; MALIN­ CARPENTER. P. J., see CHILDERS, DALLAS [and CONICO, L. L., 1980, Variations of S02 and CO2 others), 1985. emission rates at Mount St Helens, March 29 to July CARPENTER. P. J., see GLICKEN, H. X., [and others], 22, 1980 [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical 1983. . Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1138. CARPENTER, P, J., see LOMBARD, R. E. [and others], CASADEVAU., T. J.; JOHNSTON, D. A.: STOIBER, R. 1981. E.; MALINCONICO, L. L.; Wil...LIAMS, S. N., 1980, S02 monitoring at Mount Saint Helens [abstract]: CARPENTER.P. J.,see MEIER. M. F. [and others]. 1981. Geological Society of America Abstraets with CARPENTER. P. J .• see MEYER, Wil.LIAM [and Programs,v. 12,no. 7,p.399-400. others], 1983. CASADEVAU., T. J.; ROSE, W. I., JR.; GERLACH, T. CARPENTER. S. E.; TRAPPE, J. M.; HUNT, G. A, M.; GREENLAND, L. P.; EWERT, J.; WUNDER­ 1982. Observations on fungal succession on recent vol­ MAN, R. L.; SYMONDS, R. B., 1983, Gas emissions canic deposits of Mount SL Helens [abstract]: Oregon and the eruptions of Mount SL Helens through 1982: Ac*my of Science Proceedings, v. 18, p. 36-39. Science, v. 221, no. 4618, p. 1383-1385. CHARTIER 13

CASADEV All. T. J.; ROSE. W. L. JR.; GREENLAND, CASHMAN, K. V.; TAGGART, J. E., JR., 1982, Pettol­ L. P.; EWERT, J.; WUNDERMAN. R. L., 1981, Gas ogy of the 1981-1982 eruptive products of ML St. emissions from Mount St. Helens, Washingt0n-Con­ Helens. WashingtOn (abstract]: Eos (American straints on a model for behavior of magma in the near­ Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. surface environment (abstract]: Eos (American 1143-1144. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. CASHMAN. K. V.; TAGGART, J. E., JR., 1983, 1088. Petrologic monitoring of 1981 and 1982 eruptive CASADEV All. T. J., see DZURISIN, DANIEL [and products from Mount SL Helens: Science, v. 221, no. others], 1981. · 4618,p. 1385-1387. CAsADEV All. T. J., see GERLACH, T. M. (and others], CASHMAN, K. V., see ROWLEY, P. D. [and others], 1982. 1986 CASADEV All. T. J., see GERLACH. T. M. [and others], CASSIDY. J. J., CHAIRPERSON, 1980, Proceedings of 1986. WashingtOn State University's conference on the after­ CASADEV All. T. J., see HARRIS, D. M. [and others], math of ML St. Helens, July 8-9, 1980: Pullman, 1980. Wash., Washington State University, 85 p. CASADEV All. T. J., see HARRIS, D. M. (and others], CAUGHLAN, C. A., 1981, Mt St Helens contingency 1981. plan: U.S. Forest Servi~. 1 vol. CASADEV All. T. J .• see KEITH. T. E. C. [and others], CEASE, RONALD, see CLARY, BRUCE (and others], 1981. 1982. CASADEV All. T. J .• see KEITH. T. E. C. [and others], CEAZAN, M. L.• see MCKNIGHT, D. M. [and others]. 1984. 1982. CASADEVAll. T. J., see RASMUSSEN, R. A. [and CELLINILEGITIIMO, PAOLA. see MARTINI, others], 1981. MARINO (and others], 1982. CASADEV All. T. J., see SATO, MOTOAKI [and CHADWICK. W. W., JR.; SW ANSON, D. A.; fW AT­ others], 1981. SUBO, E. Y.; HELIKER. C. C., 1982, Deformation of the crater floor at Mount St Helens [abstract]: Eos . CASADEV All. T. J •• see STOIBER. R. E. [and others], (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 1981. . .: 45. p. 1140. CASADEV All. T. J .• see SUTION, A. J. [and others], CHADWICK. W. W., JR.; SWANSON, D. A.; fWAT­ 1986. SUBO, E. Y.; HELIKE.R, C. C.; LEIGHLEY, T. A., CASADEVAll. T. ]., see SWANSON, D. A. (and 1983. Deformation monitoring at Mount St Helens in others], 1983. 1981 and 1982: Scien~. v. 221, no. 4618, p. 1378- 1380. CASADEV All. T. ]., see SWANSON, D. A. (and others]. 1984. CHADWICK. W. W., JR., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1982. CASADEV All. T. J .. see SWANSON, D. A. (and others]. 1985. CHALONER. C. P., see THOMAS, L. (and others], 1981. CASADEVAll. T. J., see THOMPSON, J. M. [and CHAMBERS, D. R., see SAGER, J. W. [and others], others], 1985. 1986. CASADEVAU.. T. J., see WINNER, W. E. (and others], CHAMPION, D. E.• see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [and 1981. others], 1983. CASADEV All. T. J., see WINNER. W. E. [and others], CHANEY, NEALE, 1980, Emergency measures. In Gor­ 1983. don. M. G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of CASHMAN, K. V.; MARSH, B. D., 1984, Crystal-size the Mount St Helens eruption on water resources--A spectra and kinetics of aystal growth in magma-II. forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash .• Pacific Application (abstract]: Geological Society of America Northwest River Basins Commission. p. 17. Abstracts with Programs. v. 16, no. 6, p. 465. CHAPIN, D. M.; BRAATNE. J. H., 1986, Nutrient rela­ CASHMAN, K. V.; MARSH, B. D.. 1986, Crystal size tions of subalpine plants native to Mount St Helens. In distributions (CSDs) and crystallization of ML SL Keller. S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Hclens--Five yezs Helens 1980-1986 dacite [abstract]: Geological later: Cheney, Wash .• Eastern Washington University Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. Press, p. 173-181. 6. p. 559. CHAPIN, D. M., see BRAA TNE. J. H. (and others], 1986. CHARLSON, R. J., see OGREN, J. A. [and others], 1981. CHARTIER. T., see ROSE, W. I., JR. [and others], 1985. 14 CHENG

CHENG, R. 1•• 1982, The mechanisms of fine particles CHUAN, R. L.; WOODS, D. C.. 1980, Comparison of generation and electrification during Mount SL Helens aerosols from eruptions of Santiaguito, Guatemala and volcanic eruption. In Deepak. Adarsh. editor. Aunos­ SL Helens (absttaet]: Eos (American Geophysical pheric effects and potential climatic impact of the 1980 Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1153. eruptions of Mount SL Helens: U.S. National CHUAN, R. L.; WOODS, D. C.; MCCORMICK, M. P., Aeronautics and Space Administration Conference 1981. Characterization of aerosols from eruptions of Publication 2240, p. 211-217. Mount St Helens: Science, v. 211, no. 4484, p. 830- om..DERS, DAU.AS: CARPENTER. P. J.. 1985. A 832. warning system for hazards resulting from breaches of CHUAN. R. L .• see ROSE, W. I., JR. (and others], 1982. lake blockage, Mount St. Helens, Washington. In Takei, Aritsune, editor, 1985, Proceedings of the Inter­ CHUAN. R. L .. see SEDLACEK. W. A. (and others), national Symposiwn on Erosion. Debris Row and Dis­ 1982. aster Prevention: Tsuk:uba. Japan. Erosion Control En­ CHUAN, R. L.• see WOODS. D. C. (and others], 1980. gineering Society, p. 493-498. CHUNG, Y.-S.; GALLANT, A. J.: FANAKI, FOUAD; CHOUET, BERNARD, su FEHLER, M. C. [and others], Mll..LAN. M. M.. 1981, On the observations of Mount 1982. SL Helens volcanic emissions; research note: Auno­ CHRIS1ENSEl'f. N. I.. su PAINE, J. G. [and others], sphere-Ocean. v. 19, no. 2, p. 172-178. 1981. CHUNG, Y.-S .• see Mll..LAN, M. M. [and others], 1985. CHRISTIANSEl'f, R. L.• 1980, Eruption of ML SL CIONI. R.; CORAZZA. E .• 1986, Mount SL Helens gases. Helens-Volcanology: Nature, v. 285, no. 5766, p. September 1981 (absttaet]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, 531-533. Mount SL Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., CHRISTIANSEN, R. L., 1980, The 1980 eruption of ML Eastern Washington University Press, p. 439. SL Helens-A summary of events and scientific find­ CLAMPITT. C. A., see DEL MORAL, ROGER [and ings [abstraet]: Ea., (American Geophysical Union others], 1985. Transactions),v.61,no.46,p.934-935. CLARY. BRUCE; MACFADDEN. SANDRA; CEASE, CHRISTIANSEN, R. L.: PETERSON. D. W., 1980, RONALD, 1982, Floodplain management in the Mt Chronology of the 1980 activity of Mount SL Helens, SL Helens watershed-Implications for local govern­ Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical ment In Washington Water Research Center, Proceed­ Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1133. ings from the conference. ML St Helens-Effects on CHRISTIANSEN, R. L.; PETERSON, D. W.. 1981, water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water Chronology of the 1980 activity of Mount SL Helens, Research Center Report 41, p. 66-81. Washington [abstract]: Oregon Academy of Science CLEMENT, W. V., 1985, Airborne video thermal in­ Proceedings, v. 17, p. 20. frared-Detection of geothermal areas on Mount St. CHRISTIANSEN, R. L.; PETERSON, D. W., 1981. Helens, Washington: International Symposium on Chronology of the 1980 eruptive activity. In Lipman. Remote Sensing of Environment. 19th, Proceedings, v. P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R.. editors, The 1980 eruptions 2. p. 791-798. of Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological CLIFTON, D. G., see SHUL TERS, M. V. [and others], Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 17-30. 1980. CHRISTIANSEN, R. L.; PETERSON, D. W .• 1981. The CLIFTON, D. G .• see SHUL TERS, M. V. [and others] , 1980-81 activity and some results of monitoring and re­ 1981. search at Mount SL Helens, U.S.A. [abstract]. In Inter­ CLINE, SCOTI BEALS, H.K. (and others], 1981. national Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of see the Earth's Interior, IA VCEI symposiwn. Ate vol­ COBB, W. E., 1980, Electric fields and lighming in the canism; Abstracts: Volcanological Society of Japan; ML SL Helens volcanic cloud [abstract]: Eos International Association of Volcanology and (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. Chemistry of the Earth's Interior. p. 55-56. 46. p. 978. CHRISTMAN. R. A., 1982. Ashfall in Washington­ COBOS, C.R., see SLOTIA. L. S. (and others], 1983. Courtesy of Mount St Helens: Journal of Geological COBOS, C.R.• see SLOTIA, L. S. [and others], 1984. Education, COBURN, JOANN, 1980, Mount St Helens-Primed for CHUAN, R. L.; ROSE. W. I., JR.; SYMONDS. R. B.; explosion: Explorer. v. 22, no. 2, p. 27-29. LICHTE, F. E.; KEITII, T. E. C .• 1985, Particle flux in the ML St Helens plume and fumaroles during a quies­ cent period in August 1985 (abstract): Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 1142. CORLEY 15

COCHRAN. B. D., 1981, Preliminary petrography of CCU.INS, B. D.; DUNNE, THOMAS. 1986, Erosion of primary and secondary, redeposited tephras from the tephra from the 1980 eruption of Mount SL Helens: 1980 Mount St Helens eruption (abstract]. In Keller, S. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 97, no. 7, p. A. C~ editor, and others, Mount SL Helens~e yeM 896-905. later; abstraets and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern CCU.INS, B. D.; DUNNE, THOMAS; LEHRE, A. K., Washington University, 1 p. 1982, Sediment influx to the Toutle River from erosion COCHRAN, B. D., 1982, Preliminary ~trography of of tephra, May 1980-May 1981. /n Washington Water primary and secondary, redeposited tephras from the Research Center, Proceedings from the conference, ML 1980 Mount St Helens eruption (abstract]./n Keller. S. SL Helens-Effects on water resources: Pullman, A. C., editor. Mount St Helens-One ye:u later: Wash., Washington Water Research Center Report 41, Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 82-97. p.235. COUJNS, B. D.; DUNNE, THOMAS; LEHRE, A. K., COCHRAN, B. D., 1985, Age of late Quaternary surface 1983, Erosion of tephra-covered hillslopes north of ruptures along the Thousand Springs-lvfacKay segment Mount SL Helens, Washington-May 1980-May 1981: of the Lost River Range fault system. In Jacobson, M. Zeirschrift fuer Geomorphologie, Supplementband 46, L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, National Earthquake p. 103-121. · Hazards Reduction Program. summaries of technical CCU.INS, B. D., see LEHRE. A. K. (and others], 1981. reports Volume XXI: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Ftle Report 86-31. p. 113-121. CCU.INS, B. D., see LEHRE, A. K. (and others), 1982. COCHRAN, V. L.; BEZDICEK, D. F.; EU.IOTT, L. F.; COUJNS, B. D., see LEHRE, A. K. (and others], 1983. PAPENDICK, R. I., 1983, The effect of Mount St COUJNS, B. D., see SWANSON, F. I. [and others]. Helens' volcanic ash on plant growth and mineral up­ 1983. take: Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 12, no. 3, p. COU.ISTER, I. L., see BRADLEY, J. B. [and others). 415-418. 1982. COFFIN, H. G., 1983, Comment and reply on 'Erect float­ COLUMBIAN, 1"980, Mount SL Helens holocaust-A ing stumps ln Spirit Lake, Washington'; Reply: Geol­ diary of destruction: Vancouver, Wash., The Colum­ ogy, v. 11,no. 12,p. 734. bian, 63 p. COFFIN, H. G., 1983, Erect floating stumps in Spirit CONDON, E. P., see INN. E. C. Y. [and others], 1980. Lake, Washington: Geology, v. 11, no. 5, p. 298-299. CONDON,E.P.,see INN,E. C. Y. [and others), 1981. COFFIN, H. G., 1983, Mount St Helens and Spirit Lake: Origins, v. 10, no. l, p. 9-17. CONDON,E. P.,see INN,E. C. Y. [and others], 1982. COLINV AUX. P. A., 1984. The blessed event at Mt SL COOK, R. J., 1980, Influence of the eruption of Mt SL Helens-A scientist's view: Northwest Environmental Helens on wheat diseases. In Cassidy, I. I ., chairper­ Joumal,v. l,no. l,p. 119-137. son, Proceedings of Washington State University's Conference on the aftermath of ML St Helens: COU.IER. C. R .• 1980. Hydrologic effects. In Gordon. M. G.; Proctor. George, chairmen, The effects of the Pullman, Wash., Washington State University, p. 11- Mount SL Helens eruption on water resources: Van­ 13. couver, Wash., Pacific Northwest River Basins Com­ COOK, R. I.; BARRON, I. C.; PAPENDICK, R. I.; WIL­ mission, p. 13-16. LIAMS, G. J., m, 1981. Impact on agriculture of the COU.IER, C. R.; MCGAVOCK, E. H.; MEYER, WU.­ Mount St Helens eruptions: Science, v. 211, no. 4477, p.16-22. LIAM. 1980, Hydrologic surveillance and investiga­ tion in ML SL Helens area by Water Resources COOKE, ROBERT, see ROSENFELD, C. L. (and others), Division, U.S. Geological Survey [abstract]: Eos 1982. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. COOMBS, H. A., 1960, Catalogue of the active volcanoes 46, p. 955. and solfatara fields of the United States of America­ COU.IER, C. R., see CUMMANS, I. E. [and others}, ML St Helens. In Catalogue of the active volcanoes of 1980. the world: Naples, Italy, International Volcanological COU.IER, C.R., see POST, AUSTIN [and others], 1980. Association, pl 9, p. 11-16. CCU.INS, B. D., 1984, Erosion of tephra from the 1980 COPLEJ.'f, L. E., 1981, A Mt SL Helens story-The after­ eruption of Mount St Helens: Seattle, Wash., Univer­ math at Longview: Water Engineering and Manage­ sity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 181 p. ment. May, 1981, p. 68-71. CCU.INS, B. D., 1986, Erosion of sedunents released by COPP, HOW ARD see IDGGINS, J. D. [and others], 1983. the 1980 eruption: Volcano News. no. 24, p. 6. CORAZZA, E., see CIONI, R. (and others]. 1986. CORLEY, I. P., see SOLDAT, I. K. [and others}, 1981. 16 CORMJE

CORMIE. A. B.; HUNTI..EY, D. J.; NELSON, D. E., CRANDELL. D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1980, Mount 1982, Identifying tephras by alpha counting: Canadian St Helens volcano: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 19, no. 4, p. 662-665. Earthquake Information Bulletin, v. 12, no. 4, p. 135- CORMIE, A. B.; NELSON, D. E., 1983, Energy-di.sper­ 140. sive x-ray fluorescence analysis as a rapid method for CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; MILLER. C. identifying tephras: Quaternary Research. v. 19, no. 2, D., 1979, Volcanic-hazards studies in the Cascade p. 201-211. Range of the western United States. In Sheets, P. D.; CORNWELL, EARL; CORNWELL, .M:ARY, 1981, Gift Grayson, D. K., editors, Volcanic activity and human of ash from Mount St Helens: Earth Science, v. 34, ecology: New York. N.Y., Academic Press, p. 195- no. 1, p. 7-12. 219. CORNWELL, MARY, set CORNWELL, EARL [and CRANDELL. D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; RUBIN, others], 1981. MEYER. 1975, Mount St Helens volcano-Recent and futuIC behavior: Ore Bin, v. 37, no. 3, p. 41-48. COVILLE. F. V., 1903, Youngest of the Cascade snow peaks: Mazama, v. 2, no. 3, p. 137. CRANDELL. D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; RUBIN, MEYER, 1975, Mount St Helens volcano-Recent COWLITZ COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COM­ and future behavior: Science, v. 187, no. 4175, p. 438- MUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 1983, Toutle-Cowlicz 441. watershed management plan: Kelso, Wash., Cowlitz County Department of Community Development, 416 CRANDELL. D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.: RUBIN, p. MEYER; SPIKER, ELLIOTT; KELLEY, M. L., 1981. Radiocarbon dates from volcanic deposits at Mount St. CRABTREE, J.; KITCHEN, M, 1984, The long-range Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ travel and dispersion of the plume from the Mount St Ftle Report 81-844, 15 p. Helens volcano: Aanospheric Environment, v. 18, no. 6, p. 1073- 1079. CRANDELL. D.R.; WALDRON, H. H., 1969, Volcanic hazards in the Cascade Range. In Olson, R. A.; Wal­ CRANDELL, D.R., 1976, Volcanic-~ studies in the lace M M., editors, Geologic hazards and public Pacific Northwest- A progress report [abstract]. In problems: Santa Rosa. Calif.• U.S. Office of Emergen­ Geomorphology of the Canadian Cordillera and its ~ Preparedness. p. 5-18. bearing on mineral deposits: Geological Association of Canada Cordilleran Section Programme and CRANDELL, D.R.; WALDRON, H. H., 1969, repr. 1976, Abstracts, p. 15. Volcanic hazards in the Cascade Range. In Tank, R. W., editor, Focus on environmental geology-A col­ CRANDELL. D. ~ 1981, Prc-1980 eruptions of Mount lection of case histories and readings from original St Helens, Washingron [abstract]: Association of En­ sources; 2nd ed.: New York, N.Y., Oxford University gineering Geologists, Annual Meeting, 1981, Program Press. p. 39-49. with Abstracts, p. 29. CRANDELL. D. R., see HOBLm, R. P. [and others], CRANDELL. D.R., 1981, Volcanic hazards. In Duffield, 1980. W. A.; Guffanti, Marianne, The geothermal research program of the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geologi­ CRANDELL. D.R., see HYDE, J. H. [and others], 1972. cal Survey Open-File Report 81-564, p. 35-36. CRANDELL. D. R., see l\1ILLER, C. D. [and others], CRANDELL, D. R.; HOBLITT, R. P., 1986, Lateral blasts 1981. at Mount St Helens and hazard zonation: Bulletin of CRANDELL. D. R, see MILLER, C. D. [and others], Volcanology, v. 48, no. l, p. 27-37. 1984. CRANDELL, D.R.; MULLINEAUX, D.R., 1973, Pine CRANDELL. D. R.. see MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and Creek volcanic assemblage at Mount St Helens, others]. 1960. Washingron: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1383-A, CRANDELL, D. R., MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and 23 p. see others], 1962. CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R .• 1975, Ap­ CRANDELL. D. R., see MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and praising volcanic hazards of the Cascade Range: Ore others], 1980. Bin, v. 37. no. 11, p. 173-183. CRANDELL, D. R., see MULLINEAUX, D. R. (and CRANDELL. D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R .• 1976, Poten­ others], 1981. tial hazards from furure eruptions of Mount St Helens volcano, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ CRANDELL. D. R., set MULLINEAUX, D. R. (and File Repon 76-491, 25 p., 3 plates. others], 1982. CRANDELL, D.R.; MULLINEAUX, D.R., 1978, Poten­ CRANDELL, D. R., see SCHUSTER, R. L. [and others]. tial hazards from future eruptions of Mount St. Helens 1984. volcano, Washingron: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1383-C, 26 p. CROSSON Ii

CRAWFORD, B. A., 1986, Recovery of game fish popula­ CRISWELL. C. W.; ELSTON, W. E., 1985, Intra-eruption tions impacted by the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount geologic map from an x-ray radar image during the St. Helens; Part II, Recovery of surviving fish popula­ May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens, tions within the lakes in the Mount Saint Helens Na­ Washington. In Holt, H. E.; Watters, T. R., compilers. tional Volc3nic Monument and adjacent areas: Repons of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Washington Game Department Fishery Management Program-1984: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Repon 85-9B, 160 p. Administration Technical Memorandum 87563, p. 467- CRAWFORD, B. A., 1986, The recovery of surviving fish 469. populations within the Mount St. Helens National Vol­ CRITCHFIELD, H. J., 1981, Mount St Helens and canic Monument and adjacent area In Keller, S. A. C., climatic change [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, editor, Mount St. Helens-Five years later. Cheney, and others, Mount St. Helens-One year later. Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 293- Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern 296. Washington University, 1 p. CRAWFORD, R. L., 1981, Outline of major biological CRITCBFIELD, H. J., 1982, Mount St Helens and conclusions from 1980-81 Mount St Helens eruptions. climatic change. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL In Halliday, W. R., The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Helens-Spelean effectS: Washington Speleological Washington University Press, p. 79-81. Survey Bulletin 18; Western Speleological Survey CRITCBFIELD, H. J., 1982, Problems in the climatology Serial 66, p. 10. of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruptions. In Deepak, CRAWFORD, R. L., ste EDWARDS, J. S. [and others], Adarsh, editor, Aanospheric effects and potential 1986. climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount SL CRISWELL, C. W., 1983, Chronology, morphology and Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ stratigraphy of pumiceous pyroclastic-flow deposits ministration Conference Publication 2240, p. 203-209. (ignimbrite) from Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980 CRONN, D. R., 1980, Gas analyses of airborne samples [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ . from St Helens eruptioµ plume [abstract]: Eos actions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 893. (American Geophysical Union Transactions). v. 61, no. CRISWELL, C. W., 1984, Depositional facies of the May 46, p. 1153. 18, 1980 pumiceous pyroclastic-flow deposits at CRONN, D. R.; NtITMAGUL, WINAl, 1982, Charac­ Mount St. Helens [abstract]. In Workshop on volcanic terization of trace gases in 1980 volcanic plumes of Mt blasts; program and abstracts: Nottingham, Eng., lnccr­ St Helens: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 87, narional Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of no. 03, p. 11153-11160. · the Earth's Interior, 2 p. CROOK, A. G.; DA VlS, R. T.; MORELAND, R. E., CRISWELL, C. W., 1984, Mowu St. Helens-Intra-erup­ 1981, Snow surveys and Mount Saint Helens. In tion geologic map from x-band radar, 1310 & 1350 Shafer, B. A.; Davis, R. T.; Meiman, James, editors, HRS PDT, May 18, 1980 [abstract]: Geological Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference; 49th an­ Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. nual meeting: Western Snow Conference, p. 77-84. 277. 5, p. CROOK, A. G., ste DAVIS, R. T. [and others], 1982. CRISWELL, C. W.; ELSTON, W. E., 1982, Criteria for CROSS, A. T.; TAGGART, R. E., 1986, Distribution of identifying pyroclastic flows on high- and low-resolu­ plant detrirus in deposits of the May, 1980 eruption of tion images-The Mount St Helens pumice plain. In Mt. St Helens and possible correlatives in Miocene H. E., Holt, compiler, Reports of Planetary Geology Succor Creek beds, Oregon and Idaho [abstract]: Program, 1982: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space American Journal of Botany, v. 73, no. 5, p. 698. Administration Technical Memorandum 85127, p. 143- 145. CROSS, R. W., ste Lll.L.IE, J. T. [and others], 1981. CRISWELL, C. W.; ELSTON, W. E., 1984, Chronology, CROSS, R. W., ste Lll.l.IE, J. T. [and others), 1982. morphology and stratigraphy of pumiceous pyroclastic­ CROSS, R. W., see TALLMAN, A. M. [and others], 1980. flow (ignimbrite) deposits from the eruption of Mount R. in St. Helens on 5/18/83 [sic]. In Holt, H. E., compiler, CROSSON, S., 1981, Earthquake hazard evaluation Reports of Planetary Geology Program-1983: U.S. the Pacific Northwesc U.S. Geological Survey Open­ File Repon 81-965, 1 vol. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Tech­ nical Memorandum 86246, p. 125-126. CROSSON, R. S.; BAME, D. A., 1985, A spherical source model for low frequency volcanic earthquakes: Jour­ nal of Geophysical Research, v. 90, no. B 12, p. 10237- 10247. 18 CROSSON

CROSSON. R. S.; E.L'IDO, E. T.; MALONE, S. D.; D'ALTOR10, ALFONSO; V1SCON11, GUIDO, 1981, NOSON, L. J.; WEA VER, C. S., 1980, Eruption of Lldar deteetion of volcanic aerosols in the annosphere Mount SL Helens-Seismology: Nature, v. 285, no. following the Mount SL Helens eruption: Geophysical 5766, p. 529-531. Research Letters, v. 8, no. l, p. 63-65. CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1984, Seismic hazard DAHLGREN, RANDY, 1984, Impact of tephra perturba· investigations in the Pacific Nonhwest. In Jacobson, tions on a forest soil in the Abies amabilis zone: Seat· M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers. Swnmaries of tech· tle, Wash., University of Washington Master of nical repons, volume XVIII, prepared by participants Science thesis, 147 p. in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: DAHM. C. N.; BAROSS,J. A.; LII.1...EY, M. D.; WARD, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-628, p. A. K.; SEDELL, J. R., 1982, Lakes in the blast zone of 95-97. ML SL Helens-Chemical and microbial responses fol­ CROSSON, RS., see BAME, D. A. (and others]. 1984. lowing the May 18, 1980 eruption. In Washington WaJ./!r Research Center, Proceedings from the con­ CROSSON, R S., see QAMAR. ANTHONY (and others]. ference, ML SL Helens-Effects on water resources: 1986. Pullman, Wash., Washington Water Research Center CULBERTSON, J. K., see DINEHART, R. L. [and Report 41 , p. 98-137. others]. 1982. DAffi,,'L C. N.; BAROSS, J. A.; WARD, A. K.; LIT.LEY. CUMMANS, J.E.; COLLIER, C. R , 1980, Mud.flows, M. D.; SEDEU., J. R., 1983, Initial effects of the floods, and sediment deposition resulting m;,m the May Mount SL Helens eruption on nitrogen cycle and re­ 18 eruption of ML SL Helens by WaJJ!r Resources lated chemical processes in Ryan Lake: Applied and Division, U.S. Geological Survey [abstract]: Eos Environmental Microbiology, v. 45, no. 5, p. 1633· (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 1645. 46, p. 9SS. DAHM, C. N.; BAROSS, J.B.; LIT.LEY, M. D.; WARD, CUMMANS, JOHN, 1981, Chronology of mud.flows in A. K.; SEDELL, J. R., 1981, Microbial and chemical the South Fork and North Fork Toutle River following responses of lakes in the blast zone of ML St Helens, the May 18 eruption. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. 1980 and 1981 (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical R, editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, Unio~ Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 868. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paperl250,p.479-486. DAHM, C. N., see BAROSS, J. A. (and others], 1982. CUMMANS, JOHN, 1981, Mudflows resulting from the DAH}.IL C. N., set LARSON, D. W. (and others], 1986. May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St Helens, DAILY NEWS STAFF; JOURNAL-AMERICAN STAFF, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Ci.rcular 850-B, 1980, Volcano-The eruption of Mount St Helens: .16p. Longview, Wash., Longview Publishing Company, 96 CUMMANS, JOHN, 1981, Mud.flows resulting from the p. May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St Helens, DALE. V. H., 1986, Plant recovery on the debris Washington. In Halasi-Kun, G. J., editor, Hydrogeol­ avalanche at Mount SL Helens. In Keller, S. A. C., ogy and other selected papers: New York. N.Y., Per­ editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later: Cheney, gamon Press, Pollution and WaJ./!r Resources Columbia Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 208- University Seminar Series, v. 14, pan 1, 37-52. 214. CUNNINGHAM, ALEX, MODERATOR, 1982, Panel DALLUGE, R. W., set RASMUSSEN. R. A. [and others], discussion II-Emergency problems following the 1982. eruption. In Martin, R. C.; Davis, J. F., editors, Status DANES, Z. F.; PH1LLIPS, W. M., 1983, Complete of volcanic prediction and emergency response Bouguer gravity anomaly map, Cascade Mountains, capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of Califomia: Washington: Washington Division of Geology and California Division of Mines and Geology Special Earth Resources Geophysical Map GM-27. 2 sheets, Publication 63, p. 223-226. scale 1:250,000. CURL, H. C., JR., 1980, Downstream fisheries. In Gordon, DANES, Z. F.; PH1LLIPS, W. M., 1983, Principal facts M. G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of the and discussion of terrain correction methods for the Mount St Helens eruption on water resources-A complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the Cascade forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Mountains, Washington: Washington Division of Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 5~-54. Geology and Earth Resources Open-FUe Report 83-1, CURL, H. C .• JR., see BAKER, E.T. (and others], 1981. 15 p., computer printouts. CUTI'E.R, B. E., see BANKS, N. G. (and others], 1981. DANES, Z. F., see BONINI, W. E. [and others], 19i4. CZVEKUS, W., see BARRINGER, A. R. [and others], DANES, Z. F., set EGGERS, A. A. (and others], 1981. 1982. DANIEL, 1. L., set HARTI.EY. J. N. [and others], 1981. D' ALLI, R. E., see F£.m(. J. H. (and others], 1981. DECKER 19

DANIELSEN. E. F.. 1981, Trajectories of the Mount St. DA VIS. P. T .• 1981, Tephrochronology, Davis Lake, Helens eruption plume: Science. v. 211. no. 4484. p. southwest Washington [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., 819-821. editor. and others, Mount St. Helens-One year later; DANIELSEN. E. F.• 1982, Mount St. Helens plume dis­ Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern persion based on trajectory analyses. In Deepak. Washington University, 2 p. Adarsh, editor, Aanospheric effects and potential DA VIS, P. T., 1982, Tephrochronology, Davis Lake. climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. southwest Washington [abstract]. In Keller. S. A. C., Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney. ministration Conference Publication 2240, p. 141-153. Wash .• Eastern Washington University Press, p. 235- DARZI. l\1ICHAEL; ALISTAIR, C. D. L., 1980, Aerosol 236. particle size distributions of elemental composition in DA VIS, P. T.; BARNOSKY, C. W.; STUIVER, MINZE. the Mount St. Helens plwne before, during, and after 1982. A 20.000 yr record of volcanic ashfalls. Davis the May 18 and 25, 1980 eruptions [abstract]: Eos Lake, southwestern Washington [abstract]: American (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. Quaternary Association, Biennial Conference. 7th. 46, p. 969-970. Program and Abstracts, p. 87. DASH,J.,see RICE, L. [and others], ~981. DA VIS, P. T., see DUNBAR. N. W. [and others], 1983. DAITA. BITHIN; LE1TE.1'fMAIER. D. P.; BURGES, S. DA VIS. R. T.; MARRON, J. K.; CROOK. A. G., 1982. J., 1983, Assessment of changes in storm and seasonal Effects of Mount SL Helens eruptions on snowpack. In runoff response of watersheds impacted by Mt. St. Washington Water Research Center, Proceedings from Helens ash deposition: Seattle, Wash., University of the conference, Mt St. Helens-Effects on water Washington Deparunent of Civil Engineering Water resources: . Pullman. Wash.. Washington Water Resources Series Technical Report 82, 96 p. Research Center Repon 41. p. 138-148. DAVIES, D. R.,seeGADIAN, A. M. [and others], 1981. DA VIS, R. T., see CROOK, A.G. [and others], 1981. DA VIS, ANDREW, see RUTIIERFORD, M. J. [and DA VIS, R. T., see MARRON, J. K. [and others], 1982. o\hers], 1985: DA VIS, W. E.. see EADIE, W. J. [and others], 1980. DA VIS, B. L.; JOHNSON, LR.; GRIFFIN, D. T.; PHIL­ DAY, T. G.; FISHER, J. E.• 1980, Mt St Helens-How a LIPS, W. R.; STEVENS, R. K.; MAUGHN, DA YID •. wastewater plant coped with its aitennath: Water Pol­ 1981, Quantitative analysis of Mt. St. Helens ash by x­ lution Control Federation Journal, v. 5Z no. 8, p. 2082- ray diffraction and x-ray flurorescence spectrometry: 2089. Journal of Applied Meteorology, v. 20, no. 8. p. 922- 933. DE GOER, ALAIN see BOIVIN, PIERRE [and others], 1980. . DA VIS, J. 0., 1985, Correlation of late Quaternary tephra layers in a long pluvial sequence near Summer Lake, DEACON. R. J.; REILLY, T. K.; THOMS, R. E., 1980, Oregon: Quaternary Research, v. 23, no. l, p. 38-53. Preliminary field repon of destruction caused by Mt. St Helen• s eruption [abstract]: Association of En­ DA VIS, J. 0., SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [and see gineering Geologists, Annual Meeting, 1980, Program others], 1980. and Abstracts. p. 45. DAVIS. J. 0., see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [and DEAN, W. E.,seeANDERSON,R. Y. [andothers], 1984. others], 1983. DEAN, W. E..see ANDERSON, R. Y. (and others], 1985. DA VIS. M. J.; GRAEBER. E. J.; HARRAH, L. A.; HA YES, D. B., 1980, Tempcrawre estimates of May DECKER, BARBARA, see DECKER, R. W. [and others]. 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens made from observa­ 1981. tions of material response [abstract]: Eos (American DECKER, R. W., 1980. Forecasting the 1980 eruption of Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46. p. Mount St Helens-A review [abstract]: Eos 1136. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. DA VIS. M. J., see HOBLrIT. R. P. [and others], 1980. 46. p. 1133. DA VIS. P. M.; PIERCE, D. R.; MCPHERRON, R. L; DECKER, R. W., 1981, The 1980 activity-A case srudy DZURISIN, DANIEL; MURRAY, THOMAS; in forecasting volcanic eruptions. In Lipman, P. W.; JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; MUELLER. R. J., L84, A vol­ Mullineaux. D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of canomagnctic observation on Mount St Helens, Mount St Helens. Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ Washington: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 11. no. vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 815-820. 3, p. 225-228. DECKER, R. W.; DECKER. BARBARA, 1981, The erup­ tions of Mount St Helens: Scientific American, v. 244, no. 3, p. 68-80. 20 DECKER

DECKER. R. W.; DECKER. BARBARA. 1981. Vol­ DETiilER. D. P.; FRANK. D. G.; PEVEAR. D.R. • 1981. canoes: San Francisco, Calif.• W. H. Freeman and Preliminary chemical analysis of thennal waters at Company. 244 p. Mount St Helens. Washington [abstract]: Eos DEEPAK. ADARSH. EDITOR. 1982. Atmospheric ef­ (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. fects and potential climatic impact of the 1980 erup­ 6, p. 62. (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. ~ons of Mount St Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics S.") and Space Administration Conference Publication DETiilER. D. P.: PEVEAR, D. R.: FRANK. D. G., 1981, 2240. 303 p. Alteration of new volcanic deposits. In Lipman, P. W.; DEEPAK. ADARSH. see NEWELL, R. E. [and others]. Mullineaux. D. R.• editors, The 1980 eruptions of 1982. Mount St Helens, Washingten: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 649-665. DEL MORAL. ROGER, 1981. Life returns to Mount St Helens: Natural History, v. 90. no. 5. p. 36-47. DETiilER. D. P.• see PEVEAR. D. R. [and others], 1980. DEL MORAL. ROGER. 1983. Initial recovery of subal­ DETiilER. D. P., see PEVEAR, D.R. [and others], 1981. pine vegetation on Mount St Helens, Washington: DETHIER. D. P.• see PEVEAR. D.R. [and others], 1982. American Midland Naturalist. v. 109, no. 1. p. 72-80. DEVINE. JOE. see RUTIIBRFORD, M. J. [and ochers], DEL MORAL. ROGER: CLAMPITT, C. A.. 1985. 1986. . Growth of native plant species on recent volcanic sub­ DEVOL. A.H.. see WISSMAR, R. C. [and others]. 1982. strates from Mount St Helens: American Midland Naniralist. v. 114, no. 2. p. 374-383. DEWALLE. F. B., see SUNG, F. C. [and others], 1982. DEL MORAL. ROGER; WOOD, D. M. • 1986. Subalpine DEWEY, J.M.• 1985, The propagation of sound from the vegetation recovery five years after the Mount St eruption of ML St Helens on 18 May 1980: Nonhwest Helens eruptions. In Keller. S. A. C .• editor. Mount St Science. v. 59. no. 2. p. 79-92. Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash. • Eastern DICKIN, A. P., see HALLIDAY, A. N. [and others], 1983. Washingtan University Press, p. 215-221. DIEHL. K. M.. 1982. Keine Klimaaenderung durch SL· D~TRO, G. A., set ANDERSON, R. Y. [and Hclens-Ausbruch [No climatic variations due co the others], 1984. eruption of Mount St Helens]: Bild der Wissenschaf't, DELUISI. J. J.; MENDONCA. B. G.; DUTTON. E.G.; v. 10, no. 2, p. 5. BOX. M. A.; HERMAN, B. M., 1983. Radiative DIGBY, S. J. M.. su IKR.Alv1UI)DIN, MOHAMMED properties of the stratospheric dust cloud from the May [and others], 1981. 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St Helens: Journal of Geophysical Research. v. 88. no. C9, p. 5290-5298. DIGBY, S. J. M. •. see IKRAMUDDIN, MOHAMMED [and others], 1982. DELUISI. J. J.; MENDONCA. B. G.; HANSON, K. J .• DILLER. J. S., 1899, Latest volcanic eruptions on !he 1982, Measurements of stratospheric aerosol over Pacific coast Science, new series, v. 9, no. 227, p. Maun.a Loa, Hawaii. and Boulder, Colorado. In Deepak. Adarsh. editor, Aunospheric effects and 639-640. potential climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of DillMAN. D. A.; SCHWALBE, M. L.: SHORT, J. F .• Mount St Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and JR •• 1982, Communication behavior and social impacts Space Administration Conference Publication 2240, p. following the May 18. 1980, eruption of Mount SL 117-123. Helens. In Keller, S. A. C .• editor. Mount St Helens-­ DENLINGER. R. P.; JOHNSON. D. J.; DZURISIN, One year later: Cheney, Wash .• Eastern Washingten DANIEL. 1983, Bulk density of Mount St Helens vol­ University Press, p. 173-179. cano [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union DILLMAN, D. A.; SHORT, J. F .• JR •• 1980, Social im­ Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 895. pacts of volcanic ash fallout on eastern Washingmn. In DENLINGER. R. P .• see DZURISIN, DANIEL [and Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washington others], 1986. State University's Conference on the aftennath of Mt St Helens: Pullman, Wash.. Washington State Univer­ DETIIlER. D. P.: FRANK. D. G.: PEVEAR. D. R., 1981, sity, p. 20. Chemistry of thennal waters and mineralogy of the new deposits at Mount f ~ Helens-A preliminary DillMAN, J. J.; ROBERTS, M. L .• 1982. The impact of report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81 - the May 18 Mount St Helens ashfall-Eastem 80. 23 p. Washington residents repon on housing-related damage and cl~up. In Keller, S. A. C .• editor. Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingten University Press, p. 191-198. DUDLEY 21

Dil.l..MAN, R. D.; HINKLE, R. E.; KERR, R. L., 1981, DOMONKOS, S. F., see OGREN, J. A. [and others], High-altitude radar assessment of the damage caused 1981. by the volcanic eruption of Mount St Helens. In DONN, W. L.; BALACHANDRAN, N. K., 1981, Mount Doyle, F. J., editor, Electro-Optical instrumentation for St Helens eruption of 18 May 1980--Air waves and resources evaluation: Society of Photo-Optical In­ . explosive yield: Science, v. 213, no. 4507, p. 539-541. strumentation Engineers, Annual Meeting, Proceed­ ings, v. 278, p. 11-18. OONNEILY-NOLAN, J., see FINK. J. H. [and others], 1982. DILLMAN, R. D., see HINKLE, R. E. [and others], 1980. DORAN, JEFFRY, 1980, Search on Mount St Helens: DINEHART, R. L., 1983, Patterns of sediment concentra­ Bellevue, Wash., Imagesmith, 93 p. tion in hyperconcentrated flows at Mount St Helens [abstraet]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ DOUGLAS, JOHN, 1981, Mount Saint Helens-The ecol­ actions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 707. ogy of a holocaust: Mosaic, v. 12, no. 2, p. 54-60. DINEHART, R. L., 1983, Patterns of sediment concentra­ DOUGLASS, P. M., see VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], tion in hyperconcentrated flows at Mount St Helens, 1980. Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical DOUGLASS, P. M, see VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 894. 1981. DINEHART, R. L., 1986, Sediment data for streams near DOUGLASS, P. M., see VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], Mount St Helens, Washington-Volume 2, Water 1983. years 1981-83: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Ftle DOWNING, THOMAS see WARRICK, R. A. [and Report 85-632, 438 p. others], 1981. DINEHART, R. L.; CULBERTSON, J. K., 1982, Sedi­ DRAXLER. R. R.• 1981, Observing and forecasting mo­ ment-discharge characteristics of the Toutle River fol­ tions of volcanic emissions shortly after the initial Mt lowing the Mount St Helens eruption [abstract]. In St Helens eruptions: U.S. National Oceanic and At­ Washington Water Research Center, Proceedings from mospheric Administration Technical Memorandum the confe:xcnce, ML SL Helens-Effects on water ERLARL-95, 14p. resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water Research Center Report 41, p. 149. DRIEDGER. C. L., 1980, The effects of ash thickness on snow and fim ablation [abstract]: Eos (American DINEHART, R. L.; RlTl'ER, J. R.; KNOTI, J. M, 1981, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 956. Sediment data for streams near Mount SL Helens, Washington-Volume 1, 1980 water-year data: U.S. DRIEDGER, C. L., 1981, Effect of ash thickness on snow Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-822, 82 p. ablation. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, Washington: DINNEL, P.A., STOBER, Q. J. [and others], 1980. see U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. DINNEL, P.A., see STOBER, Q. J. [and others], 1982. 757-7f/J. DION, N. P.; EMBREY, S.S., 1981, Effects of Mount St DRORY, ALISA; ULMER, G. C., 1974, Oxygen fugacity Helens eruption on selected lakes in Washington: U.S. determinations for Cascadian andesites [abstract]: Eos Geological Survey Circular 850-G, 25 p. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 55, no. DION, N. P.; EMBREY, S.S., 1984, Effects of 1980 erup­ 4, p.487. tion of Mount St Helens on selected lakes in DRYER, T. J., 1980, First ascent of Mount St Helens-­ Washington [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ The Dryer Party of 1853: Northwest Discovery, v. 1, sional Paper 1375, p. 230-231. no. 3, p. 164-180. DION, N. P., see EMBREY, S.S. [and others], 1982. DUDAS, M. J.; HARWARD, M. E.; SCHMITT, R. A., DISHBERGER, D. M., 1983, Preparation of residual 1973, Identification of dacitic tephras by activation gravity maps for the southern Cascade Mountains, analysis of their primary mineral phenocrysts: Quater­ Washington using Fourier analysis: Washington nary Research, v. 3, no. 2, p. 307-315. Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File DUDLEY, HARRY, 1980, Marine activity. In Gordon, M. Report 834, 43 p., 3 plates, scale 1:250,000. G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of the DODGE,J. E.,see MEYER, D. F. [and others], 1986. Mount St Helens eruption on water resources--A forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific DOHERTY, D. J.; LOWRlE, D. J., 1980, The early stages Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 31-33. of the eruption of Mount St Helens: Lapidary Journal, v.34,no.6,p. 1332-1333. DUDLEY, T. L., see WII..ZBACH, PEGGY [and others}, 1983. DOKIY A, Y., see HIROSE, .K. [and others], 1982. DOLLBERG, D. D., see BERNSTEIN, R. S. [and others], 1982. 22 DUNBAR

DUNBAR. N. W.; DAVIS, P. T.; MAROTIA, D. A., DVORAK. J. J.; JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; OKAMURA, A. 1983, Wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence T., 1980, Tiltmeter measurements on Mown St Helens analysis of Cascade Range tephras in lake sediments, [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ SW Washingwn [abStraCt): Geological Scx:iety of actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1134. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 6, p. 562. DVORAK. J. J.; OKAMURA, A. T.; JOHNSTON, M. J. DUNNE, THOMAS, 1983, Discussion at the U.S.-Japan S.; MORTENSEN, C. E., 1981, Tiluneter and mag­ symposium on erosion contt0l on volcanoes. In netometer measurements at Mount St Helens, Proceedings of the symposium on erosion control in Washingron-1980-1981 [abstract]. In International volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle and Van­ Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the couver, Washingt0n: Japan Public Works Research In­ Earth's Interior, IAVCEI symposium, Arc volcanism: stitute Technical Memorandum 1908, p. 355-359. AbStraCts: Volcanological Society of Japan; Incerna­ DUNNE, TIIOMAS, 1983, Introduction and welcome. In tional Asscx:iation of Volcanology and Chemistry of Proceedings of the symposium on erosion control in the Earth's Interior. p. 82-83. volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Sean.le and Van­ DVORAK, J. J.; OKAMURA, A. T.; JOHNSTON. M. J. couver, Washingt0n: Japan Public Works Research In­ S.; MORTENSEN, C. E.; MUELLER, R. J.; stitute Technical Memorandum 1908, p. 1-4. FURUKAWA, BRUCE, 1984, Tiltmeter and mag­ DUNNE, THOMAS; LEOPOLD, L B., 1981, F1ood and netometer measurements at Mount St Helens, sedimentation hazards in the Toutle and Cowlitz River Washingron-1980-1981: U.S. Geological Survey system as a result of the ML SL Helens eruption: U.S. Open-File Report 84-164, 47 p. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 159 p. DVORAK, J. J.; OKAMURA, A. T.; MORTh~SEJ.~. C. DUNNE, THOMAS; S:MITH. J. D.; WlGMOSTA. M. S., E.; JOHNSTON, M. J. S., 1981, Summary of electronic 1983, Field evidence for the flow properties of the tilt studies at Mount SL Helens. In Lipman, P. W.; Toutle Valley mudflows: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mullineaux. D. R .• editors, The 1980 eruptions of 2 sheets microfiche (146 p.]; U.S. National Technical Mount SL Helens, Washingwn: U.S. Geological Sur­ Information Service PB 86-157138. vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 169-174. DUNNE. THOMAS, see COLLINS, B. D. [and others], DVORAK, J. J •• see JOHNSTON. M. J. S. [and others), 1982. 1980. DUNNE, THOMAS, see COLLINS, B. D. [and others], DVORAK, J. J., see JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [and others]. 1983. 1981. . DUNNE, THOMAS, see COLLINS, B. D. (and others], DZURISIN, DANIEL, 1982, Value of remote tilt monicor­ 1986. ing co eruption prediction at Mount St Helens, WashingtOn [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical DUNNE, TIIOMAS, see FAIRClfil.D, L. H. [and others], Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. 1140. 1981. DZURISIN, DANIEL, 1986, Recent eruptive activity, DUNNE, TIIOMAS, see FAIRClfil.D, L. H. [and others], monicoring results and geophysical studies at Mount St 1982. Helens, Washingcon [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., DUNNE, THOMAS, see LEHRE, A. K. (and others), edicor, Mount St Helens--Five years later. Cheney, 1981. Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 439. DUNNE, TIIOMAS, see LEHRE, A. K. [and others], DZURISIN, DANIEL; CASADEVAU.., T. J., 1981, Mor­ 1982. phologic evolution of the 18 May 1980 crater at Mount DUNNE, TIIOMAS, see LEHRE, A. K. (and others]. SL Helens. In Holt, H. E., compiler, Reports of 1983. planetary geology program-1981: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical DUNNE, TIIOMAS, see S:MITH. J. D. [and others], 1983. Memorandum 84211, p. 172-173. DUNNE, TIIOMAS, see SWANSON, F. J. [and others], DZURISIN, DANIEL; DEJ.'\ILINGER, R. P., 1986, Sys­ 1983. tematic changes in magnetic field intensity over the DUNNE, TIIOMAS, see WlGMOST A, M. S. (and growing lava dome at Mount St Helens [abstract]: Eos others], 1981. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 67. no. 44,p. 1247. DURKIN, TERRY, 1980, Downstream fisheries. In Gor­ don, M. G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of DZURISIN, DANIEL; JOHNSON, D. J.: WESTPHAL. J. the Mount St Helens eruption on water resources--A A., 1981, Ground tilts during two recent eruptions of forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Mount St. Helens, Washington [abstract): Eos Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 49-52. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. DUTI'ON, E.G., see DELUISI, J. J. [and others], 1983. 45, p. 1089. EISSLER 23

DZURISIN, DANIEL; WESTPHAL, J. A.; JOHNSON, D. EDMONDSON, B. L., 1982, Impact of the eruptions on J., 1982, Automatic tilt measurements in the crater at city govemmenL In Martin, R. C.; Davis, J. F., editors, Mount SL Helens, Washington (abstract): Eos Status of volcanic prediction and emergency response (American Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 63, no. capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of California: 8, p. 174. California Division of Mines and Geology Special DZURISIN, DANIEL; WESTPHAL, J. A.; JOHNSON, D. Publication 63, p. 219-222. J., 1983, Eruption prediction aided by electronic EDMONDSON, W. T., 1984, Volcanic ash in lakes: tiltmeter data at Mount SL Helens: Science, v. 221, no. Northwest Environmental Journal, v. 1, no. 1, p. 139- 4618,p. 1381-1383. 150. DZURISIN, DANIEL, see ANDERSON, L. A. (and EDMONDSON, W. T.; LrIT, A.H., 1983, ML St Helens others], 1983. ash in lakes in the lower Grand Coulee, Washington DZURISIN, DANIEL, see BEACH, G. L. [and others), State: U.S. National Technical Infonnation Service 1984. CONF-8308226--1, 12 p. DZURISIN, DANIEL, see DA VIS, P. M. [and others], EDMONDSON, W. T.; LrIT, A. H., 1984, Mt St Helens 1984. ash in lakes in the lower Grand Coulee, Washington State: International Association of Theoretical and Ap­ DZURISIN, DANIEL, see DENLINGER, R. P. [and others], 1983. plied Llmnology Proceedings, v. 22, pan 1, p. 510-512. EDWARDS, J.E., see SWEET, H. R. [and others], 1983. DZURISIN, DANIEL, see JACHENS, R. C. [and others], 1980. EDWARDS, J. S., 1986, Arthropods as pioneers­ Recolonization of the blast zone on ML SL Helens: DZURISIN, DANIEL, see JACHENS, R. C. [and others], 1981. NorthwestEnvironmentalJoumal, v. 2, no. 1, p. 63-73. EDWARDS, J. S.; CRAWFORD, R. L.; SUGG, P. M.; DZURISIN, DANIEL, see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M [and others], 1980. PE!ERSON, M A., 1986, Arthropod recolonization in the blast zone of Mount St. Helens. In Keller, S. A. C., DZURISIN, DANIEL, see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later: Cheney, [and others], 1981. Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 329- DZURISIN, DANIEL, see SW ANSON, D. A. [and 333. . others], 1983. EGGERS, A. A.; DANES, Z. F., 1981, Apparent shon DZURISIN, DANIEL, see SWANSON, D. A. [and term gravity changes at Mount SL Helens, Washington others], 1984. [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ actions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: text of journal mis­ DZURISIN, DANIEL, see SW ANSON, D. A. [and labeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") others], 1985. · EGGERS, A. A.; DANES, Z. F., 1981, Long term gravity DZURISIN, DANIEL, see WAI'IT, R. B., JR. [and changes at Mt. St. Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos others], 1980. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. DZURISIN, DANIEL, see WAl'IT, R. B., JR. [and 6, p. 62. (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. others], 1981. 5.") EADIE, W. J.; DA VIS, W. E.; ALKEZWEENY, A. J., EGGLER, D. H., see MERZBACHER, C. I. [and others], 1980, Regional air quality impacts of S02 and H2S 1983. emissions from Mount SL Helens [abstract]: Eos EGGLER, D. H., see MERZBACHER, C. I. [and others], (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 1984. 46, p. 970. EICHELBERGER, J. C.; HA YES, D. B., 1982, Magmatic EARTH SCIENCE, 1985, Volcano yields data-Scientists model for the Mount St Helens blast of May 18, 1980: gather eanhquak.e-predicting infonnation from five Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 87, no. 89, p. years of srudying Mount SL Helens: Earth Science, v. 7727-7738. 38,no.2,p. 18-19. EICHELBERGER, J. C., see HA YES, D. B. [and others], EA V, B. B., see HINKLE, R. E. [and others], 1980. 1981. EBAUGH, W. F., see MULLINEAUX, D.R. [and others], 1977. EICHELBERGER. J. C., see WESTRICH, H. R. [and others], 1981. EDGREN, JIM, see PRUITr, J. R. [and others], 1980. EISSLER. H. K.; KANAMORI, HIROO; HARKRIDER, EDGREN, JIM, see PRUITr, J. R. [and others], 1981. DAVID, 1983, Air waves excited by explosive vol­ EDMAN, D. A.; SELIN, RICHARD, 1981, A note on the canic eruptions (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical ML Saint Helens volcanic eruption: Monthly Weather Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 772. Review, v. 109, no. 5, p. 1103-1110. 24 EKMAN

EKMAN, L C., 1962, Scenic geology of the Pacific E.i.'IDO, E.T., see NOSON, L. L (and others], 1981. Northwesc Ponland, Ore., Binfords and Mort. p. 142- 144. ENDO, E.T.• see WEA VER, C. S. [and others], 1980. ELDER, R. A, see RY AN, P. J. [and others], 1984. ENDO, E.T., see WEA VER, C. S. [and others], 1981. E'lGIDOUS, J. C., 1980, Results of research and analysis ELLIOTT, C. P., 1897, Mount St Helens: National of volcanic ash from ML St Helens. In Cassidy, J. J., Geographic Magazine, v. 8, no. 7-8, p. 226-230. chairperson. Proceedings of Washington State ELLIOTT, L. F., see COCHRAN, V. L. [and others], University's Conference on the afrermath of ML St. 1983. Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State University, ELSTON, W. E., see CRISWE..L, C. W. [and others], p. 9-10. 1982_ ENGmous, J. C.; BUSTAD, L. K.; KENNEDY, R. A.; ELSTON, W. E., see CRISWE..L~ C. W. [and others], KLOCK, G. O.; KLOSTER.MEYER, E. C.; PRES­ 1984. TON, R. P., 1982, Impact of Mount St. Helens eruption on ecosysrems. /n Deepak. Adarsh, editor, Atmospheric ELSTON, W. E., see CRISWE..L, C. W. [and others], 1985. effects and porential climatic impact of the 1980 erup­ tions of Mount SL Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics ELTGROTH, M. W., see HOBBS, P. V. [and others], and Space Administration Conference Publication 1980. 2240, p. 37-42. ELTGROTH, M. W., see HOBBS, P. V. [and others], ENGLEMAN, E. E., see LIPMAN, P. W. (and others]. 1981- 1981. ELTGROTII, M. W., see RADKE, L. F. [and others], ERICKSON, KAROL; LETI'E.i.~R. D. P.; BURGES, 1980. S. J., 1980, Assessment of runoff response changes in EMBREY, S. S.; DION, N. P., 1982, Effects of Mt St the upper Cowlitz River basin relared to Mount St Helens eruption on nearby lakes in Washington Helens ash deposition (abstract]: Eos (American [abstract]. In Washington Warer Research Cenrer, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 956- Proceedings from the conference, ML SL Helens-Ef­ 957. fects on wa~ resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington ESSIEN, L 0., see KURODA. P. K. (and others], 1984. Warer Research Center Repon 41, p. 150. ESSIG, D. A, see STARK, N. M. [and ct.he~]. 1985. EMBREY, S. S., see DION, N. P. [and others], 1981. EV ANS, DALE, 1980, Downstream fisheries. In Gordon, EMBREY, S. S., see DION, N. P. [and others], 1984. M. G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of the ENDO, E. T.; MALONE, S. D.; NOSON, L. L.; Mount St Helens eruption on warer resources-A WEA VER, C. S., 1981, Locations, magnitudes, and forum held Jwie 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific statistics of the March 30-May 18 earthquake se­ Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 4 7-48. quence. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, EV ANS, J.C., see FRUCHTER, J. S. (and others], 1980. The 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 93- EV ANS, R. A., see SNEV A. F. A. [and others], 1982. 107. EV ANS, W. C.; BANKS, N. G.; WHITE, L. D., 1981, ENDO, E. T.; MALONE, S. D.; NOSON, L. L; Analyses of gas samples from the summit crarer. In WEA VER, C. S., 1981, Seismicity of ML St Helens Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R .• editors, The 1980 1980 to 1981 [abstract]. In Inremational Association of eruptions of Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 227- 231. IA VCEI symposium, Arc volcanism; Abstracts: Vol­ canological Society of Japan; Inremational Association EV ANS; W. C., see BARNES, IV AN [and others], 1981. of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, EV ANS, W. F. J.,see KERR,J. B. (and others], 1982. p.89. EV ARTS, R C.; ASHLEY, R. P., 1984, Preliminary ENDO, E. T.; WEA VER, C. S.; MALONE, S. D.; geologic map of the Spirit Lake quadrangle, MICHAELSON, C. A., 1980, Coda magnitudes of Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File earthquakes associated with the 1980 eruptions of Repon 84-480, 1 sheet. scale 1:48,000. Mount Saint Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. EV ARTS, R. C., see ASHLEY, R. P. [and others], 1980. 1133-1134. EVERETT HERALD; WESTERN SUN, 1980, Mount St. ENDO, E.T., see CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1980. Helens erupts: Everett, Wash., Daily Herald Company, 50p. ENDO, E.T., see MALONE, S. D. (and others], 1980. ENDO, E.T., see MALONE, S. D. [and others], 1981. ENDO, E.T., see MURRAY, T. L. [and others], 1986. FARWEIL · 15

EWART, JAMES; VOIGIIT, BARRY, 1980, Finite ele­ FAIRFIELD, C. M., 1980, OMSI Sound project-The ment defonnation models of volcanoes [abstract]: acoustic effects of the Mount St Helens eruption on Geological Society of America Abstracts with May 18, 1980: Oregon Geology, v. 42, no. 12, p. 200- Programs,v. 12, no. 7,p.423. 202. EWERT, J., see CASADEV ALL. T. J. [and others], 1981. FAIRFIELD, C. M., 1982, The acoustic effects of the EWERT, J., see CASAD EV ALL,.T. J. [and others], 1982. eruption of Mount St. Helens May 18, 1980. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St. Helens-One year later. EWERT, J., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. [and others], 1983. Cheney, Wash., Eastern WashingtOn University Press, FAIRCHil...D, L. . H., 1984, Initiation of the North Fork p. 83-85. Toutle River lahar by liquefaction of debris avalanche FALEN,ANITA,seeMOODY, U.L. [andothers].1981. deposits during the May 18, 1980 Mt. St. Helens erup­ tion [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union FALEN, ANITA, see MOODY, U; L. [and others], 1982. Transactions},v.65,no.17,p.329. FALLICK, A. E., see HALLIDAY, A. N. [and others}, FAIRCHil...D, L. H., 1984, Initiation of the Nonh Fork 1983. Toude River lahar by liquefaction of debris avalanche FALTER, C. M., see MILLIGAN, J. M. [and others], deposits during the May 18, 1980 Mt. St. Helens erup­ 1983. tion [abstract]: Geological Society of America FALTER, C. M., seeSKil...LE,J. M. [and others], 1983. Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 505. FANAKI, FOUAD, see CHUNG, Y.-S. [and others], FAIRCHil...D, L. H., 1985, Lahars at Mount St Helens, 1981. Washingtan: Seattle, Wash., University of Washingron Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 374 p. FANAXI, FOUAD, see MILLAN, M. M. [and others], 1981. FAIRCHil...D, L. H., 1986, Lahars on the Toutle River near Mt St Helens: Volcano News, no. 24, p. 5. FANAKI, FOUAD, see MILLAN, M. M. [and others], 1985. FAIRCHil...D, L. H., 1986, Mt. St. Helens-The first 6 years: Volcano News, no. 24, p. 1. FARGO, N. J., see SAGER, J. W. [and others], 1984. FAIRCHil...D, L. H... 1986, Quantitative analysis of lahar FARLOW, N. H.; OBERBECK. V. R.; SNETSINGER, K. hazard. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-­ G.; FERRY, G. V.; POLKOWSKI, GEORGE; Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingron HAYES, D. M., 1981, Size distributions and mineral­ University Press, p. 61-67. ogy of ash particles in the stratosphere from eruptions .· of Mount St Helens: Science, v. 2H, nQ. 4484, p. ·· FAIRCHil...D, L. H.; DUNNE, TIIOMAS, 1981, Predic­ 832-834. tion of future mudflow hazard on the Toutle and Cowlitz Rivers, Washingron [abstract]: Association of FARLOW, N. H.; OBERBECK, V. R.; SNETSINGER, K. Engineering Geologists, Annual Meeting, 1981, G.; POLKOWSKI, GEORGE; HA YES, D. M., 1980, Program with Abstracts, p. 34. Mount St Helens volcanic materials in the stratosphere FAIRCHil..D, L. H.; WIGMOSTA, M. S., 1983, Dynamic [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 970. and volumetric characteristics of the 18 May 1980 lahars on theToutleRiver, Washington.lnProceedings FARLOW, N. H.; SNETSINGER, K. G.; OBERBECK, V. of the symposium on erosion conttol in volcanic areas, R.; FERRY, G. V.; POLKOWSKI, GEORGE; July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle and Vancouver, Washingron: HA YES, D. M., 1982, Time variations of aerosols in Japan Public Works Research Institute Technical the stratosphere following Mount St Helens eruptions. Memorandum 1908, p. 131-153. In Deepak. Adarsh, editor, Atmospheric effects and FAIRCHil...D, L. H.; WIGMOSTA, M. S.; SMITH, J. D.; potential climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and DUNNE, TIIOMAS, 1982, Application of hydrographs constructed for the May 18, 1980 mudflows on the Space Administration Conference Publication 2240, p. 55-63. Toutle River, Washingron [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 8, p. 174. FARLOW, N. H., see OBERBECK, V. R. [and others], 1982. · FAIRCHil..D, L. H., see GIT.KEY, K. E. [and others], 1982. FARMER, JUDITH; HARRIS, JULIE; CARSON, FAIRCHil..D, L. H., see LEHRE, A. K. [and others], 1981. RICHARD, 1980, Mt. St Helens volcanic weather­ book: Marylhurst, Ore., Mountain Graphics, 48 p. FAIRCHil...D, L. H., see SMITH, J. D. [and others], 1983. FARWEU., S. O.; GAGE, D. R., 1981, Crystalline silica FAIRCHil...D, L. H., see WIGMOSTA, M. S. [and others], in Mount SL Helens ash: Analytical Chemistry, v. 53, 1981. no. 13, p. 1529A-1530A, 1532A. 26 FARWELL

FARWELL. S. O.: GAGE, D. R.; JERNEGAN, M. F.; FEmEL. CRAIG, see BURGGRAF, D. R. (and others], FELKEY, J. R., 1981, InhaJable particulate levels in 1981. northern Idaho from the initial eruptions of Mount St FELKEY, J. R., see FARWELL, S. 0. [and others], 1981. Helens: Air Pollution Contt0l Association Journal, v. 31, no. l, p. 71-74. FERRICK, M G.; ST. LAWRENCE, W. F., 1984, Com­ ment on "Observations of volcanic tremor at Mount St FARWELL. S. O .• see GAGE. D.R. [and others], 1981. Helens volcano" by Michael Fehler: Journal of FARWELL, S. o:, see GAGE, D.R. [and others], 1982. Geophysical Resean::h, v. 89, no. B7, p. 6349-6350. FAULCONER. LEE; MONGILLO, PAUL. 1981, Effects FERRY, G. V., see FARLOW, N. H. [and others], 1981. of ML St Helens ashfall on three a-out streams and FERRY, G. V., see FARLOW, N. H. (and others], 1982. Bumping Lake in the Yakima Basin, Washington: WashingtOn State Game Department Bulletin 16, 34 p. FERRY,G. V.,seeOBERBECK, V.R. (andothers], 1982. FECHI', K. R.. see LILLIE, J. T. [and others], 1981. FIKSDAL, A. J., 1981, The eruption of Mount St Helens (abstract]: Gulf Coast Association of Geological FECHI'. K.. R.. see I TT I IE, J. T. [and others], 1982. Societies Transactions, v. 31, p. 89. FECHI', K. R .• see TALLMAN, A. M. [and others], 1980. FIKSDAL, A. J., 1981, Infiltration rates of undisturbed FEDER. G. L., see MCKNIGHr, D. M. (and others], and disturbed Mount SL Helens ash [abstract]: As­ 1981. sociation of Engineering Geologists, Annual Meeting, FEDERMAN, A. N. • 1983, Correlation of tephra layers on 1981, Program with Abstracts, p. 34-35. the Columbia River Plateau, south-central Washington FIKSDAL, A. J., 1981, Infiltration rates of undisturbed [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts and disturbed Mount St Helens tephra deposits: with Programs, v. 15, no. 6, p. 570. WashingtOn Geologic Newsletter, v. 9, no. 3, p. 1-3. FEDERMAN, A. N .• see SCHEIDEGGER, K. F. (and FIKSDAL, A. J., 1981, Infiltration rates of undisturbed others], 1981. and disturbed Mount SL Helens tephra deposits FEDERMAN, A. N., see SCHEIDEGGER, K. F. (and (abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor; and others, Mount 9thersJ, 198~ SL Helens-One ye:M later; abstracts with directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern WashingtOn University, 1 p. FEELY, R. A., see BAKER, E.T. (and others], 1981. FIKSDAL, A. J., 1982, Infiltration rates of undisturbed FEHLER, M C., 1981, Spectral properties of pre-eruption · and disrurbed Mount SL Helens tephra deposits. In earthquakes occurring at Mt SL Helens volcano Keller. S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens~ne year (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University actions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 965. Press, p. 61-62. FEHLER, MC., 1982, Observations of volcanic tremor at FINDLEY, ROWE, 1981, Mount St Helens aftermath- Mount St Helens (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ The mountain was-and will be: National cal Union Transactions), v. 63. no. 45, p. 1044. Geographic, v. 160, no. 6, p. 710-733. FEHLER, M. C., 1983, Joint determination of epicenters at FINDLEY, ROWE, 1981, SL Helens, mountain with a Mount St Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ death wish: National Geographic, v. 159, no. 1, p. 3- cal Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 18, p. 265. 65. FEHLER, M C., 1983, Observations of volcanic tremor at FINK, J. H.; GREELEY, RONALD, 1980, Mud.flow Mount St Helens volcano: Journal of Geophysical studies on Mount St Helens [abstract]. In Holt, H. E.; Resean::h,v. 88,no.B4,p.3476-3484. Kosters, E. C., compilers, Reports of Planetary Geol­ FEHLER, MC., 1985, Locations and spectral properties ogy Program, 1980: U.S. National Aeronautics and of earthquakes accompanying an eruption of Mount St Space Administration Technical Memorandum 82385, Helens: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 90, no. p. 339-341. Bl4, p. 12,729-12,740. FINK, J. H.; KRINSLEY, D. H.; GREELEY, RONALD, FEHLER, M C.; CHOUET, BERNARD, 1982, Operation 1980, Explosive volcanism-A possible source for ag­ of a digital seismic network on Mount St Helens vol­ gregate formation on Mars (abstract]. In Holt, H. E.; cano and observations of long period seismic events Kosters, E. C., compilers, Reports on Planetary Geol­ that originate under the volcano: Geophysical ogy Program, 1980: U.S. National Aeronautics and Resean::h Letters, v. 9, no. 9, p. 1017-1020. Space Administration Technical Memorandum 82385, FEHLER, MC.; CHOUET, BERNARD, 1982, Operation p. 243-244. of a digital seismic networlc on Mt St Helens volcano FINK, J. H.; MALIN, M. C.• 1980, Rheological properties and observations of long period seismic events that of mud.flows associated with recent eruptions of Mount originate under the volcano [abstract]: Earthquake St Helens (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Notes, v. 53, no. 1, p. 53. Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1138. FOXWORTHY 27

FINK. J. H.; MALIN, M. C.; D'ALLI, R. E.; GREELEY, FI.AMANT, PIERRE. see LEFRERE, JACQUES [and RONALD, 1981, Rheological properties of mud.flows others], 1981. associated with the spring 1980 eruptions of Mount SL FI.ANIGAN, PETER, see WIGMOSTA, M. S. [and Helens volcano, Washington: Geophysical Research others], 1981. Letters, v. 8, no. l, p. 43-46. FOLEY, L. L., 1983, Chronology of loess deposits and FINK.I. H.; POLLARD, D. D.; OONNELLY-NOLAN,J., paleosols, southeastern Washington [abstrac.t]: 1982, Structural relationships among feeder dikes, Geological Society of America Abstracts Wlth silicic domes and ground cracks in the Medicine Lake Programs,v. 15,no.5,p. 401. highland and Mount SL Helens volcanoes [abstraet]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. FOLSOM. M. M., 1970, Volcanic eruptions-The 63,no.45,p. 1143. Pioneers' attitude on the Pacific coast from 1800 to 1875: Ore Bin. v. 32, no. 4, p. 61-71. FINK.J.H.,seeANDERSON,S. W. [and others], 1986. FOLSOM, M. M., 1986, Mount SL Helens tephra on range FINK, J. H., see KRINSLEY, D. H. [and others], 1980. and forest lands of eastern Washington-Local erosion FINKEL, R. C., see NEWMAN, S. (and others], 1981. and redeposition. In Keller, S. A. C.• editor, Mount St. FINN, CAROL, 1985, A magnetic study of ML SL Helens, Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Washington University Press, p. 116-119. Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 870. FOLSOM, M. M.; QUINN, R. R., '1980, Ash from the FINNEGAN, D. L .• 1984, The chemistry of trace elements May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount SL Helens: and acidic species in fwnarolic emissions: College Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Park. Md., University of Maryland Doctor of Open-Ftle Report 80-12, 6 sheets. scale 1:100,000. Pllilosophy thesis, 226 p. FOLSOM, M. M., see QUINN. R.R. (and others], 1980. FINNEGAN, D. L., 1985, The chemistry. of trace elements FONG, W.,seeOBERBECK, V. R [and others], 1982. and acidic species in fumarolic emissions [abstract]: FORD, J.P.; REBILLARD, P., 1981, Examples of sequen- Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 46, no. 4, Sec­ tiai radar images from Washington, Arizona, and Alas­ tion B, p. 1089-B. ka. In Richason, B. F., Jr., editor, Remote sensing-An FINNEGAN, D. L •• see PHELAN, J. M. [and others], input· to geographic information systems in the 80 's: 1982. . William T. Pecora Annual Memorial Symposium on FINNERAN, S. D., see MARTINSON, H. A. (and others], Remote Sensing, 6th, Proceedings, p. 553-564. 1984. FOSBERG, MAYNARD see MOODY, U. L. [and others], FISENNE. L, see LEIFER, R. (and others], 1981. 1981. FISENNE., L, see SEDLACEK. W. A. (and others], 1982. FOSBERG, MAYNARD see MOODY, U. L. (and others], 1982. FISHER, J. E., see DAY, T. G. [and others], 1980. FOSTER, J. H.; MYERS, W. L., JR., 1982, Ashfall effects FISHER. R. V., 1982, May 18, 1980 blast pyroclastic flow on Columbia Basin wildlife. In Washington Water deposits, Mount SL Helens, Washington (abstraet]: Research Center, Proceedings from the conference, Mt Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. SL Helens-Effects on water resources: Pullman. 63, no. 45, p. 1140-1141. Wash., Washington Water Research Center Report 41, FISHER, R. V., 1984, Blast deposit facies, Mount SL p. 151-162. Helens [abstract]. In Workshop on volcanic blasts; FOSTER. J. H.; MYERS, W. L., JR.; m.LEIT, W. E., program and abstracts: Nottingham, Eng., Internation­ 1980, The effects of Mount SL Helens ash deposits on al Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the fish and wildlife in central Washington-A preliminary Earth's Interior, 1 p. report Washington State Game Department., 20 p. FISHER, R. V., 1986, ML SL Helens blast eruption: Vol­ FOSTER. J. H., see MYERS, W. L., JR. [and others], cano News, no. 24, p. 5-6. 1981. FISHER. R. V., 1986, Systems of transpOrt and deposition FOUGERE, P. F.; TSACOYEANES, C. W., 1980, AFGL within pyroclastic surges-Evidence from Mount SL magnetometer observations on Mount SL Helens erup­ I:elens, Washington (abstract]: Eos (American tion: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 67, no. 44, p. v.61,no.50,p. 1208-1210. 1246. FOXWORTHY, B. L.; Hil..L, MARY, 1982, Volcanic FISHER, R. V., see GLICKE.!~. H. X., [and others], 1984. eruptions of 1980 at Mount SL Helens-The first 100 FISK, L. H., see FRITZ, W. J. (and others], 1982. days: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper FLAHERTY, D. C., 1983, Mount SL Helens-The after- 1249, 125 p. math: Pullman, Wash., Washington Warer Research Center, 65 p. 28 FOXWORTHY

FOXWORTHY, B. L; HILL, MARY, 1983, Volcanoes of FRENZEL, S. A., 1983, Effects of volc:inic ash on the the Cascade Range in Nonh Ameria: U.S. Geological benthic environment of a mountain sttearn, northern Survey Earthquake Information Bulletin, v. 1S, no. 2, Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources In­ p. 60-71. vestigation Report 82-4106, 32 p. FRANK, D. G., see DETHIE.~. D. P. [and others], 1981. FRENZEL, S. A., 1984, Effects of volcanic ash on aquatic FRANK, D. G., see FRIEDMAN, J. D. (and others], 1977. environments in northern Idaho [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 230. FRANK, D. G.,see FRIEDMAN,]. D. (and others], 1980. FRENZEN. P. M.; FRANKLIN, J. F., 1985, Establishment FRANK, D. G., see FRIEDMAN, J. D. [and others], 1981. of conifers from seed on tephra deposited by the 1980 FRANK, D. G.,see FRIEDMAN,]. D. [and others], 1984. eruptions of Mount St Helens. Washington: American Midland Naturalist, v. 114, no. l, p. 84-97. FRANK, D. G., see KIEFFER, H. H. [and others], 1980. FRENZEN, P. M.; MEANS, J. E.; FRANKLIN, I. F.; FRANK, D. G., see KIEFFER, H. H. (and others]. 1981. KIILSGAARD, C. W.; MCKEE, W. A.; SWANSON, FRANK, D. G., see KIEFFER. H. H. [and others], 1984. F. J., 1986, Five years of plant succession on eleven FRANK, D. G .• see PEVEAR, D.R. [and others], 1980. major suface types affected by the 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]. In Keller, S. FRANK, D. G., PEVEAR, D.R. [and others], 1981. see A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later: FRANK,D. G .• see PEVEAR, D.R. (and others], 1982. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, FRANKLIN, H., see LEIFER, R. [and others], 1981. p.439. FRANKLIN, J. F.; MACMAHON, J. A.; SWANSON, F. FREY, B. E.; LARA-LARA, J. R.; SMALL, L. F., 1983, J.; SEDEI...L, J. R., 198S, Ecosystem responses to the Reduced rates of primary production in the Columbia eruption of Mount SL Helens: National Geographic River estuary following the eruption Mt. Saint Helens Research, v. 1, no. 2, p. 198-216. on 18 May 1980: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 17,no. 2,p. 213-218. FRANKLIN, J. F., see FRENZEN, P. M. [and others], 1985. FRIEDMAN, J. D., 1982, Energy of domal evolution at Mount SL Helens. June 1980 through May 18, 1982 FRANKLIN, J. F.• see FRENZEN, P. M. [and othersi. (abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts 1986. with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, p. 492. FRANKLIN,]. F.,see MEANS,J. E. [and others], 1982. FRIEDMAN, J. D .• 1982, Thermal energy at Mount St. FRANKLIN, J. F., see OKAZAKI, ROSE (and others], Helens [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional 1m. Paper1275,p.262-263. FRANKLlN,J. F.,see SEDELL,J. R. [and others], 1980. FRIEDMAN, J. D.; FRANK. D. G .• 1977, Thermal sur­ FRANZ, E. H., 1980, Transients associated with initiation veillance of active volcanoes using the LANDSAT-1 of the nitrogen cycle on volcanic debris during data collection system; Pan ill, Heat discharge from colonization by the "soil crust" biota. In Cassidy, J. J., Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ chairperson, Proceedings of Washington State vey Open-File Report 77-541, 28 p. University's Conference on the aftermath of ML St FRIEDMAN, J. D.; FRANK. D. G., 1981, Aerial infrared Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State University, mapping of thennal activity at Cascade Range vol­ p. 77. canoes [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union FRANZ, E. H., 1986, Dynamic model of the volcanic Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: text of journal landscape-Rationale and relationships to the theory of mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") disturbance. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL FRIEDMAN, J. D.; FRANK.. D. G.; KIEFFER, H. H., Helens-Five years later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern 1980, Infrared surveys of emerging dacite dome, Washington University Press, p. 143-146. Mount St Helens volcano, Washington, during June FRASER, D. C., 1983, Airborne electromagnetic surveys 1980 (abstract]: Geological Society of America of the Cascade Range, western United States; with a Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 430. preface by D. B. Hoover: U.S. Geological Survey FRIEDMAN; J. D.; FRANK, D. G.; KIEFFER, H. H.; Open-File Report 83-92, 64 p.• 30 plates. SAWA1ZKY. D. L., 1981, Thermal infrared surveys FREMONT, M. J.; MALONE. S. D., 1985, High precision of the May 18 crater, subsequent lava domes. and as­ relative locations of earthquakes at Mount St. Helens, sociated volc:inic deposits. In Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ Washington (abstract]: Earthquake Notes, v. 56, no. l, lineaux, D. R., edicors, The 1980 eruptions of Moum p. 23-24. St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 279-293. FURLOW 29

FRIEDMAN, J. D.; OLHOEFT, G. R.: JOHNSON, G. R.; FRITZ. W. J.; HARRISON, SYLVIA. 1983, Giant ar­ FRANK. D. G •• 1980, Heat content and thennal energy mored mud boulder from the 1982 Mount SL Helens equivalent of the June 1980 dacite dome at Mount St mudflows-Reply: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Helens. Washingr.on [abstract]: Eos (American v.53,no.4,p. 1358-1359. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. FRITZ, W. J.; HARRISON, SYLVIA, 1983, Sedimentary 1140. sequence from 1980 and 1982 Mount St Helens sedi­ FRIEDMAN, J. D.; OLHOEFT, G. R.: JOHNSON, G. R.; ment flows-A model for older volcaniclastic deposits FRANK, D. G .• 1981. Heat content and thennal energy [abstract]: American Association of Petroleum of the June dacite dome in relation to total energy Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, no. 3, p. 464. yield, May-October 1980. In Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ FRITZ. W. J.; HARRISON, SYLVIA, 1985, Transported lineaux, D. R .• editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount trees from the 1982 Mount St Helens sediment St Helens. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey flows-Their use as paleocurrent indicators: Sedimen­ Professional Paper 1250, p. 557-567. tary Geology, v. 42, no. 1-2, p. 49-64. FRIEDMAN, J. D.; OLHOEFT, G. R.; JOHNSON, G. R.; FRITZ. W. J.; MOORE, J. N., 1981, Sedimentology of FRANK, D. G., 1984, Thermal energy yield of Mt St Mount St Helens mud flows as related to the transport Helens (abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional of trees [abstract]: Geological Soci.ety of America Paper 1375, p. 263. Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 7, p. 455. FRIEDMAN, J. D .• see KlEFFER. H. H. [and others], FRITZ, W. J.; D. E., 1984, orientations in 1980. OGREN, Oast the Mount St Helens sediment flows [abstract): FRIEDMAN, J. D., see KIEFFER. H. H. [and others], Geological Society of America Abstracts with 1981., Prog:rains,v. 16,no.6,p.513. FRIEDMAN. J. D., see KIEFFER. H. H. [and others], FRITZ. W. J., see HARRISON, SYL VlA [and others], 1984. 1982. FRIEDMAN. J. D .• see OLHOEFT. G. R. [and others], FRITZ. W. J., see YURETICH, R. F. [and others], 1981. 1981. FRUCHTER, J. S.; ROBERTSON, D. E.; EVANS, J. C.; FRIEND, J. P.; BANDY, A. R.; MOYERS, J. L.; OLSEN, K. B.; LEPEL, E. A.; LAUL, J. C.; ABEL, K. ZOllER, W. H.; STOIBER, R. E.; TORRES, A. L.; H.; SANDERS, R. W.; JACKSON, P.O.; WOGMAN, . ROSE. W. I., JR.; MCCORMICK. M. P.; WOODS, D. N. S., ET AL. 1980, Mount SL Helens ash from the 18 C., 1982, Research .on atmospheric volcanic emis­ May 1980 eruption--Chemical, physical, mineralogi­ sions-An overvie~ Geophysical Research Letters, v. cal, and biological propenies: Science, v. 209, no. 9, no. 9', p. 1101-1104. 4461,p. 1116-1125. FRITZ. L. G.; HILTABRAND, R.R., 1972, Correlation of FRYXELL, ROALD, see MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and St Helens, Mazama and Glacier Peale ashes using x­ others], 1977. ray diffraction [abstract]: Northwest Scientific As­ SCARFE, C. M. [and others], 1982. sociation, Annual Meeting, 45th, Abstracts of Papers, FUJil, T., see p. 5. FUJIWARA. M., see HIRONO, M. [and others], 1981. FRITZ. W. J .• 1980, Stumps transponed and deposited FUJIWARA. M.,see HIRONO, M. [and others], 1984. upright by Mount St Helens mud flows: Geology, v. FUKUYAMA, HIRO; SYKES, M. L.; HOLLOWAY, J. 8,no. 12,p.586-588. R., 1981, Pre-eruption H20 content of 1980 Mt. SL FRITZ. W. J .• 1983, Comment and reply on 'Erect floating Helens dacite (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical stumps in Spirit Lake, Washington'; Comment: Geol­ Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 1084. ogy, v. 11, no. 12, p. 733-734. FUNK, W., see REITER, R. [and others], 1980. FRITZ. W. J.: FISK. L. H.; HARRISON, SYLVIA, 1982, FUNK, W. H .• 1980, Effects of ash fall out on eastern Mount St Helens road log-A visit to the lower Toutle Washington lakes and the upper Spokane River. In and Cowlitz River drainages to observe the sedimentol­ Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washington ogy, transported ttees, and other effects of mudflows State University's Conference on the aftermath of ML resulting from the eruptions of May 18, 1980, and St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State Univer­ March 19, 1982: Oregon Geology, v. 44, no. 8, p. 87- sity, p. 18-19. 93. FUNK. W. H., 1980, Water quality and municipal opera­ FRITZ, W. J.; HARRISON, SYLVIA, 1983, Giant ar­ tions discussion session summary. In Cassidy, J. J., mored mud boulder from the 1982 Mount SL Helens chairperson, Proceedings of Washington State mudflows: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 53, University's Conference on the aftermath of Mt St. no. l, p. 131-133. Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State University, p. 58-oO. FURLOW, E. P., see BURKET, S. D. [and others], 1980. 30 FURUKAWA

FURUKAWA. BRUCE, see DVORAK., J. J. [and others], GALLANT. A. J., see MII..l.AJ.'{, M. M. (and others}, 1984. 1985. FURUKAWA. BRUCE, see SATO, MOTOA.Kl (and GAMBLING, MS.; GR.IFFI11I, J. S.; PLATIS, W. S., others], 1980. 1986, Response of trout populations in the St. Joe River. drainage, Idaho, to Mount St Helens tephra. In FUSTE. L.A., 1981, Effects of the Mount St Helens erup­ Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five ye:irs tion on the benthic fauna of the Toutle River, Muddy later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingron University River, and Pine Creek drainage basins, Washingron: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 850-H, 13 p. Press, p. 297-306. FYFE, W. S.; KRONBERG, B. I.; BROWN, J. R.; GANDRUD, B. W.; LAZRUS, A. L., 1981, Filter measurements of stratospheric sulfate and chloride in LEONARDOS, 0 . H., 1981, Mount St Helens manna the eruption plume of Mount St Helens: Science, v. (abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor. and others, Mount SL Helens-One yeM later, Abstracts with directory: 211, no. 4484, p. 826-827. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University, 2 p. GARCIA, M. 0., 1977, Crystal clots, amphibole fractiona­ tion, and the evolution of calc-alkaline magmas FYFE, W. S.; KRONBERG, B. L; BROWN, J. R.; LEONARDOS, 0. H., 1982, Mount St Helens manna [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts [abstract). In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 984-985. Helens-One yeM later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern GARCIA. M O.; JACOB.SON, S. S., 1979, Crystal clots, Washington University Press, p. 236. amphibole fractionation and the evolution of c:tlc­ FYFE, W. S., see BROWN, R. [and others], 1981. alkaline magmas: Contributions to lvlineralogy and Petrology-Beitraege zur Mineralogie und Pettologie, v. GADDY, A. J., see PARKER, R. A. [and others], 1983. 69,no.4,p.319-327. GADIAN, A. M; DA VIES, D. R., 1981, A mathematical. GARDINER, S. R. M., see RY AN. P. J. (and others}. climate study on the effect of dust from the Mount SL 1984. Helens volcano eruption: Weather, v. 36, no. 5, p. 136- 138. GARDNER, J. V., see ANDERSON, R. Y. [and others]. 1984. GAGE, D. R .. 1981, Basic and applied projects in analyti­ cal chemistry-L The development of a sulfur specific GARMAN, J.E.; STEELE, W. K., 1986, Experiments on detector for gas chromatography based on S02 fluores­ the acquisition of remanent magnetization by airfall cences; II. 'The application of laser Raman volcanic ash [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical spectrometry for the determination of quartz and cris­ Union Transactions), v. 67, no. 44, p. 924. tobalite in Mowit SL Helens volcanic ash: Moscow. GEHR. KEITH, 1967, Now they have names-The Idaho, University of Idaho Doctor of Philosophy thesis, glaciers of ML SL Helens: Mazama, v. 49, no. 13, p. 125 p. 10-12. GAGE, D. R.; FARWELL, S. 0., 1981, Laser Raman GEIPEL, R., 1981, Mount St Helens: Geographische spectrometry for the determination of crystalline silica Rundschau, v. 33, no. 6, p. 222-232. polymorphs in volcanic ash: Analytical Chemistry, v. GEISSLER, ERNEST, 1986, Inter-agency cooperation in a 53, no. 13, p. 2123-2127. major emergency-Mount St Helens, 1980 (abstract]. GAGE, D.R.; JERNEGAN, MF.; FARWELL, S. 0., In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five 1981, Characterization and quantification of inhalable years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington particulate volcanic ash from Mount SL Helens University Press, p. 440. [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor. and others, Mount GEO-GRAPHICS, 1980, Mount SL Helens-Mountain of SL Helens-One yeM later, Abstracts with directory: fire: Portland, Ore., Geo-Graphics, 1 sheet. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University, 2 p. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF THE OREGON GAGE, D. R.; JERNEGAN, M. F.; FARWELL, S. 0., COUNTRY, 1980, Volcano: Geological Society of the 1982, Characterization and quantification of inhalable Oregon Country Geological Newsleuer, v. 46, no. 8, p. particulate volcanic ash from Mount St Helens. In 86-87. Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University GEORGil, H.-W., see MEIXNER, F. X. [and others]. Press. p. 199-205. 1980. GAGE, D.R.• see FARWELL, S. 0. [and others], 1981. GEORGil, H.-W., see MEIXNER, F. X. [and others]. 1981. GALE, LISA, see ROSE, W. I., JR. [and others], 1983. GERLACH, T. M.; CASADEV ALL, T. J., 1986, Evalua­ GALLANT, A. J., see CHUNG, Y.-S. [and others], 1981. tion of gas data from high-temperature fumaroles at GALLANT, A. J., see ~. M. M. [and others], Mount St Helens, 1980-1982: Journal of Volc:mology 1981. and Geothermal Research, v. 28, no. 1-2, p. 107-140. GllCKEN 31

GERLACH. T. M.; CASADEV ALL. T. J.. 1986, GIVEN, J. W., see KANAMORI, HIROO [and others], Fumarole emissions at Mount St Helens volcano, June 1982. 1980 to October 1981-Degassing of a magma­ GIVEN, 1. W., KANAMORI, HIROO [and others], hydrothermal system: Journal of Volcanology and see 1983. Geothermal Research, v. 28, no. 1/2, p. 141-160. GIVEN, 1. W., KANAMORI, HIROO [and others], GERLACH. T. M.; CASADEV ALL. T. J.; GREEN­ see 1984. LAND, L. P.; LE GUERN, FRANCOIS, 1982, Fumarole gases and magma degassing at Mount St GLADNEY, E. S., see SEDLACEK. W. A. [and others]. Helens, 1980-81 [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ 1980. cal Union Transactions}, v. 63, no. 45, p. 1143. GLADNEY, E. S., see SEDLACEK, W. A. [and others], GERLACH. T. M.. see CASADEV ALL, T. J. [and others], 1982. 1983. GLASS, M.; CAMPBELL, J.; LACROIX. $.; GERLACH. T. M.. see GRAEBER, E. J. (and others], MCDOWELL, M., 1986, Bacteriological water quality 1982. of Mount St Helens impact zone, 1983 through February 1985 [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, GERMANI. MARK see VAREKAMP, J. C. [and others] , 1986. Mount St Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingron University Press, p. 440. GIBSON, FLASH; HANEGAN, J. L., 1982, Mount St GLICKEN, H. X., 1982. Criteria for recognition of large Helens-Its affects (sic] on the invenebrates of a small volcanic debris avalanches [abstract]: Eos (American ea.stem Washington pond (abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. 1141. Wash .. Eastern Washingron University Press, p. 236. GIBSON, J.P., see MA'IHEWS, L.A. [and others], 1982. GLICKEN, H. X., 1985, Deposits of large volcanic debris avalanches at Mount St Helens and vol­ Gil.BERTSON, GORDON, 1980, A post eruption field canoes [abstract]: Geological Society of America trip: Oregon Rockhound Bulletin, v. 32, no. 7, p. 14- Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 7., p. 594. 15 . . GLICKEN, H. X., 1986, Mt St Helens rockslide-debris Gll.CHRIST, F. G., 1954, G.S.O.C. field trip to Mount St avalanche: Volcano News, no. 24, p. 4-5. Helens: Geological Society of the Oregon Country Geological News Letter, v. 20, no. 9, p. 78-80. GLICKEN, H. X.; FISHER, R. V., ·1984, Interaction be­ tween the rockslide-debns avaR!nche and the lateral GILE, KATIIARINE, 1903, Mount St Helens: Mazama. blast at Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract). In,p. 125-129. Workshop on volcanic blasts; program and abstracts: Gll.KESON, R. A., see OKAZAKI, ROSE (and others], Nottingham, Eng., International Association of Vol­ 1972. canology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, 1 p. Gll.KEY, K. E., 1982, Sedimentology of debris flows GLICKEN, H. X.; JANDA, R. J.; VOIGHT, BARRY, generated during the 1980 eruption of Mowu St 1980, Catastrophic landslide/debris avalanche of May Helens [abstract]: Geological Society of America 18, 1980, Mount St Helens volcano [abscract]: Eos Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 166. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1135. Gll.KEY, K. E.• 1983, Sedimentology of the North Fork and South Fork Toutle River mudflows generated GLICKEN, H. X.; MEYER, Wll.LIAM; CARPENTER, during the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens: Univer­ P. 1.; SABOL, M.A.; SWIFT, C.H., III; KRESCH, D. sity of California. Santa Barbara Master of Arts thesis, L., 1983, Actual and potential volcanic lake breakouts 254 p., 2 plates. at Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 64, no. Gll.KEY, K. E.; FAIRCHil.D, L. H., 1982, Sedimentol­ 45, p. 894. ogy of debris flows generated during the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens [abscract]: International Congress GLICKEN, H. X.; VOIGHT, BARRY; JANDA, R. 1.• on Sedimentology, 11th, Abstracts, p. 138. 1981, Rockslide-debris avalanche of May 18, 1980, Mount St Helens volcano [abstract]. In International GII..L. J. B., see Wll.LIAMS, R. W. [and others], 1983. Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the GINSBERG, I. W., 1982, Thermal infrared imagery of the Earth's Interior, IA VCEI symposium, Arc volcanism; Cascade Range volcanics. In Marrin, R. C.; Davis, J. Abstracts: Volcanological Society of Japan; Interna­ F., Status of volcanic prediction and emergency tional Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of response capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of the Earth's Interior, p. 109-110. California: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 63, p. 131-136. GLICKEN, H. X., see BRANTLEY, STE%~ [and others], 1986. GIVEN, 1. W., see KANAMORI, HIROO [and others], · 1981. GLICKEN, H. X., see JANDA, R. J. [and others], 1980. 32 GllCKElv

GLICKE.'N', H. X.• see MEYER. WII..LIA..\1 [and others], GOUGH. L. P.; SEVERSON, R. C.; LICHTE, F. E.; 1984. PEARD, J. L.; Tt.IT11.E. M. L.; PAPP, C. S. E.; GLICKEN. H. x.. see :MEYER. Wil..LIAM [and others], HARMS, T. F.; SMITH. K. S., 1981, Ash-fall effects 1985. on the chemistry of wheat and lhe Ritzville soil series, eastern Washingtan. /n Lipman. P. W.; ~lullineaux, D. GLICKEN, H. X.• see VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens. 1980. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional GLICKEN, H. X .• see VOIGIIT, BARRY [and others], Paper 1250, p. 761-782. 1981. GOUGH. L. P.; SHACKLETIE, H. T.; PEARD, J. L.; GLICKEN. H. X., see VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], PAPP, C. S. E.• 1986, The chemistry of fruits and 1983. vegetables, Yakima River Valley, Washington, and lhe GOAD, J. H., JR .• 1982, Aunospheric depolarization ratio influence of the 1980 Mount St Helens ash-fall decay after the eruption of Mount St Helens (abstract]. episodes: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1640, 13 p. In International Laser Radar Conference, 11th, GOURGAUD, ALAIN see BOIVIN, PIERRE (and Abstracts of papers: U.S. National Aeronautics and others], 1980. Space Administration Conference Publication 2228, p. GRADY, T.; BROWN, R. L.; ADAMS, E.; SATO, A.• 14. 1982, An evaluation of heat flow and.its geological im­ GOBLE, G. J., see LOFGREN, J. L. [and others], 1982. plications on Mt St Helens: Geophysical Research GODCHAUX. M. M.• 1981, Mount St Helens-Window Letters, v. 9, no. 4, p. 377-379. into creation: Mount Holyoke Alumnae Quarterly, v. GRAEBER. E. J.; GERLACH. T. M.; HLAVA. P. F.. 65, no. 1, p. 2-7. 1982, Metal transpon and deposition in high-tempera­ GOLDIN, ALAN, 1982, Influence of volcanic ash ftom ture fumaroles at Mount St Helens (abstract]: Eos the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens on lhe (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. properties of soils: Journal of Soil and Water Conser­ 45, p. 1143. vation. v. 37, no. 3, p. 185-189. GRAEBER, E. J., see DA VIS., M. J. (and others], 1980. GOLDING, P.R.• see BURKET, $. D. [and others]. 1980. GRAHAM. J. D., see BRADLEY. J.B. [and others], 1983. GOMAN, T. G., 1964, Gravity survey of Mount St. GRANT, L. C., see BURKET, S. D. [and olhers], 1980. Helens, WashingtOn [abstract]: American Geophysical GRANT, M. C.• see LEWIS, W. J., JR. [and others], 1981. Union Transactions, v. 45, no. 4, p. 640. GRANT, W. C.; WEAVER. C. S., 1981, Post-eruption GORDON, L. I., s~e BAROSS, J. A. [and others], 1980. earthquake swanns at Mount St Helens, Washingmn GORDON, MEL, 1980, Concluding remarks. In Gordon, [abstract]: Earthquake Notes, v. 52, no. 1, p. 65. M. G.: Proctor. George, chairmen, The effects of lhe GRANT, W. C.; WEA VER, C. S., 1986, Earthquakes near Mount St Helens eruption on water resources-A Swift Reservoir, Washington, 1958-1963-Seismicity forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific along lhe southern St Helens Seismic Zone: Seis­ Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 77. mological Society of America Bulletin, v. 76, no. 6, p. GORDON, MEL, 1980, Opening remarks. In Gordon, M. 1573-1.587. G.: Proctor, George, chairmen. The effects of lhe GRANT, W. C.; WEA VER. C. S.; ZOLLWEG, J. E., Mount St Helens eruption on water resources-A 1984, The 14 February 1981 Elle Lake, Washington, forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific earthquake sequence: Seismological Society of Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 1-3. America Bulletin. v. 74, no. 4, p. 1289-1309. GORDON, MEL; PRocrOR, GEORGE, CHAIRMEN, GRANT, W.C.,seeSHEMETA.J.E. [andothers], 1984. 1980, The effects of the Mount St Helens eruption on water resources-A forum held June 12, 1980: Van­ GRANT, W. C.,see WEA VER, C. S. [and others), 1981. couver, Wash., Pacific Northwest River Basins Com­ GRANT, W. C.• see WEA VER. C. S. [and olhers]. 1984. mission, 78 p. GRAUER, JACK, 1980, What next, Mount Saint Helens?: GORTON, M. P., see WESTGATE, J. A. [and others], Mazama. v. 62, no. 5, p. 4-5. 1981. GREELEY, RONALD; HYDE, J. H., 1970, Lava tubes of GOUGH. L. P.; PEARD, J. L., 1982, Effect of ash on Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]: Geologic:i.l wheat crops [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. sional Paper 1275, p. 218. 2. p. 96-97. GREELEY, RONALD; HYDE. J. H.• 1971, Lava tubes of the cave basalt, Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Tech­ nicaJ Memorandum X·62022. 60 p. HALUDAY 33

GREELEY, RONALD; HYDE, J. H., 1972, Lava tubes of HADLEY, W. D., 1980, The minerals of ML St.Helens: the cave basalt. Mount St. Helens, Washington: Rock and Gem, v. 10, no. 10, p. 18-19, 43. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 83, no. 8, p. HAENI, F. P., 1982, Disposition of mudslide materials 2397-2418. from Mount SL Helens [abstract]: U.S. Geological GREELEY, RONALD, see FINK, J. H. [and others], Survey Professional Paper 1275, p. 112. 1980. HAENI, F. P., 1983, Sediment deposition in the Columbia GREELEY, RONALD, see FINK, J. H. [and others], and Lower Cowlitz Rivers, Washington-Oregon, 1981. caused by the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St GREELEY, RONALD, see HYDE, J. H. [and others], Helens: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 850-K, 21 p. 1971. HAIT. M. H., JR., see ROWLEY, P. D. [and others], 1986. GREELEY, RONALD, see HYDE, J. H. [and others], HALEY, DELPHINE, 1970, Washingron's five vol­ 1973. canoes-Quiet but not extinct: Pacific Search, v. 4, no. GREELEY, RONALD, see KRINSLEY, D. H. [and 4, insert 22, 2 p. others], 1980. HALL. C. W., 1980, Capabilities for volcanic-ash related GREEN, F., see BERNS1EIN, R. S. [and others], 1982. research. In Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washingron State University's Conference on the after­ GREE.N, F. H. Y.; VALLY ATHAN, VAL; lvlfu'fINECH, math of ML SL Helens: Pullman, Wash., Wasllington M. S.; 1UCKER, J. H.; MERCHANT, J. A. • 1981, Is State University, p. 46-50. volcanic ash a pneumoconiosis risk?: Nature, v. 293, no.5829,p.216-217. HALL, J. D., see WILZBACH, PEGGY [and others]. 1983. GREENE, E. A., 1982, Characterization and movement of Mount St. Helens tephra on a nigh mountain lake HALLAGAN, Wil.l.IAM, 1982, Cost function estimates watershed in nonhem Idaho: Moscow, Idaho, Univer­ of ash clean-up (abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, sity of Idaho Master of Science thesis, 94 p. Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 236-237. GREENE, M. R.; PERRY, R. W.; LINDELL, M. K., 1980, The March, 1980 eruptions of ML St. Helens-Citizen HALLAUER, W. G., 1980, Washingron. In Gordon, M. perceptions of volcano hazard: Seattle, Wash., Battelle G.; Proctor, George, ch~irmen, The effects of the Hwnan Affairs Research Center, 52 p. Mount SL Helens eruptiun on water resolll'Ces-A forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific GREENE, M. R.; PERRY, R. W.; LINDELL, M. K., 'i981, Nonhwest River Basins Commission, p. 61-64. The March 1980 eruptions of Mt. SL Helens-Citizen perceptions of volcano threac Disasters, v. 5, no. 1, p. HALLERON, T. S., see R'YZNAR, EDWARD [and 49-66. others], 1982. GREENE, M. R •• seePERRY,R. W. [and others], 1980. HALLIDAY, A. N.; FALLICK, A. E.; DICK.IN, A. P.; MACKENZIE, A. B.; S1EPHE.i'(S, W. E.; GREENE, M. R., see PERRY, R. W. [and others], 1983. HILDRETII, W., 1983, The isotopic and chemical GREENE, S. E., see KIILSGAARD, C. W. [and others], evolution of Mount SL Helens: Earth and Planetary 1986. Science Letters, v. 63, no. 2, p. 241-256. GREENLAND, L. P., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. [and HALLIDAY, W. R., 1962, Fearures and significance of others]. 1981. the Mount Saint Helens cave area, Washington: GREENLAND, L. P., see CASADEV All., T. J. [and Washington Speleological Survey Bulletin 2;'Westem others], 1983. Speleological Survey Serial 23, 6 p. GREENLAND, L. P., see GERLACH, T: M. [and others], HALLIDAY, W. R.. 1963, Features and significance of 1982. the Mount Saint Helens cave area; National Parks, v. 37,no.195,p.11-14. GRIFFIN, D. T., see DA VIS, B. L. [and others], 1981. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1980, Initial 1980 post-eruption GRIFFITH,. J. S., see GAMBLING, M. S. [and others], reconnaissance of the ML SL Helens cave area= 1986. Washington Speleological Survey Bulletin 11; Western GRIFFITHS, J.B., see SAGER, J. W. [and others], 1984. Speleological Survey Serial 59, 6 p. GUGGENHEIM, G. A., see POSTREL, DANIEL [and HALLIDAY, W. R., 1980, The Mount St Helens cave others], 1980. area since the eruption-The first speleological visits: GUIZWII..ER, J. R., see WINJUM, J. K. [and others], Cascade Caver, v. 19, no. 11-12, p. 123-127. 1986. HALLIDAY, W.R., 1980, Mount St Helens in the ash­ HADLEY, G. R., see REDA, D. C. [and others], 1985. June, 1980: Cascade Caver, v. 19, no. 11-12, p. 122- 123. HADLEY, G. R., see REDA, D. C. [and others], 1986. 34 HALIJDAY

HALLIDAY, W. R., 1980, Post-eruptive mud.flow impact HALLIDAY, W. R., 1982, Mount St. Helens, October on the Mount St. Helens caves, Washington: 1982: Cascade Caver, v. 21, no. 11-12, p. 66-68. Washingron Speleological Survey Bulletin 14; Western HALLIDAY, W. R., 1982, Mount St. Helens-October Speleological Survey Series 61, 4 p. 1982: Speleograph, v. 18, no. 11, p. 132-133. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1981, Additional speleological HALLIDAY, W. R., 1982. Mount St. Helens update. In studies at Mount SL Helens, WashingtOn, May 1981: Larson, C. V., editor, An introduction tO caves of_the Washington Speleological Survey Bulletin 20 (mis­ Bend area; Guidebook of th 1982 NSS convenoon: numbered as 19]; Western Speleological Survey Serial Huntsville, Al., National Speleological Society, p. l •'2. 67,4 p. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1982, Recent studies on Mt. SL HALLIDAY, W.R., 1981, August 1981 Mount SL Helens Helens: Geo2. v. 10, no. l, p. 5. cave studies: Cascade Caver, v. 20, no. 4-6, p. 11-13. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1982, Risk assessment and risk ac· HALLIDAY, W.R., 1981, Funhcr observations of the ef­ ceptance on the Cave Basalt Lava Flow,. Mount St fects of post-eruption phenomena on caves of Mount Helens, Washington. In Keller, S. A. C., editOr, Mount St. Helens, Washington: Washington Speleological St. Helens--One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Survey Bulletin 17; Western Speleological Survey Washington University Press, p. 161-164. Serial 65, 5 p. HALLIDAY, W.R., 1983, Ape Cave and the Mount St. HALLIDAY, W.R., 1981,Furtherstudies in the Mount Si. Helens apes: Vancouver, Wash., ABC Printing and Helens caves-March 7 and 8, 1981: Cascade Caver, Publishing, 24 p. v. 20, no. 1-3, p. 3-S. ·HALLIDAY, W. R., 1983, Buried glacial ice and other HALLIDAY, W. R.. 1981, Impact of 1980 eruptions on complexities found in the Spirit Lake pseudokarst. the Mount St. Helens caves: International Congress of Mount St. Helens, Washington: Cascade Caver, v. 22, Speleology, 8th.Proceedings, v. l, p. 174-176. no. 7, p. 51-54. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1981, Impact of post-eruptive HALLIDAY, W. R., 1983, Buried glacial ice and other mud.flows on caves of the Cave Basalt Lava Flow, complexities found in the Spirit Lake pseudokarst.. Mount St. Helens, Washingten [abstract]. In Keller, S. Mount St Helens, Washington: Speleograph, v. 19, A. C., editor; and others, Mount St. Helens-One year no.9-10,p.83-84. later; Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingten University, 1 p. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1983, Further observations on the Spirit Lake pseudokarst: Cascade Caver, v. 22, no. 6, HALLIDAY, W.R., 1981, The 1980 eruptions of Mount p.45-46. SL Helens-Spelean effects: Washingten Speleologi­ cal Survey Bulletin 18; Western Speleological Survey HALLIDAY, W. R., 1983, Funher observations on the Serial 66, p. 1-9. Spirit Lake pseudokarsc Geo2, v. 10, no. 3, p. 49-51. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1981, November at Mt. SL Helens: HALLIDAY, W. R., 1983, Funher observations on the Speleograph, v. 17, no. 2, p. 173-174. Spirit Lake pseudokarst: Speleograph, v. 19, no. 4, p. 35-37. HALLIDAY, W.R., 1981, November 1981 at Mount St Helens: Cascade Caver, v. 20, no. 7, 8, 9, and 12, p. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1983, Mount SL Helens caves­ 26-27. December S, 1982: Speleograph, v. 19, no. 1, p. 6. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1981, SL Helens-Observations HALLIDAY, W. R .• 1983, Pseudokarst in the May 18, January 10-11: Speleograph, v. 17, no. 2, p. 34-37. 1980, debris/pyroclastic flow of Moum SL Helens, Washington-Initial reconnaissances [abstract]: Na­ HALLIDAY, W.R., 1982, Caves of Mount St. Helens and tional Speleological Society Bulleti.n, v. 45, no. 2, [un­ the impactS of the 1980 eruptions [abstract]: Geo2, v. paginated]. 10, no.1, p. 7-8. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1983, Report of the NSS Mount SL HALLIDAY, W.R., 1982, Caves of Mount SL Helens and Helens conservation task force for 1982: Speleograph, the impacts of the 1980 eruptions [abstract]: National v. 19, no. l, p. 7, 10-11. Speleological Society, Annual Meeting, Abstracts, 1 p. HALLIDAY, W.R.• 1986,· Caves and other pseudokarstic HALLIDAY, W.R., 1982, Caves of Mount SL Helens and features of Mount St Helens-1980-1985 observa­ the impacts of the 1980 eruptions [abstract]: National tions. h Keller. S. A. C .• edit0r, Mount St. Helens-­ Speleological Society Bulletin, v. 45, no. 1, (un­ Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington paginated]. University Press, p. 134-142. HALLIDAY, W. R., 1982, Impact of posteruption HA.MIU., P., see 11JRCO, R. P. (and others], 1980. mud.flows on the caves of the Cave Basalt Lava Flow of Mowll St Helens. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount HAMII..L, P., see 11JRCO, R. P. (and others], 1982. St Helens-One year later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern HAMILL, P., see 11JRCO, R. P. (and others], 1983. Washington University Press, p. 55-{50. HARRIS 35

HAMMOND, H. E.. see MARTINSON, H. A. [and HANEGAN, J. L., see GIBSON, FLASH [and others], others], 1986. 1982. HAMMOND, K. A., see WARREN, G. H. [and others], HANSEN, L. D., see AKRE, R. D. [and others], 1982. 1982. HANSEN, V. L, see WAITT, R. B., JR. (and others), HAMMOND, P. E .• 1973, Preliminary geologic map of 1981. the southern Cascade Range: Washingron Division of HANSON,.K. J., see DELUISI, J. J. [and others], 1982. Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report 73-3, S HARDEE, H. C., 1981, Thennal property measurements sheets, scale 1:500,000. in a fresh pumice flow at ML St Helens: Geophysical HAMMOND, P. E., 1974, Toe pulse of the Cascade vol­ Research Leuers, v. 8, no. 3, p. 210-212. canoes: Pacific Search, v. 8, no. 8, p. 4-9. HARDING, R. A., 1982, Aerial photos and maps of the HAMMOND, P. E., 1975, Preliminary geologic map and event area [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount cross-sections with emphasis on Quaternary volcanic St. Helens-One year lacer: Cheney, Wash., Eastern rocks, southern Cascade Mountains, Washington: Washington University Press, p. 237. Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources DAVID, EISSLER, H.K. [and others], Open-File Report 75- 13, 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000. HARKRIDER. see 1983. HAMMOND, P. E .• 1977, Reconnaissance geologic map and cross-sections of southern Cascade Range, HARMS, T . F., see GOUGH, L. P. [and others], 1981. WashingtOn. latitude 46 degrees 30 minutes - 47 HARNEY, THOMAS, 1980, Mount St Helens' past gives degrees 15 minutes N., longitude 120 degrees 45 inkling of the future: Washington, D.C., Smithsonian minutes - 122 degrees 22.5 minutes W., scale Instiwtion Research Repons 29, p. l, 5. 1:125,000 [abstract]: Geological Society of America HARNLY, C. D.; TYCKOSON, D. A., 1981, Mount St Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1003-1004. Helens, the 1980 eruptions-A bibliography: Mon­ HAMMOND, P. E., 1980, ML St Helens: Association of ticello, ill., Vance Bibliographies Public Administra­ Engineering Geologists Newsletter, v. 23, no.~ p. 12- tion Series P-786, 42 p. 21. HARNLY, C. D.; TYCKOSON, D. A., 1984, Mount St HAMMOND, P. E.. 1980, ML St. Helens adds fireworks Helens-An annotated bibliography: Metuchen, NJ., in Cascades: Geotirnes, v. 25, no. 7, p. 16-18. Scarecrow Press, 249 p. HAMMOND, P. E .. 1980, Mt. St Helens blasts 400 m off HARRAH, L.A., see DAVIS, M. J. [and others], 1980. its peak: Geotirnes, v. 25, no. 8, p. 14-15. HARRIS, D. M.; ROE, ROBERT; ROSE, W. I., JR., 1980, HAMMOND, P. E., 1980, Mount Saint Helens box Radar observations of the July 22 and August 7, 1980 score-20 March to 20 April, 1980: Volcano News, eruptions of Mount St. Helens [abstract]: Eos no.4, p. 2. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. HAMMOND, P. E., 1980, Mount Saint Helens box 46, p. 1137. score-20 April to 19 May, 1980: Volcano News, no. HARRIS, D. M.; ROSE, W. I., JR., 1983, Estimating par­ 4, p. 3-7. ticle sizes, concentrations, and total mass of ash in vol­ HAMMOND, P. E., 1980, ML SL Helens update from canic clouds using weather radar. Journal of Portland State University, Portland, Oregon: Associa­ Geophysical Research, v. 88, no. Cl5, p. 10969-10983. tion of Engineering Geologists Newsletter, v. 23, no. 4, HARRIS, D. M.; ROSE, W. I., JR., 1985, Pre·eruption p. 28-30. CO2 emissions during magma ascent beneath Mount HAMMOND, P. E., 1980, Reconnaissance geologic map St. Helens (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical and cross sections of southern Washington Cascade Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 1153. Range, latimde 45 degrees 30 minutes - 47 degrees 15 HARRIS, D. M.; ROSE, W. I., JR.; BORNHORST, T. J.; minutes N., longimde 120 degrees 45 minutes - 122 CASADEVALL, T. J., 1980, Variations of S02 and degrees 22.5 minutes W .: Portland, Ore., Portland CO2 emission races at Mount St Helens July 22 to State University Department of Earth Sciences, 31 p., 2 August 29, 1980 [abstraet]: Eos (American Geophysi­ sheets. cal Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1139. HAMMOND, P. E.; KOROSEC, M. A., 1983, Geochemi­ HARRIS, D. M.; ROSE, W. I., JR.; ROE, ROBERT; cal analyses, age dates, and flow-volume estimates for THOMPSON, M. R., 1981, Radar observations of ash Quaternary volcanic rocks, southern Cascade Moun­ eruptions. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., tains, Washington: Washington Division of Geology editors, Toe 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, and Earth Resources Open-File Report 83-13, 36 p., 1 Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional plate. Paper1250, p.323-333. HAMNER. BOB, see PRUTI1', J. R. [and others), 1980. HAMNER. BOB, see PRUTI1', J. R. [and others], 1981. 36 HARRIS

HARRIS, 0. M.; SATO, MOTOAKI, 1980. CO2 emission HARTI..EY, J. N.; BEAUCHAMP, R.H.; DANIEL, J. L.; rates at Mount SL Helens by airborne plume measure­ SHADE, J. W., 1981, Application of advanced process ments [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union mineralogic techniques for characterization of ML St Transactions),v.61,no.46,p. 1138-1139. Helens volcanic ash. In Hausen, D. M.; Park, W. C., editors, Process mineralogy-Extractive metallurgy, HARRIS, 0. M.; SATO, MOTOAKI; CASADEVALL, T. mineral exploration, energy Warrendale, 1.; ROSE, W. L, JR.; BORNHORST, T.1., 1981, Emis­ resources: sion rates of CO2 from plume measurements. In Lip­ Penn., Metallurgical Society of AIME, p. 657-674. man, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 erup­ HARTZ. K. E.; BHAGAT, S. K.; STARLIN, L. A.; tions of Mount St Helens, Washingwn: U.S. Geologi­ MOTT, H. V .; KRN ANEK. K. R., 1984, Attenuation cal Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 201-207. of leachate generated from co-disposal of volcanic ash HARRIS, D. M., see CASADEVAll, T. 1. [and others], and solid waste: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water 1980. Research Center Report 60, 239 p. HARRIS, D. M., see CASADEVALL. T. 1. (and others], HARWARD, M. E., see BORCHARDT, G. A. [and 1981. others], 1971. HARRIS, D. M., see CASADEVALL, T. 1. (and others], HARWARD, M. E.,see DUDAS, M. J. [and others], 1973. 1982. HARWARD, M. E .• see NORGREN, J. A. [and others], 1970•. HARRIS. D. M. see ROSE, W. I. • JR. (and others], 1980. HARRIS, 0. M.. see SCARFE. C. M. (and others], 1982. HAUCHECORNE, A., see LEFRERE, JACQUES [and others], 1981. HARRIS, ELAINE, 1984, The effect of ashfall from the May 18. 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens on cryp­ HAUGEN, GORDON, see PRUITI, J. R. [and others], togams: Pullman, Wash., Washingwn State University 1980. Master of Science thesis, 50 p. HAUGEi'l, GORDON, set PRUITI, J. R. [and others], HARRIS, JULIE see FARMER. JUDITII [and others], 1981. 1980. HAUGHNEY,L. C.,see KUHN, P. M. (and others], 1980. HARRIS, S. L., 1976, FII'C and ice-The Cascade vol­ HAWKlNS, C. P.; ANDERSON, N. H., 1982, Habitats canoes: Seattle, Wash., The Mountaineers, 320 p. and fauna-The aftermath of the Mount St Helens HARRIS, S. L., 1980, Fire and ice-The Cascade vol­ eruption on stream systems [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. canoes; revised edition: Seattle, Wash., The Moun­ C •• editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, taineers, 316 p. Wash., Eastern W ashingten University Press, p. 237. HARRIS, S. L., 1986, The other Cascade volcanoes-His­ HAYASHIDA. SACHIKO, see fW ASAKA, Y ASUNOBU toric eruptions at Mount St Helens' sister peaks. In [and others], 1981. Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years HAYES, D. B.; EICHELBERGER, J. C., 1981, Magmatic later: Cheney, Wash.• Eastern Washington University model for the Mt St Helens blast of May 18, 1980 Press, p. 20-33. [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ HARRISON, R. D., 1982, Soil Conservation Service in­ actions), v. 62, no. 17, p. 430. volvement in Mount St Helens and impacted areas. In HA YES, D. B., set DAVIS, M. J. [and others], 1980. Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One yeM HAYES, D. B., set EICHELBERGER. J.C. [and others], later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University 1982. Press, p. 115-117. HAYES, D. M.,setFARLOW,N. H. [and others], 1980. HARRISON, R. D., see STROH, J. R. (and others], 1982. HAYES, D. M.,seeFARLOW,N. H. [and others], 1981. HARRISON, SYLVIA; FRITZ, W. J., 1982, Depositional feawres of March 1982 Mount St. Helens sediment HAYES, D. M., see FARLOW, N. H. (and others], 1982. flows: Nature, v. 299, no. 5885, p. 720-722. HA YES, D. M., stt OBERBECK, V. R. [and others]. HARRISON, SYLVIA, see FRITZ. W. J. [and others], 1982. 1982. HAYS, W. H., see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. ~ [and HARRISON, SYLVIA, see FRITZ. W. J. [and others], others], 1980. 1983. HAYWARD, J. L., JR., 1982, Effects of nest habitat, be­ HARRISON, SYLVIA, see FRITZ, W. J. [and others]. havior, and volcanic ash on reproductive success in 1985. ring-billed and California gulls: Pullman, Wash .. Washington State University Doctor of Philosophy HART, M. A.,see PHELAN, J.M. [and others], 1982. thesis, 58 p. HINDIN 37

HAYWARD, J. L. JR.; MILLER, D. E.; Hil...L, C. R., IBCKSON, C. J.; BARNES. W. C., 1981, Vector analysis 1982. Volcanic ash fallout-Its impact on breeding of grain orientation in the May 18, 1980 'lateral blast' gulls. In Keller. S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-­ deposits at Mount St Helens, with implications for the One year later: Cheney, Wash .• Eastern Washingmn mechanism of flow [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., University Press. p. 141-142. editor, and others, Mount St. Helens-One year lacer, HEAD, J. W., see WILSON, LIONEL [and others], 1981. Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash.• Eastern Washington University, 2 p. HEALY, M. J.; CARSON, BOBB, 1983, Dispersal rates of Mount St. Helens ash across the Washington con­ IBCKSON, C. J.; BARNES, W. C., 1982, The initial tinental shelf-1980-1981 [abstract]: Eos (American pyroclastic surge at Mount St Helens and its deposits. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 18, p. 240. In Keller. S. A. C .• editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University HEGG,D.A.,seeHOBBS,P. V. [and others], 1980. Press, p.13-19. HEGG, D. A.. HOBBS, P. V. [and others], 1981. see IBCKSON, C. J.; BARNES, W. C., 1986, The directed HEGG, D. A., see HOBBS, P. V. [and others], 1983. blast at Mount St Helens, May 18, 1980-Surge or HEGG, D. A.. see RADKE, L. F. [and others], 1980. flow? In Keller, S. A. C .• editor, Mount St Helens­ Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington HEIDT, L. E. • see CADLE, R. D. [and others], 1980. University Press. p. 34-43. HEIDT, L. E., see CADLE, R. D. [and others], 1982. IBCKSON, C. J.; IBCKSON, PAUL; BARNES, W. C., HEIKEN, G. H., see SEDLACEK. W. A. [and others], 1982, Weighted vector analysis applied to surge 1980. deposits from the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. HEIKEN, G. H.• see SEDLACEK. W. A. [and others], Helens, Washington: Canadian Journal of Earth Scien­ 1982. ces, v. 19,no.4,p.829-836. HEINEMANN, W. W .• see PRESTON, R. L. [and others], IBCKSON, C. J., see IBCKSON, PAUL [and others]. 1982. 1980. HELIKER. C. C., 1983, Inclusions in the 1980-83 dacite IBCKSON, PAUL; IBCKSON, C. J., 1980, We watcfted of Mount St. Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Mount St Helens blow its top: Canadian Geographic, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 894. v. 100,no.5,p.54-59. HELIKER, C. C .• 1984, Inclusions in the 1980-83 dacite IBCKSON, PAUL, see IBCKSON, C. J. [and others], of Mount St. Helens, Washington: Bellingham, Wash .• 1982. Western Washingmn University Master of Science IBGGINS,J. D:; NAIK. BUAYANANDA; MILLS, S. V.; thesis, 185 p. COPP, HOWARD; ROBERSON, J. A., 1983, The HELIKER, C. C .• 1985, Inclusions in the 1980-83 dacite mechanics of mud.flows: Pullman, Wash., Washington of Mount St. Helens. Washington (abstract]: Geologi­ Water Research Center Report 51, 116 p. cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, HILDRETH, W., see HALLIDAY, A. N. [and others]. no. 6. p. 361. 1983. HELIKER, C. C .• see CHADWICK. W. W .• JR. [and Hil...L, C. R., see HAYWARD, J. L., JR. [and others], others]. 1982. 1982. HE.LIKER, C. C .• see CHADWICK, W. W .• JR. [and Hil...L, MARY, see FOXWORTHY, B. L. (and others]. others], 1983. 1982. HELIKER. C. C., see SWAN~ON, D. A. [and others], mu.. MARY, see FOXWORTHY, B. L. [and others], 1980. 1983. HE.LIKER, C. C., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], HILTABRAND, R. R.• see FRITZ, L. G. [and others], 1981. 1972. HELIKER. C. C., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], mNCHCLIFFE. L.. see SEDLACEK, W. A. [and others], 1982. 1982. HERMAN, B. M .• see DELUISI. J. J. [and others], 1983. mNCHI...IFFE, L.. see LEIFER. R. [and others], 1981. HERRICK, I. W., see HOOPER, P.R. [and others]. 1980. mNCKLEY, K. E.• see ADAMS, A. B. [and others], HEUSSER. C. J.; HEUSSER. L. E .• 1980. Sequence of 1986. pumiceous tephra layers and the late Quaternary en­ mNDIN, ERVIN, 1981, Treatment of Mount St Helens vironmental record neru- Mount St Helens:. Science, v. volcanic ash suspensions by plain sedimentation, 1007-1009. coagulation, and flocculation: American Water Works HEUSSER, L. E., see HEUSSER, C. J. (and others], 1980. . Association Journal, v. 73, no. 3, p. 160-164. 38 HINDIN

HINDIN, ER VIN, 1982, Rendering ash contaminated HOBBS, P. V.; HEGG, D. A.; RADKE, L. F., 1983. water potable (abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Resuspension of volcanic ash from Mount SL Helens: Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 88, no. C6. p. Eastern Washingt0n Universicy Press, p. 237. 3919-3921. HINDIN, ERVIN, 1983, Occurrence of organic com­ HOBBS, P. V.; RADKE, L. F.; EL TGROTH, M. W.: potlllds in warer and stream sediments due to the ML HEGG, D. A., 1981. Airborne studies of the emissions SL Helens eruptions: Pullman, Wash., WashingtOn from the volcanic eruptions of Mount St Helens: Water Research Center Repon 52, 91 p. Science, v. 211, no. 4484, p. 816-818 . . HINKLE, R. E.; EAV, B. B.; PRil.L, J. C.; JOHNSON, T. HOBBS, P. V.; RADKE, L. F.; HEGG, D. A.: E.; DIJ.L\1AN, R. D., 1980, Mount St Helens quick ELTGROTH. M. W.; TIJELL, J. P., 1980, Airborne response damage assessment-Final report: U.S. observations of the emissions from ML St Helens, Forest Service repon LEMSC0-15320, 32 p. March 28-August 28, 1980 [abstract]: Eos (American HINKLE, R. E.; PRil.L, J. C.; PRUITT, J. R., 1981, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 969. Mount SL Helens quick response damage assessment HOBBS, P. V.; RADKE, L. F.; HEGG, D. A.; using high-altitude infrared photography. In Doyle, F. ELTGROTH, M. W.; TIJELL, J. P., 1980, Com­ J., editor, Electro-optical instrumentation for resources parisons between airborne measurements of the vol­ evaluation: Sociecy of Photo-Optical Instrumentation canic emissions from ML St Augustine 1976 and ~t Engineers, Proceedings, v. 278, p. 41-48. St Helens 1980 (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ HINKLE, R. E., see Dll..LMAN, R. D. (and others], 1981. cal Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1153. HINKLEY, TODD, 1980, Tracing the continuing fallout HOBBS,P. V.,suRADKE,L.F. [andothersJ, 1980. of ML SL Helens ash by precise measurement of a suite HOBLITT, R. P., 1978, Emplacement mechanisms of un­ of major, minor and trace metals of geologic interest sorted and unstratified deposits of volcanic rock debris (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ as determined from paleomagnetically-derived actions), v. 6 l, no. 46, p. 970. emplacement-temperature information: Boulder, HINKLEY, TODD; LICHTE, F. E.; TAYLOR, H. E.; Colo., Universicy of Colorado Doctor of Philosophy SMITH. K. S., 1980, Composition of ash and its thesis, 206 p. . lcachates from Mount SL Helens [abstract]: 'Geologi­ HOBLITr, R. P., 1979, Emplacement mechanisms of un­ cal Sociecy of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, sorted and unstratified deposits of volcanic rock debris no. 7, p. 447. as determined from paleomagnetically derived HINKLEY, TODD; SMITH, K. S., 1982, Leachate emplacement-temperature information [abstract]: Dis­ chemisay of the tcphra from the May 18 1980 eruption senation Abstracts International, v. 39, no. 8, Section of Mount St Helens (abstract]: Eos (American B, p. p. 3726-B. . Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. HOBLITr, R. P., 1980, Observations of pyroclastic flows 1143. of July 22 and August 7, 1980, Mount St Helens, HlNZMAN, C., see ADAMS, A. B. (and others], 1986. Washington (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1137-1138. HIRlNCHS, CLANCY, see ITO, YOSHIRO (and others], 1981. HOBLITr, R. P., 1984, Observations bearing on the na­ ture of the directed blast of May 18, 1980, at Mount St. HIRONO, M.; FUJIWARA, M.; SHIBATA, T.; Helens, Washington [abstract]. In Workshop on vol­ KUGUMIYA, N., 1981, Lidar observations of volcanic canic blasts; program and abstracts: Nottingham, Eng.• clouds in the stratosphere over Fukuoka, caused by International Association of Volcanology and eruptions of Mt. SL Helens in May 1980: Geophysical Chemistry of the Eanh's Interior, 1 p. Research Letters, v. 8, no. 9, p. 1019-1022. HOBLITr, R. P., 1984, Pre-1980 eruptions of Mount St. HIRONO, M.; FUJIWARA, M.; SHIBATA, T.; Helens, WashingtOn (abstract]: U.S. Geological Sur­ KUGUMIY A, N., 1984, Lidar observations of aunos­ vey Professional Paper 1375, p. 217. pheric aerosols following the 1980 eruption of ML St Helens; Pan I: Journal of Aunospheric and Terresoial HOBLITT, R. P., 1986, Observations of the eruptions of Physics, v. 46, no. 12. p. 1147-1157. July 22 and August 7, 1980, at Mount St Helens, Washingron: U.S. Geological Survey Professional HIROSE, K.; DOKIYA, Y.; SUGIMURA, Y., 1982, Paper 1335, 44 p. Aerosol Zn-As an indicator of long range transport of volcanic ejecta of ML SL Helens: Meteorological HOBLITT,R.P.; BANKS,N. G.; RYAN, M. P.: ROSEN­ Sociecy ofJapan Journal, v. 60, no. 2, p. 819-820. BAUM. J. G.; DAVIS, M. J., 1980, Emplacement tempcrarures of Mt St Helens eruptive products lil.AVA, P. F., GRAEBER, E. J. [and others]. 1982. see [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts HOBBS. P. V., 1983, Volcanic sulfur. Eos (American withPrograms,v. 12,no. 7,p. 447. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 33, p. 506. HOFMANN 39

HOBLITT, R. P.; CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX. HOFFER. J. M.; HOFFER, R. L., 1986, Chemical com­ D. R., 1980, Mount SL Helens eruptive behavior during position of the May 18, 1980 Mount SL Helens tephra the past 1,500 yr. Geology, v. 8, no. 11, p. 555-559. and the underlying soil-Changes from July 1980 to HOBLITI', R. P.; KEllOGG, K. S .• 1976, Emplacement May 1981. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St. temperatures of unsoned and unstratified deposits of Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern volcanic rock debris as determined by paleomagnetic Washington University Press, p. 108-111. techniques [abstract]: Geological Society of America HOFFER. J.M.; HOFFER, R. L.; SHANNON, W. H., Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 6, p. 919-920. 1981, Geochemistry of tephra, May 18, 1980 eruption HOBLITI', R. P.; KEllOGG, K. S., 1979, Emplacement Mount St. Helens, Washington [abstract). In Keller, S. temperatures of unsoned and unstratified deposits of A. C., editor, and others, Mount St Helens-One year volcanic rock debris as determined by paleomagnetic later; Abstraets and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern techniques: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. Washington University, 1 p. 90, no. 7, part I 633-I 642. HOFFER, J. M.; HOFFER, R. L.; SHANNON, W. M., HOBLm, R. P.; MILLER, C. D., 1984, Comments and 1981, Tephra from the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt. reply on "Mount St. Helens 1980 and Mount Pelee SL Helens, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society 1902- Flow or surge?"; Comment: Geology, v. 12; of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 5, p. no. 11, p. 692-693. 239. HOBLITI', R. P.; MILLER, C. D.; VALLANCE, J. W., HOFFER, J.M.; HOFFER, R. L.; SHANNON, W. M.• 1981, Origin and stratigraphy of the deposit produced 1982, Preliminary analyses of the composition and tex· by the May 18 directed blasL In Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ ture May 18, 1980, Mount St Helens tephra. /n Keller, lineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, Professional Paper 1250, p. 401-419. p. 21-25. HOBLITT, R. P.; REYNOLDS, R. L.; LARSON, E. E., HOFFER. R. L., see HOFFER, J.M. [and others), 1981. 1985, Suitability of nonwelded pyroclastic.flow HOFFER. R. L., see HOFFER, J.M. [and others), 1982. deposits for studies of magnetic secular variation-A R. test based on deposits emplaced at Mount St. Helens, HOFFER~ i.., see HOFFER, J.M. [and others), 1986. Washington, in 1980: Geology, v. 13, no. 4, p. 242- HOFFMAN, M. F., see·ROSE, W. I., JR. [and others], 245. 1980. HOBLITI', R. P., see BANKS, N. G. [and others], 1981. HOFFMAN, M. F., see ROSE, W. I., JR. [and others]. HOBLITI', R. P., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], 1982. 1986. HOFFMAN, M. F., see ROSE, W. I., JR. [and others], 1983. . HOBLITI', R. P., see MACLEOD, N. S. [and others], 1980. HOFMANN, D. J.; ROSEN, J. M., 1980, Balloon-borne measurements following the eruption of ML St. HOBLITI', R. P., see MILLER, C. D. [and others], 1980. aerosol Helens (abstraet): Eos (American Geophysical Union HOBLITI', R. P., see MILLER, C. D. [and others], 1981. Transactions},v.61,no.46,p. 1153-1154. HOBLm, R. P., see MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and others], HOFMANN, D. J.; ROSEN, J.M., 1982, Balloon-borne 1982. observations of stratospheric aerosol and condensation HOBLm, R. P., see PALLISTER, J. S. [and others] nuclei during the year following the ML SL Helens 1985. ' eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 87, no. Cl3, p. 11039-11061. HOBLm,R. P.,see RYAN, M. P. [and others], 1981. HOFMANN, D. J.; ROSEN, J. M., 1982, Lidar and bal­ HOBLITI', R. P., see VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], 1980. loon-borne particle counter comparisons following the eruptions of ML SL Helens and Alaid [abstraet]. /n In­ HOBLm, R. P., see YAMAGUCHI, D. K. [and others] ternational Laser Radar Conference, 11th, 1982, 19~ ' Abstraets of papers: U.S. National Aeronautics and HOFFER, J.M., 1986, Comparison of the major eruptions Space Administration Conference Publication 2228, p. at Mount SL Helens May 18, 1980 and El Chichon, 13. March 28-April 4, 1982. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, HOFMANN, D. J.,see ROSEN, J.M. [and others], 1980. Mount St Helens-Five years later. Cheney, Wash., HOFMANN, D. J.,see ROSE..i.'l, J.M. [and others], 1981. Eastern Washington University Press, p. 112-115. HOFMANN, D. J.• see ROSEN, J.M. [and others), I982. 40 HOFSI'EITER

HOFSTETIER. ABRAHAM, 1984, Observations of vol­ HOPKINS, A. T.; BRIDGMAN, C. J., 1985, A volcanic canic tremor at ML SL Helens before and after the May ash transport model and analysis of Mount St Helens 18, 1980, eruption (abstract]: Earthquake Notes, v. 55, ashfall: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 90, no. no. l, p. 12. D6, p. 10,620-10,630. HOFSTEI IER. ABRAHAM, 1984, Observations of vol­ HOPSON, C. A., 1971, Cyclic eruption pattern at Mount canic tremor at ML SL Helens in April and May 1980: SL Helens, Wash. [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Seattle, Wash., University of Washington Master of Professional Paper 750-A, p. Al 18. Science thesis, 87 p. HOPSON, C. A.. 1971, Eruptive sequence at Mount SL HOFSTETIER. ABRAHAM; :MALONE, S. D., 1986, Helens, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of Observations of volcanic tremor at Mount SL Helens in America Abstracts with Programs, v. 3, no. 2, p. 138. April and May 1980: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 76, no. 4, p. 923-938. HOPSON, C. A., 1972, Origin of coherent and divergent lava suites at Quaternary andesitic volcanoes, Cascade HOLCOMB, R. T., 1984, Growth of the lava dome at Mountains [abstract]: Geological Society of America Mount St Helens since 1980 [abstract]: Geological Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 3, p. 172-173. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 541. HOPSON, C. A.; MELSON, W. G., 1980, Mount St. Helens eruptive cycles since 100 A.D. [abstract]: Eos HOLCOMB, R. T., see BIRNIE, R. W. [and others], 1983. (American Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 61, no. HOLCOMB, R. T., see SW ANSON, D. A. [and others], 46, p. 1132-1133. 1981. HOPSON, C. A.; MELSON, W. G., 1982, Stratigraphy of HOLCOMB, R. T., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], Mount SL Helens 1980 crater walls [abstract]: Eos 1982. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p.1144. HOLCOMB, R. T., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1985. HOPSON, C. A.; MELSON, W. G., 1984, Eruption cycles and plug-domes at Mount St ~elens [abstract]: HOLCOMB, R. T., see W AITI, R. B., JR. [and others], 1983. Geological Society of America Abstracts . with Programs,v. 16,no.6,p.544. HOLDEN, J. C., 1980, Mount St Helen&-The geophysics of volcanoes: Science 80, v. 1, no. 6, p. 49-52. HOPSON, C. A., see BENNETT, J. T. [and others], 1982. HOPSON, C. A., see KRISHNASWAMI, S. [and others],. HOLLOWAY, J. R., see FUKUY AMA, HIRO [and 1981. .. others], 1981. HOLMES, JENNY; WAUGH, KATiil..EEN, 1983, Tar­ HOPSON, C. A., see MELSON, W. G. [and others], 1980. geting geothermal exploration sites in the Mount St HOPSON, C. A., see MELSON, W. G. [and others], 1981. Helens area using soil mercury surveys: Washington HOPSON, C. A., see MELSON, W. G. [and others], 1982. Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Repon 83-10; U.S. National Technical Information HORNIG, C. E., 1984, Effects of Mt St Helens ashfall on Service DOE/ET/27014-T17 (DE84-125547), 26 p., 2 aquatic insects: Moscow, Idaho, University of Idaho plates. Master of Science thesis, 74 p. HOLMES, K. L., 1980, Mount St Helens-Lady with a HORSKY, S. 1.,see SIEGEL, B. Z. (and others], 1984. past: Salem, Ore., Salem Press, 48 p. HOSAKA, TETSUY A see ITO, YOSHIRO (and others], HOLTON, R. L., see RIEDEL, G. R. [and others], 1984. 1981. HOLZER, T. L., 1986, Spirit Lake hazard evaluation. In HOUGLAND, EVERETT, 1935, A report on a geologic Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, National reconnaissance of the St Helens mining district, Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of Washington; Washington Division of Geology Repon technical reports, volume .xxm: U.S. Geological Sur­ of Investigations 3, 5 p. vey Open-File Report 87-63, p. 688. HOWARD, B.; MESEREAU, A.; N1AR1ANI, PATRICIA, HOOPER, P. R.; HERRICK, I. W.; LASKOWSKI, E. R., 1980, Analysis of gas samples from Mount St Helens: 1980, Mount St Helen's ashfall on Pullman, American Laboratory, v. 12, no. 7, p. 117-118. Washington, May 18-19th, 1980 (abstract]: Geological HOW ARD, R. G., 1981, Attenuation of terrestrial solar Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. radiation by the eruption of Mt. SL Helens: Americ:in 7, p. 450. Meteorological Society Bulletin, v. 62, no. 2, p. 241- HOOPER, P. R.; HERRICK, I. W.; LASKOWSKI, E. R.; 243. KNOWLES, C. R., 1980, Composition of the Mount HOWES, STEVE, see PRUITT, J. R. (and others], 1980. SL Helens ashfall in the Moscow-Pullman area on 18 HOWES, STEVE, PRUITT, J. R. [and others], 1981. May 1980: Science, v. 209, no. 4461, p. 1125-1126. see IKRAMUDD!N 41

HUBBELL. D. W.; LAENEJ.~. J. M.; MCKENZIE, S. W., HYDE, J. H., 1973, Late Quaternary volcanic stratigraphy, 1983, Characteristics of Columbia River sediment fol­ south flank of Mount St Helens, Washington: Seattle, lowing the eruption of Mount St Helens on May 18, Wash., University of Washingmn Doctor of Philosophy 1980: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 850-J, 21 p. thesis, 114 p., 1 plate. HUDSON, 1. G., set ROGERS, C. F. [and others], 1981. HYDE, J. H., 1973, Late Quaternary volcanic stratigraphy, HUEBERT, B. J ., 1980, Sulfur and chlorine in the phreatic south flank of Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 33, Mt St Helens fume [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 970. no. 12, part l, Section·B, p. 5915-B- 5916-B. HUFFMAN, JAMES, 1986, Government tort liability for HYDE, J. H., 1975, Upper Pleistocene pyroclastic-tlow deposits and lahars south of Mount St Helens volcano, Mount SL Helens fury. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Washingt0n: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1383-B, Eastern Washington University Press, p. 369-374. 20p. HUGHES, D. W.,see BONINI, W. E. [and others], 1974. HYDE, J. H.; CRANDELL, D. R., 1972, Potential vol­ canic hazards near Mount SL Helens in southwestern HUGHES, S. S., 1981, Trace element analyses of Mount Washington (abstract]: Northwest Scientific Associa­ St Helens pwnice and separated phases [abstract]: Eos tion, Annual Meeting, 45th, Abstracts of Papers, p. 7. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. HYDE, J. H.; GREELEY, RONALD, 1971, Ph.reatic ex­ 5.") plosion in a lava tube [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 52, no. 5, p. 433. HUGHES, S.S., set WOZNIAK, K. C. (and others], 1980. HYDE, J. H.; GREELEY, RONALD, 1973, Geological HUll, A. N., 1980, Aanospheric eventS. In Gordon, M. field crip guide, Mount St Helens lava cubes, G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects ·of the Washington. In Beaulieu, J. D., chairman, Geologic Mount St Helens eruption on water resources-A field crips in northern Oregon and southern forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Washington: Oregon Deparunent of Geology and Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 9-11. Mineral Industries Bulletin 77, p. 183-206. HUll, A. N., 1982, Mount St Helens-Hydrologic HYDE, J. H., see GREELEY, RONALD (and others], response by the National Weather Service and sub­ 1970. sequent aftereffects [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney. HYDE, J. H., see GREELEY, RONALD [and others], Wash., Eastern Washingmn University Press, p. 238. 1971. HUll, A. N., 1982, Mount St Helens-The value of HYDE, J. H., see GREELEY, RONALD [and others], preparing a meteorological and hydrological contin­ 1972. gency plan for a highly unlikely event-Volcanic erup­ HYDE, J. H., set MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and others], tion. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mowtt St Helens-­ 1972. One year Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington HYDE, J. H., see MULLINEAUX, D. R. (and others], University Press, p. 171-172. 1975. HUNT, G. A..setCARPENTER, S. E. (and others], 1982. ICHIKAWA. KO see ITO, YOSHIRO [and others], 1981. HUNT, G. R., set OLHOEFT, G. R. (and others}, 1981. IKENBERRY, LARRY, 1980, St Helens-The changing HUNTI.EY, D. J., see CORMIE, A. B. [and others], 1982. mountain: Olympia, Wash., Cascade Photographies, HUNTI'ING, M T.; BENNETI, W. A. G.; 33 p. LIVINGSTON, V. E., JR.; MOEN, W. S., COM­ IKRAMUDOIN, MOHAMMED; DIGBY, S. J. M.; Pll.ERS, 1961, Geologic map of Washington: BUEHLER, A. R., 1981, Chemical composition of the Washington Division of Mines and Geology Geologic Mount St Helens ash from the 18 May 1980 eruption Map, 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000. [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., ediwr, and others, Mount HUTCHEON, R. J., see BISSELL, V. C. [and others], St Helens-One yCM later, Abstraets and directory: 1984. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingmn University, 2 p. HYDE, G. M, 1980, Buildings and equipment aspects. In IKRAMUDDIN, MOHAMMED; DIGBY, S. J. M.; Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washington BUEHLER, A. R., 1982, Chemical composition of the State University's Conference on the aftermath of Mt Mount St Helens ash from the 18 May eruption. In St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State Univer­ Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One ye:i.r sity, p. 65-66. later. Cheney, Wash., E:istern Washington University Press, p. 27-32. HYDE, J. H., 1970, Geologic setting of Merrill Lake and evaluation of volcanic hazards in the Kalama River valley near Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 70-169, 17 p. 42 · INN

INN, E. C. Y.; VEDDER, J. F.; CONDON, E. P.; IW ATSUBO, E. Y.; SWANSON, D. A., 1985, Electronic O'HARA. DEAN, 1980, Gaseous constiwencs in the distance monicoring of Mount SL Helens and other eruption plumes of Mount SL Helens at stratospheric Cascade volcanoes [abstract]: Eos (American altitudes (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 852- Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1154. 853. INN, E. C. Y.; VEDDER, J. F.; CONDON, E. P.; rNATSUBO, E. Y.; SW ANSON, D. A., 1986, Geodetic O'HARA. DEAN, 1981, Gaseous constiwencs in the monitOring and ground defonnation at Mount St. plume from eruptions of Mount St Helens: Science, v. Helens, Washington [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., 211, no. 4484, p. 821-823. edit.Or, · Mount St. Helens--Five years later: Cheney, INN, E. C. Y.; VEDDER, J. F.; CONDON, E. P.; Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 440. O'HARA. DEAN, 1982, Precursor gases of aerosols in IW ATSUBO, E. Y., see CHADWICK, W. W., JR. (and the Mount St Helens eruption plwnes at stratospheric others], 1982. altitudes. In Deepak, Adarsh, editor, Atmospheric ef­ IWATSUBO, E. Y., see CHADWICK, W.W., JR. [and fects and potential climatic impact of the 1980 erup­ others], 1983. tions of Mount St Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Conference Publication IWATSUBO, E. Y., see SWANSON. D. A. [and others]. 2240. p. 47-53. 1981. INN, E. C. Y., see 1URCO, R. P. (and others], 1980. rNATSUBO, E. Y., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1982. INNIS, R. C., see KUHN, P. M. (and others], 1980. JACHEN'S, R. C.; SPYDELL, D. R.; PITTS, G. S.; INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR QUATER- DZURISIN, DANIEL; ROBERTS, C. W., 1980, NARY RESEARCH, 1965, Guidebook for field con­ Repeat gravity srudies at Mount Saint Helens ference J, Pacific Northwest: International Association [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ for Quaternary Research, 7th Congress, p. 5-13. actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1134. INVERSO, G. A., 1982, The scour, transport and deposi­ JACHfu'lS, R. C.; SPYDELL, D. R.; PITTS, G. S.; tion of ML St Helens ash in a laboratory setting-A DZURISIN, DANIEL; ROBERTS, C. W., 1981, Tem­ model: Moscow, Idaho, University of Idaho Master of poral gravity variations at Mount St Helens, March­ Science thesis, 51 p. May· 1980. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., IRVING, A. J., 1986, Petrology and chemical composition edit.Ors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount Sf. Helens, of St Helens magma: Volcano News, no. 24, p. 8. Washingron: U.S. Geological Survey Professional IRVING, A. J.; RHODES, J. M.; SPARKS, J. W., 1980, Paper 1250, p. 175-181. ML St Helens lava dome, pyroclastic flow and ash JACKSON, BOB, see REAM, L. R. [and others]. 1980. samples-Major and trace element chemistry JACKSON, P. 0., see FRUCHTER, J. S. [and Others], [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ 1980. actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1138. JACOBSON, S. S., see GARCIA, M. 0. [and others], IRVING, A. J., see RAEDEKE, L. D. [and others], 1980. 1979. ISHIZAKI, HIROYUKI; TU, A. T., 1982, Laser Raman JAEGER, H.• see KONDO, Y. [and others], 1982. spectroscopic analysis of Mount St Helens ash from the May 18, 1980 eruption: Journal of Environmental JAEGER, H., see MEIXNER, F. X. [and others], 1981. Sciences, v. 25, no. 3, p. 32-33. JAEGER, H., see REITER, R. [and others], 1980. ITO, EMI, see STERN, R. J. [and others], 1980. JAGIELO, T. H., see STOBER, Q. J. [and others]. 1982. ITO, YOSHIRO; KAWAKAMI, CHIKAT~ SAITO, JANDA, R. J.; MEYER. D. F., 1985, Fluvial sedimenca- TERUO; ICHIKAWA, KO; HOSAKA, TETSUY A; tion following Quaternary eruptions of Mount St. HIRINCHS, CLANCY, 1981, Temperature of crater of Helens, Washingron [abstr.ict]: Geological Society of Mount St Helens on the 28th of July, 1980: Vol­ America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 7, p. 618. canological Society of Japan Bulletin, 2nd Series, v. 26, no. 2, p. 119-121. [in Japanese] JANDA, R. J.; NOLAN, K. M.; GLICKEN, H. X.; AB­ BOTT, L. S.; VOIGlIT, BARRY, 1980, Processes fW ASAK.A, YASUNOBU; HAYASHIDA, SACHIKO, responsible for massive river sedimentation following 1981, The effects of the volcanic eruption of St. Helens the May 18, 1980 eruption of Y1t St Helens [abst.r.1ct ]: on the polarization properties of stratospheric aerosols; Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. Lidar measurement at Nagoya: Meteorological Society 61, no. 46, p. 955-956. of Japan Journal, v. 59, no. 4, p. 611-614. JOHNSTON 43

JANDA, R. J.; SCOTT, K. M.; NOLAN, K. M.; MAR­ JILLSON, W.R., 1917, The volcanic activity of Mount St. TINSON, H. A., 1982, Lahars associated with the 1980 Helens and Mount Hood in historical time: Geographi­ eruption of Mt. SL Helens [abstract]. In Washingu,n cal Revi~w, v. 3, no. 6, p. 48l-485. Water Research Center, 1982, Proceedings from the JILLSON, W. R., 1921, Physiographic effects of the vol­ conference, ML SL Helens-Effects on water resour­ canism of ML St Helens: Geographical Review, v. 11, ces: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water Research no. 3, p. 398-405. Center Report 41, p. 163. JOHNSON. A. G., 1981, Ttlt measurements near Mount JANDA, R. J., see GLICKEN, H. X. [and others]. 1980. SL Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical JANDA, R. J., see GLICKEN, H. X. [and others], 1981. Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: text of JANDA, R. J., see MARTINSON, H. A. (and others], journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") 1982. JOHNSON, D. J .• 1982, Gravity changes in the crater of JANDA, R. J., see MEIER, M. F. [and others], 1981. Mount St Helens, Washington, April-September, 1982 [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ JANDA, R. J., see MEYER, D. F. [and others], 1982. actions), v. 63, no. 45, p. 1140. JANDA, R. J., see MEYER, D. F. [and others], 1985. JOHNSON, D. J., see ANDERSON, L. A. [and others]. JANDA, R. J., see MEYER, D. F. [and others], 1986. 1983. . JANDA, R. J., see SWANSON, F. J. [and others], 1983. JOHNSON. D. J., see DENLINGER, R. P. [and others], JANDA, R. J.,see VOIGHI', BARRY (and others], 1980. 1983. JOHNSON, D. J., see DZURISIN, DANIEL [and others], JANDA, R. J., see VOIGHI', BARRY [and others], 1981. 1981. JANDA, R. J .• see VOIGHI', BARRY [and others], 1983. JOHNSON, D. J., see DZURISIN, DANIEL (and others], JANDA, R. J .• see WAITI', R. B., JR [and others], 1983. 1982. IAP AN PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INS1TI1JTE, JOHNSON, D. J., see DZURISIN, DANIEL [and others], 1983, Proceedings of the symposium on erosion con­ 1983. trol in volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle and JOHNSON, G. R., FRIEDMAN, 1. D. [and others], Vancouver, Washingt0n: Japan Public Works see Research Institute Technical Memorandum 1908, 377 1980. p. JOHNSON,. G. R., see FRIEDMAN, 1. D. (and others], JENNINGS, M. E.; SCHNEIDER, V. R.; S:MITH, P. E., 1981. .: 1981, Computer assessments of potential flood hazards JOHNSON, G. R., see FRIEDMAN, 1. D. [and others], from breaching of two debris dams, Toutle River and 1984. Cowlitz River systems. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, JOHNSON, G. R., see OLHOEFI', G. R. [and others]. D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens, 1981. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 829-836. JOHNSON, K. R., CHAIRMAN; WAITI, R. B., JR., EDITOR; AND OTHERS, 1983, Interpretation and JENNINGS, M. E.; SCHNEIDER, V. R.; SMITH, P. E., development program for Mount St Helens National 1981, Emergency assessment of Mount SL Helens Volcanic Monument: Portland, Ore., U.S. Forest Ser­ post-eruption flood hazards, Toutle and Cowlitz vice, 88 p., 3 plates. Rivers, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 850-1, 17 p. JOHNSON, L. R.,see DA VlS, B. L. [and others], 1981. JENNINGS, M. E.; SCHNEIDER, V. R.; SMITH, P. E., JOHNSON, L. R., see VOLLMER, W. M. [and others], 1984, Mount St Helens posteruption flood hazards 1986. [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper JOHNSON, L. R., see NIAZI, M. [and others], 1982. 1375, p. 229-230. JOHNSON, S. R.. see CAMPBELL, K. P. [and others], JENNINGS, M. E., see SCHNEIDER, V. R. [and others], 1982. 1980. JOHNSON, T. E., see HINKLE, R. E. [and others], 1980. JENSEN, A. L., see KIRN, R. A. [and others], 1986. JOHNSTON, D. A., see BARNES, IV AN [and others], JERNEGAN, M. F., see FARWELL. S. 0. [and others], 1981. 1981. JOHNSTON, D. A., see CASADEV ALL, T. 1. [and JERNEGAN, M. F., see GAGE, D.R. [and others], 1981. others}, 1980. JERNEGAN, M. F., see GAGE, D.R. [and others], 1982. JOHNSTON, D. A., see CASADEVALL, T. J. [and JILLSON, W.R., 1917, New evidence of a recent volcanic others], 1981. eruption on ML St Helens, Washington: American JOHNSTON, D. A., see KEITii, T. E. C. [and others]. Journal of Science, v. 44, p. 59-62. 1981. 44 JOHNSTON

JOHNSTON, D. A.. see KEITH, T. E. C. [and others], JONES, R. P., see MARTIN, D. J. [and others], 1984. 1984. JONIENTZ-1RISLER. CHRIS, see ZOLL WEG, J. E. [and JOHNSTON, D. A., see NEHRING, N. L (and others], others], 1984. 1981. JONOOBY, L., see LEE, S. C. (and others], 1985. JOHNSTON, D. A.. see STOIBER, "&. E. [and others], JORDAN, RAYMOND; KIEFFER, H. H., 1981. 1981. Topographic changes at Mount SL Helens-Large· JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; DVORAK, J. J .• 1981, The implica­ scale phocograrnmerry and digital terrain models. In tions of tilt and magnetometer measurements at Mount Lipman, P. W.; MullinC3ux, D. R., editors, The 1980 SL Helens, Washingtan-1980-1981 [abstract]: Eos eruptions of Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 135- 45,p. 1089. 141. JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; MUELLER. R. J.; DVORAK, J. J., JORDAN, RAYMOND; KIEFFER, H. H., 1982, 1980, Volcanomagnetic observations during eruptions Topographic map of Mount SL Helens. Washington, of ML SL Helens, May-August 1980 [abstract]: Eos showing changes between April 11 and May 16, 1980: (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations 46, p. 1134-1135. Series Map I-1411, 1 sheet, scale 1:10,000. JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; MUELLER. R. J.; DVORAK. J. J., JOURNAL-AMERICAN STAFF, see. DAil.. Y NEWS 1981, Volcanomagnetic observations during eruptions, STAFF [and others], 1980. May-August 1980. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. JUDA Y, R. E.; KELLER, E. J., 1984, Effect of ash fallout R.• edicors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens, on water quality in western Montana; final reporc Washingron: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Missoula. MonL, University of Montana Deparunent of Paper 1250, p. 183-189. Chemistry, 156 p.; U.S. National Technical Informa­ JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; MUELLER, R. J.; MORTENSEN, tion Service PB 85-157824. C. E.; MYREN, D.; JONES, A.; KELLER, V., 1984, JUVIGNE, ETIENNE; PORTER, S. C., 1985, Mineralogi­ Ttlt. strain, and magnetic measurements. In Jacobson, cal variations within two widespread tephra layers from M. L; Rodriguez. T. R.. compilers, Summaries of tech­ Cascade Range volcanoes, U.S.A.: Geographie Physi­ reports, prepared nical Volwne xvm, by participants que et Qu.atemaire, v. 39. no. 1, p. 7-12. in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-628, p. JUVIGNE, ETIENNE; SHIPLEY, SUSAN, 1983, Dis­ 196-199. tribution of the heavy minerals in the downwind tephra lobe of the May 18, 1980 eruption of the Mount SL JOHNSTON, M. J. S., see DA VIS, P. M. [and others], Helens (Washington, USA): Eiszeitalter und Gegen­ 1984. wart, no. 33, p. 1-7. JOHNSTON, M. J. S.• see DVORAK, J. J. [and others], KANAMORI, HIROO; G!VEJ.'l', J. W., 1981, Mechanism 1980. of ML SL Helens eruption determined from long-period JOHNSTON, M. J. S., see DVORAK, J. J. [and others], surface waves [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysic:i.l 1981. Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 966. JOHNSTON, M. J. S., see DVORAK. J. J. [and others], KANAMORI. HIROO; GIVEN. J. W .• 1982, Analysis of 1984. long-period seismic waves excited by the May 18, JONES, A., see JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [and others], 1984. 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens-A terrestrial monopole?: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 87, JONES, B., see RASMUSSEN, R. A. [and others], 1982. no. B7, p. 5422-5432. JONES, BRONWEN, 1985, ~ Tunnelling in North KANAMORI. HIROO; GlVEJ."l', J. W., 1983, Lamb pulse America's volcanic zone: Tunnels and Tunnelling, v. observed in nature: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 17, no. 5, p. 42. 10,no.5,p.373-176. JONES, D.R., see ALPHA. T. R. (and others], 1980. KANAMORI, HIROO; GlVEJ.'l', J. W., 1983. Lamb pulse JONES, D. R., see ALPHA, T. R. [and others], 1981. observed in natw"e [abstract]: Eos (Americ:in JONES, J. T., see ADAMS, A. B. [and others], 1986. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64. no. 18, p. 265. JONES, P. G., 1981, Special l:100,000-sca1e Mount SL KANA!\10RI. HIROO; GIVEN, J. W.; LAY, TIIORNE, Helens maps: American Congress of Surveying and 1984, Analysis of seismic body waves excited by the Mapping, Fall Technical Meeting, 1981, Technical Mount SL Helens eruption of May 18. 1980: Journal of Papers, p. 324-332. Geophysical Research, v. 89, no. 83, p. 1856-1866. JONES, P. G., 1982. Special 1:100,000-scale Mount SL KANAMORI, HIROO see EISSLER, H.K. [and others], Helens maps: Revista Cartografica, no. 42, p. 125-129. 1983. JONES, R. P., see MARTIN, D. J. (and others], 1982. KENNEDY .15

KANG, YOONOK, see WIGHTMAN, J.P. [and others], KEU.ER, S. A. C., EDITOR, 1982, Mount St Helens-­ 1981. One year later; Proceedings of a conference held at KAPLAN, A. M, see KUNTZ, MA. [and others], 1981. Eastern Washington University, May 18, 1981: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, KAPLAN, A. M, see ROWLEY, P. D. [and others], 1985. 243 p. KARLSTROM, E. L., 1986, Amphibian recovery in the KELLER. S. A. C., EDITOR, 1986, Mount St Helens-­ North Fork Toutle River debris avalanche area of Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington Mount St Helens. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, MoWlt St University Press, 441 p. · Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern · Washingron University Press, p. 334-344. KELLER. S. A. C., EDITOR; AND OTIIERS, 1981, Mount SL Helens-One year later. Abstracts and direc­ KARTEZ, J. D., 1982, Emergency planning implications tory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University, of local governments' adaptive response to Mount St. 1 vol. Helens. In Martin, R. C.; Davis, J. F., eds., Starus of volcanic prediction and emergency response KELLER, V., see JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [and others], capabilities in volcanic · hazard zones of California: 1984. California Division of Mines and Geology Special KEU.EY, M. L., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], Publication 63, p. 169-185. 1981. KARTEZ, J. D., (1982], Emergency planning implications KELLEY, W. J.; KARTEZ, J. D., 1986, Social response of local governments' responses to Mount St Helens: demands-Implications for disaster preparedness Boulder, Colo .• University of Colorado Instirute of Be­ [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St havioral Science Working Paper 46, 29 p. Helens- Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern KARTEZ, J. D.; KELLEY, W. J. (Bll..l..), 1982, Emergen­ Washington University Press, p. 440. cy planning and the adaptive local response to Mount KEU.EY, W. J. (BILL), see KARTEZ, J. D. [and others], SL Helens' eruption [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., 1982. editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 238. · KELLOGG, K. S., see HOBLITT, R. P. [and others], 1976. · KARTEZ,J.D.,seeKEI.LEY, W.J. [and others], 1986. KELLOGG, K. S., see HOBLITT, R. P. [and others). KATHREN,R. L.;see SOLDAT,J. K. [and others], 1981. 1979. . . KAUFMAN, D. E., see WARREN, G. H. [and others], KELLY.P. M,see SEAR, C. B. [and others], 1980. 1982. KELSO, LINDA, 1980, Mount SL Helens and other vol- KAWAKAMI, CHlKATAKA see ITO, YOSHIRO [and canoes of the west: Beaverton, Ore., Beautiful others], 1981. America Publishing Company, 142 p. KA YEN, R. E.,see WIN1ERS, W. J. [and others], 1985. KELSO, LINDA; SHANGLE, R. D., 1980, Mount St. KEA1LEY, J.E., see WINJUM, J. K. [and others], 1986. Helens volcano: Beaverton, Ore., Beautiful America Publishing Company, 64 p. KEENAN, B. L., see PARSONS, M R. [and others], 1983. KELSO, LINDA; SHANGLE, R. D., 1980, Volcano-­ First seventy days, Mount St Helens, 1980: Beaver­ KEESEE, R. G., TIJRCO, R. P. [and others], 1980. see ton, Ore., Beautiful America Publishing Company, 48 KEESEE, R. G., see TIJRCO, R. P. [and others], 1982. p. KEESEE. R. G., see TIJRCO, R. P. [and others], 1983. KENDRA, W. R., 1983, Effects of volcanic ash on the KElj'H. T. E. C.; CASADEV All, T. J.; JOHNSTON, D. composition, abundance, and vertical distribution of ~. 1981, Fumarole encrustations-Occurrence, benthic macroinvertebrates in Chatcolet Lake, Idaho: mineralogy, and chemistry. In Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ Moscow, Idaho, University of Idaho Master of Science lineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount thesis. 40 p. SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey KENDRICK, GEORGE, see QAMAR, ANTHONY [and Professional Paper 1250, p. 239-250. others], 1981. KEITH, T. E. C.; CASADEV All, T. J.; JOHNSTON, D. KENDRICK, GEORGE, see QAMAR, ANTHONY [and A., 1984, Fumarolic incrustation at Mount St Helens others], 1983. [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 155. KENDRICK, GEORGE, see ST. LAWRE.t~CE, W. F. [and others], 1980. KEITH, T. E. C., see CHU AN, R. L. [and others], 1985. KENNEDY, R. A., see ENGIBOUS, J. C. [and others]. KEITH.. T. E. C.• see TIIOMPSON, J. M [and others], 1982. 1-985. KEll.ER, E. J., see JUDA Y, R. E. [and others], 1984. 46 KENNEDY

KEi.'iNEDY, T. L., 1980, Social sciences' research on ML KERR. R. A., 1984, Landslides from volcanoes seen as SL Helens' ash-Planned and in progress. In Cassidy, common: Science, v. 224, no. 4646, p. 275-276. J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washington State KERR,R. L.,see Dll.l..MAN,R. D. [and others], 1981. University's Conference on the aftermath of ML SL Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State University, KHALil., M. A. K.., see RASMUSSE.N, R. A. (and p.43-45. others], 1982. KE.NT. DA VE, 1980, Columbia River esruary. /n Gordon, KHALil.. M. A. K., see RASMUSSE..'l, R. A. [and M. G.; Procter, George, chairmen, The effects of the others], 1981. Mount SL Helens eruption on water resources-A KIEFFER, GUY see BOIVIN, PIERRE [and others], focwn held JW1e 12. 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific 1980. Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 55-57. KIEFFER. H. H.~ 1981, Radar observations at Mount·St. KE.NT, G. S., 1982, Lldar measurements of effluents from Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union the Soufriere and Mount SL Helens volcanoes. In Col­ Transactions),v.62,no.45,p. 1089. lection of extended abstracts: International Association KIEFFER, H. H.; FRANK, D. G., 1980, Thennal infrared of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 1AMAP observations of Mt. St. Helens, March-May 1980 Scientific Assembly, 3rd, 1981, p. 9-14. (abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts KE.NT. G. S., 1982, SAGE measurements of Mount SL with Programs, v. 12. no. 7, p. 462. Helens volcanic aerosols. In Deepak. Adarsh, edicor, KIEFFER. H. H.; FRANK, D. G.; FRIEDMAN, J. D., Atmospheric effects and potential climatic impact of 1980, Thennal infrared observations of ML St Helens the 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens: U.S. National [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ Aeronautics and Space Administration Conference actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1139-1140. Publication 2240, p. 109-115. KIEFFER. H. H.; FRANK. D. G.; FRIEDMAN, J. D., RICHARD, see Tll.FORD, NORMAN [and KE.NT, 1981, Thcnnal infrared surveys at Mount St Helens-­ others], 1981. Observations prior to the eruption of May 18. In Lip­ KERR, J.B.; EVANS, W. F. J.; MATEER, C. L., 1982, man, P. W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, The 1980 erup­ Measurements of S02 in the Mount SL Helens debris. tions of Mowll St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ In Deepak. Adarsh, editor, Atmospheric effects and cal Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 257-277. potential climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of KIEFFER, H. H.; FRAl.'lK, D. G.; FRIEDMAN, J. D.; Mount SL Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and SAWATZKY, D. L., 1984, Aerial infrared surveys at . Space Administration Conference Publication 2240, p. Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]: U.S. 219-223. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 261. In KERR, J. W.~ 1980, Emergency measures. Gordon, M. KIEFFER, H. H.; FRIEDMAN, J. D.; FRANK, D. G., G.; Proctor, George, chainnen, The effects of the 1984, Thennal-infrared surveys, Cascades volcanoes Mount St Helens eruption on water resources-A [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific 1375, p. 216. Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 23-24. KIEFFER, H. H., FRIEDMAN, J. D. [and others]. KERR, J. W., 1980, Mount SL Helens, May 18th, 1980- see 1980. Learning the hard way: Emergency Management, v. 1, no. l, p. 16-21. KIEFFER. H. H., SU FRIEDMAN, J. D. (and others], 1981. KERR, J. W., 1981, Mount SL Helens report-Emergency measures taken to meet crisis: E;q,lorers Journal, v. 59, KIEFFER, H. H., see JORDAN, RAYMOND (and others], no. 1, p. 6-9. 1981. KERR, J. W.,suAUSTEN,RtrrH [andothers], 1984. KIEFFER, H. H., see JORDAN, RAYMOND [and others], 1982. KERR. J. w.. SU AUSTEi.'l, RtrrH [and others], 1986. KERR, R. A., 1980, Mount St Helens-An unpredictable KIEFFER, S. W., 1980, The May 18 lateral "blast" at ML foe: Science, v. 208, no. 4451, p. 1446-1448. SL Helens-Preliminary mapping of effects in the devastated area.and a model for multiphase fluid flow KERR, R. A., 1981, Mount St Helens and a climate quan­ [abstract]: Eos (Ameri~ Geophysical Union Trans­ dary: Science, v. 211, no. 4480, p. 371-372, 374. actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1135. KERR, R. A., 1981, Mount SL Helens-Volcanoes, K.l&FER. S. W., 1980, The May 18 lateral "blast" at Mt. quakes, and the connectedness of things: Science, v. SL Helens-Preliminary mapping of effects in the 212. no. 4500, p. 1258-1259. devastated area and a model for multiphase fluid flow KERR, R. A., 1982, The volcano behaves itself, sort of: [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts Science, v. 216, no. 4543, p. 286. with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 462. KLOCK 47

KIEFFER, S. W., 1981, The blast at Mount SL Helens-­ KIRN, R. A.; LEDGERWOOD, R. D.; JENSEN, A. L.• What happened?: Engineering· and Science, v. 45, no. 1986, Diet of subyearling Chinook salmon (On.cor­ l, p. 6-12. hynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River estuary KIEFFER. S. W., 1981, Blast dynamics at Mount SL and changes effected by the 1980 eruption of Mount SL Helens on 18 May 1980: Nature, v. 291, no. 5816, p. Helens: Northwest Science, v. 60, no. 3, p. 191-196. 568-570. KISH, T., 1980, Mt. SL Helens' effects on Washington's KIEFFER. S. W., 1981, F1uid dynamics of the May 18 treatment plants: Water Pollution Control Federation blast at Mount St Helens. In. Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ .,p.2310.2313. lineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount KITCHEN, M.• see CRABTREE, J. [and others], 1984. SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey KIVER, E. P., 1976, .Man and volcanoes in Washington Professional 1250, p. 379-400. Paper State: Pacific Search, v. 10, no. 4, p. 8-11. KIEFFER, S. W., 1981, The lateral blast of May 18 at KIVER, E. P., 1982, The Cascade volcanoes-Com­ Mount St Helens-What happened? (and, did it hap­ parison of geologic and historic records. In Keller, S. pen at Bandai-san (1888), Lassen (1915), Bezymianny A. C .• editor, Mount SL Helens-One year lacer. (1956),. ...., or Fuji-yama (1707)?) [abstract]. Interna­ In Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, tional Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of p. 3-12. the Earth's Interior, IA VCEI symposium, Aic vol­ canism; Abstracts: Yolcanological Society of Jap~ KIVER, E. P., see STRADLING, D. F. [and others], 1981. International Association of Volcanology and ~.E . P., see STRADLING, D. F. [and others], 1982. Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, p. 175-176. KIVER, E. P., see STRADLING, D. F. [and others], 1986. KIEFFER.. S. W., 1981, Mount St Helens lateral blast­ KLAUSS, DON, ANDERSON, A. C. [and others], Explanation of acoustic observations [abstract]: see 1956. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,v. 13,no. 7,p.487. KLECKNER, E.W., see .MICHALSKY, J. J. [and others], KIEFFER, S. W., 1984, Acoustics of the May 18, 1980, 1982. lateral blast, Mount SL Helens .[abstract]: U.S. KLEIN, J.M., 1981, Some effects of the May 18 eruption Geological Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 217- of Mount SL Helens on river-water quality. In Lipman. 218. P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions KIENLE, C. F., 1982, Impacts of the Mount SL Helens of Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological eruption on industry. In Martin, R. C.; Davis, J. F., Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 719-731. editors, Status of volcanic prediction and emergency KLEIN, J. M., 1984, Some chemical effects of the Mount response capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of SL Helens eruption on selected streams in the Scace of California: California Division of Mines and Geology Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 850-E, Special Publication 63, p. 63-69. 26p. KIENLE. C. F., see MELSON, W. G. [and others}, 1980. KLEIN, J.M.; TAYLOR, H. E., 1980, Mount St Helens KIIl...SGAARD, C. W., 1983, Recovery of streamside Washington, 1980 volcanic eruption; Pan II, Chemical riparian vegetation at Mount SL Helens [abstract]: variations in surface waters affected by volcanic ac­ Oregon Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 19, p. 38. tivity [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union T.ransactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 956. KIIl...SGAARD, C. W.; GREENE, S. E~ STAFFORD, S. G.; MCKEE, W. A., 1986, Recovery of riparian KLEIN, J.M., see BONELLI, J.E. [and others], 1982. vegetation in the northeastern region of Mount St KLEIN, J. M., see MCKNIGHT, D. M. [and others], 1984. Helens. In. Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-­ KLEIN, J.M., see PEREIRA, W. E. (and others], 1980. Five years later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 222-230. KLEIN, J.M., see PEREIRA, W. E. [and others], 1982. KIIl...SGAARD, C. W., see FRENZEN, P. M. [and others], KLEIN, J.M., see TAYLOR, H. E. [and others], 1980. 1986. KLEIN, J.M., see TURNEY, G. L. [and others], 1982. KINCAID, R. L, see PRESTON, R. L. [and others], 1982. KLOCK, G. 0., 1981, A first-year evaluation of the KING, L. G.; PETERSON, D. A., 1982, Surface irrigation erosion control seeding and fertilization near Mount St. as affected by ash from Mount SL Helens: Pullman, Helens: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1 v. Wash., Washington Water Research Center, 109 p.; KLOCK, G. 0 ., 1982, Stabilizing ash-covered timberlands U.S. National Technical Information Service PB 83- with erosion control seeding and fertilization. / n 219998. Washington Water Research Center, Proceedings from KlRIY ANOV, V. Y., see BOGOY A VLEl'fSKA YA, G. E. the conference, ML SL Helens-Effects on water [and others], 1985. resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water Research Center Repon 41, p. 164- 190. 48 KLOCK

KLOCK. G. O. • see ENGIBOUS. J.C. [and others], 1982. KOROSEC, M.A.; SCHUSTER, J.E., 1980, Geothennai Kl.OSTERMEYER. E. C.• see ENGIBOUS. J. C. [and assessment of Mount St Helens, Washington. 1979. In others]. 1982. Korosec M.A.; Schuster, J. E.; and others, The 1979- 1980 g~thennal resource assessment program in KLUGE. P. F .• 1980, Awesome message of Mt SL Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Helens' mammoth eruption: Smithsonian, v. 11. no. 4, Eanh Resources Open-File Repon 81-3, p. 123-131. p. 54-63. KOROSEC, M.A.; SCHUSTER, J. E., 1980, Pre-eruption KNOTI, J. M., see DINEHART. R. L [and others], 1981. geothermal assessment activities at MoWlt St Helens, KNOWLES. C. R.. 1980, Electron microprobe analysis of Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Mount St Helens ash deposited at Moscow, Idaho Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1134. [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ KOROSEC, M.A., see BLACKWELL, D. D. [and others], actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1137. 1980. KNOWLES, C. R., see HOOPER, P. R. [and others], KOROSEC, M.A., see HAMMOND, P. E. (and others], 1980. 1983. KNOWLES, C.R., see SMITII, H. W. [and others], 1975. KOROSEC, M. A., see RIGBY, J. G. [and others], 1980. KNOWLES, C.R., see SMITII. H. W. [and others], 1977. KRESCH. D. L., 1985, Spirit Lake dam-failure flood rout­ KNUTSON. E., see LEIFE..~. R. [and others], 1981. ing assessment: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File KNUTSON, K. L., see MERRILL. E. H. (and others], Repon 82-770, 8 p. 1986. KRESCH, D. t.; LAENB~. ANTONIUS, 1984, Prelimi­ KOCMOND, W. C., see ROGERS, C. F. [and others], nary estimate of possible flood elevations in the 1981. Columbia River at Trojan Nuclear Power Plant due to failure of debris dam blocking Spirit Lake, KOES, R. M., see PRESTON, R. L. [and others], 1982. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources KOLER, J. M., see BEALS, H. K. [and others], 1981. Investigations Report 83-4197, 11 p. KOMIY A. MANABU, see SAWADA. YOSHIHIRO [and KRESCH. D. t., see GLICKEN, H. X. [and others], 1983. others], 1982. . KRESCH, D. L•• see LOMBARD, R. E. [and others], · KONDO, Y.; REITER. R.; JAEGER, H.; TAKAGI, M., 1981. 1982, The effect of the Mt St Helens eruption on KRESCH, D. L., see SWIFT, C.H., m [and others], 1983. tropospheric and stratospheric ions: Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 120, no. 1, p. 11-17. KRIMMEL, R. M.; POST, AUSTIN, 1981, Oblique aerial photography, March-October 1980. In Lipman, P. W.; KOPPE, R. K., 1980, Airborne panicle levels resulting Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of from the May 18 eruption of ML St Helens [abstract]. Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ In Cassidy, J. J., chairperson. Proceedings of vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 31-51. Washington State University's Conference on the after­ math of ML St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington KR.INSLEY, D. H.; FINK, J. H.; GREELEY, RONALD, State University, p. 6. 1980, Explosive volcanism- Possible source of ag­ gregate fonnation on Mars [abstract]: Eos (American KOROSEC, M. A., 1980, Mount St Helens. May 18-19, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1980-A scenario: Topo West. v. 14, no. 2, p. 4-7. 1138. KOROSEC, M.A., 1981, Geothermal implications of the KR.INSLEY, D. H., see FINK. J. H. [and others], 1980. Mount St Helens volcano [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor. and others, Mount St Helens-One year KRISHNASWAMI. S.; BENNETI, J. T.; MONAGHAN, lau::r, Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern M.; TUREKIAN, K. K.; MELSON. W. G.; HOPSON, Washington University, 2 p. C. A.. 1981, Uranium and thorium decay series nuclide concenaations in ML SL Helens eruptives [abstract]: KOROSEC, M A., 1982, Geothermal implications of the Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. Mount St Helens volcano [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. 62, no. 17, p. 430. C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 238. KRISHNASW AMI. S.; TUREK.IAN, K. K.; BE.i.'lNEIT, J. T., 1984, The behavior of 232Th and 238U dec-y KOROSEC, M.A.; RIGBY, J. G.; STOFFEL, K. L., 1980, chain nuclides during magma fonnation and vol­ The 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens, Washington; canism: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. v. 48, no. Part 1, March 20-May 19, 1980: Washington Division 3, p. 505-511. of Geology and Earth Resources Infonnation Circular 71: 27 p. KRISHNASWAMI. S., see BENNETT. J. T. [and others], 1982. KR.IV ANEK, K. R .. see HAR1Z, K. E. [and others], 1984. KRONBERG, B. I., see FYFE. W. S. [and others], 1981. LAULAIN EN 49

KRONBERG, B. I., see FYFE. W. S. [and others], 1982. LANG, B. Z., 1982, Molluscan populations in a meadow KUGUMIY A. N., see HIRONO, M. [and others], 1981. pond before and after Mount SL Helens ashfall [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St. KUGUMIY A. N., see HIRONO, M. [and others], 1984. Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern KUHN, P. M.; HAUGHNEY, L. C.; INNIS, R. C., 1980, Washington University Press, p. 238-239. Long wave stratospheric transmission of Mount SL LANGE, L M., see BIRNIE, R. W. [and others], 1983. Helens ejecta [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 970. LANGFORD, S. A., 1982, Refractive-index profile of a tephra sample from the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mt. KUMAGAI. HIROSIIl see OGAWA, TADAHIKO (and SL Helens: Microscope (Chicago], v. 30, no. 2, p. 81- others], 1982. 91. KUNKLE. MERRILL, see ANDERSON, A. C. (and LANGRAN, KENNETH; TERICH. THOMAS, 1982, others], 1956. Government response to the Mount St Helens dis­ KUNTZ. M.A.; ROWLEY, P. D.; MACLEOD, N. S.; aster-A study of perceptions and auiwdes in the REYNOLDS, R. L.; MCBROOME, L. A.; KAPLAN, Longview-Kelso and Yakima areas. In Keller, S. ~- C., A. M.; LIDKE, D. J., 1981, Petrography and particle­ editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, size distribution of pyrociastic-flow, ash-cloud, and Wash .• Eastern Washington University Press, p. 167- surge deposits. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., 170. editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens, LANGSTON, C. A., see BURGER. R. W. [and others], Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional 1984. PaperI250,p. 525-539. LANGSTON. C. A. • see BURGER, R. W. [and others]. KUNTZ. M.A., see MACLEOD, N. S. (and others], 1980. 1985. KUNTZ. M.A., see ROWLEY,P. D. [and others], 1981. LANSFORD, HENRY, 1981, Vulcan's chimneys-Sub­ KUNTZ. M.A., see ROWLEY, P. D. [and others], 1985. duction-zone volcanism: Mosaic, v. 12, no. 2, p. 46- KURASA WA. H.; LEEMAN, W. P.; SMITH, D.R., 1982, 53. Sr isotopic studies of Mount SL Helens volcano LARA-LARA. J. R., see FREY, B. E. (and others], 1983. (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans- LARSON, D. W.; DAHM, C. N.• 1986, Observations on actions), v. 63, no. 18, p. 457. • the limnological recovery of volcanically impacted KURAS~WA.H., see SMITH, D.R. [and others], 1983. Spirit Lake. Washington [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., KURODA, P. K.; ESSIEN, L O.; SANDOVAL, D.-N., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later: Cheney, 1984, Fallout of uraniwn isotopes from the 1980 erup- Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 440- tion of Mount SL Helens: Journal of Radioanalytical 441. and Nuclear Chemistry, Articles, v. 84, no. l, p. 23-32. LARSON, D. W.; U'REN, S. C., 1982, Effects of debris KURODA. P. K.; LIOU, J. C. H.; BANAV ALI, A. D.; retaining sttuctures on water quality of the Toutle AKRIDGE, J. D.; BURCHFIELD, L. A., 1984, River, Washington. In Washington Water Research Poloniwn-210 fallout from the 1980 eruption of Mount Center. Proceedings from the conference, Mt St SL Helens and the mystery cloud of 1982: Geochemi­ Helens-Effects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., cal Journal, v. 18, no. 2, p. 55-60. Washington Water Research Center Repon 41, p. 191- 214. KURODA. P. K., see LEE, S. C. [and others], 1985. LARSON, E. E., see HOBLITI, R. P. [and others], 1985. KURODA, P. K., see SAKURAGI, Y. [and others], 1983. LASKOWSKI, E. R., see HOOPER, P. R. [and others]. KUSKO, BRUCE see CAHil..L, T. A_ [and others], 1980. 1980. LACROIX, S .• see GLASS, M. [and others], 1986. LAST, G. V .• see LILLIE, J. T. [and others], 1981. LAENEN, ANTONIUS. see KRESCH, D. L. [and others], LAST, G. V., see LILLIE, J. T. (~d others], 1982. 1984. LAST, G. V .• seeTALLMAN, A. M. [and others], 1980. LAENEN, J. M.• see HUBBELL, D. W. (and others], 1983. LAUL. J.C., see FRUCHTER, J. S. [and others], 1980. LAMBERT, G., see LE CLOAREC, M. F. [and others], LAULAINEN, N. S., 1982, Ash loading and insolation at 1986. Hanford, Washington. during and after the eruption of Mount SL Helens. In Deepak, Adarsh, editor, Atmos­ LAMOTiffi, P. J., see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [lllld others], 1981. pheric effects and potential climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Conference Publication 2240, p. 225-240. 50 LAURENCE

LAURENCE, D. B., 1961, The ML SL Helens "Floating LE O.OAREC, M. F.; LAL\.ffiERT, G.; LE ROULLEY. J. Island": Geological Society of the Oregon Country C.; ARDOUIN, B., 1986, Long-lived radon daughters Geological News Lener, v. 27, no. 8, p. 48-49. in Mount St Helens emissions--A size estimation of LAURENCE, HERBERT, 1954, Geological history of the magmatic reservoir. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens: Geological Society of the Oregon Mount St Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Country Geological News Letter, v. 20, no. 9, p. 80-81. Eastern Washingmn University Press, p. 59-60. LAVER. J. D., 1982, Distribution of Mount St Helens LE CLOAREC, M. F.; LAMBERT, G.; LE ROULLEY. J. dust inferred from satellites and meteorological data.In C.; ARDOUIN, B., 1986, Long-lived radon decay Deepak. Adarsh., editor, Atmospheric effects and products in Mount St Helens emissions--An estima­ potential climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of tion of the magma reservoir volume: Journal of Vol­ Mount SL Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and canology and Geothennal Research, v. 28, no. 1-2. p. Space Administration Conference Publication 2240, p. 85-89. 131-140. LE GUERN, FRANCOIS, see BERNARD, ALAIN [and LAW, L. K., see BOOKER, J. R. [and others], 1981. others], 1986. LAWRfu'iCE, D. B., 1938, Trees on the march: Mazama, LE GUERN, FRA...'fCOIS, see GERLACH, T. M. [and v.20,no. 12,p.49-54. others], 1982. LAWRENCE, D. B., 1939, Continuing research on the LE ROULLEY, J. C., see LE CLOAREC, M. F. [arrd flora of Mt St Helens: Mazama. v. 21, no. 12, p. 49- others], 1986. 54. LEAVER, D.; WEA VER, C. S., 1981, Refraction studies LAWR.ENCE, D. B., 1941, The "Floating Island" lava of the ML SL Helens region (abstract]: Eos (American flow of Mt St Helens: Mazama. v. 23, no. 12, p. 56- Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. 60. (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") LAWR.ENCE, D. B., 1954, Diagrammatic history of the LEAVESLEY, G. H.; LICHTY, R. W.; LUSBY, G. C .• nonheast slope of ML SL Helens, Washington: 1980, Infiltration and erosion characteristics of Mount Mazama, v. 36, no. 13, p. 41-44. SL Helens volcanic ash [abstract]: Eos (American LAWRENCE, D. B.; LAWRENCE, E. G., 1959, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 956. Radiocarbon dating of some events on Mount Hood LECHEV ALLIER, M., see ACKERMAN, M. [and and Mount St Helens: Mazama, v. 40, no. 14, p. 10- others]. 1980. 18. LEDGERWOOD, R. D., see KIRN, R. A. [and others], LAWR.ENCE, E. G ., see LAWREN CE, D. B. [and others] 1986. 1959. ' LEE, S. C.; SALEH, A. I.; BANAV ALI, A. D.; LAWSON, JIM, 1980, Oklahoma observations of effects JONOOBY, L.; KURODA, P. K., 1985, Beryllium-? of May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens: Ok­ deposition at Fayetteville, Arkansas, and excess lahoma Geology Notes, v. 40, no. 5, p. 179-183. polonium-210 from the 1980 eruption of Mount St. LAWYER, D. E., 1980, Corps of Engineers response to Helens; Note: Geochemical Journal, v. 19, no. 6. p. 317-322. the eruption of Mt St Helens. In Cassidy, J. J., chair­ person, Proceedings of Washington State University's LEEMAN, W. P.; SMITH, D. R., 1982, Petrology of Conference on the aftermath of Mt SL Helens: Quaternary volcanic rocks from Mount St Helens and Pullman, Wash., Washington State University, p. 33- vicinity [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union 35. Transactions),v.63,no.45,p. 1144. LA WYER, D. E., 1980, Navigation and flooding. In Gor­ LEEMAN, W. P., see KURASAWA, H. [and others] don, M. G.; Proctor, George, chainnen, The effects of 1982. ' the Mount St. Helens eruption on water resources-A LEEMAL"l, W. P., see SMITIL D.R. [and others], 1980. forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission, p. '?,7-29. LEEMAN, W. P.,see SMITH, D.R. [and others], 1982. LAY, THORNE, see KANAMORI, HIROO [and others] LEEMAN, W.P.,seeSMITH,D.R. [andothers), 1983. 1984. ' LEEMAN, W. P., see SMITH, D.R. [and others], 1985. LAZOFF, S. B., see WELCH, E. B. [and others], 1982. LEFFLER, S. R., see ADAMS, A. B. [and others], 1986. LAZRUS, A. L., 1981, Sulfur and halogen compounds in LEFFLER. SANFORD, see ADAMS. A. B. [and others] the Mt S_t Hele~s eruptions [abstract]: Eos (American 1986. ' Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: texa of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5. ") LAZRUS, A. L., see GANDRUD, B. W. (and others] 1981. ' LEZBERG 51

LE.FRERE.. JACQUES; PEI.ON, JACQUES; CAHEN, LEONARDOS, 0. H., see FYF,E, W. S. [and others], CLAUDE; Fl.AMA.NT, PIERRE; MEGIE, GERARD, 1981. 1981, Augmentation de !'aerosol stratospherique LEONARDOS, 0. H., see FYFE, W. S. [and others], mesure par sondage laser a l'Observatoire de Haute­ 1982. Provence apres I'eruption volcanique du Mont Saint­ Helens [Increased stratospheric aerosols measured by LEONHARDY, FRANK, 1982, The impact of ashfalls on laser sounding at the Haute-Provence Observatory, prehistoric peoples-May 18 as an analog [abstract]. In after the eruption of Mount St Helens]: Compres Ren­ Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year dus des Seances de 1' Academie des Sciences, Serie 2, later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University v. 292, no. 2. p. 171-176. Press, p. 239. LE.FRERE.. JACQUES; PEI.ON, JACQUES; CAHEN, LEOPOLD, L. B., see DUNNE, THOMAS [and others], CLAUDE; HAUCHECORNE, A.; FLAMANT, 1981. . PIERRE, 1981, Lidar survey of the post Mt St Helens I.EPEL, E. A., see FRUCIITER, J. S. [and others], 1980. stra10spheric aerosol at Haute Provence Observatory: Applied Optics, v. 20, no. 7, p. A70, 1117. LERFALD, GORDON, 1982, Mount St Helens dust veil observed at Boulder, Colorado, by optical techniques. LEHMICKE, L. G., see STALEY, J. T. [and others], 1982. In Deepalc, Adarsh, editor, Atmospheric effects and LEHRE, A. K.; COLLINS, B. D.; DUNNE, THOMAS, potential climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of 1982, Preliminary post-eruption sediment budget for Mount St Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and the North Fork Toutle River drainage, June 1980-May Space Administration Conference Publication 2240, p. 1981. /11 Washingt0n Water Research Center, Proceed­ 241-250. ings from the conference, Mt St Helens-Effects on LETT, R., see BARRINGER, A. R. [and others], 1982. water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water Research Center Repon 41, p. 215-234. LETI'ENMAIER, D. P.; BURGES, S. J., 1981, Estimation of flood frequency changes in the Toutle and Cowlitz LEHRE, A. K.; COLLINS, B. D.; DUNNE, THOMAS, River basins following the eruption of Mt St. Helens: 1983, Post-eruption sediment budget for the North Seattle, Wash., University of Washington Deparunent Fork Toutle River drainage, June 1980-June 1981. In of Civil Engineering Technical Report 69, 73 p. Okuda. S.; Netto, A.; Slaymaker, 0., editors, Extreme land fonning events: Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie, LETTENMAIER, D. P., see DATTA, BITHIN [and Supplementband 46, p. 143-163. others], 1983. LEHRE, A. K.; DUNNE, TiiOMAS; FAIRCHILD, L. H.; LETI'ENMAIER., D. P., see ERICKSON, KAROL [and COLLINS, B. D., 1981, Erosion of sediments released others], 1980. by the 1980 eruptions of ML SL Helens [abstract]: Eos LETI'ENMAIER, D. P., see TANGBORN, W. V. [and (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. others], 1981. 8, p. 80. LETI'ENMAIER, D. P., see TANGBORN, W. V. [and LEHRE, A. K., see COLLINS, B. D. [and others], 1982. others], 1982. LEHRE, A. K., see COLLINS, B. D. [and others], 1983. LEWIS, W. J., JR.; GRANT, M. C., 1981, Effect of the LEHRE, A. K., see LISLE, T. E. [and others], 1983. May-June Mount St Helens eruptions on precipitation chemistry in central Colorado: Atmospheric Environ­ LEIFER, R.;· HINCHLIFFE, L.; FISENNE, I.; ment, v. 15, no. 9, p. 1539-1542. FRANKLIN, H.; KNUTSON, E.; OLDEN, M.; SED­ LACEK. W. A.; MROZ. E. J.; CAHil.L, T., 1981, LEZBERG, E. A.; OTTERSON, D. A.; ROBERTS, W. Measurements of the stratospheric plume from the K.; PAPAUiAKOS, L. C., 1980, Aircraft sampling of Mount St Helens eruption-Radioactivity and chemi­ the sulfate layer near the tropopause following the cal composition: Science, v. 214, no. 4523, p. 904- eruption of Mount St Helens [abstract]: Eos 907. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1154. LEIFER. R., see SEDLACEK, W. A. [and others], 1980. LEZBERG, E. A.; OTTERSON, D. A.; ROBERTS. W. LEIFER, R., see SEDLACEK, W. A. [and others], 1982. K.; PAPATHAKOS, L. C., 1982, Aircraft sampling of LEIGm.=Y, T. A., see ALPHA, T. R. [and others], 1982. the sulfate layer near the troposphere following the LEIGHI.EY, T. A., see CHADWICK, W. W., JR. [and eruption of Mount St Helens. In Deepak, Adarsh. others], 1983. editor, Atmospheric effects and potential climatic im­ pact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens: U.S. LENOBLE, J.; PRUVOST, P.; BROGNIEZ, C., 1984, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Con­ SAGE satellite observations of stratospheric aerosols ference Publication 2240, p. 251-259. from Mount St Helens eruption-A two-wavelength analysis: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 89, no. D7, p. 11666-11676. 52 LEZEERG

LEZBERG, E. A.; OTIERSON, D. A.; ROBERTS, W. K.; LIPMAN, P. W.; MOORE, J. G.; SWANSON, D. A., PAPAmAKOS, L. C., 1982, Aircraft sampling of the 1981, Bulging of the north flank before the May 18 sulfate layer near the tropopause following the eruption eruptio~eodetic data. In Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ of Mount St Helens: Journal of Geophysical lineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount Research, v. 87, no. C4, p. 3123-3127. SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey UCHTE, F. E., see CHUAN, R. L. [and others}, 1985. Professional Paper 1250, p. 143-155. UCHTE,F. E.,seeGOUGH,L.P. [andothersJ. 1981. LIPMAN, P. W.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., EDITORS, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, UCHTE, F. E., see HINKLEY, TODD [and others], 1980. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional LICHTE, F. E., see TAGGART, J. E., JR. [and others], Paper 1250, 844 p. 1981. LIPMAN, P. W.; NORTON, D.R.; TAGGART, J.E., JR.; LICHTE, F. E., see TAYLOR, H. E. [and others], 1980. BRANDT, E. L.; ENGLEMAN, E. E., 1981, Composi­ LICHTY, R. W., see LEAVESLEY, G. H. [and others], tional variations in 1980 magmatic deposits. In Lip­ 1980. man, P. W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, The 1980 erup­ tions of Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ LIDKE, D. J., see KUNTZ, M.A. [and othersJ. 1981. cal Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 631-640. Lll.LEY, M. D .• see BAROSS, J. A. [and others], 1980. LIPMAN, P. W.; SWANSON, D. A., 1981, Compositional Lll.LEY, M. D.,see BAROSS,J. A. [and others]. 1982. variations in magmatic deposits from Mount Sc. Lll.LEY, M. D., see DAHM, C. N. [and others], 1981. Helens, Washington, 1980-1981 (abstract]. In Interna­ tional Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of Lll.LEY, M. D., see DAHM. C. N. [and others}. 1982. the Earth's Interior, IAVCEI symposium, Arc vol­ LILLEY, M. D., see DAHM. C. N. [and others], 1983. canism; Abstracts: Volcanological Society of Japan; t U I IE, J. T.; CROSS, R. W.; FEOIT, K. R.; LAST, G. International Association of Volcanology and V.; LONG, P. E.; PRICE, S. M.; REIDEL, S. P.; Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, p. 205-206. TAI.l.MAN, A. M., 1981, Preservation and composi­ LIPMAN, P. W., see MOORE, J. G. [and others], 1981. tion of May 18, 1980 Mount St Helens ash in eastern LIPMAN, P. W., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], WashingtOn [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, and 1980. others, Mount St Helens-One year ~ter, Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern WashingtOn LIPMAN, P. W., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], University, 2 p. 1981. LILLIE. J. T.; CROSS, R. W.; FEOIT, K. R.; LAST, G. LIPOVSKY, W. A., see BURKET, S. D. (and others], V.; LONG, P. E.; PRICE, S. M.; REIDEL, S. P.; 1980. TAI.l.MAN, A. M., 1982, Preservation and composi­ LIPPENS, C., see ACKERMAN, M. [and others], 1980. tion of May 18, 1980, Mount SL Helens ash in eastern LIPPENS, C., see ACKERMAN, M. (and others], 1982. Washington [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., LISLE, T. E.; LEHRE, A. K.; MARTINSON, H. A.; Eastern Washington University Press, p. 239. MEYER, D. F.; NOLAN, K. M.; SMITH, R. D., 1983, Stream channel adjustments after the 1980 Mount St LILLIE, J. T., see SCHEIDEGGER, K. F. [and olhers], 1981. Helens eruptions. In Proceedings of the symposium on erosion control in volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at I TT I IE, J. T., see TALLMAN, A. M. [and others], 1980. Seattle and Vancouver, Washington: Japan Public LINDEll, M. K., see GREENE, M. R. [and others], 1980. Works Research Institute Technical Memorandum 1908, p. 31-72. LINDEll, M. K., see GREENE, M. R. [and others], 1981. trrr, A. H., see EDMONDSON, W. T. [and others], LINDEll, M. K., see PERRY, R. W. [and others], 1980. 1983. LINDEll,M. K.,seePERRY,R. W. [andothers], 1986. LITI, A. H., see EDMONDSON, W. T. [and others], LIOU, JOHN C. H., see KURODA, P. K. [and others], 1984. 1984. LIVINGSTON, V. E., JR., see HUNITING, M. T. (and LIPMAN, P. W.; MOORE, J. G.; SWANSON, D. A., others], 1961. 1980, Bulging of the north flank of Mount St Helens LODATO, PAUL, 1980, Mount St. Helens-A different volcano before the 5/18 eruption-Geodetic data disaster: Emergency Management, v. 1, no. 1, p. 2-5. [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1135. LOFGREN, J. L., 1981, Analysis of volcanic ash from Mount SL 'Helens by x-ray diffraction [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C •• editor, and others, Mount St Helens­ One year later, Abstracts and directory: Cheney, · Wash., Eastern Washington University, l p. .'·,1ACLEOD 53

LOFGREN, J. L.; GOBLE, G. J., 1982. Analysis of Mount LOWRIE. D. J., see DOHERTY, D. J. [and others], 1980. SL Helens volcanic ash by x-ray diffraction. In Keller, LUCAS, R. E., 1986, Recovery of game fish populations A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later. S. impacted by the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, Helens. In. Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens­ p. 33-37. Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington LOGAN, R. L. (JOSH), 1981, Physical characteristics of University Press, p. 276-292. the Mount SL Helens pyroclastic flow depositS LUDWIN, RUTH see QAMAR, ANTHONY [and others], [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, and others, Mount 1986. SL Helens-One year later. Abstracts and wrectory: Cheney, Wash.,Eastern Washington University, 1 p. LUEDKE, R. G.; SMITH, R. L.; RUSSELL-ROBINSON, LOGAN, R. L. (JOSH), 1981, Some petrographic charac­ S. L., 1983, Map showing disaibution, com~osition, and age of late Cenozoic volcanoes and volcanic rocks teristics of pwnice from the 1980 Mount SL Helens of the Cascade Range and vicinity, northwestern pyroclastic flows: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 9, no. 4, p. 1-4. Unired States: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1507, 1 sheet, scale LOGAN, R. L. (JOSH), 1982, Physical characteristics of 1:500,000. the Mount SL Helens pyroclastic flow deposits LUSBY, G. C., see LEAVESLEY, G. H. [and others], [abstract]. In. Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St 1980. Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 239. LYONS, J. V., 1986, Agricultural impact and adjustment to the Mount SL Helens ashfall-Search for analogs. In LOGAN, R. L., 1983, Temporal trends in the Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years geochemistry and petrology of the Mount St Helens Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University pyroclastic flow deposits: Bellingham, Wash., Western Jarer: Press, p. 423-429. Washington University Master of Science thesis, 109 p. LYONS,J. V.,seeWARRICK,R.A. [and others], 1981. LOGAN, R. L.; MANSON, C. J., 1983, Mount SL Helens-Annotated index to video archives: MACCREADY, J. · S., 1982, Some economic consequen­ Washington Di~on of Geology and Earth Reso~ ces of the eruptions. In. Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount · Information Circular 76, 51 p. SL Helens-One year later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 215-224. LOMBARD, R. E., 1982, Sediment deposition in the Cowlitz River. In U.S. Geological Survey, Activities MACDOUGALL, J. D., see NEWMAN, S. [and others], of the Warer Resources Division and Resident Cartog­ 1981. rapher, Division of National Mapping in Washington, MACFADDEN, SANDRA see CLARY, BRUCE [and 1981 fiscal year: U.S. Geological Survey, p. 36. others], 1982. LOMBARD, R. E., 1986, Channel geometry, flood eleva­ MACK, R. N., 1981, Initial effects of ashfall from Mount tions, and flood maps, lower Toutle and Cowlitz St Helens on vegetation in eastern Washington and ad­ Rivers, Washington, June 1980 to May 1981: U.S . jacent Idaho: Science, v. 213, no. 4507, p. 537-539. Geological Survey Warer-Resources Investigations Report 85-4080, 34 p. MACKENZIE, A. B., see HALLIDAY, A. N. [and others], 1983. LOMBARD, R. E.; MILES, M B.; NELSON, L. M; KRESCH, D. L.; CARPEN1ER, P. J., 1981, Channel MACLEOD, N. S., 1984, Recent and ancient ash-cloud conditions in the Lower Toutle and Cowlitz Rivers deposits in the Cascade Range [abstract]: Pacific resulting from the mudflows of May 18, 1980: U.S. Northwest Metals and Minerals Conference, 1984, Geological Survey Circular 850-C, 16 p. Abstracts, p. 53. LOMBARD, R. E.; MILES, M. B.; NELSON, L. M ; MACLEOD, N. S.; KUNTZ, M.A.: ROWLEY, P. D.; KRESCH, D. L.; CARPENTER, P. J., 1981, The im­ HOBLITI, R. P., 1980, Pyroclastic flows of !.he 1980 pact of mudflows of May 18 on the lower Toutle and eruptions of Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]: Cowlitz Rivers. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, 61, no. 46, p. 1137. · Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional MACLEOD, N. S.,see KUNTZ, M.A. [and others], 1981. Paperl250,p.693-699. MACLEOD, N. S., see ROWLEY, P. D. [and others], LONG, P. E., see Lll..LIE, J. T. [and others], 1981. 1981. LONG, P. E., see LILLIE, J. T. [and others], 1982. MACLEOD, N. S., see ROWLEY, P. D. [and others], LONG, P. E., see TALLMAN, A. M. [and others], 1980. 1985. LOPP, T. G., see BURKET, S. D. [and others], 1980. MACLEOD, N. S., see WAITI , R. B., JR. [and others], 1983. LOUNSBURY, CLARENCE, see ANDERSON, A. C. [and others], 1956. 54 MAC'r!AHON

MACMAHON, I. A., 1982, Mount St Helens revisited: MALONE. S. D., 1982, The Mount St Helens eruptions­ Natural. History, v. 91, no. 5, p. 14, 18-22,24. Seismic monitoring for eruption prediction. In Martin, MACMAHON, 1. A., see ANDERSEN, D. C. [and others], R. C.; Davis, J. F., editors, Status of volcanic prediction 1985. and emergency response capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of California: California Division of Mines and MACMAHON, I. A., see. FRANKLIN, I. F. [and others], Geology Special Publication 63, p. 79-98. 198S. MALONE, S. D., 1983, Volcanic earthquakes-E.'Camples MAJOR, I. I.; VOIGHT, BARRY, 1984, The Mount St . from Mount St Helens. In Kanamori, H.; Boschi, E., Helens southwest flank lahars of May 18, 1980-Flow editors, Earthquakes-Observation, theory and inter­ dynamics, sedimentology, clast fabric [abstraet]: pretation; Proceedings of the International School of Geological Society of America Abstraets with Physics "Enrico Fermi," Course 85: New York, N.Y., Programs,v. 16,no.6,p.583. North-Holland Publishing Company, p. 436-455. MAJOR, I. I.; VOIGHT, BARRY, 1986, Sedimentology MALONE, S. D., 1986, Predicting eruptions of Mt St and clast orientations of the 18 May 1980 southwest­ Helens using seismic means: Volcano News, no. 24, p. flank lahars, Mount St Helens, Washingron: Journal 2-3. of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 56, no. 5, p. 691-705. MALONE, S. D.; BOYKO, CHRISTINA, 1982, Volcanic MAJORS, H. M., 1980, Mount St Helens series: earthquakes, and the precursors to the 1981 eruptions Northwest Discovery, v. l, no. 1, p. 4-51. of Mount St Helens [abstract]: Eos (American MAJORS, H. M., 1980, Mount St Helens series: Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. Northwest Discovery, v. 1, no. 2, p. 68-109. 1140. MAJORS, H. M.; MCCOLLUM, R. C., EDITORS, 1981, MALONE, S. D.; BOYKO, CHRISTINA, 1983, Volcanic Mount St Helens-The 1831 and 1835 eruptions: earthquakes, and the precursors to the 1981 eruptions Northwest Discovery. v. 2, no. 8, p. 534-540. of Mount St Helens (abstract]: Eos (American MAJORS, H. M.; MCCOLLUM, R. C., EDITORS, 1981, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 9, p. 90. Mount St Helens-The 1844-1857 eruptions: MALONE, S. D.; BOYKO, CHRISTINA; WEA VER, C. Northwest Discovery, v. 2, no. 8, p. 541-550. S., 1983, Seismic precursors to the Mount St Helens MALEY, C. A., see TIIOMPSON, J: M. (and others], eruptions in 1981 and 1982: Scien~. v. 221, no. 4618. 1985. p. 1376-1378. MALIN, M. C., 1984, Planetary geomorphology field MALONE, S. D.; ENDO, E. T.; WEA VER. C. S., 1980, studies-Washington and Alaska. In Holt, H. E., com­ Seisrnicity associated with the 1980 eruptions of Mount piler, Reports of Planetary ·Geology Program-1983: Saint Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1133. Technical Memorandum 86246, p. 194-195. MALONE, S. D.; ENDO, E. T.; WEA VER, C. S.; MALIN, M. C.; SHERIDAN, M. F., 1981, Computer-as­ RAMEY,!. W., 1981, Seismic monitoring for eruption sisted volcanic hazards mapping (abstract]: Eos prediction. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, 45, p. 1085. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 803-813. MALIN, M. C.; SHERIDAN, M. F., 1982, Computcr-as­ sisted mapping of pyroclastic surges: Science, v. 217, MALONE, S. D.; PA VLIS, G. L., 1983, Velocity structure no.4560,p.637-640. and relocation of eanhquakes at Mount St Helens (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ MALIN, M. C., see FINK. J. H. (and others), 1980. actions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 895. MALIN, M. C., see FINK. J. H. [and others), 1981. MALONE, S. D.; QAMAR, ANIEONY, 1984, Repetitive MALINCONICO, L. L, see CASADEV ALL, T. I. [and microeart.hquakes as the source for volcanic tremor at others), 1980. Mount St Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ MALINCONICO, L. L., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. (and cal Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 45, p. 1001. others], 1981. MALONE, S. D.; WEA VER, C. S.; ENDO, E. T., 1981, MALINCONICO, L. L., see STOIBER, R. E. [and others], Seismic details of the May 18, 1980 cataclysmic erup­ 1980. tion of Mount St. Helens (abstract]: Eos (AmericJn Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. MALINCONICO, L. L., see STOIBER, R. E. [and others], (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62. no. 5.") 1981. MARTINSON 55

MALONE. S. D.; WEA VER. C. S.; ENDO, E. T.; MARRON, J. K.; DA VIS, R. T., 1982, Event reporting on NOSON. L L .• 1981, Seismic precursors to the erup­ Mount Saint Helens SNOTEL, flexibility for the fu. tions of Mount St Helens [abstract]. In International tme: Western Snow Conference, Annual Meeting, Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the 50th, 1982, p. 133-137. Earth's Interior, IA VCEI symposium, Arc volcanism; MARRON, J. K., see DA VIS, R. T. [and others], 1982. Abstracts: Volcanological Society of Japan; Interna­ tional Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of MARSH, B. D., see CASHMAN, K. V. [and others], the Earth's Interior, p. 216. 1984. MALONE. S. D .• see CROSSON, R. S. [and others]. 1980. MARSH, B. D., see CASHMAN, K. V. [and others], 1986. MALONE, S. D., see CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1984. MARTIN, D. J.; WASSERMAN, L. J.; JONES, R. P.; MALONE. S. ENDO, E.T. [and others], 1980. D.,see SALO, E. 0 ., 1982, Effects of the eruption of Mount MALONE. S. D., see ENDO, E.T. (and others], 1981. St Helens on salmon populations and habitat of the MALONE, S. D., see FREMONT, M J. [and others], Toutle River. In Washington Water Research Center, 1985. Proceedings from the conference, ML St Helens-Ef­ fects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington MALONE, S. D., see HOFSTETI'ER, ABRAHAM [and Water Research Center Repon 41, p. 235-252. others]. 1986. MARTIN, D. J.; WASSERMAN, L. J.; JONES, R. P.; MALONE. S. D., see MCCLURG, D. C. [and others], SALO, E. 1984, Effects of Mount St Helens erup­ 1986. 0., tion on salmon populations and habitat in the Toutie MALONE. S. D., see NOSON, L. L [and others], 1981. River: Seattle, Wash.. University of Washington MALONE. S. D., see QAMAR. ANTHONY [and others], Fisheries Research Institute FRI-UW-8412, 130 p. 1986. MARTINI, MARINO; CELLINI LEGITTIMO, PAOLA, MALONE, S. D.. see SCANDONE, ROBERTO [and 1982, Acid and condensable constituents in fumarolic others], 1985. gases of Usu (Japan) and Mount St Helens (U.S.A.): Societa Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia Rend.icon­ MALONE. S. D., see SWANSON, D. A. (and others], ti, v. 38, no. 2, p. 771-773. 1983. MARTINSON, H. A., 1982, Channel geomorphology, MALONE. S. D., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], sediment movement, and channel changes of Pine and 1984. Muddy Rivers:-Mount St Helens. In U.S. Geological · MALONE. S. D., see SW ANSON, D. A. (and others] , Survey, Activities of the Water Resources Division and 1985. Resident Cartographer, Division of National Mapping MALONE. S. D., see WEA VER, C. S. [and others], 1974. in Washington, 1981 fiscal year: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey, p. 37. MALONE. S. D., see WEA VER, C. S. [and others], 1975. MARTINSON, H. A.; FINNERAN, S. D.; TOPINKA, L. MALONE. S. D., see WEA VER, C. S. (and others], 1976. J., 1984, Changes in channel geomorphology of six MALONE, S. D., see WEA VER, C. S. (and others], 1980. eruption-affected tributaries of the Lewis River, 1980- MALONE. S. D., see WEA VER, C. S. (and others], 1981. 82, Mount St Helens, WashingtOn: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 84-614, 113 p. MALONE. S. D., see WEA VER, C. S. (and others], 1983. MARTINSON, H. A.; HAMMOND, H. E.; MAST, W. MANGELSDORF, P. C., JR.; SAYI.ES, F. L., 1984, Ef. W.; MANGO, P. D., 1986, Channel geometry and fect of Mt. St Helens ash on seawater [abstract]: Eos hydrologic data for six eruption-affected tributaries of (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. the Lewis River, Mount St Helens, Washington, water 45, p. 960-961. years 1983-84: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File MANGO, P. D., see MARTINSON, H. A. [and others], Report 85-631, 161 p. 1986. MARTINSON, H. A.; :MEYER~ D. F., 1983, Stream chan­ MANSON, C. J., see LOGAN, R. L. [and others], 1983. nel adjusanents co 1980 lahars and. subsequent storm­ flow, Mount SL Helens [abstract]. In Glysson, G. D., MARIANI. PATRICIA. see HOWARD, B. [and others], editor, Proceedings of the advanced seminar on 1980. sedimentation, August 15-19, 1983, Denver, Colorado: MARINER, R. H., see BARNES, IV AN [and others], U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-98, p. 31- 1981. 33. MAROTTA, D. A., see DUNBAR, N. W. [and others], 1983. 56 MARTINSON

MARTINSON, H. A.; MEYER, D. F.; JANDA, R. J., MAY, P. J., 1984, Recovering from catastrophe-Mount 1982, Storm-induced changes in channel morphology SL Helens and federal disaster relief policy: Nonhwest of mudflow-impactcd streams. [abstraet]. In EnvironmentalJournal,v. l,no. l,p.151-170. Washington Water Research Center, Proceedings from MAYLAND, H. F., see SNEV A, F. A. [and others], 1982. the conference, Mt St Helens-Effects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water MAZAMA, 1903, The lava caves of SL Helens: Mazama, Research Center Repon 41, p. 253. v. 2, no. 3, p. 134-136. MAZAMA MARTINSON, H. A., see JANDA, R. J. [and others]. RESEARCH COMMITTEE, 1943, Aerial photographs of Mourtt SL Helens: [Portland, Ore., 1981. Privately published by the author], 32 plates. MARTINSON, H. A., see JANDA, R. J. [and others], MCALISTER E. H., 1903, Repon on the altirude of St 1982. Helens: Mazama. v. 2, no. 3, p. 123-124. MARTINSON, H. A., see LISLE, T. E. [and others]. 1983. MCBIRNEY, A. R., see MURASE, TSUTOMU (and MARTINSON, H. A., see MEYER, D. F. (and others], others}, 1985. 1982. MCBROOME, L. A., see KUNTZ, M. A. (and others], MARTINSON. S. R., 1986, Differences in response to 1981. volcanic ashfall among Douglas-fir seedlings at genetic teSt plantations in western Washington. In Keller, S. A. MCBROOME. L. A., see WALKER, G. P. L. [and others], C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later: 1983. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, MCCABE, TIM, see BOSWORTH. D. A. [and others], p. 261-275. 1980. MASS, CLIFFORD: ROBOCK. ALAN, 1982. The shon­ MCCAMANT, L. E., see VOI.L\1ER, W. M. [and others], tenn influence of the Mount SL Helens volcanic erup­ 1986. tion on surface tempcraDJIC in the nonhwest United MCCAWLEY, M. A., see BERNSTEIN, R. S. [and States: Monthly Weather Review, v. 110, no. 6, p. others], 1982. 614-622. MCCLURG, D. C.; MALONE, S. D., 1986, Coda-Q at Mt. MASS, CLlFFORD. see ROBOCK, ALAN [and others]. SL Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical 1982. Union Transactions), v. 67, no. 44, p. 1093. MAST, W. W .• see MARTINSON, H. A. [and others]. MCCOLLUM. R. C., see MAJORS, H. M. . (and others], 1986. 1981. MASTENBROOK, H. J., see MURCRA Y, D. G. [and MCCOOL, D. K., see MOLNAU. MYRON [and others], others]. 1981. 1980. MATEER. C. L., see KERR, J.B. [and others]. 1982. MCCORMICK, M. P., 1981, Lidar measurements of MATIIEWS, L.A.; ROQUEMORE, G. R.; ST. AMAND, Mount SL Helens effiuents. In Doyle, F. J .• editor, P.; GIBSON, J. P., 1982, An incursion of dust in the Electro-optical instrumentation for resources evalua­ southwestern United States from April 1980 eruptions tion: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation En­ of Mowu SL Helens. In Dcepak. Adarsh, editor, At­ gineers, Proceedings, v. 278, p. 19-22. mospheric effects and potential climatic impact of the MCCORMICK, M. P., 1981, Monitoring Mount St 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens: U.S. National Helens: Nacure, v. 290, no. 5802, p. 88-89. Aeronautics and Space Administration Conference Publication 2240, p. 261-267. MCCORMICK, M. P., 1982. Ground-based and airborne measurements of the Mount SL Helens stratospheric ef­ MATHEZ, E. A., see RAEDEKE, L. D. [and others], fluents. In Deepak. Adarsh, editor. Aunospheric effects 1980. and potential climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of MATIIlSON, J. M.• 1981, Forecasting the Cowlitz River Mount SL Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and after the Mount Saint Helens eruption [abstract]: Eos Space Administration Conference Publication 2240, p. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 125-130. 6, p. 61. (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62. no. MCCORMICK, M. P., see CHUAN, R. L. [and others), 5.") 1981. MATIIlSON,J.M.,seeORWIG,C.E. [andothers], 1982. MCCORMICK, M. P., see FRIEND. J. P. [and others]. MATSUIDSA, Y.,see SMITII, D.R. [and others], 1983. 1982. MAUGHN, DA YID.see DAVIS, B. L. [and others], 1981. MCDOWELL, M.,see GLASS, M. [and others], 1986. MAX, T. A., see SNELL, J. A. K. [and others], 1982. MCELROY, W. K., see ADAMS, A. B. (and others], MAX, T. A., see SNELLGROVE, T. A. [and others], 1986. 1983. MELEKESTSEV 57

MCGAVOCK. E. H.. see COU.IER. C. R. [and others], MCLUCAS, G. B., 1981, Mount SL Helens ash- Proper­ 1980. ties and possible uses [absuact]. In Keller, S. A. C., MCGEE. K. A• • see SATO, MOTOAKI [and others], editor; and others, Mount SL Helens-One year later, 1980. Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University, 1 p. MCGEE. K. A.• see SATO, MOTOAKI [and others], 1981. MCLUCAS, G. B.• see MOEN, W. S. [and others], 1981. MCGEE. K. A.. see SATO. MOTOAKI [and others]. MCLUCAS, G. B .• see MOEN', W. S. [and others], 1982. 1984. . MCNEAL. B. L .• see SMITH, J. L. [and others], 1982. MCGEE. K. A.. see SUITON. A. J. (and others]. 1986. MCNUIT, S. R., 1981, Preliminary calculations of ML SL MCGINNIS, J .• see PRESTON. R. L. (and others]. 1982. Helens b-values [absuact]: Eos (American Geophysi­ cal Union Transactions); v. 62. no. 6. p. 62. (Note: text MCKEE. W. A.. see FRENZEN. P. M. [and others], 1986. of journal mislabeled as "v. 62. no. 5.") MCKEE. W. A.. see KIILSGAARD, C. W. [and others], MCNUIT, S. R.; BEAV AN. R. J., 1984, Patterns of 1986. earthquakes and the effect of solid earth and ocean load MCKEE. W.A..seeMEANS.J.E. (andothers], 1982. tides at Mount St Helens prior to the May 18, 1980, MCKENZIE. S. W.• see HUBBELL. D. W. (and others], eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 89. n~. 1983. B5, p. 3075-3086. MCKNIGHT. D. M.. 1982. Fulvic substances MCPHERRON, R. L•• see DA VIS. P. M. [and others], from lakes near Mount SL Helens, Washington 1984. [absuact]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper MCPHERSON. J. G.• see BEESON, D. L. [and others], 1275. p. 149. 1984. MCKNIGHT. D. M.; FEDER. G. L.; STil..ES. E. A.. 1981. MCREYNOLDS, W. E.• see PRESTON, R. L. [and Effects on a blue-green alga of leachates of ash from others]. 1982. the May 18 eruption. / n Lipman. P. W .; Mullineaux. D. MEANS. J. E.; MCKEE. W. A.; MOIR. W. H.; R .• editors. The 1980 ~ruptions of Mount SL Helens, FRANKLlN, J. F .• 1982. Natural revegetation of the Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional northeastern portion of the devastated area. In Keller, Paper 1250. p. 733-741. S. A. C., editor. Mount St. Helens--One year later. MCKNIGHT. D. M.; FEDER. G. L.; STil..ES, E. A., 1981, Cheney. Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, Toxicity of Mount SL Helens ash leachate to a blue­ p. 93-103. .. green alga; U.S. Geological Survey Circular 850-F, 14 p. MEANS,J.E .• seeFRENZEN,P. M. [and others], 1986. MEASON,J. L.,seeSAKURAGI. Y. [andothers], 1983. MCKNIGHT. D. M.; FEDER. G. L.; STil..ES. E. A.. 1981, Toxicity of volcanic-ash leachate to a blue-green MEGIE, GERARD, see LEFRERE, JACQUES [and alga-Results of a preliminary bioassay experiment: others], 1981. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 15. no. 3. p. MEIER. M. F.; CARPENTER. P. J.; JANDA. R. J .• 1981, 362-364. Hydrologic effects of Mount St Helens' 1980 erup­ MCKNIGHT. D. M.; KLEIN, J.M.; WISSMAR. R. C .• tions: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ 1984. Changes in the organic material in lakes in the tions). v. 62. no. 33. p. 625-626. blast zone of Mount SL Helens. Washington: U.S. MEIER. M. F.• see BRUGMAN. M. M. [and others], Geological Survey Circular 850-L. 26 p. 1981. MCKNIGHT, D. M.; PEREIRA. W. E.; CEAZAN, M. L., MEIER. M. F.• see POST, AUSTIN [and others], 1980. 1982, Characterization of dissolved organic materials in surface waters within the blast zone of Mount SL MEIXNER. F. X.; GEORGII. H.-W.; OCKEL\1ANN, G., Helens, Washington: Organic Geochemistry, v. 4, no. 1980, Eruption des Vulkans Mount St. Helens-Nach­ 2, p. 85-92. weis der stratosphaerischen rauchfahne ueber Europa: Annalen der Meteorologic, n.s. 16, p. 249-251. MCLELLAN, P. M., 1952. Mount SL Helens cave: Na­ tional Speleological Jociety Cascade Grouo, Cascade MEIXNER, F. X.; GEORGI!, H.-W.; OCKEL\1Ai."lN, G.; Cave Report 5, p. 3. JAEGER. H.; REITER, R., 1981. The arrival of the Mount SL Helens eruption cloud over Europe: MCLUCAS, G. B., 1980, Cleanup and disposal of Mount Geophysical Research Letters, v. 8, no. 2, p. 163-166. SL Helens ash in eastern Washington: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 8, no. 4, p. 1-7. MELBY. C. L., see STOBER. Q. J. (and others], 1982. MCLUCAS, G. B., 1980, Pettology of current Mount SL MELEKESTSEV, I. V.• see BOGOY A VLENSKA YA, G. E. (and others], 1985. Helens tephra: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 8. no. 3, p. 7-13. 58 MELSON

MELSON, W. G., 1982, Toe cyclical nature of explosive MERZBACHER. C. L, 1983, Water-samrated and -under­ volcanism-A petrological approach to volcano sarurated phase relations of the Mount St Helens dacite forecasting. In Martin, R.C.; Davis, J.F.,eds.,1982, magma erupted on May 18, 1980, and an estimate of Stanis of volcanic prediction and emergency response the pre-eruptive water content: University Park, Penn., capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of California: Pennsylvania State University Master of Science lhesis, California Division of Mines and Geology Special 56p. Publication 63, p. 99-118. :MERZBACHER. C. I.; EGGLER, D. H., 1983, Mount St. MELSON, W. G., 1983, Monitoring the 1980-1982 erup­ Helens dacite magmas of May 18, 1980---Phase rela­ tions of Mount SL Helens-Compositions and abun­ tions and water content [abstract]: Eos (American dances of glass: Science, v. 221, no. 4618, p. 1387- Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 64, no. 18, p. 342. 1391. :MERZBACHER, C. I.; EGGLER, D. H., 1984, A mag­ MELSON, W. G.; HOPSON, C. A., 1981, Precruption matic geohygrometer-Application to Mount St temperatures and oxygen fugacities in the 1980 erup­ Helens and other dacitic magmas: Geology, v. 12, no. tive sequence. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., 10, p. 587-590. editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens, MESEREAU, A.,see HOWARD, B. [andolhers], 1980. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper12.50,p.641-648. MEYER. C. E., see SARNA-WOJCICKI. A. M. [and others], 1981. MELSON, W. G.; HOPSON, C. A., 1982, Petrologic model of the 1980-82 ML St. Helens magma chamber MEYER. D. F.; JANDA, R. J., 1985, Erosional develop­ [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ ment of the North Fork Toutle debris avalanche deposit actions), v. 63, no. 45, p. 1144. [abstract]. In Glysson, G. 0., editor, Proceedings of the advanced seminar on sedimentation, August 15-19, MELSON, W. G.; HOPSON, C. A.; KIENLE, C. F., 1980, 1983, Denver, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Petrology of tephra from the 1980 eruption of Mount Open-Fi.le Report 85-98, p. 34-36. SL Helens [abstract]: Geological Society of. America Abstrac~ with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 482. MEYER. D. F.; JANDA, R. J., 1986, Sedimentation downstream from the 18 May 1980 North Fork Toutle MELSON, W. G.,see BENNETT,!. T. [and others], 1982. River debris avalanche deposit, Mount St Helens, MELSON, W. G., see HOPSON, C. A. [and others], 1980. Washington. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St. MELSON, W. G., see HOPSON, C. A. (and others), 1982. Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingten University Press, p. 68-8_§. MELSON, W. G., see HOPSON, C. A. (and others]. 1984. MEYER. D. F.; JANDA. R. J.; MARTINSON, H. A., MELSON, W. G., see KRISHNASW AMI, S. [and others], 1982, Initial and subsequent drainage basin and chan­ 1981. nel responses to the 1980 eruption of Moum St. Helens MELSON, W. G., see MURASE, TSUTOMU (and (abstract): Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ others], 1985. actions), v. 63, no. 8, p. 174-175. MELSON, W. G., see NEWHALL, C. G. (and others), MEYER. D. F.; NOLAN, K. M.; DODGE, J. E., 1986, 1983. Post-eruption changes in channel geometry of streams MENDONCA. B. G., see DELUISI, J. J. (and others), in the Toutle River drainage basin, 1980-82, Mount St 1982. Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ File Report 85-412, 128 p. MENDONCA. B. G .• see DELUISI, J. J. (and others], 1983. MEYER, D. F., see JANDA, R. J. (and others], 1985. MENTNECH, M. S., see GREEN, F. H. Y. [and olhers), MEYER. D. F., see LISLE, T. E. (and others], 1983. 1981. MEYER, D. F., see MARTINSON, H. A. [and others]. MERCHANT, J. A•• su BERNSTEIN, R. S. [and olhers], 1982. 1982. MEYER, D. F., see MARTINSON, H. A. [and olhers], MERCHANT, J. A., see GREEN, F. H. Y. [and olhers], 1983. 1981. MEYER, Wil...l.IAL\1; CARPENTER, P. J., 1983, Filling of MERG01L, JEAN see BOIVIN, PIERRE [and olhers], Spirit Lake, Washington, May 18, 1980, to July 31, 1980. 1982: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 82- 771, 19 p. MERRILL, E. H.; RAEDEKE, J.; KNUTSON, K. L.; TABER, R. D., 1986, Elle recolonization and popula­ MEYER, WILLIAM: SABOL, M. A.; GLICKEN, H. X.; tion dynamics in !he northwest portion of !he Mount St VOIGHT, BARRY, 1984, The effects of ground water, Helens blast zone. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St. slope stability, and seismic hazard on the stability of Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern the South Fork Castle Creek blockage in !he Mount St. Washington University Press, p. 359-368. Helens area, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi.le Repon 84-624, 72 p. MILLS 59

MEYER. WILLIAM; SABOL. M. A.; GLICKEN, H. X.; MILLER, C. D.; HOBLITT, R. P., 1980, Stratigraphy of VOIGIIT, BARRY, 1985. The effects of ground water, deposits produced by the May 18. 1980, lateral blast at slope stability, and seismic hazard on the stability of Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos the South Fork Castle Creek blockage in the Mount St (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. Helens area. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey 46, p. 1135. Professional Paper 1345. 42 p. MILLER, C. D.; HOBLITT, R. P., 1981, Volcano MEYER, WILLIAM; SABOL, M. A.; SCHUSTER, R. L.• monitoring by closed-circuit television. In Lipman, P. 1986, Landslide dammed lakes at Mount St Helens, W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Washington. In Schuster. R. L., editor, Landslide Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ dams-Processes, risk, and mitigation: New York, vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 335-341. N.Y., American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechni­ cal Special Publication 3, p. 21-41. MILLER, C. D.; MULLINEAUX, D.R.; CRANDELL, D. R., 1981, Hazards assessments at Mount St Helens. In MEYER, WILLIAM, see COLLIER, C. R. [and others], Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 1980. eruptions of Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. MEYER, WIT.LIAM, see GLICKEN, H. X. [and others], Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 789- 1983. 802. MICHAE..SON. C. A., see ENDO, E. T. [and others], MILLER. C. D.; MULLINEAUX, D.R.; CRANDELL, D. 1980. R•• 1981, Hazards assessments by the U.S. Geological Survey at Mount St Helens volcano, Washington MICHALSKY, J. J.; W.; STOKES, G. KLECKNER, E. [abstract]: Geological Association of Canada M., 1982, Mount St Helens related aerosol properties Abstracts, v. 6, p. A-39. from solar extinction measurements. In Deepak, Adarsh, editor, Aunospheric effects and potential MILLER, C. D.; MULLINEAUX, D.R.; CRANDELL, D. climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St R., 1981, Volcanic-hazards evaluations by the U.S. Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ Geological Survey before and during the 1980 erup­ ministtation Conference Publication 2240, p. 269-273. tions of Mount SL H-elens, Washington, U.S.A. [abstract]. In International Association of Volcano!ogy MIKUMO, TAKESID; BOLT, B. A., 1984, Excitation and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, 1981, IA VCEI mechanism of aanospheric pressure waves from the symposium, Arc volcanism; Abstracts: Volcanological 1980 Mount St Helens eruption [abstract]: Eos Society of Japan; International Association of Vol­ (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 45, p. 1002. canology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, p. 235. MILLER, C. D., see BOGOYA VLENSKA YA, G. E. [and MIKUMO, TAKESID; BOLT, B. A., 1985, Excitation others], 1985. mechanism of aunospheric pressure waves from the Mount St Helens eruption: Royal Astronomical MILLER, C. D., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], Society Geophysical Journal, v. 81, no. 2,.P, 445-461. 1979. MILES, M. B., see LOMBARD, R. E. [and others], 1981. MILLER, C. D., see HOBLITT, R. P. [and others], 1981. MILLAN, M. M.; GALLANT, A. J.; CHUNG, Y.-S.; MILLER, C. D., see HOBLITT, R. P. [and others], 1984. FANAKI,FOUAD, 1985, COSPEC observation of Mt MILLER, D. E., see HAYWARD, J. L., JR. [and others]. St Helens volcanic S02 eruption cloud of 18 May 1982. 1980 over southern Ontario: Aunospheric Environ­ ment, v. 19, no. 2, p. 255-263. MILLER, M. M., 1981, Mount St Helens eruption: American Alpine Journal, v. 23, no. 55, p. 99-114. MILLAN, M. M.; GALLANT, A. J.; FANAKI. ~OUAD, 1981, Spectroscopic measurement of S02 l'folcanic MILLER, S. W., see SCHNELL, R. C. [and others], 1980. emisions [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical MILLIGAN, J. M.; FAL1ER, C. M.;. BRUSVEN, M. A.; Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 8, p. 81. AND OTHERS, 1983, In-stream distribution and MILLAN, M. M., ·see CHUNG, Y.-S. [and others], 1981. hydraulic and ecological effects of volcanic ash from Mount SL Helens eruption: Moscow, Idaho, Idaho MILLER, C. D.; CRANDELL, D. R'.; MULLINEAUX, D. Water and Energy Resources Research Instiwte, 142 R., 1984, Recommendations for volcanic-hazards as­ p.; U.S. National Technical Information.Service PB 84- sessments and land-use planning based on U.S. 169382. Geological Survey experiences during the 1980 erup­ tions of Mount St Helens, State of Washington, U.S.A: MILLS, H. H., 1984, Clast orientation in Mount St Helens In Kitzmiller, Carla, compiler, Proceedings of the debris-flow deposits, Nonh Fork Toutle River, Geologic and Hydrologic Hazards Training Program: Washington: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 54, U.S. Geological Survey Open-Ftle Repon 84- 760, p. no. 2, p. 626-634. 499-502. MILLS, K. F., see UNGER, J. D. [and others], 1973. MILLS, S. V., see HIGGINS, J. D. [and others], 1983. 60 MOEN

MOEN. W. S., 1977, St Helens and Washougal mining MOODY, U. L.; FOSBERG, MAYNARD; FALE.i'\1, districts of the southern Cascades of Washingwn: ANITA, 1982, Soil preparation and chemical proper­ Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources ties-A progress repon [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C .• Information Circular 60, 71 p. editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, MOEN, W. S.; MCLUCAS, G. B., 1981, Mount St Helens Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 239- ash-Properties and possible uses: Washington 240. Division of Geology and Earth Resources Repon of In­ MOORE, G. K.; SHEEHAN, C. A., COMPILERS, 1981, vestigations 24, 60 p. Evaluation of radar imagery for geologic and car­ MOEN, W. S.; MCLUCAS. G. B.• 1982, Mount SL Helens tographic applications; summary repon of investiga­ ash. some properties and possible uses. In Keller, S. A. tions: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81- C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, 1358, 37 p. Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 225- MOORE, H. J.; ARTHUR, D. W. G.; SCHABER, G. G .• 234. 1978, Yield strengths of flows on the Eanh, Mars, and MOEN, W. S .• see HUNTTING, M. T. [and others], 1961. Moon: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 9th, v. 3, Proceedings (Geochlmica et Cosmochimca Acta, MOIR, W. H., see MEANS, J.E. [and others], 1982. supplement 10), p. 3351-3378. MOLENAAR, DEE, 1981, Oblique-view pictorial MOORE, J. G., 1981, The pyroclastic surge of May 18, landform map-Souvenir of an eruption-Mount St 1980, Mount SL Helens, Washington (abstract]. In In­ Helens country, Washington: [Burley, Wash.], Molenaar Pictorial Maps. 1 sheet ternational Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Eanh's Interior, IA VCEI symposium, Arc vol­ MOLNAU, MYRON; SAXTON, K. E.; MCCOOL, D. K.. canism; Abstracts: Volcanological Society o( Japan; 1980, Infiltration characteristics of volcanic ash International Association of Volcanology and covered soils [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, p. 238. Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 956. MOORE, J. G.; ALBEE, W. C., 1980, Topographic and MONAGHAN, M., see KRISHNASWAMI. S. [and structural changes of Mount St Helens, March-July others], 1981. 1980-Photogrammelric data [abstract]: Eos MONGILLO, PAUL, see FAULCONER, LEE [and (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. others]. 1981. 46, p. 1134. MONTAGUE. JOHN, 1986, Mount St Helens-Invalu­ MOORE, J. G.; ALBEE, W. C., 1981, Topographic and able lessons in disaster planning, preparedness and structural changes, March-July 1980-Photogram­ resource allocation [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C. melric data. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later: Cheney: editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 441. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper1250,p. 123-134. MO~D.Y, U. L., 1977, Correlation of flood deposits con­ tauung St Helens set S ashes and the stratigraphic MOORE, J. G.; LIPMAN, P. W.; SWAl'iSON, D. A.; position of St Helens set J and Glacier Peak ashes ALPHA, T. R., 1981, Growth of lava domes in the central Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of crater, June 1980-January 1981. In Lipman, P. W.; America Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1098- Mullineaux, D. R., editors, ·The 1980 eruptions of 1099. Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 541-547. MOODY, U. L., 1982, Distribution and characterization of tephra from the May 18, 1980, Mt St Helens eruption MOORE, J. G.; RICE, C. J., 1981, Chronology and in nonhem Idaho and westem Montana: Moscow, character of ML St Helens explosive eruptive phase of Idaho, University of Idaho Doltor of Philosophy thesis, May 18, 1980 (abstract]: Eos (American Geophvsical 497p. Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 1081-1082. • MOODY, U. L., 1983, Distnbution and characterization of MOORE, J. G.; RICE, C. J., 1984, Chronology and . tephra from the May 18, 1980, Mt St Helens eruption character of the May 18, 1980, explosive eruptions of in nonhem Idaho and western Monmna (abstract]: Mount St Helens. In National Research Council Dissertation Absuacts International, v. 44, no. 1, Sec­ Geophysics Study Committee, E:

MOORE, J. G., see ALPHA, T. R. [and others]. 1980. MOYERS, J. L., see PHELAN, J.M. [and others], 1982. MOORE,J. G.,see ALPHA. T. R. [and others], 1981. MROZ, E. J., see LEIFER, R. (and others], 1981. MOORE, J. G., see LIPMAN, P. W. [and others], 1980. MROZ,E.J.,seeSEDLACEK, W. A. [and others], 1980. MOORE, J. G., see LIPMAN, P. W. [and others], 1981. MROZ, E. J., see SEDLACEK, W. A. [and others], 1982. MOORE, J. G., see SISSON, T. W. (and others], 1980. MUEllER. R. J., see DA VIS, P. M. [and others], 1984. MOORE, J. G., see SPARKS, R. S. J. [and others], 1986. MUELLER, R. J., see DVORAK, J. J. [and others], 1984. MOORE, J. G., see SW ANSON, D. A. [and others], 1980. MUELLER, R. J., see JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [and others], MOORE,]. G.,see SWANSON, D. A. [andothersJ, 1981. 1980. MOORE,J.N.,seeFRITZ, W. J. [andothers], 1981. MUELLER. R. J., see JOHNSTON, M. J. S. (and others], 1981. MOORE, J. N., see QAMAR, ANTHONY [and others], 1981. MUELLER, R. J., see JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [and others], 1984. MOORE, J. N., see QAMAR, ANTHONY [and others], 1983. MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1960, Volcanic debris flows in western Washington: Geological Society of the MOORE, J. N., see ST. LAWRENCE, W. F. [and others], Oregon Country Geological News Letter, v. 26, no. 5, 1980. p.40. MOORE, P. A.; REESE, J. R., 1982, Sediment physical MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1964, Extensive recent pumice and chemical analyses on the Cowlitz and Columbia Japilli and ash layers from Mount St Helens volcano, River subsequent to the 18 May 1980 Mt ·st Helens southern Washington [abstract}: Boulder, Colo., eruption. I,:i Washington Water Research Center, Geological Society of America Special Paper 76, p. Proceedings from the conference, Mt St Helens-Ef­ 285. fects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water Research Center Repon41, p. 254-271. MULLINEAUX. D. R., 1977, Volcanic ha.z.ards-Extent and severity of potential tephra hazard interpreted from MORELAND, R. E., see CROOK, A. G. (and others], 1981. layer Yn from Mount SL Helens, Washington (abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts MORGAN, J. B., see BOEHLERT, G. W. (and others], with Programs, v. 9, no. 4, p. 472. 1983. MULLINEAUX, D. R.. 1981, Tephra hazards from Cas­ MORGAN, L. A., see WALKER, G. P. L. (and others]. cade Range volcanoes. In Duffield, W. A.; Guffanti, 1984. Marianne, The geothermal research program of the MORLEY, J.M., see ALPHA, T. R. (and others], 1980. U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Flle Report 81-564, p. 42. MORLEY, J. M., see ALPHA, T. R. [and others], 1981. MULLINEAUX, D.R., 1982. U.S. Geological Survey role MORLEY, J.M., see ALPHA, T. R. [and others], 1982. at Mount SL Helens before and during early 1980-­ MORLEY, J.M., see ALPHA, T. R. [and others], 1983. Geologic studies and coordination with public agen­ MOROULIS, P. J.,see BANDY, A. R. [and others], 1982. cies. In Manin, R C.; Davis, J. F., editors, Status of volcanic prediction and emergency response MOR1ENSEN, C. E., see DVORAK, J. J. [and others], capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of California; 1981. California Division of Mines and Geology Special MOR1ENSEN, C. E., see DVORAK, J. J. [and others], Publication 63, p. 187-191. 1984. MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1986, Summary of pre-1980 MORTh°"SEN, C. E., see JOHNSTON, M. J. S. (and tephra-fall deposits erupted from Mount St. Helens, others], 1984. Washington State, USA: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. MOTI, H. V., see HARTZ, K. E. (and others], 1984. 48, no. 1, p. 17-26. MOYER. T. C., 1982, Deposits of the phreatic-explosion MULLINEAUX, D. R.; CRANDELL, D. R., 1960, Late pits of the 18 May, 1980 Mount St Helens pyroclastic Recent age of Mount St. Helens volcano, Washington: flows [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 400-B, ar­ Transactions),v.63,no.45,p. 1141. ticle 143, p. B307-B308. MOYER, T. C.; SELF, STEPHEN; SYKES, M. L.; MULLINEAUX, D.R.; CRANDELL, D.R., 1962, Recent NEAL, C. A., 1982, Pyroclastic flow deposits of Mt lahars from Mount St Helens, Washington: Geologi­ St Helens, 1980-82- An evaluation of emplacement cal Society of America Bulletin, v. 73, no. 7, p. 855- 869. mechanisms [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, p. 572. MOYERS, J. L., see FRIEND, J.P. [and others], 1982. 62 MUWNEAUX

MULLINEAlJX. D. R.; CRA.l'IDELL, D. R., 1962, Recent MULLlNEAUX. D. R., see Mil.LER, C. D. [and others], lahars from Mount St Helens, Washingt0n: Geologi­ 1981. cal Society of America Bulletin. v. 73, no. 7, p. 855- MULLINEAUX. D. R., see MILLER, C. D. [and others]. 869. 1984. MULLINEAUX. D.R.; CRANDELL, D.R., 1980, Effec. MULLINEAUX. D. R., see SCHUSTER, R. L. [and tiven~ of volcanic hazards assessments at Mount St others], 1982. Helens, WashingtOn [absttaet]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. MUNRO, STERLING, 1980, Electric power. In Gordon, 1133. M. G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, .The effects of the Mount SL Helens eruption on water resources-A MULLINEAUX. D.R.; CRANDELL, D.R., 1981, The forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific eruptive history of Mount SL Helens. In Lipman, P. NonhwestRiver Basins Commission, p. 35-37. W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens, Washingt0n: U.S. Geological Sur­ MURASE, TSUTOMU; MCBIRNEY, A. R.; MELSON, vey Prof~ional Paper 1250, p. 3-15. W. G., 1985, Viscosity of the dome of Mount St. Helens: Journal of Yolcanology and Geothennal MULLINEAUX. D. R.; HOBLITT, R. P.; CRANDELL, Research, v. 24, no. 1-2, p. 193-204. D. R., 1982, Studies of prehistoric activity [absttaet]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1275, p. MURCRAY, D. G.; MURCRAY, F. J.: BARJ(ER, D. B.; 218-219. MASTENBROOK, H. J., 1981, Changes in stratos­ pheric water vapor associated with the Mount St MULLINEAUX. D.R.; HYDE, J. H.; RUBIN, MEYER, Helens eruption: Science, v. 211. no. 4484, p. 823-824. 1972, Preliminary assessment of upper Pleistaeene and Holocene pumiceous tephra from Mount St Helens, MURCRAY, F. J .• see MURCRAY, D. G. [and others]. southern Washingtan [abstraet]: Geological Society of 1981. America Abstracts with Prograins, v. 4, no. 3, p. 204- MURDOCK. F. R., see PRESTON, R. L. [and mhers], 205. 1982. MULLINEAUX. D.R.; HYDE, J. H.; RUBIN, MEYER, MURPHY, S. A., 1981, Coping with stress following a 1975, Widespread late glacial and postglacial tephra natural disaster- The volcanic eruption of Mt St deposits from Mount St Helens volcano, Washington: Helens: [Portland, Ore.], Portland State University U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 3, no. Doctor of Pttilosophy thesis, 240 p. 3, p. 329-335. MURPHY, S. A., 1982, Coping wilh stress following a MULLINEAUX. D. R.; WILCOX, R. E.; EBAUGH, W. natural disaster- The volcmuc eruption of Mt St F.; FRYXEI..L, ROALD; RUBIN, MEYER, 1977, Age Helens (absttaet]: Dissertation Absttaetions Interna­ of the last major scabland flood of eastern Washingt0n, tional, v. 42, no. 10, Section B, p. 4014-B. as inferred from associated ash beds of Mount St MURRAY, T. L; ENDO, E. T., 1986, BOB, a computer Helens set S [absttaet]: Geological Society of America graphics tool for real-time integrated volcanic monitor· Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1105. ing [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union MULLINEAUX. D. R., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and T.ransacrions),v.67,no. 16,p.397. others], 1973. MURRAY, THOMAS, see DAVIS, P. M. [and others], MULLINEAUX. D. R., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and 1984. others], 1975. MUSTAIN, R. S., see SLOTTA, L. S. [and others], 1983. MULLINEAUX. D. R., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and MUSTAIN, R. S., see SLOTTA, L. S. [and others]. 1984. others], 1976. MYERS, BOBBIE. see ALPHA. T. R. [and others]. MULLINEAUX. D. R., see CRANDELL, D. R. (and others], 1978. 1982. MYERS, BOBBIE, see ALPHA, T. R. (and others), MULLlNEAUX. D. R., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], 1979. 1985. MYERS, BOBBIE, see ALPHA, T. R. [and others], MULLlNEAUX. D. R., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], 1980. 1986. MYERS, W. L., JR.; FOSTER, J. H.; m.l.ETI, W. E., MULLINEAUX, D. R., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], 1981. 1981, Observations on the Mount St Helens ashfall and in the Columbia Basin, Washington: MULLINEAUX. D. R., see HOBLITT, R. P. [and Washington State Game Deparunent Bulletin 17, 37 p. others], 1980. MYERS, W. L., JR., see FOSTER, J. H. [and others], MULLlNEAUX. D.R., see LIPMAN, P. W. [and others], 1980. 1981. MYERS, W. L., JR., see FOSTER, J. H. [and others), 1982. NEWHALL 63

MYREN, D., see JOHNSTON, M J. S. [and others], NELSON, D. E., see CORMIE, A. B. [and others], 1983. 1984. NELSON, L. M., see LOMBARD, R. E. [and others], NAGAMOTO, C. T .• see PUESCHEL, R. F. [and others], 1981. 1980. NELSON, LES, 1982, Local government's experience at NAIK. BUA Y ANANDA; RAO, N. S. L.; ROBERSON, J. Mount SL Helens. In Martin, R. C.; Davis, J. F., A., 1982, Rheology of mudflows. In Keller, S. A. C., editors, Status of volcanic prediction and emergency editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, response capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 43-53. California: California Division of Mines and Geology NAIK. BUAYANANDA. see HIGGINS, J. D. [and Special Publication 63, p. 213-217. others], 1983. NEUMANN, FRANK, 1961, New analytical methods NAMMA:H., H. A., 1983, Effect of Mount SL Helens ash reveal the pattern of seismic activity in western on soil erosion and water quality: Moscow, Idaho, Washington: Earthquake Notes, v. 32, no. 3-4, p. 37- University of!daho Master of Science thesis, 80 p. 44. NASSAU, K., 1981, Plates, quakes, volcanoes, and ML St NEVlSSI, A. E., 1984, Lead 210 and Polonium 210 in Helens- Pan I, Plate tectonics: Lapidary Journal, v. Mount St Helens ash: Joµ of Geophysical 35,no. 2,p.456-463. Rescarch,v.89,no.B7,p. 6326-6328. NASSAU, K., 1981, Plates, quakes, volcanoes, and ML SL NEVlSSI, A. E., see SUNG, F: C. [and others], 1982. Helens-Part II, Earthquakes and related phenomena: NEVlSSI. A. E., see WISSMAR, R. C. [and others], Lapidary Journal, v. 35, no. 3, p. 680-691. 1982. NASSAU, K., 1981, Plates, quakes, volcanoes, and ML St NEWELL, R. E., 1983, Workshop on Mount SL Helens Helens-Pan m, Volcanic activity: Lapidary Journal, eruptions of 1980--Atrnospheric effects and potential v.35,no. 7,p. 1416-1430. · climatic impacc American Meteorological Society NASSAU, K., 1981, Plates, quakes, volcanoes, and ML SL Bulletin, v. 64, no. 2, p. 154-157. Helens-Pan IV, Mount St Helens: Lapidary Journal, NEWELL, R. E.; DEEPAK, ADARSH, EDITORS, 1982, . v. 35, no. 8, p. 1610-1611, 1614- 1616, 1618, 1620, Mount SL Helens eruptions of 1980--Atmospheric ef• · 1622, 1624. "fects and potential climatic impact; A workshop report: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GEOLOGY U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration TEACHERS, 1982, The eruption of Mount St Helens: SP-458, 119 p. Rochester, N.Y., Wards Natural Science Establish­ NEWHAll, C. G., 1981, Probabilistic hazard assessment ment. Inc .• 35 p. at Mount St Helens (absuact]: Association of En­ NATURE, 1984, Latest view of Mount SL Helens: Na­ gineering Geologists, Annual Meeting, 1981, Program wre, v. 307, no. 5949, p. 317. with Abstracts, p. 47-48. NEAL, C. A.; SELF, S1EPHEN, 1982, Surface features of NEWHAll, C. G., 1982, A method for estimating inter­ small volume pyroclastic flows, Mt SL Helens mediate- and long-tenn risks from volcanic activity, [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ with an example from Mount St Helens, Washington: actions), v. 63, no. 45, p. 1141. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82- 396, 59 p. NEAL, C. A.; SELF, STEPHEN, 1982, Surface topog­ raphy and emplacement mechanism of pyroclastic NEWHALL, C. G., 1982, A prehistoric debris avalanche flows, Mt St Helens--Implications for interpretation from Mount St Helens (abstract]: Eos (American of Martian volcanic terrains. In Holt. H. E., compiler, Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. Reports of planetary geology program, 1982: U.S. Na­ 1141. tional Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical NEWHALL, C. G., 1983, Anticipating volcanic hazards at Memorandum 85127, p. 140-142. Mount St Helens, Washington. In Proceedings of the NEAL, C. A., see MOYER, T. C. [and others], 1982. symposium on erosion control in volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle and Vancouver, Washington: NEAL, C. A., see WOHL, E. E. [and others], 1983. Japan Public Works Research Institute Technical NEHRING, N. L.; JOHNSTON, D. A., 1981, Use of ash Memorandum 1908, p. 295-328. leachates to monitor gas emissions. In Lipman, P. W.; NEWHALL, C. G., 1984, Semiquantitative assessment of Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of changing volcanic risk at Mount St. Helens, Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 251-254. Report 84-272, 30 p. NELSON, C. M., 1980, Mt St Helens before May 18: NEWHALL, C. G.; MELSON, W. G., 1983, Explosive ac­ Geotimcs, v. 25, no. 8, p. 16. tivity associated with the growth of volcanic domes: NELSON, D. E., see CORMIE, A. B. [and others], 1982 Journal of Volcanology and Geothennal Research, v. 17,no. l-4,p.111-131. 64 NEWHALL

NEWHAll, C. G.• set SWANSON, D. A. [and others], NOSON, L. L., see MALONE, S. D. [and others], 1981. 1983. NOSON, L. L., see WEA VER. C. S. (and others], 1981. NEWHAll, C. G., set SW ANSON, D. A. [and others], NOWACK. ROBERT; AKI, KEIITI, 1982, The Gaussian 1984. beam synthetic seismogram for 2-D inhomogeneous NEWHAU.. C. G.. set SW ANSON, D. A. [and others], media-Testing and application (abstract]: Eos 1985. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. NEWMAN, S.; FINKEL, R. C.; MACDOUGALL, J. D., 45, p. 1042. 1981, 238U-230Th systematics of yotmg volcanics NOWACK, ROBERT; AKI. KEIITI, 1984, The two­ (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ dimensional Gaussian beam synthetic method-Test­ actions), v. 62. no. 45, p. 1076. ing and application: Journal of Geophysical Research, NIAZI, M.; JOHNSON, L. R., 1982, Source modeling of v. 89, no. B9, p. TI97-7819. May 18, 1980 Mount SL Helens ertlJ)tion (abstract]: NUHFER. E. B., see ANDERSON, R. Y. [and others], Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 1984. 63,no.45,p. 1023. NUHFER, E. B., see ANDERSON, R. Y. [and others], NIELSON, LYMAN, 1980, Water quality and municipal 1985. water supply. In Gordon, M. G.; Proctor, George, Nt.ITMAGUL, WINAl, see CRONN, D. R. [and others], chainnen. The effects of the Mount St Helens eruption 1982. . on water resources-A forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Northwest River Basins NUIT, G. W .• 1980, Agriculture. In Gordon, M. G.; Proc­ Commission, p. 25-26. tor. George, chainnen, The effects of the Mount SL Helens eruption on water resources-A forum held NIMLOS, T. J.; ZUURING, HANS, 1982, The distnoution June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Northwest and thickness of volcanic ash in Montana; Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 39-40. Science, v. 56, no. 3, p. 190-198. O'CONNOR. D. J., 1981, Observations of the ML SL NOKES, 1. R •• 1980, Mount SL Helens-The volcano: Helens ash cloud over the Atlantic Ocean: American Portland. Ore .• Oregonian Publishing Company, 48 p. Meteorological Society Bulletin, v. 62. no. 2. p. 237- NOLAN, K. M.. see JANDA. R. J. (and others], 1980. 238. NOLAN, K. M., see JANDA, R. J. [and others], 1981. O'HARA. DEAN, see INN, E. C. Y. [and others], 1980. NOLAN, K. M., set JANDA, R. J. [and others], 1982. O'HARA. DEAN, see INN, E. C. Y. [and others], 1981. NOLAN, K. M., see LISLE, T. E. [and others], 1983. O'HARA. DEAN, see INN, E. C. Y. [and others], 1982. NOLAN, K. M. see MEYER, D. F. [and others], 1986. OBERBECK, V. R.; FARLOW, N. H.; FONG, W.; SNET- NOLAN, K. M., see VOIGHT, BARRY (and others], SINGER, K. G.;FERRY, G. V.; HAYES, D. M., 1982, 1980. Mount SL Helens aerosol evolution: Geophysical Research Leuers, v. 9, no. 9, p. 1089-1092. NORDLIE, B. E.; TIIlEBEJ.~. S. E.; BURGGRAF, D. R., 1983, Total magmatic volatile phase compositions, OBERBECK, V. R.. see FARLOW, N. H. [and others], pressures and temperatures detennined from coexisting 1980. pynilotite-Fe, Ti oxide assemblages [abstract): OBERBECK, V. R.. see FARLOW, N. H. [and others], Geological Society of America Abstracts with 1981. Prograrns,v. 15,no. 4,p.257. OBERBECK, V. R., see FARLOW, N. H. [and others], NORGREN, J. A.; BORCHARDT, G. A.; HARWARD, 1982. M. E., 1970, ML St Helens Y ash in northeastern OCKELMANN, G., see MEIXNER, F. X. [and others], Oregon and south cenaal Washington [abstract]: 1980. Northwest Science, v. 44, no. 1, p. 66. OCKELMANN, G. • set MEIXNER, F. X. [and others], NORTON, D.R., LIPMAN, P. W. [and others], 1981. see 1981. NOSON, L. J., CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1980. see OGAWA. TADAHIKO; KUMAGAl, HIROSril: SINNO, NOSON, L. J., see WEA VER, C. S. [and others], 1980. KENJI, 1982, Ionospheric disrurbances over Japan due NOSON, L. L.; MALONE, S. D.; ENDO, E. T.; to the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount SL Helens: WEA VER, C. S., 1981, Seismicity preceding the May Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, v. 44, 18 eruption of ML St Helens [absaact]: Eos no. 10, p. 863-868. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. OGREN, D. E.. see FRITZ. W. J. (and others], 1984. 6, p. 62 (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62. no. 5.") OGREN, J. A.; CHARLSON, R. J.: RADKE, L. F.; DOMONKOS, S. F., 1981, Absorption of visible radia­ NOSON, L. L., see ENDO, E.T. [and others], 1981. tion by aerosols in the volcanic plume of Mount SL Helens: Science, v. 211, no. 4484, p. 834-836. PARRISH 65

OKAMURA. A. T .• see DVORAK. J. J. [and others], OTHBERG, K.. L., 1973, "Friends of the Pleistocene" meet 1980. at Mount St Helens: Washington Geologic Newslet­ OKAMURA. A. T .• see DVORAK. J. J. [and others], ter, v.,p.4-5. 1981. OTHBERG, K.. L.; BRECKE.1'lRIDGE, R. M., 1981, OKAMURA. A. T., see DVORAK. J. J. [and others], Baseline depositional environments of Mount St 1984. Helens ash in northern Idaho [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, and others, ·Mount St Helens-One year OKAZAKI. ROSE; SMmi. H. W.; Gll.KESON, R. A.; later, Abstracts and Directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern FRANKLIN, J. F .• 1912. Correlation of West Blacktail Washington University, 2 p. ash with pyroclastic Layer T from the 1800 A.D. erup­ tion of Mount St Helens: Northwest Science, v. 46, OTHBERG, K. L.; BRECKENRIDGE, R. M., 1982, no. 2. p. n -89. Baseline depositional environments of Mount St. Helens ash in northern Idaho [absuact]. /n Keller, S. A. OKAZAKI. ROSE, see SMITH, H. W. [and others], C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney. 1975. Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 240. OKAZAKI, ROSE, see SMITH, H. W. [and others], OTTERSON, D. A.. see LEZBERG, E. A. (and others], 19n. 1980. OKAZAKI, ROSE, see SMITit H. w. [and others], OTTERSON. D. A., see LEZBERG, E. A. [and others]. 1981. 1982. OKAZAKI. ROSE, see SMITH, H. w. [and others], OWENS, E. J .• see SMITH, J. L. [and others], 1982. 1982. PAINE. J. G., 1982, Crustal structure of volcanic arcs OLDEN, M., see LEIFER, R. [and others], 1981. based on physical properties of andesites, volcaniclas­ OLHOEFT, G. R.; REYNOLDS, R. L.; FRIEDMAN, J. tic rocks, and inclusions in the Mt St Helens lava D.; JOHNSON, G. R.; HUNT, G. R., 1981, Physical dome: Seattle, Wash., University of Washington properties of the June 1980 dacite dome. In Lipman, P. Master of Science thesis. 138 p. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of PAINE, J. G.; CHRISTEN.SEN, N. I., 1981, Crustal struc­ Mount St Helens, Washingron: U.S. Geological Sur­ ture in southwestern Washington-Implications from vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 549-556. wave velocities in Mount St Helens lava inclusions OLHOEFT, G. R.• see FRIEDMAN, J. D. [and others], [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ 1980. actions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 966. OLHOEFT, G. R., see FRlEDMAN, J. D. [and others], PALLISTER. J. S.; HOBLm, R. P., 1985, Magma 1981. mixing at Mount St Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. OLHOEFT, G. R., see FRIEDMAN, J. D. [and others], 1984. 1111. OLSEN, K.. B., see FRUCHTER, J. S. (and others], 1980. PALMER, F. E., see STALEY, J. T. [and others], 1982. OLSON, C. G., 1981, Use of stratigraphy in studying PALMER, L.A., 1980, Mt St Helens-The volcano ex­ erosion of recent tephra, Shultz Creek, Mt St Helens, plodes; Portland, Ore., Lee Enterprises, 119 p. Washington (absttact]: Eos (American Geophysical PAPATHAKOS, L. C.• see LEZBERG, E. A. [and Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 857. others], 1980. ORWIG, C. E., 1981, Utilizing the National Weather PAPATHAKOS, L. C., see LEZBERG, E. A. (and Service's dynamic wave mod.el on the lower Columbia others], 1982. River during the Mount Saint Helens event [abstract): PAPENDICK. R. I., see COCHRAN. V. L. [and others], Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 1983. 62, no. 6, p. 61. (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") PAPENDICK. R. I., see COOK, R. J. (and others], 1981. ORWIG, C. E.; MATIIlSON, J. M., 1982, Forecasting PAPP, C. S. E., see GOUGH, L. P. [and others), 1981. considerations in Mount Saint Helens affected rivers. PAPP, C. S. E., see GOUGH. L. P. [and others], 1986. In Washington Water Research Center, Proceedings PARDO, RICHARD, 1980, Rehabilitating St. Helens: from the conference, Mt St Helens-Effects on water American Forests, v. 86, no. 11, p. 30-34, 56-59. resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water Research Center Repon 41. p. 272-292. PARKER, R. A.; GADDY, A. J., 1983, Some effects of volcanic ash on plankton productivity: Pullman, OSMUND, ED, 1980, Mt St Helens contingency plan, Wash., Washington State Universicy Deparunent of April 1980: U.S. Forest Service Emergency Coordina­ Zoology Technical Completion Report 19 p. tion Committee, 44 p. PARRISH, J. L .• 1906, Eruption of Mount St Helens: Steel Points, v. 1, no. l, p. 25-26. 66 PARSONS

PARSONS, M(arion] R(andall], 1910, On Mount St PEARSON. ~ L., 1986, Sediment yie!ds from the debris Helens with the Mazarnas: Sierra Club Bulletin, v. 7, avalanche for water years 1980-1983. In Keller, S. A. no. 3, p. 170-179. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingron University Press, PARSONS, M(ichael] R(aymond], 1984, Changes in tributary channel lengths in the North. Fork Toutle p. 87-107. River Basin (abstract]: Oregon Academy of Science PEARSON, M. L.; ROSENFELD, C. L., 1985, Geomor­ Proceedings, V, 20, p. 37. phic approach to sediment yields on the Nonh Fork Toutle River, Washington 1980-1984 [abstraet]: PARSONS, M. R., 1985, Spatial and temporal changes in stream network topology-Post-eruption drainage, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Mount St Helens: Corvallis, Ore., Oregon State Programs,v. 17,no. 7,p.686. University Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 179 p. PEARSON, M. L., see BEACH, G. L. [and others], 1984. PARSONS, M. R., 1985, Spatial and temporal changes in PEET, R. W., see STALEY,]. T. [and others], 1982. sucam network topology-Post eruption drainage, PELON, JACQUES see LEFRERE, JACQUES [and Mount St Helens [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts In­ others], 1981. ternational, v. 46, no. 6, Section B, p. 1854-B. PENKETI, S. A., see RASMUSSE.i.'f, R. A. [and others], PARSONS, M. R.; BEACH, G. L.; KEENAN, B. L.; 1981. ROSENFELD, C. L., 1983, Drainage development in the lahar blockage area. Mt ~t Helens, Washington PENKETI', S. A., see RASMUSSEN, R. A. [and others], [abstract]: Oregon Academy of Science Proceedings, 1982. v. 19, p. 38. PEREIRA. W. E.; ROSTAD, C. E., 1983, Terpenoid PARSONS, M. R., see BEACH, G. L. (and others], 1984. marker compounds derived from biogenic precursors in volcanic ash from Mount St Helens, Washington: PARUNGO, F. P., see PUESCHEL, R. F. (and others], Geochimica et Cosmochirnica Acta, v. 47, no. 12, p. 1980. 2287-2291. PASSERO, R. N., 1981, Environmental geology: PEREIRA. W. E.; ROSTAD, C. E., 1984, Geochemical Geotinles,v.26,no.2,p.25-26. studies of organic carbon associated with volcanic ash PATI'ERSON, E. M., 1981, Measurements of the imagi­ from Mount SL Helens, Washington. In Meyer, E. L., nary pan of the refractive index between 300 and 700 editor, Selected papers in the hydrologic sciences 1984: nanometers for Mount SL Helens ash: Science, v. 211, U.S. Geological Sw-vey Water-Supply Paper 2262, p. no.4484,p.836-838. 13-23. PATI'ERSON, P. V., 1981, Post May 18, 1980, rapid PEREIRA. W. E.; ROSTAD, C. E.; TAYLOR, H. E., response engineering geology [abstract]: Association 1980, Mount St Helens, Washington, 1980 volcanic of Engineering Geologists, Annual Meeting, 1981, eruption-Characterization of organic compounds in Program with Abstracts, p. 48-49. ash samples: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 7, no. PATI'ERSON, PETE see PRUITT, J. R. [and others], 11, p. 953-954. 1980. PEREIRA, W. E.; ROSTAD, C. E.; TAYLOR, H. E.; PAVLIS, G. L., see MALONE, S. D. [and others], 1983. KLEIN, J. M., 1980, Characterization of organic con­ taminants in environmental samples associated with PEARCE, T. H., 1982, Laser interferomettic observations Mount St Helens, 1980 volcanic eruption: U.S. of plagioclase from ML St Helen's [abstract]: Geological Survey, 53 p. Geological Association of Canada Program with Abstracts, v. 7, no. 72. PEREIRA. W. E.; ROSTAD, C. E.; TAYLOR, H. E.; KLEIN, J. M., 1982, Characterization of organic con­ PEARD, J. L., see GOUGH, L. P. [and others], 1981. taminants in environmental samples associated with PEARD, J. L., see GOUGH. L. P. [and others], 1982. Mount St Helens 1980 volcanic eruption: Environ­ PEARD, J. L., see GOUGH, L. P. [and others], 1986. mental Science and Technology, v. 16, no. 7, p. 387- 396. PEARSON, M. L., 1985, Geomorphological analysis of North Fork Toutle River, Washington-1980-1984: PEREIRA. W. E .• see MCKNIGITT, D. M. [and others]. Corvallis, Ore., Oregon State ·University Doctor of 1982. Philosophy thesis, 177 p. PERRIN, D. R., see SEDLACEK, W. A. [and others], PEARSON, M. L., 1986, Geomorphological analysis of 1982. North Fork Toutle River, Washington-1980-1984 PERRY, D. L., see WHITE, A. F. [and others], 1981. [abstract): Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 47, PERRY, R. W.; GREENE, M. R., 1983, Citizen response no. 3, Section B, p. 977-B. to volcanic eruptions-The case of Mt St Helens: New York, N.Y., Irvington Publishers Inc., 145 p. PHILLIPS 61

PERRY.R. W.; GREENE, M. R.; LINDELL. M. K., 1980, PETERSON, N. V., see BEAULIEU, J. D. [and others], Human response to volcanic eruption-ML SL Helens, 1981. May 18, 1980: Seattle, Wash., Battelle Human Affairs PETERSON, S. R., 1980, Summary of discussion group Research Center BHARC-400/80/032. 147 p. meeting on wildlife and fish. In. Cassidy, J. J., chairper­ PERRY, R. W.; LINDELL, M. K.• 1986, Twentieth cen­ son, Proceedings of Washington S.tate University's tury volcanicity at ML SL Helens-The routiniz.a.tion Conference on the of ML SL Helens: of life near an active volcano; final report Tempe, Pullman, Wash., Washington State University, p. 69- Ariz., Arizona State University School of Public Af. 72. fairs, 171 p. PEVEAR, D. R., 1980, Clay minerals in the 1980 Mt St. PERRY, R. W., see GREENE, M. R. (and others], 1980. Helens tephra-Possible use in predicting eruptions PERRY, R. W., see GREENE, M. R. (and others], 1981. (abstract): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 498. PETERSON, D. A., 1982, Effects of fine volcanic ash on surface irrigation in central Washington: Pullman, PEVEAR, D.R.; DETIIlER, D. P.; FRANK, D. G., 1980, Wash., Washington State University Master of Science Thermal and hydrothermal alteration of new volcanic thesis, 111 p. · deposits at ML SL Helens, Washington [absuact]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. PETERSON, D. A., see KING, L. G. (and others], 1982. 46, p. 1139. . PETERSON, D. W., 1981. An overview of activity at PEVEAR, D.R.; DETHIER, D. P.; FRANK. D. G.• 1981, Mount SL Helens, Washington, since May 1980 Clay mineralogy of air-fall, pyroclastic-flow, and re­ (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ lated deposits from the 1980 eruptions of Mount St actions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 1088. Helens, Washlngron [abstract]: Eos (American PETERSON, D. W .• 1981, The role of the U.S. Geological Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. Survey at Mount SL Helens (abstract]. In. International (Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5. ") Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the PEVEAR, D. R.; DETHIER, D. P.; FRANK. D. G., 1982, Earth's Irucrior, IAVCEI symposium, Axe volcanism; Clay minerals in the 1980 deposits from Mount St Abstracts: Volcanological Society of Japan; Interna­ Helens: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 30, no. 4, p. 241 - tional Association of Volcanology 8J1d Chemistry of 252. the Earth's Interior, p. 294-295. PEVEAR, D.R.; DETHIER.. D. P.; FRANK. D. G., 1982, PETERSON, D. W.. 1982, Operations of the U.S. 1980 ML St Helens eruption-Clay minerals and Geological Survey at Mount SL Helens. In. Martin, R. early-stage alteration. In. Van Olphen, H.; Veniale, F., C.; Davis, J. F., editors, Stanis of volcanic prediction editors, Developments iQ sedimentology; 7th Interna­ and emergency response capabilities in volcanic hazard tional Clay Conference 1981; Proceedings: New York, zones of California: California Division of Mines and N.Y., Elsevier Science Publishing Company, p. 557- Geology Special Publication 63, p. 193-204. 563. PETERSON, D. W., 1986, Mount SL Helens and the PEVEAR, D.R.• see DETHIER, D. P. [and others], 1981. science of volcanology- A five year perspective. In. Keller, S. A. C .• editor, Mount SL Helens-Five years PHELAN, J. M., 1983, Volcanoes as a source of volatile later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University trace elements in the atmosphere: College Park, Md., Press, p. 3-19. University of Maryland Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 154 p. PETERSON, D. W., 1986, Summary of ML SL Helens ac­ tivity, 1980-1986: Volcano News, no. 24, p. 2. PHELAN, J. M., 1985, Volcanoes as a source of volatile trace elements in the atmosphere [absuact): Disserta­ PETERSON, D. W., see CHRISTIANSEN, R. L. [and tion Abstracts International, v. 45, no. 7, Section B. p. others], 1980. 2075-B. PETERSON, D. W., see CHRISTIANSEN, R. L. [and PHELAN, J. M.: FINNEGAN, D. L.: BALLANTINE, D. others], 1981. S.: ZOLLER, W. H.; HART, M.A.; MOYERS, J. L., PETERSON, K. R.. 1982, Deposition and dose from the 1982, Airborne aerosol measurements in the quiescent May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount SL Helens. In. plume of Mount SL Helens-September, 1980: Deepak, Adarsh, editor, Atmospheric effects and Geophysical Research Letters, v. 9, no. 9, p. 1093- potential climatic impact of the ,980 eruptions of 1096. Mount SL Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and PHELAN, J. M., see VOSSLER, TERI [and others]. Space Administration Conference Public.won 2240, p. 1981. 275-281. PHil.LIPS, K. N., 1941, Fumaroles of Mount St Helens PETERSON, M. A., see EDWARDS, J. S. [and others], and Mount Adams: Mazama. v. 23, no. 12, p. 37-42: 1986. Geological Society of the Oregon Country Geological News Letter, v. 8, no. 5, p. 27-32. 68 PHILUPS

PHil..LIPS, W. M.. see DANES, Z. F. (and others], 1983. PIERSON, T. C.; SCOTT, K. M., 1983, Downstream dilu­ PHil..LIPS, W.R., see DAVIS, B. L (and others], 1981. tion of a lahar-Transition from debris flow to hyper­ concentrated streamflow (abstract]: . Eos (American PHINNEY, D. E .• 1980. Observations on the effects of the Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 707. Ml St. Helens eruption on salmon populations and sal­ K. mon culture facilities. In Cassidy. J. J., chairperson, PIERSON, T. C.; SCOTT, M., 1983, Downstream dilu­ Proceedings of Washington State University's Con­ tion of a laha.r-Transition from debris flow to hyper­ ference on the aftennath of ML St. Helens: Pullman, concentrated streamflow [abstract]: Eos (American Wash .. Washingt0n State University, p. 36-38. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 894. PHINNEY, D. E., 1982. General overview of the im­ PIERSON, T. C.; SCOTT. K. M., 1985, Downstream dilu­ mediate and longer-term effects of Mount SL Helens tion of a lahar- Transition from debris flow to hyper­ on the salmon resources. In WashingtOn Water concentrated streamflow: Water Resources Research. Research Center, Proceedings from the conference, Mt. v.21,no. 10,p. 1511-1524. St. Helens-Effects on waier resources: Pullman, PIERSON, T. C.; SCOTT, K. M.. 1985, Downstream dilu­ Wash •• Washingmn Water Research Center Report 41, tion of lahars from Mount SL Helens-Defining the p. 293-299. boundary between debris flow and hyperconcentrated PHINNEY, D. E., 1982, Overview of the effects of the streamflow (abscract]. In Glysson, G. D., editor, Moui:tt St. Helens eruption on salmon populations. In Proceedings of the advanced seminar on sedimentation: Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St. Helens-One yezr U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-98, p. 29- later. Cheney, Wash• • Eastern Washingmn University 30. Press. p. 125-127. PIERSON, T. C., see WArIT, R. B., JR. (and others], PICARD, M. D., 1982, Exploding volcanoes: Journal of 1983. Geological Education, v. 30, no. 2, p. 116-120. PITTS, G. S., see JACHENS, R. C. (and others], 1980. PIERCE. D. R., see DAVIS, P. M. (and othen.], 1984. PITTS, G. S., see JACHENS, R. C. [and others], 1981. PIERSON, T. C., 1982, Elevation profiles for mudflows in PLATIS, W. S., see GAMBLING, M. S. [and others], streams after the May 18 eruption of Mount SL Helens. 1986. In U.S. Geological Survey, Activities of the Water PLUMMER. F. G., 1893, A diagonal moraine: American Resources Division · and Resident Cartographer, Geologist. v. 12. p. 231-232. Division of National Mapping in WashingtOn, 1981 fis. cal year. U.S. Geological Survey, p. 4L POLKOWSKI. GEORGE see FARLOW, N. H. [and othcn.], 19gb. PIERSON, T. C•• 1983, Flow behavior of two major lahars aiggered by the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St POLKOWSKI. GEORGE see FARLOW, N. H. [and Helens, Washington. In Proceedings of the symposium others], 1981. on erosion control in volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at POLKOWSKI, GEORGE see FARLOW, N. H. (and Seattle and Vancouver, Washingt0n: Japan Public others], 1982. Works Research Institute Technical Memorandum 1908, p. 99-129. POLLACK, J. B., 1980, Climatic impact of !.he volcanic plumes of Mt. St. Helens (abstract]: Eos (Americ.i.n PIERSON, T. C. • 1984, Debris-flow monitoring at Mount Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61. no. 46, p. 971. St. Helens (abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ sional Paper 1375, p. 230. POLLACK, J. B., 1981, Measurements of !.he volcanic plumes of Mount St Helens in the stratosphere and PIERS~N. T. C., 1985, Field techniques for measuring troposphere-Introduction: Science, v. 211, no. 4484. debn s-flow dynamics. In Talcei, Aritsune, editor, 1985, p. 815-816. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Erosion, Debris Flow and Disaster Prevention: POLLARD, D. D., 1984, Volcanic tremor and hydrother- Tsukuba. Japan, Erosion Control Engineering Society, mal wedging [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey p. 203-207. Professional Paper 1375, p. 159. PIERSON, T. C. • 1985, Initiation and flow behavior of the POLLARD, D. D., see FINK. J. H. (and others]. 1982. 1980 Pine Creek and Muddy River lahars, Mount St. PORTER, S. C. • 1981. Use of tephrochronology in the Helens, Washingmn: Geological Society of America Quaternary geology of the United States. In Self, Bulletin, v. 96, no. b, p. 1056-1069. Stephen; Sparks, R. S. J., editors, Tephra studies: Bos­ PIERSON, T. C., 1986, Flow behavior of channelized ton, Mass., D. Reidel Publishing Company, p. 135-160. debris flows. Mount St. Helens, Washington. Chapter PORTER, S. C., see JUVtGNE. ETIENNE (and others] 13. In Abrahams, A. D., edimr, Hillslope processes: 1985. ' Boston, Allen and Unwin, Binghamton Symposia in POSEY, CARL, 1980, Down to St Helens inferno: Geomorphology, International Series 16, p. 269-296. NOAA Magazine.July/August, 1980, p. 19-23. QAMAR 69

POST, AUSTIN; :MEIER, M. F.; COLLIER, C.R.. 1980, PRICE, S. M., see TAllMAN, A. M. (and others], 1980. The eruptions of Mount SL Helens and their hydrologic PRll..L, J.C•• see HINKLE, R. E. [and others), 1980. effects-An overview [abstract): Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions). v. 61, no. 46, p. 955. PRll..L, J.C., see HINKLE, R. E. (and others], 1981. POST, AUSTIN, see BRUGMAN, M. M. [and others), PRINGLE, PATRICK, see BRANTLEY, STEVEN [and 1981. others]. 1986. POST, AUSTIN, see KRIMMEL, R. M. [and others], PROCHASKA, CAROL, 1981, Mount SL Helens-The 1981. aftermath of ash Sunday: Water and Power Era, v. 66, no. 1, p. 1-9. POSTREL, DANIEL; GUGGENHEIM. G. A., 1980, The lady awakens-Mount St Helens, 1980: Salem, Ore., PROCTOR. GEORGE, 1980, Introductory remarks. In Salem Press, 32 p. Gordon, M. G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of the Mount SL Helens eruption on water resources­ POTT:MEYER, J. A., 1984, The effect of ML SL Helens A forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., tephra on the water relations and growth of Verbascwn Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 59-60. thapsus L.: Pullman, Wash., Washington State Univer­ sity Doctor of Phllosophy thesis, 187 p. PROCTOR. GEORGE, see GORDON, MEL [and . others], 1980. POUGH. F. H.. 1980, Nuce ardente e~ptions and ML SL Helens: Lapidary Jownal, v. 34, no. 9, p. 1972-1977. PRUITI, J. R.; EDGREN, JIM; HAMNER, BOB; HAUGEN.GORDON; HOWES.STEVE; PATTER­ POWER, JOHN, see BRAN11..E.Y, STEVEN [and SON, PETE; STEWARD, JOHN; SWANK, JERRY, others], 1985. 1980, Mount SL Helens emergency watershed PRESSER. T. S., see BARNES, IV AN [and others], rehabilitation report: Ponl.and, Ore., U.S. Forest Ser­ 1981. vi~. Iv. PRESTON, R. L., 1980, Results of research on volcanic PRUITI, J. R.; EDGREN, JIM; HAMNER, BOB; ash in fann livestock. In Cassidy, J. J .• chairperson, HAUGEN, GORDON; HOWES, STEVE; Proceedings of Washington State University's Con­ STEWARD, JOHN; SWANK. JERRY, 1981, Mount ference on the aftermath of ML SL Helens: Pullman, SL Helens emergency watershed rehabilitation report- Wash.• Washington State University, p. 7-8. 1981 follow-up: Ponl.and, Ore., U.S. Forest Service, l PRESTON, R. L.; MCGINNIS, J.; KINCAID, R. L; v. MURDOCK. F. R.; MCREYNOLDS, W. E.; KOES, PRUITI, J. R .• see HINKLE, R. E. [and others], 1981. R. M.; HEINEMANN, W. W .• 1982, Results of re­ PRUVOST, P., see LENOBLE, J. [and others], 1984. search on Mount SL Helens volcanic ash in farm live­ stock. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens­ PUBLIC WORKS. 1981, Submersible pumps help quell One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington damage from ML SL Helens mudflow: Public Works, University Press, p. 143-145. v. 112,no. 7,p.62-64. PRESTON, R. P., see ENGIBOUS. J. C. [and others], PUESCHEL. R. F.; BARRETI, E.W.; PARUNGO, F. P.; 1982. WELLMAN, D. L.; NAGAMOTO, C. T., 1980, Phrcatic effluents of Mt St Helens volcano--No PREUSSER, H. L. R., 1984, Mount SL Helens-Anwen­ detectable effects on cloud microsaucrure [abstract]: dungsbereiche von Femerkundungsverfahren [Mount Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. SL Helens-The external scope of remote sensing]: 61, no. 46, p. 970. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen. v. 52, no. 3, p. 115- 124. PUESCHEL, R. F.; BARRETT, E. W.; STEARNS, L. S.; WELLMAN, D. L., 1981, Physical and optical/radia­ PREUSSER. H. R., 1985, Der Ausbruch des Mount SL L tional properties of ML SL Helens volcanic eruption Helens 1980-Administrative Reakrionen und ihrc (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union T.rans­ raeumlichen Auswirldungen (The 1980 eruption of actions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 886. Mount SL Helens-Administrative reactions and their areal effect]: Saarbruecken, W. Ger., Universitaet des PUESCHEL, R. F., see SCHNELL, R. C. [and others], Saarlandes Geographischen Institut Sonderheft 5, 102 1982. p. PUMROY, C. E., see SCHULiZ, D. J. [and others], PREUSSER. H. L. R., 1986, Planning procedures on dif. 1981. ferent levels for a protected area around Mount St PUNONGBAYAN, R. S., see SOUTHER, J. G. [and Helens. In KeUer, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens­ others], 1984. Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington QAMAR, ANTHONY; RATimUN, ANNE; LUDWIN. University Press, p. 401-412. RUTH; CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1986, PRICE, S. M., see LILLIE, J. T. [and others], 1981. Earthquake hypocenters in Washington and northern PRICE. S. M., see LILLIE, J. T. (and others], 1982. Orcgon-1980: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular 82, 64 p. 10 QAMAR

QAMAR. ANTHONY; ST. LAWRE.NCE, W. F.; RAEDEKE. J .• see MERRil..L, E. H. [and others], 1986. MOORE. J. N.; KENDRICK. GEORGE, 1981, RAEDEKE, L. D.; MATHEZ, E. A.; IRVING, A. J., 1980, Eanhquakes and ash eruptions at ML SL Helens ML SL Helens lava dome-Per:rography and mineral [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ chemistry [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical actions}, v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: text of journal mis­ Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1138. labeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") RAINIER NATIONAL BANK ECONOMICS DEPART­ QAMAR, ANTHONY; ST. LAWR.ENCE. W. F.; MENT, 1980, The economic impact of the eruptions of MOORE, J. N.; KENDRICK. GEORGE, 1983, Seis­ Mount SL Helens-Conclusion: Seattle, Wash., mic signals preceding the explosive eruption of Mount Rainier National Bank Economics Department Repon SL Helens, Washington, on 18 May 1980: Seismologi­ 6,5p. cal Society of America Bulletin. v. 73, no. 6, p. 1797- 1813. RAINIER NATIONAL BANK ECONOMICS DEPART­ MENT, 1980, The economic impact of the eruptions of QAMAR, ANTHONY, see MALONE, S. D. [and Mount St Helens-Local government finances: Seat­ others], 1984. tle, Wash., Rainier National Bank Economics Depan­ QAMAR, Ai."ITHONY, see ST. LAWRENCE, W. F. (and ment Repon 5, 5 p. others], 1980. RAINIER NATIONAL BAi."U{ ECONOMICS DEPART· QUINN, R. R.. 1981. Variations in aonospheric circula­ MENT, 1980, The economic impact of the eruptions of tion. Mount St Helens eruptions, 1980 [abstraet]. In Mount St Helens on agriculture: Seattle, Wash., Keller, S. A. C.• editor. and others. Mount SL Helens­ Rainier National Bank Economics Department Repon One year later, Abstracts and directory: Cheney, 4, 4p. Wash., Eastern Washington University, 1 p. RAINIER NATIONAL BANK ECONOMICS DEPART­ QUINN, R. R.. 1982, Variations in aonospheric circula­ MENT, 1980, The economic impact of the eruptions of tion, Mount SL Helens eruptions, 1980. /n Keller, S. A. Mount SL Helens on tourism: Seattle, Wash., Rainier C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later. Cheney, National Bank Economics Deparunent Repon 3, 4 p. Wash., Eastern Washington University Press. p. 71-78. RAINIER NATIONAL BANK ECONOMICS DEPART­ QUINN, R.R.. 1986, Mount St Helens ashfall and mesos­ MENT, 1980, The economic impact of the eruptions of cale climatic changes. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount Mount SL Helens, "The Columbia River and related SL Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern waterways": Seattle, Wash., Rainier National Bank Washington University Pres$. p. 127-133. Economics Department Repon 2, 4 p. QUINN, R.R.; FOLSOM, M. M., 1980, The downwind RAINIER NATIONAL BANK ECONOMICS DEPART­ distribution of ML SL Helens ash. May 18th eruption. MENT, 1980, The economic implications of the erup­ In Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of tion of Mount St Helens: Seattle, Wash., Rainier Na­ Washington State University's Conference on the after­ tional Bank Economics Deparunent Repon l, 5 p. math of ML SL Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington RAMEY,J. W., see MALONE, S. D. [and others], 1981. State University, p. 51-57. RAO, N. S. L., see NAIK, BUAY ANANDA [and QUINN, R.R., see FOLSOM, M. M. [and others], 1980. others], 1982. RADKE, L F.; HOBBS, P. V., 1980, Observations (pic­ RASMUSSEN, R. A.; KHALIL, M. A. K.; DALLUGE, R. torial) of ML SL Helens in eruption [abstract]: Eos W.; PENKETT, S. A.; JONES, B., 1982, Carbonyl sul­ (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. fide and carbon disulfide from the eruptions of Mount 46, p. 1133. SL Helens: Science, v. 215, no. 4533, p. 665- 667. RADKE, L. F.; HOBBS, P. V.; ELTGROTIL M. W.; RASMUSSEN, R. A.; KHALil.., M.A. K.; P&'lKETI, S. HEGG, D. A., 1980, Preliminary airborne observations A.; CASADEV ALL, T. J., 1981, Analysis of trace of the Mt St Helens eruptions: Air Pollution Control gases from ML St Helens volcanic ash (abstract]: Eos Association Journal, v. 30, no. 8, p. 904-905. (American Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 62, no. RADKE, L. F .• see HOBBS. P. V. [and others], 1980. 8, p. 81. RADKE, L. F., see HOBBS, P. V. [and others], 1981. RATimUN, ANNE, see QAMAR. ANTHONY [and RADKE, L. F., see HOBBS, P. V. [and others], 1983. others], 1986. RADKE. L. F., see OGREN, J. A. [and others], 1981. RAYNOR, J.M., 1981, Mount SL Helens-One year later. Royal Engineers Journal. v. 95, no. 4, p. 232-238. RADWAN, M.A.; CAMPBELL, D. L., 1981, Mount SL Helens ash and mud-Chemical properties and effects REAM, L. R., 1983, Northwest volcanoes. a roadside on germination and establishment of trees and wildlife geologic guide: Renton. Wash., B. J. Books, 124 p. browse plants: Portland, Ore., U.S. Forest Service REAM, L. R.; JACKSON, BOB, 1980, St Helens: Ren­ Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Sta­ ton, Wash.• Bob Jackson Books, 30 p. tion, Research Paper PNW-294, 8 p. REBILLARD, P., see FORD, J.P. [and others], 1981. RIGBY 71

REDA. D. C.; HADLEY, G. R., 1985, Saturated per­ REYNOLDS, G. D.; BLISS, L. C., 1986, Microenviron­ meability measurements on pwnice and welded-tuf­ mental investigations of tephra covered surfaces at faceous materials. In Hydrogeology of rocks of low Mount St Helens. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St permeability: International Association of Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Hydrogeologists Memoires, v. 17, pan l, p. 87-98. Washingt0n University Press, p. 147-152. REDA. D. C.; HADLEY, G. R., 1986, Saturated per­ REYNOLDS, R. L., see HOBLITT, R. P. [and others}, meability measurements on pumice and welded-tuf­ 1985. · faceous materials: Environmental Geology and Water REYNOLDS, R. L., see KUNTZ, M A. [and others], Sciences, v. 8, no. 3, p. 137-145. 1981 • . REDDING, 1. M; SCHRECK., C. B., 1982, Motmt St REYNOLDS, R. L., see OLHOEFT, G. R. [and others], Helens ash causes sublethal stress responses in steel­ 1981. head trout In Washington Water Rese3I'Ch Center, Proceedings from the conference, Mt St Helens-Ef­ RHODES,J. M , see IRVING, A. J. [and others], 1980. fects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington RICE, ALAN, 1985, The mechanism of the Mt. St. Helens Water Research Center Repon41, p. 300-307. eruption and speculations regarding Soret effects in REED, H. C., see AKRE. R. D. [and oth~]. 1982. planetary dynamics: Geophysical Surveys, v. 7, no. 4, p. 303-384. REED, 1. W., 1980, Air pressure waves from Mt St Helens eruptions [abstraet]: Eos (American Geophysi­ RICE, ALAN, 1985, Popcorn magma (abstract]: Eos cal Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1136. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 18, p. 392. REED, S. W., 1980, Idaho. In Gordon. M G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of the Mount St Helens RICE, ALAN, 1986, Explosive volcanism-A source of eruption on water resources-A forum held Jtme 12, shocked minerals at the K/I' boundary? [abstract]: Eos 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Northwest River (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 67, no. Basins Commission, p. 65-69. 16, p. 390-391. REES, J. R., 1982, Impacts of volcanic ashfall on water­ RICE. ALAN, 1986, Quench supersaturation and volcanic fowl production at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge erupti(?ns [abstract]: Journal of the Colorado-Wyom­ [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., · editor, Mount St ing Academy of Science, v. 18, no. 1, p. 37. Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern RICE, ALAN, see BARRINGER, A. R. [and others], Washingt0n. Univ~ty Press, p. 240. 1982. REES, WILLIAM, 1981, Mt St Helens and the fish. In RICE, C. 1., 1981, Satellite observations of the Moum St. Salmon-spawning gravel-A renewable resource in the Helens eruption of 18 May 1980. In Doyle, F. 1., Pacific Nonhwest? Proceedings from the conference, editor, Electro-optical instrumencation for resources October 6-7, 1980, Seattle, Washingten: Pullman, evaluation: Society of Photo- Optical Instrumentation Wash., Washington Water Research Center Report 39, Engineers, Annual Meeting, Proceedings, v. 278, p. 23- p. 168-175. 31. REESE, J. R., see MOORE, P.A. [and others], 1982. RICE, C. J., see MOORE, J. G. [and others], 1981. REIDEL, S. P., see LIU.IE, 1. T. [and others], 1981. RICE, C. J .• see MOORE, J. G. [and others], 1984. REIDEL, S. P., see Lil.LIE, J. T. [and others], 1982. RICE, C. J., see SPARKS, R. S. J. [and others], 1986. REIDEL, S. P., see TALLMAN, A. M [and others], RICE, L; DASH, 1., 1981, TEM studies of crystalline 1980. minerals in ML St Helens ash: Electron Microscopy REll..L Y, T. K., see DEACON, R. J. [and others], 1980. Society of America, Annual Meeting, 39th, Proceed­ ings, p. 146-147. REITER. R.; JAEGER, H.; CARNUTH, W.; FUNK, W., 1980, Lidar observations of the Mount St Helens erup­ RIECK., R. W., see SHOREY, E. F. [and others], 1981. tion clouds over mid-Europe, May to July 1980: RIEO{, R. W., see SHOREY, E. F. [and others], 1983. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 7, no. 12, p. 1099- 1101. RIEDEL, G. R.; WILSON, S. L.; HOLTON, R. L., 1984, Trace metals in the Columbia River estuary following REITER. R., see KONDO, Y. [and others], 1982. the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens: REITER, R., see MEIXNER, F. X. [and others], 1981. Pacific Science, v. 38, no. 4, p. 340-349. RESSLER, JOHN see WARRICK, R. A. [and others], RIGBY, 1. G., 1981, Bibliographies of the geology and 1981. volcanic hazards of the Cascade Range volcanoes of Washington and Mount Hood, Oregon: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open- File Report 81-5, 42 p. 72 RJGEY

RIGBY, J. G.; KOROSEC, Yl A., 1980, Sequence oi vol­ ROGERS, C. F.; HUDSON, J. G.; KOCMOND, W. C., canic activity of Mount St Helens, March 20-June 23, 1981, Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei in 1980: Washingtan Geologic Newsletter, v. 8, no. 3, p. the sttatospherc around the plume of Mount St Helens: 1-6. Science,v.211,no.4484,p.824-825. RIGBY, J. G., see KOROSEC, M.A. [and others], 1980. ROHAY, A. C., 1981, P-wave residuals at Cascade vol­ RITSEMA. A. R., 1980, Observations of Mount St canoes-Baker, Rainier and St Helens [abscract]: Helens: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ Earthquake Notes, v. 52, no. l, p. 56-57. tions), v. 61, no. 49, p. 1201-1202. RONNHOLM, KEITH, 1981, Photographic documenta­ RITSEMA. A. R., 1983, Aonospheric pressure wave of tion of the eruption of ML St Helens, 8:32 am, May Mount St. Helens eruption. In Biszaicsany, E.; 18, 1980 [abstraet]: Eos (American Geophysical Szeidovirz, G., editors, Proceedings of the 17th as­ Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: text of sembly of the European Seismological Commission: journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") New York, N.Y., Elsevier Science Publishing Com­ ROOKE, J. M., 1981, Ash examined by new means in pany Developments in Solid Earth Geophysics 15, p. England: Geotirnes, v. 26, no. 9, p. 25-26. 311-317. ROOTH, G. H., 1980, A personal account of a nuee ar­ RITIER. J. R., see DINEHART, R. L. [and others], dente on Mount St Helens during the eruption of May 1981. 18, 1980: Oregon Geology, v. 42, no. 8, p. 141-144. RIVERA, JOSE, see SARNA-WOJCICKI. A. M. [and ROQUEMORE, G. R., see MATHEWS, L. A. [and others], 1981. others], 1982. ROBERSON, J. A., see FilGGINS, J. D. [and others], ROSE, W. I., JR.; CHUAN, R. L.; WOODS, D. C., 1982, 1983. Small particles in plumes of Mount St Helens: Journal ROBERSON, J. A., see NAIK, BUAYANANDA [and of Geophysical Research, v. 87, no. C7, p. 4956-4962. others], 1982. ROSE, W. L, JR.; HARRIS, D. M., 1980, Radar observa­ ROBERTS, C. W., see JACHENS, R. C. [and others], tions of ash clouds from the May 18, 1980 Mount St. 1980. Helens eruption [absttact]: Eos (American Geophysi­ cal Union Transactions),~- 61, no. 46, p. 1136. ROBERTS, C. W., see JACHENS, R. C. [and others], 1981. ROSE, W. L. JR.; HOFFMAN, M. F., 1980, Distal ashes of the May 18, 1980 eruption · of ML St Helens ROBER1"S, DIANA, see ROBERTS, DON [and others], [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ · 1980. · actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1137. ROBERTS, DON; ROBERTS, DIANA, 1980, Mount St ROSE, W. 1.;JR.; HOFFMAN, M. F., 1982, The May 18, Helens-The volcano of our time: Portland, Ore., 1980, eruption of Mount St Helens-The nature of the Frank Amato, 1 v. eruption, with an aanospheric perspective. ln Deepak. ROBERTS, M. L, see Dll..LMAN, J. J. [and others], Adarsh, editor, Atmospheric effects and potential 1982. climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St ROBERTS, W. K., see LEZBERG, E. A. [and others], Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ 1980. ministtation Conference Publication 2240, p. 1-14. ROBERTS, W. K., see LEZBERG, E. A. [and others], ROSE, W. I., JR.; SYMONDS, R. B.; CHARTIER, T.; 1982. STOKES, J. B.; BRANTI.EY, STEVEN, 1985, Simul­ taneous experiments with two correlation ROBERTSON, D. E., see FRUCIITER, J. S. [and spectrometers at Kilauea and Mount St. Helens others], 1980. [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ ROBOCK, ALAN, 1981, The Mount St. Helens volcanic actions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 1142. eruption of 18 May I98~Minimal climatic effect ROSE,_W. I., JR.; WUNDERMAN, R. L.; HOFFMAN, M. Science, v. 212, no. 4501, p. 1383-1384. F.; GALE, LISA, 1983, A volcanologist's review of at­ ROBOCK, ALAN; MASS, CLIFFORD, 1982, The Mount mospheric hazards of volcanic activicy-Fuego and St Helens volcanic eruption of 18 May l 98~Large Mount St Helens: Journal of Volcanology and shon-term surface te-nperature effects: Science, v. Geothermal Research, v. 17, p. 133-157. 216,no.4546,p.628-630. ROSE, W. L, JR., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. [and others], ROBOCK, ALAN, see MASS, CLIFFORD [and others], 1981. 1982. ROSE, W. L, JR., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. [and others), ROE, ROBERT see HARRIS, D. M. [and others], 1980. 1982. ROE, ROBERT see HARRIS, D. M. [and others], 1981. ROSE, W. I., JR., see CASADEVALL, T. J. [and others], 1983. . RUBIN 73

ROSE, W. I., JR., see CHUAN, R. L. [and others], 1985. ROSENFELD, C. L.; BEACH, G. L., 1983, Evolution of a ROSE, W. L, JR., see FRIEND, J. P. [and others], 1982. drainage network-Remote sensing analysis of the North Fork Toutle River, Mount SL Helens, ROSE, W. L, JR., see HARlUS,. D. M. [and others], Washington: Corvallis, Ore., Oregon State University 1980. Water Resources Research Institute WRRI-88, 100 p. ROSE, W. L, JR., see HARlUS, D. M. [and others], ROSENFELD, C. L.; COOKE, ROBERT, 1982, Earthfue, 1981. the eruption of Mount SL Helens: Cambridge, Mass., ROSE, W. L, JR., see HARlUS, D. M. [and others], Massachusetts lnstiwte of Technology Press, 155 p. 1983. ROSENFELD, C. L., see BEACH, G. L. [and others], ROSE, W. L, JR., see HARlUS, D. M. [and others], 1984. 1985. ROSENFELD, C. L., see PARSONS, M. R. [and others], ROSE, W. I., JR., see WOLFE, S. P. [and others], 1984. 1983. ROSEN, J. M.; HOFMANN, D. J., 1980, Balloon-borne ROSENFELD, C. L., see PEARSON, M. L. [and others], condensation nuclei measurements following the erup­ 1985. tion of ML SL Helens [abstract]: Eos (American ROSENFELD, C. L., see YEATS, R. S. [and others], Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1981. 1154. ROSS, B. D., see STOBER, Q. J. [and others], 1982. ROSEN, J.M.; HOFMANN, D. J., 1981, A comparison of the stratospheric aerosol effects of the volcanic erup­ ROSS, E. L., 1903, First white woman on ML SL Helens: tions of Alaid in 1981, ML SL Helens in 1980 and Mazama, v. 2, no. 3, p. 130-133. Fuego in 1974 [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical ROSTAD, C. E., see PEREIRA. W. E. [and others], Union Transactions), v. 62. no. 45, p. 886. 1980. ROSEN, J. M.; HOFMANN, D. J., 1982, Dustsonde ROSTAD, C. E., see PEREIRA, W. E. [and others], measurements of the Mount SL Helens volcanic dust 1982. cloud over Wyoming. In Deepak. Adarsh, editor, At­ ROSTAD, C. E., see PEREIRA, W. E. [and others], mospheric effects and potential climatic impact of the 1983. 1980 eruptions-of Mount SL Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Adntinistration Conference ROSTAD, C. E., see PEREIRA, W. E. [and others], Publication 2240, p. 65-81. -i984. ROSEN,J. M., see HOFMANN, D. J. [and others], 1980. ROTH, L. H., see SHOREY, E. F. [and others], 1981. ROSEN, J.M., see HOFMANN, D. J. [and others], 1982. ROTII, L. H., see SHOREY, E. F. [and others), 1983. ROSENBAUM. J. G.; W AITI', R. B., JR., 1981, Swnrnary ROWLEY, P. D.; HAIT, M. H., JR.; RUSSELL-ROBIN- of eyewimess accounts of the May 18 eruption. In Lip­ SON, S. L.; BUCHANAN-BANKS, J. M.; CASH­ man, P. W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, The 1980 erup­ MAN, K. V., 1986, The role of the U.S. Geological tions of Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ Survey in providing information to news media about cal Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 53-67. the 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens: U.S. Geologi­ cal Survey Open-Ftle Report 86-509, 15 p. ROSENBAUM. J. G., see HOBUIT, R. P. [and others], 1980. ROWLEY, P. D.; KUNTZ, M. A.; MACLEOD, N. S., 1981, Pyroclastic-flow deposits. In Lipman, P. W.; ROSENFELD, C. L., 1980, Observations on the Mount SL Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Helens eruption: American Scientist. v. 68, no. 5, p. Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ 494-509. vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 489-512. ROSENFELD, C. L., 1980, Remote sensing of the Mount ROWLEY, P. D.; MACLEOD, N. S.; KUNTZ, M. A.; SL Helens eruption, May 18, 1980: Oregon Geology, KAPLAN, A. M., 1985, Proximal bedded deposits re­ v.42,no.6,p. 103-114. lated to pyroclastic flows of May 18, 1980, Mount St. ROSENFELD, C. L., 1981, Remote sensing of the Mount Helens, Washington: Geological Society of America SL Helens eruption [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., Bulletin,v.96,no. 11,p. 1373-1383. editor; and others, Mount SL Helens-One year later. ROWLEY, P. D., see KUNTZ, M. A. [and others], 1981. Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University, 1 p. ROWLEY, P. D., see MACLEOD, N. S. (and others], 1980. ROSENFELD, C. L., 1982, Remote sensing of the Mount SL Helens eruption [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., RUBIN, MEYER, see CRANDELL, D. R. (and others], editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, 1975. Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 240. RUBIN, MEYER, see CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], 1981. 74 RUBIN

RUBIN, MEYER, see MUllINEAUX, D. R. [and SAARINEN, T. F.; SELL, J. L., 1985, Warning and others], 1972. response to the Mount SL Helens eruption: Albany, RUBIN, MEYER, see MUllINEAUX, D. R. [and N.Y., State University of New York Press, 240 p. others], 1975. SABOL, M. A., see GLICKEN, H. X. [and others], 1983. RUBIN, MEYER, see MUllINEAUX, D. R. [and SABOL, M. A., see MEYER, Wil..LIAM (and others], others], 1977. 1984. RUSSEll., KENELM, 1986, Revegctation trials in a SABOL, M. A., see MEYER, Wil..LIAM [and others], Mount SL Helens eruption debris flow. In Keller, S. A. 1985. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years later: SABOL, M. A., see MEYER, Wil..LIAM [and others], Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, 1986. p. 231-248. SABOL, M.A., see SMITII, W. K. (and others], 1984. RUSSELL-ROBINSON, S. L.; SMITII. R L., 1983, Mount SL Helens-Minor-element variation of SAGER, J. W.; CHAMBERS, D. R., 1986, Design and pumices and dome roe.ks from 1980 to 1982 [abstract]: construction of the Spirit Lake outlet tunnel, Mount St Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. Helens, Washington. In Schuster, R. L., editor, 64, no. 18, p. 336. Landslide dams-Processes, risk. and mitigation: New Yor~ N.Y., American Society of Civil Engineers RUSSELL-ROBINSON, S. L., see LUEDKE, R. G. [and Geotechnical Special Publication 3, p. 42-58. others], 1983. SAGER, J. W.; GRIFFITHS, J.B.; FARGO, N. J., 1984, RUSSELL-ROBINSON, S. L., see ROWLEY, P. D. [and Spirit Lake outlet tunnel: Tunneling Technology others], 1986 Newsletter, no. 48, p. 1-5. RUTiiERFORD, M. J.; DEVINE, JOE, 1986, Experimen­ ST. AMAND, P., see MATHEWS, L. A. [and others], tal petrology of recent Mount SL Helens dacites-Am­ 1982. phibole, Fe-Ti oxides and magmas chamber conditions [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts ST. HELENS FOREST LAND RESEARCH COOPERA­ with Programs, v. 18, no. 6, p. 736. TIVE, 1980, Minutes of the Technical Needs Workshop, September 4 and 5, 1980, Tyee Motor Inn, RUTiiERFORD, M. J.; SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR; Olympia, Washington: Washington Deparunent of CAREY, S. N.. 1984, The May 18 eruption of Mount Natural Resources, 36 p. St Helens-Melt composition and experimental phase equilibria [abstract]: Geological Society of America ST. HELENS FOREST LAND RESEARCH COOPERA­ Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 641. TIVE, 1982, Research associated with Mt St Helens and the volcanic eruptions of 1980: Centralia, Wash., RUTHERFORD, M. J.; SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR; SL Helens Forest Land Research Cooperative, 129 p. CAREY, S. N.; DA VIS, ANDREW, 1985, The May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount SL Helens; l, Melt com­ ST. HELENS FOREST LAND RESEARCH COOPERA­ position and experimental phase equilibria: Journal of TIVE, 1983, Scientific research associated with Mount Geophysical Research, v. 90, no. B4, p. 2929-2947. SL Helens as of June 1983: [n.p.], St Helens Forest Land Research Cooperative, 77 p. RY AN, M. P.; BANKS, N. G.; HOBLITT, R. P.; BLEVINS, J. Y. K., 1981, Thermal structure of Mount ST. LAWRENCE, W. F.; QAMAR, ANTHONY; SL Helens, Washington, U.S.A., eruptive units; restora­ MOORE, J. N.; KENDRICK, GEORGE, 1980, A com­ tion of the emplacement temperatures and in-situ ther­ parison of thermal observations of Mount St Helens mal diffusivities (abstract]. In International Association before and during the first week of the initial 1980 of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Eanh's Interior, eruption: Science, v. 209, no. 4464, p. 1526-1527. 1981, IA VCEI symposium, Ai:c volcanism; Abstracts; ST.LAWRENCE, W. F., see FERRICK, M. G. (and Yolcanological Society of Japan; International As­ others], 1984. sociation of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, p. 310-311. ST. LAWR.ENCE, W. F., see QAMAR, ANTHONY [and others], 1981. RY AN, M. P., see HOBLITT, R. P. [and others], 1980. ST. LAWRENCE, W. F., see QAMAR, ANTHONY [and RY AN, P. J.; ELDER, R. A.; GARDINER, S. R. M., 1984 others], 1983. Prediction of dam overtopping due to mudflows. I~ Schreiber, D. L., editor, Water for resource develop­ SAITO, TERUO, see ITO, YOSlllRO [and others], 1981. ment-Proceedings of the conference: New York, SAKURAGI, Y.; MEASON, J. L.; KURODA, P. K., 1983, N.Y., American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 443-448. Uranium and plutonium isotopes in the aanosphere: RY'ZNAR, EDWARD; WEBER, M. R.; HALI.ERON, T. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 88, no. C6, p. S., 1982, Effects of the Mount SL Helens volcanic 3718-3724. cloud on turbidity at Ann Arbor, Michigan: Journal of SALEH, A. I., see LEE, S. C. (and others], 1985. Applied Meteorology, v. 20, no. 11 , p. 1290-1294. SALO, E. 0., see MARTIN, D. J. (and others], 1982. SAVAGE 15

SALO, E. 0 ., see MARTIN, D. J. (and others], 1984. SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M.; SHIPLEY, SUSAN: SALO, E. 0., see STOBER, Q. J. [and others], 1980. W AIIT, R. B., JR.; DZURISIN, DANIEL; WOOD, S. H., 1981, Areal disttibution, thickness, mass, volume, SALO, E. 0., see STOBER. Q. J. [and others], 1982. and grain size of air-fall ash from the six major erup­ SANDERS, R. W., see FRUCHTER J. S. [and others], tions of 1980. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., 1980. editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional SANDOVAL. D.-N., see KURODA. P. K. [and others], Paper 1250, p. 5n-600. 1984. SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M.; WAITT, R. B., JR., 1980, SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M., 1981, Tephrochronology of Areal disttibution, thickness, and composition of vol­ the western region. In Charonruu., B. B.; Rodriguez. T. canic- ash erupted from Mount St Helens on May 18, R.; Seiders, Wanda H., compilers, Summaries of tech­ 1980 [abstract]: Geological Society nical repons, Volume XII: U.S. Geological Survey of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 515. Open-File Report 81-833, p. 162-163. SARNA-WOJCICKI. A. M.; WAIIT, R. B., JR.; WOOD­ SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M .• 1981, Tephrochronology of WARD, M. J.; SHIPLEY, SUSAN; RIVERA, JOSE, the western region. In Reeves. J. F.; Rodriguez. T. R.; 1981, Premagnatic ash erupted from March 27 through Seiders, W. H .• compilers. Summaries of technical May 14, 1980-Extent, mass, volume, and composi­ repons. Volume XI: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ File Report 81-167, p. 172-174. tion. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mowit St Helens, Washington: U.S. SARNA-WOJCICKI. A. M., 1982. Tephrochronology of Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 569- the western region. In Charonnat., B. B.; Rodriguez. T. 575. R.; Seiders, W. H •• compilers, Summaries of technical repons, Volume XIII: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M., see W AITT, R. B., JR. [and File Report 82-65, p. 153-154. others], 1981. SATO, A., see GRADY, T. (and others], 1982. SARNA-WOJCICKI. A. M., 1982, Tephrochronology (western region). In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R.; SATO, MOTOAKI; MCGEE, K. A., 1981, Continuous Seiders. W. H., compilers. Swnmaries of technical monitoring of hydrogen on Uie south flank of Mount repons. Volume XIV: U.S. Geo~ogical Survey Open­ St Helens. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., File Report 82-840, p. 151-154. editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, SARNA-WOJCICKI. A. M.; CHAMPION, D. E.; DAVIS, Washington: . U.S. Geological Survey Professional J. O .• 1983, Holocene volcanism in the contenninous Paper 1250, p. 209-219. United States and the role of silicic volcanic ash layers SATO, MOTOAKI; MCGEE, K. A.; CASADEVALL, T. in correl.atlon of latest-Pleist0eene and Holocene J., 1981, Continuous monitoring of hydrogen at Mount deposits. In Wright, H. E.. Jr. • editor, Late-Quaternary St Helens, Washington, U.S.A. [abstract]. In Interna­ environments of the United States; Volume 2, The tional Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of Holocene: Minneapolis, Minn .• University of Min­ the Earth's Interior, IA VCEI symposium, Arc vol­ nesota Press, p. 52-77. canism; Abstracts: Volcanological Society of Japan; SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M.; MEYER. C. E.; WOOD­ International Association of Volcanology and WARD, M. J.; LAMOTIIE, P. J., 1981, Composition Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, p. 322. of air-fall ash erupted on May 18, May 25, June 12, SATO, MOTOAKI; MCGEE, K. A.; FURUKAWA, July 22, and August 7. In Lipman. P. W.; Mullineaux, BRUCE, 1980, Continuous hydrogen monitoring at D.R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, Mowit SL Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ Washingron: U.S. Geological Survey Professional cal Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1139. Paper 1250, p. 667-681. SATO, MOTOAKI; .MCGEE, K. A.; SUITON, A. J., SARNA-WOJCICKI. A. M.; SHIPLEY, SUSAN; 1984, Hydrogen monitoring, Cascade vol~noes WAIIT. R. B., JR.; DZURISIN, DANIEL; HAYS, W. [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper H.; DAVIS, J. O.; WOOD, S. H.; BATERIDGE, 1375. p. 216. THOMAS, 1980, Areal distribution, thickness, and SATO, MOTOAKI, see HARRIS, D. M. [and others], volume of downwind ash from the May 18, 198) erup­ 1980. tion of Mount St Helens: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Ft.le Report 80-1078, 14 p. SATO, MOTOAKI, see HARRIS, D. M. [and others}, 1981. SAVAGE, W. Z., 1982, Computer program for ashfall trajectories [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ sional Paper 1275, p. 218. 16 SAWADA

SAWADA. YOSHIHIRO, 1980, Volcanic eruption in the SCHI..OTS, F. E., see ANDERSON, A. C. [and others], contiguous United States-The great eruption of Mt 1956. SL Helens: Journal of the Japan Geothennal Energy SCHMIDT, J. M., see BANKS, N. G. [and others], 1978. Association, v. 17, no. 4, p. 189-201. (In Japanese) SCHMINKE, H.-U., 1981, Die Mount-St-Helens-erup­ SAW ADA. YOSHIHIRO; W AKUI, SE..L'-0:CHIRO; tionen 1980 [The eruptions of Mount St Helens in KOMIYA, MANABU, 1982. Aunospheric pressure 1980): Nawrwi.ssenschaften, v. 68, no. 1, p. 34-36. waves generated by the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount SL Helens: Volcanological Society of Japan SCHMINKY, BRUCE, 1954, Records of eruptions of Bulletin. 2nd series, v. 27, no. 3, p. 195-202. Mount St Helens: Geological Society of the Oregon Cowury Geological News Letter, v. 20, no. 9, p. 81-84. SAWATZKY, D. L., see FRIEDMAN, J. D. (and others], 1981. SCHMINKY, H. B., 1955, Trip to Lewis River and the lava runnel: Geological Society of the Oregon Country SAWATZK:'f, D. L., see KIEFFER, H. H. [and others], Geological News Letter, v. 21, no. 11, p. 99-102. 1984. SCHMINKY, H. B., 1955, Trip to Lewis River and the SA WYER. M. B., see SMITH, D. B. (and others], 1983. lava runnel (continued from November issue): SAWYER, M. B., see ZIELINSKI, R. A. [and others], Geological Society of the Oregon Country Geological 1980. News Letter, v. 21, no. 12, p. 109-110. SAXTON, K. E., see MOLNAU, MYRON (and others], SCHMITT, R. A., see BORCHARDT, G. A. [and others], 1980. 1971. SAYLES, F. L., see MANGELSDORF, P. C., JR. [and SCHMITT, R. A., see DUDAS, M. J. [and others], 1973. .others], 1984. SCHNEIDER, V. R.; JENNINGS, M. E., 1980, Flood SCANDONE, ROBERTO; MALONE, S. D., 1985, hazard assessments-ML St Helens [abstract): Eos Magma supply, magma discharge and readjusunent of (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. the feeding system of Mount SL Helens during 1980: 46,p. 955. Journal of Volcanology and Geothcnnal Research, v. SCHNEIDER, V. R., see JENNINGS, M. E. (and others], 23, no. 3-4, p. 239-262. 1981. SCARFE. C. M.; FUJII, T.; HARRIS, D. M., 1982, SCHNEIDER, V. R., see JENNINGS, M. E. [and others], Mineralogy and geochemistry of pumice from 19 1984. March 1982 eruption of Mount St Helens (abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with SCHNELL, R. C.; Mil.LER, S. W., 1980, Ice nucleus con­ Progrmns,v. 14,no. 7,p.608. tent of Mount St Helens plume ash [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. SCHABER, G. G. • see MOORE. H. J. [and others], 1978. 46, p. 970. SCHEIDEGGER, K. F.; FEDERMAN, A. N.; SCHNELL, R. C.; PUESCHEL, R. F.; WELLMAN, D. L., TALLMAN, A. M., 1982, Compositional 1982, Ice nucleus characteristics of Mount St Helens heterogeneity of tephras from the 1980 eruptions of effluents: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 87, no. Mount St Helens: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. Cl3, p. 11,109-11,112. 87, no. Bl3,p. 10,861-10,881. SCHRECK. C. B.• see REDDING, J. M. [and others], SCHEIDEGGER, K. F.; FEDERMAN, A. N.; 1982. TALLMAN, A. M.; I II I IE, J. T., 1981, Temporal variations in the glass chemistry, mineralogy and grain SCHRIENER, ALEXANDER, 1977, General geology and size distribution of tephra from the 18 May eruption of selected base metal disaibutions in the southern Cas­ Mt St Helens [abstract): Eos (American Geophysical cade Range, Washington; S~e. Wash., University of Union Transactions}, v. 62. no. 45, p. 1088. Washingt0n Bachelor of Science thesis, 17 p.• 1 plate. SCHERBEL, PAUL, 1980, Wyoming. In Gordon, M. G.; SCHUL'IZ. A.; BOOKER, J. R., 1981, Magnetotelluric Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of the Mount study of Mt St Helens [abstract): Eos (American St Helens eruption on water resources-A forum held Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 61. June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Nonhwest {Note: text of journal mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") River Basins Commission, p. 73. SCHUL'IZ. D. J.; PUMROY, C. E., 1981, Size and shape SCHEUNEMANN, A. C., 1980, Repurt to the Washington characteristics of volcanic ash as an indicator of dis­ State University Conference on the aftermath of Mt St tance from the source [abstract]: Kansas Academy of Helens. In Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Science Transactions, v. 84, no. 3, p. 158. Washington State University's Conference on the after­ math of Mt St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washingmn State University, p. 26-28. SEDLACEK ii

SCHUSTER. J. E., 1981, A geothennal exploration SCOTT, D.R., 1980, [Effects of volcanic ash on insects]. philosophy for Mount St Helens, (and other Cascade In Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of volcanoes?). In Ruscea.a, C. A.; Foley, Duncan, Washingtan State University's Conference on the after­ editors, Geothennal direct heat program; Glenwood math of Mt St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington Springs Technical Conference proceedings; Volume 1: State University, p. 76. Salt Lake City, Utah, University of Utah Research In­ SCOTT, K. M., 1984, Flow transfonnations and textural stitute ESL-59, p. 297-300. variation in 1ahars at Mount St Helens, Washington SCHUSTER, J. E., see BLACKWELL, D. D. [and [abstraet]: Geological Society of America A,bstracrs others], 1980. with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 649. SCHUSTER," J. E., see KOROSEC, M. A. [and others], SCOTT, K. M., 1985, Lahars and flow transformations at 1980. Mount St Helens, Washington, U.S.A. In Takei, Arit­ SCHUSTER, R. L., 1981, Effects of the eruptions on civil sune, editor, 1985, Proceedings of the International works and operations in the Pacific Nonhwest In Lip-· Symposium on Erosion, Debris Flow and Disaster man, P. W.; Mullineawc, D. R., editors, The 1980 erup­ Prevention: Tsukuba, Japan, Erosion Control En­ tions of Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ gineering Society, p. 209-214. cal Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 701-718. SCOTT, K. M., 1985, Lahars and lahar-runout flows in the SCHUSTER, R. L., 1981, Engineering aspects of the 1980 Toutle-Cowlitz River system, Mount St Helens, Mount St Helens eruptions [abstract]: Association of Washington-Origins, behavior, and sedimentology: Engineering Geologists, Annual Meeting, 1981, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 85-500, 202 Program with Abstracts, p. 52. p. SCHUSTER, R. L., 1983, Engineering aspects of the 1980 SCOTT, K. M., 1985, Origin, behavior, and sedimentol­ Mount St Helens eruptions: Association of Engineer­ ogy of catastrophic lahars at Mount St Helens, ing Geologists Bulletin, v. 20, no. 2, p. 125-143. Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstraets with Programs, v. 17, no. 7, p. 711. SCHUSTER. R. L, 1984, Engineering studies, May 1980 eruption, Mount St Helens [abstract]: U.S. Geological SCOTT, K. M., 1986, La.bars and lahar-runout flows in the Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 217. Toutle-Cowlitz River system, . Mount St. Helens, . Washingto~Magnirude and frequency: U.S. SCHUSTER, R. L, 1985, Landslide dams in the western Geological Survey Open-File Repon 86-500, 95 p. United States: International Conference and Field Workshop on.Lan~des, 5th, .Tokyo, Proceedings, p. SCOTT, K. M., see JANDA, R. J. [and others], 1981. 411-418. SCOTT, K. M., see JANDA, R. J. [and others], 1982. SCHUSTER, R. L., 1984, Effects of landslides and SCOTT, K. M., see PIERSON, T. C. [and others], 1983. mudflows associated with the May 1980 eruption of SCOTT, K. M., see PIERSON, T. C. [and others], 1985. Mount St Helens, northwestern U.S.A.: Japan Landslide Society Journal, v. 21, no. 3, p. 1-10. SEAR, C. B.; KELLY, P. M., 1980, Eruption of Mt St Helens-Effects on climate: Nature, v. 285, no. 5766, SCHUSTER. R. L.; CRANDELL, D. R., 1984, p. 533-535. Catasttophic debris avalanches from volcanoes: Inter­ national Symposium on Landslides, 4th, Proceedings, SEDELL, J. R.; FRANKLIN, J. F.; SWAl"fSON, F. J., v. l, p. 567-572. 1980, Out of the ash: American Forests, v. 86, no. 10, p. 26-31, 67-68. SCHUSTER, R. L.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1982, En­ gineering geologic aspects of volcanic activity SEDELL, J. R., see BAROSS, J. A. [and others], 1982. [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts SEDELL, J. R., see DAHM. C. N. [and others], 1981. with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, p. 612. SEDELL, J. R., see DAHM, C. N. [and others], 1982. SCHUSTER, R. L., see MEYER, WILLIAM [and others], 1986. SEDELL, J. R., see DAHM, C. N. [and others], 1983. SEDELL,J.R., FRANKLIN,J.F.[andothers], 1985. SCHUSTER. R. L., see SMITH, W. K. [and others], see 1984. SEDELL,J. R., see WlSSMAR,R. C. [and others], 1982. SCHUSTER, R. L., see YOUD, T. L. [and others], 1% 1. SEDLACEK, W. A.; HEIKEN, G. H.; MROZ, E. J.; GLADNEY, E. S.; PERRIN, D. R.; LEIFER, R.; SCHWALBE, M. L., see Dll.LMAN, D. A. [and others], 1982. FISENNE, I.; HINCHCLIFFE, L.; CHUAN, R. L., 1982, Physical and chemical characteristics of Mount SCLAR, C. B.; CARSON, BOBB, 1980, Mineralogical SL Helens airborne debris. In Deepak, Adarsh, editor, and physical characteristics of selected samples of vol­ Atmospheric effects and potential climatic impact of canic ash from the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St the 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens: U.S. National Helens, Washington: Bethlelem, PeM., Lehigh Aeronautics and Space Administration Conferen~ University Department of Geological Sciences, 25 p. Publication 2240, p. 83-107. 78 SEDLACEK

SEDLAC-cl(. W. A.; MROZ. E. J.; GLADNEY, E. S.; SHANNON, W. M .• see HOFFER, J. M. [and others]. HEIKEN, G. H.; LEIFER, R., 1980. Stratospheric sam­ 1982. pling of the plume from the May 18, 1980 eruption of SHAW, GARY, 1980, Upstream fisheries and wildlife. In ML St Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Gordon, M. G.; Proctor, George, chainnen, The effects Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1137. of the Mount SL Helens eruption on water resources­ SEDLACEK. W. A .• see LEIFER. R. [and others]. 1981. A forum held June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 43~5. SEESHOLTZ. D. ~ 1982. Mount St. Helens. a once in a lifetime interpretive opponunity [abstract].ln Keller, S. SHEEHAN, C. A., COMPil..ERS, see MOORE, G. K. A. C.. editor, Mount St. Helens-One year later: [and others], 1981. Cheney, Wash.• Eastern Washington University Press, SHEMETA. J.E.; WEAVER, C. S., 1986, Seismicity ac­ p.240. companying the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount SL SEHMEL. G. A., 1982. Ambient airborne solids con­ Helens, Washingron. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount centrations including volcanic ash at Hanford, St. Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingron sampling sites subsequent to the Mount St. Washington University Press, p. 44-58. Helens eruption: Journal of Geophysical Research. v. SHEMETA. J. E.; WEAVER. C. S.; GRANT, W. C., 87. no. Cl3, p. 11,087-11,094. 1984, Details of the May 18, 1980 post-eruption seis­ SEHMEL, G. A., 1982, Ambient airborne solids con­ micity at Mount St. Helens, Washington [abstract]: centrations including volcanic ash at Hanford, Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. Washingron, sampling sites subsequent to the Mount 65,no.45,p. 1001. St. Helens eruption. In Deepak. Adarsh. editor, Aunos­ SHERIDAN, M. F., see MALIN. M. C. [and others], pheric effects and potential climatic impact of the 1980 1981. eruptions of Mount St. Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Conference SHERIDAN, M. F., see MALIN, M. C. [and others], Publication 2240, p. 283-292. 1982. SEIDLER, R. J., see TISON, D. L. [and others], 1983. SHIBATA. T., see HIRONO, M. [and others], 1981. SELF, STEPHEN, see BEESON, D. L. [and others], SHIBATA. T., see HIRONO, M. [and others], 1984. 1984. · SHIPLEY, SUSAN,· 1983, Erosional modification of the SELF, STEPHEN, see BEESON, D. L. [and others], downwind tephra lobe of the 18 May 1~80 eruption of . 198.5. . Mount SL Helens, Washington: Seattle, Wash., University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 73 SELF, STEPHEN; see MOYER, T. C. [and others], 1982. p. SELF, STEPHEN, NEAL, C. A. [and others], 1982. see SHIPLEY, SUSAN, 1984, Postdepositional changes in SELF, STEPHEN, see SYKES, M. L. [and others], 1981. Mount St. Helens ash [abstract]: U.S. Geological Sur­ SELIN, RICHARD, see EDMAN, D. A. [and others], vey Professional Paper 1375, p. 218. 1981. SHIPLEY, SUSAN, 1984, Redistribution of the Mount St. SELL, J. L., see SAARINEN, T. F. [and others], 1985. Helens ash with time [abstract]: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Professional Paper 1375, p. 71-72. SENGER. C. M., 1980, Observations on the cave basalt lava flow, Mt St. Helens, 23-24 August 1980: SHIPLEY, SUSAN, see JUVIGNE, ETifu~ [and Washington Speleological Survey Bulletin, no. 15, 6 others], 1983. p.; Western Speleological Survey Serial 62. SHIPLEY, SUSAN, see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. Sfu~GER. C. M., 1982, Mount St Helens wanderings: [and others], 1980. Speleograph, v. 18, no. 8, p. 89-93. SHIPLEY, SUSAN, see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. SEVERSON, R. C., see GOUGH, L. P. [and others], [and others], 1981. 1981. SHORE, J. H.; TATIJM, E. L.; VOLL.MER, W. M., 1986, SHACKLETTE, H. T., see GOUGH. L. P. [and others], Mental health consequences of the Mount SL Helens 1986. disaster. In Keller, S. A. C., editer, Mount SL Helens­ Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington SHADE, J. W., see HARTLEY. J. N. ["nd others], 1981. University Presc:, p. 435-438. SHANE, SCOTT, 1985, Discovering Mount SL Helens­ SHOREY, E. F.; ROTH, L. H.; RIECK, R. W., 1981, A guide to the National Volcanic Monument: Seattle, Mount SL Helens ash-Suitability for use as en­ Wash., University of Washington Press, 166 p. gineered fill [abstract]: Associ.ltion of Engineering SHANGLE, R. D., see KELSO, LINDA [and omers], Geologists, Annual Meeting, 1981, Program with 1980. Abstracts, p. 53. SHANNON, W. H., see HOFFER, J. M. [and others], 1981. SLEITEN 79

SHOREY, E. F.; ROTH. L. H.; RIECK. R. W., 1983, SIEGEL, S. M; SIEGEL, B. Z., 1984, Regional differen­ Mount St Helens ash-Suitability for use as. en­ ces in plant-soil mercury relations in Equiserum, P tan­ gineered fill: Association of Engineering Geologists tago and Taraxacum; Organic Geochemistry, v. 5, no. Bulletin, v. 20, no. 2, p. 151-160. . 4, p. 255-257. SHORT, J. F., JR., 1980, Interest groups report-Social SIEGEL, S. M., see SIEGEL, B. Z. [and others], 1982. impacts. In Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washingron State University's Conference on the after. SIEGEL, S. M., see SIEGEL, B. Z. [and others], 1984. math of Mt St Helens:, Wash., Washington SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR; CAREY, S. N., 1980, State University, p. 61-62. Stratigraphy of air-fall tephra from the May 18 ex­ SHORT, J. F.• JR., see DILLMAN, D. A. [and others], plosive eruption of Mt St Helens volcano [abstract]: 1980. Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions). v. 61,no.46, p. 1136-1137. SHORT, J. F., JR., see DILLMAN, D. A. [and others], 1982. SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR, see BRAZIER, S. [and others}, 1983. SHROBA, R. R., see BIRKELAND, P. W. [and others], 1974. SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR, see CAREY, S. N. [and others], 1982. SHULTERS, M V.; CLIFTON, D. G., 1980, Mount St Helens ash fall in the Bull Run watershed, Oregon, SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR, see CAREY, S. N. [and March-April 1980: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File others], 1984. Report 80-740, 7 p. SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR, see CAREY, S. N. [and others}, 1985. SHULTERS, M V.; CLIFI'ON, D. G.• 1980, Mount St Helens ash fall in the Bull Run watershed., Oregon, SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR, see RUTHERFORD, M. May-June 1980: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File J. [and others], 1984. Report 80-593, 11 p. SIGURDSSON, HARALDUR, see RUTHERFORD, M. SHULTERS, M V.; CLIFTON, D. G., 1980, Mount St J. [and others], 1985. Helens volcanic-ash fall in the Bull Run watershed, SIKONIA, W. G., 1985, Impact on the Columbia River of Oregon, March-June 1980: U.S. Geological Survey . an outburst of Spirit Lake: .U.S. Geological Survey Circular 850-A, 15 p. Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4054, 55 p. SHULTE.RS, M V.; O.IFTON, D. G., 1981, Mount St . SIMPSON, D. P., see BRADLEY, J. B. [and others], · Helens volcanic-ash fall in the Bull Run watershed, 1982. Oregon, March-June 1980. /n Halasi-Kun, G. J., editor, Hydrogeology and other selected papers: New York, SINNO, KENn, see OGAWA,. TADAHIKO [and N.Y., Pergamon Press, Pollution and Water Resources others], 1982. Columbia University Seminar Series, v. 14, part 1, 21- SISSON, T. W., 1982, Sedimentary characteristics of the 35. airfall deposit produced by the major pyroclastic surge SIEBENMANN, K. F.. 1982, Potential for groundwater of May 18, 1980 at Mount St Helens, Washington: contamination by phenols and P AH adsorbed onto University of California, Santa Barbara Master of Arts Mount St Helens ash/sediments: Pullman, Wash., thesis, 145 p., 2 plates. Washington State University Master of Science thesis, SISSON, T. W.; MOORE, J. G., 1980, Deposits and ef­ 36p. fects of the May 18, 1980 Mount St Helens pyroclastic SIEBERT, LEE, 1984, Large volcanic debris avalanches­ surge [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Characteristics of source areas. deposits, and associated Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1135. eruptions: Journal of Volcanology and Geothennal SISSON, T. W., see MOORE.I. G. [and others], 1981. Research,v.22,no.3/4,p. 163-197. SKII..LE, J. M.; FALTER, C. M.; AND OTiiERS, 1983, SIEGEL, B. Z.; SIEGEL, S. M.• 1982, Mercury content of Fate, distribution and limnological effects of volcanic Equisetum plants around Mount SL Helens one year tephra in the St Joe and Coeur d'Alene River deltas of after the major eruption: Science, v. 216, no. 4543, p. Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: Moscow, Idaho, Idaho 292-293. Water and Energy Resources Research Institute, 158 SIEGEL, B. Z.; SIEGEL, S. M.; HORSKY, S. J., 1984, p.; U.S. National Technical Information Service PB 83- Equiserum plants and the cycling of mercury at Mount 235309. St Helens: Environmental Science and Technology, v. SLETTEN, R. S., see UGOLINI. F. C. [and others], 18, no. 3, p. 179-181. 1982. SIEGEL. B. Z., see SIEGEL, S. M [and others]. 1984. 80 SLON!KER

SLONIKER. E. V .• 1986, Ylount SL Helens volcano SMITH, D.R.; LEEMAN, W. P., 1985, Evidence against reforestation-May 18, 1980 to prcsenL In Keller, S. crystal fractionation in the generation of Mount SL A. C.. editor. Mount SL Helens-Five years later: Helens dacites [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Cheney, Wash. • Eastern Washington University Press, Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 18, p. 399. p. 249-255. SMITH, D. R.: MATSUHISA. Y.; KURASAWA, H.; SLOTIA. L. S.; COBOS. C.R.: MUSTAlN, R. S., 1983, LEEMAN, W. P.• 1983, Oxygen and strontium isotopic Shoaling of Port of Astoria. Oregon. ·by sediment from variations in Mount SL Helens eruptive products Mt. SL Helens eruption: Oregon Wa1cr Resources [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ Research Institute WRRI-89, 81 p. actions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 894. SLOTIA. L. S.: COBOS, C.R.; MUSTAIN, R. S .• 1984, SMITH, D.R., set KURASAWA, H. [and others], 1982. Shoaling of Port of Astoria, Oregon. by sediment from SMITH. D.R., set LEEMAN, W. P. [and others], 1982. ML St Helens eruption [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 45, p. 929. SMITH. G. A., 1983, Giant armored mud boulder from the 1982 Mount St Helens mud.flows-Discussion: Jour­ SMALL, L. F .• see FREY, B. E. [and others], 1983. nal of Sedimentary Pettology, v. 53, no. 4, p. 1355- SMITH. D. B.; ZIELINSKI, R. A.; TAYLOR, H. E., 1982, 1358. Leaching characteristics of ash from the May 18, 1980, SMITH. G. A.; SMITH, R. D., 1985, Specific gravity eruption of Mount St Helens volcano, Washington: characteristics of recent volcaniclastic sediment-Im­ U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-987, 22 plications for sorting and grain size analysis: Journal p. of Geology, v. 93, no. 5, p. 619-022. SMITH, D. B.; ZIELINSKI, R. A.; TAYLOR. H. E., 1982, SMITH. G. A., set SNilTH. R. D. [and others], 1983. Leaching characteristics of ash from the May 18, 1980, eruption of ML SL Helens volcano, Washington SMITH. H. W.; OKAZAKI, ROSE, 1981, Downwind [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts tephra from Motmt SL Helens before 1980 [abstract]. with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, p. 619. In Keller, S. A. C.; and others, editors, Mount St. Helens-One year later; Abstracts and directory: SMITH, ZIELINSKI. A.; TAYLOR. H. E.; D. B.: R. Cheney, Was.h.,Easte~ Washington University, 1 p. SAWYER. M. B•• 1983, Leaching. characteristics of ash from the May 18, 1980. eruption. of Mount St SMITH, H. W.; OKAZAKI, ROSE, 1982, Downwind Helens volcano. Washington: Bulletin Volcanologi­ tephra from Mount St Helens before 1980 [abstract]. que. v. 46, no. 2, p. 103-124. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University SMITH. D. R.. 1980. The mineralogy and pha.5e chemistry Press, p. 240-241. of silicic tephras erupted from Mount St Helens vol­ cano, Washington: Houston, Texas. Rice University SMITH, H. W.: OKAZAKI, ROSE; KNOWLES, C. R., Master of Arts thesis. 202 p. 1975, Electton microprobe analysis as a test of the cor­ relation of West Blacktail ash with Mount St Helens SMITH. D. R., 1984, The petrology and geochemistry of pyroclastic Layer T: Northwest Science, v. 49, no. 4, high Cascade volcanics in southern Washington­ p. 209-215. Mount SL Helens volcano and the Indian Heaven basalt field: Houston, Texas. Rice University Doctor of SMITH, H. W.; OKAZAKJ, ROSE; KNOWLES, C. R., Philosophy thesis. 409 p. 1977, Elecuon microprobe analysis of glass shards from tephra assigned to Set W. Mount St Helens, SMf!'H. D. R., 1984, The petrology and geochemistry of high Cascade volcanics in southern Washington­ Washington: Quaternary Research, v. 7, no. 2, p. 207- 217. Mount SL Helens volcano and the Indian Heaven basalt field [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International. v. S'MITH. H. W., set OKAZAKI.. ROSE [and others], 45, no. 4, Section B, p. 1136-B. 1972. SMITH, D. R.: LEEMAN, W. P., 1980, Mineralogy of S'MITH. J. D.; DUNNE, THOMAS; FAIRClill..D, L. H., high-temperature pumiceous tephras from Mount SL 1983, Flow properties of the ML St Helens mudflow Helens [abstract]: Geological Society of America materials: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, l sheet Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7. p. 524. microfiche (69 p.]; U.S. National Technical Informa­ tion Service PB 85-211829. SMITH, D. R.; LEEMAN, W. P., 1982, Mineralogy and phase chemistry of Mount St Helens tephra sets W and SMITH. J. D.; WIGMOSTA, M. S.; DUNNE, THON1AS , Y as keys to their identification: Quaternary Rese:irch, 1983, Mechanical properties of the 1980 mud.flow in v. 17, no. 2, p. 211-227. the north fork of the Toutle River [absuact]: Eos SMITH, D.R.; LEEMAN, W. P., 1982, Petrochemistry of (American Geophysical Union Transactions), ·,. 64, no. 45, p. 707. pre-1980 volcanic rocks of Mount St Helens [abstract): Geological Society of America Abstracts SMITH, J. D., set DUNNE, THOMAS [and others], with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 234. 1983. SOREM 81

SMITH. J. D .• see FAIRCHil..D, L. H. [and others], 1982. SMITH. W. K.; SCHUSTER, R. L.; SABOL, M. A., 1984, SMITH. J. D., see WIGMOSTA. M. S. [and others], Stabilizing natural dams fonned by the 1980 debris 1981. avalanche on Mount St Helens [abstract]: Association of Engineering Geologists, Annual Meeting, 1984, SMITH. J. L.; OWENS, E. J.; MCNEAL, B. L., 1982, Ef­ Abstracts and Program, p. 76-77. fects of volcanic ash on soil nitrogen mineralization and accompanying CO2 production: Northwest SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION SCIENTIFIC EVENT Science, v. 56, no. 3, p. 170-175. ALERT NETWORK, 1980-1986, Mt St Helens vol­ cano: SEAN Bulletin, v. 5 -v. ll, [various pagings]. SMITH. J. L.; OWENS, E. J.; MCNEAL, B. L., 1982, Ef­ fects of volcanic ash on soil nitrogen mineralization SNEll, J. A. K.; MAX, T. A.; SNELLGROVE, T. A., and accompanying CO2 production [abstract]. In 1982, Breakage of timber and quantity of woody Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year material damaged by eruption of Mount St Helens. In later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year Press, p. 241. later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 87-91. SMITH. K. S., see GOUGH, L. P. [and others], 1981. SNEll, J. A. K., see SNELLGROVE, T. A. [and others], SMITH. K. S., lilNKLEY, TODD [and others], 1980. see 1983. SMITH, K. S., see HINKLEY, TODD [and others], 1982. SNEllGROVE, T. A.; SNELL, J. A. K.; MAX, T. A., SMITH. M. A.; WHITE, M. J., 1985, Observations on 1983, Damage to national forest timber on Mount St. lakes near Mount St Helens-Phytoplankton: Archiv Helens: Journal of Forestry, v. 81, no. 6, p. 368-371. fuer Hydrobiologie, v. 104, no. 3, p. 345-362. SNEllGROVE, T. A., see SNEll, J. A. K. [and others], SMITH. P. E., see JENNIN'GS, M. E. [and others], 1981. 1982. SMITH. P. E., see JENNIN'GS, M. E. [and others], 1984. SNETSINGER, K. G., see FARLOW, N. H. [and others], SMITH. R. D., 1985, Sediment routing in a small water- 1980. shed in the blast zone at Mount St Helens, Washington SNETSINGER, K. G., see FARLOW, N. H. [and others], [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts 1981. with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 409. SNETSINGER, K. G.,. see FARLOW, N. H. [and others], SMITH. R. D.; SM111I, G. A., 1983, Deposits of exces­ 1982. sive sediment load floods in volcanic regions-A SNETSINGER, K. G., see OBERBECK, V. R. [and modem and an ancient example [abstract]: Ebs others], 1982. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 707. SNEVA, F. A.; BRITTON, C. M.; MAYLAND, H. F.; BUCKHOUSE, JOHN; EVANS, R. A.; YOUNG, J. SMITH. R. D., see LISLE, T. E. [and others], 1983. A.; VAVRA, MARTIN, 1982, Mt. St Helens ash­ SMITH. R. D., see SMITH. G. A. [and others], 1985. Considerations of its fallout on rangelands: Corvallis, SMITH. R. D., see WICHERSK.I, B. P. [and others], Ore., Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment 1981. Station Special Report 650, 27 p. SMITH. R. D., see WICHERSKI, B. P. [and others], SNIDER, F. G., see AMICK, D. C. [and others], 1985. 1982. SOLDAT, J. K.; KATIIREN, R. L.; CORLEY, J. P.; SMITH. R. L., see LUEDKE, R G. [and others], 1983. STRENGE, D. L., 1981, Radiation doses from Mount St. Helens 18 May 1980 eruption: Science, v. 213, no. SMITH. R. L., see RUSSEll-ROBINSON, S. L. [and 4507, p. 585. others], 1983. SOREM, R. K., 1980, Final report of the discussion group SMITH, S. W .• WEA C. S. [and others], 1974. see VER. devoted to the geological aspects of the aftennath of SMITH, S. W., see WEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1981. the Mt St Helens eruption of May 18, 1980. In Cas­ SMITH, S. W., see WEA VER, C. S. [and others], 1983. sidy, J. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washington State University's Conference on the aftennath of Mt. SMITH, W. K., 1980, A plotting program for producing St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State Univer- ashfall prediction maps from output of the NOAA sity, p. 74-75. • forecast trajectory program- Application to and ex­ amples from the 1980 Mount St Helens eruptions: SOREM, R. K., l 9lSO, Some geological aspects of the ash U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-2005, 33 fallout in Pullman and vicinity [abstract]. In Cassidy, J. p. J., chairperson, Proceedings of Washington State University's Conference on the aftennath of Mt St. Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington State University, p. 2-3. 82 SOREM

SOREM, R. K., 1982, Volcanic ash clusters-tephra rafts STAUBER, ERIC, 1980, Short-tenn effects on birds and and scavengers: Journal of Volcanology and Geother­ wildlife. In Cassidy, I. I., chairperson, Proceedings of mal Research, v. 13, no. 1-2, p. 63-71. Washington State University's Conference on the after­ SORENSEN, I. H., 1981, Emergency response to Mount math of Mt St Helens: Pullman, Wash., Washington St Helens' eruption-March 20 to April 10, 1980: State University, p. 16-17. Boulder, Colo., University of Colorado Natlll'al STEARNS, L. S., see PUESCHEL, R. F. [and others], Hazards Research and Applications lnfonnation 1981. . Center, Working paper 43, 63 p. STEELE, I. L., see BLACKWELL, D. D. [and others], SORENSEN, I. H., 1982, Emergency planning for rare 1980. events-Some behavioral science lessons for volcano STEELE, W. K., 1981, Remanent magnetization of ash hazard management In Martin, R. C.; Davis, I. F., from the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens: editors, S tatllS of volcanic prediction and emergency Geophysical Research Letters, v. 8, no. 3, p. 213-216. response capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of California: California Division of Mines and Geology STEELE, W. K., 1981, Remanent magnetization of Mount Special Publication 63, p. 153- 167. St Helens ash of 18 May 1980-A preliminary repon [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ SOUTIIER, I. G.; Til..LING, R. I.; PUNONGBAYAN, R. actions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: text of journal mis­ S., 1984, Forecasting eruptions in the circum-Pacific: labeled as "v. 62, no. 5.") Episodes, v. 7, no. 4, p. 10-18. STEELE. W. K. (Bill..), 1981, Remanent magnetization of SPALL, HENRY, 1980, Continuous monitoring of Mount tephra deposited by the 18 May 1980 eruption of St Helens volcano: U.S. Geological Survey Mount St Helens [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C.; and Earthquake Infonnation Bulletin, v. 12, no. 6, p. 220- others, editors, Mount SL Helens--One year later, 227. Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash., East.em SPARKS.I. W., see IRVING.A.I. [and others], 1980. Washington University, 1 p. SPARKS, R. S. I.; MOORE, I . G.; RICE, C. I., 1986, The STEELE, W. K., 1982, Remanent magnetization of ash initial giant umbrella cloud of the May 18th, 1980, ex­ from the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens. In plosive eruption of Mount St Helens: Journal of Vol­ Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year canology and Geothermal Research, v. 28, no. 3-4, p. later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University 257-274. Press, p. 39-42. SPARKS, R. S. I., see BRAZIER, S. [and others], 1983. STEELE, W. K., 1983, A preliminary catalog of remanent SPIKER, ELLIOTI, see CRANDELL. D. R. [and magnetization directions from Mount St Helens tephra others], 1981. deposits [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union. Transactions}, v. 64, no. 45, p. 690-691. SPYDELL, D. R., see IACHENS, R. C. [and others], 1980. STEELE, W. K., see GARMAN, I. E. [and others], 1986. SPYDEll, D. R., see IACHENS, R. C. [and others], STEPHENS, JERRY, 1980, Geological occurrences. In 1981. Gordon, M. G .. ; Proctor, George, compilers, The ef­ fects of the MoWlt St Helens eruption on water resour­ STAFFORD, S. G., see KIIl..SGAARD, C. W. [and ces: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Northwest River others], 1986. Basins Commission, p. 5-8. STAHL, C. F., 1983, Area of Mt Saint Helens-Site of STEPHENS, W. E., see HAlllDAY, A. N. [and others], 1983 campout Geological Society of the Oregon 1983. Country Geological Newsletter, v. 49, no. 9, p. 69-70. STERN, R. I.; ITO, EMI, 1980, Incompatible element and STALEY, I. T.; LEHMICKE, L. G.; PALMER, F. E.; 87Sr/86Sr composition of Mt St Helens ash: PEET, R. W.; WISSMAR, R. C., 1982, Impact of Washington, D.C., Carnegie Institution of Washingt0n Mount St Helens eruption on bacteriology of lakes in Yearbook 79, p. 486. the blast zone: Applied and Environmemal Microbiol­ ogy, v. 43, no. 3, p. 664-670. STEVENS, BOB, 1980, Emergency measures. In Gordon, M. G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of the STALEY.I. T., see WISSMAR, R. C. [and others], 1982. Mount St Helens eruption on water resources-A STARK, N. M.; ESSIG, D. A., 1985, Nuaientrelease from hrum held IWle 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Mount St Helens volcanic ash and retention by Northwest River Basins Commission, p. 19-21. west.em Montana soil: Ogden, Utah, U.S. Forest Ser­ STEVENS, R. C., 1982, Volcano emergency involvement vice Intennountain Forest and Range Experiment Sta­ at the federal level. In Martin, R. C.; Davis, J. F., tion, Research Paper INT-338, 22 p. editors, Staws of volcanic prediction and emergency STARLIN, L.A., see HARTZ. K. E. [and others], 1984. response capabilities in volcanic hazard zones of California: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 63, p. 227-241. SU GIMURA 83

STEVENS, R. G., see WINJUM, J. K. [and others], 1986. STOIBER, R. E.; Wil..LIAMS, S. N.; MALINCONICO, STEVENS, R. K., see DA VIS, B. L. [and others], 1981. L. L; JOHNSTON, D. A.; CASADEVALL, T. J., 1981, ML St Helens-Evidence of increased mag­ STEW ARD, JOHN, see PRUTIT, J. R. [and others], matic gas component Journal of Volcanology and 1980. Geothermal Research, v. 11, no. 2-4, p. 203-212. STEW ARD, JOHN, see PRUTIT, J. R. [and others], STOIBER, R. E., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. [and others], 1981. 1980. STil.ES, E. A., see MCKNIGlIT, D. M. [and others], STOIBER, R. E., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. [and others], 1981. 1981. STOBER, Q. J.; DINNEL, P. A.; SALO, E. 0., 1980, The STOIBER, R. E., see FRIEND, J.P. [and others], 1982. effects of suspended volcanic sediment on salmon pas­ sage and survival [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ STOKES, G. M., see MICHALSKY, J. J. [and others], cal Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 956. 1982. STOBER, Q. J.; ROSS, B. D.; MELBY, C. L.; DINNEL, STOKES, J.B., see ROSE, W. I., JR. [and others), 1985. P. A.; JAGIELO, T. H.; SALO, E. 0., 1982, Effect of STRADLING, D. F.; KIVER, E. P., 1981, Depositional suspended volcanic sediment on coho and Chinook sal· environments of late Pleistocene Mount St Helens ash mon in the Toutle and Cowlitz Rivers. In Washingwn in the northeastern Channeled Scablands of the Colum­ Water Research Center, Proceedings from the con­ bia Intermontane. In Keller, S. A. C.; and others, eds., ference, ML St Helens-Effects on water resources: Mount St Helens-One year later; Abstracts and direc­ Pullman, Wash., Washington Research Center tory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University, Report 41, p. 308-346. 1 p. STOBER, Q. J.; ROSS, B. D.; MELBY, C. L.; DINNEL, STRADLING, D. F.; KIVER, E. P.,.1982, Depositional P. A.; SALO, E. 0., 1982, The tolerance of Coho sal­ environments of late Pleistocene Mount St. Helens ash mon to suspended volcanic sedimenL In Keller, S. A. in the northeastern channeled scablands of the Colum­ C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One year Cheney, bia intermontane [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 129- Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., 140. Eastern Washington Universicy Press, p. 241. STOCKTON, S. L., 1981, Design and performance of STRADLING, D. F.; KIVER, E. P., 1986, The sig­ sediment stabilization projects on the Toutle River fol­ nificance of volcanic ash as a stratigraphic marker for lowing the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount SL Helens the late Pleistocene in northeastern Washington. In [abstract]: Association of Engineering Geologists, An­ Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-Five years nual Meeting, 1981, Program with Absuacts, p. 54-55. later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington Universicy STOCKTON, S. L., 1982, Design and performance of Press,p. 120-126. sediment stabilization projects on the Toutle River fol­ STRENGE. D. L., see SOLDAT,J. K. [and others], 1981. lowing the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mt St Helens. In STROH, J. R.; HARRISON, R. D., 1982, Soil Conserva­ Washington Water Research Center, Proceedings from tion Service involvement on watersheds affected by the conference, Mt SL Helens-Effects on water Mount St Helens. In Washington Water Research resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Center, Proceedings from the conference, Mt St Research Center Report 41, p. 347-355. Helens-Effects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., STOCKTON, S. L., 1983, Engineering response to flood Washington Water Research Center Report 41, p. 356- hazards created by the eruption of Mount St Helens. In 364. Proceedings of the symposium on erosion control in STRONG, EMORY, 1969, Early accounts of the eruption volcanic ~. July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle and Van­ of Mt St Helens: Geological Sociecy of the Oregon couver, Washington: Japan Public Works Research In­ Country Geological Newsletter, v. 35, no. 1, p. 3-5. stitute Technical Memorandum 1908, p. 249-271. STUIVER, MINZE, see DA VIS, P. T. [and others], 1982. STOFFEL, D. B.; STOFFEL, K. L., 1980, Mt St Helens seen close up on May 18: Geotimes, v. 25, no. 10, p. SUGG, P. M., 1986, Arthropod populations at Mount St 16-17. Helens-Survival and revival. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-Five years later: Cheney, STOFFEL, K. L., see KOROSEC, M. A. [and others], Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 325- 1980. 328. STOFFEL, K. L., see STOFFEL, D. B. [and others], SUGG, P. M.• EDWARDS, J. S. [and others). 1986. 1980. see SUGIMURA, Y., see HIROSE, K. [and others), 1982. STOIBER, R. E.; Wil..LIAMS, S. N.; MALINCONICO, L L., 1980, Mount St Helens, Washington, 1980 vol­ canic eruption-Magmatic gas component during the first 16 days: Science, v. 208, no. 4449, p. 1258-1259. 84 SUNG

SUNG, F. C.; NEVISSI, A. E.; DEWALLE, F. B., 1982, SWANSON, D. A.; CASADEVALL, T. J.; DZURISIN, Water-soluble constituents of Mount SL Helens ash: DANIEL; MALONE, S. D.; NEWHALL, C. G.; Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, WEA VER, C. S., 1983, Predicting eruptions at Mount Environmental Science and Engineering, v. 17, no. 1, St Helens, June 1980 through December 1982: p.45-55. Science, v. 221, no. 4618, p. 1369-1376. SUNSET MAGAZINE, 1983, Getting close to Mount St SWANSON, D. A.; CASADEVALL, T. J.; DZURISIN, Helens: Sunset Magazine, v. 170, no. 6, p. 82-87. DANIEL; NEWHALL, C. G.; MALONE, S. D., 1984, SUITON, A. J.; MCGEE, K. A.; CASADEVALL, T. J., Forecasts and predictions of eruptions at Mount St. 1986, Gas emissions studies at Mount St Helens Helens, USA. In Fedotov, S. A.; Galkin, I. N.; [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Nilcolayev, A. V.; Sedova, E. N., editors, Earthquakes Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern and geological hazard prediction: International Washingron University Press, p. 441. Geological Congress, 27th, 1984, Reports, v. 6, p. 119- 135. SUITON, A. J., see SATO, MOTOAKI [and others], 1984. SWANSON, D. A.; CASADEVALL, T. J.; DZURISIN, DANIEL; NEWHALL, C. G.; MALONE, S. D.; SVINTH, DON, 1982, Effects on municipal and industrial WEAVER, C. S., 1984, Forecasts and predictions of water supplies in Cowlitz County. In WashingtOn ~ptions at Mount St Helens, USA [abstract]: Inter­ Water Research Center, Proceedings from the con­ national Geological Congress, 27th, 1984, Abstracts, v. ference, Mt St Helens-Effects on water resources: 9, part 1, p. 314-315. Pullman, Wash., Washington Water Research Center Report 41, p. 365-377. SWANSON, D. A.; CHADWICK, W. W., JR.; fWAT­ SUBO, E. Y .; HELIKER, C. C., 1982, Endogenous SWANK.JERRY, see PRlITTT,J. R. [and others], 1980. growth of the Mount St Helens dacite dome [abscract]: SWANK.JERRY, see PRlITTT,J. R. [andothers],·1981. Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. SWANSON, D. A., 1975, Original reports from the cor- 63,no.45,p. 1140. respondents of the IAVCEI Working Group on Mitiga· SW ANSON, D. A.; HOLCOMB, R. T., 1982, Forecasting tion of Volcanic Disasters; U.S.A.: Bulletin Vol· eruptions at Mount St Helens by monitoring ground canologique, v. 38, Supplement, p. 74-75. deformation [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical SWANSON, D. A., 1982, Volcanic studies in the Pacific Union Transactions). v. 63, no. 8, p. 174. Northwest, 1879-1979. ln Leviton, A. E.; Rodda, P. U.; SWANSON, D. A.; HOLCOMB, R. T., 1985, Regularities Yochelson, E. L; Aldrich, M. L., editors, Frontiers of in the growth of Mount St Helens' dome [abscract]: geological exploration of western North America; San Geological Society of America Abstracts with Francisco, Calif., American Association for the Advan­ Prograzns,v. 17,no.6,p.411. cement of Science Pacific Section, p. 193-207. SWANSON, D. A.; HOLCOMB, R. T.; LIPMAN, P. W.; SWANSON, D. A., 1983, Forecasts and predictions MOORE, J. G.; HELIKER, C. C.; IWATSUBO, E. Y .• [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ 1981, Monitoring ground deformation to forecast erup­ actions), v. 64, no. 28, p. 452. tions at Mount St Helens [abstract]. In International SWANSON, D. A., 1985, Graben fonnation, thrust fault­ Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the ing. and growth of the dacite dome. Mount St Helens, Earth's Interior, IAVCEI symposium, Arc volcanism; Washington, May-June 1985 [abstract]: Eos Abstracts: Volcanological Society of Japan; Interna­ (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, no. tional Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of 46,p. 852. the Earth's Interior, p. 361-362. SWANSON, D. A., 1986, Measurements of ground defor­ SWANSON, D. A.; LIPMAN, P. W.; MOORE, J. G.; mation to forecast and predict eruptions [abstract]: Eos HE.LIKER, C. C., 1980, Geodetic monitoring of Mount (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 67, no. St Helens after the May 18, 1980 eruption [abstract]: 16, p. 397. Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1137. SWANSON, D. A., 1986, Predicting dome growth at Mt SL Helens using non-seismic techniques: Volcano SWANSON, D. A.; LIPMAN, P. W.; MOORE, J. G.; News, no. 24, p. 3-4. HELIKER, C. C.; YAMASHITA, K. M., 1981, Geodetic monitoring after the May 18 eruption. In Lip­ SWANSON, D. A.; CASADEVALL, T. J.; DZURISIN, man, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 erup­ DANIEL; HOLCOMB, R. T.; NEWHALL, C. G.; tions of Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ MALONE, S. D.; WEA VER, C. S., 1985, Forecasts cal Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 157-168. and predictions of eruptive activity at Mount St Helens, USA-1975-1984: Journal of Geodynamics, SWANSON, D. A., see BIRNIE, R. W. [and others], v.3,no.3/4,p. 397-423. 1983. SWANSON, D. A., see CHADWICK, W. W., JR. (and others], 1982. TAGGART 85

SW ANSON, D. A, see CHADWICK. W. W., JR. (and SWEET, H. R.; EDWARDS, J. E., 1983, Mount St. Helens others], 1983. eruptive impacts to the Toutle Community ground­ SWANSON, D. A, see IWATSUBO, E. Y. (and others], water supply: Association of Engineering Geologists 1985. Bulletin, v. 20, no. 2, p. 145-150. SWANSON, D. A., see IWATSUBO, E. Y. (and others], SWIFT, C. H., ID; KRESCH, D. L., 1983, Mudflow 1986. hazards along the Toutle and Cowlitz Rivers from ~ hypothetical failure of Spirit Lake blockage: U.S. SW ANSON, D. A, see LIPMAN, P. W. [and others], Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 1980. Report82-4125, 10 p., 10 plates. SW ANSON, D. A, see LIPMAN, P. W. [and others], SWIFT, C. H., ID, see GLICKEN, H. X. (and others], 1981. 1983. SW ANSON, D. A, see MOORE, J. G. (and others], SWINEHART, J. B., 1982, Mount SL Helens-A view 1981. from the High Plains [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., SWANSON, F. J.; COLLIN'S, B. D.; DUNNE, THOMAS; editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, WICHERSKI, B. P., 1983, Erosion of tephra from Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 241. hillslopes near ML SL Helens and other volcanoes. In SYKES, M. L.; SE..F, STEPHEN, 1981, Pyroclastic flows Proceedings of the symposium on erosion control in of ML SL Helens, Washingron, May-July, 1980 volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle and Van­ [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ couver, Washington: Japan Public Works Research In­ actions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 1088-1089. stitute Technical Memorandum 1908, p. 183-221. SYKES, M. L., see FUKUY AMA, HIRO [and others], SWANSON, F. J.; JANDA, R. J., 1983, Summary of final 1981. discussions, symposium on erosion control in volcanic areas. In Proceedings of the symposium on erosion SYKES, M. L., see MOYER, T. C. (and others], 1982. conttol in volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle and SYMONDS, R. B., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. (and Vancouver, Washingron: Japan Public Works others], 1982. Research Institute Technical Memorandum 1908, p. SYMONDS, R. B., see CASADEVALL, T. J. [ancJ 361-371. others], 1983. SW ANSON, F. J., see FRANKLIN, J. F. [and others], SYMONDS, R. B., see CHUAN, R. L. (and others], 1985. 1985. SWANSON, F. J., see FRENZEN, P. M. [and others], SYMONDS, R. B., see ROSE, W. I., JR. [and others], 1986. 1985. . SW ANSON, F. J., see SEDELL, J. R. [and others], 1980. SYMONS, T. W., 1882, The upper Columbia River and SW ANSON, F. J., see WICHERSKI, B. P. [and others], the Great Plain of the Columbia: U.S. Congress, 47th, 1981. 1st session, Senate Executive Document 186,133 p. SWANSON, F. J., see WICHERSKI, B. P. [and others], TABER, R. D., see MERRil.L, E. H. [and others], 1986. 1982. TAGGART, J.E., JR.; LICHTE, F. E.; WAHLBERG, J. SWEDBERG, K. C., 1982, Effects of ML SL Helens' ash S., 1981, Methods of analysis of samples using x-ray on populations of winter annual plants (abstract]: fluorescence and induction-coupled plasma spectros­ American Association for the Advancement of Science copy. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, Pacific Division, Annual Meeting, 63rd, Proceedings, The 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens, Washington: p.43. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. SWEDBERG, K. C., 1982, Effects of Mount SL Helens 683-687. ash on populations of winter annual plants [abstract]. In TAGGART,J. E., JR.; WAHLBERG,J. S.; TAYLOR, H. Keller, S. A C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One year E., 1980, X-ray specttometric major,element analyses later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University of tephra samples from the May 18, 1980 eruption of Press, p. 241. ML SL Helens-Samples collected from Washington, SWEDBERG, K. C., 1986, Effects of Mount SL Helens Idaho, and Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ ash on plant populations of shallow stony soils. In File Report 80-1130, 13 p. Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-Five years TAGGART, J. E., JR., see CASHMAN, K. V. [and later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University others], 1982. Press, p. 256-260. TAGGART, J. E., JR., see CASHMAN, K. V. [and SWEET, H. R., 1981, ML SL Helens eruptive impacts to others], 1983. the Toutle community ground water supply (abstract]: TAGGART, J.E., JR., see LIPMAN, P. W. (and others], Association of Engineering Geologists, Annual Meet­ 1981. ing, 1981, Program with Absttacts, p. 55-56. 86 TAGGART

TAGGART, R. E., see CROSS, A. T. [and others], 1986. TAYLOR, H. E.; KLEIN, J.M., 1980, Mount SL Helens Washington, 1980 volcanic eruption, Part l, Chemical TAKAGI. M., see KONDO, Y. [and others], 1982. composition of volcanic ash [abstract]: Eos (American TAKAHASHI. TAMOTSU, 1981, Volcanic hazard Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 956. phenomena and response of people due to the eruption TAYLOR, H. E.; LICHI'E, F. E., 1980, Chemical com­ of Mount SL Helens: Kyoto University Disaster position of Mount St Helens volcanic ash: Geophysi­ Prevention Research Institute, Annuals, no. 24 A, p. 1- cal Research Letters, v. 7, no. 11, p. 949-952. 20. [in Japanese] TAYLOR. H. E., see BONELLI, J.E. [and others], 1981. TALLMAN, A. M.; CROSS, R. W.; FECHT, K. R.; LAST, G. V.; LIL.LIE, J. T.; LONG, P. E.; PRICE, S. TAYLOR, H. E., see BONELLI, J.E. [and others], 1982. M.; REIDEL, S. P., 1980, Volcanic ash disaibution, TAYLOR. H. E., see HINKLEY, TODD [and others], composition, and preservation site studies in eastern 1980. Washingtan-Mount SL Helens eruption, May 18, 1980 [abstract]: Geological Society of America TAYLOR, H. E., see KLEIN, J.M. [and others], 1980. Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 533. TAYLOR, H. E., see PEREIRA, W. E. [and others], TALLMAN. A. M., see LIL.LIE,]. T. [and others], 1981. 1980. TALLMAN, A. M., see LIL.LIE, J. T. [and others], 1982. TAYLOR. H. E., see PEREIRA, W. E. [and others], 1982. TALLMAN, A. M., see SCHEIDEGGER, K. F. [and others], 1981. TAYLOR, H. E., see SMITH. D. B. [and others], 1982. TALLMAN, A. M., see SCHEIDEGGER, K. F. [and TAYLOR, H. E., see SMITH, D. B. [and others], 1983. others], 1982. TAYLOR, H. E., see TAGGART, J.E., JR. [and others], TANAKA, J. M. C., 1981, Comparison of hypothetical 1980. and actual lahar impacts on public service delivery sys­ TAZIEFF, H., 1982, Domes de magma et domes de laves tems [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union [Magma domes and lava domes]: Comptes Rendus des Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: text of journal Seances de !'Academic des Sciences, Serie 2, v. 294, mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5. j no. 2, p. 151-153. TANAKA, J.M. C., 1985, Judge lets state off hook ... but TEMKO, H. M., see BRADLEY, J. B. [and others], not Weyerhaeuser. Volcano News, no. 22, p. 7-8. 1982. TANAKA, J.M. C., 1986, The SL Helens trials-II: Vol­ TERlCH, THOMAS, see LANGRAN, KENNETH [and cano News, no. 23, p. 6-7. others], 1982. TANAKA, J.M. C., 1986, Volcano trial: Earth Science, v. TIIlEBEN, S. E., see BURGGRAF, D. R. [and others], 39, no. 2, p. 20-24. 1981. TANGBORN, W. V.; LETIENMAIER, D. P., 1981, The TIIlEBEN, S. E., see NORDLIE, B. E. [and others], impact of Mount St Helens ash deposition on snow­ 1983. melt In Shafer, B. A., editor, Proceedings of the THOMAS, ELLEN; VAREKAMP, J.C., 1982, Volcanic Western Snow Conference: Western Snow Con­ particles from gas plumes of basaltic and calc-alkaline ference, p. 85-94. volcanoes [abstract]: Geological Society of America TANGBORN, W. V.; LETI'ENMAIER, D. P., 1982, The Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, p. 630. impact of Mount SL Helens ash disposition on snow­ THOMAS, ELLEN; VAREKAMP, J.C.; BUSECK, P.R., melt In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens­ 1980, Zinc enrichment in the early 1980 phreatic ashes One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington of Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos University Press. p. 63-69. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. TANTh10TO, TOSIIlRO, see BOLT, B. A. [and others], 46, p. 1139. 1981. THOMAS, ELLEN; VAREKAMP, J.C.; BUSECK, P.R., TATUM, E. L., see SHORE, J. H. [and others], 1986. 1982, Zinc enrichment in the phreatic ashes of Mt. St. TAVES, D.R., 1980, Fluoride distribution and biological Helens, April 1980: Journal of Volca.nology and availability in the fallout from Mount St Helens, 18 to Geothennal Research, v. 12, no. 3-4, p. 339-350. 21 May 1980: Science, v. 210, no. 4476, p. 1352-1354. THOMAS, ELLEN see VAREKAMP, J. C. [and others], TAYLOR, B. L., 1981, Mount St Helens and climate 1986. change. In Phillips. D. W.; McKay, G. A., editors, THOMAS, L.; CHALONER, C. P.; BHAT- Canadian climate in review- 1980: Canada Atmos­ TACHARYYA, S. K., 1981, Laser-radar measure­ pheric Environment Service, p. 100-104. ments in southern England of aerosols from Mount St. TAYLOR, E. M., see WOZNIAK, K. C. [and others], Helens: Nawre, v. 289, p. 473. 1980. THOMAS, W. A., see BROWN, B. J. [and others], 1982. TUELL 87

TI!OMAS, W. A., see BROWN, B. J. [and others], 1983. TOKAREV, P. I., 1984, On the prediction of the place, time and energy and of danger of large explosions of TI!OMPSON, GREG, see BURGGRAF, D. R [and andesitic volcanoes. In Fedotov, S. A.; Galkin, I. N.; others], 1981. Nikolayev, A. V.; Sedova, E. N., editors, Earthquakes THOMPSON, J. M.; WHITE, L. D.; CASADEVALL, T. and geological hazard prediction: International J.; MALEY, C. A.; KEITH, T. E. C., 1985, Hot springs Geological Congress, 27th, 1984, Reports, v. 6, p. 84- depositing travertine at Mount St Helens [abstract]: 105. Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. TOKAREV, P. I., 1985, The prediction oflarge explosions 66,no.46,p. 1154. of andesitic volcanoes: Journal of Geodynamics, v. 3, TI!OMPSON, M. R., see HARRIS, D. M. [and others], no. 3/4,p.219-244. 1981. TOMASEK, M. D., see WELCH, E. B. [and others], TIK)MPSON, ROGER, 1983, Volcanoes: Editorial 1982. Research Repons, v. 2, no. 15, p. 783-800. TOON, 0. B., 1982, Volcanoes and climate. In Deepak, TI!OMS, R. E., see DEACON, R. J. [and others], 1980. Adarsh, editor, Atmospheric effects and potential TILFORD, NORMAN; KENT, RICHARD, 1981, Mount climatic impact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. St Helens and the geology of Lewis and Toutle Rivers. Helens: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ In Association of Engineering Geologists, Field trip ministration Conference Publication 2240, p. 15-36. guidebook-Engineering geology · in the Pacific TOON, 0. B., see TURCO, RP. [and others], 1980. Northwesc Brentwood, Tenn., Association of En­ gineering Geologists, p. 143-213, 1 plate. TOON, 0. B., see TURCO, R. P. [and others], 1982. TILLETT, W. E., see FOSTER. J. H. [and others], 1980. TOON, 0. B., see TURCO, R. P. [and others], 1983. TILLETT, W. E., see MYERS, W. L., JR [and others], TOPINKA, L. J., see BRANTLEY, STEVEN [and 1981. others], 1984. TILLING, R. L, 1980, A volcanologist's perspective: TOPINKA, L. J., see BRANTLEY, STEVEN [and Geo,v.2,no.8,p. 140-141. others], 1985. TILLING, R. I., 1981, Overview of Mount St Helens vol­ TOPINKA, L. J., see MARTINSON, H. A. [and others], canic eruption. In Doyle, F. J., editor, Electro-optical 1984. insttumentation for resowces evaluation: Society of TORRES, A. L., see BANDY, A. R. [and others], 1982. Photo-Optical Insttumentation Engineers, Annual TORRES, A. L., see FRIEND, J.P. [and others], 1982. Meeting,Proceedings,v. 278,p.3-10. TOWLE, J. N., 1982, Geomagnetic variations in the Cas- TILLING, R. I., 1983, Monitoring active volcanoes: U.S. cades [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Geological Survey, 13 p. Paper 1275, p. 173. TILLING, R. I., 1984, Eruptions of Mount St Helens-­ TOWLE, J. N., 1983, VLF electromagnetic investigations Past. present. and future: U.S. Geological Survey, 46 of the crater and central dome of Mount St Helens, p. Washington: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal TILLING, R. I.; BAil.EY, R A., 1985, Volcano hazards Research, v. 19, no. 1-2, p. 113-120. program in the United States: Journal ofGeodynamics, TRAPPE, J. M., see CARPENTER, S. E. [and others], v.3,no.3/4,p. 425-446. 1982. TILLING, RI., see SOUTHER, J. G. [and others], 1984. TSACOYEANES, C. W., see FOUGERE, P. F. [and TIME-LIFE BOOKS, 1982, The cataclysm on St Helens. others], 1980. Chapter 6, In Tune-Life Books, Volcano: Alexandria, ru, A. T., see ISHlZAKI, HIROYUKI [and others], Va. • Time-Life Books, p. 141-169. 1982. TISON, D. L.; SEIDLER, R. J., 1983, Ecology and TUCKER. D. G., 1980, Forestry. In Gordon, M. G.; Proc­ virulence of Legionnaire's Disease bacteria in aquatic tor, George, chairmen, The effects of the Mount SL habitats near Mt St Helens: Corvallis, Ore., Oregon Helens eruption on water resources-A forum held Water Resowces Research Institute WRRI-84, 11 p. June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Northwest TOKAREV, P. I., 1981, Izverzheniye vulkana Sent­ River Basins Commission, p. 41-42. Khelens v marte-avguste 1980 g. [The St Helens erup­ TIJCKER, J. H., see GREEN, F. H. Y. [and others], tion in March-August 1980]: Vulkanologiya i Seis­ 1981. mologiya, 1981, no. 3, p. 104-106. [in Russian] TUELL, J.P., see HOBBS, P. V. [and others], 1980. 88 TURCO . ruRCO, R. P.; TOON, 0. B.; WHITTEN, R. C.; UI , TADAHIDE, 1983, Volcanic dry avalanche depos­ HAMILL, P.; KEESEE, R. G., 1983, The 1980 erup­ its-Identification and comparison with nonvolcanic tions of Mowtt SL Helens-Physical and chemical debris stream deposits: Journal of Volcanology and processes in the stratospheric clouds: Journal of Geothermal Research, v. 18, no. 1/4, p. 135-150. Geophysical Research, v. 88, no. C9, p. 5299-5319. UI, TADAHIDE, 1983, Volcanic dry avalanche depos­ ruRCO, R. P.; TOON, 0. B.; WHITTEN, R. C.; its-Identification and comparison with nonvolcanic HAMILL, P.; KEESEE, R. G.; INN, E. C. Y .• 1980, debris stream deposits. In Aramaki, S.; Kushiro, I., Mount SL Helens-Chemistry in volcanic eruption editors. Arc volcanism: New York, N.Y .• Elsevier clouds [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Science Publishing Company, p. 135-150. Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 971. ULMER, G. C., see DRORY, ALISA (and others], 1974. ruRCO, R. P.; TOON, 0. B.; WHITI'EN, R. C.; UNGER. J. D.; lvfil.LS, K. F .• 1973, Earthquakes near KEESEE, R. G.; HAMil.l.., P.. 1982, Simulation Mount St Helens, Washington: Geological Society of studies of the physical and chemical processes occur­ America Bulletin, v. 84, no. 3, p. 1065-1067. ring in the stratospheric clouds of the Mount St Helens eruptions of May and Jwie 1980. In Deepak, Adarsh, U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1983, A com­ editor, Atmospheric effects and potential climatic im­ prehensive plan for responding to the long-term threat pact of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens: U.S. created by the eruption of Mount St Helens, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Con­ Washington: Penland, Ore., U.S. Army Corps of En­ ference Publication 2240, p. 161-189. gineers. 2 vol. TUREKIAN, K. K., 1982, The use of natural radionuclides U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1984, Alternative as chronometers of volcanic processes-The ML SL strategies for a permanent outlet for Spirit Lake near Helens experiment [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ Mowtt St Helens, Washington; final environmental physical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. 1143. impact statement: Portland, Ore.• U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1 vol. TUREKIAN, K. K., see BENNETI, J. T. [and others], 1982. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1984, Spirit Lake outlet tunnel; design memorandum no. 1: Portland, TUREKIAN, K. K., see KRJSHNASW AMI, S: [and Ore., U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers, 1 v. others], 1981. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, COMMITTEE TUREKIAN, K. K., see KRJSHNASW AMI, S. [and ON CHANNEL STABILIZATION, 1985, Columbia­ others], 1984. Cowliiz-Toutle Rivers, Washington, restoration sub­ TIJRNEY, G. L.; KLEIN, J. M., 1982, Surface-water­ sequent to Mt St Helens eruption: U.S. Army Corps quality data from selected sites in WashingtOn affected of Engineers Technical Report 13, 14 p. by Mount SL Helens eruptions-March 27-September U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, PORTLAND 30, 1980: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon DISTRICT, 1980, Mt Saint Helens recovery opera­ 81-1007, 154 p. tions, Cowlitz County, Washington, Columbia County, ruRTON, D. J., 1982, Sediment transpon in a small Oregon; draft environmental impact statement mountain stream draining a volcanic ash covered Portland, Ore., U.S. Ar)ny Corps of Engineers, 1 v. watershed in the Cascade foothills of southwestern U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, PORTLAND Washington. In Washingt0n Water Research Center, DISTRICT, 1980, ML Saint Helens recovery opera­ from the conference, ML SL Helens-Ef­ Proceedings tions, Cowlitz County, Washington, Columbia County, fects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Oregon; final impact statement: Water Research Center Report 41, p. 378-394. Portland, Ore., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1 v. TUTIL.E.,M.L., GOUGH,L.P. [and others], 1981. p see U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, PORTLAND t TYCKOSON, D. A., see HARNLY, C. D. [and others], DISTRICT, 1984, Mount St Helens, Washington 1981. feasibility report and environmental impact statement, TYCKOSON, D. A., see HARNLY, C. D. [and others], draft; Volume 1, Main repon; Volume 2, Appendixes: 1984. Portland, Ore., U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers, 2 v. U'REN, S. C., see LARSON, D. W. (and others], 1982. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF El'l'GINEERS, PORTLAND DISTRICT, 1984, Mount St Helens, Washington UGOLINI, F. C.; SLE"ITEN, R. S., 1982, A study of soil feasibility repon and environmental impact statement, development of newly penurbed sites on ML St. final; Volume 1, Main repon: Ponland, Ore., U.S. Helens [abstract]: American Quaternary Association, Army Corps of Engineers, l vol. Biennial Conference, 7th, Program and Abstracts, p. 169. U.S. CONGRESS, 1982, Public Law 97-243-An act to designate the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument in the State of Washington, and for other • purposes: U.S. Congress, 96 Stat 302, 9 p. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 89

U.S. CONGRESS, HOUSE COM:MITIEE ON AGRI­ U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CULTURE, 1982, Mount SL Helens national volcanic AGENCY, 1980, Controlling blowing dust from vol­ area-Joint hearings... March 11, 1982, Washingten canic ash: U.S. Federal Emergency Management D. C., April 3, 1982, Vancouver, Washingten: U.S. Agency Mount St Helens Technical Information Net­ Government Printing Office, Serial no. 97-III. 510 p. work Bulletin 19, 4 p.; National Tech. Information Ser­ U.S. CONGRESS, HOUSE COMMITI'EE ON PUBLIC vice PB 81-138950. WORKS AND'IRANSPORTATION, 1985, Mount St U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Helens sediment control, Washington (Toutle, Cowlitz, AGENCY, 1980, Current volcanic hazards at Mount and Columbia Rivers): U.S. Government Printing Of­ St Helens, Washington: U.S. Federal Emergency fice, House Document 99-135, 788 p. Management Agency Mount St. Helens Technical In­ U.S. CONGRESS, SENATE COMMITIEE ON AP­ formation Network Bulletin 4, 8 p.; National Tech. In­ PROPRIATIONS, 1980, Disaster assistance Pacific formation Service PB 81-138950. Northwest-Mount Saint Helens eruption; hearing U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT before the Committee on Appropriations: U.S. AGENCY, 1980, Driving and vehicle maintenance in Government Printing Office, 2.41 p. heavy ash areas: U.S. Federal Emergency Manage­ U.S.CONGRESS, SENATE COMMITI'EE ON COM­ ment Agency Mount St Helens Technical Information MERCE; SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION, Network Bulletin 2b, 3 p.; National Tech. Information 1980, Mount St Helens impact: U.S. Government Service PB 81-138950. Printing Office, 146 p. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, AGENCY, 1980, Economic factors: U.S. Federal 1980, Mount St Helens. In U.S. Environmental Protec­ Emergency Management Agency Mount SL Helens tion Agency, Pacific Northwest Region environmental Technical Information Network Bulletin 31, 3 p.; Na­ quality profile: U.S. Environmental Protection Agen­ tional Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. cy, p. 1-4. U.S. FEDERAL E:MERGENCY MANAGEMENT U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 1980, Electric/electronic protection-Com­ AGENCY, 1980, Advice for fanners from Washington mercial and major systems: U.S. Federal Emergency State University-Tractors and water pumps: U.S. Management Agency Mount St Helens Technical In­ Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St formation Network Bulletin 22, 4 p.; National Tech. In­ Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 6, 2 p.; formation Service PB 81-138950. National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 1980, Fann equipment 'ash' maintenance: AGENCY, 1980, Ail' quality monitoring network for U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount volcanic ash: U.S. Federal Emergency Management St Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 23, Agency Mount St Helens Technical Information Net­ 6 p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81- work Bulletin 27, 3 p.; National Tech. Information Ser­ 138950. vice PB 81-138950. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 1980, Flood hazard reduction in the vicinity AGENCY, 1980, Ash particles and home clean-up of Mount St Helens: U.S. Federal Emergency problems-Advice from the University of Idaho: U.S. Management Agency Mount St Helens Technical In­ Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St formation Network Bulletin 25, 3 p.; National Tech. In­ Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 7, 2 p.; formation Service PB 81-138950. National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 1980, Foodstuffs and volcanic ashfall: U.S. AGENCY, 1980, Aviation considerations: U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St. Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 12, 2 Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 21, 3 p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEME.t~T U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 1980, Health and medical update: U.S. AGENCY, 1980, Center for Disease Control (CDC) Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St. community based health surveillance program (up­ Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 16, 4 date): U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. Mount St Helens Technical Information Network Bul­ U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT letin 10, 4 p.; National Tech. Information Service PB AGENCY, 1980, Health and medical update: U.S. 81-138950. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St. Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 18, 11 p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. 90 U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY

U.S. FEDERAL E.MERGE1'lCY MANAGEME.i'IT U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMEl.'lT AGENCY, 1980, Health and medical update: U.S. AGENCY, 1980, Research into the free crystalline Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St silica content of Mount St Helens ash: U.S. Federal Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 20, 4 Emergency Management Agency Mount St Helens p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. Technical Information Network Bulletin 13, 4 p.; Na­ U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT tional Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. AGENCY, 1980, Health surveys and analysis-Center U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGE:MENT for Disease Control (CDC_-Surveillance program AGENCY, 1980, Vehicle maintenance guidelines: (update): U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agen­ U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount cy Mount St Helens Technical Information Network St Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 24, Bulletin 32, 5 p.; National Tech. Information Service 5 p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81- PB 81-138950. 138950. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGE1'lCY MANAGEMENT U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 1980, Insurance concerns: U.S. Federal AGE.t'lCY, 1980, Volcanic ash advice to berry Emergency Management Agency Mount St Helens growers: U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agen­ Technical Information Network Bulletin 17, 4 p.; Na­ cy Mount St Helens Technical Information Network tional Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. Bulletin 9, 2 p.; National Tech. Information Service PB U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 81-138950. AGENCY, 1980, Management approaches to dust ex­ U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT posure control: U.S. Federal Emergency Management AGENCY, 1980, Volcanic ash and your water supply: Agency Mount St Helens Technical Information Net­ U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount work Bulletin 30, 5 p.; National Tech. Information Ser­ St Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 15, vice PB 81-138950. 4 p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81- U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 138950. AGENCY, 1980, The nature of Mount St Helen's ash: U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount AGENCY, 1980, Volcanic ash could reduce insect St Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin l, 2 populations... temporarily: U.S. Federal Emergency p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. Management Agency Mount St Helens Technical In­ U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT formation Network Bulletin 5, 3 p.; National Tech. In­ AGENCY, 1980, Network closeout: U.S. Federal formation Service PB 81-138950. Emergency Management Agency Mount St Helens U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEME.~T Technical Information Network Bulletin 33, 3 p.; Na­ AGENCY, 1980, Volcanic ash effects on municipal tional Tech. Information Service.PB 81-138950. supply and sewage treatment plants: U.S. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St AGENCY, 1980, Physical and chemical characteristics Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 26, 3 of the Mt St Helens deposits of May 18, 1980: U.S. p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 8, 4 p.; AGENCY, 1980, Volcanic hazard analysis: U.S. National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 28, 4 AGENCY, 1980, Poultry-Bees-Livestock; U.S. p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount St U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 11, 5 AGENCY, 1980, Wildlife and plant community im­ p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. pacts: U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Mount St Helens Technical Information Network Bul­ AGENCY, 1980, Precautions in handling volcanic ash: letin 29, 2 p.; National Tech. Information Service PB U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency Mount 81-138950. St Helens Technical Information Network Bulletin 3, 3 U.S.FORESTSERVICE, 1981, Draft environmental im­ p.; National Tech. Information Service PB 81-138950. pact statement-Mount St. Helens land management U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEME.i'IT plan, Cowlitz, Lewis and Skamania Counties, AGENCY, 1980, Protecting children from volcru1ic Washington: Vancouver, Wash., U.S. Forest Service ash-related health hazards: U.S. Federal Emergency Gifford Pinchot National Forest, 162 p. Management Agency Mount St Helens Technical In­ U.S. FOREST SERVICE, 1981, Final environmental im­ formation Network Bulletin 14, 3 p.; National Tech. In­ pact statement-Mount St Helens land management formation Service PB 81-138950. plan, Cowlitz, Lewis and Skamania Counties, Washington: Vancouver, Wash., U.S. Forest Service, 288 p.• 24 plates. VAREKAMP 91

U.S. FOREST SERVICE, 1984, Mount St Helens Nation­ U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1982, Hydrologic effects al Volcanic Monument, draft environmental impact of Mount St Helens eruption [abstract]: U.S. Geologi­ statement, comprehensive management plan: Van­ cal Survey Professional Paper 1275, p. 111-112. couver, Wash., U.S. Forest Service Gifford Pinchot National Forest, 326 p., 7 plates. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1982, Mount St Helens eruptions-Monitoring and hazards assessment; Ef­ U.S. FOREST SERVICE, 1985, Mount St Helens Nation­ fects of the eruption; Analysis of hazards assessments; al Volcanic Monument, final environmental impact Posteruption hazards of Spirit Lake [abstract]: U.S. statement, comprehensive management plan: Van­ Geological Survey Professional Paper 1275, p. 216- couver, Wash., U.S. Forest Service Gifford Pinchot 218. National Forest, 450 p., 8 plates. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1982, Transport of ash U.S. FOREST SERVICE GIFFORD PINCHOT NATION­ from Mount St Helens eruption [abstract]: U.S. AL FOREST, (1979], A guide to the Mt St Helens Geological Survey Professional Paper 1275, p. 112. lava caves area: Vancouver, Wash., U.S. Forest Ser­ vice Gifford Pinchot National Forest, 5 p. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1982, Volcanic rocks and processes, Mount SL Helens: U.S. Geological Survey U.S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE, 1982, Federal Professional Paper 1275, p. 151-159. involvement in the Mount SL Helens disaster-Past ex­ penditures and future needs; Report to the Congress of U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1983, Pelean spine at Mount St Helens: U:S. Geological Survey Earthquake the United States by the Comptroller General: U.S. General Accounting Office GAO/RCED-83-16, 133 p. Information Bulletin, v. 15, no. 6, p. 230-232. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1975, Aeromagnetic map U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1984, Cascades Volcano for part of southwestern Washington: U.S. Geological Observatory [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Survey Open-File Report 75-648, 4 sheets, scale Professional Paper 1375, p. 215. 1:62,500. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1984, Mount St Helens U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY., 1980, Eruptions of Mount activi_ty [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ St Helens volcano-The first month: Remote Sensing sional Paper 1375, p. 215-216. Quanerly, v. 2, no. 3, p. 32-38. U.S. GEOLOGICALSURVEY, 1984, Mount SL Helens U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1980, Preliminary aerial mapping [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ photographic interpretative map showing features re­ sional Paper 1375, p. 296. lated to the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St U.S. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, 1980, Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Toe economic effects of the eruptions of Mt. St. File Report 80-925, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. Helens: U.S. International Trade Commission Publica­ U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1980, Preliminary aerial tion 1096, 83 p. photographic interpretative map showing features re­ U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE, 1980, Mount St. lated to the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens ash fallout impact assessment report: U.S. Soil Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ Conservation Service, 162 p. laneous Field Studies Map MF-1254, 1 sheet, scale VACCARO, J. J., 1982, Toutle River basin rainfall-runoff 1:62,500. sediment model. In U.S. Geological Swvey, Activities U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1980, Volcano log­ of the Water Resources Division and Resident Cartog­ Mount St Helens 1980: U.S. Geological Survey rapher, Division of National Mapping in Washington, Earthquake Information Bulletin, v. 12, no. 4, p. 142- 1981 fiscal year: U.S. Geological Swvey, p. 40. 149. VALLANCE, J. W., see HOBLITT, R. P. [and others], U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1981, Aeromagnetic map 1981. of the Mt Margaret area, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ VALLYATHAN, VAL see GREEN, F. H. Y. [and cal Survey Open-File Report 81-926, 1 sheet, scale others], 1981. 1:62,500. V ANON!, V. A., 1982, Comments on sedimentation U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1981, Aeromagnetic map problems resulting from the eruption of Mt St. Helens. of the Mt St Helens area, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ In Washington Water Research Center, Proceedings cal Survey Open-File Report 81-932, 1 sheet, scale from the conference, Mt St Helens-Effects on water 1:62,500. resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington Water U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1982, Aeromagnetic map Research Center Report 41, p. 395-403. of ML St Helens, Washington-Post May, 1980 erup­ VAREKAMP, J. C.; BUSECK, P. R., 1980, Plume tion: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82- analyses and mercury flux at Mount St Helens, 659, 1 sheet, map scale 1:62,500. Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1139. 92 VAREKAMP

VAREKAMP, J. C.; BUSECK. P. R., 1981, Mercury VOIGHT, BARRY; JANDA, R. J.; GLICKEN, H. X.; emissions from Mount SL Helens during September DOUGLASS, P. M.; NOLAN, K. M.; HOBLm, R. 1980: Nature, v. 293, no. 5833, p. 555-556. P., 1980, Catastrophic rockslide-avalanche of May 18, 1980, Mount St Helens volcano, Washington V AREK.AMP, J.C.; BUSECK, P.R., 1985, Mercury from [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts volcanic and geothennal sources [abstract]: Geological with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 542. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 7,p. 739. VOIGHT, BARRY, see EWART, JAMES [and others], VAREKAMP, J. C.; THOMAS, ELLEN; GERMANI, 1980. MARK; BUSECK. P.R., 1986, Panicle geochemistry VOIGHT, BARRY, see GLICKEN, H. X. [and others], of volcanic plumes of Etna and Mount SL Helens: 1980. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. B 12, p. VOIGHT, BARRY, see GLICKEN, H. X. [and others], 12,233-12,248. 1981. VAREKAMP, J. C., see THOMAS, ELLEN [and others], VOIGHT, BARRY, see JANDA,R. J. [and others], 1980. 1980. VOIGHT, BARRY, see MAJOR, J. J. [and others], 1984. V AREKAMP, J. C., see THOMAS, ELLEN [and others], 1982. VOIGHT, BARRY, see MAJOR, J. J. [and others], 1986. VA'IRA, MARTIN, see SNEVA, F. A. [and others], VOIGHT, BARRY, see MEYER, WILLIAM [and 1982. others], 1984. VEDDER, J. F., see INN, E. C. Y. [and others], 1980. VOIGHT, BARRY, see MEYER, WILLIAM [and others], 1985. VEDDER, J. F., see INN, E. C. Y. [and others], 1981. VOIGHT, BARRY, see WAm, R. B., JR. [and others], VEDDER, J. F., see INN, E. C. Y. [and others], 1982. 1983. VERHOOGEN, JEAN, 1936, Geology of Mount SL VOLCANO NEWS, 1985, Mt St Helens field workshop, Helens, Washingron: Stanford, Calif., Stanford 13-17 August 1984: Volcano News, no. 21, p. 14-15. University Doctor of Philosophy thesis. VOLLMER, W. M.; BUIST, A. S.; JOHNSON, L. R.; VERHOOGEN, JEAN, 1937, Mount St Helens-A recent MCCAMANT, L. E.; BERNSTEIN', R. S., 1986, Long- · Cascade volcano: California University Department of tenn effect of low level exposure to volcanic ash on Geological Sciences Bulletin, v. 24, no. 9, p. 263-301. lung function. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St VINCENT, P. M., see BOIVIN, PIERRE [and others], Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern 1980. Washington University Press, p. 430-434. VISCONTI. GUIDO, see D' ALTORIO, ALFONSO [and VOLLMER, W. M., see SHORE, J. H. [and others], others], 1981. 1986. VOGT, H.-H., 1981, SL Helens-Ein Vulkan erwacht VOORHIES, M. R., 1982, Impact of Miocene ashfalls on [Mount SL Helens-A volcano wakes up]: Narurwis­ vertebrate life in the Great Plains-Ancient analogues senschaftliche Rundschau, v. 34, no. 4, p. 164-165. of Mount St Helens [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., VOIGHT, BARRY, 1981, Time scale for the first mo­ editor, Mount St Helens-One year later: Cheney, ments of the May 18 eruption. In Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 242. lineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount VORTMAN, L. J., 1980, Deduced physical characteristics St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Swvey of the May 18, 1980, eruption [abstract]: Eos Professional Paper 1250, p. 69-86. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. VOIGHT, BARRY; GLICKEN, H. X.; JANDA, R. J.; 46, p. 1135-1136. DOUGLASS, P. M., 1981, Catastrophic roclcslide VOSSLER, TERI; ANDERSON, D. L.; ARAS, N. K.; avalanche of May 18. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, PHELAN, J. M.; ZOLLER, W. H., 1981, Trace ele­ D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, ment composition of the Mount St Helens plwne­ Washington: U.S. Geological Swvey Professional Stratospheric samples from the 18 May eruption: Paper 1250, p. 347-377. Science, v. 211, no. 4484, p. 827-830. VOIGHT, BARRY; JANDA, R. J.; GLICKEN, H. X.; WAGNER, RICHARD; WALKER, R. B., 1986, Mineral DOUGLASS, P. M., 1983, Nature and mechanic.) of nutrient availability in some Mount St Helens surface the Mount St. Helens rockslide-avalanche of 18 May samples. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St 1980: Geotechnique, v. 33, no. 3, p. 243-273. Helens-Five years later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 153-162. WAHLBERG, J. S., see TAGGART, I. E., JR. [and others], 1980. WARRICK 93

WAHLBERG, J. S., see TAGGART, J. E., JR. [and WArIT, R. B., JR., see ROSENBAUM, J. G. [and others], 1981. others], 1981. WArIT, R. B., JR~. 1980, Stratigraphic relations between WArIT, R. B., JR., see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [and deposits of lateral surge, debris flow, and catastrophic others], 1980. floodwater at Mount SL Helens, 18 May 1980 W ArIT, R. B., JR., see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [and [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ others], 1981. actions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1135. WAKUI, SENICHIRO, see SAWADA, YOSHIHIRO WArIT, R. B., JR., 1981, Devastating pyroclastic density [and others], 1982. flow and attendant air fall of May 18--Stratigraphy and sedimentology of deposits. In Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ WALDRON, H. H., see CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], lineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount 1969. SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey WALKER, G. P. L., 1982, Characteristics of dune-bedded Professional Paper 1250, p. 439-458. pyroclastic surge bedsets [abstraet]: Eos (American WArIT, R. B., JR., 1984, Comments and reply on "Mount Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. SL Helens 1980 and Mount Pelee 1902-Flow or 1130. surge?"; comment: Geology, v. 12, no. 11, p. 693. WALKER, G. P. L., 1984, Characteristics of dune-bedded WArIT, R. B., JR., 1984, Deposits and effects of devastat­ pyroclastic surge bedsets: Journal of Volcanology and ing lithic pyroclastic density current from Mount St Geothennal Research, v. 20, no. 3-4, p. 281-296. Helens on 18 May 1980-Field guide for northeast WALKER, G. P. L.; MCBROOME, L. A., 1983, Mount radial: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 84- SL Helens 1980 and Mount Pelee 1902-Flow or 839, 10 p. surge?: Geology, v. 11, no. 10, p. 571-574. WArIT, R. B., JR., 1984, Devastating pyroclastic density WAL.KER, G. P. L.; MORGAN, L. A., 1984, Comments current and related vertical column of cataclysmic and reply on "Mount St Helens 1980 and Mount Mount St Helens eruption, 18 May 1980. In Workshop Pelee-Aow or surge?"; Reply: Geology, v. 12, no. on volcanic blasts; program an·d abstraets: Nottin­ 11, p. 693-695. gham, Eng., International Association of Volcanology WAL.KER, R. B., see WAGNER, RICHARJ;) [and and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, 1 p. others], 1986. WArIT, R. B., JR.; DZURISIN, DANIEL, 1980, WALLACE, J. R., see ADAMS, A. B. [and others], Stratigraphic framework of the 18 May 1980 eruption 1986. of Mount SL Helens [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstraets with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 543. WARD, A. K., see BAROSS, J. A. [and others], 1982. WArIT, R. B., JR.; DZURISIN, DANIEL, 1981, Proximal WARD, A. K., see DAHM, C. N. [and others], 1981. air-fall deposits from the May 18 eruption-Stratig­ WARD, A. K., see DAHM, C. N. [and others], 1982. raphy and field sedimentology. In Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ lineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount WARD, A. K., see DAHM. C. N. [and others], 1983. St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey WARREN, G. H.; KAUFMAN, D. E.; HAMMOND, K. Professional Paper 1250, p. 601-616. A., 1982, Come hell and high water-Mt St Helens WArIT, R. B., JR.; HANSEN, V. L.; SARNA-WOJ­ and the federal response on the lower Cowlitz River. CICKI, A. M.; WOOD, S. H., 1981, Proximal air-fall Ellensburg, Wash., Central Washington University deposits of eruptions between May 24 and August 7. Technical Completion Report, 275 p.; U.S. National 1980-Stratigraphy and field sedimentology. In Lip­ Technical Information Service PB 83-191791. man, P. W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, The 1980 erup­ WARRICK. MARY, see WARRICK, R. A. [and others], tions of Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ 1981. cal Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 617-628. WARRICK. R. A.; ANDERSON, JEREMY; DOWNING , WAITT, R. B., JR.; MACLEOD, N. S., 1983, Far-travel­ THOMAS; LYONS, J. V.; RESSLER, JOHN; WAR­ ing snow avalanches and floods from minor explosive RICK, MARY; WARRICK, THEODORE, 1981, Four eruptions at snow-clad Mount St Helens, Washington communities under ash-After Mount St Helens: [abstract]: Eos (AmeriC3ll Geophysical Union Trans­ Boulder, Colo., University of Colorado Instirute of Be­ actions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 893. havioral Science Program on Technology, Environ­ WArIT, R. B., JR.; PIERSON, T. C.; MACLEOD, N. S.; ment and Man Monograph 34, 143 p. JANDA, R. J.; VOIGHT, BARRY; HOLCOMB, R. T., WARRICK. THEODORE, see WARRICK, R. A. [and 1983, Eruption-triggered avalanche, flood. and lahar at others], 1981. Mount St Helens-Effects of winter snowpaclc Science, v. 221, no. 4618, p. 1394-1397. WArIT, R. B., JR., see JOHNSON, K. R., CHAIRMAN [and others], 1983. 94 WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND WASSERMAN, L. J., see MARTIN, D. J. (and others], ECONOMIC DEVE..OPMENT, 1961, The case for 1984. manufacturing expanded shale lightweight aggregate WAUGH, KATIIl..EEN, see HOLMES, JENNY (and from Washington resources: Washington Department others], 1983. of Commerce and Economic Development. 19 p. WEAVER, C. S., 1976, Seismic events on Cascade vol­ WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY canoes: Seaa.le, Wash., University of Washington SERVICES, 1980, State of Washington hazard mitiga­ Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 151 p. tion rcpon for the eruption of Mt St Helens; FEMA- 623-DR-W A declared May 21, 1980: Washington WEAVER, C. S., 1976, Seismic events on Cascade vol­ Deparunent of Emergency Services, 16 p. canoes (abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 37, no. 3, Section B, p. 1157-B. WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTHRESOURCES, 1980, Mount St Helens ash WEAVER, C. S., 1982, Geothermal seismotectonic fall distribution: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. studies. In Charonnat. B. B.; Rodriguez, T. R.; Seiders, 8, no. 3, p. 13-16. W. H., compilers, Summaries of technical reportS, Volume XIlI; U.S. Geological Survey Open-File WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND Repon 82-65, p. 69-72. EARTHRESOURCES, 1980, A pre-1980 eruption description of Mount St Helens: Washington Division WEAVER, C. S., 1982, Geothermal seismo-tectonic of Geology and Earth Resources unpublished repon, 10 studies. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R.; Seiders, p. W. H., compilers, Summaries of technical reportS, Volume XIV: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND Repon 82-840, p. 65-66. EARTH RESOURCES, 1980, Toutle River receives extensive damage: Washington Geologic Newsletter, WEA VER, C. S., 1982, Tectonic influence on 1980 ac­ v. 8, no. 3, p. 17-18. tivity [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1275, p. 219. · WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTHRESO~CES, 1981, Mount St Helens fact WEAVER, C. S., 1985, Geothermal seismotectonic sheec Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 9, no. 2, p. studies. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., com­ 15-17. pilers, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, Summaries of Technical ReportS Volume WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND XX; U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 85- EARTH RESOURCES, 1981, River cleanup continues: 464, p. 66-68. Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 9, no. 2, p. 17-18. WEAVER, C. S., 1985, Geothermal sesimotectonic WASHINGTON EDUCATIONAL SERVICE DISTRICT studies. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., com­ 112, 1980, Mount St Helens classroom activities-­ pilers, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Elementary: Vancouver, Wash., The Columbian, 254 p. Program, summaries of technical reports Volume XXI: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 86-31, p. 52- WASHINGTON EDUCATIONAL SERVICE DISTRICT 56. 112, 1980, Mount St Helens classroom activities-­ WEAVER, C. S., 1986, Geothermal seismotectonic Secondary: Vancouver, Wash., The Columbian, 242 p. studies. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., com­ WASHINGTON STATE GAME DEPARTMENT, 1981, pilers, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Mount St Helens blast zone-Land management Program, summaries of technical reports volume XXII: recommendations: Washington State Grune Depart­ U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 86-383, p. ment. lOp. 126-128. WASHINGTON WATER NEWS, 1981, Effects of the Mt WEA VER, C. S., 1986, Geothermal seismotectonic St Helens eruptions of water resources: Washington studies. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., com­ Water News, v. 5, no. l , p. 1-7. pilers, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction WASHINGTON WATER RESEARCH CENTER, 1982, Program, summaries of technical reportS, volume Proceedings from the conference, ML St Helens-Ef­ XXlll: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87- fects on water resources; held October 7-8, 1981, 63, p. 119-122. Jantzen Beach, Oregon: Pullman, Wash., Washington WEAVER, C. S.; ENDO, E. T.; MALONE, S. D., 1981, Water Research Center Repon41, 430 p. Seismic evidence for fault dominated magma transport WASSERMAN, L. J., 1984, Rearing potential for Coho at Mount St Helens, Washington (abstract]: salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in streams affected by Earthquake Notes, v. 52, no. l, p. 65-66. the eruption of Mount St Helens: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 106 p. WASSERMAN, L. J., see MARTIN, D. J. (and others], 1982. WELLMAN 95

WEAVER, C. S.; ENDO, E. T.; MALONE, S. D.; WEAVER, C. S.; ZOLLWEG, J. E.; MALONE, S. D., NOSON, L. L, 1981, Predicting Mt St Helens erup­ 1983, Deep earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens­ tions [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Evidence for magmatic gas transport?: Science, v. 221, Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. (Note: text of journal no.4618,p. 1391-1394. mislabeled as "v. 62, no. 5. ") WEAVER, C. S., see CROSSON, R. S. [and others], WEAVER, C. S.; GRANT, W. C., 1984, Seismic fault 1980. zones beneath Mount St Helens, Washington WEAVER. C. S., ENDO, E. T. [and others]. 1980. [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ see actions), v. 65, no. 16, p. 242. WEAVER. C. S., see ENDO, E.T. [and others], 1981. WEAVER. C. S.; GRANT, W. C.; MALONE, S. D.; WEAVER. C. S., see GRANT, W. C. [and others], 1981. ENDO, E.T., 1981, Post-May 18 seismicity-Volcanic WEAVER, C. S., see GRANT, W. C. [and others], 1984. and teetonic implications. In Lipman, P. W.; Mul­ lineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount WEAVER, C. S., see GRANT, W. C. [and others], 1986. St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey WEA VER, C. S., see LEA VER, D. [and others], 1981. Professional Paper 1250, p. 109-121. WEA VER, C. S., see MALONE, S. D. [and others], WEAVER, C. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1974, Glacier sources 1980. for low frequency seismic events recorded at Mount St WEAVER, C. S., see MALONE, S. D. [and others], Helens, volcano [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ 1981. cal Union Transactions), v. 55, no. 12, p. 1151. WEAVER, C. S., see MALONE, S. D. [and others], WEA VER, C. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1975, Preliminary 1983. report-Seismic sources observed in glacier ice at Mt St Helens, WashingtOn [abstract]: Eos (American WEAVER, C. S., see NOSON, L. L. [and others], 1981. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 56, no. 8, p. 535. WEAVER, C. S., see SHEMETA, J. E. [and others], WEAVER. C. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1976, Mt Saint 1984. Helens seismic events-Volcanic earthquakes or gla­ WEAVER. C. S., see SHEMETA, J. E. [and others], . cial noises?: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 3, no. 3, 1986. . p.197-200. WEA VER, C. S., see SW ANSON, D. A. [and others), WEAVER. C. S.; MALONE, S. D.; ENDO, E. T.; 1983. NOSON, L. J., 1980, Seismicity pattern of the Mount WEA VER, C. S., see SW ANSON, D. A. [and others], Saint Helens eruptive sequence [abstract): Eos 1984. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1133. WEA VER, C. S., see SW ANSON, D. A. [and others]. 1985. WEAVER. C. S.; MALONE, S. D.; SMITH, S. W., 1974, Anomalous seismic events on Cascade volcanoes WEBER, M. R., see RY2NAR, EDWARD [and others], [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts 1982. withPrograrns,v.6,no.3,p. 316-317. WELCH. E. B.; TOMASEK, M. D.; LAZOFF, S. B., WEAVER, C. S.; SMITH, S. W., 1981, The St Helens 1982, Volcanic ashlayer effect on lake internal phos­ seismic zone-A major crustal fault zone in western phorus loading. In WashingtOn Water Research Center, Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Proceedings from the conference, Mt. St Helens-Ef­ Union Transactions), v. 62. no. 45, p. 966. fects on water resources: Pullman, Wash., Washington WEA VER. C. S.; SMITH., S. W., 1983, Regional tectonic Water Research Center Report 41, p. 404-422. and earthquake hazard implications of a crustal fault WELCH, R. I.; BOHN, C. G., 1981, Assessment of the zone in southwestern Washington: Journal of Mount St Helens devastated area by Landsat and U-2 Geophysical Research, v. 88, no. Bl2, p. 10,371- aircraft data [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C.; and o!J,ers, 10,383. · editors, Mount St Helens-One year later, Abstracts WEAVER, C. S.; ZOLLWEG, J. E., 1982, Deep and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University, 2 p. earthquakes and possible magmatic gas transport at Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos WELCH. R. I.; BOHN, C. G.; ARVESEN, J.C.; BLY, B. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. G., 1982, Assessment of Mount St Helens devastated 45, p. 1140. area by Landsat and U-2 aircraft data. In Keller, S. A. WEAVER, C. S.; ZOLLWEG, J. E., 1983, Deep C., editor, Mount St. Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 149- earthquakes and possible magmatic gas transport at 159. Mount St Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. WELLMAN, D. L., see PUESCHEL, R. F. [and others], 9,p.90. 1980. 96 WELLMAN

WELLMAN, D. L., su PUESCHEL, R. F. (and others], WHITE. A. F.; BENSON, L. V.; YEE, ANDY, 1986, 1981. Chemical weathering of the May 18, 1980, Mount SL Helens ash fall and the effect on the Iron Creek water­ WELLMAN, D. L., see SCHNElL, R. C. (and others], shed, Washington. Chapter 14, In Colman, S. M.; 1982. Dethier, D. P., editors, Rates of chemical weathering of WESCm..ER. C. J., 1984, Sulfur dioxide content of Mount rocks and minerals: New York, N.Y., Academic Press, St. Helens' ash: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. Inc., p. 351-375. 89, no. 03, p. 4891-4894. WHITE. H. J., see BURGGRAF, D. R. [and others], WESSON, R. L., 1983, The eruption of Mount St 1981. Helens-Entering the era of real-time geology. In WHITE. L. D., see BARNES, IV AN [and others], 1981. Tank, R. W., Environmental geology: New York, N.Y .• Oxford Univemty Press, p. 50-62. WHITE. L. D .• see EVANS, W. C. (and others], 1981. WEST, D. O.; ALT, J. N:, 1981, The assessment of vol­ WIDTE, L. D., see THOMPSON, J. M. [and others], canic hazards and the lessons learned from Mount SL 1985. Helens (abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C.; and others, WIDTE, M. J., see SMITH, M.A. [and others], 1985. editors, Mount St. Helens-One year later; Abstracts and directory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington wmTMER. J. H., 1981, Mount SL Helens diary- March University, 2 p. 27 to June 14, 1980: Geological Society of the Oregon Country Geological Newsletter, v. 47, no. 1, p. 9-11. WEST, D. O.; ALT, J. N., 1982, The assessment of vol­ canic hazards and the lessons learned from Mount SL WHITTEN, R. C., see TIJRCO, R. P. (and others], 1980. Helens [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St. WHITTEN, R. C .• see TIJRCO, R. P. [and others], 1982. Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern WHITTEN, R. C., see TIJRCO, R. P. [and others]. 1983. Washingron University Press, p. 242. WICHERSKI, B. P.; SWANSON, F. J.; SMITH, R. D., WES1ERN SUN, see EVERETT HERALD (and others], 1981, Erosion of 1980 deposits of Mount SL Helens 1980. [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C.; and others, editors, WESTGATE, J. A., 1977, Identification and significance Mount SL Helens-One year later; Abstracts and direc· of late Holocene tephra from Ouer Creek. southern tory: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University, British Columbia. and localities in west-central Alber­ 1~ . ta: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 14, no. 11, WICHERSKI, B. P.; SWANSON, F. J.; SMITH, R. D., p. 2593-2600. 1982, Erosion of 1980 deposits of Mount SL Helens WESTGATE, J. A.; GORTON, M. P., 1981, Correlation (abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount St techniques in tephra studies. In Self, Stephen; Sparks, Helens-One year later: Cheney. Wash., Eastern R. S. J., editors, Tephra srudies: Boston, Mass., D. Washington University Press, p. 242. Reidel Publishing Company, p. 73-94. WICHERSKI, B. P., see SWANSON, F. J. [and others], WESTGATE, J. A., see BRAZIER, S. (and others], 1983. 1983. WESTPHAL, J. A., see DZURISIN, DANIEL (and WIGHTMAN, J. P., 1982, XPS analysis of Mount St. others], 1981. Helens ash: Colloids and Surfaces, v. 4, no. 4, p. 401- WESTPHAL, J. A., see DZURISIN, DANIEL [and 406. others], 1982. WIGHTMAN, J.P.; BECK, BETTY; KANG, YOONOK, WESTPHAL, J. A., see DZURISIN, DANIEL [and 1981, Mount St. Helens-The volcano and the ash others], 1983. [abstract]: Virginia Journal of Science, v. 32, no. 3, p. 112. WESTRICH, H. R.; EICHELBERGER. J. C., 1981, Volatile content and degassing behavior of silicic WIGMOSTA. M. S., 1983, Rheology and flow dynamics tephra and lava [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical of the Toutle debris flows from ML SL Helens: Seattle, Union Transactions), v. 62. no. 17, p. 434. Wash., University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 184 p. WHEELER, CHRIS, 1980, Oregon. In Gordon, M. G.; Proctor, George, chairmen, The effects of the Mount WIGMOSTA. M. S.; FAIRCHILD, L. H.; SMITH, J. D.; St. Helens eruption on water resources-A forum held DUNNE. THOMAS, 1981, Application of hydrographs June 12, 1980: Vancouver, Wash., Pacific Northwest constructed for the May 18, 1980 mudflo1,1,., on the River Basins Commission, p. 75. Toutle River, Washington [abstract]: Association of Engineering Geologists. Annual Meeting, 1981, WHITE. A. F.; BENSON, L. V.; PERRY, D. L., 1981, The Program with Abstracts, p. 59. influence of weathering of ML St. Helens ash on the chemistry of a small watershed. Iron Creek, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 7, p. 579. WISSMAR 97

WIGMOSTA. M. S.; FAIRCIDLD, L. H.; SMITH, J. D.; WU.SON, R. C., 1981, Interactions between ground mo­ DUNNE, TIIOMAS; FLANIGAN, PElER. 1981, tion and ground failure. In Reeves, J. F.; Rodriguez, T. Field evidence for the dynamics of the Toutle River R.; Seiders, W. H., compilers, Summaries of technical mud.flows, May 18, 1980 (abstract]: Eos (American reports, Volume XI; U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 8, p. 80. File :.epon 81-167, p. 248-250. WIGMOSTA. M. S., see DUNNE, TIIOMAS [and WU.SON, R. C., see YOUD, T. L. (and others], 1980. others], 1983. WILSON, R. C., see YOUD, T. L. (and others], 1981. WIGMOSTA. M. S., see FAIRCHILD, L. H. [and WILSON, S. L., see RIEDEL, G. R. (and others], 1984. others], 1982. WILZBACH. PEGGY; DUDLEY, T. L.; HALL, J. D., WIGMOSTA. M. S., see FAIRCHILD, L. H. [and 1983, Recovery patterns in stream communities im­ others], 1983. pacted by the ML SL Helens eruption: Corvallis, Ore., WIGMOSTA. M. S., see SMITH, J. D. [and others], Oregon Water Resources Research Institute WRRI-83, 1983. 33 p. WU.COX, R. E., 1980, Events preceding and during the WINJUM. J. K., 1980, Revegetation of forest lands devas­ May 18, 1980 major eruption of Mount Saint Helens tated by the eruption of Mount St. Helens [abstract]: volcano (abstraet]. In Cassidy, J. J., chairperson, Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. Proceedings of Washington State University's Con­ 61, no. 46, p. 955. ference on the aftennath of Mt St Helens: Pullman, WINJUM.J. K., 1982, Mount SL Helens, 198<>-The May Wash., WashingtOn State University, p. 1. eruptions and forest productivity [abstraet]. In Keller, WU.COX, R. E., see MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and others], S. A. C., editor, Mount St Helens-One year later. 19TI. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washingron University Press, Wil.LIAMS, CHUCK; ATKESON, RAY, 1980, Mount p. 242-243. St Helens-A changing landscape: Portland, Ore., WINJUM. J. K., 1986, The western blast zone of Mount Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, 128 p. SL Helens-Forest recovery after five years [abstract]. Wil.LIAMS, G. J., m, see COOK, R. J. (and others], In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-Five i981. years later. Chepey, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 441. Wil..LIAMS, J. H., 1912, Guardians of the Columbia, Mount Hood, Mount Adams and Mount St Helens: WINJUM. J. K.; KEATLEY, J. E.; SlEVENS, R. G.; (Tacoma. Wash., privately published by the author], I GUTZWILER, J. R., 1986, Regenerating the blast zone v. of Mount St. Helens: Journal of Forestry, v. 84, no. 5, p. 28-35. Wil..LIAMS, R. W.; Gil..L, J. B.; BRULAND, K. W., 1983, Th and U decay series nuclides in historic arc WINNER, W. E.; CASADEV ALL, T. J., 1981, Fir leaves from Java, Japan and Mt SL Helens (abstract]: as thennometers during the May 18 eruption. In Lip­ Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. man, P. W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, The 1980 erup­ 64, no. 45, p. 906. tions of Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ cal Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 315-320. Wil..LIAMS, S. N., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. (and others], 1980. WINNER, W. E.; CASADEV ALL, T. J., 1983, The effects of the Mount SL Helens eruption cloud on fir (Abies Wil..LIAMS, S. N., see CASADEV ALL, T. J. [and sp.) needle cuticles-Analysis with scanning electron others], 1981. microscopy: American Journal of Botany, v. 70, no. 1, Wil..LIAMS, S. N., see STOIBER, R. E. [and others], p. 80-87. 1980. WINTERS, W. J.; KAYEN, R. E., 1985, Static and cyclic Wil..LIAMS, S. N., see STOIBER, R. E. [and others], strength properties of Mount SL Helens debris 1981. avalanche and ash cloud materials: U.S. Geological Wil..NER, L.A., see BANDY, A. R. [and others], 1982. Survey Open-File Re}X)n 85-518, 182 p. WU.SON, LIONEL; HEAD, J. W., 1981, Morphology and WISSMAR. R. C., 1981, Dissolved organics and pH in rheology of pyroclastic flows and their deposits, and lakes within ML SL Helens blast zone [abstract): Eos guidelines for future observations. In Lipman, P. W.; (American Geop;.ysical Union Transactions}, v. 62, no. Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of 45,p.868. . Mount SL Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ WISSMAR, R. C., 1982, Lirnnological features of lakes vey Professional Paper 1250, p. 513-524. within the 18 May 1980 Mount SL Helens blast zone. In Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-One year later: Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 119-123. 98 WISSMAR

WISSMAR, R. C.; DEVOL, A. H.; NEVISSI, A. E.; WOZNIAK. K. C.; HUGHES, S.S.; TAYLOR, E. M., SEDELL, J. R., 1982, Chemical changes of lakes 1980, Chemical analyses of Mount St Helens pumice within the Mount SL Helens blast zone: Science, v. and ash: Oregon Geology, v. 42, no. 7, p. 130. 216,no.4542,p. 175-178. WUNDERMAN, R. L .. see CASADEVALL, T. J. [and WISSMAR. R. C.; DEVOL, A. H.; STALEY, J. T.; others], 1981. SEDELL, J. R., 1982, Biological responses of lakes in WUNDERMAN, R. L., see CASADEVALL, T. J. [and the Mount SL Helens blast zone: Science, v. 216, no. others), 1983. 4542, p. 178-180. WUNDERMAN, R. L., see ROSE, W. I., JR. [and WISSMAR, R. C., see MCKNIGHT, D. M. [and others], others]. 1983. 1984. YAMAGUCHI. D. K., 1982, New tree-ring dates for WISSMAR, R. C., see STALEY, J. T. [and others), 1982. recent eruptions of Mount St. Helens [abstract]: WITI'EN, DON, 1985, Mt SL Helens-Delayed action American Quaternary Association, Biennial Con­ danger: NOAA, v. 15, no. l, p. 20-22. ference, 7th, Program and Abstracts, p. 183. WOGMAN, N. S., ET AL, see FRUCHrER, J. S. [and Y AMAGUCIIl, D. K., 1983, New tree-ring dates for others], 1980. recent eruptions of Mount St Helens: Quaternary WOHL, E. E.; NEAL, C. A., 1983, Frost shattering of Research, v. 20, no. 2, p. 246-250. pumice [abstract]: Geological Society of America YAMAGUCHI, D. K., 1985, Tree-ring evidence for a two­ Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 6, p. 721. interval between recent prehistoric explosive erup­ WOLFE, J. A., 1961, Age of the Keechelus andesitic tions of Mount SL Helens: Geology, v. 13, no. 8, p. series of the Cascade Range, Washington: U.S. 554-557. Geological Survey Professional Paper 424-C, article YAMAGUCHI, D. K.; HOBLITT, R. P., 1986, Tree-ring 232, p. 228-230. dating of Mount St Helens flowage deposits emplaced WOLFE, S. P., 1984, Au and Ag content in fresh Quater­ in the valley of the South Fork Toutle River nary calc-alkalic andesites: Houghton, MJch., Mich­ Washington, during the past 350 years [abstract]. In igan Technological University Master of Science Keller, S. A. C., editor, Mount SL Helens-Five years thesis, 120 p. later. Cheney, Wash., Eastern Washington University Press, p. 441. WOLFE, S. P.; BORNHORST, T. J.; ROSE, W. I., JR., 1984, Abundance of gold and silver in fresh Quater­ YAMAGUCHI, D. K., see BRANILEY, STEVEN [and nary calc-alkalic andesites [abstract]: Eos (American others], 1986. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 45, p. YAMASHITA. K. M., see SWANSON, D. A. [and 1137. others], 1981. WOLNIAKOWSKI, K. U., see CAMPBELL, K. P. [and YEATS, R. S.; ROSENFELD, C. L., 1981, NW- and NE­ others], 1982. trending fracture system at ML SL Helens volcano, WOOD, D. M., see DEL MORAL, ROGER [and others], Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical 1986. Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 5, p. 62. WOOD, S. H., see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [and YEE. ANDY, see WHITE, A. F. [and others), 1986. others], 1980. YOKLAVICH, M. M., see BOEHLERT, G. W. [and WOOD, S. H., see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [and others], 1983. others]. 1981. YOUD, T. L., 1983, Liquefaction investigations. In Jacob­ WOOD, S. H., see W AITT, R. B., JR. [and others], 1981. son, M. L., compiler, Summaries of technical repons, Vol. XVII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon WOODS, D. C.; CHUAN, R. L., 1980, Characterization of 83-918,p. 179-180. stratospheric aerosols in eruption plumes from Mt SL Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union YOUD, T. L.; WILSON, R. C., 1980, Stability of Toutle Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1153. River blockage-ML St Helens hazards investigations: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 80-898, 14 WOODS, D. C., see CHUAN, R. L. [and others], 1980. r. WOODS, D. C., see CHUAN, R. L. [and others], 1981. YOUD, T. L.; WILSON, R. C.; SCHUSTER, R. L., 1981, WOODS, D. C., see FRIEND, J.P. [and others]. 1982. Stability of blockage in Nonh Fork Toutle River. In WOODS, D. C., see ROSE, W. L. JR. [and others], 1982. Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount SL Helens, Washingion: U.S. WOODWARD, M. J., see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 821- [and others], 1981. 828. YOUNG, J. A., see SNEV A, F. A. [and others], 1982. ZUURING 99

YAMAGUClil. D. K., see BRANTI..EY, STEVEN (and ZOLLWEG, J.E.; JONIEN1Z-TRISLER, CHRIS, 1984, others], 1986. A swann of deep eanhquakes at Mt St Helens, YAMASHITA. K. M., see SWANSON, D. A. [and Washington, prior to the eruption of 18 May 1980 others], 1981. [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ actions), v. 65, no. 45, p. 1001. YEATS, R. S.; ROSENFELD, C. L., 1981, NW- and NE­ trending fracture system at Mt St Helens volcano, ZOLLWEG, J.E., see GRANT. W. C. [and others], 1984. Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical ZOLLWEG, J. E., see WEAVER, C. S. [and others], Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 5, p. 62. 1982. YEE, ANDY, see WHITE, A. F. [and others], 1986. ZOLLWEG, J. E., see WEAVER, C. S. [and others], YOKLAVICH. M. M., see BOEHLERT, G. W. [and 1983. others], 1983. ZUURING, HANS, see NIMLOS, T. J. [and others], YOUD, T. L., 1983, Liquefaction investigations. In Jacob­ 1982. son, M. L .• compiler, Summaries of technical reports, Vol. XVII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 83-918,p. 179-180. YOUD, T. L.; Wil...SON, R. C., 1980, Stability of Toutle River blockage-Mt St Helens hazards investigations: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Repon 80-898, 14 p. YOUD, T. L.; WILSON, R. C.; SCHUSTER, R. L., 1981, Stability of blockage in Nonh Fork Toutle River. In Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R.. editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 821- 828. YOUNG. J. A., see SNEVA, F. A. [and others], 1982. YURETICH. R. F.; FRITZ, W. J., 1981, Comment and reply on "Reinterpretation of the depositional environ­ ment of the Yellowstone 'fossil forests'" and "Stumps transported and deposited upright by Mount St Helens mud flows": Geology, v. 9, no. 4, p. 146-147. ZAPFFE, CARL, 1912, The geology of the St Helens mining district of Washing ton: Economic Geology, v. 7,no.4,p.340-350. ZIELINSKI, R. A.; SAWYER, M. B., 1980, Size and shape measurements of ash particles from the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-114, 18 p. ZIELINSKI, R. A., see S'MITH, D. B. [and others], 1982. ZIELINSKI, R. A., see S'MITH, D. B. [and others], 1983. ZOBEL, D. B.; ANTOS, J. A., 1984, Recovery of under- story plants buried for three growing seasons beneath volcanic tephra [abstract]: American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division, Annual Meeting, 65th, Proceedings with Abstracts, p. 75. ZOBEL. D. B., see ANTOS, J. A. [and others], 1982. ZOLLER, W. H., see FRIEND, J.P. [and others], 1982. ZOLLER, W. H., see PHELAN,J. M. [and others], 1982. ZOLLER, W. H., see VOSSLER, TERI [and others], 1981.
