The Civilization of India

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The Civilization of India 'CORNIA, SAN DIEGO usaJH iliii DS 436 D97 HB In SUM^ Hill HI I A ——^— c SS33 1II1& A inos ^ (J REGIO 1 8 MAL 8 I ' 8Bi|LIBRARY 8 ===== 5 ^H •''"'''. F 1 ^^^? > jH / I•' / 6 3 mm^ LIBRARY "*'**••* OK SAN 0fO3O N F CAL,F0RNI in JmNiln 1 M, . * san 3 1822 00059 8219 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation HE TEMPLE PRIMERS THE CIVILIZATION OF INDIA By ROMESH C. DUTT, CLE. A. : » "";. : ;-. ' 1 - fejlSP^^*^-:'H-' : .;.Jlffsil if? W?*^m^^lmSmJpBSS^S I^~lmi ~5%^M'J&iff*^^ ygjBfB^ THE GREAT TEMPLE OF BHUVANESWARA CIVILIZATIOn OF.IHDIA I900& 29 &30 BEDFORD-STREET* LQNDOM All rights reserved CONTENTS PAGE I. VEDIC AGE (2000 TO I4OO B.C.) I II. EPIC AGE (14OO TO 80O B.C.) l 5 III. AGE OF LAWS AND PHILOSOPHY (80O TO 3 I 5 B.C. 2 5 IV. RISE OF BUDDHISM (522 B.C.) 36 V. BUDDHIST AGE (3 I 5 B.C. TO A.D. 500) . 49 VI. PURANIC AGE (a.D. 5OO TO 800) . 65 VII. AGE OF RAJPUT ASCENDENCY (a.D. 800 TO 1200 79 VIII. AGE OF THE AFGHAN RULE (a.D. 1206 TO I 526 89 IX. CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE UNDER THE AFGHA1 RULE ...... 99 X. AGE OF THE MOGHAL RULE (a.D. I 526 TO I707 106 XI. CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE UNDER THE MOGHAL RULE ....... 116 XII. AGE OF MAHRATTA ASCENDENCY (a.D. 1 7 1 8 TO l8l8) 132 Index 144 ' LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Asoka's Pillar 54 Chaitya or Church at Karli Chaitya or Church at Ajanta . The Great Temple of Bhuvaneswara Kaet Iswara Temple, Southern India 75 Kutb-Minar, Delhi . 90 Akbar's Tomb at Sekandra Interior of Taj Mahal, Agra . MAPS Northern India Southern India Akbar's Empire 117 ; THE CIVILISATION OF INDIA CHAPTER I Vedic Age, circa 2000 to 1400 b.c. Early Human Civilisation. — Four gifted races dis- tinguished themselves by their culture and civilisation at a very remote age, over forty centuries ago. The Ham'ttic race founded an ancient empire in Egypt, and spread their conquests under great dynasties of kings, accounts of whose deeds have come down to us in hieroglyphic inscriptions. The Semetlc race conquered Chaldea, united Sumir and Accad, and have similarly left us records of their early civilisation in cuneiform inscriptions and tablets. The Turanian race founded a kingdom in China, and cultivated arts and literature from a remote age. And lastly, the Aryan race flourished in India as agriculturists and gifted bards, and as conquerors of the aboriginal races. The first begin- nings of human civilisation belong to these gifted races and it may be noted that a temperate climate, fertile soil, and inundating rivers determined the earliest seats of civili- sation. The banks of the Nile and the Euphrates, and the banks of the Hoang-ho and the Indus, were the isolated spots which first witnessed the culture of civilised arts and in- dustries, of science and learning. Vast spaces between these favoured spots were filled with swarms of hunting and pastoral nations, migrating with their flocks and tents, warring against each other, and leaving no trace in the 2 THE CIVILISATION OF INDIA early records of human culture and progress. It was in Egypt and in Babylonia, in China and in India, that the lamp was lighted whose lustre has since spread over the earth. The Aryans in the Punjab.—The Aryans were settled on the Indus and its tributaries two or three thousand and Indian pro- years before Christ, or it may be earlier ; into ducts, known by their Sanscrit names, were imported Babylonia and Egypt in these early times. For many centuries there was a continuous war between these Aryans and the dark-skinned aboriginal tribes of India, until the civilised race conquered the whole of the country now known territorial as the Punjab from the barbarians. With their conquests the Aryans extended agriculture, cultivated arts and industries, perfected their beautiful Sanscrit language— the oldest Aryan language known to us—and composed hymns and songs of great beauty, some of which have been conquerors still preserved to us. A section of these Aryan in left the Punjab in quest of western regions, settled down and they com- ancient Iran, and are generally called Iranians ; posed that body of religious literature which is known as the Zend-Avesta. Those who remained in the Punjab are, their ancient hymns, by distinction, called Indo-Aryans ; and which are preserved to this day, are known by the collective name of the Rig Veda. The Hymns of the Rig Veda.—The hymns which were are collected in this work are 1028 in number, and composed during several centuries. They are the only materials we have for the history of this early period, which the political is called the Vedic Age. They throw light on the condition of the Indo-Aryan tribes and their wars with aborigines. They describe the arts, industries, agriculture, and manufactures of the Indo-Aryans. They describe their into their social customs and manners, and give us an insight full and religious faith and observances. And they give us a Nature, vivid account of the " bright gods," the Powers of whom the Indo-Aryans worshipped with libations and offer- complete and ings. In one word, these hymns give us a — — VEDIC AGE 3 faithful picture of the civilisation of India forty centuries ago, the earliest form of civilisation which was reared by the great Aryan race. Wars with the Aborigines. —As stated before, there was a continuous war between the Indo-Aryans and the dark-skinned aborigines during this age. The aborigines retreated before the more civilised organisation of the Aryans, but hung around in fastnesses and forests, plundered the peaceful villages of the Aryans and stole their cattle. With that tenacity which is peculiar to barbarians, they fought for centuries as they retreated ; they interrupted the religious sacrifices of the conquerors, despised their " bright gods," and plundered their wealth. But the Aryans conquered in the end ; the area of civilisation widened, waste and jungle lands were reclaimed and dotted with villages and towns, and the barbarians either submitted to the conquerors or re- treated to those hills and mountains where their descen- dants still live. History repeats itself; and the banks of the Indus were cleared of their non-Aryan races eighteen hundred years before Christ, much in the same way in which the banks of the Mississippi have been cleared of their non- Aryan tribes in modern times, eighteen hundred vears after Christ. References to the Wars with the Aborigines.— The hymns of the Rig Veda are replete with references to these interminable wars with the aborigines, who are called Dasyus or Dasas. A few verses will illustrate the spirit of hostility and of triumph which inspired the conquerors : "The renowned god Indra, the great performer of deeds, has raised up the (Aryan) man. Strong, mighty, and triumphant, he has brought low the head of the malignant Dasa. " Indra, the slayer of Vritra and the destroyer of towns, has scat- tered the troops of the Dasa, sons of darkness. He has made the earth and waters for the (Aryan) man, and fulfilled the wishes of the sacrificer." (Rig Veda, ii. 20, 6 and 7.) " The fleet Black warrior lived on the banks of the Ansumati River with ten thousand troops. Indra became cognisant of this loud-yelling chief; he destroyed the marauding host for the benefit of (Aryan) men. — OF INDIA 4 THE CIVILISATION " ' lurking in the hidden Indra said I have seen the Black warrior cloud. Maruts I desire regions of the Ansumati like the sun in a O ! you to engage in fight and to destroy him. "The Black warrior then appeared shining on the banks ot the Ansumati. Indra took Brihaspati as his ally and destroyed the fleet and godless army."—[Rig Veda, vii. 96, 13 to 15.) Wars among the Aryan Tribes.—But there were wars not onlv with the aborigines, but also among the different Indus and its tribu- Arvan tribes. The fertile valleys of the warlike tribes who taries were parcelled out among these wars among the founded states and kingdoms, and internecine son Aryan kings and chiefs were not infrequent. Sudas, the all the of Divodasa, finds the most prominent mention among the Triton kings spoken of in the Rig Veda. He ruled over river, and his tribe living on the banks of the Sarasvati Vasishtha clan. Against priests were of the famous Tritsu or Bharatas, him came ten tribes from the west, headed by the famous Visvamitra and their priests were of the equally Sutlej and attacked clan. The allied tribes crossed the were Sudas; but Sudas was victorious, and the ten tribes defeated. Reference to the Aryan Tribal War.—The ac- nations are ot counts given in the Rig Veda of this battle of the mutual considerable importance, as they throw light on and disputes, their relations of Aryan tribes, their alliances of marches across rivers, and their prayers on the field of the many hymns in battle. A few verses from one to will interest which this inter-tribal battle has been referred readers : eastwards armed " Looking to you, ye strong gods ! they marched helped Sudas, and smote with broad axes and thirsting for spoil. Ye and Varuna ! his Dasa and Arya enemies, O Indra banners raised where "Where strong men come together with their favourable to us, where all look up to in the encounter there is nought words of comfort, O Indra and the sky in terror, there ye spoke to us V and the shout went up ^The ends of the earth seemed lost in dust, forces compassed us ! the hostile to heaven, O Indra and Varuna And heard our voice and came to our help.
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