Tevet / Shevat / Adar I 5774 Vol. 24. No. 3 January / February 2014 Website: http://agudasisrael.org


Congregation Agudas Israel 715 McKinnon Ave, Saskatoon S7H 2G2 (306) 343-7023 Fax: (306) 343-1244 Rabbi Claudio Jodorkovsky President: Marsha Scharfstein Shabbat Family Dinner Family January 17th, 2014 Shabbat service led by the Hebrew School Students and Sisterhood at Being Jewish entails responsibility! 6:00p.m. with supper to follow. Reservations are a must!!! Congregation Agudas Israel is This is a brisket dinner. If you require a inviting you to a day of fish instead, please let Myla know. Mitzvot, led by the Hebrew School children. Call Myla at 343-7023 to reserve your spot February.9 by January 12th.

$50.00/family $20.00/adult $15.00/student $8.00/children (4-12) Children 3 and under are free. Come and join us for a new Shabbat Experience! Friday Night Services at Homes of Community Members This year, in addition to the Shabbat Family and Musical Service, we will have a monthly Friday Service in a member’s home. Monday, May 5th, 2014 TCU Place With Celebrity Guest Speaker Once a month, we will meet in a different home to share Kabbalat Shabbat services followed by an Oneg Shabbat of coffee and dessert. JANN ARDEN The Power of ONE: Services will begin at 7:00 pm and are open for all members and Tickets go on sale on-line A Tribute to friends of our community. If you would like to host this Shabbat service at th your home, or need any help with transportation, Monday, January 13 Raoul Wallenberg please contact Rabbi Claudio or Heather Fenyes. at www.picatic.com Coming dates for the “Shabbat at Home Service”; Ticket Price $200 th January 31st - At the home of Heather Fenyes January 15 , 2014 February 14th - At the home of Rabbi Claudio In order to organize the services we ask you to For more information check out our 10:00 am Walter Murray College please RSVP to [email protected] up until Silver Spoon Dinner Webpage two days before each date. 1:10 pm St. Joseph High school Hope to see you there! Jann Arden article on page 9

This page is sponsored by Gladys Rose of Deadline for the next Bulletin is February 13, 2014 The 2013 Saskatoon B’nai Brith We’re Proud Of You Award – Ian Buckwold Presented by Dr. Steven Goluboff

For the past 42 years B’nai Brith has hon- oured an individual who has excelled in his devotion to make life better for others. Many of you are familiar with past recipients and some have joined us tonight. This year is dif- ferent. Our recipient in no longer with us and will not be able to accept the award and deliver a response. I suspect he is peering down from above, smiling and saying to himself. “I don’t deserve this honour”. How wrong he is. He was taken from his family, his friends and his com- munity by an irrational act of violence, rarely experienced by any of us in such a personal way. I am honoured and moved to announce the winner of this year’s We’re Proud of You Award tonight and share with you some of his accomplishments and the personal reflections of myself and others. In the shadow of the 41 previous award winners, emerges someone who is equally deserving of

continued on page 18 We’re Proud of You Award Response by Bruce Buckwold I am honoured to be here tonight to accept rect, but that was Ian. Ian was never worried recognition. Ian was certainly not shy, but this award on behalf of my brother Ian. about cultivating a refined public image. He he was humble. He talked about the causes Thank you Steven for your thoughtful and liked to be an ordinary guy. and organizations he was involved in but it personal remarks about Ian, his work and what Steven has spoken about the things that was never about him. He didn’t need to be he meant to you and to many others. It would Ian did to help others, whether through his a “somebody” in the community and I don’t have meant a lot to him. professional life, as a volunteer or simply as think he ever thought he was special. He just If Ian was standing here he would have a friend or acquaintance. As I thought about saw things that needed to be done and he did started with a joke. It likely wouldn’t have what I would like to say tonight, I realized what he could, whether for the community, been tasteful, appropriate or politically cor- that Ian did none of those things for personal continued on page 16 This page is sponsored by Dr. Syd z'l & Miriam z’l Gelmon of Vancouver 2 Editorial FROM OUR CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY by Steven Goluboff The Mission Statement of Congregation Agudas Israel Congregation Agudas Israel is a spiritual, religious, educational and social home committed I suspect that when to deepening the quality of Jewish life in Saskatoon and district. We are an evolving link in the historical traditions of the Jewish people. We are a progressive, democratic and sensitive con- you read this Bulletin gregation responding to the widest spectrum of Jewish thought and practice. either on line or when Written at the 2002 Kallah by the members of Congregation Agudas Israel it arrives in your mail, you will have several hours of interesting and MAZEL TOV TO: enlightening material Abby Holtslander, daughter of Franci and Gord Holtslander for being selected by to absorb. What better way can there be to Evan Hardy Collegiate to be their Schulich Leader Nominee for the 2014 Schulich spend these long cold days by revelling in Leader Scholarship. Canadian Schulich Leader Scholarships are undergraduate the thoughtful articles that our members and scholarships for students intending to enroll in the STEM// (Science, Technology, friends contribute. We have just completed a Engineering, Mathematics) areas of study at specific universities. It is an honor to couple of months of Tzedakah with our Silver be nominated for this scholarship and we wish Abby luck in the selection process. Plate Dinner, Hadassah’s Youth Aliyah Cam- Abby is planning on studying neuroscience. paign and the Annual United Israel Campaign. As always they have been great successes Mayah Holtslander, daughter of Franci and Gord Holtslander for receiving the as many of our members have stepped up Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Joseph Armand to the Jewish expectation of Tzedekah. The Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program: Master’s Scholarships world has recently lost possibly the most December 2012 Competition Award. enlightened leader it has ever seen. As I am Mordechai Macarthy who was promoted to Executive Vice-President of just completing the autobiography of Nel- Phenomenome Discovery Industries. son Mandela, A Long Walk to Freedom, I Michael Gertler, whose first cousin Meric Gertler was appointed as the new have become aware of a fascinating history President of the University of Toronto. of oppression and reconciliation that led one th man out of 27 years of prison to a period of David Kaplan on the recent celebration of his 90 birthday. forgiveness and a journey towards a more just society in South Africa. Obviously the jour- CONDOLENCES TO: ney has a long way to go and sadly without the visionary leadership of Nelson Mandela. Dale Sands on the recent death of his father Gary Sands. Several articles in this issue, including Rabbi The family and friends of the late Eva Miller, formerly of Saskatoon, who Claudio’s insightful comparison of the story passed away in Vancouver. of Joseph and his brothers to the experiences The family of friends of Benjamin Torchinsky formerly of Saskatoon, who of Mandela, chronicles this man’s enormous passed away in Florida. contributions to his country and to the world as example of what true leadership and vi- sion is all about. As I learn more about the WELCOME NEW MEMBER: history of apartheid in South Africa I become Dr. Justine Pearl, formerly of Montreal who is a senior neurosurgical resident at more appalled when I read about the claims the U. of S. that Israel is an apartheid society. As great as the challenges are in Israel with its own Arab citizens, the comparisons are absurd. When I MEMBERSHIP UPDATE: hear about the desire to embargo Israeli goods The Community is trying to update information about its members. You can go to and services, particularly at a time when there the following address to do this: http://agudasisrael.org/membership/membership- is yet again a glimmer of movement in the update/ peace process, I am truly astonished. One only has to read Daniella and Yuval’s article about the advances in ecological preservation that and good will, we have in Saskatoon an ex- Hanukkah Menorah, or blessings for meals Israel has pioneered. It would be vastly more ample of our Jewish and Muslim communities at civic events, our citizens, politicians and helpful for the world to take advantage and working together for better understanding and spiritual leaders have to figure out what is right emulate Israel’s contributions in science and cooperation. Yasher Koach to Heather Fenyes and what works for our city. Heather Fenyes technology and in its democratic institutions. and her friends for leading this initiative. An- represented the Jewish faith in a multi faith dis- My next book to read will be Ari Shavit’s, My other challenge facing us in Saskatoon and, of cussion of these issues and shares her thoughts Promised Land – the Triumph and Tragedy of course, in many other jurisdictions, is the place with us in this Bulletin. I recently attended a Israel. Here we have an Israel journalist, trying for religion in the public sphere of our plural- JNF (Jewish National Fund) event in Toronto istic society. Whether it is Christmas trees, the to tell the complicated story of his nation and continued on page 20 examining it with the realization that it is not all good and the future is challenging. What The Bulletin other country in the Middle East allows its Editor-in-Chief...... Steven Goluboff Page Sponsorship...... $25/issue or $130/year Youth Editor...... Abbey Holtslander Issues Published...... 140 citizens or has the motivation to perform such Advertising Manager...... Ron Gitlin Issues/Year...... 6 a self-examination. Lior Bachar from our Tel Circulation Manager...... Myla Deptuch If you are happy with the Bulletin and enjoy reading it, please Aviv Desk also shares his own introspection Layout & Graphic Design...... Janet Eklund consider sponsoring a page ($25/issue or $130/year). Contact Proof Reading...... Bruce Cameron Steven Goluboff or Ron Gitlin. regarding the Israel of today, its “nationhood” Cost of this issue with mailing...... $1200 E-Mail Address: [email protected], and the challenges of recognizing the rights Advertisements...... $30/issue [email protected], [email protected] of all its citizens. In the spirit of cooperation website: http://agudasisrael.org This page is sponsored by Grace, Steven, Leila, Sarah & Shaina Goluboff 3 Person to Person by Marsha Scharfstein, President, CAI “I believe that one of the most important things to learn in life is that you can make a difference in your community no matter who you are or where you live.” - Rosalynn Carter

The holiday season is over, I’m sure many There are so many activities planned for the Potluck Dinners... of you took advantage of the school break to next two months...just look at the calendar on Shabbat morning ser- have a quick getaway...and probably make a the last page! Israeli dance will be moving vices... Not only are few New Year’s resolutions. This year I de- to Wednesday evenings (I go to this class and these events interest- cided to forego the standard “I’m going to lose trust me it is a lot of fun). The Breakfast Club ing and sometimes weight and get in shape” resolutions I make... movie morning is a once month opportunity challenging...they are all free! We can expand and break...every year. Instead, I want to focus to watch an Israeli movie in the company of our circle of friends, our circle of influence, on things I might actually do...small changes some great friends. Sunday Funday is coming our knowledge and our fitness...all for free. that will fit into an already busy schedule... in January....Lunch and Learn every Monday At this beginning of a new secular year, I Changes that can be accomplished within this with the Rabbi...the Raoul Wallenberg ser- encourage everyone to think about adding community by adding just one more thing. vices on Jan 17 at both Walter Murray and St. “just one more thing” once a month, or once January has arrived and theoretically, this Joe’s schools...The Shabbat Family Dinner every two months. It will be a resolution that should be our month to cocoon in our houses, on Jan 17...The Conversation Circle which you will enjoy keeping! Imagine the impact endure the bitter cold and wait for spring... will be starting in February...The Political we would make! Not! That is just not our style. Our commu- Discussion with the Shlichim...Young Adults nity seems to thrive on high gear at all times. Group...the Friday evening Home Services... Divrei Harav – Rabbi Claudio’s Message Joseph – Mandela: The path for reconciliation. by Rabbi Claudio Jodorkovsky

During the past died, he told us, “You did some cruel and in the Torah that received that honour. He is weeks we have been terrible things to Joseph, but you must ask “Yosef Hatzadik” – “The righteous Joseph” reading in the To- him to forgive you.” So now we ask you to because he was able to forget and to look for rah the interesting please forgive the terrible things we did. After reconciliation, even when he never received and also complex stories of Joseph and his all, we serve the same God that your father a sincere apology. brothers. These are stories that have all the worshiped.” (Bereshit - Genesis 50) Joseph was not a saint: When he was a child components of a real thriller: They contain It is true that we may find here some words he spoke badly about his brothers, he was ar- jealousy, fights, treachery, kidnapping, a of regret, but you will probably agree with me rogant and disrespectful towards his parents murdering attempt, “adult-rated” content, that this is not the best way to say “I am sorry”: and siblings, and of course he was partly suspense, and also reconciliation. The climax They didn’t say it personally, they were not responsible for his brother`s hate towards comes when Judah, one of Joseph’s brothers able to say that it was their own motivation, himself. And even the Classical Commenta- tries to protect the young Benjamin who was and also, instead of offering a sincere apol- tors recognized it and they didn`t hesitate to accused by Joseph of robbery, and was about ogy it seems that this is more a reaction to criticize him for that! So why did he receive to be imprisoned. Joseph, realizing how Judah a possible revenge from Joseph`s side. But the title “Tzadik” – “Righteous”? Because he was ready to sacrifice himself for his young at the same time, in spite of this feeling of was capable of overcoming the most dif- brother, reveals his real identity and the story disappointment I have towards there broth- ficult things that one person can live in his seems to have a happy ending. ers´ attitude, Joseph`s reaction to them is so life, and still be able to forgive: Joseph was I have to confess that I feel a big disappoint- beautiful that I think it counterbalances any thrown into a pit, he was sold as a slave and ment each year when Joseph’s story is about criticism we could have to the final part of he survived the horrors of being imprisoned to end and this is because there is one aspect the story, and moreover it makes us feel very to then becoming an important and successful of the story that I think remains unsolved: proud of the deep wisdom of our sacred Torah: leader, and even when he could have taken Joseph’s brothers were never able to offer a Joseph`s response could have been totally revenge against the ones who tried to oppress sincere apology. They were never able to say different. He could have said: “You are com- and kill him, he was so courageous that was “Joseph, we are really sorry for all that hap- ing to say “I am sorry” just now! after all these able to forgive, to bring reconciliation and pened in the past”. But interestingly, at the years?! You are doing it now only because peace to his family. very end of the Story, the Torah describes a you are afraid of me and my power!” But Joseph teaches us that to have courage dialogue between the brothers and Joseph that instead of that, and without even thinking means first of all, to have the capacity and actually could be understood as an apology: twice, Joseph says to them: “Don’t be afraid! integrity to forgive. And it is a beautiful coin- After Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers said I will take care of you… I will feed you… I cidence that we are finishing reading Joseph’s to each other, “What if Joseph still hates will take care of your children.” story of courage when at the same time the us, and wants to get even with us, for all the Joseph`s response speaks about a great man. world is honouring the memory of one of the cruel things we did to him?” So they sent The Rabbis in the Talmud decided to call most courageous men of our time. this message to Joseph: “Before our father him a “Tzadik”, and he is the only character continued on page 22 This page is sponsored by Dr. Alan Rosenberg & Dr. Lesley-Ann Crone and family 4 Ecology in Israel by Daniella and Yuval Elmaliach

The 1st World War resulted in the British these developments had a mostly negative Empire taking over the land which would effect on the environment there were also eventually become Israel. The British im- some positive developments during this time. posed what would become the first modern Organizations to protect natural areas were environmental rules in the region. These rules begun in the 1950s as a collaboration between regarded environmental policy, health care, members of the kibbutz movement and a the treatment of waste and defining different group of scientists. They formed the Society land usage. The British sought to impose laws for the Protection of Nature in Israel. They Tu Bishvat is the next Jewish holiday we of land usage which respected that nature had worked towards highlighting the importance will celebrate. Halachically it is an agricul- limited resources and should be treated with of preserving nature and natural resources. tural festival and so it is often linked to the respect. They limited deforestation and the The organization acted to make new rules for planting of trees and discussions of environ- cutting of flowers. These laws formed the creating national parks and declaring nature mental issues. In this article we want to talk foundation for the policies that would come. reserves. It was their actions that saw areas about the politics of the environment in Israel. However, the establishment of the State of such as the Carmel, Massada, Caeserea and Many believe that ecological debates in Israel brought about a number of immediate En Gedi being declared nature reserves and Israel coincided with the economic develop- challenges which took precedence over the thus becoming protected areas. ment of the second half of the 20th Century. environment: security, economy, immigration Today we continue to see the environmental But the fact is that the Jewish people have and building of settlements. Although these movement strive to improve conditions in been involved in environmental conservation challenges were immense there were some Israel in a number of areas. from the beginning of history. Our ancestors people in Israel who did focus on environ- Water: In the recent years Israel has been understood the meaning and importance of mental issues, both members of the public dealing with the challenge of providing water the natural resources in the land and water and and academics. The environment was one of to its citizens. The country has taken two big the importance of the air we breathe. In the the first subjects that the Zionist movement steps towards water provision. The first was Mikrah we find passages on the importance took on. Over 90 years ago the JNF (Kakal) the building of desalination plants - the de- of keeping public areas clean; instruction on was established. It had three major goals: salination plant in Ashkelon is the biggest one where to build structures so that they would first was to buy land, the second was to work of its kind in the world. Secondly, Israel has not interfere with the land and others on the towards reforestation and finally they strove made major steps forward in creating a system importance of planting trees. These rules to rehabilitate the swamps. Today, when all to recycle grey water. Today nearly 50% of were kept in place until the destruction of the over the world people talk about the need to the drinking water in Israel comes from the second temple and saw to it that the citizens save the forests, you must value the work that sea and at the same time more and more water of Israel took part in trade and agriculture in the JNF did to bring this into being in Israel is recycled for agricultural use. As a matter an environmentally sustainable way. all those years ago. of fact, Israel is the leading state in water Between the destruction of the Second In the years between the 1948 War and to- recycling – 92% of waste water is recycled Temple and until the Zionist movement arose day, Israel faced a number of environmental and 72% of that is used for agriculture. This Israel suffered a great deal of environmental challenges. These years saw an unprecedent- is the highest in the world. degradation. Forests were cut down and the ed economic boom which led to a great deal Solar energy: Over 83% of homes in Israel irrigation system was destroyed. The Otto- of development. The rate of economic growth are using solar energy to heat the water. This man Empire focused very little on environ- was 10-12% per year and the population grew is the highest percentage in the world. mental issues, and their interaction with the at a rate of 2.9% per year. During this time Agricultural technology: An Israeli com- environment was, for the most part, negative. there were 30 new cities built and the growth pany was the first to develop drip irrigation It was also during this period when techno- of the chemical and petro-chemical industry that improved water efficiency. The company logical developments lead to over hunting. was staggering. There was also a network of helped to provide this technology to devel- You might be surprised to find out that there new power stations built and the number of oping countries around the world. Another were bears in Israel until the 1930s and there vehicles on the roads doubled every 10 years. company, named Bio Bee from Kibbutz Sde were tigers in Israel. The last one was seen Agriculture was also transformed through in- in 2006. tensive use of chemical anti-pesticides. While continued on page 22 Scharfstein │ Gibbings │ Walen │ Fisher LLP CUELENAERE, KENDALL Barristers & Solicitors KATZMAN Grant J. Scharfstein, Q.C. p. 306.653.2838 RICHARDS Quality Memorials f. 306.652.4747 & approved for Barristers, Solicitors and Mediators e. [email protected] RANDY KATZMAN Agudas Cemetery B.Comm., LL.B. www.scharfsteinlaw.com 210B - 33rd Street East (306) 653-5000 Saskatoon, SK S7K 0S3 Fax: (306) 652-4171 500 Scotiabank Building, 306-652-5363 111 Second Ave S 5th Floor, Atrium Place, #510, 128 - 4th Avenue S., www.remco-memorials.ca Saskatoon, SK S7K 1K6 Saskatoon, S7K 1M8

This page is sponsored by the Saskatchewan Jewish Council 5 CIJA Campaigns for Canadian Recognition of Jewish Refugees by Steve McDonald, Assistant Director of Communications - CIJA The Jewish com- tabled its report, recommending that Canada that, within a decade of Israel’s establishment, munity is widely formally recognize Jewish refugees from Arab the refugee camps that had housed hundreds aware – and right- countries and urge negotiating parties in the of thousands of Jews from Arab lands were fully proud – of Middle East to include all refugee populations dismantled – their inhabitants absorbed as Canada’s status as in any future peace accord. Israeli citizens. Conversely, Palestinians one of Israel’s closest friends on the world This is a great step forward toward chang- continue to live in refugee camps and face stage. However, few are aware of Canada’s ing Canada’s standing policy on the Middle systemic discrimination in neighbouring standing policy on Middle East peace which, East. In reflecting on the importance of this countries like Lebanon. for decades, has comprised our country’s issue, CIJA CEO Shimon Fogel noted: “…an As a side note, earlier this year, in the official position on core issues related to the entire chapter seems to have been torn from midst of the ongoing Syrian civil war, Israel Israeli-Arab conflict. A quick Google search the historic record – or at least relegated to offered to allow Palestinian refugees in Syria will locate the policy on the Department the status of a footnote…The international to resettle in the West Bank, with the proviso of Foreign Affairs website, where one can community cannot understand the elusiveness that they forego the “right” of return to Israel. peruse Canada’s stand on everything from of peace today without taking into account Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud settlements to the security barrier to Hamas. the consistent history of opposition to the Abbas rejected the gesture, choosing to al- While an entire section is devoted to Palestin- Jewish state’s very existence, of which the low fellow Palestinians to languish in Syria ian refugees, not a single reference to Jewish precipitous flight of Jews from Arab lands is rather than give up an unrealistic, maximalist refugees from Arab countries appears in the primary evidence.” demand against Israel. policy document. Indeed, a fair and just solution to the Arab- This sad episode speaks to the underly- For some time, rectifying this imbalance has Israeli conflict would recognize that two refu- ing rejectionist obstacles on the part of the been among CIJA’s government relations pri- gee groups emerged in 1948 and the ensuing Palestinian leadership that have dogged the orities, which is why we called for a thorough decades. Just as some 700,000 Palestinians peace process for years. A comprehensive examination of the issue on Parliament Hill. fled Israel in 1947-48 (as a result of various peace agreement would invariably include a Last spring, the multi-partisan House of Com- tragic factors intrinsic to war), more than resolution to the issue of Palestinian refugees, mons Foreign Affairs Committee launched a 800,000 Jews took flight from North Africa but any objective analysis would conclude that study of the issue, during which CIJA offered and the Middle East in the years that followed. their resettlement will need to be in a Palestin- th testimony. On November 8 , the committee It is a sign of Israel’s humanitarian spirit continued on page 19 Hummus and Friendship by Heather Fenyes

I remember my in reality - but that doesn’t make it any less a work of art, bright and priceless now hangs first visit to a mod- perfect recipe. in it’s memory. ern art museum. I The ingredients are universal; civics, citi- Saskatoon is evolving before my eyes. It stood amongst price- zenship, shared values, common language..... is becoming a reflection of the world; multi less originals and It’s just a question of how they’re mixed and colored with diverse flavor. This is the mo- pondered a career the context in which they’re baked. ment for all the chefs and artists among us as an artist. I could On November 11th, a friend and I co-hosted to create. The opportunities to improve my throw a few lines and an evening of “Remembrance and Renewal” community are as limitless and diverse as the streaks of color on a canvas and sell them My Lebanese, Muslim friend and I invited new faces of Saskatoon. for tens, and even hundreds of thousands of members of both of our communities to come So whether as an artist or a chef, I choose to dollars. together for friendship and hummus. We fea- remain optimistic. I will hold fast my belief Now, as an Israel advocate, passionately tured excerpts from a play called “My Rabbi” that the most complex and daunting obstacles committed to a world of gender parity, and in which a Jewish and Muslim man, once best can on some levels, be reduced to a simple unconditional tolerance for all religions, I feel friends grow separated by their perceptions recipe. I won’t change the world. But I will like that modern artist of my youth. Today of their religions, and their personal politics. continue cooking and painting to ensure my I see myself as a chef who cooks with the We used this to begin a discussion. We didn’t community is brighter and richer for my hav- ingredients of humanity. The recipes are as talk about politics, or settlements or nuclear ing done so. clear as the lines on the modern painting. It’s armaments. We talked about what we have simple. Equal parts mutual respect and open in common, what we value in our communi- Heather Fenyes sits on the CIJA - Centre mindedness sprinkled liberally with an under- ties, and who makes the best hummus. (My standing and appreciation of shared values, Muslim friend won - hands down) for Israel and Jewish affairs and contributes layered on a canvas of infinite possibilities. There was no crack of thunder that signified to their blog “The Exchange” http://www. Obviously my dream kitchen isn’t located a great repair in our world, but a new brilliant cija.ca/services/theexchange/

This page is sponsored by Leona Wasserman 6 Eulogy for Eva Miller 1905 - 2013 by David Miller

walk everyday. To our great concern, she had always been limited; filling in when extra refused to use a walker heading out armed staff was needed or when someone was on with only her cane. vacation. However, after my father died I was She usually went with her neighbour who able to convince her that we should keep the was probably 15 years younger and she was business and we did for another seven years quick to confide that they usually went to the with my mother spending more time there and closest coffee shop because her neighbour was even trying to help me with the buying with not much of a walker. decidedly mixed results. My mother’s life really fell into three She even learned to drive so she could go stages, her youth in Toronto, her married life back and forth to Sutherland from our home in in Saskatchewan and then her many years Grosvenor Park. She was not fast, you didn’t as a widow first in Saskatoon then later in want to be stuck behind her, but the fact that Vancouver. she did it at that stage of her life was pretty Yesterday, my daughter and I drove out to impressive. Asquith. I have often thought about what it My mother loved having her family around On behalf of our family let me say we really would take for a woman who had grown up her, especially her children and grandchildren. appreciate you being here today. It has been in a Jewish neighbourhood in Toronto to pick She was particularly close to her grandson close to 30 years since my mother lived in up and move to the booming metropolis of Tim and never really accepted his untimely Saskatoon and given her age, I know her peer Asquith, Saskatchewan. No running water, death. For many years she and her sister group has pretty much disappeared. no paved streets. Rose lived in the same apartment building and It may sound funny but we really didn’t That really must have been love. while they had very different personalities, expect to be here today. We knew of course Life was not always easy. In the 1940s they always seemed to get along and enjoyed that given our mother’s age she could not have when my sister was just starting school our travelling and going to movies and cultural many years left but while she was growing father contracted tuberculosis and it was not events together. quite frail she still always seemed so healthy clear he would survive. Later on my mother As I flew around the country playing poli- that I think we all just assumed she would persevered through two bouts with cancer. tics, my mother gave up on any hope of me sail on past 100. One when she was relatively young and a getting married. She was both surprised and As some of you will know, she lived on her second in her late 80s. When our father died, pleased when at the age of 41, I finally did get own until about two months ago and unless I doubt she ever imagined she would live married and she was truly thrilled 16 years the weather was terrible, she went out for a another 42 years. ago when Sarah was born. Another event she Saskatoon was a big step up for my parents really never thought she would live to see. although in those days it was still a small But then, I always accused my mother of city and Sutherland where their business was lacking faith in me. My favourite story which located was still a separate railway town out I held over her for years and have to tell now in the country. is that when I was in fourth grade and the There was a lot of family around at that Principal called to tell her they wanted to place time. I look at the board listing people who me in an academically talented class, she told contributed to the building of the synagogue him he had the wrong Mrs. Miller. and am amazed at how many relatives are As I read the many kind notes I have re- on the list. ceived from friends and relatives, the words Big family gatherings were common and that are repeated over and over to describe my mother was an excellent cook particularly my mother are: known for her blintzes and cheese knishes. Wise, generous, positive and thoughtful. I can still picture her and my grandmother She was the last of her generation in the making all the gefilte fish for my Bar Mitzvah. family and played a key role in keeping the My mother was rather reserved in those family together. My sister bore most of the days. Regular customers who came into burden of watching over her and worrying our store all called my father Bob but most about her in her later years but I was lucky called my mother Mrs. Miller. Somehow this enough to get to Vancouver very regularly to seemed natural. However, this changed in her spend time with her. 98 years, 10 months 13 Interactive conversation with the Shlichim later years. As she grew older, she became days is a pretty good life by any measure. But On current events in Israel much more social, more outgoing, more talka- for us it wasn’t nearly enough. tive and funnier. My mother’s involvement in the business

This page is spsonored by Ann & Debbie Diament (wife and daughter of former Rabbi Saul Diament), of Toronto 7 Hadassah-WIZO News CHW is Canada’s leading Jewish women’s philanthropic organization. Founded in 1917, CHW is non-political, volunteer driven and funds a multitude of programs and projects for Children, Healthcare and Women in Israel and Canada.

by Linda Shaw, CHW – Canadian meantime, you know who you Hadassah-WIZO – is are. Give yourselves a big pat alive and well in Sas- on the back. katoon, despite having to cancel our sched- Work on our largest Hadas- uled September Pot Luck Dinner. Instead we sah-WIZO project, the Silver kicked off the year for our Sarah Goldenberg Spoon Dinner, is just start- Chapter with our opening meeting at my ing. It’ll be an amazing year house on October 20th as a “Cocktails and with Jann Arden as our guest Cupcakes” party. Rebecca’s fancy cupcakes speaker. Plan to be part of the were delicious and our business meeting was event. Call me to help. lively - perhaps due to the beverages. Follow CHW on its website Our Jewish-style Dinner for Eight raffle - www.chw.ca- and think about event continues to be a worthwhile project. supporting CHW by sending Serving the 2013 Jewish Dinner for 8 Raffle Jennifer, Dianne, Arnie and I served a fabu- Hadassah cards. Winners - Fred & Karen Dutka lous meal to the 2013 winners – Fred and Ka- That’s all for now. ren Dutka and their friends. Thank you to all All the best for 2014. our members who cooked, baked and donated wine. Everything was delicious. The evening was a huge success, so much so that we have already started our sale of raffle tickets for the 2014 dinner. We’ll do the draw to select the next winner at the Sisterhood Shabbat Family Dinner, January 17th. Be sure that you have at least one raffle ticket. For just $5 you could win a dinner party to remember. The end of December marked the end of our local annual CHW Campaign. Thank you to all of you who supported the campaign and donated so generously. I will publish the list of donors in the next Bulletin. In the

Sarah Goldenberg Chapter Meeting Cupcakes and Cocktails.

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It’s been 11 years since Jann Arden was two books, had her own CBC summer radio in elegant style while supporting Saskatoon the guest speaker at the Silver Spoon Dinner program and appeared on stage all over the Hadassah-WIZO, the Congregation Agudas and Saskatoon women have been begging us world. Israel Jewish Community, Saskatoon Interval to bring her back again ever since. She was Jann is renowned for her amazing music, House and Ronald McDonald House. one of the most outstanding speakers to ever comedic talent and ability as a motivational You will meet this year’s Sterling Award headline the Silver Spoon Dinner. She is a speaker. According to her website, this award- Winner and you’ll again have the opportunity home-grown Alberta talent who has reached winning entertainer has “touched a generation to win numerous fabulous prizes! international star status. We are so excited of listeners and brought joy to a lot of people”. Purchase your Tickets On-Line at www. about this return engagement, one you won’t We invite you to share the joy with Jann Arden Picatic.com want to miss. by attending this year’s Silver Spoon Dinner. Starting Monday, January 13, 2014 It’s taken this long because she has been a The Silver Spoon Dinner continues to be Ticket Price $200 very busy lady. She has released 11 highly- Saskatoon’s Premiere Ladies’ Night Out - www.silverspoondinner.com acclaimed albums, she’s had 17 Top Ten sin- an evening of luxury and laughs. You will be Email us at silverspoondinner@ gmail.com gles, she has won eight Juno Awards, written pampered, wined and dined and entertained Faith In The Public Sphere: Discerning A Constructive Place For Religion In A Healthy Pluralistic Society by Heather Fenyes

I grew up in Saskatoon in a predominantly lines that invite tolerance, openness and Therefore, when we are trying to find the white Christian society where I became ac- genuine mutual respect. How we discern a role of prayer and religious symbol outside customed to being the invisible minority constructive place for religion in a healthy our places of worship, I would like to sug- wherever I went. I was proud to be different, pluralist society is an increasingly relevant gest that first we need to create a distinction but that didn’t always mean I felt included. I question. It’s not just important in Decem- between the kind of prayer that happens attended College Park School for grades one ber, and it’s bigger than what we write on within our communities and the kind of “pray to eight and vividly recall how I felt every our city busses. It defines who we are as a of action” that I think belongs outside in the December. The entire month was spent in community and how we create a place where public sphere. By “praying through our preparation for the Christmas concert and everybody has value and importance. deeds” we are creating the largest possible every year I chose to opt out. While the whole I am not a clergy person. I don’t speak tent of inclusion. school shared in the excitement of rehearsals for the entire Jewish community or even the Pope Francis in his book “on Heaven and and preparations, I felt excluded; not because whole Jewish community of Saskatoon. I Earth” says: “There are actions that are con- the teachers or my friends said or did any- would never be arrogant enough to suggest sistently done in places of worship, like the thing to make me feel this way, but because I that I have a solution to this complex and po- adoration, praise and worship of God. But couldn’t share in the cheer or the excitement lemic question. I know that everything once there are others that are done outside, like the of a holiday that wasn’t mine. black and white in the space of my lifetime entire social dimension of religion” He goes Four years ago, my youngest child gradu- has grown grey. When I make any personal on later to say: “ I believe that the one who ated from College Park. The first time I picked decision I always consider what will effect worships God has, through that experience, him up from school, I was struck by the di- the most good, and do the least harm. In the a mandate of justice towards his brothers” versity of faces and languages that came out context of this discussion, I believe these are For me, Pope Francis is suggesting that the school doors. College Park was no longer still the questions and values that guide me we might consider understanding prayer as predominantly white and Christian. as a human, and a Jewish woman. an act of justice. In doing so, we are walking In 2013, Saskatchewan welcomed over We Jews call prayer “Avodah she-valev” the values and morals that we pray for within 11,000 immigrants from all over the world. This is defined as the “work inside your our communities. When we change prayer Today, I share my minority status with many heart”. Jewish prayer is composed of into an action, we have also created a space who don’t celebrate Christmas, and College praise, thanksgiving and petition. It is more for the atheist among us. Those who don’t park no longer holds it’s annual Christmas than worship alone by definition, because believe shouldn’t be marginalized or made to concert. the word “avodah” means work. For me, feel that “belief” is an intrinsic societal value. Saskatoon has become a city of many this active “prayer” happens whenever we Rather, it’s the shared values of humanity that colors, cultures and religious observances. engage in social justice, or what we call in should become the new space that was once History teaches us that with this diversifica- Hebrew, tikkun olam; the act of repairing our public prayer. tion comes responsibility. We need to all world. When we come together to do good, work together to establish the kinds of guide- as Martin Buber says, G!d is in the room. continued on page 19

This page is sponsored by Arnold z’l & Claire Golumbia of Vancouver 9 New in the Library by Patricia Pavey CAROLYN concentration camps, including Ravensbruck, wall. Survival depended on the food the GAMMON, born the notorious women’s camp near Berlin, and adults leaving the hideout at night were able and raised in Fred- a death march. to forage. Even at the end of the war, however, ericton, New Brun- After the war, the Krauses took part enthusi- Jewish people emerging from hiding were not swick, is a writer astically in building the new socialist republic safe. After the infamous postwar Kielce po- who moved to Berlin of East Germany--until 1958, when Johanna grom, Israel’s parents sent him and his brother in 1992. She is co-author of two books, new recognized a party official as a man who had as “orphans” to France in a program called in our library, and works with a Jewish tour tried to rape and kill her during the war. Think- Rescue Children, a Europe-wide attempt to company in Berlin. ing the communist party would punish the of- find Jewish children orphaned by the Holo- ficial, Johanna found out whose side the party caust. When the family was finally reunited, Johanna Krause, Twice Persecuted: Sur- was on and was subjected to anti-Semitic they lived a precarious existence between viving in Nazi Germany and Communist attacks. Both she and her husband were jailed France--as people “sans pays”--and England East Germany (published by Wilfred Laurier and their business and belongings confiscated. until the immigration papers for Canada came University Press, 2007) After her release she lived as “persona non through in 1951. Persecuted as a Jew, both under the Nazis grata” in East Germany, having been evicted In Montreal, in the world described so and in postwar East Germany, Johanna Krause from the communist party. It was only in the well by Mordecai Richler, Israel’s father, a (1907-2001) courageously fought her way 1990s, after the reunification of Germany, that co-owner of a factory in Poland, was reduced through life with searing humour and indomi- Johanna saw some justice. to sweeping factory floors. At the local “ye- table strength of character. The Unwritten Diary of Israel Unger shiva” (Jewish high school), Israel discovered Born in Dresden into bitter poverty, Krause (publ. By Wilfred Laurier University Press, chemistry, and a few short years later he left received little education and worked mostly 2013) poverty behind. He had a stellar academic in shops and factories. In 1933, when she At the beginning of the Nazi period, 25,000 career, married, and raised a family in Freder- came to the defence of a Jewish man being Jewish people lived in Tarnow, Poland. By icton, New Brunswick. This book is as much beaten by the brownshirts, Krause was jailed the end of the Second World War, nine re- a Holocaust story as it is a story of a young for “insulting the Fuhrer” After a secret wed- mained. Like Anne Frank, Israel Unger and immigrant making every possible use of the ding in 1935, she was arrested again with her his family hid for two years in an attic crawl opportunities Canada had to offer. husband, Max Krause, for breaking the law space. Against all odds, they emerged alive. Carolyn worked with both Johanna Krause that forbade marriage between a Jew and an Now, after decades of silence, here is Israel’s and Israel Unger in the writing of these “Aryan.” “unwritten diary.” books. She was in Saskatoon in November In the years following, Johanna endured Nine people lived behind that false wall and helped organize the “Elizabeth Brewster many atrocities--a forced abortion while eight above the Dagnan factory in Tarnow. Their Literary Memorial” at the U. Of S. She months pregnant and subsequent sterilization, stove was the chimney that went up through was a friend of the Brewster family in New her incarceration in numerous prisons and the attic; their windows were cracks in the Brunswick. B’nai Brith and Silver Plate Dinner Update by David Katzman, President of B’nai Brith Lodge 739

The 59th Silver Plate particularly for his work in mental health. BB Camp B’nai Brith Support Dinner, celebrating 100 provided $5000 to the Saskatoon Community Saskatoon B’nai Brith enthusiastically years of BB in Saska- Foundation in Ian’s name and we encourage supports Jewish children attending Camp toon, was a great suc- friends, family and community to grow the Riback BB. We salute those individuals and cess. Our 936 guests Ian Buckwold Fund. families who have stepped forward to provide enjoyed great food, At our most recent meeting, our Lodge the funds for camps to families that are not great company and committed another $25,000 to the very ex- in a position to do so. Please contact Rabbi supported very worthy charities. Lodge 739 citing Snow Boarding and Tube Park being Claudio if you would like to pay some or all of has committed $25,000 to Ronald McDonald developed by the Saskatoon Optimist Club. the costs for a deserving child to attend camp. House, $15,000 to the U of S Student Health The concept has been a proven winner in a Where financial assistance from BB is Centre, $10,000 to Joel Bernbaum’s SUM variety of cities and will bring an affordable, needed, B’nai Brith will pay up to half the Theatre and another $15,000 to a variety healthy activity for families, winter and sum- cost of one session in one year. B’nai Brith of agencies including Crafting for a Cure, mer, to Saskatoon. will make this payment up to three times for Saskatchewan MultiFaith, King George Com- We are so pleased to see new members or any one camper. munity School and Care and Share Holiday just Jewish men who would like to attend a This support is available to all Jewish chil- Lunches. We also provide for BBYO, Hillel meeting just to see what we are all about. Our dren in Saskatoon and support for children and families that want to send their children next Meeting is Sunday, March 9th (breakfast outside of our city is potentially available by to Camp B’nai Brith. We have so many service 9:45- 10:15, meeting at 10). contacting the President. Additional support members to thank but I want to recognize Mark your calendars now for the Gerry in any one year is possible by contacting the Harold Shiffman for being our new MC. The Rose Volunteer Recognition Dinner, Friday, President. All such contacts are confidential. late Ian Buckwold was recognized as our June 27th and direct your nominations to We Are Proud of You Award recipient for his Randy Katzman. outstanding leadership in many endeavors but This page is sponsored by Jeffrey and Sherril Stein. 10 A Note from Sisterhood by Lisa Shiffman

Chanukah has conclud- calling Myla (see ad on the cover of this bul- season so I would imagine that a future Iris ed and the decorations are letin for complete details!) If you require a Fold card class is not too far on the horizon put away. I suppose that fish portion instead of brisket, please let Myla In November the Sisterhood ladies prepared means that the Sisterhood know when you rsvp. a fabulous light supper, which was served at Ladies get a rest? No Sisterhood is certainly not just a series of the Chanukah Fair. Marsha opened the gift way! We are busy plan- meetings. We do fun things as well, such shop, which was filled with old favorites and ning a fabulous Family as our card making class, which was held in new surprises. The annual Chanukah Fair Shabbat Dinner, sched- late November. We made a series of “Iris latke bee was a lot of fun with food proces- uled for Jan. 17th at 6p.m. The service will Fold” technique cards which turned out so sors whirring away, lots of laughter and lots be led by the Hebrew School cuties, as well well that the ladies did not want to send them of light hearted conversation. Our Sisterhood as some members of the Sisterhood. Linda, to friends or family but rather keep them as family has room for many more, so if you are our most famous local chef, will be handling Chanukah décor for their own homes. We a member of the community and wish to join the kitchen goings on and preparing her world used this simple technique to make stars of or to inquire, please email me (lisashiffman@ reknown, melt in your mouth BRISKET! David, chanukiot and dreidle cards, but this shaw.ca) or call me at 222-6657. Please reserve your spot by January 12th, by technique could be applied to any design or From Our Tel Aviv Desk by Lior Bachar - (former Shlichut)

Every couple of months I’m confronted (“leh-ohm”). are intertwined, such with the dilemma...what to write about...so I’m not positive “nationhood” is the best as with the Druze and many things going on, their pace impossible term to translate the word “le-om” in Hebrew, the Jews. In some cas- to follow. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s death, Syria, but it is definitely distinguished from the terms es, “le-om” and reli- citizenship”. “Le-om” is a gion are separate, as is״ Yair Lapid (finance minister) and his disap- “nationality” and pointed followers, or his (and Netanyahu’s) people - a collective, an ethnic group, a nation, the Arabs case, being inability to appoint a Central Bank governor bound mostly by characteristics we are born Muslim or Christian. for so many months. By the time I’m done with, inherited by our parents, forefathers So, the word Nation would probably best fit. writing, a new governor has been appointed and mothers, by our society. These include However, a “le-om” is not a nation in the - a woman for the first time - Karnit Flug. physical characteristics (skin color, hair type), same sense for the American nation as it is However, all these and more being worth a folklore, culture, common history, common for the Arab, or the Jewish Nation. Nor is it debate, it seems to me there is an intriguing land and in many cases religion (though one the same for Israel, which is what we call a issue from the past few weeks, relevant to can always argue that almost all religions “Nation State”. I guess my point is clear and Israelis, Jews, Arabs and “others” (as they are are open to whoever wishes to join them, I am sorry for the civics teacher part of me referred to in the Central Bureau of Statistics, each with their own conditions). These differ getting a bit carried away but I just wanted to those who are not identified as any of the ma- from characteristics that we may choose to make sure the basic word for this discussion jor ethnicities and nationalities in Israel). The bond with as we grow up, such as political is well translated. issue also relevant, of course, to Jews around views, ideologies, a common societal goal. Back to court. This case was filed a few the world is the Supreme Court’s decision to Examples of “le-om”, or le-omim in plural, years ago, by some well known public figures, deny Israelis the possibility of being registered are the Arabs, the Druze and, of course, the mostly from the “arts and culture” fields. They as “Israeli” under the ID section of nationhood Jews. In some cases, “le-om” and religion continued on page 21

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The chronologi- was met with police brutality, he travelled to realize, but my lord, if needs be it is an ideal cal journey of Nel- different countries seeking support for armed for which I am prepared to die”. son Mandela from protest. On August 5th 1962 he was arrested One cannot help but admire his courage, his birth to death was and accused of leaving the country illegally. words must have come as a shock to most of filled with legacy He was later put on trial along with others the people fighting with him, because at a time worthy remember- for treason, and while facing a death penalty when most people must have been fighting for ing. Nelson Mande- in October 1963 he ended his speech with black superiority he was fighting for equality, la was born on July these words and therefore diversity in South Africa. In our 18, 1918, into a royal South Africa Family. He “I have fought against white domination opinion diversity is essential in any society, ran away to Johannesburg when they tried to and I have fought against black domination, because everyone brings something to the force him into an arranged marriage. It was in I have cherished the ideal of a democratic table and in our own little ways we all have Johannesburg that he joined the fight against and free society in which all persons will live something to teach and learn from each other. apartheid and soon became the leader of the together in harmony with equal opportunities, After the trial Mandela was sentenced to fight. When peaceful protest against apartheid it is an ideal which I hope to live for and to life imprisonment with hard labor, and was only allowed visitors once a year. He was not Business Slipping Away? even allowed to attend his son’s and mother’s Maybe you are paying too SHERWOOD funerals. He was offered his freedom several much for your steel? gmc RV gmc times, if he would renounce armed protest, Medium Sales Heavy Call Toll Free: gmc Duty and Duty but he refused demanding that the govern- Trucks Service Trucks ment do the same as well. He was released 1-800-667-5353 th Bucket Service Available on February 11 1990, and became part of Free Shuttle Service Body Shop the reconciliation commission that focused New Steel and Pipe Pick-up and Delivery The Body Shop provides Free Loaners on all SGI on uniting South Africans. He became the Used Steel and Pipe 7:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. or Retail Collision Claims first black South African President on April INLAND STEEL PRODUCTS INC 27th 1994. As President he focused on build- President: Mark Ditlove SHERWOOD ing a multiracial South Africa where whites 550 Brand Road • Saskatoon and black South Africans have equal rights. Saskatoon 374-6330 • Toll Free 1-877-374-6330 continued on page 21 This page is sponsored by Mirka Pollak 12 A New Perspective on The Giving Tree by Abbey Holtslander, Youth Editor The Giving Tree older, the tree can no longer satisfy his needs is a children’s book by simply acting as a playground. The boy It demonstrates the importance of mutual ap- by the Jewish author cannot meet the tree’s needs by playing with preciation and the balance of selfishness and Shel Silverstein. As a her and loving her as deeply as she loves him. selflessness between loved ones.The Giving child, this story was The boy leaves the tree and comes back to her Tree illustrates the consequences of unequal close to my heart. My only to ask her for money so that he can have contributions of giving and receiving where understanding of the fun. The tree offers the boy her apples so he one person receives all and gives none. In the story was not deep, can sell them in town. This action makes the end one person is depleted with nothing left but I remember having an emotional connec- tree happy again. However the boy leaves the but a “stump” of who they once were. Shel tion to the drawings and characters. Recently, tree for a long time making the tree lonely and Silverstein tells this story to warn children a feeling of nostalgia for Shel Silverstein’s sad. He only returns to the tree to ask her for a to appreciate their loved ones before it is too writing led me back to The Giving Tree. After house. The tree offers the boy her branches to late. The story advises not to wait until the last re-reading the story as a teen, its impact on build himself a house. The tree is still happy moments of life to start giving, when what you me changed drastically. The themes in The to help the boy, although he does nothing for give is equal because there is nothing left to Giving Tree are mature and melancholy. In her in return. The boy leaves the tree again give. The Giving Tree’s message is interesting fact many publishers rejected the The Giving and doesn’t visit her for a long time until he to put in a children’s story because children Tree because the demographic was neither needs a boat to escape his sad life. The tree take and take, but many never give back to children nor adults but somewhere in between. offers the boy, who is now an old man, her their parents before damage has been done. It makes perfect sense then why I enjoyed the trunk to build himself a boat. This last act The message can be appreciated by parents story as a child and I now appreciate it as a leaves the tree “happy… but not really”. Fi- reading the book and by the child listening teenager. I feel a connection to The Giving nally the old man returns to the tree, but this to the book. Like myself, the book can be Tree because of nostalgia and also because of time he needs nothing more that to sit and rest revisited and new light can be shed onto the the meaningful story it tells about what can be and the tree can offer him nothing more than reader for a deeper understanding of the mes- interpreted as the bittersweet life of a selfless a stump to rest on. In the end, the two rest sage. The Giving Tree is a timeless book that mother and a distant child. The Giving Tree happily together finally giving and taking an will never loose its impact no matter what is the story of the relationship between a boy equal amount, but only after the tree has lost age the reader is. and a tree. While the boy is young, the tree so much to what she’s given the little boy. http://www.biography.com/people/shel- and the boy are codependent. The little boy I think this story is important to tell young silverstein-9483912?page=2 plays happily with the tree, loving it, while children, but equally important for teenagers Silverstein, Shel. The Giving Tree. Harper- the tree loves the boy, in turn offering him and adults to read. The theme is meaningful CollinsPublishers, 1964. Print. anything he might need. When the boy grows with messages of love, giving and receiving. from our Congregants Non-Fried Falafel Burgers itchens (adapted from a recipe in Feast from the Mideast by Faye Levy) Kfrom Franci Holstlander Someone requested that I submit this recipe 2 eggs and hope others find it as delicious as we do. 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, plus The original recipe was meant to be grilled more to brush on and I tried it a number of ways and they fell apart. What follows is a new recipe with my Put the garlic, cilantro and onion in a adaptations that work nicely on a Griddler or food processor and run until chopped. Add under the broiler. everything else and pulse until it is mixed The recipe makes eight burgers and we eat and chickpeas chopped up. I then chill it in them with homemade whole wheat pitas and the freezer in a steel bowl for about 15-30 tahini sauce. minutes to thicken it a bit. Shape into patties (plop on surface with spoon and shape, as 5 large cloves of garlic it can be mushy). I oil the Griddler (use the 1/3 to 1/2 cup of fresh cilantro (I love smooth side) or broiler pan slightly. Brush cilantro so use a lot!) tops with olive oil, cooked about 5 minutes, 2- 19 oz cans of chickpeas rinsed/drained flip and brush other side with olive oil, cook 1 small sweet onion another 5 minutes, flip, (do not use more oil at 2 generous teaspoons of ground coriander this point), cook another 2-3 minutes. These 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin hold up well in the fridge and reheat either in 1/4 teaspoon salt the microwave or oven. We eat them up, so I 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon cayenne powder haven’t tried freezing them, but suspect they 4 tablespoons wheat germ would do well. This Page is sponsored by Toby Rose, Les Klein, Jonathon, Solomon and Benjamin of Toronto 13 Hidden Gems From The Siddur by Dale Sands

There are a lot of now gain atonement through deeds of loving- is not of loving-kindness. hidden gems in our kindness.” For it is written, “Loving-kindness The Psalms for each day of the week can Siddur that even dai- I desire, not sacrifice”. (Hosea 6:6) be fascinating studies if you take them apart ly users of it tend to It was interesting to find that scholars have line by line. In reviewing them for comment blow by in the rush of two opinions about Rabbi Natan’s book. One I found the one for Tuesday Psalm 82 holds a minyan. says it is a comment on Pirkei Avot written judges to a very high standard and he is not There are five rab- shortly after it being written. Others say Pirkei very pleased with the way things are in the binic texts on loving- Avot includes selections from Rabbi Natan’s human realm. kindness that are sometimes read after the first longer book since they both comment on the The Psalm for Wednesday uses Psalm 94 saying of the Shema on page 15. same subjects. and 95: 1-3. It is a picture of the vengeance of The first is a comment from a book called The next four talk about various aspects God and but yet how God looks after Israel. Avot D’Rabbi Natan. of loving-kindness such as visiting the sick, My favourite tends to be the Psalm for Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai once was mourning the dead, clothing the naked, and Sunday which is Psalm 24. It is a fascinating walking with his disciple Rabbi Joshua near Torah study which can or cannot be done in word picture that is given in the last half. ”Lift Jerusalem after the destruction of the Temple. loving-kindness. high your lintels, O you gates; open wide, you Rabbi Joshua looked at the Temple ruins and According to Rabbi Elazar in Sukkah 49b, ancient doors! Welcome the glorious King.” said “Alas for us! The place which atoned for Torah study which is done on its own merit is The King is God who is described as being the sins of the people Israel through the ritual a Torah of loving-kindness. Torah which it is triumphant in battle and the glorious King. of animal sacrifice lies in ruins!” Then Rab- studied for an ulterior motive is not a Torah I can only imagine the gates of Jerusalem ban Yochanan ben Zakkai spoke to him these of loving-kindness. And some say that Torah coming alive enough to lift their lintels and words of comfort: “Be not grieved, my son. which is studied in order to teach is a Torah open wide the doors on their own but in the There is another way of gaining atonement of loving-kindness, whereas Torah which is mystical realm it would be possible since all even though the Temple is destroyed. We must not studied in order to teach is Torah which creation is described as welcoming God. Greeting from Hillel Saskatoon by Daniel Katzman, President

Hillel Saskatoon ship skills are a huge acquisition for our board. two Chickens have made to our team. Kelly is happy to return to Hillel Saskatoon has also had the pleasure Ashburner and Michael Scharfstein have both campus and begin of retaining Anna Mosolov as a member at been members of this austere organization operations this year. large. She has been a great leader in years since its inception seven years ago. There There are many new past and we are glad to have her expertise at are many members we have had on our team faces that we have our disposal. Hillel Saskatoon had also had that have demonstrated exceptional loyalty, had the pleasure of the great pleasure of welcoming David Hilger but none more so than these two individuals. welcoming this year, and nothing brings me back to the executive as chair. We are all very I must also inform you of the devastating loss greater joy than new faces on the execu- excited at the prospect of enjoying his leader- that has struck our team. Hadar Linden and tive. This year Hillel Saskatoon’s executive ship skills and hard work on the board this Gili Schvartz have decided that they will be is comprised almost solely of new leader- year. I have returned as President. Through returning home to Israel this year, making ship. Akosirerem Sokaribo has joined us in learning many lessons last year we hope that it quite difficult for them to attend games. her new role as secretary. She has done an I can build on the success of last years board. The Chickens have come to depend on them exceptional job in her duties, and it is very Finally we must thank the new Shlichim for in recent times. They have both grown into exciting to see the level of energy she brings all their help so far. Danielle and Yuval have exceptional players while on the team, and to our organization. Kyle Katzman, having been a big part of our success to date, and it is my hope that they will continue to play recently graduated from Edwards School of are pushing us to be a self-sufficient board. while back in Israel. I implore all local read- Business, was a great addition to our board as They are constantly pushing us to be better ers to attend our games, and should anyone treasurer. His monitoring of the account and and more responsible leaders. We appreciate think themselves ready to play on the most detail oriented reports have made Kyle an all they do for us, and hope they know how Jewish soccer team around, please contact essential member of our new board. Jonathan much we appreciate their help. me at [email protected], or should you Katzman has also returned to our board as vice As I have the immense pleasure of writ- like a schedule sent to you, I can arrange for president. Having known Jonathan for what ing the first article for Hillel Saskatoon to that to happen. seems like a lifetime I can confidently say he the Bulletin I can now regale you with any I hope your Hannukah went well and I is extremely well suited for his role on the topic I desire. Prepare to be inundated with look forward to seeing all of you at one of board. He is tireless in his efforts to facilitate Screamin’ Chickens news. I would like to the Screamin’ Chickens exciting and FREE programming, and his experience and leader- formally acknowledge the stalwart dedication games.

14 The Moral and Spiritual Values of Judaism by the late Rabbi Roger Pavey

The following meaningful. At the very least, a Jew is going sick alike, bury Jewish and non-Jewish dead are two more Moral to need the Jewish community at some time alike, all because of the importance of peace. and Spiritual Val- in life: for celebration of the rites of passage; One who does not accept personal respon- ues from the un- for the resources needed for living a Jewish sibility for the maintenance of community published work of life, for study, and for guidance in right living. ensures the destruction of the Jewish com- the same title by the The focus of Jewish community is the munity and of Judaism, with all its moral and late Rabbi Roger Synagogue. Every Jew who is concerned with spiritual values, and, ultimately, of civilization Pavey. the continuity of Jewish identity in history, itself. The Pirke Avot adds, “Pray for the that is the continuity of Judaism as faith and welfare of the government, for were it not for Al Tifrosh practice, thereby accepts responsibility for the the government, people would swallow each This phrase literally means “Do not separate Synagogue and its well being. other alive (3:2) yourself” (that is, from the community). It The Talmud says: If one lives in a com- comes from the Talmudic Tractate Pirke Avot, munity for 30 days, they are then responsible Amen 2.5, recorded in the name of Hillel, an older to contribute to the Food Bank; if for three Everyone raised in the western religious contemporary of Jesus. months, they are responsible to the communal background knows the word Amen as the It stresses the importance in Jewish tradi- charities; if for six months, they are respon- conclusion of every prayer, a sort of fervent tion of community. Without the community sible for helping with providing clothes to the “May it be so.” It is also used in the Bible as of Jews there can be no Judaism. Abstract poor; if for nine months, they are responsible the confirmation of an oath. It derives from ideas cannot survive in human history unless for subsidizing funerals for those who cannot a Hebrew root that means to be firm, trust- they are embodied in a group of human be- afford it; and if for a year, they are responsible worthy, and connotes a wished-for certainty. ings. It is impossible to be a Jew alone on a for helping to repair the town walls. That The root harks back also to a craftsman or a desert island. For being Jewish is to live in responsibility extends beyond the Jewish wet nurse. The base meaning is reliability. It particular ways, to do very specific acts, with- community to the general community. Being expresses a firm trust in God as empowered, out the actualization of faith in deed there is no Jewish is part of being human. A Jew is en- the ultimately reliable One. With all the Judaism. Therefore it is essential to maintain joined to be a good citizen of the community questioning that is such an essential part of the continuing existence and identity of the in general as well as of the Jewish community the Jewish tradition in history, there remains a people in community. specifically. It is essential for any Jew to trust in God that transcends doubt. That trust, Personal individual spirituality is essential, be involved with the support of the Jewish the final ingredient of faith, is verbalized and but that spiritual experience has to be lived, community, through the maintenance of thereby reaffirmed in the formula of prayer. both in terms of moral relationship and also in Synagogues and other Jewish organizations, Judaism is in the last resort optimistic, not terms of ritual acts that celebrate life and sa- because if they don’t, no one else will – it is in the Pollyannaish sense that all is for the cralise time. And this cannot be done without no responsibility of non-Jews to keep Judaism best in the best of all possible worlds, but in community. It is community that validates the going! It is also her/his responsibility to be the sense that God is to be trusted, despite act by giving it a place in historical continuity: involved in the oikumene (civilized world). everything. It is possible, though not at all it is not a personal eccentricity. Life must be Cain asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” certain or guaranteed that what is may in time shared: this is a basic human need. Times of (Gn.4:9). The Jewish answer is, most assur- be transformed into what should be, and that sadness and times of joy are given meaning edly you are, as a Jew and as a human being. the ethical is actually possible after all. Even in sharing, and the community enhances the Jews and non-Jews come together to create in the dense mystery there is always hope and joy and lightens the sorrow. There is a com- society and it is the responsibility of both to the courage to hope, and that is the difference munion between human beings who come accept the obligations of citizenship in society. between faith and the despair that is the ulti- together in community and care for each other So we also learn in the Talmud: The Rabbis mate and sole cardinal sin. And the seal of that precisely because they share a common his- have taught us: we must support Jewish and faith is the Amen spoken at the end of prayer. tory and destiny, common values and dreams; non-Jewish alike, visit Jewish and non-Jewish they are a family. It is precisely this sense of family identity and caring among Jews that so often impresses non-Jews. In talking to Drop In English Conversation Circle people who choose to become Jewish, it is For any adult Jewish speakers of English as a second or additional language. All ages obvious that this is often the most important welcome. Activities for the kids. motivating factor in deciding to convert to Judaism. Wednesday nights 7:00p.m.-8:00p.m. The implication is acceptance of respon- in the library, beginning on Feb. 5th (cancelled on Feb. 19th) This program will run for sibility to maintain the community, financial 9 weeks, ending on April 9th. responsibility and responsibility of time and concern. “Ish al mahanehu ve ish al diglo” – Conversation and community in a relaxed setting. Each one in their own camp, each under their If you have any questions please email Lisa at [email protected] *If ANYONE in own flag. From that primary declaration of the Jewish community is interested in assisting with this program I would love to have identity there comes a sense of individual someone come and learn the ropes and meet some interesting people from around the responsibility to maintain that identity and world! the community that makes it possible and

15 Response.. from page 2 his family or the person he met on the street. The award would also be special to Ian others and his instinct for community building He genuinely liked and cared about people – because it comes from a Jewish organization were rooted in the Jewish traditions and values a quality that not only motivated his work in with a proud history of both sustaining the with which we were raised. the community but earned him an enormous Jewish community and building the wider On behalf of Mary Ellen, Jessica, Laura amount of friends. community. Ian was not particularly religious and the entire Buckwold family, thank you I don’t think Ian would ever have consid- in terms of formal observance but his Jewish to B’nai Brith for recognizing Ian in this very ered himself a role model but if we all fol- heritage was very important to him. No doubt special way. lowed his example the world would be a better his sense of responsibility for the welfare of place. Just do what you can. That’s what he did, and it was quite a lot. This award would be especially meaningful HANG WITH US THIS SUMMER! to Ian because it highlights his commitment to erasing the stigma of mental illness and Jewish Summer Camp for all children Grades 1-10 to building the understanding and resources so desperately needed to support the many Staff Positions available for Grade 11+ people who struggle with it. He would have wanted us all to be reminded of the pressing Camper Registration & Staff Hiring Now Open! need to carry that work forward.

Travel Allowances & Sibling Discounts are available.

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16 Biography of the Month: Neil Simon by Stan Schroeder

Neil Simon was born Marvin Neil Simon a mid-Manhattan brownstone. It was a big July 4, 1927 in The Bronx, New York City success and set the stage for his next play in to Irving, a salesman, and Mamie Simon. 1965, The Odd Couple. He grew up in the Bronx, attending DeWitt Simon was inspired to write the play when Clinton High School. Neil was only 15 when he saw his brother Danny and theatrical agent Danny, his 23-year-old brother, was hired to Roy Gerber living together after recent di- write the sketches and songs for a department vorces. Danny took the first crack at the play, store’s employee party. The brothers worked but later handed over the idea to Neil. It is the together for two months to finish the job. “I story of a neurotic, neat-freak news-writer, slept through my classes at DeWitt Clinton who is thrown out by his wife, and moves in High School, failing an English Lit class with a slovenly sportswriter. This play was while I was honing my Comedy Lit future,” an even greater success with Art Carney and Simon recalls. Walter Matthau play- As a teenager Simon’s ambition ing the leading roles. was to be a baseball player for the All three plays led New York Yankees. This led to his to successful movie dropping the Marvin from his name versions and The as he thought Marvin wouldn’t have Odd Couple also be- the right sound at Yankee Stadium came a TV sitcom on the public address system. Neil from 1970 to 1975. graduated high school at the age From the mid 60s of 16 and decided to enroll in the through the mid The series concludes with Broadway Bound United States Army Air Force Re- 80s, Simon wrote in 1986. The brothers have to deal with their serve training program through New hit (mostly come- parents’ relation-ship falling apart as they are York University. In 1945 he was dic) Broadway plays, working together to become aspiring comedy sent to Colorado on active duty and nearly one a year. writers for the radio, and eventually, films. attended the University of Denver Most were also made They discover that their father has been cheat- until 1946 when he was discharged into movies. Start- ing on their mother and the story blends family as a corporal. ing in 1983 he wrote and career situations. Neil Simon’s success As a civilian, he decided to go a trilogy of plays continued through 2001 with his latest play to work at the New York offices of that were largely 45 Seconds from Broadway appearing in 2001. Warner Brothers where his older autobiograph-ical, In March 2004 Neil Simon was the recipi- brother Danny was also employed. While starting with Brighton Beach Memoirs about ent of a kidney transplant from Bill Evans, there, the brothers heard that Goodman Ace a Russian-Jewish teenager in 1937 who ex- his longtime friend who was the publicist of CBS was looking for fresh comedy mate- periences puberty, sexual awakening, and a on many of Simon’s plays. Neil lives in Los rial and they both entered pieces and were search for identity as he tries to deal with his Angeles with his wife Elaine. both hired. From 1946 to 1961 Simon wrote family, including his older brother whom he for CBS and NBC. He was a writer for the idolizes. Biloxi Blues in 1985 continues as Jackie Gleason Show and Sid Caeser’s Your a 20-year-old Brooklyn youth enlists in the Editor’s Note: Stan Schroeder is the Editor Show of Shows, for which he won an Emmy. United States Army during World War II and of Congregation Shir Ami’s “Shir Notes” in During this time, he married a dancer named is sent to Biloxi, Mississippi for basic training. Los Angeles which also won a Gold Medal for Joan Baim in 1953 with whom he had two During his army life he learns to cope with “Bulletins.” He writes biographies of famous daughters named Ellen and Nancy. Joan died fellow soldiers from all walks of life, falls Jews and has offered to share them with us. of breast cancer in 1973. He has had three in love, loses his virginity in less than ideal This article was first published in the Shir subsequent wives, but Joan remained the love circumstances, and much more. Notes June, 2010. of his life and several characters in his plays were based on Joan. PROFESSIONAL ADVICE In 1961 his first Broadway play,Come Blow FROM A QUALIFIED Your Horn, opened at the Brooks Atkinson C H A R T E R E D A C C O U N T A NTS FINANCIAL ADVISOR Theatre, where it ran for 678 performances. It Keith Thomson B.Comm. CA is the story of two brothers who have decided Brian Turnquist B.Comm. CA Darrell Nordstrom, R.F.P., to leave home and experience the good life. Michael Gorniak B.Comm. CA C.F.P., CLU. Rodney Trayhorne MPAcc. CA The play took three years to write, with a total Amberly Chabot B.Comm. •Financial Estate Planning of 25 rewrites. Twenty producers turned it •Accounting & Auditing •Investment Management down before William Hammerstein agreed •Personal & Corporate Tax Planning & Preparation •Charitable Bequests to produce it. His third play was Barefoot in • Computer Consulting, Training & Monthly Processing the Park, opening in 1963. •Financial Planning & Loan Proposals Assante Wealth Management Inspired by the early days of Simon’s •Estate Planning •Agristability Wealth Creation, Preservation and Management •Business Plans •Litigation Support •Business Valuations marriage at the time, it is the story of a new- 200 - 261 1st Ave. East lywed couple who are setting up house in a 244-4414 Fax: 244-1545 Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 1X2 minuscule fifth-floor walkup apartment in 400 - 15 23rd St. East - Saskatoon Bus: 665-3377 Res: 933-4123

17 We’re Proud of You Award... from page 2 this honour – Mr. Ian Buckwold. of his left wing tendencies but never abandon- tried in many ways to provide the best oppor- Ian and I had a particular kinship, both born ing his integrity and kindness. tunities for care. He was ready to step forward in the fall of 1948, both sons of Pediatricians After returning to Saskatoon, he practised to help in any developments which would put and loving and devoted mothers. We became law with several firms. Bruce tells the story mental illness in the forefront of health care. lifelong friends and unofficially the Goluboffs that as they shared a house together; they had He recognized the challenges but sought to were part of the extended Buckwold family. agreed that whoever got married first, could find answers in rehabilitation and care. He Ian’s educational journey began in Victoria purchase the house at its original price. Well, was the ombudsman for the development of School, the Saskatoon Hebrew School and Ian met Mary Ellen on a ski trip in 1978, was care long overdue in Saskatchewan.” moved through Nutana, the University of To- married six months later, exercised his option, Ian and Mary Ellen were the face of the ronto and the University of British Columbia and flipped the house for a tidy profit – all Future in Mind Campaign which raised almost where he obtained his Law Degree. within one year. They soon were the parents $11 million. Amazingly enough, the drive His work doing good deeds and what we of Jessica, Alvin and Laura. for donations exceeded that required for the say in Hebrew, Tikkun Olum or “healing the Ian’s belief in serving the community was Centre and the rest of the funds initiated a world” began as a teenager, where he worked recognized by the leadership at St. Paul’s Community Endowment Fund in the RUH as a counsellor at Camp Easter Seal which was Hospital where he served as a member, Vice Foundation to be used for program develop- co-founded by his father, Dr. Alvin Buckwold. Chair and finally Chairman of the Board for ment, education and research in the field of His brother Bruce says and I quote: “Ian several years. On a trip to Rome with mem- mental health and addictions. For the third was deeply moved by the experience which bers of the hospital Board he became one of year in a row, B’nai Brith is proud to partner fostered his lifelong interest in working with the only Saskatoon Jews to meet the Pope. with the Saskatoon Community Foundation individuals with disabilities.” Ian’s work with B’nai Brith and the Jewish in creating a fund in the name of our We’re When we were about 21 years old Ian and community has always been highly valued. Proud of You Award recipient, with the inten- I travelled through Europe, North Africa and With Ron Gitlin as his partner, Ian was key tion of that fund being directed to this RUH ended up working on a Kibbutz in Northern in making sure that The Silver Plate Dinner’s Community Endowment Fund. Israel. Ian’s love of people and his kindness silent and live auctions were always success- In the Eulogy delivered by Ian’s daughter to all, occasionally caused me great conster- ful, allowing B’nai Brith to continue doing its Jessica she says: “Our dad always stood be- nation as he chatted up every airport security good work in the community. Who could ever hind our brother no matter what and we will guard from Morocco and Istanbul to our own refuse a request by Ian for the donation of a continue to do that as our Dad would have Israel, as if we needed to be particularly nice live or silent auction item? I occasionally have wanted. Throughout all of my brother’s strug- in case we had something to hide, which of private conversations with Ian and he told gles, our parents stood behind him” course we never did. me last night that after this award program is Please allow me to quote my reflections Following obtaining his Law Degree he completed, no one should leave the room until sent to Ian’s family the day after his death went in a direction which would not surprise the live auction has been completed and bids as I shared the grief and admired his accom- anyone who knew Ian well. He joined the have risen to the highest level. Then and only plishments with 20 friends on a memorable newly formed Legal Aid office in La Ronge then will the drinks be on Ian’s tab. golf trip in Scotland. “As I walked down the joined by a young articling student, Barry Possibly Ian’s greatest accomplishment and fairway at Turnbury, overlooking the Irish Singer now a Saskatchewan Judge. Ian’s lifelong legacy, is the work he and his wife Sea, I had Ian on my mind and in my heart belief in, and here is another Hebrew word, Mary Ellen did in the area of mental health. for much of the round. I reflected as many of Tzedakah or Justice drove him to help and Even before their own personal challenges, you have over the past days of our deep love defend a lot of good people at their worst. In Ian served as the Chairman of the Mental and respect for Ian. He was my best and long- Barry Singer’s words, “Ian’s easy manner al- Health Review panel for the Mental Health est friend. I shared with him our experiences lowed him to quickly relate to his clients, his Act. This panel reviewed individuals who had as children, teenagers, students, husbands, willingness to work hard for them was deeply been certified and ensuring that their rights parents and grandfathers. I had the honour of appreciated and his charm won him many were being respected and that they had a fair being his physician and witnessed his love friends.” We all knew Ian was a talker. Barry hearing. It is no secret that they have a son for his entire family and his devotion and goes on to say: “Ian believed that everyone who suffers from Schizophrenia. When they commitment to helping his son Alvin as he deserved a robust defence. With good humour, were approached to be the Honourary Chairs struggled with 12 years of tormenting mental boundless energy and optimism, he always of the Future in Mind Campaign, allowing illness. Any of us who knew Ian would have tried to see the best in his clients and did not the creation and building of the Les and Irene stories of his kindness, wisdom and humour. judge them....He believed there was always Dube Centre for Mental Health, they stepped We could all turn to Ian for advice and help hope as long as you were talking. He was quite forward and bared their own souls about the and he was always there for us. I know that successful but we never knew whether it was tragedy and challenges of mental illness. I when I golf again today, Ian will be carrying because of the quality of his arguments or the would like to quote Dr. David Keegan, for- my bag and telling me what club to choose Judge’s desire to end the proceedings.” Dur- mer Professor and Chief of the Department and what direction to aim for. ing that era, much to the chagrin of his liberal of psychiatry: “Ian was a down to earth and Ian Buckwold was a person to whom we can and capitalist family, Bruce says he became a common sense person who tried to understand all say “We’re Proud of You”. It is my honour “lost soul and a socialist”. Years later he was the issues of mental disorder and attempted to ask his brother Bruce Buckwold to come discovered by Les Dube and became a major to provide the care needed for treatment. He forward and accept this award. player in the Concorde Group, shedding some recognized the stigma of mental illness and

This page is spsonored by Effie (Brook) & Harry Gordon of Vancouver 18 Faith In The Public Sphere... from page 9 Jewish people have suffered greatly Christian and Jewish communities. But when Luther King Jr. in the Selma Civil Rights throughout history where religion and state we truly engage in the work that repairs our marches in 1965 in the United States. After were not separate. We have been victim- world, all those who don’t celebrate Christmas some years he was asked about his participa- ized, persecuted, and murdered. Given our or Chanukah will then have space under a tion and he answered: “When I marched in history, I believe it’s our moral imperative to more generous tent. It’s not wrong to honor Selma my feet were praying”. Tonight I consider all the “others” among us; to create a diversity on a bus. It’s just more right to be invite each of us to embrace and nourish our community that embraces the values of faith, inclusive to all because in including some, we own personal faith, and to vigorously and without imposing any structure or language risk excluding others. conscientiously use our legs to pray beyond in a public venue. My Judaism defines me; how I think, what the gates of our homes. Prayer is intimate and personal, and particu- I value when I pray, and how I live. It is an lar to each prayer community. It happens ever present friend, and yet, outside my home Bishop Donald Bolen organized the panel. in our heads, our hearts, our homes and in it’s the values and morals that I glean from my The participants included representation our places of worship. When we gather in Judaism that I share with my external world. from: Circle Drive Alliance Church, The a public sphere, I would suggest that prayer These are the universal values of righteous- Islamic Association of Saskatoon, Tibetan then should become an action. The message ness, justice and goodness. In my home and Buddhist community, Oskapew Elder, Advo- contained within this justice IS religion for at the synagogue, I pray. Outside my front cacy for Centre for Inquiry Saskatchewan, believers and yet still relevant and imperative door, I walk my faith. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Ro- for those who don’t. Heschel, teacher at the Jewish Tehological man Catholic Diocese. Heather Fenyes was “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Chanukah” Seminar of the Conservative Movement and invited to speak on behalf of Congregation on a Saskatoon city bus will make some one of the most important theologians of Agudas Israel Synagogue. people smile and may have meaning for the the Twentieth Century, walked with Martin

CIJA Campaigns... from page 6 ian state rather than inside Israel. incorporated into Canada’s standing policy, clarity when it comes to the Arab-Israeli One cannot have their cake and eat mine this position will be inherited by any future conflict – and offer Canadian Jewry one more too. Likewise, the Palestinian leadership must Canadian government, forming a precedent reason to be proud of our great country. prepare their people to accept their own state that will shape Canada’s perspective on Mid- without making claims against Israel that – dle East peace for years to come. Steve McDonald is Associate Director of when taken to their logical extent – would Such a historic change will once again Communications for the Centre for Israel and end the Jewish state. demonstrate Canada’s commitment to moral Jewish Affairs (CIJA). By recognizing Jewish refugees from North Africa and the Middle East, Canada will be among the few countries in the world to have undertaken a balanced examination of the Breakfast film club contentious refugee issue. Moreover, once October: 26/1 10AM “The other January son” CAI boardroom A family of five, their two goats and donkey live in the November: middle of nowhere. One day the father decides to provide “The world running water for the family is funny!” by illegally diverting water onto their land. free-flowing water re-awakens the in- stinctive desire for freedom December: they have been repressing A window to the all these years. (2004) development of Is- Director: rael throgh cinema (lecture) Tawfik Abu Wael January: February “atash” “Late summer blues ” 16/2 10AM CAI boardroom February: A group of close friends cel- Rebecca Simpson ebrate the bittersweet “Blues Laho- changes coming to their Coordinator of Awesome fesh Hagadol” lives during the summer of their High school graduation 306.665.5380 Ext. 396 March: (1988) [email protected] Director: Renen Schorr A window to chang- es in relation to the Web: www.centennial360.com kibbutz through film (Lecture)

This page is sponsored by Alan, Linda and Sam Goluboff of Toronto 19 Nathan Siskin Jan 21 (20) Dana Unknown Feb 8 (8) Yahrtzeits Albert Solsberg Jan 21 (20) Sadie Chertkow Feb 9 (9) William Adilman Jan 22 (21)* Itta Golumbia Feb 10 (10)* January 3/4 Shevat 2/3 H. Glick Jan 22 (21) Motas Kleyman Feb 10 (10)* Michael Sklar Jan 3 (2) Hyman Tabachnicoff Jan 22 (21) Gussie Sklar Feb 10 (10)* Edward Burns Jan 4 (3) Morris Burtnick Jan 23 (22) Moses Burt Feb 11 (11) Chaim Reznick Jan 4 (3)* Meyer Gurstein Jan 23 (22) William Shear Jan 4 (3)* Ethel Katzman Jan 23 (22)* February 14/15 Adar-1 14/15 Min Fayerman Jan 5 (4) Clara Gertler Feb 14 (14)* Reuben Gitlin Jan 5 (4)* January 24/25 Shevat 23/24 Harry Helfgott Feb 14 (14) Mizal Isaakov Jan 5 (4) Harry Aaron Jan 25 (24)* Samuel Kaplan Feb 14 (14) Shimon Tzalkovich Jan 5 (4) Joseph Dunn Jan 25 (24)* Leah Meth Feb 14 (14)* Doris Crone Jan 6 (5) Joseph Gonick Jan 25 (25)* Harry Sarlin Feb 14 (14)* Chaye Goluboff Jan 6 (5) Abraham Guttmann Jan 25 (24) Jacob Golumbia Feb 15 (15)* David Rahanim Jan 6 (5) Sarah Laimon Jan 25 (24)* Anne Gitlin Feb 16 (16) Sonny Ludwig Jan 7 (6) Baruch Levington Jan 25 (24) Yetty Goodman Feb 16 (16) Walter Zion Jan 8 (7)* Freda Katz Jan 26 (25)* A.J. Weiner Feb 16 (16) Jeffrey Gertler Jan 9 (8) Jack Miller Jan 26 (25) Lillian Levitt Feb 18 (18) Vera Rabinovitch Jan 26 (25) Lorrine Sklar Feb 18 (18) January 10/11 Shevat 9/10 Male Tzaikovich Jan 26 (25) Keren-Or wilczek Feb 18 (18) Rebeccca Shore Jan 10 (9)* Esther Freidin Jan 27 (26) John Goodman Feb 19 (19)* Benjamin Tadman Jan 10 (9)* Sol Freidin Jan 27 (26) William Guttman Feb 19 (19) Sadie Brand Jan 11 (10) Jessie Kay Jan 27 (26)* Tiby Matthews Feb 19 (19) Girl Neumann Jan 11 (10) Bertha Kuenstler Jan 27 (26) Baby Segal Feb 19 (19) Rabbi Sammy Pereira Jan 11 (10) Percy Shore Jan 27 (26)* Rosie Sellinger Feb 19 (19) Ethel Scharfstein Jan 11 (10) Len Wolf Jan 27 (26) Ed Vickar Feb 19 (19)* Joseph Switzer Jan 11 (10) Perl Kleyman Jan 28 (27)* Esther Freeman Feb 20 (20) Charles Feinstein Jan 12 (11) Sam Rabinovitch Jan 28 (27) Reva Hock Feb 20 (20) Chaim Friedman Jan 12 (11)* Abraham Trager Jan 28 (27)* Malka Schmuck’vich Feb 20 (20) Sondra Resnick Jan 12 (11)* Fanny Sugarman Jan 29 (28)* Jacob Waldman Jan 12 (11)* Matthew Gonick Jan 30 (29) February 21/22 Adar-I 21/22 Clara Adilman Jan 13 (12)* Jack Schwartz Jan 30 (29) Gertrude Chertkow Feb 21 (21)* Joseph Bender Jan 13 (12)* Marris Gurstein Feb 21 (21) Annie Golumbia Jan 13 (12)* Jan 31/Feb 1 Shevat 30/Adar-1 1 Mendel Pepper Feb 21 (21)* Rose Gonick Jan 13 (12)* Morris Danenhirsch Jan 31 ((30) Jacob Rabkin Feb 21 (21) Lillian Friedman Jan 14 (13)* Benjamin faibish Jan 31 (300 Reuben Brant Feb 23 (23) Peral Gurstein Jan 14 (13) Harriett Kaplan Jan 31 (30)* Freda Epstein Feb 23 (23) Saralee Plachte Jan 14 (13) Herman Mahlerman Jan 31 (30)* Abbey Sydney Feb 23 (23) Louis Shore Jan 14 (13)* Fanny Nisenholt Jan 31 (30)* Harry Bondar Feb 24 (24) Louis Spector Jan 14 (13)* Sarah Altman Feb 1 (Adar-1 1)* Rebeccca Segal Feb 24 (24) Yosef (Abe) Avivi Jan 16 (15) Bill Katz Feb 1 (1) Yenta Shafer Feb 24 (24)* Seco Resnick Jan 16 (15) Gertie Chochinov Feb 2 (2) Goldie Wolfe Feb 24 (24)* Lily Salz Feb 2 (2) Fanny Shore Feb 25 (25) January 17/18 Shevat 16/17 Millie Diamon Feb 3 (3)* William Sklar Feb 25 (25)* David Claman Jan 17 (16) Ronald Trute Feb 3 (3) Max Taylor Feb 26 (26)* Nathan Goluboff Jan 17 (16)* Hazel Buckwold Feb 4 (4) Harris Holzberg Jan 17 (16)* Boy Bressler Feb 6 (6) Feb 28/March 1 Adar 28/29 Sam Raisen Jan 17 (16) Charna Gersher Feb 6 (6) Keile Bodovsky Feb 28 (28) Susan Cherry Jan 18 (17)* Wolf Meth Feb 6 (6)* William Katz Feb 28 (28)* Sam Hearn Jan 19 (18)* Shirley Scitz Feb 6 (6) Nathan Gladstone Mar 1 (29) Lida Isaakov Jan 19 (18) Eva Kolominsky Mar 1 (29)* Gregory Trush Jan 19 (18) February 7/8 Adar-1 7/8 Elaine Friedman Mar 4 (Adar-II 2) Albert Viner Jan 19 (18)* Frances Mekanede Feb 7 (7) Gitman Chertkow Mar 6 (4) Gitta Gootnik Jan 20 (19) Rose Wolfe Feb 7 (7)* Marcia Sarlin Mar 6 (4)* Shirley Barenbaum Jan 21 (20) Annie Altschul Feb 8 (8)* Rose Selchen Mar 6 (4) Isadore Korber Jan 21 (20)* Albert Krolik Feb 8 (8)

Editorial... from page 3 where our Prime Minister was honoured and Bank and Jordan in just a few weeks. This was the New Year, we may be overwhelmed by it was formally announced that Israel will be followed by a rather surrealistic but entertain- activities and choices for our members and creating a major bird sanctuary in the north, ing performance by Stephen Harper and his prospective members, but opportunities for named after Stephen Harper, another exam- band, the Harringbones, singing everything Jewish experiences are great and I with your ple of Israel’s leadership in ecological and from the Beatles to the Stones. He definitely President and Board encourage you to taste a environmental initiatives. The Prime Minister needed a positive evening in view of his other bit of what Congregation Agudas Israel has announced his first visit to Israel, the West public and political challenges. As we begin to offer.

This page is sponsored by the late Dr. Lou and Mrs. Ruth Horlick 20 Nelson Mandela, Man of Legacy... from page 12 He also advocated for peace and equality at also to fighting and standing for what is right when most countries branded him a terror- the global level. After five years in office he no matter who chooses to stand with you or ist. One cannot talk about Mandela without stepped down as President, but remained com- against you. Let us not forget the courageous talking about forgiveness, because at a time mitted to the fight against inequality. men and women who stood by his side during when most people would have been think- He died on December 5th, 2013 after a reoc- the fight, like his wife and children who would ing revenge, he was preaching and showing curring lung infection. The news of his death have been missing him at home, and therefore forgiveness. Not only does Mandela remind was received with mixed feelings around the had the right to advise or even pressure him Jews of Moses and Joseph, he also reminds us globe. While some people were mourning to accept whatever conditions the government of forgiveness, because we can never forget because, a man of great humility and courage gave him, so that he could come home to the Holocaust, but we have learnt to forgive. had left us, others were jubilating, because them, but instead they stood by his side. He Alav HaShalom Madibe. not only did he die in peace knowing that he must have really gotten lots of strength and Editor’s Note: Oseh is a Nigerian Jew study- won the fight against apartheid, he also lived courage from his families support. Kudos to them and to countries like Canada, who joined ing at the U of S in Agriculture. Her brother to see a peaceful multiracial South Africa. The Yahdein studies at Simon Fraser University. lessons one can learn from his life go on and him in the fight against apartheid, therefore on, from love, to courage, to forgiveness and standing on the right side of history, at a time

Tel Aviv Desk... from page 11 believe that Israelis have the right of being Plan, it wasn’t mentioned). So what exactly people, for which they have a right - interna- considered as a Nation, not only a nationality does that mean, being a Jewish state? Well, tionally, historically and morally recognized. or citizenship. In their point of view, Israel is this question is still being discussed in Israeli This right, as argued, includes shaping the a nation in the “le-om” sense, thus they wish society, well into our 7th decade as a state. public sphere in Israel with Jewish emphasis. to be considered as Israeli in such a sense by This last case to reach the court is only one More so, together with the fact that Israel has the state authorities, to be registered as such more example of the complex identity Israel a democratic obligation for equality to all in their ID. has, and so do its people. Let’s just mention its citizens, it does and should, accordingly According to the Supreme Court, conse- a few of the arguments on each side of the distinguish between Jews and non Jews when quently backing an Interior Ministry’s policy equation (of the question whether “Israeli” is it comes to the Law of Return. Probably the of identifying Israeli citizens as Jews or Arabs a nationhood). One of the petitioners argued most acute example of the relevance of “na- (or “other”), there is no such thing as an Israeli that his connection to fellow Arab Israeli tionhood” in Israel (not being different than Nation, or people. The “nationhood” of Jewish citizens is stronger than to fellow Jews living other democracies is that have similar immi- Israelis is “Jewish”. However, it should be outside of Israel. This a very strong phrase, gration laws). If there would be recognition stated, to be fair, that one of the judges in the especially to Jews who are not Israelis. And to an Israeli “le-om” what would become of case mentioned that this issue is not for a court very puzzling, to say the least, to Israelis who this law? If, as the petitioners see it, Israeli to decide. His view is that this is a core issue recognize and identify themselves as being nationhood is for all Israelis, it puts aside the regarding the identity of Israel and of Israelis part of the Jewish community worldwide distinction between Arabs and Jews in Israel, and should be dealt with in the public sphere. (like myself). But it definitely provides food making the Law of Return rather awkward. Until a few years ago, this type of identity for thought, as do most questions regarding And what would that do to the relationship was written on our ID cards (“Jew”, “Arab”, identity. Another perspective of this argument between Israel and the rest of the Jewish world etc.), but for quite obvious reasons, it was (maybe less emotionally charged) would be and to its definition as the Jewish State? removed. The information, however, is still that Israel, like many states, should separate So, “Houston, we have a problem”. This kept, and in some cases used by the Interior the state from ethnicity, from nationhood. Citi- is an identity struggle of a people that after Ministry’s personnel. In other words, every zenship is a universal concept, which Israel two millennia of not being able to exercise Israeli is registered as an Israeli citizen but is most certainly a part of, not distinguishing sovereignty, now have to do so in the scope of we also have an official “nationhood”“leom” between nationhood, religion or any other the modern state. Shaping a modern, thriving, registered. This is quite unique for a modern, characteristics when it comes to law, civil moral and just Jewish state, together with such democratic state to use as official information rights and obligations. As such, regardless profound traditions of immeasurable cultural and registry of its population. Usually nation- of whether you are an Arab or a Jew, you are richness is a true challenge for us. Add to hood either coincides or overlaps citizenship obliged to pay taxes, not to speed when you all these facts that 20 percent of Israelis are (e.g. in Japan), or it is completely (at least drive, etc. So why should the state bother to Arab and another roughly 300-400 thousand officially) irrelevant to the state. In the U.S., ask you about your nationhood? are not Jews (by Halacha; though eligible to Arabs and Jews are completely equal in their The main argument, though, as I understand citizenship via the Law of Return). And, of official registration as citizens but they do not it, is that after decades of existence, being course, didn’t someone mention that we are own an identity labeled “nationhood”. To be Israeli means being bound to distinct Israeli in the Middle East? No one promised us we blunt, in America it is not the state’s business characteristics: a common land, a common were going to be bored, did they? Well, we what its citizens ethnicity, nationhood is. law, a language, a culture and even tradition. most certainly are not, and that’s what makes Israel, however, is a bit different, even when True, this is a young “nation” - Israel - but our world so interesting. viewing the issue in as objective point of view nevertheless it does apply to the description All comments are more than welcome: as possible. After all, the international com- of nationhood. The other side of the argument, [email protected] munity recognizes Israel as “the Jewish State” mainly, is the fact that Israel is the Jewish Have a prosperous 2014, (explicitly written in the 1947 U.N. Partition State. And as such, it is the state of the Jewish This page is sponsored by Naomi Rose and Stan Sinai of Toronto. 21 Ecology in Israel... from page 5 Eliahu is the biggest supplier of biological plastic bottles than Americans, although ning of the 20th Century. In the last 50 years control for pesticides in the world. Israel only began recycling bottles less than 260 million trees were planted in Israel. This The sea: Israeli scientist developed a bac- 10 years ago. is more impressive because Israel is situated teria that ‘eats’ oil and can help in cleaning Reforestation and Environmental plan- in an arid area. oil spills on land and in the sea. ning: Israel is one of only two countries in the As we think about planting trees for Tu Air Quality: The rate of CO2 pollution per world where the desert is actually shrinking Bishvat let’s remember the steps Israel has person in Israel is 10.2 tons per person which rather than overtaking. It is the only country taken to protect its environment for genera- is half of what it is in the United States. in the world which entered the 21st Century tions to come. Recycling: Israeli’s recycle 20% more with more trees than what it had in the begin-

Nelson Mandela... from page 12 of the 17 ANC activists who were arrested on the other hand, were enablers in maintain- in the sun; that Nelson Mandela’s embrace hiding in a farm owned by a Jew and who ing the status quo. They sought both to reap would include a Yasser Arafat, a Muammar subsequently appeared at the famous Rivonia the benefits of their privileged positions in Gaddafi, that they would hear statements from trial in 1963 and 1964, the five whites among white society while appeasing their moral him such as, “We know too well that our free- them were all Jews. conscience. dom in incomplete as long as the Palestinian These were the men and women who were Practicing ‘apartheid-lite’ in their day- to- people are not free”. On the other hand they Mandela’s Jewish comrades. Some Jewish day encounters with blacks and mulatto folk were immensely comforted when he called the leaders in the community have now attempted and thereby earning a reputation of being Chief Rabbi at the time, “My Rabbi”, when he to revise history by co-opting them as repre- kinder and more understanding then most attended a Bar Mitzvah just because he was sentative of the community’s moral stance other whites albeit in a measured manner (be- invited by the young man he had never even during the apartheid years. ing socially too friendly was not the way to go, met! or when he wrote in his autobiography, A case in point was Chief Rabbi Warren it may have led to awkward questions being “I have found Jews to be more broad-minded Goldstein’s comments after Mandela’s pass- asked by the authorities), the community held than most whites on issues of race and politics, ing away, “South African Jews have had a together with its thriving synagogues and its perhaps because they themselves have histori- long, close and meaningful relationship with unabashed support for Israel. cally been victims of prejudice’. former President Nelson Mandela ... that Nelson Mandela we would have to surmise “Cometh the hour, cometh the man” for involved every stage of his life ...” What he must have had many a discussion with his the South African Jewish community indeed did not add, as Geoff Sifrin editor of the SA Jewish comrades in the ANC about the com- for all South Africans the advent of Nelson Jewish Report has pointed out, was that Man- munity. I can’t imagine them having been Mandela was a miraculous intervention that dela did indeed have a long, close relationship particularly complimentary and not without saved the country from a bloodbath and set with individuals who happened to be Jewish cause. The majority of Jews, as we’ve seen, the course for a brilliant future. No other man but certainly not with the established Jewish were morally compromised – as were most could have done so. His loss is immeasurable community. If anything, Mandela’s comrades whites - and were quite comfortable with Is- as is the gratitude now of the world for the caused the community acute discomfort and rael’s close co-operation with South Africa’s privilege of having had him among us. embarrassment. Those people after all were military. The community is now enjoying a period imperilling their way of life, a life of privilege Nevertheless, as with the far more formi- of relative calm. Economically for many, they as ‘white South Africans’. dable Afrikaner, Mandela swept aside any have never had it so good. How prescient As an aside, in a further twist to this saga, rancour he may have felt and reached out to then was the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Mendel the most prominent lawyers among the the Jewish South African with the reassurance Menachem Schneerson, z’l, when he famously defense counsel for those individuals when of a loving father, ‘Here in South Africa you urged SA Jews not to leave. Was he right after they were arraigned in court were Jews, who can be at your ease. You are fellow Africans. all? Did he see beyond a South Africa without themselves were equally prominent as leaders Here we need you’. Sitting for so long on a Mandela? in the community! their suitcases, pummeled by uncertainty, We can only hope so. Such was the paradoxical world the Jews seeing their community dwindle to some lived in. On the one hand the vast majority 70,000 many having left finding the situation Editor’s Note: Dov Harris worked for UIA and voted against the Nationalist Party – the rul- untenable, one can sense the relief that swept with our community for 20 years. ing government party – and supported Helen the community hearing his words and trusting Suzman to the hilt, the Jewish Member of every syllable. Parliament who won the world’s admiration Yet, the community had to deal with the for her staunch opposition to apartheid yet, fact that they were not the only community Joseph P. Dawson, CFP Divrei Harav... from page 4 Financial Advisor As Joseph, Nelson Mandela also suffered leaders, that as a politician he was not with- from slavery, he was in prison for twenty out controversy, but I am convinced that his 100, 806 Spadina Cres. E. seven years, and yet he was able to survive courage, dignity, moral clarity and message Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H4 and become an important and powerful leader. of peace and reconciliation, should inspire And also as Joseph he could have used his every one of us to follow his example, work- Bus: (306) 931-6711 power to take revenge on his brothers, but on ing together to build a better world, to bring Cell: (306) 716-6711 the contrary, he was courageous enough not justice, peace and reconciliation. Toll Free: 1-800-893-2846 only to forgive them, but also to protect them, Nelson Mandela, Yehi Zichro Baruch - May insuring their safety. be his memory be for a blessing. [email protected] It is true, as with Joseph and with many Making Sense of Investing

This page is sponsored by Lorna Bernbaum in memory of her parents Dr. Frank and Frances Bernbaum. 22 A Jewish Day of Learning Hannukah play

Leona Wasserman Lisa Shiffman and Zoe Litman Sisterhood Card Making

As my father planted for me before I was born, So do I plant for those who will come after me. from the Talmud The Saskatoon Jewish Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following contributions: TO GREETING FROM Saskatoon Jewish Foundation Paula Gelmon In memory of Mimi Gelmon The Bernbaum Family Ask yourself what you love to do in Mary-Ellen Buckwold In memory of Ian Buckwold The Bernbaum Family David Kaplan In honour of your 90th birthay Ron, Jan, Josh, Nicky & Levi Gitlin your free time and come do it with your community! the center will be Gladys & Gerry Rose Fund open for sports, games and snacks Davidoff Family In memory of Esther Glady Rose We will provide the pool / Tennis table, pickleball tournament , and more .. Nate & Grace Goluboff Fund David Kaplan Mazel Tov on your 90th birthday The Goluboff Family you can add whatever you want: Video Games, cards or any other idea. Rabbi Roger Pavey Tikkun Olam Fund Patricia Pavey Jan.19 2:30-5:30PM CONGREGATION AGUDAS ISRAEL Patricia Pavey David Miller In memory of Eva Miller CN colleagues

Your contribution, sent to: Saskatoon Jewish Foundation Congregation Agudas Israel, 715 McKinnon Avenue, Saskatoon S7H 2G2 will be gratefully received and faithfully applied.

This page is sponsored by Lois & Walter Gumprich, with Susanne, Daniel, Michelle, Abigail and their families.

23 January 2014 • Tevet / Shevat 5774 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3 Shevat 2 4 Shevat 3 1 Tevet 29 2 Shevat 1 NO SERVICE OFFICE CLOSED Rosh Chodesh Shvat

*Randy Katzman Candle Lighting 4:52pm Havdalah 6:23pm

5 Shevat 4 6 Shevat 5 7 Shevat 6 8 Shevat 7 9 Shevat 8 10 Shevat 9 11 Shevat 10 SHABBAT SHIRAH Israeli Dancing Beshellach with Donna- 7 :00pm

* Marsha Scharfstein Candle Lighting 5:01pm Havdalah 6:33pm

12 Shevat 11 13 Shevat 12 14 Shevat 13 15 Shevat 14 16 Shevat 15 17 Shevat 16 18 Shevat 17 Tefillah & Tefillin YITRO Lunch & Learn Israeli Dancing 7:00 pm Tu Bishvat Shabbat Family Dinner 10:00 am Raoul Wallenberg Event 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm Walter Murray Think Good St Joe’s 1:10 pm Do Good Event Tu’b’shevat Seder Brunskill School *Marsha Scharfstein *Grant Scharfstein Hebrew School Candle Lighting 5:12pm Havdalah 6:44pm

19 Shevat 18 20 Shevat 19 21 Shevat 20 22 Shevat 21 23 Shevat 22 24 Shevat 23 25 Shevat 24 mishpatim Lunch & Learn Israeli Dancing Coffee & Politics 12:00 pm with Donna 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

* Harold Shiffman Candle Lighting 5:24pm Havdalah 6:56pm

26 Shevat 25 27 Shevat 26 28 Shevat 27 29 Shevat 28 30 Shevat 29 31 Shevat 30 Breakfast Club Lunch & Learn Israeli Dancing 7:00 pm Rosh Chodesh 10:00 am 12:00 pm Shabbat at Home Board Meeting 7:00 pm

Candle Lighting 5:37pm February 2014 • Adar-I 5774 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Adar-I 1 Rosh Chodesh Terumah

* Perry Jacobson Havdalah 7:09pm

2 Adar-I 2 3 Adar-I 3 4 Adar-I 4 5 Adar-I 5 6 Adar-I 6 7 Adar-I 7 8 Adar-I 8 Israeli Dancing Tetzveh with Donna 7:00 pm

Candle Lighting 5:50pm * Randy Katzman Havdalah 7:22pm

9 Adar-I 9 10 Adar-I 10 11 Adar-I 11 12 Adar-I 12 13 Adar-I 13 14 Adar-I 14 15 Adar-I 15 No Friday Service KI TESA Family Mitzvah Day Israeli Dancing with Donna Shlichim will lead the Service 7:00 pm Shabbat at Home

* Lesley-Ann Crone Candle Lighting 6:03pm Havdalah 7:35pm

16 Adar-I 16 17 Adar-I 17 18 Adar-I 18 19 Adar-I 19 20 Adar-I 20 21 Adar-I 21 22 Adar-I 22 Breakfast Club OFFICE CLOSED Israeli Dancing OFFICE CLOSED VAYAKHEL 10:00 am with Donna Shlichim will lead the Service 7:00 pm

* Kevin Sharfe Candle Lighting 6:16pm Havdalah 7:48pm

23 Adar-I 23 24 Adar-I 24 25 Adar-I 25 26 Adar-I 26 27 Adar-I 27 28 Adar-I 28 Tefillah & Tefillin Israeli Dancing 7:00 pm 10:00 am 6:00 pm Service Board Meeting with Potluck 7:00 pm

Candle Lighting 6:29pm This page is sponsored by B’nai Brith Lodge #739 * Bema Roster