P.L. 338

Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 21 tat-2 ta’ Ottubru 2017 mill-Ispeaker, l-Onor. Anġlu Farrugia.

______Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra

Association des anciens deputes au Parlement europeen

European Parliament Former Members Association I I

t I Annual Report and Accounts for 2016

t' R~pport et comptes annuels ' de l'annee 2016


EN '



Wednesday 31 May 2017- 10.15- 13.00 Room PHS 7C050 -European Parliament, Brussels


1. President's welcome address.

2. Minutes of the Annual General Assembly meeting of27 April2016.

3. Appointment of tellers and scrutineers.

4. Presentation of2016 Annual Report- Mr Emique BARON CRESPO, President.

5. Presentation of2016 Annual Accounts- Mr Jan-Willem BERTENS, Treasurer.

6. Presentation of 2016 Auditors Report - Mr Michael ELLIOTT, Ms Erna HENNICOT-SCHOEPGES.

7. Budget for 2017 and provisional budget for 2018.

8. Membership fee for 2018. 9. Appointment of two Internal Auditors. i 10. Election of Management Committee- Ballot*. I 11. Electoral System for FMA Management Committee Elections.

12. Relations with the European Association.

13. Study Visit 2017. t' 14. Visits to Malta and Estonia, countries holding the Presidency of the EU in 2017. 1

15. "EP to Campus" Programme- Progress Report.

16. Relations with the European University Institute in Florence.

17. Democracy Building - Progress Report.

18. Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy- Annual Report and Accounts.

19. Any Other Business. I l. 20. Close.

* The ballot for these votes will open at 9.45 and will close at 12.30

Brussels, 13 February 2017 1 2 2.





held in Brussels on 27 April 2016

Room PHS 7C50, European Parliament, Brussels


The Fifteenth Annual General Assembly meeting of the European Parliament Former Members. Association opened at 10.15 with FMA President, Emique Baron Crespo, in the chair. The ballot box for the Management Committee election and the vote on the Annual Report and Accmmts 2015 were declared open at 09.45.


The record of attendance showed 205 members of the Association were either present or represented.

Also present from the FMA Secretariat were:

Elisabetta Fonck, Secretary General Lisseth Bravo Rueda, Administrative Assistant Valch Nasiri, Finance and Programme Assistant Eva Perez, Trainee

Mr Andrey Kovatchev and Ms Catherine Bearder, Quaestors, were excused on parliamentary business. The following FMA members were also excused: I. ADAM Gordon r 2. BACO Peter I 3. BINEV Slavi 4. BOSCH Herbert 5. BOWlS John 6. BRAGHETTO Illes 7. BRU PURON Carlos Maria 8. CASSIDY Bryan 9. DAIBERBirgit I 0. DALY Margaret r II. DAVID Wayne 12. DEROUSSE Jean-Maurice 13. DESCAMPS Marie-Helene 14. DOYLE Avril 15. DUFF Andrew 16. DUHRKOP DUHRKOP Barbara 17. EISMA Doekc 18. FONTAINE Nicole 19. GADIOUX Colette 20. GIL ROBLES Jose Maria 21. HENNICOT-SCHOEPGES Erna 22. HUNAULT Xavier i 23. JEGGLE Elisabeth L 24. JENSEN Kirsten 25. JUNKERKarin

5 26. LARTVE Jessica 27. LATAILLADEPierre 28. LEPERRE-VERRIER Odile 29. LOCATELLI Pia 30. LORD PLUMB Henry 3\. MAZEJ KUKOVIC Zofija 32. MUSCARDINI Cristiana 33. NICHOLSON OF WINTERBOURNE Emma Baroness 34. PERRY Roy 35. POMPIDOU Alain 36. POTTERING Hans-Gert 37. QUISTORP Eva 38. RIBEIRO E CASTRO Jose 39. ROURE Martine 40. SALATTO Polito 41. TAPPIN Michael 42. TRAUTMANN Catherine 43. VAN DAM Rijk 44. WILSON Anthony Joseph

Best wishes were received from the following:

• Hon. Andy Mitchell, President of the Canadian Association of former parliamentarians;


1. President's welcome address.

2. Minutes of the Armual General Assembly meeting of 27 May 2015.

3. Appointment of tellers and scrutineers.

4. Presentation of 2015 Annual Report - Mr Emique BARON CRESPO, President.

5. Presentation of2015 Annual Accounts- Mr Jan-Willem BERTENS, Treasurer.

6. Presentation of 2015 Auditors Report - Mr Michael ELLIOTT, Ms Erna HENNICOT­ SCHOEPGES.

7. Revised Budget for 2016 and provisional budget for 2017.

8. Membership fee for 2017.

9. Appointment of two h1ternal Auditors.

10. Election of Management Committee -Ballot*.

11. Relations with the European Association.

12. Study Visit 2016 to Serbia.

13. Visits to The Netherlands and to Slovakia, countries holding the Presidency of the EU in 2016.

6 14. "EP to Campus" Programme - Progress Repott.

15. Democracy Building- Progress Report.

16. Foundation for Parliamentaty Democracy- Annual Report and Accounts.

17. Any Other Business.

18. Close.


Agenda Item 1: President's Welcome Address

The Chairman" welcomed all present to the Fifteenth Annual General Assembly of the Association. A large number of members had participated in the Dinner Debate the previous evening. The European Connnissioner for Digital Economy & Society, Mr Gunther H. Oettinger, was the guest speaker and delivered a speech on "EU Digital Agenda" followed by a lively debate with the audience. The Chairman wished to put on record the appreciation of all the participants to the members of the Organising Committee for all their work in preparation of the dinner. The Chairman expressed his appreciation for their presence at the dinner to: Pat·COX, EP Former President, Mr , EP Vice-President, Boguslaw LIBERADZKI, Quaestor, Mr Eduard KUKAN, Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentaty Committee, Francesca RATTl, EP Deputy Secretary General; Ambassador Dusko LOPANDIC, Head of Serbian Mission to the EU; Dieter SCHLENKER, Pirector of the Historical Archives of the European Union (EUI).

The families of deceased Members and former Members commemorated at tl1e annual Memorial Service were also invited to participate in the Dinner Debate. The Chairman welcomed guests from other Former Members Associations: r i' • Mr Lino DeBono, President of the European Association of Former Parliamentarians; ' • Hon. Barbara Kennelly, President of the US Association of Former Members of Congress; • Mr Roland Roblain, Secretary General of the European Association of Former Parliamentarians; • Ms Rachel Haas, Staff member of the US Association of Fonner Members of Congress.

Voting Procedure: t' The Chairman informed members that the election of the Management Committee, as well as the votes on the Annual Report and Accounts, officially opened at 09.45 and would remain open until 12.30.

The seven candidates in alphabetical order were:

1. Enrique BARON CRESPO 2. Evgeni KIRILOV 3. Brigitte LANGENHAGEN 4. Andrea MANZELLA 5. Hugues MARTIN 6. Edward McMILLAN-SCOTT ' 7. Manuel PORTO The Chairman wished to register thanks to outgoing members of the Board Barbara Diihrkop Diihrkop and l' Anthony Simpson for their long service to the FMA.

7 Anthony Simpson was the first FMA Treasurer and during his last mandate was responsible for archives, greatly contributing to simplifying and modernising the EP procedure for the deposit of former MEPs' papers. Barbara Diihrkop Dilhrkop was responsible for relations with BUDG and DG Finances, a delicate and crucial issue for the Association. They were both dedicated members ofthe FMA Editorial Board. Ms DUhrkop Diihrkop asked to be excused due to the difficult air traffic situation caused by the terrorist attacks in Brussels.

To show the appreciation of the Management Committee for their commitment and work over the past years, the Chairman offered them a gift and hoped that they would continue to participate in FMA activities and programmes. Mr Simpson said that it was a great honour to contribute to the development of the FMA. He had witnessed great unexpected progress in areas such as the Bulletin and tbe EP to Campus programme.

Bereavements: The following current and former MEPs who passed away in 2015 and in the period leading up to the 2016 Armual General Meeting were conunemorated at the eighth FMA Memorial SCJvice. It took place in the presence of the President of the European Parliament, , on 26 April 2016 in the European Parliament. The families of Mr Buchou, Mr Key, and Mr Nianias participated in the Service. The EP and FMA Former President, Pat Cox, delivered the final oration. j' 2 June 2015- Robert DELOROZOY t 15 June 2015- Antonio Joaquim MARQUES MENDES t 14 September 2015 - Corneliu V ADIM TUDOR t 22 September 20 15 - Hans-J oachim SEELER t 3 October 2015- Birgit BJ0RNVIG. t 15 October 2015- Dimitrios NTANIAS t 17 October 2015- Arme-Marie A. LIZIN t 2 November 2015- Anselmo GOUTHTER ·12 November 2015- Joaquim MUNS i ALBUIXECH ·120 November 2015- Hubert Jean BUCHOU ·1· 28 November 2015- Jose Maria MENDILUCE PEREIRO ·130 November 2015- Rcnzo TRIVELLI t 12 December 2015- Yves VERWAERDE t 14 December 2015- Armando COSSUTTA t 22 Janumy 2016- Miloslav RANSDORF MEP t 20 Janumy 2016- Brian M. KEY


In 2015 the Association gained fifteen new members. As well as those members who have passed away, there were members who decided not to renew their membership. The FMA writes to evety MEP who leaves Parliament mid-term, inviting them to join the FMA. The chairman invited those present to infonn the Secretariat should they be aware of the interest of an outgoing MEP in becoming a member of the Association. . The FMA Secretariat and tbe Bureau de Passage in Brussels are located in the JAN building on the second floor (JAN 2 Q77). The Bureau de Passage is for the use of former MEPs and is equipped with computers linked to intranct and internet, telephones, fax and a TV monitor for pm-liamentary sessions. The cmrent Secretariat team comprises the Secretary General Elisabetta Fonck, the Administrative Assistant Lisseth Bravo Rueda, the Finance and Programme Assistant Valeh Nasiri, and a trainee Eva Perez. The Chainnan was pleased to announce that Ms Lisseth Bravo Rueda was the successful candidate of the recmitment procedure for the post of Administrative Assistant. He welcomed Lisseth Bravo and wished her success with her work in the FMA Secretariat.

8 On behalf of the FMA Management Committee, the Chairman wished to express its wholehearted thanks to the former Administrative Assistant Ms Giorgia Zia for her work for the FMA over the past seven years and wished her all the best for the future. Her devotion and hard work contributed greatly to the increasing success of the FMA over this period.

Agenda Item 2. Minutes of the Annual General Assembly of 27 May 2015 The Chairman proposed the adoption of the minutes of the AGA of 27 May 2015. As there were no comments or amendments, the minutes were adopted.

Agenda Item 3. Appointment of tellers and scrutineers The Chairman called for two members, who were not themselves candidates, to be nominated as scrutineers to oversee the counting of the votes in the Management Committee election and to validate the results. The AGA nominated:

• Mr Micheal McGOWAN • Ms Maartje van PUTTEN

Agenda Item 4. Annual Report of the Management Committee The Chainnan presented the Annual Repmt 2015 included in the meeting's Dossier and sent to all FMA members by email and by post. He wished to highlight the following points: a) Archives: The Chairman welcomed Iolanda Mombelli, EP staff member from the Historical Archives Unit (EPRS), and Dr Dieter Schlenker,. Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union at the European University Institute (EUI). He thanked both for their co-operation.

Mr Anthony Simpson, FMA member responsible for archives, reminded those present that on I 0 March 2014 the Bmeau adopted a new procedure for deposition of papers in the EP Historical At:chives. Members and former members now have the possibility of requesting the processing of their papers by the Parliament's Historical At·chives at any time during the year. The European Parliament finances shipping costs and the processing of the archives within the limits of existing appropriations. The Evaluation Committee is still in charge of evaluating the various collections, in archival and financial terms, in order to decide if they specifically need to be processed, indexed and digitised. The rest of the procedure remains the same including the consultation of the FMA and the criteria for the assessment of papers which iire: a) docUlllents from Members having held office within the Parliament (Members of the Bureau, Quaestors, Chairs of Political Groups, Committee and Delegation Chairs), or h) documents from Members with a thematic interest related to legislative procedures and key activities. Mr Wij senheek said that although he was interested in depositing his papers with the Parliament, he did r· not want to split them being the Parliament only interested in documents related to EP activities. The national parliamentary documentation centres often represent a good alternative. Ms Mombelli and Dr Schlenker strongly supported the initiative proposed by the Association aimed at creating an electronic inventory indicating where former MEPs' archives are located with a brief description of the content of the documents, The inventory will provide academics, researchers and members of the public information available on the internet on how to consult them. Both Mr Bonde and Ms Carvalho strongly supported this initiative. The Chaitman will address a letter to the President of the EP, Mattin Schulz, to establish an efficient communication and collaboration platform on this matter between the EU and the national level.

Ms Baldi, Board member responsible for relations with EUI, thanked Dr Schlenker for ongoing co­ operation with his department on the project "Le Chiavi della Citta". Four FMA members, Ms Baldi, Ms Dlihrkop Diihrkop, Mr Gemelli and Ms Muscardini, participated in the programme for secondary school students to deepen knowledge on the histmy, institutions and policies of the EU and educate students to active citizenship, raising the students' awal'cness on fundamental democratic principles and processes. The

9 meetings were structured to leave enongh time for the students' active participation, and to stimulate their personal thinking on the topics under discussion through questions, debates and simplified simulation of a European Parliament debate. The programmes were very successful and reports will be included in the June and September Bulletins.

Mr Miguel Angel Martinez informed those members present that the House of European History will be inaugurated in November. The Association with its prestigious members, who directly contributed to European history, should co-operate closely with this new institute. All agreed. The Chairman will address a letter in this respect to President Hans-Gert Pottering. b) Agence Europe: The Chairman reported on a new service provided to FMA members: Agence Europe, a daily newsletter about the European Union and its Jnstitutions which is published from Tuesday to Saturday (in English and French). This new service aims to meet the members' requests for access to reliable information sources on European topics. FMA members are allowed to read the electronic version of Bulletin Quotidien Europe exclusively on the FMA intranet pages. Any further distribution is strictly prohibited. The Chairman asked those members present whether the subscription was worthwhile and whether tl1ey agreed to renew the subscription in 2017, amounting to €5000. The meeting unanimously agreed to continue to offer this service, defined as very useful and meaningfnl. The Secretariat also received very positive feedback from the membership. c) Use ofEP facilities: The Chairman reminded those present that EP facilities granted to former MEPs may not be used for political or commercial activities and former Members who disregard this ban will have their badges withdrawn.

The Chairman also reminded those present that according to A1t. 6 of the European Parliament Code of Conduct for Members (Annex I of the Rules of Procedure) "Former Members who engage in professional lobbying or representational activities directly linked to the European Union decision-making process may not benefit.from the .facilities granted to .former Members under the rules laid down by the Bureau to that 1 ejfect" • Jn order to ensure the full implementation of A1t. 6, the Quaestors decided that "Former Members should only have one badge at any one time; ifthey were registered as a professional lobbyist, they should give up their.former Member's badge and receive the appropriate professional access card until such time as they ceased to engage in lobbying or representational activities; upon ceasing to be a lobbyist or engaging in representational activities, their former Member's badge would be returned to them" (Quaestors' meeting of 19 April2012).

The Chairman also reminded those present that the Bureaux de Passage of the Association are located in: Brussels: J6zsef Antall 02Q077- Tel. +32 2 283 14 95 or +32 2 284 39 64 Strasburg: LOW T06 0 62- Tel. +33 388 17 34 57 or +33 388 17 34 58

The FMA Secretariat is located in Brussels: J6zsef Antall 02Q073 -Tel. +32 2 2840703 d) Online pavment facility: The Chairman reminded members of the online payment facility installed on the Association's website for the FMA members' payments. He encouraged everyone to supply an up-to-date email address to the FMA Secretariat as it is the cheapest and quickest way of contacting people. e) Access to EP Intranet: The Chairman also reminded those present of the possibility for the Association members to access the intranet of the European Parliament. Jn order to access the intranet, members have to send a formal request to the FMA Secretariat.

1 Bureau Decision ofl2 Aprill999.

10 There being no further comments, the Chairman said that the Annual Report would be adopted by following the procedure for the election of Management Committee members.

Agenda Item 5. Presentation of the 2015 Annual Accounts The Treasurer Jan-Willem Bertens presented the Annual Accounts for 2015 as well as the report of the external auditors, KPMG, the balance sheet as of 31 December 2015 and the income and expenditure account. With regard to the outstanding membership fees not paid by 31 December 2015, much less than those not paid in 2014, they were written off and the members were suspended.

The Treasurer concluded that the financial situation of the Association is stable. However, he urged all members who are aware of potential donors interested in making a donation to the Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy or in placing an advert in the FMA Bulletin to inform the Secretariat.

The Treasurer was asked why the end of the year cash position had a high amount on the general account instead of keeping it in the savings account. The Treasurer said that a transfer was mistakenly done in December instead of January. This amount should have been transferred to the general account to pay outstanding liabilities in January and February. The Treasurer also connnented that the interest rates are close to zero and that according to the agreement with the Parliament, no budgetary surplus is permitted and any remaining amount in the annual budget has to be reimbursed to the European Parliament.

Ms Braun Moser asked for details of the expenses on democracy support. The Secretary General clarified that the money on this budgetary line was spent on: 1) Mission to Tunisia: FMA member Mr Gyula Hegyi was selected by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung to participate in a conference "Green Jobs in the Middle East and North Africa - Potentials for Employment in a Sustainable Economy" and joined the round-table discussion with Jordanian, Tunisian and Moroccan parliamentarians and representatives of trade unions. Mr Hegyi reported on this initiative in the September edition of the Bulletin; 2) Participation of the FMA Honorary Secretary, Brigitte Langenhagen, in the aruma! meeting of the Canadian Association of former parliamentarians in Ottawa, and in talks on the Global Democracy Initiative; 3) Organisation of the kick-off meeting of the Working Group on Democracy Supp01t and Election Observation held on 9 November 2015 in Brussels.

The Chairman thanked the Treasurer for the report and for his work in 2015.

Agenda Item 6. Presentation of the 2015 Auditors' Report The Chairman thanked the appointed auditors Michael Elliott and Erna Hennicot-Schoepges for their work in auditing the Annual Accounts for 2015 and gave the floor to Mr Elliott. Ms Hennicot-Schoepgcs had asked to be excused. She was unable to travel to Brussels for health reasons.

Mr Elliott thanked the Treasurer for his presentation of the Annual Accounts for 2015 as well as of the r· report of the extemal auditors KPMG. The auditors were happy with the financial situation in the way it has been administered and were pleased to see a stable and satisfactory financial situation.

Mr Elliott reminded the meeting that according to the agreement with the Parliament, no budgetaty surplus is permitted and any remairiing ammmt has to be reimbursed to the European Parliament.

Agenda Item 7. Revised Budget for 2016 and provisional budget for 2017 The meeting agreed to appoint KPMG for the annual audit of the 2016 FMA accounts.

The revised budget for 2016 and the provisional budget for 2017 were approved by the meeting.

Agenda Item 8. Membership fees for 2017 The membership fee for 2017 was left unchanged at €1 00.

11 Agenda item 9. Appointment of two auditors Michael Elliott and Erna Hennicot-Schocpgcs were appointed by acclamation as the two internal auditors for the 2016 accounts. Michael Elliott informed the meeting that he wishes to continue as internal auditor but not indefinitely and the Assmnbly should start considering other members who may replace him in the future.

Agenda Item 10. Election of Management Committee- Ballot The Chairman reminded the meeting that, according to the Statutes, five ofthe ten management committee places were due to be filled. Those elected will serve a term of two years. There were seven candidates in total for the five places.

Agenda Item 11. Relations with the Enropean Association The "EufQpean Association of Former Members of Parliament (FP-AP)" groups together 18 national associations and aims to promote the European ideal and to contribute to the European construction. The FMA has been a full member of the European Association since April 2009. The next FP-AP Burean meeting will be held in Stockholm in June and will include a seminar on the topical subject of the Arctic with key experts, as well as a discussion on the draft declaration on migration to be adopted at the FP-AP Colloquy in November in Lyon. The FMA delegates to FP-AP Bureau are Brigitte Langenhagen and Andrea Manzella.

Ms Langenhagen informed the meeting that at the FP-AP General Assembly held in March in Paris, the FMA was awarded the Photo Vedovato prize, created by the FP-AP in memory of Giuseppe Vcdovato, Fonner FP-AP President and Former President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The photo awaTded represents Mr Baron Crespo and Mr Cox during a university lecture on "Parliamentary democracy in Europe" organised in Rome in the framework of the FMA educational programme EP to Campus.

The Chairman welcomed the President of the European Association of former parliamentarians, M:r Lino DeBono, accompanied by the Association's Secretary General, Mr Roland Roblain. Mr DeBono thanked the FMA delegates and the Association for the excellent co-operation and collaboration over the years. Mr DeBono quoted the French motto originated in the French Revolution "liberty, equality, and fraternity" and added that there is still a lot of work to be done to guarantee equality and fraternity especially when it comes to providing refugees coming to Europe with basic needs.

The Chairman also welcomed the President of the US Association of Former Members of Congress, Hon. Barbara Kennelly and the staff member Rachel Haas. Before giving the floor to Hon. Kennelly the Chairman read some excerpts from US President Obama's speech in Berlin about the importance of a unified European Union in the global construction. Hon. Kennelly then took the floor and thanked the FMA for inviting her to the mmual meeting and for the warm welcome. She was convinced this was the right year to visit Europe and expressed her concerns for both the US Presidential campaign and the referendum in the UK.

Agenda ltem12. Study Visit to Serbia 2016 The Chairman announced that the 2016 Visit would take place in Serbia from 25 September to 2 October 2016. The Study Visit is entirely at the patticipants' expense which includes travel and hotel costs as well as the expenses linked to logistics such as buses, interpreters, guides and an FMA staff member. As usual, the progra1111ne of the visit will include meetings with parliamentarians, government representatives, trade unions, civil society, media and university students.

In order to prepare for the Visit, the FMA President Mr Baron Crespo met with the Serbian Ambassador Dusko LOPANDIC as well as with Eduard KUKAN MEP, Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee.

Mr Moreland said that he welcomed both the visit to Kosovo first and now to Serbia. However, for 2017 he proposed changing the geographical area and visiting Ottawa. Mr Kirilov and Ms Thomsen agreed but

12 pointed out that the Association should first conclude its visits to the Balkan region and mentioned the Fonner Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and also Albania. Ms Lulling also supported a possible visit to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The Chairman said that there is still time to think of the next year's visit. As usual, the Management Committee will submit its suggestions to the membership in the autunrn.

Agenda Item 13. Visits to the Netherlands and to Slovalda, countries holding the Presidency of the EUin 2016 Mr Bertens and Mr Wiebenga, both responsible for the organisation of the visit to The Hague on 30-31 May, provided details on the draft programme of the stay. Ms van Putten recommended including a visit to Amsterdam as well.

Ms Lulling wished to thank the Dutch colleagues for their work. She also wished to mention the successful visit that took place in Luxembourg in November with interesting meetings and debates. The Chairman wanted to register thanks to Ms Lulling and Ms Hennicot-Schoepges for the excellent organisation of the visit not only to Luxembourg but also to the Schengen Museum.

The visit to Slovakia will probably take place in November and further information will be sent closer to the date.

Agenda Item 14. "EP to Campus" Programme- Progress report Lord Balfe, FMA Management Committee member responsible for the Programme, explained how it works. In 2015 the FMA organised 25 programmes and in 2016 the Association has already planned 17 programmes. The programme in 2015 was very intense and Lord Balfe congratulated the Secretariat on the organisation of such a long list of successf

Mr Elliott agreed with Mr Harbour and described himself as a strong supporter of the progrannne· and repmted on his own successful experience. He appreciated the possibility to talk about the UK referendum. A full account of the prograunne is available on the Association's website, section "EP to Campus". The repmts on the "EP to Campus" progrannnes held last year were published in the FMA Bulletins. l. The Chairman invited members to disseminate information about the "EP to Campus" programmes in their countries and inform the Secretariat if they !mew of universities which might be interested.

Ms Baldi, responsible for relations with the European University Institute (EUl) reported on the co­ t' operation with EUI developed over the past few months that originated with the correspondence between the FMA President, Enrique Baron Crespo, and the EUI President, Professor Joseph Weiler.

Ms Baldi reported on the numerous talks that she has held at the offices of EUl departments, units, and services. Together with the Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Brigid Laffan, and Dr Alfredo De Feo, they considered what activities it would be appropriate to pursue in their main research areas. The FMA will hopefully become involved in a future training course for election observers, under the Global Governance Programme. Ms Baldi also reported on the meetings which the Honorary Secretary, Brigitte Langenhagen, and herself had at the Villa Salviati and the Badia Fiesolana with the newly-elected EUI Secretary-General, Ambassador Vincenzo Schiappa Nan·ante, Brigid Laffan, Dieter Schlenker, and the Director of the Connnunications Service, Stephan Albrechtskirchinger. In particular, she was very pleased to announce that FMA President Baron Crespo will be a rapporteur at this year's !, "State of the Union" conference on the theme of "Populism in Europe". She reiterated her thanks to Dr Schlenker for the excellent co-operation on the project "Chiavi della Citta' already mentioned under the

13 item Archives. Ms Baldi added that the co-operation has now to be opened np to various themes such as Economy, Internal Market and EIB.

The meeting expressed great satisfaction for the results achieved and the Chairman wished to thank Ms Baldi for her commitment to continuing and further developing co-operation with EUI.

Agenda Item 15. Democracy Building - Progress report At last year's General Assembly it was agreed to establish a Working Group on Democracy Support and Election Observation. The Working Group was officially established at the Management Committee meeting held on 24 September 2015 with the following composition: Bill Newton Dunn (Chair), Brigitte Langenhagen, Jan-Willem Bertens, Veronique De Keyser and Edward McMillan-Scott. Mr Newton Dunn said that there are two main aspects to consider: promoting democracy and election observation activitieB. The EU does very good work on election observation but there arc still weaknesses. A long presence ahead of the election day is needed but MEPs have a heavy workload and cannot stay in the countty for an extensive period. He also mentioned that years ago the EP voted a resolution to include former MEPs when EP election observation missions are short of numbers. The FMA President addressed two letters to High RepresentativeNice-President Federica Mogherini and to the DEG Co-Chairs and Linda MeAvan. Their answer is still pending. The situation is blocked especially from the EP administration side. Mr Newton Dunn said he was impressed by what has being initiated by former FMA President Pat Cox and cmrent FMA President Enrique Baron Crespo but there is still progress to be made.

Ms Hall said that the fundamental reason for former MEPs not getting involved is accountability. MEPs are accountable to those who elected them, former MEPs are not. She recommended to those interested registering on the EC Roster to participate in EU election observation missions. Ms Thomsen observed that it is not always easy to act at national level because of the waiting lists and the requirement of being fluent with languages. Mr Simpson agreed on the idea of working through national member states to access EOMs but totally disagreed with the remark on accountability. Mr Cox said that as FMA President he devoted a lot of time on this issue. The Association succeeded in getting a political reference in an EP report but in the end there was no follow-up which also means an absence of political will. Mr Cox said that the full cycle of election observation should be taken into consideration including the preparation and follow-up of elections.

Ms Braun-Moser asked whether there is any concrete and tangible outcome of the work carried out by the Association in the field of democracy support. In answer, Mr Baron Crespo wished to inform those present that the previous day the President of the European Parliament, Mattin Schulz, had proposed him to be the person responsible for developing and implementing a programme of reinforced co-operation with the Tunisian Assembly along the lines of the progrannne put in place for the Rada in Ukraine led by Former EP and FMA President Pat Cox. Mr Cox reported on the outcome of his mission with a memorandum of understanding signed between the President of the EP and the President of Rada. He led a Needs Assessment report that culminated in two things: the organisation of a Ukrainian week in the EP and the signature of an administrative agreement between the two institutions for administrative advice and support. The Rada passed a resolution with a large majority to proceed implementing the report. Mr Cox concluded that the whole process originated from an assessment report of an EP election observation mission to Ukraine with a list of things do be done. Mr Cox said that as a former MEP he had time for that on a pro-bono basis. According to Mr Baron Crespo these two examples show how former members can be successfully committed to the cause of democracy support. The Association should use any occasion to make use of this valuable internal resource. · Mr McMillan-Scott reaffirmed that he would be deeply interested. in election observation missions and wondered how the US Congress or the Canadian Parliinnent deal with the matter. Hon. Kennelly said that the US Congress does not send current or former Members of Congress overseas for election monitoring missions but the political foundations do so (such as the National Democratic h1stitute and the h1ternational Republican Institute) and former members can participate as any other citizen does. Over the past years the US Association of former members of Congress has successfully organised study groups setting up meetings with parliaments. Hon. Kennelly stt·essed the importance of using what former members kn~w about democracy. They should visit places like Egypt to stay with the (,. I 14 people and explainhow democracy works. Finally, Brigitte Langenhagen repotted on her meeting with Mr Brok on the involvement of former· Members in democracy support initiatives. She made it clear that the Association want to move forward without endless discussions. Mr Brok's office will try to evaluate pragmatic solutions and will liaise with the FMA Secretariat.

The Association has continued to assist its members in their efforts to participate in Election Observation Missions (EOMs ). Regular updates on the requests for candidatures for EU Electoral Observation Missions are provided to FMA members and the FMA website contains information as well as a direct link to the EEAS website. The cunent procedure remains that members must register both with their national authorities and in the Connnission's online database (Election Roster).

Agenda Item 16. Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy- Annual Report and Accounts The aim of the Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy (FPD) is to strengthen and develop parliamentary democracy by drawing on the European parliamentary experience of FMA members. The former FMA Presidents Lord Plumb, Gil Robles and Pat Cox are Founding Members of the Foundation. The Foundation strengthens two FMA programmes, namely the "EP to Campus" Programme and the "Global Democracy Initiative", by devising ftmdraising strategies to suppmt concrete projects for both programmes.

Lord Balfe repotted on the funds collected in 2015: €10.000 from Candriam and €2.500 from KBC. The Chairman invited those present to inform the Secretariat of any potential supporter interested in making a donation.

For the members' information, the meeting dossier included the Foundation's Annual Report as well as the audited accounts for 2015.

Mr Elliott and Mr Schwaiger conducted the internal audit, which was considered straightforward.

Agenda Item 17. Any Other Business The Chairman reminded the members of several dates for the FMA diary:

• 30-31 May 2016- Visit to the Netherlands • 25 September - 2 October 2016 - Study Visit to Serbia • November 2016 - Visit to Slqvakia • 30 November- 1 December 2016- Annual Members Dinner and Seminar i. The Chainnan wished to register thanks to: - Catherine Bearder and Audrey Kovatchev - for their work in the Bureau and the College of Quaestors on behalf of the FMA. - The Secretariat of the FMA - Elisabetta, Lisseth and Valeh as well as the trainee Eva.

Agenda Item 18. Closing of the Meeting The Chairman then thanked the colleagues for their participation, interest and nmnerous questions. He also thanked the interpreters for their excellent services during the meeting and invited members to repair to the Members Restaurant for the Annual Lunch.

There being no finther business, the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13.00.

15 16 4.











2. FMA INFORMATION ACTIVITIES AND NETWORKING 2.1 Dinner Debates with high-ranking speakers from EU Institutions 2.2 Annual Seminar 2.3 Information Seminar for former MEPs organised by EPRS 2.4 Dissemination of EPRS documents, studies and events 2.5 FMA members' online access to Agence Europe and to other media specialised in EU affairs

3. INCREASING CO-OPERATION WITH NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS OF FORMER PARLIAMENTARIANS 3.1 Meeting with national associations of former parliamentarians and with current parliamentarians in the country holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU 3.2 European Association of Former Parliamentarians (FP-AP) 3.3 Relations with national associations of former parliamentarians outside the EU

4. FMA ANNUAL STUDY VISIT 4.1 Study Visit to the Republic of Serbia

5. FMA COMMUNICATION 5.1 Bulletins 5.2 Website

6. FMA PROGRAMMES 6.1 "European Parliament to Campus" Programme 6.2 Democracy Building and Election Observation Activities 6.3 Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy

7. FMA PARTNERS 7.1 European University Institute

8. FMA MEMBERSHIP AND SERVICES TO MEMBERS 8.1 Membership 8.2 Memorial Service 8.3 FMA Membership Directory for 2016 8.4 Access to Intranet and to Wi-Fi 8.5 Access to information on pension and health insurance matters 8.6 Archives-Processing of papers of former MEPs 8.7 FMA Handbook 8.8 Bureaux de Passage for Former Members of Parliament 8.9 European Parliament Diaries and Christmas Cards

9. FMA STATUTORY BODIES AND SECRETARIAT 9.1 Annual General Assembly 9.2 Management Committee 9.3 Secretariat

10. FINANCIAL SITUATION 10.1 Financial and Administrative Agreement with the European Parliament 10.2 Annual Accounts 10.3 Auditors 10.4 Budget 2017


The Management Committee presents the following report of the activities of the Former Members Association in 2016 for the sixteenth Annual General Assembly of the FMA to be held on 31 May 2017.

During 2016 the Association continued to expand its membership and continued with the tradition of visiting the country holding the presidency of the Council of the EU to discuss EU relevant matters. The EP to Campus Programme was very successful with many universities in Europe inviting former MEPs to give lectures on EU related topics. We also continued to work in close collaboration with the European Parliament, in particular the European Parliamentary Research Services and the Archives Unit, and we continued to provide the Association members with access to Agence Europe in English and French. This service responds to the members' requests for access to permanent and reliable information sources on current EU affairs. 2016 was marked by the official launch of a successful co-operation with the European University Institute in Florence. Two European Parliament Quaestors - Ms Catherine Bearder and Mr Andrey Kovatchev- serve as members of the Management Committee, thus ensuring close links with Parliament's administration.

The Association remains conscious of its statutory obligation to assist Parliament in every possible way and to keep Parliament fully informed of its activities.

2. FMA INFORMATION ACTIVITIES AND NETWORKING to foster relations between current and formerMEPs

2.1 Dinner Debates with high-ranking speakers from EU Institutions

-Dinner Debate 126 April2016l

Mr Gunther H. Oettinger, the European Commissioner for. Digital Economy & Society, was the keynote speaker at the Dinner Debate held on 26 April in the Members' Restaurant. His speech focused on "EU Digital Agenda"followed by a lively debate with the audience.

The event brought together former colleagues and some special guests: The former President of the FMA and former President of the European Parliament Mr Pat Cox, Mr I Lino DeBono, President of the European Association of Former Parliamentarians, Hon. Barbara I Kennelly, President of the US Association of Former Members of Congress, Mr Roland Roblain, Secretary General of the European Association of Former Parliamentarians, Ms Rachel Haas, Staff member of the US Association of Former Members of Congress as well as Ambassador Dusko Lopandi6, Head of Serbian Mission to the EU and Mr Dieter Schlenker, Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union (EUI).

The Members of the European Parliament present were: Mr Rainer Wieland MEP, EP Vice­ President, Boguslaw Liberadzki MEP, Quaestor, Mr Eduard Kukan MEP, Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee and Ms Francesca Ratti, the then Deputy Secretary General of the EP.

-Annual Members Dinner on the Challenges to Democracy (30 November 2016)

The Association's thirteenth Annual Members Cocktail and Dinner were held in Brussels on 30 November 2016 with an attendance of 95. The keynote speaker was Mr Elmar Brok MEP, Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, who focused his speech on "Challenges to Democracy" followed by an intense and lively question and answer session. The EP President Marlin Schulz hosted the traditional cocktail reception preceding the dinner.

The presidents of all the political groups in Parliament were invited to attend the event which brought L together former colleagues and some special guests such as H.E. Ana Hrustanovi6, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia - Head of Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union in Brussels, and H.E. Stanislav Vallo, Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg for the Slovak Republic. The Members of the European Parliament present were Mr Rainer Wieland MEP, Vice-President European Parliament, Mr Bogus!aw Liberadzki MEP, Quaestor and member of S&D.

-Annual Lunch (27 Aoril 2016)

The Annual Lunch for FMA members was held on 27 April2016 after the Annual General Assembly.

-Get-Together Lunch (1 December 2016)

The Get-Together Lunch was organised for the sixth year with an attendance of 25 people.

Income and Expenditure accounts for 2016 dinners and lunches are included as Annexes I and II to this report.

2.2 Annual Seminar (1 December 2016) A half-day seminar was organised for FMA members in the afternoon before the Annual Dinner. It focused on "What can be done to safeguard and promote Democracy based on the founding principles of the Union?' and was chaired by FMA President, Mr Enrique Baron Crespo. Former and current MEPs and assistants, political group representatives, and EP officials were invited to attend the seminar. The audience included numerous students from the ULB University (Institute for European Studies), the University of Kent, VUB (Libre de Bruxelles), and the "Universite Catholique de Louvain".

The invited guest speakers were:

- Professor Dan uta Hubner MEP, Chair of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Keynote Speaker

-Professor Franklin Dehousse, Former Judge of the European General Court (2003-2016), Professor of International Economic Law at the University of Liege

- Mr Paul Taylor, Contributing Editor at POLITICO

There has been much positive feedback from the membership as well as frorn the students who considered it very informative and with excellent speakers. The speech recordings and the seminar materials were made available on the FMA website.

2.3 Information Seminar for Former MEPs organised by EPRS (26 April2016) The EPRS is the European Parliament's in-house research service and think tank, established in November 2013. It comprises three directorates- the Members' Research Service, the Library, and Impact Assessment and European Added Value.

The EPRS organised an information seminar for former MEPs on "Current challenges to the Schengen area" on 26 April in the Reading Room of the EP Library.

The speakers were: - Ms Alexandra Gatto, Policy Analyst, Citizens' Policies Unit Mr Pierre Goudin, Policy Analyst, European Added Value Unit - Mr Jesus Carmona, Head of the Citizens' Policies Unit

The information seminar also included a presentation of the EP and EU Historical Archives with the participation of Mr Anthony Teasdale, Director General of the European Parliamentary Research Service and Mr Dieter Schlenker, Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union in the European University Institute.

22 2.4 Dissemination of EPRS documents, studies and events The FMA has regularly forwarded to FMA members the papers published by the EPRS to assist Members and/or committees in their parliamentary work. EPRS papers cover various issues such as economic or external policies or citizens' policies. The Secretariat has received positive feedback from the membership.

2.5 Agence Europe The FMA has continued to provide its members with free access to Agence Europe, a daily newsletter about the European Union and its Institutions which is published from Tuesday to Saturday (in English and French). FMA members are allowed to read the electronic version of Bulletin Quotidien Europe exclusively on the FMA intranet pages. Any further distribution is strictly prohibited.

A complete list of media specialised in EU Affairs is available on the website of the Association under the section "Useful Links" ..

The FMA believes this service meets the members' request for access to a reliable information source on current European affairs.


3.1 Meeting with national associations of former parliamentarians in the country holding the presidency of the Council of the EU in 2016 (The Netherlands and Slovakia)

Visit to the Netherlands (30-31Mav2016/ On 30- 31 May, a delegation composed of 18 FMA members visited the Netherlands, the country holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU during the first half of 2016.The members visited the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) and Eurojust. The President of Eurojust, Michele Coninsx, welcomed the delegation and participated in a lively and fruitful debate on Judicial Co-operation and Co-ordination. The members also visited the Council of the State and the House of Representatives with useful discussions on the EU Presidency's programme. The Association expressed its gratitude to the Dutch Association of Former parliamentarians for their warm hospitality as well as to Mr Jan-Kees Wiebenga, Mr Jan-Willem Bertens and the Dutch EP Information Office, for their assistance in organising a successful programme. Reports on the visit were published in the September Bulletin.

Visit to Slovakia (7-8 November 20161 The FMA Visit took place on 7 and 8 November. The FMA delegation, composed of 13 members, had the opportunity to meet with Mr Miroslav Lajcak, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Mr Lubas Blaha, Member of the Committee on European Affairs and Mr Ladislav r Kamen icky, Chairman of the Committee on Finances and Budget. There were also presentations on the Parliamentary Dimension of the Slovak Presidency and the historical development of the National Council. The delegation also had the opportunity to indulge in guided tours like the Bratislava Castle and the Main Building of the National Council. The intense discussion focused on main issues on the EU Presidency's agenda such as the refugees and migrants' crises, EU foreign policy and the relations between the EP and national parliaments. Reports on the visit were published in the March Bulletin.

Income and Expenditure accounts tor the visits to the Netherlands and to Slovakia are included as Annexe Ill to this report.

3.2 European Association of Former Parliamentarians (FP-AP) l. The European association of former members of parliament of the member states of the Council of Europe (FP-AP) groups together 21 associations of former Members and aims to promote the European ideal and to contribute to the European construction. The current president is Mr Liny

23 DeBono of Malta. It has its Secretariat at the Belgian Senate and meets for its General Assembly at the "Assemblee Nationale" in Paris. The FMA has been a member of the European Association since 2009. Each Association appoints two delegates who represent it on the Bureau of the European Association. FMA delegates are Ms Brigitte Langenhagen and Mr Andrea Manzella.

Mr Uno DeBono, attended the FMA Annual General Assembly on 27 Apri12016 together with Mr Roland Roblain, the FP-AP Secretary General.

The 2016 European Association Colloquy took place in Lyon on 10 October about "The Challenges of Immigration" and enriched with a presentation on History and Memory in the Region through the migration by the Association TRACES. The adopted declaration is available on the FMA website at Among others, the Declaration invites the European Parliament and National Parliaments to create an Inter-parliamentary Conference for Migration and Integration (following the example of the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Co-ordination and Governance in the European Union and the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Common Foreign and on Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSPICSDP)). This recommendation stems from the need to structure co-operation and communication between the national parliaments and the European Parliament in an area where decisions are made on an exclusively intergovernmental basis. The aim is to establish joint interparliamentary scrutiny over the European Council on a very sensitive matter.

3.3 Relations with National Associations of former parliamentarians outside the EU The Association continues to co-operate closely with associations of former parliamentarians outside the EU: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and United States. This co-operation consists of participation in annual meetings, exchanges of information and logistic support for visits of former parliamentarians. Lord Richard Balfe is the member responsible for relations with Former Members Associations outside the European Union. If members visit one of these countries, they can contact its former members association. The FMA Secretariat provides the necessary contact details.


4.1 Study Visit to the Republic of Serbia (25 September· 2 October 2016) The FMA Treasurer Mr Jan-Willem Bertens chaired the delegation that comprised 16 FMA members from eight different EU countries (UK, IT, FR, NL, DE, BE, ES, GR) and four main political families, one accompanying person and the FMA Secretary General. The visit was run on the basis of all members paying for their own travel, hotel and flight expenses as well as covering the costs of the accompanying FMA staff. The members met with Parliamentarians, Government representatives, trade unions, media representatives and NGOs dealing with Normalisation of Belgrade - Prishtina Relations, Human Rights, corruption and migration. During the visit, they also had the opportunity to participate in meetings with the Vice-President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Head of the Government of AP Vojvodina and the Mayor of Nis, as well as with University students from various faculties, the European Youth Parliament group and the Erasmus student network. A large audience of students was present, who showed a high level of interest in the event and participated animatedly in the debate. A full report was published in the December Bulletin with several contributions from the participants on the general situation in Serbia, corruption, minorities, energy, the country's history and future, its economy and relations with its neighbours. Pictures, preparatory documents and further information are available on the FMA website: Great assistance was given by the EU Delegation to Serbia and the Serbian Embassy in Belgium.

The Chairman of the Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee, Mr Eduard Kukan MEP, had a rich exchange of views with the participants on 30 November 2016 in the European Parliament.

Income and Expenditure accounts for the FMA Study Visit are included as Annex IV to this report.


5.1 Bulletins During 2016 the Association produced and circulated four issues of the FMA Bull Board met to plan the contents of each issue. Articles are written by the me· occasional guest writers, while the drafting and layout is done by the Secretariat. Prn1 •.. ·~ care of by the Parliament print shop in Luxembourg. The Editorial Board, as of 31 December <::v,. comprises Ms Brigitte Langenhagen, Mr Edward McMillan-Scott, Mr Andrea Manzella, Mr Manuel Porto and Ms Teresa Riera Madurell.

In 2016 the March, June and December Bulletins respectively included a focus on: 1. Migration and Asylum in Europe 2. Pure Energy 3. Schengen Area and the Free Circulation of Persons The September special edition was devoted to Environment and Climate Change. The Editorial Board also agreed to maintain a new section entitled "Letters to the President" to strengthen dialogue with the membership.

Each issue of the FMA Bulletin is distributed by email and posted to all FMA members. It is uploaded on the FMA website in pdf format. Since 2007, German,ltalian and Spanish versions have been available on the internet in addition to those in French and English.

Before each issue, members are Written to and encouraged to submit articles and news items. The Editorial Board makes the final decision regarding the selection of content. The Management l Committee believes that the Bulletin is a vital part of internal communication with the mempership. Essential information on forthcoming activities is included in the FMA publication. The FMA Bulletin also serves to promote the Association within Parliament and with outside bodies. Copies of each issue are sent to all MEPs, the EP information offices and antennas and EU representations in the I f Member States, the national associations of former Members as well as key people within the European institutions.

5.2 Website The site is regularly updated for the use of members as well as the general public. There is an online version of the Membership Directory (accessible to FMA members only), a database for the "EP to Campus" Programme and the Speakers' Bureau, information on FMA activities as well as selections of photographs from FMA events.

Improvements were constantly made by the FMA Secretariat throughout the year by adding information on upcoming events and special news.


6.1 "European Parliament to Campus" Programme Inspired by the "Congress to Campus" Programme organised by the United States Association of Former Members of Congress, the FMAprogramme EP to Campus is co-ordinated by Lord Richard Balfe together with the Secretary General.

The aim of the Programme is to enable universities to utilise the expertise and experience offormer MEPs who share their insights into how the EU institutions really work and what the factors are that shape EU decision making.

The FMA aims to match the requirements of the institution with members from its database which details the areas of of former members, along with languages spoken. The university makes the final choice in consultation with the Association. The participating institution is expected to meet transport and accommodation costs plus any other expenses.

The Programme has the full backing of the Jean Manne! Unit of the European Commission. Universities which do not have their own resources to participate can apply for funding from th9

25 Jean Monnet Action or, if not successful, to the FMA. During the course of 2016, the Association organised 18 programmes. Former Members were invited to act as guest speakers at the following universities:

1. University ofTartu (Estonia), 17-18 March 2016 "Europe under stress. Which way out of the cris(e)s"? Jan MULDER

2. European University Institute (Florence), February 2016 "Young citizens of a European Florence" Monica BALDI

3. European University Institute (Florence), 21-22 March 2016 "Young citizens of a European Florence" Barbara DOHRKOP DOHRKOP

4. Secondary Schools EUI (Florence), 18 March 2016 "Young citizens of a European Florence" Vitaliano GEMELLI

5. Secondary Schools EUI (Florence), 19 April2016 "Young citizens of a European Florence" Cristiana MUSCARDINI

6. American University of Bulgaria (Bulgaria), 1-3 April 2016 Model- European Union Simulation Jan MULDER

7. University of Wroclaw (Poland), 19-21 April 2016 "Protection of Fundamental Rights - new challenges for the EU" Robert EVANS

8. European University Institute- State of Union conference (Florence), 5-6 May 2016 "Populism in Europe" Enrique BARON CRESPO

9. John Hopkins University (Washington), 14-16 June 2016 "Europe: Resilient or Doomed?" Enrique BARON CRESPO

10. ESSC Cergy (France), 23-24 June 2016 ESSEC Summer School: "The Global Manager in Europe" Zofija MAZEJ KUKOVIC

11. ESPE- UBP (Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand) (France), 17-19 October 2016 « Europe & Sustainable Development » -Eva QUISTORP -Birgit DAIBER

12. Babes Bolyai University (Romania), 21-22 October 2016 "The EU's current crisis. An evaluation of its policy responses instruments" Astrid THORS

13. De Montfort Leicester (United Kingdom), 25-27 October 2016 "European integration: Trade, Human Rights, Foreign policy, Monetary Union and austerity" -Jose-Maria GIL ROBLES - Gay MITCHELL

26 -

14. Georg-August- Universitat Gottingen (Germany) 8-10 November 2016 "Overview of European Integration since WWII and the role of the institutions in the ElJ and their powers" Michael HINDLEY

15. University of Zagreb (Croatia), 17-18 November 2016 Lecture on lobbying the EU Institution about issues such as Single Market, and Industry Toine MANDERS

16. Mendel University (Czech Republic), 20-27 November 2016 "Sustainable Growth: Lecture and seminar on the Principles of European Integration and EU geography" Mariel BAEVA

17. University of Szeged (Hungary), 28 November-2 December 2016 ''Gender Issues: Gender and equality in Europe" Teresa DOMINGO SEGARRA

18. Tallinn Law School (Estonia), 7-8 December 2016 "Influence of the Brexit on the European Internal Market" GaryTITLEY

Reports from FMA members who participated in the programmes are published in different editions of the Bulletins and are available on the FMA website.

6.2 Democracy Building and Election Observation Activities

EU Democracy Building and Election Observation On 24 September 2015 the Management Committee established a Working Group in charge of formulating concrete proposals on Democracy Building and Election Observation actions. The group is composed of Ms Brigitte Langen hagen, Mr Jan-Willem Bertens, Mr Bill Newton Dunn t (Chair until27 April2016), Mr Edward McMillan-Scott (appointed new Chair as of 27 April2016) as ! well as the advisory member Ms Veronique De Keyser, with extensive experience and expertise on th.e matter. I The kick-off meeting of the Working Group took place on 9 November 2015 with an initial and I I extensive discussion on the future fields of actions. The group agreed on two main aspects to I· consider: democracy promotion and election observation activities. The EU does very good work on election observation. However, there are still weaknesses and the group agreed to raise their concern by addressing two letters to High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security PolicyNice-President of the Commission Federica Mogherini and to the DEG Co-Chairs r· Elmar Brok and Linda McAvan. In both letters, the Association reiterated its willingness to promote democracy support and election observation activities making more systematic and formal use of the expertise and experience of former MEPs. The replies received by the Association were evasive and not comprehensive.

Nevertheless, the Association was pleased to see two examples of how former members can be successfully committed to the cause of democracy support: 1) The EP appointed Mr Pat Cox for co-operation with Rada in Ukraine and the outcome of his mission was a memorandum of understanding signed between the President of the EP and the President of Rada. Mr Cox also led a Needs Assessment report that culminated in two things: the organisation of a Ukrainian week in the EP and the signature of an administrative agreement between the two institutions for administrative advice and support. Rada passed a resolution with a i large majority to proceed implementing the report. It is worth noting that the whole process L originated from an assessment report of an EP election observation mission to Ukraine with a list of things to be done and a former MEP with enough time and willingness to work on a pro-bono basis. 2) The EP appointed Mr Enrique Baron Crespo as person responsible for developing an~

27 implementing a programme of reinforced co-operation with the Tunisian Assembly along the lines of the programme put in place for the Rada in Ukraine. The Association will continue to do its utmost to make use of this valuable internal resource.

The Association has also continued to assist its members in their efforts to participate in Election Observation Missions (EOMs ). Regular updates on the requests for candidatures for EU Electoral Observation Missions are provided to FMA members and the FMA website contains information and a direct link to the Commission website dealing with EU EOMs. The current procedure remains that members must register both with their national authorities and in the Commission's online database (Election Roster).

Global Democracy Initiative The 2005 AGA approved a memorandum of understanding between the FMA, the United States Association of Former Members of Congress and the Canadian Former Members Association, with a view to creating an International E:lection Monitors Institute. Throughout 2007, 2008 and 2009, several FMA members took part in IEMI election observation training sessions in Ottawa. Efforts were made for the IEMI to be invited to send its members on election observation missions. In 2011, the I EMI Board agreed to widen the scope of the Institute, to ensure a comprehensive democracy support approach, which was renamed the Global Democracy Initiative (GDI). Representatives from the US Association of Former Members of Congress (FMC), the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians (CAFP) and the Former Members of the European Parliament Association, launched the GDI on 13 July 2012 in Washington. There were no concrete programmes running due to a lack of funding but only exchange of information.

6.3 Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy

The Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy, a Belgian public interestfoundation, was founded in 2013 by the three former FMA Presidents Lord Henry Plumb, Mr Jose Marla Gil Robles and Mr Pat Cox. It was recognised by royal decree and therefore obtained a priori government supervision.

The Foundation's principal aim is to strengthen and develop parliamentary democracy by drawing on the European parliamentary experience of FMA members. The Foundation strengthens two FMA fields of activities, namely the "EP to Campus" Programme and democracy support initiatives, by devising fund raising strategies to support concrete projects.

The Foundation's accounts are independent from the Association's accounts and they consist only of funds received from private donations or fundraising. The Foundation's accounts are audited regularly by an external company and reported to the FMA Annual General Assembly, while the Foundation's executive management Board comprises the members of the FMA Management Committee to ensure transparency and accountability.


7.1 European University Institute

In 2016 the Association built a close and effective co-operation with the European University Institute in Florence. The basis of the collaboration was established through a direct relationship of mutual exchange of information. Thanks to several ad hoc meetings with the heads of the sectors, the identification of concrete action and the development of further partnerships was achieved. Moreover, the participation in conferences based on the expertise and experience of former Members brought about a real and full harmony and sharing of intents. Monica Baldi is the FMA Board member responsible for relations with the European University Institute (EUI).

Considering the high-level of expertise of FMA members in a wide variety of fields, the FMA launched partnerships with the following EUI departments:

28 1. The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, an inter-disciplinary research centre which carries out research on key issues of contemporary European society, and brings together specialists in various fields, promoting comparative and international aspects taking into account five major research projects: Global Governance Programme; Florence School of Regulation; European Union Democracy Observatory; Migration, Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom

2. Mr Enrique Baron Crespo, President of the FMA and Former President of the EP, participated in the prestigious event "The State of the Union" conference. It is an annual event for high-level reflection on the EU and the world. The 2016 edition took place from 5 to 7 May in Florence and a delegation formed by the FMA President Enrique Baron Crespo and Monica Baldi attended the event organised around the theme "Women in Europe and the World". Mr Enrique Baron Crespo participated in one of the panels that brought together academics and politicians to discuss Populism in Europe and the current state of democracy in Europe.

3. The Historical Archives of the European Union is where documents of the Institutions of the European Union are kept, along with the papers of pioneers and visionaries, of political leaders, and of the numerous European voices from movements, associations and political groups. Former MEPs were invited to attend appointments for high school classes at the Historical Archives of the European Union. The programme also included a session of a European Parliament committee in English or Italian and the former MEPs chaired a simulation with active involvement from the students. The EUI also organised a complete programme for the former MEPs including meetings with EUI staff and visit to the archives. These events were organised under the patronage of the EP to Campus programme. I 8. FMA MEMBERSHIP AND SERVICES TO MEMBERS

8.1 Membership The FMA membership details, as of 31 December 2016, are included as Annex V and VI of this report. In 2016 the Association gained 9 new former MEPs. Membership now stands at 637. There were also a limited number of members who decided not to renew their membership as well as a number of members who have passed away or who have been suspended for failure to pay their membership fee by the deadline in accordance with Art. 7 of the Statutes.

The FMA has a practice of automatically writing to every MEP who leaves Parliament mid-term. They receive a personal invitation from the FMA President to join, as well as a copy of the latest FMA Bulletin to give them an overview of FMA activities.

The Committee urges all members to promote the FMA amongst acquaintances in their own Member State or political group and pass on the contact details of interested individuals so that the FMA Secretarial can write to the former Members in question and send them further information.

8.2 Memorial Service (26 April2016) and bereavements With the full support of the European Parliament, the Association organised the Eighth Annual Memorial Service for deceased Members and former Members of the European Parliament on 26 April 2016 before the Cocktail and Dinner Debate took place. Mr Pat Cox, FMA Former President a11d Former President of the European Parliament, attended the service and gave a closing oration to the members. The members of the Association as well as all MEPs were invited to attend the ceremony. Family members of the former MEP Mr Hubert Jean Buchou participated in the event and were kindly invited to the FMA dinner.

The FMA Secretariat produced a brochure for the event which collected together personal messages on deceased members written by FMA members.

II is with deep regret that we report that the following Association members passed away in 2016:

t 22 March 2016, Frode KRISTOFFERSEN

29 t 19 May2016, Marco PANNELLA t 5 June 2016, Gianluca BUONANNO MEP t 13 June 2016, Polito SALATTO t 10 July 2016, Katharina FOCKE t 20 August 2016, Charles-Emile LOO t 26 August 2016, Winfried MENRAD t 21 September 2016, Leonidas DONSKIS t 10 September 2016, Andrew PEARCE t 12 November 2016, Paul VERGES t 5 December 2016, Mogens Niels Juel CAMRE t 22 December 2016, William ABITBOL t 5 January 2017, Rolf LINKOHR t 7 January 2017, Mario SOARES t 7 January 2017, Lelia LAGORIO t 17 January 2017, Henry CHABERT t 28 January 2017, Salvatore TATARELLA t 2 February 2017, Josep VERDE i ALDEA

It is with deep regret that we also report the death of former Secretary General of the European Parliament (from 1987 to 1997), Mr Enrico Vinci, on 17 November 2016.

If any member is aware of any other FMA member who has passed away in the last year, the Management Committee would be grateful to be informed through the FMA Secretariat in Brussels. Members may also wish to prepare an obituary for a departed colleague to be published in the FMA Bulletin or in the brochure of the Annual Memorial Service held a day before the Annual General Assembly.

8.3 FMA Membership Directory for 2017 A new 2017 version of the Membership Directory was published and posted to all FMA members in December 2016. The electronic version of the Directory, available on the FMA website (, is updated on a continual basis and is therefore the most accurate source of contact information for members of the Association. Access to this information is restricted to members via a password.

8.4 Access to Intranet and to WiFi In 2008 the Parliament agreed to grant remote access to the EP intranet facilityforformer Members using computers outside the Parliament, for example their home or work computers. Access to EP intranet became operational in April2009. FMA members may have external access to this facility, upon request to the FMA Secretariat. Such access is greatly sought after by FMA members who wish to remain active and informed.

30 Former MEPs wishing to obtain a password to connect to WiFi should go to the EP lnfocentre in person (passwords are not given by phone nor by e-mail): - lnfocentre address in Brussels: Altiero Spinelli building ASP 01 E35 (Computer room) - lnfocentre address in Strasbourg: Pierre Pflimlin PFL (ground floor) only during plenary sessions Tel +32 2 2284300 E-mail: [email protected] This service is available for computers; smartphones and tablets.

8.5 Access to information on pension and health insurance matters The 2003 Statute for Members of the European Parliament came into force in 2009 and is only applicable to former MEPs who were elected from the 2009-2014 term. For these former MEPs, pensions and medical reimbursements are now paid from the EU budget. Should any of these former MEPs need advice on the new pension or health insurance scheme, they can contact the Parliament's Unit for Members' Salaries and Social Entitlements in DG Finance at: [email protected].

8.6 Archives-Processing of papers of former MEPs Mr Anthony Simpson was the FMA representative responsible for archives until 27 April when Manuel Porto was appointed to replace him by the newly-elected Management Committee. He acts as an adviser to Parliament and the FMA on questions related to former Members' personal archives.

Following the Bureau decision of 10 March 2014, on the "Procedures governing the European Parliaments" acquisition of private archives of Members and former Members, the Association has closely co-operated with the Historical Archives Unit of the European Parliament to inform former MEPs. The European Parliament conserves Members' and former Members' personal archives and, through their publication, provides researchers with material on European History. For these purposes, the European Parliament's Historical Archives acquires Members' and former Members' personal archives, in order to process them. The processing involves sorting, classifying, describing, preparing for permanent preservation, digitising, indexing the documents and making them available to the public (following Regulation 1049/2001 ). Should you be interested, please contact:

Historical Archives Unit Ms Sandrine Bonnet Tel: +352 430022118 [email protected]

Following the suggestion of Anthony Simpson during FMA's last General Assembly on 27 April 2016, the Historical Archives prepared an internet guide to the archives of delegates and members since 1952. This guide aims to facilitate the search and access to archives of former members regardless of their place of custody. r This guide will be integrated into the website of the historical archives of the European Parliament and will offer:

- a biography of the delegates and former members of the European Parliament and a summary of their parliamentary activity; multiple ways of accessing and searching for the information: by list, search form, map, Parliament hemicycle, political group etc.; · the description and location of the member's archives and a link to the institution where they are kept and preserved.

The Management Committee would like to thank Mr Anthony Simpson and Mr Manuel Porto for their work throughout 2016. l. 8.7 FMA Handbook On the initiative of FMA members, the Association published the first edition of the FMA Handbook in December 2010. The purpose of the Handbook is to provide FMA members with an overview'

31 its va'rious activities and with useful practical information in reply to their frequently asked questions and summarise what gives the FMA its added value. An electronic copy of the Handbook is also available on the FMA website in the section reserved for FMA members only.

8.8 Bureaux de Passage for Former Members of Parliament Parliament provides bureaux de passage for the use of former MEPs in Brussels and Strasbourg. These bureaux are equipped with computers linked to EP intranet and internet, telephones, fax, a TV monitor for Parliament sessions and lockers for members' personal effects. As part of its agreement with Parliament, the FMA Secretariat looks after these offices and the equipment. The FMA Secretariat is also on hand to assist members. Visitors' books have been placed in the bureaux which allow the Association to demonstrate to Parliament that the offices are regularly used by former Members.

The European Parliament adopted the Report on "The amendments to the Rules of Procedure relating to a Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest" on 1 December 2011. The Annex I to the Rules includes article 6 which reads: "Former Members who engage in professional lobbying or representational activities directly linked to the European Union decision-making process may not benefit from the facilities granted to former Members under the rules laid down by the Bureau to that effect1". The amendments to the rules entered into force on 1 January 2012.

In order to ensure the full implementation of article 6, the Quaestors decided that "Former Members should only have one badge at any one time; if they were registered as a professional lobbyist, they should give up their former Member's badge and receive the appropriate professional access card until such time as they ceased to engage in lobbying or representational activities; upon ceasing to be a lobbyist or engaging in representational activities, their former Member's badge would be returned to them" (Quaestors' meeting of 19 April 2012).

The Association always informs its members of the adoption of the Rules and Quaestors' decision and reminds them of the existing "Rules governing the use of the Bureau de Passage for former Members" adopted by the Quaestors which read:

1. This office is placed at the disposal of former Members of the European Parliament in accordance with the Rules Governing the Rights of Former Members of the European Parliament as adopted by the Bureau at its meetings of 12-15 Apri11999, and which entered into force on 20 July 1999. 2. The office is available for occasional use by former Members during Parliament's normal office hours. The office is intended for short stays only and should not be used as a permanent base within the Parliament. Users of the office must wear the appropriate "Former Member of the European Parliament" badge. Whilst the partner or spouse of a former Member may accompany them when they are in the Bureau, Members' assistants, friends or other persons are not permitted to make use of these facilities. 3. The office may not be used for political, commercial or lobbying activities. Former members found to be in breach of this provision shall have their "former Member of the European Parliament" badge removed by the Quaestors. 4. A telephone is available for making local calls only. 5. A computer is available. However, no member should make use of this facility for more than 20 minutes when other members are waiting. 6. The office must not be "personalised" (e.g., displaying of nameplates) in any way. 7. Locker keys are available for daytime use only. They must be returned to the Secretariat every evening. 8. Smoking is not allowed in the office.

8.9 European Parliament Diaries and Christmas Cards European Parliament diaries and Christmas cards from the President of the FMA were sent to all members of the Association, to current MEPs and to main FMA contacts in December 2016.

1 Bureau Decision of 12 Apri11999. I tt; .. '... 32 9. FMA STATUTORY BODIES AND SECRETARIAT

9.1 The Annual General Assembly· 27 April2016 Following the election of five members of the Management Committee at the Annual General Assembly on 27 April 2016, membership of the Committee is as follows:

Elected on 27 Mav 2015: Elected on 27 Apri/2016:

1. Ms BALDI Monica. 1. Mr BARON CRESPO Enrique 2. Lord BALFE Richard 2. Ms LANGEN HAGEN Brigitte 3. Mr BERTENS Jan-Willem 3. Mr MANZELLA Andrea 4. Mr NEWTON DUNN Bill 4. Mr MCMILLAN-SCOTT Edward 5. Ms RIERA MADURELL Teresa 5. Mr PORTO Manuel

In line with the Statutes of the Association, the five members elected in 2015 will serve until the AGA on 31 May 2017. The five members elected in 2016 will serve until the AGAin 2018.

9.2 The Management Committee Four meetings of the Management Committee were held on 28 January, 27 April, 19 October and 1 December 2016. At the Management Committee Meeting of 27 April2016 the following Bureau was elected:

Mr Enrique BARON CRESPO President Lord Richard BALFE Vice-President Ms Brigitte LANGENHAGEN Secretary Mr Jan-Willem BERTENS Treasurer

Two Quaestors, Ms Catherine BEARDER and Mr Andrey KOVATCHEV serve as representatives of the European Parliament on the FMA's Management Committee (a list of the members of the Management Committee is included as Annex VII of this report).

The.Association Board wishes to register thanks to the former members of the FMA Board, Barbara Diihrkop Diihrkop and Anthony Simpson, for their long service to the FMA. Anthony Simpson was the first FMA Treasurer and was responsible for archives, greatly contributing to simplifying and . modernising the EP procedure f.or the deposit of former MEPs' papers. Barbara Diihrkop Diihrkop was responsible for relations with BUDG and DG Finances, a delicate and crucial issue for the Association. They also were both dedicated members of the FMA Editorial Board.

9.3 Secretariat The Secretariat is composed of Secretary General Elisabetta Fonck, Administrative Assistant Lisseth Bravo, and Finance and Programme Assistant Valeh Nasiri. Ms Lisseth Bravo Rueda was the successful candidate of the recruitment procedure for the post of t' Administrative Assistant replacing Ms Giorgia Zia. The Management Committee was very thankful to Ms Zia for her work for the Secretariat for seven years and wished her all the best for the future. Her devotion and hard work contributed greatly to the increasing success of the FMA.

The FMA continued to participate in the Parliament's traineeship programme and was allocated three trainees during 2016. Ms Eva Lara Perez Garcia worked in the Secretariat from 18 April to 17 June 2016 and Mr Samy Chiba from 2 May to 31 August 2016. Ms Evie Theocharous started working on 1 September and will continue until 31 May 2017.

Mr Daniel Rodriguez Garcia also supported the FMA Secretariat from 1 November 2015 until3 April 2016 and Ms Benedetta Ferraro from 16 November 2016 until20 January 2017.

The Management Committee would like to thank all the staff for their dedicated work.


10.1 Financial and Administrative Agreement with the European Parliament The Bureau of the European Parliament adopted the Rules governing financial contributions to parliamentary associations in January 2008. The Bureau Decision forms the basis for relations between the FMA and Parliament. Under it the FMA is provided with offices for its Secretariat, meeting rooms for Management Committee and Annual General Meetings, interpretation and translation services, printing, communication facilities and stationery.

In 2016 the FMA received a grant of €210,000 from the Parliament. Under the terms of the agreement, the Association is obliged to submit final accounts for 2016 to DG Finance.

To dale, FMA's "own resources" have come primarily from the annual membership subscriptions. These are fixed by the AGA each year and the 2017 fee remains at €100.

1 0.2 Annual Accounts The Association's audited annual accounts for 2016 form an integral part of this report. The Association Treasurer will present the 2016 annual accounts at the AGA which will lake place on 31 May 2017.

10.3 Auditors In accordance with the FMA Statutes, Mr Michael Elliott and Ms Erna Hennicot-Schoepges were appointed from the membership as the lay auditors for the 2016 accounts by the AGA of 27 April 2016. Also in accordance with the Statutes, the General Assembly, with the approval of the DG Finance, confirmed the professional firm KPMG for the audit of 2016 accounts.

The FMA's professional and lay auditors' reports will be presented during the AGA in 2017.

10.4 Budget 2017 In line with the FMA Statutes, a budget for the FMA for 2017 is presented for consideration by the AGA as Annex VIII to this report. This budget was prepared in consultation with DG Finance and meets the requirements of the financial agreement.

Annex IX to this report is a provisional budget for 2018.


On behalf of the Management Committee, I would like to· thank all members for their continued support during 2016 and welcome the new members who joined the Association. I hope they will actively contribute to the Association's life and development. In 2016 the FMA continued to consolidate its image within Parliament and outside for the contribution it makes through its members to promoting the debate on the development of the European Union and working for shared European values.

We continue to seek ways to further use the full potential of our unique pool of human resources. We also want to continue to be a club where friendships and social links with colleagues from across Europe are maintained.

Signed on behalf of the FMA Management Committee

Enrique BARON CRESPO, President


FMA Dinner Debate 26/04/2016 FMA Annual Lunch 27/04/2016 Cost of the Dinner for FMA: €60 Cost of the lunch offered by the FMA: €50

Payments (41 participants) €2.460,00 Lunch (I person suppl) €50,00

TOTAL INCOME: €2.510,00

Dinner (73 participants) €4.380,00 Cocktail (74 particiapants) €1.273,00 Lunch (49 participants) €2.450,00 Interpreters €1.645,60 r ! I


I l,


FMA Annual Dinner 30/11/2016 FMA Get-Together Lunch 1/12/2016 Cost of the meal for FMA: €55 Cost of the Get-together Lunch: €38,50

Payments (60 participants) €3.300,00 Get-together Lunch (23 participants) €885,50

TOTAL INCOME: €4.185,50


Dim1er (80 participants) €4.473,50 Get-together Lunch (25 participants) €962,50



FMA Visit to the Netherlands 30-31 May 2016

Bus Rental- Visit to ETEC (European Space Research and Technology Centre) €675

Museum Entrance Mauritshuis The Hague €475,00



FMA Visit to Slovakia 7-8 November 2016 ! I

•· Payment from participants for the lunch 8/11/2016 (12 persons) x€20 €240,00


Guided Tour- Old town +Devin Castle/ sprevadzanie +Entrance fee to Devin Castle €497,00

Bus Transfer €300,00

Interpreters €500,00

Lunch 8/ll/20 16 €260,00 TOTAL EXPENDITURE €1.557,00 l'


FMA STUDY VISIT TO SERBIA 25 September - 2 October 2016

;':f;'"}C:'S'(ceF~-;:···.~ ,_, ~; "'~·.:f}i"··;::·;•.•• !~?tZcJ •t;JI._ll>'J;i •.7flilimMJt• '}.·~·:t~~cg::,'··•\'C··\· ·.'':'.·•• ••··.·. -'."'•·· ·"c.··"':~:'>.·'"' · ·~.. ··.·d

Payment of the 19 Patticipants (€600/person) €11.400,00

Total €11.400,00

EXPENDITURE Expenditure for the group Bus in Serbia 8 days €1.450,00 Cross border transfer fees €170,61 Guided tour Novi Sad €81,18 Technical equipment (booths+ micros) €600,00 Interpreters €3.270,00 Cultural evening · Chicago Musical €121,29 Reception with EU ambassadors . 26/09 €670,56 Dinner 27/09 €584,87 Lunch28/09 €339,54 Coffee breaks · Meetings at the EU Infocenter 28/09 €81,00 Lunch 29/09 €452,36 Lunch 30/09 €285,24 Coffee break inNis 30/09 €20,00 Lunch 01/10 €384,25 Expenditure for E. Fonck International flight FMA EF €273,49 Insurance EF €67,48 Hotel Serbia 7 nights €692,84 Per diem FMA EF €368,00 Total €9.912,71 Surplus income over expenditure €1.487,29

Amount reimbursed to 2 members who cancelled (€350 per person) €700,00

Total amount reimbursed to 17 participants (€46,31 per person) €787,29


FMA Membership Statistics as of 31 December 2016

As of 31 December 2016 the Association had 637 members. The table below gives a breakdown in absolute figures and percentages of membership according to nationality and gender. It also shows what proportion of members can be corresponded with by e-mail and fax. All EU Members States are represented in the FMA except for Estonia and Croatia.

No. of %of No. of No. of Country E-mail Fax members total Men Women Austria 19 2,98% 12 7 100% 47% Belgium 28 4,40% 17 II 96% 39% Bulgaria 11 1,73% 7 4 100% 45% Cyprus 3 0,47% 3 0 100% 100% Czech Republic 9 1,41% 8 I 100% 0% Denmark 14 2,20% 5 9 100% 28% Finland 12 1,88% 5 7 100% 17% France 88 13,81% 55 33 100% 52% Germany 64 10,05% 33 31 97% 73% Greece 29 4,55% 19 10 89% 72% Hungary 10 1,57% 4 6 100% 30% Ireland 23 3,62% 18 5 87% 52% Italy 74 11,62% 63 11 98% 59% Latvia 2 0,31% 2 0 100% 100% Lithuania 4 0,63% I 3 100% 0% Luxembourg 5 0,78% '2 3 100% 80% Malta 1 0,16% 0 I 100% 0% Netherlands 43 6,75% 22 21 95% 37% t' Poland 18 2,82% 14 4 100% 28% Portugal 23 3,61% 16 7 91% 43% Romania 6 0,94% 4 2 100% 50% Slovakia 4 0,63% 2 2 100% 25% Slovenia 3 0,47% I 2 100% 33% Spain 61 9,58% 43 18 100% 39% Sweden 10 1,57% 7 3 100% 50% United Kingdom 73 11,46% 58 15 98% 48% TOTAL 637 100% 66,10% 33,90% 98,11% 44,11% l.


No. of POLITICAL GROUPES ~lmtry members

~ ~ ill~ l"l ~ ~~ ~ l"l ~:J (.!) Q::o ,_ l"l :;: ' ~ ~ -E-< ~~ ~ l"l • u z ~ "" rl "'~~$, '"' Q ~ ""l"l 0 ~"'-~ .,-t:.:l...l l"l 8 e - l"l...l ~:s _o ill ., l"l ~ ~ l"l ~ -~ !?! ~., ;;;; u ~ ~ ~ ;;:; 00 ~ :;:z z l"l ...l~ - z l"l .,"' l"l l"l l"l 2~ 0 "" ... ..:...l ;.. u - Austria 19 2 9 I I 6 Bel!rium 28 7 8 6 6 I Bulgaria 11 I 3 6 I Cyprus 3 I 2 Czech 9 2 2 5 Republic Denmark 14 2 4 5 I I t Finland 12 3 2 5 2 France 88 14 22 9 II 7 6 2 6 6 3 I I Germany 64 27 19 6 8 3 I Greece 29 14 9 I I 3 I Hungary 10 4 6 Ireland 23 7 7 I I 5 I I Italy 74 45 10 4 3 4 5 2 I Latvia 2 I I Lithuania 4 I 3 Luxembourg 5 2 I 2 Malta 1 I Netherlands 43 10 9 13 I 3 2 I I I I I Poland 18 8 5 2 3 Portugal 23 8 12 2 I Romania 6 2 4 Slovakia 4 I I 2 Slovenia 3 2 I Spain 61 19 29 2 5 2 3 I Sweden 10 4 2 3 I United 73 26 28 11 I 2 4 I Kingdom TOTAL 637 212 194 81 42 28 24 15 11 9 8 5 3 2 3

Divers* = EN(EDN) Europe of Nations, DR European right, EPD(DEP) European Progressive democrats ~ 0

------·· --· ------···-· ··- ANNEX VII

Members of the Management Committee on 31 December 2016

Mr Enrique BARON CRESPO, President Lord Richard BALFE, Vice-President Ms BrigitteLANGENHAGEN, Secretary Mr Jan-Willem BERTENS, Treasurer


Quaestors Appointed to the Committee:

Ms Catherine BEARDER Mr Audrey KOVATCHEV I I

i l,


Expenditure (curos) Revenue (curos) Eligible expenditure Heading 1: Stajj'costs I. Salaries 206.500 Annual EP subsidy 210.000 2. StaiT mission expenses 3.200 Heading 2: Infrastructure ami operating costs 1. Mail and telecommunications 6.700 Heading 3: Opemtional expenditw·e I. Audit costs 4.200 Extermll Audit 3.700 Internal Audit 500 2. Accounting costs 610 Accounting sojlware update 80850 610 3. Moniteur beige 150 4. Lawyer costs 300 5. Payment online 800 Heading 4: Meetings and entertainment costs 1 . Management Committee meeting expenses 15.000 2. Relations with former members associations and European 12.400 Association membership fee Membership fee FP-AP 1.800 Visits to national FMAs and parliaments under EU presidencies 4.300 Reimbursement of Members for FP-AP meetings 6.300 3. EP to Campus 6.500 4. Global Democracy Initiative 3.000 5. Other meeting costs 28.350 Dinner Debate 6.200 Annual Lunch 3.000 Own resources: Annual Dinner 6.100 Study Visit 10.000 [. Members' dues 62.700 Memorial Service 1.700 Get-Together Lunch 1.350 2. Dinner-Debate 3.500 Heading 5: Information alld publishing costs 3. Get-Together Lunch 1.350 4. Annual Dinner 4.500 l.l-Iosting of website 1.600 5. Study Visit 10.000 6. Visits to national 2. Website update 2.500 FMAs and parliaments 700 under EU presidencies 3. Annual Seminar 1.500 7. Bank interest 160 8. Donation from the Foundation for 4. Bulletin Lay-out 800 9.500 Parliamentary Dcmocmcy 5. Agcncc Europe' 5.000 TOTAL ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURE 299.110 NON-eligible expenditure 1. Financial costs 300 2. Membership loss 3.000 TOTAL NON-ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURE 3.300 .. '·'TOTAL BUDGET 302.410 302.410



Expenditure (euros) Revenue (euros) Eligible expcnditu•·e Heading 1: Staff costs 1. Salaries 206.500 Annual EP subsidy 210.000 2. Staff mission expenses 3.400

Heading 2: lufrastmcture ami opemting costs

I. Mail and telecommunications 7.400

Headi11g 3: OjJerafiolla/ expe11diture I. Audil costs 4.200 Extenml Audll 3.700 lntemal Audfl 500 2. Accounting costs 610 Accouul/tJg :sa/fware !tpdllle BOB50 610 3, Monitem beige 150 4, Payment online 700

Heading 4: Meeti11gs a11d elllei·taimnellt costs

1. Managcmcnl Commiltcc meeting expen_ses 17.800 2. Relations wilh former members associations and European 11.800 Association membership fee Membership fee FP-AP 1.800 Visits to national FMAs and parliaments under EU presidencies 4.000 Reimbursement ofMembers }Or Ff-AP meetings 6.000 3. EP to Campus 6.500 4. Global Democracy Initiative 3.000 5. Other meeting costs 27.750 D/Jmer Debate 6.400 t Ammall.lmcll 3.000 Own resources: Ammal Dtmw1' 5.400 I Study Vlsfl 10.000 I. Members' dues 63.300 Memorial Service 1.600 Gei-Togelllel' Lwwll 1.350 l. 2. Dinner-Debate 3.500

Headi11g .i: Iu[ormutio11 a1td pub/is/ling costs 3. Get-Together Lunch 1.350

4. Annual Dinner 4.500 I. Hosting of website 1.600 5. Study Visit 10.000 t' 6. Visits to national 2. Website update 2.500 FMAs and parliaments 800 under EU presidencies 3. Annual Seminar 900 7. Bank interest 160 8. Donation from the Foundation for 4. Bulletin Lay-out 100 9.500 Parliamentary Democracy

5. Agence Europe 5.000


NON~cligiblc expenditure

1. Financial costs 200 2. Membership loss 3.000


TOTAL BUDGET 303.110 303.110

*This is a draft budget which may be subject to changes at the Board meeting on 31 May 2017 43 ~~lJROPl<:AN !:tARJJAMENT liORMER Vl!~iVlB!~"RS ASSOClAT-!ON ASSOCIATION IH~S ANCli~NS Dl<:l'UT"S At" I'ARU:VH•.:NT EUR0!'1<:1'N


Programme of FMA Activities in 2017

• Management Committee meetings and FMA Bulletin Editorial Board meetings in Brussels:

February May October November

• Publication of FMA Bulletin:

March- Special edition on the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome June September December

• Information Seminar on a topical issue jointly organised with the European Parliament Research Service (EPRS) - May

• Annual Memorial Service for deceased former and current MEPs under the auspices of the European Parliament - May

• Dinner-Debate with a guest speaker- May

• Annual General Assembly- May

• Annual Members Lunch - May

• Annual Study Visit - End of September/Beginning of October

• Visits to national parliaments in the EU Member States holding the EU Presidency: Malta (April) and Estonia (November)

• Annual Members Dinner -November

• Annual Seminm· for former Members on current EU topics- November

• Get-Together event- November

ti:uropean ::t~ariiament .JAN 02QIJ73, rm• Wicrtz, H-lll47 HR\JSSKLS. 'fei. 32/2. 284 07 03 Fax. 32/2. 284. 119 S9 E-mail: [email protected] 44 EUROI'EAN I'ARLIAME;\,'T FORMER MKVJBERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION DES ANCIENS DKI'CTES AD PARLKVIENT IWROl'EK\'


• Supplying speakers to Universities under the "EP to Campus" Programme and providing former MEPs with the necessary documents to prepare the lecture

• Use of the FMA Speakers database to respond to requests from the EP Information Offices in the Member States

• Attending board meetings of the Global Democracy Initiative

• Providing members with infonnation on democracy building, in particular on EU Election Observation Missions, and providing selected observers with briefing and training materials l • Use of the FMA database to involve former MEPs in EP and international organisations' activities on democracy building and follow-up of election observation missions I I • Co-operation with the European University Institute (EUI), the European University ! Association and the European Movement on various actions promoting knowledge of the EU I • Co-operation with the House of European History i

• Attending colloquies, seminars and bureau meetings of Eirropean Association of Former Parliamentarians

• Enhancing co-operation with the European Parliamentary Association in Strasbourg

• Administration of Bureaux de Passage in Brussels and Strasbourg

• · FMA Secretariat's assistance to members on various issues: EP administration and activities, legislative texts, archives

• Advising Parliament on Archives Policy and the EU archives project

• Maintaining interactive website and developing networking tools:

• Updating the FMA database and producing an annual directory sent to all members

"' .European Pnrliament .IAN 02Qil73, rue Wiertz, B-1047 BRUSSE:J,S. Tel. 3212. 284 07 03 Fax. 3212. 284. 09 89 E-mnil: [email protected] 45 46 5.

t I I

I I.


47 48 Auditor's report to the Annual General Assembly of the Association of Former Members of the European Parliament ASBL on the balance sheet at 31 December 2016 and the stateme.nt of income and expenditures ofthe financial year 2016

Report on the financial statements We have audited the balance sheet as at 31 December 2016 and the statement of income and expenditures t:or the yearthen ended of the Association of Former Members of the European Parliament ASBL prepared in accordance with the finan.cial retJorling framework applicable in Belgium and with the accounting principles described in articles 123 and 124 of the former financial regulation of the European Parliament. The balance .sheet total amounts to EUR 20.236,42 and the statement of income and expenditures shows a net result of EUR 0. Management's responsibility for the financialstateme.nts Management is responsible for the preparation ofthes.e finanGial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with the. financial reporting framework applicable in Belgium and with the accounting principles described in articles 123 am:!. 124 of the former financial regulation of the Parliament, and for such internal oontrol as the management determines, is n®cessary to .enable the preparation of accounts !hat are free from material misstatement; whether due to. fraud or error. Auditor's responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. Wf3 conducted our audit in accordance With International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) as adopted in Belgium. Those standards require that we comply with ethiGal requirements and plan and p·erforrn the audit to obtain reasonable assuranoe about wh.ether the finariGial stalehie~nts are free from material misstatement. An audit liwoiVes p.ert'prming procedures to obt!'lin !!!udit tiiVidenefl .about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. TM procedures selected depend on th.e auditor's judgment, inolvding. the a$sessment of the risl~s of r', ' material rni$statemerit ofthe financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers intElrnai control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation pf the financi<~l .str;Jtements in order to design auditp.rocedures that ar.e. appropriate in the circumstanees, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effective.n-ess of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonapleness of

KPMq. Be~~Jrs-(e\~~Oren .• R!lVisevrs d'Entrepfu;es ·£VBAI.SCRL ~ Bl(rgerllj~<.l V~i\noo m 'I handlllsvmm eli me \e f(p~· B<.it!rljfsrevlso_ren ·IZ~I1~~~~m'd'Enltcptrsi>_i!_, '# llelill~o CJy[f f1lle l'iPMill·niltwo;l\ nr-lniltiPI!llrltlnl mmobet ijJJns aWIIi!l<>~ Maa\${)il~ppalljkll·%G!el ~ !;li~ge--sor,i~l: lmm.o cotnmerclafe ii wl!li IMG lntemollonenJooporaiKtu ("IWMQ lntema(ional'j, u:Swlss.en!l()'· l;lourgai!Mll·-AiliJflijJt~IJilbltil)at4Q tMVOiiSqbllllii. ltml!~e D01l011\ilill Oli\$~1/fO;i![VI'!; KPMG'.Conn~anJIJJI t 1::iDJiius~¢j •'Brirxeflell rmV-· 'tVA liE-0:419. 122,5-"jf Bckt!llc- B.e!(llljtte RPR-flh!Ual• BP/4 arux~- 9 Audif01's report to the Annual General Assembly of the Association of Fonner Members of the European Parliament ASBL on the balance sheet at 31 December 2016 and the statement of income and expenditures of the financial year 2016

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the balance sheet as at 31 December 2016 and the statement of income and expenditures for the year then ended give a true and fair view of the association's equity and financial position in accordance with the financial reporting framework applicable in Belgium and with the accounting principles described in articles 123 and 124 of the former financial regulation of the European Parliament Other matter Articles 143 and 144 of the financial regulation as revised in 2013 require the use of internationally accepted accounting standards for the publi.c sector (IPSAS). For reasons of relevance and practicality, the balance sheet as at 31 December 2016 and the statement of income and expenditures for the year then ended have been prepared in accordance with the financial reporting framework applicable in Belgium. Report on other regulatory requirements The assoctation's compliance with the Law of June 27, 1921 on the not-for-profit associations, not-for-profit international associations and foundations as well as witll the association's articles of association and with the rules governing financial contributions of the European parliament to parliamentary associations is the responsibility of the management. In the context of our audit and in accordance with International Standards on Auditing, we verified, in all material respects, compliance with certain regulatory requirements included in the rules governing financial contributions of the European parliament to parliamentary associations. On this basis, we provide the following additional statements which do not modify the scope of our opinion on the financial statements: - The overall presentation of the.statement of income and expenditures and of the balance sheet complies with the presentation of the provisional budget; - Expenditures correspond to the rule.s dated January 14, 2008 (last modified on April 14, 2014) governing financial contribution to parliamentary associations; - Expenditures have been charged to the correct financial statement caption of the association; - The principle of sound financial management has been applied;

\ '"!.' . 't··, ,. Dooumant Clallslfloatron: KPMG Co;~ofldeotial 2 50 Auditor's report to tile AnnOal General Assembly of the Association ofFormer Members of the European Parliament ASBL on sheet at 31 December 2016 and the statement of Income and expenditures of the financial year 2016 I

-. Payments orders are supported by original documentation (or certified copies)

Brussels, 2 February 2017

KPMG Reviseurs d'Entreprises - Bedrijfsrevisoren Reviseurs d'Entreprises represented by ~~clo~ ~·~~-·»-~~-- VeroniqQe Vandooren Reviseur d'Entreprises I Bectrijfsrevisor

t I I !

i !,


PROVISIONS ASSETS 31-12-16 31-12-15 AND 31-12-16 31-12-15 LIABILITIES

Casl1 in bank 16.556,47 27.343,80 Carry forward 436,17 436,17

Saving account 14.759,32 5.677,31

Membership 180,50 201,04 account

General account 1.218,33 21.035,97

~~ ..... ,,, ____ -·~······-· Parliament Grant 398,32 429,48 account ~··-"""""-"

Prepaid charges 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 --· .. ·--

.. ,., 1--- ____ ·---·-· Liabilities and Receivables and prepaid membership 3.679,95 3.590,10 membership 19.800,25 30.497,73 fees to r<;>ceivo fees to carry .. over '

To\ai 20.236,42 30.933,90 Total 20.236,42 30.933,90


31-12-16 2015 ASSETS

Saving account 14.759.32 5.677 31 MembershiP account 180,50 201 04 General eccount 1.218 33 21.035 97 Parllement Grent eccount 398,32 429 48 Receivables and membership fees to receive * 3.679,95 3,59010

Prepaid charges 0,00 0,00

Tdlel 20.236;42 30.933,90

LIABILITIES ,!J?biltiles and ereeaid tnember:shte fees to carry over"*' HJ.80025 •.. 30~497 73 NET INCOME lASSETl'RIABILIIIES) ·- 43if17 436,11.. Total 20.23642 30.933,90

- -Details * Accouhts re_catvqble *~·~·~·~ To· rece.ive from :the .Foun-datiQn for ParU.:;tl_lentary .Gemqcracy ·.(FPO) 1_AQo,oo o;oO .... ~,.·~· ON.SS- Cr$.dlt Note 4th-_qu! -2016 {e!;;llmiOUQn) 1.-799,-,95 2';8-1:8,!50 ~-·-"""~---~~ ... 2016 MefrjbershJpJe-e·s-(deducied bY P6hSion).(es!lmatfot)) 810;'00 750;oo ··~- .. Paiemen~'9fthe-webaita for FPD .of-201.4 '_Q;@ ;11,60 ...... _ ~"·~· TQtal . 3;619,_95 3;590,1.0

**Accounts ~yabla'(d6bts} Prepaid' Annual Dinner :o,oo 16;50 l.. Bank paym9nlof-holel-!i_Xp_ensas: to be ch~;~t:gad t()'JI]e FMA u,_oo 258,00

Reinil3llfi:nnent EP to CAMPUS-axpsnses 222,80 tAH1,-68 Pos.t4J exp_e_nse:s 4th. (fua(l'e~ 20~~ :2.(300,415 - 1.000,00 Sxt(jrnal_and int~rnat Au_ditintHe:~:s. 2019 (!biT) 4.207,06 4:212;06 -- Training -costs 'BO'BBO 2$6;67 o,oo. ... pntiO.e .. ~<;~.yme.nt 36,0.S -{3.6,09

2017 -'20'1'8·2019 Ptepatb' Membership -fEies 11.910,00 21 ;23~.,'90

'$taff mis~;~ion 0;0.9 _9,0'4

RelltibiJ~~$fljE:mtMangeftlailt COfnliiittee flif::Hnbers 31·;3;l'i8 66$;68 FMA AtmuE!I SerriitJar (esl_imaf/oi"l) 204idb 54S,QO Study Visit (contra enfly) 46,-31 0,00 BuUelln Lay.out 0,00 1.098,6ff I ' 19.600,25 30.497,73 l' r 53 FORMER MEMBERS ASSOCIATION FROM 1 JANUARY 2016 TO DECEMBER 2016


DESCRIPTION 2016 budget 31-12-16 31-12-15

EP Grant 2016 210.000,00 210.000,00 200.000,00

Exceptional income 0,00 0,00 31.336,19

Membership fees 62.200,00 64.015,00 65.765,00

Dinner Debate 3.000,00 2.460,00 2.805,00

Annual Dinner 4.000,00 3.355,00 4.455,00

Annual lunch 0,00 50,00 152,00 ~·········· .. ··- Get together lunch 1.200,00 885,50 1.309,00

~·-· Visit to national FMAs and Parliaments under EU 0,00 240,00 324.00 presidencies -·- .. ·~-·· One·day Visit 700,00 0,00 0,00 -- " -- Study Visit (contra entry) 10.000,00 9,959,04' 0,00

··~"""""'" Donation from Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy 7.000,00 5.400,00 0,00 -·-- Bani~ interest .3sof_oo 7,35 70,1"6 -- Exceptional income mernbership- fees previous years 0,00 240,00 0,00

- -·~~- Total income 296.450,00 296.611,89 306.216,35


Personnel costs 206.500,00 206.087,40 1116.8'22,21

Staff missions 3.500,00 3.898,92 3.096,21}

Pos_tal expenses '7.500,00 9.738,39 6.131,67

Accounting and Auditing fees for 2016 accounting 4.720,00 5.265,09 5.786,85

Lawyer costs 0,00 423,50 363,00

Management Committee meetings 15.000,00 18.524,72 15.240,26

Participation at seminars and conferences (FP·AP) 8.100,00 7.429,91 7.829,24

FMA Visits to national FMAs and Parliaments under EU 3.500,00 2.714,00 4.746,35 presidencies

Protocol gifts for FMA visits 0,00 0,00 3.860,59 d \ 54 EPioCampus 6.600,00 6.419,92 14.435,90

Global Democracy Initiative (GDI) 5.500,00 2.415,56 4.871,24

Dinner Debate 6,000,00 7.298,60 6.580,95

Annual Lunch 3.000,00 2.450;00 2.864,60

Annual Dinner 5.500,00 4.473,50 6.519,00

Get together lunch 1.200,00 962,50 1.315,50

One-day Visit 7.00,00 0,00 0,00

Study Visit (contra entry) 10,000,00 9.959,02 0,00 ..

Memorial Service 1.000,00 1.537,77 1.83~,74

Bulletin's layout 1..580,00 95,86 6.295,63 ,_, ______- ·--.. - Website 4.100,00 3.212,55 6.467,94 .. --··-·-.. - !------·---··· 'S.ubscriptfon-Agence Europe 0,00 0'100 MOO,OO


...... -~··-..... ·--··-.-- - FMA An·nu;!! ~s:amfriar ·,oo. 1c26'\,7-2 1.723;65

Online payment 1.1oo;oo 659,80 766>,91 ·---·-u- Bank charges 300,00 168,54 1'36,00

Estimated toss on memberships fees 3.000,00 3.300,00 3.060,00

Exceptional loss on unpaid memiJersh\ps Fees2014 o,oo 0,00 340;00

Excepttonalloss on ~n,pa\tJ mam!Jerships-fees 2015 0,00 19.0,00 o,oo

TOTAL 298.450,00. •296,611 ,89 306.216,~5 t'

55 56 6.

t I I


57 58 n:)One.rtrl r\SSOC'2i:c<>", C>l:S '"'F"'"Q C, 8 Mxm:h 2017

Having IJeen ~'PIX

Our :mdil im:luded ~n examination of the detailed spreadsheet ot' ull !'bur bauk ~ccntmL~ kept by th.c ,-\:s~so,cjation's Treasurer. We :tiS!) reconciled ~mric~ in these accounts wilh receipt~ and paymc:t\l~, ''~ j\il>1it1cd by 1lills, pa)l~•;em orders :md other documentary evidence.

We dcelar~ tha•, whh •~gard tO tile 20Hi financial st£~mmems which we audited, of which th<: Sa lance Shoot on ~I DGccmbcr 2016 st1ow!ld anactualllalanoo carried rorwa.rd of € 4~16,1.7 and ofwhi<:'t the Statement of lnromc nml Expend hurt) shows a net, resul! of € 0, we i!f11l s:uist1ed that proper accounting records llavo bccrl ~~:dtltnincd and the auach.ed 11nancial suttcmems a true and fair retlection of tlu: tinandal &itumion at 3J Dllt:Crtlber 2016 and or the incornc :md ~xpendittJre ihr this period.

We note the OOnlinui•l.~ ~l'lbn;; <)!'tho; •ro'ips' from 20l6,

W;; lmve also studied the n1inmes of the Annual Genemll\>scmhly Ht1d Matl:t!}ulllcnt Committee mce.thl!}~ 2016, anti are ~tisfied that all iwms of exp~nditure l'ly lh~ A~soehuion during :W:tf> were matiQ 011 ttm of oecisio~s made by eltlter the Annual Geneml 1\sNcnthly, '"" Management Commi11ec, or in accordam:e witlllOil!J' stamling rommittnuntS such as stafl' contmcts, and Which rcspe<:t the agre!ld timmdal proCe(it•r~s o1' rhc A'~'QciRtion, We; note '' budgeted expend.ituret~

We al:>e> swdic(ltiN Budg<}t li>r 2<)17 and me cm!CC!"Ile


''?m',t''_!ti?F'l::!f5·1~e>Jr lf1':v ·~~.J 'h:iJJ

' L

i' L


By the deadline for nominations (28.03.2017), and in accordance with Article 8 of the Statutes of the Association, the foiiowing have been nominated for the elections of the Management Committee:

1. Monica BALDI 2. Lord Richard BALFE 3. Jan-Willem BERTENS 4. Dolores GARCIA-HIERRO CARABALLO 5. Marfa IRJGOYEN PEREZ 6. Edvard KOZUSNiK 7. Teresa RIERA MADURELL



63 Messages des Candidats pour l'election au Conseil d'administration

Statements by Candidates for the election to the Management Committee

BALDI, Monica Stefania

Dear colleagues, I decided to run again in the Management Committee because I think it is important to continue some actions implemented even with my contribution, aimed at developing the goals that the association intends. I should mention the cooperation with the European University Institute (of which I am responsible) that continues to strengthen, thanks to the interventions of the President, in the significant events, and our members who contributed with their experience and profound knowledge, to make this collaboration a success especially in programs promoted by the EU Historical Archives.

My commitment want to continue to promote cultural, scientific and social events; to support actions to strengthen parliamentary democracy; support the program EP to Campus; to promote contacts between similar organizations such as associations of former Members at national level; to encourage discussion on the development of the European Union; to facilitate the exchange of information and news, even between us and MEPs in office, which have in the Bulletin a real reference point having become a periodic of opinion with a focus on the main themes of European integration.

I will continue by making available time, professionalism and international relations in order to fully achieve our goals.

Thank you for your attention.

BALDI, Monica Stefania continued

Care/i colleghe/i, ho deciso di ricandidarmi nel Consiglio d'Amministrazione perche ritengo sia importante proseguire alcune azioni jinalizzate a sviluppare gli obbiettivi che l'associazione si prefigge, implementate in questo biennia anche con il mio contributo. Ricardo Ia cooperazione fra FMA e l'Istituto Universitario Europeo (di cui sono Responsabile) che continua a rafforzarsi, grazie anche agli interventi del Presidente, in eventi significativi, e ai nostri membri che hanna contribuito, con la lora e:,perienza e profonda conoscenza, a fare di questa collaborazione un successo specie nei programmi educativi promossi dagli Archivi Storici UE (HAEU).

Il mio impegno vuole proseguire nel promuovere incontri ed eventi culturali, scientifici e sociali; sostenere azioni per rafforzare la democrazia parlamentare; sostenere il programma PE al Campus; promuovere i contatti fra organizzazioni analog he come le associazioni di ex deputati a livello nazionale; incoraggiare la discussione sulfa sviluppo dell'Unione Europea; agevolarl! lo scambio di informazioni e notizie, anche fra di noi e gli eurodeputati in carica, che hanna nel Bollettino un vera e proprio punta di riferimento essendo diventato un periodico di opinione con focus sui temi principali dell 'integrazione europea.

.,_ ,,·p·· ' \ 64 Continuer(> mettendo a disposizione tempo, professionalita e relazioni internazionali per raggiungere pienamente i iwstri obiettivi. Vi ringrazio per l 'attenzione.

BALDI, Monica Stefania continued

Chers collegues, j'ai decide d'etre a nouveau candidat au Conseil d'Administration parce queje pense qu'il est important de poursuivre certaines actions mises en muvre, meme avec ma contribution, vis ant a deve/opper /es objectifs que l 'association a pour but. Je do is mentionner Ia cooperation avec l'Institut Universitaire Europeen (dont je suis responsable) que continue de renforcer, grace aux interventions du President dans les evenements importants et a nos membres qui ont contribue a leur experience et connaissance approfondie, pour faire de cette collaboration un succes en particulier dans les programmes promus par les Archives Historiques de l'UE.

Mon engagement veut continuer a promouvoir des evenements culturels, scientifiques et sociaux; soutenir des actions visant a renforcer la democratie parlementaire; soutenir le programme PE au Campus ; favoriser les contacts entre les organisations similaires telles que les associations d'anciens membres au niveau national; encourager la discussion sur le developpement de !'Union europeenne; faciliter l'echange d'informations et de nouvelles, meme entre nous et les deputes europeens en charge, qui ont dans le Bulletin un veritable point de reference etant devenu periodique d'opinion avec !'accent sur les themes principaux de !'integration europeenne. Je vais continuer a mettre a disposition temps, professionnalisme et relations internationales afin d'atteindre pleinement nos objectifs.

Je vous remercie de votre attention. BALFE, Lord Richard I l I helped set up the FMA after the 1999 election and have served on the Management Board either as Quaestor or full member since 2000.

I regard myself as first and foremost as representing all members. My nationality as a dual ~' British/Irish citizen is very much a secondary consideration.

I am regularly in Brussels both as Chair of the Voluntary Pension Fund and Vice President of the FMA. This means I can play a full part in developing FMA activities.

As a committee member I have been particularly responsible for onr very successful EP to Campus programme.

I have also kept in tonch on the FMA's behalf with our sister organisations in Australia, which I recently visited as part of a UK House of Lords delegation, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. The FMA plays an important role in the life of the EP. I ask for your vote so that I can help continue the good work.

I am always happy to hear from members at the e-mail address below. I L Richard Balfe richard. balfe 111 @ gmail. com ~ ~ 65 BERTENS, Jan-Willem

Dear Golleagues,

Elections go hand in hand with campaigning. Such an activity shows a certain immodesty, because one's CV will never reveal not even the slightest weakness or incapacity. Intentions are always outspoken and fruitful, one's plans credible and attainable. And so on, and so forth!

Notwithstanding the above mentioned utopian picture I dare say that my many years' committee membership (treasurer since 2005) has demonstrated an enhancement of our financial means. I will continue to go on that way, as well as to try to enlarge the after MEP-life in proceeding with the promotion of the EU and Pari iament. Your wide variety of expertise and knowledge should not be wasted.

I'm an optimist by nature, that's why I seek my re-election. In advance my gratitude for your kind decisive vote.

BERTENS, Jan-Willem continued

Mes chers collegues,

Toutes les elections vont de pair avec une campagne. Une telle activite demontre une certaine immodestie, parce qu 'aucun CV revelera jamais la moindre faiblesse ou incapacite. Les intentions sont toujours bien claires et avantageuses, les objectif:S credibles et realisables. Et ainsi de suite I

Malgre !'image utopique mentionnee ci-dessus, j'ose dire que mes nombreuses annees en tant que membre du Conseil (tresorier depuis 2005) ont demontre une amplification de nos intentions financieres. Je continuerai dans cette voie et essaierai de poursuivre rna vie d'ancien MdPE en promouvant l'UE et le parlement. Votre grande variete d'expertise et de connaissance ne doit pas etre gdchee.

Je suisun optimiste de nature, c 'est Ia raison pour laquelle j'espere rna reelection. D 'avance, toute rna gratitude pour votre aimable vote decis if.


Estimados colegas,

Mi interes en participar en Ia elecci6n al Comite de Ia Asociaci6n de Antiguos Parlamentarios Europeos, esta motivada porque creo, humildemente, que aunque mi experiencia en el Europarlamento haya sido breve, tambien ha sido intensa, y he constatado en estos ultimos tiempo Ia importancia que tiene nuestra contribuci6n a que el proyecto europeo se consolide, avance, bacia ese sueno de su fundador, una Europa plural, diversa cultural y socialmente, pero enriquecedora para todos y que avance en Ia convivencia en paz, con respeto a los derechos humanos, a nuestra Cmta Fundacional, como mujer, y europea del sur, Espana, creo profundamente en estos valores, y en que podemos aportar mucho, que nuestra actividad, Ia que se ha desarrollado y Ia que podriamos hacer ha de intensificar su presencia, y tambien extenderla mas, como espanola se que America Latina cuenta con nosotros como modelo de Regiones y

'· 66 Pueblos, que viven en paz. Dispongo de tiempo, ilusion y me gusta trabajar en equipo, con los hombres y mujeres que comparten conmigo estos valores.


Este afio, se cumple el sesenta Aniversari.o de Ia firma del Tratado de Roma que dio origen al nacimiento de Ia Union Europea (UE) antes Comunidad Economica Europea. Una Union que ha pennanecido robusta y solida por los excelentes cimientos sobre los que se asienta y que fueron construidos por los mejores arquitectos de entonces, los llamados padres fundadores de Europa. Todos ellos fueron politicos de reconocido prestigio y fuerte compromiso con la paz, despues de dos guerras fratricidas, de destruccion y muerte que asolaron nuestro continente. En estas seis decadas los europeos y europeas hemos vivido los mejores afios de nuestra historia y queremos seguir viviendo en paz bajo el cobijo de nuestra casa comun europea.

Quienes hoy sony ayer fuimos eurodiputados hemos de trabajar por reforzar Ia UE. Una Union robusta y solida que consolide el sentimiento de pertenencia a Europa. Una ciudadania europea que se siente segura al tener interiorizada Ia certeza de que ser europeo y em·opea es sinonimo de Democracia, de Igualdad, de Libertad, de Justicia, de Solidaridad, de Cohesion, de Progreso y de Desarrollo.

KOZUSNiK, Edvard I


Dear colleagues,

For two years I've been in the Management Committee. With great enthusiasm I submitted my candidacy for the first time. Now, running for re-election, my enthusiasm is even greater. I really believe in our association!

In such a difficult times, an association that aims to promote the European Project has more sense than ever. Europe' health depends on creating deeper ties that only an integrated Europe can provide. Our association can contribute to strengthen this ties.

I strongly believe that experience of Former-MEPs is a high value to use. As the European project is intergenerational and long-term, experience cannot be wasted.

I was MEP for ten years. Previously, national and regional MP. My background is Mathematics, I am full professor in the urn. My political work was mainly in Research&lnnovation policies. I was coordinator in ITRE-Committee, and rapporteur of Horizon 2020. Recently I chaired the DG-CONNECT panel for the interim-evaluation of Horizon 2020. I am member of RISE-HL Advisory Group to Commissioner Moedas.

I'd like to be re-elected to bring my experience to our association to continue working for a strong and united Europe, from my belief that the EU is no longer a dream, but a necessity!

! L j 67 RIERA MADURELL, Te1·esa continued

Querid@s colegas.

Durante dos afios he sido miembro de la Junta Directiva. La primera vez presente mi candidatura con gran entusiasmo, al concurrir a Ia reelecci6n m[ entusiasmo es todavfa mayor. Creo firmemente en nuestra asociaci6n!

En estos momentos diffciles, una asociaci6n cuyo objetivo es impulsar el Proyecto Europeo tiene mas sentido que nunca. La buena salud de Europa requiere vfnculos cada vez mas profundos que solo una Europa unida puede proporcionar. Nuestra asociaci6n puede contribuir a reforzar estos v[nculos.

La experiencia de los ex-eurodiputados es un enorme valor a utilizar. El Proyecto Europeo es intergeneracional y a largo plazo, Ia experiencia no puede desperdiciarse.

Fui eurodiputada durante 10 afios. Anteriormente diputada auton6mica y en el Congreso. Soy matemdtica y catedrdtica de la UIB. En el PE fui coordinadora en la Comisi6n ITRE y ponente del Programa Marco de Investigaci6n&Innovaci6n Horizonte2020. Recientemente he presidido el panel en DG-CONNECT para Ia evaluaci6n intermedia de Horizonte2020. Soy miembro del RISE, el grupo asesor del Comisario Moedas.

Me gustarfa ser reelegida para seguir aportando mi experiencia a la asociacwn y seguir trabajando por una Europa fuerte y unida, desde el convencimiento de que la UE ya no es un suefio sino una necesidad!

RIERA MADURELL, Teresa continued

Chers collegues,

Depuis deux ans, je fais partie du Conseil d'Administration. C'est avec grand enthousiasme que j'avais propose ma candidature la premiere fois. Maintenant, quand je me presente a Ia reelection,j'ai encore plus d'enthousiasme. Je crois vraiment a notre association!

Dans des moments aussi difficiles, une association qui promeut le Projet Europeen a plus que jamais beaucoup de sens. La sante de /'Europe depend de Ia creation de liens plus profonds que seule une Europe integree peut procurer. Notre association peut contribuer au renforcement de ces liens.

L 'experience des Ancien Deputes est primordia/e. Comme le projet europeen est intergenerationnel eta long terme, il faut profiter de cette experience.

J'ai ete membre duPE pendant dix ans. Et auparavant, membre national et regional. Je suis mathematicienne et professeur a l'UIB. Au PE j'ai ete coordinatrice de Ia commission ITRE et rapporteur du programme cadre de recherche&innovation Horizon2020. J'ai preside recemment le panel pour !'evaluation interim d'Horizon2020. Je suis membre de RISE-Advisory Group du commissaire Moedas.

·,r' 68 J'aimerais etre reelue pour apporter man experzence a notre association et continuer a travailler pour une Europe plus forte et plus unie. Je crois que l 'Europe n 'est plus un reve mais une necessite !

l i '



'69 70 18.

t I i

' I L t 71 72 FOUNDATION FOR PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY Public Interest Foundation- Rue Marie-Therese 21, 1000 Brussels

ANNUAL REPORT 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016

L Principal Aim

The Foundation for Parliamentaty Democracy was formally recognised by royal decree on 30 August 2013. The aim of the Foundation, as detailed in the Statutes, is to strengthen and develop parliamentary democracy by drawing on the European parliamentary experience of FMA members. The Foundation aims to strengthen two FMA programmes, namely the "EP to Campus"· Programme and the "Global Democracy Initiative", by devising fundraising strategies to support concrete projects for both programmes.

The former FMA Presidents Lord Henry Plumb, Mr Jose Maria Gil Robles and M:r Pat Cox are the Founding Members of the Foundation.

2. The Management Committee

The Foundation's executive management Board comprises the members of the FMA Management Committee to ensure transparency and accountability.

On 31 December 2016 the members of the Management Connnittee of the Foundation were:

1. Mr BARON CRESPO Enrique - President 2. Mr BALFE Richard - Vice-President 3. Ms LANGENHAGEN Brigitte -Honorary Secretary 4. Mr BERTENS Jan-Willem - Treasurer 5. Ms BALDI Monica 6. Mr MANZELLA Andrea 7. MrMCMILLAN-SCOTTEdward 8. Mr NEWTON DUNN Bill 9. Mr PORTO Manuel 10. Ms RIERA MADURELL Teresa

At the meeting held on 30 January 2014, the Management Committee of the Fo,undation appointed Lord Richard Balfe as member responsible for sponsorship and donations. Lord Balfe accepted under the condition that all Board members would be involved and take the f' I initiative thus ensuring a collective responsibility.

In line with Atticlc 9 of the Statutes of the Foundation, Board members will remain in office until the end of their tenn of office in the Board of the FMA.

The duration of the periods of office of the Board members, chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and treasurer will be limited to that of their period of office within the Board of the FMA.

3. The head office of the Foundation The head office of the Fmmdation is located in Rue Marie-Therese 21, 1000 Brussels. l' 'r 73 4. Annual Accounts

In line with the Foundatimi's Statutes and with Belgian Law, accounting periods and annual reports cover full calendar years. The audited annual accounts form an integral part of this report. The accounting period for the Foundation, as detailed in the enclosed accounts, runs for the period I st Januaty 2016 to 31st December 2016.

5. Anditors

According to Art 18 of the Statutes, the Board may entrust the auditing of the Foundation's financial situation, the aruma! accounts and their regularity under the law and the statutes to one or several auditors. The professional firm KPMG as well the internal auditors Mr Michael Elliott and Ms Erna Hennicot-Schoepges audited the accounts for the period from I Januaty to 3 i December 2016 and their reports arc enclosed.

6. Fundraising

As detailed in the enclosed accounts, the Foundation has succeeded in raising €12 000 in 2016 for supporting the "EP to Campus" and "Global Democracy Initiative" programmes.

7. Protocol to be submitted to and signed by donors and sponsors

At the meeting held on 30 Janumy 2014, the Management Committee of the Foundation adopted a letter of agreement to be signed by donors and sponsors to make it clear that donations or sponsorships are unconditional.

Signed on behalf of the Management Committee Enrique BARON CRESPO, President

74 Auditor's report to the management of the Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy on the balance sheet at 31 December 2016 and the statement of income and expenditures of the financial year 2016

Report. on the financial statements We have audited the balance sheet as at 31 December 2016 and the statement of income and expenditures for the year then ended of the Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy prepared in accordan.ce with the financial reporting framework applicable in Belgium. The balance sheet total amounts to EUR 35.197,71 and the statement of income and expenditures shows a net result of EUR 5.761 ,95. Managemenfs responsibility for the financial statements 1\llana(Jement is responsible for the preparation ofthesefinaneial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with the financial reporting framework ;Jpplicable in Belgium and for St:tch internal control as, !he ml statements, whether \lue to fraud or error. In makin!;jthose risk assessments, the

I{PM.G Bt,drijfSf!iVloorcn- R•iVissws d'Eo!fep!]s!l.~; a.Bclglao c\1•11-CVBfi/.SCR!• ~ aotl.a.·JJl_em~erfirm of the I~PMG ~etworl\·-bfl~de)le.Ju:hml memb~r firms a(filia[ed M~ats~'\mppelfjte_zolel-- SlOg~ soda!~ ' wilh IJPMG liltiin)ati~narcooj:l;lr;J.\Ive t"K_RMGinJ~J/l~I[Qn~I'J, ~ Sv~ss-enlity. BOlttyntlaM- Avenue ~u Buurt:~cl 40 tl~cument classifi~alipn: KP.MG C!:mMe.oHal ·1130 llrussal- 13fU)()!IJu~ BclgW-•Bclgltj_Uc Auditor's repott to the management of the Foundation for Parliamentary Democracy on the balance sheet at 31 December 2016 and the statement of income and expenditures of the financial year 2016

Opinion In our opinion, the balance sheet as at 31 December 2016 and the statement of income and expenditures for the year then ended give a true and fair view of the foundation's equity and financial position in accordance with the financial reporting framework applicable in Belgium. Report on other regulatory requirements The foundation's compliance with the Law of June 27, 1921 on the not-for-profit associations, not-for-profit international associations and foundations as well as with the association's articles of association is the responsibility of the management.

Brussels, 2 February 2017

KPMG Reviseurs d'Entreprises Reviseurs d'Entreprises represented by

Vlironique Vandooren Reviseur d'Entreprises /Bedrijfsrevisor


ASSETS 31-12•10: - is1-.,""' ...... ~"' UABIUTJE$ '31·12·16 3M245

Cash In bani< 26.197,71 18.057,36 Iota-! 33.192,, 27.430,76

Prepaid charges 1o,oo 0,00 ,n,oo 0,00

_Receivables liabilities and sponsorship to 10.000,()() ~nnnnoo expenses to 2.005,00 626,60 receive canyover

Total 35,197,71 28.C57,36 Total '85.1!:17,71 28.057,36


~ --.I --.I


31/12/2016 31/12/2015 ASSETS

Cash in bank 25.197 71 18.057 36 Receivables sponsorshiP to receive * 10.000 00 10.000 00

PrePaid charaes 0 00 0 00

Total 35.19771 28.057 36


Liabilities and expenses to carrv over ** 2.005 00 626 60


Total 35.19771 28.057 36


*Accounts receivable

CANDRIAM 10.000,00 10.000,00

Total 10.000,00 10.000,00

**Accounts payable (debts)

Donation to the FMA for the programmes 1.400,00 0,00

External Auditing fees 2016 605,00 605,00 Reimbursement FMA for website 0,00 21,60

Total 2.005,00 626,60




Description Bwdget 2016 31-12-16 31-12-15

~ ~~ ",,-,,,.,,, .. ,_-=,~-"' 'M= "" "~ '" -~'='-==•""'-'-"""""''·"''"• '''',""'.. ''''-"'''~'w''"'·'-"~-·~"'~=•=• ·~ . " ~· "-"'"'""""'·'" Spo~~~!~gs & Donatibns . . 12.500,00 12.000,00 12.500,00 Bank Interest 5,00 0,00 2,17 -·--- ·--- TOTAL 12.505,00 12.000,00 12.502,17

=·~---"----- . ~-~--


'" --~ .. <0 ·"'"""'~'~'""""''""''''""· '''·'""""'"""'~"' '"~- ~~ "'""'"~·-""''"""""""'"''"""""'"""'"' """'

Description Budget 2016 31-12-16 31-12-15

~-----·------· •.. Donation to th'e FM:A for the 7.000,00 5.400,00 0,00 ~ro.g.~~m.,mes .. . '' ---- .

:Au<'litor 615,00 '" 605;.00 605,00 ____ "'"''' "··-~~. ~~ .. . ---N'"' H~WOm __ ,._ . ''"*"'""""~" --- ''""''"'''- ---- Site Internet 60,00 26,6'2 24,00 ,. '' ··•»c•-••M-w.-~~----• -~-~"'" =--·=·'- .. Moniieur beige 130,00 124,63 250,92 ···-'" ~- "'"'"- '"'' ""'' "-"'"''"' Bank costs 140 00 28,40 121 00 Mana'gement Committee Meeting 0,00 63,40 II mr.h o.oo -· ~--~ Exceptional Exp~rldi~~~~ .. 0,00 0,00 9.733,22 '"'''" '''''«~<''00H'<0- . &•w• ~ -"""'""'•""-"-"''"-""'-====- ·•=•'"<' Estimated surplus 4.560,00 5.761,96 1.768,03 =-,~-~-"''"""'"'·=--·""''"~·- '., ~"~~~" TOTAL 12.505,00 12.000,00 12.502,17

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79 r FOt~OATIO~ 1:0R I'ARLlAMEr>

Bruss~ls. X March 20 til


Having been nppoimetl as JmermJI Audi1ors for the Fmmdation for Parliamemary Democracy by :he J3o,\n:l lif the Foundm ion iu 20Hi, we have :mdi~ed the Stmement of lm.:omc and Expebdiune and the Bahmce Sheet for tln:: period tit' 1 J:unwy 20J6to 31 Oecemb~r2016.

We Cl!lnnined the Acooums and timed tl!at expected sponsotship grants were re<."eivcd in 2(116.

:During 21il7, h .is amiciparcd, grants will be made to the FMA specifically for the use on tbc "EI' .,;o C

Michael EIHon