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CompleteCare service excludes theft, loss, and damage due to fire, flood or other acts of nature or 399 placing your bulb after 3000 hours of usage (up to 4000 hours in Eco-mode). D Processor 820 supporting dual-core $ ® Pentium ® (48 pmts.*) $999 Lease as low as Pentium ® 3400MP On-Site Service: ™ dual-core processing (3.20GHz, 2x1MB Cache, 800MHz FSB) RAID 1 Optional Service* M-F 8am-6pm) Standard Edition,*$898 Service,*Hardware Warranty Support), add $119 processing (2.80GHz, 2x1MB Cache, 800MHz FSB) Upgradable to Intel 798 PROJECTOR reg. price after $399 discount ™ Small Business Value Server • Intel • 512MB ECC DDR2/533 SDRAM (Up• to 80GB* 4GB) (7200 RPM) SATA Hard• Drive (Up to 1TB*) • 1-Yr Basic Enterprise Support (Next Business Day On-Site Dell Recommends: • System including Microsoft • 3-Yr Basic Enterprise Support (Next Business Day On-Site dual-core processing • POWEREDGE Includes: Intel $ Offers expire 05/17/2006. 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(48/mo., pmts.*) Desktop Shared SDRAM: E-VALUE Code: 07990-s80505a Lease as low as $16 Mail-In Rebate: NOTEBOOK ) and handling charges are extra, vary and are not subject to discount. May be combined with other select offers or discounts. U.S. Dell Small Business n bject to applicable end of lease options or requirements. Dell cannot be responsible for pricing or other errors, and reserves the right to cancel orde 2007WFP 20.1" $391 WIDE ASPECT ™ ™ Accidental Damage Service,*Hardware ™ They gave us the affordable, high-end technology our business needs to go the distance. Great offers like ™ 1300 DELL XP Home Edition ® ™ 499 M Processor 370 (1.50GHz) Applications Simultaneously Picture) and PBP (Picture by Picture) with 800:1 Contrast Ratio and $100 mail-in rebate* $ ® NEW Advanced Design Ideal for Space-Constrained Environments • Watch DVDs and Run Multiple • Supports Features like PIP (Picture in • Delivers Distortion-Free, Sharp Images reg. price$459 SKU: after 20073YR 15% discount FLAT PANEL LCD MONITOR ULTRASHARP be less. On Dimension, XPS, and Inspiron systems, for Norton Ghost 10 and Dell DataSafe users, up to 25% of the stated hard drive capacity may be utilized w.dell.com/servicecontracts. demarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. ©2006 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. d of the FMV QuickLease, you can: purchase the equipment for the then FMV, renew the lease or return the equipment to DFS. Please contact your DFS represe y call placed to Dell. U.S. only. Celeron 1370 Internal Wireless 802.11b/g ® ™ dell.com/SnPoffer Warranty Support), add $138 (Mail-In Service, Hardware Warranty Support) Service,*CompleteCare 699 reg. price after $100 discount Notebook Essentials – Starting at 6.55• lbs.* Intel • 15.4" Widescreen XGA Display • 512MB Shared* DDR2 SDRAM • 40GB* Hard Drive • Dell • Genuine Windows • FREE Upgrade to 8x CD/DVD• Burner 1-Yr Mail-In Economy Service Plan Dell Recommends: • 60GB* Hard Drive, add $40 • 2-Yr On-Site Mobility Service Plan* (Next Business Day On-Site INSPIRON Includes: 15.4" Widescreen Display and FREE Upgrade to 8x CD/DVD Burner $ Dell, the stylized E logo, E-Value, Dimension, Inspiron, and PowerEdge are trademarks of Dell Inc. Intel, Intel logo, Intel Inside, Intel Inside logo XP Professional ® Black; † Weights vary depending on configurations and manufacturing variability. $399 Monthly payment based on 48-month Fair Market Value ("FMV") QuickLease and does not include taxes, fees and shipping charges. 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Dell recommends re ® ™ ® 449 4 Processor 521 with HT Technology (2.80GHz) $ ® 17" E176FP Flat Panel Display ™ 3100, which utilizes the new industry-standard BTX design for maximum cooling efficiency and ultra-quiet operation. And includes Dell’s high-contr WordPerfect Pentium ™ ™ ® Replacement system or replacement part will be dispatched, if necessary, following phone-based troubleshooting, in advance of receipt of returned Hardware Warranty Support) Hardware Warranty Support), add $70 Hard Drive, add $100 Balance of Performance and Value with 819 reg. price after $370 discount • Corel • 512MB Shared* Dual-Channel* DDR2 SDRAM • 160GB* SATA Hard Drive (7200• RPM) 48x CD Burner/DVD Combo Drive • Dell 17" E176FP Flat Panel• Display 1-Yr Economy Service Plan (Next Business Day On-Site Service,* Dell Recommends: • 1GB Shared* Dual-Channel* DDR2 SDRAM,• add 3-Yr $50 Economy Service Plan (Next Business Day On-Site Service,* • DataSafe 160GB* (Secured Storage and Data Recovery) • Genuine Windows QuietCase Technology • Intel A DIMENSION Includes: Dell $ Dell recommends Windows 3400MP Projector Lumens: WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO BABYSIT OUR TECHNOLOGY. That’s why we partnered with Dell. monitor. And the Inspiron stay focused on our business instead of worrying about technology. With a little help from Dell, our business is more profitable than ever before. That’ OUR IDEA OF GREAT TECHNOLOGY? NEVER HAVING TO THINK ABOUT OUR TECHNOLOGY. the Dimension On-Site Mobility Service Plan includes CompleteCare Accidental Damage Service, and is not available in all states. Hard Drives: For hard drives, GB m call 800.433.7852 ENHANCE YOUR SYSTEM For a copy of our Guarantees or Limited Warranties, write Dell USA L.P., Attn: Warranties, One Dell Way, Round Rock, Texas 78682. For more information, Pricing, specifications, availability, and terms of offer may change without notice. Taxes, fees, and shipping charges (except free shipping offer Dual-channel memory requires 2 each of the same capacity memory DIMMs. On-Site Mobility:: Limited Warranty: More ideas to boost your system at Advanced Exchange Service for Dell Projector: *Pricing/Availabilty: trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are tra Financial Services L.P. ("DFS"), an independentterms entity, subject to to qualified credit Small approval Business and customers. Minimum availability, transaction and size are of subject $500 to required. change At without the notice. en intentional damage. CompleteCare not available in all states. Customer may be required to return unit to Dell. For complete details, visit http://ww Availability varies. Other conditions apply. 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High Cholesterol? Are you currently taking medication for your high cholesterol? DB2^_cTa3^f]TSX]8aP` If so, and you are at least 18 years old, you may qualify for a research study to test an investigational use of a marketed medication for high cholesterol. Participants will bgkhZ]lb]^[hf[bg`lZg]]kbo^& receive study related care and reimbursement for time and travel. Mph@Bl]b^bg\kZla [rlahhmbg`lFhg]Zr' B0330<>=CA80; mb^]mhbglnk`^gm_bk^4 Ma^a^eb\him^kpZl]hpg^]Z_m^k ¨!DEFIANT3ADDAM(USSEIN To see if you might qualify call: (703) 527-8100 ZN'L'hi^kZmbhgbgRhnllb_brZa' REFUSEDTOENTERAPLEA-ONDAY or email [email protected] kZb]ldbee-)fbebmZgml Ma^FncZa^]^^gLankZ


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Worry Worry

• Are you worried or anxious most of the time? • Do others tell you that you worry needlessly or worry too much? • Are you so agitated that you can’t enjoy your life? • Are you so on edge that your health is affected? • Do you suffer from shortness of breath, palpitations, difficulty sleeping, excessive sweating, or abdominal distress?

%$72!9!0 If so, you may have CA08;>50B74B)!WOMANWALKSTHROUGHAVILLAGECOVEREDBYVOLCANICASHTIN"ABEDANVILLAGE ABOUTMILESAWAY Generalized Anxiety Disorder. FROM-OUNT-ERAPIIN9OGYAKARTA )NDONESIA4HEVOLCANOERUPTEDVIOLENTLY-ONDAY SENDINGSEARINGGASCLOUDSAND If you are between the ages of 18 and 65, you may qualify to BURNINGROCKSDOWNITSSCORCHEDFLANKSANDTHREATENINGSOMEVILLAGERSINTHEAREAWHOREFUSEDTOLEAVEDUETO participate in a research study in which you will receive ANCIENTMYSTICALBELIEFS3CIENTISTSWARNTHEUNSTABLELAVADOMECOULDCOLLAPSE SENDINGOUTADEADLYCLOUDOFGAS investigational medication and study-related physical exams at no cost. This study is located near the Foggy Bottom Metro station and requires 9 visits over 12 weeks. For information, call (202) 994-CARE \aZk`^]eZlm=^\^f[^ki^g]bg`ma^ www.GWcare.org B0UaXRP½bId\Pc^ATbd\T0=2A^[T hnm\hf^h_ma^mkbZe' The George Washington University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. 9>70==4B1DA6B>DC705A820k ma^iZkmrlZb]Fhg]Zr' Ma^iZkmrÍlGZmbhgZe>q^\nmbo^ ?hkf^k=^inmrIk^lb]^gmCZ\h[ SnfZpZlZ\jnbmm^]eZlmp^^dh_

www.GWcare.org $!6%%).3%,'%449)-!'%3 B0=5A0=28B2>kRZahhBg\'ÍlP^[ The George Washington University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. %NRONFOUNDER+ENNETH,AYANDHISWIFE ,INDA OUTSIDECOURTIN(OUSTON-ONDAY lbm^blngo^bebg`Zg^pehhdMn^l]Zr Zlma^Bgm^kg^mihp^kahnl^lmkbo^l mhk^fZbgma^phke]ÍlfhlmihineZk COMPUTER SCIENCE GRADUATE PROGRAMS hgebg^]^lmbgZmbhgZg]lmk^g`ma^g bmlZ]o^kmblbg`Zii^Ze' GW VIRGINIA CAMPUS – LOUDOUN ?a^bTRdc^a1[Pbcb Ma^ho^kaZnefZkdlma^_bklm _Z\^eb_mmhRZahhÍlahf^iZ`^lbg\^ Master of Science in Information Sessions 4]a^]4gTRb½¼;XTb½ L^im^f[^k+))-' Ma^k^]^lb`g^]iZ`^bg\en]^l Computer Science Tuesday, May 23 6:00 pm 7>DBC>=k>gkhgq^\nmbo^C^__k^rLdbeebg`nl^] inla^]kne^lZg]ma^ginla^]ho^k mhhma^kiZ`^lmhk^ob^pma^p^Zma^k% 6:00 pm Computer Security & Êah\nl&ih\nlËmh\ho^kniZfZl& ma^ebg^Ëbgma^r^Zkl[^_hk^>gkhg \a^\d^&fZbehkeblm^gmhfnlb\' 20101 Academic Way lbo^_kZn]maZm[khn`am]hpgpaZm lhn`am[Zgdknim\rikhm^\mbhgbg :ghma^kZ]]bmbhg%\Zee^]ÊRZahh Information Assurance Building 1,Room 101 pZlhg\^ma^l^o^gma&eZk`^lm\hf& =^\^f[^k+))*' Inel^%Ëh__^klk^\hff^g]Zmbhgl Ashburn,VA 20147 Customize your experience. iZgrbgma^N'L'%Z_^]^kZeikhl^\n& Cnkhklpbeea^Zk_khfma^]^_^gl^ Zg]bglb`amlZ[hnm\nemnkZemk^g]l Learn current technologies while Rsvp Today! mhklZb]hgFhg]Zr' hgMn^l]ZrZg][^`bg]^eb[^kZmbhgl \nee^]_khfma^P^[lbm^Íl-)+fbe& establishing credentials for future 703.248.2800 EZrZg]Ldbeebg`\hffbmm^] P^]g^l]ZrZ_m^k`^mmbg`ZeZlmphk] ebhgnl^klphke]pb]^' www.nearyou.gwu.edu/cs positions. Focus your study on topics \kbf^lÊmakhn`aZ\\hngmbg`mkb\dl% _khfikhl^\nmhkl' RZahhblfZdbg`ma^ni`kZ]^Zl that range from computer and network Still Accepting _b\mbhg%ah\nl&ih\nl%mkb\d^kr%fbl& >Zkeb^kFhg]Zr%N'L'=blmkb\m bm[Zmme^lpbmakboZelFLG%:HEZg] security to software and databases. Fall 2006 e^Z]bg`lmZm^f^gml%aZe_&mknmal% Cn]`^LbfEZd^bglmkn\m^]cnkhkl @hh`e^Bg\'pabe^Zelhmkrbg`mh_^g] Applications! hfbllbhglZg]hnmkb`ameb^l%Ëikhl& mhp^b`apbmaÊ`k^Zm\Zk^Ëma^m^l& h__ma^mak^Zmihl^][rg^mphkdbg` Stackable credentials. ^\nmhkDZmakrgKn^ffe^kmhe] mbfhgrh_pbmg^ll^lpahie^Z]^] lbm^lln\aZlFrLiZ\^'\hf'0? Earn the highly sought after 4-course cnkhklbg\ehlbg`Zk`nf^gml' `nbemrZliZkmh_Z]^Zepbmaikhl& Graduate Certificate in just 5 months Kn^ffe^k%iZ\bg`[^_hk^ma^ ^\nmhkl'>b`am^q&>gkhg^q^\nmbo^l

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FORTHEDURATIONOFHISLATESTNOVEL THEPLACID OFTENCLICHEDh%VERYMANv Call for more information: 202.687.2936 Email: [email protected] È:kZgnbVc!É Register online: lombardi.georgetown.edu, click TEAM LOMBARDI ONLY! THIS WEEKEND in Stock. ;dg=^bhZa[ Up to 48mpg TDIs May Demo Sale! 8]?WX[X_A^cW½b]Tf PaZm\ZgfZg]hmhlmZo^h__mabl ahkkhk8A^k^blKhmaÍlhma^kik^h\& ]^eT[PaTVd[PaVdh \niZmbhg%]nkbg`pab\a>o^krfZg UPRTbcWTX]TeXcPQ[T \hf^lfhlmZebo^';^bmma^l^\k^& mZkrhgZee_hnklbgablh__b\^%ma^ ‘06 VW New Passat Sedan ‘06 VW Phaeton ‘06 New Jetta 1>>:BkBgÊ>o^krfZg%ËIabebi [nqhfgnkl^hkma^rhng`fh]^e% Was $27,440 Now $22,888 Was $76,105 Now $67,288 Was $25,280 Now $20,839 Khmapkbm^lZ[hnmma^]h``^]er l^qblk^]n\^]mh\eb\a^' Pkg 1/Cold Pkg/Auto Tech Package/Upgraded Sound Package 17” Wheels/Package 1 #E061001 #E061002 #E061063 hk]bgZkr%b_lhk]b]%eb_^h_ableZm^lm >o^gZl>o^krfZg]^eb`amlbg _eZp^]a^kh%[nm]^Zmablma^k^Ze l^qnZeie^Zlnk^%a^]bferk^\h`gbs& lmhkra^k^'>o^krhg^dghplahpbm ^lmaZma^bl]^lmkhrbg`ableb_^%ma^ ^g]l%Zg]pa^k^3Zmma^`kZo^rZk]% o^krmabg`a^bllh]^li^kZm^mhd^^i' pa^k^KhmaÍleZm^lm[hhd[^`bgl' MablmkZ`^]rl^^flmh\hgmZbgpaZm =^ZmaZg]bmlmkZiibg`l`^mma^ a^Zkmma^gho^eaZl';nmbmblZlfZee Zmm^gmbhgmaZmeb_^]h^lghm%_khf a^Zkm%cnlmZleb_^bgÊ>o^krfZgËbl ‘06 New Jetta ‘06 VW Touareg ‘06 VW New Passat Sedan ma^lbq&ihbgm^]lmZkl]^\hkZmbg` ZlfZee%aZk]mabg`%mh[^\hngm^] Was $25,465 Now $21,835 Was $39,225 Now $31,998 Was $29,415 Now $24,788 ma^`Zm^h_ma^Êkng]hpg\^f^& ni%phkkb^]ho^kZg]lihbe^]%[nm Auto Trans/Pkg 2 Pkg 1/V6 Pkg 2/Dynaudio m^krcnlmh__ma^C^kl^rMnkgibd^Ë g^o^k%l^qZlb]^%lhf^mabg`mh`bo^ #E061052 #E061149 #E061030 mhma^manfih_]bkmabmmbg`ma^\h_& hg^l^e_nimhpbmaZ[Zg]hg' *10K per year. All prices plus tax, tags, freight and processing fee. All incentives included. _bg%Êma^lhng]Z[lhk[^]bgmhhg^Íl MableZ\dh_ob[kZg\rblZk^Ze New Passat and New Jetta $500 Owner Loyalty must finance through VW Credit. Touareg $1000 Owner Loyalty must finance through VW Credit. All programs expire 5/26/06. [^bg`ebd^ghhma^k'Ë ikh[e^f_hkZgho^eZmm^fimbg`Z >o^krfZgZ[lhk[lbmZmabl eZf^gmho^kma^]^\ebg^Zg]^o^g& _Zma^kÍl_ng^kZe'A^bl./Éfhk& mnZeehllh_eb_^'KhmablaZk]er Se habla 800 784 2920 mZebmrehhflpbmaghZ_m^keb_^hk ma^_bklmpkbm^kmhikh[^ln\aZ Español Just 5 minutes from I-270 to Wootton Pkwy & Rockville Pike hma^kehhiahe^'Mhhp^ZdZ_m^k ngbo^klZema^f^Zg]a^]h^lgÍm congressionalmotors.com a^Zkmlnk`^krmhlaho^ema^lhbe% lZrZgrmabg`maZmZgrgnf[^kh_ Zg][^`bggbg`mhk^Zebs^ma^f^ll `k^Zmpkbm^klaZo^gÍmlZb][^_hk^' a^ÍlfZ]^%a^\Zghgereblm^gZlabl Bg_Z\m%a^lZrl\hglb]^kZ[ere^ll' _Zma^kbl[nkb^]' 2;0D380;0A>22>0?     

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AOS DEGREE # in HEALTH SERVICES Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13) Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13) # Adv. Tix on Sale OVER THE HEDGE (PG) # GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) DIG (115 410) 720 1015 ADMINISTRATION Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) # ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (135 420) 730 OC: MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (350) 1010 1005 JUST MY LUCK (PG-13) DIG (1140 220 500) 740 1015 AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG-13)DIG (140 355) 705 930 iinn j justust 1 166 m months!onths! Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13) # UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (155 440) 720 1010 Adv. Tix on Sale OVER THE HEDGE (PG) # GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) DIG (130 430) 725 1025 Culinary Arts # # AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) DIG (150 430) 715 1000 iincludesncludes Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) POSEIDON (PG-13) DIG (1150 200 230 440 510) 720 750 820 THE SENTINEL (PG-13) DIG (125 400) 710 950 Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOONDOCK SAINTS (R) - ID REQ'D # 950 1020 SILENT HILL (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (100) BILLING & CODING POSEIDON (PG-13) DIG # (1230 115 240 315 410 515) 635 720 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (1240 110 140 210 420 450 THE WILD (G) DIG (110 325 535) 745 & Hospitality SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG-13) DIG 1020 810 915 1015 1045 520) 700 730 800 830 940 1040 GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) DIG (125 425) 725 1020 BENCHWARMERS (PG-13) (105 320 530) 740 955 inin j justust 7 months!months! AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) DIG (150 435) 735 1035 Financial Aid is available for those who qualify OC: MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (400) 1005 THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (R) - ID REQ'D (145 415) 655 920 THE PROMISE (PG-13) DIG (1205) UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1145 225 505) 755 1030 DAVID GILMOURIN CONCERT (NR) DIG 800 Financial Aid If You Qualify Call to enroll: HOOT (PG) DIG (1225 250 510) RV (PG) DIG (130 400) 645 915 Job Placement Assistance MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (1200 1245 130 300 500) 630 STICK IT (PG-13) DIG (145 425) 710 1000 1–800–7–my–goal 700 730 800 930 1030 HOOT (PG) DIG (1250 310 530) UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (120 415) 740 1025 AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG-13)DIG (1215 235) 455 715 935 Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13) # (1-800-769-4625) RV (PG) DIG (135 420) 715 950 THE SENTINEL (PG-13) DIG (120 410) 650 Adv. Tix on Sale OVER THE HEDGE (PG) # AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) DIG (1215 340) 710 955 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG-13) DIG (155 415) 640 900 Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) # www.stratford.edu SILENT HILL (R) - ID REQ'D DIG 1040 POSEIDON (PG-13) DIG # (1200 100 230 400 500) 720 750 1020 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG-13) DIG (1240 320 535) 755 1010 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (1210 1240 110 320 350 420) FRIENDS WITH MONEY (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1210 230 500) 735 630 700 730 800 940 1010 1000 JUST MY LUCK (PG-13) DIG (115 415) 740 1020 INSIDE MAN (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (100 430) 745 Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13) # ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1250 340) 720     Adv. Tix on Sale OVER THE HEDGE (PG) # 1005 # GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) DIG (1245 400) 730 1015 Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG-13)DIG (1215 240 500) 715 940 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 - DIGITAL PROJECTION (PG-13) DIG HOOT (PG) DIG (1200 230 450) Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) # (1120 220 540) 840 UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (130 445) 740 1030 Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOONDOCK SAINTS (R) - ID REQ'D # GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) DIG (120 415) 720 1000 STICK IT (PG-13) DIG (120 410) 745 1030 GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) DIG (130 430) 740 1030 # RV (PG) DIG (1220 345) 710 950 POSEIDON (PG-13) DIG (1130 1230 130 230 330 430 530) 630 AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) DIG (120 410) 710 950 JUST MY LUCK (PG-13) DIG (200 445) 720 955 730 830 930 1030 HOOT (PG) DIG (215 435) JUST MY LUCK (PG-13) DIG (200 450) 740 1010 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (1240 110 140 210 350 420    450 520) 700 730 800 830 1010 1040 ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1140 240 510) UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (120 410) 710 1000 750 1035 # AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG-13)DIG (1150 250 520) 800 1015 Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13)  STICK IT (PG-13) DIG (150 440) 715 950 Adv. Tix on Sale OVER THE HEDGE (PG) # 11(888)478-0441(888)478-0441 AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) DIG (100 400) 650 940 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (1220 1250 150 340 410 500) Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) #    SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG-13) DIG 945 640 710 810 910 950 1020 Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOONDOCK SAINTS (R) - ID REQ'D # ICE AGE 2: THE MELTDOWN (PG) DIG (240 505) 725 HOOT (PG) DIG (1200 320) 635 850 JUST MY LUCK (PG-13) DIG (130 400) 715 950 # THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (525) 1035 UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (140 420) 715 945 POSEIDON (PG-13) DIG (1230 115 200 330 415 500) 700 730 OC: TAKE THE LEAD (PG-13) DIG (230) 750 815 930 1015  STICK IT (PG-13) DIG (145 445) 745 1025 DAVID GILMOURIN CONCERT (NR) DIG 800 ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (100 400) 745 RV (PG) DIG (100 400) 655 920 1015 have you tried it       AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) DIG (1245 350) 650 940 AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG-13)DIG 800 1020 in ink? THE SENTINEL (PG-13) DIG 700 955 HOOT (PG) DIG (145 500) SILENT HILL (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (110) 900 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (115 200 415 515) 645 730 815 play Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13) # 940 1020 XX141c 1x.5      !  " #$ %%% & '(& )* + , Adv. Tix on Sale OVER THE HEDGE (PG) # THE WILD (G) DIG (210 440) OC & DA: UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (345) 940 Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) # SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG-13) DIG (1210 300 535) 820 1030 UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1245) 700 POSEIDON (PG-13) DIG # (1245 120 155 335 410 445) 640 715 ICE AGE 2: THE MELTDOWN (PG) DIG (1240 310) 625 STICK IT (PG-13) DIG (145 430) 745 1010 Introducing The Latest Now that 750 935 1010 1045 CRAZY LIKE A FOX (PG-13) DIG (345) 645 RV (PG) DIG (1245 315) 645 930 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (1240 115 145 400 430 500) AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) DIG (100 345) 630 915 there’s THE SENTINEL (PG-13) DIG (130 430) 715 950 Technology In Comprehensive 645 710 745 815 1000 1030 a choice, HOOT (PG) DIG (1250 350) ICE AGE 2: THE MELTDOWN (PG) DIG (1230 330) AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) DIG (100 420) 720 1020 Dental & Orthodontic Care which RV (PG) DIG (125 425) 700 955 would you UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (130 435) 735 1035 # •Implants SILENT HILL (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (140 440) 740 1040 Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13) All In One Facility choose? Adv. Tix on Sale OVER THE HEDGE (PG) # Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13) # •Emergency Care Adv. Tix on Sale OVER THE HEDGE (PG) # 2 blocks away from Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) # # •Dental Check-Ups Farragut North and Straight Teeth. No Braces. # Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) Adv. Tix on Sale THE BOONDOCK SAINTS (R) - ID REQ'D POSEIDON (PG-13) DIG # (1200 1240 230 300 330 500) 640 720 •Crowns & Bridges Farragut West Metro PREMIERE INVISALIGN PROVIDER # POSEIDON (PG-13) DIG # (1215 1255 240 420 510) 720 750 1000 750 910 955 1020 (top 5% Nationwide 2005) Adv. Tix on Sale X-MEN 3 (PG-13) •Root Canal Therapy Free Orthodontic Adv. Tix on Sale OVER THE HEDGE (PG) # 1030 GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) DIG (1230 340) 715 1010 •Oral Surgery Consultation Adv. Tix on Sale THE DA VINCI CODE (PG-13) # GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) DIG (1225 425) 715 1005 JUST MY LUCK (PG-13) DIG (1130 200 440) 740 1015 Free Implant K Street Dental & GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) DIG (120 410) 715 1010 JUST MY LUCK (PG-13) DIG (1205 235 505) 745 1025 AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG-13)DIG (1145 215 430) 805 1025 •Periodontics Consultation JUST MY LUCK (PG-13) DIG (1255 340) 745 1015 HOOT (PG) DIG (1155 210 425) Orthodontic Group # HOOT (PG) DIG (1200 225 450) MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (1210 100 140 320 405 450) •Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. A. Shouhayib & Associates POSEIDON (PG-13) DIG (1245 110 330 350) 700 730 930 1005 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (1220 1240 110 320 350 430) 630 700 735 800 940 1005 1030 HOOT (PG) DIG (135 415) •Orthodontics 630 700 730 800 940 1010 1040 UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1255 345) 725 1000 K Street Dental 308 Main Street MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 (PG-13) DIG (100 130 400 430) 705 725 800 UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1235 400) 705 945 STICK IT (PG-13) DIG (1225 315) 650 920 •Digital Computerized X-Rays 1990 K Street NW, Suite 15-A Gaithersburg, MD 20878 1000 1020 RV (PG) DIG (1220 310) 705 935 •Intra-Oral Camera/Video Imaging Washington, DC 20006 Beside Whole Foods UNITED 93 (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (1250 355) 655 935 RV (PG) DIG (1210 245 515) 755 1035 SILENT HILL (R) - ID REQ'D DIG 645 945 STICK IT (PG-13) DIG (115 405) 645 955 AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) (1230) 1015 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG-13) DIG (1245) •Air Abrasion (No More Needles) 202.775.0167 301.977.9787 AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) DIG (105 345) 740 1015 OC: TAKE THE LEAD (PG-13) (355) 725 ICE AGE 2: THE MELTDOWN (PG) DIG (1140 155 415) •EVENING HOURS BY APPOINTMENT www.kstreetdental.com Times For 5/16/06 ©2006 Advanced Ticketing at MovieWatcher.com

AMC SELECT - The best specialty films. AMC HOFFMANN CENTER 22 AMC POTOMAC MILLS 18 AMC TYSONS CORNER 16 Eisenhower Ave and Telegraph Road in Alexandria 2700 Potomac Mills Circle, Ste 886 7850 Tysons Corner Center 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4262 703-998-4262 JUST MY LUCK (PG13)  12:10, 2:45, 5:25, 7:55, 10:25 JUST MY LUCK (PG13)  2:10, 4:35, 7:10, 9:35 JUST MY LUCK (PG13)  12:10, 2:45, 5:15, 7:55, 10:25 JUST MY LUCK (PG13) JF 12:10, 2:45, 5:25, 7:55, 10:25 JUST MY LUCK (PG13) JF 2:10, 4:35, 7:10, 9:35 POSEIDON (PG13)  12:15, 1:15, 2:00, 2:50, 3:45, 4:30, 5:25, POSEIDON (PG13)  12:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:55, 4:30, 5:00, POSEIDON (PG13)  1:10, 2:00, 2:50, 3:50, 4:30, 5:20, 6:30, 7:15, 6:25, 7:15, 8:00, 8:55, 9:45, 10:30 6:30, 7:15, 8:00, 9:00, 9:45, 10:30 8:05, 9:00, 9:50 POSEIDON (PG13) JF 1:15, 3:45, 6:25, 8:55 AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG13) 12:45, 3:00, 5:20, 7:55, AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG13) 1:55, 4:15, 7:25, 9:30 12:50, 3:05, 5:30 10:20 HOOT (PG) HOOT (PG) 3:10, 7:30 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 12:05, 1:00, 1:45, 2:25, 3:10, HOOT (PG) 1:05, 3:20, 5:35, 8:20 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 1:00, 1:45, 3:15, 4:00, 4:45, 4:05, 4:50, 5:35, 6:10, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30, 9:15, 10:00, 10:40 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 12:15, 1:00, 1:45, 2:15, 3:15, 6:15, 7:00, 7:45, 9:15, 10:00 4:05, 4:45, 5:15, 6:15, 7:00, 7:45, 8:15, 9:15, 10:00, 10:45 RV (PG) 12:20, 2:35, 4:55, 7:40, 10:05 RV (PG) 2:15, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:35, 10:10 RV (PG) 1:20, 4:10, 6:40, 9:05 STICK IT (PG13) STICK IT (PG13) 1:50, 4:25, 7:05, 9:30 1:35, 4:25, 7:10, 9:55 STICK IT (PG13) 2:05, 4:35, 7:05, 9:50 UNITED 93 (R) UNITED 93 (R) 1:40, 4:40, 7:20, 9:55 12:25, 3:00, 5:25, 8:00, 10:25 UNITED 93 (R) 11:55, 2:40, 5:25, 8:05, 10:45 7:25, 10:00 THE SENTINEL (PG13) THE SENTINEL (PG13) 10:40 PM THE SENTINEL (PG13) 2:25, 5:00, 7:40, 10:20 1:35, 4:20, 7:05, 9:55 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) SILENT HILL (R) 12:35, 2:55, 5:10, 7:25, 9:40 SILENT HILL (R) 1:55, 4:40, 6:45, 7:30, 9:55, 10:40 5:30, 7:35, 9:40 ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) 12:00, 2:30, 5:05, 7:35, 10:15 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) Where your heart & mind go to work. SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) THE WILD (G) 1:20, 3:25 THE WILD (G) 11:55, 2:10, 4:25 1:05, 5:25, 9:45 $AMC SELECT% 4:25 THE BENCHWARMERS (PG13) EMPLOYMENT LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN (R) 1:15, 3:20, 5:25 GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG)  1:40, 4:35, 7:30, 10:35 10:40 PM ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) TAKE THE LEAD (PG13) AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 12:00, 2:40, 5:20, 8:05 ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) 12:05, 2:15 $AMC SELECT% 7:50, 10:15 1:15, 4:15, 7:10, 10:05 THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (R) OPEN HOUSE! INSIDE MAN (R)  1:25, 4:05, 7:10, 9:50 DAVID GILMOUR: THE VOICE AND GUITAR OF PINK GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) AMC COLUMBIA MALL 14 FLOYD (NR–NOT RATED) 8:00 ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL (R)  2:05, 4:50, 7:15, 9:45 When: Wednesday, May 17th, 3 pm–7pm AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 1:30, 4:10, 7:00, 9:35 10300 Patuxent Parkway $AMC SELECT% 410-423-0520 GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG)  2:10, 4:55, 7:50, 10:35 AMC RIVERTOWNE 12 Where: National Red Cross Headquarters JUST MY LUCK (PG13) 12:00, 2:30, 4:50, 7:30, 10:00 ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL (R)  12:20, 2:55, 5:40, 8:10, Exit 4A I-95, 1/2 mi. on Oxon Hill Rd. 10:40 POSEIDON (PG13) 12:30, 2:00, 3:00, 4:30, 5:30, 7:15, 8:00, 9:50, 2025 E St, NW 703-998-4AMC 10:30 AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 1:40, 4:20, 7:20, 10:00 Washington, DC 20006 JUST MY LUCK (PG13)  5:20, 7:40 AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG13) 12:05, 2:25, 4:40, 7:10, 9:25 AMC SPRINGFIELD MALL 10 POSEIDON (PG13)  4:35, 5:30, 7:30, 8:30 HOOT (PG) 12:40, 2:55, 5:10, 7:35, 10:10 Closest Metro is Foggy Bottom. 5:45, 8:30 1:15, 2:15, 4:15, 5:15, 8:15, Loisdale and Franconia Road AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG13) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 4:45, 5:15, 7:45, 8:15 10:15 As the humanitarian leader in the nonprofit sector, the American Red Cross works every day – 703-971-3991 SILENT HILL (R) 5:10, 8:10 RV (PG) 12:25, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:20 JUST MY LUCK (PG13) 2:15, 5:00, 8:45 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) 5:40, 7:50 RV (PG) JF 12:25, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:20 around the world – helping others. Our workforce is comprised of talented, caring profession- POSEIDON (PG13) 1:45, 4:45, 8:15 THE WILD (G) 4:30, 7:10 STICK IT (PG13) 12:20, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:25 als who lend their expertise to the development of products and services in the following areas: HOOT (PG) 4:50 PHAT GIRLZ (PG13) 7:20 UNITED 93 (R) 1:20, 4:05, 7:00, 9:30 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 2:00, 4:50, 8:30 ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) 4:40 THE SENTINEL (PG13) 7:25, 9:55 5:00, 8:00 RV (PG) SILENT HILL (R) 7:00, 9:45 AUDIT FINANCE RV (PG) JF 5:00, 8:00 $AMC SELECT% 1:00, 3:10, 5:25, 7:40, 10:05 5:20, 8:45 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) STICK IT (PG13) GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG)  4:50, 7:35 THE BENCHWARMERS (PG13) 12:35, 2:40, 5:00 ARMED FORCES EMERGENCY SERVICES GOVERNMENT RELATIONS UNITED 93 (R) 5:10, 8:30 AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 5:00, 8:20 ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) 12:10, 2:35, 4:55 &PUBLIC POLICY SILENT HILL (R) 7:30 BLOOD COLLECTION, PROCESSING SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) 8:15 LOEWS FAIRFAX SQUARE 8 $AMC SELECT% & DISTRIBUTION HEALTH EDUCATION ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) 4:30 8065 Leesburg Pike AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 1:35, 4:20, 7:05, 9:40 BIOMEDICAL R&D HUMAN RESOURCES &TRAINING $AMC SELECT% 703-506-9857 802 AMC UNION STATION 9 ASE ANAGEMENT MERGENCY NTERNATIONAL ELIEF GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) 1:30, 4:30, 8:00 REEL MOMS C M &E I R 4:40, 7:45 COMMUNICATION &DEVELOPMENT AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) POSEIDON (PG13) 11:00 AM Located at Union Station AMC MAZZA GALLERIE POSEIDON (PG13) 12:30, 2:00, 3:00, 4:30, 5:30, 7:00, 8:00 703-998-4AMC COMMUNICATION &MARKETING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1:45, 4:45, 7:30  2:00, 4:45, 7:30 Jenifer and Wisconsin AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG13) JUST MY LUCK (PG13) CUSTOMER SERVICES RISK MANAGEMENT MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 12:45, 1:00, 4:05, 4:15, 7:10, POSEIDON (PG13)  2:05, 4:20, 8:10 202-537-9553 7:20 &CALL CENTERS HOOT (PG) 2:45, 5:30 QUALITY ASSURANCE/ JUST MY LUCK (PG13)  2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 SILENT HILL (R) 5:05 2:20, 5:05, 7:55 1:15, 4:20, 7:15 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) DEVELOPMENT &FUND RAISING REGULATORY AFFAIRS HOOT (PG) 2:50, 5:00, 7:25, 9:40 INSIDE MAN (R) STICK IT (PG13) 2:30, 5:10, 7:40 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10 7:35 THE SENTINEL (PG13) FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) UNITED 93 (R) 2:35, 5:30, 8:15 DISASTER RELIEF VOLUNTEER ADMINISTRATION LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN (R) 9:50 PM 2:15, 7:50 2:20, 4:30 $AMC SELECT% THE SENTINEL (PG13) ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) 5:00 2:10, 5:10, 8:10 1:50, 5:15, 7:45 SILENT HILL (R) INSIDE MAN (R) ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL (R) 7:45 For more information about these positions or to apply, INSIDE MAN (R) JF 2:10, 5:10, 8:10 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) please visit www.redcross.org/jobs $AMC SELECT% MAGIC JOHNSON CAPITAL CENTRE 12 $AMC SELECT% 800 Shopper’s Way, Largo  2:00, 4:30, 7:35 Hope to see you there! GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG)  2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 10:00 GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 2:10, 4:45, 7:20, 9:55 301-324-4220 844 AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 2:10, 5:15, 8:00 JUST MY LUCK (PG13) 1:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:20 LOEWS GEORGETOWN 14 POSEIDON (PG13) 2:00, 4:30, 7:15, 9:50 AMC COURTHOUSE PLAZA 8 2:15, 4:40, 7:20, 9:40 3111 K Street, N.W. AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG13) Courthouse and Birch Rd. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 1:25, 2:10, 4:05, 5:05, 7:00, 202-342-6441 821 8:00, 9:55, 10:45 703-998-4AMC REEL MOMS 2:25, 4:55, 7:25, 9:45 2:00, 3:00, 4:30, 5:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 10:30 RV (PG) POSEIDON (PG13) EOE Together, we can save a life POSEIDON (PG13) 11:00 AM SILENT HILL (R) 1:40, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10 AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG13) 3:15, 5:45, 8:10, 10:25 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 9:30 PRESENTED IN DIGITAL PROJECTION SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) RV (PG) 2:15, 4:40, 7:05, 9:20 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) F 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 9:30 AMERICAN DREAMZ (PG13) 5:00, 10:00 1:20, 3:20, 5:50 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 2:15, THE WILD (G) THE SENTINEL (PG13) 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15 8:10, 10:30 5:15, 8:15 PHAT GIRLZ (PG13) SILENT HILL (R) 2:10, 7:20 3:30, 7:10, 9:55 POSEIDON (PG13)  12:45, 1:30, 2:30, 3:15, 4:00, 5:00, 5:45, $AMC SELECT% INSIDE MAN (R) Learn SPANISH now!! 6:45, 7:45, 8:30, 9:20, 10:20, 10:45 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:40 CRAZY LIKE A FOX (PG13) 4:20, 9:40 GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG) $AMC SELECT% AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 2:05, 3:05, 4:35, 5:35, 7:05, 8:05, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 12:45, 1:15, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL (R) 2:30, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40 7:30, 9:30, 10:30 9:35, 10:35 UNITED 93 (R) 2:25, 5:05, 7:50, 10:35 LOEWS SHIRLINGTON 7 AMC COUNTRY CLUB MALL 6 THE SENTINEL (PG13) 1:35, 7:00 SILENT HILL (R) 1:25, 6:50 2772 South Randolph Country Club Mall on Vocke Rd near Route 68. May 16 - June 22 INSIDE MAN (R) 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10 703-671-0910 801 703-998-4AMC $AMC SELECT% AMERICAN DREAMZ (PG13) 1:10, 7:40 JUST MY LUCK (PG13)  4:50, 7:50, 10:10 6weeks SOMERSAULT (NR–NOT RATED) 1:40, 4:10, 7:10, 9:30 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13)  4:10, 4:40, 7:10, 7:40, GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG)  1:45, 4:35, 7:20, 10:15 10:10 Tuesdays and Thursdays  2:15, 4:40, 7:15, 9:50 ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL (R) $AMC SELECT% RV (PG) 5:00, 7:30, 9:40 4:15, 9:35 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 2:00, 4:20, 7:30, 9:50 RV (PG) JF 5:00, 7:30, 9:40 FRIENDS WITH MONEY (R) 1:05, 3:20, 5:40, 8:00, 10:25 THE PROMISE (PG13) 1:20, 4:40, 7:00, 9:20 UNITED 93 (R) 4:20, 7:00, 9:30 THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (R) 12:50, 3:00, 5:25, 7:40, 10:05 WAH-WAH (R) WATER (PG13) 1:00, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 SILENT HILL (R) 4:30, 7:20, 10:00 LOEWS WISCONSIN AVE. 6 FRIENDS WITH MONEY (R) 1:30, 3:30, 7:20, 9:40 a 10% discount is offered MARILYN HOTCHKISS’ BALLROOM DANCING & LOEWS WHEATON PLAZA 11 4000 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. 3:40, 10:00 CHARM SCHOOL (PG13) Viers Mill Rd. Btwn. Georgia & University for the May session! 202-244-0882 714 THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (R) 1:50, 4:30, 7:00, 9:00 901-949-9202 746 POSEIDON (PG13) 1:30, 2:15, 4:00, 4:45, 6:30, 7:15 POSEIDON (PG13) F 1:30, 2:15, 4:00, 4:45, 6:30, 7:15 LOEWS DUPONT 5 JUST MY LUCK (PG13)  4:10, 7:10, 9:30 AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG13) 2:20, 4:40, 7:20 1350 19th St. JUST MY LUCK (PG13) F  4:10, 7:10, 9:30 1:50, 4:25, 7:05  4:30, 7:00, 9:30 STICK IT (PG13) 202-872-9555 711 POSEIDON (PG13) UNITED 93 (R) 1:40, 4:20, 7:00 AN AMERICAN HAUNTING (PG13) 4:40, 8:00, 10:05 visit our website and apply online: 2:30, 5:00, 7:40, 10:05 FAILURE TO LAUNCH (PG13) 2:00, 4:30, 7:10 SOMERSAULT (NR–NOT RATED) HOOT (PG) 4:10, 7:15 $AMC SELECT% MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 LOEWS WHITE FLINT 5 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 www.lado.com 2:00, 4:30, 7:10, 9:20 RV (PG) North Bethesda WAH-WAH (R) STICK IT (PG13) 4:25, 7:35, 9:50 WATER (PG13) 1:45, 4:20, 4:50, 7:00, 7:30, 9:30 4:20, 7:25, 10:00 310-423-1014 741 2:20, 4:40, 10:00 UNITED 93 (R) KINKY BOOTS (PG13) 7:30, 10:10 or call us today at JUST MY LUCK (PG13) 2:05, 4:30, 7:00 2:10, 7:20, 9:50 SILENT HILL (R) RAPE OF THE SOUL (R) 9:20 PM POSEIDON (PG13) 2:00, 4:30, 7:00 SCARY MOVIE 4 (PG13) 202-223-0023 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 2:00, 4:35, 7:35 LOEWS UPTOWN 1 ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN (PG) 5:15 UNITED 93 (R) 2:15, 4:50, 7:25 3426 Connecticut Avenue N.W. $AMC SELECT% $AMC SELECT% 202-966-5400 713 GOAL! THE DREAM BEGINS (PG)  4:05, 7:05, 10:00 AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 2:10, 4:40, 7:30 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (PG13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 AKEELAH AND THE BEE (PG) 4:15, 7:20, 9:45 Questions? Email : [email protected] Times for Tuesday, May 16, 2006 Times for Tuesday, F - Closed Captioning · J - Descriptive Video Service -SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT No passes or discount coupons Matinee price for all shows Fri-Sun & holidays before 4PM and Mon-Thu before 6PM. LADO has been teaching English as a Foreign Language for over 25 years. Based on our unique methodology and experience, we have designed a new and innovative Spanish Language Program. TUESDAY 5.16.2006 LADO International College 2233 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 WeekendPass makes the weekend perform. Phone 202-223-0023 EXPRESS Every Thursday in Express. XX143dC 3x1.5 21 !!k4G?A4BBk $ %! %kCD4B30H


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ANXIOUS? Do you feel embarrassed in social situations? Do you avoid being the center of attention? DuPont Clinical Research in Rockville, Md is seeking people who have Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)

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Cleaner DRIVERS Accounting ARCHITECTURE DIRECTOR OF MINISTRY ADMINISTRATION Tow Truck Drivers wanted. EXPERIENCED ONLY, DUCT/FURNACE CLEANERS The Church in Bethesda, seeking energetic, knowledge of NO.VA & surrounding areas. Call ** OPEN HOUSE ** Energetic, 6-person DC firm seeks Graduate Ar- resourceful individual. Contact 703-435-8888. Accounting and Finance chitect with 2-5 yrs. exper. You should have strong For industry leading company. Must be honest & [email protected] or AutolCAD skills, design talent & an interest in reliable, apply at: 4751 Lydell Rd. Cheverly MD 301-654-4159. www.churchinbethesda.org ELECTRICIANS/HELPERS places for human interaction. Send resume to: 20781. Spherion Rippeteau Architects, PD, 1530 14th st NW wash- Brothers Electric is a small but growing Montgom- 1750 Tysons Blvd., #260 ington dc 20005. EMAIL: [email protected]; or CONSTRUCTION - Bricklayers/Tuckpointers DISPATCHER/OPERATIONS ery Contractor seeks Electricians and Helpers to FAX: 202-387-7129. wanted. $20/hr. Piecework. Call 202-368-1319 or grow with us. Experience and transportation is a McLean, VA 22102 703-926-4088. When was the last time you enjoyed your work? Progressive. Stable. Growth. Arlington company must. Residential Commercial work. To apply (703) 790-1100 ASSOCIATION CONSTRUCTION in search of positive, sharp teammate, able to online go to www.horanelectric.com and click on careers or fax resumes to 301-365-3714 Spherion is a nationwide recruiting organization work independently. Excellent salary & benefits. EMPLOYMENT OPEN HOUSE Crane Operator Fax 703-525-1637 Michael or email: that assists hundreds of thousands of job seekers Electronics Engineer (Temporary) each year. We are the top accounting and finance Please see our ad in today’s Conventional & hydraulic. Min 5 yrs exp., top pay. [email protected] contingency recruiting organization in the DC EXPRESS Skyline, 703-369-0468. DISPATCHERS—Experienced dispatchers wanted Please note position will last 6-8 months area (Washington Business Journal, 2006) and we CONSTRUCTION for busy towing company. Please call 703-435-8888. dependant upon relocation of New York bureau. would be happy to prove that to you. Increase AMERICAN RED CROSS DRIVER Will install IDC, RJ, DB crimp & solder connector. your odds of finding an ideal position by coming to CDL Class A & B Drivers Auto Opening for exper’d. Loader Operator. Must be able Must be skilled in wiring of radio broadcast our OPEN HOUSE. You will be glad you did. are needed in Northern Va. We have FT positions studios, & able to accurately interpret wiring to dig basements. Exper’d. dozer operator. Must be available. Great benefits. Call: 1-800-401-1002. EXPERIENCED AUTO TECHNICIAN able to fine grade and understand site plans. drawings. Proficiency in AutoCAD LT desirable; We will be hosting an Open House at our Tysons DRIVER SBE cert. beneficial. Must be willing & able to Corner location. This event will focus on Full-time steady work. Pay based on exper. CALL Needed in Accokeek, MD. Salary + comm. Please 410-991-3865 Consulting firm seeks Driver to make deliveries in travel as some out of town assignments req’d. accounting and finance positions throughout D.C. and handle printing/production of exhibit 301-292-5300 or cell 301-343-0990. Construction Technicians Send resume to employment@.org or fax to Northern VA. Whether you are looking for temp, boards. Print production exp. a plus. Van provided. 202-513-3047. EOE. temp to perm, or perm employment, we have Experienced in soils & concrete testing on major Apply in person @ One Thomas Circle, NW, Suite many positions available. AUTO SALES construction projects. Certification a plus. CALL 701, Wash, D.C 20005. Equipment Manager 301-733-0073 extension 151. Driver—Dump Truck w/exper & B license. Call Army Navy Country Club Tuesday May 16, 2006 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 301-937-8990. EOE 10:00 am - 6:00 pm TakeOut Taxi of Montgomery County, the area’s DRIVER — DUMPTRUCK w/CDL. Looking for a highly motivated and organized indi- largest restaurant delivery service, is hiring Cus- 703-296-2154 vidual with experience diagnosing, repairing and Below are a few of our open positions: tomer Service Representatives. PT, all evening Driver—earn $600-800/week FT, $9-14/hr PT. De- maintaining golf course maintenance equipment. • AP Specialist in Reston (JD Edwards) Due to increased customer demand, DARCARS shifts. Call 301-571-0111 or apply in person: liver meals for Take Out Taxi. All shifts available. Must be skilled in the use of a wide variety of • Payroll Specialist (ADP Tax) in McLean currently has sales positions available throughout 10516 Summit Ave, Ste. 100, Kensington, MD. Must have own vehicle. Call 301-571-0111. equipment repair tools and welding. Must have • Accounting Manager with Government MD&VA.Experience not necessary - we will CUSTOMER SERVICE—FT/PT, for busy natural Driver—earn $600-800/week FT, $9-14/hr PT. De- knowledge of care and operation of internal com- Contracts experience train in our state of the art training facility! We health care center. Mon-Sat, some positions until liver meals for Take Out Taxi. All shifts available. bustion and diesel engines and rotary and reel • Sales and Use Tax Accountant (will consider are seeking motivated, customer friendly 7pm. Great benefits, great teamwork, hourly pay. Must have own vehicle. Call 301-571-0111. equipment. Experience with reel grinding a plus. entry level) individuals who are eager to begin a lucrative Must apply in person: 4609-D Pinecrest Office Park Formal training not required with sufficient prior career with one of the regions fastest growing Driver/Lowboy—W/exper & class A license. Call • Senior Accountant in Herndon (Strong GL Dr., Alexandria, VA 22312. 703-354-7336. Several 301-937-8990. EOE. experience. Salary commensurate with experience auto groups! We offer: positions available - act now! reconciliation project) DRIVER • Senior Financial Analyst in Dulles • Health Insurance & 401K Customer Service/Sales Call/Fax/E-Mail resume to • AND MUCH MORE • Company Car Are you tired of being broke? Earn immediate TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED • Paid Vacation income, no experience required. Local training. Call Swimming pool Co. located in Fairfax, VA and Silver Contact: Carmen A. Giannini, Jr. • Over $80K first year earning potential! 301-396-3597. Spring, MD is hiring for the 2006 Summer season. Golf Course Superintendent • Rapid advancement into management We have FT and PT seasonal positions available Army Navy Country Club Apply in person, at DARCARS of Silver Spring- DANCERS— Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG starting now. These positions are daytime Mon-Sat. (703) 246-9834 12214 Cherry Hill Road, (at the corner of Rt. 29 and County). $300-$500/night. No exp. needed. Must have a Class B CDL w/tanker, HAZMAT, and (703) 2456-9837 FAX Cherry Hill Road). Contact Shannon Ryan at 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500 Airbreak endorsements, to deliver swimming pool [email protected] 301-622-0020 or [email protected] chemicals and supplies out of either location. We ESL INSTRUCTORP/T. Sil Spr MD. Call George DENTAL FRONT DESK have several positions available. Call Robert 301-608-2300 Scheduling and Insurance experience preferred. Fax 1-800-992-6286 FOOD SERVICE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Automotive resumes to 301-805-2157. DRIVERS — Boom Truck Driver. CDL req’d. Experi- Immed openings for exp’d Waitstaff & Bartenders DENTAL HYGIENIST— FT or PT high quality cos- ence a plus. 301-735-4207 w/Tuxedo, skilled Cooks & Dishwashers. Flexible When was the last time you enjoyed your work? metic practice. Perio program in place. Team player. Drivers: DHL DELIVERY DRIVERS hrs. Paid weekly. Call: 301-495-9400. Progressive, stable, growing Arlington company Relaxed working environment. FAX resume needed in Chantilly, VA. Must pass background ISO positive, sharp teammate able to work inde- 703-354-1768. www.springfielddental.com checks. Up to $550/week + paid vacation. GARAGE DOOR MECHANICS & pendently. Min. 1 yr exper. Excellent salary & 866-297-9815 ext 28. benefits. Fax 703-525-1637 Michael or email: ASSISTANTS [email protected] Tired of promises made and not kept? DRIVERS — We need experienced Drivers & Dis- Must have transp. available. Will train right Talk to us now. We are currently seeking experi- patchers. Please call 703-536-0370. person. Salary based on exper. Excellent benefits. ADMIN ASSISTANT—Pos. avail for home impr/ enced: EOE. Call 410-798-4180 Insurance mortgage co. pay based on skill & exp., benefits avail • Service Managers HANDYMAN call Mr. Green 301-316-8880 • Retail Sales Small renovations business is looking for someone Advertising $$$ • Certified Technicians for paint, plaster, & cabinet installation. Only the best need apply, must have valid drivers Call 703-587-4071 ADVERTISING ENTRY LEVEL license. For confidential interview call: 1-800-269-4424 ext. 3054; or Email resume to: HOTEL Natl. marketing firm has F/T entry-level openings. [email protected]. We have Mgmt. opportunities avail. Help execute promo campaigns for Sports Teams, Natl. Rest. Bakery Chains & Hotels. Learn Sales to Mgmt. PD TRAINING! JOB FAIR 38K to 42K 1st yr. Baker & Pastries Helper— Exp needed Mon-Sat. college degree req’d. Call Emily @ 703.288.3123 1-6pm. Call 703-642-0249. SATURDAY,May 20th www.crcadvertising.com BARBER—Exper’d & licensed. We are now hiring for the following positions: ASSOCIATE PATENT ATTORNEY Part-time. Call Mon-Fri 9am-7pm 10AM-1PM 301-279-7390 • AM Line Cook • AM FT Host/ Advise clients, such as inventors, investors, and Come Build a Career With Us! • PM Line Cook Hostess manufacturers, concerning patentability of inven- BEAUTY — Hairstylist position available. Booth • Guest Service •PTPMHost/ tions, infringement of patents, validity of patents, rental. Salon advertises. 301-779-0885 Be an important part of rebuilding people’s lives and yours at St. Paul Travelers Agent Hostess & similar items. Perform patent prosecution & BEAUTY—Nail Tech, Stylist, Experienced, Salary & • Night Auditor • PT/FT PM Server litigation. Consult on interferences, & produce Commission. Near Metro. 202-783-6565 We’re a leading provider of property casualty insurance seeking motivated team players to join our • Accts. Payable Mgr. • Banquet opinion work for clients. Draft new patent applica- Beauty Property Division as Property Adjuster Trainees. Experienced Adjusters are welcome too. Houseperson tions in the electrical and mechanical arts; prac- NAIL TECH—FT & PT. Experienced. Upscale salon. tice before the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. A Property Adjuster will learn to inspect property in N. VA. to determine coverage/damages, negotiate and Please call HR office at 202-783-7800 ext 6745. Long term commitment. Call Vu cell 301-514-6695 settle building & personal property claims. Apply in person Mon., Wed. & Fri. 10am-2pm at Req: J.D. degree & admittance to a U.S. state bar. or 301-624-5484. Send cover letter, resume and certified transcript 815 14th St., NW; or fax resume to: 202-521-1652; Beauty Ideal candidate will have a strong math aptitude, computer, interpersonal and problem solving skills. or email resume to: [email protected]. to Sughrue Mion via fax to 202.293.7860 attn: NAIL TECH/STYLIST. Booth rent avail. Call Gwen College degree preferred. Alicia Dray, or email [email protected]. 703-356-3066 Interviewers will be present, bring resume. Other positions: Liability Managers & ABI Adjusters. HOUSEKEEPERS Childcare Needed—Exp. non-smoker, long-term Various shifts. Floor refinishing, wall washing, position free room plus salary to start immed. Fed 14048 Park East Circle Chantilly VA 20151, Rte 28 & Westfields andcarpet cleaning. Salary $8.44 - $12/hr, based on Govt pay and paid training. Call Sheila 703-401-5679 Can’t make it to the job fair? Send resume to: exp. Competitive benefit package. EOE. Apply in or 703-978-3976 FAX: 703-818-6855 EMAIL: [email protected] person: ARAMARK at Virginia Hospital Center, 1701 Cleaning—Co. needs cleaners. Must have maid EEO/AAP Culturally diverse candidates are encouraged to apply. North George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA 22205, service business or hotel exper. M-F 301-350-7000 703-558-5592. CD4B30Hk $ %! %k4G?A4BBk!& Classifieds

Loan Officer/Telemarketers Mortgage PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER Receptionist: Construction Co in Rockville, full JOBS POST-CLOSER time, M-F 8-5. Start immediately, Email resume to: MortgageStar, Inc is now hiring seasoned and inex- [email protected] perienced sales/mortgage professionals for their Premiere restaurant group seeks an in-house Silver Spring, MD location. For consideration please Busy title co. in Laurel area is in need public relations professional to handle growing Restaurant HVAC fax resume Attn/ D. Saxon at 301-576-1081 for a Post-Closer. Please fax resume Washington, DC market area. Denny’s Restaurant, 4445 Benning Rd., NE, is (DemondSaxon101@ to: 301-323-6006. currently hiring Managers and Floor Supervi- TMS Inc. hotmail.com) or to schedule an interview contact NETWORK ENG The responsibilities will be to develop and sors. Candidates must be goal oriented and TMS Heating & A/C is expanding in your area. Experi- Mr. Saxon at 301-576-1080 ext. 106 manage public/media relations efforts for posses basic computer skills. enced Service Technicians. Seeking long term employ- Sr Network Info Security Engineer Call 202-399-7526 or ees for new and existing residential work in MD/VA. Security assessments, documentation, and security multiple restaurants in the Wash. DC/VA/MD fax resume to 202-399-7257 Must be dependable. Sales commission and company LOCKSMITH upgrades for live networks, desktop systems, serv- market, including: writing news releases and Attn: Vladimir truck. Benefits include after 90 days 6 paid holidays, FedLock seeks ENTRY LEVEL (will train) & EXPER’D ers, and enterprise data bases leading to successful developing media materials, proactively cafeteria health plan, daycare plan and 401K. After 1 TECHS. Installation/service, access control, hard- certification and accreditation (C&A). Cisco Certs a seeking media coverage for restaurants, RESTAURANT year 1 week paid vacation and 1 birthday holiday. After ware, no auto, no on-call. Great oppty for person- solid plus. Experience: (1) using FISMA and NIST maintaining media contacts and relationships, 5 years 2 weeks paid vacation. al/professional growth, exc salary/benes. standards, (2) Develop policy & procedure for FISMA developing relationships with local community, EXPERIENCED SERVERS $6-$7 PER HOUR Fax 703-525-1637 Attn Michael and FISCAM compliance. Hdwr/Sftwr: (1) CISCO PIX, PLUS TIPS For details, call TMS Inc at 301-843-7477 IDS, Works, Switch and Router technology; (2) de- business and non-profit organizations. MAINT. TECH—Needed for NW DC & MD. Own Trans sign, install, config, support IDS Probe, Cisco Sen- INSTALLERS NEEDED & Tools, 2 yrs exper, & Must pass bkgrnd check. sors; IDS Master Console, Probe Attack Signature, Existing media contacts in the market are a THE SPIRIT OF WASHINGTON IS IN THE PROCESS OF Phone, Cable, & HSI. Start Imed., N. VA. Pls Call 301-585-6888 or fax 301-565-8049 Snort IDS config and install; (3) Vulnerability & Patch strong plus. Candidates should possess strong HIRING Call 571-641-5567 Scans - Foundstone, AppDetective and HFNetChk; communication and organizational skills, MANAGERS, SERVERS, BUSSERS, BARTENDERS, INVENTORY AUDITOR MANAGERS/WAREHOUSE (4) SIM database for ArcSight, eSecurity, NetForen- COOKS & KITCHEN HELP,DECKCREW excellent follow-through and be a team player. APPLY IN PERSON MON-WED 10AM-4PM $9.00+ Per Hour JOB FAIR 2 Days sics. Immediate Openings US Cit Only send Resume to [email protected] Send resume and salary requirements to: PIER 4 Join teams taking inventory for local/national retail- NURSE PRACTITIONER 6TH AND WATER STS., SW ers Part-time and seasonal positions now available! Apply in person: PO Box 27925, Washington, DC 20038-7925 WASHINGTON, DC 20024 WORLDPAC Exp’d, preferably Bilingual (Eng/Span), Nurse Practi- College Students encouraged to apply! Great flexi- tioner/ PA for Family Medicine practice in Alexan- WATERFRONT STOP ON THE METRO GREENLINE bility - You chose your availability. No Experience Tuesday, May 16 3-7pm Real Estate 202-264-3602 1727 Whitehead Rd, Woodlawn, MD dria, VA. FT/PT w/ benefits. Fax resume to: HR, Necessary. We Train You! Offices located throughout 703-370-7214; or Email: [email protected] CRESCENT HEIGHTS — the nation’s leader in the VA/MD region Must be 18 or older and have reli- OR condominium developments, seeks highly moti- RESTAURANT vated Sales Professionals in NoVA location. Appli- able transportation Advancement Opportunities Weds, May 17 3-7pm Pest Control SERVERS Day & Eve Shift Available. Call now for an appointment! 233 Deerwood Circle, Rockville, MD cant must be an experienced realtor licensed in 703 941-9883 301 881-9094 Rgisinv.com Virginia; Needs experience with on-site sales; For the IHOP in Clinton, MD. Good pay. Apply in Equal Opportunity Employer Great Benefits. Good People & computer skills PEST CONTROL High volume; Team environment; Competitive person 8905 Woodyard Rd. Clinton, MD LABORERS/WAREHOUSE/ req’d. For more info call: 800-631-5544 x7030 commission structure; Email resume: Retail TECHNICIAN chjobapps@ hotmail.com or fax: 571-262-8030 TRUCK HELPERS MARKETING ASSISTANT Exp. Artificial flower florist FT 42 immed openings for No experience necessary. Comprehensive Contact Andy 443-668-2818 Laborers/Warehouse/Truck Helpers on day and Degree + 2 yrs. exp. req’d. Sal + benefits. Fax resume on-the-job training program. Career level ad- Restaurant night shifts. Positions located in DC Metro area. 20 301-336-6899. Email [email protected] vancement. Base wage. incentive bonus. Benefits Experienced GM & EXEC CHEF Sales: $60K+ Potential (Sal + Comm) additional demonlition workers needed in Laurel. MARKETING include major medical, vision, dental, 401k & An upscale staff restaurant & catering provider Entry-level. B2B inside sales. Benefits inc. Reply to Trans a must. Apply in person Mon - Wed., 10am Team is looking to expand in DC, VA, MD markets. Profit sharing. Starting salary 40-45Kwith needs an experienced & charismatic GM & EXEC [email protected] sharp, at Crosby Corporation, 835 Bonifant St., Silver We are looking for hard working positive & money potential to mid 50k. Must possess clean driv- CHEF.Great pay & benefits. SALES Spring, MD. motivated indivs. who love to work w/ people. Must ing record & pass background check. Forward Fax resumes to 703-706-0443, or email to LEGAL SECRETARY-TRADEMARK be able to start immed. F/T Mon-Fri. Looking for a resume to: [email protected] Distinctive Home Care is seeking an enthusiastic N. End Old Town Alex IP Law firm seeks TM place to improve yourself? Looking to make $600- RESTAURANT COOK —Day shifts, F/T exp’d, de- self-starter who will be responsible for developing Secretary w/ Excel computer, communication, $1200/wk. CALL today, start tomorrow. Robert Brown pendable, Downtown, DC. 202-628-2111. and growing business through new and existing Fax 703-645-8875 grammar, & typing skills to assist w/ US Trademark 703-212-7525. Restaurant referral sources. Prior sales exper. pref’d. Please Email robert.brown@ CALL: Debra, 301-772-3245; FAX 301-772-3205. prosecution. Some US and Foreign patent Busy Manassas Airport Restaurant needs exp’d prosecution & US patent litigation. Min 1 yr exper., MiCash Inc jcehrlich.com Servers, back Servers, Breakfast & Prep Cooks & SALES WP, MS Word, PCLaw, & PCMaster a plus. Benef incl Dishwasher. Full health care paid for FT. Call Sara Medical, 401K, free Garage parking. Send resume to: J.C. Ehrlich 2820 Dorr Ave #206 Fairfax, VA Are you looking for a better job? 22031 Gibney at 703-392-5253 or email [email protected] or fax 703-683-1080. We have more than 20 positions available [email protected] LEGISLATIVE ANALYST sought for DC mari- PHOTOGRAPHY ASST - Port. Studio Asst w/digital juana policy lobby. Meticulousness, exceptional FINANCIAL SALES CONSULTANTS photoshop exp. necessary, people person. writing skills req’d. $35K. mpp.org/jobs English-Spanish 703-760-4988. Retail LOAN OFFICERS—Mortgage co. is seeking Loan For more information: (202) 338 -7474 Ext. 111 PLUMBER Officers to work from home or office, great pay and will train. Call 301-793-7660 [email protected] www.micash.net Gas pipe experience, steady work. Sue, 443-570-7839. COMCAST CABLE, has some exciting opportuni- PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ties in our Alexandria, VA location. We are looking for P/T Concierge Mon.-Fri. evenings, good computer & customer service skills a must. In Reston, VA. experienced candidates that are self motivated and $12/hr. FAX resume to: 703-435-7913 or Email NOW HIRING! who want to earn a great living! [email protected] JOB FAIR These positions are: Wednesday, May 17th Public Relations 10am-6pm DIRECT SALES Base Salary PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER “100 Best Companies To Work Plus Commission Please see our ad under Marketing. For In America“ Job Fair is for our Northern Virginia Closed Door All positions offer excellent benefits such as Medical, PO Box 27925, Washington, DC 20038-7925 Commercial Production Facility: 2720 Prosper- Dental, Vision, tuition reimbursement and free cable. ity Ave., Fairfax, VA 22031. 703-641-4932. If you want to be on a winning team, join us for Half mile from Dunn Loring Metro stop. interviews on Wednesday, May 17, 2006 FROM 9:00 Hiring for Production Operators, Project Coordi- AM - 4:00 PM at 508-D South Van Dorn St., Alexandria, nators, Assistant Managers, and Bindery special- VA 22304. ists. 2nd and 3rd shifts available. If unable to attend please email [email protected]. Candidates must apply on-line at www.comcast.com Some positions also available for our other NOVA prior to attending the career fair. retail locations. Must be able to pass a pre-employment drug test and Benefits include major medical, 401(k), & tuition background check. reimbursement. No exceptions! www.fedexkinkos.com See you on Wednesday! EOE Stock Person/Liquor—FT 202-889-1500/889-1623 !'k4G?A4BBk $ %! %kCD4B30H Classifieds

JOBS SALES SALES TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISING REP INSIDE SALES / BUSINESS Career MASSAGE THERAPY AT Sales DEVELOPMENT at PARKS COLLEGE CRESCENT HEIGHTS — the nation’s leader in training in You will receive a solid base of knowl- condominium developments, seeks highly moti- edge through instruction and vated Sales Professionals in NoVA location. Appli- cant must be an experienced realtor licensed in Join our advertising sales team! Respond to and assess Criminal hands-on training that can get you Virginia; Needs experience with on-site sales; client needs. Make recommendations for ad started in this exciting field. High volume; Team environment; Competitive placement. Generate revenue through inbound calls. Sell employment ads to employers across all industries! commission structure; Email resume: Develop new business through outbound calls. 32 Open territory. Competitive sales incentive! Seeking: Justice! Tysons Corner Campus chjobapps@ hotmail.com or fax: 571-262-8030 hrs/wk. Requires sales, customer service, and cold Sales hunter to research, prospect, generate and qualify 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 calling experience. Great career development and leads, cold call and close new business over the phone. growth opportunities! Health benefits effective Target inactive and new potential advertisers. Westwood McLean, VA 22102 SECURITY— Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG immediately. Comprehensive benefits package with health County). Mature & with own transportation. insurance that begins immediately and a 401(k) CALL: 888-425-7099 240-286-3660 For more information: www.washingtonjobs.com. matching program. Fabulous career development College Adkey NPEX626F opportunities and team environment. Grow your Send resume to: career at The Post! POSITIONS WANTED SECURITY OFFICERS For more information: www.washingtonjobs.com. 1-866-811-6459 **$1000 Sign-on Bonus** Human Resources Attn: HR/TSRBDEX/JT Accredited by the for VA ARMED CERTIFIED DC JS ONLY Must have 1150 15th Street, NW Send resume to: DAYCARE PROVIDER own weapon. VA Unarmed officers needed also. Washington, DC 20071 Accrediting Commission Licensed. Montessori & pre-school. CPR & 1st Call Amber at Security Associates 703-257-0292. [email protected] The Washington Post Aid, etc. Playground & many activities. Near Human Resources Fairfax Hospital. CALL: 703-208-1778 We are committed to diversity & Attn: HR/MMEX/JT of Career Schools and promote a drug-free environment. 1150 15th Street, NW BUSINESS AND TV PRODUCTION Washington, DC 20071 Colleges of Technology. SALES [email protected] FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES Teleprompter operator; Do you want control of your future? Earn lifetime Westwood College - must type; liberal arts welcome; resume to: residual income while helping others! Call We are committed to diversity & 100% INVESTOR FINANCING dctvjob@.com Annandale Satellite 301-396-3597. promote a drug-free environment. No income required. 877-548-0721 (Annandale, VA) is a e-usmortgagefinancecorp.com CAREER TRAINING AND CAREER TRAINING AND VET TECH/ASSISTANT M-F,with alt. Sats. self starter w/vet exp. $10-$14. 4 COMMERCIAL TANNING BEDS—32 W Bulbs, EMPLOYMENT SERVICES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES satellite campus of with facial, good condition, $1500 ea. 717-597-5099 KENNEL ATTENDANT COFFEE SHOP & DELI—in Hechinger Mall, D.C. for FT/PT M-F w/wkd & holiday, $6-$9. Apply in Westwood College - sale, call Paul 202-498-4012 person: 2935 Chain Bridge Rd, Oakton, VA COMPUTER REPAIR—Business/residential. No ex- Arlington Ballston per needed. Manage Techs, $30K investment. Free info pkg. 800-262-1671 www.fastteks.com VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (Arlington, VA), a OWN YOUR OWN 40hr. Training begins June 1. Counsel- branch of Westwood TRAVEL BUSINESS ors provide telephone counseling for w/ YTB Travel & Cruises crisis and suicide calls, homeles- College - Long Beach Imagine, Your Own Home-Based Full Service Inter- net Travel Business. Earn up to 60% Commission on sness, abuse, and mental health is- (Torrance, CA) and has Travel Booked on Your Travel Website. Free Training sues. Day, evening and weekend Seminars. Call for additional information: shifts available. Call 301-864-7095 been certified to 301-430-0658. Go to this website to join: www.ytbnet.com/fascinations x422 or www.communitycrisis.org operate in Virginia RE YOU HAVING TROUBLE GETTING APPROVED? CAREER TRAINING AND by the State Council Residential, commercial, construction and re- hab loans. Bankruptcy, low credit scores, and EMPLOYMENT SERVICES of Higher Education foreclosure issues. No downpayment. No doc, no income verification loans. for Virginia (SCHEV). Call today and get approved. 301-362-4001 PHARMACY REAL ESTATE LOANS FOR ANY REGION—$200K to $100Mil. Stated & no Doc loan. Call Al, 240-533-7427 A new career! TECHNICIAN RETAIL OPTICAL (571) 332-0212 LOCATION In MD Get career training Parker P.A.S.S., LLC School for sale, offering prescription eye- wear, sunglasses, of Pharmacy Technicians contact lenses, and eye examinations. 1,500 sq.ft. in areas of • Classroom course with hands on store located in well established ‘high traffic‘ mall. High volume, turnkey location generates immediate Criminal Justice, • Home based (self-study) course income. $1,000,000 annual sales in 2005. Partici- We provide Job Placement Assistance pate in many high volume insurance and 3rd party & Pharmacy Internship. Course ap- plans. Exc’lt opportunity for Optician or O.D. looking Animation or Design. to start or grow own practice. Sale price includes all proved by the Board of Pharmacy equipment & inventory and patient records. Westwood www.ParkerPASS.com Please call 1-800-856-9664 TANNING SALON—Estab clientele in growing area TRAIN TO BECOME A $285K. call 804-443-9663 College MEDICAL ASSISTANT AT STUFF 1-866-811-6459 PARKS COLLEGE No high school diploma or GED? 100% microfiber sofa+lvst.Brnd new take $475 We have options! worth$1150 3/343-8630. Accredited by the 8PC-Cherry sleighbed set, new in boxes, $595- Tysons Corner Campus val $1100. 3/343-8630. Accrediting Commission 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 A/OFC FURN. LIQUIDATION of Career Schools and McLean, VA 22102 Won’t Last! Hurry MAY 15-20 NEW & USED 30-50% OFF Colleges of Technology. Arlington Campus • Desks, Credenzas, Chairs 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 • Flat File Cabinet, Fire Safes Westwood College - • File Cabinets, Reception Units Arlington, VA 22203 • Bookcases and much more Annandale Satellite Open 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Mon-Sat CALL: 866-300-9340 7200-A Fullerton Rd. Springfield, VA (Annandale, VA) is a Adkey NPEX625F Call us 703-455-5500. Visit us @ WWW.COFOVA.COM satellite campus of Air Condition — Central. Furnace, heat pump, TRAIN TO BECOME A never used. Will install. Call 301-262-8783 Westwood College - SECURITY SPECIALIST ***BAD/NEGATIVE CREDIT Arlington Ballston AT PARKS COLLEGE Remove from Credit Report (Arlington, VA), a Graduate in less time than you think! Call 202-775-6932 BD $120 Full sz new in plastic branch of Westwood Tysons Corner Campus Del avl 703-263-7888 240/372-6691 . 1430 Spring Hill Rd, Suite 200 BD $150 Qn Double pillowtop matt set new in College - Long Beach McLean, VA 22102 plastic Can del 301-399-7870 (Torrance, CA) and has BD $235 Double pllwtop king matt set New in Arlington Campus plasticCan del 301-343-8630 BEAUTY SALON EQUIPMENT been certified to 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 FOR SALE Arlington, VA 22203 301-602-4269 operate in Virginia BEDRM SET—Solid cherry sleighbed, trpl drsr, by the State Council CALL: 866-300-9344 chest, 2 nghtstnds, mirror paid $6000/ask $1999; Adkey NPEX625E Never used Call 703-980-8639 of Higher Education BEDS for Virginia (SCHEV). Used in Great Condition TWIN SETS -- QUEEN SETS KING SETS -- FROM $129 MD 301.324.8684 301.468.6443 BALTIMORE 410.719.6922 VA 703.818.2678 703.354.2600 CORT FURNITURE CARPET— Starting at $1.59/s.f. Hardwood floors, $6.99/s.f. Price includes installation. 301-341-2499 Century Oaks/Chantilly—HUGE garage sale - Refrig, couch, LaZBoy, Bedroom Furn, loveseat, etc.- 3603 Oak Mill Lane, Fairfax, 22033 Sat 8:00AM CD4B30Hk $ %! %k4G?A4BBk!( Classifieds

ALEXANDRIA FOXCHASE BELTSVILLE—Hse on a golf course nr shops/Metro. CENTREVILLE—5BR 2.5BA SFH. new hardwoods, EQUAL HOUSING ALEXANDRIA’S FINEST-LOADED W/AMENITIES. Rent lrg bsmt apt w/priv entr/BA/KIT/BR Liv & Din. new carpet & paint sundeck, fncd bkyrd. 2 car gar. STUFF CALL TODAY 888-263-0171 Priv patio. $1200/mo incld utils & cable. Call $2175/mo. 703-216-6649 301-937-0316 CHEVERLY CROSSING OPPORTUNITY www.foxchaseapts.com Beltsville **DIAMONDS** AIMCO EHO 1,2 & 3 BEDROOMS FROM $812. Abundant closets, Certified diamonds. Direct from importer at lowest ALEXANDRIA, VA EHO LIGHTHOUSE@ TWIN LAKES w/w carpet, and patio/balcony. Great location near prices guaranteed. By appt. only 301-924-1988 All advertisements for the sale or Great Location, Amenities BW Parkway, shopping and Metro bus stop. Small Dinette 5pc new in box. Worth $400 Take $175. rental of dwelling units published in KINGS GARDEN and Service! Pets Welcome pets welcome. at $812. Call 301-927-0250. EHO Solid wd. 240-372-6691. Express are subject to the federal • Walk to Schools, shopping, and Huntington Metro 1-877-588-0709 Children’s Hospital Area DINING RM SET—Solid oak tbl & hutch w/6 chrs, 8 • Floor to ceiling windows • Walk-in Closets www.aimco.com/025031 Spacious 1 & 2 BR Floorplans pc Qu, cherry, Bedrm ; 2 Recliners — other furn. Fair Housing Act, which makes it BETH N/BENTLEY PL/WALK GROSVENOR METRO 703-327-9006 or cell: 703-327-8800 • Balconies or Patios WALK TO METRO illegal to advertise “any preference, 877-317-0279 —2 Lvl, 2/3BR, huge loft, 3FBA, cathed ceil, w/d, July DR SET—Elegantly detailed mahog., dbl ped tbl, ball 1, $1950. Call 301-493-9325 W/D & Microwave in every apt. & claw ft. w/6 side/2 armchs. Lighted china & hutch. limitation, or discrimination be- 6300 South Kings Hwy Kitchen with Breakfast Nook Anacostia $2500 BETH N—Best View! Lux 2BR, 2BA, bright rooms, Cost $10,000. Sacrif. $3499. Call 703-980-8639 cause of race, color, religion, sex, pvt balc, end unit. Pools, clubhse/exercise rm, Nr THE HEIGHTS 1-888-333-5578 FURN—4 drawer oak dressers (2) $75 ea; mirror Section 8 OK handicap, familial status or national Large SFH. 4 blocks from metro. 5 mnts from shoppg. $2350. incl condo fee, 301-770-0911 *select apts. call for details 44’’x64’’, Gold $100/obo; 6’ brass lamps (2) $50 BETHESDA—Brand New state-of-the apartment CLINTON—3BR, 3BA EI kitchen, finished basement, together; oak bkshlf, 5’x4’ $75; Kirby vac. cleaner downtown DC origin, or intention to make any • 5 Bedrooms, 1.5 BA, W/D homes with all the luxury amenities you’ve been washer/dryer, large yard, avail now, $1800 $50; Lane cedar chest $75; HP 4200 comp scanner looking for. Studio, 1BR, 1BR/den, 2BRs Call Dennis 301-390-5121 $50; Epson color printer (2) $50 ea; microwave $25; such preference, limitation, or dis- • Large eat in kitchen Call 202.491.9456 or 301.455.4850 FREE CABLE & HI-SPEED INTERNET COLLEGE PARK—3 BR, 2BA SFH, fplc, fin’d bsmt, all lamp tbl $40; Herndon 12 drawer dresser $250; lthr crimination.” State law forbids dis- new kitch. $1800/mo. Call Lowanda 301-560-3642 couch pit $300. All in good cond. Call 202-441-3187. ANNADALE EHO ROSEDALE PARK COLLEGE PARK EHO OFFICE CHAIRS crimination based on factors in The Parliments 420 Rosedale Avenue 301-657-4800 addition to those protected under Right off the Beltway! Bethesda EHO UNIVERSITY GARDENS YARD SALE! federal law. • Rents from $930 inc utils AVALON AT ROCK SPRING Great for Students! ONE DAY ONLY! • Park-like setting • Gourmet kitchens w/gas cooking & microwaves • HUGE BALCONIES Express will not knowingly ac- • Wall-to-wall carpet • Full-sized washers and dryers • Spacious closets Saturday, 5/20/06 • Enourmous Balconies • Parking garage entry at each living level • 2 swimming pools THEY MUST GO VERY CHEAP! cept any advertising for real • Huge living rooms • Fitness center, business center & resident lounge • Shuttle bus to UMD in community From: $10-$50 • Minutes to metro • Adjacent to the Rock Spring Business Park • Small pets okay! Side chairs, guest chairs, computer estate which is in violation of 877-316-6297 CALL FOR SPECIALS 866-882-0770 877-316-6285 chairs and conference chairs. the law. All persons are hereby ARLINGTON AWAITS! www.avalonatrockspring.com UNBELIEVABLE LOW PRICES! Bethesda Pksde—1bd, 1bth,offc,ac,pool,wlk 1801 Jasmin Terr, Adelphi 7200 Fullerton Rd. Springfield, VA informed that all dwellings ad- Eff fr $840 1BR fr $940 2BR fr $1190 DALE CITY—4BR 2BA W/D. Nr I-95. $1575. Avl All Utilities Included! metro utils incl. Avail 7/1 $1175. 202-439-4517- Open from 9:00am-5:00pm vertised are available on an Kevin Immed. 703-346-3128 703-455-5500 Mins from 395, near Pentagon City DIST HTS— 2BR, 1BA condo. Sect 8 ok. Avl 6/1. equal opportunity basis. & Baileys Xroads, Swimming Pool BOLIING AFB—4BR TH w/grg, CAC, W-W crpt, W/D, http://www.cofova.com sect. 8 welcome. $2275/mo call 202-528-1170 $1200. 703-508-2139 Piano—1977 Everett, Walnut 42” Upright w/ bench. , Pet Friendly (up to 25lbs), and Downtown City Living at its best.. Millitary Discounts! Bowie $1500 In tune, great condition. $1250 OBO Charming Condo StepstoMetro Call Paul 703-451-5836 CHESTERFIELD HOUSE 1-877-437-2393 2 bd/2 bth condo.1000 sqft.Avail imm. Restaurants, Museums, and more PIANO—1996 Steinway ’’B’’, 7’, ebony, semi-con- Shaun 240.899.1703 cert grand piano, ALL ORIGINAL equipped w/pi- Arlington/Rosslyn Several Locations Newly renovated! Free Gated Parking. Rich Berber BRANDYWINE—4BR, 3FBA, LR, Din/Kit, gar, remod Carpet, A/C, laundry. EHO anomation, player system, excel. cond. $51,000. SPECIAL: MOVE IN BY 6/1/06 bsmt w/sep entr, call 1-866-Rolanda & GET 4TH MONTH FREE! 1BR from $1269 Call to preview 814-238-2398 u BRICKSKELLER INN—Furnished rms, Dupont Cir/ PIANO—Betsey Ross small upright. Excel cond. On-Site Parking, Walk Metro Rock Creek Park, reasonable rates 24 hr desk Washington Apartments $650 w/bench. Upgraded Apts, 1&2BRs service,local phone incl, daily rms w/hi spd & cable 202-737-2206 1201 6th Street NW Call 703-968-7427 703-671-4045 or 703-861-7605 TV, wkly rates avail on select rms, 202-293-1885. DUMFRIES—4BR on lake Monclair w/prv dock. 40 SCOOTER— Electric, motorized; from The Scooter www.carydale.com BRISTOW $1750 min from DC $2200 w/opt to buy. 703-670-6581 Store. Excellent condition. Only used 2 mos. RENTALS ASHBURN—Newer 3BR/2½BA 3LVL TH W/GARAGE. 3LVL, 3BR, 3½BA w/fplc & deck. Immaculate! Sec 8 DUMFRIES/Montclair—TH. 4 yr old home. 3BR, 301-421-1213 New carpet, paint, SS applcs, granite counters. Nr welcome. Re/Max Premiere 703-929-5680 2FBA, 2HBA, 3lvl, W/D, frpl, fin bsmt, $1750. SELL • BUY • TRADE shops, Toll Rd, AOL & VERIZON. Avail now! BROOKLAND/CATH U—1-BR + den. Sec. 8 OK. 1/2 571-277-4505 1319 29th Street SE $1000 $1990/mo. Buy option. 703-727-8011 FAIRFAX— 1BR Bsmt Apt. $900/mo incl utls. Nr Century Palace Gift. 1BR 1BA off sec dep. 202-489-3787 www.century-palace.com; Call 703-323-1668 ASPEN HILL—3BR, 3½BA TH, w/o bsmt w/ofc/4th BROOKLAND/CATHOLIC U—1-BR, $750+util. GMU. Avl 6/1. Call 703-606-3505, 703-246-0194 Newly Renovated 1Br 1ba apartments. Section 8 OK. FAIRFAX/BURKE $2,650 Call Jerome 202 321 5596 BR, RR w/fpl, wtr pd, clubhs. & pool. New w/w crpt., 202-635-3984 tile & wdws. $1800. 800-575-1374 password 22 Huge 2 lvl Rambler, 5BR + den, 3.5BA, hdwd flrs, 1751 Galen Street SE $900 CAP HGTS—Bsmt apt. in SFH, 1BR, LR, kit, BA, utils TICKETS incl., $675/mo. 202-390-9056 lg lot, garage, sec 8 welcome. Owner/agent 2BR 1BA Re/Max Premier 703-929-5680 Newly Renovated 2Br 1ba apartments. Section 8 OK. CENTREVILLE—4BA, 3BR TH. Nice loc. $1800. 703-968-9660 Fairfax Co. Great Selection! NATIONALS*WIZARDS*ORIOLES Call Jerome 202 321 5596 We specialize in assisting landlords in mktg BUFFETT*MCGRAW*PEARL JAM ALEX—1BR in the Olympus. Many amenities in sec homes/condos & helping tenants find their per- bldg. Nr Metro. $1395/mo incl utils. Sawyer & Assoc. fect rental. 301-985-6250 RE. Fred Jones: 301-449-9700 Ext. 27. McLean—Lg 2BR/2BA, hi ceilings, FP, gar+ prkg www.greatseats.com Alex/Kingstowne— Multi-lvl unit w/2 BR, 2 BA. Gar, spac, huge balc, grt view. Lots of amenities. $1650. $1490. 804-398-8525 Reston Savoy/Twn Centre—Corner 2BR, 2BA, www.sitedezignz.com/condo. pool & crtyd view, 2 mstrs+loft. FP, gar+more. PREAKNESS ALEX/OLD TOWN — Lge 3BR 2½BA TH, Steps to $2200. River & bike path, jacuzzi tub, storage, 2-car gar, Reston—1575sqft. knockout 2 lvl TH, 2BR/2BA, FP, SAT. MAY 20th slate patio w/furn. $3500. 202-320-6411. gar., balc, nr Town Center/transp. Nice. $2100. ALEX/ROSEMONT—Charming 3BR 1½BA home, W.C.& A. N. Miller 703-356-7227 703-255-3010 partically renov bsmt, porch, off st prk’g, near King FAIRFAX/DUNN LORING — Brand new 1BR, 1BA st metro. Avail July 1, 1yr lease. $2350/mo Trish Condo for, $1350/mo. Next to Dunn Loring Metro www.plattix.com 703-955-0192 Station. 42” plasma TV in unit, extra storage rm. Call ALEXANDRIA Jodi at 703-380-3132. AFFORDABLE LUXURY! Falls Church 2nd Month’s Rent Free PETS 2 BRs $1025. Nr 100’s of shops, Bus @ door. Mins to 1 BRs fr $799 2BR fr $899 495/DC/Alex/Arl. ADOPT A CAT/KITTEN VET CHECKED 3BR from $1390 Carlyn Hill Apts 703-578-3329 Call Feline Foundation. FOGGY BOTTOM— MOVE IN TODAY! Fully furn’d 703-920-8665 www.ffgw.org WASHINGTON SQUARE Sunny, Effcy. Walk to work, class or Metro. $1300. ADOPT 1-877-437-2395 Call 703-354-0089 FOGGY BOTTOM—Two renov. eff. condos. Call CAT/KITTEN ADOPTION FAIR Alexandria City/Rt 1 Leslie at Visions Realty International 301 233-3250 Sunday, May 21, 1-3 p.m. Highrise, Garden Apts & Twnhms FORESTVILLE—4BR, 1BA, rec rm. fpl, lg priv yrd. VCA BARCROFT CAT HOSPITAL Numerous Amenities! $1850/mo Must See. 301-843-0331 6357 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA FORESTVILLE EHO Information 703-920-8665 x3 *SPECIAL Feline Foundation www.ffgw.org. Move-in by 6/1/06 1BR from $630 2BR from $720 ALL BREEDS— Howard Co. Pet Expo, May 21, $275 Move-in Credit 3BR from $955 11am-3pm., at the park on 12975 Hall Shop Rd., Highland, Md. 4th Mo Rent 1/2 Credit Near Bus/Metro/Shopping BEAGLE PUPS—$200. CALL 301-934-8547 Carydale East 703-751-7576 Student/Millitary Discounts BOSTON TERRIER PUPS—AKC, 4M’s, $600, hlth *Holly Court 703-765-7039 PARK BERKSHIRE garan, parents on premises, ready 5/24. *Rolling Hills 703-780-0161 6311 Pennsylvania Ave 304-738-3690 *Carydale Village 703-780-6244 1-877-227-2890 *Washington Avenue 703-765-7039 CAT—Neutered male grey tabby Lost May 9 near FORESTVILLE Beach Dr & Stoneybrook Dr REWARD 301-770-4852 NEAR METRO! www.carydale.com 1BR from $819; 2BRs $954- wash/dry, CAC, dw, w/w 571-332-1841 Alexandria EHO CHIHUAHUA PUPS/LONG & SHRTHAIR—Toy $500, carpet, 301-735-2322 Parkland Village Apartments AVALON AT CAMERON COURT Fort Washington EHO & tiny Toy, $850. Harpers Ferry, WVA. 304-876-1414 • Next to the Eisenhower Metro DACHSHUND - WONDERFUL WEINERS—AKC, • Heated pool ASHFORD AT HENSON CREEK minis, long hair, 7 wks., parents on prem., health • Fitness center with Cardio Theater 1,2,3 BRS Starting at $783 guar., Choc & Tan, short hairs on the way! • High-tech business center sz06 Spacious floorplans w/walk-in closets, eat-in 240-422-4209. www.photobucket.com Search jjkell • Built-in wine racks kitchens (avail), W/D available in select homes!. ENGLISH MASTIFF PUPS—Now taking deposits. • Neighboring Old Town Alexandria Minutes to downtown DC & AAFB. Brindles & fawns, Ms & Fs. Price $1500-$2000. CALL FOR SPECIALS 866-879-0867 540 784-0328 Call today! 1-888-202-4586 www.avaloncommunities.com FT WASH—5BR 3 full BA SFH on ½ ac lot. full bsmt. MINITURE DOCKSONS—8wks old, 2 Male Dapples, Alexandria EHO $900ea, 540-578-3750 cac. lge deck. 2 car carport w/shed & play ground. Southern Towers Alarm system. Quiet neighb. Section. 8 accepted. SCARLET MACALL—4yr old w/cage, experienced $2200/mo. Avail immed. 240-375-4830. Convenience, Comfort & Magnificent Views! bird home only. $2200. 540-434-4334 GAITH—TH, 3BR, 4BA end-unit. Nr. Mall. $1580. Yorkie—babydoll faces sweeties lovable vetckd reg Studio Special $725 1BR from $935 240-687-2911 health guar Sil Spr Md microchip $1275-1475 301 2BR from $1230 3BR from $1495 Gaithersburg EHO 434-1013 YORKIE PUPS—AKC M/F, Harpers Ferry, WVA. 703-485-4154 Great Location near 304-876-1414 Rio, Metro, & I-270! 4901 Seminary Rd 1BR from $765 Alexandria EHO 2BR from $950 3BR from $1210 RENT SPECIALS! Call for details Spacious Apts - to 1300sf, AC Gorgeous 1 & 2 BR Scenic Balconies, Pool Apartment Homes From $999 Mill Creek Gardens ParcView Apartments 17654 Amity Way 1-866-600-4369 Galludet Vic.— 1148 Owen Pl.2BR $650.00+G&E- 703-485-4148 Home Realty, Inc. 202-547-7895 M-F 8-5; Sat 10-5; Sun 12-5 GEORGETOWN/GLOVER PARK/4000 Tunlaw— *Restrictions Apply, Call for details 1BR Apartment, off-street prkg. All amenities. Avil Alexandria July 1. $1600/mo. 609-602-3016 or 410-787-6749 or 410-255-1442 RIVERSIDE GERMANTOWN—$1395/moBeaut remod 3BR, INCREDIBLE RATES 1½BA end-unit TH. New hdwds, ceramic, carpet, INCREDIBLE LOCATION kitchen, BA, & paint! w/d, cac, pool, faces to open area. Sec 8 OK. 301-652-1983 INCREDIBLE VALUE & SERVICE! GREENBELT—1BR, utilities included w/d, walk in 1-877-617-6649 closet, patio, pool, $1100/mo. 301-641-6546 " k4G?A4BBk $ %! %kCD4B30H Classifieds

MITCHELLVILLE/BOWIE—Beautiful 3 lvl spacious Penn Quarter $2000 Silver Spring, Maryland GAITH/Germantwn—5min I-270/20 min DC. Sunny TH, Lake Arbour, Fp, deck, FR, patio, 4BR, 2FBA, New 1br @ 400 Mass 2BR Apt Available Immediately TH on beau. lake. 2 decks, wlk path, new cpt, ceil RENTALS 2HBA, granite kit, avail 6/1. $2195 Rent to own avail. granite, hardwd, gym,poolcommunity room, CVS All Utilities Included fans. 1BR avl for 1 Fem. Shr hse w/ 1 prof fem + Germ 202-269-1894 &24hr security.202 746 5800 1 Blk from Silver Spring Metro Shep. $650+ dep. N/S, mo-mo ok. 203-300-6330 HERNDON—3BR 2BA single story w/FP,nice fncd in NE—23 Annacostia Rd. Det 2BR, 1BA colonial, lrg PURCELLVILLE—Luxurious 4BR/2½BA, 3yr new Free Parking & Fitness Center GERMANTOWN—Share gorgeous clean TH, right yrd, in Hiddenbrook nr to all services. $1925/mo fncd yrd, gar, $1500+ utils. Sec 8 military OK. 3500 sf home. Backs to trees w/views of Shenan- Call Today: 866-274-7193 off 270. $1250/mo. 301-367-7848 pets ok Bob 571-426-9123 301-702-2273. doah Mountains! Near schools, shops & Rte 7! SOUTHWEST EHO GERMANTOWN —TH to shr. 1 rm for $397+1/4 utls. HYATTSVILLE—3BR 1½BA TH, fenced, off street NE BROOKLAND NEAR METRO! Option to buy. $2200/mo. 703-727-8011 Comfort-Convience-Affordable!! Avail now. Close to shpgs, bus & I-270. 1530 Rhode Island Ave NE & 1511 Franklin St NE 301-742-8983. parking. Call 240-216-6912 RESTON — 3BR, 2BA Condo. 1265 sf, updtd kitc, sep Park-like setting. Dishwasher, Central laundry facil- 2 BR Apt $1095 plus utils, 1 BR apt $825 plus utils, lndry, working fpl, 1 mi fr Reston Town Center, ity, wall-wall carpet, walk-in closets & more! Manassas $600- ROOM FOR RENT-Bedroom to HYATTSVILLE—4BR crnr hse, 2FB, W/D, OSP, nr new kitchens w/maple cabinets & new appl, wood rent in a large house shared by four others in Metro/shpg ctr/schls. $1600+ Call 301-420-5062 $1350/mo. Avail immed. Call 703-980-8845 or email: 116 Irvington Street SW Section 8 Welcome floors, AC, on-site laundry, secured parking avail- [email protected] Manassas. Large kitchen, in-ground pool and hot HYATTSVILLE EHO able, 15 min walk to Rhode Island METRO. RESTON EAGLE’S CROSSING 202-561-7070 tub, fireplace, quiet location. 703-791-5363 Call for Specials www.novodev.com 202-315-1103 REFINED LIVING! An Edmondson & Gallagher Community NE/M PROF N/S LG 4BR—2½BA hse nr Ft Totten. 1BR from $860, 2BR from $990 NE/Children’s Hospital Area Up to 1560sf! Great location off the Tollway and SPRINGFIELD—1BR/1FBA w/sauna, all new bsmt Maid svc. BSMT AVL. Sh. kit., pvt BA/entr., study, Instant Approvals DISCOVER THE BEST IN DOWNTOWN LIVING! mins to Reston Town Center. Small pets welcome. apt with W/D, LR & wlk out entrance. $1000/mo wlk-in clst, w/w crpt. All utls incl. Carport prkng. inclds free cable and internet. 703-598-0129 5% Gov’t, County, & Walk to Brookland Metro, Deli/Market & Services 1BR from $1030 $975/mo. 202-494-3692 HUGE 1,2 & 3 BR FLOORPLANS 2BR from $1205 S.S.—3BR 2½BA TH w/FP & fin bsmt. $1800 OLNEY—F to shr contemporary TH. Pvt BR & BA Sr. Citizen Discount 240-426-2877 301-728-0006 • Nr Metro, shpng & restaurants THE CLOISTERS 888-287-2716 3BR from $1480 fully furn. W/D, cable tv, pool, prkg & utils incl. All UTILITIES INCLUDED STAFFORD—5BR 4 full BA SFH. built in 2004. w-o $750/mo Avail Now. 301-213-1179 CALL FOR SPECIALS! NE/ECKINGTON—Immaculate 4BR, 3½ ba home. QUEENSTOWN APARTMENTS Winterthur 877-437-2383 bsmt. Gated Retirement Adult Community, 55+. ROCKVILLE—Shr 2BR/2BA furn apt. N/S. Wlk Shady Close to Metro. Brand new renovation. Sec. 8 Fully recreation facility. HOA fee paid by landord Grove metro, W/D, cable, wireless, pool & fitness rm. 1-877-278-3509 accepted. 202 581-5966 RESTON/TOWN CENTER Mon-Fri 9-7, Sa 9-5, Su 10-5 1BR, Loft, Fpl, garage, $1400 which incl Cable. Lease/Purchase. $1695/mo or $700+ utils. 240-671-6565. NE/SE— Effcy,1BR & 2BR apts, $575 & up + elec. No $479,995. 703-644-2839 or Cell 571-330-9447, SIL SPG— Prof F shr conv. wonderful hse. BR/BA HYATTSVILLE’S BEST! pets. Call 202-265-4814 or 202-889-4083. 2BR, Loft, Fpl, 2-car gar $1900 Wlk to restaus & shops. 703-598-6750. Fox Hunt Rlty ask for Jim $650, $495. N-Smkg/No pets. Incl utils. 1BR $840 2BR $900 3BR $1245 Fred A. Smith Co. SW $1400 Reston $1200 301-593-2435. All Utilities Included NEW CARROLLTON—3BR hse, sits on ½ ac, secl st. Great House! SIL SPR—1-4BR, w/d, nr Glenmont Metro, next to Lse for 6mo., 1yr or rent to own. $1850. Room Available 2BR, 1.5 Bath, Upgd TSP Kit, HW Flrs, FP, Nr Bus & Near Wash. Hospital Ctr, SF seeking roomie to lease 1st fl suite in SFH. shops/bus/playgrd. Family welc. 804-815-2179. 240-461-9811 Rail, OSP,Lots of Closets. 240-604-8699 UofMaryland, & PG Plaza • Full bath & walk-in closet Takoma Park— Female to share house. Quiet Parquet Floors, Roomy Floorplans NEW CARROLLTON—2BR, 1BA; nr Metro. $1100. TAK PK— Beautiful 1 BR apt. Quiet cul-de-sac. Utils neighborhood. Close to Transportation & shops. All Sect 8 ok. 301-459-8144 • W/D, kitchen & util. incl QUEENS PARK PLAZA • Non-smoking & no pets incl’d. $950. 410-507-2543 utilities included $500/mo. 301-717-9057 North Bethesda EHO TEMPLE HILLS—1, 2 & 3BR Apts avail immed! W/W. UPPER MARLBORO—M/F shr condo, near metro, 2500 Queens Chapel Rd AVALON AT GROSVENOR STATION Call with questions - 703-758-9457. 1-877-699-0295 D/W. Fireplace. Gas included. Call 301-894-8524 pvt lge BR/w/BA. n/s$650 utils incl. 301-442-2504 • Steps to the Metro RIVERDALE—1 & 2 BR Specials, w/w crpt, balcony, TEMPLE HILLS—Very nice home to shr. Furn. rm. KENS—Gorgeous 2BR close to Metro, new cpt, new • Controlled access garage parking with elevator laundry, d/w, hdwd flrs, close to Metro. From $850 - $175/wk. all utils. & cable incl. Lv. msg., we will paint. Avail. immed. $1050. Call 301-949-9056 access to each level $975 + electric. 6747 RIVERDALE RD return calls promptly 301 325-6901 DELWIN REALTY 301-577-7917 CONDOS FOR SALE KENS—Lge 2lvl. 2BR 1½ BA. New kitchen/carpet/ • Short drive to I-495, I-270 and Rockville Pike Temple Hills $1125 paint. Pool. Metro. $1450. 301-774-2941. • Pool with sundeck Riverdale Nice 2 BR Condo Avail immed. • Fitness center with Cardio Theater FLETCHERS FIELD Walk to Metro. Near shopping malls. Section 8 ALEX $219,500 LANDOVER 1829 Belle Haven Dr CALL FOR SPECIALS 866-797-6821 accepted. Bright & shiny condo off King St. Newer carpets, Landover’s Finest www.avalonatgrosvenorstation.com 866-805-0782 • Washer & Dryer appls, flring & more. Call 703-370-8670 NW— 1BR$ 840 utilities included Ft. Stevens Prop. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. Spacious, Modern Apart- • Dishwasher www.TaylorBrown.com Call about Free Rent! 2&3BR Blowouts! Reno- 301-316-4590 ments Minutes to University of Maryland and DC • Patio Alexandria/Park Center $389,000 vated Apts. Breakfast bars, w/w carpet, after-school NW/5406 3RD ST—Newly renov 1BR+den, new Riverdale • Fully Carpeted Reduced...Look at the others, then call me to see program. Metro access. Shopping center. ADA ac- w/w, kit, vanity, ceil fan. Nr. Metro. $720+utl. PARKVIEW GARDENS Call for appt. this top floor, cathedral ceilings, maple cabinets, cess. Free prvt storage. Near Sports Complex/FedEx DELWIN RLTY 301-608-3703/X103 A.J. Blackman 703-772-8597 granite counters, stainless appliances, fireplace, 2 Field. NW 877-810-6216 888-251-1872 TRINIDAD—Renov. 1 & 2 BR apts., 1.5 BA hdwd flrs, master suites & garage parking for 2 cars. Gated 301-579-5455 CONVENIENCE & EXCITEMENT 1,2 & 3 Bedrm Apts. & Huge 2 Bedrm Townhomes all new appls. $1150 + utls Sec 8 ok 202-529-5071 community 5 minutes to the Pentagon. AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE! Fitness and Day Care Centers on Property Tysons Corner—Spacious 1BR & 2BRs starting at Valerie Wilkinson 703-585-9271 LANDOVER EHO Outdoor and Indoor Pool 1,2 & 3 BRS FROM $777!! Three intimate bldgs. located on Historic Meridian $1400. Fully renovated high end units. Deluxe WEICHERT, Realtors Ask about the spectacular savings on our unique Hill & Dupont Circle retaining the elegance and RIVERDALE VILLAGE fitness center w/sauna, year-round pool & tennis Alexandria $399,000 ‘Signature Series‘. Gas heat & cooking included. beauty of a by-gone era. Call For Fantastic Specials* facilities. Fully equipped business center, express CHANCERY of KINGSTOWNE ASHFORD AT COOPER’S CROSSING Washington House 2120 16th St. NW W/W Carpet*; Eat-in Kits.*; Cathedral Ceilings*; Prvt shuttle to METRO. Just mins from Tysons Corner Shows like model & best price w/view of lake. Hightowerrs 1530 16th St NW Balcony/Patio. Close to Parks, Schools & Shopping Center. For appt, Call Howard at 703-473-1050 2BR/2BA w/loft, FP,Skylights,W/D. Great amenities,- CALL TODAY! 1-888-459-5539 Park Square 2407 15th St. NW *Selected units 800-767-2189 www.apartments.com/renaissance2230 close to everything.Call Mary 703-346-6224.Open Landover Hills PEABODY & THEOHARIS MGMT. ROCKVILLE, MD EHO TYSONS - FURNISHED—Small quiet ground flr Sun 5/14 1-5pm. CALVERT HALL APTS. NW—Artsy loft space in DC. Eleg 2BR, 1BA loft in show place. Patio on woods. Month to Month. $1450 ARL/Clarendon Metro 2 blks. —Lux. condo., 2BR, highly desirable area w/ soaring 18ft ceilings, renov The Apartments at Miramount incl utils. Call 703-280-5427 2 ba., less than 1 yr. old. Garage pkg. $609,000. 877-203-6036 kit & BA, A/C, W/D & plenty of closet space, wlk to • Washer/Dryer in each home UPPER MARLBORO—Gated commun. Top flr. spac Owner/Agt. 703 628-3217 2&3BRAPTS. Near Route 450 & PW Pkwy. Metro, shps & theaters, enjoy outdoor swimming • Pool and Tennis Courts 1BR/1BA, fpl, balc, prkng. Conven. to Metro, Cap ARL N/Rosslyn/River Pl. Gated Access • Individual Heat & A/C pool, tennis courts & pvt. garden. $2250/mo. Call • Picnic/BBQ Area Blvd, $1260+utl. 202-285-3108 Lge STUDIO, Furn’d, $165,000; JR. 1BR, $199,500; Eat-in kitchens with Dishwashers 703-400-9583 or e-mail: [email protected] • Corporate Suites VIENNA—1BR/1FBA luxury condo w/lots of ameni- All include new fitness cntr., walk to Metro. Other Landover NW BRIGHTWOOD PARK—945 Longfellow Street 888.324.8343 ties. Walking dist to Metro. $1300/mo. units avail. Beth Arlington Realty, 703-836-4610 KINGS SQUARE APTS. NW, restored 1924 13 unit bldg, renov 1 BR w/new 6040 California Circle 703-887-5758 ARL/ROSSLYN $209,950 877-898-6958 kitch, wood flrs, AC, on-site laundry, $825 plus utils A Southern Management Community VIENNA, VA EHO for sale. Newly remodeled spectacular studio 476 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED www.novodev.com 202-315-1103 ROCKVILLE/N. BETH—3BR, 2BA detached split lvl, VIENNA PARK s.f. w/views of the pool. Owner wants quick sale. Walk to Metro. Call for Specials. Free 6 week NW, DC—2BR 1BA. Hardwood, W/D, FP, 3 blocks great cond, terrific nghd, nr White Flint & Metro. No • Park-like setting 703 587-4071 Summer Camp Convenient to shops, Bus metro $1400+ 202-378-0258 Pets. Avail Now. $1975. Call Rob 301-440-9595. • Wall-to-wall Carpet ARLINGTON/ROSSLYN $305,000 NW—Large Furn’d Room, near bus and metro. Call Beautifully updated top floor 1BR corner unit w/lots Landover Epstein & Assoc 301-589-5060 • Enormous Balconies 202-723-2027 SE - $1550/mo. — 3BR, 1BA, o-s prkg, cac, hdwd • Huge living rooms of light & pretty views! New appls, pergo kit flr, MAPLE RIDGE 888-583-3045 NW/SHAW — 1BR, Totally renov Duplex Apt. All flrs, updtd kitc, Sec 8 welc, avail Jul 1. Call for appt. • Swimming pool decorative wall cabinets, great location-walk to Free 6 Week Summer Camp. new appls & kitc, jacuzzi, a/c, W/D, hdwd flrs, patio. Al Elliott, 202-498-7715. • Play areas shops, theatre, 2 metros! Rosslyn S on Ft. Myer, Individually Controlled A/C and Heat 1 blk to Metro. $1000 + utils. (522 R St. NW). Re/Max Allegiance, 202-829-0123 • Minutes to metro cross over Rt. 50, immed R on srv rd, 2nd L to top of Fitness Center/Gated Access the hill, sharp R on N Ode to 1311, #634. Call 301-891-2197. SE/1823 P St—Renov. spac. 1BR + encl porch. hdwd Landover, Maryland OCCOQUAN — Rent to own. Lg 3BR, 2BA, waterfrt 877-316-6306 flrs. laundry rm. secured bldg. nr Metro. $635 + elec. A Southern Management Community 1BR Apts from only $755 Condo. Great cond. $1350/mo. $300 rent credit. DELWIN REALTY 301-608-3703 x103 12713 Gordon Blvd. #90. 703-582-3748. WALDORF—3BR/2½BA TH, deck, yard, W/D. Avl INCLUDING ALL UTILITIES!! SE—3BR, CAC, w/w. Will accept Sec 8 & Voucher. June. No credit check Open Hse 5/21 1-4p. 0 App. Fee during Open House on 5/20 Old Town Alexandria $1900 202-549-8880 ARLINGTON - WINDGATE II Harbor Terrace Condo 240-643-1145 2520 South Arlington Mills Drive #B Ask about our financial SE/ Congress Heights Gorgeous Condo! Washington, DC EHO counseling program 1 BR w big loft. Bright & airy. Near bus & metro. Arlington, VA 22206 2Blks to Metro! Newly renov 2BR/2BA unit. Safe, AVALON AT GALLERY PLACE Totally turnkey! 3 level townhouse with 2 BR, 2.5BA, *Walking distance to Metro Fireplace, balcony, hdwd floors, W/D, DW. Pix at gated comm. $1495/mo, w/Prk. 3201 8th St #2. www e357.net/condo. 12 mo lease. 703-606-7946 • Private balconies with panoramic views Hdwds, granite, privatefenced patio, pool, tennis, *Central AC/Heat *Modern Kitchens Avanti RE. 202-265-4663 • Designer kitchens • Gas cooking and heat *Playgrounds *Beautiful Landscaping OXON HILL — 2BR 1 BA apt, all utils incl. $1250. and walking distance to chic Shirlington. Call for a 703-863-8338 SE/Green St—Lg 1 & 2 BR. Balcon, Hrdwd Flrs, CAC, • Underground parking garage private tour. $520,000 MLS AR6020680 Kent Village 1.888.494.6956 indr laun fac., pvt prkg, nr Metro. $650-750+elec • State-of-the-art fitness center Christina Wood 202-714-9822 A Southern Mgmt Community OXON HILL—3BR/2.5BA TH. $1,600 + utils. W/D, • Rooftop terrace with sundeck and gas grills D/W, CAC, sunroom, garage. 2 lvls w/yd, well-main- DELWIN REALTY 202-678-2548 Long and Foster 703-522-0500 LANHAM—Spacious 3BR TH. Rent $1500/mo. SE Section 8 Welcome • 24-hour concierge • Cats welcome Ch Ch DC $299,900 5402 Conn. Ave. #407 tained TH. No bsmt, avail immed. Open 3-5 on 5/14 CALL FOR SPECIALS 866-790-3025 Call 301-674-8376 & 5/20. Sec 8 ok. 301-257-5126. TERRACE MANOR APTS. PRICE REDUCTION! LAUREL—Brand new lux 4BR 2½BA home for rent. Off street parking; On bus route. 24 hr. maint. www.avalongalleryplace.com vSpacious rear corner 4th floor 1BR +office space, OXON HILL Why Rent...YOU Can Buy!—ARLINGTON, FAIRFAX, Near to Laurel General Hospital. $3200 COLONIAL VILLAGE Handicapped accessible. Washer & dryer in select flooded with light, minutes from metro, restaurants 240-426-2877 or 301-728-0006 homes. Wall to wall carpet. LOUDOUN PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTIESNO Money and shops. Boutique bldg, 9’ ceilings, HWD floors, LAUREL, MD. 1 BR SPECIAL! 888-583-3047 202-678-0721 Down! We Finance!Equal Opportunity Lender. Rick graceful archways, plentiful storage! ESCAPE THE SHADOWS OF THE CITY.. FREE UTILITIES Fairfax Realty- 703-385-RICK (7425) 10 new windows (three exposures)! Pet Friendly; CLOSE TO SHOPPING AND METRO! An Edmondson & Gallagher Community WOODBRIDGE—5 yrs old, 3 lvl TH. 4BR/3.5BA, ..and enjoy the lush lawns & wooded areas of SE/V ST. — 1BR Condo, W/D. Eat-in country kitchen; Low fees;In-unit W&D A LARCHDALE WOODS Call Today for Rents & Specials! jacuzzi, deck, sec 8 welcome. $1,695 703-929-5680. MUST SEE! CONTACT JULIO ALBERTO(202) 498- OXON HILL EHO $975 + utils. Metro Homes Prop Mgt. Re/Max Premier. Spacious apartments in a convenient location w/ 301-261-4008 0344WEICHERT REALTORS 202-326-1300 WOODBRIDGE—Newly renov. 4BR 2 full BA Ram- DC/SW/RIVERSIDE—$175,000. Luxury Top flr stu- olympic size pool, indiv. controlled heat and A/C. PARK FOREST SIL SPG—4BR 2½BA, full bsmt, near metro, bus bler. w-o bsmt. $1600/mo. Sect 8 ok. 703-644-2839 Large balcony or patio. Pets allowed. dio. River view, pool, 24 hr security. Studio from $685 1BR fr $765 &shopping. Call 804-815-2179 or Cell 571-330-9447, ask for Jim Call Paula 202-418-1874 (Office/Day) or CALL (866) 516-5359 TODAY! 2BR fr $885 3BR fr $1135 SIL SPG—Crptd 1BR, $1025 utils incl, onsite prkg, nr LAUREL 301-657-9567(Home/Evenings) 5% Military & Fed Gov’t Discount, Instant Metro/Shops. Bus at door. Deposit $500. ROOMMATES Dupont/Adams Morgan/U St. $579,900 So Spacious - up to 1200sf Approvals/Move-ins, Plush Carpet, Central Air/Heat, Monterrey Apts 301-588-3413 2 BR/2.5 BA/1250 S.F.CONDO 1BR from $810, 2BR fr $930 Free after-school program SIL SPG—SFH, 3BR, 2½BA brk ramb, auto gar, fully • Private fenced rear patio 3BR from $1255 625 Audrey Lane 800-880-3923 fin bsmt w/ ofc, new windows, blinds, carpet, close ADELPH—Large room, share BA, all utilities in- • 2-story, hardwoods, f/place OXON HILL EHO to FDA, Bltwy, Metro, dwntwn Sil Spg, on bus route, Millitary Discounts cluded CATV & internet $550, 301-422-7880 • Eat-in updated kitchen SOUTHVIEW no pets/nsmkg. $2800/mo+utils. Call 240-305-6464. ALEX—SFH to shr. Nice lge bsmt., pvt entr/prkg., FB, • Gated, pet-friendly cmty LAUREL SQUARE • Balconies & Patio Silver Spring EHO eat-in area, big closet. Call 703-780-7860 • 2 parking spaces 1-877-227-2883 • Modern Kitchen Forest Park Apartments ANNANDALE—2 BRs avail. $480/mo. Share bath & • Walking distance to Dupont, Adams Morgan, • Free Shuttle Bus kitchen. Utilities incld. 571-221-0900 Metro LOGAN EAST—Newly decor, historic bldg, conven • 2 swimming pools ‘A great place to live‘ BETH—Share 3BR condo. Wlkg dist to Grovenor OPEN SUNDAY (5/21) 1-5. 16th St NW & Belmont. For to transp./shopping, Efficiency $865 1BR $975 877-316-6303 • Beatifully wooded landscape Metro, close to Malls. $700 & $650, utils incl. Call info: beekmanplace1626d@ yahoo.com 202-289-4909 A Southern Management Community • Controlled access 202-486-9237 202-458-7833 DUPONT CIR- $395,000-Sunny lovely 1BR in hist MANASSAS EHO OXON HILL EHO • Mid-rise elevator bldg BRENTWOOD—Neat, reliable, honest indiv. to shr popular Cairo. Renov. granite, exp. brick, bay END OF WINTER SAVINGS! 1BR from $675 2BR from $765 • Laundry on every floor space. $496 sec 1 rm., $452 sec 1 rm. 301-699-3130 wind, isl wd flrs, 24hr sec. View fun nghd, Low 3BR from $915 • Wall-to-Wall Carpet 1BR from $895 CAP HEIGHTS/6411 Walker Mill Rd—Shr bsmt Fees FSBO 1615 Q St. N.W. #801 703-338-8765 Instant Credit-Check • Spacious Bedrooms unit. CAC. Basic cable. Spacious. Quiet. $175/wk. Dupont/Kalorama $799,000 2BR from $975 3BR from $1340 Metro Accessible • Pools, playgrounds, bball court All Utilities Included 202-270-7814 Gorgeous, Big & Bright! Near Shopping! • Much, Much more! Cap Heights/Lanham—Rms for rent. Cable. 1,400 sq ft 2bed/2bath in the classic, Beaux-Arts COVERSTONE The Oaks at Park South BRING THIS AD IN FOR $160/wk. 202-330-7265 Farnsboro. Hi-quality renovation worthy of Architec- 1-877-437-2384 WAIVED APPLICATION FEE! CAP HILL SUMMER RENTALS— Furnished Apts, tural Digest. www.edcarpdc.com for vtour.2129 www.rimsi.com 866-381-2786 (toll free) Mon-Fri 9-6; Sat 10-5; Sun 12-4 Please call 301-434-8727 THs to share. Great Location-All the Extras! Florida Ave., NW, #204 MASS AVE WINTHROPE HOUSE Continental Properties, Ltd. OXON HILL/Southern Ave. Metro SILVER SPRING TOWERS Washington Intern Housing Eff. all utils incl. Sec. Bldg. Nr Metro/Dup Cir. 2 MONTHS FREE* for immed. move-in 307 Mass Ave. N.E. 202-547-7767 Ed Carp (202) 491-8700 $995/mo. 301-656-3033. (Ask bout other rent specials) The Perfect Location! CLIFTON/CENTV—Bsmt avail. TH to sh conv loc nr FALLS CHURCH $330,000 McLean EHO RENTS STARTING AT $666* FREE UTILITIES 66/29, $695 +¼ut. Quiet w/Great amens. Nr metro 2BR, 2BA Condo, 1325+ sf, W/D, Garage, 24’ Balcony, AVALON CRESCENT 703-502-1516 view of Washington, DC Monument. 301-674-1234. • Large pool and Playground Just a few steps from the Silver Spring Metro; DARNESTOWN—Rm. Furn/unfurn, w/d. $1000 incl. Jobin Realty • Walk to Tysons Galleria • Washer & dryer in select apts walking distance to 2 new shopping centers, the AFI • Gated community utils. 301 574-4326 FALLS CHURCH—Remod 2BR, 1.5BA w/ balc, new Azalea Woods 1-866-462-9163 Silver Theater, the Discovery Channel building; and FAIRFAX CITY—M/F to share nice 2 BR condo. Good kit, cabs, granite cnts, updated appls, BA w/ marble • State-of-the-art fitness center soon-to-be neighbors with a brand new health club • High-tech business/conference center *Call for Details pkg. Nr Bus & GMU. Quiet. $550 incl utls. tiles, shows great, very conv loc. $277,900 and Borders Books - you couldnt ask for a better 703-273-2815 Call Vitaly 703-626-1452 • Outdoor pool with sundeck PALISADES—Carriage House, spac studio, skylts, spot! • Optional attached/breezeway garages 14’ ceils, Greenhouse Front overlooks beautiful FALLS CH/TYSONS—F,share condo, walk to shops, CALL FOR SPECIALS 866-292-9907 garden w/lily pond. Furn/unfurn. $1650 incl utils. 877-220-7136 prkg, busline, $450-$550 incls utils. Call www.avaloncommunities.com 202-363-6122. A Southern Mgmt. Community 703-599-7931. CD4B30Hk $ %! %k4G?A4BBk" Classifieds

CHESAPEAKE BAY WATERFRONT RENTALS—3-BR LA PLATA $519,000 UPPER MARLBORO FROM THE $700’S house or 2-br waterfront condo. Wkly or bi-wkly. Call 5-BR 3½-BA, SFH, immac. cond. Noland Matthews, NEW CONSTRUCTION— Don’t miss this opportu- CONDOS FOR SALE 800-992-0315 202-439-7728. Exit Premier Realty, 301-560-6700. nity to get in this gated country club community of COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE CLIFTON $354,900 LANHAM/Woodstream $445K -10006 TREETOP Oak Creek Club. Enjoy the benefits of working with McLean/Tysons $294,900 For pictures or to receive your FREE Daily List of LANE — FSBO. NEW LISTING. 4BR/2½BA COL w/2- the custom builders of Greencastle Homes. Estate 1717 K St, NW.—Office Intelligently: Save Hun- Large luxury 1br/1ba condo Homes in DC, MD & VA for Sale w/Prices, Addresses car gar on wooded lot. Fp in fam rm, lge deck & full lots & homes avail. 5BR, 3½BA Dirs: From 495, Exit dreds/mo. On demand Gated at Gates of Mclean in Tysons. Walk to new & Descriptions. www.Move4FreeRealty.com. part fin bsmt. 301-577-3163 /301-802-3971 15 A (214 East), to R on Church Rd. Sales Trailer 1 offices, phone, mail, Internet, other svcs. Plans $45- planned metro. 787sq/ft, great cond, Pergo, W/D, Sarah Santa Ana 202-369-1460 LORTON $340,000 mile on Left. Ricky Hahn $200/mo. Call OSI, 202-508-3896 to learn more. balcony. More info on website. Fairfax Realty 3BR, 2 BA, 3 lvl. TH. Well-maintained. Affordable. RE/MAX Realty Center. 240-793-3381 DUPONT CIRCLE—Ofc. space in sought after Du- Partners r.e. (703) 560-3424 CLINTON/$659,950-5BR DREAM HOME. Fully up- Nice neighborhood. $5000 closing help. Call Larry, Vienna $649,900 pont Circle loc. avail. immed. Bright work space w/lg www.homesbyare.com graded. Huge MBR & gourmet kit. Intrcom/sec sys, Jobin Realty, 571 237-9857 Walk to Dunn Loring Metro. Deluxe 4BR, 3.5BA, 2 car terraces. Full floorplan, 5500 sq ft. Prkg, furnishings NW/LOGAN/906 T ST, $625K—Spac 2 lvl loft unit, warr.9006 ELDON DR. Call Sonny, 202-288-2271. Manassas $460,000 gar TH. Priced to sell. & workstations avail., hi-spd Internet (full T1). Call brand new. 2BR, 2½BA, 2 FPs, wd flrs., study, 1 prkg, Re/Max One 301-249-6603. Remodeled 1 Acre Lot Call Oscar, PMA 703-622-4340 202-822-5200 for more info upgraded kit. Sylvia, 202-549-7459. CLINTON— 4 yr old Colonial, 4BR, 2FBA, 2HBA, Mstr Charming 4BR 3Bath colonial beautifully landscaped DUPONT/LOGAN—Entire bldg approx 1500 SF/4 NW/THE MOHAWK $479,950 ste, Super Bath w/jacuzzi, w-i closets, formal liv & lot. Hardwood throughtout, Granite countertop with parking spaces. Sidewalk entrance. $5000 NNN. Call Unique 2 lvl unit. Over 1000 s.f. Contemporary style din rms, gourmet Kitc w/SS appls. Fam rm w/gas Fpl. many Upgrades. Don’t miss this. WE BUY HOUSES Reneau, Reneau R.E. 202-316-9580. lots of windows, Walk to Metro & Conv. Ctr. 436 M Hdwd flrs. Fin’d Bsmt w/exerc & theatre rms, deck, Call for directions: 571-233-4909 FREDERICKSBURG— Retail or office space at strip St, NW. L. Burton, Re/Max One, 301-335-7687; 2-car gar. Call Bethea at 240-462-6456. Century MD, DC, VA—Need Real Estate Investors w/good ANY PRICE OR COND mall/busy intersection. Up to 4200 s.f. 703-327-6193 301-464-0044 21/Home Center, 301-552-3000. credit (680 FICO or higher) & $5K min. to invest. Do You Need To Sell Quickly? reston $235,900 CLINTON 6408 BROOKE JANE DRIVE 202-747-5066 across from tall oaks 3BR/3BA Rambler w/bsmt, 2 frpls, hdwd flrs, car- MECKLENBURG, CO— 11.7 acs, 2500 SF brick WE BUY HOUSES FAST WHEELS grnd flr end unit, covered prkng, backs to parkland. port, all brick, Must See. Brokers Protected. house, inground pool, new horse barn w/10’ fence & All cash, no contingencies, no commission, no fees $$ rebate. 703-623-4667 MLS#PG6031278 Susie Moore Asso. 301-449-7979 ready to graze, 2 ponds, very private, call You Save $. Buying in Maryland, DC & Virginia. 434-689-2228 or 434-774-7468. SE/HILLCREST JUST LISTED $179,500 Columbia Hts $549,900 Brian, Re/Max 2000, 301-996-9695 $500. Down/$1,000. a month 3534 Park Place NW MYRTLE BEACH PROPERTIES www.listorbuyhomes.com. Why Rent when you could own this sun filled, Open Sat/Sun 12-3. One of Columbia Hts finest ALL LOCATED NEAR BEACH [email protected] Supersized 1 BR/1 BA condo. Call 888-402-7770 x homes completely renovated in 2004. 3BR/3.5BA+ For Sale...NEW HOMES $140K/up. 3 & 4BR + GAR. WHEATON $449,900 402 or online at www.FrankGodfrey.com jacuzzi and european shower room, formal DR and Lease-to-own...NEW HOMES 4 + 2. GAR. Nr shops, 12720 BUSHEY DR. Keller Williams spacious kitchen. golf & dining.For Sale...NMB GOLF CONDOS $120K. Pampered 5-BR, 1.5-BA, SFH, on a great lot, great Derrick Briggs (703)798-5004 2 + 2. Furn. Sleeps 6. Renov. NEW CONDOS location, split foyer, updated kit., off st. pkg, call Upper Marlboro—2BR 1BA GF Fireplace, w/d, golf, $120K/up. 2 + 2. Screen-in. RE/MAX 843-997-8802 bike path. $196,000 301.574.4326 Exit Capitol Realty (202)403-0400 Menkis Real Estate for appt. to see 301-946-4050 NE/2231 14TH ST $204,990 WOODBRIDGE $360,000 2BR, 1BA TH in mint cond, under $250K. Call Ansa Lovely TH. private lot backs to trees. 3BR 2½BA. fpl. HOUSES FOR SALE Tyus. CALL RE/MAX fin bsmt. Locust Realty 703-929-1089 ALLEGIANCE, 202-345-0563. WOODBRIDGE—No bank qualifying. No credit ap- NEW CARROLLTON $379,900 Beautiful Land- ACURA ’99 3.2TL—w/ nav system, 4 dr, auto, 87k plication. No down. Gorgeous house nr Quantico mi, still under Acura 100K/7yr extended warranty, 1031 EXCHANGE SEMINAR—Defer taxes; Attor- scaped Lot - 3BR 2½BA split lvl, new carpet & Marine Base. Call Ruby 571-432-6717. ney Eric Goldberg & Beth Kaufman tell all you need paint. Grt Fam. rm addition in rear. Deck & patio. loaded!$10,000/ best offer. 202-468-7862 to know! Sat 5/20 11-1 RSVP $25 CULPEPER CO—320 acs prime agricultural land, 2 Eddie: 301-570-1772. DeLuca & Assoc. Real Est AMERICA CAR LOANS APPROVED 202-350-9034 www.citydwellers.us houses, good fencing, excel. pastures & cropland, NO NECK—2 Adjacent wtrfrnt bldg lots w/dir. Bad credit? No problem! We get you approved for on river, superb mountains views (2 parcels). LOTS & ACREAGE access to the Potomac & Bay. Beaut. in fabulous auto & truck loans. 866-489-4789 Affordable Homes—PG County. Own a home 30 $2,563,000. Browning RE 540 825-0731 days or less.Self employed, no credit, good credit, nghbrhd. 1.9 acs. w/100’ wtrfrnt or 3.9 acs. w/71’ of AUDI ’01 TT — Black, Quattro Conv. “ Baseball” lthr, bankruptcy 7, 204, rehab, low payment. Call Cherrie CULPEPER HORSE COUNTRY—10 AC w/well & wtrfrnt. $199k/ea. 804-529-5705 /703-674-7914 20+ acres & larger parcels. Deeded river access. 6-disk CD, 6 spd, 225HP Turbo, dual exh. New tires, @ 240-423-8187, visit my website: www.pghomes.- septic sys for 3BR perk. Still bldg & hse trailer NW/DOWNTOWN—For rent: Warehouse office, 3 state views, hardwoods. Mins to town & inter- low mis, 1 owner, HBL dlr serviced since new. Immac net w/pond site. Rd frontage on state maint rd. FSBO. 3000 sq ft, overhead door, conv. Convention Center, state. 2 hrs DC Beltway. Ready to enjoy for recre- cond. All records, $20,900. 703-448-0377 540-825-4622 ALEX CITY KENSINGTON COURTS $650,900 subway, ideal ops center/courier, delivery, service ation or build. LandinWV.com BMW - ’87 R80. 10,000 miles. Asking $5000/obo. 438 Stanton Place, Alex., VA 22304 DALE CITY/WOODBRIDGE— provider. 202-289-4909 21 Acres w/ private, deeded river access. 360 See pics at: www.deisingcorp.com/moto. Dan, Immaculate 4-level garage townhome. 3 bedrooms, National Builder/New Construction 3-5BR, 2-4BA NW— Huge Victrn, 4BR, unique open flrplan, lg. kit., views! The complete pinnacle w/ sunrise, sunset & 301-399-5775 2.5 baths with all of the finishing touches.EasyDC Single Fam Homes. , Gold Key Realty. partial bsmt., nr. dwntwn. $490,000/neg. Call David river views! Very private w/ driveway. Priced at CAD ’98 DeVille—Auto, 130k mi, GREEN, AM/FM, commute with Metro rail within walking distance. 571-722-2337 301-434-9490 x336. Long & Foster $399,900. Call 1-800-888-1262 Cassette, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Call for a private tour. DC/NW/DOWNTOWN/Convention Ctr ODENTON 2204 COMMISSARY CIRCLE 40+ Acres w/ Deeded River Access. Very rare! Cruise, Tilt, $3200, 202-486-8940 Christina Wood 202-714-9822 Small versatile retail space, high vehicular traffic. 3 lvl brkfrt TH, 3BR, 2½BA, cath ceils in BR, gar, new Usable mtn property w/ 50 mile views! Exc. financ- CHEVY ’03 TrailBlazer—Auto, 44k mi, white, AC, Long and Foster 703-522-0500 $2000/mo. 202-289-4909 w/w carpet, marble frpl in LR, EI kit w/bay wnd,dw, ing avail. Priced at $349,900. Call to see! Cassette, CD, PW/PDL, PS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, ALEX/DEL RAY/FSBO/$775K-Stunning bunga- DC/SE APARTMENT BUILDING—54 Units, Con- w/d, fin w/o bsmt. Call Agt 301-641-8631. Susie 1-800-888-1262 $21000, 800-340-7713 x 27848 low. Compl. updated. Prof. landscpd. 3BR, 2BA. Fpl. gress Hgts. **VACANT** No tenant rights, all 1 BR’s. Moore Assoc A Free LOG HOME Seminar CHRYS ’01 PT Cruiser—5 spd, 34k mi, Dark Blue, Lg. english garden. Stone patio fish pond/waterfall. Envir report clear/avail, Survey clear/avail, Title Pasadena $544,900 AM/FM, Cassette, Insp, Mnrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, 18 W. Custis Ave. Call for appt. 703-608-4191 clear. Ready for Rehab or conversion. $4,320,000. WATERFRONT on all aspects of building & buying your Alloys, Cruise, $9500, 202-265-1531 ARL/BALLSTON NEW LISTING! $965,000 ProMark R.E. Services 301-208-6700 Updated & well maintained. 2 bdr, 2 bath. 50ft dream CEDAR log home inc total analy- FORD ’48 2 Dr Sedan— Straight body, no rust, Beautiful, sun-filled, end unit TH-4Yrsnew!4 DUMFRIES—3BR with club house-pool. $347,000 Pier/Bulkhead. Public utilities. BUILD YOUR DREAM sis on costs, pricing, land etc. beautiful Blue Metallic paint job. Excl White int, 3 lvls/3BR/3.5BA. 3 blks to Metro. Hardwoods. Lge call 703-670-6581 HOME HERE!! Variances approved & plans are drawn Sunday 5/21 from 2-4pm. Call early, spd, orig flathead eng, not running. $5000/obo. table space kit w/granite, island/bar. 2 gas fplcs FAIRFAX—2 Pvt ofcs avl, 1 up & 1 dwnstrs, utls., for a large addition. MLS#AA6028335 703-455-1471 /571-228-4043 w/blt-ins. Spac. priv. patio. 2 car gar. Home War- DSL, prkng, kit incl. Copier/fax avl. Prof. loc. nr PHENIX, VA—67 acres on canoeable creek, some seating limited. HD - ’04 Road King Custom. 5000 miles. Hydraulic ranty! Owner/Agt. Fr: Lee Hwy & Glebe, S. Glebe, L. Beltway/Rt50. Call 703-573-4500. woods, mostly cleared, knoll house site, good road, Mountain Creations Inc clutch. Road Tech Radio. Oil Cooler. Adj. Windshld. N. 11th, L. N. Vermont, R into pkng for 1117-C on R. FAIRFAX/MERRIFIELD— High visibility bldg w/sig- springs & wild life. 1-800-logs-007 Lowered. Single & Dbl seats. Cruise Control. Passing Meg Ross 703-447-00970 nage on Lee Highway. 1,000 to 8,000 s.f. avail $124,500 434-542-4813 lights. $18,500/obo. See pix @ www.designcorp.- WEICHERT, Realtors immed. Perfect for medical, gen office & retail. Pot/Potomac Glen $1,095,000 For Sale by Owner. 24+ acres - $139,900. Incredi- com/moto; Dan, 301-399-5775 Arl/Fairlington TINY PRICE! $409,900 Cls. to 495/Metro/66. 703-204-2000 www.PotomacGlenHome.com ble views & over 900 ft on seasonal creek! Bonus: HONDA ’05 CR-V—Auto, 24k mi, Silver, $16500, Lowest Priced 3 level townhouse within Arlington. FAIRFAX/MERRIFIELD— High visibility bldg w/sig- 5BR Colonial beauty - 301-385-5480 Has Private, Deeded River Access. Great Financing. 703-772-8235 Private master suite is the entire upper level, nage on Lee Highway. 1,000 to 8,000 s.f. avail Property Not Sold? Call (304)262-2770. HONDA ’01 S2000—6 spd, 20k mi, Silver, CD, AC, hardwood floors refinished, remodeled kitchen, 2nd immed. Perfect for medical, gen office & retail. Will make you an offer over the phone. GRAND OPENING PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Cruise, $21750, bath & guest suite on lower level. Call: Cls. to 495/Metro/66. 703-204-2000 Call Mike 301-333-5552 (O) NC Deep Waterfront! 703-426-5763 ISUZU ’91 RODEO—auto, all power, sunroof, alloys, Valerie Wilkinson 703-585-9262 FAIRFAX STATION $899,999-Charming brickfront 3 202-746-5800 (C) Spectacular waterfront & water view homesites in WEICHERT, Realtors story colo. 4BR, 2+½+½ Bath, Lovely lot, previous Reston, VA $749,00 ac/heat, good tires, runs/looks good, 126K. Sacr. new upscale gated waterfront community in prime $1350 obo. 240-593-2638 ARL, N.—Brick Duplex. Lge corner lot. 2 units each Model Home. 11095 Flora Lee Dr. (Zip 22039). LAKEFRONT TOWNHOUSE yet secluded coastal location right off scenic Hwy 17 w/2BR, 1 BA. Wlk-up bsmt. Off-st-prkg. Close to 703-250-1585 www.gotofsbo.com #5172 3LVL 3BR 3.5BA, new KIT+BA’s, 3FP, 2 decks+patio, w/ easy I-95 access. Enjoy full service marina w/ LEXUS - ’95 SC400. Pearl White. auto. fully loaded. Ballston/Clarendon. $749,000. Call Beth, Arlington FAIRFAX $359,000 hottub, 1 car GAR boat slips & boat ramp along w/ whie sand beach! Very clean. 85K miles. service records included. Realty, Inc. 703-944-9706 Huge Kitchen! (703) 391-5602 FSBO Paved roads, water, sewer, more. Excellent financ- $7500. Call 202-436-0824 Arl N/Broyhill Forest $719,900 One Light to DC! 3BR, 2.5BA 2 lvl TH w/slate patio, near GMU & VRE. ROCKVILLE ing. Nothing else like it! Call now 1-800-732-6601, LINC ’99 Town Car—Auto, 81K, White, AM/FM, Solid Red brick rambler on azalea laden corner lot, Owner/Agent 5583 Hecate 703-989-0992 x1528 Cassette, CD, Insp, Snrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Busy intersection No Food & Tobacco, Cruise, Tilt, $8500, 240-462-4749 well kept by longtime owner-ready for your updates! FALLS CH/7 Crnrs— 6 units, 2-BR Condo bldg. Mtn Land for Sale. 20+ acres w/ private, deeded Below mmrkt value. Short wlk to 7 Crnr. hi rent, good $3000/mo. 240-355-3557 MERCEDES-BENZ ’04 AMG E55—5 spd, 18k mi, 3 Bedrooms 2 Full Baths, Hardwoods under carpet, S.E. MARSHALL HTS—Lovely 4BR, 2BA 0 down, river access - only $179,900. Has 2 state mtn. views! Woodburning Fireplace, Wood paneled basement. cond. FSBO. $1.41M. $235,000 per unit. Close to town. New rd, survey, perc. Call Black, AM/FM, CD, Insp, Snrf, Mnrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, $325K. $2162/mo. 301-996-3989 ABS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, $64500, 703-222-0001 4206 35th St N. Town & Suburban Properties 703-333-3433, 703-868-8281. (304)262-2770. Julia McNally 703-403-1396 FALLS CHURCH—Lease beaut. 1st flr suite in presti- SEVERN/1318 BERNI RUTH LANE-Colo. 3BR, MERCEDES ’02 CLK320 CONVERTIBLE 2½BA, grt deck, skylts, lg kit. area. Quiet cul-de-sac. ARLINGTON $925,000 gious Old Brick House Square, 900 blk W. Broad St. Silver/Grey. Triple mint. Fully loaded! 13K MI. Owner (Rt 7), 3 rms, 1/2 BA, 2 entrances, ample free pkg at Call for appt. CHAMPION REALTY 410-451-7600. relocating. $34,000. 202-342-2155 SUPERB RENOVATION SILVER SPRING—Charming Colonial close to RESORT PROPERTIES 4 bedroom 4 bath rambler in Arlingwood with new door. 703-534-9300 MERCEDES-BENZ ’02 E 320 4-Matic—Auto, 52k Dwntwn SS. 3BR w/garage READY TO MOVE IN w/ mi, Blue-Green, $24500, 540-428-1959 cherry kitchen, granite tops, Viking and Thermador FORECLOSURES!— ARLINGTON, FAIRFAX, new carpet, fresh paint, new appls. Dan Krell, stainless steel appliances, 3 new baths, big deck LOUDOUN & PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTIESWE FI- delaware $365,000 MINI ’03 Cooper S—6 spd, 25k mi, Grey, CD, Insp, Realtor, Fairfax Realty, Inc. (Direct)301-529-8475; close to beaches AC, PW/PDL, PS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, $24995, overlooking large yard, fireplaces in rec room and NANCE!Equal Opportunity Lender Rick FFX Realty (O)301-881-9800. Equal Housing Opportunity living room, den, garage. Easy access to DC via 703-385-RICK (7425) milton historic dist. 3br/2ba2car gar. walk to shops.- 323-360-1727 SilverSpringHomeSearch.com remax 888-269-0505 MITSUBISHI ’03 SPYDER GTS—Convertible-5 Chain Bridge. FORESTVILLE—$270K, 2BR, 1BA, $1700/mo. 0 Daily Listings by Email Betsy Twigg 703-284-9389 Long & Foster OCEAN CITY—50 condos avail. now. $138K-$200K. speed fully loaded, 44k miles $15,200/OBO Down. CAPITAL HTS—3BR, 2BA, 0 down, $269K, SILVER SPRING $449,900 Arlington - Courthouse—Office in prfsnl suite w/ $1700/mo. 301-996-3989 Call Frank K. @ RE/MAX 703-869-8878 amenities & metro access. Call Mark @ FT WASHINGTON—$615K, 4BR, 2BA 0 Down, NEW LISTING! 240-271-5552 410-520-8153 MITSUBISHI—’97 Eclipse GST, 5-sp, 92K mi., lthr., 703-243-4075. $3887/mo. 301-996-3989 WALK TO METRO! REHOBOTH BEACH $1,600,000 CD, DVD, pwr S/R, custom extras, too many to list, ARLINGTON VILLAGE STUNNER Forestvl/7106 Gateway Blvd $299,900 BRICK COLONIAL! 2 BLOCKS TO BEACH NICE. $5900. 703-932-9575 $328,500 $500 moves you in! Perfect for 1st time buyer. Contemporary home in ‘The Pines‘, being offered NISSAN ’00 Maxima—Alloy whls, cr cntrl leath Solid brick home w/ 3 fin lvls! 3BR, 2FB on treelined furnished. Never rented, but good potential seats, sunrf, loaded w/Bose CD & tape, ac $6500/ Classic Colonial all-brick 2-level townhome. 3BR/1BA brick rambler, New kit/bath fam rm w/ fplc, street. 1706 Cody Drive. Paul, 301-518-6999. 1BR/1BA with superior finishing touches! Deck, unfin attic & brick patio. Call Sylvia 202-549-7459 • 4 Bedrooms 3 Baths & FR OBO 202-277-4134. FORUM PROPERTIES 301-299-1199 • Cathedral Ceilings & Skylights NISSAN ’95 Quest—Auto, 154k mi, blue, AM/FM, pool, tennis, fabulous grounds. Walk to movies, Fort Washington $340,000 SS/WHEATON $429,900 WALK TO METRO! grocery, restaurants & shops. For details call: Open House • Decked Rear Yard w/ Hot Tub Cassette, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, Just reduced! 3BR all-brick COL w/full fin bsmt. • Garage $3300, 703-455-3768 Christina Wood 202-714-9822 This large brick rambler is loc on a nice corner lot. Great, private fenced yard. Eddie: 301-570-1772. Long & Foster 703-522-0500 • 4 Bedrooms Call Allen Jarmon for Info! 302-745-5122 cell OLDS—’87 Ciera, Va insp., 4-dr, runs good, cold a/c, DeLuca & Assoc. Real Estate CROWLEY ASSOCIATES REALTY some rust, 143K mi. $999. 703-385-8688 BALTIMORE CITY/Charles Village • 2 fire places STAFFORD—Buy this house w/$500 or less. Brk col. Historic Victorian TH w/original features, 5BR, • finished walk out basement 800-242-4213 PORSCHE ’86 911 Turbo—4 spd, 74k mi, Ex Cond. shows like a model, a 10+. 4-BR 2½-BA, totally Pre-Purch Insp. Iris Blue Metallic, Snrf, AC, $35500 $450,000 Call 410-467-3806 • renov., upgraded appls., new carpet & paint, 1/2 ac., BUY A HOME WITH NO MONEY DOWN- Free Sat. 20th & Sun. 21th 11am-4pm call Gabriela Evans OBO, 540-207-3425 has 8-car driveway, Only $399,000. 2500 fin. sq. ft.1 REAL ESTATE SERVICES SATURN ’96 SC2—Auto, 123k mi, RED, AM/FM, CD, computerized list of properties which you can buy 301-442-0751 301-632-5454 mi. to 95. Closing cost paid. 100% financing. Trou- with as little as 0 down.. 1-800-554-0783. ID # 1043. Keller Williams Realty of Southern MD Insp, Snrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Cruise, Tilt, $2400, bled credit OK. Several others to choose from. Call 703-786-7749 Sears Realty Group www.va-md-dc-homesales.com FREE HOME EVALUATION Scott Phillips, at 540-226-0492 Re/Max Allegiance ARE YOU TIRED OF RENTING? Do you want to Camp Springs/AAFB $359,900 If you’re thinking of selling or refinancing, for a no STAFFORD—Buy this house w/$500 or less. 3-BR 2 own? Bankruptcies, liens, judgements, foreclosures, SUBARU ’97 SVX—LSi, AWD, Auto, Leather, 52k mi, Red, AM/FM, CD, Mnrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Splendid Offering! Lovely 5BR 1BA, LR, Sep obligation evaluation and tips on selling and buying, full BA, 1-car gar., new paint, carpet, mstr suite we can help. Call Berna Able at RE/MAX Alle- Cruise, Tilt, $10000, 703-588-6445 DR+EIK, Finished Bsmt, Near ShopCtr, AAFB, Metro visit my site mdfreehomeinfo.com or call Raymond w/fpl, shows like model, 1 mi. to 95. Closing cost giance 703-649-0939 Bus & rail; 24-hr rec msg 1-800-315-5236, ext# 2011. Marshall, ReMax 100, 301-702-4243. paid. 100% financing. Troubled credit OK. $329,950. DO YOU OWN A HOME AND FEEL THAT YOU TOYOTA ’03 Prius—Auto, 73k mi, Silver, AM/FM, CAP HILL/NOMA NE $369,500 FT WASH/TANTALLON NO 805 OTHMAN DR Call Don Ratterree 571-334-5048 Re/Max Allegiance CAN’T REFINANCE BECAUSE OF YOUR CREDIT? Cassette, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Lovely 3BR, 2BA TH nr Union Station, K St. Redevel- 4BR, 3BA huge split foyer on 3/4 ac, fenced, level lot. STOCKS STILL LOW Please give me a call. We can refinance you with Cruise, Tilt, $14550, 703-944-8491 opment Area. New York Ave Metro. Nice yd plus2- Too much to tell, must see. Close in 5 days. Brokers Invest in the booming Atlanta mkt. Buy investment open collections, judgements, lates, bankruptcies, VW ’98 CABRIO CONVERTIBLE —Like new, grad car parking, needs updating but in move in cond. Protected. Susie Moore Associates 301-449-7979 properties and sell with 45 days for a quick profit. and foreclosure. The morgtgage solution Tracy Car- present, wht, MD insp, new tires, new battery, 1026 4th St. N.E. Call Reneau GAITH/GERMANTOWN RENT TO OWN $5k min inv. 25% return w/n 45 days. Not an thorne 240-304-0461. The Mortgage Solution is an $6000/obo. 301-606-0186 Reneau R.E 202-316-9580 Immac 3BR 2BA TH w/1 car grg $360,000. IPO-IRA’s Welcome equal oppty lender CAP HTS $219,000 Call 240-461-2065 Serious inquiries only. MARYLAND HOME BUYERS PROGRAM BOATS AND AVIATION 3-BR, 1 full bath, fresh paint & carpet, close to HAYMARKET—12-rm 3-lvl TH, Piedmont comm., www.pinnacledevpartners.com If you would love to own a home, and have an Metro. Noland Matthews 202-439-7728 Exit Premier golf, pool, fitness center, 3-BR 3-BA, 2000 sq ft, 866-871-3226 income of $40K or more and at least $5K towards Realty, 301-560-6700. neutral colors, 1-car gar., like new. $399,999. Peter TEMPLE HILLS $350,000 down pymt. we have programs for almost any CATALINA ’04 350—Loaded, in Annapolis, shares CAROLINE CO., MD—Waterfront, 2.78 ac ranch 703-217-2400 FSBO 3 BR, 2½ BA, fin rec rm, 1 car gar, fncd yard. Closing situation. Call Ray Marshall, ReMax 100, avail. Go to www.windpath.com for details. home, 3BR, kit, LR, DR, util. rm., 2½ ba, full bsmt. HUNTINGTOWN—Lovely 5BR, 3BA quiet street, 0 help. Call Franklin, 301-218-4016 RE/MAX ONE 301-702-4243. $575/mo. 443-822-9107 w/½ ba, pier w/2 boat lifts & many extras. $1.2M. down, $3625/mo. $545K. 301-996-3989 UPPER MARLBORO—4BR, 2½BA, 3 lvl. $340,000. WE DO REFI LOANS NO ONE ELSE CAN MAXUM - ’02 2400SCR. Radar Tower w/Radar. Ext 410 673-7040 HYATTSVILLE/Takoma Park—built out already Call Kim, 301-233-6340;301-560-6700, We accept scores below 500 and do unique deals. Swim Platfrm. 5.0MPI. $33,000/obo. See pix at CHAROLOTTE CO, VA-85 ac farm. Over 30ac fenced done on nice size ofcs w/lots of free pkg, rght on Exit Premier Realty All situations considered for residential real estate www.designcorp.com/moto Dan 301-399-5775 w/pond. Ready for horses or cattle. 2500 SF compl New Hamp Ave, ½ mi from DC, metro stops at door UPPER MARLBORO— 4 BR, 2 BA. Credit problems refinancing w/equity. We save homes from foreclo- renov. brick farmhse. $549,500. R.J. Toomey Real w/subway 10 mins away. Call Leslie Holmes M-F ok. Open House Tues & Thurs, 5-7pm. 4401 Dario Rd. sure, bankruptcies & payoff high debt. Estate www.toomeyland.com 804-353-2531 301-270-4400; [email protected] Call Henry, 301-775-8420 Call 240-314-0319. 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