This chapter explains about the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is very important for human’s life. Basically, literature is human expression. So it is true that literature is one of the important parts of human’s life.

Literature and human beings cannot be separated each other because they are interrelated. Human beings can express their feelings, thoughst, ideas, and experiences in literature. Not only for expressing their feeling but also the people can get valuable and useful knowledge by learning literature.

According to Moody (1968:2), literature springs from our inborn love of telling story, of arranging words in pleasing patterns, and of expressing in words some special aspects of human experience. It means that literature tells about human’s experience and love by using pleasing words so it will make the readers easier to understand literature. It is clear that literature is related with human life and the readers can see the reflection of real life.

Furthermore, according to Hardjana (1981:14), literature is the standard of expression from what the people have shown in life, have last in thought and felt about aspect of life which interest in directly and forcefully. It is an expression of life

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passing through language form. In other words, literature was born because of fundamental motivation of human beings interest in literary works.

There are some literary works which can be elaborated into deep analysis.

They are novel, short story, poetry, and drama. Drama is one of the literary works which contains dialogues presented by the actors or actresses on the stage in front of the audience. Further, Macmilan (1984:734) said that drama is a play performed before an audience by actors and actresses on a stage. Film is the development of drama. It also contains dialogues that tell about certain story presented by actors and actresses. Film is also intended for the audiences although the audiences cannot see the actors or actresses immediately because film is presented through the theater or television.

Moreover, film is one of media that contains sounds, video, animation, picture, story, etc. Besides, film is a form of entertainment that enacts a story by a sequence of images giving the illusion of continues movement (wordnet. Princeton. edu/ perl/ webwn/). It means that film is a form of entertainment which tells about the story presented by using motion picture. The people can get many benefits and valuable things from film. People can learn many things from the film, learning how to struggle to get success, for instance. Film not only gives education or knowledge but also entertainment.

In this study, the film is analyzed because it is one of literary works. It contains many valuable lessons, messages, and entertainment. The readers can learn and take many valuable things related to the problems in daily life. “Akeelah and the

Bee” film is analyzed because it is one of good education film which tells interesting


story. Besides, this film also has valuable lessons so the readers can learn many things, especially about struggle to get success in this life.

“Akeelah and the Bee” film is one of the good education film. This film is not only interesting but also useful to be analyzed. Akeelah and the Bee is a 2006

American drama film written and directed by Doug Atchison. It tells the true story of

Akeelah Anderson, portrayed by , an 11-year-old girl who participates in the Scripps National Spelling Bee, her mother, portrayed by , schoolmates, and also her coach, portrayed by . It also explores issues of education in the black community.

Akeelah’s struggle to get success is interesting to analyze because struggle is important part in the people’s life. Everyone has to struggle to get success and this film shows how important of struggle in daily life because “Akeelah and the Bee” film contains the struggle of the main character “Akeelah” to get success by winning

Scripps National Spelling bee. Akeelah who is usually underestimated by her classmates and lack of self confidence keeps struggle by joining spelling bee even though she gets some obstacles. She does not give up because she wants to make her father, who has passed away, proud of her. That is why the title An Analysis on

Akeelah’s Struggle to Get Success in Doug Atchison’s “Akeelah and the Bee” film is taken.


1.2 Statement of The Problem

Based on the background above, the interesting problems to investigate are:

1. What is Akeelah’s struggle to get success in Doug Atchison’s “Akeelah and

the Bee” film?

2. Why does Akeelah struggle to get success in Doug Atchison’s “Akeelah and

the Bee” film?

3. How does Akeelah struggle to get success in Doug Atchison’s “Akeelah and

the Bee” film?

1.3 Purpose of The Study

In relation to the problem of the study, the main purposes of the study are:

1. To find out Akeelah’s struggle to get success in Doug Atchison’s “Akeelah

and the Bee” film.

2. To analyze the causes why does Akeelah struggle to get success in Doug

Atchison’s “Akeelah and the Bee” film.

3. To identify the way used by Akeelah to struggle to get success in Doug

Atchison’s “Akeelah and the Bee” film.

1.4 Significance of The Study

The result of this study hopefully gives valuable contributions:

1. This study is expected to provide a description of the important knowledge about

human being, especially when the readers face the same situation in their life. So

it can be used by the readers to anticipate a situation that may happen in their life.


2. This research is expected to enrich the study of literature, especially the study of


3. It is also able to be used as the sources of information and reference for students

and lecturers of English Department who are interested in analyzing the literary

works, especially film.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is Akeelah’s struggle to get success and the limitations are kind of Akeelah’s struggle to get success, the reasons why Akeelah struggles to get success and the way used by Akeelah to struggle in getting success in Akeelah and the Bee film directed by Doug Atchison.

1.6 Definition of The Key Term

The purpose of giving the definition of the key terms is very important to avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity in this study. Key terms are defined as follows:

1. Analysis : is a method by which a thing is separated into parts, and

those parts are given rigorous, logical, detailed security,

resulting in a consistent and relatively complete account

of the elements of the thing and principles of their

organization ( Holman, 1986:20)


2. Akeelah : is the main character in Akeelah and the Bee film who

acts as 11-year-old girl struggles and awakes by winning

spelling Bee competition.

3. Struggle : is continual effort to get the final goal ( Alwisol, 2009).

4. Success : is achieving what people wanted most, this can be

passing the exam, get the achievement, etc


5. Akeelah and the Bee : is one of educational film directed by Doug Atchison.

6. Film : is a form of entertainment that enacts a story by a

sequence of images that giving the illusion of continues

movement (wordwebnet. Princeton. edu/ perl/ webwn/)