Enlightenment and Dissent
Enlightenment and Dissent No. 20 2001 Enlightenment and Dissent No. 20 2001 CONTENTS Page vii Editorial 1 David Hartley’s new words for action: ‘Automatic’ and ‘Decomplex’ Richard C Allen 23 Joseph Priestley and ‘the proper doctrine of philosophical necessity’ James A Harris 45 Joseph Priestley on morals and economics: reconciling the quest for virtue with the pursuit of wealth Vilem Mudroch Comment: 88 Socinianism, heresy and John Locke’s Reasonableness of Christianity Steven Snobelen Review Articles: 126 David Hartley on human nature Anthony Page 139 Enlightened interventions Ken Smith Reviews 146 Mark Goldie ed., The reception of Locke’s politics H T Dickinson 152 Paul Wood ed., The culture of the book in the Scottish Enlightenment, An exhibition with essays by Roger Emerson, Richard Sher, Stephen Brown, and Paul Wood Christa Knellwolf 156 Harriet Guest, Small change: women, learning, patriotism, 1750-1810 William McCarthy Contents 160 M L Brooks ed., Mary Hays. Memoirs of Emma Courtney Eva Perez 164 John Locke, Epistola de tolerantia. Epistole gia ten anexithreskia. Eisagoge, metaphrasis, scholia. Introduction, translation and notes by Giannes Plangesis, Politike &Threskia ste Philosophia tou John Locke David Rees 165 William Godwin, Memoirs of the author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Edited by Pamela Clemit and Gina Luria Walker Glynis Ridley 169 Alan P F Sell, Confessing and commending the faith. Historic witness and apologetic method Boyd Stanley Schlenther 175 Jeremy Waldron, God, Locke, and equality:Christian foundations of John Locke’s political thought D O Thomas 181 Peter C Myers, Our only star and compass: Locke and the struggle for political rationality Catherine Wilson Documents 185 Two Pamphlets on the Regency Crisis by William Godwin Pamela Clemit 194 [William Godwin] The law of Parliament in the present situation of Great Britain considered Pamela Clemit 226 [William Godwin] Reflexions on the late consequences of His Majesty’s recovery from His late indisposition.
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