Minutes of the Meeting of the MILTON KEYNES COUNCIL Held On
Minutes of the meeting of the MILTON KEYNES COUNCIL held on TUESDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2011 at 7.30 pm Present: Councillor Richards (Mayor) Councillors Bald, Barney, Barry, Bint, Box, Brackenbury, Bradburn, Brock, Burke, Campbell, Clarke, Coventry, Crooks, Dransfield, Eastman, Edwards, Exon, Ferrans, Fraser, Galloway, A Geary, P Geary, Gerrella, Hawthorn, Hopkins, Hoyle, Jury, Kennedy, Klein, Lloyd, Long, Maric, Marland, McLean, D McCall, I McCall, McKenzie, Miles, A Morris, C Morris, O’Neill, Shafiq, Small, Tallack, Tamagnini- Barbosa, Wharton, White, Williams, Wright and Zealley Aldermen Bristow and Howell Apologies: Alderpersons Ellis, E Henderson, I Henderson and Irons Also Present: 100+ members of the public CL55 MINUTES RESOLVED - That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13 September 2011 be approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record. CL56 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST Councillor Coventry declared a personal interest in Item 4(a) (Community Governance Review Working Group), as an elected Member of Woughton Community Council. Councillor Fraser declared a personal interest in Item 4(a) (Community Governance Review Working Group), as an elected Member of Campbell Park Parish Council. Councillor Marland declared a personal interest in Item 5(b)(v) (United Nations International Year of Co-operatives), as an elected member of the Co-operative Group. Councillor Barry, declared a personal interest in Item 5(b)(iv) (MKFM), as a Director of Secklow Sound, which was due to start broadcasting in December. Councillor Barry, declared a personal interest in Item 5(b)(vi) (Surviving Winter), as a member of the Royal British Legion who might be working with the Community Foundation.
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