Catalogue of Chemical, Philosophical and Other Glassware For
CHEMICAL GLASSWARE. PHILADELPHIA & NEW YORK 1 8 8 1 1 8 8 1 CATALOGUE OF CHEMICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL AN D OTHER GLASSWARE FOR LABORATORIES, COLLEGES, MUSEUMS, ASSAYING WORKS, INSTITUTES OF TECHNOLOGY, ACADEMIES, &c., &c. MANUFACTURED BY WHITALL, TATUM & CO., No. 410 RACE STREET, 46 and 48 BARCLAY ST., P. O. Lock Box P, P. O. Box 3814, PHILADELPHIA. N E W Y O R K . 1 8 8 1 . For a full line of G lassw are of various kinds, send for our G eneral C atalogue. CHEMICAL REAGENTS AT NET PRICES. Discount on Chemical List, pages vi.-xiv., and Bottles, x v i i i . - x x . , .................................................................................45 p e r cent. Discount on Flint Homoeopathic Vials, pages xxi.-xxiii., 25 “ “ Graduates, pages xvi., xvii., - - 25 “ Reagents, pp. iv., v.; Sundries, p. xv.; and Scales, p. xxiv. at net prices. The references by pages are to oar GENERAL CATALOGUE. ii CHEMICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL GLASSWARE FOR Laboratories, Colleges, Museums, Assaying Works, Institutes of Technology, Academies, &c. Attention is invited to the Line of Chemical Glass Ware of our own manufacture. By purchasing this class of goods at home, instead of depending upon foreign sources of supply, the carrying of a large and expensive stock is avoided; the opportunity of effecting changes in the form of apparatus for special purposes is afforded, and promptness in filling orders greatly facilitated. Under the advice and direction of experienced chemists, we have for a number of years been perfecting our work in these lines, and now feel confident that the character both of the glass and work manship will be found, for all the usual needs of the Laboratory, to compare favorably with the imported wares.
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