


1 8 8 1







ACADEMIES, &c., &c.

MANUFACTURED BY WHITALL, TATUM & CO., No. 410 RACE STREET, 46 and 48 BARCLAY ST., P. O. Lock Box P, P. O. Box 3814,


1 8 8 1 . For a full line of G lassw are of various kinds,

send for our

G eneral C atalogue.


Discount on Chemical List, pages vi.-xiv., and Bottles, x v i i i . - x x . , ...... 45 p e r cent. Discount on Flint Homoeopathic Vials, pages xxi.-xxiii., 25 “ “ Graduates, pages xvi., xvii., - - 25 “ Reagents, pp. iv., v.; Sundries, p. xv.; and Scales, p. xxiv. at net prices.

The references by pages are to oar GENERAL CATALOGUE.


AND PHILOSOPHICAL GLASSWARE FOR , Colleges, Museums, Assaying Works, Institutes of Technology, Academies, &c.

Attention is invited to the Line of Chemical Ware of our own manufacture. By purchasing this class of goods at home, instead of depending upon foreign sources of supply, the carrying of a large and expensive stock is avoided; the opportunity of effecting changes in the form of apparatus for special purposes is afforded, and promptness in filling orders greatly facilitated. Under the advice and direction of experienced chemists, we have for a number of years been perfecting our work in these lines, and now feel confident that the character both of the glass and work­ manship will be found, for all the usual needs of the , to compare favorably with the imported wares. W e therefore invite your attention to our CHEMICAL CATALOGUE, and hope by careful attention to the wants of chemists, to attain the same high rank in the manufacture of Chemical Glass Ware, as has been kindly and universally conceded to us in the line of Druggists’ Glass Ware. Specially calling your attention to our prices, we invite a comparison of them, after deducting the discounts, with those of the importers of foreign goods, and with the cost of actual importation, after paying all importing expenses. W e would further solicit an opening order for samples of our work, in order that the above claims may be fully tested by you before placing your larger orders. Possessing unusual facilities for filling small quantities from open stock, we solicit orders from small academic and private laboratories, believing that buying at first hands will be to the interest of purchasers. Metric specifications will be accepted in making apparatus of any special design to order. Our Chemical Glass Ware is in use in the following, as well as other eminent Laboratories of Collegiate and Scientific Institutions:

Harvard, University of Vermont, Columbia, Stevens Inst. Technology, Yale, “ Michigan, Princeton, Jefferson Med. College, Brown, “ Penn'a, Vassar, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Mass. Inst. Technology, Wesleyan, &c., &c.

This Glass, being free from Lead, has the advantages of being hard and durable, light in weight, and not liable to oxidation. It is therefore well suited for organic analysis, not oxidizing with acids and alkalies, nor becoming gray with Hydric Sulphide, nor dull by boiling with water. A recent change in the composition will still further improve its quality for chemical purposes.


These Bottles have the C h e m i c a l N a m e s and E q u i v a l e n t s in raised letters g r o u n d o n t h e s u r f a c e , thus avoiding the danger of confusion and unsightly appearance of Paper Labeled Bottles. They are made from glass containing no Lead, Zinc, or other metallic flux, and in the points of true shape, thin dropping lip, and perfect stoppering, we believe them to be superior to the imported bottles in general use. Prominent chemists and the leading Universities express entire approval of the Lettered Reagent Bottles, and we have received large orders for Laboratories, &c., in this country and in Europe. The great improvement which we have effected, of grinding the surfaces of all the letters and figures in the label, makes it a P e r f e c t R e a g e n t B o t t l e . W e furnish these Bottles with l o o s e G l a s s C a p s (see page 3 0 ) at 60 cts. per dozen extra. Additional moulds made for new labels with orders for a gross or more. These R e a g e n t B o t t l e s , having indestructible labels, allow of washing the lips free from dust or impurity with the greatest facility. The import­ ance of this practical advantage will be manifest to every Chemist. If by constant handling the ground surfaces of the letters become less clear than at first, a little chalk will restore them entirely. A dark background is an advantage. No. 31. N H 4 Cy S . . Ammonic Sulphocyanide. 32. Ba (HO)2 . . Baric Hydrate. Content, 4 1/4 Fluid Oz., or 1/8 Liter. 33. Ba CO3 . . . . Baric Carbonate. 1-4 PINT REAGENT BOTTLES, 1-8 LITER. 34. N H 4 C N S . Ammonic Sulphocyanate. No. 35. C4 H10 O . . . . Ether. 1. H 2 S . . . . Hydric Sulphide, (Amber.) 36. Cu SO4 . . . . Cupric Sulphate. 2. H Cl . . . . H ydric Chloride. 37. Pt Cl4 ...... Platinic Chloride. 3. H C2 H3 O2. . Hydric Acetate. 38, 39, 40. Blank. 4. H2 SO4 . . . Hydric Sulphate. The above 40 Bottles (3 Blanks) are sold in a set, 5. H NO3 . . . Hydric Nitrate. and will be forwarded on the receipt of $5.83 net. 6. K 4 Cfy. . . Potassic Ferrocyanide. 41. H C2 H 3 O2 . Symbols only. 7. K Cy S . . . Potassic Sulphocyanide. 42. N H 4 C l. . . " " " " 8. K2 CO3. . . Potassic Carbonate. 43. (N H 4)2 CO3 . 9. K 2 SO4 . . . Potassic Sulphate. 44. (N H 4)2 C2 O4 " " 10. K I . Potassic Iodide. 45. (N H 4)2 S . . " " 11. K 3 Cfy . . . Potassic Ferricyanide. 46. Na2 H PO4. . " " 12. K HO. . . . Potassic Hydrate. 47. Ba Cl2. . . . " " 13. K 2 Cr2 O 7. . . Potassic Acid Chromate. 43. Ba (NO3)2 . . " " 14. Na2, H PO4 . . Di Sodic H ydric Phosphate. 49. Ca SO4 . . . " " 15. N H4 HO . . Ammonic Hydrate. 50. Mg SO4 . . . " " 16. ( N H 4)2 S . . A mmonic Sulphide, (Amber.) 51. Fe Cl6 . . . . " " 17. N H4 Cl . . . Ammonic Chloride. 52. K 4 Fe Cy6 . . " " 18. (N H4)2 CO3 . Ammonic Carbonate. 53. K 3 Fe Cy6 . . " " 19. (N H4)2 C2O4 Ammonic Oxalate. 54. K 2 Cr2 O7 . . " " 20. Ba Cl2. . . . Baric Chloride. 55. Pb (C2 H3 O2)2 " " 21. C a Cl2. . . . Calcic Chloride. 56. No Symbols . Uranic Acetate. 22. Ca SO4 . . . Calcic Sulphate. 57. H g (NO3)2 . . Mercuric Nitrate. 23. Ca H2 O2 . . Calcic Hydrate. 58. No Symbols Fehling’s Solution. 24. Mg SO4 . . . Magnetic Sulphate. 59. Na2 CO3 . . . Sodic Carbonate. 25. H g Cl2 . . . Mercuric Chloride. 60. Na C2 H3 O2 . Sodic Acetate. 26. A g NO3 . . . Argentic Nitrate, (Amber.) 61. Na O H . . . Sodic Hydrate. 27. Pb (C2 H 3O2)2 Plumbic Acetate. 62. No Symbols . Baryta Mixture. 28. Fe SO4 . . . Ferrous Sulphate. 63. H NO2 . . . Acid Nitrous. 29. Fe Cl6. . . . Ferric Chloride. 64. H3 PO4 . . . Symbols only. 30. C2 H6 O . . . Alcohol. Net Price per Doz, $1.75. Per Gross, $18.50 CHEMICAL REAGENT BOTTLES. V

65. Na2 H P O ...... Sodic Phosphate. 134. Con. H N O3 . . . Symbols only. 66. C2 H4 O2 ...... Acetic Acid. 135. Con. H Cl . . . . . “ “ 67. H N O3 ...... Nitric Acid. 136. Dil. H2 SO4 . . “ “ 68. F e2 Cl6 ...... Ferric Chloride. 137. Dil. H N O3 . . “ “ 69. H2 S O4 ...... Sulphuric Acid. 138. Dil. H Cl . . . “ “ 70. Na2 S O4 ...... Sodic Sulphate. 139. N H4 H O . . . “ “ 71. (N H4)4 (C O3)3 H2 . . . . Ammonic Carbonate. 140. Na H O . . . . “ “ 72. H C l ...... Hydrochloric Acid 141. Na2 CO3 .... “ “ 73. K 4 Fe2 Cy6 ...... Potassic Ferrocyanide 142. K3 Cfy ...... Potassic Ferricyanide. 75. Na H O ...... Sodic Hydrate. 143. K I ...... Potassic Iodide. 76. I ...... Iodine 144. K 2 Cr2 O7 . . Potassic Acid Chromate. 77. N H 3 ...... Ammonia 145. Ag N O3 ...... Argentic Nitrate, (Amber.) 78. Pb 2 C2 H 3 O2 2 Pb O . . Basic Plumbic Acetate. 146. Fe Cl6 ...... Ferric Chloride. 79. No Sym bols ...... M illon’s Reagent. Net Price per Dozen, $2.25. Per Gross, $23.00 Net. 80. C2 H2 O4...... Hydric Oxalate 81. Sn Cl2 ...... Carbon Di Sulphide PINT REAGENT BOTTLES, 1-2 LITER. Ammonic Molybdate 82. No S y m b o ls ...... 201. H 2 S O4 + Aq . . . . Sulphuric Acid, (Dilute.) 83. C S2 ...... Carbon Di Sulphide 202. H N O3 + Aq . . . . Nitric Acid, (Dilute.) 84. (C2 H5)2 O ...... Ether 203. H Cl + Aq . . . . . Hydrochloric Acid, (Dilute.) 85. Na H O3 ...... Sodic Hydric Sulphite 204. H4 N H O . . . . . Ammonic Hydrate. 86. Hg2 (N O3)2 ...... Mercurous Nitrate. 205. H4N Cl + Aq . . . . Ammomic Chloride. . Indigo Solution. 87. No Symb ols ...... 206. (H4 N) 2 CO3+ Aq . Ammonic Carbonate. 88. No S y m b o ls ...... Nessler's Solution 207. No Symbols . . . . Dil. Nitro-Hydr. Acid. 89. Sr N O3 ...... Stronic Nitrate 203. No Symbols . . . . Liquor Potassæ. Net P rice per D ozen, $1.75. Per Gross, $18.50 Net. 209. No Symbols . . . . Tinct. Ferri Perchlor. 210. H2 S ...... Hydric Sulphide. 211, 212. Blank. 6 OZ. REAGENT BOTTLES. 213. H3 P O4 + Aq . . . . Phosphoric Acid, (Dil.) [Same lettering as Nos. 1-88.] 214. (N H4)2 S . . . . Ammonic Sulphide. Net Price per D ozen, $2.00. Per Gross, $21.00 Net. 215. H2 S O4 + Aq . . Sulphuric Acid. 216. H N O3 + Aq . . . . Nitric Acid. 4 OZ. SALT MOUTHS. 217. H Cl + Aq . . . . . Hydrochloric Acid. 251. K O H + A q . 260. Ca. Cl2+A q. SYMBOLS ONLY. 252. H 2 SO4+ A q Dil. 261. H2 SO4. 301. Na2CO3. 305. Fe SO4. 253. H Cl+Aq Dil. 262. H Cl+Aq Conc. 302. K N O3. 306. Na (N H4) H P O4+ 4 H2 O 254. H NO3+ A q Dil. 263. H NO3+Aq Conc. 303. K C N. 307. Blank. 255. (N H4) O H + Aq. 264. Pb (C2 H3 O2)2+Aq. 304. Na2 B4 O7. 308. Na NO3. 256. (N H4)2 CO3+A q. 265. Ca SO4+ A q . Net P rice per Dozen, $1.93. Per Gross, $20.50 Net. 257. (N H4) Cl+Aq. . 266. H (C2 H3 O2)+ A q . 258. (N H4) S H + A q . SYMBOLS O N L Y. 267. H Na2 P O4+Aq. HALF PINT REAGENT BOTTLES, 1-4 LITER. 259. Ba Cl2 + Aq. 268. Ag N O3+Aq. 269. (N H4)2C2O4 ...... A m m onic Oxalate. 101. H2 SO4 ...... Sulphuric Acid, (Concent.) 270. Ba CO3 ...... Baric Carbonate. 102. H2 SO4 + Aq . Sulphuric Acid, (Dilute.) 271. Na2 CO3...... S odic Carbonate. 103. H N O3+ A q . . . . Nitric Acid, (Concent.) 272. Na O H ...... Sodi c Hydrate. 104. H N O3+ A q . . . . Nitric Acid, (Dilute.) Net Price per Dozen, $3.25. Per Gross, $33.00 Net. 105. H Cl + Aq . . . . H ydroch loric A cid, (C onc’t.) 106. H C l + Aq .... Hydrochloric Acid, (Dilute.) 107. H2 S ...... Hydric Sulphide. 1 OZ. REAGENTS. 108. H4 N H O . . . . . Ammonic Hydrate. 325. Ag N O3 ...... Sym bols only. 109. H4 N Cl + Aq . . . . Ammonic Chloride. 326. Co (N O3)2 ...... 110. (H4 N)2 CO3+Aq . . Ammonic Carbonate. 327. Pt Cl4 ...... “ “ 111. N a OH + Aq . . . . Sodic Hydrate. 328 H g Cl2 ...... “ “ 112. Na2 CO3 ...... Sodic Carbonate. Net P rice per Dozen, $1.25. Per Gross, $12.00 Net 113. H4 N S H + Aq . . . Ammonic Sulphydrate. 114. Ba Cl2 + Aq . . . . Baric Chloride. 2 1/2 OZ. REAGENTS. 115. Ca Cl2 + Aq . Calcic Chloride. 116. 117, 118. Blank. [With same numbers and labels as the 4 ounce Nos. 1-88] 119. H2 SO4 ...... Hydric Sulphate. Net Price per Dozen, $1.50. Per Gross, $15.00. Net. 120. H C l ...... Hydric Chloride. 121. H N O3 ...... Hydric Nitrate. 1 OZ. SALT MOUTH REAGENTS. 123. (N H4)2 S . . . . . Ammonic Sulphide, (Amber.) 123. Ba CO3 ...... Baric Carbonate. SYMBOLS ONLY. 124. B a O H2 O . . . . . Baric Hydrate. 350. Na2 C O3. 356. K N 0 2. 125. C3 H8 O3 .... . Glycerine. 351. Na2 B4 O7. 357. Kg H 2 Sb2 O7. 126. C2 H6 O ...... A lcohol. 352. H2 C4 H 4 O6. 358. K C N. 127. C2 H4 O2 .... Hydric Acetate. 353. Na C2 H3 O2. 359. Ba (H O)2 128. K 4 C f y ...... Potassic Ferrocyanide. 354. K N O3. 360. Ca Fl2. 129. Na2 H P O4 . . . . Sodic Phosphate. 355. F e S. 361. Na (N H 4) H PO4 130. (N H4)2 C2 C4 . . . . Ammonic Oxalate. Net Price per Dozen. $1.35. Per Gross, $13.00 Net. 131. H C2 H3 O2 . . . . Acetic Acid. 132. C4 H10 O .... . Ether. For the unlettered Tincture and Salt-Mouth Bottles, 133. Con. H2 SO4 . . . . Symbols only. Stoppered and Corks, see pages 14, 26. vi WHITALL, TATUM & CO. CHEMICAL WARE.

No. 2000. CHEMICAL FLASKS. No. 2050. TALL BEAKER . (Cont'd.) Lip or R ing. Content. Size Per dozen. FLAT BOTTOMS. 3 oz. . . 2 3/4x1 3/4 .. . . $165 Per dozen. 4 oz. . . 3x1 7/8 . . . 2 20 1 ounce...... 00 $2 6 oz. . . 3 1/4x2 1/4 . . . 2 75 2 ounce...... 2 00 8 oz. . . 3 3/4x2 3/8 . . . 3 60 4 ounce...... 2 50 10 oz. . . 4 1/4x2 1/2 . . .380 6 ounce...... 2 90 12 oz. . . 4 1/2x2 3/4 . . . 4 00 1/2 P i n t ...... 3 25 16 oz. . . 5 x3 . . . 4 50 P i n t ...... 4 50 24 oz. . . 5 1/2x3 1/4 . . . 6 30 Quart...... 5 50 32 oz. . . 6 1/4x3 1/2 . . . 7 20 1/2 G a llo n ...... 9 00 40 oz. . . 7 1/8x3 3/4 . . . 7 70 1 G a llo n ...... 16 00 48 ounce...... 7 3/4x4 . . . 8 10 MATTRESS FLASKS w ith extra large neck, ten % extra. Side Neck Flasks, 50% advance in price. 56 ounce...... 8 1/2x4 1/8 . . . 8 70 64 ounce...... 9 1/44 1/2 . . . 9 00 No. 2010. CHEMICAL FLASKS. ROUND BOTTOM. W ith POUR OUT, ten per cent, extra. Per dozen. 1 ounce...... $2 00 No. 2060. BEAKER GLASSES. 2 ounce...... 2 00 WIDE 4 ounce...... 2 50 Content. Size. Per dozen. 6 ounce...... 2 90 1 oz. . 2 x 1 3/8 . . $ 1 10 1/2 P in t...... 3 25 2 oz. . 2 1/4x 1 5/8 . . 1 10 P i n t ...... 4 50 3 oz. . . 2 1/2x 1 7/8 . . 1 65 Quart...... 5 50 4 oz. . . 2 3/4x 2 . . 2 20 1/2 Gallon...... 9 00 6 oz. . . 3 x 2 1/4 . . 2 75 1 Gallon ...... 16 00 8 oz. . . 3 1/2x2 1/2 . . 3 60 2015. G LO B E F L A S K S, Round or Flat Bottom. 10 oz. . . 3 3/4x2 3/4 . . 3 80 Same prices as 2010. (See Page 74 to 76.) 1 2 oz. . . 4 x 3 . . 4 00 No. 2020. ASSAY FLASKS. 16 oz. . . 4 1/4x3 1/4 . . 4 50 (ERLENMEYER.) 24 ounce...... 5 x 3 5/8 . . . 6 30 Per dozen. 32 ounce...... 6 x4 ... 7 20 1 o u n c e ...... $2 00 48 ounce...... 6 3/4x4 1/4 . . . 8 10 2 o u n c e ...... 2 00 64 ounce...... 7 1/2x4 3/4 . . . 9 00 4 o u n c e ...... 2 50 With POUR OUT, ten per cent. extra 1/2 Pint 3 25 P in t...... 4 50 NESTED BEAKER GLASSES. Q u a r t...... 5 50 Each Nest in a carton. Beakers nested in any 1/2 Gallon...... 9 00 assortment desired at same prices as separate. NO. 2030. FLASKS FOR MEASURING. P e r D o z e n . Graduated GRADUATED. to contain For Corks.. Stoppered. For Corks. Stop'd. Each Nest. No. 2070. 50 C.C. . $2 50 $5 00 $5 50 $7 00 Nest of 5. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 oz. $ 74 100 c. c . 3 00 5 75 6 00 8 25 No. 2071. “ 6. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 oz 1 04 200 C. C . 3 75 6 75 7 00 9 50 No. 2072. “ 9. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 1/4 Liter . 4 50 7 50 8 00 1 00 and 16 oz . . . . 2 06 1/2 Liter . 5 50 8 50 12 00 15 00 No. 2073. 1 Liter . 9 0 0 12 00 21 00 24 00 “ 11.1, 2, 3,4, 6, 8, 10,12, 2 Liter . 12 00 15 00 27 00 30 00 16, 24 and 32 oz. . 3 19 No. 2050. BEAKER GLASSES. No. 2074. “ 13.1,2, 3,4, 6, 8,10, 12, TALL. 16, 24, 32 , 40, 48 oz. 4 50 Content. Size. Per dozen. No. 2075. “ 15.1,2, 3,4, 6,8, 10, 12, 1 ounce . . . . 2 1/8 x 1 1/2 in. . . .$1 10 16, 24, 32, 49 , 48, 56 2 ounce . . . . 2 5/8 x 1 5/8 in. . . . 1 10 and 64 oz. . . . 5 98 CHEMICAL WARE. vii

RETORTS. No. 2150. TEST TUBES. No. 2100. Plain. No. 2110. Tubulated. Per gross. Plain. Tubulated. 3 inch . . $3 50 Per Doz. 4 inch . . 3 75 1/8 Pint ...... $3 50 $4 00 5 inch . . 4 50 1/4 Pint ...... 3 80 5 50 6 inch . . 5 25 1/2 P i n t ...... 5 00 7 00 7 inch . . 6 75 P in t ...... 9 00 10 00 8 inch . . 9 00 Q u a r t ...... 11 00 12 00 9 inch . . 13 50 1/2 G a llo n ...... 16 00 18 00 10 inch . . 18 00 G a llo n ...... 20 00 24 00 11 inch . . 21 00 2 G allon ...... 40 00 48 00 12 inch . . 24 00 3 G allon ...... 52 00 70 00 4 G allon...... 60 00 90 00 5 G allon...... 130 00 2155. N E S S L E R No. 2120. Stoppered. Per Doz. COMPARISON 1/8 Pint . 6 80 TUBES. 1/4 Pint . 7 50 1/2 Pint . 9 00 Per Dozen. Flat on bot­ Pint . . 11 00 tom . . . 4 CO Quart . 13 50 1/2 Gallon 20 00 G a ll o n ...... 26 00 2 G a l l o n ...... 50 00 Per Test Tubes Nested. Doz. Nests. 3 G a l l o n ...... 00 2160. 4 to 6 inch...... 1 15 4 G a l l o n ...... 00 100 2161. 3 to 6 in ch ...... 1 40 5 G a l l o n ...... 150 00 2162. 3 to 7 inch...... 2 00 RECEIVERS. 2163. 3 to 9 in ch...... 3 85 No. 2125. Plain. No. 2128. Tubulated. Plain. Tubulated. No. 2165. T E S T T U B E S ON FO O T. Per D oz. Per doz. 1/4 P i n t ...... 3 80 5 50 3 i n c h ...... 1 00 1/2 P i n t ...... 5 00 7 00 4 i n c h ...... 1 10 P in t...... 9 00 10 00 5 i n c h ...... 1 50 Q u a r t ...... 11 00 12 00 6 i n c h ...... 1 80 1/2 G a llo n ...... 16 00 18 00 7 i n c h ...... 2 00 Gallon ...... 20 00 24 00 8 i n c h ...... 2 25 2 G allon...... 40 00 48 00 9 i n c h ...... 2 75 No. 2130. Stoppered. 10 i n c h ...... 3 50 Per Doz. 11 i n c h ...... 4 50 1/4 P in t...... 7 50 12 i n c h ...... 5 50 1/2 P in t...... 9 00 P i n t ...... 11 00 No. 2170. IG N IT IO N T U B E S . Q u a r t...... 13 50 Per doz. 1/2 G allon ...... 20 00 3 in ch ...... $ 60 4 in ch ...... 70 G allon...... 26 00 5 in ch ...... 80 The above and Receivers can be made of extra 6 inch...... 90 weight for distilling mercury, &c. 7 in ch ...... 1 00 8 in ch ...... 1 50 Iro n Suppor ts, 3 R ings, $1.50 each, net. 9 in ch ...... 2 25 No. 2145. OXYGEN GLOBES. 10 in ch ...... 3 00 10 in c h ...... $2.00 each. 11 in ch ...... 3 50 12 inch ...... 2.50 each. 12 in ch ...... 4 00 15 in c h ...... 5 .00 each. Nested to order at same prices as separate. viii WHITALL, TATUM & CO.

No. 275. SIDE NECK TEST TUBES. After Prof. J. H. Appleton's Design. Per doz. 5 i n c h ...... 80 2 2 06. 6 i n c h ...... 90 7 inch ...... 1 00 8 i n c h ...... 1 50 9 i n c h ...... 2 25

No. 2177. SIDE NECK IGNITION 220 7 . TUBES. Per Doz. 5 in c h ...... 1 2 0 2202. 2203. 2205. 6 in c h ...... 1 35 Per Doz. 7 i n c h ...... 1 50 2202. Safety F u n n e l...... $4 00 8 i n c h ...... 2 25 2203. Safety , with b ulb...... 5 00 9 in c h ...... 3 40 2204. Safety Funnel, with 2 bulbs . . . . 6 25 2205. Welter's Safety Funnel, 1 bulb . . . 8 00 No. 2180. . 2206. Welter’s Safety Funnel, 2 bulbs . . . 8 00 By an arrangement of our own device, we are able to 2207. Welter’s Safety Funnel, 3 bulbs . . . 9 00 make Chemical Funnels of the correct angle and best shape for preserving the . 2208. ADAPTERS, STRAIGHT OR BENT. PLAIN OR FLUTED. ANGLE OF 60°. For connecting Retorts with Receivers. Per Doz. Per doz. Width at large end 1 1/2 inches...... $4 80 1 ounce, 2 1/4 inch...... 1 35 Width at large end 2 in ch es...... 6 00 2 ounce, 2 3/4 in ch ...... 1 50 Width at large end 2 1/2 in ch es...... 9 00 1 Pint, 3 1/2 in ch ...... 2 00 Width at large end 3 in ch e s...... 12 00 1/2 Pint, 4 1/2 in ch ...... 2 25 Pint, 5} in ch...... 3 00 Quart, 7 in ch ...... 3 40 1/2 Gallon, 9 in ch ...... 4 50 1 Gallon, 10 10/2 in ch ...... 7 00 2 Gallon, 12 in ch ...... 11 00 Ground off at top, 60 cents net, per dozen, extra. No. 2190. SEPARATING STOP- PERED FUNNELS. Each. Each 2209. Nitrogen Bulbs, 4 b u lb s ...... $1 00 1/2 Pint, 4 in ch ...... $3 75 2210. Nitrogen Bulbs, with Thistle Top . . 1 25 Pint, 5 /12 in ch...... 4 50 2211. Water Hammer, 15 inches...... 1 40 Quart, 7 inch...... 5 25 MISCELLANEOUS LAMP WORK. 1/2 Gallon, 9 inch...... 6 00 Per doz. Gallon, 10 1/2 inch...... 7 00 2218. Syphon with auction No. 2195. GAS BOTTLES. tube . . $9 00 Per d oz. 1/2 P i n t ...... $4 00 2219. Syphon P i n t ...... 5 00 with suction Q u a r t ...... 7 00 1/2 G a llo n ...... 11 00 tube, . 9 00 G a llo n ...... 18 00 2 21 8. MISCELLANEOUS LAMP WORK. 1219. Per D oz 2200. 2 2 2 0 . Stop-cock accurately stoppered, bent. . $28 00 2201 . 2221. Stop-cock accurately 2200. Tube Funnel...... $3 20 stoppered, straight, 28 00 2201. Tube Funnel, Thistle Mouth .... 3 20 2245. Tube Stop-cock. Straight or bent,. . 18 00 CHEMICAL WARE. ix

Per doz. 2230. 2229. 2228. Per doz. 2228. Chloride of Cal­ cium tube . . $3 OC 2222. Liebig’s Potash bulb . . 13 00 2229. Chloride of Cal­ cium tube . . 3 00

2230. Chloride of Cal­ 2223. Mitcherlich Potash cium tube . . 3 00 b u lb ...... 13 00

No. 2224. U TUBES. Per doz. 3 i n c h ...... $3 00 4 i n c h ...... 3 60 5 i n c h ...... 4 20

6 i n c h ...... 4 80 2231. 7 i n c h ...... 6 00 2231. Dropping glass, 8 i n c h ...... 7 00 5 00 9 in ch ...... 8 00 2232. Dropping glass, 12 inch...... 9 CO stoppered . . 6 50 FOOT U TUBES, fifty per cent, extra. 2235. T T u b e ...... 4 80

Side N eck U T ubes, 50 per

CENT ADVANCE OVER PLAIN. 2240. Y T u b e...... 4 80


Per Doz. 2225. Glass . . $4 00 2226. Glass Pipette. . 4 00 2227. Glass Pipette. . 4 00

VOLUME TO DELIVER 2225, 2226 & 2227. Each. 1 Cubic centimetre . . .20 2 Cubic “ . .25 Each. 5 Cubic “ . .30 3 inch diameter...... 50 10 Cubic “ . .40 6 inch diameter...... 1 00 15 Cubic “ . .40 9 inch diameter...... 2 00 20 Cubic “ . .50 2270. G l a s s S p o o n s ...... 65 25 Cubic “ . .60 No. 2275. GROUND GLASS PLATES. . .65 50 Cubic “ Each. 100 Cubic “ . .85 3 inches square . . 20 ONE GRADUATION. 2227. 2225. 2226. 4 inches square . . 30 5 inches square . . 40 6 inches square . . 50

Per Doz. No. 2280. WEIGHING BOTTLE. 2233. Tube Connection...... $4 50 VERY LIGHT. Each. 1 oz...... $ 40 2 oz...... 50 2234. Tube Connection, 3 60 4 oz...... 60 16 oz. Straight Sides . . . 2 00 X WHITALL, TATUM & CO.

GLASS TUBING—Light and Heavy. 2340. MILLVILLE CHEMICAL JAR. 2285. Per lb. (not cut to special lengths) . . 60 A Substitute for Woulff Bottles, Chemical Flasks, &c. We call attention to this Jar Special prices in large quantities and for special lengths. as more convenient and less . expensive than the Woulff 2287. Per lb. (not cut to special lengths) . 50 Bottle, now in use. It con­ For STIRRING RODS, see page 58. sists of a Glass Jar with a Perforated Glass Lid, closed securely by means of a Metal Ring and Rubber Packing. Through the Perforations Kipp’s Gas Gen- Each pass the Glass Tubes, secured 2290. by Rubber Corks. See Cut. erator, . . . 10 50 1. It is easily charged 2295. Bunsen’s Carbo­ emptied and cleansed. nic Acid Appa- 2. It is made of glass care­ ratus, . . . 36 00 fully annealed for use in the Water Bath. 2294. Geissler’s Carbo­ 3. The fittings are inter­ nic Acid Appa­ changeable with all sizes. ratus, . . . 36 00 4. A solid lid also accompanies each Jar, which can be used for preserving deliquescent salts. No. 2300. GLASS MORTARS AND PESTLES. 5. The Rubber Ring and Corks are of superior Per Doz. quality and will last for years. They should be 1 oz. . . 2 1/4 in. wide 4 80 made wet before using. 2 oz. . . 2 3/4 in. wide 4 80 Price, with Solid and Perforated Lids, Rubber Corks, and Tubing, Ready for use. 3 oz. . . 3 in. wide . 6 00 Each. 4 oz. . . 3 3/4 in. wide . 6 00 1/2 Pints...... 80 ...... 8 oz. . . 4 1/2 in. wide . 9 60 Pints . 1 00 Quarts...... 1 50 12 oz. . . 5 in. wide...... 11 00 1/2 Gallon...... 2 00 Pint . 5 1/2 in. wide...... 12 00 1 Gallon...... 2 75 Quart . . 7 in. wide...... 18 00 3 Pint . . 8 in. wide...... 24 00 No. 2346. ACID DROP OR Also Wedgwood Mortars. See page 71. COIN TEST BOTTLES. Per Dozen.With Glass Caps. No. 2320. WOULFF BOTTLES. 1 oz. . . . . 6 00 . . . 10 00 TWO OR THREE NECKS. 2 oz. . . . . 7 25 . . . 11 25 Each. 1/4 P int...... 80 1/2 Pint...... 1 00 2350. SPIRIT LAMPS. Pint...... WITH GROUND GLASS CAPS AND WICK TUBES. Quart...... 1 80 1/2 Gallon...... 2 50 Gallon...... 4 50 No. 2353. TEST GLASSES.

Per dozen. Straight. Globe. Per Doz. 2 ounce...... $3 50 1 1/2 oz. Taper—Fitted ...... 5 00 4 ounce ...... 3 oz. Taper—Fitted ...... 7 00 3 oz. Straight—Fitted...... 6 50 4 oz. Globe—Fitte d ...... 8 00 8 oz. Globe—Fitted...... 10 00 31 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 a IN 1 /4 IN 1 2 3 IN IN. 5/8 IN.

1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

3/4 IN. 7/8 IN. 1 IN.

1 1 2 i x 1 2

Is IN. 1 1/4 lN.

1 1/2 IN . G T U B 1 2 I 1 N G 2 IN. 1 3/4 IN.


No. 2355. CHLORIDE CALCIUM JARS. No. 2398. WATCH GLASSES. Each. Per Doz. 12 x 2 in c h ...... $1 75 2 i n c h ...... $2 60 17 x 2 1/2 in c h ...... 2 50 3 inch ...... 3 30 21 x 3 in c h ...... 4 00 4 i n c h ...... 4 00 5 i n c h ...... 4 80 6 i n c h ...... 5 30 No. 2360. PERCOLA­ Nested at same price as single.


(Stoppered $2.25 net, extra for OR ASPIRATOR BOTTLES. each Percolator.) P er Doz.

Per Doz. P i n t ...... 6 00 Pint...... 8 20 1/2 Pint...... 4 00 1 1/2 P i n t ...... 10 00 Pint...... 6 00 Quart ...... 12 00 Q uart...... 8 00 3 P in t...... 14 00 1/2 Gallon...... 12 00 1 G a llo n ...... 16 00 G allon ...... 25 00 G a l l o n ...... 16 00 2 G allon ...... 36 00 1 1/2 G a llo n ...... 22 00 3 G allon ...... 52 00 2 G allon...... 28 00 5 G allon ...... 96 00 2355. 3 G allon...... 54 00 With supporting R in g on side, if so ordered. No. 2410. BOTTLES WITH TUBULATURE. Percolator Weights 4 inches diameter. 4 00 STOPPERED. Per Doz. No. 2370. PRECIPITATING JARS. Per Doz. 1/2 P in t...... 7 75 1/4 P in t ...... 3 00 P i n t ...... 10 50 1/2 P in t ...... 3 75 1 1/2 P in t ...... 12 50 P in t...... 5 00 Quart...... 14 50 Q u a r t...... 7 25 3 Pint...... 18 00 1/2 G allon...... 12 50 1/2 G a l l o n ...... 20 00 Gallon...... 17 00 1 Gallon...... 32 00 1 1/2 G a llo n ...... 25 00 2 Gallon...... 44 00 2 G allon...... 31 00 3 G a llo n ...... 56 00 No. 2420. STOPPERED. With Tubulature and Glass Tap Ground Into the Tubulature. No. 2380. EVAPORATING DISHES— GLASS. Each. PLAIN. Per Doz. 1/2 P in t...... 4 00 2 inches diameter...... 2 60 P i n t ...... 4 25 3 inches diameter...... 3 30 1 1/2 P i n t ...... 5 00 4 inches diameter...... 4 00 Q uart...... 5 50 5 inches diam eter...... 4 80 3 Pint...... 6 00 6 inches diameter...... 5 30 1/2 Gallon...... 6 50 NESTS. Each Nest. 1 Gallon...... 10 00 2385. Nest of 2, 3, 4 inch...... 85 2 Gallon...... 25 00 2386. N est of 4, 5, 6 inch...... 1 20 2387. Nest of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 i n c h ...... 1 70 No. 2430. INVERTED SHOW BOTTLES. No. 2390. WITH LIPS Per Doz. STRAIGHT. Each. 2 inches diameter...... 3 20 1/2 Pint, 5 x 2 in...... 40 3 inches diameter...... 4 10 Pint, 7 1/2x 2 3/4 in...... 50 4 inches diameter...... 5 00 Quart, 9 x 3 1/4 in...... 75 5 inches diameter...... 6 00 1/2 Gallon, 11 x 4 1/2 in...... 1 20 6 inches diameter...... 6 60 Gallon, 14 x 5 3/4 in...... 1 90 NESTS. Each Nest. 2 Gallon, 16 x 6 3/4 in...... 4 00 2395. Nest of 2, 3, 4 inch...... 1 00 3 Gallon, 19 x 8 in...... 6 00 2396. Nest of 4, 5, 6 inch...... 1 50 1/2 Bushel, 27 x 10 in...... 1 1 00 2397. Nest of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 i n c h ...... 2 10 32 x 12 1/2in. . . . 14 00 CHEMICAL WARE. xiii

No. 2440. INVERTED SHOW BOTTLES. No. 2520. OPEN TOP. Each. PEAK SHAPE. P in t...... 80 Each. Quart...... 1 10 1/2 Pint, 4 3/4 x 2 1/2 in...... 40 1/2 Gallon...... 1 60 28 oz., 8 x 4 in...... 50 Gallon...... 2 20 1/2 Gallon, 9 x 6 in...... 75 2 Gallon...... 3 80 7 Quart, 12 x 8 in...... 1 20 3 Gallon...... 5 50 2 Gallon, 15 1/2 x 8 in...... 190 5 Gallon...... 11 00 3 Gallon, 19 x 9 in...... 400 4 Gallon, 22 x 10 in. . . . 6 00 No. 2530. NARROW MOUTH FOR CAPS OR STOPPERED. Each. 3/4 Bushel, 26 x 13 in. . . . 11 00 For Caps. Stopp’d. 34 x 16 in. . . . 14 00 Pint...... 80 1 08 Quart...... 110 1 40 1/2 Gallon...... 1 60 2 00 Gallon...... 2 20 2 75 No. 2450. DESICCATING TUBULATED NEAR THE BOTTOM DOUBLE PRICE. JAR. No. 2550. SHORT BELL GLASSES. NOT GROUND. Each. WITH GROUND LID. 4 inch...... 50 Dozen. 6 inch...... 75 4 inches diameter . . 18 00 8 inch...... 1 30 10 inch...... 1 60 12 inch...... 1 90

No. 2460. SPECIMEN BOTTLES. STOPPERED. Per Doz. 1 oz...... 2 70 2 oz...... 3 00 4 oz...... 4 00

No. 2580. GLASS BATTERY JARS. No. 2500. BELL GLASSES. Wide. High. Each. Special Dimensions Made to Order. 4 x 4 inches outside...... 24 SHORT—KNOB. 4 x 5 inches outside...... 36 Each. 4 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches outside...... 43 P in t...... 75 4 1/2 x 6 inches outside...... 60 Q u a rt...... 1 00 5 1/2 x 8 inches outside...... 72 1/2 Gallon...... 1 50 7 x 8 inches outside...... 96 Gallon...... 2 00 6 x 9 inches outside...... 1 04 2 Gallon...... 3 00 8x12 inches outside...... 1 44 3 Gallon...... 5 00 9x12 1/2 inches outside ...... 2 40 5 Gallon...... 10 00 9 x 15 inches outside...... 2 56 Bell Glasses, Flat or Tall, not ground for Covers, one-fifth less in price. No. 2590. GLASS BOXES. WITH GLASS LIDS. No. 2510. TALL-KNOB. Per Doz. Each. P i n t ...... 75 1/2 oz...... 90 Quart...... 1 00 1 oz...... 1 10 1/2 G allon...... 1 50 2 oz...... 1 40 G allon...... 2 00 4 oz...... 1 80 2 G allon...... 3 00 8 oz...... 2 60 3 G allon...... 5 00 16 oz...... 3 80 5 G allon...... 10 00 See 1 1/2 4 oz. Ground Top Boxes, Page 68. xiv WHITALL, TATUM & CO.

2 6 0 0 . MUSEUM JA RS. FOR PRESERVING SPECIM ENS. Several scientific It will be noticed below that gentlemen h a v in g we make them of thirteen dif­ brought to our notice ferent dimensions, with four the absence in the different diameters, having ca­ market of a complete pacities ranging from 1/2 Pint to Specimen Preserv­ five Gallons. ing Jar, at their sug­ SIZES. CAPACITIES. PRICE. Wide. High. Per Doz. gestion we h a v e 3 in. by 4 in., 1/2 Pint,...... $6 00 prepared an article 3 in. by 7 in., Pint,...... 8 00 3 in. by 10 in., Quart, . . . . 9 00 which meets their 4 1/2 in. by 6 in., Quart, . . . . 9 00 entire approval. 4 1/2 in. by 8 1/2 in., 3 Pint 11 00 4 1/2 in. by 11 1/2 in., 1/2 Gall...... 12 00 The contents are 6 in. by 8 in., 1 Gall...... 20 00 enclosed entirely in 6 in. by 12 in., 1 1/2 Gall ...... 2400 6 in. by 15 in., 1 3/4 Gall...... 26 00 glass, with a thin rubber medium under the 6 in. by 18 in., 2 Gall...... 28 00 lid to make the jar air-tight. This lid is 9 in. by 12 in., 2 1/2 Gall...... 40 00 securely fastened down with an outer metallic 9 in. by 18 in., 3 1/2 Gall...... 60 00 9 in. by 23 in., 5 Gall...... 120 00 clamp. On the inner surface of the Glass Special lengths of the above diameters made to Lid is attached a glass ring, for the con­ order. Content is approximate only. venient securing of specimens. Without LIDS or FITTINGS at two-thirds of the above prices. The good points of these Jars are their The above Jars, with holes drilled through the simplicity, their wide mouths, glass instead Lid, are well suited for Gas Generators and other of metallic lids, easiness of access to the speci­ Chemical purposes: Each. mens, and security against the evaporation Price with 1 h o le ...... $1 00 extra. of the contents. They are in use widely in Price with 2 holes...... 2 00 extra. public Museums. Price with 3 holes...... 2 50 extra.

No. 2700. HYDROMETER JARS. No. 2750. INSECT BOTTLES. On Foot. Lip or Plain. FOR CORKS.—EXTRA WIDTH OF MOUTH. Per Doz. For Smaller Specimen Bottles we offer the fol­ 6x1 inch...... $2 24 lowing, which are made with wide mouths, and 8 x 1 1/2 inch...... 2 28 are furnished either for Corks or 8x2 inch...... 3 20 with Ground Glass Stoppers, at the 8 x 2 1/2 inch...... 4 30 prices noted below: Per Dozen. 10 x 1 1/2 inch...... 3 64 For Corks. Stoppered. 10 x 2 inch...... 4 64 11 oz...... $ 80 $1 30 10 x 21/2 inch...... 6 20 3 oz...... 1 00 1 50 12 x 1 1/2 inch...... 5 60 4 oz...... 1 25 1 75 12x2 inch...... 7 20 6 oz...... 1 50 1 90 12 x 2 1/2 inch...... 9 00 No. 2770. ANATOMICAL JARS. 12 x 3 inch...... 10 50 Per Doz. 15 x 2 inch...... 9 80 P in t...... 5 00 15 x 2 1/2 inch...... 11 60 Q u art...... 7 25 15 x 3 inch...... 12 00 1/2 Gallon...... 12 50 18 x 2 1/2 inch...... 15 50 Gallon...... 17 00 18 x 3 inch...... 17 00 1...... 1/2 Gallon. 25 00 21 x 3 inch...... 20 00 2 Gallon ...... 31 50 For Graduates, see page 77. For Tube Vials, see page 32, Graduated, see p. 75 & 76. Same with Rim 10 per cent. add’l. For Corks, see page 72. SUNDRrES—A T NET PRICES. XV


RIBBED INSIDE. Per Doz. No. 1 3 inchdia m eter...... $3 50 No. 2 4 inch diam eter...... 4 50 No. 3 5 inch diam eter...... 5 50 No. 4 G inch diam eter...... 8 00 No. 5 7 inch diam eter...... 12 50 EVAPORATING DISHES. No. 6 7 1/2 inch d ia m eter...... 16 50 BERLIN PORCELAIN. No. 7 8 inchdiam eter...... 21 00 No. Per Doz. No. 8 9 inch diam eter...... 24 00 00. 2 oz...... $ 3 5 0 0. 4 oz...... 4 50 No. 9 10 inch diam eter...... 30 00 1. 8 oz...... 5 50 No. 10 11 inch diameter ...... 3600 2. P i n t ...... V 80 For Class Funnels, see page 40. 3. Q u a rt...... 10 00 4. 3 P in t...... 12 00 MORTARS AND PESTLES. 5. 1/2 Gallon ...... 15 60 6. 3/4 Gallon ...... 21 00 GLASS. Per Doz. 7. 1 Gallon ...... 27 00 8. 1 1/4 G a llo n ...... 33 00 1 oz...... 2 64 9. 1 1/2 G a llo n ...... 39 00 2 oz...... 2 64 10. 1 3/4 Gallon...... 4 8 0 0 3 oz...... 3 30 11. 2 1/2 G a llo n ...... 5 4 0 0 4 oz...... 3 30 12. 3 Gallon ...... 6000 8 oz...... 5 28 GERMAN PORCELAIN. 16 oz...... 6 60 32 oz...... 9 90 Glazed inside, with Heavy Rim around the top.

No. Diameter. Content. Each. WEDGWOOD. 00. 16 inch, 3 G a ll o n s ...... $ 5 0 0 0. 15 inch, 2 G a l l o n s ...... 3 5 0 DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED. 1. 13 inch, 1 G a llo n ...... 2 1 0 2. 12 inch, 3 Q uarts...... 1 7 5 Per Doz. 3. 11 inch, 1/2 G a llo n ...... 1 3 0 0000— 3 inches across top...... 4 32 4. 10 inch, 3 P i n t s ...... 1 0 0 000— 3 1/4 inches across top ...... 5 04 5. 9 inch, Q u a r t ...... 85 00— 3 1/2 inches across top ...... 6 00 6 . 8 inch, 24 oz...... 75 0— 4 inches across top...... 6 72 7. 7 inch, 20 oz...... 65 1 — 4 1/2 inches across to p ...... 7 82 8 . 6 inch, 16 oz...... 55 9. 5 1/2 inch, 8 oz...... 45 2— 5 inches across top ...... 1 0 20 3 — 6 inches across to p ...... 1 2 00 4— 6 1/2 inches across top ...... 15 00 PORCELAIN PATCH BOXES. 5— 7 inches across to p ...... 19 50 Per Gross. 6— 8 inches across to p ...... 24 00 1/4 oz...... $900 1/2 oz...... 9 0 0 7— 8 1/2 inches across to p ...... 36 00 3/4 oz...... 10 50 8— 9 1/2 inches across top ...... 39 00 1 oz...... 1 0 5 0 9— 10 1/2 inches across top ...... 48 0 0 1 1/2 oz...... 1 2 0 0 10—12 inches across top ...... 54 0 0 2 oz...... 1 2 5 0 11— 13 inches across to p ...... 63 00 3 oz...... 1 5 0 0 4 oz...... 1 3 0 0 12— 14 inches across to p ...... 72 00 xvi WHITALL, TATUM & CO. PHENIX GRADUATES.

THE GRADUATES ARE ALL DOUBLE SCALE. To deliver Per Dozen. 1/2 ounce, Cone S h a p e ...... $ 3 00 1 ounce, Cone Shape & Tumbler Shape 3 00 2 ounces, Cone Shape & Tumbler Shape 4 00 3 ounces, Cone S h a p e...... 4 75 4 ounces, Cone and Tumbler Shape . . 5 50 6 ounces, Cone S h a p e ...... 7 00 8 ounces, Cone and Tumbler Shape . . 8 00 12 ounces, Cone S h a p e ...... 10 00 16 ounces, Cone and Tumbler Shape . . 12 00 32 ounces, Cone and Tumbler Shape . . 21 00

Tumbler Shape. Cone Shape.

GRAM GRADUATES. DOUBLE GRADUATES. CONE SHAPE. English Measure Engraved on one Side, and Metric To deliver Per Doz. Measure on the other.—Cone Shape. 30 grs., 30 C.C. $3 50 To deliver Per Doz. 50 grs., 50 C.C. 4 75 1 drm., 4 grams, or 60 drops, ...... $6 00 75 grs., 75 C.C. 5 75 1 ounce, 30 grams, 5 25 1 0 0 grs., 100 C.C. 6 50 2 ounces, 50 grams, 6 00 2 0 0 grs., 200 C.C. 9 25 3 ounces, 75 grams, 7 25 250 grs., 250 C.C. 9 75 4 ounces, 100 grams, 8 00 300 grs., 300 C.C. 1 2 00 8 ounces, 200 grams, 9 00 400 grs., 400 C.C. 14 25 8 ounces, 250 grams, 9 75 500 grs., 500 C.C. 14 75 12 ounces, 300 grams, 11 25 1 , 0 0 0 grs., 1,000 C.C•25 50 16 ounces, 400 grams, 15 50 16 ounces, 500 grams, 18 75 CYLINDRICAL ON FOOT. 32 ounces, 1,000 grams, 32 25 To deliver Each. To del’vr. Each. l 0 grams, 10 C.C . .50 1 oz. $ .50 GRADUATED FLASKS. 50 grams, 50 C.C . . 70 2 oz. .70 Double Marks. Per Dozen. 100 grams, I 00 C.C . 1.00 4 oz. 1.00 Content. For Corks. Stoppered. 200 grams, 200C.C . 1.00 6 oz. 1.50 50 C C ...... 250 grams, 250 C.C . 2.00 8 oz. 2.00 100 C C ...... 1/4 L iter...... 500 grams, 500 C.C . 2.50 16 oz. 2.50 See Page 38. 1,000 grams, 1,000 C.C . 3.00 32 oz. 3.00 1/2 Liter...... 1 L iter...... 2 Liters . . GRADUATES. xvii



MINIM GRADUATES. PRESSED MEDICINE TUMBLERS. ON FOOT. Per Do*. The 1 and 2 drachms have S. Tea and Tablespoon . . . . $1 25 a very heavy base and cannot L. Tea and Tablespoon . . . . 1 50 easily be overturned. Per Do*. Tea and Tablespoon, Goblet Shape 2 00 1 drm. or 60 minims $4 CO No. 5. Castor Oil, Tea and Table­ 2 “ 120 “ 4 50, spoon ...... 4 00 Tube. TUBE. No. 6. Per Doz. 60 minims...... $2 00 Foot. In Cases...... 2 75 The Prescription Pipette is a substitute for the Graduate, requiring less time, and saving the soiling of the Shelf Bottles. MATCHLESS. 1/2 OUNCE. Graduated in Minims to Each. 120 m., and in drachms Graduated in Minims up to 60, and up to 1 ounce...... $8 00 in drachms up to 1/2 ounce . . . $ 80


Matchless. Graduated in Minims up to 60, and ENGRAVED MEDICINE GLASSES. in drachms up to 1 ounce . . . 1 00 Nos. 1, 2 and 3, with POLISHED BOTTOMS. Per Dor. A safety bulb prevents any of the fluid being drawn No. 1. Combination. Gradu­ into the Rubber Bulb. It drops as near as is practicable ated on three sides with Min­ a minim. ims, Tablespoon and Teaspoon To clean it, remove the Rubber Bulb and place the marks,...... $5 00 Pipette under a hydrant. No. 2. S. Tumbler, Teaand Tablespoon 3 00 GRADUATED PERCOLATING No. 1 No. 3. L. Tumbler, JARS. Tea andTablespoon 4 25 No. 2. For Receiving the Percolate. No. 3. In Neat Case . . . . 500 Per Doz. Q u a rt...... $15 00 No. 3. With Tube Minim Graduate, in Case . . 7 00 1/2 Gallon...... 23 00 1 Gallon ...... 31 00 No. 4. Goblet Shape, Tea and 2 Gallon...... 42 00 Tablespoon...... 45 0 No. 4. xviii METRIC PRESCRIPTION BOTTLES. METRIC PRESCRIPTION BOTTLES. We have made a set of Moulds, of the popular Philadelphia Oval Pattern, adapted to dispensing Metric Prescriptions. These moulds are so constructed that they allow of the present series o f lettered Pre­ scription plates (except Blakes) being worked in them. For instance, a druggist having a 2 ounce plate can, without additional charge, have it used for making 50 cc and 60 cc bottles, or a 4 ounce plate for 125 cc bottles, as explained in the first table below. To distinguish them from the old sizes, we have, on the plain bottles, blown the Metric Content in light letters across the top o f the flat side (see cut). Sample sets sent without charge on application.

W e append a table showing the sizes at present furnished:

Taking same Lettered PRICE PER GROSS. NAME. Plate as used for For Corks. Stoppered. 10 cubic centimeter ( c c ) ...... 1/2 oz...... $3 00 $10 25 20 cubic centimeter ( c c ) ...... 1/2 oz...... 3 50 10 75 30 cubic centimeter (cc) ...... 1 oz...... 3 75 10 75 40 cubic centimeter (cc) l 1/2 oz...... 4 50 12 00 50 cubic centimeter (cc) ...... 2 oz...... 4 75 12 25 60 cubic centimeter (cc) ...... 2 oz...... 5 00 12 50 100 cubic centimeter (cc) ...... 3 oz...... 6 00 14 00 125 cubic centimeter (cc) ...... 4 oz...... 7 00 16 25 150 cubic centimeter (cc) ...... 6 oz...... 8 00 17 25 200 cubic centimeter (cc) ...... 8 oz...... 9 00 19 25 250 cubic, centimeter (cc) ...... 8 oz...... 10 50 20 75 300 cubic centimeter (cc) ...... 10 oz...... 12 25 24 00 350 cubic centimeter (cc) ...... 12 oz...... 13 75 26 50

The following table of Metric Equivalents may be found useful to the Pharmacist:

1 cubic centimeter or 1 Gram 1000 cubic centimeters or = 1000 grams or 1 milliliter of Water 1 liter 1 kilogram. 1 cc = 16.231 minims 1 minim = 0.062 cc 1 cc 0.270 fluid drachm 1 fluid drachm = 3.696 cc 1 cc = 0.034 fluid ounce 1/2 fluid ounce = 14.79 cc 10 cc = 0.34 oz. 1 fluid ounce = 29.57 cc 20 cc = 0.68 oz. 2 fluid ounces = 59.14 cc 30 cc = 1.01 oz. 3 fluid ounces = 88.72 cc 40 cc = 1.35 oz. 4 fluid ounces = 118.29 cc 50 cc = 1.69 oz. 6 fluid ounces = 177.43 cc 100 cc = 3.38 oz. 8 fluid ounces = 236.58 cc 150 cc = 5.07 oz. 12 fluid ounces = 354.86 cc 200 cc = 6.76 oz. 16 fluid ounces = 473.15 cc 250 cc = 8.45 oz. 24 fluid ounces = 709.72 cc 300 cc = 10.14 oz. 32 fluid ounces = 946.30 cc 350 cc = 11.84 oz. or or 400 cc = 13.53 oz. 1 quart = 0.9463 liter. 500 cc = 16.91 oz. 1000 cc = 33.81 oz 1 liter = 1.0567 quarts. FLINT GLASS BOTTLES. xix

FLINT GLASS ROUND PRESCRIPTIONS. The BOSTON or TALL Style is much liked for its symmetry and neat appearance. NARROW MOUTH. WIDE MOUTH. Per Doz. Plain Round Boston Style, Per 1/2 oz...... $30 Shoulder. Tall, High Shoulder. Dozen. 1/2 oz...... B. 1/2 oz. . . $ 28 1 oz...... Tall 5/8 oz ...... 37 1 oz...... B. 1 oz. . . 34 Tall 1 1/4 oz...... 46 2 oz...... B. 2 oz. . . 44 Tall 1 1/2 oz...... 1 3/4 oz. and T. 1 3/4 oz...... 48 3 oz...... B. 3 oz. . . 50 2 oz...... 4 oz...... B. 4 oz. . . 64 2 oz. extra width of mouth, (No. 605). . . 6 oz...... B. 6 oz. . . 78 2 1/4 oz. extra width of mouth, (No. 614) . . . 52 8 oz...... B. 8 oz. . . 96 3 oz...... 55 3 oz. extra width of mouth (Quinine). . . 10 oz...... 112 3 1/2 oz. extra width of mouth, (No. 606) . . . 67 12 oz...... B. 12 oz. . . 1 26 4 oz...... Round Shoulder. 16 oz...... B. 16 oz. . . 1 51 4 oz. extra width of mouth, (Reagent Style) 71 20 oz...... 1 83 4 oz. Quinidia...... 4 oz. Cinchonidia...... 71 22 oz...... 1 96 6 oz., extra width of mouth, (5 oz. Quinine) 80 S. Quart (28 oz.)...... 2 61 6 oz...... 85 L. Quart (32 oz.) B. 32 oz. . . 2 61 8 oz. Powder } 1 05 9 oz ...... 1 19 12 oz...... 1 33 For insertion of LETTERED PLATES 16 oz. . . . . 1 74 16 oz. Powder see page 9. 20 oz...... 2 11 32 oz...... 2 75 32 oz. Powder. See PAINT JARS, page 18. Tall or Boston Style. Saltmouths with Hollow Stopper, $1.00 net per dozen extra. For use with a Bone Spoon. LOOSE CAPS can be added to all the Tinctures, securing them from dust. Price 60 cts. per doz., net.

STOPPERED BOTTLES. For Styles of STOPPERS, see Full Catalogue, Page 6. TINCTURES. FLINT GLASS. SALT MOUTHS. (IRON MOULDS.) (IRON MOULD.) Per Dozen. Per Do*. 1/2 oz...... $ 94 1/2 oz...... $1 00 1 oz...... 1 00 1 oz...... 1 10 1 1/2 oz...... 1 12 1 1/4 o z ...... 2 oz. . . . 1 1/2 oz...... 1 3/4 oz...... 1 20 3 oz...... 128 4 oz...... 150 2 o z ...... 6 oz ...... 1 67 3 o z ...... 1 40 4 o z ...... 1 55 10 oz8 oz...... 2 15 6 oz...... 1 75 12 oz...... 2 43 8 o z ...... 2 00 12 o z ...... 2 50 Pint ...... 2 oz...... 3 9 020 3522 P i n t ...... 3 00 oz...... 3 50 Q u a rt...... 4 35 2 8 o z ...... 3 70 16 oz. Powder . . . . 3 00 32 oz. Powder . . Q u a r t ...... 4 00 4 35 1/2 Gallon (S. F .)...... 7 20 1/2 Gallon (S. F.) . . . 8 85 Gallon (S. F . ) ...... 10 65 Gallon (S. F.) . . . . 13 75 2 Gallon (S. F .)...... 25 00 2 Gallon (S. F.). . . . 29 00 3 Gallon (S. F .)...... 52 00 3 Gallon (S.F ). . .57 00 5 Gallon (S. F .)...... 104 00 5 Gallon (S. F ). . . . 114 00 XX WHITALL, TATUM & CO.

SELTZERS, GREEN GLASS. ACIDS. Narrow Mouth. Dark Green Glass. COMMON WEIGHT. Per Doz. 1/2 Pint...... $ 75 We call attention to the high reputation over the United 14 oz...... 1 15 States, of our Stoppered Acids, Pint...... 1 1/2 Pint...... 145 and invite comparison in ele­ Quart...... 1 90 gance of make and tightness of 3 Pint...... 2 50 stoppering, with those pro­ 1/2 Gallon...... 2 90 duced elsewhere. 3 Quart...... 3 30 Per Doz. 1 Gallon...... 4 20 1/2 Pint, Ground Stoppers . $2 75 Wide Mouth. 12 oz., Ground Stoppers . 3 00 Per Doz. 1 Pint, Ground Stoppers . 3 15 14 oz. Seltzer...... 1 Quart, Ground Stoppers 4 15 B. S. Pt. Seltz. & Pt. Selt. 125 1/2 Gallon, Ground Stoppers...... 6 40 C. 20 oz...... 1 Gallon, Ground Stoppers...... 8 65 1 1/2 Pt. Selt. or 1/4 lb. Mag. 150 2 Gallon, Ground Stoppers...... 18 00 Quart Seltzer...... 1 90 Chloride of Soda, or Stoppered Wines . . 3 60 3 Pint or 1/2 lb. Magnesia...... 2 50 1/2 Gallon Seltzer,...... 3 00 Pint and Quart Flint Stoppered Acids. Lettered. 3 Quart or 1 lb. Magnesia...... 3 40 1 Gallon...... 4 25 Acid Nitric, Acid Sulphuric, Acid Muriatic, EXTRA SELTZERS, GREEN GLASS. Per dozen, Pints, $3; Quarts, $4; net. Narrow Mouth. EXTRA SIZE AND WEIGHT. Per Doz. ENGLISH ESSENTIAL OILS. 1/2 Pint and 9 oz...... 90 12 oz...... 1 15 Extra Seltzers, High Shape, Green Glass. Pint, 18 oz. to 20 oz...... 1 50 (For Blue Style, see page 19.) 22 oz. to 1 1/2 Pint, and 24 oz...... 1 80 (For Flint Style, see page 18.) Quart, 35 oz...... 2 25 Per Doz. 3 Pint...... 3 00 For Corks. Stoppered. 1/2 Gallon, 80 oz. (5 pints)...... 4 10 1/2 ...... $ 95 $2 75 3 Quart...... 470 Pint...... 1 50 3 25 1 Gallon...... 5 25 Quart...... 2 40 4 10 2 Gallon...... 12 75 1/2 Gallon...... 4 40 6 40 WIDE MOUTH. Extra Size and Weight. CYLINDER AND FLAT SHOW Per Doz. BOTTLES. S. 1/2 Pt. Seltzer, or Char­ coal Bottle. . . Flint Glass. ON FOOT—STOPPERED. M. 1/2 Pint. Seltzer. . 1 00 Each. L. 1/2 Pint Seltzer . . 12 x 1 inch,...... $1 35 12 oz...... 1 20 15 x 1 1/2 inch,...... 1 50 14 oz...... 1 35 18 x 1 1/2 inch,...... 2 00 Pt. and C. Pt. & 19 oz. 18 x 2 inch,...... 2 25 W. M...... 150 18 x 3 inch...... 2 50 20 oz...... 21 x 2 inch,...... 2 75 1 1/2 Pint...... 1 85 21 x 3 inch,...... 3 00 Quart...... 2 35 24 x 2 1/2 inch,...... 3 75 3 Pint...... 3 10 24 x 3 inch,...... 4 50 1/2 Gallon...... 4 20 30 x 2 1/2 inch,...... 5 50 3 Quart...... 4 80 30 x 4 inch,...... 7 25 Gallon...... 5 35 36 x 3 inch,...... 7 25 Cylinder Show 2 Gallon...... 12 85 Bottles. 36 x 4 inch...... 9 00 WHITALL, TATUM & CO. xxi



S. 8 drachm. S. 6 drachm. S. 4 drachm. S. 3 drachm. S. 2 drachm. S. 1 1/2 drachm.


HOMEOPATHIC VIALS. Extra Weight, Round Mouths. Heavy Lips, “Patent Tool” Finish, and Annealed. SPECIAL DISCOUNT. WRAPPED IN PAPER AND PACKED IN ONE GROSS PASTE BOARD BOXES. S. 1/8 dr.

S. 1/4 drm. We call especial attention to our HOMEOPATIC VIALS. S. 1/2 drachm. WEIGHT.—They are double the weight and thickness of glass of those often sold, and therefore less liable to break. MOUTHS.—The mouths are formed by “Patent Tools,” and are uniform in diameter, and always round. S. 1 drachm. LIPS.—The lips are thick, well shaped, regular, and strong for corking. ANNEALING.—Our Vials are annealed under high heat after they are made, and thus are not fragile from sudden cooling in the manufacture. In a combination of the above advantages our Homeopathic Ware stands alone in the market.

In Ordering please always state the Style desired. whether Long or Short. FOR FRENCH SQUARES AMBER AND FLINT, SEE PAGE 13. Stoppered Homeopathic Vials $10.00 per gross additional, less same discount. x x i i HOMEOPATHIC VIALS.


1/8, 1/4, and 1/2 drachm ...... Per gross, $1 12 1/2 1 drachm . . . . " 1 25 1 1/2 and 2 drachm " 1 50 3 drachm .... " 2 00 4 drachm .... " 3 00 6 drachm . . . . " 4 00 8 drachm . . . . " 5 00

In absence of special advice, W HITE Vials will always be sent.

AM BER AND BLUE COLORS 10 per cent. less discount from Card Price.

L.1drm. L. 1/8 dr. L. 1/2 dr. L. 11/2 drm. L. 2 drachm. L 3 d ra ch m. L. 4 drachm. L. 6 drachm. LONG STYLE. I n t h e numbers given below, the last two figures indicate the length in millimeters. The diameter is expressed in the preceding figure or figures.

Thus, 5x18 is 18 millimeters in length, and 5 in diameter. 12x50 is 50 “ “ “ 12


GROSS. 6 x18 . . . 1 25 10x60 . . . 1 40 13x47 . . . 1 40 6x28 . . . .125 15x63 . . . . $2 00 10x75 . . . .160 13x50 . . . .140 15x68 . . . .200 6x30 . . . 1 25 10x80 . . . 1 50 13x56 . . . 1 50 6x35 . . . .125 16x47 . . . 1 75 11x35 . . . .125 13x60 . . . . 175 17x42 . . . .175 7x35 . . . 1 25 11x45 . . . 1 40 14x42 . . . 1 40 17x53 . . . 2 00 8x34 . . . .125 11x65 . . . .150 14x52 . . . . 1 50 17x57 . . . .200 9x30 . . . 1 25 11x70 . . . 1 50 14x57 . . . 1 75 9x43 . . . .125 17x75 . . . 2 50 11x75 . . . .150 14x70 . . . . 175 18x50 . . .200 10x35 . . . 1 25 11x80 . . . 1 75 14x80 . . . 2 00 18x57 . . . 2 25 10x37 . . . .125 12x50 . . . .140 15x42 . .1 50 19x60 . . .250 10x45 . . . 1 25 13x36 . . . 140 15x52 . . . 1 75 10x57 . . . .140 21x63 . . . 3 00 WHITALL, TATUM & CO. xxiii



S. 6 dr. S. 4 dr. S 3 dr. S. 2 dr. S. 1 dr. S. 1/2 dr. S. 1/4 dr.

HOMEOPATHIC CASE VIALS—Long or Short. Per gross. 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 drachm...... $1 25 1 drachm...... 1 50 1 1/2 drachm...... 1 75 2 drachm...... 3 drachm...... 2 50 4 drachm ...... 3 50 6 drachm...... -...... 4 50 8 drachm...... 6 00 Flat 1 drachm...... 5 00 Stoppered Homeopathic Vials $10.00 per gross additional, less same discount. For French Squares Flint and Amber, see Page 13. 1 drachm...... 2 drachm...... 3 drachm...... 1/2 oz. T. B., & H. Styles...... 1 oz T. B., & H. Styles...... 2 oz. T. and B. Styles...... 4 oz. T. and B. Styles...... Flat 1 dr. The T. and H. Styles are “ Tall” "High.” The B. Style has wide bevels in the edges and a shoul­ der more rounded than T. or H. The width of mouth is interme­ diate in size between wide and narrow mouth, and is adapted to both TINCTURES and PILLS. B 4 dr. 3 dr. 2 dr. 1 dr. xxiv WHITALL, TATUM & CO.



No. 2. Assay Balance of the finest construction. Arranged with rider apparatus, beam being divided into 1-10 milligrammes. All bearings of “Agate.” Beam is made of aluminum, Needle deviates 20 full divisions for 1 milligramme. Price, $80 00. No. 1. , capacity 200 grammes in each pan, in fine polished glass case, beam divided in 1-10 ANALYTICAL SCALES. Fig. 22 milligrammes, sensible to 1-20 milligrammes. All agate bearings, with improved arrest for pans, and apparatus for specific gravity, &c., &c. 3 in. pans. 14 in. Beam. Price, $105 00. No. 2. Analytical Balance, in fine polished glass case, capacity 100 grammes in each pan. Beam divided in 1-10 of milligrammes. Sensible to 1-20 milligrammes, with apparatus for specific gravity. All bearings agate. 2 3/4 in. pans. 12 in. Beam. Price, $86 00. No. 3. Analytical Balance, in French Polish Mahogany case, with counterpoised sliding door. Capacity 2,000 grains, sensible to 1-100 grain. Steel bearings, movable pans, 10 in. Beam. Price, $10 00. No. 4. Same Balance as No. 3, has attachment for rider, and pan arrests. Beam graduated to one milligramme. For weighing Ores, Minerals, Gold and Silver Coin, Jewelry, Price, $50 00. Chemicals, &c.. &c. On fine Polished Mahogany Box, with drawer. Lacquered Beam, Balances No. 1 and 2 will be furnished with “Agate with box ends, adjusting screws, movable pans, ivory indicator. Knives ” at an extra cost of $10 00. Sensible to 1-20 grain. Price does not include weights. No. Length of Beam. Diam. of Pans. Capacity. Price. ASSAY BALANCE. No. I. 1, 14 in. 6 in. 25 oz. $24 00 2, 19 “ 4 1/4" 16 “ 18 00 3, 8 1/4 “ 3 “ 8“ 15 00 Pans can bo suspended by chains if desired. WEIGHTS OF PRECISION. In fine velvet lined polished block. Weights lacquered and adjusted with the greatest care and precision. 1 Platinum Gramme to 1 Mili.. . $ 7 00 1 “ “ “ 1-10 Mili., 8 00 10 Gramme to 1 Mili...... 8 50 10 “ “ 1-10 Mili., . . 9 00 20 “ “ 1 Mili...... 9 50 50 “ " 1 Mili. 3 Riders. . 10 50 100 Gramme to 1 Mili. 3 Riders...... , 12 00 100 “ “ 1-10 Mili. 3 Riders...... 13 00 200 “ " 1 Mili.,...... 16 00 Gold Assay Weights,...... 7 00 All Riders weigh 10 Mili., unless otherwise ordered. GRAINS. 10 Platinum Grains to 1-10 Grain...... $ 6 00 10 " “ 1-100 Grain...... 7 00 10 “ “ 1-1000 Grain, . . . . 8 00 100 Grains to 1-100 Grain,...... 8 00 1000 Grains to 1-10 Gram, 3 Riders, . . . . . 10 00 No. 1. Assay Balance in French Polished Mahogany 1000 Grains to 1-100 Grain. 3 Riders...... 11 00 Case, and sliding door. All bearings of “Agate.” Needle 1000 Grains to 1-1000 Grain, 3 Riders,...... 12 00 deviates, 10 divisions on ivory scale for 1 milligramme. 4 oz. Troy to 1-10 Gram...... 8 00 Price, $55 00. Assay Ton Weights, 4 A. T. to 1-20 A. T...... 6 50