Drop of $1,623 In Fire Budget SEEK BOOKS FOR SERVICE MEN IN U. S. ARMY POSTS lation Large Ratable Loss Causes Increase In County Tax

For 1942 Shown In Ocean Grove The “Books for, Victory” Smith To Committee campaign was started in Lay Member of Camp Meeting et, Amount To Be Raised . Ocean Grove this week with Group Given Late B. G. Fire Commissioners To Act January 30 the plea that all persons hav­ Moore’s Post on Business ■ MAGEE WARNS AGAINST ing books which they might Board at QuarterlyI Meeting 7 STAMPS ON WINDSHIELDS Freeholders Point To Steady Decline of On Passage of Budget of $16,335; desire to contribute for sold ier’s libraries in army camps . Frank B. Smith, prominent Motor Vehicle Commissioner Value of Real Property In County; Show Hydrant Rental Shows Greatest Drop and. posts, should‘ leave them Ocean Grove churchman and Arthur W. Magee has an­ A budget calling for a reduction at the Ocean Grove associa­ lay member of tbe Ocean Grove nounced that the. Federal use Reduction of $24,870 In Amount to be of $1,623 in the total amount to FIRST SCOUT PAPER DRIVE tion office on Main avenue! Camp Meeting Association, was ; tax stamps which must -be at­ be raised by taxation in the Ocean A SUCCESS, SECOND STARTS All type books are acceptable, napied to the business committee tached . to all mot<|r vehicles Raised By Taxation This Coming Year Grove fire district number one for those not used in the camps bf that association 'Friday, to fill effective Februaipr ■ 1, should A budget calling for a decreased amount to be raised . will come up for final passage at a Members of Troop 41, Ocean will be sold and the monies the vacancy on the committee ere not be affixed to either the by taxation, yet showing an increase in the:tax rate was meeting of the. board of fire com­ used to supply the army with windshield or the front side Grove, this week received a ated through the death last year passed by the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders missioners on Friday, January, 30, check for $25 80 for scrap, and .new ones ' "!■ bf B. G. Moore., Smith will serve windows of New Jersey regis­ at the 'Washington fire house, Cen­ waste paper collected by them until the annual meeting of the tered motor vehicles. this week. The cause for the increased rate, despite a tral avenue. ... during the past two months, association in - April, } They can be affixed to the lower budget and lower amount to be raised by taxation • Foremost in the reduction of the and announced a second scrap The association will meet instrument panel bf the vehi­ was caused, it . was explained , by Director Joseph Mayer, / total1 amount to be raised by tax­ paper collection would start April to elect officers and' to fill cle, to the back of the rear­ by- a huge loss in ratables during the past year. ation is the decrease in the amount Scheduled For Draft, view mirror, rear windows or immediately. The scouts, the vacancies caused by the several . 7 The budget actually shows a decrease of $24,870.94 of the fire hydrant rental which is working in patrols, gathered members’ deaths during the fall to any other part of the vehi­ the result of a standardization of Laborer Takes Life cle where it will be conspicu­ in the amount to be raised by1------'"' over two tons of the paper and Columbo Traverse, -Rooming aml 'wint o r season. , Members who levied . against the 1932 ratables, fire hydrant rental -rates over the ous and not become mutilated taxation over the amount' called magazines in the initial drive, in Ocean Grove, A Suicide on have died include the vice presi for last year. Director Mayer'also instead of the 1942 figure, the county. The new Ocean Grove dis­ and hope to collect even more dent, Dr. Alfred Wagg, the scare . or detached. Monday Morning; “Just Can’t stated that, due to the decrease in county'tax would be $8.58 instead trict hydrant rental is $2,760, a in the second drive. tary, Samuel Clarke, and the Kev. Under the New Jersey stat­ of the $11.24, so great, the board reduction of $1,035 from the 1941 ■ ■Make It’’ Says Note.; -:v.; utes, no sticker' or emblem the amount of the total1 budget, A rthur Jamieson and B. G. Moore, had it not been necessary to raise a said, has been the decline in the charge of $3,795. The new fig­ Officers were formerly elected at can be affixed to the wind­ taxables since that time. ure will benefit all the fire dis­ Scheduled to have answered shield or front side windows figure of $44,429.65 for the per­ the January meeting! then desig­ manent . registration - plan, ; the It was also noted- that for the trict hydrant rental bills in the his draft board’s call for ir pre­ nated, as the annual ineeting, but except that which is author, third; straight year, there was no j three township fire districts. Breal< Ground For liminary examination; Columbo ized by law..;' county figure might have been re: with the inclement weather preva­ duccd by as much as $69,300.59. necessity of. appropriating a re­ Other reductions listed in the Traverso, 29, committed suicide lent in January, attendance fell serve for uncollected taxes, all new budget are a $150 cut in the New Swimming Pool Monday morning by stuffing the While .thte boavd of freeholders Walter IRcade and Councilman off until the annual ^session .was cited the decline in./the value of riiunicipalities in the county having cost of building; maintenance, doors and windows of his rented moved to the April meeting. met their obligations in full. It $100 reduction in the general maim Vincent Keupcr Officiated as real estate as one cause, for the room at 148 Heck avenue, and The association Friday author was also said that for the second . tenance of the department, and a Half Million Dollar Project turning on the three burners bf a Mooney Heads loss of ratables,; they also rioted ized Manager Joseph A. Thoma to the fact that.a personal property straight .year, the second district $60 decrease in the interest on is Started in Asbury Park gas plate in the room.'- He was draw up and place into effect a court in Long Branch was self- bonded indebtedness. Items listed sis Drive assessment of ten million dollars dead when found by a cousin, dog ordinance along jthe lines of Asbury Park Mayor Accepts sustaining. last year but cut out of the 1942 Louis' Traverso, who had come levied against the Jersey Central Ground was broken this week those passed by neighboring com, Leadership of President’s figure are $200 for contingent pur­ to take him to work. Power, and Light company by tho for the half-million ‘dollar swim­ munities. < Birthday Campaign; Pledges poses $700 'for repairs and paint­ A resident at that address for city of Asbury Purk, was not in ming pool to be .built by Walter In his annual report, Police City Support eluded in the 1942-total. How­ ing of the fire houses, and $659 Rdade, Asbury Park theatre mag­ about Six. weeks; Traverso was a Chief Willis R. Atkinson listed a for a noodlight system for the de laborer, at Fort Monmouth, and ever, the board, continued, even Sees $20.00 Drop nate, who set the pool apart as a total of 132 arreste| during the Mayor Clarence V. Mooney,- of partment. A total of all reduc had received his selective service with this large amount included i monument'to the present city ad­ year, investigation - b£ 54 automo Asbury. Park,1’ has; accepted .the tions or eliminations of $2,945. notification summoning him -to re­ the 1942 ratables, the total would In Local Tax Rate ministration of Asbury. Park, bile accidents, in whith eight per­ chairmanship of the Asbury Park Neptune Township Committee However there were necessary port on Tuesday. The call had then still not be as great a: which he said, was bringing the sons were slightly;; injured, 50 committee for the celebration of 1941. increases totaling $1,322 in vari been . sent to a! previous address, Hopeful as it Urges all city a “square deal" after years motor’vehicle :arrests,;'6he attempt­ the President’s Birthday and he ous accounts which give the blan­ and had just reached him. . The county tax. board has fixed Taxing Districts to Copcrate of “grafting.” ed suicide and 22 breaking and pledged the full support of the city ket reduction of $1,623 for the en­ Traverso left a note, addressed $169,453,946 as the value of real The pool, which is located on entering cases. administration in -the drive for in Reducing Budget for 1942 tire budget Those items showing to two sisters and a friend, which, property in the county for- 19-12, as an entire block surrounded by Property reported stolon amount­ funds with which to fight infantile an increase over the 1942 figure Police IChief Willis Atkinson said, against a sum of $171,620,880 set Eighth and Ocean avenues, and ed to ’ a total of ; $476 and the paralysis. In a letter to the Board of Edu­ . include an increase of $500 in; the expressed despondency, stating as the actual figure for 1911. The Deal Lake drive and Kingsley amount of recovered property was Tlie 1942 campaign in the city cation and the three fire districts new equipment account, • $100 in that he “just can’t make it.” former figure included a sum of street, will be 170 by 240 feet and listed at $304. •: • and throughout Monmouth county urging that they keep their budg­ ; the fire alarm maintenance account, The .Ocean Grove F irst Aid $183,140, the amount by which the will have an overall depth of four The, police department investi­ is being concentrated in the last ets within or less the figure of last $122 for1 deferred assets, and $600 squad was summoned and a rescusi- assessors of eight taxing 'districts and a half feet. ,A. seperatc div­ gated 22 fire ' calls, had 92 ambu­ two weeks of this month and will year, the Neptune Township Com­ for the reserve for taxes and tax tutor used, but Traverso had been have been ordered to increase their ing pool, of 19 feet depth, will be lance calls were received and in be climaxed with a birthday ball figures. mittee this week pointed out that title liens account. being revived. c. included, as will a children’s pool. vestigated. Severn . deaths were here in honor of President Roose­ it would be. possiblq to reduce the President of the Ocean Grove Summing up, the board noted Tho water, to be kept a t a 75 de­ The body was removed to the investigated, and the police car velt tax rate for 1942 by approximately board of fire commissioners is Dr. Matthews, Francioni and Taylor that 'the .tax.-rate this year would gree temperature, will be changed traveled 61,133 mijes. during the Mayor Mooney has been active $20.00 a thousand of assessed valu­ | • - William A. Robinson,..witbu.CJay: funeral home, Asbury Park. , be $11.24 per $1,000 valuation, every' eight "hours. --- - > > ; ;..... - year, the report coficludcd. in the past in paralysis fund rais- ation The committee promises a j ton M. Nagle the, secretary. while the rate last year was $10.67. Speaking before a group of city •, ♦ , reduction in its own budget and Bible Group to Visit Civil Service- -Examinations irig'drivesa8-amemb"eK:o£kEhiEtlQCal As.a;t»mp.aris(^stlmJ30ffir4 pointed, business men after he and-Coun­ ebmriiittee. His acceptance of the THIRTY-SEVENTH TERM Rev. Everett N. Hunt, pastor of out that if the amount to be raised cilman Vincent Keuper had offi­ Civil Service examinations chairmanship was announced by taxing districts of the township. the West Grove Methodist church, by taxation this year had been ciated at a ground breaking cere­ ncunecd this week include those for, Roland J. Hines, county chairman, This improvement' in the local Frank Tantum Is Again Reelected will preach on the subject, “Fish­ mony, Mr. Reade told, the audience a radio operator, with the ability tax picture the committee points President of ExemptAssociation, ers of. Men," a t the regular Sunday Hines also announced that .Mrs. that if he did not have absolute to: transmit; not less than twenty out, is the. result of the intensive morning service at the church.. The Pauline Hahn, of Bradley Bench, / Frank Tantum, veteran Ocean confidence in the honesty of the words a minute, ,arid a training campaign during the past year to evening service will be given to the has been appointed co-chairman of Fourteen Complete- Grove fireman and policeman, was present Asbury Park administra­ specialist, in the optional fields of the county committee. She re­ ollect current and delinquent taxes. Visitation of the American Bible elected president of. the Ocean tion, “I would not bring this money general, (diversified techniques), This campaign will be continued, Institute, which will have full places Mrs. Rosa H. Bergen, of First Aid Course Grove Firemen’s Exempt associa­ and pool here." general (motion picture technique), Ocean Grove Group Last the committee promises and adds: charge of the service. Matawan, who was unable to con­ tion for his thirty-seventh term in The pool, hc said, would be and trade and industrial. Civilian Course to bc Taught “Even with this substantial de­ On February first, Rev. Hunt is tinue us co-chairman. However, that' office as the members of the opened on Decoration Day, and will For duty in Washington, D. C. she remains a member of the .Bed Cross Pulps; Russell. ; crease, the taxes in Neptune town­ planning a Neptune Township association met to elect officers temporarily be known as Reade’s only the commission has announc­ county unit. Francis is Instructor :v; ship are entirely too high for the iCommunity night, when all town­ Monday evening. The meeting was Monte Carlo, but a new name is ed tests , for telegraph operator, property owners or as an induce­ ship officials will be invited to at­ Another announcement saiil Dr. held in the Washington fire house, to be chosen at a later date with two years’ experience on a The completion of a civilian first ment for persons to purchase real tend the evening service at the Abram Morris'has accepted the Central, avenue. through a contest'. Tile construc­ government or commercial wire; aid course in Ocean Grove this estate in Neptune township,” church. The evening service will chairmanship of the Belmar com­ Tantum, former Ocean Grove tion, is to be used throughput, the communications machine operator week. took/, an added significance Resolutions Offered start at 7:30, while the morning mittee. His acceptance brings to police chief: has been continued in theatre man said.- ‘ ■ v and under graphotype operator twenty-four the number of persons as it was ruled that no further This forthright action was. au­ the president’s chair since 1905, service starts at 11:00 a. m.. Sun­ information/ on all examinations civilian' first aid courses would be thorized by resolution offered by day school, under the direction of actively leading local cntnpaigns when he was first elected to the may be secured from Miss A. iri the county A score more will given in,Monmouth county for the 'Committeeman. F. Leroy Garra­ office, succeeding George Pridham Noel Dean, superintendent, will be O’Reilly at the Ocean Grove post duration- of the emergcney. The brant at Tuesday night’s meeting; at; 9:35 a. m. ' be named today anil tomorrow;. in the office. ; . office., ' —^—. ; ■ , ‘— ruling, eoniing from the" Red. Cross It is expected th at the 1942 budget Others, elected included John T. Seat Closing Priority Date. headquarters ' in Red Bank, whs will coriie up for first reading at a Reid, who was named vice presi­ January 31, 1942 is the deadline announced by Russell O. Francis; special meeting Tuesday night, dent; Lewis Mulford, secretary and On Education Board Wilson Kennedy, Visiting Father, Reveals for filing applications for priority instructor, at the. final meeting of January 27. • V , • treasurer, and David O’Reilly, Wal­ Five persons are seeking- elec­ assistance. _to^ complete privately- the Ocean Grove class on'M on-1 The . committee reappointed the lace Reed and Curwin F. Dodd, tion to the three full terms to be Weeks o f Service on Atlantic Destroyer Patrol owned non-defense homes or hous­ day. Courses it as said, would s!,eclal tax title lien committee to trustees. Mr. Reid was also named filled at the election of the Nep­ ing projects. This reminder was only be given for emergency work- expedite collections in 1942. Rich: a trustee of the Monmouth County ~>8 in the future. ard W. Stout, township solicitor, , tune school board in February, A story of weeks of service with from which point the ships of the issued today by Warren J. Lock­ firemen’s ' association, and .Russell and three others are seeking to the U. S. Navy Atlantic patrol was Royal British Navy take over the wood, State F. H. A. Director. No Fourteen members of the Ocean ,s chaln,,an a!,(1 the other mem- • Grove, class took their final ex.; bers are committeeman Garrabrant, ... Holbrook, G. William Schwartz and fill the vacancy caused by the death told this week by Wilson Morgan task and convoy the merchant ships applications can be received or pro­ Mr Reed were named delegates to amination on Monday and were treasurer Arthur H, Pharo, Clerk of Roland Reighton, late board Kennedy, son of William Kennedy, to England or any. other Allied cessed by the F, H. A. lifter that the Stato Exempt association. scheduled to'receive their certifi- Knox,: Collector Walter member, according,to District Clerk 120 Mam avenue, who flew here port, while the American destroy­ date, M r, Lockwood stated. In . James Blair was elected a delegate r Alfred P. Todd, who received the this week to vis^t his,father. The ers then “take oyer” and convoy order to be eligible; for such: as­ cates from the Red Cross in the Grara“ «nd Assessor Alvin E. for three years to the Ocean Qrovo near future/ This Monday evening, ; s" petitions; Wednesday evening. younger Kennedy is a member of ithe west-bound merchant ships back sistance; the foundation in each in­ Firemen’s Relief association. the class will meet in filial session Bailey Watson was appointed Three ' incumbents, Mrs. Anna a gun crew aboard a U. S. de­ to an American port.; stance m ust have been in place' to hear the results of the exami­ building inspector for three years T. Dey, Harold Blauvelt and Wes stroyer, and was granted a few An-interesting item explained by before October 9, 1941. ■ HOSPITAL CASES INCREASE nation and to view motiop pictures to succeed James Strudwick. ley B. Nagle, are seeking reelec. days leave , while his ship was Kennedy, was the type of protect­ of . „ , .. I A request for financial aid in tion to the board, while Frank undergoing repairs in an east coast ive equipment worn by, the sailors ' Fltldns ' Reports 89% -Capacity emergency■rgcticyactual firs conditions;conditions. ai wor The pic­pic-| heating . the aircraft spotters’ shack Grammer, a member of the/ fac­ naval yard. ' . on duty. AJ heavy cloth- “overall” Stout-Henderson -' Operation During 1940 ulty of- the Newark College of type suit is worn, with a cap and tures will be presented through-the of Schlossbach field made by Kennedy told a story of days of • The year of;1941 showed a tre- Engineering, and Clifford DeHaven, mask completely covering the face cooperation of U. S. Army au­ (Continaod oa Pose 4) “alert” duty during which his ship Engagement Told 7 • medous : increase over 1940.; at an kccountant in a national oil except for the eyes, which are pro­ thorities. ; ; New Alien Regulations Fitkin Memorial Hospital. The was part of a guard of naval veB- Those who will receive Red firm, are seeking election.' .- tected by-heavy glasses. With the Mr and Mrs. Richard W. Stout, • dajly average census was. 169 BCls caring for a convoy of mer­ Cross certificates in first aid work Attorney 'General Francis Bid­ In the . election to fill the two cold wind and spray of a whipped- 126 Lake avenue, this week an­ dle today announced new regula­ patients:”' Taking care of 168 pa- chant shipping headed for the are . Mr and Mrs.' Otto Stoll, Mr. year term vacancy, three men, all up Atlantic, the suits are appre­ nounced . the. engagement of their -i" ticnts every day in the year indi- English and Icelandic coasts. The arid Mrs. Charles M. Wilgus, Mrs. tions affecting the conduct of Ger­ from the Bradley Park , section, ciated, he said. The same type daughter, Mary Elizabeth Stout; to . ’ “cates that the: hospital - has- oper- job is a rough and tumble one, William 'Gilbert, Miss Guenivere man, Italian, and Japanese na­ have filed They are Rowland C suit, oddly enough, is shown on Everett Gordon Henderson, son of ;! ated at 89 per cent capacity. There Kehnedy.related, telling of how his MacKay, Frank L. Wilgus, Miss tionals throughout continental 'Mauch, a telephone company ac­ the cover of a national-weekly pic­ Mr and Mrs. William Henderson, United States. V werb 831 births in 1941 as com­ ship followed its job of keeping the Virginia Partelow, Miss Mary Jane | countant for the past fifteen years; torial magazine of the past week's Fifth avenue, Asbury Park, pared with 782 for tho - previous ships in line, for he Raid, any mer­ Partelow, Miss Mary Jane Kresge, The new regulations, issued Dare Swisher and Henry Faller, issue, and a story included which, Mr. Henderson is now serving under authority of the Presiden­ ;T year,: an increase of 49, and 5,610 chant ship straying from the line Miss Jean Austin, Miss- Miifiam Ncp't'unc business men. Kennedy said, tolls a story -very iri the U. S. Army, attached to the ! admissions In ;1941 compared with might be mistaken for an enemy Day, Mrs. Rollin Priest and Miss tial proclamation of January 14, much like the daily life aboard the 27th division. •; ; - 1942, relating to alien enemies,- Vir ;!6,108: in 1940;. There was a ten and draw fire until proper identifi­ destroyer. Elizabeth Liszt; all of Ocean Grove. Squad; Sponsors Cootrse cation is made. No date has been set. for’ the require all German, Italian and ■>: .e per cont increase in operations last Preceding the meeting on Mon­ While on his visit here, which ■wedding;/ - ' ■v-;';:"./': .';■//' Japanese aliens to apply at the. . ^Vcar ;. oyer. -1940; 2,824 operations A first aid course will be spon­ Eats Standing Up • ' he said was to “get a good night’s day the class presented Mr. Fran­ sored by tho Ocean Grove first-aid nearest first or second rl-r- -- .. JV - in ' ’1941; ‘ as : compared with 2,667 Kennedy told of grabbing meals sleep,” Kennedy visited his sister, Buckneli GIco Club:to Sing. cis with an automobile robe, as ■y .'for'the previous year. . ' In 1941 squad . during -the coming weeks, while,standing:up, so as to be'ready county, seat; post office for a Cer­ Mrs William Ulrich, in Neptune, The Parent Teacher’s Associa­ their, appreciation for the instruc­ •; ..there1 w ere- 600 accident cases ad- with the first 'njght registration for 'immediate' duty, The crews tificate of Identification. ’ The. re'-; and his brother, Vernon Kennedy, tion of Middletown Township high tion given during the twelve .mirted while there were only . 381 session to he held - on - Monday. worked, a four hour on and four quirement applies to; all ^7 in Brooklyn. V - ,• , • - school, Leonardo, New Jersey, will weeks of the course. ' ‘ jK •rndmitted 'ink'ioiO,' apt increase' of Persona interested7 'in fakitig the hour’ off shift, he said; w ith ! ho nationals fourteen years of age or ’ ’ The young seaman is a' gradu­ sponsor a concert to be given by ':;;_.fifty-ocveh'J)er;'cent.r.lThere.w asa course should meet Monday even­ lights allowed,' and - smoking only over who have not yet. taken the^i ate of Ocean Grove and Neptune the Buckneli University Men’s Ash' * Collections on - Thursday ,' ‘ decrease' p f'fiv e p e rc e n t in .ward ing at the Eagle fire house, Main below decks, for a light might be­ oath of allegiance before a Federal'Vj high schools and joined'the navy Glee Club, Wednesday evening, After today/all collections of : nduiiiisions In and-. a-; seven’ and Whitfield avenues. tray the position of d convoy and judge, the final step in acquiring.-^. laBt year to serve in the submarine February 4, at 8:15 o'clock, in the ashes in Ocean Grove will be made / ■per -'cont>ddcfcaso,. in Out -pationt result jn ah attack, ' ■ : American citizenship. }y>\ division. A fter some time iri that Leonardo Grade School. on Thursday of each week!. Fri-. /'/■cat'er This is due primarily:to. the Optomctrlsc-Optician Tho Amcrhan ships,'.he con­ division, he was taken ill, and upon day collection is I discontinued. 'and Greeting Cards: Finest selection'^’, fnctthafcmoro. people'art'criiployed Dr. Joseph F. Heine . ! Tasty, delicious sandwiches of all Don’t Neglect Yohr Eyes tinued, iohvoy tho merchant ships his recovery was trah'sferrcd to the every one is urged. to/.remember fot all occasionR./ Openahaw’fl'“The '! . no a result of defense .programs;..,,;8i8 Cookman Ave.. A. P, kinds and light1 lurtcli a t Nagle’s ‘ " " Tel.-154 to a certain point in the Atlantic,- dostroyer division! ' Soda Fountain, 43 Main Aye.—adv the now day, rari^jay-’'; G r^H ng Chrd,Stbre’» «0 MaHflAre.*;^ r^A dv., ...... •'C.'y FRIDAY, JANUARY 23,1942<

YOUR SCHOOL SOMETHING ALL CAN DO l inger Painting | By Dr. Carlcton M. Saunders ; | ■ Principal, Ocean Grove School §

When Should Children Learn To Read? OpensNew World of Action, Under the traditional system of education the answer to when child­ BY LICKING* Color for Physically ren should learn to read was simple. They should learn to read in the first:grade. They, knew exactly what it was they were required to read E N O U G H Handicapped Tots. before they finished the first jjra♦0——(1.4 110 oiv over Practically certain , LICKTHE designer. The technique is simple 6.0—6.4 100 or less ■ Chances poor '—children dip their Singers into coir 6.0 or less. 120 or over ‘ Practically certain ! bred paint and “daub” the colors G.O or less 110 or.less Chances few ; onto a board, ■ 6.0 or .less , 110—119 • Fair I . Remarkable pictures sometimes G.O—6.4 109 Fair □re created by the children, who 6.0 or less 0.10*..: or above too— Practically!. certain I arc unable to hold drawing pencils 6.0 or less 6.8 or 6.9 Good or brushes in their hands. Occa­ 6.0—6.4 . 6.4 or above Good sionally vivid and original designs are formed. The designs, adaptable to textile prints, may be a means of some of the “spastics” earning I a living. Brushes Fail Bands. I Miss Isobel Moore, who proposed a project in rhythmic rawing in : color for relaxation, ran into dififl- ; cuities when she found the-patients Lost—a cough due to a cold—thanks to the soothing action of Smith Bros. Cough Drops. | could not hold brushes o r■crayons Two kinds: Black or Menthol—5V*. . very well, and Miss Shaw suggested '■ finger painting, Smith Bros. Gough Drops are the -i There are no set rules iri finger only drops containing VITAMIN A - painting, and the child is left id Vitamin A (Carotene) raises the resistance of create as he will. His senses are mucous membranes o f nose and throat to stimulated by the pleasant texture I cold infections, when lack o f resist- J of iho paint, and pupils who could trade' aace is due to Vitamin A deGctency. [ MARK Shivered the not remain interested in one subject SHOWER more than e few minutes were cn- grossed lor hours in finger palnting- One child who has been unable to articulate an individual word saw the other children working and M o d e r n e pulled the hem of Miss Shaw’s skirt to attract her attention. She turned and he asked: “Let me do it.” Often, Miss Shaw says, the reali­ zation of physical shortcomings to ! * p e r s o n a . l p o s t c a r d T s « a child “builds up an emotional con­ flict that aggravates his condition. In our experimental classes here wc find that the birth-injured child tact- Distinctive - Handy - For impersonal j Juliy but unremittingly trained to a i determination to surmount his han- j'dicnps, encouraged to a sense of Correspondence accomplishment by work especially [adopted to his individual needs, I gradually acquires greater confi- i .fence and assurance. This in turn helps him to be more oblivious of . 10© f o r $1.0© "Don't you know, my flat-faced friend, thot lack of hot his condition." water for personal cleanliness is one of the chief causes of Technlqnc Developed. sickness and infections? When the Mrs. gets through dunk­ Miss Shaw developed the tech­ MRS, JOHN ALBERT HARRINGTON 20 ROBERTS PLACE TENAFLY, N. J. nique while abroad, opening her ing you dishes there's no hot water left for the Boss. How first school in 1B23 In Rome. In can he keep healthy and on the job when you steal all the 1932 she was called to Paris to give hot water?" □ public demonstration. She lec­ tured at the Sorbonnc, instructed at the Trocadero school and arranged lot six exhibitions of the work of her pupils. Later she came to America and demonstrated finger painting at the Dalton school in New York. Patients range in age from 4 to 14. (Blank For Correspondence) Older girls, she said, produced pat­ terns that have suggested a possible vocational aptitude in the field of textile design. Oris tied the Dr. Earl R. Carlson, himself a- spastlc child, and author of a recent BRUSH book, “Born That Way,” said when he was not afraid, self-conscious or overanxious about what he was do­ ing he was able to move his muscles successfully, although usually such an attempt—such as moving a fln- get—was enough to cause writhing He said tlie “begt medicine" for the spastic would be to become Place financially self-dependent and that POST CARD it was to be hoped finger painting One Cent " Whaf can I do without hot water? The Army knows » thing might open a wiy. Stamp or two. That's.why hot water—and plenty of it, is an Army Here regulation. Hot water washes away dangerous germs and English of Middle Ages makes every cleaning job easier. To help keep your family To Form New Dictionary healthy, you need plenty of hot water in your home too." ANN ARBOR, MICH.-Somcthing the Middle ages lived without—a dictionary—is being completed, for that period of history by University of Michigan scholars to supplement existing knowledge of life in Eng­ .(ADDRESS HERE) land between 1100 and 1475. The work is scheduled to be pub­ lished before 1049 in five volumes •undei ihe title of “Middle English Dictionary.” W Stops Car to Save Cat, Tree Crashes on f lood KANSAS CITY .—A black cat dart­ O r d e r F o rm ed across the driveway as Lyle Vowed the AUTOMATIC Riley started his car out of the yaj-d GAS WATER HEATER during a wind and fain storm Riley OCEAN GROVE TIMES stopped to avoid hitting/the, cqt; Just then a 100-foot elm: tree cs ashed down on the car hood, crushing i t Ocean Grove, N. J. Riley said he believed if he had Pleaso send me New Moderne Bordered Post Cards at 100 for $1.00. I enclose check or money "And crt less cost, for ■carefree service than old-fashioned not stopped the tree would have order with order. fuels. Ask Your Neighbor about me. For your health and, fallen across the cab. probably crushing him/ j~~| W hite, blue border, blue print happiness get a FREE TAP TEST and FREE ESTIMATE for p i Grey, wine border, wine print your home." Historian Urges Letters ,0 Of Trainees Be Saved JERSEY CENTRAL MONTGOMERY, ALA.-Save •let­ ters from tiie boys at camp. . That’s the advice of'Dayid L.-Qaiv POWER 6* LIGHT CO den-of the Alabama department of (Print r.amo and address exactly as they are to appear. Abbreviations will be printed as given.) archives and history, who-said they may have great historical value 100 O r d e r e d . b y ...... • years from now. ; .i?-;;/. PUY NO W, S E C.i.Y O U, R' P . U M B E R OR SE E US "Among tin most intcrestirig ’pa­ pers te bur files, and the one/ that A d d re s s ...... '...... —...... ' ‘ tel) the; true Story' of the [Civil war,: arc the' lettersTrom privates in the For Local News Read The Ocean Grove Times” tie said;/./ /.- li/?'FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1942 P A G E T H R E E Matches Gown iit*iiii'*iiittfiiiij!iiiii>iiitfliii]iiiii!)ininii!iuiiiaiiaiiiiiaitanfiiinii!ii!iniHiiiauiiiti(tifait4ii«ujiiai4^iiwiaiiuijin 4 8 P O R T S of ™ E ™ ES T H YOU 1 Alumni Game Tonight To Mark CALL AGAIN f Naismith Golden Basketball Event HANDT DIRECTORY FOR OUR READERS •iiajiiiiiHitiaiiaiitiiniiiiiiiiitaiiitiailaiiaiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiaiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiaiiaiifiiitiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiirt'd.iaoiiiai.tin,^ Neptune high school tonight will honor the man who gave American Neptune Wins BUSINESS DIRECTORY youth their first real indoor ath­ PLASH.—[William Herbert, who letic sport,—basketball. In a game Sixth Straight for years has rivaled tlie pool to be played .between the high Building up an early lead, the A. J. OBRECHT Tel. 4163-J Estimates Given abilities of the great Willie Hoppe, school team* and the alumni, the Stokes (1) was' .vanquished, from the''-line "of Scarlet Fliers of Neptune had their D. W. CIAYT0N local school will be doing its Gregory 155 NEWSPAPERS contenders in the Ocean'Grove Po­ share to honor Dr. James Nais­ sixth straight win of the 1941-42 Schwartz First Class Work Only Beck lice Department Commissioner’s mith, the founder of the game, and season Tuesday, by defeating Leon­ 53 Main A venae. Tel. 5283 Painter Decorator ■Hat Tournament, in which all ardo by a 42-38 score in the Bills Paper Hanger also will b'e aiding in the founding Borden Ocean Grove’s Original Carrier policemen are competing for a hat of the Temple of Basketball at Leonardo gymnasium. ’ Hannah 12 x/z Heck Ave., Ocean Grove offered by the commissioner (sup­ Springfield, Mass., which will, be Dick Giles and Ermon Jones posedly a hew one).- Herbert met a pernianent memorial to the paced the Fliers attack, scoring 10 his Waterloo at the hands of his Phone: Asbury Park 4279-M game’s founder. and 14 points each. Eagles 2 (2) EDMUND L. THOMPSON very brother, James, who ditched Noptune ,42) THOMPSON & G1LLAN The monies realized from the F .. Wilgus 134 Exterior and Interior him from the ranks by the tune of alumni game tonight will go to­ G Heckman Painting and Decorating a 31-50 beating in a game played Fuller, f 2 Newman Painting ward the building of this $300,000 Estimates Furnished Paperhangine early this week /.Bill had already E Stratton, 0 C. Wilgus building, which will include a model Horner, f 2 Thompson jr D8 Ctfokinun Avd., Ocean Grave EASY PAYMENTS suffered defeat at the hands of court and a basketball hall of fame. Phone Asbury Park 1U3S-K - ~~ ARRANGED D. Stratton 1 Unx 73 Di-ean fJrove, N. J. Chief Willis Atkinson, but hud a Between the halves of the game, Rohland, c 0 win to his credit, so was still in two teams composed of high school 7 G the running,' BUT NOT NOW V... students will play an “old time” - -1 es’ s Ailcnhurst (2) Martusceili, g 0 Patton in a later .match, Edgar Bennett game, attempting to show how the Hannah, g 0 A. L. BROWN NEPTUNE LAUNDRY (who “doesn't know a thing about Updike game was played when it actually, DeRose, g 0 Hill Tinsmith CASH AND CARRY pool’’) stopped the chances of was just an experiment. Six play­ ’■ Totals 18 Morris Slate and ShingleInglt ALL SERVICES Manager ; Joseph ‘.fhoma in the Kelly Roofing of AU K Kindi in 20% Discount ers wore then used, and if the ball Totals ■' 18 Lucille Casey, popular mcmncr of manager’s first game in the series Seally Stoves and Furnaeei should go offside, the ball went to New York’s "cafe society,” selects Nept. nighway & Corlies Ave. Leonardo (38) Telephone 3142 ', ,, but before it Was over all - the the side first touching it. There one of the new metal cigarette Neptune, N. J. men will have played each other O’Neill,f 5 boxes to match, her costume. 100 Abbott Aven Oceun Grore were no toss-ups at the center, but Murphy, f . 0 once and a winner and-owner of a Boxes are made In variety of col­ the referee threw the ball in from Hamilton, c 4 Washington (I) ors and are called "doublets” be- new. hat decided,. .Another match the sideline, and baskets were Pelose, g 1 Francis . 179 cause they comejnjwin packages. pitted Tom Devlin against Bill made, in peach baskets instead of Bonnette, g 2 Brown 192 DRESSMAKING-DESIGNING HOTELS Denham^ with Tom coming out on Simpson, g 4 . Shaw 167 ALTERATIONS ROOMING HOUSES hoops as we have. Ward ■ 158 Boantlfnl Inncrsprlng M attresses top, but the final results will be “From Evening Gown to Skirt” The demonstration tonight will Totals 1C INH10ESTI0N ffaiiranteed all new m aterial, value Blair 204 No Job Too Dig or Too Small seen here as soon as they arc may excite the Heart Reasonable—Buttonholes Ainde 820 for 89.05 Cash. attempt to bring into the public’s Score by Periods Gas Inpped In tho stomach or cullct may act like a M attresses Renovated /...... 92.95 final. . . halr-trlgsor on the heart action. At the fl rat a I an of MRS. M. 8EIDEMAN Simmons Beantyrost Bedding realization the actual worth of the Neptune “ 12 14 12 4—42 distress smart men and wotnen depend on Hcll-ani PLASH' AGAIN—The. Casino Tablets to sot gas free. No laxaUvo but mado of the 820 Cookman Ave., Asburv Park 51 OLIN STBEET game as an indoor sport for the Leonardo 5 9 16 8—38 Second Floor—Phone A. i*. 11*1 West Long Branch No. 1 (3) faitest-ictlng racdtetnei bnovcn for symptomatic relief OCEAN GROVE . Tel. 8718 management is considering asking youth of today, for, while it is hard of gastric hyperacidity, ir tho FIRST TRIAL doesn’t ii m * bet.t,crLrcturn bolUo lo us and receive - the U. S. O. to supply girls for R. Huhn 175 203 DOUBLE Money Back. 25c, at all drug stores. to. appreciate the;: fact, aefore bas­ R. Jacobus 126 122 skating* n the evenings the soldiers ketball there was no indoor sport J. Wilson. 170 175 HISTORY OF OCEAN GROVE from nearby forts fittendi . .the for the cold [weather. Then the days •EFENSE E. Rowland . 132 109 Illustrated David H. O’Reilly girls, it was explained, will skate between the .football season and W. Conrow 254 191 EIiECTItlCAL CONTRACTOR with those fellows whose regular 112 Pages—SI.00 the spring baseball season held By Mull 81.10 Orders Attended to Promptly girls have been swiped by the 880 857 860 absolutely no sporting entertain­ Eagles No. 1 CO) Estim ates Furnished soldiers.. .nnd then comes the fel­ Ocean Grove Times ment for the public,. Eldridgo 147 173 Cl Main Avenue 12!) Abbott Avenue, Ocean Orove low who says that if you don’t be­ Sampson A summary, by Grantlund Rice BUY _ 128 128' O c e a n C r a v e , .1. P h o n e 4716 lieve the army travels on its stom­ explains the’ situation. ! Lyon 137 ach, you should see the soldiers UNITED Holbrook 181 130 “What the late Dr. Naismith Knight 170 137 skating down there... originated in Springfield, Mass., in STATES Chnfey 159 STILL MORE FLASHES— the winter of 1891 has come to be That final game victory by tlie SAVINGS jEvery Patriotic American the nation’s leading sport, in BONDS Stokes team over the league-lead­ point of view of competitors and ing Eagles 2 lias caused consider­ spectators with a brilliant history AND STAMPS Salutes His Nation’s Flag able talk around town, especially by of constructive physical develop­ those Stokes members who are ment wherever it lips been played rubbing it in on the Eagle men...... No better time could exist than and I1’ “om will remember, the right now to pay homage to one Stokes hit the Eagles for the last man who brought so much joy into :on saleatvour re sr office oKIw k gnmq tho first time they bowled the tho hearts of Americans without lnddermen at tho start of the worldly benefit to himself, while league.. .so it. goes to show, it's elsewhere about us, other men arc tho spirit, • not the standing that exploiting humanity for their own NERVOUS TENSION . Shows In hoth face and maimer makes for victories.... but the selfish gain. Dr. James Naismith ‘3 f t ’38-52S Engles are still first by virtue of Suffe? Distress . You are not fit company for has taken his place among the irii- yourself or anyone else when you their two game win over the iiose- mortais of Sports....” At This Time— are Tense, Nervous, “Keycd-up”. men, even with thnt last game The varsity contest will start nt If this period in a woman’s life Don’t miss out on your share of dropped.. .and tho Eagles 1 team makes you cranky, nervous, blue ; good times. The next time over­ 8:30 and a preliminary game be­ at times, suffer weakness, dizziness, taxed nerves make , you Wakeful, seems- a bit in the doldrums for the tween the junior varsity and the hot flushes, distress, of "irregulari­ Restless, Irritable, try the soothing, past few weeks, while the Wasl ties” — .'••.'[ effect of Green Raiders club will start at Try Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable D U . MILES NERVINE ington mot a defeat at the hands 7:30. Comppund — made especially for Dr. Miles Nervine is a of Roy Hill’s Ailcnhurst gang on women—famous for helping relieve scientific formula com ­ Friday evening. .Tonight the Wash­ distress due to this functional dis­ pounded under the super­ During the ceremony of hoisting with the right hand and hold it at turbance. vision of skilled chemists or lowering the Flag, or when the the left-shoulder, the hand being ington team bowls Deal 3, at Brad­ Labor is discovered to be the Taken regularly — Lydia Pink­ in one of America’s most ley Beach; Engles 1 take on Avon ham’s Compound helps build up re­ modern labora­ Flag is passing in a parade or in a over the heart. grand conqueror, enriching and sistance against such?annoying tories. review, all persons present should 1, at Recreation alloys; Stokes " Women should salute by placing building up nations more surely symptoms which may betray your /Why don’t you try it7 lace the Flag, stand at attention hits ' the Wall 2 gang, and the age faster than anything. Also very Read full directions the right hand over the heart. than the proudest battles.—William Eagles 2 travel to Highlands to effective for ybunger women to re­ in packacc. and salute. lieve monthly cramps. At your .Drufr Stor* The salute to the Flag in a bowl the Highlands 3 squad. .. Ellery Channing. Those present in uniform should Thousands of women report re­ moving column is rendered as the good luek and make those spares. . markable benefits! Get a bottle of render the right hand salute. Lydia Pinkham’s Compound, today Those men not in uniform Flag approaches the spectator and REMEMBER PEAltL HARBOR To relieve from your druggist. Follow label should remove their headdress is held until it has passed. Misery of COLDS directions. WORTH TRYING! ■ The man who does not work for L i q u i d the love of work but only for money T a b l e t s ViiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiijaiiiiiaiiaiiiijaiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiitiiiiaiiiniiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiNiiiiiiii.iiiii:!' ;iiaiiii)itiaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiaiiaiiaiiiiriiiaiiiiiitii!iaiiinaHiii «iiii.i-iii:i»i*iiaiiB«i»..aiinian«iiiiii«iuiiiii... :«"i»ii’iiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiaiiii!iiiiiiiiiaiirrtn»i5 .. S a lv e is not likely to make money nor to © 6 6 Noso Drops find much fun in life,—(Charles M. Cough Drops REG’LAR FELLERS Puddlnhead Went Right! BYRNES. Try “Rub-My-TIsm”— Schwab. \ Wonderful Liniment w h a t t a FATKtAt) Youacl A T T W S H U M f CWb YOU* LEFT /UPTIME utrr. ri

TOPPS v TOIN U f t !

wM GL0MG HOME ** EXPERIMENTS ARE 1 1 1 £ ■ BEING CONPiJCTEP MM' wmi puospmescenr f M / WALLPAPER AMP CARPETS THAT m m / A BECOME PATHS OF S m # LIGHT AT NIGHT, . s K g > f o r use PURING W M ty po$$i0ie. W M ' r A f . BLACKOUT*, » » .

\m *rirtn New* Fenlurei^ Tm-


6t Arrowy-/

Am erica rACftfi'.es WHILE MCCAKE "To o k A "TIP vJCRv" WILL PBOPUCE Bl_iMfc>LY A/Ots S o , 4 9of 0 MIUION swes fttlSS-mis I I VJWEM 7HE BOOM CAME YEAR -AM ... / A l o m g H e *j a s "RotttAjis AU.1IMB HIBH / IW boOGH t * / : ,/ A REAL GSTATC ex- VMHlLe A bREAMER, e>UT Po t t s \ie.R Y P6R.T /MAMED AMfc> poerr. M A !i€b CAREFULLY PUT ALL MIS BYR o a j r l^ C A V c e C A S H - . VALEMTl.ME POTTS You paic. a. I'a w 'T T boloasLY- VJAvS A STUDENT OR JOItSM’T RMOLO A *£-LA REAL, eSTA-re. ' F o r Trte : ■. w rf-. ■ AFTER t FAV* I’LL a g i.t n ("Ol'LYoO ' C04l/1l33»oqs J ACREAGe, QOtLDlAJGS TOulAJ lo t FROM a tbSAL. THAT WEMT FOR % ISOO-THERe'S AMtt LAWYER'S EVsffty lASLSC BOMBING PUNB WSQUlReS UP TO 10 TRUCKS C*?g g *c o P» A L A R e 5 QUICKLY TO SMASH, A C L E A R W » B T r g l fee?. t’ti be. A N t> L O T S , 4/a#rkm»N*w« Ft»turta,lw4 op^gao j~ — ^our ffo/uey I OR SUPay/NP AWNTENANCe CURING ACIWo SERVIC0 li£L- ______— P A G E F O C f i •HIIDAt? JANUARY23^942

THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES LETTERS TO T H E E D IT O R Millinery Clearance f! PRICES SLASHED - ' :; } * Letter to' Editor . u Due to Popular Response we are extending our Sale for tho • j St. Petersburg, Fla., Jan. 14* Second and Finn! Week. ,‘j: > Editor, Times: All Our Regular $1.19 Hats . Reduced to .59 SUBSCIll.FTIONS : : $1.50 yearly ; $1.00 seinKinhually; GOc. quarterly- or 4c. and jio.stiiKo per ropy,‘ postage paid In tlio United States; Canada $2.00 and It was not so cold in Ocean $2.95, $2.49 and $1.95 H ats ...Reduced to $1.49 ; . ForelKii, $2.50 a year. Grove .when we left with snow on All Colors and Head Sizes Come Early To Get Yonr Best Pick ADI>UKSSKS chaiiK-. d on 'request—always give Cornier adtlremi. ADVHKTI8KMI2NT.S: Kates, will bo furnished by us on reuucst. the ground,, as on our arrival here, THE WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUlt PAPER FOR THE EXPIRATION OF but it is much warmer today. Let’s AMERICAN i YOUR SUBSCRIPTION hope the cold is over Usually, WAV OF. ■ LIFE ■ r 436 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park when wc got through Washington Open Wed. ’till 9:00, Sat. ’till 10:00 P. M, Tel. 4831-J NATIONAL €DITORIA l_ Eutored as' second-class mall it was spring and through Vir­ at the ginia- we found summer, but this n/il-W ^ASSQCIATIQN (Kvan t J rove postolllee year it was overcoats and lap robes J V lu n Z tA - . ail. the way down and we were half frozen at that until we ar­ rived at this warm house on Sixth avenue north. THE PIONEER OFFICE W ar Time Philosophy We stopped to see friends at Th*. authorities and experts tell the people to be calm different points along the way, RENTING and courageous during the war emergency. This is ex­ coming this far via Tobacco Road As long as there are attractive bargains in cot­ cellent advice, only sometimes when you give people such Route 301 out of Richmond. It tages and bungalows in our popular seashore city, wise counsel, they get more excited than ever. It is diffi­ shortened the way considerably and people will be interested. Our escort committee will came straight through on a wide cult to maintain a calm and cheerful disposition just by be pleased to show you any of these bargains at any level boulevard. We stopped over­ tim e . . rc-solviug to do so. night at Penney Farms to - see . a ", ------—0 O 0 —■ — ■ People .do well to associate, themselves with what­ retired pastor and his wife. What ever war and defense activities are. proceeding in their a wonderful foundation Mr. Penny, of the great chain stores, who was home towns. If the women are cooperating with such SELUNG the son of a minister, created as At this time of the year, many: are looking for all ellorts as are maintained by the Red Cross, and the men a memorial to his parents. He has year homes. We have some desirable place sto rent, are helping so far as their services arc needed in the home made the aged clergy of all de­ and invite you to call for early choice. town, they will stand less chance of getting depressed. nominations comfortable and happy aO o ------’ It"is hard for people, to keep calm and courageous there. . They have their own com­ munity center, golf course, movies IN S U R A N C E if their minds are ali the time centered on war. The and local church.. organizations, Our twenty-one insurance companies will give you sports and pastimes of the coming summer will be helpful, each preacher taking a turn at the the best policy in covering twenty-six safety first i Maybe there Will be more people making: extended stays pulpit or prayer meeting. Down lines of insurance protection. There are more Ocean Grove here next summer, as it-used to be in the horse and buggy Memory — oOt>— ------days, instead of making a hop, and .skip and jump from people here than we have yet seen. C. W. Putt, of .the Ivy House, looks here to elsewhere. ’ as jolly as ever. Rev. and Mrs. Anything that gives one a feeling of triumph over J. N. Kugler, of the Trenton House, N. WOOLSTON difficulties, of- achieving something new, helps the mind arc everyhere. Mr. and. Mrs. Alex­ 4 8 MAIN AVENUE keep norma! and happy, It has a tendency to face down ander Leo have a nice home on •troubles, and make burdens seem lighter. There is work one of the .small lakes. Mr. and, Ocean Grove, N. J. Mrs Samuel Isenburg, Mrs. Naee to be done here to make this a bigger and brighter season and her sister, Mrs. Sharp, are away from, all the .turmoil outside, and we have the tools, here. We learn that Mr*, and Mrs. to do it with. Frank C. Cooper, of the Arlington, £


in Sydney, Ohio, for an indefinite Income Tax Material visit. IN AND OUT OF Mrs. Mary Phillips was hostess No. 3 tp the Neptune Woman’s Republi­ 31 thought for tho W eek End can club Tuesday afternoon, at her OCEAN GROVE The Revenue Act ot 1941 pro­ home, 1402 Tenth avenue. Mrs. I By Verne Leslie Smith, S vides a simplified method of com­ Pauline Reynolds was co-hostess. e Pastor of St. Paul’s Church - I puting income tax. in the case of Election of officers was held. Mrs. v ' John A. Lantry, 107 Pilgrim individuals whose gross income is Robert Snssman was a new mem-- THE PROPHET • Pathway, is celebrating his 87th ber, February meeting at the derived wholly from salary, wages birthday at his home today. home of Mrs. Lester Franklin, 5 He said, “I see.” And they said: “He’s crazy; crucify him.” or other compensation for personal Fisher avenue. ; He still: said: “I see.” And they said: “He’s an. extremist.” And Miss Dora Lister, formerly of services, dividends, interest, rent, James Burke, 108 South Atkins they tolerated him. And he continued to say: “I see.”.. And they 89 Pennsylvania avenue, has moved annuities, or royalties, and doe?, avenue, is recovering from recent said, “He’s eccentric.” And they rather liked him, but smiled at him. to 104 Cookman nvcnue. illness. ; And he stubbornly said again, “I seei” And they said: “There’s some­ not exceed $3,000. A new Form Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton thing in what: he says.’’ And they gave him half an ear. But he Miss Florence Atkinson and 1040A has been provided for tax­ have returned from their honey­ said as if he had never said it before, “I see.” And at last they were ; ' Charles H. Armstrong were re­ payers who are entitled to and elect moon and are occupying their new awake, and they gathered about him and built a temple in his name. cent guests of John A. Lantry at to use such method; A table on the apartment on Eighth avenue. And yet he only said,“ I see.” And.they wanted to do something for Eight members of the W. S. C. him. “What can we do to express to you our regret?” He only his home, 107 Pilgrim ..Pathay. reverse' side of this Form shows S., of the West ■ Grove Methodist Murray, Ky.—Pictured above'is the iC. P. T. flying class of Murray smiled. He touched them with' the ends of His fingers and kissed St Paul’s Auxiliary of tho the amount of tax on. increasing church attended a meeting in Col- them'. W hat could they do for him? “ Nothing more than you have Methodist Home for the Aged, will amounts of gross.income after the lingswood last Tuesday.. done,” he; answered.' And what Was that? they wanted to know. proper allowance of $400 for. each Mrs. Thomas J. White, 301 Nep­ "You see,” he said, “that’s reward enough; you see, you see.” meet on Monday afternoon at three tune highway; was. hostess Thurs­ Frankfort; Forrest-M. McClain, instructor/Ashland, O.; Wallace Ste- •at the Home, 63 Clark avenue. dependent, if any. day evening to the Unity Social gal, Tiline; Granger Latta, Dyersburg, Tenn,; Ken Keane, Asbury Park, Horace Traubel. Men interested in the formation The tax under the simplified club. N. J.; Everard Hicks, Hazel; John Bennett, Carai, III; and John Her, "For humanity sweeps onward; where today the martyr stands Paducah. of a Men’s :Class nt St Paul’s method is the same or each $25.00 Announcement is made of the On the morrow crouches Judas with the'silver in his hands; block of gross income and the tax­ engagement of Miss Arline Wool­ Far in front the cross’stands ready and the crackling fagots church are being invited to meet ley, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Clar­ Uiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiininiiiiitiiiiiiiiniii; burn j on Sunday morning at 9:30 with payer need only ascertain in which ence F. Woolley, West Belmar, to block his gross income (less allow­ William Hill. Charles W. Recksteiner, son of While the hooting crowd of yesterday in silent awe return ance for dependents) falls to de­ Mrs.- Viola Recksteiner, Seventh WOOLMAN’S Strassburger’s To glean up the scattered ashes into History's golden urn.” Mrt. Helen Evans, Wenonah, N. termine his tax. A flat reduction avenue. No date has been set for ’ James Russell Lowell. , J, a summer resident; of Ocean the wedding. , of lo per cent has been made in Market “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and Grove, has left lo spend the re­ Miss Virginia Gravatt, a student arriving at the amount of tax at Glassboro Teachers’ College, (Quality Market! Pilgrim Pathway and Olin Street stonest them whicli are sent unto thee, how often would I Have gath­ mainder of the winter season in ered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth heir chickens under shown in the. table for deductions spent the weekend with her par­ Telephone Asbury Park 1749 St. Petersburg, Fla. such as charitable contributions ents, Mr.- and Mrs. Kenneth Gra- 125 Heck Avenue' her wings, and ye Would not.”_ Jesus. Mrs. Reba Weilert, 92 Broad- and taxes paid; so that the taxpay­ yatt, 1130.ICorlies avenue. . The Oldest Independent General Mrs. Elwood Watson is ill a t her '-Ocean Grove Market in Ocean Grove • "way, is spending some time in. er who uses this method does not home ,1229 Eleventh avenue. Catonsville, Md., but expects to list -these but gets an automatic' ! Mrs; James Tannehill, 1117 Ninth Telephone 963 £• iin ui m 111ill 11 it ii 1111 ram ai a ram mrai tan« inunnntfJo : return to her; Ocean Grove home deduction of 10 per cent. avenue, is spending some time in . in a short - while. Under the simplified method the Flordia. Full line of Fancy Groceries Rev. Everett N. Hunt visited his RUG CLEANING Cadet Kenneth MncWhinney, a status of a person on the last day parents in Upper Darby, Pa. last IFresh Killed Fowls ....35c = and Poultry (Howard L. Smith I Naval Air student at St. Peters­ of the taxable year is the govern­ week. His father, Rev. J. Mercer Rugs and Carpets Elec­ burg, Fla.,, is a visitor at the home ing factor in determining the ex­ Hunt, is recovering from lobar Rib Ends of Pork...... , 25c | I PLUMBING | trically Shampooed of his mother, Mrs. Marjorie Mac- emption level ($750 for single per­ pneumonia. , Work done on your own Julius Felck, 211 South Atkins IFelin’s 2-lb Tin of f floor in your home, or if you Whinney, 98% Broadway. sons spid married persons not liv­ avenue, visited relatives in Flush­ Scrappde ...... 35t | PRIME MEATS fTinning and Heating! ing with husband or wife, and $1,- prefer, it may be taken out Charles 1). Brady, Ocean Grove, ing, L, I. Sunday. • to my shop. - was the standard bearer at the 500 for married persons living to­ Mi=s Winifred Ann Rogers, Chuck Roast ...... 27c § gether) as well as the credit for de­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert j HARDWARE | TWENTY-FOUR HOUR Salaam Temple, A. A. O, N. M. S. A. Rogers, 1141 Corlies avenue, be­ I Plate Corned Beef 15c 1 Fresh Vegetables SERVICE meeting on Wednesday evening at pendents.' -. came the bride of Thomas R. Crip- A. husband and wife living to­ on Rugs removed from the the) Essex House, Newark, for the hen, : Baltimore, son of Mrs. T. Fresh Home-Made; | Paints and Oils house • annual election. gether on the last day of the tax-,1 Raymond Crippcn, of Chewkee, Sausage ;: • ■; Fine Selection la., Sunday at 2 o’clock, in the rec­ Plain Weave Rugs Completely Mrs. William 0. Denham and able year'm ay file separate returns on Form 1040A if the gross, income tory of the Church of the Holy | Strictly Fresh Country . f BIRD’S EYE ! 51 Main Avenue! MOTH-PROOFED son, * who have been traveling Spirit, Asbury Park. Followine- cf each is from the. prescribed through Kentucky and Florida, the ceremony a reception was held I . EggS- ' / ''-I FROSTED FOODS sources and does not exceed $3,000, at the Marine Grill. The couple I OCEAN GROVE, N. J. Brierley’s Rug Cleaning have returned, to their home, at or they may . file a single joint re­ left for a wedding 'trip to Wash­ Service ■ 130 Broaday. ■ . turn on that- Form if their com­ ington and Virginia. Phone 4741 69 Main Ave., Ocean Grove A short business meeting was Phone A. P. 4741 and 4427 “The Man who Brought Others bined income is from the prescrib­ . It.: HAZATSKY to Christ,” will be the theme; of held Tuesday evening of Liberty amniuusnui ed sources and does not exceed $3,- Council No. 52," D. of A., after We Guarantee the morning sermon by Dr. Verne 000. which motion pictures were shown. I Featuring— j Leslie Smith, at St. Paul’s church The use of the simplified meth­ Mr, and Mrs. Harry Evans, 1216 You Will Not Have Foot on Sunday, in the evening. Dr. Seventh avenue, entertained rela­ , Trouble If You Bring I an OIL WAVE I ST. ELMO HOTEL od is optional with the taxpayer tives from Brooklyn and. Keyport, .Your BhoeB To V Smith will speak on “Some Life but once an election has been made Open All Year Tuesday. THE JUST WRIGHT .patterns. for. any. year, it is. irrevocable for Mr. and- Mrs. Oliver Van Note, Corner Main and New York Avenues 1539 Eighth avenue, announce the ORTHOPAEDIC Raymond’s Beauty Salon [ " All young ladies of St. Paul’s that year. If a taxpayer files a re­ IIAIR STYLIST | ^Individual meals served by day or week church betwen the ages1 of 12 and engagement of their daughter. turn 'under the simplified method Miss Elizabeth Van Note to Ray­ SHOE REPAIR SHOP B.-R. SHUBERT 13 are urged to met with Mrs. for, the taxable year he may not mond T, Kuechle, . Newark. - No 727 Bangs Avenue | American and European Tel Asbury Park 67* Clifford Kuncklc and'Mrs. William thereafter file a return under the date has been set for the wedding. 203 BOND STREET -Asbury Park ' | Hill nt the church on Tuesday general provisions of the law for ASBURY PARK, N. J. afternoon at thrcc-fiftecn in the that year. Conversely, if he files a The war in the Libyan desert in Tel. for Appointment 8220 J North Africa is proving, that cam­ church. return under the general provisions I'- § els are as useless in the modem Mrs. R. Falls, formerly Miss for any taxable year, he may not military set-up as horses, battering Shirley Coder, of 117 Clark avenue, thereafter file a return under the ieiiiiiiiiuiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuninii.m uiiiiiniiiuiuiuiuiiig Talk It Over First rams, and the Maginot Line. Ocean Grove, is., now employed in simplified method for that year. f r i BRAKE SERVICE the Chinese Embassy, Washing­ However, a new.election is allow­ I BATTERY SERVICE ton. D. C.,underDr.- Soong and Mr. ed . for each succeeding taxable | CARS INSPECTED Bodine Tuneral Som e Liu, the Chinese Ambassador. ' year. - HOME-MADE I: STORAGE TIRES - Miss Agnes Day,: proprietor of Established 1800 the Dayfs: Ice ICream' GaTden, 48 NEPTUNE NEWS NOTES 100? Bangs Are., Asbury Park f NEPTUNE Investment Information and Pitman avenue, has returned from • Joseph B. Ely, Mgr. /, Tel. 4525 BREAD E Oar sort Ices available to all ire ■> ! AUTO REPAIRS Advice is But One of West Hartford,. Conn., where she 'Mrs.. A rthur Pharo’s circle of gardtesB of financial cireumBtances. DAILY- 3 P. M. was visiting, and is now with Mrs. the W; S. C.-.S, of the .West.Grove Our Many Services Methodist church was entertained I Auto Repairing Edwin L. Bernhardt, at; the White | RAY ELLIS MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCB CORPORATION at the home of Mps. Annabelie '•kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiirtiiiniiiiiiiiifiiiiiKiniiniiitiifiiiiiiiinis Reitz Model Bakery Hall, 28 Pitman avenue. Smith, Asbury Gardens. Plans 47 Pilgrim Pathway 1 Stockton and So. Main St. Collectors are still canvassing were made for a cake sale. OCEAN GROVE ; Ocean Grove. Tci. 7727 The First National Bank of Bradley Beach Ocean Grove on the Red Cross Miss Dorothea -Van Dusen, Palis­ ades Park, spent the weekend with, Hi Hillin' Bradley Beach, N. J. , , War Fund appeal, and have re- her parents at 1111 Corlies avenue. ceived $491.30 to date. Checks Mr. and Mrs Franklin R. Dodd, ^aiiiiiaiiaiiaiiatiiiitiiaiistia[i|iiaiiiiiBitaiiiiiiiii<(»iitii>^ may be sent to Mrs. R. C. Mere­ 116 South Atkins avenue, were re­ WILBUR R. GUYER j dith, 146 Main avenue; cent visitors in New York city. Mrs. Bertha Gravatt was hostess Successor to . ' The Ocean Grove Woman's club to the Friendship club a t her honie Slate, Tile, Asbestoa. Slau | will, be the scene of an afternoon 1200 Tenth avenue. «nd Built-up Roofing § | WILLIAM YOUNG J social tea on Wednesday. Mrs; Alfred Hurley and Ralph Jack­ Sheet Metal Work | RADIO CAB CONVENIENCE son’ were honored at a farewell Asbury Park j PLUMBING AND j Paul Strassburger and; Mrs., Ed- party last Monday evening at the. s Warm Air Heating , -l| CHECKING ACCOUNT in Bernhardt will be the hostesses. home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred D, Ventilating § HEATING I Sewing will be done for the-sum- Hurley, Asbury Gables. Both have Estimates Freely Given . | V®. mer bazaar.' • . enlisted in the navy. Estimates Given • No Minimum Balance Required. ; 1. Miss Anna Homer, has returned The Ocean Grove P. T. A. will to her home, 200, South Atkins aver J.N. BEARMORE ! I 64 - Main Avenue, Ocean Grove £ No Monthly Service Charge. hold a covered dish luncheon at nue from Fitkin hospital. Day ana Night Service | • ; Telephone 428 £ the Boscobel hotel, 62 . Main ave­ Mrs. Hazel 'Gaskill and Edward & CO. j I Also Stand At Police Booth, | No Charge for Deposits. nue, on; Tuesday, January 29., The Wood field, 1111 ICorlies avenue, North End y were married last Sunday evening 91!) Third aveiiae, Asbur* | . committee in charge is Mrs: Charles at six o’clock, in the parsonage of Park 1 You Pay Only for the Checks You Write. Severs, Mrs, Archie Griffith, Mrs. the First Methodist church, Asbury Joseph Sandford, Mrs. Homer Park. Rev. Charles Hubbard per­ | Tel. 1858 | A Book of Ten Checks for One Dollar. Kresge, Mrs. Philip Young, Mrs. formed the ceremony. Mrs. Wood- Held is a member of the Bradley ^i:iiiaiiiiiin«iiiiiainiiiiiaiiiiniiiiiaiiiiiaiiiiimi»aiti'iaiii- Each deposit account at this bank is insured up j Irving Osborn, Mrs. Allan Gram- Park school faculty and Mr. Wood- A Few Copies ! . mer and'Mrs. Edith Davis. - field is associated with the Farry to $5,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- 5 The work room of the Red Cross Memorial home. They will reside tion. at 1302 Laurel avenue, Wanamassa. Remaining!! at St. Paul’s church, is open every Mr. and Mrs..: Edgar L. Murphy WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE .Wednesday from nine until noon. were the attendants. The work may bo done in the Mr. and Mrs. Ivins Grant, . 209 church or taken home. The rooms South Atkins avenue, have arrived Ashury Park and Ocean Grove Bank at present is looking for a sewing HISTORY machine to borrow. Any one hav­ Mat. Corlies Avenue Main Avenue Main Street ing a machine may call Mrs. Jos­ 2:30 ■ Tol. NEPTUNE. OCEAN GRO^E ASBURY PARK Ev-j 7008 eph Sandford A. P.'4336-J, or Mrs. F ALACE OF Member Federal Deposit InsutftncejK in ce Corporation ' Joseph Rainear, A. P. 4107-M. BRADLEY BEACH F l i t and SAT., Jan. 23*31 | v ^Kathleen” | BAD WEATHER THE CALL TO THE COLORS Shirley Temple Herbert Mashall f ISACALLFOR DOLLARS! Sun. and Hon. Jnnunry 25*20 | OUTSIDE SEVENTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION Funeral Home of Matthews, Francioni and Taylor “Feminine Touch” ; Means with ' j Looking Forward to the Diamond Jubilee In 1944 Don Ameche Rosalind Russell I TDEB. and WED. GOOD WEATHER (Doublo Feature) 112 PAGES “Model Wife” Dick Powell Joan Blondell INSIDE Also Many Full-Page Illustrations To Do T hat - Dig deep. Strike hard. Our ‘Double Date” Paper Hanging boys need the planes, ships, and : Edmund Lowo guns which your money will help THURSDAY : and Paintihg $1.00 a Copy $1.10 by Mail to b u y .. , “ForcedLanding” ' CALL ■ Go to your bank, post office, or Richard Arlcn Ocean Grove Times Office : savingsand loan association, - — - RRX. UOll-SAT.------THOMPSON &GILLAN Ten them you want to buy De­ Tarzan’ Secret Treasure Box 73 T d . 4279-M fense'Bends regularly, starting Johnny ’ Weismuller 64 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove ■ , > Maureen O'Sullivan OCEAN GROVE; N. J. On1 Sale Here Or At Local Newsstands . Exclusive But Inexpensive Sun«iai«iituni*iiiuiiiPinii3»i»»niiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiii>i'jiiiimiuuiuiuiuiniiiiuiniinmiiiinniuinnniflBiiBdipnBh 704 Seventh Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. ;■> Telephone 21^- PAGE SIX FRIDAY, JANUARY 23,1942 WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS By Edward C. Wayne "War Orphan No. 1’ SS G U I President Names Production Czar •-'•‘’•ii»iiniiiifiiijiiiti[|iiiiiKiiii;iiiiniiifiiifiiuiit(iiiiiiuii(ii!iiiii[|iittiiititiiiii!iiii«iiiimiiiiiuiu' MILK A.ND CREAM And Reorganizes Defense Set-Ups HE TIMES advertisers need our .trade arid ' t ’ * friendship.. Wher you need anything first. | UK. DAIRY CO. To Speed Up All-Out War Effort; Catloy & Williams, ProprJotors 1 . try to buy it at home. We are anxious. to j MILK, CREAM, BUTTER. ILK FROM MONMOUTH FARMS Report Submarines Off East Coast | see our home community the center of com- j 142 Lawrence Avenue, Ocean (.rove Phone 1970 ] mercial and social activity. Communities grow and [ (EDITOR’S NOTE—When opinions nre expressed in these columns, they are those of the news.analyst and not necessarily of this newspaper,) § prosper through combined efforts. Cooperation and j ilielcasod by Western Newspaper Union.' . I team work make for results. Trade at home. | WARb. LL’S 0AIKY '■iaiiitiii.iiiKiitiijiiiitiiiii*aii«i<4Miiiiii>i'ae_con-, mining, the country through which the announced purpose of further / JEWELER The' city of Asbury Park will home as the result of the fire. The The committee emphasized that the Japs were" approaching closer . fulfilling the general’ blockade sponsor a gigantic airport project tracts before they .could g:i. into, ef­ ; Watch Repairing children and their parents were the truck will still answer fire fect, and.could, in effect, make them to Singapore,. and this was evident against, the. Axis by a continental for the army air corps under an taken in by neighbors and several alarms .where needed and serve in larger or smaller, quicker or slower; in the slowing down of the Japanese breaking of relations with all Axis Best Prices For Old Gold initial allotment of $527,197 from organizations provided assistance advance. . ■ nations^ it was felt quite hopeful that its former capacity as a coffee the Civil Aeronautics administra­ for the family. truck. LUZON : ' / Describing the evacuation of Ku­ Argentina- and Chile would com e in Appraised Free ala Lumpur, Durdin wrote that the and enter. the joint action whole­ 5 7 -Main Avenue tion it was revealed. Mrs. Rohn had left her-home to Wail Creates Police Force Defense Eritish had opened the larger stores heartedly.- Ocean Grove The announcement that Asbury deliver a message to a neighbor, In the face of spoken and writ-, Parii would take the lead. in the When the history of World War If and had removed what stocks’ -it OUSTER: Post Office Building Mrs. Yaeger, and had; left a small ten opposition from more than 206 is written it will have become evi­ wanted, and then had left the stores project was made by Conncilmhn fire burning in; the kitchen. . She residents of. Wall township, the dent that the defense of Luzon by the open to allow the population to take Against Dye Men George A. Smock 2d, and corrob- -was about to return Home when a township committee Wednesday American-Fiiipino forces under Gen. what it wished. . i Five of the principal operating passerby informed her that her night passed on second and final Douglas MacArthur should be placed The inhabitants seethed up and executives of the General Aniline alongside of other famous "last down the streets which were littered home was afire. Mrs. Rohn at­ reading an ordinance creating a and Film corporation were summa­ tempted to gain entrance to the stands," with refuse, carrying what they had rily ousted from their position by full-trne police dcpartriient in the Conceded only the slimmest pos­ been able'to get aboard rickshas, order of. the treasury department, house through the kitchen door, township with Chief Vernon Shibla sible hope of hanging, on until help on bicycles and on shoulders and which had been trying for several but was unable to do so as . the as it: head at, an annual salary’ might arrive, the MacArthur forces, heads. months to establish that the com­ kitchen was a mass of flames. of $1,800. From every corner of the city entrenched in the Mariveles moun­ pany actually was owned by the A call for Freehold and Clarks­ Tempera flared during a portion tains back of Manila bay, bad re­ sounded the booming explosions as Nazi firm of I. G. Farbenindustrie. burg-firemen was made from the of tbe debate on the measure, which ported not only stemming an "all- the Punjab sappers and dynamiters The men suspended, all natural­ Smithburg store, located three out" Japanese drive, but that they destroyed bridges, roads and other ized citizens -of German birth, were provides for patrolmen at $l,400 a had driven the attackers back. communication links as soon as the Dr. Rudolph Hutz, a director; Hans Is All lt Costs to Run a 25-Word - miles away. The flames spread year each at the pleasure of the They had forced the Japs to re­ British convoys had moved through Aickden and William Yqits Rath, Ad. in the Want Ads for one in­ very rapidly ond when firemen ar­ committee, which opponents of the move their big guns far to the rear, the city. . -/\/-'/•/-•" :/'/./■/.••:':/. both former directors who resigned rived they found the skeleton plan: charged the committee was Two large department stores were sertion (cash rate). Additional out of range of the American bat­ within the past month; F. W. Von Words 1c. a Word. framework standing. They con­ ready to hire several patrolmen. teries, had silenced 11 Japanese bat­ compl etely. despoiled of goods within Melster, . general manager of the fined their efforts to saving thrpe Commissioner Calvin Woolley teries, ond had raised havoc with a few hours. Coolies who had nev­ Oxalid division, and Leopole Eckler, charging detachments of tanks and er tasted chocolate candy went acting general manager of the Agfa- challenged Ellison Newman, ono of infantry. about With their arms full, giving Ansco division. $ 1 . 0 0 the opponents of the plan, whe.r. Not in any way claiming that the them away to others who had none. - They have been refused the right, the latter said' he did: not believe Japanese advance had been perma­ The burning of. the rubber trees among other things, to enter the For Five Consecutive Insertions. It was the committee’s intention nently cheeked. General MacArthur was not possible, but since; the premises of the company.Decern* New York to only hire Chief Shibls at this reported to Washington that the 24- plants producing rubber and the rub­ her 12 the treasury department time despite what Mr. .Woolley or hour battle had shown definitely that ber stocks were burned, the British placed 17 of its operatives in the BUY - SELL - RENT Motor Coaches anyone else aaid to tho centrery. the American guns and gunnery soy it will be a long time before main offices of the .company. Leave Oeeati Irorc. were superior to those of the enemy. the Japs can get any. ■■ Poet Office . Mr, Woolley, after asserting W The Japs claimed that they had Effective June 28, 1941 one could call him a “liar,” imt HITLER: The WANT-AD WAY i&ajrtiglit SavlBif Tfra») mediately moved the adoption of tdken Olongapo, paval, base on a MISCELLANY: 7:20,8120.10:20 A.M. bay to the north of Manila bay, and Has He Fled? 1:20, 3:20, 5:29, 7:20,9:20 P. M. the; measure, and it was carried tills had been confirmed by Wash- Unconfirmed reports had been re­ by a 8-0 vote. ington. ceived fnfm the Russian front that London: Germans were resuming Dally Except Sundays Reservation* must be made on Speaking against the plan were* There was more than a suspicion Hitler, with' Smolensk threatened by constant- raids, though on a small all roaches Mr. Nev. man,'Robert Miller, James that the Japs were content to let the the Russian armies: had fled to a scare,’ of British towns. Most of P H O N E 7 / W. Trimmer, John Davis and Flor-; present armed forces now in the safer point. them were on the northeast coast DAILY $1 -so Excursion Philippines do the mopping up” While this had been impassible of and in East Anglica. Ask For the Ad-Taker ence Engleton. against the MacArthur army, and confirmation, the Red headquarters Bin do Janeiro; Uruguay became One Pay 1 6001) On Ml Coaches had turned their attention rather. to reported capture of towns in the the second of the Latin-American Sundays,' Leaves -fYuts Because of shortage of materia: increasing the tempo of the all- “Smolensk area" which showed that republics to sign a iease-lend pact Luke and Heck Street . important Malay offensive, and the the war was coming uncomfortably' with the United States, entitling it lAabury .Park German army officers hayo be; THE TI'/fES forbidden to wear monocles. Th genera] offensive against *the Dutch dose to "Der Fuehrer” if be . waif to receive substantial shipments of Tel. Asbury Purk 889 East Indies, using Mindanao as a still there on the scene of actual arms and munitions. 64 MAIN AVENUE 4ibnry Park-N.Y Transit Co. must be n terrific blow ,td Holl; base.’ service, - wood,'- V r-t FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1942 PAGE SEVEN.

glad to see him back, aren't you?” Karen said, ”1 don’t believe,” Karen offered, ing rights. He was actually astound­ when he came to it by the .crack of : his head was fcrward upon the desk* “Yes,” Dick answered the unypo- ken question. Lilua hesitated perceptibly, but “that that girt has had her eyes off ed wheh he found out he had won light under the door. . md by the slack emptiness of his it all.” ; /■/-' Vv. . her quiet voice did not change as she of you; one moment since you've He knocked and tlie door was jnclc’s hands Dick knew that this Charles Wong verified the f fact for himself before he spoke again answered. ”1 haven't seen him for been in this house.” “I suppose It amuses you,” Karen opened* " was the end. he spoke again. "Yuj two years.” ’.. ■ • - ' ‘ Dick Wayne looked startled. said, “to make out that my grand­ "Here,” he'said, pressing the lei AllAll over over the the floor floor were scattered scattered were here? V/ere you with him “Huh?” when—?” Karen, her annoyance unaccount­ father was a great fooi.” ' into her hands. -He was unable to .the the ginger blossoms of a broken Ici. ably increased,: followed Lilua “ You; don’t mean to tell me that ‘‘You shouldn’t mind,” Dick keep a shade of irony out of his When Dick WayneWayrie had made ctr- cer­ 'No. Tsura called me through the house. you didn’t notice that?” ;.v smiled. “ You and John Colt are voice. "Aloha.” mg He turned and went tain ., that his uncle was dead, he didn’t answer her knock. I rcftind Dick Wayne was stretched out be­ * or a moment Dick looKed wor­ trying to establish that he was an back to his room. He half expected picked up the scattered ginger bios- him just as he is." fore the Ore in the big room whose ried. “Bunch of nonsense,” he said. ' imbecile:" , ' to hear her door slam behind him, s-n:s. and. opening a easement, A wave of swift emotion crossed immense doors opened upon the val­ . “You’re a good deal more than Karen flushed; and Dick finished but it. did not. «. threw them out into the night. the Chinese secretary’s face; he ley and the fog; Lilua immediately likely to find out. I don’t know when more gently; ; Dick stripped to his shorts and put A raw wind swirled, in. laying a raised one hand and his fingers ran crossed the room to close : those I’ve ever seen such dumb adora­ "His last years hero were spent out the lights. As he flung himself vvel sparkle on Dick's chest, but he through his heavy hair, tion /' . ; doors. Dick rose, looking apologetic. in running through his money. I between the cool sheets the many­ left the casem ents open. He wanted "Get the doctor on. the phone; . “1 hope you’ll make yourself com­ “It would be dumb, all right,” have no doubt that he was very voiced wind was. drowned by the to get the smell of ginger flowers get him up here at once. That is fortable here. I’m sorry if you feel Dick grunted. much surprised when he came to swift rush of rain—first a whisper, our of the room; That , spicy, pun­ necessary for the proper reports. v c. • „ I’ve made, things awkward for-you. “Can it be possible,” Karen asked, the end of it with a bang. After then a drumming roar as water beat gent fragrance belonged to youth, When that’s done, get my brothers I think I’ll be take you back “that she believes nil that—that he was broke he found that out of all against walls and casem ents by and life, and love; it did not belong in Honolulu on the‘ .wireless phone; b y ALAN tomorrow.” . stuff?” ' the people who had filled this house sheets and buckets. here where an old man was dead- Jell them what has happened; and he had, hardly one real friend. He “ Good.” "Of course. Different races hove For a little while he lay wonder­ worked to death., as much as any­ that I will be in Honolulu tomorrow must have recognized, himself, at In the stiff silence between them, different ways of talking about the ing what he was going to do; for,he thing, in a long, struggle that was night, regardless * of whether they the last, that he was not the man LeMAY Lilua came and stood in front of factors that make things happen.” knew now that he was caught in the now probably lost. Already he knew will be here by* then or not. Then to handle the island. And the island Dick’s chair, looking at him “Well—’’-Dick hesitated, and vis­ worst dilemma he had eve’b known. that he would never* smell ginger g e l:,mo John Colt; I think you al­ itself was all he had left.” steadily. . • ibly shifted ground. “Well, it seems He knew-now what his uncle must flowers again without recalling the ready know where' in . Honolulu he “Dick, you must be careful of this to. me extremely remarkable that "So the Waynes did him out ol already have known—that Tonga stern, heavy shock of his first knowl­ .is." . ’ SYNOPSIS night. I don’t like this night at all. you and I are sitting here tonight, It,” Karen said. Dick Wayne was the only man in edge that James Wayne was dead "And—what shall I tell him?” together by this fire.” "I’ll talk to him m yself.” .' * E makani auanci,-ke kau mai la A sultry spark showed behind Dick the Islands who could stop John Colt. He: went to the door. The Japa­ CHAPTER I—Karen Waterson, con­ "It is through no wish of mine,” Wayne’s eyes for a moment, but vinced by her lawyer, John Colt, that she ke kakai o Kakaipali-^'.’ He could stop John Colt. That nese girl looked smaller than ever, Karen said. his tone was composed, evqn lazy. The Holokai did not weigh her has a claim to the Island estate and for­ “That’s rude, Lilu\” Dick stopped fact was definite and specific in his standing there-With her back pressed tune of her grandfather, Garrett Water- “I’m sorry. I still can’t under­ "Alakoa was a taro-patch island hook unti 1 after -dusk of the next son, arrives in Honolulu to attempt to her. “You know she can't under­ mind. The cost, if it came to that, tight against the koa-wood wall, as stand why you’re not interested. For when James Wayne took it over. No day; but as she beat her way slowly gain control, of the property. Here she stand that.” was going to be severe—just how se­ if. trying to hide herself from things meets R ich ard Wayne, or Tonga Dick, as one thing, this might very well have cane grew here at all, until water out through the reefs, half an hour be li known throughout the South P a- Lilua cast a contemptuous glance vere.he could not yet tell. As yet unseen. "Send the Missey, here," been the house in which you were was flumed from the windward to after sunset, Dick Wayne was glad : 5 .. Js. a member of the Wayne at Karen, and she did not trans­ he only knew that it would begin he said. t. b QS been In control of ncr born. The room you are to sleep in the leeward side—a project of such that the day. was over. grandfather s island, Alakon, since the late; but she went on in English. with the breaking of his word; and "Missey Lilua?” • - tonight might have been the very, unbelievable difficulties that ho one old man s disappearance. Although “Pretty soon the clouds are going that when it ended he would be fin­ "No, no! The haole Missey.” * Tonga Dick had^respected and ad­ Tonga Dick knows who she is. Karen room .” • ever even considered it, except attempts to conceal her identity from to rise higher, and the wind is going ished in the Islands. ; "Yes, Mister Dick.”; mired his unch^ had understood “I thought of that” Jam es Wayne. But now there are him. Dick offers to take her sailing and to blow through. And then it is go­ "As soon as you have sent the what his uncle meant to Alakoa. Ev­ ahe accepts.- “There's a lot of history in this power plants and deep wells, miles The rain was still coming down in ing to rain, and even the rain is go­ haole Missey to me, bring me erything productive that Alakoa pos­ old house,” Dick went on. “Of of,pipe and flume—there’s a tunnel, torrent upon torrent as he went to CHAPTER II—Dick goes to the home ing to be a bad rain.” Charles Wong.” sessed had existed first in this one of his half-brothers, Ernest and Willard, course the most interesting part of through a mountain of lava; , and sleep. As Dick turned back into the room man’s mind. They had all depend­ for a conference regarding their inter­ Dick pulled at his cold pipe, his It, or, at, least the m ost highly col­ cane plantations lie where there was' He was awakened by the touch o. est In Alakoa. In the course of their he spotted one more of those in­ ed upon him and been guided by eyes morose upon the fire. “Don’t ored, goes back to your, grandfa­ only sow thistle and horseweed. a hand • upon his shoulder; , and, discussion it Is revealed that the Wayne escapable ginger flowers under the him: all of them except Dick him­ family obtained the island for a small think much of it myself,” he ad­ ther’s day, before you were born at There are big cane mills—even Ala- though it was a gentle hand, it was sum and under the direction of the boys’ corner of the desk. He picked i! self had been controlled by him., mitted. I all—before the Waynes came in/Tn koa’s own ships on the sea. Thou­ so dripping wet with cold rain that- uncle, James'Wayne, it has been devel-. j But even Dick Wayne, who, be­ oped to where it has assets of around “This Is a worse night than you sands of cattle are running the up­ the shock brought him bolt upright. three million dollars.. The Woynes are cause of his own stubborn will, per- . worried that Karen may have a good think,” Lilua persisted. “Some-' lands now; and they are of_lhe fin­ The fire still burned, its slim flames haps understood James Wayne bet­ «latm to the Island. thing’s walking around in the fog. i est breeding in the Islands; but mile twisting and hissing from the spat­ ter than anyone else, had not fully CHAPTER III—Next day as Dick takes Just now, as I came through the j upon mile of worthless country had ter of rain in the chimney, and by comprehended how all - important Karen sailing she learns that he knows ; garden,* Hokano’s .big dog was with to be planted in imported g ra sses. its light he saw that.Lilua was there. who she Is and that he Is taking her to here this one man had been, until Alakoa. She wants to go. back to Hono­ me, and he was whimpering and before that could be made to come "What;the devil is this?” he knew that James Wayne was lulu but he refuses to take her. walking close against my legs. He true. Those are the things that have ■, “Dick,” Lilua said, "you have to kept looking down the valley, and made Alakoa valuable—things buill get up.” ; dead. Everything would have to bo every hair on his back was up!” and fought for by James Wayne,1 “What’s happened? Is. there any­ reorganized now. with squabblings CHAPTER V and brotherly, strife;, and this dis­ “If you think somebody’s prowl- and no one else. And those are the thing wrong?” .. . aster, which would have meant I ing around, I’ll—” things that John Colt wants .to gel "Something is terribly wrong,” Li­ A slim Hawaiian girl called Lilua his hooks into now.” | lua said. "Something has happened. chaos at any time, now most'cer­ had shown Karen her room; and “I f. there had been a man out tainly meant utter demoralization in there in the fog. that dog would have It’s happened just now—within the now this girl was back again tapping Karen bit her lip; she was silenl the face of John Colt’s attack. charged him. That dog isn’t afraid for a full minute, and when she j last ten minutes/* ’. ■ at the door panel. "Well, damnation! Will you tell He had not, after all, talked to “Y es?” ' of anything that lives. Out by the spoke she took an entirely new tone. John Colt, over the wireless phone. wall I smelled maile leis, and there me what it is?” “Mister Dick wants to know if you "I have no idea what you expected, His first impulse had been to at­ isn’t any maile growing within ten to gain by here, but—” j The girl’s voice had a low strange would like to have coffee with him.” note in it. something like the voice tempt to buy John Colt off for. a miles. I tell you, something’s walk­ “You are here,” Dick said weari­ Uncertain, Karen’Walerson opened of the wind in the rain. "I don’t flat price, before news* should, reach ing around tonight that isn’t sup­ ly, "because John Colt sent you the door. Tonga Dick was surely know what it is. Dick, you have to Colt of their .disaster. Ten min­ posed to walk around at all. But •cruising with me, to find out some the last person in the world she find out!” utes’ consideration, however, had wanted to see. ' 1 when I wanted to let the dog in the things he doesn’t know. You can’t shown him this impulse for what it housed he wouldn’t come in. Some "Oh, good heavens, Lilu’! Did you As she hesitated Lilua. moved imagine it, but certain affairs.are.a was—a hare-brained and futile no­ thing’s wrong here, Dick. Some­ good deal more important to me1 hear something, or see something, across the room and closed a case­ or what?” ' tion, conceived in panic, and, exe­ thing’s terribly wrong.” than John Colt’s spying: processes.” j ment that Karen had opened, and "As I came toward the house I cuted without preparation. Karen experienced a sharp annoy­ “But you don’t know what it is?” "If you think/’ Karen snapped at In the end he had simply told Lilua shook her head slowly. think I - saw ,a kino-wailua going ance. There w as no air of service in. him, “that either John Colt or 1 away. It was . moving off through Charles Wong to notify Colt that the Hawaiian girl’s movement or in “Once I would have known. Once have the least interest in you what-j Karen Waterson was a guest here you would have known, yourself. I the' trees." ': * her face; rather there was a faint ever—” . Dick had to grin a little, as he over night, and that she would re­ irony in Lilua’s eyes, as if she con- don’t know now.” "I think you have,” said Dick. turn to Honolulu within another Once more Karen was troubled by visualized the ghost Lilua reported, "descended to assist a helpless per­ “For one thing, I can tell you this— ! making its way through the branches twenty-four hours. son who didn’t know how to take . an involuntary sensing of the con­ your case is never going to come to A careful conference had been cealed vitality, inherent in Lilua’s —probably swimming overhand, to • c a r e ; of V he r se lf." - v. '■ trial.” ! judge by the density of the rain. necessary with James Wayne’s phy­ Karen put a cigarette info an ebo­ jrace; ■ a lazy vitality of the moun "It’s already on the calendar I No­ sician. Being already familiar .with tains and the sea, so deep and sure "Lilu’, this, is the most elaborate ny holder, lighted it, and studied body can stop it, now /’. • . | bunk.” . : . the ease, he had no trouble describ­ Lilua impersonally. Lilua had the that it could show itself in the slim ing, in technical terms, the failure pliant body of this girl while even "I can,” Tonga Dick told her. "No, no! I'm pretty sure—som e­ creamy brown skin of the pure Ha­ "Ask yourself, . Karen, just what of James Wayne’s, heart. her hands were at rest. It was in thing terrible has happened.” The waiian; her softly waved hair, black John Colt is so anxious to learn.” the unmarked oval of Lilua’s face, girl was shivering so violently. that "Could this have been caused by as any night, was drawn back over Karen Waterson flushed. She could . and in her quiet eyes,. resting so she could hardly control the chat­ shock?” Dick demanded. her ears, brushed severely. Her have ignored the cool cohviction of steadily upon Dick Wayne. tering of her teeth. “Dick, get up and “A shock," Shimazu said with an : eyes were level, with that look of Dick Wayne’s words; but now she put your clothes on. Quickly!” Charles Wong verified the fact foi oddly humorless locution, “would 'The wrong gods are walking, quiet, of peace, only possible to a was wondering just what John Coll •himself before lie spoke again. "You not have been necessary; but it nature which never wars against Lilua said now; “The right gods “I suppose it amuses you,” Karen “Oh, Lord!” He got up then, and were here? Were you with him had suspected—and feared—that had ; turned on the lights. would have helped.” . itself. She wore a gingham house never walk here any more. Remem­ said, “to make out that my grand­ made him so unnecessarily curious when—?” “I'm sorry to wake you up, Dick— Dick Wayne experienced no relief dress, #but her eyebrows were ber how we used to hear them walk­ father was a great fool.” about Tonga Dick. And she was but I tell you, I know.” at this declaration. He was cer­ plucked Into slenderly traced arches ing? But they haven’t walked here wondering why she herself had ever up and put it in his pocket. Then his day the house was never silent Dick, pulling on his flannels, looked tain that Karen Waterson had been and for some reason this seemed for a long time. Something else is been such a fool as to match wit? he went and stood at the window, and empty, as it is now.” at her curiously. She had dropped with James Wayne when he died, anomalous to Karen. here instead. Sometimes I can feel with this cool, hard-bitten man, looking out into blackness, unmind “You Waynes have ,, certainly to the floor the huge ti leaf with and that she had sought to conceal “How old.are you?” Karen asked it coming near. And tonight it is whose purposes she could not under­ ful of the cold spit of the rain. Ii turned it into a tomb.” which she had sheltered her head this. And he knew that almost any­ suddenly. very close, terribly close; and even stand. It seemed very long age seemed to him"a .long time before ‘.'Garrett Waterson believed in as she came running through the Karen came. one else, knowing these facts, would Lilua’s unwavering eyes seemed the dog is afraid.” * that she had made herself believe plenty of guests—sometimes com­ rain, and her hair bushed wildly leap at once to a dark and savage amused. “Eighteen. How old ar* Dick Wayne stirred restively. Per­ that she could conceal her identity As he turned and faced her he saw plete strangers showed up and lived about her shoulders. Her eyes weiv suspicion. He found, however, that you?” haps he thought he knew what it from Tonga Dick. ' -" • instantly that the night had changed here for weeks. The long dining no longer quiet, but alive with a ter­ for him self he did not need Dr. Shi- If Karen had conceived Lilua to was that was near; but he didn’t Karen stood up abruptly. “This— Karen. Her keen, bright sophisti want to look at it, yet “You’d bet­ room there—it never looked right tc ror she was helpless to control. cation, her unassailable poise, hei mazu’s report; he was already con be In any way less than her equal, this—I dpn’t want to talk about this vinced, beyond any shadow of pres­ ter go get some sleep, Lllu’.” him unless anywhere from twenty “Look here—you've got to get into effect of being able to take care ol that idea was evidently not shared any more.” I ent or future doubt, that Karen Wa­ “ Dick, this is a wrong time.” to forty people were sitting at the Dick stepped close to her and his some dry clothes.. You want to get herself unassisted — all that was by Lilua. Karen turned away. terson had not killed James Wayne. “Somewhat older,” she said short­ “Wrong time for what?” Dick table. Garrett Waterson made all hands cupped her shoulders. “I’m pneumonia? We’ve had enough trou­ gone now. There was no blood ir. ble stamping tuberculosis out of When they had communicated with , ly. ‘Tell Mr. Wayne I will come.” snapped at her. meals big outstanding events. Twice sorry,” he said. “I didn't mean to her face, and her eyes were fright­ a week two huge drays tolled up here — aren’t you ever going to Dick s brothers and with John Colt. She leaned across the bureau's Lilua glanced at Karen, but what get you stirred up. The only hope ened. The indescribable, elusive sug­ learn?” Tonga Dick Wayne threw the radio vast marble slab to retouch her lips fche Said next was unintelligible. from the port, pulled by long jerk- there is in this thing, for anybody, gestion of some rtysterious and hid­ line Warns of those Uitle viciouj He flung a blanket at her. cut-off switch, and they talked to by its mirror; but the Hawaiian girl “Dick,” Lilua skid, “Kai-Ale-Ale is that you and I somehow make , den promise, whiph had first attract­ black mules he used to raise.. - One Sulkily and unhurriedly, Lilua Honolulu no more,' still waited. has been seen again. He hasn’t been out to understand each other.” j ed him to her, was not visible now dray . hauled’ food, but the othei wrapped herself in the blanket. What rem ained was a full day “I’ll show you where; he is,” Lilua seen—Dick, he hasn’t 'been seen— :;: Karen. Waterson* tried to harden, What was left of the Karen Water­ seems to have been required foi “I don’t know what I’m going to with Charles Wong/ repeatedly in­ said. since my grandmother died.” her eyes, but she could not Un­ son he had seen before was simplj wines and, liquors. For breakfast do with you,” Dick grumbled, hunt­ terrupted by the visits of cane field . K aren:turned to look at her* im ­ Dick Wayne took time to explain reasonably, . Incredibly, all the brit-, her slender-boned, beautifully made he’d start out with; all manner ol ing for his pipe. “Seem s to m e—” bosses, mill superintendents, cattle pelled by that steady gaze. “You’re this to Karen. ’ “There’s a big tie temper went out of her at the frame, her clear and delicately cu* shark,” he put in, in aside, “that the wild fruit; then three or four kinds touch of Dick Wayne’s hands. Her He stopped. Under the voice of features- This person standing ir foremen. It was turning dark be­ natives think is a god, I’ve never of fish; then birds—plover, usually, eyes dropped and her Ups trembled, the rain, barely perceptible, yet un­ the doorway of James Wayne’s rooi fore Dick and Karen Waterson at seen it, but they swear it’s as big as but sometimes a couple of those big and she wanted nothing so much in mistakable, he had heard the sound was no more than a frightened girl. last drove steeply down the moun­ of running feet. a ship.” ; ■; !V: ■■:■■■■■■ i ■';- black. Hawaiian geese that used tc the world as to be held to this man’s "Is—is something wrong?” Her tain toward the anchorage of the “Kai-Ale-Ale is here again,” Lilua live up on the. lava flows;’ then hot arms. Much of the time Karen hat­ In another*moment there was a words were faltering. "Has any­ Holokai. said; “and there’s another thing. cakes and molasses. And poi—al­ ed Dick Wayne; but that hate had a quick fluttery tapping at* the door thing happened?” . A sharkskin drum which Dick ha,I The red mullet are running, Dick. ways plenty of poi. They hunted demoralizing trick of turning sud­ and a thin little voice outside was Dick- Wayne stared, astonished not heard for years was booming Ever since the Islands first came out and fished and rode fine horses. li denly and irrationally into something calling, “Mister Dick! Mister Dick!” Deep in his pocket his fingers wen somewhere in the gorges, and undur of the sea, when the red mullet have it were today, they’d be polo po­ e ls e .' i At.the door when he opened it was still rolling between them the petal* its sullen reverberations sounded the run a king has died.” nies, without a doubt. When it came Dick^ could hardly hear Karen’s the tiny figure ©f a kimonoed Japa­ of that last ginger (lower; but Kar­ dull, far-carrying beat of the great “Lilua,” Dick said, “this is pure, to enjoying life, it seems there nev­ words.' “I don’t know what you., nese girl. Her hair, usually as neat en’s eyes were uncommunicative ground-thumping gourd pahus. The plain nonsense.” • . .. > er was a more robustious old pi* m ean.” as polished ebony, was down all and he saw that she did not so much sound followed them almost all the “Maybe it is. But if it is, this is ’ rate than your grandfather, Karen.” "Nobody but you and I can work about her face, and through it her as glance at the floor to make sun way to the beach, seem ingly no the first time it was ever nonsense, They were silent for a moment oi out a compromise that will decently eyes stared so widely that they that tlie flowers were gone. Sud­ nearer and no farther away, as if' since the Islands began.” two. Suddenly Dick recognized that settle the. possession of Alakoa.” | showed the whites: denly a terrible pity for this gir! those throbbing rhythms were a Whatever else Lilua lacked, she they were both experiencing a re­ Karen recovered herself, and her “Mister Dick—you come!” got the better of him and he shui part of the ground, the forest, and had a faculty of making everything gret for the days of careless plenty. shoulders stiffened. “I advise you “ What is it? What is 'it now?” his jaws. the air itself. restless except herself. Dick and 'Tm sorry, sometimes,” he said, to talk to John Colt.” ( “I tap on Mister Wayne door-f-I "Dick,” Karen cried out, “what Later, after the Holokai had put , out from shore, Dick, and Karen Karen' motionless as they were, "that those old days dre gone.. There Dick’s hands jerked away from take Mister Wpyne him milk. Mis­ is it?” were made to seem uneasy; even the are things that are rigid, and dull her. “John Colt!” he shouted at her. | ter Wayn£, he not answer. He was unable then, pitying her as found themselves sitting face to face across a completely set table under house was restless under the pres­ . too, about the Wayne regime.” - “I’ve been up from southern waters t “Well, did you go in?” he did/to tell her that he knew she sure of the fog. It was annoying to She looked at him and the shared only two days, and already I’m sick I “No, no, no!” already had the answer to that. the cabin’s skylight The main cab­ in of the*Holokai was trim and well Karen that Lilua could stand so per­ moment broke up. “How do you as hell of your everlasting John1 “Where is he? In his office?” . "James Wayne is dead,” he an­ fectly relaxed. know all this?” ' Colt!” . “Yes—office. Plenty light but no swered. ' ** lighted, but necessarily very small; “You’d better go on to bed now, 'The Waynes were very close - "If you don’t mind,” Karen said,, speak. Something moves in there— *”niis—this is"a terrible thing.” here not even the hovering of the Chinese mess boy could spare them Lilu’,” , Dick said. friends of Garrett Waterson.” once more in complete self-posses-, I hear something move! But nothing “Perhaps not.” - DON'T LET a sense of being shut in, very close “You won’t want me any more “To tho profit of the Waynes,” sion, "I think I shall go to bed now/ in there will speak.” “What do you m ean?” together. tonight?” ' • Karen said with . repressed bitter­ Tonga Dick let her go. . Dick Wayne drew a deep breath, Dick’s voice was hard and bitter; Karen’s eyes rested unhappily .CONSTIPATION “No; we have everything we'll ness. and the air of the hall was so clam­ “If you are going to take this island, upon her plate. Her fork fiddled SLOW YOU UP need, I think.” Tonga Dick shook his head, not ir CHAPTER VI my upon h^ lungs it was as if he perhaps it is better that you take II • When bowels oro sluggish — when you Lilua stood motionless a moment denial, but in objection. “Youi had breathed in the outer rain. from me and from my brothers— with broiled pakii, but she was un­ feel irritable, headachy and everything more, “Are you sure?” grandfather ended up utterly broke. In his own room, Dick Wayne “All right.” ' ■-*• ; not from the man who made It whal able to eat Her clear-cut poise had.' you do is an effort—do as millions of folks “Yes, yes, of coursel” You see, he was the last of the found a Jittle fire burning brightly,1 Once .more he went striding it is.” returned In the form of a retlcerit- , do. Chow FEEN-A-MINT, tho modom great old catch-as*catch-can traders. .withdrawal;.but behind the thin shell . chewing gum laxativo. FEEN-A-MINT When Lilua was gone Tonga Dick and he wished belatedly that he had through the house, the broad old Karen Waterson stood staring ail looks and tastes liko your favorite gum Wayne sat looking into the fire, say­ Island trading was '.a tough game asked-Karen If a fire had been laid ’ floorboards speaking under his him blankly.. Until now it hac of that poise Dick Wayne was able; •—you’ll liko its freah mint flavor. Simply ing nothing; and Karen found her­ after the sandalwood gave out, but ■ for her. He did not know that Lilua; tread, and the tabes of the Japanese seemed to Dick Wayne that noth­ to perceive that the girl was nerv*, chew FEEN-A-MJNT at bedtime—sleep self unwilling either, to look at hhh Garrett Waterson had a tremendous had put Karen In almost the only girl pattering kehlnd him. ing he had ever said to her had ously distraught . without being disturbed — next morning robust energy, and he made himseli room in the house that had no fire­ There was a line of Ught under the reached her completely in its ful Tonga Dick Wayne ate, for no oth­ gentle, effective relief. You’ll fool like q or to speak. ; 1 \ • . million, full of your old pep again. A gen- “Do all your servants call you by two or three fortunes. But all thai place at all. dqor of James Wayne's office; but meaning; but now he knew that h€ er reason than that he had not eaten * croua family supply of FEEN-A-MINT your first name?” Karen asked at /was over, a good many years be* A heavy lei of golden ginger blos­ as he reached for the latch the Jap­ had hurt; definitely as if he in m ore than eighteen hours, and'- ; costs only 10*., last. • ‘ 'fore-be sold Alakoa. I doubt If be som s hung on the foot of the bed; the anese girl flattened herself against had'struck her across the face. The waited for Karen to speak. Now.’, Dick frowned.a little. “She Isn't had made a cent for ot least s blossoms filled the whole room with the waU, fearful lest she accidental­ silence that followed had a strange surely, he thought, she would1 have ' exactly a servant.’ Her people were decade. He hod no business judg­ a spicy fragrance, heavy and pun­ ly see- into the room, and Tonga hopeless quality about it, empty, something to say about her presence • o very proud people—m asters Of this m en t;’ even his ownership of this gent Instantly Dick knew who had Dick Wayne Wmself hesitated. He yet singular^ acute.- pick was glao at :the death of James Wayne. V \ ;. Jv island before "any haole ever saw island was an accident. He won made that lei, and put them there; knew what was within. that Charles Wong n o w . appeared, ; Then presently he became aware.^ it. And she—she’s lived here all Alakqa, In a poker -game with the and for a moment he was troubled. Jam es Wayne stiU sat in the chair moving quickly intp the room. 'with a slow am azem ent, that Karen / her life, and I've known her all her native klngr-and even that was part­ Then, on an impulse, Jie picked, up behind his vast desk, in the' same Charles Wong wtnt straight to the was not going to speak. She ly by mistake, because .he thought the lei and went walking through the life.” :-V.h'.-;-r -;; . v. ' place he had sat during so much of desk, but his ey^i wet*^questioning have known who had* picked up1 iheJ»V F E E M -M 1 N T he was gambling for just the fish house. - He recognized Karen’s room twenty hard driving years. But now on Dick’s face. broken ginger blossoms that would,;1 i {Continued X’age B)/ PAGE SIX FRIDAY, JANUARY 23,1942

WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS By Edward C. Wayne ‘War Orphan No. 1’ President Names Production Czar ...... MILK AND CREAM And Reorganizes Defense Set-Ups r p HE TIMES advertisers need our trade -arid | To Speed Up All-Out War Effort; friendship. When you need anything first 1 TAYiOiv DAIRY CO. try to buy it at home. We are anxious to | C atlo y S i Williams, Proprietors MILK, CREAM, BUTTER.ULK FROM MONMOUTH FARMS Report /Submarines Off : East Coast • see our home community the center of com- [ 142 Lawrence Avenue, Ocean (.rove Phone 1970 ! mercia) and sociah activity. Communities grow and • ' . ' (EDITOR'S NOTE—'When' opinions are .expressed In these' columns, they ■ ‘ m b those of the news analyst nnd not necessarily of this newspnpcr,) prosper through combined efforts. Cooperation and [ . ,,,. * Released by Western Newspaper Union. ) ■ 1 ■— ■ i | team work make for results. Trade at home. | WARD. lUS DAIRY DAIRY PRODUCTS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT SUPPLIES NEPTUNE, N. J. Telephone 1916

Of course you want the best and most reasonable. MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING Get it at the SAVE 10% FOR CASH TJmnsamls of ■ - COATS CUT RATE SHOP L aB A W ’Y and Kitchen Equipment a n d Furniture HI EX'S CLOTHING ACCESSORIES Prospect nnd Sumincrilold A vet* Asbury Park, N. J, "I am war orphan ;Nq. 1 ” House Furnishings, Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies said Mrs. Helen Nelson, tirife of Donald M. Nelson, Chicago,, 15 South Main Street Telephone Asbury Park 1147 RADIO Opposite Alain Avenue Gates III. , ndiom President Roose- 410 Main Street, Asbury Park, N. J. Telephone 5630 velt appointed chief of war AUTO BODY REPAIRS • 1IARGAIN8 production just recently. f l j 8 - 8|(eenil m o fhlleo Rndlo, .up to 150 trndo-Iu Hnvo JtuiUiitor.s Cleaned anil Repaired Jlofore rilling With Aatl-I’rcf/.c *-* nlloannecj rebuilt Zenig Ilndio *50, a new Body nnd Fenders M i r t l r A L, Painting . g in m iu tc o — , AIR: Repaired IN ILK -tilllitII Finishing Hear rrnnio nnd Axlo StrnluMcncr—Wheel Alignment Supremacy Sought 1006 FIRST AVENUE, ASBURY PARK Telephone 3172 There-was every indication that E le c tric a l } R A D IO . the battle for air supremacy in the A p p lia n c e s I CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK Far Eastern theater of war was Phone A. P. 4297 definitely being battled for. 821 Main Street The news dispatches had con­ FABIQ BATTAGLIA tained increasing reports of air bat­ SIDEWALKS and CURBS CEMENT BLOCKS GARAGE— ATLAS TIRES Leon Henderson, director. Division of Civilian Supply of the Office of tles on all fronts, and though there SHUFFLEBOARDS, FOUNDATIONS CONCRETE BULKHEADS Phone 1439 21-HOUR SERVICE Used Cars Production Management, trys out one of the “Victory model”, bicycles was still no indication that General 211 Bangs Avenue, Neptune, N. J. Telephone Asbury Park 8938 produced by manufacturers at request of OPM. This lightweight model MacArthur had any sort of an air SHAFT O’S GARAGE is constructed of less costly material, and shorn of all gadgets. The new arm, both the British and Dutch de­ COAL AND FUEL OIL bikes will be built for both men and women. %Photo shows Henderson fenses were being bolstered by STORAGE—BATTERY—TOWING SERVICE—(REPAIRING Corner Corlies Avenue am) Main Street / Neptune, N. J. pedaling, and Miss Betty Barrett of York, Neb., in the luggage basket. American, Chinese ond Australian ICE— FUEL OIL—COAL A sure way for the boss to get his secretary to the office/on time. planes."- v . The Dutch early had said that if Kelvinators SKATE SHARPENING the Allies would give them enough . Timken Oil Burners SHORE CYCLE RENDEZVOUS planes, they could defeat Japanese Telephone 615 .NELSON: SUBMARINE: efforts to capture important strong­ -BOB. BUBBLE, Proprietor Phone A. P. 8467 Agent for Colombia anil IVestlleld-HI a do Bicycles, Complete Repair 8 hop, Production Czar Action holds in their islands. ■„ ’ Roller Skntos. Children's Vehicles, Baby Cnrrlagos Repaired. As the United States, moved for-; Navy planes and ships had a busy The Japs, on the other hand, were Skatos and Lawn Mowers Sharpened 617-621 Main Street, Asbury Purk, Opposlto Y. 31. C. A. ward , into all-out war production,. time chasing enemy submarines rc- continuing to capture some, includ­ Thompson Coal Company ing the island of Tarakan, a small Donald M. Nelson had been.named: ' ported lurking off. the. East coast of FUEL OIL WOOD AND CHARCOAL BLUE COAL TAXIS production chief. placed in sole com­ the U. S.- '-•/ /../ -V , islet defended’ by about as many men 1015 Second Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. I’honc 2300 mand over OPM,-SPAB nnclnjl. oth­ Two ships .were reported sunk by as had stood before the Japs at er vital production organizations. submarine action off Long Island.: Wake isiand.. j a u g e y s Taxi His position. Was compared to that ,.Ni Y. The first was the Pana­ The Dutch defenders finally had Tulunbont* lllsi—HAY OR NIGHT to surrender,' though more than half JOHNSON COAL and SUPPLY CO Cnrs for nil Occasions, also Local and Long Distance Moving of Bernard M. Baruch in 1917; - Mr. manian tankc-r Norness which whs CHAUTKUKD JM.SSKS FOR ALL OCCASIONS of the garrison/got .away- and lived, COAL— HUILDING MATURIAL—FUEL OIL Nelson had been, before his promo­ hit by. three /torpedoes about 120 61) SOUTH 31A IN STRKKT OCKAN GROVE, N. J. • tion to sole command, the head of m iles from the. coast.- Next day to fight another day, Before leaving ALL i’Yl'KS OF AUTOMATIC 11 BAT and before the remainder were Hugh O, Tompkins SPAB,'the priorities.control board, watchers .' on ' shore claimed they; Phono 4040 ■ 003 Main Struct, Afabnry Piirk WINDOW CLEANING and thus had been sitting.with his; saw a submarine sink another ship: forced by the odds to lay down hands on the needle . valve’, which about. 23 miles . from shore. ... .their- arms; .they reported having SHORE WINDOW CLEANING COMPANY mined and blown up all the oil wells kept materials', flowing smoothly ter ■ Meanwhile U. S. underwater craft Some time ago the council had 63 New York Avenue, Ocean Grove ' defense plants. '. •• •' .were also ;busy.. but the; location of on:the island, an important smnli been notified by Matawan Post 176, producer' of petroleum. FLOOR WAXING DONE BY MACHINE . His post also was •compared to their action was not - disclosed. The; County Motes American Legion, owners of the navy..rcported ihat a. 17,000 ton Jnp It still was'not definite-whore the Phone 237-J “ 12. HERTFELDER . that of Lord Beave'r.brook’ in Eng-'; high command had set up headquar­ building where the present bor­ • land. . . " • ship, of the. ivpc used as a plane carrier, had been .stink by U. S; sub- ters, save that it was somewhere, Seek New Borough Quarters ough officer are located th at a 100 He was given command by exccu-;; on the island of Java, but whether The question of procuring new per. cent increase in rent would ha ated reports current for months small buildings. tivb ..orders and though ; the. order in Far Eastern waters. :. j at Bala via,'-from, which .most of the quarters' for the municipal offices effective March 1, 1942. The bor­ that such a plan was contemplated Ladies Convert Coffee Cart /' did not immediately make'legally. dispatches were coming, or at Sura­ ■ clear how .'far. nis power went/, there; MALAYA: and the adoption of a temporary ough is at present paying $60 for the shore area. Members of the Ladies’ Auxili­ baya, could not be learned. monthly, plus one-third heating Mr. Smock said that a definite .was enough in President Roosevelt's ScOrched: Earth An idea of what the capture of budget of $21,002.21 marked the ary of the Volunteer Hook and statement to’ show, .that it; would go; The/House of commons ..criticism Tarakan meant, by the way, was meeting of the Matawan Borough costs. site for the uirport, which will Ladder company of Belmar have far enough to. put Nelson: into sole of the British Malaya forces in not the Dutch figure on its.o il output, Council. Mayor Currie reported a recent hear the name of Asbury Park: voted to convert their coffee wagon, ' command.. - «• carrying out. the scorched-earth pol­ . 80,000 tons monthly of the finest conversation- with Commander has not been designated by the which has answered almost every A board,' including.'Messrs. Kntid- icy was met by dispatches which ’grade of petroleum/ The Dutch, in iitiioHiiisiiitiitiiiiuumumuiiiiiuuiummuuuiimiiiituitiimmiimuii Charles Barbour regarding the in-' C. A. A., but it . was generally fire their company has gone to for sen, Hillman and 'other chiefs of had been delayed tending "to. show' describing the destruction of the creased rent. The mayor said he. understood that it would be located the past’ eleven years, into a mo­ various vital groups/ was to work that the British had applied that pol-. wells,, said, simply: - was informed the Legion would ia tile Pine Brook section of under Nelson. icy in the c’omplctest way. possible. bile kitchen to be used in the event “The Japanese have found that'we consider a monthly figure of $75 Shrewsbury township. That area The President said, in part: . An eyewitness description of the .were not bluffing when we .an­ L e h ig h of the necessity of- evacuating : “Mr. N elson‘ will no longer serve British, evacuation of Perka, Selan­ nounced . that no oil installations plus the usual heating . arrange­ has long been the subject of con­ Belmar because of war conditions. as director of the priorities division. gor and Kuala' Lumpur, the latter permitted to fall into their ment, but would not permit the jecture as far as the airport site The committee named, to attend H e:.will devote his entire time to an important rubber city and the hands.” borough to continue at the $50 was concerned. to the conversion is made up of directing the/ production program. capital of the Federated Malay PAN-AMERICA: rent. . .. City council, the official said; Mrs. Leslie Thompson, Mrs. Harry His decisions as to procurement and; States bore this out. • COAL Mayor Currie said he felt the has been notified by the C. A. A., Pearce and Mrs. Charles Burger. production will be •final./’ A Durdin dispatch; to the Times Opens Conference borough could obtain quarters else­ that the project had been approved Mr, Burger arid Charles Measure from Sercmban stated that in Perak Of vital importance had been con­ Thus Mr.. Nelson has authority/ where and was not in favor of by a board composed of the secre­ are doing the actual work of con­ over not only.-the . industrialists and and Selangor alone' millions of dol­ sidered the Pan-American confer­ lars’ .worth of rubber, stocks ’arid ence. of nations, which had .opened Hoffman Coal Co. paying the higher rate. He said taries of war, navy and commerce verting the coffee truck into a labor leaders who were in Washing­ Field Street, Avon, N. J. ton to harness American production rubber processing plants and mil­ its sessions at Rio, with Sumner he had several'possibilities in mind as necessary for national defense. mobile kitchen. to a program for victory, but also lions more in tin mine dredge^.and Welles in charge of affairs, for the Telephone, Asbury Park 5267 and that action must be taken at Family Made Homeless Chief among the innovations will over the army and riavy .themr tin ore processing machinery had' American state department; . once. The m atter was referred A Silonm family was made home­ be a small gas plate for cooking •. selves,, in/a way,-.because his de­ I. been destroyed. • • ■’ . . . There were really only two doubt­ to the finance committee and the less last Monday morning as fire purposes, with fuel supplied by cisions, as to what they might have | “ In addition the destruction of pc- fuls on tiie list, but they were, im­ mayor for investigation. They leveled their four-room bungalow bottled gas. in the way-of arms and munitions: j trolcum products totaled/.several portant, and covered the southern will report their findings at the on the Siloam-Georgia road. It is expected ' that the rig will would be final. • j millions of dollars., / . ' half of the-continent—Argentina and next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rohn and be finished in ten days or two They would still have/le*;al con­ i / Copra, find coal-docks were dyna­ Chile. B. F EDDES mited or burned. Dynamiters were Yct',: as .the conference met, with Asbury Park Sponsors Airport their four children are without a weeks. ■' ' tracting .authority, but. Iiliv Nclspri The city of Asbury Park will would have to pass.,upon,­ mining. the country • through which the announced purpose of further JEWELER home Ps the result of the fire. The The committee emphasized that . the ’ Japs were approaching closer fulfilling . the general blockade sponsor a. gigantic airport project tra els before ;they coutd g:i -into/ef­ ■— Watch Repairing children and their parents were the. truck will still answer fire fect, and could, in effect, make them to Singapore, and this was'evident against the Axis by a continental for the army air corps under an takch in by neighbors and several alarms where needed nnd serve in breaking of relations with all Axis larger or smaller, quicker or slower.* • in..the slowing down of.the Japanese Best Prices For Old Gold initial' allotment of $527,197 from organizations provided assistance its former capacity as a coffee advance. nations, it was felt quite hopeful that the Civil Aeronautics administra­ for the family. truck. LUZON: I. - / Describing the .evacuation of Ku­ Argentina and Chile would come in Appraised Free ala Lumpur, Durdin wrote that the and enter, the joint action whole­ 57 Main Avenue tion it was revealed. Mrs. Rohn had left her- home to Wall Creates Police Force Defense Eritish had opened the larger stores heartedly. Ocean Grove The announcement that Asbury deliver a message to a neighbor, In the face of spoken and writ­ When thc history of World War II and had removed: what stocks it Post Office Building Purk would take the lead . in the Mrs, Yaeger, and had left a small ten opposition from more than 200 is written it. will have become, cvi- • wanted,, and-then had left the.stores, OUSTER: project was made by Councilman fire burning in the kitchen. She residents of. Wall township, the dent that the defense of Luzon by the open'to. allow the population to take Against Dye Men George A. Smock 2d, and corrob- was about to return home when a American-Fffipino forces under Gen. what it wished. /• /, . t township committee Wednesday Five of the principal vperaiing passerby informed her that her night passed on. second and final Douglas MacArthur.should be placed The inhabitants seethed up and executives of the Genera! Aniline alongside of other . famous “last, down the streets which were littered home was afire. Mrs. Rohn at­ reading a. ordinance creating a and Film corporation were summa­ tempted to gain entrance to the stands.” : ; with refuse, carrying what they had rily ousted from their position by full-time police department in the Conceded only the slimmest pos­ been able ‘ to get aboard rickshas, order of the treasury department, house through the kitchen door, township with Chief Vernon Shibla sible hope of hanging on until help on bicycles and, on shoulders and which had been trying for several hut was unable to do so as the as its head, at an annual salary might arrive, the MacArthur forces, heads. months to establish that the com­ kitchen was a mass o f flames. of $1,800. ' entrenched in the Marjveles moun­ From every corner • of the city pany actually was owned by the A call for Freehold and Clarks­ Tempers flared during a portion tains back of Manila bay, had re­ sounded the booming explosions as 2 5 c Nazi Arm of I. G. Farbonindustrie. burg firemen was made from the the Punjab sappers and dynamiters of the debate on tho measure, which ported not only stemming an “all- The men suspended, all natural­ Smithburg store, located three out” Japanese drive, but that they destroyed bridges, roads and other provides for patrolmen at $1,400 a ized citizens of German birth, were miles away. The flames spread had driven the attackers back. communication links as soon as the Dr. Rudolph Hutr, a director; Hans Is All It Costs to Run a 25-Word year each at the pleasure of the They had forced the Japs to re­ British convoys had moved through Aickeien and William Vom Rath, Ad. in the W ant Ads for one in- very rapidly and when firemen ar­ committee, which opponents of the move their big guns far to the c?Lar- the city. ’ both former directors who resigned sertion (cash rate). Additional rived they found the skeleton plan -charged the committee rids out of range of the American bat­ Two large department stores were within the past month; F. W. Von framework standing. They con­ ready to hire several patrolmen.' completely despoiled of goods within Words 1c. a W ord. teries, had silenced 11 Japanese bat­ Melster, general manager of the fined their efforts to saving three Commissioner Calvin Woolley teries, and had raised havoc with a few hours. Coolies who had nev­ Oxalid division, and Leopole Eckler, challenged ElUsan Newman, one of ’charging detachments of tanks and er tasted chocolate, candy went acting general manager of the Agfa- infantry. about with their arms full, giving Ansco division. $ 1 . 0 0 the opponents of the plan, when frot in any way claiming that the them away to others who had none. - They have been refused the right, the latter said he did not believe Japanese advance had been perma­ The burning of the rubber trees among other things, to enter the For Five Consecutive Insertions. it was the. committee’s intention' nently checked, General MacArthur was not possible, but since the premises of the company. Decem­ to only hire Chiet Shible at this reported to Washington that the 24- plants producing rubber and the rub­ New York ber 12 the treasury department time despite what Mr. Woolley or hour battle had shown definitely that ber stocks were burned, the British placed 17 of its operatives in the BUY - SELL - RENT Motor Coaches anyone else said to the contrary, the American guns and gunnery say It will be a long time before main offices of the company. Leave Ocean Grove were superior to those of the enemy. the Japs can get any. Poet Office Mr, Woolley, after asserting no ono could call him a “liar,” im­ The Japs claimed that they had HITLER: Effective June 28, 1941 taken Olongapo, naval base on a The WANT-AD WAY (Dayflffht Savins Ts : mediately moved the adoption of. MISCELLANY: 7:2#, 8:20, 10:20 A. M. the measure, and it was carried bay to the north of Manila bay, and Has He Fled? 1:20, 3:20, 6:20, 7:20,9:20 P. M. this had been confirmed by Wash­ Unconfirmed reports had been're­ by a , vote. ■’ , ; , Daily Except Sunday* 8-0 ington. ceived from the Russian front that London: Germans were resuming Speaking against the plan were constant raids, though >;n a email Reservation* pinst tie m a d e • on There was more than a suspicion . Hitler, with Smolensk threatened by oil coaebet Mr. Newman,'Robert.Miller, Tames that the Japs were content to let the the Russian armies, had fled to a scale, of British towns. Most of P H O N E 7 them were on the northeast, coast W. Trimmer, John jpavis and Flor­ present arrned forces now in the safer point. pitY $1-50 Excursion ence Engletori. :! Philippines do the “mopping up” While .this had been impossible of and in East Anglica. . Ask For the Ad-Taker against the MacArthur army, and confirmation, the Red headquarters Rio sSe Janeiro: Uruguay became One Pay 1 eooii on mi eoaciies had turned their attention rather to reported capture of towns in the the second' of the Latin-American Sunday*, Leaves frora Because, of shortage of materia increasing the tempo of the all- “Smolensk area” which showed that' republics to sign a leaae-lend pact Lake i d Heck Street German army officers h^ys, be important Malay offensive, and the the war was coming uncomfortably With the United'States, entitling it. /Asbury Park general offensive against The Dutch Close to “Der Fuehrer” if he was to receive substantial shipments of THE TIMES TeL Asbury Park 3SP forbidden to wear monocles. ' Ti East Indies, using Mindanao as a still there on the scene of actual arms and munitions. 64 MAIN AVENUE 4*bnry Park-N.Y, Transit Co. must be a terrific )>low/to' Holl base. service, . ‘ wood; ■ FRIPAY, JANUARY 23, 1942 PAGE SEVER.

glad to see him back/ aren't you?” Karen said. “I don’t * believe,”. Karen offered, ing rights. He was actually astound­ when he came to it by the crack of his bead was forward upon the desk, “Yes,” Dick answered the unspo­ Lilua hesitated perceptibly, blit “ that that girl has had her eyes off ed when he found out he had won light under the door. md by the slack emptiness of h|s ken question. her quiet voice did net change ds she of you one moment since you’ve It a l l/ ’ He knocked and the door was uncle’s: .'hands Dick knew that this Charles Wong verified the fact for. answered. “I haven’t seen him for been in this house.” *T. suppose it amuses you,”, Karen- opened*' was the, end; : . himself before he spoke again. “Yai 'two,years.” ‘ ‘•. '/•. Dick Wayne looked startled said, “to make out that my grand­ “Here,” he said, pressing the lei . All over the floor were scattered were here? Were you with him ' Karen, her annoyance unaccount­ / ’Huh?” ; .; ■■ V father was a great fool.” v into her hands. He was unable to the ginger blossoms of a broken Ici when—?” ably increased, followed Lilua “You don’t mean to tell me that .“You shouldn’t mind,” Dick keep a shade of irony out of his •When Dick Wayne: had made cer­ 'No. Tsura called m e. when he through the house. yori didn’t notice that?” ; ‘ smiled. “You and John Colt ore voice, “Aloha.” He turned and went- tain that his uncle was .dead, he didn’t answer her knock. I found Dick Wayne; was stretched out be­ For a moment Dick looked wor­ trying to establish that he w as an back to his room. He half expected picket! up the scattered ginger bios- him just as he is.” fore the fire in the big room whose ried. “Bunch of nonsense,”, he said. imbecile.1.* ' / ' to hear her dodr slam behind him. s uns, and; opening a casement. A wave of swiff emotion crossed immense doors opened upon the val­ " Y o u ’re a good deal more than Karen flushed; and Dick finished but it did not; ' • . -. r Ik*row them out into the night. the Chinese secretary’s face; he ley and the fog;. Lilua, immediately likely to find out. I don’t know when more gently. Dick.stripped to his shorts and put A raw wind swirled in. laying a raised one hand and his fingers ran crossed the room to close those ■I’ve ever seen such dumb adora­ “His last years here were spent out the lights. As he flung himself wet sparkle on Dick’s chest, but he through his heavy hair. doors. Dick rose, looking apologetic. tion." ' . • in running through his money. I between the cool sheets the many­ left the casements open. He wanted "Get the doctor on the phone; “1 hope you’ll make yourself com­ “It would be dumb, all right,” have no doubt that ho was very voiced wind was drowned by' the to .get .the smell ofginger : flowers got him up here at once. That is fortable here. I’m ; sorry if you feel Dick grunted. much surprised when he came to swift rush of rain—first a whisper, out of the room. That' spicy,, pun­ necessary for the proper reports. ' ,_XV I’ve made things awkward for you. “Can it be possible,” Karen asked, the end of It with a bang. After then a drumming roar as water beat gent fragrance belonged to youth, When that’s done, get my brothers I think I’ll be able to take you back “that she believes all that—that he was broke he found that out of all against walls and casements by and life, and love; it did not. belong in Honolulu on .the wireless phone; tomorrow.” stuff?’? the people who had filled this house sheets arid buckets. here wliere an. old man was dead- tell them what has happened^ and b y AL AH he had hardly one real, friend. - He “Good.” “Of course. Djfferent.races have For a little while he lay wonder­ worked to death, as much as any­ that I will be in Honolulu tomorrow rhusti have recognized, himself, at In the stiff silence between them, different ways of talking about the ing what he was going to do; for he thing, in a . long struggle-that was night, regardless of whether they the last, that he was not the man Lilua came and stood in front of factors that make things happen.' knew now that he was caught in the now probably lost. Already he knew will be here by then or not. Then to handle the island. And the island L e M A Y pick’s chair; looking at him “Well—“ Dick hesitated, and vis­ worst dilemma he had ever known. that he would never smell ginger get •'me John Colt; I think you al­ itself was all he had left.” stea d ily .. ibly shifted ground. - “Well, it seems He knew* now what his uncle must flowers again without recalling the ready know where in Honolulu he “Dick, you must be careful of this to me extremely remarkable that “ So the Waynes did him out of already have known—that Tonga stern, heavy shock of his first knowl­ is." ■ • SYNOPSIS you and. I are sitting here tonight, night. I don’t like this night at all. it,” Karen said. Dick Wayne was the only man in edge that James Wayne was dead - "And—what shall I tell him?” ’ together by this fire/’ A sultry spark showed behind Dick E makani auanci, ke kau mai la the Islarids who could stop John Colt. He went to the door. The Japa­ "I’ll talk to him .m yself.” • I—Karen Waterson, con­ “It is through no wish of mine/ Wayne’s eyes' for a moment, but vinced by her lawyer, John Colt, that she ke kakai o Kakaipali—” . He could stop John Colt. That nese girl looked smaller than ever, hns a claim to the Island estate and for­ Karen said. his tone was composed, even lazy, The Holokai did not weigh her | ' “That’s rude, Lilu’,” Dick stopped fact was definite and specific in his standing therewith her back pressed tune of her grandfather, Garrett Water­ "I’m sorry. I still can’t under­ "Alakoa was a taro-patch island hook until after dusk of the next son, arrives in Honolulu to attempt to her. “You know she can’t under­ mind. The cost, if it came to that, tight against the koa-wood wall, os' stand why you're not interested. For when Jam es Wayne took it over. No day; but as she beat her way slowly gain control of the property. Here she stand that.” was going to be severe—just­ if trying to hide herself from things meets Richard Wayne, or Tonga Dick, as one thing, this might very, well have cane grew here at all, until;water oiit through the reefs; half an hour far is known throughout the South Pa- Lilua cast a contemptuous glance vere h e ; could riot y e t, tell. As yet unseen.. "Send the Missey here/' been the house in which you were was fiumed from the windward to after sunset, Dick Wayne was glad } s x.a ^ember of the Wayne, at Karen, and she did not. trans­ he only knew that it would begin he said. family that has been In control of her boim. The room you arc to sleep in the leeward side—a project of such that, the day was over. grandfather s Island, Alakoa, since the late; but she went on in English. with the breaking of his word; and “Missey Lilua?” tonight might have been the very unbelievable difficulties that no one . disappearance. Although “Pretty soon the clouds are going “No, no! The haole M issey.” Tonga Dick had respected and ad­ Tonga Dick knows who she is, Karen room.” - ever, even considered it, except that when it ended he would be fin­ attemjrts to conceal hep Identity from to rise higher, and the wind is going ished in the Islands/ “Yes, Mister Dick.” mired his . uncle, had understood “I thought of that.” Jam es Wayne. But now there are turn. Dick offers to take her sailing and to blow through. And then it is go­ “As-soon as you have sent- the what his uncle meant to Alakoa. Ev­ •he accepts.- “There’s a lot of history In this power plants and deep wells, miles- The rain was still coming down in. ing to rain, and even the rain is go­ haole Miss**y to me,.- bring me erything productive that Alakoa pos­ old house,” . Dick went on.’ “Of of . pipe and flume—there’s; a tunnel torrent upon torrent as he went to CHAPTER II—Dick goes to the home ing to be a bad rain.” Charles. Wong.” sessed .had existed first in this one of his half-brothers. Ernest and Willard, course the most interesting part of through a mountain of lava; and s le e p .. As Dick turned back into1 the room man's mind. They had al! depend­ for a conference regarding their inter­ Dick pulled at his cold pipe, his it, or at^ least the most highly col cane plantations lie where there was He was awakened by the touch o» est In Alakoa. In the course of their he spotted one more of those in­ ed upon him and been guided by discussion it Is revealed that the Wayne eyes morose upon the fire. “Don’t ored, goes back to your grandfa only sow thistle and horseweed. a hand upon his shoulder; arid, escapable ginger flowers under the him: all of them.except Dick him­ family obtained the island for a small think much of it myself,” he ad­ ther’s day, before you were born at There arc big cane m ills—even Ala- though it was a gentle hand, it .was. sum and under the direction of the boys* corner of the desk. He picked it self' hod been controlled by him. uncle, James Wnyno,. It has been devel­ mitted. * . | all—before the Waynes came in. In koa’s own ships on the sea. Thou­ so dripping wet w ith.cold rain that oped to where it has assets of around - “This is a worse night than you the shock brought him bolt upright. But even Dick Wayne, who, be­ three million dollars. The Waynes arc sands of cattle' are running tho up­ worried that Karen may have a good think,” Lilua persisted. “Some-' lands now, and they are of the fin­ still burned, its slim flames cause of his own’stubborn will, per­ claim to the island. thing’s walking around in the fog. | est breeding in the Islands; but mile twisting and~hissing from the spat­ haps understood James Wayne bet­ ter than anyone else, had not fully • .CHA PTER n i—Next day as Dick takes Just now, as I came, through the j upon mile of worthless country had ter of rain in the chimney, and by Karen sailing she learns that he knows garden, Hokano’s big dog was with its light he saw that Lilua Was there. comprehended ' how all - important who she is and'that he is taking her to to be planted in imported grasses Alakoa. She wants, to go back to Hono­ me, and he was whimpering and before that could bo made to come [ “ What the devil is this?” . here this one man had been, until lulu but he refuses to take her. walking close against my legs. He •true. Those are the things that have] “Dick,” Lilua said, “you have to he knew that James Wayne was kept looking down the valley, and made Alakoa valuable—things built get up.” dead.. Everything would have to be :every hair on his back was up.” and fought for by James Wayne, 1 “What’s happened? Is there any­ reorganized now, with squabbltogs CHAPTER V “If you think somebody’s prowl­ and no one else. . And those are the thing wrong?” . and brotherly strife; and this dis­ ing around, I’ll—” things that John Colt wants to gel ■ “SometHing is terribly wrong,” Li­ aster, which would have meant A slim Hawaiian girl called Lilua chaos at any time, now most cer, “If there had been a man out his hooks into now.”’ j lua said. “Something has happened. had shown Karen her room; and tainly meant utter demoralization in there in the fog. that dog would have Karen bit her lip; she was silent It’s happened'jlist now—within the now this girl was back again tapping the face of John Colt's attack. charged him. That dog isn’t afraid for a full minute, and when she: last ten minutes.” • ». at the door panel. He hod not. after all, talked to of anything th at.lives. Out by the spoke she took an entirely new tone. ’■ ‘‘Well, damnation! .Will you tell “Yes?" . John Colt, over the wireless phone. wall I smelled maile lels, and there “I have no idea what you expected , me what it js?” * “Mister Dick'wants to know if you His first impulse had been to at­ ; isn’t any maile growing w ithin ten to gain by bringing me here, but—” i The girl’s voice had a low strange would like to have coffee with him.” tempt to buy John Colt off for a miles. I toll you, something’s walk­ note in it, something like the voice. ’ Uncertain, Karen Waterson opened “ You are here,” Dick said wear!*: list price, before news'should reach ing around tonight that isn’t sup­ of the wind in the rain. “I don’t the door. Tonga Dick was surely ly, “because John Colt sent, you Colt of their disaster. Ten min­ posed to walk around at all. But know what it is. Dick, you have to the last person in the world she cruising with me, to find outcom e utes' . consideration, however, had when I wanted to let the dog in the find out!” • - j wanted to see. ' . 1 things he doesn’t know. You can’t shown him this impulse for what it house, he wouldn’t come in.. Som e­ “Oh, good heavens, Lilu’! Did you As she hesitated Lilua moved imagine it,.but certain affairs are a was—a hare-brained and futile no­ thing’s Wrong here, Dick. Some­ good deal -more important to me! hC£!r s°tnjHhing, or see something, across the room and closed a case­ tion, conceived in panic, and exe­ thing’s terribly wrong.” . .. . or wnntwhat? ” ment that Karen had opened, and than John Colt s spying processes.” cuted without preparation. “But you don’t know what” "As I cam e toward the house I Karen experienced a sharp annoy­ "If you think-,” Karen snapped al In tho end he had simply told Lilua shook her head slowly. think I saw a kino-wailua going ance. There was no air of service in him, "that either John Colt or 1 Charles Wong to notify Colt, that “Once I would have known. Once away. It was moving off through the Hawaiian girl’s moverheut or In have the least interest in you what-1 Karen Waterson was a guest here you would have known, yourself. I the trees.” her face; 'rather there was a faint ever—” • . ■ over night, and that she would re­ don’t know now.” Dick had to grin a little as he irony in Lilua’s eyes, as if she con­ "I think yew havo/* j-uid Dick. turn to . Honolulu within another Once more Karen was troubled by visualized the ghost Lilua reported, descended to assist a helpless per­ "For one thing, I can tell you this— 1 twenty-four hours. . < an involuntary sensing of the con­ making its way through the branches son who didn't know how to take your case is never going to come to _ probably swimming overhand, to A careful conference had been cealed vitality inherent in Lilua’s care of herself. trial. necessary with James Wayne’s phy­ race;' a lazy vitality of the moun­ judge by the density of the rain. Karen put a cigarette into an ebo­ "It’s already on the calendar! No­ sician Being already familiar with tains and the sea, so deep and sure "Lilu’, this is the most elaborate ny holder, lighted it, and studied body can stop it, now.” bunk/' the case, he had no trouble describ­ Lilua impersonally. Lilua had the that it could show itself in the slim, "I can,” Tonga Dick told her. “No, no! I’m pretty sure—som e­ ing, in technical terms, the failure crCamy brown skin of the pure Ha­ pliant body of this girl while even "Ask yourself, . Karen, just whal thing terrible has happened.” The of James Wayne’s heart. waiian; her softly waved hair, black her hands were at rest. It was In John Colt is so anxious to learn.” girl was shivering so violently that "Could this have been caused by as any night, was drawn back over the unmarked oval of Lilua’s face, Karen Waterson flushed. She could she could hardly control the chat­ shock?" Dick demanded. her ears, brushed severely. Her aind In her quiet eyes, resting so have ignored the cool conviction ol tering of her teeth. “Dick, get up and "A shock," Shimazu said with an eyes were level, with that look of steadily upon Dick Wayne. Dick Wayne’s words; but now she put your clothes on. Quickly 1” I Charles Wong verified the fact foi oddly humorless locution, “.would quiet, of peace, only possible to a “The wrong gods, are walking,” was wondering just what John Coll himself before he spoke again. “You “Oh, Lord!” He got up then, and not have been necessary; but it nature which never wars against Lilua said now.. “The right gods “I suppose it amuses you,” Karen were here? Were you with him had suspected—and feared—that had turned on the lights. j would have helped." itself.. She wore a gingham house never walk here any. more. Remem­ said, “to make out that my grand­ made him' so unnecessarily curious when—?” father was a great fool.” “I’m sorry to wake you up, Dick— Dick Wayne experienced no relief dress, #but her eyebrows were ber how we used to hear them walk­ about Tonga Dick. And she was ing? But they haven’t walked here but I tell you, I know.” ; up and put it in his pocket. Ther at this declaration. He was cer­ plucked into slenderly traced arches his day the house was never silent wondering why she herself had ever and for some reason this seemjed for a long time. Something else is Dick, pulling on his flannels, looked he went and stood at the. window, tain that Karen Waterson had been and empty, as it is now.” been such a fool as to match wit? h * l ^ with James Wayne when he died, anomalous to Karen. here instead. Sometimes I can feel with this cool, hard-bitten man, “ / , dr.opp.®? ; looking out into blackness, unmind: “You Waynes have certainly and that she had sought to conceal “How old are you?” Karen asked it coming near. • And tonight it is whose purposes she could not under , . , h . . ^ | ful of. the cold spit of the rain. It turned it into a tomb.” this. And he knew that almost any­ suddenly. very close, terribly close; and even stand. It seemed, very long age she had she tered her head seemed to him a long time before “Garrett Waterson believed in Karen came. one else, knowing these facts, would Lilua’s unwavering eyes seemed -the dog is afraid.” that she had made herseU believe. th”ush.,^e 1 amused. “Eighteen. How old an Dick Wayne stirred restively. Per­ plenty of guests—sometimes com­ As he turned and faced her he saw leap at once to a dark and savage that she could conceal her identity „un."., y, l i “ wildly suspicion. He found, however, that you?” haps he thought he knew'what it plete strangers showedup and lived from Tonga^ Dick. • sh,°“lder.s- H«r eyes wer- instantly that the night had changed here for .weeks. The long dining for him self he did not need Dr. Shi- If Karen had conceived Lilua to was that was near; but he didn't Karen stood up abruptly "This— no longer quiet, but alive with a ter­ Karen. Her keen, bright sophist! room there—it never looked right tc ror she was helpless to control. mnzu’s report; he was already con be in any way less than her equal, want to look at it, yet “You’d bet­ this—I don't want to talk about this cation; her unassailable poise, he; him unless anywhere from twenty "Look here—you’ve got to gel into vinced, beyond any shadow of pres. that Idea was evidently not shared ter go get some sleep, Lilu'.” any more.” ■ I effect of being able to take care ol to forty people were sitting at the eat or future doubt, that Karen Wa- by Lilua. Karen turned away. .. . “Dick, this is a wrong time. Dick stepped close to her and his some dry clothes, you want to get berself unassisted — all that was table. Garrett Waterson made al] tcrson had not killed James Wayne. “Somewhat older,” she said short­ “Wrong time for what?” * Dick hands cupped her shoulders. “I'm pneumonia? We’ve had enough trou­ gone now. There , was no blood ir meals big outstanding events. Twice ly. “Tell Mr. Wayne I will come.” snapped at her. * sorry," he said. “I didn’t mean tc ble stamping tuberculosis out of her face, and her eyes were fright- When they had communicated with She leaned across the bureau's Lilua glanced at Karen, but what a week two huge drays toiled ut get you stirred up. The only hope here — aren’t you ever going to s aed. The indescribable, elusive sug­ Dick's brothers and with John Colt. vast marble slab to retouch her lips &he said next was unintelligible. from the port, pulled by long jerk there is in this thing, for anybody, ’ learn?” gestion of some mysterious and bid Tonga' Dick Wayne threw the radio by its mirror; but the Hawaiian girl : “Dick,” Lilua • sriid, “ Kai-Ale-Ale line Warns of those little vicious Is that you and I somehow make, He flung a blanket at her. dec promise, whiph had first attract­ cut-off switch, and they talked to still waited. has been seen again. He hasn't been black mules he used to raise. One out to understand each other." Sulkily and unhurriedly, Lilua ed him to her, was not visible now. Honolulu no more. ‘TU show you -vvhert; he is,” Lilua seen—Dick, he hasn’t been seen— dray hauled food,, but the othei Karen Waterson, tried to ‘harden wrapped. herseU in'the .blanket, What was left of the Karen Water­ What remained was a full day seems to have been required foi said. since my grandmother died.” her eyes, but she could not Un- 1 con t know what . m going to son he had seen before was simply with Charles Wong, repeatedly in­ Karen turned to look at her, im­ Dick Wayne took time to explain wines and liquors. ’ For breakfasl reasonably, Incredibly, all the brit- do with you, Jick grumbled, hunt- her slender-boned, beautifully mads terrupted by the visits of cane field pelled by that steady gaze. “You’re this to Karen.- “There’s a big he’d start out with all manner ol tie temper went out of her at the for his pipe. “Seems to me—” frame, her clear'and delicately cu' bosses,-mill superintendents, cattle shark,” he put in, in aside, “that the wild fruit; then three or four kinds touch of Dick Wayne’s hands. Hot- , / li! f<>PPed- Under die voice of features. This person standing ir foremen. It was turning dark be­ natives think is a god. i’ve never of fish; then birds—plover, usually, eyes dropped and her lips trembled, ; , , n! perceptible, yet urs- the doorway of James Wayne’s roo> fore Dick and Karen Waterson at seen it, blit they swear it’s as big as but.sometimes a couple of those big and she wanted nothing so much in nnlstakable, he had heard the sound was no more than a frightened girl last drove steeply dawn the moun­ a ship,” black Hawaiian. geese that used tc the world as to be held to this man's of running feet “Is—is. something wrong?" Hci tain toward the anchorage of the “Kai-Ale-Ale is here again,” Lilua live up on the lava flows; then hoi arms. Much of the time Karen hat- In another moment there was a words were faltering. "Has any­ Holokai. said; “and there's another thing. cakes and molasses. And poi—al­ cd Dick Wayne; but that hate had a qutcK fluttery tapping at the door thing happened?" . A sharkskin drum which Dick ha.j The red mullet are running, Dick. ways plenty of poi. They hunted demoralizing trick of turning sud- 5nd 1!l‘n little voice outside was Dick Wayne stared, astonished not heard for years was booming Ever since the Islands first came out and fished and rode fine^ horses. II denly and Irrationally into something calling. Mister Dickl Mister Dick!" Deep in his pocket his fingers were somewhere In the gorges, and under of the sea, when the red mullet have it were today, they’d be polo, po else , At the door when he opened it was still rolling between them the petal- its sullen reverberations sounded the run a king has died.” nies, without a doubt. When it came Dick could hardly hear Karen’s tiny figure ^ of a kimonoed Japa- of that last ginger flower; but Kar­ dull, far-carrying beat of the great “Lilua,” Dick said, “this is pure, to enjoying life, it seems there nev­ words. “I don't know what you nese girl. Her’hair, usually as neat en’s eyes were uncommunicative ground-thumping gourd pahus. The plain nonsense.” • er was a more robustious old pi­ m ean.” as polished ebony, was down all and he saw that she did not so muck sound followed them almost oil the rate than your grandfather,.Karen.” about her face, and through it her way to the beach, seemingly no m “Maybe it is. But if it is, this is “Nobody but you and I can work as glance at the floor to make surs the first time it was ever nonsense, They were silent for a moment oi out a compromise that will decently eyes stared so widely that they that tlie (lowers were gone. Sud­ hearer and no farther away, as if since the Islands began.” two. Suddenly Dick recognized trial settle the possession of Alakoa.” | showed the whites. denly o terrible pity for this gir those throbbing rhythms were a Whatever else Lilua lacked, she they were both experiencing a re­ Karen recovered herself, and her “Mister Dick—you come!" got the bettor of him and he shui part ot the ground, the forest, and had a faculty of making everything gret for the days of careless plenty. shoulders stiffened “I advise you “ What is it? What is it now?" his jaws. the air Itself. restless except herself. Dick and “I’m sorry, sometimes,” be said, to talk to John Colt.": | "I tap pn Mister Wayne door—I "Dick," Karen cried out, “whal Later, after the Holokai had put. “that those old days dre gone. There Dick's hands jerked away from take Mister Wpyne him milk. Mis­ is it?" out from shore, Dick and Karen star E teeth Karen' motionless, as they were, & ponder for were made toseem uneasy: even the are things that are rigid, and dull her. “John Colt!" he shouted at her ' ter Waynf!, he not answer, He was unable then, pitying her as found themselves sitting face to face m Calox J 00lu • house was restless under the pres­ too, about the Wayne regime.” "I've been up from southern waters "Well, did you go in?” he did, to toU her that he knew she across a completely set table under sure of the fog. It was annoying to She looked at him and the shared only two days, ahd already I'm sick "No, no, no!” already had the answer to that.’ the cabin's skylight. The main cab- “cEox a0»”M« Karen that Lilua could stand so per­ m om ent broke up.. “How do you as hell of your everlasting John! “Where is he? In his office?” "James Wayne is dead," he an­ in of the^Holokai was trim and well fectly relaxed. know all thls?”: Colt!' “Yes—ofllce. Plenty light but no swered. lighted, but necessarily very small, “You’d better go on to bed now, “ The. Waynes were very close "If you don’t mind," Karen said, ' speak. Something move- m there— "This—this is a terrible thing." here not even the hovering of the friends of Garrett Waterson.” I hear something move! But nothing "Perhaps not." Chinese mess boy could spare them DON’T LET Lilu’,” , Dick said. once more in complete self-posses­ “You won’t want m e any more “To the profit of the W aynes,” sion, “I think I shall go to bed now," in there will speak." "What do you mean?" a sense of being shut to, very close tonight?” " Karen said with repressed bitter­ Tonga Dick let her go. Dick Wayne drew a deep breath, Dick's voice was hard and bitter. together. “No; we have everything we’ll ness. and the air of the hall was so clam­ "If you are going to take this island, Karen’s eyes rested unhappily ji 20NSTSEFATB0N BLOW YOU UP need, I think.” ■ • Tonga Dick shook his head, not ir CHAPTER VI my upon his lungs it was as if he perhaps it is better that you take it upon her plate. Her fork fiddled • When bowels are sluggish — when you Lilua stood motionless a moment denial, but in objection. “You* had breathed in the outer rain. from me and from my brothers— with broiled pakii, but she was un­ fo<)l irritable, headachy and pvorythlng more. “Are you sure?” . * •-, grandfather ended up utterly broke. In his own room, Dick Wayne "Ail right.” not from the moil who made it whal able to eat Her clear-cut poise had, you do is an efforfc-do as millions of folks You see, he was the last of the found a Jittle fire burning brightly, Once . more he went striding returned to the form of a reticent do,\Chcw FEEN-A-MINT, the modem **Yes, y es,.o f course!” it is." chewing gum laxative, FEEN-A-MINT When Lilua was. gone Tonga Dick great old catch-as-catch-can traders. and he wished belatedly that be had through the house, the broad old Karen Waterson stood staring at \withdrawal; but behind the thin she!! looks and tastos like your favorite gum Wayne sat looking into the fire, say- Island trading was a tough game asked Karen if a fire had been laid! floorboards speaking, under his him: blankly. Until 'now it had of that poise Dick Wayne was’able, —you'll liko its fresh mint flavor. Simply Ing nothing; and Karen found her­ after the sandalwood gave out, bul for her He did not ,know that Lilua tread, and the tabes of the Japanese seemed to Dick Wayne thai noth­ to perceive th'at the girl was nerv- chew FBEN-A-MINT nt bod time-sleep self unwilling either to look at him Garrett Waterson had a tremendous had put Karen in alm ost the only girl, pattering' behind him. ing . he had ever said to her -had ously distraught. without boing disturbed — next morning robust energy, and he made hlmseU geiitie, effective reliof. You’ll feel liko a or to speak. . room ip the house that had no'fire­ There was a line of Ught under the reached her completely to' ‘Its fut Tonga'Dick Wayne atj, for no oth-'/ ,million, full of your old pep again. A gen­ “Do all your servants call you by two or three fortunes. But all that place .at all.' ' •fc-.oi Jam es Wayne's office;, but meaning; but now. fee. knew that h< er reason than that he bad not eaten * erous family supply of FEEN-A-MINT your first name?” Karen asked at /was over a good many years be* A heavy lei of golden ginger, blos­ as he reached for the latch the Jap­ had hurt her as definitely as if he to more than eighteen hours, and’, i coatkonly 10*..... last. ;; ' ■ f 'fore he sold Alakoa. I doubt If he soms hung on the foot of the bed; the anese girl flattened herself against had struck her across the face. Ths waited for Karen to speak. Now. Dick frowned1 a tittle; “She Isn’t had made a cent for at least a blossoms filled the. whole room with the wall, tearful lest she accidental­ silence that followed had'a strange surely, he thought, she would, have exactly a servant! Her people were decade. He had no business judg­ a spicy fragrance, heavy and pun­ ly see Into the room, and , Tonga hopeless quality about it, empty, something to say about her presence a very proud people—masters of tills ment; even his ownership of-this gent Instantly Dick knew who had Dick Wayne hjmself hesitated. He yet singularly,acute.-Dick was giod at the death of James Wayne! , ■ 'i/. island before any haole ever saw Island, was an 'accident, He wor made that lei. and put them there; knew what waa within. that Charles Wong now appeared, Then presently ha became aware.-,, It. And she— she’s . lived here all Alakoa,’ In a poker , game with the and for a moment' he was troubled. James Wayne still oat in. the chair moving quickly Into the room, with a slow amazement, that Karerfy her life, and I've known her all her native king^-and even that was part­ Then, on an ImpuVse, h e picked up behind- his vast desk, in the same Charles Wong went straight to tbs was not . going to speak. She must i ,life.” V V.'y/ :\ '/I . ly by mistake, because ,He thought the ie! and went walking through the place he had sat during so mufch of desk, but his eye* were questioning hove known who had picked, up the':'.',' P P - l - l l j N T he was; gambling for just the fish house He recognized Karen’s room twenty bard driving years. But now on Dick’s face. broken ginger .blossoms that would.; XCtraUaasa Stogs 5) PAGE EIGHT FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1942

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE o h d in a n c e ae* County Budget Notice ORDINANCE NO. 208 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE HALE OF LANDS AN?) 1’RK. Tho following is a summary of tho. Local Budget of tho County of Mon­ THE - UNIFORM CONTROL AND MIHEIi KNOWN AS LOT. 05S, mouth for the year 1942. LICENSING OF DOGS AND KEN- .BLOCK 40 AS SHOWN ON THE Tho said budget passed first reading at a meeting of tho Board of Chosen NELS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TAX MAI' OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Freeholders held on January 19th, 1942. NEPTUNE, IN THE COUNTY OF NEPTUNE AT I'RIVATE SALE. ■ . A Hearing will bo held on tho Budget at the Court House at Freehold, MONMOUTH. This ordinance ahull take. effect im­ on Monday, February 9th, 1942, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., at whloh tlmo and Section 27, All ordinances and parts mediately. • „ „ pinco objections to tho said Budget may be presented by any taxpayer. of ordinances inconsistent herewith are Approved nnd pnsaed ou first rending EDWARD C. BROEGE, hereby repealed, and this ordinance January 6, 1942.- Clerk of the Board of- Chosen Freeholders. shall take effect ^as of November 1, Approved, passed and adopted on STATEMENT 1941, after publication in the manner final reading on January 20 1942. (Itequlrrd by Revised Statutes—Section 40:2-14 provided by law. RAYMOND nr artACKA. Actual Actual Approved and passed on first reading Chairman 1942 1941 1940 January C, 1942. ;• A ttest: JOHN W. KNON. State School (Estimate for 1942) $ 533,113.80 . $ 533,113.80 $ ‘543,252.01 Approved,. passed and adopted on Clerk Soldiers Bonus None None . 41,245.90 final reading on January 20, 1942. County: • \ i RAYMOND R. GRACEY, (a) General County (Estimated Chairman NOTICK OF PUBLIC Ot for 1942) 2,059,291.80 2,009,327.90 • 1,708,0-10.50 Attest: JOHN W. KNOX, LANDS ANI>. PREMISES IN NIK (b) Bank Stock Tax 14,834,84 - 10.15S.71 Clerk TOWNS 1111’ OF N KI*TUN K, 'IN (c) County Library ‘ (Estimated . TUB COUNTY . OF.. MON MO I I II. for 1942) 10,100.44 10,100.44 10,240.. 18 NOTICK Is hereby, given that on (d) County District Court) Esti­ CHANCERY 1-58 Tuesday, the third day. of .February,- UNITED mated for 1942) 0,872.12 4,717,50 7.475.0U • SHERIFF’S SALE—By virtue of a 1942 at two o’clock in the afternoon, writ of fli fa. • to me directed, issued at the Neptune Township Headquart­ $2,015,444.22 $2,638,100.54 $2,392,418.42 out of the Court of Chancery of the ers 197 South Mala Street, Neptune. STATE AID State of New Jersey, will be exposed Now Jersey, the Township of Neptnne. Road Funds (Allotted for 1942) $350,000.00 $ 351,080.00 $ 349,700.00 STATES State Aid for T. B. Patients 27,000.00 27,000.00 22,000.00 to sale at public vendue, on Monday, in the County of Monmouth will oner the 10th day of February, 1942, be­ at public sale, to the highest bidder, Stenographic Fees • 1,400.00 999.99 tween the hours of 12 o’clock and 5 DEEP WATER ISLAND at a minimum sale price of Light Aid to Blind . \ . None None 1,000.00 o’clock (at 2 o’clock) in the afternoon Hundred Dollars ($S00.00) all the SAVINGS Licenses to Coal Dealers 838.00. 838.00 800.00, of said day, at the CoUrt: House In • J By Alan leMay right, title and interest of the said ‘ • ” $379,898.00 $380,318.00 $ 374,559.99 the Borough of Freehold, County of (Continued from Pago 7) Township acquired, at a lax'sale and Tax Rato (Estimated for 1942) 1.1241 • 1,0075 . .9G17 Monmouth, New Jersey,: to . satisfy a tho foreclosure of the equity of re­ have given her away. But did aheT ‘ EXPLANATORYSTATEMENT decree:, of said court amounting to ap­ demption thereof in and to the fol­ BONDS f ■yVur Emergency and Natlonul Defense proximately $4,016.00. ■•■'.' 'r .. Dick suddenly recognized that Kar­ lowing described-lands ami, premises. ;• In the fifteen (i5) shares AH those certain lots, tracts or par­ At the time this budget la made up It is impossible to speculate upon the of the twenty-fourth series of shares en perhaps did not know. Conceiv­ cels of land and premises, situate, effect of the war emergency and problem of national defense upon our country of the capital stock of . the Neptune ably, she might have concluded that lying and being in the Township of. AND STAMPS problems and activities. Building and Loan Association, as­ Neptune In the County of Monmouth The budgeGlias been made up on the basis of carrying on the normal signed to said Association by Cataldo Tsura, the Japanese girl, had picked and State. of New Jersey, and known county activities during- the coming year; We realize we are in a state of up those telltale flowers, motivated serious emergency—and possibly a grave national crisis. Events during the Tinelli and Jennie TinellJ, and in the and designated as Block 79. ;Lot 1141. second place all of the . touqwing de­ by nothing more than the house* on the Tax Assessment Map of • the coming year may require! not only drastic cuts in our county activities, but scribed property : : Township of Neptune, and upon the possibly revamping of our entire system.. But thia Board do not feel it is All that certain lot, tract or.parcel keeping habit which clings to cer­ following terms and conditions : _ within their province at this tlmo to do this—and that It la incumbent upon of land and premises, hereinafter pur- tain women even in.times of stress. Twenty per cent at the time of the all of us to carry on our normal activities at the least possible oxpense .ticularly described, situate, lying and Bale and the balance within ten days. until such time as the Fedoral Government may call upon us to change. bolng in tlie Township of Neptune, lit He let his eyes rest with some de­ Upon the. payment of the. full purchase But wo .would suggest .at this time to all. county department heads that they liberation upon her face, and saw shoyld. a t once give continuous, thought and study to the feasibility of cutting tho County of Monmouth and State of price an .Assignment of Lease xvlll he. N ew ; Jersey. : ■■:;: > that she was uncommonly pale; it delivered to the Purchaser. An.v bid­ their expenses-—even to fifty per cent or less, should the National Emergency Beginning in tho southerly lino of der who falls to complete his purchase of the Income of our county taxpayers require/* 1L gave her. an exceptionally fragile . .. '..v-.. Salaries; and Wages ■■ : Sixth Avenue as.shown and indicated will forfeit to the Township any de­ on a "Map of Bradley Park” duly., look, .“It seems to me,” he*bcgan, posit paid. It will bo noted that there Is another change In tho form of our budget. filed in the Monmouth County Clerk’s *• JOI1N \V. KNOX. -: Previously all budget items have been divided into “Personal Services" and Ofilce a t.a point distant four hundred^ “that you might tell me—” Clerk. "Other than Personal Services.*-— Under a requirement of the State Local feet and nine inches (414* 9"). westerly He let the question he had begun Dated, January 20, 1942. Government Board, this Juts been changed this year to,. "Salaries nnd Wages," from the intersection of, the westerly ■ —4-r> • ■ * and "Other Expenses." ’ . • side of Steiner Avenue, as shown on lose, itself in the black race of the At a previous meeting, of this Board,'a Resolution was passed that no. said map- with the southerly line of sea past the lee porthole. NOTICK 'OF PUBLIC SALK OF increases In salaries or wages should be. made-to anyone paid by the county Sixth Avenue;, thence (1): running LANDS AND PREMISES IN Til K price a Bargain and Sale Deed will be Where; the annual compensation received was over $1,200.00. This. resolution “We’re making fast time,” he delivered to the Purchaser. Any bid-, has been ’strictly adhered to in making up the budget. /. westerly along the southerly line of TOWNSHIP OF N1:PTUNF.;I> dor who falls to. complete, his purchase Sixth .Avenue seventy-five (75) feet; said. “We’ll be in Honolulu before TUB COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. It Is. recognized that, living costs hav.c increased, but as stated above, thence; (2) southerly/ at right angles NOT!CD is hereby given that on -will forfeit to the Township any do Cbe Pod’s Corner while it is impossible to speculate upon tlie future requirements for tho county. very long.” posit paid. Hie least this Hoard nin do a t tills time Is to keep the county, expenses at with said Sixth Avenue one hun­ Karen murmured, *Tm glad.” A Tuesday, the third day of February, JOHN W. KNOX, dred and fifty (150) feet; thence (3) 1942 at two o’clock In the afternoon,, the same level as.last year wherever possible and we must all .be called-upon easterly parallel with Sixth Avenue little shiver ran across her should at the Neptune Township Headquart­ Clerk. Our Flag to make sacrifices in (liese days, - ers. 137 South Main. Street, Neptune, Dated, ..January 20, 1942. Amount To Be Raised IIy .Taxation And Tax Rate, seventy-five (75). feet; thence ;.(4) der s’, • so that her two words made -4 -0 northerly at right angles >vith Sixth New Jersey, the Township of Neptune, Flag of our country, far afloat, Tho amount to be raised , by taxation this year is $21,870.91 less , than Avenue one hundred and fifty ■ (150) Honolulu seem a long-sought haven, Jn the County of Momnouth will • ■ ■ • $800,100.00' House, Olin street and Central avenue, trator of the estate of -Emma M.. Tlie anmiini received from the Slate amounts- to $350,000.00 Ocean Grove, N. J., on the thirtieth “But I’m not all sorry,” Dick said, Vreeland, deceased, notice is hereby Untjl Victory is wan. day of January, 1942, at 8 o’clock P. “In spite of everything, I know you given to the creditors of said deceased Balance to be ralssi in taxation by the county is the sum of’ $515,.440.00 M., to consider the said appropria­ to exhibit to the subscriber adminis­ ... Jean- J. Eastley. The law fixing the .sum of six millions from, the molor vehicle fund* was tions for final passage and adoption better now; and that has been worth GO/n/BUS trator as aforesaid, their debts and passed in 1931, over, ton years ago. Since that -tlmo the automobile, and and to give all persons interested an while.” •- demands against the said estate, under Elmira, N. Y-: , truck■ .traffic h a s. Increased immensely. The road -mileage of the various opportunity to be heard concerning tho Don’t leave your car at tluv oath, Within slx inonths from’ the date counties 1ms also increased. And during this time the receipts from motor appropriations. “I shouldn’t have tried to fool you mirb in bud weather. Leave of the aforesaid order, or. they will be vehicle registrations and the gas tax has increased. But tlie counties have JAMES BLAIR, Clerk. about who I was,” Karen said. In It lu Hie Dnrnge. do liy .11 us.. forever barred of their actions there-, Nosy that the Neutrality Bill has received no more from the State than this six nfftlions of dollars.* To correct For Administration...... $ 900.00 spite of her concealed nervous ten­ for against the said subscriber. this injustice, the* State Freeholders Association endeavored to have legis­ For Insurance ...... , WILLIAM X. VREELAND; definitely been scrapped,, it looks lation passed that would permit an increase in this allotment to the county. For Salary of Building Super­ 2000.00 sion, she seemed very tired, so that C O A S T CITIES 32 Bergen Avenue-. - as though our isolationist days are If .the law hud gone through, the County of Monmouth would- have received intendent ...... 1,800.00 he could hardly bear her words. • Jersey City N. J. an additional sum of approximately, $175,000.00, Unfortunately, the bill was For Maintenancce of Bulid- C O A C H E S Inc, Dated, Freehold, N. J., January 21st, all over—all over, that. is. except tioO passed. The bill was opposed by the State Taxpayers Association. .W e For Maintenancce of. Build­ “That was a very silly mistake.” 1942. think they did so without knowing the..effect of the law. If this bill had ings ...... 150.00 “There have been other mis- —I-5 ($10,00) for the shooting. passed, tho amount to bo raised by taxation would have been, approximately, For General Maintenance of $175,000.00 less than It now is, as this additional sum would hnvo been that Department: ____ ‘900.00 ; takes,” Dick said. mmmwH i numim—niaiiHw much more deducted from the $800,100.00 raised for road and bridge purposes For Discount and Interest... ‘500.00 / She met his eyes for a moment, .and road and bridge bonds, and that much less .to be paid by the taxpayers For Firo Hydrant Rental ___ 2,700.00 I *of Monmouth County. For.Light and Heat ...... '900.00 and he wondered If she was think­ It is indeed unfortunate that the State Legislature having recognized In For New Equipment ...... 1,000.00 ing about a silent room, and a bro-‘ 1931: Unit the counties should receive road maintenance from the State Motor For Fire Alarm Maintenance 'GOO.OO ken lei. /Tie wanted to tell her that Vehlclo Funds, ten years later should refuse to increase Hint sum whc*n road For Ambulance Maintenance . mileage, auto traffic and cost, of road maintenance have ajl. Increased and For Department Mechanician 300.00200.00 there was no reason for. her to think the receipts of tho Motor Vehicle Funds have likewise increased. With the For Neptune Pension Fund .. 72.00 about that; and that he believed in principal of state aid to counties onco established, tlie matter of additional For. Deferred Assets ...... 133.03 allotments, to tlie county should be merely a matter of arithmetic instead of For Bond No. 3 due August her completely. . a political discussion tlm t.had. no* place in the picture. 1, 1942 ...... 1,500.00 Dick said morosely, “You and I For Interest on Bonded In- ought to be able to talk to each other It D o e s P a y COLLECTION OF TAXES. Indebtedness ...... 420.00 The County Is how under a cash budget. It will be noted that It was more easily than we*do.” not necessary to insert In the budget any reserve for taxes. .Tiffs was duo For Resehve for Taxes and to tlie. fact that in 1941 there was al 100 per cent collection of county taxes, .Tax Title Liens ...... * 700.00 “Do we have to go into all'that?” and. tbe municipalities * are to be commended and congratulated upon doing For Maintenance of Company their share thereby, to assist In holding down county taxes. Quarters by Referendum “We can work these things out/r . 1934 ...... :...... 1,500.00 Dick Wayne said. “You and I are ANTICIPATED REVENUES TO the only ones who can.” . ' GENERAL REVENUES 1942. * 1941 Realized Total amount of 1942 Budget • in cash to ho raised by T axation... 16,335.03 Karen Waterson stiffened and sat in 1941 WILLIAM-A. ROBINSON, L Surplus Revenue Cash Appro. $54,396.29 $ * 54 ,396.29 5 54,396.29 President. back. “I can only say this—if there 1. (a) Surplus Rev. Non-Cash Atppro., C. M. NAGLE. are to be any negotiations at all, with prior written consent Secretary. Comm, of Local Government : None .None —4' • they will have to be carried on with John Colt, not with me.” Advertise $ 54,396.29. $ 54,390.29 $ 54,390.29. .Monmouth County Surrogate’s Office “If the case came to trial as it Miscellaneous Revenues: ^ In t tho matter of the Estate of Surrogate • ...... 42,000.00 47,000.00 42,212.89 I-lank Moore Jeffery, Deceased. now stands,” Dick Wayne said, ”1 County Clerk ...... ;...... 64,000.00 61,000.00 64,032.80 have no doubt that you could win. : Sheriff ...... 17,000.00 • 19,000.00 17,223.90 Notice to Creditors to Present Claims Against Estate. After that would'follow appeal after County Clerk ... ___ 64,000.00 61,000.00 61,032.80 . i’ursuunt to the order of Joseph L, Inheritance Tax ...... •' 32,000.00’ - 7,000.00 39,555.27 Donahay, Surrogate o f tho County of appeal, delay, after delay; and even Allotiwood Hospital Patients.;. 19,000.00 19,000.00 . 19,070.52 Monmouth, made on' the seventeenth if you won in the end you’d be a . Stale Aid T. 1$. Patients ... .27,000.00 22,000,00 / 27,027.43 22,613.68 Road Maintenance R. S 27:16-19 ___ 26,000.00 25,qoo:oo 16,400.00 $3,349,374.83 $/,399,681.27 $3,392,476.07 $75,857.00 $75,^57.00 • $66,238.00 RECAPITULATION OF GENERAL AFPIfJPRlATIONS MOTOR VEHICLE FINES ...... 13,000.00 6.175.00 - 13,201.60 jModified by_ Expended Unexpended Cash Balanced ...... Al T r a n s f e r s & R e se rv e d 7,000.00 1,416.10. 1,416.10 1942 $20,000.00 $ 7591.10 ~ and The Shore Times Sub. Total ...... *3,349,374.83 \$3,375,391.15 $3,375,391.15 $14,230.12 $14,717.32 $14,903.44': 12. Reser\’ed for Uncollected Taxes Nofto V 1,676.44 1,676.44 SECOND DISTRICT COURT:' Total General Appropriations. .. $3,349,374.83 $3*177.067.69 $2,377,067.60 Salaries and Wages ...... \ ' 9,550.00 9,650.00 .9,550,00V Emergency of 1941 ...... * - 4 . Z?>613.08 22,613.68 Othor Expenses ..L 2,648.00 / ’2,870.00 ;V; 2,870.00 Sixty-Four Main Avenue Totals ...... $3,349,374.83 $3,399,681.27 $3,399,681.27 $12,108.00 $12,420.00 $12,420.00 Dept,1 Sealer of W elghts^nd Measures '838.00 *’857.00 ,857.00 ■ * - DEDICATED REVENUES Deficit 1941 .Revenue :; 19.00; FIRST DISTRICT COURT: Highways Motor Vehlclo Fines: ** . . - R e a liz e d Anticipated Salaries and Wages ...... i 20,000:00 ; 7,591.10 v 7,591,10” 1942 1041 In Cash Township and Borough Aid: * Telephone 7 Ocean Grove, N. J. C a sh Surnlus Appropriated 475.00 * 3.583.57 S, 583.57 Dirt Hoards It S. 27 :15-1.. . 60,000.00 - 50,000.00 ; 6.416.25 : ; 60,ooo,0 0 .'; Income from Office ...... 6,889.00 . 6,889.00 Maintenance Rj S. 27:16-10.....;.,;. 25,000.00 . . 25,000.00 . 25,000.00 • To bo raised by Taxation J.8 7 2 .1 2 •; 4,717.50 4,717.50 1 Helping Teachers N o n o .• Total of .All Dedicated Revenues 0277.99 $14,230.12 , $14,717.32 $15,190.07 Appropriated ; .y... ;. ,/'.*,*,,..,; $122,291.12 ($U1,513.41 y SECOND DISTRICT COURT: ’ $m,'699;5?v Cosh Surnlus Anpropriatod 2.300.00 ; S.000.00 8,000,06 GRAND TOTAL'OF ALL In co m e f ro m ; Office , . . . «v\ 9.898.00 9,420.00 0,898.05 . AiPPRpPRIATiONa:1, ... r