AlTD THE BHOb E TIMES ■ -.I/' - ■ VOL. LXVII No. 4 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY; -j FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1942 FOUR CENTS Drop of $1,623 In Fire Budget SEEK BOOKS FOR SERVICE MEN IN U. S. ARMY POSTS lation Large Ratable Loss Causes Increase In County Tax For 1942 Shown In Ocean Grove The “Books for, Victory” Smith To Committee campaign was started in Lay Member of Camp Meeting et, Amount To Be Raised . Ocean Grove this week with Group Given Late B. G. Fire Commissioners To Act January 30 the plea that all persons hav­ Moore’s Post on Business ■ MAGEE WARNS AGAINST ing books which they might Board at QuarterlyI Meeting 7 STAMPS ON WINDSHIELDS Freeholders Point To Steady Decline of On Passage of Budget of $16,335; desire to contribute for sold ier’s libraries in army camps . Frank B. Smith, prominent Motor Vehicle Commissioner Value of Real Property In County; Show Hydrant Rental Shows Greatest Drop and. posts, should‘ leave them Ocean Grove churchman and Arthur W. Magee has an­ A budget calling for a reduction at the Ocean Grove associa­ lay member of tbe Ocean Grove nounced that the. Federal use Reduction of $24,870 In Amount to be of $1,623 in the total amount to FIRST SCOUT PAPER DRIVE tion office on Main avenue! Camp Meeting Association, was ; tax stamps which must -be at­ be raised by taxation in the Ocean A SUCCESS, SECOND STARTS All type books are acceptable, napied to the business committee tached . to all mot<|r vehicles Raised By Taxation This Coming Year Grove fire district number one for those not used in the camps bf that association 'Friday, to fill effective Februaipr ■ 1, should A budget calling for a decreased amount to be raised . will come up for final passage at a Members of Troop 41, Ocean will be sold and the monies the vacancy on the committee ere not be affixed to either the by taxation, yet showing an increase in the:tax rate was meeting of the. board of fire com­ used to supply the army with windshield or the front side Grove, this week received a ated through the death last year passed by the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders missioners on Friday, January, 30, check for $25 80 for scrap, and .new ones ' "!■ bf B. G. Moore., Smith will serve windows of New Jersey regis­ at the 'Washington fire house, Cen­ waste paper collected by them until the annual meeting of the tered motor vehicles. this week. The cause for the increased rate, despite a tral avenue. ... during the past two months, association in - April, } They can be affixed to the lower budget and lower amount to be raised by taxation • Foremost in the reduction of the and announced a second scrap The association will meet instrument panel bf the vehi­ was caused, it . was explained , by Director Joseph Mayer, / total1 amount to be raised by tax­ paper collection would start April to elect officers and' to fill cle, to the back of the rear­ by- a huge loss in ratables during the past year. ation is the decrease in the amount Scheduled For Draft, view mirror, rear windows or immediately. The scouts, the vacancies caused by the several . 7 The budget actually shows a decrease of $24,870.94 of the fire hydrant rental which is working in patrols, gathered members’ deaths during the fall to any other part of the vehi­ the result of a standardization of Laborer Takes Life cle where it will be conspicu­ in the amount to be raised by1----------------- '"' over two tons of the paper and Columbo Traverse, -Rooming aml 'wint o r season. , Members who levied . against the 1932 ratables, fire hydrant rental -rates over the ous and not become mutilated taxation over the amount' called magazines in the initial drive, in Ocean Grove, A Suicide on have died include the vice presi for last year. Director Mayer'also instead of the 1942 figure, the county. The new Ocean Grove dis­ and hope to collect even more dent, Dr. Alfred Wagg, the scare . or detached. Monday Morning; “Just Can’t stated that, due to the decrease in county'tax would be $8.58 instead trict hydrant rental is $2,760, a in the second drive. tary, Samuel Clarke, and the Kev. Under the New Jersey stat­ of the $11.24, so great, the board reduction of $1,035 from the 1941 ■ ■Make It’’ Says Note.; -:v.; utes, no sticker' or emblem the amount of the total1 budget, A rthur Jamieson and B. G. Moore, had it not been necessary to raise a said, has been the decline in the charge of $3,795. The new fig­ Officers were formerly elected at can be affixed to the wind­ taxables since that time. ure will benefit all the fire dis­ Scheduled to have answered shield or front side windows figure of $44,429.65 for the per­ the January meeting! then desig­ manent . registration - plan, ; the It was also noted- that for the trict hydrant rental bills in the his draft board’s call for ir pre­ nated, as the annual ineeting, but except that which is author, third; straight year, there was no j three township fire districts. Breal< Ground For liminary examination; Columbo ized by law..;' county figure might have been re: with the inclement weather preva­ duccd by as much as $69,300.59. necessity of. appropriating a re­ Other reductions listed in the Traverso, 29, committed suicide lent in January, attendance fell serve for uncollected taxes, all new budget are a $150 cut in the New Swimming Pool Monday morning by stuffing the While .thte boavd of freeholders Walter IRcade and Councilman off until the annual ^session .was cited the decline in./the value of riiunicipalities in the county having cost of building; maintenance, doors and windows of his rented moved to the April meeting. met their obligations in full. It $100 reduction in the general maim Vincent Keupcr Officiated as real estate as one cause, for the room at 148 Heck avenue, and The association Friday author was also said that for the second . tenance of the department, and a Half Million Dollar Project turning on the three burners bf a Mooney Heads loss of ratables,; they also rioted ized Manager Joseph A. Thoma to the fact that.a personal property straight .year, the second district $60 decrease in the interest on is Started in Asbury Park gas plate in the room.'- He was draw up and place into effect a court in Long Branch was self- bonded indebtedness. Items listed sis Drive assessment of ten million dollars dead when found by a cousin, dog ordinance along jthe lines of Asbury Park Mayor Accepts sustaining. last year but cut out of the 1942 Louis' Traverso, who had come levied against the Jersey Central Ground was broken this week those passed by neighboring com, Leadership of President’s figure are $200 for contingent pur­ to take him to work. Power, and Light company by tho for the half-million ‘dollar swim­ munities. < Birthday Campaign; Pledges poses $700 'for repairs and paint­ A resident at that address for city of Asbury Purk, was not in ming pool to be .built by Walter In his annual report, Police City Support eluded in the 1942-total. How­ ing of the fire houses, and $659 Rdade, Asbury Park theatre mag­ about Six. weeks; Traverso was a Chief Willis R. Atkinson listed a for a noodlight system for the de laborer, at Fort Monmouth, and ever, the board, continued, even Sees $20.00 Drop nate, who set the pool apart as a total of 132 arreste| during the Mayor Clarence V. Mooney,- of partment. A total of all reduc had received his selective service with this large amount included i monument'to the present city ad­ year, investigation - b£ 54 automo Asbury. Park,1’ has; accepted .the tions or eliminations of $2,945. notification summoning him -to re­ the 1942 ratables, the total would In Local Tax Rate ministration of Asbury. Park, bile accidents, in whith eight per­ chairmanship of the Asbury Park Neptune Township Committee However there were necessary port on Tuesday. The call had then still not be as great a: which he said, was bringing the sons were slightly;; injured, 50 committee for the celebration of 1941. increases totaling $1,322 in vari been . sent to a! previous address, Hopeful as it Urges all city a “square deal" after years motor’vehicle :arrests,;'6he attempt­ the President’s Birthday and he ous accounts which give the blan­ and had just reached him. The county tax. board has fixed Taxing Districts to Copcrate of “grafting.” ed suicide and 22 breaking and pledged the full support of the city ket reduction of $1,623 for the en­ Traverso left a note, addressed $169,453,946 as the value of real The pool, which is located on entering cases. administration in -the drive for in Reducing Budget for 1942 tire budget Those items showing to two sisters and a friend, which, property in the county for- 19-12, as an entire block surrounded by Property reported stolon amount­ funds with which to fight infantile an increase over the 1942 figure Police IChief Willis Atkinson said, against a sum of $171,620,880 set Eighth and Ocean avenues, and ed to ’ a total of ; $476 and the paralysis. In a letter to the Board of Edu­ . include an increase of $500 in; the expressed despondency, stating as the actual figure for 1911.
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