Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 1999 Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 1999 Rethinking Media Richness: Towards a Theory of Media Synchronicity Alan R. Dennis Joseph S. Valacich Terry College of Business College of Business and Economics University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract compensate for the weak findings and draw new This paper describes a new theory called a theory of conclusions based on the enhancements, or should we media synchronicity which proposes that a set of five attempt formulate a new theory [e.g., 34, 35, 41]? media capabilities are important to group work, and that In this paper, we take the second approach. We all tasks are composed of two fundamental communi- propose a new theory, which we call a theory of media cation processes (conveyance and convergence). synchronicity. The theory proposes that group Communication effectiveness is influenced by matching communication processes, regardless of task outcome the media capabilities to the needs of the fundamental objectives, are composed of two primary processes, communication processes, not aggregate collections of conveyance and convergence. The theory also proposes these processes (i.e., tasks) as proposed by media that media have a set of capabilities that play a dominant richness theory. The theory also proposes that the role when addressing each type of communication relationships between communication processes and process. Performance will be enhanced when media media capabilities will vary between established and capabilities are aligned with these processes.