The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus 6(\ r{^ NOTRE DAME AUMNUS 1791 m DAME ^ PI liit'l ALUMNUS ifc Volume 41, Number 7 Quadragesimo Anno February-March, 1963 Fortieth Anniversary Issue, dedicated to the memory of Rev. Matthew J. Walsh, C.S.C. (1882- 1963), Eleventh President of the University of Notre Dame, during whose administration (1922-1928) the NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS was founded and began to flourish. NOTRE DAME Sditoml Comment ALUMNUS Vol. 41 No. 1 from your Alumni Secretary James E. Armstrong, '25 Editor John F. Laughlin, '48 Managing Editar HISTOR/CAL NOTE COVER AND CONTENTS of this issue are frankly nostalgic, reviewing 40 This is a modified "Quadragesimo progi-am was adopted by die University years of publication and mourning the recent pass- Anno." It marks the 40th Anniversary' as a full-time office, now directed bv ing of men who shaped those yeors, Father Matt of the first Alumni Office, the first Rev. Louis J. Thornton, C.S.C. Walsh, Joe Byrne, Tom Beocom and Jim Sanford. full-time Alumni Secretar\' (actually In 1929, the late Frank Hayes of modified by the continuing duties of Chicago was an ardent apostle of the Thii nuganne is published bl-montHly by Alfred C. Ryan, '20, as graduate man introduction of the annual alumni the Univcraty of Notre Dame, Notre ager of athletics under K. K. Rockne), Dune, Ind. Entered as second class mat fund, which enjoyed a short but prom.- ter Oct.