NEW PRIEST SAYS MASS in ROOM of DYING RISHOP FULL PLANS of Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Reproduce Given After 12 M
NEW PRIEST SAYS MASS IN ROOM OF DYING RISHOP FULL PLANS OF Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Reproduce Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue PRELATE GIVEN POPE’S BIRTHDAY COMMUNION BY FESTIVAL GIVEN FR. VANDEGAER Bishop in Letter Sets Forth What Is to Be Done Former St. Thomas’ Seminarian Principal in ’ in Churches of Denver Diocese Scene at Bedside of Head of Bishop Urban J. Vehr, D. D., this week announced the Alexandria Diocese diocesan plans for the celebration of the Holy Father’s 75th birthday anniversary May 31. These plans, briefly forecast 9ne of the most touching incidents in the history of the > in The Register last Thursday, are set forth in detail in the fol- Church in America occurred last Saturday at Shreveport, Louisiana, when a man just ordained from St. Thomas’ semi - lowing pastoral sent to the priests: Tht National Catholic Welfare Conference Newt Serrice Suppliei The Denver Catholic Heaiater and The Reciater. We Have Also Oor Reverend dear Father and Beloved We rejoice that Almighty God has Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the Fidei Serrice and the California Catholic Frees Service nary, Denver, celebrated Mass in the room where his Bishop, of the Laity: spared the Holy Father to the Church the Most Rev. Cornelius Van de Ven of Alexandria, Louisiana, Our Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, and to the world, and we pray for VOL. XXVII. No. 39. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 12,1932. $2.00 PER YEAR lay dying. The Bishop died Sunday night. The story, told in a wdll celebrate the seventy-fifth an hjm length of years to fill the Di dispatch to-The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, follows: niversary of his birth on Tuesday, vine mission entnisted to his care.
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