M Oney Book, Vol
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THE GLENGARRY NEWS ^ -- -- - ^ VOL. V. ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1896. NO. 22. McGillivray’s Bridge Sitters an«l >'on-Sittovs. ' A. G. F. Macdonald’s field near the ski A.. li. McDOISTALD, M. D. BINDER TWINE. Brcau«:o a hon is a non-.sitîcr it does , ®Ltt0arrD A very pleasant event took place at the rink where a huge bon fire was started nnt Imiily that s’nc is a better layer than THE GAPDCM ALEXANDRIA, ONT. The undersigned has been appointed sole the young men present gave vent to —18 PUBL18HEI>— CLAN MCLENNAN agent in Glengarry of the Farmer’s Binder home of Mr. Donald î^Iunro, King’s Road, tlie sitter or is ns profitalilc. The non- Office ard residence—Corner of Main and sitter thrivc.s best in spring and summer enthusiasm. Below we give an acc EVERT FRIDAY MOBNIK Q* EWn Streets. Twine Co. Ltd., of Brantford, Ont., and is in the marriage of his youngest daughter, FRUIT FOR THE FAIVIILY. —AT THE— OF MONTREAL, prepared to furnish the best twine ever sold and is an active forager. There is a time of the majorities in Glengarry as near Christy Jane, to Mr. James McArthur, of when she takes a rc.st, even if she does GLENGARRY "NEWS ” PRINTING OFFICE in Canada at a fair margin above cost. IIoiv to H:ive a Fair Variety All tlie Year we could get them ; To the number of three thousand arc com- not sit. She will lay more eggs in the MAIN STREET, ALEXANDRIA, ONT- Correspondenco solicited. Prices and fur- Hilldale. The event was very pleasing in HOUIKI. LOCHIEL. DR. MCLENNAN, ther information gladly furnished. Also summer than the sitter, but in the long ing to Alexandria on the neighborhood as Miss Munro was run the sitter overtakes her, and at the TIio (jnestlon is often asked: “What McLennan. W TERMS OP STimBOMPTioN—one dollar per year OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Kenyon agent for the Cossitt Bros. Co., ManTg. of shall I p!:int In order to obtain a full if paid in advance, or within three months from mowers, reapers, binders, horse rakes, disc end of the year will liave laid <as many Maj. 1 specially loved by the young folks of this supply of fresh fruit for a family tliey^.a’. beginning of year, $1.25 per year If not so paid. and spring tooth harrows. eggs as well as produced one or two Street, Alexandria. round?” It is dilficulC to give a precis.' Alexandria No. 1 78 ADVERTIMNO RATES—Transient advertise- JULV 1, ’Qe. J. N. McCRIMMON, vicinity. We extend our hearty congratula- broods of chick.s, giving more profit and ments, 10 cents per Nonpareil line for first in- list, a.s in some seasons tiio crop may lie “ No. 2 27 18 3m Laggon, Ont. being more contented in confinement. portion, 3 cents per lino for each subsequent tions to the young couple. many times greater than in other.s; and Glen Robertson 25 E. FITZPATRICK, D.D.S. again, some will bear abundantly and McCormack’s 74 CONTRACT RATES—The following table shows Miss Bowen, of Fraserficld, took in the i'ecdiiiK i>Iîlk in Summer. Quigley’s 1 O’lr rates for the insertion of advertisements for DENTIST. Don’t miss the greatest event of the year. otheiLsfall in thcs:imo season. Tlie ff'llow- TO KENT, games in Cornwall last week. Milk and liuttermilk are excellent and Kirk Hill 47 bpecifled periods:— may bs given in pans or mixed with the ing, however, will servo as an approxi- A number from here took in nomination mation:— Glen Sandfield Advertisements, without specific directions, OFFICE :—Main Street, FULL PIPE BAND To rent for a term of years, a house foo<J, but milk should never be allowed Dalkeith will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- suitable for a countr’y store or a tradesman on Tuesday. to remain in the sun all day and bccomo Th(' earliest fruits, about the fir.st of ng^. Transient advertisements must be paid VANKLEEK HILL. First-Class String Orchestra situated in a thriving community. sour. Give it early lu the morning and .saminor, will bo the strawberrie.s. A sc- cH.\nLOTTENnrKoii. Mrs. Shields who took sick last week, is leclinn of the most productive sort-, vvell Good terms. Apply to in an hour or two take away that which Advertisements will be changed twice each Hawkesbury :—• ist Tuesday v?e are glad to hear rapidly improving. cu'tiv:ited, wUh the runners cut off, will month if desired. For changes oftener than Large Dancing Platforms NEIL McCRIMMON, is unconsunied and give it to the pigs. Williarastown 123 affortl about one quart a day from 4’.ac!i twice a month the composition must be paid for of each month for five days. 35-9, McCrimmon P.O. Wo were visited on Sunday by a very Milk will not take the place of water. Martintown 13 Athletic Events s.;u ir* rod f »r a moîith. Thre.'' or foin- at regular rates. 10-3m Glengarry Co. severe thunder storm and downfall of rain. The liens require pure, fre.sh water, Munro’s Mills 43 Changes for contract advertisements must be squ-ire rods ^EHI. therefore, give an .almn- wlilch should 1)0 kept before them, in a Bt. Raphaels 97 n thé office by noon on Tuesdays. In Great Variety No damage was done and a great deal of da:it supply for a family. Four or fiv>- H. A. CONRc^ V. D., cool place, all the time. Summerstown 55 gvod will be derived from this rain. hundr.’ i plants will be .sufficient for tbi-: ITR. 6 MO. I 3 MO. I 1 MO. ALEXANDRIA, ONT. Come and enjoy a Big Day PIGS FOR SALE. East Front C Prayer meeting was held at the home extent of grouiid. .These will lie followed #60.00 $7.00 Imported stock purchased from J. G. 20 inohen.... $35.00 $20.00 Refreshments on theGrounds of Mr. John McIntyre and was largely by th«‘ earliest cherrie.s, and by currant-;, KENYON 10 inches... 35.00 20.00 12.00 6.00 Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty. Snell, of Edmonton, Ont., and of S. Cox- raspberries ami gno.seberries. Two dozen *i 6 inohos... 20.00 12.00 7.00 8.00 attended. McPherson’s «, 53 1 inch 6.00 3.60 2.00 l.X) Good Warm Stable attached. 44yr worth, of Whitney, Ont., the well known STONE DAIRY HOUSE. bushc.s of each, of the four best sorts of stockmen. Pure Berkshire Pigs. Mr. Wm. Drew visited his sister in cur.-ants, the same number of raspberries Greenfield 76 A. G. P. MACDONALD, PROGRAMME OF GAMES. One aged Berkshire Boar for sale im- Cornwall last week. and two dozen of gooseberry will, if well Maxville 8 Editor and Manager A. tVoinan’s Description of a Very Useful Laggan J. D. IRVINE, V. S. mediately. and Plctnrcftqno Strnctnro. cultivated, furnish an abun<l uit supply. Miss Cbristena McIntyre, of Williams- Dnnvegan Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto Cross between Berkshire andTamswortli It is tho ambition of all good butter One dozen cherr)’ trees will be <’nou;:h. 1. QUOITS (open to all)—1st, Pair and cross between Chester Whites and town, was the guest of her uncle, Mr. John Two or three dozen 1:L'ckberry bushes wiil St Elmo makers topo.sscss the best conditions pos- Dominionville Barristers, Solicitors, &c. OFFICE :—Windsor Hotel, Vankleek Hill. Pants to order, value $7 ; 2nd, Barrel of Berkshires. McIntyre, of Hemlock Point, last week. sible for tho mainifacturo of the same. .supply a quart a day for some weeks to- Flour ; 3rd, Pair o£ Boots to order ; 4tli This is a good opportunity to improve ward the close of thr- summer. Apricots, We are sorry to hoar that Mrs. Linging- Collars arc often lacking in tho necessary L.VKCARTER Treatment of all Domestic Animals by tholatest Felt Hat ; 5th, Table Lamp. your stock. All first-class stock and prices early apples and early pears, and a few and improved methods. felter, of Fraserfield, is leaving for her old qualifications for the making of prime 2. THROWING HEAVY HAMMER, to suit the times. of tlic earliest plums, will commenec the Glen Nevis 82 F. T. COSTELLO Dehorning w.th saw or clipper. home in New York State in the near butter, either from defective drainage or 16 lbs. (open)—1st, $5 ; 2nd, $3 ; 3rd, Um- Pigs sold from 4 to 6 weeks old. iil ventilation, and tho difficulty or im- season of abundance 'whicli, with tiie North Lancaster 30 WM. MARJERRISON, BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, ETC. brella. possibility of keeping milk and vegeta- later varieties of these fruits, will last till McDougall’s 37 2i-6m Apple Hill. 3. PUTTING LIGHT STONE. IGlbs. The hunters from the east arc busily bles in juxtaposition without impairing near winter. Winter apples and jicars, Curry Hill 8 and all the good keeping varieties of the J. W. WEEGAR, (open)—1st, $5 ; 2nd, $3 ; 3rd, Felt Hat. employed at tho point these days shooting the flavor of the cream and butter. But- Gunn’s Alexandria, Ontario. NOTICE. grape, will oontiîiuc the supply until MaxTiUOt Ont. 4. RUNNING HOP, STEP AND ter making in tho kitchen also has Its Lancaster village 81 disadvantages. .spring, Long-keepin,^ applo.s, if placed in Money to Loan at 5, and 6%, General JUMP—1st, Inkstand, value $4 ; 2nd, I hereby give notice to the general public that Majority for McLonnan 742. Conveyancer, Real Estate, Insurance, I have made application to tho License Coin- We offer a .suggestion in tho accom- a good, cool fruit room or collar, will Felt Hat ; 3rd, Pair Boots.