(Gramineae) Stipa L. and Oryzopsis
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BLUMEA 22 (1974) 5—12 A taxonomicrevision of DichelachneEndl. (Gramineae) with combinations and Michx some new in Stipa L. Oryzopsis J.F. Veldkamp Rijksherbarium, Leiden accomodate Dichelachne was established by Endlicher in 1833 to a species collected by Bauer and revised 6 Ferd. in Norfolk I. Trinius Ruprccht (1843) the genus, adding more species, referring to previously published names, but giving new names as they had no to the materials of these. has that their access type It appeared specific concept was too narrow and in current literatureonly 4 species are accepted. This number has beenreduced here other have been this and but to 3. Some species placed in genus now then, haveproved different and to belong to genera, as Deyeuxia, Agrostis, Stipa, Oryzopsis. reflects the This shifting of species between quite different genera the instability of opinion about the taxonomic place of the genus. Some, as Trinius (1836), Trinius & Rup- recht and have (1843), F. v. Mueller (1873), Pilger (1954) considered it as a Stipea, others such as R. Brown (1810), Bentham (1878), Bentham & Hooker f. (1883), C. E. Hubbard and have Terrell (1934), Miss Vickery (1961) regarded it as an Agrostidea. (1971) placed it, together with Agrostis and Calamagrostis, in the Aveneae because of the presence of liquid is endosperm. Although there an overall resemblance to Stipa, closer inspection shows that it is related to of the in view of the unartic- very closely Deyeuxia Agrostideae dorsal, and the but sometimes ulated, simple awn, microscopic, well-developed rachilla-process Dichelachne bears and hilum. which in crinita sometimes up to 3 florets, the punctiform The difference with Deyeuxia is very slight, and mainly regards the lenght of the awn and be the the callus-hairs, as may observed from table. united and but for the better Zotov (1943) Deyeuxia Dichelachne, time being it seems to keep them separate. Of the of different numbers and of anthers. has interest is presence types A single plant florets with either one or three anthers, two occurring sporadically in Dichelachne crinita in some florets, which caused Linnef. to place the latter species in Anthoxanthum. At the either same time the plant is chasmogamous or cleistogamous. In chasmogamous florets the anthers are always well-developed (L-type) and purple or variegated purple and yellow, in cleistogamous florets the anthers are usually much smaller (S-type) and always yellow, and be found of the with the In D. can on top developed fruit, entangled stigmas. rara ssp. size-classes of anthers offlorets rara two small are observed, and in D. micrantha both types have either I or 3 anthers. DICHELACHNE Dichelachne Endl., Prodr. Fl. Ins. Norf. (1833) 20; Trin. & Rupr., Mem. Ac. Sc. St. Pctersb. VI, Sect. L. sect. Mem. Ac. Sc. St Petcrsb. Sect. Nat. Nat. 5 (1843) 1. — Stipa Dichelachne Trin., VI, 4 (1836) 36, — Endl. micrantha excl. spp. Type: D. montana (=D. Domin). 6 BLUMEA VOL. 22, No. 1, 1974 lemma truncate very the to to dentate, X to lanceolate. 2 Agrostis obtuse and elliptic than absent short smooth. less thin, always very lemma or developed, to the to as to long Calamagrostis membraneous acute, oblong lanceolate absent exceeding as the X 2 short Dichelachne linear-lanceolate well-developed, least lemma very indurated, at acute. to scaberulous, chartaceous lemma as thinly usually less the long to to X as Deyeuxia lanceolate 2 lemma oblong minute than rarely the lemma awn callus-hairs J. F. Veldkamp: Dkhekchne 7 Tall erect perennials, forming small tussocks, only branched at base, culms few- noded, wiry. Ligule hyaline, short, truncate, margin ciliate. Blades stiff, ascending- the often surface smooth scaberulous. erect, at least margins involute, upper to Peduncle elongated and exserted, usually smooth, glabrous. Panicle loosely to very densely con- tracted. Spikelets solitary, variously pedicelled, laterally compressed, i- (rarely 3-)flowered, awned. Florets chasmogamous or cleistogamous. Glumes slightly shorter to slightly longer than lemma the (excl. awn), unequal to subequal, upper usually longest, lanceolate, very scaberul- acute to shortly mucronate, keeled at least in upper half, i(—3)-nerved, midrib Rachilla articulated above the Callus ous. glumes, minute, rarely distinctly produced. obtuse, stipe-like, short-pubescent. Lemma fusiform with strongly involute margins, glab- indurated rous, scaberulous, slightly in fruit, faintly 5-nerved, apex acute, above insertion ofawn fragile, then apparently bifidwith slender acute teeth; awn subapical, simple, tor- sometimes Palea tuous to wavy, somewhat geniculate. oblong, acute, not indurate in fruit, narrowly longitudinally furrowed between the 2 approximate nerves, margin ciliate. to with Lodiculae 2, oblong, oblique-emarginate -bidentate, unnerved, glabrous or a few free in fruit apical cilia. Stamens 1 or 3, rarely 2. Ovary glabrous, styles apical, to base, and small persistent forming a beak, stigmata plumose. Caryopsis cylindric, longitudinally grooved on the paleatic side, glabrous, freely enclosed between lemma and palea. Hilum punctiform, subbasal. Embryo minute. Distribution: Three species in New Zealand, the Kermadec Is., Norfolk I., Tasmania, Australia, Malesia (New Guinea, Timor), Easter I.; introduced in Hawaii. KEY TO THE SPECIES i. Panicle rather loose, only slightly contracted at anthesis, axis and branches distinctly visible. to as the lemma. Anthers from Awn up 4 times long as 3 (1 in specimens Timor) 1. D. rara Culms smooth and Glumes 2. ± glabrous. acuminate, 3.25—6.5 mm long. Lemma Callus hairs Anthers mm 4—6.5 mm long. 0.5 —1 mm. (L) 0.75—1.75 long. a. ssp. rara Culms Glumes Lemma 2. scabrid-puberulous. long-acuminate, 5 —8.25 mm long. —8 Callus-hairs Anthers 5.25 mm long. 1.25 —1.75 mm. (L) 1.5—-2.75 mm b. ssp. asperula lobed branches 1. Panicle very denseandcontracted at anthesis, sometimes atbase, axis and obscured the by spikelets and awns. Awn more than 3.5 times as long as the lemma. Anthers 1 or 3, exceptionally 2. Glumes mm 0.8 inserted —1 3. acuminate, 3.25—5 long. Awn —1.75 cm, 0.5 mm below the of apex the 2.75 —4 mm long lemma 2. D. micrantha Glumes Awn inserted 3. long-acuminate, 4.75—11.5 mm long. 2 —4 cm, 1—3 mm below the of the —8 mm lemma apex 3.75 long 3-D. crinita Dichelachne 1. rara (R. Br.) Vickery a. ssp. rara D. Contr. — R. rara (R. Br.) Vickery, N. S. Wales Nat. Herb. 1 (1951) 337, excl. specim. Agrostis rara Br., Prodr. Gram. Unifl. sub sine comb. — (1810) 170; Trin., (1824) 193, Muehlenbergia, Vilfa? rara Beauv., 182. — Bot. — Agrost. (1812) 16, 148, Muehlenbergiarara Nees in Hook., Lond. J. 2 (1843) 414, pro comb. D. rara micrantha Domin var. Domin. Bibl. Bot. 85 (1915) 353. — Type: R. Brown 6212 (BM, holo; K) (see note). 8 BLUMEA VOL. 22, No. I, 1974 — D. Trin. & Mem Ac. Sc. Stipa micrantha auct, non Cav.: Nees, Flora n (1828) 299. sieberiana Rupr., St. Sect. R. Pdtersb. VI, Nat. 5 (1843) 2, excl. synon. Br., Cav., incl. var. anomala?; Steud., Syn. 1 (1854) 120. — Type: Sieber Agrost. 63 (LE, holo, n.v.; BM, K, L, P). Nees in Bot. — ? Muehlenbergia rara Nees var. macrostachya Hook., Lond. J. 2 (1843) 414. Type: Everett s.n. (n.v.). D. Domin D. sciurea Hook./, var. setifolia Benth., Fl. Austr. 7 (1878) 575. — micrantha var. setifolia Domin, Bot. — Bibl. 85 (1915) 353. Type: Woolls s.n. (K, holo;L). Fl. Austr. Brittonia D. sciurea auct. non Hook./.: Benth., 7 (1878) 574. p.p.; Hitchc., 2 (1936) 117. Muehlenbergia novoguineensis Pilg., Bot. Jahrb. 62 (1929) 457. — D. novoguineensis Pilg., Bot. Jahrb. 69 (1938) 254; Borgmann, Zeitschr. Bot. 52 (1964) 142; Henty, Bot. Bull. Lae 1 (1969) 72, pi. 22a. — Type: Keysser s.n. (B, holo, n.v.; BM). smoothand Caespitose perennial, up to 130 cm high. Culms erect, ± simple, ± glabrous. Blades Peduncle to Ligule 1—3 mm long. 10—17(—25) cm by 1—4.5 mm. up 5$ cm long. Panicle rather loose, slightly contracted at anthesis, axis and branches distinctly visible, up 8 Glumes Lemma incl. the to 23 by cm. 4 —6.5 mm long. (3.5—) 4—<5.s(—7) mm long, callus-hairs mm above mm 0.25 —0.5 mm long callus, 0.5 —1 long, apex awn 0.3 —1.25 the Palea long; awn 1—2 cm long, often purplish, 2—4 times as long as lemma. 3—5 mm Anthers long. Lodicules 0.5 —0.75 mm long, glabrous. (cleistogamous) yellowish, rarely I (Timor), usually 3, 0.25—o.5(—0.6) mm or 0.5—1(—1.3) mm long, or (chasmogamous) 3, mm 0.6 beak mm purplish, 0.75 —1.75 long. Caryopsis 2.5—3 by mm, 0.5 long. and the Baliem Distribution: Malesia (Papua New Guinea, once in Valley,W. Irian; Timor), Australia (Queensland, N.S. Wales), and New Zealand. Malesia the from in Ecology: In on higher mountains 1750 m upwards, subalpine and Values of have been measured for the grasslands, clearings, open places. pH 4.9—5.2 soil ( ANU 2226, 2504). Chromosome number: 2n = 56 (Borgmann, 1964). as the of Dichelach- Notes: Miss Vickery (1951) erroneously quoted R. Brown 6212 type this ne sciurea R. Br.; is R. Brown 6211 instead. Two of subtypes the shorter anthers may be distinguished. forms exclusive- So far Timor is the only place where one-anthered, cleistogamous occur ly (3 collections seen). b. ssp. asperula Veldk., ssp. nov. a in Differt subspecie typica in culmis scabridulis vel puberulis, spiculis omnibus partibus majoribus. — T Gunn y p u s: 989 (L, holo; BM, K, P). the Most of references in literature to D. rara and many of D.