Learning the English Law

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Learning the English Law DR. H. ABD THALIB, S. H., M. C. L. LEARNING THE ENGLISH LAW FIRST EDITION ___________________________________________________________________________ _______ LEARNING THE ENGLISH LAW FIRST EDITION ______________________________________________________________________ Sanksi Pidana Pasal 72 ayat (2) UUHC No. 19 Tahun 2002: “Barangsiapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan, atau menjual kepada umum suatu ciptaan atau barang hasil pelanggaran Hak Cipta atau Hak Terkait sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/ atau denda paling banyak Rp 500. 000. LEARNING THE ENGLISH LAW FIRST EDITION Oleh: Dr. H. Abd Thalib, S. H., M. C. L. ISBN Hak Cipta Dilindungi Oleh Undang-undang All Rights Reserved Editor: ADMIRAL, S. PARMAN, RAHDIANSYAH, R. M. YUSUF JAYA TRISNA Desain & Cover: Abd Thalib & Ir. Mansur Hamdata Kredit Foto: Gambar Timbangan, Palu, & Buku Diterbitkan Oleh UIR Press, Pekanbaru Jalan Kaharuddin Nasution No. 113 Pekanbaru Cetakan Pertama Januari 2014 Dicetak Oleh: Pustaka Maju Jalan H Agus Salim, No. 120 Pekanbaru Telp. 0761-24910, Fax. 0761-24101. LEARNING THE ENGLISH LAW FIRST EDITION Penerbit UIR Press, 2014 Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. Perpustakaan Nasional R.I. : Data Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDT) Abd Thalib Learning The English Law (First Edition) Penyunting Bahasa:Admiral, S. Parman, Rahdiansyah, R. M. Yusuf Jaya Trisna. Pekanbaru: UIR Press, 2014 Diterbitkan Pertama Kali di Indonesia Oleh Penerbit UIR Press Pekanbaru, 2014 Penerbit UIR Press, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia PREFACE He materials in this book are taken from web site, foreign textbooks, Constitution of Indonesia (UUD 1945), Encyclopedia, Indonesian textbooks, others, and intended to give Tcertain of law students a strong foundation in reading law texts in English. Therefore, vocabulary items are particularly those often met in texts about law. Given the limited hours for studying English law in most law departments in Indonesia, so it is advisable to those students to still continue studying English after completing this book. Further, to encouraged them to do additional work at home. This book offers a general view of English law reading materials and a brief guide to correct English usage, which are expected to be of use of law students and non-law students as well. Furthermore, this book consists of Six Chapters i.e: Chapter ONE about Introduction dealing with the legal history; Chapter TWO is about What Is Law; (vary law systems); Chapter THREE is relates to The History and Legal System of Law of Indonesia, describes about some of legal sources applied in Indonesia; Chapter FOUR is about Contract Law; Chapter FIVE is dealing with Sample of Contract and the last; Chapter SIX is about LawTerm – Glosary of Legal Term and Meaning. Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those and specially my wife Erlida Hanum, S. H., and children: Nur Aisyah Thalib, Iqbal Salim Thalib and, Farhan Thalib, who gave me moral support and encouragement for publishing this book. Pekanbaru, 01 January 2014 Sincerely Yours, Dr. H. Abd Thalib, S. H., M. C. L. CONTENTS PREFACE vi CONTENTS vii-ix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 A. Overview 1-2 B. Legal History 2 1. Ancient World 3 2. Sothern Asia 4 3. Eastern Asia 5 4. Islamic Law 6 5. European Laws 8 5.1. Roman Empire 8 5.2. Middle Ages 9 5.3. Modern European Law 12 6. United States 12 C. Vocabulary 13 D. Reading Comprehensive 13 CHAPTER II WHAT IS LAW 15 A. Legal Term 15 1. Noun 16 2. Adjective 18 3. Origin of Legal 19 B. Legal Subject 22 1. International Law 23 2. Constitutional And Administrative Law 26 3. Criminal Law 28 4. Contract 31 5. Tort 34 6. Property 36 7. Trust And Equity 37 C. Vocabulary 39 D. Reading Comprehensive 40 CHAPTER III THE HISTORY AND LEGAL SYSTEM OF LAW OF INDONESIA 41 A. History And Origin 41 B. Legal System 42 1. Written Law 42 2. Unwritten Law 64 (1) Custom 65 (2) Adat Law 66 (3) Syari’ah Law Principles 67 (4) Doctrine 68 (5) Jurisprudence 69 (6) Legal Profession 70 C. Civil Legal System 72 1. Background 72 2. The Indonesian Civil Code 75 3. Law Of Marriage 78 4. Land Law 79 D. Criminal Legal System 80 (1) The National Commission of Human Rights 86 (2) The National Commission of Woman 89 E. Customary Law/Adat Law 90 F. Constitutional Law 101 G. Islamic Law 107 H. Vocabulary 113 I. Reading Comprehensive 114 CHAPTER IV CONTRACT LAW 115 A. Introduction 115 B. Where Is Contract Law Used Today 125 C. Contract Law Cases – Examples 130 D. Conclusion 139 E. Vocabulary 141 F. Reading Comprehensive 141 CHAPTER V SAMPLE OF CONTRACTS 142 A. Introduction 142 1. Explaining The Bargaining 144 2. Contracting To Innovate 150 3. Types Of Contract 152 4. Conclusion 182 B. Contract Sample 183 CHAPTER VI LAW TERM- GLOSARY OF LEGAL TERM AND MEANING 184 A. Law Term 193 B. Law Terms and Meanings - Glossary of Legal Terms and Definitions 194 BIBLIOGRAPHY 303 APPENDIX THE CONSTITUTION OF INDONESIA 1945 306 PREFACE He materials in this book are taken from web site, foreign textbooks, Constitution of Indonesia (UUD 1945), Encyclopedia, Indonesian textbooks, others, and intended to give Tcertain of law students a strong foundation in reading law texts in English. Therefore, vocabulary items are particularly those often met in texts about law. Given the limited hours for studying English law in most law departments in Indonesia, so it is advisable to those students to still continue studying English after completing this book. Further, to encouraged them to do additional work at home. This book offers a general view of English law reading materials and a brief guide to correct English usage, which are expected to be of use of law students and non-law students as well. Furthermore, this book consists of Six Chapters i.e: Chapter ONE about Introduction dealing with the legal history; Chapter TWO is about What Is Law; (vary law systems); Chapter THREE is relates to The History and Legal System of Law of Indonesia, describes about some of legal sources applied in Indonesia; Chapter FOUR is about Contract Law; Chapter FIVE is dealing with Sample of Contract and the last; Chapter SIX is about LawTerm – Glosary of Legal Term and Meaning. Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those and specially my wife Erlida Hanum, S. H., and children: Nur Aisyah Thalib, Iqbal Salim Thalib and, Farhan Thalib, who gave me moral support and encouragement for publishing this book. Pekanbaru, 01 January 2014 Sincerely Yours, Dr. H. Abd Thalib, S. H., M. C. L. CONTENTS PREFACE vi-vii CONTENTS viii-xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 E. Overview 1-2 F. Legal History 2 7. Ancient World 3 8. Sothern Asia 4 9. Eastern Asia 5 10. Islamic Law 6 11. European Laws 8 11.1. Roman Empire 8 11.2. Middle Ages 9 11.3. Modern European Law 12 12. United States 12 G. Vocabulary 13 H. Reading Comprehensive 13 CHAPTER II WHAT IS LAW 15 E. Legal Term 15 4. Noun 16 5. Adjective 18 6. Origin of Legal 19 F. Legal Subject 22 8. International Law 23 9. Constitutional And Administrative Law 26 10. Criminal Law 28 11. Contract 31 12. Tort 34 13. Property 36 14. Trust And Equity 37 G. Vocabulary 39 H. Reading Comprehensive 40 CHAPTER III THE HISTORY AND LEGAL SYSTEM OF LAW OF INDONESIA 41 J. History And Origin 41 K. Legal System 42 3. Written Law 42 4. Unwritten Law 64 (7) Custom 65 (8) Adat Law 66 (9) Syari’ah Law Principles 67 (10) Doctrine 68 (11) Jurisprudence 69 (12) Legal Profession 70 L. Civil Legal System 72 5. Background 72 6. The Indonesian Civil Code 75 7. Law Of Marriage 78 8. Land Law 79 M. Criminal Legal System 80 (3) The National Commission of Human Rights 86 (4) The National Commission of Woman 89 N. Customary Law/Adat Law 90 O. Constitutional Law 101 P. Islamic Law 107 Q. Vocabulary 113 R. Reading Comprehensive 114 CHAPTER IV CONTRACT LAW 115 G. Introduction 115 H. Where Is Contract Law Used Today 125 I. Contract Law Cases – Examples 130 J. Conclusion 139 K. Vocabulary 141 L. Reading Comprehensive 141 CHAPTER V SAMPLE OF CONTRACTS 142 C. Introduction 142 5. Explaining The Bargaining 144 6. Contracting To Innovate 150 7. Types Of Contract 152 8. Conclusion 182 D. Contract Sample 183 CHAPTER VI LAW TERM- GLOSARY OF LEGAL TERM AND MEANING 184 C. Law Term 193 D. Law Terms and Meanings - Glossary of Legal Terms and Definitions 194 BIBLIOGRAPHY 303 APPENDIX THE CONSTITUTION OF INDONESIA 1945 308 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Overview Law is a system of rules a society sets to maintain order and protect harm to persons and property. Such systems are ancient, dating back at least to the Code of Hammurabi, written by an ancient Babylonian king around 1760 BC. Today, most countries have tens or hundreds of thousands of pages of laws. They are enforced by the police, supported by the court and prison systems. Laws are written by legislators such as senators or congressmen. In America and many other countries, these rules must uphold and not contradict the Constitution, a document outlining the most basic rules of the country. Aside from law being a set of rules, the word also refers to the profession practiced by lawyers, who either prosecute or defend a client from an accusation of violating the law.
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