February 2017 ! 1 - 4 Wednesday thru Saturday: Bangkok Bike Market @ Fortune. Event Type: New bicycle market. Location: Fortune Town shopping mall, 2nd floor, in front of Amazon Coffee shop, Ratchadaphisek Road, Din Daeng district, Bangkok. All different bicycle products on display by individuals and bike shops. ! 2 - 5 Thursday thru Sunday: Bangkok A DAY Bike Fest 2017. Event Type: Bike Market and Expo style show. Time: 10:00am until 9:00pm every day. Location: Makkasan Station, Airport Rail Link, Bangkok. 2 - 6 Thursday thru Monday: Bangkok Bike Clearance Sale Up To 40%. Event Type: New bicycle market. Location: Bell Square, The Paseo Park, Kanchanapisek, Thawi Wattana district, Bangkok. Different types and brands of bicycle on sale up to 40%, bicycle parts, accessories for cyclists and lucky draw from bicycle shops. Contact: https://www.facebook.com/ thepaseobytbn ! 4 - 5 Saturday & Sunday: Loei Bike for Elephants 2017. Event Type: Charity fundraising bike ride. Join the eighth charity bike ride for the survival of the Asian elephant. You are invited to join the ‘Bike for Elephants’ tour in the exotic northeast of . Two days of adventure and fun biking through the mountains whilst enjoying an amazing view of the Mekong River and the nature around Phuluang Wildlife Sanctuary, in Loei Province. The route: Tour de Chang from Phuluang to Chiang Kan. More information is available on our FaceBook event page. Online registration form available here. ! ! 4 - 5 Saturday & Sunday: Bangkok TOT Bicycle Market. Event Type: New and used bicycle market. Time: 8am until 4:30pm (0800-1630). Location: TOT Head Office Building, 89/2 Moo 3, Chaengwattana Road, Thungsonghong- Lak-Si, Bangkok. [GPS go="N 13.88510, E 100.57468"]. All different bicycle products on display by individuals and bike shops. Good market for finding new and second hand bikes and cycling related products. Fee: FREE entrance. Read more about Bangkok's TOT Bicycle Market here. ! 5 - Sunday: Surat Thani Kuilin-Khao Sok Bicycle competition 4th Event. Event Type: Long distance mountain bike and road bike competition. Distances: 89 km and VIP 30 km. Location: Ratchaprapa Dam view point, Khao Phang, Ban Ta Khun district, Surat Thani province. Registration: STEP 1 - Register at E-mail [email protected] or at Line id: wkongkoon , STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Ban Ta Khun branch, Account no.981-7-91798-3, Account name: Mr. Wichak Khongkhun, STEP 3 - Inform registration fee transfer to telephone 087-383-9860. Fee: 500 baht and VIP 800 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: 093-638-5182, 087-383-9860. ! 5 - Sunday: Ultimate Cycling Challenge Of Doi Nang Non 2017. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Distance: 56 km. Location: Ban San Klong school, Mae Chan district, . Registration: At the event. Fee: 650 baht. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. Contact: 088-261-0476, 090-319-8175, E-mail: [email protected] ! ! ! ! 5 - Sunday: Phitsanulok Bicycle Competition 1st Event. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. Distances: 65 km and VIP 9 km. Location: Phitsanulok city hall, Mueang district, Phitsanulok province. Registration: STEP 1 - Register at one of the following points of contact - Telephone 055-219954, 095-638-0994, 086-440-9535, Fanpage on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/ Phitsanulok.ChamberBike1 OR register online at http:// www.thaimtb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=1549216 AND THEN click on the registration document form here https:// docs.google.com/forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLSffiDojpfW3IzQ3iZ0vf0fz43b8AROne7LlIfc7_i0RygDCX g/viewform?c=0&w=1 , STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Kasikorn Bank, Account no. 959-1-0084-4, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip with your details to E-mail [email protected] Fees: 600 baht and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: E-mail [email protected] , Tel. 055-219-954, 095-638-0994, 086-440-9535. ! 5 - Sunday: Kanchanaburi Bicycle Competition 1st Event. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Distances: Route A 40 km, Route B (touring) 22 km. Location: The Nine Armies Battle National Park, Chong Sadao, Mueang district, Kanchanaburi province. Registration: STEP 1 - Transfer registration fee to Kasikorn Bank, Tarea branch, Account no.169-230-2482, Account name: Mr. Satit Jeenapak, STEP 2 - Send picture of bank payment slip with your details (Your full name, Shirt size, and type of competition: VIP, Route A, or Route B) to Line id: roon261214 Fees: Route A 500 baht, Route B (touring) 350 baht, and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. This event is limited to 1,000 participants only. Contact: 086-140-4192, 089-200-5777, 081-773-3857. 5 - Sunday: Chonburi Tour of Bangsaen 2017. Event Type: Road bike competition. Time: 6:00am until 1:00pm. Distances: 115 km (Road bike) and 75 km (all types of bicycles). Location: Bangsaen Race Circuit (along main Bangsaen Beach Road), Chonburi province. Registration: Register online at http://event.thaimtb.com (Register to be a member on this website or use your FaceBook account to log in), STEP 1 – Log in and register for this specific event at https://event.thaimtb.com/event.php?e=80 , Step 2 – Pay for registration fee by bank transfer. Fee: 800 Baht. Categories: A1 (Open Male), A2 (Male 30-39), A3 (Male 40 and up), B1 (Open Female), B2 (Female 35 and up), and C (all others not wanting to do the 115km distance or use road bike). Contact: 095-494-2153, E-mail: [email protected], Line id: tourofbangsaen ! 5 - Sunday: Ayutthaya Wang View Bang Pa In Temple bicycle competition. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. Distances: 75 km and VIP 20 km. Location: Thavorn Park, Bang Pa In district, Ayutthaya province. Registration: 3 choices to register - Register online at https:// event.thaimtb.com/event.php?e=87 , OR Register at line id: pat. 38 , OR Register by telephone at 086-377-1213 or 086-666-4960. Fee: 350 baht and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: line id: pat.38 or Telephone 086-377-1213 and 086-666-4960. ! 10 - 13 Friday thru Monday: Bangkok Bike Party. Event Type: New bicycle market. Location: 3rd floor of Paradise Park shopping mall, 61 Road, Nong Bon, Prawet district, Bangkok. All types of products for bicycles and different brands of bicycles on display. Accessories for bike lovers, clothing, and other products. ! 10 - 14 Friday thru Tuesday: Chachoengsao Bikelentine. Event Type: New bicycle market. Time: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm. Location: Robinson lifestyle center Chachoengsao, Mueang district, Chachoengsao province. Bicycles, accessories for bicycles for sale, and other bicycle-related activities at this Valentine’s Day themed event. ! 12 - Sunday: Sa Kaew Bicycle Rally. Event Type: All types of bicycle rally. Distance: 68 km. Location: Sa Kaew provincial administrative organization office, Mueang district, Sa Kaew province. Registration: STEP 1 - Please register at Line id: tookta_ji or tel. 086-8273772, STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Account no. 2200255519, Account name: Mr.Pradit Pungpibun, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip with your details to the same contact detail you used to register. Fee: 100 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: Line id: tookta_ji, Tel. 086-827-3772, 081-762-9557. ! 12 - Sunday: Kanchanaburi Bicycle Competition 2nd Event. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Distances: Mountain bike 35.4 km, Road bike 42.3 km. Location: Sahakorn Nikom local government office, Thongphaphum district, Kanchanaburi province. Registration: STEP 1 - Register by sending your details (Full name, age, type of competition: mountain bike OR road bike, shirt size, and telephone number) to one of the following points of contact - Line id: annkung133 Line id: oilkhem E-mail [email protected] , STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Thong Pha Phum branch, Account no. 718-0-28978-7, Account name: Kanchanaburi bicycle club, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip to the same point of contact where you sent your details. Fees: 500 baht and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. Contact: Line id: annkung133 or oilkhem , E-mail [email protected] ! 12 - Sunday: Nakhon Phanom Tour of Si Songkhram. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. Distance: 80 km. Location: Si Songkhram, Nakhon Phanom province. The 80km route begins from Phunsuk Market, following Road 2032 toward the Mekong River before going northward on Road 212. At Ban Phra Chai, the route turns south, following Road 2390 back to the start point. Registration fee is 500 baht. For details, call 089-574-6671 or use Line ID pak_un ! 17 - 26 Friday thru Sunday: Bangkok Bike & Run @ Terminal 21 Asok. Event Type: New bicycle and running market. Location: Terminal 21 shopping mall, Sukhumvit Road, near Asok intersection, Bangkok. Bicycles from different bicycle shops, accessories, bags, shoes, outfits for sale. Cycling and running activities and services. ! 18 - Saturday: Lopburi Betagro Bike Tournament. Event Type: Mountain bike, road bike and all types of bicycle competition. Distances: Road bike 99 km, Mountain bike 49 km, and VIP (all types of bicycle) 49 km. Location: Pasak Hillside Resort, Chaibadan district, Lopburi province. Registration: Register online at http:// event.thaimtb.com (Register to be a member on this website or use your FaceBook account to log in), STEP 1 - Log in and register for this specific event at https://event.thaimtb.com/event.php? e=119 , STEP 2 - Pay for registration fee by bank transfer. Fee: 400 baht and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. This competition is limited to 700 participants only. Contact: 02-8338213-14, line id: pasakhillsideresort , E- mail: [email protected] ! 18 - Saturday: Songkhla to Malaysia Sadao Bike To Kedah 2nd Event (Thailand to Malaysia). Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Distance: 70 km. Location: Sadao police station, Sadao district, Songkhla province to UUM-University Utara Malysia. Registration: STEP 1 - Register online at the following link http://www.thaimtb.com/forum/ viewtopic.php?f=54&t=1553623 AND THEN click on the document link here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLSfLY_ezm4_HW47MzvGw_kPrbdRxm6pyXcsP38Jekue -hEIZaQ/viewform?c=0&w=1 , STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Tesco Sadao branch, Account no. 985-2-86353-3, Account name: Sadao - kedah relationships bike, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip with copy of your ID card (passport for foreigners) to line id: @sadaobiketokedah OR FaceBook: sadao bike to kedah 2017 at this link https:// www.facebook.com/events/648100795370718 Fee: 300 baht. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. Contact: Line id: @sadaobiketokedah, FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/ events/648100795370718 , Tel. 088-791-3253. ! 18 - 19 Saturday & Sunday: Bangkok Bike Market at The Paseo Park Kanchanapisek. Event Type: Bicycle Market. Location: The Paseo Park, 8/1-5 Kanchanapisek, Sala Thammasop, Tawee Wattana district, Bangkok. Different brand name bicycles, bicycle parts, clothing, and accessories available. All new items on display, not second hand. ! 19 - Sunday: Bangkok Bike For Children 2017. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. Distances: 65 km and VIP 12 km. Location: King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (Bangmot), 126 Pracha Uthit Road, Thung Kru district, Bangkok. Registration: Register online at http://event.thaimtb.com (Register to be a member on this website or use your FaceBook account to log in), STEP 1 - Log in and register for this specific event at https:// event.thaimtb.com/event.php?e=121 , STEP 2 - Pay for registration fee by bank transfer. Fee: 500 baht and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. This competition is limited to 500 participants only. Contact: Tel. 02-2860733, 02-2855618, 089-5146918, Fax. 02-2860733, E-mail: [email protected] ! 19 - Sunday: Chiang Mai Doi Inthanon Challenge #10 - 2017. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. Location: Doi Inthanon Park, Chiang Mai province. Registration: Registration opened on the Thai MTB website at the end of November 2016 and the event filled up completely within hours. Contact: 089-755-0275. Nothing is stopping you from riding up Doi Inthanon any of the other 364 days of the year. Here is a video of a crazy Australian talking about and riding up Doi Inthanon. ! 19 - Sunday: Kanchanaburi Thong Pha Phum Bicycle Competition. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. Distances: Route A is 50 km (for all types of bicycle on flat road), Route B is 40 km (for mountain bikes). Location: Cha Lae, Thong Pha Phum district, Kanchanaburi province. Registration: STEP 1 - Register at line id: 0819459144, by informing your details (Your full name, Shirt size, Team name/ bicycle club name, and Route of competition), STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Kasikorn Bank, Kanchanaburi branch, Account no.007-8-40704-2, Account name: Mr.Narongchai Teerapanitchapan, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip to line id: 0819459144. Fee: 500 baht, VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. This competition is limited to 300 participants only. Contact: Line id: 0819459144, Tel. 081-945-9144. ! 24 - 26 Friday thru Sunday: Bangkok Bike Market at HaHa Mall. Event Type: Bicycle Market. Location: HaHa Shopping Mall, Soi Srinakarin 55, Srinakarin road, Nongbon, Prawet district, Bangkok. Different brand name bicycles, bicycle parts, clothing, and accessories available. All new items on display, not second hand. ! 25 - 26 Saturday & Sunday: Saraburi Bangkok Hash House Bikers (BHHB) ride. Event Type: Mountain bike rides. Location: Muek Lek, Baan Suan Rojjana Resort, Saraburi province. Visit the Bangkok Hash House Bikers website for more details about this fun filled weekend of mountain biking. ! 25 - 26 Saturday & Sunday: Mukdahan and Laos Tour of Mukdahan-Savannakhet 2017. Event Type: All types of bicycles ride. On the first day, Saturday, Feb 25, participants will bike on an assigned, 60km-long route on the Thai side of the Mekong. The next day, they will ride on the Friendship Bridge across the international river to sites of interest in Savannakhet on the Laos side. Registration can be made online at event.thaimtb.com. The fee is 700 baht. You can also check out the Tour of Mukdahan page on Facebook at the following link https://www.facebook.com/tourofmukdahan/ ! 26 - Sunday: Udon Thani Tour De Wang 2017 2nd Event. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Distances: 80 km and VIP 30 km. Location: Wang Sam Mo local government office, Wang Sam Mo district, Udon Thani province. Registration: Register at the event 05:00-08:30 am. Fees: 600 baht and VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: 086-855-3539, 084-030-4329, 088-335-8789, 082-854-4482. ! 26 - Sunday: Tak Bicycle on flat road competition 1st Event. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike competition. Distances: Road bike 80 km, Mountain bike 60 km, Touring 48.5 km, and VIP 20 km. Location: Sai Thong beach, Mueang district, Tak province. Registration: STEP 1 - Register at line id: dusit_kankaew by sending your details (Full name, Team name, Type of competition, Shirt size, and Telephone number), STEP 2 - Transfer registration fee to Krung Thai bank, Tesco Lotus Tak branch, Account no.985-2-50706-0, Account name: Mr. Aek Matarasongkham, STEP 3 - Send picture of bank payment slip to line id: dusit_kankaew Fee: 600 baht, VIP 1,000 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. This competition is limited to 1,000 participants only. Contact: 088-268-7467, 081-735-2319, 063-257-2319, Line id: dusit_kankaew ! 26 - Sunday: Trat Trat Bicycle Competition 4th Event. Event Type: Mountain bike and road bike on flat road competition. Distance: 65 km. Location: Jewel City Museum, Moo. 9, Boploy, Bo Rai district, Trat province. Registration: Register online at http:// event.thaimtb.com (Register to be a member on this website or use your FaceBook account to log in), STEP 1 - Log in and register for this specific event at https://event.thaimtb.com/event.php? e=106 , STEP 2 - Pay for registration fee by bank transfer. Fee: 350 baht. Categories: Men and Women categories by age. Contact: Line id: 0811777721 , Tel. 081-177-7721. ! 26 - Sunday: Chiang Rai Bike For Breakfast 2nd Event. Event Type: All types of bicycle competition. This competition is for charity to help disadvantaged children. Location: 75th Anniversary flag and lamp park of Chiang Rai, Mueang district, Chiang Rai province. Registration: At the event. Fee: 200 baht and VIP 500 baht. Categories: Everyone is welcome, several categories by age and gender. Contact: 081-764-6125, 053-768-040. ! 26 - Sunday: Bangkok to Ratchaburi Sponsor Bike Together 2017 Suan Phung Final Challenge. Event Type: Road bicycle competition. Distance: 170 km. The route from Bangkok to Suan Phung, Ratchaburi, starts from Ekkachai road in Bang Bon. The entry fee is 600 baht. Cyclists who need transportation back to Bangkok pay 100 baht more each. Registration can be made online before February 5th at www.gotorace.com