June 2021

The Ofcial Tamkeen Newsletter Respecting our Worship

Over the next few months we will present a series regarding respect. It will cover respect for other people, our own selves, animals, and the environment we have been blessed with.The importance of respect and honor are plenty over reaching different aspects of our daily life. However, before we embark on a discussion of respect we must reflect on our worship, and give it its full due. We must know how to worship and the respect that it entails. Respecting our worship to Allah (swt) is the first step before receiving or giving respect to anything/anyone else.

Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: Islamic Figure of the month أ يَا َأ ّيهَا الّ ِذي َن آ َمنُوا َأ ِطي ُعوا الَ َوَأ ِطي ُعوا ال ّر ُسو َل َوُولِي ا ْأل ْم ِر ِمن ُك ْم ۖ فَِإن تَنَا َز ْعتُ ْم فِي َش ْي ٍء ٰ أ (Bilal (RA فَ ُر ّدوهُ ِإلَى الِ َوال ّر ُسو ِل ِإن ُكنتُ ْم تُ ؤْ ِمنُو َن بِا للِ َوا ْليَ ْو ِم ا لْ ِخ ِر ۚ َذلِ َك َخ ْي ٌر َوَأ ْح َس ُن تَْ ِوي لً﴿٥٩﴾

O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in Bilal (RAA), also known as the authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the first mu’athin in Islam, was one of the best [way] and best in the result. .ﷺ Surat An-Nisa: 59 great companions of the prophet ------came to him ﷺSaid: One day, the prophet ﷺ The Prophet and told him that he heard his footsteps َع ْن َأبِي هُ َر ْي َرةَ َر ِض َي الُ َع ْنهُ قَا َل: قَا َل َر ُسو ُل الِ َصلّى الُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلّ َم: " ِإ ّن الَ َع ّز َو َج ّل قَا َل: َم ْن َعا َدى لِي َولِيًّا، فَقَ ْد آ َذ ْنتُهُ بِا ْل َح ْر ِب، َو َما تَقَ ّر َب ِإلَ ّي َع ْب ِدي بِ َش ْي ٍء َأ َح ّب ِإلَ ّي ِم ّما .in Jannah and asked him what he did ا ْفتَ َر ْض ُت َعلَ ْي ِه، َو َما يَ َزا ُل َع ْب ِدي يَتَقَ ّر ُب ِإلَ ّي بِالنّ َوافِ ِل َحتّى ُأ ِحبّهُ، فَِإ َذا َأ ْحبَ ْبتُهُ، ُك ْن ُت َس ْم َعهُ الّ ِذي يَ ْس َم ُع بِ ِه، َوبَ َص َرهُ الّ ِذي يُ ْب ِص ُر بِ ِه، َويَ َدهُ الّتِي يَ ْب ِط ُش بِهَا، َو ِر ْجلَهُ الّتِي يَ ْم ِشي بِهَا، َوِإ ْن َسَألَنِي ل ل that ﷺ Bilal (RAA) told the prophet َأ ْع ِطيَنّهُ، َولَِئ ْن ا ْستَ َعا َذنِي َأ ِعي َذنّهُ، َو َما تَ َر ّد ْد ُت َع ْن َش ْي ٍء َأنَا فَا ِعلُهُ تَ َر ّد ِدي َع ْن نَ ْف ِس َع ْب ِدي "ا ْل ُم ؤْ ِم ِن، يَ ْك َرهُ ا ْل َم ْو َت َوَأنَا َأ ْك َرهُ َم َسا َءتَهُ he would pray 2 raka’ahs after every On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said said: Allah (mighty and sublime be He) time that he made ’. This is a great (ﷺ) that the Messenger of Allah said: Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me example of respecting your worship and than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When how the reward for Bilal’s (RAA) I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were excellence of wudu’ caused him to he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as attain Jannah. much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him.

-By Al-Bukhari June 2021

Summary of Saturday Halaqa

Fiqh - Different types of

● Al- Nawafil = Optional prayers ○ By the mercy of Allah (swt), on the day of judgment if you miss your fard , the optional prayers will make up for it. ● Salat Al-Eid = Eid ○ It’s a Sunnah mua’kada/confirmed sunnah ○ The prophet never missed it ● Salat Al-Janazah = Janazah prayer ○ You get a lot of reward from attending the janazah prayer and burial ● Salat Al- = Last you pray for the night ○ It’s a Sunnah mua’kada/confirmed sunnah ○ Allah (swt) has made this salah better for you than red camels, which is the most expensive camels ○ The Prophet (PBUH) would never miss salat Al-Witr ● Qiyam Ul-Layl = Night Prayer ○ Duaa is most accepted in the last third of the night ● Salat Al-Jummah = Friday Jummah prayer ○ Men are obligated to pray in the

Open Your Heart

Question: Can animals see shaytan?

Answer: Yes, they can see angels and shayateen.

Question: Because you voted for Biden, will you get the sins for endorsing Biden who gives military aid for israel?

Answer: Do your part by voting for the candidate that will do the least amount of damage. You will not be getting sins inshAllah since you were trying to please Allah (swt).

Question: Do you test your IQ with logic or math?

Answer: Smartness is a subjective thing that is based on what you will be doing with your life. Be smart in your field.

Question: Why are people funding israel when they know they should be funding Palestine?


● Due to how the media portrays the conflict ● American politicians get a lot of funding from israel, therefore, they support them ● Due to religious reasons; Jews are supporting it for their religion, Judaism. June 2021

Summary of History Halaqa

For the History Halaqa portion in this month’s newsletter, we decided to test the Tamkeeners that attend the weekly Tuesday Halaqa by submitting their takeaways for last month. Do so by commenting on the last Instagram post what lessons you learned from the halaqa this month. (If you don’t comment, then that is an indication that you weren’t paying attention in the halaqas this month; DON’T BE THAT PERSON :) We’ll compile your takeaways and add them below↓

Tamkeen History Halaqa - Youth Takeaways ● (We’ll insert your takeaways here iA) June 2021

Tamkeener’s Reflections - Intro to new feature ↓

Introducing the all-new Tamkeen Reflections™ platform — a space designed for Tamkeeners to reflect and share their thoughts and worldviews on topics relevant to the ummah, grow their knowledge together, evolve their perspectives, and practice delivering information in academic and professional settings. We cannot wait to hear and read from you!

✏ "Cool! What can we expect from this?" From Tamkeen Reflections™, you can expect to read articles, papers, short pieces and watch videos written and recorded by fellow Tamkeeners as they reflect on matters pertaining to the ummah, from politics to history to daily matters to Islamic manners and more - any and all things beneficial! - as well as share reflections of your own!

✏ "I want to learn! How can I read others' reflections?" 1) Go to Tamkeen.us 2) Click "Reflections" in the menu at the top of the screen. 3) Click the hyperlinks under the column titled "Articles" to read or "Presentation" to view 4) Browse the fantastic works of your peers and say "Mashallah!"

✏ "I have so many thoughts! How can I submit my own reflection?" 1) Go to Tamkeen.us 2) Click "Reflections" in the menu at the top of the screen 3) Click on the green "Submit Entry" box at the top right of the screen 4) Follow the steps to submit your article or video 5) Our Tamkeen Peer Reviewer team will peer-review your work and provide feedback to improve clarity and fix typos/grammar and get in contact with you within 10 days maximum 6) Receive the notification that your article or video has been posted to the Reflections site and say "Alhamdulilah!"

Questions? Contact a Tamkeen admin! June 2021

GamE 1. I never had a mother yet I am the mother of everyone. Who am I?

2. I am the blessed Surah of the Quran every verse of which contains the word 'Allah', which surah am I?

3. Greed for wealth made me gone astray, my story is mentioned in Surah Qasas. Who am I?

Gratitude scavenger hunt

Expressing gratitude to Allah(swt) is a form of worship. Let’s practice gratitude with the following game in shaa Allah. DM us your answers to be featured on the Tamkeen Insta stories! June 2021

Quiz Answer of Month The Endless Cycle

This was EXACTLY my life pre-covid except cross out work and cross out family. I didn't even have the energy for that, I wont say time because I did. Imagine waking up at 5am going to school and coming back at 3pm. Most of your day is already gone but school is so tiring especially with carrying a 40 pound backpack constantly and walking to and from places. When I came back I was so tired and so until 8pm it was all just "relaxing" and then I went to bed and REPEAT. When COVID hit I realized I have been neglecting a lot and that my priorities were tangled. This happened to me almost every summer break I would "change" and then when school hit I would go back to my old self because I didn't have time to reflect on how I was destroying my life. So when COVID hit alhumdulillah I was able to see change. This is why I decided to do homeschooling. I don't want my life to be an endless cycle. I didn't want to be like the people that said " when I finish college I'll be so islamic and memorize the Quran" they finished and said "after I have kids and settle down I don't have time I just got married" they had kids "when they finish school" and then khalas they are dead. To make matters worse, you aren't even promised to become grandpa or grandma. This is why we CONSTANTLY need to work so that we are ready when Allah take our soul. As my teacher says, we need to be GEARED UP and constantly work on gearing ourselves so we are ready when problems/fitnah hits. She also says to PUT IT. IN ITS PLACE. School for example shouldnt be on the forefront (although its important) because when you die you will be asked about your islam so keep that on your forefront. It isn't my school and Islamic life, it's my Islamic life that also comes with other duties like school and put the intention to help people with the knowledge you’r receiving so you get rewarded. Lastly, constantly be in working mode as a student of knowledge and leave the lame when I finish excuse aside because you will Would that I had forwarded (good works) for يَا لَ ْيتَنِي قَ ّد ْم ُت لِ َحيَاتِي never finish. The people of jahannam will say my life! -Yasmeen Ali

Book Of The Month Title: Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship Author: Al Ghazali Summary: In this book the author leads the readers on a powerful and inspiring journey through the inner dimensions of a range of Islamic acts, including salah, zakat , fasting , and hajj. Consisting of a selection of writings by a great figure in Islamic history, Imam al-Ghazali (a well known sheikh) , this book helps readers realize the benefits of Islam and their spiritual, social, and moral qualities. This book helps to know Islam better and the deeper meanings.