Fiqh Syllabus 7 Grade

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Fiqh Syllabus 7 Grade “You are the best of the nations raised up for (benefit of) men: you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah” 3:110 Fiqh Syllabus Grade 7 Girls This book belongs to Name: Class Teacher: FIQH SYLLABUS – CLASS 9 (12 YEARS OLD) TPOIC 1: TRANSLATION OF ADHAN AND IKAMAH TPOIC 2 - 3: TRANSLATION OF SALAAT TPOIC 4: MUTAHHIRAAT INTRODUCTION & EXPLANATION OF WATER TPOIC 5: MUTAHHIRAAT: EARTH, SUN, ISTIHALA & INQILAB EXPLAINED TPOIC 6: MUTAHHIRAAT: INTIQAL, ISLAM & TABA’IYAT EXPLAINED TPOIC 7: MUTAHHIRAAT: ZAWAL-E-AIN, GHAIBAT-E-MUSLIM EXPLAINED TPOIC 8: MUTAHHIRAAT: ISTIBRA & REMAINING BLOOD FROM SLAUGHTER EXPLAINED TPOIC 9: DETAILS ON NAJASAT 1 TPOIC 10: DETAILS ON NAJASAT 2 TPOIC 11: GHUSL – GENERAL MASAILS TPOIC 12: HOW TO PERFORM GHUSL TPOIC 13: GHUSL FOR WOMEN - HAIDH TPOIC 14: GHUSL FOR WOMEN – NIFAS & ISTIHADHA TPOIC 15: TAYAMMUM TPOIC 16: METHOD OF PERFORMING TAYAMMUM TPOIC 17: INTRODUCTION TO JABIRA TPOIC 18: PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF JABIRA TPOIC 19: SHAKIYAAT-E-SALAAT – CASES OF DOUBTS TPOIC 20: SHAKIYAAT-E-SALAAT – CASES OF DOUBTS TPOIC 21: SHAKIYAAT-E-SALAAT – SALAAT-E-EHTIYAT TPOIC 22: SHAKIYAAT-E-SALAAT – SAJDAH-E-SAHV TPOIC 23: NAFILA TPOIC 24: NADHR, ‘AHD & QASAM TPOIC 25: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES My Fiqh Teacher is__________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________________ Fiqh Girls Page 9A.1 TPOIC 1: TRANSLATION OF ADHAN AND IKAMAH ADHAN - The Call to Salaat Allah is the Greatest 4 times åjäJô·òA åÉé}¼»òA I bear witness there is no god 2 times Éé}¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA úÜ æÆòA åfäÈqòA but Allah. I bear witness Muhammad is the 2 times åÉé}¼»A ó¾æÌåmìi AçfìÀäZå¿ ìÆòA åfäÈæqòA messenger of Allah I bear witness Ali is the beloved 2 times åÉé}¼»A íÓê»ìË îÏê¼ä§ ìÆòA åfäÈæqòA of Allah. Hasten to prayer 2 times êÑòÝìv»A Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY Hasten to success 2 times `òÝä°ô»A Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY Hasten to the best deed 2 times ½äÀä¨ô»A øjæÎäa Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY Allah is the Greatest 2 times jäJô·òA åÉé}¼»òA There is no god but Allah 2 times åÉé}¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA òÜ IKAMAH – The Recitation Just Before Salaat Allah is the Greatest 2 times jäJô·òA åÉé}¼»òA I bear witness there is no god 2 times Éé}¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA úÜ æÆòA åfäÈqòA but Allah I bear witness Muhammad is the 2 times Éé}¼»A ó¾æÌåmìi AçfìÀäZå¿ ìÆòA åfäÈæqòA messenger of Allah I bear witness Ali is the beloved 2 times Éé}¼»A íÓê»ìË îÏê¼ä§ ìÆòA åfäÈæqòA of Allah Hasten to prayer 2 times êÑòÝìv»A Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY Hasten to success 2 times `òÝä°ô»A Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY Hasten to the best deed 2 times ½äÀä¨ô»A øjæÎäa Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY Indeed the prayer has begun 2 times ÑòÝìv»A êOä¿Bä³ æfä³ Allah is the Greatest 2 times jäJô·òA åÉé}¼»òA There is no god but Allah Once Éé}¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA òÜ Fiqh Girls Page 9A.2 ADHAN AND IKAMAH COMPARED ADHAN - call for Salaat IKAMAH-call to start Salaat X4 jäJô·òA åÉé}¼»òA X2 jäJô·òA åÉé}¼»òA Allah is the greatest X2 Éé}å ¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA úÜ æÆòA åfäÈqòA X2 Éé}å ¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA úÜ æÆòA åfäÈqòA I bear witness there is no God but Allah X2 Éé}å ¼»A ó¾æÌåmìi AçfìÀäZå¿ ÆòA åfäÈæqòA X2 Éé}å ¼»A ó¾æÌåmìi AçfìÀäZå¿ ÆòA åfäÈæqòA I bear witness Muhammad is the messenger of Allah X2 Éé}å ¼»A íÓê»ìË îÏê¼ä§ ìÆòA åfäÈæqòA X2 Éé}å ¼»A íÓê»ìË îÏê¼ä§ ìÆòA åfäÈæqòA I bear witness Ali is the beloved of Allah X2 ÑòÝìê v»A Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY X2 ÑòÝìê v»A Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY Hasten to prayer X2 `òÝä°ôø »A Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY X2 `òÝä°ôø »A Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY Hasten to success X2 ½äÀä¨ôø »A øjæÎäa Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY X2 ½äÀä¨ôø »A øjæÎäa Óò¼ä§ ìÏäY Hasten to the best deed Not to be recited in Adhan X2 ÑòÝìv»A êOä¿Bä³ æfä³ Indeed the Salaat has begun X2 jäJô·òå A åÉé}¼»òA X2 jäJô·òå A åÉé}¼»òA Allah is the greatest X2 Éé}å ¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA òÜ X1 Éé}å ¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA òÜ There is no god but Allah Fiqh Girls Page 9A.3 TPOIC 2 - 3: TRANSLATION OF SALAAT STEP BY STEP ON HOW TO PRAY 1. NIYYAT: I AM OFFERING ________PRAYERS, ________ RAKAATS, Éé}¼»A Óò»êA çÒäIæjå³ QURBATAN ILAL LAH ONLY FOR THE PLEASURE OF ALLAH 2. TAKBIRATUL IHRAM ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAH IS THE GREATEST 3. QIYAM – SURATUL FATIHA ÁæÎêYìj»A øÅ{ÀæYìj»A êÉé}¼»A øÁænøI In the name of Allah the most Kind, the Most Merciful; äÅæÎêÀò¼{¨ô»A ÷êLäi êÉé}¼ê» åfæÀäZô»òA All praise is to Allah; The Kind, The Merciful; øÁæÎêYìj»A øÅ{ÀæYìj»A Master of the Day of Judgement; You alone we Worship & You alone ÅæÍø÷f»A øÂæÌäÍ ê¹ê¼{¿ we ask for Help; Keep us on the Right Path; ÅæÎê¨äNænäà òºBìÍêA äË åfåJæ¨äà òºBìÍêA The Path of those whom You have Favoured; ÁæÎê´äNænåÀô»A ò¢Aäj÷øv»A BäÃêfæÇêA Not the Path of those with whom You are angry and also not of those ÁøÈæÎò¼ä§ äOæÀä¨æÃòA äÅæÍêhú»A ò¢Aäjêu who have gone astray ÁøÈæÎò¼ä§ øLæÌåzæ¬äÀô»AøjæÎä« ÅæÎø÷»Fìz»AòÜ äË 4. QIYAM – SURATUL IKHLAS In the name of Allah the Most Kind, the ÁæÎêYìj»A øÅ{ÀæYìj»A êÉé}¼»A øÁænøI Most Merciful; Say Allah is One; fäYòA åÉé}¼»A äÌåÇ ô½å³ He needs nothing, but everything else needs Him; fäÀìv»A åÉé}¼»òA He has no children and He has no parents; fò»æÌåÍ æÁò» äË åfê¼äÍ æÁò» And there is none other equal to Him fäYòA AçÌå°ó· åÉú» æÅó¸äÍ æÁò» äË Fiqh Girls Page 9A.4 TPOIC 2 - 3: TRANSLATION OF SALAAT STEP BY STEP ON HOW TO PRAY 5. RUKU’ Glory be to Allah, the Supreme, and I praise Him. O Allah, send your blessings to êêÊêfæÀäZøI äË øÁæÎê¤ä¨ô»A äÏøéIäi äÆBäZæJåm Prophet Muhammad (S) and his family. ë fìÀäZå¿ ø¾}A ìË ëfìÀäZå¿ Ó}¼ä§ ÷ø½äu ìÁåÈé}¼»òA 6. QIYAM AFTER RUKU’ Allah hears and accepts anyone who praises Him. ÊäfêÀäY ÅäÀê» åÉé}¼»A ä©êÀäm Allah is the Greatest. åjäJô·òA åÉé}¼»A 7. SAJDAH Glory be to Allah the Most High and I praise Him ÊêfæÀäZøI äË Ó}¼æ§æòÜA äÏøéIäi äÆBäZæJåm O Allah, send your blessings to Prophet Muhammad (S) and his family. ëfìÀäZå¿ ø¾}A ìË ëfìÀäZå¿ Ó}¼ä§ ÷ø½äu ìÁåÈé}¼»òA 8. JULOOS Allah is greater than anything or anyone; jäJô·òA åÉé}¼»A I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, and turn to Him in repentance; Allah is ÉæÎò»êA åLæÌåMòA äË æÏøéIäi äÉé}¼»A åjê°æ¬äNæmòA greater than anything or anyone. jäJô·òA åÉé}¼»A 9. DHIKR FOR WHEN RISING FOR THE NEXT RAKAAT: I stand and sit with the help and strength of Allah åfå¨æ³òA äË åÂæÌå³òA êÉêMìÌå³ äË êÉé}¼»A ø¾æÌäZøI Fiqh Girls Page 9A.5 TPOIC 2 - 3: TRANSLATION OF SALAAT STEP BY STEP ON HOW TO PRAY IN THE 2ND RAKAAT AFTER THE RECITATION IN QIYAM (QIRAAT) - SURA AL-FATIHA AND SURA AL-IKHLAS, AFTER THAT DO QUNOOT: 10. QUNOOT: O our Lord! Bestow upon us good in çÒäÄänäY BäÎæÃíf»A Óê¯ BäÄêM}A BäÄìIäi this world and good in the Hereafter, øiBìÄ»A äLAähä§ BäÄê³ ìË çÒäÄänäY êÑäjêaæ}ÜA Óê¯ ìË and protect us from the punishment of the fire RUKU, QIYAM, SAJDAH, JULOOS, SAJDAH, JULOOS - ALL JUST LIKE THE 1ST RAKAAT WHILE STILL IN JULOOS: - AT THE END OF THE 2ND RAKAAT RECITE TASHAHUD AND SALAAM IF IT IS A 2 RAKAAT SALAAT - AT THE END OF THE 2ND RAKAAT RECITE ONLY TASHAHUD IF IT IS A 3 OR 4 RAKAAT SALAAT AND RISE FOR THE NEXT RAKAAT. - 11. TASBIHAT-E-ARBA’ 3 TIMES IN THE 3RD AND 4TH RAKAAT IN QIYAM: Glory be to Allah. êÉé}¼»A äÆBäZæJåm And all praise is for Him. êÉé}¼ê» åfæÀäZô»A äË And there is no God but Allah. åÉé}¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA òÜ äË And He is the Greatest. jäJô·òA åÉé}¼»A äË Fiqh Girls Page 9A.6 TPOIC 2 - 3: TRANSLATION OF SALAAT STEP BY STEP ON HOW TO PRAY 12. TASHAHUD I testify that there is none worth worshipping except åÉò» ò¹æÍøjäqòÜ åÊäfæYäË åÉé}¼»A úÜêA äÉ}»êA ÷à æÆòA åfäÈæqòA the Almighty Allah, Who is One and has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad (S) åÉó»æÌåmäi äË åÊåfæJä§ AçfìÀäZå¿ ìÆòA åfäÈæqòA äË is His servant and messenger. O Allah! Send Your blessings on ëfìÀäZå¿ ø¾}A ìË ëfìÀäZå¿ Ó}¼ä§ ÷ø½äu ìÁåÈé}¼»òA Muhammad (S) and his progeny. 13. SALAAM O Prophet! Allah's peace, blessings and grace be åÉåMBò·äjäI äË êÉé}¼»A åÒäÀæYäi äË íÏøJìÄ»A BäÈíÍòA ò¹æÎò¼ä§ åÂòÝìn»òA upon you! Allah's peace be on us, those offering prayers - äÅæÎêZê»Bìv»A êÉé}¼»A êeBäJê§ Ó}¼ä§äË BäÄæÎò¼ä§ åÂòÝìn»òA and upon all pious servants of Allah! åÉåMBò·äjäI äË êÉé}¼»A åÒäÀæYäi äË æÁó¸æÎê¼ê§ åÂòÝìn»òA Allah's peace, blessings and grace be on you believers! Fiqh Girls Page 9A.7 TPOIC 4: MUTAHHIRAAT INTRODUCTION & EXPLANATION OF WATER Mutahhiraat are those things that make Najis things Pak. 149 Taba’iyat Water Islam Sun Zawal e Ain Mutahhiraat Earth Inqilab Intiqal Ghaibate Muslim Istihala Remaining Blood After Slaughter Istibra 1.
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