1 Key / Symbol 3 Who is this guide for? 4 Why should we perform the ? 5

About Tarāwih 6 The Obligatory Acts 7 The Obligatory Recitations 8 The Full Guide 9 The Recommended Supplications 14 20 raka’at too much? 19

CONTENTS A Brotherly Reminder 21 The 22

2 Key / Symbol

The dashes ( - ) 1.1 Act as a guide to where the pronunciation needs to be separated. For example: Bismillā-hirraḥmā-nir-ra-ḥīm, so that it will not be mistakenly read as: Bismillah irrahman irrahim.

1.2 It indicates words that must be read continuously and there should not be a pause in between the words in this sentence. For example: Ihdinaṣ-ṣira-thal-mus-taqīm.

1.3 Dashes above the vowels a, i and u (ā/ī/ū) indicates “long” vowels, meaning it is to be read up to 2 counts or 2 seconds long as how we read the : Bismillā-hirraḥmā-nir-raḥīm.

3 Who is this guide for?

This guide is for beginners who are not yet able to read and have just started praying. To make it easier for beginners, we have separated all the recitations - before, during and after the - which are non-obligatory, so the focus will be on what is obligatory. Users can go straight to the pages with the green book mark.

We have prepared this guide with the intention of getting a portion of the reward from , and we intend to ease tarawih prayers for our brothers and sisters who are still beginners, to make sure they do not miss out on the “special offers” of Ramadhan. May Allah bless us all.


www.revamp.sg 4 Why should we perform the sunnah Prayers?

;said ﷺ Our Prophet “First of the deeds for which a slave will be called to account (on the ) will be his (obligatory) prayers. If they are complete (he has prospered and succeeded), otherwise Allah (SWT) will say (to the angels): See whether there are any (voluntary) prayers of My slave. If any, Allah will say: Complete (offset) his obligatory prayers with them. (Reported by Ahmad in his Musnad, Abu Daud and Ibn Hibban). “He who is regular at offering twelve raka’at of the sunnah (prayers), Allāh will build for him a house in Paradise: four raka’at before zuhr, two after zuhr, two raka’at after maghrib, two raka’at after ‘isha and two raka’at before fajr.” [Nasa-i, Ibn Majah] "Whoever establishes (voluntary) prayers during the nights of faithfully out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards (not for showing off), all his past sins will be forgiven.“ (Bukhari) "Allah, the Exalted, has said: 'I will declare war against him who treats with hostility a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved thing with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (voluntary prayers or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) until I love him, (so much so that) I become his hearing with which he hears, and his sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me something, I will surely give him, and if he seeks My Protection (refuge), I will surely protect him". [Bukhari]

5 About Tarāwih

Tārawih literally means rest and relaxation. It is named as such because one who performs it rest for a while at every 4th raka’at.

It is an emphasised performed only in Ramadān.

The number of raka’at (cycle) is 20 consisting of 2 raka’at per set – meaning one salam after every 2 raka’at (2 raka’at x 10 sets = 20 raka’at). Majority of the grand scholars hold the opinion that the Tārawih is 20 raka’at. While some 36 and 8.

The time for Tārawih is after the ‘I-shā` prayer has been performed and ends before the time of Fajar / Subuh prayer.

The Tārawih need not be done continuously but can be spread over the night.

The Tārawih can be performed in Jemaah or even individually.

6 The Obligatory Acts

The compulsory acts / movements during (any) prayer are seven:

1. To stand 2. To bow (`) and pause (at least for about 3 seconds) 3. To stand again after the bowing (I’tidal) and pause 4. To prostrate () and pause 5. To sit and pause 6. To prostrate again and pause

Numbers 1 to 6 form a complete “one cycle” or one raka’at. If it is a prayer with 2 raka'at, you have to continue with steps 1 to 6.

7. The last sitting (tahiyyat akhir)

Note: It is compulsory to perform the above according to the sequence laid out.

7 The Obligatory Recitations

The only compulsory recitations during (any) prayer are :

1. The first : Saying “Allāhu akbar” when we first start the prayer, and setting the intention of the prayer in the heart. 2. Al-Fātihah at every raka’at (beginning with “Bismillā-hir-roh-mā-nirro-hīm, Alhamdulillāhi robbil ‘ā-lamīn….” until; “wa-lad-dhōl-līn”) 3. The Tahiyyat akhir (from “Atta-hiyyā -tul….” Until; “Allā-humma solli ‘a-lā sayyi-dinā Muhammad”) 4. The first salam: to say “Assalāmu-‘a-laikum”, or better adding; “warahma-tullāh”, after we have finished reciting the Tahiyyat Akhir.

Note: Making the intentions () for prayers is compulsory, and they are made during the takbir. Meaning, your mouth says “Allāhu akbar”, while you say in your heart the intention for example; “I pray tarawih”.

8 The Full Guide 1. Stand facing the qiblah, say the Takbir “Allāhu akbar” (and simultaneously make the intention) while lifting your hands up to your shoulder length and then bringing them down, placing both hands together – right palm over left hand – around your tummy area.

هللاAkbar أAllāhuَك ب is Greatestْ ُ َُ !Note: Do not place your hands at your heart or neck area etc Do not place your legs too far apart. Be “small”, not big! Just relax and do not be stiff! Stand with humility Infront of your Creator.

9 The Full Guide 1. بِسِم ِهلل الَّرحـ ٰم ِن ال َّرِحمِم ْ ْ .Recite surah Al-Fātihah .2 2. الـحمد ِهلل ر ِب العل ِمي َْ َ ْ ُ َ ِّ َْٰ َ Al-Fātihah ِ 3. الَّرْحـمـٰ ِن الَّرحمِم Bis-mil-lā-hir-roḥ-mā-nir-ro-ḥīm .1 4. ملِ ِك يـوِم ال ِدي ِن Alḥamdulil-lāhi robbil ‘ā-lamīn .2 ٰ َْ ِّ Ar-roḥ-mā-nir-ro-ḥīm .3 ِ ِ ِ 5. إََّّي َك نـَْعبُُد َوإََّّي َك ن َ ْسَع ُي Māliki yaw-middīn .4 6. اِه ِدَن ال ِصراط المسَ ِِقمم Iyyā-ka na’-budu wa-iyyā-ka nas-ta-‘īn .5 ْ َ ْ َِّ َ ُْ َْ َ Ih-dinaṣ-ṣirā-thal-mustaqīm .6 ِ َِّ ِ 7. صَرا َط الذي َن أَنْـَع ْم َت َعلَمْهْم Ṣirā-thal-lażīna an-‘amta ‘a-layhim .7 ِ ِ ِ ِ ghai-ril magh-dhū-bi ‘a-layhim wa-ladh-dhōl-līn َغْْي الَْمغْ ُضوب َعلَمْه ْم َواَ ال َّضللِّ َي Al-Fātihah (The Opening) 1. In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Note: To recite any other surah after the Al-Fātihah is sunnah 2. All the praises be to Allāh, the Lord of the universe (recommended), and not compulsory. So if you know any surah, you 3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful can recite them after reciting the Al-Fātihah. For example short 4. Master of the Day of Judgement like Qul-huwallāhu ahad (Surah Al-Ikhlās) for the first raka'ah 5. You Alone we worship, and You Alone we ask for help and Qul a-‘ū-zu bi robbinnās (Surah An-Nās) for the second raka'ah. 6. Guide us to the straight path 7. The path of those whom You bless upon them, Not the path of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who went astray 10 The Full Guide 3. Bow (ruku`) and pause for about the length of saying Sub-haa-nallaah (3 seconds pause will be safe). 4. Rise from the bowing (I’tidal) , hands at your sides, and pause. 5. Prostrate (sujud) and pause. Prostrate with your forehead, both palms, knees and toes. 6. Sit and pause. 7. Prostrate (sujud) again and pause. 8. Stand for the second raka’at. 9. Repeat steps 2 to 7.

Note: If you do not know the recitations during the ruku`, sujud and sit, you may just say: “Sub-haa-nallah”

11 The Full Guide 10. Sit and recite the tahiyyat akhir.

1. Atta-ḥiyyā-tul-mu-bā-ra-kā-tuṣ-ṣolawā-tut-thoyyi-bā-tu lillāh 2. As-salā-mu ‘a-layka ayyu-han-nabiyyu waraḥ-matullā-hi wabara-kā-tuh 3. As-salā-mu ‘a-lay-nā wa ‘a-lā ‘i-bā-dil-lā-hiṣ-ṣōliḥīn ِ َِّ ِ .Ash-hadu al-lā ilāha il-lallāh .4 اَلََّحمَّل ُت الُْمبَلَرَكل ُت ال َّصلََوا ُت الطـــمِّـــبَــل ُت هلل . Wa ash-hadu anna muḥammadar-rasūlullāh .5 السَلم علمك أَيـهل النَِّب ورحـمة ِهللا وبـركلته . Allā-humma ṣolli ‘a-lā sayyidinā muḥammad .6 َ ََّ ُ ََْ َ َُّ ُّ ََ ْ َ ُ ََ َ ُُ wa ‘a-lā ā-li sayyidinā muḥammad .7 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َ اَل َّسََلُم َعلَْمـنَل َوَعلَى عبَلد هلل ال َّصللـحَْ ي. أَشهد أَن ا اِٰله إَِّا هللا .All greetings, blessings and the best of prayers are for the sake of Allāh .1 ْ َ ُ ْ َ َ ُ .May the peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allāh be upon you, O Prophet .2 وأَشهد أََّن مـحمدا رسول ِهللا . .May peace be upon us, and upon the righteous servants of Allāh .3 َ ْ َ ُ ُ َ َّ ً َ ُْ ُ I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allāh .4 الٰلِّهم صِل على سمِ ِدَن مـحمد .and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allāh .5 َ ُ َّ َ ِّ ََ َِّ َ ُ َ َّ O' Allāh, shower Your Grace upon our Master Muhammad .6 ِ ِ ِ and his descendants .7 َوَعلَى آل َسمِّدََن ُمـ َحَّمد . 12 The Full Guide

11. Give the salam : Assalāmu-‘a-laikum warahma-tullāh. Turn your face (only your face, not body) to the right and say the salam, then to the left and say another salam . 12. Rest and relax for while, “talk” to Allah from your heart. 13. Continue with the next 9 sets

The End! That is all!

13 The Recommended Supplications

All the supplications / recitations before and after the Tarawih are not obligatory. So do not worry about it. Do not let it be the reason you do not perform the Tarawih! And Remember, we are not doing this to impress people, but for the sake of Allah. So the recommendation is, make simple but sincere supplications / do‘a after every 2 sets / 4 raka'at and do it calmly, with full understanding and attention, pondering over its meaning.

If reciting in Arabic is not easy, recite it in English or your own mother-tongue! Allah is the Creator of all languages. He is the ALL-KNOWING! And remember; the best do‘a or supplication is that which is recited with understanding of its meanings.

To make the do‘a / supplication is to communicate with Allah. So speak with Allah with our minds and hearts present.

May Allah accept from us all!

14 Recommended Supplications 1

What can we recite between each set of tarawih?

One recommendation is to recite this after all the odd set (the first 2 raka’at, third 2 raka’at, etc) : ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ فَ ْضًَل من هللا ونْعمْة , مْغَفِرةً ورحـمـْة , َّي تَـ َّواب َّي واس الْمْغفرْة , َّي اَرحـم الَّراحـمْي َ . Fadhَ -lammiَ َ -nallَ ā-َhi َwaْni’-mahَ . Maghَ ْ َ-َfira-tawwaَ َrahmahَ ْ َ َ Yā tawwāb, yā wā -si-‘al magh-firah, yā arha-marrā-hi-mīn Grace and blessings from Allah, forgiveness and mercy, O The Acceptor of Repentance, O The Most Vast in Forgiveness, O The Most Merciful of the merciful.

And to recite this for all the even set (the second 2 raka’at, fourth 2 raka’at, etc) : ِ ِ ِ َا إِٰله اَّا هللا مـحَّمٌد رسوُل هللا صلَّى هللا َعلَمه وسلَّم Lā i-lāha ilْ -lallَ َāh,ْ muhammadurُ َ rasū-ْlullُ َāhi Sollallَ ُ ُāhu ‘a-laiَ -hi wasallam There is nothing worthy of worship other than Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.

15 15 Recommended Supplications 2

Another recommended supplication is to recite this: (Perhaps read this after every 2 sets or 4 raka'at) ِ ِ أ ْشهُد أن َا إِٰله اَّا هللا, نَسَـْغفر هللا, نَسأَل ُ َك الْـجنَّةَ ونـَعوذُ بِ َك ِمن النَّلر )3x( َ Ash-ْhadu allā-ْi-ُlā-َha ilَ-lallāh, nasْ -tagh-firullُ āْh, nas-a-lukalَ -jannata wa na-`ū-zubika mi-nannār (3x) “I testify that there is nothing worthy of worship other than Allah and we seek the forgiveness of Allah. We ask You for Paradise and take refuge in You from the Fire.” (3 times) ٰ ِ أَللِّهَّ م إنَّ َك َعُفو تـُح ُّب الْعْفو فَل ْع ُف َعن َّل )3x( َّي َكِريـم Allāhummaْ innakaَ `a-fu-wun tuhibbulَ َ `af-wa fa`ٌ-fu-`annā (3ُx) Yā Karīm “O Allah, truly You are all-Pardoning, You love to pardon so pardon us” (3 times). After the third time add; “O Most Generous”

16 Recommended Supplications 3

Another simpler one is to recite this: You can recite this three times, or more, after every 2 sets or 4 raka'at. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اَسَـْغفر ا ََّّلل الْعظمم , الَّذي َا إِٰله اَّا هو الْـح ُّي الَِْقمُّـوم وأَتـُوب إِلَمه As-tagh-fi-rullْ āُ -halْ ‘َa-ُzhْ īm. Allaَ-zī lāَ iُ-lāha illَ ā huwal hayyulَ qayyَ َūm. Waُ atْ ū-bu i-laīh “I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Mighty, Whom there is none worthy except Him, The Living, The Eternal, and I repent unto Him.”

; said ﷺ Our Prophet Muhammad "Whoever stands (in the voluntary night prayer of) Ramadan out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. And whoever spends the night of Lailat Al-Qadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.“ (An-Nasa-i)

“In the last third of every night our Lord (SWT) descends to the lowermost heaven and says: Who is calling Me, so that I may answer him? Who is asking Me, so that I may grant him? Who is seeking forgiveness from Me, so that I may forgive him?” (Musnad of Abu Ya'la).

17 Recommended Supplications 4

Other simpler supplications : You can recite the following after every 2 sets or 4 raka'at, as much as your time permits. ِ ِ ِ ر ِب ا ْغفر وارحم وأَن َت خْْي الَّراحـم َي Robbigh-fir warhamُ َ waَantaْ َ ْ khairurَ ْ -rāِّhimَ īn “My Lord, forgive and have mercy, and You are the best of the merciful” : 23:118

Or recite this short and simple zikir (5 times after each set, or 10 times after every 2 sets); سبحل َن ا ََِّّلل وِِبم ِدِه Sub-hā-nallَْ َā-hi wa biَ-hamُْ -dih “Glory be to Allah (Allah is free from imperfection) and all praise is due to Him” said ﷺ Our Prophet Muhammad "Whoever says, 'SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi,' one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari) 18 20 raka’at too much? By Shaykh Faraz Rabbani (Seekers Guidance)

The confirmed sunnah in all the 4 schools, is to pray 20 raka’at for tarawih. Many great scholars consider there to be scholarly consensus (ijma`) of the Companions regarding this.

Don’t think of them as 20. Think of them simply as 5 sets of 4. It doesn’t take more than an hour. If you cannot pray 20 lengthy raka’at, pray 20 brief raka’at. Also, you don’t have to pray all 20 at once, you can spread them out throughout the night.

The important thing is: perform them. Motivate yourself at various levels:

1. Do it out of love for Allah, and out of thanks for the gift of guidance, faith, and clarity of vision in life. Do it out of gratitude for the gift that is al-Mustafa [the Chosen One, our Prophet Muhammad] (Allah bless him & give him peace), and his sunnah, which is the clear path to success in this life and the next. How do we express our thanks and gratefulness? With the worship He has demanded from us. What can one do with the Beloved’s demands but obey them?

2. Think of the great reward in this: The Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, “Whoever stands in prayer in Ramadan, out of faith and seeking its reward, shall have all their past sins forgiven.” [Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi, and others]

19 20 raka’at too much?

3. Give yourself little ‘rewards’ as reinforcements, to get your nafs to go along, such as snacks you like, etc… Or that if you pray all 20 for three days in a row, you get yourself xyz…

4. Abu Hurayrah (Allah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) said,: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, though there is good in both. Be avid for that which benefits you. Rely on Allah and do not deem yourself incapable…” [Muslim, Ibn Majah, Ahmad]

Imam Nawawi (Allah have mercy on him) explained that the strength in this refers to, “One’s determination and ability in matters of the next life.” [Sharh ]. The early used to warn, “This matter is your deen [religion or way of life], so be careful as to whom you take your deen from.”

At the same time, if one is absolutely unable to pray 20 raka’at, then one should do what one can, because, “That which one cannot do completely should not be left completely,” as the scholars explain. However, one should be remorseful, because one is leaving a confirmed sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace).

20 A Brotherly Reminder By Aydarus Ahmad Alhabshi Let us try our best to make time for the One who gives us time, The Creator of time. Make time and give effort to do 20 raka’at. How about 8 raka’at? If you really can’t make time then it’s your call! Use this month to “payback” all those times we were “busy with other than Him”. Have we no time for Him Who in His Hands are our time and life? Tarawih means to rest and relax. So whenever possible, do perform the Tarawih with calmness. How calm and relaxed we are when we go dating! How relaxed we are when watching movies. How calm we are when we smoke. So be more relaxed for the One Who gave us our limbs, eyes and lungs! Ramadhan is time for Allah, Creator of our hearts. Have we no room in our hearts for Him? said ; Allah (SWT) said: The son of Adam displeases Me by abusing the time whereas I am ﷺ Prophet Muhammad Myself the time. In My Hand lay all the things and I am the one who causes the revolution of the day and night. (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Da'ud and Nasa’i) Aim throughout the 20 raka'at, to feel our standing in front of Allah, the Creator of the universe. To feel our bowing to Allah, feel our prostrating to Allah, feel our sitting with Allah. Feel our every move, feel The One who gives us the ability to move our limbs. What will you do if someone comes between you and your lover? What will happen to that someone? This Ramadhan try your best to not let anything come in between you and ALLAH! Focus. Make time. 21 The Witr Prayer

It was narrated that ‘, may Allah (SWT) be pleased with him, said: “Witr is not definite (obligatory) nor is it like your prescribed prayers. ,prayed Witr, then he said: ‘O people of the Qur’an! Perform Witr ﷺ But the Messenger of Allah for Allah is Witr* and He loves the odd (numbered).’” Sunan Ibnu Majah

*Meaning Allah is odd = One

22 The Witr Prayer The Witr prayer is an emphasised sunnah prayer and the time for Witr is anytime after the ‘Isha` / Isyak prayer throughout the night until before Fajar / Subuh prayer. Witr has an odd number of raka'at prayed in pairs, with the final raka’at prayed separately. Therefore, as little as one raka’at can be prayed, and eleven at most. The number of raka’at (cycle) can be one, three, five, seven, nine, or eleven raka'at. For three raka'at and above, it should be done in sets of 2 raka'at, meaning one salam after every 2 raka'at. Followed by the last one raka’at as the last odd raka’at.

Witr is recommended to be done as the last prayer of the night and at the last portion of the night (during /). If we have performed the Witr before we sleep, then we are not to pray Witr again should we wake up for Qiyam or Tahajjud. Meaning, when we wake up for Qiyam, and we prayed for example the Hajat or prayers, we do not end the Qiyam with Witr. Unless, we wish to continue with Witr prayers only. For example, we have performed 3 raka’at of Witr after Tarawih prayers, then we sleep. And when we wake up during Qiyam, we can do for example; another 8 raka’at of witr. Witr can be performed in Jemaah or individually. To recite the Do‘a at the last raka’at though not obligatory, is an emphasised sunnah during the Witr prayer. During Ramadhan, the Witr is performed after the Tarawih. 23 revamptruthseekers

Vetted by : Sharifah Khadijah Hussein Alkaff Ustaz Muhammad Nur Fahmi Tarmudi

Compiled by Brother Aydarus Ahmad Alhabshi

Ramadhan 2020 [email protected] www.revamp.sg