Sixty-Sixth Annual Report
VICTORIA COUNTRY ROADS BOARD Sixty-sixth Annual Report For the year ended 30 June 1979 Presented to Both Houses of Parliament Pursuant to Act No. 6229 MELBOURNE F. D. ATKINSON, GOVERNMENT PRINTER 1979 No. 45 f 60 Denmark Street, Kew 3101 28th September, 1979 The Honorable Robert Maclellan, MLA Minister of Transport 570 Bourke Street. Melbourne 3000 Sir In accordance with the requirements of Section 128 of the Country Roads Act 1958 No. 6229, the Board submits to you for presentation to Parliament the report of its proceedings for the year ended 30th June, 1979. The Board wishes to thank the Government for the support and interest in its activities and wishes to place on record its appreciation of the continued co-operation and assistance of State Ministers, Government departments, State instrumentalities and municipal councils. The Board also pays tribute to the continued loyal co-operation and work done by its staff and employees throughout the year. Yours faithfully T H Russell MEngSc (Hons.), BCE (Hons.), DipCE, FIEAust. Chairman WSBrake BCE, CE, M lE Aust. Deputy Chairman N LAIIanson AASA (Senior}, JP Member G KCox LLB, JP Secretary I' "t Country Roads Board Victoria Sixty-sixth Annual Report for year ended 30th June, 1979 Presented to both Houses of Parliament pursuant to Act No. 6229 The CRB is the State Road Authority of Victoria. The CRB's aim is to create an efficient road system within the context • of the overall transportation needs of the community. There are about 160,000 km of public roads in Victoria, of which 23,706 km comprise the CRB's network of the State's principal roads.
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