Widener University Not to Discriminate on the Basis of Sex
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Accredited by the Middle States Associati on of Colleges and Schools. It is the policy of Widener University not to discriminate on the basis of sex. handicap, race, age, color, religion, or national or ethnic origin in its educational programs, admissions policies, employment policies, financial aid, or other school-administered programs. This policy is enforced by federa l law under Title IX oft he Educational Amendments of 1972. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of /964, and Section 504 of the Relwbilitation Act of 1973 . Whi le correct at press time, all statements in thi s publication are subject to change without notice. Upon action of the governing body, facilities may be enlarged or otherwi se altered, courses added or deleted, and the curricula modified or expanded. Bulletin of Widener University Ser ies 1.22 • Number 6 • September 1983 (USPS #074940) Published six times a year by Widener University, once each in June. Jul y, August, and three times in September. Second class postage paid at Chester, PA 19013 . POSTMASTER: Send Fonn 3579 to: Bulletin of Widener Uni versit y, Widener Universi ty, Chester. PA 19013. ) J Bulletin of { Widener University I I 't I 1983-1984 FOR INFORMATION Widener University, Chester, PA 19013 UNIVERSITY POLICY Mr. Robert J. Bruce, President ACADEMIC POLICY Dr. Clifford T. Stewart, Provost Mr. Joseph A. Arbuckle, Assistant Provost fo r the Pennsylvania Campus Dr. Lawrence P. Buck, Dean, College of Art and Sciences Dr. Thoma G . McWill iams, Jr. , Dean, School of Engineering Dr. John T. Meli , Dean, School of Management Dr. Janette L. Packer, Dean, School of Nursing nNANCIAL AFFAIRS Mr. W. David Eckard III , Vice President for Finance ADMISSIONS Mr. Vincent F. Lindsley, Vice President for Student Services and Dean of Admissions STUDENT LIFE (Counseling, religious and social affairs, registrar, Freshman Programs) Dr. Ralph W. Arend, Jr. , Dean fo r Student Serv ices nNANCIAL AID Mr. Lawrence Kucharczuk , Director of Financial Aid ATHLETICS Mr. William A. Manlove, Jr. , Director of Athletic ADULT PROGRAMS Dr. Peter K. Mills, Dean, Uni versity College ADMISSIONS OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 9 a. m.-4:30p.m. Saturdays: 9-11 :30 a.m. All other times by appointment. (2 15) 499-4126 2 Contents Academic Calendar 5 A Look at Widener University 6 Campus Life 18 Admissions 30 Financial Aid 38 Financial Information 46 Academic Programs 48 Coll ege of Arts and Sciences 56 School of Engineering 108 School of Management 122 School of Nursing 136 Military Science 140 Modules 142 Undergraduate Courses 146 Directory 204 Campus Maps 218 Index 222 3 4 ACADEMIC CAI.ENDAR 1983-1984 FALL SEMESTER SEPTEMBER 1983 6 Tuesday-Freshm an ori entation and registration 7 Wednesday-Registration for upperclassmen and transfers 8 Thursday-CLASS ES BEG IN OCTOBER 1983 24-25 Monday-Tuesday-Final exam , Module I 26 Wednesday-Modul e II beings 31 Monday through November ! !- Preregistration fo r spring semester NOVEMBER 1983 11 Friday-Last day of preregistrati on fo r spring semester 24-25 Thursday-Friday-Thank sgivi ng holiday 28 Mond ay-CLASSES RESUME DECEMBER 1983 14-15 Wednesday-Thursday-Modul e II exams 15 Thursday-Last day of classes 16 Friday- Reading Day 17-22 Saturday-Thursday-Fin al exam week JANUARY 1984 3 Tuesday-Grades due SPRING SEMESTER JANUARY 1984 16 Monday-Registrati on for all undergradu ates, day and evening grad uate programs (except M.B .A.) 17 Tuesday- UNDERGRADUATE CLASSES BEG IN (day and evening) MARCH 1984 1-2 Thurday-Friday-Mod ul e I exams 5-9 SPRING BREAK 12 Mond ay-CLASS ES RESU ME APRIL 1984 6 Friday-Last day of preregistration fo r fall semester 1984 9-16 Monday-Thursday-Preregistration for fall semester 1984 20 Good Friday-No classes 23 Mond ay-CLASSES RESUME MAY 1984 1-2 Tu esday-Wed nesday-Final exams, Module II 2 Wednesday-Last day of classes 3 Thursday-Reading Day 4-9 Friday- Wednesday-Fin al exam week 11 Friday-Grades due 19 Saturday-Commencement 5 6 7 WIDENER UNIVERSITY Widener University is a private, fully accred ited in titution offering undergraduate INSTITUTIONAL and gradu ate degree programs through its eight schools and co ll eges. Incorpo PROFILE rated in both Penn sylva nia and Delaware, Widener's two campuse are located in Chester, Pa., and north of Wilmington, Del. , 15 mil es apart . Enrollment for the 1982-83 academic year was approximately 7 ,600. The total plant value is $100 million , operating budget , $32 milli on . The chools and colleges operatin g wholl y or primaril y on the Penn sylvani a Campu : COLLEGE OF ARTS A D SCIENCES . Enrollment: 475 undergrad uate, 157 graduate. Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bac helor of Social Work, Master of Education. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING . Enrollment : 625 undergrad uate, 91 grad uate. Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Engi neering, Master of Engineerin g, joint master's program leading to the M.E ./M.B.A. SCHOOL OF MANAGEME T. Enrollment: 900 undergraduate, 82 1 graduate. Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Master of Business Administration; Master of Science in Accounting, Financial Manage ment of Health Care In stitutions, Industri al Management, Taxation; master' programs leading to the M.B .A./M.E. or the M.B.A ./J.D. SCHOOL OF NURSING. Enrollment: 575 undergrad uate, 127 graduate. Degrees: Bac helor of Science in ur ing , Master of Science in ursi ng, Doctor of ursi ng. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE-PENNSYLVANIA. Enrollment: 1,120 under graduate. Degrees: Associate in Arts , Engi neering, Science; Bac helor of Arts , Engi neering, Industri al and Management Engi neeri ng, Science, Social Work; Bachelor of Science in Allied Health , Business Administration , Chemistry Mana-gement , Management In formati on Sy terns, Radiologic Tech nology, Respi ratory Therapy. (U ni versi ty College admi ni sters all part-time degree programs and numerous noncredit courses and programs for ad ults.) The sc hool and coll eges operating wholl y or primarily on the Delaware Campus: TH E DELAWAR E LAW SCHOOL OF WIDENER U IV ERS ITY. Enroll ment : 862 student s. Degrees: Juris Doctor, joint program lead ing to the J.D. /M.B.A . SCHOOL OF HOT EL A D REST AU RA T MANAGEM ENT. Enrollment: 390 students. Degrees: A sociate in Science in Hotel and Restaurant Manage ment , Bac helor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. UN IVERS ITY COLLEGE- DELAWAR E. Enrollment: 875 students. Degrees: Associate in Arts , Science; Bachelor of Science; Bac helor of Science in Busin es Administration , Management lnfom1ation Systems, ursing (degree awarded by School of ursi ng). Uni vers ity College ad mini sters all part-time degree programs and numerous noncredit courses and programs fo r adults. BRA DYWI E COLLEGE . Enrollment: 700 tudents. Degrees: Associate in Arts, Science; Bachelor of Science in Fashi on Merchandising. HISTORY Founded in 182 1, the University began as a select school for boys in Wilmington , Del. The sc hool introd uced military instruction in 1858 and four years later was chartered as Penn sylva ni a Military Academy wi th full uni versi ty degree-granting pri vi lege . The earl y curriculum ex tended from preparatory through college. In 8 1892, the school, by then located on its present Chester campus, assumed the name Pennsylva ni a Military Co llege. The long tradition as an exclusively military coll ege ended in 1946 with the admission of returning veterans as noncadet students. In 1958 nonmilitary , nonveteran students were admitted and in 1966 the first female student s enrolled . To refl ect this evolution, the name was changed to PMC Co lleges (Penn Morton College was created for the ci vilian student body; Penn sy lvani a Military College remained the cadet institution). In 1972, as a result of a series of academic and philo ophical changes, the in stitution retired the colors of the cadet corps and adopted the name Widener College. [n August 1975, Widener Co llege acquired via merger the Delaware Law School, Wilmington, Del. The Delaware Law School wa founded in 1971 , graduated its fi rst class in 1975 and is full y approved and accredited by the Ameri can Bar Associati on. In November of 1976, Widener entered into an affili ation with Brandywine College, founded in 1965. Brandywine was merged into Widener in February, 1979. The move of the Delaware Law School onto the Brandywine campus was completed in th e pring semester of 1978. This campus is now designated the Delaware Campus of Widener Uni versity. Uni versity College, the undergraduate adult component , was organi zed in 1980 to provide comprehensive credit and noncredit programs in continuing higher education. The School of Hotel and Restaurant Management , an outgrowth of a succes ful two-year program offered at Brandywine College, was organi zed during the summer of 1981, and admitted its first junior- and senior-level students in the fall of 198 1. The in stitution achi eved Uni versity statu s Jul y I, 1979. THE WIDENER FAMILY The Widener family, fo r whom the University is named , is as fa mous for its philanthropy and coll ections of art and rare books as it is for its contributions to American business, fi nance, transportati on, and thoroughbred horse racin g. The Wideners built and endowed the Widener Memori al School for Crippled Children in Philadelphia, created the Widener Memori al Library at Harvard Universit y, and donated their world-renowned art coll ection to help start the ational Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. Through the Widener Memori al Foundation in Aid of Handicapped Children, the fa mily has continued its philanthropy by providing aid to the Child Development Center, orristown, Pa ., St.