1955 6837 Hon. Stuart Symington
1955 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 6837 to enact legislation ·to provide that the pro By Mr. HOLIFIELD: adopted at -Madison, Wis., May 7, 1955; to ceeds of sales of real property owned by es H. R. 6423. A bill for the relief of Juan Jose the Committee on Armed Services. tates, trusts, and individuals where owned Sanchez-Villegas, Maria Luisa Gama de San . 283. Also, resolution unanimously passed by said estates, trusts, or individuals for 10 chez, Juan Jose Sanchez-Gama, Oscar Fer at the annual membership meeting of the consecutive years prior to said sale or sales nando Sanchez-Gama, Maria Luisa Sanchez Racine County Republican Party, Wisconsin, be taxed for Federal income-tax purposes as Gama, and Ruth Sanchez-Gama; to the April 28, 1955, supporting and urging passage capital gains and not as ordinary income; to Committee on the Judiciary. of an amendment to the Constitution of the the Committee on Ways an.d Means. By Mr. VINSON: United States, which in essence provides that H. R.es. 250. Resolution providing that the no treaty, or agreement of any kind, or law, bill, II. R. 6401, and all accompanying pa shall become superior to or supersede the pers shall be referred to the United States Constitution and laws of the United States; PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Court of Claims; to the Committee on the to the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Judiciary. 284. By Mr. THOMSON of Wyoming: Pe tition of Mrs. Kenneth Lynn, Newcastle, bills and resolutions weFe introduced Wyo., and 27 others, to get alcoholic beverage and severally referred as follows: PETITIONS, ETC.
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