Hubert Humphrey

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Hubert Humphrey Hubert Humphrey Folder Citation: Collection: Records of the 1976 Campaign Committee to Elect Jimmy Carter; Series: Noel Sterrett Subject File; Folder: Hubert Humphrey; Container 84 To See Complete Finding Aid: -- ... and to the Hungry " .. .,, Senator Humphrey has ~~EMt.,a moral challenge to well-fed-and frequently over-fed-Americans with his recent call for generous Uflit~ States contributions to a broad new world food action program. Respondi~ thTthre~f. widespread starvation that has been sharply increased by worldwide shortages and soaring prices of basic commodities; the Senator pro­ poses: Resumption .of large-scale food aid by the United States and other· food~exporting nations; establishment of national and international food reser"Ves; expansion of fertilizer distribution and production, and stepped up aid to agricultural development, including the pending contribution to I.D.A; '!• . ··' · · · · Although Mr. Humphrey's plan for action merely elaborates on promises already advanced by Secretary of State Kissinger at the recent special United Nations session, it faces stiff resistance within the Nixon Admin- .i istration and from a people who have just begun to see some hope for relief fro~, soaring food prices. The day is gone when Americans had food to bum, when overseas aid was a.convenient way ·tQ unload. embarrassing sur· pluses. Even with record harvests due, a new giveaway , program on the scale contemplated by the Senator would . put fresh pressure on· domestic prices and would compete with potential cash sales to more affluent foreign buyers. There will be those who will s.eek refuge from respon­ sibility in the heartless suggestfon ·of Agriculture Secre­ tary Earl t·. ·Butz that "hunger is relativ~if your· larder is empty, you cut back some." For one billion already undernourished people in the thirty poorest countries, cutµng back.pleans sinking from. acute malnutrition into starvation, or diverting to fOod purchases . searce re­ sources that · are_ ·desperately needed ·to . help · develop food self-sufficiency. · . ·••. :c.: - . • · The cost to At;nericans of helping these natiorts through the current ¢nSis would be_ triyial in .comparison. For example, Senator Humphrey estimates that a decision by Americans to eat one less hamburger a week would make some 10 million tons of grain available for food assist­ ance, twice·. India's· eX})eetecCimport requirements for the coming year: The fertilizer Americans lavish on lawns and other non-agricultural luxuries would make up Asia's anticipated fertilizer deficit, helping Asians to feed them- selves. · · ... i The primary responsibility for overeoming food short­ ages and for curbing the runaway population groWtlt that vastly compounds the food problem iies with the : stricken nations themselves. This does not ~itigate the . moral obligation of the more .. fprturiate, · including the · 1 newly-rich oil states, to extend emergency relief. Popula- ' tion control. at best_ requires years to take effect; and · ·while that is an es'sentfal element in·"the solution, the United .States in the meanwhite cannot ·s1Jirk4Jte'i.fo0d· • sup~iy role, to which)fciS':,~ominitt¥ :bi~m«~'.fOhts ;J vast resources and its tradition of liWnari!tilrian leadership •. Area Age Race Sex Union Faith School ' :.~~~~~:· - .,. ':' G> l e ~a ,; .. •e_ .. ,, ~ ~ ~ ..> c CD 0 !!"' c .. .s Cl 0 c ..0 iii => E c c ... 0 .!:! !!! sI. .. CD V2 GI r.. "- ... .,, !! c!~~~ ' ... ::> c;_ ... .S!'QV> :» Q.I QJ.. c ... .!! .. c QJ ~ ~ u ~~ ~ ,, ~ u !! 0 c .c ~:ro..c"8e t hl iii ii c .. .. ;: .. ·2 o. i Cl Cl i e ~-"' CD ~ 0 .i:i1l ~ :::> ... iii :: ~ u. :::> z u D. ~~~r"Jl rIVE "' t he Bayb ........... ". 3 1 2 3 6 2 2 3 2 _3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 0 2 4 sem bant Carter ........ -.12 11 12 9 20 16 13 9 16 3 14 13 11 7 14 11 13 0 14 11 12 ag1r T1 Harris .. ""''"'.. 2 1 1··.5 2 0 3 3 1 0 2 4 1 4 2 1 2 5 2 1 3 votet t erda~ Hwnpbrey ..... 20 26 21 20_14 19 15 17 26 27 18 23 17 22 19 18 22 27 25 14 23 f orm1 le adir. Jackson ....... " 6 5 8 4 3 5 4 6 8 0 8 8 5 7 6 4 6 27 6 5 8 cent "T Kennedy ........ 18 29 20 13 17 28 23 ·21 13 45 13 14 22 22 17 21 18 13 23 23 13 some, was r Muskie ..... :..... 2 1 I 4 0 0 2 3 1 1 2 0 3 2 2· 2 2 0 1 3 2 very c T,._ ydil! Shriver ........... 3 3 3 3 2 2 5 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 2 5 1 0 3 3 2 . "\\ ~'e've Udall .............. 3 1 2 7 2 0 5 3 2 3 3 3 4 1 4 3 1 0 0 2 6 p aul si nee Wallace ......... 11 8 11 9 20 12 11 12 11 1 14 15 8 11 12 12 14 0 17 13 8 a dde Bt Others ............ 20 14 19 23 14 0 17 21 17 13 20 16 23 18 19 21 18 26 9 23 19 ·Sa Tbe chart shows the choices o~ 665 registeted Maryland Democrats in the Suil poll for their party's presidential nominee. Tbe flgures.oibown are percentages. The margin of er·. cr1 HJTP1i'1'T HUMPHREY ror in a survey with this number of respon<' · is plus or minus 4 percentage points. ~ --~·- ~ .. ,... -. ... I ·.·=-- ...... i __ ; t-·-~" •. - 1tE CHRISTIAN sOENcE MONIToR Monday, October 20, 1975 J-lumphrey waits but a boomlet . - i: ! ! By Godfrey Sperling Jr. Staff correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor· Washington 1; The noncandidacy . of Hubert H. Humphrey is achieving boomlet proportions: I • Soundings by The Christian Science Monitor in all regions of the )united States show growing interest in Senator Humphrey as the "presidential candidate next year. I • A CBS poll of the 361-member Democratic National Committee shows that 60 percent think Senator Humphrey will get the nomination. • Now Gov. Wendell R. Anderson of Minnesota; a former Humphrey campaign manager and a particularly close political associate of the _Senator, says that "if Humphrey maintains his momentum, I will have to urge him to get into the primaries." . j Did Mr. Anderson speak for Senator Humphrey? He wouldn'fadmit to that. But he told a breakfast meeting with reporters: "I think it ·.would be his [Humphrey's] hope and prayer" that he would. ! · Many elected leaders are saying,. privately, that there is no one among the 10 or so declared or soon-to-declare candidates who is likely .to either< 1 l unify the party or (2) be able to beat President Ford. · And, therefore, Mr. Humphrey is becoming the first choice of a majority of these leaders. Further, many who have another first choice are saying that if their man can't make it, they would like to have Mr. Humphrey as the nominee. Governor Anderson says that "pos&bly one of the other Democrats could beat Ford. But it would be much more risky than having Humphrey as the nominee!' · · Senator Humphrey told this same group of reporters earlier that he was adamarit against entering any of the presidential primaries next year- although he said he was quite willing to take the nomination if it came to him at the convention. The Senator says that he is physically fit and that he is better prepared to be President than at any other time in his life. But he says he cannot even be cajoled or pushed into the primaries. However, a scenario is now hinted where the point is reached Mr. By Robert McCormick ijumphrey may have to say something like this: "I didn't want to get into the primaries. And I still don't. But I have so many peQple who are Humphrey - emerging choice of party leaders ~rging me to do so and who say the party can't win without me that J've finally given in to this appeal." the nomination without going into some primaries. He is convinced ··Governor Anderson would like Mr. Humphrey to enter a few select that, "with 80 percent of the delegates being chosen in the primaries" primaries like California, Ohio, Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania. the nominee will be one of those who has tested his popularity in these ''· .. ............ ~- :~-Mr. HUrn.phrey's st·ated position is rath~~ Running in Place straightfo:11Wanl and !is taken at iface value by most polrtic'ians here. He will run in no primaries, and he will certify that he isn't a Humphrey Is Striving candida.te if a state official wants to put him on a pnmary ballot ~by state law he won't For the.White House b~ able to get off the baUots in Oregon, Ne­ ~ada and. Idll.ho, but he plans no campaign­ ing efforts there). He predicts that the nomi­ By Just Being Hubert nation proba'bly ·will go to a candidate who !!as been' µt the primaries and that it is '-'hlgl:tly lmproba!ble" the ·convention will A 'Brokered' Convention Is 11eek hi~.ou~. But U It does, he will accept the . nomm'ation, run a dazzling campaign His Hope; A Drawback: ag'amst the Republicans "and [ would win." : The Senator is on this novel perch for Imag)f a 'Big Spender' several reasons. So far none of the dozen! Democrats who w'ill .be scrambling through i the primaries can claim to .be the front-run-: Filling 'Big Vacuum' ner. "Big vacuum," says a liberal Demo­ ~· cratic Senator, not himselif a candid'ate in explanation of the Humphrey phenome~on.
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