1992 Junior Bird Tournament Extra Credit Questions by · Col.l.een McMahon

46. 25 points

By now everyone should be somewhat familiar with the crop of presidential hopefuls who went stumping in New Hampshire. All together, 62 candidates filed for this primary. See how many of these lesser-known politicos you can identify, for 5 points each:

a. She is the candidate for the , as she was in 1988.

b. This tv comedian has run several times and is doing so again this year in spite of bankruptcy.

Pat Paulsen

c. The "wild-eyed libertarian" sent his form in from the federal prison where he is serving a term for mail fraud. Lyndon LaRouche

d. He played in the 1970s movies; now he wants to follow in the footsteps of another movie­ star-turned-president.

e. It just wouldn't be an election year without this candidate, the 84-year-old former of , who has been running unsuccessfully since 1944.

47. 20 points

Identify these famous mythological wives, given the names of their husbands, for 5 points each:

a. Agamemnon Clytemnestra b. Odysseus Penelope c. Oedipus Jocasta d. Priam Hecuba 48. 30 points

Art Nouveau was an early 20th Century movement whose influences spread from painting to jewelry and furniture design. . For 10 points each, identify these artists associated with Art Nouveau:

a. Austrian, foremost practitioner of Art Nouveau in Vienna, works include The Kiss: Gustav Klimt

b. His City studios specialized in favrile glasswork, characterized by iridescent colors. Louis Tiffany c. This late 19th century artist's linear, black and white style brought Art Nouveau to illustration in works like Oscar Wilde's Salome: Aubrey Beardsley

49. 30 points

In the high-stakes world of 1980s leveraged buyouts and corporate takeovers, several "colorful" terms carne into use. See how many you can identify, for 10 points each:

a. Provisions in executives' employment contracts which guarantee substantial benefits if they lose their jobs in a takeover: golden parachute

b. A company must buy back its own shares at more than the going market price to avoid a hostile takeover:


c. A friendly party recruited by a company to buy up its shares and foil a hostile takeover: white knight 50. 30 points

Answ"er these questions about the most recent production of the Lyric Opera of Chicago, for 15 points each:

a. The opera, Puccini's'last, was unfinished at his death and is a Chinese fairy tale about a princess who beheads her suitors. Turandot

b. The production is noteworthy for the designer of the sets, a painter better known for his luminous scenes of southern California. Name him:

David Hockney

51. 25 points

You probably know about the birds and the bees by now, but how much do you know about contraception? Rank the following methods of contraception by number of users in the U.S., from most to least. 5 points for each in the correct position:

The methods are: Condom, Oral Contraceptives, Norplant, Sterilization, and IUD.

sterilization, Oral contraceptives (accept Pill), Condom, ~, Norplant

{Reader FYI: Sterilization: 13.6 million users Pill: 10.7 " " Condom: 5.0 If If IUD: 700 thousand users Norplant 150 If If }

52. 25 points

With Academy Award season almost upon us, this is a good time to look back on last year's crop of movies. Given a film from 1991, name the director, for 5 points each:

a. Silence of the Lambs Jon~than Demme b. Thelma & Louise Ridley Scott c. Boyz N the Hood John Singleton d. Terminator 2 James Cameron e. Little Man Tate Jodie Foster 53. 20 points

It's a Shakespeare scramble! All of the Bard's works fell into a blender and characters are running into. each other every which way. For each of the mixed-up situations below, identify the .tJiQ. plays to which the confused characters rightfully belong, for 5 points each pair:

a. Friar Laurence marries Petruchio and Katherine:

Romeo and Juliet and Taming of the Shrew

b. Claudius and Gertrude team up to off Duncan:

Hamlet and Macbeth

c. Portia, disguised as a lawyer, and Rosalind, disguised as a man, run off to the Forest of Arden together:

Merchant of venice and As You Like It

d. Regan and Goneril kill Desdemona in a jealous rage:

King Lear and Othello

54. 30 points

Many cities have a central square or plaza which is integral to that city's identity. Given a square or plaza, name the city for 5 points each:

a. Herald Square b. Tiananmen Square Bei j ing c. Stephansplatz vienna (which,by the way, is Austria's capital) d. Plaza de Mayo Buenos Aires e. Leicester (pronounced "Lester") Square London f. Piazza San Marco venice 55. 25 points

We should all be familiar with President Bush's cabinet by now. Given a cabinet position, tell who currently occupies it for 5 points each:

a. Secretary of State: . James Baker b. Secretary of the Interior: Manuel. Lujan c. Secretary of Housing & Urban Development: d. Secretary of Education: e. Secretary of Health & Human Services: Louis Sullivan

56. 25 points

Know your Nazis! Given a description of a Hitler crony, identify him for 5 points apiece:

a. Hitler's chief propagandist: Joseph Goebbels

b. Chief "doctor of Auschwitz: Josef Hengele

c. Leader of the SA, killed in 1934: Ernst Roehm

d. SS officer hanged in 1962: Adolf Eichmann

e. Colonel who tried to kill Hitler in 1944: Klaus yon Stauffenberg

57. 30 points

Several U. S. autho_rs have won the Nobel Prize for Literature. You'll receive 10 points if you can identify the author from the year they won; 5 points if you need a title to jog your memory (Reader: the other team gets a shot at each answer whenever the 1st team misses) :

a. 1938 The Good Earth Pearl. S. Buck

b. 1962 East of Eden JO~ Steinbeck

c. 1954 Eaz:eJiell to Az:ms Ernest B~m;Lng)[a~ 58. 30 points (5 points each)

In electrical measurements, what are the standard SI units to measure:

a. Electrical current Ampere b. Electrical resistance Qhm c. Magnetic flux density Tesla d. Frequency Hertz e. Power Watt f. Potential difference volt

59. 25 points

Some Saturday Night Live characters· have become legends. Some haven't. Given a recurring character, identify the Not Ready For Prime Time Player who created it for 5 points each:

a. Lisa Loopner Gilda Radner b. Annoying Man John Loyitz c. Fernando Lamas Billy Crystal d. Gumby (dammit) Eddie Mu rpby e . Dieter, host of Sprockets Mike Myers

.60. 30 points

"Alway~ A Dreadful Land For Trouble": that's Northern Ireland. It's also a mnemonic which should help you recall the six counties of Northern Ireland. You'll get 5 points for each one you can name:

Antrim; Armagh; Down; Londonderry (accept Derry!!); Fermanagh; Tyrone.