Board Bows, Okays Bible Distribution
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Board bows, okays Bible distribution In the face of pressure asking for the distribution of schools because it was il- cocaine, heroin, sex and a Trustee Ed Scollon dis- trib"ted free to the children new price is up from the Eight half hour lessons will from about 100 members of the Bibles. legal. lack of morals there. sented. in the school. $1.65 per day rate formerly be given for $12. That figures the district, the Cass City Not only did the board Art Severance reported Mrs. Jackie Freiburger in effect. The new vehicle out to $3.00 per hour. The School Board buckled and rescind the motion, it effec- that he voted against the Because no Bibles have said that shaping the char- been distributed for the pre- DRIVER TRAINING will not be air conditioned as remainder of the cost, $5 rescinded a previously voted tively destroyed a previous distribution because he felt acters of children is the the present cars are. hour, will be picked up by position not to allow Gideon jiolicy guideline that re- vious two years the board the board should not endorse responsibility of the parents authorized not only the fifth The board voted to rent This year driver training the school. Clair sai.d that 38 Bibles to be distributed at quired a month's delay be- an illegal act. Since that and the 11 churches in the driver education cars from instructors will receive $8.00 students have said they the school. fore changing a major time he said his research grade students but also the community. sixth and seventh grade Geiger-Hunt and Ouvry per hour, up from $7.50. would attend and 30 others The action was a highlight policy. It was the second indicated that the courts After several pastors and Chevy-Olds at a rate of $4.00 are listed as possible. of the regular board meeting time this year that the policy ruled that it was illegal. students to receive the other members of the aud- Bibles. per day. An attempt will be SUMMER BAND Monday night at the high has been ignored by the The crowd applauded ience voiced approval of made to find a vehicle to school. OTHER BUSINESS board. when Dan Willis, a specta- distributing Bibles in the Trustee J.D. Tuckey cau- replace the Chrysler product The board authorized Besides the persons pres- In a previous meeting the tor, said that he quit Cass school, a motion by Hoag tioned that the vote also that was used as the dealer special individual instruc- A new, more comprehen- ent the board received a board had voted 4-3 to not City schools in the llth passed 5-1 to allow the means that any other relig- declined to furnish a car at tion for band students under sive fifth and sixth grade petition with 300 signatures allow the distribution in the grade because he found pot, Gideons into the classrooms. ious document can be dis- the $4.00 per day price. The the direction of Tom Clair. Please turn to page 3. GASS CITY CHRONICLE Spi-iiH.;port J.'.indr i-y Dec.SO VOLUME 74 NUMBER 4 CASS CITY CHRONICLE-THURSDAY, MAY 15,1980 TWENTY-TWO PAGES ( Raxvson !,ib r.i ry) Quick payb( SjM'iiH'.port, M.1 -I92M-1 Board seeks mill boost for operations The Cass City School that installed the windows at at Campbell and Intermed- that are seven years old or Board voted Monday night the Intermediate School re- iate, and $5,100 for equip- older. Among the new books at its regular meeting to ask fused to guarantee them ment on the hill north of the is a new type of physics text. district taxpayers at the unless all work was per- school. According to Doug June 9 election for 21.5 mills formed by their employees The equipment under con- Grezeszak, instructor, Cass for operation. so the change was author- sideration includes basket- City will be the first to use If passed it. will mean an ized. ball hoops with metal nets, the "individualized physics increase in school operating project" system in Michigan There will be no pay back swings, safer merry-go- taxes of 1.6 mills ($1.60 per although it has been used in for the recreational equip- rounds, wave slides, new $1,000 of state equalized type teeter-totters and Canada for several years ment under consideration. with success. valuation.) It's likely that not all of the obstacle course equipment. To get the 21.5 mills The plan is to use the The initial cost of the electors will have to approve various projects suggested instruction material will be by a committee headed by survey, as a basis lor secur- three different ballot pro- ing equipment as expendi- $99B for 20 students. That's Dr. E. Paul Lockwood will considerably more than the posals. One authorizes the be implemented. tures are given board ap- renewal of 3'^ mills that is proval. $575 that the traditional text expiring. The second voids According to reports of would cost. However, after the tax limitation (Headlee various principals $2,028 The board also approved the initial expenditure, re- amendment) that rolled worth of playground equip- the purchase of new books at placement costs should be MR. WIZARD -- Retired Cass City High School principal and teacher Art Holmberg has kept back taxes to 20.9 this year. ment is needed at Deford; a cost of over $10,000. The less than traditional texts, 10 4th-(ith grade boys fascinated on Saturday mornings in a Community Education class entitled The third asks for an in- $1,700 at Evergreen; $11,000 purchases will replace books Grezeszak believes. "Come With Me to the Laboratory." Here, he demonstrates the Wimhurst machine, which gen- crease of .6 of a mill. erates static electricity. Last of the four sessions is this Saturday. Topics covered have been As has been the custom, sound, chemistry, magnetism and electricity. Holmberg taught chemistry and physics here the board asks for the levies Authorize buildin survey from 1»:55-13, was also principal from 1943-60, and was full-time principal from l!»(i() until he re- for just one year under the theory that state aid funds tired in 1969. \.j|. y fror year to year and the amount received to run the schools is uncertain until the legislature acts. While the three ballots can be confusing taxpayers can simplify it for themselves by remembering the total mil- radios for buses lage of 21.5 that represents an increase of 1.6 mills. The Owendale-Gagetown school buildings to deter- be used. For instance, il In addition to okaying the Board of Education Monday mine what needs to be done inside stair ramps can't be president Tuesday tax request the board gave evening took the first step in to put them into compli- made to accommodate the tentative approval of an putting the district in com- ance. student, his class might expenditure of $60,000 from pliance with the federal Probably all that has to be have to be a room more Polls will be open Tuesday delegates will be elected by Brown Jr., who has with- The 2.5 mills will raise the general fund for a capi- Rehabilitation Act of 1973, done at the high school, he accessible. from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. for the write-in vote as no one filed drawn from the national roughly $16,000 a year for tal improvement and is which requires accessibility said, will be installation of two "for handicapped only" Britt said the committee presidential primary elec- petitions include Elmwood, race, and Lyndon LaRouche roads. The township also taking a long look at $20,000 to school buildings by the should have a report ready tion. Ellington, Kingston, Colum- Jr., former head of the U.S. spends some money from its more for playground equip- handicapped. parking signs. for the board by its June 9 In Austin township, there bia and Grant. Labor Party. The third general fund and all of its ment. William Britt and James What will probably have to be done first at the elemen- meeting. will also be a road millage The Democratic Party Democratic choice is "un- federal revenue sharing for Barr, elementary and high At present, the only physi- renewal on the ballot. primary presidential is committed." roads. QUICK PAYBACK school principals respec- tary school will be installa- tion of a ramp for wheel- cally handicapped student at Although voters will have meaningless because the The Michigan primary is Grant township was to tively, who have been work- Owen-Gage, a tuition stu- a choice between voting state party decided to elect open, in that there are no have two millage proposals Supt. Donald Grouse pre- ing on the compliance pro- chair users, which, he added, could have come in dent from Cass City, uses a Democratic or Republican, their national convention restrictions on which party on the ballot, one mill for dicted a quick payback of 5 gram, told the board failure wheelchair and attends high only the latter will count for delegates pledged to the one can vote for. Democrats, years or less for new win- to comply would mean a handy a few days earlier five years for roads and one when a wheelchair user school. anything. candidates in closed cau- for instance, can vote in the mill for three years for fire dows at Campbell, Deford cutoff in all federal funds.