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Congressional Record-Senate 16042 " CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE DECEMBER 4 PRIVATE 'BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE ME'ETING DURING SENATE attend the meeting of the Common­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private SESSION . wealth Parliamentary Association in bills and resolutions were introduced On request of Mr. LUCAS, and by unani­ Australia. · and severally referred as fallows: mous consent, the Committee on Foreign The Senator from Minnesota [Mr. By Mr. BOLLING: Relations was authorized to meet during HUMPHREY] is absent because of illness. H. R . 9836. A bill to provide for the admis­ the session of the Senate today. · The Senator from Nevada [Mr. Mc­ sion of Dr. Karl Schaefer to United States CARRAN] is absent by leave of the Senate. citizenship; to the Committee on the Judi­ SENATOR FROM CALIFORNIA The Senator from Illinois [Mr. DouG­ ciary. Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, I LAsJ, the Senator from Montana [Mr. By Mr. JACOBS: H. R. 9837. A bill to provide· for the ex­ send to the desk a telegram from the MURRAY], the Senator from Pennsyl­ tension of design patent No. 133,870, issued Governor of California, the Honorable vania [Mr. MYERS], and the Senator September 22, 1942, to Mrs. Beulah Hill re­ Earl Warren, and I ask that it be read. from Wyoming [Mr. O'MAHONEYJ are ab­ lating to a Bootlette; to the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT. The tele- sent on public business. the Judiciary. gram will be read. · The Senator from Alabama [Mr. H. R. 9838. A bill for the relief of Irene T. · The legislative clerk read as follows: SPARKMAN] is absent by leave of the Sen­ Mit chell; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ate on official business as a representa­ By .Mr. PATTERSON: SACRAMENTO, CALIF., December 3, 1950. H. R . 9839. A bill for the relief of Julio SECRETARY OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE, tive of the United States to the fifth Henrique Da Silva; to the Committee on the Capitol Bui lding, Washington, D. c.: session of the General Assembly of the Judiciary. This is to advise you that on December 1, United Nations. 1950, I appointed RICHARD M. NIXON United l\fr. WHERRY. I announce that the States Senator to fill the unexpired term of Senator from Maine [Mr. BREWSTER] is United States Senator Sheridan Downey in necessarily absent. SENATE the Eighty-first Congress. On that same d ate, I mailed Senator NIXON'S commission The Senator from New Hampshire to him at Washington, D. c. [Mr. BRIDGES] is absent on official busi­ MONDAY' DECEMBER 4, 1950 EARL WARREN, ness. <Legislative day of Monday, November Governor. The Senator from Michigan [Mr. 27, 1950) Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, the FERGUSON] is absent by leave of the Sen­ Senator-elect is present in the Chamber, . ate on official business, having been ap-· The Senate met at 12 o'clock merid­ and I ask unanimous consent that he pointed as a delegate from the Senate to ian, on the expiration of the recess. be permitted to take the oath of office. attend the meeting of the Common­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown wealth Parliamentary Association in Harris, D. D., offered the following The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ·ob­ Australia. prayer: jection to the request of the Senator from California? The Chair hears none. The . Senator from Vermont [Mr. Eternal God, by the meek are If the Senator-elect will come forward FLANDERS] and the Senator from Penn­ guided in judgment and light riseth the Chair will administer the oath of sylvania [Mr. MARTIN] are absent by up in darkness for the godly, grant us office to him. leave of the Senate on official business. in all doubts and uncertainties the grace Mr. NIXON, escorted by Mr. KNow- · The Senator from Indian·a [Mr. JEN~ to ask what Thou wouldst have us to do, LAND, advanced to the desk, and the oath NERJ is unavoidably detained. that the spirit of wisdom may save us prescribed by law was administered to The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. from all false choices and that in Thy him by the Vice President. LODGE] is absent by leave of the Senate light we may see light and in Thy as a delegate of the General Assembly of straight path may not stumble: CAL~ OF THE ROLL the United Nations. Bowing in this storied Chamber we are Mr. LUCAS. I suggest the absence of The Senator from New Hampshire conscious that we are heirs of great tra­ a quorum. [Mr. TOBEY] is absent by leave of the ditions. We-are conscious, too, of a lis­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ Senate on official business of the Com­ tening world; hoping in its agony that tary will call the roll. mittee on Small Business . the horror of global war may be averted. .. The roll was called," and the fallowing The Senator from Michigan [Mr. In this mad and sad day filled with the . Senators answered to the~r names: VANDENBERG] is absent by leave of the angry accents of hate, we humbly bow S;mate. Aiken· Hoey Mundt at the beginning of this fateful week Anderson Holland Neely The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is with the deathless assurance that can Bricker Hunt . Nixon present. turn even seeming tragedy to triumph: Butler Ives O'Conor Byrd Johnson, Tex. Pepper MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT "The eternal God is our refuge and un­ Ca in Johnston, S. C. Robertson derneath are the everlasting arms." We Capehart Kefauver Russell Messages in writing from the Presi­ ask it in the name of the Prince of Peace. Carlson Kem Saltonstall dent of the United States submitting Chapman Kerr Schoeppel nominations were communicated to the Amen. Chavez Kilgore Smith, Maine THE JOURNAL Clements Knowland Smith,N. C. Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ Connally Langer Smith, N. J. taries. On request of Mr. LUCAS, and by unani­ Cordon Leahy Stennis mous consent, the reading of the Jour­ Donnell Lehman Taft RENEWAL OF PROGRAM OF VOCATIONAL nal of the proceedings of Friday, Decem­ Dworshak Long Taylor REHABILITATION FOR DISABLED VET­ Eastland Lucas Thomas, Okla. ERANS (H. DOC. NO. 728) ber 1, 1950, was dispensed with. Ecton McCarthy Thomas, Utah LEAVES OF ABSENCE Frear McClellan Th ye The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair Fulbright McFarland Tydings has a communication from the President On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by George McKellar Watkins Gillette McMahon Wherry of the United States, which is really unanimous consent, Mr. TOBEY was ex­ Gurney Magnuson Wiley meant for the Senate. The clerk will cused from attendance on the sessions Hayden Malone Williams read the communication. of the Senate until Thursday on official Hendrickson Maybank: Young Hickenlooper Millikin The Chief Clerk read the communica­ business of the Committee on Small Hill Morse tion, as follows: Business. On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by Mr. LUCAS. I announce that the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. BENTO.NJ THE WHITE HOUSE, unanimous consent, Mr. CARLSON was ex­ Washington, December 4, 1950. cused from attendance on the sessions is necessarily absent. Hon. ALBEN w. BARKLEY, The Senator from Louisiana [Mr. EL­ of the Senate Wednesday and Thurs­ Vice Presi~ent of the United States, day to attend the annual meeting of LENDER] and the Senator from Colorado Washington, D. C. the Council of State Governments, of [Mr. JOHNSON] are absent on official DEAR MR. VICE PRESIDENT: I wish to which he is the chairman. business. recommend action in the present session On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unani­ The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. to renew the program of vocational re­ mous consent, Mr. McCARRAN was ex­ GREEN] is absent by leave of the Senate habilitation for disabled veterans which cused from attendance on the sessions on official business, having been ap­ was in effect during and after' World of the Senate for an indefinite period. pointed a de~egate from the Senate to .War II. Since the Armed Forces are 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 16043 now beginning to discharge men disabled needs of the disabled servicemen who are S. 4219. A bill to authorize a Federal civil· in the current hostilities, renewal . of now being released by the Armed Forces, defense program, and for other purposes. these benefits has become a matter of Very sincerely yours, Mr. McMAHON obtained the floor. urgency, warranting action before the HARRY S. TRUMAN. Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, will present Congress adjourns. the Senator yield for an inquiry? During the last war, as at the present The VICE PRESIDENT. The commu­ Mr. MCMAHON. ·I yield. time, the first men-to be released by the . nication will be referred to the Commit­ Mr. WHERRY. Is the distinguished Armed Forces were those who had been tee on Labor and Public Welfare. Vice President now speaking of Senate wounded or otherwise disabled and were FEDERAL CIVIL-DEFENSE PROGRAM­ bill 4217? no longer able to serve on active duty. REFERENCE OF BILLS These men were-and are-entitled un­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Yes; both der rermanent law to full medical treat­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair Senate bill 4217 and Senate bill 4219. ment and to monthly compensation has at the desk, for reference, two bills Mr. WHERRY. I thank the Chair varying with the degree of disability. which were introduced last week, Senate very much. In addition, disabled veterans of World bill 4217, introduced by the Senator from Mr. MCMAHON. Mr. President, I War II were given help by the Govern­ Connecticut [Mr. McMAHON], and Sen­ agree with the distinguished occupant ment in gaining the qualifications needed ate bill 4219, introduced by the Senator of the Chair as to the importance of this for civilian employment.
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