3469 Hon. Stuart Symington

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3469 Hon. Stuart Symington 1959 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD- HOUSE 3469 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Jackson Day Dinner Address Delivered presence. More important, it provides an op­ At the age of 81, with his you~h and vigor portunity to reevaluate our party's meaning far behind him, Jefferson said, in a letter by Hon. Edmund S. Muskie, of Maine for ourselves, our neighbors, and our chil­ to a friend: dren. "Men by their constitution, are naturally There has never been a time in our coun­ _divided into two parties. Those who fear EXTENSION OF REMARKS try's history when such a reevaluation was and distrust the peopJe-those who Identify OF so vital to our survival and our well-being themselves with the people, have confidence as it is today. We love freedom. We believe in them, cherish and consider them as the HON. STUART SYMINGTON in the dignity and the worth of the indi­ most honest and safe depository of the pub­ OF MISSOURI vidual. We hold that a society which rec­ .lic interest." IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES .ognizes and implements these principles is I don't know what kind of a program best calculated to achieve happiness for each Jefferson would present to us if he were Thursday, March 5, 1959 of us and for our neighbors. Today, all of President today. I don't know what, spe­ Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, on this is in deadly danger, and cannot survive cifically, he would have propos€-d to do about unless we are alert to the danger and will­ the budget, education, the Soviet menace, Saturday, February 21, the distinguished ing to mobilize all our resources to meet our Inilitary posture, labor-management re­ junior Senator from Maine [Mr. MusKIE] the threat-intelligently, effectively, and im­ lations, or any of the host of problems spoke at Springfield, Mo., on the occasion mediately. which beset us. There are those who in­ of our annual Jackson Day dinner. Over the long years of its great history, the dulge themselves in the game of speculating We in Missouri were privileged to play Democratic Party has demonstrated a sen­ upon such things for the purpose of sug­ host to Senator MusKIE. We know him sitivity to the objectives of a free society, an gesting Jefferson's approval or disapproval alertness to the challenges and opportunities of some point of view. Jefferson himself ·as a gracious gentleman and a true _was not so presumptuous. Many times, he servant of the people. of each new day, and a willingness to move forward in the face of great obstacles and warned against those who ascribe to the His speech on that occasion was in­ difficulties, which has been unmatched among men of. the preceding age a wisdom more spirational to all of us who had the political parties. This is not to say that than human, and suppose what they did to opportunity to hear him. every Democrat who ever lived has been, and be beyond amendment. I ask unanimous consent that it be is, more effective than any Republican who I do know that Jefferson's attention was printed in the RECORD. ever lived. We know this is not so. It is -always focused on the ultimate objective of not to say the Democratic Party has always a free society-the advancement and well­ There being no objection, the address being of the people. I know that his ver­ was ordered to be printed in the REcoRD, measured up fully to the responsibilities of any given day. We know this is not so. satile and searching mind was not restricted as follows: It is to say that, on the record, the Demo­ by the straitjacket of out moded and out­ SPEECH B~ HON. EDMUND S. MUSKIE, OF MAINE, cratic Party has been a party of great worn ideas and methods, however worth­ AT SPRINGFIELD, Mo., FEBRUARY 21, 1959 ·achievements and that it will continue to while they may have been yesterday. I am I can think of a number of reasons why it ·be if we, who are entrusted with the steward­ confident that he would have chosen means is good to be in Missouri. ship of its affairs, will fortify ourselves with and methods suited to the dimensions of First of all, there was the cordial invitation the best of its traditions. the tasks with which we are confronted. extended to me by your distinguished Sena­ What is required today? He would have believed today, as he be­ lieved in his own day, that there is a greater tors, STU SYMINGTON and ToM HENNINGS, Let me give you some thoughts expressed and your able Congressman, CHARLIE BROWN. risk in standing still than in moving for­ by Thomas Jefferson in 1816 in a discussion ward, that a problem is not solved by half To my previous awareness of their impres­ of the relationship between men and their sive records of public service, I have been ·governments: measures, that a problem does not disappear privileged to add the warmth and · friendli­ because it is ignored: That, above all, the "I am certainly not an advocate for fre­ American people are willing, able, and eager ness of personal association. The fact that quent and untried changes in laws and con­ outstanding Americans of this stature should to know the truth, to understand the truth, stitutions. I think moderate· imperfections ~ and to assume the burdens and sacrifices welcome such a contribution as I can make had better be borne with. But I know also to this great gathering is a compliment I which the truth indicates they must assume. that laws and institutions must go hand-in­ I believe this about Jefferson because he could not ignore. Secondly, I have long had ·hand with the progress of the human mind. a healthy curiosity about the State which understood the nature and the responsi­ ·As new discoveries are m ade, new truths dis­ .bility of leadership in a free society-leader­ entered the Union at the same time as my closed, and manners and opinions change own State of Maine. The compromise, which ship as demonstrated by the J acksons, the with the change· of circumstances, institu­ Lincolns, the Roosevelts, the Wilsons, the made possible that historic coincidence, re­ tions must advance also, and keep pace with flected sharp differences in public opinion Trumans. the times." What is the truth? with respect to the great political issues Expressed and implicit in these words are which were involved; but, more important, it The truth today is that our position in some impressive beliefs: the world, by any standard of measurement was symbolic of the fact that, in America, 1. That change, new and more difficult such differences can be resolved, given mu­ we chose to use, is incomparably weaker problems, unforseen circumstances, are in­ than at any other time since the dark days of tual ·respect, patience, understanding, and evitable in human affairs. good will. ·world War II. The truth today is that there Thirdly, I have enjoyed my associations 2. That the human mind and the human is less than full realization of this fact, and in the Governors' conference with your per­ spirit are capable of recognizing and ad­ that there should be and must be if we are sonable and capable Governor, Jim Blair, justing to them. to ma.ke the hard decisions which are indi­ who has a common sense knack of striking 3. That society and governments must be cated. The truth today is that we are not to the core of a problem which is familiar so constructed as to give free play to this being called upon to make the supreme effort to one accustomed to dealing with practical, great potential for adaptability and change. that those in a position to know the facts down-to-earth Maine Yankees. 4. That our country has the resources­ should realize must be made. The truth Finally, this is the home of Harry Tru­ material, human and ideological-to meet today is that there is a lack of faith among man-the man who made great decisions any challenge, however great. too many- that we have the resources, the with the sure touch and unhesitating cour­ 5. That our people, within the frame­ stamina, and the guts to do all that must be age of a man of clear vision-with an in­ work of a free society, have a capacity for done. stinctive understanding of the importance growth which can carry them to even To these people of little faith, those who of firm and positive leadership in his high greater heights of achievement: but only if indulge in creative thinking are radicals. office. Our times would be different and far they are constantly stimulated by broad and To these people of little faith, those who more fearful but for this fact. wide-ranging thinking, and by imaginative honestly expose our weaknesses as a challenge It is appropriate that Democrats should and purposeful leadership. to greater effort are purveyors of gloom and gather from time to time as you have here, I say these beliefs are impressive. This doom. tonight. It is understandable that we should is so because, although they are as old To these people of little faith, those who indulge in a little partisan rejoicing over as our country, they are a fresh and ever­ believe that a given problem cannot be solved the victories which swept .the country from flowing fountain of inspiration and reassur­ without a greater effort are spenders. coast to coast-from Maine in September to ance at a time when confusion tends to To these people of little faith, our growth Alaska in late November.
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