A Tale of Two Typewriters Author(S): Herbert L

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A Tale of Two Typewriters Author(S): Herbert L Stanford Law Review A Tale of Two Typewriters Author(s): Herbert L. Packer Source: Stanford Law Review, Vol. 10, No. 3 (May, 1958), pp. 409-440 Published by: Stanford Law Review Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1226822 Accessed: 20/01/2010 23:22 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=slr. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Stanford Law Review is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Stanford Law Review. http://www.jstor.org A Tale of Two Typewriters* HERBERTL. PACKERt "The trial . is not an investigative,but a demonstrativepro- ceeding."' It is up to the partiesto supply the informationon which a verdictrests. What comesout dependson what goes in. The truthof this view of the Anglo-Americanjudicial process is nowheremore clearly exemplified than in whata Britishobserver has called "the strangecase" of Alger Hiss.2 After two trials,a juryconvicted Hiss of perjuringhimself when he sworeto a grand jury that he had never passedgovernment documents to Whit- taker Chambers.Stripped of its baroqueornamentation, the evi- dencewhich the jurymust have believed came down to two things: Chambers'assertion that Hiss had passeddocuments to him, and the existenceof papersconcededly prepared for espionagepurposes and concededlytyped on a typewriterowned by Hiss. Everything else in the case-the prothonotarywarbler which Hiss may or may not havetold Chambershe saw, the bedroomat 3oth Streetwhere Chambersmay or may not have slept, the $400bank withdrawal thatmay or maynot havebeen given to Chambersby Hiss,the per- formanceof "She Stoops to Conquer"that the Hisses and the Chambersesmay or may not have attendedtogether, the red rug that may or may not have been a gift to Hiss from his grateful friendsin Russia-all the myriaddetails which made for suchfasci- nated speculationat the time and which have not, even now, lost their power to prod the imagination,all of them were, finally, peripheral,if not irrelevant.The businessof counting inconsis- tencies-so manyfor Hiss, so many for Chambers-became,even at the time of the trials,little morethan a sideshowin the shadow of the centralquestion: how could documentswhich were surely intendedto be used for espionagehave been typed on the type- writerof an innocentman? One might disbelieveChambers, but * The means for reflectingon this and related problems were supplied by a grant from The Fund for The Republic, Inc. I am grateful also to several colleagues and friends who read and criticized earlier drafts of the manuscript: to Ralph S. Brown, Jr., Warren M. Christopher, Phil C. Neal, George E. Osborne, Harold Shepherd, Carl B. Spaeth, and, particularlyso, to John R. McDonough, Jr. They, of course, bear no responsibilityfor the validity of the analysis or for the views expressed. t B.A. 1944, LL.B. 1949, Yale University; Associate Professor of Law, Stanford Uni- versity. 1. MORGAN, SOME PROBLEMS OF PROOF UNDER THE ANGLO-AMERICAN SYSTEM OF LITIGATION71-72 (1956). 2. JOWITT,THE STRANGECASE OF ALGER HISS (1953). 409 410 STANFORD LAW REVIEW [Vol. Io: Page 409 how could one disbelieveChambers plus the typewrittendocu- ments? It was the defense'sfailure to advancean explanationthat sent AlgerHiss to the penitentiary.It was,in the end,a failureof proof. The jury was not given a plausibleexplanation for the existence of the incriminatingdocuments, which might have enabledthem to crystallizethe doubtsthey must surely have felt aboutChambers' largelyuncorroborated, often confused and self-contradictorystory. From the universeof relevantfacts, known and knowable,the de- fense had not succeededin extractingand placingbefore the jury the basisfor a reasonabledoubt aboutthe centralcharge of espi- onage.3And so it is not surprisingthat the defense,having failed to convincehigher courtsthat errorsof law vitiatedHiss's convic- tion, was led to rejectthe fatalconcession and to assertfor the first time that the incriminatingdocuments had not been typedon the machineowned by Hiss but had insteadbeen deliberatelyforged so thatall would think they had comefrom Hiss. The effortto demonstratethat forgery by typewritercould have takenplace and had in fact beencommitted was, legally,a failure. The motionfor new trialin which it was put forwardwas denied.' That was almostsix yearsago. Ancienthistory, one might think, and obscureancient history at that;for by the time the motionfor new trial came on to be arguedHiss had spent almosteighteen monthsin prison,the publicexcitement over the case had lapsed, and one may surmisethat most of the few peoplewho botheredto learn from their daily papersthat Alger Hiss had been denied a new trialhad no notionof why the new trialhad beensought and what merit, if any, there was in the plea.5 So it might have re- 3. As a matter of strict technical accuracythe charge against Hiss was perjury. He was indicted on two counts for having falsely sworn that he had not passed government docu- ments to Whittaker Chambersand that he had not seen Chambersafter January 1, 1937. As a practicalmatter, the trials were mainly devoted to proving the first count; indeed, much of the evidence tending to supportit also supportedthe second. The dates of the documents passed were such that if the jury believed they went from Hiss to Chambersthey necessarily also believed that Hiss saw Chambers after January 1, 1937. The essential charge, then, was that Hiss lied when he said he had not committed espionage (i.e., passed government documents to a person not authorizedto receive them). As a matter of substance,the charge being tried was a charge of espionage, in the familiar form of a perjury prosecutionto ob- viate what would otherwise be the bar of the statute of limitations. 4. The chronology is set forth, note 5 infra. It is interesting, although hardly profit- able, to speculate on what might have happened if the new defense theory of forgery by typewriter had been put before the jury at the first or second trial. See note 26 infra. 5. Hiss was found guilty on two counts of perjury on January 21, 1950, and sen- tenced to five years' imprisonment on January 25. The judgment of conviction was af- firmed on December 7, 1950, United States v. Hiss, 185 F.2d 822 (2d Cir. 1950), and the Supreme Court denied certiorari on January 27, 1951. 340 U.S. 948 (1951). The motion for new trial was filed on January 24, 1952, and argued on June 4. On July 22, May I958] TWO TYPEWRITERS 4II mained,a dustyfootnote to a famousold case,of interestonly to fanaticalpartisans of one or the otherprotagonist, had Alger Hiss not chosento carryhis plea to the only forum now open to him. Lawyerto the last, Hiss has titledhis book as a briefwould be captioned.But we areno longerin the UnitedStates District Court for the SouthernDistrict of New York. What we must take to be Alger Hiss's final brief has been filed in the court of public opinion.6What does it add to the stacksof pagesthat have piled up since Chambersmade his first public accusationin August, 1948? What the book is not appearsmore readilyon a first reading than what it is. It is not, to beginwith the most obviouspoint, an "insidestory." There is little in the bookthat couldnot be derived from a close (if biased) readingof the publicrecord and of con- temporaneousnewspaper accounts of the congressionalhearings and the trials. Very little of Hiss the man comesthrough, except a kind of stereotypeor folk-imageof the "smartlawyer"-austere, precise,a littlepicayune. We get no glimpseof the charmof man- neror the distinctionof mindwhich won andkept for him so many distinguishedfriends. Nor is his book the vehiclefor sensational new revelationsabout the facts. Hiss has not, as everyonemust now know, eitherconfessed that Chamberstold the truth or sug- gestedwhy Chamberslied. The bookis no moresensational in tone than it is in content. This has disappointedmany, and has con- vincedsome that Hiss mustbe guilty,because (so they say) a truly innocentman would be more vociferouslyindignant.7 I cannot agreethat guilt or innocenceare to be measuredin decibels;and I find the tone of the book-quiet, reasonable,almost good-temp- ered-a welcomeantidote to much of the sensationalismproduced by the case. But In the Courtof Public Opinionhas the defectsof its virtues. Its lack of dramaand color causethe attentionto flag, and this canbe fatalto a bookwhose impact must depend on mak- ing the readerpay closeand continuousattention to a verycompli- catednarrative. But we can agree that its quality as literatureis not what a commentatoron Mr. Hiss's book is expectedto celebrateor de- 1952, Judge Goddard,who had also presided at the second trial, denied the motion for new trial. 107 F. Supp. 128 (S.D.N.Y. 1952). 6. Hiss, IN THECOURT OF PUBLIC OPINION (1957) (hereinafter cited as HIss). 7. See, e.g., Editorial,Hiss in Public Opinion, The Washington Post and Times-Herald, May 10, 1957, p. A22. 412 STANFORD LAW REVIEW [Vol.
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    White Notebook #3 1 Translation of original notes from KGB archival files by Alexander Vassiliev (1993-1996) Translated by Steve Shabad, reviewed and edited by Alexander Vassiliev and John Earl Haynes (2007) [Pagination and formatting track the handwritten original notebook. Phrases in English in the original are italicized. Phrases that were transliterated from English to Russian in the original are in Arial font. Marginal comments in the left margin are chiefly page numbers from the archival file while those in the right margin are Vassiliev’s topic designations, his own comments, or notes to himself. Endnotes were added in translation.] ******************************************************************************************************************* File 55298 “Robert” Undated report by Sound on Bruce Minton (“Informator”): Informator, p.20 Bruce’s primary contact – Gregory Silvermaster, an economist at the Treasury Dept. An expert Silvermaster on sociology, has a command of Russian. Lives with Ludwig Ullmann, who is a friend of his. the White trusts Silvermaster and often asks for his advice, especially on matters pertaining to the same S.U. p.21 9/X – 1940 A report on Bruce Minton was received from Sound. (Real name is Richard Informator Bransten1). Comes from a well-to-do California family; joined the CP during the Calif. strike of 1934. Moved to NY, worked at the mag. “New Masses.” Divorced Louise Bransten and married Ruth McKenney. p.22 On assignment from Browder, he issues the bulletin “In Fact” together with Seldes. At “New Masses” at the same time. Repetition. p.23 Bruce meets with S-ter on a daily basis; the latter informs him of Washinton news. p.29 Report by Sound from 31.03.42 [On the evening of 26.03, Sound met with Greg and his wife.
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