Investors’ Workshop: Development of Thermal Springs in

Monday 26th February 2018, , Greece

Investment Opportunities

With the friendly support of the German Embassy Portfolio Thermal Springs

Thermal Springs

Xenia Hotel & Spa Kythnos – Cyclades islands Galini Hotel & Spa Kamena Vourla – Fthiotida Koniavitis Camping Kamena Vourla – Fthiotida Hotel & Spa – Fthiotida Hydrotherapy Center Aedipsos – Evia island Hotel & Spa – Fthiotida Hotel & Spa Platystomo – Fthiotida Lesvos Thermal Springs - Therma Healing water and spa - Eftalou Baths - Polichnitos Hot Springs - Agios Ioannis Hot Springs at Lisvori Thermal Springs Why thermal springs in Greece?

Greek thermal water composition Proximity to exquisite natural scen- provides a unique variety of healing eries properties Both seaside and mountainous land- Hellenic natural resources spread all scapes of unique natural beauty over Greece are recommended for both therapeutic and preventative purposes, having beneficial effect in Potential to grow into holistic well- several diseases related to musculo- ness centers skeletal system, rheumatism, gyneco- Development of natural formulas/ logical ailments etc cosmetics from a rich variety of Greek herbs, in combination with Mediterranean diet Proximity to areas of great historical interest Thermopylae monument of Leonidas, Potential for many complimentary Byzantine Museum of Fthiotida, an- outdoor activities cient ruins and castles Skiing in Parnassos and ski areas, trekking, hiking etc Thermal Springs Why thermal springs in Greece?

Rehabilitation enhanced with thalassotherapy The proximity of all Greek thermal springs to the sea offers the possibility of Why combining thermal healing methods with thalassotherapy

Easy extraction of thermal water The hot springs in Greece gush to the surface, allowing them to be Greek easily exploited

Rehabilitation enhanced with climatotherapy Greece is one of the privileged countries that nature has endowed with rich scenery changes and Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by dry, warm-hot and Thermal sunny summers and mild and wet winter. Residence in this climate during the summer can have beneficial effect on asthma, allergies, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, cardiovascular and neurological diseases patients.

Greece is considered to be rich in geothermal resources, offering a promising potential for geothermal water utilization for Springs heating applications alongside patients’ rehabilitation purposes Thermal Springs Xenia Hotel & Spa Kythnos – Cyclades islands

General Info

• History Prefecture Cyclades It is said that the construction of the hydrotherapy center be- Municipality Kythnos gan between 1836 – 1845, mo- Landplot 7,018 sqm tivated by the personal interest of Queen Amalia. Between 1871 Built area 4,685 sqm – 1891 the building was mod- Tentative Tourism-Leisure, ified / supplemented based development High-Class Wellness on plans of the architect Ernst concept Spa Ziller. The latest modifications and additions are considered to • The hot springs of Kythnos were have taken place during 1964 – among the first to have emerged in 1970. Greece, including the spring “Aghioi • Therapeutic Properties: Anargyroi”, which is a saline hot spring Recommended for treatment and is situated in the hydrotherapy of musculoskeletal and nervous center, and the spring “Kakavos” which system diseases, skin and gy- is situated 50 meters away from the necological ailments. first one. • Temperature - Characteristics • A complex containing one hotel with Superheated 40.5 – 52.5 °C 46 rooms (96 beds), a hydrotherapy Cl - Na - K – Br –Sr2 – B – Li – F center with 14 baths, 1 hydromassage – CO2 - H2S and auxiliary spaces is located inside Mineral – Supertonic Water the property. • Access from mainland by ferry from the ports of Piraeus and Lavrion. Thermal Springs Galini Hotel & Spa Kamena Vourla – Fthiotida

General Info

• History Prefecture Fthiotida Popular Beach destination in the 60s & 70s in Greece. Municipality Molos - Ag. Konstantinos • Therapeutic Properties: Landplot 474,827 sqm Recommended for treatment Built area c. 22,570 sqm of musculoskeletal - nervous system - vascular diseases, skin Tentative Health & Spa Resort – ailments. development Wellness offers concept • Temperature - Characteristics Superheated 42 °C Cl – Na – B – Ca – HCO3 – CO2 • Beachfront property. Mineral - Hypotonic Water • Located at the foot of mountain Kallidromo, in proximity to areas of his- torical interest and natural beauty. • In proximity to the city of (37 km) and at a distance of 166 km from Athens. • Three hotels, two hydrotherapy centers (spa) and supporting facilities are lo- cated inside the property. • Two hotels and one spa are character- ized as listed. Thermal Springs Koniavitis Camping Kamena Vourla – Fthiotida

General Info • History Popular Beach Destination in Prefecture Fthiotida the 60s & 70s in Greece. Municipality Molos - Ag. Konstantinos • Therapeutic Properties: Recommended for treatment Landplot 783,321 sqm of musculoskeletal and nervous Built area c. 4,762 sqm system diseases, skin and gy- necological ailments, venous Tentative Health & Spa Resort – diseases. development Golf, Recreation, Marina, concept Residential • Temperature - Characteristics Tepid 35°C Cl - Na – Ca – HCO3 – SiO2 • Beachfront property. Sr – B – F-Li – H2S – C02 • Located at the foot of mountain Hypertonic Water Kallidromo, in proximity to areas of his- torical interest and natural beauty. • In proximity to the city of Lamia (37 km) and at a distance of 166 km from Athens. Thermal Springs Hotel & Spa Thermopylae – Fthiotida

General Info • History Area with great historical inter- Prefecture Fthiotida est, where the famous battle Municipality Lamia of Thermopylae between the Greeks and Persians took place Landplot 940,863 sqm in 480 BC. According to Greek mytholo- Built area 4,309 sqm gy, Hephaestus, at the request Tentative Tourism, Leisure, of goddess Athena, created development Historical, Thermal – springs for Hercules to wash concept Bath Resort, Health & and rest following the comple- Recreation tion of his labors. • Therapeutic Properties: • Located in an area of great natu- Recommended for treatment ral beauty, at the foot of mountain of musculoskeletal and nervous Kallidromo, next to very important his- system diseases, skin – gyneco- torical sites. logical - respiratory ailments. • In proximity to the city of Lamia (15 • Temperature - Characteristics km) and at a distance of 185 km from Superheated 41,1 °C Athens. Cl - Na – Ca – HCO3 – K • Two hotels, one hydrotherapy center SiO2 – Sr – B – Li – H2S – C02 (spa) and numerous supporting facili- Hypertonic Water ties are located inside the property but, currently, are not operating. Thermal Springs Hydrotherapy Center Aedipsos – Evia island

General Info

• History Prefecture Sterea Ellada & Evia The springs are known since the days of Aristotle and their Municipality Istiea, Aedipsos use dates back to the 4th cen- Landplot 22,113 sqm tury BC. The springs were very famous Built area 9,396 sqm during the Roman period. Tentative Spa – Recreation, In modern Greek history, Development Modern Health Tourism Queen Olga, the wife of King concept George A, was particularly fond of Aedipsos town and in • Located in “Loutra of Aedipsos” area, 1907 stayed at the “Thermae Istiea - Aedipsos Municipality Sylla” hotel owned by the Tom- bazi family. • The old hydrotherapy center “Aghioi Anargyroi” (built before 1950), the new • Therapeutic Properties: hydrotherapy center complex (1985), Recommended for treatment biological treatment facilities and oth- of rheumatism, arthritic defor- er auxiliary buildings, exist inside the mations, ankylosing spondyli- property. tis, nervous disorders, sciatica, lumbago, post-traumatic de- • The old hydrotherapy center has been formations and gynecological characterized as modern listed mon- ailments. ument. There are 2 thermal springs in the property and 3 in neighboring ar- • Temperature - Characteristics eas. Superheated 72 °C Cl – Ca – F -Na – Fe - K – Sr • Access from mainland, either via SiO2 - B - Li CO2 – H2S Chalkida (191 km from Athens) or by Mineral – Supertonic Water ferry from the port of Arkitsa (156 km from Athens). Thermal Springs Hotel & Spa Ypati – Fthiotida

General Info • History The spring is known since an- Prefecture Fthiotida cient times and its therapeutic Municipality Lamia value is unique compared to other Greek springs. Landplot 700,722 sqm • Therapeutic Properties: Built area c. 8,134 sqm Recommended for treatment of musculoskeletal - nervous Tentative Tourism-Leisure, system - cardiovascular dis- Development Healthcare buildings eases, skin and gynecological concept ailments. • Located at the foot of mountain, • Temperature - Characteristics within the homonymous town of Loutra Tepid 33.2 °C Ypatis. Cl - HCO3 - Na - Ca - K –Sr SiO2 – Br – B – Li- CO2 – H2S • Three listed hotel buildings, one hy- Mineral – Hypertonic Water drotherapy center (spa) and numerous supporting facilities included. • In proximity to the city of Lamia (18 km) and at a distance of 230km from Athens. Thermal Springs Hotel & Spa Platystomo – Fthiotida

General Info • History The springs are believed to Prefecture Fthiotida have been known since the ancient Ainianes, but they were Municipality certainly used by the Romans. Landplot 785,398 sqm In 1929, when the construction of the thermal city began, ruins Built area 11,194 sqm of ancient bath facilities were Tentative Tourism-Leisure, Spa, found, as well as bath vessels Development Sports Training & and coins. concept Recreation Center • Therapeutic Properties: Recommended for treatment • Two hotels, one hydrotherapy center of rheumatism, arthritis, skin (spa) and numerous supporting facili- diseases, gynecological ail- ties are located inside the property. ments. Mineral water drinking therapy • Next to areas of historical interest and for liver - biliary -track diges- natural beauty. tive system - urinary track ail- • In proximity to the city of Lamia (32 ments. km) and at a distance of 246 km from • Temperature - Characteristics Athens. Hot 25 - 32 °C • Near to Ski Center of Karpenisi (50km). Na - Cl - B - H2S Mineral – Hypotonic Water Thermal Springs “Therma” Healing water and spa – Lesvos island

General Info • The temperature of the water in “Therma” spring is 39.7°C, it Region North Aegean is classified as chloride, brass Municipality Lesvos and oxycarbonate, with a radio- activity of 1.8 Mache units. It is Development Tourism-Leisure, Spa extremely clear, it has no odor concept and the most impressive fac- tor is that it originates from a • "Therma" thermal spring in Gera bay depth of 2.5 km underground. or “Loutra of Korfos” is located 8.5 km The water is characterized as from Mytilene, the island’s capital city. medium-temperature, metallic, • The baths were constructed during the uninspired and is indicated for Ottoman domination and still retain the treatment of those suffer- their Oriental architecture. ing from rheumatism, neural- • They are the most organized facilities gias, arthritics, gynecological of the island and the closest to the cap- problems and chronic outcome ital. of injuries. • There are two separate big bathtubs in the baths, one for women and one for men. There are changing rooms, as well as showers and toilets. • The property is currently in operation by a private com- pany and offers spa services and various types of massage from qualified personnel. It also hosts a cafeteria offering hot / cold drinks and snacks. Thermal Springs “Eftalou” Baths – Lesvos island

General Info

• The temperature of the water Region North Aegean in “Eftalou” spring is 44.3°C with a radioactivity of 14.7 Municipality Lesvos Mache units. It is classified as Development Tourism-Leisure, Spa superheated, sodium, chlorinat- concept ed, calcium, potassium, mild ra- dius, subdued thermal source. • “Eftalou” thermal spring is located on It is indicated for the treatment the North sea coast of the island, east of those suffering from chronic of Molyvos settlement and 65km NW rheumatism, arthritis, sciati- of Mytilene city. ca, neuralgia, psamymia, gall- stones, gynecological problems • It is located on the homonymous mar- and skin diseases. velous tourist beach and is close to one of the most popular tourist resorts on • Eftalou's source has the highest the island – Molyvos town. Many visi- radioactivity in Lesvos. Some tors combine hot and cold baths, due people get used to it quickly to the location of the hotplate next to but some find it annoying. Be- the beach of Eftalou. On the beach, cause of the water’s high tem- a natural bathtub (swimming pool), perature it offers a great sense dome-overed, built-in and Ottoman of relaxation. style, has been created with stones, • The property is currently in where the hot water is channeled and operation by a private compa- mixed with the sea water. ny and offers spa services and various types of massage from • The spring flows from the lava slots at qualified personnel. the sea level. Along the coast and at a distance of 300-400m, there are many springs almost all below the sea. Thermal Springs “Polichnitos” Hot Springs – Lesvos island

General Info

• The temperature of the water in Region North Aegean “Polichnitos” spring is between 42-44°C, with a radioactivity Municipality Lesvos of 1.6-6 Mache units. It is Development Tourism-Leisure, Spa classified as superheated, concept saline, hypertonic, chlorinated, potassium, weakly ferrous • “Polichnitos” thermal spring is locat- water. It is indicated for the ed 4km from the sea, 1.5km from the treatment of those suffering village of Polichnitos and 42km from from chronic rheumatism, the city of Mytilene. It consists of five gynecological problems, springs that pour at a height of 60m arthritis, skin diseases and above sea level and are located in a circulatory diseases. vast geothermal field with sixteen tem- perature sources from 37°C to 92°C. • The spring near the spa is con- During the rainy season 38 springs sidered the warmest not only sprout and during the dry season 10 in Greece but also amongst all springs sprout. of the thermal spring sources in Continental Europe. • The springs are characterized by their scorching waters, but also by the red • The property is currently in and yellow colors of the rocks because operation by a private com- of the thermophilous seaweeds grow- pany and offers spa services ing on them. and various types of massage • In the area there is an important wet- from qualified personnel. It also land with rare bird species such as hosts a cafeteria offering hot / arachnids, blacksmiths, white winds, cold drinks and snacks. pink flamingos, savannahs, white whites, crayfish, swans, etc. There are especially constructed observatories for visitors and bird watchers. The re- gion has been included in the “NATU- RA 2000” network. Thermal Springs “Agios Ioannis” Hot Springs at Lisvori – Lesvos island

General Info • The water in “Lisvori” spring has a temperature of 66°C with Region North Aegean a radioactivity of 2.5 Mache units. It is classified as super- Municipality Lesvos heated, saline, hypertonic, Development Tourism-Leisure, Spa chlorinated, weakly radioactive, concept potassium, weakly ferrous wa- ter. It is indicated for the treat- ment of those suffering from • A small but beautiful and recently ren- diseases of the musculoskeletal ovated church of Saint John (Aghios system, rheumatic and autoim- Ioannis) is located near the facilities. mune diseases, as well as skin diseases.