Critical Evaluation of Risks and Opportunities for OPERANDUM Oals
Ref. Ares(2020)72894 - 07/01/2020 OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage hydro-meteo risks Critical evaluation of risks and opportunities for OPERANDUM OALs Deliverable information Deliverable no.: D1.2 Work package no.: 01 Document version: V01 Document Preparation Date: 18.11.2019 Responsibility: Partner No. 7 – UNIVERSITY OF SURREY This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776848 GA no.: 776848 Project information Project acronym and name: OPERANDUM - OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage hydro-meteo risks EC Grant Agreement no.: 776848 Project coordinator: UNIBO Project start date: 01.07.2018 Duration: 48 months Document Information & Version Management Document title: Critical evaluation of risks and opportunities for OPERANDUM OALs Document type: Report Main author(s): Sisay Debele (UoS), Prashant Kumar (UoS), Jeetendra Sahani (UoS), Paul Bowyer (HZG), Julius Pröll (HZG), Swantje Preuschmann (HZG), Slobodan B. Mickovski (GCU), Liisa Ukonmaanaho (LUKE), Nikos Charizopoulos (AUA-PSTE), Michael Loupis (KKT-ITC), Thomas Zieher (OEAW), Martin Rutzinger (OEAW), Glauco Gallotti (UNIBO), Leonardo Aragão (UNIBO), Leonardo Bagaglini (UNIBO), Maria Stefanopoulou (KKT-ITC), Depy Panga (KKT-ITC), Leena Finér (LUKE), Eija Pouta (LUKE), Marco A. Santo (UNIBO), Natalia Korhonen (FMI), Francesco Pilla (UCD), Arunima Sarkar (UCD), Bidroha Basu (UCD) Contributor(s): - Reviewed by: Fabrice Renaud (UoG) and Federico Porcù
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