Westerford Newsletter 6 (22 February 2018) WESTERFORD HIGH SCHOOL Newsletter 6 22 February 2018 FROM THE OFFICE…. Thank you for the parent assistance at SLOG. The supply of snacks was never-ending. So appreciated. Somebody sent in a basket full of marmite scones. Everybody wants the recipe! If the parent who sent them in would like to share, we would love the recipe. Please send it to:
[email protected] There are plenty of knitted squares that need crocheting or sewing into blankets before winter. Please come and collect some if you are able. Thank you. TENNIS COACHING JOB We are looking for someone who can coach the 4th and 5th team Tennis girls on Tuesdays after 15:15 from next week. OW and parents welcome to apply. Starting date: 27 February Please contact Ms McLaren
[email protected] or Ms A Gray
[email protected] SCIENCE AND FAITH On Thursday 8 February at second break, CU (Christian Union) had the privilege of hosting Dr Derek Fish, a talented physicist, passionate about science as well as his faith. Dr Fish addressed a large group of Westerfordians about how, contrary to popular belief, science and religion do not have to clash, but instead overlap and can go hand in hand. He shared many quotes with us from famous scientists in the past about faith and science coinciding, as well as comparing scientific fact to what the Bible states. Dr Fish also made time towards the end to answer some of the pressing questions the Westerfordians at the event had, many of which would have been difficult for the average person to answer! A huge thank you to Dr Fish for taking time to share his incredible insight and wisdom on this subject with Westerford.