Suly Governoratre Profile.Indd
SulAYMANIYAH GOvERNORATE PROFIlE OVERVIEW2 MAY 2015 308 IDP families 1% 661 IDP families 29,994 IDP FAMILIES 2% of IDPs in Suly IDP camps 65 IDP families 1 almost 0% total population: 17,500 individuals 179,964 IDP INDIVIDUALS 1,747 IDP families planned: 16,800 individuals 877 IDP families 6%i 3% DISPLACEMENT OVER TIME3 30,000 SYRIAN REFUGEE INDIVIDUALS 29,994 28,032 40% OF ALL IDPS ARE UNDER 26,129 26,637 2,580 IDP families 14,185 IDP families 813 IDP families 14 9% 47% 3% 21,353 20,943 16,199 553 IDP families 16,828 GOVERNORATE OF ORIGIN 2% 13,355 14,707 Ps l ID in Ir 21% al a 4,067 f q 2,036 32% o 3,338 % 8,205 IDP families 6 27% 11% 0% 2% 5% 29%99% MOST COMMON SHELTER TYPE Anbar Babylon Baghdad Diyala INTENTIONS Kirkuk Ninewa Salah al Din WAVES OF DISPLACEMENT Govt. Total 79% 21% Iraq 89% 8% 3% Sulaymaniya 81% 18% 9% 22% Sharbazher 100% 0% Rented Camps unfinished/ 32% Rania 53% 47% housing 86% 9% Abandoned buildings 0,01% Pshdar 100% 0% Kalar 85% 15% TOP PRIORITY NEEDS 13% Halabja 71% 29% 1 2 3 4 5 Dokan 89% 11% Darbandikhan 20% 80% 33%90% Chamchamal 52% 48% Access Pre June 14 14-Aug NFIs Food Other Shelter Return to place of origin Waiting on one or several factors to work (Kerosene) June July 14 Post September14 Locally integrate in current location 1. Iraq - CCCM Camps status report, 28 April 2015. Camp sites nased on REACH report: IDP and refugee camp locations as of 28 April 2015 2.All information, unless otherwise specified, in this report is from IOM’s Displacement rackingT Matrix (DTM) from 28 April 2015 and from field reports of the Rapid Assessment and Response Teams.
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