Utijetitria Flails Wellington Coal PACIFIC TRAXSIER CO
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f WE ARE PROMPT it yen went an Napress. Truok * Dray, phene ua. Utijetitria flails Wellington Coal PACIFIC TRAXSIER CO. Hall A Welker TIT Cormorant Phones HI and 14k BAOOAOB STORM) mi Oora nt St Phene II » VOL. 43. VICTORIA, B. 0., MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1913 NO. 35 OTTAWA SEES PREMIER BEGIN THE* NEXT AGENT-GENERAL GRAPHIC MID TIMES TREATY 6F PEACE SIGNED YESTERDAY POLICE USE CLUBS London, Aug, 1L—A cable from REJOICING IN RDCHAREST AT CLOSING 8UILDI IN FALL Ottawa to-day to the Dally Tele HULU ADVERSE VIEWS DISPERSING WOMEN graph eaya: "It la elated In Ot tawa that air Hlohard McBride, premier of Brttiah Columbia, wlU SCENE OF DISASTROUS BALKAN WARS Exhibit From Dominion for resign, té succeed Hon. J. H. Meddlesomeness is Opinion of Third Attempt to Capture Pre Turner ae agent-general In Lon * One While Other Encour Panama Exhibition to Show don." The cablegram le viewed mier Asquith's House Frus - Natural Resources L~' skeptically here. Hon. J. H. Tur ages Wilson Arbitration by Belgium, Holland or Switzerland to Follow in trated on Sunday ner la not In town, but hie eon KING OF R0UMAN1A Informed the Canadien Associ Event of Disagreement on Frontier; .Demobolization Be ated Press that he has heard of no euoh arrangement He aald LINO ARRIVES SAFELY gins Immediately; Service In Cathedral and Gala Din SYLVIA PANKHURST IS EDIFICE WILL COST that hie father had never been In better health than at present ner Marked Occasion; Bulgarians Decline King ABOUT HALF MILLION AT MEXICAN CAPITAL PLACED UNDER ARREST Charles’ Decorations No Promise of Reconsider President Believes Organized Mounted Officers Ride Down SESSION UNLIKELY Bucharest, Aug. 11.—The peace treaty between the Balkan states was Attempts Made to Cause Women and Children With ation Held Out te British signed at 11.80 o'clock yesterday. The city was decorated with flags, guns - Member of Parliament War With Republic were fired, bells were rung and the bands played. out Discrimination TILL NEXT JANUARY A solemn te deum In the cathedral at noon was attended by King Charles, Queen Elizabeth (Carmen Sylvia) and the members of the royal family and 4 ITALY AND AUSTRALIA GOVERNOR’S VISIT IS delegates to the peace conference. King Charles conferred decorations on all LEADER IS REPORTED Members of Cabinet Have the delegates except the Bulgarians, who declined them. DEVOID OF THRILLS TO BE BADLY INJURED UNCERTAIN OVER FAIR Various Engagements In The peace treaty provides that the Roumanian army shall evacuate Bui West and Abroad gartan tellltory within fifteen days after It* signature and the Servian and Greek armies in three days. London, Aug. 11.—In an editorial Ottawa. Aug. 11.—Canada's - plana London, Aug. 11.—The third a&* to-day the Dally Graphic says: It also provides for arbitration by Belgium, Holland or Switzerland In the for participation at the Pacific exposi tempt of the suffragettes under com “The mission of John Lind to event of disagreement over the llmtation of the new frontier. Bulgaria expects tion at San Francisco are In a forma USE CLOSURE RULES mand of Miss Sylvia Pankhurst, to tive stage, but the exhibit It was learn Mexico has all the disadvantages of to begin demobilization at once. meddlesomeness without the ad take Premier Asquith's house in Down ed to-day at the department of agri TO RUSH BUSINESS A gala dinner to the peace delegates was given at the royal palace last culture will be on much the same lines vantage of Intervention. It can ing street by storm failed Sunday have no terrors for President as similar exhibitions elsewhere. The night King Charles In a stirring speech, congratulated the representatives of when the militant leader was captured Huerta because no force Is behind natural resources of the country will, the various states- on the conclusion of peace, which he said involved great It, and prudent men will be thank by a cordon of police thrown across of course, be the basis of the showing Ottawa, Ont., Aug. It.—It Is not ful If It only fails decently.” sacrifices, and he expressed the hope that a new era of mutual confidence and Whitehall after a stiff fight In which to be made. likely that consideration of matter» The Times editorially agrees that prosperity would arise and make all forget the sad past the police used their clubs. A year agn William Hutcheson, Do pertaining to the sessional programme President Wilson Is acting entire The trouble began after a mass minion exhibition commissioner, went ly within his rights, and says that KING CHARLES CREDITS TURKEY EVASIVE IN meeting held under the auspices of the to San Francisco on the instruction of will be taken up for some week» yet. It would be good policy on the REPLYING TO POWERS Free Speech Defense committee, which the Hon. Martin Burrell, minister of It will be well on to September before part of the Mexican government to EMPEROR WITH RESULT was called to demand the unconditional agriculture, and selected a site for the the majority of the ministers will be listen to Mr. Lind's repreeentatlons release of George Lansbury, former Canada building. It Is the Intention In the Capital. In the spirit In which they are made Berlin, Aug. II.—Prior to the signing Constantinople, Aug. 1L—The Porte Socialist member of the House, who to start construction work this fall. Premier Borden proposes to be here and not Irritate United 8tates of the peace treaty yesterday con to-day made an evasive reply to the re was sentenced July 30 to three months’ It will be of a design In keeping most of the time, but will take a few officials by stickling about punctilio. gratulatory messages were exchanged imprisonment for making Inflamma with the Importance of the country. cent note of the powers In which a week end tripe. Hon. W. T. White will "President W'ilson,'’ the editorial -between Emperor William and the tory speeches, but was released In featuring the natural resources of threat was made that the powers would probably carry out his Intention of continues, has shown great moder King of Roumanla, in which the Ger August 1 under the “Cat and Mouse tho Dominion there will be exhibits of making a visit to the west after his ation and earnest desire to refrain man Emperor thanked King Charles withdraw their moral and financial Act*’ while on a hunger strike. all kinds of wheat and grain, fruit, in return from England. Hon. 8am as much as possible from interven for his work infringing about peace. support from Turkey unless the Otto Miss Pankhurst had refused an In natural and preserved forms; vege Hughes leaves for England on August tion, and Americans for the most King Charles on the other hand gave man government ordered Its troops to vitation to make a speech at this tables. minerals, all kinds of wood Î0. and Hon. Mr. C noth ers le also likely part would be delighted to see the Emperor credit for the peace retire within the Enos-Media line In meeting when Informed that she would produced in Canada, including pulp, to go abroad. Hon. Dr. Roche and Hon. Mexico settle her own quarrels In accordance with the treaty of London. not be permitted to urge her hearers fish, game, fur-bearing animals mount Louis Coderre will spend several weeks an amicable way. to march upon Downing street. Three ed. and fair exhibits along the same In the west. Hon. J. D. Hazen, who has speakers advised the crowd not to at lines. been ae far north as Dawson city, will Washington, Aug. 11.—President PRISONER SHOT WHEN SULZER ADMITS USE tack the Premier's residence, but at Manufacturers wishing to display be back In Ottawa about September 1. Wilaon let it be known to-day that he the close of her meeting, Miss Pank their products wlU, from present plans, and Hon. Robert Rogers, who has been was Inclined te believe there was an ATTEMPTING TO ESCAPE ... OF CAMPAIGN FUNDS hurst, true to her promise made last be accommodated In the Canadian Ip Winnipeg, will be bxejt In the capital organized desire, proceeding from week, mounted the base of the Nelson lihsut August 25. Towards the end of Column and In fiery language urged building. Several of the provinces sources unknown te him, te bring en; Albert Winn Makes Unsuccessful Dash Governor of New York May Not Be will have exhibits of their »wn In con the month Hon. Frank Cochrane wHT her sympathizers to follow her. a war between the United States and fer Liberty From Jail at Impeached but May Face junction with the main one. The leave for an extended tour of northern Mexico. The president dees net re Hatless and with her hair bound building will cost In the neighborhood Ontario. gard the movement as extensive but Nelson. Indictment. close to her head, the young militant of $600,000. The plan» of the ministers Indicate a ae very troublesome* end referred to leader started down Whitehall sur CASTRO’S RELATIVE lit rounded by Several women carrying As previously stated, the commercial January sitting of the House, and that misrepresentations in seme individual Nelson, B. C., Aug. 11.—As the pri New York, Aug. 11.—There Is a bare reasons which have precluded Great the government propose» to depend newspapers. chance that Governor Sttlzer may not the Women'# Social and Political HANDS OF GOVERNMENT soners at the provincial Jail came out Union flag stirroounted by a liberty w Britain participating In the exposition upon tho application of the new closure for exercise Sunday, Albert Winn, who be Impeached, and that his Indictment do not apply to Canada.