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Meet Me at \Plaza Nanaimo ’s M. “ where you c Supper or ^o<Ia j .in Special ^ TRY O' ^ a-CIAL FuU L'»- --------------- S$t daar _______Opposite ^ '•----------- FIFTy^Py .£AR., NANAIMO, VANCOUVER ISLAND. BRITISH COU^MBIA, TUESDAY. JAfftJARY 14, 1930. SIX ARE ENTOMBED Little Interest Taken Acclamation Ciiven wikmEs In Duncan Elections TORY LEADERISPEAl; Ladysmith May{tr COLD Ai FAMINE NEinOLlTAirilld Duncan. Jan. 14—Little interest was Ladysmith. Jan. 14.- Mayor C iPORT STREET INiNEWORKINGS taken in the city municipal nominations INVANCOUYERON Reid w-as re-elected by acclan here yesterday. All offices were fillei yesterday, when the official no TOOnUETOLL TOrATROLBORIiS bv acclamation,nation, and there will be m tions were made. ange in the personnel of the various COlITTEE :re killed late ye.stcrday i For aldermen (two elected) inicipal bodies. The following nom THURSDAY NIGHT _ ._____________T. Bry- gas c.xplosion in the Pcerless-Casaba inations were received by the return Coal Co.'s mine at Straven, 40 miles Davidson. of the late t BFmSTAll The {ullowing report v ing officer. Mr. James Grcig: . W. A. Cnllum, D. J. from here, .^l least one man was in For hfayor —H. F. Prevost, nomi N aiicouvcr. J.in. R—Hon. R. B_ thf China in 1 the City Council last evening, and jured. Bepnett. Dominion Conservative lead/ vando. James King, W. Davenport the northern provnee of Shensi adepted t>j;_lhat bodj". ated by H. \V. Dickie and ft Dohsc and Walter Steele. The dead are Arthur 1-awIey. Cole For Aldermen—J. Marsh, nomina er. w*ll*dddrcs5 two meetings in Sa»-- here thousand, of persons are dSS tjcnticmen,—Your Streets Commit- man Davis, Chalon Hrantlev and Rob katchewan. speaking in Saskatoon i For Trustees (two to be elect ally front famine and exposure. ed by J. Weicker and T. J. Reeve There were nominated Messrs. Henry cc begs to submit herewith a brief Vernon, all white miners: Bill Lanier E. \V. Lee, nominated by F. Hocy ai 20. and at Regina on Jan. 21. pullinc of the activities in this branch negro, and a negro named Coleman. Wright and H. Wiostanley, members T. Pitt. N of the late Board, and Mr. W. A. Cnf- pi the Municipal Administration Jim Chesher, the .seventh miner in For School Trustec-W. (S. ‘Browi During the past year, the mos the shaft at the lime of the explosion: sey. nominated by R. A. Thorpe at There was no nomination for i tant svork undertaken by your was sent to a Birmingham hospital \V. G. Brownsey. \ The Conservative leader ............. umiitce was the surface treating of where physicians said he was in a cri \’ictoria lliLs mornini,orning and„ _ will......... make rnibn?aSfS lie roadways. This consisted of sur- tical condition. his first British Colum'Columbia • address• • ve.sy-Ka,iug whether the famine'JelW thearmy and navy. flushing with “CoUix ” emulsion The explosion occurred 1000 feel be Wednesdav night, returning to Van previous low ’ the entrance to the mine. couver TImrsdav morning where he ‘ o'rsiah' ’e1n!’*'' “^^^ -............ -.........were un At least 14 other men and possihiv VANCOPER CHILD cdins,uiuH cat by this method were oiled a number of others had left the shaft TONSIL OPERATION faprthF^ii^rijgylrdSis lurelv as a dust preventative. •m hour before the explosion occurred afWrcssrcss the V.'utcouvcrVancouver Women..........’s Can-, This policy on the part of your com- officials said. m Club leavingCsivinf? tor' Kamloops mtee has met with some criticism, W. B. Hilthmise, slate mine inspec SERIOUSLY BURNED Friday night amiand addressinga< a gather- FATAL TO BOX! IS? nd in answer to this it might be stated tor. with a rescue party of more than lay niuht.light. This dewh'*di T‘*°n«ndi were frocen to I vsnir committee would have wel- a doren men. was at the mine within Columbiairab^- visit.- ' death during the recent cold wave, 11(1 an opportunity of doing per- Vancouver, Jan. 14—Her clothing two hours after the blast and immedi set on fire as she warmed herself be I with the therpjomcter at 32 be- hanrnl work. However, we would ately began an investigation of the LOGGER SUICIDES ... William athateur wel- fore an open fireplace this morning, terweight boxiaxing champion, died to- •nff'S-ed the mint out that the appropriation to this tccldent. Victoria. Jan. 14.—LeuU Soma- Ci«rtmcnt does not allow of a policy Geraldine Walker, aged four, daugh fn!?. fa its his- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wal' )' tP'r'Til ***' MotheT^U ’s Health was so seriously burned that her i be department was devoted to work Shows Improvement dition is considered critical f this nature, less than half a mile of cork could have been aceSmplished W broakfasT ^STthS' VANCOUVER STOCK MARKET ith the monev available. workmen this morning and then re mi (Supplied by B. C. Bond Corporation! er off the streets would 1have been nc- Moihcns-cll. who has b< MISS RUTH MARRIOTT turned to his quarters. When he Bayview __ failed to join them for work his friends went to his shack where CEME TUHNET HU <id miles of sr they found him d^d. Deceased was LEAGUE Georgia Riv- „ „ ^EECOHDOmUUOH 1 this _____ be carriedd with DIESINYANCOHR Golconda „ New York, Jan, 14-Gene Tmniev iffic conditions: WEATHER REPORT single .and heyond a Grandview . of pe nothing is known of bU roUtivot. ent im- Another pronounced cold wa' . .neva, Jan. 14.-_______________Morton Wc rpvemouti-iorKeven the most humble spreading southward over this prov Vancouver, Jan. 14.—Miss Ruth nation, Iraq will make .formal applica roportions. and at the same Marirott, aged 17, holder of the wo ince and sharp frosts continue in Cali- tion for membership in the League of ramtain a halAicc of the streets 1 forn. Thc Icmperalurei are again men's 300-yard___ swimming chachampion-_____ Nations in 1032. Application will be ..I’-l _/ _____!.!_ f_ -»-_J .vJnch would remain the larger pro- j falliii throughout the pjrairies. ship of British Columbia, is dead at rommendbd by the British Govern- artion for the next fifteen years) in' Fo :as| for 36 hours ending 5 | her home here, foUowing a brief ill SOLLOWAYISOUT ;nt. which for nine years has been gvilunsJike decent shape, would re- Wedi jday —Victoria and vicinit: ness. She successfully defended her iponsibic for the administration of nire an appropriation treble that Fresh to strong north and east winds title at the University of Saskatche under'"mandate from the Lea- JHSSSi’3*'(s. side tor the i>ast year, as in consi< lair and decidedly cold, followed wan, vs. University of British Colui ON $S0,000 BAIL The application will be the first only has occasional snow. bia, sw-imraing gala Friday last. S ce the Leagn it 'of the actual ’ ^-ad1Lg° and■ paving being, never beforebefe has i be taken into consideratioi uver two years ago with her territory achieved■ tional but mLTwiThang Calgary, Jan. 1+.—Harvey Mills, vivice- .so the underground work, such _ -----wa, Jan. 14 — 5. Col. G. W. and Mrs, Marriott. president oi Solioway Mills A Co., t member of the * alcr pipes,. stormstor drains, sewers, etc. JTAET TOCOM9AT ~ permitted to take if.s released on $50,0(X)$50,000 bail withlw'owith two suresu ___also be made permanent. ties oi $25,000 each when he appeared ecution of Sam Kuhi Therefore, in adopting the present before Magistrate Dtnridson in the >licv. vonr committee has .... February* 16. 'The ..........................„ endeavored reviewed the case, decided there would ■Alberta Provincial police court today give the greatest benefitstits to thi AR ESTQ) LOVERS and was remanded until Wednesday. B.C.WILLDnrUCATE rgcsf number, keeping in mindn the be no interference in the carrying out Regent Oa __ of the death sentence, it was stated The next development in the broker ct that evtniually, the mode of age tangle arose when S. W. Gilfoy, surfacing adopted will build up CONFESS slaying ! head of the firm of W. Gilfoy A Co., on the roadway which will ap- ALBERTA STATUTE RUGBY CUP DRAW informed that a warrant had been is late a pavement, sued for his arrest, reported to police esMri!!. c draw for the first round of th Montreal. Jan. 14.-Uura White, fields, of whidt there a^ onclusion we would recommend headquarters and was given a prelim Victoria, Jan. l4.-Anomey- jrchasc of a spraying machine >y League Cup. made yesterdaj 19. and her lover. Ray Courtland. 24 inary hearing on a charge of false PROBE "PARROT FEVER’ Pooley expects to bring down legisla- d acces.sorits, so thaat the surfacuig wrested today, told how they, killed a 4>releitccs sworn. Ujr-stockjtexchange tio.t at the approaching sesskm^ the /2-year-oid man with whom they had officials. He was remanded until Fri- Fcalherstone vs. Halifax. IcgisUture to restrict brokerage prac- been residing a week ago. Mark Ward V and relea.sed on SlO.tiOO bail. ’ ticcs. placed Dr. Charles Armstrong, pubKc cal as the work could be done ( Salford vs. Wigan Highfield. Richelieu. Quc.. was murdered. St. Helens vs. St. Helens Rec*. In thii connection Mr. Poolcy tays alth cpidcniologist, in charge of - win regret to learn tint he t conditions, admitted, becai that his proposed legislation ynll fol ition-wtde investigation of wtdel tespcctfullv submitted. Leeds js. Fealherstone Rovers. yout Wigan vs. Broughton. low exactly the enactments on On STREETS COMMITTEE. isucd. tario and Alberta in this regard. It is Huddersfield vs. Warrington. THREE XILLEDIN^^ ing on Somenos Uke. the aim of the various provinces Cottingham C vs. Leigh. MORCAN-HILL Dewsbury vs.