Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater

Greater London Authority

Barking and Dagenham

(C.01.1365) TQ50208360 {F83E129A-263E-4FB8-BD5D-A9AEE57E55B3} Parish: Barking Postal Code: RM10 9EH BEAM WASHLANDS, DAGENHAM Beam Washlands, Dagenham: Archaeological Evaluation Report Murray, P Oxford : Oxford Archaeology , 2005, 24pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Oxford Archaeology The evaluation was the first in a series and consisted of six trenches located on a gravel bank to the east of a reservoir area by River Wantz. Trench 3 was placed on the edge of the lower ground within the reservoir. This identified alluvial deposits overlain by a sequence of sands and gravel interleaved with clay lenses. These represent a combination of bank erosion and alluvial episodes. Archaeological features were centred on Trench 2, which identified two partially revealed features dated to the Middle Iron Age. These may have represented ditch termini or parts of 'structures' perhaps associated with industrial activity and that produced a significant quantity of burnt clay. Trenches 2,5, and 6 revealed ditches aligned east-west dated to the 1st-2nd centuries AD, possibly part of a more extensive and coherent Roman rectilinear field system or enclosure. A ditch identified in Trench 7, also dated to the Roman period, was parallel to the extant gravel bank providing a possible boundary between the gravel terrace and the wetlands. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 01/0185 Archaeological periods represented: MIA, IA

(C.01.1366) TQ49578399 {B18DDB8A-3F79-4CCA-856C-049DA2D303C9} Parish: Barking Postal Code: RM10 9QD DAGENHAM PRIORY COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL, SCHOOL ROAD Dagenham Priory Comprehensive School, School Road, London Borough of Barking & Dagenham: Archaeological Evaluation Report Evans, G & Thorpe, R Salisbury : Wessex Archaeology, 2005, 31pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Wessex Archaeology Of particular significance was a possible relict land surface that produced numerous sherds of well preserved Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age pottery from it's upper interface. Two parallel north- south ditches were discovered on the western edge of the site. These were almost certainly the silted up remains of a Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age ditched enclosure. Undisturbed geological deposits of sand and sandy gravels were also encountered. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: IA, LPR, PR, LBA

(C.01.1367) TQ4803584544 {C7236061-4BCB-4915-AE37-DAC7696A3C19} Parish: Barking Postal Code: RM9 6DD FORMER ALLOTMENTS AT HEDGEMANS ROAD, DAGENHAM Former Allotments at Hedgemans Road, Dagenham CgMs London : CgMs, 2005, 30pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: CgMs, Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation consisted of the excavation and recording of 23 trial trenches. The evaluation revealed no archaeological features apart from the ditches in trenches 3 and 4, and the dating and function of these is not entirely clear. A lack of residual archaeological material from elsewhere on the site may have suggested that none had ever been present. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 1/184 Archaeological periods represented: PR, UD

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1368) TQ50028491 {CD59D538-B992-4E95-8808-EA708F86E552} Parish: Barking Postal Code: RM10 8AJ LAND ADJACENT TO 162-168 SHAFTER ROAD, DAGENHAM Land adjacent to 162-168 Shafter Road, Dagenham: an Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation Williamson, I & Williams, J Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 26pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions Two trial trenches were excavated within the proposed development area. Trench 1 identified the northern edge of a large backfilled river/stream channel which was likely to be a spur of the old course of the Wantz stream. Trench 2 identified a large cut feature on a north-south alignment which corresponded to the known line of the modern culverted Wantz stream. No archaeological features predating this modern activity were present and no artefactual material was recovered. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 01/179 Archaeological periods represented: PM


(C.01.1369) TQ518437192926 {9B0D81F0-5345-4A16-931C-2C876BC2CE10} Postal Code: HA8 8AF THE LONDON ACADEMY (NORTH), EDGWARE An Archaeological Evaluation at the London Academy (North), Edgware, London Borough of Barnet Thatcher, C Twickenham : AOC Archaeology Group, 2005, 37pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: AOC Archaeology Group An evaluation consisting of twenty-two trenches was carried out. The western edge of the development revealed a good level of survival of archaeological remains, with a series of ditches and several isolated pits and post holes recorded. These were cut from the surface of a later of colluvium containing similar cultural material. Much of the pottery recovered from the ditches, pits and colluvial layer was from jars and other domestic vessels of low to medium status. This was dated to the late Roman period, with no evidence of earlier activity. A shallow pit in Trench 12 contained the remains of a terrat ring dating from the 1st century BC to the Roman period. This would have been mounted onto a horse's harness pad. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: RO

(C.01.1370) TQ24809640 {12CAA350-905A-40D7-B60D-406D654F9AA9} Parish: Chipping Barnet Postal Code: EN5 5RU 16-20A BARNET HIGH STREET An Archaeological Evaluation 16-20a Barnet High Street, High Barnet, London Borough of Barnet Miller, D London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 22pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation found extensive evidence of truncations, disturbance and levelling, in many places removing all or most of the 'original' soil profile. Made ground, frequently with abundant brick and tile fragments was found over most of the site. A small number of pits and post holes were recorded which dated to the late post-medieval period and were thought to relate to previous boundaries and outbuildings. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 02/268 Archaeological periods represented: PM

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London


(C.01.1371) TQ19858465 {F4547CED-C934-4A64-8649-017EBBDE20D4} Parish: Wembley Postal Code: HA9 6JF 33 MONKS PARK, WEMBLEY An Archaeological Evaluation at 33 Monks Park, Wembley, London, Borough of Brent Wragg, E London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 17pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Five evaluation trenches were excavated across the site to determine the presence and absence of archaeological features. The natural gravel and brickearth was recorded across the site. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 4/075


(C.01.1372) TQ4702967306 {C5D2DCF7-358B-4A59-BF23-84D4BBC8296E} Parish: Orpington Postal Code: BR5 4EL LAND AT 21 LOWER ROAD, ORPINGTON, BROMLEY An Archaeological Evaluation on Land at 21 Lower Road, Orpington, Bromley Thorne, A Ditchling : Archaeology South-East, 2005, 12pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeology South-East An archaeological evaluation was conducted. No archaeological features were observed. Two sherds of pottery, which dated to the Roman period, were recovered from a subsoil deposit in trench five. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: RO

(C.01.1373) TQ4688768140 {8A0FF60A-3B49-4068-8C0E-8D7D97430F1A} Parish: St Mary Cray Postal Code: BR5 3PT ELECTRON HOUSE, CRAY AVENUE, ST. MARY CRAY Electron House, Cray Avenue, St. Mary Cray, London Borough of Bromley: Archaeological Evaluation Holden, S London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 23pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. During an evaluation, no archaeologically significant deposits were identified, although a flint blade and fragment of a possible flake likely to have dated to the Mesolithic period were recovered from a later context. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PR, PM


(C.01.1374) TQ2766387429 {50DA6E85-2F02-438B-A36A-219075502B64} Parish: St Pancras Postal Code: N6 4RX ATHLONE HOUSE, HAMPSTEAD LANE Athlone House, Hampstead Lane, London, N6. London Borough of Camden. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Casson, L London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 22pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Three evaluation trenches were excavated on the site. In trench 1, an east to west orientated brick foundation, unlikely to be earlier than 18th century origin and a ceramic drain was present in trench 2. In trench three, a subterranean brick built structure, conical and sealed by a heady circular stone Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London capping with a central iron ring was present. It was not likely to be from earlier than the 18th century. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 6/229

(C.01.1375) TQ3133781990 {37061270-56FF-4B2F-B41C-D5B6B9E47F90} Parish: St. Andrew Above the Bars with St. George the Postal Code: EC1N 8HX Martyr 13 HATTON PLACE, 13 Hatton Place, Hatton Garden, London, EC1. London Borough of Camden. An Archaeological Watching Brief Turner, S London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 20pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service The results of the field evaluation helped to refine the initial assessment of the archaeological potential of the site. No archaeological features or finds were discovered on site. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 6/286

City of London

(C.01.1376) TQ3286281242 {05B36D20-A9C3-476A-933F-D2A812F669E2} Parish: London Postal Code: EC2R 8HP 125 OLD BROAD STREET AND 60 THREADNEEDLE STREET 125 Old Broad Street and 60 Threadneedle Street, London, EC2 Sankey, D London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 16pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Seven trial pits were excavated on the site. Basements truncated the ground into the natural terrace gravels. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 7/414

(C.01.1377) TQ32028111 {67C8A7C3-9BA8-4615-B9C1-7463056C31A9} Parish: London Postal Code: EC4M 8BX ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL, SOUTH CHURCHYARD St. Paul's Cathedral, South Churchyard, London, EC4. . An Archaeological Evaluation (Phases 1 and 2) Report Wroe-Brown, R London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 77pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Six evaluation trenches were excavated on the site, four of which were designed to uncover two buttresses associated with the chapter house and parts of the cloister, as well as exploratory trenches in two other areas. A further two trenches were conducted at a later date in order further to inform the architects prior to finalising the design. The evaluation refined the location and state of preservation of the surviving masonry. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 7/424 Archaeological periods represented: MD

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1378) TQ533133181214 {EFFC93E7-848C-42C2-8974-EFC51807F30A} Parish: St Helen Bishopsgate Postal Code: EC2N 4AF 4 CROSBY SQUARE 4 Crosby Square (DIFA Properties Bishopgate), London, EC2. City of London. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Pitt, K London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 22pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Five evaluation trenches were excavated. These showed natural brickearth sloped downwards across the site. Over this was a sequence of Roman buildings some possibly constructed with masonry walls. These buildings appeared to have had either brickearth or substantial opus signinum floors. After these buildings had been demolished a series of dumped deposits were laid down probably to level the area. These were truncated by medieval and later pitting which appeared to have been site-wide. Cartographic evidence suggested that the area of the site was gardens until the late 19th century. The pits had been cut into modern concrete foundation in all of the test pits although in some instances archaeological deposits were seen to have survived under these. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 7/427 Archaeological periods represented: PM, RO, MD


(C.01.1379) TQ30716213 {B20278F4-FB01-4093-814F-66BBAD1F7B5E} Parish: Banstead Postal Code: CR8 2FA 23A -25B RUSSELL HILL, PURLEY, CROYDON Archaeological Evaluation at 23a -25b Russell Hill, Purley, Croydon Sparey-Green, C Canterbury : Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2005, 7pp, figs Work undertaken by: Canterbury Archaeological Trust Two evaluation trenches were carried out in advance of a proposed housing development. The site revealed only the natural chalk hillside with areas of colluvium, possibly the result of arable farming. The site provided negative evidence for the known Anglo-Saxon cemetery at the Thomas More School to the east and suggested its western limits must have laid on the rising ground nearer the school. [Au(abr)]

(C.01.1380) TQ32306514 {67616482-1823-4444-93BD-5D1962760DD8} Parish: Croydon St John the Baptist Postal Code: CR9 1TN 13-15 WANDLE ROAD, SOUTH CROYDON 13-15 Wandle Road, South Croydon Griffin, N Ditchling : Archaeology South-East, 2005, 9pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeology South-East The excavation of two evaluation trenches revealed extensive disturbance associated with the site's former use and recent demolition activity, particularly at the eastern end of the site. The unstratified natural of all the finds from the site, which included ceramics and clay tobacco pipes, offered little evidence and probably represented domestic waste from within the rear gardens of properties that formerly fronted onto the High Street in the 17th and 18th centuries. [Au]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1381) TQ32806268 {348CBAA5-CE32-4E8C-BCC4-FB52E615D8AC} Parish: Sanderstead Postal Code: CR2 0QD SANDERSTEAD ROAD CAR PARK, SANDERSTEAD An Archaeological Evaluation at Sanderstead Road Car Park, Sanderstead, London Borough of Croydon Hawkins, N London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 24pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation consisted of a single trial trench, aimed at coverage of the southern part of the proposed building footprint outside the known 19th century quarry truncation encompassing much of the north of the site. T he trench revealed natural bedrock chalk. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 8/556 Archaeological periods represented: PM


(C.01.1382) TQ1451879843 {990851E2-04D6-4869-A754-FCAF17052B4B} Parish: Ealing St. Mary Postal Code: UB1 3EU THE ORCHARD BUILDING, PROPOSED WOMEN'S UNIT, ST. BERNARD'S HOSPITAL, UXBRIDGE ROAD The Orchard Building, Proposed Women's Unit, St. Bernard's Hospital, Uxbridge Road, UB1. London Borough of Ealing. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Baldwin, E London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 17pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Three evaluation trenches were excavated. A post-medieval re-worked soil horizon was found in all three trenches. Evidence for the demolition of a late 19th century building was also found in Trench 1. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 9/207

(C.01.1383) TQ16238367 {B5F30DFD-7C32-4335-994C-756B83C3A2FD} Parish: Perivale Postal Code: UB6 7NT WAREHOUSE SITE, PERIVALE An Archaeological Evaluation at the Warehouse Site, Horseneden Lane South, Perivale, London Borough of Ealing Hawkins, N London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 27pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation consisted of five evaluation trenches which revealed waterlogged clay deposits and a 19th/20th century layer of ploughsoil. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 9/165


(C.01.1384) TQ3593799255 {6DAF1A1E-4822-4EEC-98B6-0D1536E3997F} Parish: Enfield Postal Code: EN3 6RA 735-757 HERTFORD ROAD, ENFIELD LOCK 735-757 Hertford Road, Enfield Lock, London, EN3. London Borough of Enfield. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Thrale, P London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 35pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Three evaluation trenches revealed evidence relating to the Roman and post-medieval periods. A ditch containing Roman pottery sherds and building material dating to the 2nd century AD was recorded Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London running east-west across the middle of the site. Roman pottery sherds and building material also dating to the 2nd century were recovered from alluvial deposits in the western half of the site. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 10/197 Archaeological periods represented: RO

(C.01.1385) TQ32829650 {D44F9BBC-E42F-4190-A18F-743B119EBB90} Parish: Enfield St Andrew Postal Code: EN2 6LE ENFIELD TOWN CENTRE Enfield Town Centre: Assessment of an Archaeological Evaluation at Enfield Town Centre (Area A), London Borough of Enfield Mayon, C London : Gifford & Partners, 2005, 56pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., Gifford & Partners Three evaluation trenches were excavation. Two ditches, one of which was recut to the north, suggested prehistoric managed land divisions. An assemblage of struck flints indicative of Mesolithic or early Neolithic technologies were found within the fills. If there were Mesolithic in date, this would suggest that lost occupation later of that period was cut through by the ditches and the finds it contained were incorporated within the ditch fills. Residual Roman evidence comprising both pottery and ceramic building material was recovered in small quantities from later contexts. Medieval activity dating between 11th to 14th centuries was represented by a north-south field or land boundary and pitting, which was largely confined to the east side of this division. The period 1400-1600 witnessed an extension of activity to the west of the earlier boundary ditch which was still in use in the early 15th century. Post-medieval features dating from the late 16th century to the 19th century included post holes possibly representing fence lines, garden features and rubbish pits. A brick lined culvert constructed in the middle of the 17th century in Trench C may have been part of the drainage system of the later structures built on the site of the Tudor manor house to the west. Undated features in the excavation area probably consisted of further evidence for medieval or post-medieval activities. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM, MD, RO, PR, UD, ME

(C.01.1386) TQ34209918 {6132490B-F289-4B7A-BA5A-A830F0220805} Parish: Enfield St. Andrew Postal Code: EN2 9HG MYDDLETON HOUSE, BULLS CROSS, ENFIELD Myddleton House, Bulls Cross, Enfield EN2: An Archaeological Evaluation Grassam, A & Williams, J Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 18pp, figs ,tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions The evaluation revealed four pits of unknown date. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 10/206 Archaeological periods represented: UD


(C.01.1387) TQ43087451 {16107DAD-A19F-4DE4-BA86-541979DEA4B1} Parish: Eltham St John the Baptist Postal Code: SE9 1HA ARCHERY ROAD, ELTHAM An Archaeological Evaluation at Archery Road, Eltham. London Borough of Greenwich Pickard, C London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 25pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation comprised the observation and recording of ten trial trenches. This works was in advance of the proposal to construct a new swimming pool and leisure centre. No features or cultural material earlier than the 19th/20th century were recorded. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

Archaeological periods represented: MO

(C.01.1388) TQ39357849 {3F84C13B-B63D-46D5-A48D-9E6B61623D92} Parish: Greenwich Postal Code: SE10 0AH BELLOT STREET Bellot Street, London SE10. London Borough of Greenwich. Archaeological Evaluation Hawkins, N London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 91pp, figs ,tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation consisted of two trial trenches, aimed at comprehensive coverage of the site and the targeting of prehistoric features identified during the previous work directly next ot the site. The trenches revealed natural sand and gravel overlain by a palaeoenvironmental sequence of peat, a Bronze Age wooden structure and palaeochannels, which were sealed by a sequence of alluvial clay and modern deposits. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 11/89 Archaeological periods represented: BA

(C.01.1389) TQ43487636 {FDA0F005-F16D-4D25-9785-D7D80D3574E1} Parish: Woolwich Postal Code: SE18 3RZ BUILDINGS 3 & 4, WOOLWICH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, SHOOTERS HILL An Archaeological Evaluation at Buildings 3 & 4, Woolwich Memorial Hospital, Shooters Hill, London Borough of Greenwich Keith-Lucas, F London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 21pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. No archaeologically significant deposits were found during the evaluation. Two 19th century drains were recorded. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 11/171 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1390) TQ46307915 {1C6DB6CA-7E04-4E72-A922-698D15754758} Parish: Woolwich Postal Code: SE2 9PX ST. PAUL'S ACADEMY (ABBEY WOOD SCHOOL) An Archaeological Evaluation at St. Paul's Academy (Abbey Wood School), Eynsham Drive, Abbey Wood, London Borough of Greenwich Mayo, C London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 48pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Five evaluation trenches were excavated. In one trench a 19th century boundary ditch was found, attesting to the post-medieval use of the area for agriculture or pasture. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 11/331 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1391) TQ46207775 {D45820A4-1706-4892-AB27-D5159A771330} Parish: Woolwich Postal Code: SE2 0XX ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL An Archaeological Evaluaton on Land at St. Paul's School, Waterdale Road, London Borough of Greenwich Lythe, R London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 25pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. No archaeological remains or evidence of human activity prior to the late 19th century were encountered in the evaluation. [Au(abr)] Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

SMR primary record number: 11/336


(C.01.1392) TQ34998428 {1C8ED39F-C08E-41AB-A6CB-5AE3A61B9CA6} Parish: Hackney Postal Code: E8 3RE 102-110 MARE STREET, HACKNEY 102-110 Mare Street, Hackney, London E8 Williams, J Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 25pp, pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions The site lay to the rear of Mare Street, a route that has been in use since at least the medieval period. The evaluation located a pit, a number of possibly 17th century brick wall and a brick well. Much of the northern part of the site had been disturbed by cellaring associated with the demolished Victorian structures which stood on the site. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM, UD

(C.01.1393) TQ3392085430 {C2518909-08C2-4A10-AA47-A3F8FD8C3CE4} Parish: Hackney Postal Code: E8 2ET THE PETCHEY ACADEMY, SHACKLEWELL LANE The Petchey Academy, Shacklewell Lane, London, E8. London Borough of Hackney. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Taylor, J London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 36pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service An evaluation exercise demonstrated that the southern half of the site appeared to have been extensively truncated. The five trenches located in the northern half of the site provided evidence of the 19th century, Shacklewell Lane, residential development, including garden deposits, cut features and brick walls/foundations. Deposits sealing natural brickearth in three of the trenches may have dated to periods pre-19th century, but a lack of dating evidence prevented firm interpretation. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 12/292 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1394) TQ3356383954 {00839397-727E-4424-83FA-435877BE7F2F} Parish: Shoreditch Postal Code: E8 4DY EAST LONDON LINE EXTENSION PROJECT, HAGGERSTON STATION East London Line Extension Project, Haggerston Station, London. London Borough of Hackney. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Mackinder, T London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 22pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Two of the three proposed evaluation trenches were evaluated in this phase of work. Above the natural brickearth was an agricultural soil horizon and post-medieval land raising dumps. A brick well and drain were evidence of late 18th/19th century buildings cleared for construction of the railway around 1870. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 62/002 Archaeological periods represented: PM

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1395) TQ3359183108 {78A34872-F8A4-4340-B258-C611F1FA310C} Parish: Shoreditch Postal Code: E2 8HR EAST LONDON LINE EXTENSION PROJECT, HOXTON STATION East London Line Extension Project, Hoxton Station, London. London Borough of Hackney. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Mackinder, T London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 28pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Six of the proposed ten evaluation trenches were evaluation in this phase of work. Burnt brickearth layers were probably evidence of local brick making, associated with 19th century urbanisation and remains of the buildings cleared from the construction of the railway viaduct c.1870 were also present. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 62/002 Archaeological periods represented: PM

Hammersmith and Fulham

(C.01.1396) TQ22257835 {A8522771-EBF7-428C-AD7F-889BAD50DA57} Parish: Hammersmith Postal Code: W6 9UB HAMMERSMITH PUMPING STATION, GREAT WEST ROAD Hammersmith Pumping Station, Great West Road, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. An Archaeological Evaluation Taylor, A & Ford, S Reading : Thames Valley Archaeological Services, 2005, 12pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Thames Valley Archaeological Services An archaeological evaluation was carried out ahead of a proposed redevelopment. No archaeological finds or deposits were encountered. [Au(adp)]


(C.01.1397) TQ33758945 {91F46BAD-2D29-440E-8837-8BBFED9CDF18} Parish: Tottenham Postal Code: N15 4BP 280-296 HIGH ROAD & 1-3 TOTTENHAM GREEN EAST, TOTTENHAM 280-296 High Road & 1-3 Tottenham Green East, Tottenham, London N15. An Archaeological Evaluation Halpin, C Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 16pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions The evaluation revealed sparse evidence of post-medieval activity, possibly associated with the Bull inn public house. The evidence consisted of a shallow pit, a property boundary and a buried garden soil. Extensive post-medieval disturbance had also taken place. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM


(C.01.1398) TQ17009400 {87B986BE-D0B8-405C-B5E0-6CC1483B6A3B} Parish: Harrow Postal Code: HA7 4LN LAND AT ROYAL NATIONAL ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, BROCKLEY HILL, STANMORE Land at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Brockley Hill, Stanmore, Greater London: Archaeological Evaluation Barber, A Cirencester : Cotswold Archaeology, 2005, 29pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Cotswold Archaeology Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

Twenty trenches were excavated across the proposed development area. Roman pits and ditches were recorded within four trenches in the south-eastern corner of the site, which identified a zone of principally late 1st to 2nd century activity including evidence for metalworking, perhaps on the periphery of pottery production sites of similar date noted during the earlier archaeological excavations to the north and east of the site. In addition, a pit dated to the 3rd century AD may have suggested activity on the site after the main period of pottery production had ceased. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: RO

(C.01.1399) TQ10509130 {1238C21F-A89E-4C96-98A8-B114A71CCF0A} Parish: Pinner Postal Code: HA5 3YH ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL, POTTER STREET HILL, NORTHWOOD St. John's School, Potter Street Hill, Northwood: An Archaeological Evaluation Williams, J Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 10pp, pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions The evaluation was undertaken in advance of the construction of three new sports pitches. A thirteenth- century pottery kiln and associated pits had previously been excavated near the proposed development site, however, the evaluation did not reveal any archaeological features or deposits, and no finds were retrieved from the trenches. It is likely that parts of the site had been landscaped when the current sports pitches were constructed. [Au(abr)]


(C.01.1400) TQ53168654 {7CEDC5A1-E06E-4FD5-A154-9A2A28BD40F4} Parish: Hornchurch Postal Code: RM12 4QD 198 ABBS CROSS LANE, HORNCHURCH 198 Abbs Cross Lane, Hornchurch, Essex: an Archaeological Evaluation Doyle, K & Williamson, I Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 20pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions The evaluation revealed four pits and a linear ditch. Medieval pottery sherds were found in the fill of the ditch and in the subsoil. No features or finds of a prehistoric date were revealed. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 16/237 Archaeological periods represented: MD

(C.01.1401) TQ51068909 {7681C2F2-5991-4517-9D5D-72956DB546B1} Parish: Romford Postal Code: RM1 1HD 80 NORTH STREET, ROMFORD 80 North Street, Romford, Essex: An Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation Harris, P, Newton, A & Williams, J Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 27pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions The evaluation comprised the excavation of a single trial trench which revealed a brick lined well/soakaway, a brick surface, a brick wall, two post holes of probable modern date and four post- medieval pits. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 16/298 Archaeological periods represented: MO, PM

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London


(C.01.1402) TQ50771775 {60863425-DA02-4ED6-B256-D3E3B9453B85} Parish: Harlington Postal Code: UB3 5EU LAND AT SIPSON FARM, SIPSON Land at Sipson Farm, Sipson, London Borough of Hillingdon: Archaeological Evaluation Report Martin, J Salisbury : Wessex Archaeology, 2006, 77pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Wessex Archaeology A total of 153 features were recorded during the evaluation. These included 92 ditch sections, 13 pit/post holes, three waterholes, 28 tree throws and nine modern features. The majority of features dated to the Middle Bronze Age, Late Bronze Age and Late Iron Age/Early Roman periods. Additionally, limited activity was identified dating from the Neolithic, medieval and post-medieval periods. This situation was directly reflected by the pottery assemblage. The remains seemed to represent a series of field systems. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: BA, NE, LBA, MD, MBA, IA, LIA

(C.01.1403) TQ10508400 {DB34DC58-AFFD-464D-B2C7-DF9CBF73D1CA} Parish: Ruislip Postal Code: HA4 6QZ PROPOSED GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT, WEST END ROAD, HILLINGDON Proposed Golf Course Development, West End Road, Hillingdon Woolhouse, T & Williamson, I Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 43pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions The archaeological evaluation identified 16 archaeological features comprising ditches, gullies, and pits of either post-medieval/modern date or producing no datable artefactual material. Three features were notable in that the contained residual prehistoric finds. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PR

(C.01.1404) TQ0573090974 {19490609-965B-42DF-8D1C-1EA60E0CBBE5} Parish: Uxbridge Postal Code: UB9 6ES HAREFIELD SPORTS ACADEMY, NORTHWOOD WAY, HAREFIELD Harefield Sports Academy, Northwood Way, Harefield, London, UB9. London Borough of Hillingdon. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Howell, I London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 18pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Ten trenches were excavated on the site. Although there was potential for cut features, no finds or features of archaeological significance were uncovered during the course of the evaluation. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 17/371


(C.01.1405) TQ3037183453 {C6F86C42-DBAC-4D0A-8040-F65E814CCA3D} Parish: Islington Postal Code: N1 0XH KINGS PLACE, 82-96 YORK WAY Kings Place, 82-96 York Way, London, N1. London Borough of Islington. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Museum of London Archaeology Service London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 23pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

A single evaluation trench was excavated and seven geotechnical pits monitored. Late 19th and 20th century cellars were found cut into London Clay. These cellars had been truncated horizontally by later development of the site. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 19/343 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1406) TQ3020184802 {9F9D7FC3-5986-4E13-B161-4EC308CE9D70} Parish: Islington Postal Code: N7 9DX MARKET ESTATE, NORTH ROAD Market Estate, North Road, London, N7. London Borough of Islington. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Taylor, J London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 29pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Two evaluation trenches were excavated on the site. Excavation in Trench A exposed a pair of 19th or early 20th century brick drains or soakaways, probably associated with the Metropolitan Cattle Market. The masonry was truncated by a series of seven construction cuts for cast iron fence posts, which probably served as ring fencing for animal pens. No archaeological deposits were exposed in Trench B. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

Kensington and Chelsea

(C.01.1407) TQ2680077415 {C3F09999-9F78-42AB-BE26-D1136FDA1793} Parish: Chelsea Postal Code: SW10 0DG RIVER THAMES FORESHORE, CHEYNE WALK MOORINGS River Thames Foreshore, Cheyne Walk Moorings, London, SW10. Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Foreshores Survey Report Cohen, N London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 35pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Features revealed during the original survey of the site by the Thames Archaeological Survey were observed and a second area of the site was mapped. New features, including the remains of a second mid-Saxon fish trap and post-medieval structures and artefacts scatters were recorded and sampled. The extensive remains of the Neolithic forest on the site were also further investigated. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 20/094 Archaeological periods represented: PM, EM

Kingston upon Thames

(C.01.1408) TQ19056945 {212486C9-FD1C-479D-B1B7-BDFAFDEDC4B4} Parish: Kingston upon Thames Postal Code: KT1 3AA 144 LONDON ROAD, KINGSTON UPON THAMES 144 London Road, Kingston upon Thames, London Borough of Kingston upon Thames. An Archaeological Evaluation Taylor, A Reading : Thames Valley Archaeological Services, 2005, 10pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Thames Valley Archaeological Services An archaeological evaluation was undertaken in advance of a proposed housing development. No archaeological deposits or finds were identified. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1409) TQ19046960 {E80DB314-721B-4EFB-9E41-A59F3C4D490D} Parish: Kingston upon Thames Postal Code: KT2 6PT GORDON ROAD/LONDON ROAD, KINGSTON Archaeological Evaluations of Land at Gordon Road/London Road, Kingston, London Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames Baxter, T London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 57pp, figs ,tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation consisted of 10 trenches located within the footprint of the proposed development. The evaluation found evidence for natural gravel which was covered by natural silty clay. Medieval activity was represented by a field boundary which was recut on at least two occasions. Further land division was observed in the post-medieval period with evidence of a field boundary which went out of use in the 18th century. Later post-medieval activity was represented by a fence line following the same alignment as the post-medieval ditch and limited pitting and other features representing garden activity. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 21/297 Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM


(C.01.1410) TQ31387630 {6B829C27-FFAB-478F-9564-0F4AD264AD75} Parish: Lambeth St Mary Postal Code: SW9 7SB CORNER OF CROWHURST CLOSE AND FIR GROVE ROAD, ANGELL TOWN, BRIXTON Corner of Crowhurst Close and Fir Grove Road, Angell Town, Brixton, London, SW9. An Archaeological Evaluation Williams, J Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 19pp, pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions The main potential for archaeological activity at the site was for remains associated with the medieval houses known to exist on the Loughborough Road. However, only 19th/20th century features were located, probably associated with the construction of Angell Town. A significant level of modern disturbance was revealed on the western side of the site. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1411) TQ30527022 {6DC92547-052D-409C-8653-F2E04943D216} Parish: Streatham Postal Code: SW16 3PE SINCLAIR HOUSE, 381 STREATHAM HIGH ROAD Sincl air House, 381 Streatham High Road, London SW16: An Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation Williams, J Hertford : Archaeological Solutions, 2005, 22pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Solutions A single trial trench was excavated. It revealed significant disturbance associated with the construction of Sinclair House in the 1960s in part of the trial trench. The remainder of the trench revealed a shallow post-medieval ditch containing fragments of building material cut through a modern layer containing more modern debris. The underlying clay exhibited patches of silt, present due to leaching. No earlier features or finds were recorded in the trench. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 22/340 Archaeological periods represented: PM

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1412) TQ3087173400 {DCDB7E28-1E5E-46E5-A32A-2D54DCBA54B2} Parish: Streatham Postal Code: SW2 3RA ST. MARTIN'S ESTATE, TULSE HILL St. Martin's Estate, Tulse Hill, London Borough of Lambeth: Archaeological Evaluation Report Wessex Archaeology London : Wessex Archaeology, 2005, 21pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Wessex Archaeology No significant archaeological deposits or artefacts were uncovered during the evaluation. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 22/312


(C.01.1413) TQ3697577055 {17B7E36A-F7AA-428F-975B-F7BA98B693C2} Parish: Lewisham Postal Code: SE8 4BQ LAND AT 17-21 BAILDON STREET Archaeological Observation Assessment of Land at 17-21 Baildon Street Morse, C London : L-P: Archaeology , 2005, 20pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: L-P: Archaeology The observation of geotechnical test pits proved negative. Overall, the potential for archaeological remains on the site was low. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 23/242


(C.01.1414) TQ27836917 {4A212BF1-F65A-475C-A5F8-F3BE4EC8ADFB} Parish: Merton Postal Code: CR4 2JD 203 LONDON ROAD, MITCHAM Assessment of an Archaeological Evaluation at 203 London Road, Mitcham, London Borough of Merton Leary, J London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 24pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The work comprised the investigation of two trenches. A layer and two underlying pits were recorded in the two trenches on the site. The pits were medieval rubbish pits, which were overlain by a soil horizon, possibly a ploughsoil, containing similarly dated pottery. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 24/348 Archaeological periods represented: MD


(C.01.1415) TQ42608210 {32E0C416-36A9-437B-80FC-56EEAD46DB83} Parish: East Ham Postal Code: E6 3RY 1177-79 NEWHAM WAY, EAST HAM Evaluation Report on 1177-79 Newham Way, East Ham, London, E6 Perry, J Wimbledon : Sutton Archaeological Services, 2005, 11pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: Sutton Archaeological Services Two evaluation trenches were excavated across the site revealing modern concrete and fill deposits over an alluvial deposits. Pottery was recovered from the 19th century. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1416) TQ4169480256 {55140ED1-BD99-4193-BEB8-49EDCEED9654} Parish: West Ham Postal Code: E16 2BS SHURGARD SITE, ORIENTAL ROAD, SILVERTOWN Shurgard Site, Oriental Road, Silvertown, E16. London Borough of Newham: An Archaeological Evaluation Report Sankey, D London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 16pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service An evaluation exposed river terrace gravels. [Au(adp)]

SMR primary record number: 25/301

(C.01.1417) TQ40758455 {2DFE20A3-F1AE-45D3-97EB-D8725F364156} Parish: West Ham Postal Code: E7 8HY ST. ANGELA'S URSULINE SCHOOL St. Angela's Ursuline School: Archaeological Evaluation Hawkins, N Southampton : Gifford & Partners, 2005, 17pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Gifford & Partners The evaluation comprised a single trench located within the footprint of the proposed new school building. No significant archaeological deposits were encountered. [Au(abr)]

(C.01.1418) TQ3888084800 {4270A2AA-7190-40DD-8BB2-AA97ABEBF8FF} Parish: West Ham Postal Code: E15 1PG WINDMILL LANE, STRATFORD Windmill Lane, Stratford, London, E15 Sankey, D London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 16pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Three evaluation trenches were excavated on the site. Beneath 19th century coal ash and clinker dumps and post-medieval soil were a series of square shallow quarries cut into natural gravels. They were mostly devoid of datable finds but two pieces of pottery-a fragment of post-1500 Midlands purple ware jar and a medieval baluster jug. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 25/300 Archaeological periods represented: PM, MD


(C.01.1419) TQ43939064 {0CE3F098-FC8F-49C7-8B24-445C596A48D4} Parish: Barking Postal Code: IG5 0XL FULWELL AVENUE, BARKINGSIDE An Archaeological Evaluation on Lane at Fulwell Avenue, Barkingside, London Borough of Redbridge Lythe, R London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 30pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Twelve trenches were arranged across the site. The site was a grass-covered field at the time of excavation. With the exception of Trench 12, all the trenches contained natural London Clay. Trench 12 contained Boyn Hill gravel. Trenches 5 and 6 contained probable tree throws. Trench 11 contained a probable ditch of unknown date. Trenches 1,7,8,9 all contained late 19th century to early 20th century field drains. Trench 11 contained a large 20th century pit and trenches 1.5. 7 and 8 contained 20th century make-up layers and surfaces. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 26/121 Archaeological periods represented: PM Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1420) TQ44808686 {CB68DD86-E5DA-411A-A574-6A9643EF1438} Parish: Ilford Postal Code: IG1 1TX 461 HIGH ROAD, ILFORD 461 High Road, Ilford, London Borough of Redbridge. An Archaeological Evaluation Taylor, A Reading : Thames Valley Archaeological Services, 2005, pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Thames Valley Archaeological Services An archaeological evaluation was carried out in advance of a proposed residential development. No archaeological deposits or finds were observed. [Au(adp)]

(C.01.1421) TQ4364786286 {F7FB898A-1B14-4B5C-B13E-F2325EEC00E5} Parish: Ilford Postal Code: IG1 2RA PIONEER MARKET, ILFORD Assessment of an Archaeological Evaluation at Pioneer Market, Winston Way, Ilford, London Borough of Redbridge Bishop, B London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 27pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Two archaeological evaluation trenches were excavated across the site. In trench 1 a number of post- medieval features were excavated. No further feature, deposits or artefacts directly relating to archaeological activity at the site were identified. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 26/104

(C.01.1422) TQ4286091690 {8FF2F090-11AF-4721-B2A8-7276125A17F2} Parish: Woodford Postal Code: IG8 8ER THE GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND ASSOCIATION LONDON CENTRE, 7 MANOR ROAD, WOODFORD BRIDGE The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association London Centre, 7 Manor Road, Woodford Bridge, Essex 1G8 8ER. London Borough of Redbridge. An Archaeological Evaluation Compass Archaeology London : Compass Archaeology, 2005, 26pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Compass Archaeology Six trenches were opened. No significant remains were found: a straightforward sequence of deposits covered the site, which much evidence for recent truncation and landscaping. There were several cut features of probable 19th or 20th century date, most notably two sections of an apparently contiguous ditch. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 26/127 Archaeological periods represented: PM

Richmond upon Thames

(C.01.1423) TQ1749269752 {D3895194-3115-4C07-ABB5-9D24E0E2D268} Parish: Hampton Postal Code: KT1 4HG NEW FLATS ADJACENT TO 2 STATION ROAD, HAMPTON WICK New Flats adjacent to 2 Station Road, Hampton Wick, London, TW11. London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Cowie, R London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 22pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service The evaluation trenches revealed river terrace deposits comprising sandy gravel. Nevertheless, the evaluation established that isolated cut features survived on the site. The evidence for this comprised the butt-end of an undated linear feature (possibly a ditch), which had been dug through a layer of Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London sandy subsoil into the terrace gravel, and a post-medieval pit, which produced a residual sherd of Roman pottery. In addition, a late 18th/19th century brick cesspit was found. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 27/235 Archaeological periods represented: PM, UD, RO

(C.01.1424) TQ16707518 {9DFD2B0F-A312-457A-9EC1-6058A145D521} Parish: Richmond Postal Code: TW1 1PT BRUNEL UNIVERSITY TWICKENHAM CAMPUS, ST. MARGARET'S, TWICKENHAM, TW1 Brunel University Twickenham Campus, St. Margaret's, Twickenham, TW1. London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Bull, R London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 37pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service The archaeological evaluation revealed that the natural sands and gravels were overlain by subsoil and garden soil with bedding trenches present in the north of the site. Further post-medieval features comprised gravel quarry pits, a ditch base and demolished wall foundations and trench running parallel to a brick drain in the west of the site, and an isolated shallow brick pad foundation under the lawn of Gordon House. All were dated to the 17th and 18th centuries. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 27/244 Archaeological periods represented: PM


(C.01.1425) TQ3348079816 {DEED0660-1C48-43A0-9439-6610C5E6283D} Parish: Southwark Postal Code: SE1 2EH VACANT LAND, NORTHWEST CORNER OF TOWER BRIDGE ROAD AND DRUID STREET, SOUTHWARK Vacant Land, Northwest Corner of Tower Bridge Road and Druid Street, Southwark, SE1. London Borough of Southwark. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Bull, R London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 27pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service A field evaluation found late 19th-20th century pits and foundation pads truncated the deposits on the west side of the trench. The report concluded that the impact of the proposed development is low to negligible. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 28/181 Archaeological periods represented: PM


(C.01.1426) TQ25206390 {6E186C4B-1338-4CFA-9D39-6E1989971959} Parish: Sutton Postal Code: SM1 2BE 26-28 TATE ROAD, CHEAM 26-28 Tate Road, Cheam, Surrey Perry, J Wimbledon : Sutton Archaeological Services, 2005, 13pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Sutton Archaeological Services One trench was excavated across the site revealing topsoil, sub-soil over the natural sands. No medieval archaeology or activity was found. Ceramic building material dating from the 20th century was found. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 29/218 Archaeological periods represented: MO

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

Tower Hamlets

(C.01.1427) 537716183081 {34714061-96DD-4804-AA3F-CD97ECCAA0BC} Parish: Bow Postal Code: E3 2SP 2-25 PAYNE ROAD, BOW 2-25 Payne Road, Bow, London, E3. London Borough of Tower Hamlets, An Archaeological Evaluation Report Daykin, A London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 43pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Two evaluation trenches located a number of articulated burials and grave cuts as well as remains of disarticulated human bone and coffin fittings. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1428) TQ36408320 {AE3D0F6D-33DF-4D4B-A327-146BC09C13D7} Parish: Bow Postal Code: E3 5LU 568A ROMAN ROAD, BOW 568A Roman Road, Bow, London, E3. London Borough of Tower Hamlets. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Vuolteenaho, J London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 53pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service A archaeological evaluation found several different phases of Roman land use an occupation within the site. The earliest was represented by redeposit brickearth and levelling layers, which may have related to gravel quarrying for the construction of the Roman road from London to Colchester. These deposits also contained evidence of agricultural land use, presumably as pasture land for livestock. The second phase related to construction and subsequent use of a substantial roadside building. The next two phases related to demolition of the building, changes in land use and boundaries, as well as construction of a gravel alley way or a side road leading to the main Roman Road. The final phases related to the land being converted back to agricultural use and the establishment of new boundaries, marked by a boundary ditch. The southern end of the site also showed evidence of later land use in the form of post-medieval garden deposits. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 30/519 Archaeological periods represented: RO

(C.01.1429) TQ3596282807 {33F3D7D7-8B87-407F-8205-307AE3B9E120} Parish: Bow Postal Code: E1 4PU SUTTONS WHARF SOUTH, PALMERS ROAD Suttons Wharf South, Palmers Road, London E2 Sankey, D London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 13pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service A trench was excavated across to sample deposits on the west side of the site, across the projected line of the main Roman road from London to Colchester. The results of the field evaluation have helped to refine the initial assessment of the archaeological potential of the site. Post-medieval intrusive features had reworked deposits to a considerable depth and no earlier remains were found. A possible brick cess pit and ditch following an earlier alignment were also post-medieval. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 30/527 Archaeological periods represented: PM

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1430) 537140179600 {72FD8524-8CC8-43C2-B5F7-2103EE5AA3B1} Parish: Poplar Postal Code: E114 8SH 121 WESTFERRY ROAD 121 Westferry Road, London, E14. London Borough of Tower Hamlets. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Daykin, A London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 27pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Two evaluation trenches revealed an accumulation of sandy silt deposits, which in trench 1 contained burnt flint, animal bone and pottery dated overall to the Roman periods, although it was possible some of the flint tempered pottery may have been prehistoric. The upper horizon of these deposits also contained a small quantity of pottery also dated to Roman and possibly prehistoric periods. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 30/458 Archaeological periods represented: LPR, RO

(C.01.1431) TQ33668210 {ACB95B98-565A-484B-9966-2CBF3A5BC2EF} Parish: Postal Code: E1 6SS 25 WHEELER STREET, SHOREDITCH 25 Wheeler Street, Shoreditch, London, E1. London Borough of Tower Hamlets Sutton Archaeological Services Wimbledon : Sutton Archaeological Services, 2005, 11pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Sutton Archaeological Services One evaluation trench was excavated across the site revealing modern concrete and fill deposits. Due to safety considerations and the presence of an old basement the natural was not reached. In trench 1 was the remains of a 19th century basement wall and a concrete floor. Pottery was recorded dating from the 19th to 20th century. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 30/599 Archaeological periods represented: MO

(C.01.1432) TQ3470081705 {BFCC7F74-CE14-419F-A33F-9D9939B3054F} Parish: Whitechapel Postal Code: E1 2AD THE ROYAL LONDON HOSPITAL, WHITECHAPEL ROAD The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel Road, London, E1. London Borough of Tower Hamlets. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Aitken, R London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 36pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service A field evaluation found late medieval soil horizons were present in areas of proposed redevelopment. The presence of five articulated burials in situ confirmed the locations of a post-medieval burial ground within the footprint of the northern block of the proposed development. Other deeply cut, post- medieval archaeological features (backfilled red-brick wells) survived and cut into the natural gravels. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 30/537 Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

(C.01.1433) TQ3588081511 {0C095783-E4AC-44CE-A55D-87475C2D3279} Parish: Whitechapel, Postal Code: E1 0RH SIR JOHN CASS FOUNDATION, REDCOAT SECONDARY SCHOOL, , LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS An Archaeological Evaluation at Sir John Cass Foundation, Redcoat Secondary School, Stepney, London Borough of Tower Hamlets Thatcher, C Twickenham : AOC Archaeology Group, 2005, 16pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: AOC Archaeology Group Two trenches were excavated. There was significant modern truncation and made ground deposits. Pottery sherds dating to the early twentieth century were recovered from the demolition layers. No in situ archaeological remains from earlier periods were observed. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO

Waltham Forest

(C.01.1434) TQ3810288432 {6982F6B3-DD0F-443F-B80B-E957CD7CCA73} Parish: Leyton Postal Code: E10 6AL 685-697 LEA BRIDGE ROAD, LEYTON Evaluation Report on 685-697 Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London, E10 Perry, J Wimbledon : Sutton Archaeological Services, 2005, 14pp, figs Work undertaken by: Sutton Archaeological Services Two trenches were excavated across the site revealed rubble deposits over the natural clay and gravel. [Au(abr)]

(C.01.1435) TQ38118840 {846756D3-CDFB-4501-AF4C-C1339C2CAFD6} Parish: Leyton Postal Code: E10 6AL 736 LEA BRIDGE ROAD, LEYTON Evaluation Report on 736 Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London, E10 Perry, J Wimbledon : Sutton Archaeological Services, 2005, 11pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Sutton Archaeological Services Four trenches were excavated across the site revealing rubble deposits over the natural clay and gravel. An earlier phase of demolition was found. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 31/155

(C.01.1436) TQ37858770 {5E61F062-43D0-48C4-84D7-4C171A15F3DB} Parish: Leyton Postal Code: E10 5BJ BEAUMONT ROAD ESTATE, LEYTON An Archaeological Evaluation at Beaumont Road Estate, Leyton, London Borough of Waltham Forest, E 10, Phases III & IV Lythe, R London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 28pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation consisted of 10 trenches located within the footprints of the proposed new housing blocks. All the excavated trenches were excavated in spits until natural terrace deposits were encountered. In trench 21 an east-west orientated palaeochannel was observed. Trench 22 also in the northeast of the site, was found to contain a row of 4 post-medieval post holes orientated north-south. None of the trenches showed any evidence or Roman activity and none of the trenches contained any archaeological features pre-dating the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Ground level deposits across the site date to the mid-late 20th century and were contemporary with the development and maintenance of the Beaumont Road Estate. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

SMR primary record number: 31/126 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1437) TQ3646687148 {5A5855D2-3C86-41E4-A3A8-C063DE22A30A} Parish: Leyton Postal Code: E10 7NX SYBOURNE NURSERY SCHOOL, 170 LEA BRIDGE ROAD Sybourne Nursery School, 170 Lea Bridge Road, London E10. London Borough of Waltham Forest. An Archaeological Evaluation Compass Archaeology London : Compass Archaeology, 2005, 16pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Compass Archaeology One evaluation trench was opened within the proposed development footprint. No archaeological remains were found: there was a straightforward sequence of deposits with a recent soil layer overlying sterile alluvium and thence natural River Terrace gravel. Two features were noted, one of probable natural origin cutting the gravel and the other a of mid to later 19th century date. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 31/165 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1438) TQ38708911 {D9DF3BE8-0E0E-4713-9D6F-C83F692F764C} Parish: Walthamstow Postal Code: E17 3NS 257-273 WOOD STREET, WALTHAMSTOW An Archaeological Evaluation: 257-273 Wood Street, Walthamstow Hawkins, D London : CgMs, 2005, 21pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: CgMs The evaluation consisted of three trial trenches, aimed at comprehensive coverage of the site, which revealed natural gravel, a 19th century drain and soakaway and some truncation by 20th century deposits and features. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 31/164 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1439) TQ3584690653 {FED68C5F-D790-4BA2-A518-9A25EEF00CBF} Parish: Walthamstow Postal Code: E17 5QB LAND AT ESSEX HALL, 313 BILLET ROAD Land at Essex Hall, 313 Billet Road, London E17. London Borough of Waltham Forest. Phase 1 Development (Sure Start). An Archaeological Evaluation Compass Archaeology London : Compass Archaeology, 2005, 33pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Compass Archaeology Two trial trenches were dug by hand in the north-western part of the proposed development footprint and subsequently three trenches excavated by machine to the east of the present building. The southern hand-dug trench revealed a substantial brick foundation, running north-south with a return or junction to the west near the northern limit excavation. Dating of the brick and of pottery from the underlying soil indicated that this may well have formed part of a the Elizabethan house, although a later (early to mid 17th century) date was also possible. No other structural remains were found. The second hand- dug trench exposed a soil profile dating from the mid 16th to 19th centuries, overlain by modern imported topsoil. The machine-dug trenches produced very few dateable finds, although in two areas the buried soil profile was similar to that described above. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 31/163 Archaeological periods represented: PM

Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London


(C.01.1440) TQ27257725 {D869332E-CC54-472E-B3AA-8CC7A3871E6B} Parish: Battersea Postal Code: SW11 4AU 7-11 HESTER ROAD, BATTERSEA, LONDON BOROUGH OF WANDSWORTH 7-11 Hester road, Battersea, London Borough of Wandsworth, London SW11: An Archaeological Evaluation Report Collie, T Twickenham : AOC Archaeology Group, 2005, 12pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: AOC Archaeology Group The evaluation consisted of three trenches. The remains of a recent structure could only be described as being of minimal significance and no further archaeological work was recommended. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO

(C.01.1441) TQ26437486 {6DD7E57C-0A0D-4FE9-945D-0343D1E4385D} Parish: Battersea Postal Code: SW18 2HX WANDSWORTH PHOENIX, VAUXHALL GARAGE, EAST HILL, WANDSWORTH Archaeological Evaluation: Wandsworth Phoenix, Vauxhall Garage, East Hill, Wandsworth Hawkins, D London : CgMs, 2005, 30pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: CgMs, Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation comprised four trenches. The evaluation identified natural gravel of the Hackney Terrace. Three features thought to be tree throws were undated as no cultural material was recovered. The majority of the excavated features were late 17th century in date and were concentrated to the west. Drainage ditches and cess pits associated with settlement were identified, including a hollowed timber drain dated to the late 17th century. A landscaping terrace was found to the east of the site, also dating from the late 17th century. 18th century agricultural activity was represented across the site, truncated by several small 19th century features related to the known settlement here during this period. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 32/375 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1442) TQ25877386 {FE793420-87CA-461A-99C4-0655B88A1BF1} Parish: Wandsworth Postal Code: SW18 4EE 140-150 GARRATT LANE, WANDSWORTH 140-150 Garratt Lane, Wandsworth, London Borough of Wandsworth. An Archaeological Evaluation Wallis, S & Preston, S Reading : Thames Valley Archaeological Services, 2005, 13pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Thames Valley Archaeological Services An archaeological evaluation revealed three modern pits cutting through 19th/20th century garden soils. [Au(adp)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO

(C.01.1443) TQ2456575342 {BA95821B-9773-4A00-82CD-681078A719CB} Parish: Wandsworth Postal Code: SW15 2NJ 84-86 DEODAR ROAD 84-86 Deodar Road, London SW15. London Borough of Wandsworth: An Archaeological Evaluaton Compass Archaeology London : Compass Archaeology, 2005, 13pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Compass Archaeology Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

The evaluation produced no evidence for earlier activity or any residual finds, and the only other finds related to the later houses. It was likely that the gravel quarry occupied most of the site area. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 32/408

(C.01.1444) TQ25207510 {CA45DE38-433C-46C3-ADE0-9E6C49E249D3} Parish: Wandsworth Postal Code: SW18 1UU LAND AT 11-13 POINT PLEASANT, WANDSWORTH Land at 11-13 Point Pleasant, Wandsworth, London Borough of Wandsworth: Evaluation Pickard, C London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2005, 26pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The evaluation comprised the observation and recording of six trial trenches. No features were located cutting in the natural of earlier than 20th century date. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 32/401 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1445) TQ2536574640 {16B6486E-3D2E-496B-9CD2-7262BDAF9EE9} Parish: Wandsworth Postal Code: SW15 6DE LAND AT 177 WANDSWORTH HIGH STREET Land at 177 Wandsworth High Street, SW18. London Borough of Wandsworth: an Archaeological Evaluation Compass Archaeology London : Compass Archaeology, 2005, 24pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Compass Archaeology Three trial trenches did not reveal any very significant remains although they did produce evidence from two pits for early and later 18th century occupation. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 32/288 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1446) TQ25907300 {478590B5-4337-4C46-89DC-580A0A7E7237} Parish: Wandsworth Postal Code: SW18 4EP LAND AT THE FORMER WANDLE SCHOOL, 330 GARRATT LANE, EARLSFIELD Land at the Former Wandle School, 330 Garratt Lane, Earlsfield, London SW18 4EJ Taylor, J London : CgMs, 2005, 23pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: CgMs, Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The archaeological investigation consisted of three trenches. The evaluation found evidence for natural clay, gravels and alluvial deposits. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 32/402


(C.01.1447) TQ28008160 {209CA8E3-577E-408A-9C72-D50D35BC8F39} Parish: Marylebone Postal Code: W1U 8EP 55 BAKER STREET 55 Baker Street, London, W1. An Archaeological Evaluation Report Howell, I London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 18pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Evaluations Greater London

The evaluation has shown the existing basement would have removed any archaeological remains in this area of the site. However, a short length of late 18th century wall, which appeared to have been part of the Life Guards stables, was found on the Rodmarton Street frontage. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 33/605 Archaeological periods represented: PM

(C.01.1448) TQ3061280956 {CDDDB5AC-DD95-47AB-9A07-080F9E40B34E} Parish: St. Martin in the Fields Postal Code: WC2B 4DA THE STRAND THEATRE, 5 ALDWYCH The Strand Theatre, 5 Aldwych, London WC2B. City of Westminster. An Archaeological Evaluation Compass Archaeology London : Compass Archaeology, 2005, 14pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Compass Archaeology One trial pit was excavated by hand in the area of proposed development, and against the party wall between the Strant Theatre and Waldorf Hotel. No archaeological remains were ound:f backfill deposits up to 1m deep overlay the stepped wall foundation and the adjacent truncated surface of natural river terrace sand and gravel. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 33/580

(C.01.1449) TQ2904179398 {1957DCB7-2599-488A-BF41-14C7FC3FDD06} Parish: Westminster St Margaret Postal Code: SW1E 5AJ WESTMINSTER THEATRE, PALACE STREET, SW1 Westminster Theatre, Palace Street, SW1. City of Westminster. A Geoarchaeological Assessment Report Spurr, G London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 36pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Four monolith tins samples were taken during the archaeological evaluation. The results found that deciduous woodland and cereal production was likely to have taken place within a few hundred metres from the site, though not on the site itself. [Au(abr)]

(C.01.1450) TQ3017579554 {BF278C13-BA04-4F10-B8B6-021360B9D586} Parish: Westminster St. James Postal Code: SW1P 3JX PALACE OF WESTMINSTER VISITOR ACCESS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CROMWELL GREEN Palace of Westminster Visitor Access Improvement Project, Cromwell Green, London, SW1. City of Westminster. An Archaeological Evaluation Holder, N London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2005, 21pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service Three geotechnical pits provided clear evidence for the survival of prehistoric sands sealed by later flood deposits and a truncated medieval surface. In one pit part of a substantial 16th century wall foundation was recorded. Documentary evidence suggested that this was part of the Tudor Palace of Westminster, the Court Surveyors built in 1542. [Au(abr)]

SMR primary record number: 33/630