Table of Contents

Table of Contents...... 3

Chairman’s Report ...... 4

ICA Fight against Cancer Budget Distribution for 2008 ...... 8

Medical Services ...... 9

ICA Supported Medical Institutions ...... 11

Public Information and Education ...... 12

Early Detection ...... 32

Rehabilitation and Welfare ...... 37

The Sir Charles Clore Hostel ...... 70

Professional Seminars and Conferences ...... 71

Professional Training ...... 80

International Conferences ...... 88

Research ...... 90

Memorial Funds Donated to the ICA ...... 100

Data Collection and Follow-up ...... 102

Equipment, Construction and Development ...... 105

Volunteers and Special Events ...... 107

Friends of the ICA Abroad ...... 108

Annual “Door Knock” Fundraising Campaign – 2007-2008 ...... 112  Annual “Door Knock” Fundraising Campaign Chairmen ...... 122

Bequests, Legacies and Commemorations ...... 124

Committee Members ...... 125

ICA Branches Abroad ...... back

Editing Or-Tal Huri • Graphic Design Billet Studio • Printed by Ayalon-Print • Translation Rona Hilu © All rights reserved by the Cancer Association, 2009 A Message from the Chairman

As in past years, this year has been one of productive and diverse endeavor. We have invested unique efforts in promoting our activities in various sectors of the population. We marked the observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Prostate Cancer Awareness Day, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, World Cancer Day, Skin Cancer Awareness Month and no tobacco day, all of which evoked great resonance.

We have continued investing resources to increase public awareness about cancer diseases Prof. Eliezer and ways of preventing them through numerous informational and educational activities. Robinson Chairman, Israel Cancer We also held conferences and seminars for professional staff, patients and their families as Association well as for the general population. We launched many new media campaigns regarding the harmful effects of smoking and uncontrolled sun exposure as well as a new campaign on the importance of energy balanced – avoiding obesity and adopting a healthy lifestyle including physical exercise.

We have continued investing a great deal in promoting cancer research, purchasing medical equipment, renovating institutes and clinics, and updating and supporting a professional network dealing with cancer patients on a daily basis. We also focused on enhancing quality of life and endeavoring for the welfare of cancer patients and their families.

This year a "Laughter Room" was inaugurated for the welfare of children with cancer at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, as well as the Reuben Foundation Comprehensive Breast Care Center at the Linn Clinic in Haifa. The Sarah Markovich Breast Care Center at the Kaplan Medical Center is still under construction and is anticipated to be inaugurated by the end of 2009. The Suzy Eban oncology unit at Ziv Medical Center in Safed is under expansion through the contribution of Clore Foundation and we continue vigorously to promote new projects for the benefit of cancer patients, survivors and their families.

This past year the Israel Cancer Association lost its beloved and dedicated President, Benny Gaon of blessed memory, who passed away of cancer at the age of 73, and we mourn his untimely demise. May his memory be blessed.  Sincerely,

Prof. Eliezer Robinson Chairman, Israel Cancer Association We congratulate ICA Chairman, Prof. Eliezer Robinson, on his being appointed Chairman of the International Relations Council of ASCO, the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA Chairman, was appointed Chairman of the International Relations Council of the ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology, in June. This appointment is for a three year period and is carried out on a voluntary basis. Prof. Robinson, an oncologist by profession, served as the Director of the Oncology Institute at Rambam Health Care Campus and served in the past as Chairman of the International Union Against Cancer – UICC. The American Society of Clinical Oncology is a registered association uniting about 25,000 oncologists around the world. We also extend our congratulations to Prof. Robinson on his appointment as a member of the UICC Appointments Committee.

ICA employees and volunteers congratulate Vice Chairman of the ICA, Mr. Leon Recanati on receiving "the Volunteer Industrialist Award" from the President of the Manufacturers Association of Israel for voluntary work as an Industrialist who contributed significantly to education and for his faith in the young generation, out of his sense of responsibility. The award was presented to him by Shraga Brosh, President of the Israel Manufacturers Association, Yoav Chelouche, Chairman of the "Taasiyeda" Educational Non-Profit Association and Aviva Mishael, Director Leon Recanati Vice Chairman, Israel General of the "Taasiyeda" Educational Non-Profit Association. Cancer Association

 Benjamin (Benny) David Gaon (11 February 1935 – 10 May 2008) was born in Jerusalem, the son of Moshe David Gaon and Sara (Hakim) Gaon, brother to three siblings: Yigal, Klila Armon and Yehoram. Following his military service and two years in the career army, Gaon was discharged from the IDF with the rank of Master Sergeant. In the 60th he worked as an electrician in the "Hatarnegolim" band along with his brother the famous singer Yehoram Gaon who sang in the Benjamin Gaon band. Subsequently, he worked as a service manager at Electra company. In 1962 Former President, Israel Cancer he was appointed Marketing Dept. Director of Air Conditioners and after he climbed Association the corporate ladder, he assumed the position of Managing Director of Tadiran 1993-2008 Consumer Products. Gaon studied Business Administration in Geneva. In 1988 the Secretary General of the Israeli Trade Union-Histadrut, Israel Keisar, offered him the job of Chief Executive of Koor Industries, which teetered on the edge of financial collapse. Gaon, who succeeded in rehabilitating Koor, and garnered praise from the Israeli business world, served in the position of CEO until 1998, when he resigned and established B. Gaon Holdings.

Benny agreed to assume the position of ICA President after great hesitation and doubt. He admitted in his books as well that he always made sure to skip the articles dealing with cancer. He, like many others, had a strong aversion to the subject and to the disease. Only after he began collaborating with the ICA, as Chairman of the Annual "Doorknock" Fundraising Campaign in 1993, while he was CEO of Koor, did he come to learn of ICA's numerous activities, and in turn, understood the importance of the fight against cancer to save lives. Benny enlisted his services, with typical "bulldozer" qualities, and his first contribution was to provide financial assistance for the purchase of the "Michal" Mobile Mammography vehicle, which provided female residents of the periphery and economically disadvantaged women with the significant opportunity to undergo mammography screening close to home. In view of his great success in this position and the warm and exceptional relationship which formed that year between ICA and Benny of blessed memory, he was appointed President of the ICA in 1993. Ever since then, and up to the very last moment, he devoted all his energy and time to promote the ICA objectives and considered his job an imperative mission of the highest order. Seven years later, he  himself contracted kidney cancer. In 1997 he published his first book "Only those who dare win" in which he devoted a special chapter to the cancer that struck him twice and which he beat, and emphasized the importance of coping with the disease out in the open. He fought the disease with great gallantry. One needs great courage and emotional strength to expose the details of one`s disease in public. Benny did so, because he thought that it was important to spread the message that the chances for recovery increase when the disease is early detected. He felt that it was important that the healthy population be aware of the critical importance of early detection testing. He wanted the public to recognize the achievements in coping with the disease, and that Israeli medicine and the outstanding physicians who treated him increase the chances and hope of overcoming cancer.

This year, cancer struck him for the third time. This time, the disease took the upper hand and he died on the 10th of May, 2008, at the age of 73. He was buried in the Halevi cemetery, in Emek Hefer, and left a wife, three sons and a daughter. One of his sons is the strategic advisor Moshe Gaon, who was appointed Chairman of B. Gaon Holdings founded by his father. Aside from his position as ICA President, Benny Gaon also served as Chairman of the America-Israel Friendship League and won many awards for his numerous activities in Israeli economy, such as the President’s Award on behalf of the Manufacturers’ Association of Israel and the Jerusalem Shield on behalf of the Prime Minister, Jerusalem’s Mayor and the International Forum for United Jerusalem.

The Israel Cancer Association mourns the passing of its President Mr. Benny Gaon of blessed memory, and extends its condolences to the Gaon family on his untimely demise. We have lost a dear friend and brave advocate. His untimely passing further emphasizes the need to continue the fight against the disease all the more forcefully.

 Budget Distribution for ICA Fight against Cancer - 2008

Medical and Social Services Organization, 9,160 Projected New Administration and Programs Branch Offices (over 70 Research, Data Collection & Follow- 1,312 branches throughout up and Clinical Protocols Israel) 4,750 5,057 17% 9% 2% Equipment and 9% Construction 3,320 6% 31% 2% Professional 24% Training 1,200

Rehabilitation and Welfare Public Education and Information, (including Hospice-care, Cancer Patient Prevention and Early Detection Hostel and Support Centers for patients Programs and Media Campaigns and survivors) 13,085 17,087

Appropriations In NIS (in Percentage thousands) Medical and Social Services 9,160 17 Research, Data Collection & Follow-up and Clinical Protocols 4,750 9 Rehabilitation and Welfare 17,087 31 (including Hospice-care, Cancer Patient Hostel and Support Centers for patients and survivors)  Public Education and Information, Prevention and Early 13,085 24 Detection Programs and Media Campaigns Professional Training 1,200 2 Equipment and Construction 3,320 6 Organization, Administration and Branch Offices 5,057 9 (over 70 branches throughout Israel) Projected New Programs 1,312 2 Total Appropriations 54,971 100 Medical Services Supplementary Hospital Services The National Umbilical Cord Blood Bank - and Financing Nursing and Psycho- The Bank was established as a joint venture social Personnel of the Magen David Adom Blood Service, the Wolfson Medical Center and the Hadassah Medical Organization, with funding from a In aspiring to provide comprehensive multi- munificent donation provided by the Friends disciplinary care to cancer patients in hospitals of the ICA in London, headed by Ms. Vered and in the community, the ICA assists in Aaron. The service is operated by the Magen funding supplementary services and additional David Adom Blood Service, as part of its targeted personnel posts in special programs. National Umbilical Cord Blood Donation ICA policy is to finance these services and posts Program, in memory of Natalie Shaya of for a limited time of several years - until their blessed memory, with support from the effectiveness has been sufficiently established. ICA. As part of this project, a freezer was Upon the completion of this period of time, the purchased for preserving umbilical cord blood institutions running these programs assume and a lab technician post is being financed. financial responsibility. Today, thanks to this The delivery rooms of the Wolfson Medical tremendous initiative and investment, cancer Center, Sourasky Medical Center, patients benefit from a wide and diverse Hadassah Medical Center and the Red range of services provided by trained staff Crescent Medical Center in East Jerusalem, and comprehensive care is upgraded in the serve as umbilical cord blood collection network of oncology institutes. centers. Hadassah Medical Center performs the tissue-typing tests. Breast Cancer Treatment Coordinators - The ICA continues to finance special posts Welfare Service Programs – The ICA for nurses and social workers, working as continues to finance posts for social workers breast cancer care treatment coordinators at the following medical centers: Schneider who navigate the patients during all stages Children’s Medical Center of Israel, Rabin of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. The Medical Center - Beilinson Campus, Meir project's goal is to accompany the breast Medical Center, Wolfson Medical Center, cancer patient throughout the treatment Western Galilee Nahariya State Hospital, process, and to provide her with information, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Ha'emek support and assistance, thereby significantly Medical Center, Medical Center,  easing the burden of coping with the disease. Poriya Hospital, Clalit Healthcare Services, This service is currently provided in 15 centers Laniado Hospital Netanaya, Tel Aviv Sourasky nationwide. Others centers have already Medical Center, Me'uhedet Healthcare adopted this service and the ICA continues to Fund, Hadassah Mt. Scopus Medical Center, update personnel. Thanks to the ICA there is a Hadassah Ein Karem Medical Center, Holy network of professionals who are in constant Family Hospital of Nazareth, Barzilai Medical professional contact on the national level for Center, Rambam Health Care Campus and the welfare of breast cancer patients. the Ziv Medical Center in Safed. medical centers: Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson Hospital, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Ha'emek Medical Center, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem, Carmel Medical Center.

Bone Marrow Transplant – The ICA continues to finance the necessary professional posts for the complicated treatment of self bone marrow transplants and bone marrow transplants from a donor in child cancer patients at the Pediatric Oncology Center at the Schneider Children's Medical Center, Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson Hospital. The unit's Psychological Services – The ICA continues operation has been financed by the ICA to finance the employment of psychologists since its inception as have the personnel in oncology institutes at Hadassah Medical and training. Additionally, assistance has Center, Rambam Health Care Campus, been provided to Pediatric Oncology wards Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson Campus, at: Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem, the Western Galilee Hospital Nahariya and Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, Tel at Assaf Harofe Medical Center. Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, and Rambam Health Care Campus - where the Pediatric Nursing Services – The ICA finances posts Oncology Ward was set up with assistance for stoma care nurses, palliative care nurses, from the ICA. Additionally, the ICA funds and nurses who are Bone Marrow Transplant the necessary professional staff. Coordinators at the following hospitals: Kaplan Medical Center, the Western Galilee Palliative Care Programs Supports Hospital Nahariya State Hospital, Shaare Zedek Advanced Stage Cancer Patients - The ICA Medical Center, Assaf Harofe Medical Center, continues to support medical care programs 10 Clalit Healthcare Services, Tel Aviv Sourasky combining palliative care and psychosocial Medical Center, Hadassah Medical Center, nursing care, provided by professionally Mt. Scopus, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein trained staff. These care programs encompass Karem, Holy Family Hospital of Nazareth, hospices and home hospice care which is Rambam Health Care Campus, Upper Galilee provided at the hospice at Sheba Medical Hospice, Nof Hadar Haifa. Center Tel Hashomer, set up with assistance from the ICA. These programs operate Dietary Services – The ICA continues to in medical centers and community clinics support dietary services at the following throughout the country. ICA Supported Medical Institutions

• Assaf Harofe Medical Center – Tzrifin: Unit for Breast Cancer, Nursing Services, Social Oncology Department, Breast Health Care Institute, Services Nof Hadar, Haifa: Hospice. Gastroenterology Institute, Nursing Services, • Poriyah Hospital – Tiberias: Oncology Institute, Psychological Services. Gastroenterological Institute, Social Services. • Assouta Medical Center – Tel Aviv: Surgery and • Rabin Medical Center, Belinson Campus – Petah Clinics: Nursing services. Tikva: Oncology Complex, Hemato-oncology • Barzilai Medical Center – Ashkelon: Oncology Department, Urology Institute, Gastro Institute, Unit, Social Services. Social Services. • Bnei Zion Medical Center – Haifa: Early Detection • Rabin Medical Center, Golda Campus – Petah Unit for Breast Cancer, Social Services. Tikva: Oncology Unit, Nursing Services. • Carmel Medical Center – Haifa: Hematological • Rambam Health Care Campus – Haifa: Oncology Institute, Counseling Clinic for Families at High Risk, Institute, Hematology Institute, Pediatric Hemato- Social Services. oncology Department, Bone Marrow Transplant • Clalit Health Care Services: Nursing Services, Department, Early Detection Unit for Breast Cancer, Social Services, Nurse Call Center-Head Office and Neuro-oncology Dept., Nursing Services, Social in the following districts: Central Region, Northern Services. Region, Haifa and the Western Galilee, Southern • Ziv Medical Center – Safed: Early Detection Unit Region, -Petah Tikva, Jerusalem. for Breast Cancer, Oncology Unit, Social Services. • Clalit Health Care Services, Linn Clinic - Haifa: • Schneider Children’s Medical Center– Petah Oncology Institute, Zevulun Medical Center. Tikva: Pediatric Hemato-oncology Department, • Clalit Health Care Services - Haifa Regional Nursing Services, Social Services. Clinic: Home Care Unit. • Shaare Zedek Medical Center – Jerusalem: • Ha'amakim Hospice: Social Services. Oncology Unit, Early Detection Unit for Breast • Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem: Oncology Cancer, Hemato-oncology Dept., Dietary Services, Ward, Pediatric Oncology Care Unit, Surgical Complex, Nursing Services, Social Services. Bone Marrow Transplant Dept., Tissue Typing Unit, • Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer – Ramat Hematology Ward, Neuro-oncology Unit, Breast Gan: Oncology Institute, Pediatric Hemato-oncology Care Clinic, Social Services, Nursing Services. Department. • Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem: Hospice, • Sir Charles Clore Hostel – Givatayim. Early Detection Unit for Breast Cancer, Social Services, • Soroka Medical Center – Beer Sheva: Oncology Nursing Services. Department, Nursing Services. • Ha'emek Medical Center – Afula: Oncology Unit, • Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center – Tel Aviv: Nutrition Services, Women's Dept., Social Services. Oncology Insitute, Gastroenterology Institute, • Hospice Upper Galilee. Orthopedic Oncology Unit, Pediatric Hemato-oncology • Kaplan Medical Center – Rehovot: Oncology Department, Breast Health Care Center, Hematology 11 Unit, Early Detection Unit for Breast Cancer. Department, Pain Unit, Gyneco-oncology Clinic, • Laniado Hospital - Netanya: Social Services. Oncology Day Care Center, Social Services, Nursing • Maccabi Healthcare Services Clinics: Northern, Services. Hashfela (Coastal Plain) Sharon, Negev and • The Holy Family Hospital – Nazareth: Breast Health Jerusalem Regional Clinics: Nursing Services. Care Center, Social Services, Nursing Services. • Meir Medical Center – Kfar Saba: Breast Health • Wolfson Medical Center – Holon: Oncology Unit, Care Center, Social Services. Early Detection Unit for Breast Cancer, Hematology • Meuchedet Healthcare Fund: Social Services Institute, Nutrition and Dietary Services, Gyneco- • Nahariya Hospital: Oncology Unit, Early Detection oncology Unit, Social Services. New Public Information and Education Publications The ICA invests tremendous efforts and huge public awareness as to the importance of early resources in promoting public education on detection of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, cancer diseases, and particularly the possibilities prostate cancer, early detection of skin cancer, for prevention and early detection of those preventing the harmful effects of smoking prevalent cancers that may be prevented or and of sun exposure. Additionally, the ICA diagnosed at early stages. The information endeavors to promote a healthy lifestyle that activity encompasses extensive use of the is needed to maintain an energy balance media, with an emphasis on unique sectors of – (avoiding obesity and conducting regular the population, generating media campaigns, physical activity) research has proven that "Being a parent and coping with cancer" – a guide publication of informative material distributed maintaining the energy balance may reduce booklet for participants in workshops for parents who in hundreds of thousands of copies in Hebrew, the risk of contracting cancer diseases by have cancer Arabic and Russian, organizing seminars and more than 40%. This guide booklet was written by Dr. Michal Braun, of the conferences, training workshops, lectures Psycho-oncology Unit at the Sharett Institute, Hadassah Ein and professional training sessions. These Karem, and Dr. Ilanit Hasson Early Detection of Breast Cancer diverse information activities are conducted in – Ohayon of the Psychology Breast cancer is the most prevalent Dept. at Bar-Ilan University, different settings such as schools, community who lead workshops for malignant disease in Israel. The ICA parents who have cancer, centers, workplaces, health care funds, IDF which are designed to assist leads the battle against breast cancer parents in coping with (Israel Defense Forces) military bases, ICA their children during their on all fronts to reduce mortality rates treatments and branch offices, and other locations. all that involve. and to assist breast cancer patients and their families in coping, recovering and Additionally, the ICA operates a special getting back to normal life as quickly tele-information service - ‘Telemeida’, as possible. which operates in Hebrew, Arabic and Russian. This service provides information on all aspects of cancer and its prevention. Breast Cancer Awareness Month New Book: Hereditary October is officially designated as “The Colorectal Cancer Additionally, there is a resource center With financial assistance housing up-to-date professional literature International Breast Cancer Awareness in the form of a generous donation provided by the and is linked to many databases, where one Month”. This particular month seeks to Katzman family, Prof. Paul Rozen, Diagnosis and may receive assistance from highly skilled raise consciousness of the importance of Prevention of Malignant Diseases of the Digestive information specialists who are trained to early detection that can save lives, as well System Services Consultant as to heighten awareness of numerous 12 at Rabin Medical Center search international computerized databanks and Tel Aviv Medical Center, breast cancer patients on how to best along Inbal Keidear, Genetic and who are up to date on vital information Consultant at the Rafael cope with the disease. Thanks to the Recanati Genetics Institute for patients. of Rabin Medical Center, media exposure this subject has gained, initiated the English-Hebrew translation of this enriching Aiming to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality the code of silence has been broken and and professional book, which was written by researchers rates, the ICA invests special educational many myths have been diffused. For over and physicians from around the world as a tool that would efforts on prevalent diseases which may be a decade now, the ICA has been initiating provide answers to many prevented or diagnosed at early stages. With the implementation of activities marking questions on familial colorectal cancer. this goal in mind, the ICA acts to heighten this unique month in Israel. New "Illuminating in Pink" 2008 Publications

With pink floodlights, evoking the Pink Promise, the Cord Bridge at the entrance of Jerusalem was lit up in pink in October 2008, marking Breast Cancer Awareness Month, under the auspices of Estée Lauder and in collaboration with the ICA. The aim of the festive event was to convey the message that early detection saves life. Other locations which were illuminated in pink throughout the globe, as part of the international venture to promote awareness were: the Taj Mahal in India, the Empire "Fatigue and Exhaustion in State Building in the United Cancer Patients" in Russian States, Niagra Falls in Ontario Canada, the Tokyo Tower in Japan, City Hall in Seoul Korea, the Opera Building in Sydney and many other sites.

Media Campaign marking Breast Cancer having undergone a mammography screening Awareness Month 2007 test once in their lives, however only 65% A media campaign was held through all actually undergo the test once every two media channels regarding breast cancer. years on a regular basis. "Look Good Feel Better" This campaign aimed to increase awareness Guide for Men The ICA published a separate about early detection of breast cancer and New research studies distributed marking and unique guide for men that is similar to the "Look to promote mammography screening Breast Cancer Awareness Month Good Feel Better" guide for women that was recently compliance. This goal is conveyed through the As part of the ICA's educational efforts published. The guide covers following message: "An early detection test to increase breast cancer awareness, and all the types of treatments and side effects that may for breast cancer can save your life. Reached the importance of early detection, the ICA have an impact on the image and external appearance 50? You should get checked". The campaign distributed two new research studies. The of a cancer patient and suggests various coping referred women to the Telemeida service or first proved that breastfeeding significantly methods. Doron Shefer, a famous basketball player the website to receive an information booklet reduces the risk of contracting breast cancer who recovered from cancer, granted the ICA permission 13 free of charge. even among women who gave birth to their to use his photo on the Towards Awareness Month 2008, a new first born at an advanced age and are at booklet cover. public service announcement was produced to higher risk of contracting the disease. The inform women that a one time mammography second study revealed that Jewish females screening test is not enough, and that they of Eastern/Western European descent and must be screened once every two years. This Iraqi descent have identical genetic mutations public service announcement was based on which cause about 10% of breast cancer cases. the statistics that 80% of women report Furthermore, it emerged that gene mutation carriers and women who are not carriers, Michal Mobile Mammography Unit New have the same chances of recovery. continues its journey across the Publications country New Information Campaign for the The Mobile Mammography Unit travels Early Detection of Breast Cancer: through remote towns and among sectors "Someone who loves you reminds you of the population with a relatively low to get yourself checked" screening compliance rate. The unit aims Marking Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the to bridge the gaps in potentially life-saving Information and Education Dept. launched a screening compliance among women residing new campaign, "Pink Postcards", which asked in development towns, new immigrants, Danny at the Radiation Institute Booklet – two post offices` customers throughout Israel to women in Arab villages, and others. Each guide booklets for children send a personal pink postcard to someone receiving radiation therapy city and town has the mobile mammography to treat various areas of the that they love (mother, grandmother, wife, unit for a few days or weeks, depending on body as well as the head area (brain) girlfriend), reminding her of the importance the number of women in leach location. (for Sara Gardin, a radiation nurse at the Rabin Medical of the early detection of breast cancer, and more information please see the "Early Center and a member of ICA update committee, initiated encouraging her to go and get herself checked. Detection" Chapter). the publication of two special booklets for children The postcard was sent free of charge to undergoing radiation treatment recipients. The information campaign was at various medical centers. The booklets were published held in collaboration with the ICA, Israel Postal under the auspices of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. Authority, and courtesy of Novartis Oncology. as part of the "Roche lends a hand to patients" project. The opening ceremony was held in Tel Aviv The booklet is illustrated by Haya Yaniv and the following post office, with Miri Ziv,ICA Director General staff of Schneider Children's hospital provided professional in attendance, as well as Israel Post CEO, Avi and creative consultation: Ilana Buchwal, Head Nurse, Orna Hochman, and businessperson and famous Magides, Yehudit Shalev and model Shelly Gafni who sent the first postcard Shani Treistar art therapists, and Naomi Dotan, a clinical of the "Pink Postcards" campaign. Child Psychologist. The booklets were written in a child-friendly manner, with illustrations and full of color, and soon they will Early Detection of Colorectal also be published in Arabic and in Russian. Cancer

Press Conference Marking Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA Chairman, and 14 Miri Ziv, ICA Director General announced the opening of the "colorectal Cancer Awareness Month 2008" at a press conference held Smoke Free Home – New Sticker in March in Israel, concurrent to the global A new sticker that was produced this year, inviting awareness month. During this awareness children and parents to month, ICA held a campaign in media, focusing hang it up in their home and declare themselves as a on the importance of early detection as a life- "smoke free" family unit saver, and also held a seminar free of charge Shelly Gafni launched the campaign along with Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, and Avi Hochman, Israel Post CEO for patients and their families at the end of the month (for more information please in this option and called upon the public see the "Rehabilitation and Welfare" to increase its compliance to undergo fecal New Chapter). occult blood tests that are currently included Publications in the health basket. Colorectal cancer is the second most prevalent tumor in Israel and appears at a similar rate A "Sephardic Gene" (gene of Middle both in men and women, particularly at Eastern/Oriental origin) that increases the age of 50 and up. The morality rate the risk of colorectal cancer has been from the disease is identical to that of lung found in Israel cancer and is higher than the breast cancer A new Israeli research study was revealed at mortality rate this press conference. This study discovered a rare genetic mutation that increases the risk Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA Chairman, of contracting colorectal cancer. 15-20% of appealed to the media representatives and colorectal cancer cases are currently related This is how your contribution contributes requested their assistance in increasing to genetic hereditary factors. Among family – booklet for donors in Arabic awareness, mainly among the healthy members of those who have contracted population, regarding the fact that colorectal colorectal cancer, the risk of emergence of cancer may be prevented by maintaining the the disease increases by two-threefold as proper weight, the proper diet, and engaging compared to the general population. The in physical exercise. As opposed to many other study, led by Prof. Nadir Arber, Director types of cancer, in colorectal cancer there is of the Cancer Prevention Center at the Tel a 100% chance of preventing the disease. Aviv Medical Center, and supported by the "Unfortunately, according to statistics, a mere ICA, examined whether the genes causing 30% of the general population over the age the disease may be detected in the blood of 50 has undergone an early detection test of those same family members. In the event according to recommendations. that these genes are indeed detected, the Booklet for the New condition of gene carriers may be monitored, Claire and Emmanuel G. Rosenblatt Activity Dr. Yehiel Ziv, Chairman of the Israel Society and medicinal treatment may be offered to Support Center at Beit Rozenfeld of Colon and Rectal Surgery, the Surgical prevent the emergence of the disease. The new and spacious Division, Assaf Harofe Medical Center Tzrifin, Activity and Support Center was inaugurated at the ICA reminded the public of which symptoms may Haifa Branch several months ago. Marking its opening, indicate colorectal cancer: fecal occult blood, Judy Raviner, Ariela Litvitz and the rest of the branch anemia (lack of blood), change in intestinal staff initiated the publication of a new and special booklet activity, stomach aches that don't go away, inviting cancer patients and 15 their families to use the significant, involuntary weight loss. All these support services and take advantage of the signs require immediate medical attention. activities offered. Furthermore, Dr. Ziv reported techniques and innovations in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Dr. Ziv requested that the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance to provide colorectal cancer early detection tests to every person over 50 who is interested ICA media campaign to increase awareness The campaign included a TV clip that New of the importance of early detection of was broadcast on channels 1, 2, and 10 Publications colorectal cancer: "In real life – there and the ICA also saw to its publication isn't always a caution light" through newspaper ads, and radio public Marking Colorectal Cancer Awareness service announcements. Gitam BBDO Month, the ICA initiated a media campaign SOHO, volunteered its services to lead this to increase awareness of the importance of campaign, with well known actress, Yona early detection of colorectal cancer and to Elian, volunteering the moderating. motivate the general population to get checked and to obtain information about the disease, Open Line on Galei Tzahal Radio Station with the target audience being every one over marking Colorectal Cancer Awareness The hookah kills just like a cigarette – new poster 50. The campaign was led by the following Month In order to increase awareness of the harmful effects of slogan: "In real life – there isn't always a In early March the Galei Tzahal military radio hookah smoking, which is prevalent among young caution light. If you've reached the age of station hosted an open line on the subject of people and youth, the ICA 50- go get yourself tested!" The campaign colorectal cancer, with Miri Ziv, ICA Director published a new poster warning against the harmful focuses this time on a woman and it is a sequel General, participating, as well as Dr. Yehiel effects of hookah smoking. The poster was designed to the previous campaign starring a male, in Ziv, Chairman of the Israel Society of Colon in black with the hookah smoke rising in white, and is order to refute the erroneous view that this and Rectal Surgery, Surgical Division, Assaf captioned: "there are facts you can't hide – the hookah is a disease that mainly strikes men. Harofe Medical Center, and Prof. Dan Edreka, kills just like a cigarette". Director of the Digestive System Tumors Unit, Oncology Center, Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. The panel answered listeners' questions regarding prevention, diagnostic and treatment methods for the disease.

The Battle against Smoking

The ICA continues to endeavor on all

"Cancer isn't an animal" – fronts to reduce the smoking rate and new children's book mitigate its harmful effects in Israel. A new children's book was written and published thanks to the commendable initiative of two The bill for the prevention of smoking in young women, mothers of young children who contracted cancer public places and second-hand smoking and survived. Aviva Shatzberg, 16 an educator, and specialist in proposed by MK Gilad Arden was passed integrating the arts in education, was in charge of the writing, on the second and third reading, and and artist Talya Zion Atiya's illustrations adorn the book. came into effect in November The book shows the perspective of the child whose mother has This bill motivated the revolution in the contracted cancer, throughout all enforcement of the prohibition against stages of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery. The smoking in public places in the hopes of book was published courtesy of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel imitating the situation prevailing in some Ltd. as part of the "Roche lends a hand to patients" project. states in the United States, England and Ireland and that will soon take effect in most European countries. This bill imposes fines was distributed by the ICA (see above), on business owners (including bar owners) hundreds of inquiries and complaints from New whose customers smoke against the law, and citizens concerning smoking in public places Publications prohibits placing ashtrays in public places in and workplaces in violation of the law were spots that were not allocated as separate received at the ICA. Beyond the numerous smoking areas. The municipal authorities verbal clarification conversations and written are also obligated to provide the telephone responses, following inquiries, letters of number to call an inspector if need be. warning were sent to the relevant entities, The ICA supports and assisted in passing under the auspices of the ICA, requesting to the bill. Research studies have shown that act in accordance with the law. As a result of Patients coping with hair loss these letters there has been a collaborative This is a new booklet containing legislation banning smoking in public places information and coping methods directly leads to the mitigation of the harmful effort and informational material was sent for cancer patients suffering from hair loss. The booklet was effects of smoking. The increase in the fine to plants and other workplaces. translated and adapted based on information from the website of sum and its transfer to business owners also the British cancer organization, cancer backup, and was updated constitutes a deterrent and makes business The ICA launched a new media campaign and tailored to Israeli needs. The to increase the awareness of the harmful booklet contains information owners good will ambassadors on behalf about the effects of treatment effects of passive smoking: "Dear mom, on hair, the use of wigs, practical of the law. advice on treatments and what think of what goes on in your child's follows. Livia Kislev, ICA Head Nurse, and Orit Shapira, Don't be passive: "Smoke detector" – a body, when you smoke next to him" ICA Central Region Social Worker, provided professional complaint form for Israelis suffering At the end of November, ICA launched a consultation. from passive smoke is waiting at the national information campaign among mothers ICA website to increase awareness of the harmful effects The ICA has published a special report form of passive smoking. The public information for citizens who have suffered from second campaign was conducted under the slogan: hand smoke in violation of the law. The form, "Dear mom, think of what goes on in your structured according to the principles of child's body, when you smoke next to him" the law, may be downloaded from the ICA and was produced by Gitam BBDO SOHO, the advertising agency that has volunteered Updates and innovations website, filled out with the details relating to – booklet on cancer patient the violation of the law which has affected its services for ICA's media campaigns for nutritional support The cancer patient nutritional citizens - and sent to the relevant local years. The campaign was made possible by support booklet was updated and expanded. The booklet authority. The form defines the problematic Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd., leader contains extensive information regarding proper nutrition habits points according to the law, and will enable of the project "Roche lends a hand to the throughout the stages of the patient". disease, tips and menus which any citizen to indicate the violation of the assist in coping with side effects, The clip accompanying the campaign features information about the effects of 17 law and send it to the local authority. Local various treatments on nutrition, children in various locations – in the kitchen, food products for enrichment, tips authority details were also provided on the on several recipes for enrichment website. on their parents' bed and in the playground, and post-treatment nutrition recommendations. Yael Shpatz, while singing the popular children's song a certified clinical dietician at the Oncology Institute at Sheba Public Complaints and Educational Activity "Dear Mommy". Each one of the children at Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, assisted in updating and on the Harmful Effects of Smoking a certain point in the song begins to cough producing this booklet. In the wake of the coming into effect of while singing. At the end of the clip, the the amendment to the Law Prohibiting following caption appears, accompanied by a Smoking and the "Smoke Detector" that voiceover: "Dear Mommy, when you smoke near him – you inflict harm on him". The Colleague Seminar New campaign lasted weeks and was broadcast As in past years, the ICA worked in collaboration Publications on the TV channels and published in the with the Ministry of Education's School newspapers. . Psychology Services on a unique training program for youth in schools and junior high schools. As part of this training program, outstanding and socially active students are selected and trained to serve as social opinion leaders and to conduct activities on smoking prevention. The project was implemented in dozens of schools around the country and this year over 1,500 colleagues were trained. A colorful "Sun Smart" poster was produced at the outset of the summer vacation and summer "Breathing Healthy Air" Learning Centers season 2008 A new poster for children and School Program Development explaining sun safety rules As in previous years, the ICA has acquired, designed by Studio Billet. this year as well, twenty learning centers that conduct hands-on information activity regarding smoking and its harmful effects, cigarette advertising, peer pressure and more. The kits are distributed among several schools each year, and enable hundreds and thousands of pupils to take part in this learning experience. These kits are used by colleagues in youth activity. Likewise, the ICA initiated, wrote The law has been passed: an end to and produced programs and training guides smoking on IDF bases and at police geared toward professional teams.

Clore Hostel booklet – stations new booklet in Arabic The Knesset has passed the amendment to the Law Prohibiting Smoking in Public Places, initiated by MK Yoel Hasson, on the second and third reading. In the amendment it was established that prohibitions applying to 18 smoking in public places will also apply from New Sticker – "Smoking is Passé – So Don't Even Try It" now on to IDF bases, Israel Police stations, Sticker chosen to be part of ICA's wide variety of the Israel Prison Service and other security information materials in its facilities. According to the new law, it will unique collaborative endeavor with teen magazine "Ma'ariv be forbidden to smoke in classrooms at Lano'ar". For more information please see the "Information IDF military bases, in mess halls, in lecture and Education" Chapter. halls, and in closed quarters that constitute As part of the public information campaign, public areas. A solider may smoke in his/her the ICA in association with the Gitam BBDO SOHO distributed children's plastic cups full of simulated cigarette sleeping quarters. butts throughout the streets of Tel Aviv 19 Hebrew in Arabic Breast cancer in Breast Updated Updated about breast cancer about breast Additional Additional patients - 2008 edition Questions and answers Publications Rights and services for cancer

Photography: Flash 90 Football Players Players Football . Thanks to the publicity efforts, the event garnered unprecedented . Thanks to the efforts, publicity unprecedented the garnered event and medals that were prepared specially for the event by the the by event the for specially prepared were that medals and ICA vs. National League soccer players soccer League National vs. who performers and stars TV with held was game soccer special a February, early In increase to held was event The players. football league national against competed lifestyle, healthy a maintaining and air free smoke of importance the of awareness Aviv. Tel in Time Goal at Place took and the from appreciation of certificates received players the game, the of end the At free air and maintaining a healthy lifestyle: TV stars and performers smoke performers for game and celebrity stars TV special a – air" lifestyle: free smoke for healthy also a "I'm maintaining and air free Association response. positive very a gained and exposure media The Israel Council for the Prevention of environment, urban planning and more. The Additional Smoking "Smoke Free City" model has been recently Updated The Israel Council for the Prevention of Smoking integrated and implemented in order to assist Publications is a coalition of entities engaged in the subject decisions makers in the local authorities to of smoking, to relay information, coordinate adopt and realize the vision of a "Smoke activities and concert efforts to reduce the Free City", one in which the local authority rate of smoking and its harmful effects in is committed to reducing smoking rates, Israel. Among the Council members are the and to enforcing the prohibition against Ministry of Health, the ICA, the healthcare smoking in public places, and more. The ICA funds, the Ministry of Education and IDF. has begun accompanying several cities and Advocate Amos Hausner heads the Council, local authorities in this process, including and the ICA Information and education Kfar Saba, Hacarmel City (Dalia/Usafiya) and Dept. coordinates its activity. Kiryat Sefer/Modi'in Illit. Thanks to its activity among Knesset members, Catalogue of ICA publications the Council succeeded in thwarting a bill No Tobacco Day which purported to rescind the prohibition As every year and as part of the International of smoking in public places and to permit 'No Tobacco Day' held in all World Health smoking in some places of business. Organization (WHO) member countries since 1987, Israel marked this day on May Smoking Cessation Workshops 31st. This unique day seeks to place the As part of the ICA's activity to reduce smoking, smoking problem on the global agenda, several Smoking Cessation Workshops increase awareness as to the dangers have opened at Beit Mati in memory of involved in tobacco smoking and passive Matilde Recanati, the ICA head office in smoking, expand activities aimed at Givatayim. The participants undergo group fighting the smoking plague, to stand and behavioral therapy, in coordination with Cancer and Environment up for our right to a healthy life and to booklet a family physician and under the supervision protect the future generation. of the workshop moderator, they receive the appropriate drugs or nicotine substitutes. This year "No Tobacco Day" focused on The workshop is delivered by Mr. Amos young people and a "tobacco-free youth". Tafla, a psychologist and expert on smoking The ICA collaborated with the WHO to cessation, who accompanies and guides prohibit all types of advertising, promotion the participants in the smoking cessation and sponsoring of tobacco products. 20 process. Each workshop consists of 10 two-hours sessions. New study indicates that smoking increases the risk of contracting lymph Israel Network of Healthy Cities gland cancer Sun Smart – "How to" guide The ICA is a member of the Israel Network A new study that was published as part of of Healthy Cities which has been active since "No Tobacco Day" examined the link between 1990 in promoting a "Health for All" policy, smoking and lymph gland cancer (lymphoma) which will have an impact on the general in its various forms. The study was conducted population in terms of quality of life and by investigators from several universities across Europe. The researchers used a large database between students, from several Israeli schools, that was compiled using a questionnaire about marking "No Tobacco Day", took place this Additional cancer and lifestyle. About 500,000 subjects year. The students engaged in the subject Updated participated in the research at 23 different of smoking prevention, conducted research Publications medical centers in 10 European countries. studies or prepared presentations on smoking. The study revealed that smoking increases The competition was held and financed by the risk of contracting Hodgkin's lymphoma the ICA, in collaboration with the Ministry by twofold both in women and men alike. of Education - the Psychological Consultative This is the first study in the world which has Service (SHEFI) - and the Israel Lung Disease linked smoking with lymph gland cancer, in and Emphysema League. addition to other types of cancers, which have already been proven to be caused by smoking. The research study was published in the May edition of the American Journal of Epidemiology.

New gene affects the number of Alcohol consumption cigarettes smokers smoke and cancer A new research study has revealed a link between genetics and the number of cigarettes people smoke. A strong link between the detected gene and the smoker's dependency on nicotine emerged in this study. The investigation of the link between lung cancer morbidity and peripheral vascular disease and the gene identified among smokers also revealed a strong link between Early detection of the two. Upon finding the link between the breast cancer gene and nicotine dependency, the research investigators emphasized that it is important to keep in mind that the human genome not only affects how people react to their environment, but also the tendency to seek or avoid that same environment. The 21 research study was conducted by scientists from Europe, New Zealand, and the United States and was published in the scientific journal Nature in the April 2008 edition.

Annual Competition between Schools on the Subject of Smoking As in previous years, the national competition "Hospitals in Nazareth – Smoke Free" geared towards promoting a healthy lifestyle. Additional As part of the "Smoke Free Northern District" A "throw that cigarette away" campaign Updated project, a press conference was held at the was also held and the public information Publications end of May at the "Holy Family" Hospital representative of the central bus station was in Nazareth, with Engineer Ramez Jaraisi mingling with the public and requesting that – Nazareth's Mayor in attendance, as well as smokers throw way their packs of cigarettes Michal Cohen-Dar – the Ministry of Health's into the garbage. Those who gave up their Northern District Physician, Bashara Bsharat pack of cigarettes received bonuses and gifts – Director of Nazareth Hospital, Selim Nahla from different bus station stores who support –Director of the French Hospital, Ibrahim a smoke free bus station. Harbaji – Director of the Holy Family Hospital, and Mr. Faten Ghattas – ICA Activity "No Tobacco Day": "Smoking wrinkles Director in Arab Society. At the press are the least of your problems. Smoking conference held to promote the health of kills" Campaign in women's bathrooms Guide to purchasing a prosthesis and swimwear Nazareth's population, the participants signed at nightclubs (for breast) a special agreement to keep the hospitals The law forbidding smoking in public places smoke free. came into effect about half a year prior to"No Tobacco Day", however despite progress made "No Tobacco Day" at the Central Bus in restaurants and cafes, there is still much to Station in Tel Aviv be improved in the nightclub scene in Israel. The new central bus station, the ICA and Hence, ICA decided that the clubbers are to the municipal supervision of the Municipality be addressed, in a place everyone frequents, of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, joined forces to increase in addition to the regular information activity awareness as to the harmful effects of against smoking in schools, in the media, at smoking on International "No Tobacco Day". conferences and more. This year, nightclubs The collaboration was formed in order to were the focus. The public information Everything you wanted to heighten awareness regarding the harmful campaign addressed young women, soldiers know about cancer but were afraid to ask effects of smoking, to promote a healthy or even youth with an ad featuring a young, lifestyle and to convey a clear message that beautiful and sharply dressed women, the new Tel Aviv Central Bus Station is a who is "wrinkled" and the message is: smoke free location. The joint project that "Smoking wrinkles are the least of your lasted several days included the set up of problems. Smoking kills". These ads appeared ICA information booths throughout the bus in women's washrooms in over 200 leading 22 station, where information sheets and stickers nightclubs, cafes and bars throughout Israel were distributed to travelers frequenting the courtesy of "Le'omek Hatoda'a" (penetrating station. Contemporaneously, public service consciousness) company. The ad was designed announcements about the harmful effects on a volunteer basis by Gitam BBDO SOHO of smoking were also displayed on a large advertising agency. Contemporaneously, ads Lymphedema – or screen, and a jingle was aired throughout warning that smoking can cause impotency swollen limb the bus station and posters were set up. were posted in men's washrooms. These ads Concurrent with the information activity, join an extensive ICA publicity campaign that there were sports classes open to the public, runs throughout the year, and is expanded a campaign to promote awareness among teens as to the harmful effects of smoking. As Additional part of the campaign, a special competition Updated was held to find a slogan for a new anti- Publications smoking sticker. Each suggestion that was received awarded the senders with an ICA "Life is beautiful without smoking" sticker and the top three winners were awarded valuable prizes. Ma'ariv Lano'ar publicized the slogan that was selected "Smoking is passé – so don't even try it" and ICA issued and distributed the sticker among the general population. Getting back to normal life with urostoma (urinary stoma)

ICA's "The Hookah" campaign produced by Gitam BBDO SOHO won first place in the PSA Category in Reel Lives: Cancer Chronicles Film Festival organized by the UICC (International Union against Radiotherapy to the Cancer) breast area "The Hookah" ICA PSA produced by BBDO SOHO, won first place at "Reel Lives: Cancer Chronicles Film Festival" organized by the UICC. The winning clip was chosen Best PSA at the on "No Tobacco Day", staring May 31st. The First Ever International Documentary Film ICA set up information booths nationwide Festival on Cancer held in Switzerland as part on this day, and held information activities at of the annual UICC Conference (for further schools and launched an advocacy campaign details about the conference please see 23 through all media channels. the "International Conferences" Chapter). The "Hookah kills like a cigarette" campaign Unique Collaboration between ICA aimed to increase awareness among a target Information and Education Dept. and audience consisting of young people between Ma'ariv Lano'ar Teen Magazine the ages of 12 and 18 who believe that the In early June, the teen popular magazine hookah is harmless, unlike the cigarette, and "Ma'ariv Lano'ar" collaborated with the ICA that it doesn’t cause cancer. Many studies Information and Education Dept. and launched in this field have shown that this perception is erroneous and hookah smoking impairs Seminar for Health Promoters marking Additional one's health and may cause cancer just Skin Cancer Awareness Week Updated like a cigarette. The winning clip features a ICA's Health Promoter, Ms. Noa Gal, initiated Publications simulated hookah emitting smoke forming a National Seminar for Health Promoters which letters that create the words "banana", "apple", took place in mid-May at Beit Mati, ICA head "strawberr y", office in Givatayim as Skin Cancer " c h e r r y " – and Early Detection Awareness assorted hookah Week approached. Ms. Rivka flavors. Then a Froehlich-Zeltzer, ICA Information final transparency and Education Dept. Director and appears and the Spokesperson, opened the seminar announcer asks with an overview of ICA activity to "Which flavour promote awareness of the harmful Knowing more about throat cancer would you like effects of the sun and the importance your cancer to be? of early detection. This was followed - The hookah kills by lectures delivered by leading like a cigarette". physicians who volunteer on ICA Out of 250 clips update committees. The seminar and public service closed with an open panel discussion announcements with the audience participating. that were presented, 33 made it to the finals, including 4 ICA public service announcements – "Chips", "Basketball", "The Shadow" and Knowing more about "The Hookah" which claimed first prize in metastastic cancer of an unknown source this category, and was hailed as "stylish and unique" by the panel of judges.

Preventing Harmful Effects of the Sun and Early Detection of Skin Cancer

Some twenty years ago, the ICA began educational activities for the general population, with the aim of reducing the harmful effects 24 of the sun and increasing awareness as to the Knowing more about importance of early detection. As part of this secondary liver cancer program, for the past 17 years, a “Skin Cancer- Prevention and Early Detection Awareness Week” has been held annually for the general public and children, at the beginning of each summer, alongside educational activities, including seminars, health awareness days and more. Press conference marking the launch Dr. Micha Bar-Hanna, Director of the National of "Skin Cancer and Early Detection Cancer Registry of the Ministry of Health, Additional Awareness Week" cited that "in Israel 1,200 new patients are Updated The 17th Annual Skin Cancer Awareness diagnosed annually as compared to 970 Publications Week took place in mid-June this year. Thanks patients in previous years. The increase is to this campaign, the early detection rate mainly apparent in a prevalent disease among of melanoma has increased, both among native Israeli women and men, who pay women and men. The awareness week the price of 'sun bathing', a commonplace includes a media campaign on skin cancer custom in their infancy years ago. Stability has and its early detection, as well as a TV, radio been recorded among women and perhaps and newspaper campaign, and the set up even a declining trend. This is indicative of of information booths in central locations heightened public awareness and alertness, in various cities. In addition, over 300 early concurrent with increased chances of a cure detection examination stations for skin and recovery". Knowing more about stomach cancer cancer were opened across the country, in conjunction with all healthcare funds and Dr. Michal Lotem, Dermato-oncologist at with assistance from the Israel Association the Oncology Institute at Hadassah Medical of Dermatology and the Israel Association of Center Jerusalem, reported a new vaccination Plastic Surgery. Free examinations for the early aimed at preventing disease recurrence among detection of skin cancer were conducted at melanoma patients with metastases, which these stations regardless of healthcare fund was developed at the Hadassah medical membership, and information brochures were Center in Jerusalem, with financial support also distributed to the general population. from the ICA. Knowing more about During the press conference, a special ICA The ministry of health, with the help of the chronic lymphocytic survey was revealed and new research studies ICA, issued new guidelines regarding the leukemia (CLL) were reported as were Israel National Cancer labeling of sunscreen products, their expiry Registry statistics. date and their method of use.

Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, said: "This is New ICA Survey marking the opening the largest campaign that has been conducted of Skin Cancer, Preventing and Early in the health system, which combines Detection Awareness Week forces in a unique way for the benefit of A new survey marking Skin Cancer Awareness public health in Israel. This is a 17 year long Week, conducted by Market Watch Research tradition which significantly contributes to Institute for the ICA among a representative Knowing more about 25 chronic myeloid heighten awareness of the importance of sample of the Jewish Hebrew speaking leukemia (CML) early detection which is potentially life-saving. population in Israel aged 18 and up, indicated The collaborative effort is not something a high awareness trend among the public that is to be taken for granted in Israeli regarding sun behavior, with the majority life, and I thank the healthcare funds and of the Israeli public (73%) indicating that it the hundreds of dermatologists and plastic internalized the message that says health surgeons who offer their services each year comes before a tan; this trend is particularly to achieve this important goal". salient among 45-54 year olds (86% of whom internalized this message). A minority of 5% Sun Smart Campaign returns to the Additional indicated that they intend to tan a lot and as Children's Channel: ICA and the Children's Updated quickly as possible and 18% indicated that Channel launched another campaign in Publications they intend to tan but only during safe hours the successful and effective sun smart – before 10 am and after 4 pm. Additionally, series to increase children's awareness it appeared that the Israeli public is more as to the harmful effects of the sun aware of the harmful effects of the sun As part of this campaign, short and humoristic than in the past. fillers were aired at the beginning of the summer on the Children's Channel and on the mini website, starring Hadar Levi. In each filler, Levi deals with sun exposure in situations taken from everyday life, while abiding by ICA rules for careful sun exposure Knowing more about primary liver cancer such as wearing a hat, staying in the shade, wearing long sleeves, applying sunscreen lotion, wearing sunglasses and more. During the solution to the problem, the problematic Israel Hadari and Asaf Dahan – Twing situation becomes a situation in which Levi Joint ICA-Jetix Children Channel campaign becomes "sun smart". – 'Gur and Och' Jetix stars led the campaign The "sun smart" advocacy series is based on with a series of skits for children engaging the principle of social marketing whereby the in sun smart behavior ICA conveys educational and informational Jetix Channel and the ICA launched a joint messages relating to cancer prevention through Knowing more about campaign, which included new comical the media, in a humoristic manner and in a prostate cancer skits written specially for children engaging language that "speaks" to children, that is in the subject of sun smart behavior. As acceptable to them and helps them connect part of the TV campaign, 30-60 second with the messages. The series first aired on humoristic skits were produced with content the children's Channel 16 years ago, and it tailored specifically to Jetix's target audience, is accompanied by educational activity at children between the ages of 6 to 14. These summer camps, schools and kindergartens, skits also referred viewers to the ICA kids which is conducted by medical and public internet website. The campaign aired as health students, with financial support the summer vacation approached, and from the ICA.

26 continued throughout the summer season. Photography: Israel Hadari Knowing more about pancreatic cancer Also, various skits were aired on the Jetix website, and surfers were invited to score the funniest skit. Every viewer who gave scores received a "Sun Smart" sticker. This successful cooperative project has been implemented for the fifth consecutive year, with the aim of heightening awareness and changing sun behaviour among children. Additional Prostate Cancer Awareness Day Updated Publications The ICA marked Prostate Cancer Awareness Day further information please see the "Rehabilitation in early September; prostate cancer is the most and Welfare" Chapter), as well as lectures on prevalent cancer among men in Israel. September prevention, early detection and treatment of saw this awareness day throughout the world prostate cancer, which were open to the general in order to place prevention, early detection public and delivered free of charge at several ICA and treatment of prostate cancer on the public branches throughout the country, in conjunction agenda. According to Ministry of Health National with the Israel Urologists Association. Cancer Registry statistics, about 2,500 mean are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year New additional research studies have shown a and 400 men die of the disease. The causes of link between lifestyle and prostate cancer prostate cancer are not fully known. However, Marking Prostate Cancer Awareness Day, the ICA Knowing more about bile it has emerged that men who have paternal published new research studies indicating and duct cancer relatives who have contracted the disease prior reinforcing the link between lifestyle and prostate to the age of 70 have a higher risk of developing cancer. For example, a new study conducted at prostate cancer. There are additional factors that the University of Athens in Greece established that increase the risk of contracting prostate cancer, work that entails physical activity reduces the risk such as smoking, unhealthy diet, obesity and lack of contracting prostate cancer. During the research of physical exercise. 320 male subjects who contracted prostate caner Prostate cancer is common particularly among men were examined, and the scientists compared them over the age of 50 and its manifestations among to 246 healthy male subjects. The scientists found younger men are less frequent. As opposed to that among the men whose work entailed sitting other types of cancer, prostate cancer grows very such as office workers, teachers, public servants Radiotherapy to the slowly, and so, particularly among older people and people who work at other jobs that do not prostate cancer there might not be any symptoms. There are entail physical activity, were at a 30% higher risk cases in which the cancer cells are in the prostate of contracting prostate cancer, as opposed to men gland in the body and the tumor in the prostate who work at a job involving physical activity such can remain unchanged for a lengthy period. as construction workers, bakers, electricians and According to scientific evidence, about a third of hairdressers. The men over the age of 50 and the majority of men inactive workers over the age of 80 have cancerous cells in the also have a 40% prostate, however as mentioned, only among a higher chance of small percentage of them does the disease affect suffering from life expectancy. a n e n l a r g e d 27 As Prostate Cancer Awareness Day approached, Knowing more about prostate. The cervical smears the ICA launched a media campaign, including research study was radio public service announcements and newspaper published in the ads under the slogan "Would you rather die of September issue shame?" coordinated by Gitam BBDO SOHO. of the European Contemporaneously, the ICA conducted a seminar Journal of Cancer for prostate cancer patients and their spouses (for Prevention. Additional Information Activities to might be the next stars of the Israel Cancer Additional Promote the Fight against Cancer Association's campaign. Want to reduce your Updated Diseases risk of contracting cancer? please contact Publications Telemeida" The campaign lasted weeks New ICA campaign produced by Gitam and was broadcast on TV channels and BBDO SOHO to increase awareness of websites, appeared in the newspapers, and the importance of maintaining "energy was aired on the radio. The campaign was balance" and healthy lifestyle conducted voluntarily by Gitam BBDO The ICA launched a national media campaign, SOHO advertising agency, and Gil Komer to increase public awareness of the importance volunteered the voiceover. of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and "energy balance" (normal weight and physical Survey conducted as a result of ICA's exercises), in order to reduce the chances "Healthy Lifestyle Campaign" establishes Knowing more about of contracting cancer. It is a known fact that that 51% of Israelis will change their testicular cancer one can prevent various cancers by adopting lifestyle a healthier lifestyle. New research studies have It appears that the Israeli public is ready to shown that excess weight, a high-fat diet, a change its lifestyle when it understands high calorie intake and little physical exercise, the risks involved in an unhealthy lifestyle. may increase the chances of contracting cancer A new survey conducted by ICA, through diseases. Subsequent to these studies, the the Geocartography Institute, establishes International Union against Cancer, UICC, that 51% of Israelis asserted that they were announced that 40% of cancer cases may persuaded to change their habits as a result be prevented. Hence, the main message to of the ICA campaign. From the survey the public is: maintain a normal BMI (body conducted following the campaign it emerged Knowing more about vaginal cancer mass index), eat many fresh vegetables and that about a third (34%) of the Israeli public fruits, engage in physical exercise on a regular was exposed to the ICA campaign. 71% basis, stop smoking and avoid excessive of those exposed (constituting 24% of the alcohol consumption. Through this campaign general public) saw the campaign on TV. the ICA tried to motivate people to take The percentage of those exposed to the action and to maintain their body's energy campaign decreased with the increase in balance. At first, the clip which accompanies age, and it was relatively low among low the campaign looks like a wanted ad for a wage earners (27%) and among religious TV reality show, with the titles appearing on and ultra-Orthodox families (19%). 77% of 28 screen like a TV promo, and the announcer Israelis who were exposed to the campaign The Book of Life booklet in the background invites viewers to audition could explain the ad's message. 54% of the for the new ad. Requirements: people who public indicated that the message conveyed are overweight, whose only sports activity is in the ICA information campaign regarding sitting in front of the TV, who drink alcohol the link between lack of sports activity, excessively, are junk food addicts; smokers have obesity and alcohol consumption and the an advantage (a hookah also counts). After risk of contracting cancer was very reliable presenting the requirements, the announcer in their opinion. This rate was significantly asks: "Do you fulfill the requirements? You high among the public that indicated that they were exposed to the ad in an unaided in the Bodies gym club, and lectures were manner, as compared to those who didn't see delivered on the harmful effects of smoking or hear the ad through the media channels and uncontrolled sun exposure; arts and (61% as compared to 50% respectively). crafts activities were also held for children, a As stated, 51% of the public indicated that spinning marathon took place, and aerobics the message conveyed sufficiently or highly and body toning classes were given courtesy motivates and convinces them to change of Bodies gym club. their habits and lifestyle. Israel Cancer Association Services Seminar on "Early Detection Saves Lives!" in Katzrin, Special Seminar for Hebrew Telemeida The northern region branches of the ICA staff and the Northern Region Social Worker, A seminar for Telemeida volunteers, initiated Ariela Litvitz, initiated a special seminar and organized by Nurith Zin, head of on cancer – awareness and importance of Telemeida, was held in late January. About early detection - held for the public at large twenty volunteers attended the seminar at the Katzrin branch. The seminar featured and heard a fascinating lecture delivered on the following lectures: 'Cancer – Awareness breast reconstruction and breast retaining and Importance of Early Detection' delivered surgery by Dr. Yoav Barnea, a senior plastic by Dr. Shnirer, head of the Oncology Institute surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Ward at Tel at Poriyah Medical Center and 'Enlisting the Aviv Medical Center. This was followed by a Immune System in the Fight against Cancer' special workshop accompanied by a lecture delivered by Dr. Gidi Gross, Head of the delivered by Social Worker Ruthie Bar Department of Biotechnology at the Tel Hai Levav of the Rabin Medical Center. During Academic College and senior investigator in the workshop, the participants discussed immunology at the Migel Research Institute. feelings that arose during their ongoing work The ICA Information and Education Dept. with callers coping with cancer. assisted in publicizing this event in the local newspapers of the north. Telemeida in Arabic The ICA Telemeida in Arabic was established "We Are All Winners" – special happening in mid-2003. The hotline is accompanied by for increasing awareness of early detection and run under the guidance of ICA Activity and prevention of cancer held in Kiryat Director in Arab Society, Faten Ghattas, and Shemona ICA social worker of the Northern Region, 29 The Kiryat Shemona branch of the ICA initiated Ms. Ariela Litvitz, and social worker Hanad a special happening to increase awareness of Abaiye. Prof. Jamal Zidan Director of the importance of early detection of cancer the Oncology Institute at the Ziv Medical and the Information and Education Dept. Center in Safed, and Dr. Manassa Ramon, assisted in running and publicizing the event surgeon at the Breast Care Center at the Holy in the local newspapers of the north. As part Family Medical Center in Nazareth serve as of this event, held in early June at Hagomeh professional consultants. The information Junction, information boots were installed and support hotline callers are from diverse sectors of the population, and many calls the number of calls; about 200 calls were are received from patients who have been received that same week, all revolving around diagnosed with the disease, as well as from examination and early detection stations. The survivors, and relatives and friends of patients medical staff working at the hotline, headed requesting information, contact or support; by the Director of Telemeida in Russian, calls are also received from professionals and Dr. Samyon Shapiro, hold health seminars the general public who have been assisted by throughout the country with the participation ICA booklets and request further information. of Russian speaking specialists, such as Some callers identify themselves by name oncologists, endocrinologists, urologists, etc. and some prefer to remain anonymous. These health seminars are designed specially The content of the calls ranges from calls to increase awareness about the importance from people who wish to receive further of early detection and to place an emphasis information about different types of diseases on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. and calls from people who seek emotional support when they feel desperate, hopeless Reinforcing Resource Center Staff and and helpless. The hotline's publicity through Innovations on the ICA Website media channels has significantly increased the The ICA Resource Center has been in operation number of calls. There is advocacy activity for 20 years, with new fields of activity added in order to promote the hotline through each year, such as online professional and hospitals and welfare bureaus. scientific responsibility on the ICA website, and this year the online hotline will welcome a Telemeida Activity in Russian new resource specialist to its ranks, according In 2008 thousands of calls were registered at to the significant tasks, who joined the the information hotline in Russian. The calls experienced seasoned staff. The staff answers vary: callers seeking information about the questions mainly addressed by cancer patients disease, treatment and prevention methods, and their families on many different complex information material, callers who have issues, such as the link between the patients questions about rights and services, and and the health establishment, assistance who seek emotional support and ways of and guidance regarding various support coping with cancer. Fears of the possibility of entities, assistance in dealings with the contracting the disease also emerged (exposure health care funds in all that concerns drugs to the Chernobyl nuclear reactor's radiation, and treatments that are not included in the breast cancer gene carriers among Ashkenazi health basket, other information searches, 30 women, skin cancer, etc.). Consultants, social etc. Concurrent with their ongoing work, workers, advocates and psychologists join the ICA website was recently upgraded for the regular staff as required. The staff assists the welfare of patients. In addition to the in translating ICA information booklets and extensive information found on the website, during awareness months the staff manning including individual responses to questions, a the information hotline is reinforced. During new forum network has been uploaded on Skin Cancer and Early Detection Awareness the website. There are currently eight forums Month, there was a significant increase in in operation run by leading experts who are members of ICA's update committees, and as per request and response, additional forums The ICA website in English contains will be uploaded, as well as additional subjects updated information regarding activities related to cancer diseases, rehabilitation and and services performed by ICA. how to cope with the disease. It also supplies information regarding cancer Additionally, the ICA website was expanded research and research breakthroughs, and in Russian and several information sheets in specifies supported medical institutions Russian were uploaded on various cancer and projects by ICA as well as ICA diseases. The events schedule is updated branches abroad. The website details online. The ICA website in Arabic is also ways of supporting ICA by donating for continually updated on a daily basis. a specific project, a research grant, the Book of Life, Gifts in memory etc.

31 Early Detection Breast Cancer funds. All women between the ages of 50 and 74 are invited to be tested once every National Mammography Screening two years. The mammography program Program and summoning activity have raised the The National Mammography Screening screening compliance rate, which currently Program initiated and currently run by the stands at about 65%. A total of 3.2 million ICA in conjunction with the Ministry of Health mammography tests have been monitored and healthcare funds, has been monitoring in Israel, and about 350,000 this past year breast cancer detection activity in Israel for alone. the past 15 years. Prof. Gad Rennert, Director of the Community Medicine and Mobile Mammography Vehicle – Epidemiology at Carmel Hospital heads this "Michal" national program. The ICA Mobile Mammography Vehicle Since the outset of this project, the number –"Michal" is now in its seventh year of operation of mammography units operating in Israel has throughout the country. The objective of grown from 20 to 56 of which are currently the mobile vehicle is to enable women who monitored by the National Mammography reside in remote areas, as well as those who Screening Program. This monitoring program are unaware of the importance of the test, operates under defined national and international to undergo a mammography screening standards, implements standard computing close to home. This project aims to improve methods that provide the necessary information screening accessibility and compliance with and facilitates monitoring of detection quality. the test, which can save lives. The Mobile These institutes under quality assurance Mammography Vehicle "Michal" operates control, standard procedure in all western in collaboration with the Clalit, Maccabi countries, receive complete information on and Leumit Healthcare Services. Since the the detection rate of women examined, on mobile vehicle began operating, the gaps the features of tumors detected and possible in compliance rates that formerly existed failure indices. between the various sectors of the population The main objective of the National have been considerably narrowed. This year, Mammography Screening Program is to thanks to the initiative of a member of ICA's 32 ensure a decrease in breast cancer mortality Executive Board, Mr. Yoel Feldshaw, the rates, as has been proven in population studies Israel Motor Vehicle Importers Association that have discovered a 30% decrease in initiative provided a generous donation to mortality in women over the age of 50 who financially support its activity. have undergone mammography screening in The mobile vehicle is staffed by a professional controlled programs. team of Mor-Mar, the company in charge of This year the scheduled appointments for performing and deciphering screening tests. mammography screening continue, conducted A personal invitation letter is sent to women in close collaboration with the healthcare of the appropriate age in every town the mobile reaches and ads are placed by the in Haifa and the Tel Aviv Medical Center, have ICA in the local newspapers announcing been operating counseling clinics for high-risk the mobile’s scheduled activity in the region. population. This project is run in association (For more information about the mobile with the ICA, which continues to finance the mammography vehicle's activity, please employment of the professional staff operating see the Public Information and Education the service at Carmel Medical Center, which Chapter) serves as the national headquarters on this subject.

Colorectal Cancer Identifying High-Risk Population For over 10 years, the ICA has adopted the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Union against Cancer (UICC) regarding the importance of Regional Early Breast Cancer Detection screening populations at high risk for developing Stations colorectal cancer. The program combines public The ICA continues to assist in operating the education within the community and in the regional early breast cancer detection stations workplace. Aiming to promote awareness about throughout the country. the importance of early detection and to raise the test compliance rate, the ICA finances two A national public education program operates years of special activity at three centers which among the general female Israeli population have presented an outstanding program to to promote breast health awareness and to detect high risk population, while conducting emphasize the importance of early breast training activity for professional and educational cancer detection. Many efforts have been staff who guide the general public. invested in the various sectors of the population, In 2008, the program was conducted at the including the Arab sector, kibbutzim (collective following medical centers: Hadassah Ein settlements), new immigrants, the ultra- Karem, Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson Orthodox sector, etc. Informational material Hospital and the Ziv Medical Center in was distributed in hundreds of thousands of Safed. copies in Hebrew, Arabic and Russian. The above medical centers were requested to operate according to recommendations Familial Cancer – Counseling Program formulated at the consensus meeting sponsored 33 for Families at High Risk by the Ministry of Health, the ICA, and the Israel Medical Association, with specialists from People with a family history of certain types abroad in attendance. The recommendations of cancer among first-degree relatives, such established the necessity of targeted screening as colorectal, breast, ovarian, prostate cancer for early colorectal cancer detection among the and melanoma, are considered to be at high healthy population over the age of 50, as well as risk for developing cancer diseases. For the the need to conduct educational activity among past eight years, the Carmel Medical Center professionals and the general public. New Book: Hereditary Colorectal Cancer its early detection may significantly increase The book "Hereditary Colorectal Cancer" was chances for a cure and recovery. published early this year; it was adapted to As part of this healthcare fund program, local needs and published in a Hebrew edition every person over the age of 50 is invited compatible with the original Australian version. to undergo a fecal occult blood test once a The book was first published in English in year. Other patients, who are at high risk, are Australia and was written by a large number invited to a colonoscopy test at frequency of specialists from all over the world. This as recommended by a physician. The report project offers a unique combination of writers and monitoring are conducted by the Center in order to convey the vast knowledge and for the Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer experience acquired by each and every one (coordinates the medical program, computers of the specialists in his/her particular field. and administration and computing personnel), One of the main objectives of the book which compiles all the information obtained was to reach each person in his/her own through a steering committee comprised country and in his/her own language; hence, of healthcare officials, a Ministry of Health Prof. Paul Rozen, Consultant for the Detection official and anICA representative; Prof. Gadi and Prevention of Malignant Diseases of the Rennert has been appointed Chairman of Digestive Tract Services at the Rabin Medical the Steering Committee. Upon the ICA's Center and Tel Aviv Medical Center, and Inbal recommendation, the fecal occult blood Keidar, Genetics Consultant at the Rafael test has entered the quality indices under Recanati Genetics Institute at the Rabin Medical review by the Ministry of Health at the various Center, initiated the translation and publication healthcare funds. of this enriching and professional book, with financial assistance from a generous donation Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month provided by the Katzman family; this book Each year, in early March, the ICA announces was designed to serve as an informational the inception of Colorectal Cancer Awareness tool that would provide answers to the Month. This local event, held concurrent numerous questions that emerge regarding with all the other international events held familial colorectal cancer. throughout the world, is officially declared at a special press conference, with the leading National Program for Early Colorectal experts in the field of digestion in attendance. Cancer Detection During Awareness Month, the ICA conducts The Ministry of Health has responded an extensive and comprehensive educational 34 affirmatively to ICA's initiative and has campaign through all public media channels. implemented the National Program for the This publicity campaign includes TV public Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer for the service announcements tailored specifically past three years. This program is similar to the for this subject, and various radio broadcasts longtime National Program for Early Breast to convey the importance of early detection. Cancer Detection in women. The necessity An open expert hotline on "Galei Tzahal" (IDF of this program is evidenced by the fact that radio station) is aired, and, additionally, ads it is a disease with high mortality rates; this run in the local and national newspapers, in disease, however, may be prevented, and Hebrew, Russian and Arabic. The slogan chosen to lead ICA's educational part of this program initiated by the ICA, and campaign this year is "In real life – there adopted by the Ministry of Health three years isn't always a caution light. Have you ago, all healthcare funds were instructed reached the age of 50? An early detection to perform a screening test for the general test can save your life, get yourself population of insured according to the policy tested!" that was established in the circular issued by The ICA believes that placing this subject the Director General of the Ministry of Health on the public agenda will have an impact dated May 2005, upon the recommendation on women and men over the age of 50 to of the National Oncology Council. This policy undergo the early colorectal cancer detection established that all residents between the test. This is a test which may prevent and ages of 50-74 would be invited once a year detect the disease at a stage where it may to undergo a fecal occult blood test. The be cured. National Program monitors early detection tests performed in Israel, and develops databases to enhance testing quality. These databases contain information about colonoscopy tests performed in Israel and the findings of these tests, radiology diagnoses including barium enema tests and virtual colonoscopy tests, all the histological reports of the intestinal tissue (both benign lesions and malignant lesions) and information from the oncology institutes. At this stage, only partial information is forwarded from some of the health institutions in Israel. All the information is monitored in order to ensure a high quality national program, anticipated to lead to a decline in colorectal cancer incidence rates and mortality rates in Israel.

Healthcare Funds Reports as part of the National Program: The healthcare funds report that in 2007 Initial Summary of National Early Detection 260,000 fecal occult blood tests were performed 35 and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer among the target population consisting of 1.28 Program million subjects, with differences in test rates From initial statistics of the National Early between the healthcare funds. Additionally, Detection and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer about 100,000 optical colonoscopy tests and Program, it emerges that the percentage of virtual colonoscopy tests were performed those undergoing testing is still low – about among the target population. The colonoscopy 30%; however, this constitutes a significant test is recommended for people at high risk increase as compared to previous years. As of contracting colorectal cancer, people with a first-degree family history of colorectal sun at dangerous hours and taking safety cancer, as well as for people suffering from precautions for ‘sun smart’ exposure, as well inflammatory intestinal diseases, and also as raising awareness of the importance of serves for investigation among symptomatic early detection (for more information please patients. This data suggests that the national see the Public Information and Education compliance rate for early detection tests Chapter). During Awareness Week, the ICA and colonoscopy is close to 30%. This is launches a public information campaign and significant rise in comparison with last year, ICA informative material is distributed at IDF in which performance rates fell below 10%; bases, in schools, etc. Additionally, a national however these rates still express a large network of 300 screening stations is made gap vis-à-vis the desired rate, which is a available to the public. These booths are population screening rate of close to 70%. A manned by dermatologists and plastic surgeons disconcerting statistic was also reported – over from all healthcare funds throughout the a third of subjects who tested positive in the country. Early detection rates of melanoma fecal occult blood test which requires further - malignant skin cancer - have risen ten times testing, have yet to undergo the colonoscopy since the campaign was launched! test. The statistics could possibly be worse. It is difficult to provide a precise statistic in Early Detection Programs all that concerns tests that were performed The ICA encourages the submittal of early solely for early detection, seeing as many of detection research proposals. As part of the colonoscopy tests are performed due to the Early Detection Committee's activity, a clinical finding or monitoring of patients. the following programs were approved for Prof. Gad Rennert, Head of the National financing this year: Program who reported on the statistics at the press conference expressed the hope that • Prof. Amiel Aliza, Meir Medical Center, next year with a more expanded monitoring on: The prediction of Hepatitis C patients who program, he would be able to present more are prone to develop malignant disease.​ optimistic statistics, that will save the lives of • Dr. Rozner Guy, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical many and called upon the public: "A simple Center, on: Completion of molecular genetic test, that is non-invasive and conducted analysis in patients having the clinical at home, can save your lives and the lives phenotype of FAP, in whom only partial of hundreds of others, each year. Go get APC sequencing was performed and found yourself tested". 36 normal. Skin Cancer Awareness Week • Dr. Cherninsky Rakefet, Hadassah Medical Now in its seventeenth year, the Skin Cancer Center, Ein Karem, on: Diagnostic potential of Awareness Campaign aims to increase tumor markers and cytokine levels in blood awareness as to the importance of preventing and saliva of patients with oral premalignant the harmful effects of the sun and the lesions significance of early skin cancer detection. • Prof. Yosef Kapilushnik, Soroka Medical The campaign emphasizes public education Center, on: Early Detection of Colorectal in all that concerns avoiding exposure to the Cancer via Infrared Spectroscopy. Rehabilitation and Welfare Seminars for the General Public of the "Young Stoma Patients" group. • "New developments in the healthcare Seminars focusing on various cancer-related system" delivered by Mr. Meidad Gissin, subjects are organized on a frequent basis President of the Israel Stoma Organization, by the ICA Rehabilitation and Welfare Dept., Chairman of Tzvi – Israel Health Consumers such as: treatment methods, side effects and Association. how the patient and his/her family deal with the disease. The positive feedback that we 2008 – The Israel Stoma Organization have received about the seminars reinforced conference was held in early November at Beit the need to continue holding seminars each Mati. The conference opened with the same year. format as the previous one, an exhibition and This year, like in the years before, numerous round tables with stoma nurses on a question conferences and seminars were held for and answer panel. This session was followed by the benefit of cancer patients and their a lecture delivered by Ms. Aviva Eisenberg, families, the medical staff as well as for Clinical and Medical Psychologist, Kaplan the general public. Medical Center, "The body and stoma – from imperfection to perfection and reconciliation". National Annual Conferences of the Ms. Livia Kislev, ICA's Head Nurse, held Israel Stoma Organization a ceremony in tribute to Ms. Aliza Yaffe, 2007 - The Annual National Israel Stoma ICA's former Head Nurse who retired. Organization Conference was held in early Dr. Ofer Kaspi, Integrative Medicine Director, October at the Rambam Health Care Campus. at Rabin Medical Center - Belinson Hospital, The conference opened with an exhibition "Wise Consumerism in Alternative Medicine", and a panel of stoma nurses responded to Ms. Yafit Na'or, volunteer for the Young audience's questions. This panel was followed Stoma Patient Organization, recounted the by the lectures listed below: activities of the young organization, and Mr. Meidad Gissin, lectured on updates • "Coping with Change" delivered by and innovations in the healthcare system Ms. Roni Gegin, Director of the Social Work and updates from the European Conference Services, Rambam Health Care Campus. of International Stoma Organizations, held • "Enhancing sexual health of male stoma in Czechoslovakia, 2008. 37 patients" delivered by Dr. Yoza Chen, Sex Therapist, Tel Aviv Medical Center. Seminar for Young Women who • "Intimacy with stoma – how to?" delivered Contracted Breast Cancer by Ms. Livia Kislev, sexual health nurse 2007 - The ICA held a unique seminar for representing the ICA. young breast cancer patients (up to the age • "Impressions from the Stoma Conference of 40) and their partners in mid-October at in Puerto Rico" delivered by Mr. Ran Beit Mati. About 100 women attended the Rubinstein, volunteer and representative conference which featured lectures specially tailored to the young female public. The seminar the opening greetings. The following lectures was led by Prof. Moshe Inbar, Head of the were subsequently delivered: Oncology Institute at Tel Aviv Medical Center and Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, • "Updates and innovations in treatment of delivered the opening greetings. The seminar breast cancer in young women" delivered by featured the following lectures: "Innovations Dr. Bella Kaufman, Director of the Breast and updates on breast cancer treatment in Cancer Unit at Sheba Medical Center at Tel young patients" delivered by Dr. Ella Evron, Hashomer. Director of the Breast Cancer Service at • "'Because you came out of me...' About Assaf Harofe Medical Center, "Breast cancer being parents of adolescents and coping genetics" by Ms. Sherry Lieberman, Genetics with cancer" delivered by Dr. Inbar Cohen, Consultant at Sha'are Zedek Medical Center, Psycho-oncologist, Sharrett Institute, "The modern age of breast reconstruction Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem. in full and partial mastectomy" by Dr. Eyal • "Breast reconstruction at a young age Gur, Director of the Micro-Surgery Unit at – trends and innovations" delivered by the Plastic Surgery Ward at Tel Aviv Medical Dr. Dean Ad-El, Director of the Plastic Center, "Fertility in young women with Surgery Ward, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson breast cancer" by Dr. Dror Meirov, Head of Hospital and Schneider children's Medical the Gynecological Service for Women with Center, Head Physician at Clalit Esthetics. Breast Cancer at at Tel Hashomer Medical • "Options for maintaining fertility in breast Center, "Intimacy among young cancer cancer patients" delivered by Dr. Fuad patients" by Ms. Livia Kislev, ICA Sexual Azam, Director of Fertility and Conservation Consultant, "Always a mother – children Service, Tel Aviv Medical Center. coping with their mother's disease" delivered • "Breast cancer and female sexuality" by Dr. Michal Braun, Psycho-oncologist at delivered by Dr. Liora Abramov, Sex Sharrett Institute, Hadassah Medical Center, Therapist, Lis Maternity Hospital, Tel Aviv Ein Karem. Towards the end of the seminar, Medical Center. a panel of experts was held with lecturers • Breast Cancer Heredity – should you know answering questions. The seminar was held about it at a young age?" delivered by courtesy of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Dr. Michal Sagi, Genetic Consultation Ltd. as part of the Roche Lends a Hand to Coordinator for families with a history of Patients project. breast and ovarian cancer, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem. 38 2008 - At the end of September, The ICA held a seminar for young women (up to the The seminar ended with a question and answer age of 40) who contracted cancer and their panel featuring the seminar lecturers. The spouses at Beit Mati, ICA's head office. enriching day was held under the organizational The seminar was led by Dr. Ella Evron, and professional direction of the Northern Breast Cancer Service Director at Assaf Harofe Region Social Worker, Ms. Ariela Litvitz Medical Center. Ms. Aliza Dolev, ICA Head and courtesy of Roche Pharmaceuticals of Rehabilitation and Welfare Dept, delivered Israel Ltd. "Celebrating Life" Seminar by Dr. Bella Kaufman, Director of the Breast 2007 - The ICA's annual "Celebrating Life" Cancer Unit at Sheba Medical Center at Tel seminar was held at Kfar Hamaccabiya in Hashomer, and Ms. Aliza Dolev, ICA Head Ramat Gan at the end of October 2007 for of Rehabilitation and Welfare Dept, opened breast cancer patients and their partners. the seminar delivering greetings. The seminar Over 600 women participated at the seminar featured the following lectures: to which there was a very positive feedback attesting, above all else, to the importance • "Innovations in breast cancer treatment" of the subjects presented. The seminar was delivered by Dr. Noa Efrat (Ben Baruch) opened by Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, Director of the Oncology Institute at Kaplan and Dr. Shulamit Reizel, Director of the Medical Center. Breast Service at the Oncology Institute of • "Delayed treatment side effects" delivered Davidoff Medical Center, who orchestrated by Dr. Nava Zigelman-Danieli, Director the event. The seminar featured the following Oncology Service Line, Maccabi Healthcare lectures: "Innovations in treating breast Services. cancer" delivered by Dr. Bella Kaufman, • "Innovations in Breast Reconstruction" Director of the Breast Cancer Unit at Sheba delivered by Dr. Yoav Barnea, Director Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, "Tailoring of the Breast reconstruction Service, Plastic customized breast cancer care" delivered Surgery Ward, Tel Aviv Medical Center. by Dr. Noa Efrat (Ben Baruch), Director • "Physical exercise and nutrition" delivered of the Oncology Institute at Kaplan Medical by Dr. Yoni Yarom, expert on sports Center, "Complementary Medicine in breast medicine. cancer care – wise consumerism" delivered by • The safe use of medicinal herbs and Dr. Ofer Kaspi, Director of Integrative dietary supplements" delivered by Dr. Lee Medicine at Rabin Medical Center - Belinson Goldstein, Clinical Pharmacology Service, Hospital, "The two of us together and each one Ha'emek Medical Center. separately - about cancer and couplehood" • "Couplehood, intimacy and sexuality delivered by Dr. Michal Braun, Psycho- – making the impossible possible" delivered oncologist at Hadassah Medical Center, Ein by Ms. Gila Bruner, Director of the Sexology Karem, "What is wisdom? – Winnie the Pooh Service, Sexual Medicine Center, Sheba meets Woody Allen" delivered by Dr. Haim Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. Following Shapira, mathematician and philosopher. A the lectures, a unique and moving dance question and answer panel was held featuring performance was staged – "Dancing Life" the lecturers and dietician Ms. Oranit Topaz- – performed by "Yad Lehachlama" (Reach 39 Plotnik and physiotherapist Ruthie Peleg. to Recovery) volunteers, along with women The seminar was held courtesy of Roche who discussed the disease and joined dancers Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. from the TV reality show "Dancing with the Stars". An expert panel was held at the end 2008 - The traditional seminar for women of the seminar featuring seminar lecturers as coping with cancer "Celebrating Life" was well as physiotherapist Gilles Bracha of the held at the end of October 2008 at Kfar Hillel Yaffe Medical Center and Ms. Sigal Hamaccabiya. The seminar was moderated Frishman, Director of Clinical Nutrition Unit at Rabin Medical Center - Belinson Hospital. receives oncology treatments", delivered by The seminar was held courtesy of Roche Dr. Maya Gifes, Senior Oncologist at Sha'are Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. zedek Hosptial. A question and answer panel was held at the end of the seminar featuring Seminar for Women at Risk of Contracting the seminar lecturers. About 150 patients Breast Cancer attended the seminar held courtesy of Roche 2007 - In late October a seminar was held at Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. Beit Mati, ICA's offices, for healthy women at risk of contracting breast cancer. The 2008 - A seminar for lung cancer patients participants heard lectures on the following and their families was held in mid-November subjects: "Genetics, Family and Breast at Beit Mati. A green lung installation Cancer" delivered by Prof. Eitan Friedman, comprised of plant holders was set up on Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, the lawn at the entrance to the building; "Physical Activity and Nutrition" delivered the participants constructed a picture of by Mr. Yair Karni, nutrition and sports green lungs from puzzle pieces that they expert, and "Risk factors, prevention and received upon registration. The seminar early detection of breast cancer" delivered was moderated by Prof. Ofer Merimsky, by Prof. Tamar Peretz, Director of the Director of the Skeletal and Soft Tissue Sharett Institute, Hadassah Medical Center, Oncology Unit at Tel Aviv Medical Center Ein Karem. At the end of the seminar, there and opened with greetings from Mrs. Miri was a panel discussion featuring the experts Ziv, ICA Director General, followed by the who answered questions. About 100 women lectures listed below: participated in the event held courtesy of • "Updates and innovations in treating lung Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. cancer" delivered by Dr. Maya Gottfried, Director of the Lung Cancer Unit, Sapir Seminar for Lung Cancer Patients Medical Center. 2007 - The seminar for lung cancer patients • "PET CT in Lung Cancer" delivered by and their partners took place in mid-November Prof. Einat Even-Sapir, Director of the at Beit Mati, ICA's head office, under the Nuclear Medicine Institute, Tel Aviv Medical direction of Dr. Dov Flax, Senior Physician Center. at the Davidoff Center, Beilinson Campus. • "Improving quality of life for lung cancer Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, opened patients" delivered by Dr. Maya Gifes, the seminar. Following her greetings various Senior Oncologist, Shaare Zdek Medical 40 lectures ensued: "Diagnosis and surgical Center. treatment for lung tumors", delivered by • "Surgical treatment of lung cancer" delivered Dr. Alon Ben Nun, Director of the Chest by Dr. Alon Ben-Nun, Director of the Surgery Ward at Sheba Medical Center at Dept. of Chest Surgery, Sheba Medical Tel Hashomer, "Innovations and updates Center at Tel Hashomer. The lectures were on lung cancer treatment", delivered by followed by a question and answer panel Dr. Maya Gottfried, Director of the Lung comprised of the seminar lecturers. Cancer Unit, Sapir Medical Center, and The seminar was held courtesy of Roche "Quality of life of the lung cancer patient who Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. • "Coping with sexual functioning in view of prostate cancer", delivered by Dr. Zachi Ben Zion, of the Treatment Clinic for Sexual and Couple Function Disorders at Soroka Medical Center.

A panel of experts was held at the end of the seminar featuring the seminar lecturers and dietician Oranit Topaz, of Clalit Healthcare Services. The seminar was held under the direction of Prof. Ofer Nativ, Head of the Seminar for Prostate Cancer Patients Department of Urology at Bnei Zion Medical 2007 - A seminar was held for prostate cancer Center, courtesy of Novartis and Aventis. patients and their families in mid-November 2007 at Kfar Hamaccabiya. About 750 people 2008 - Toward the end of September a participated in enriching lectures on the seminar for prostate cancer patients and their following subjects: partners was held at Kfar Hamaccabiya, led • "Prostate cancer – prevention and diagnosis" by Prof. Yaakov Ramon, Director of the delivered by Prof. Haim Matzkin, Head Urology Ward at Sheba Medical Center at Tel of the Department of Urology at Tel Aviv Hashomer, which garnered an unprecedented Medical Center. attendance of 900 people. The seminar • "Surgical treatment of prostate cancer" opened with greetings from Ms. Aliza delivered by Dr. Zohar Dotan, Head of Dolev, ICA Director of the Rehabilitation the Uro-oncology Unit at Sheba Medical and Welfare Dept. The seminar featured the Center at Tel Hashomer. following lectures: • "Hormonal treatments in prostate cancer • "Prostate Cancer – prevention, diagnosis, and patients" delivered by Dr. Avivit Neuman, risk factors" delivered by Dr. Ilan Leibovitz, Senior Oncologist at Sapir Medical Head of the Urology Ward, Sapir Medical Center. Center. • Updated protocols and future innovations in • "Surgical treatment of prostate cancer chemotherapy in prostate cancer patients" patients" delivered by Prof. Ofer Nativ, delivered by Prof. Avishai Sela, Head of the Head of the Urology Ward, Bnei Zion Medical Oncology Institute at Assaf Harofe Medical Center. Center. • "State-of-the-art technologies in treating 41 • "Radiation therapy in prostate cancer" prostate cancer" delivered by Dr. Menahem delivered by Dr. Eliyahu Gez, Senior Physician Laufer, Urology Ward, Sheba Medical at the Oncology Institute at Rambam Health Center at Tel Hashomer, Prostate Cancer Care Campus. Foundation. • "Supportive treatment for prostate cancer • "Updates and innovations in treating patients" delivered by Ms. Yaakova Kaufman, prostate cancer patients" delivered by Dr. Eli Chief Nurse of the Urology Institute, Sheba Rosenbaum, Head of the Uro-oncology Unit, Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. Rabin Medical Center - Belinson Hospital. • "Radiation therapy for the treatment of Benny, Digestive Tract Tumors Center, prostate cancer" delivered by Dr. Mark Rambam Health Care Campus. Vigoda, Head of the Radiotherapy Unit, • "Quality of life in colorectal cancer patients" Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem. delivered by Prof. Ofer Merimsky, Director • "Supportive nutritional treatment for prostate of the Skeletal and Soft Tissue Unit, Tel Aviv cancer patients" delivered by Ms. Limor Medical Center. Ben Haim, Nutritionist, Clalit Healthcare • "Complementary medicine – for complete Services. health" delivered by Dr. Ofer Kaspi, Head of • "Coping with sexual functioning with the Supplementary Medicine for Cancer Unit, prostate cancer" delivered by Ms. Livia Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson Hospital. Kislev, ICA Head Nurse. • "Rolling with laughter" – laughter workshop led by Ms. Ruth Hai, senior laughter yoga A panel of experts was held at the end of the instructor. A question and answer panel was seminar for a question and answer session, held at the end of the seminar featuring the led by Prof. Avishai Sela, Director of the seminar's lecturers and dietician, Ms. Hagar Oncology Institute at Assaf Harofe Medical Miller of Clalit Healthcare Services. Center. This panel featured the seminar lecturers and Ms. Amira Shtenger, Urology Seminar for Lymphoma, CLL and acute Oncology Nurse of the Tel Aviv Medical Center. leukemia patients The seminar was held under the tutelage of 2008 – In the beginning of April a seminar for ICA Central Region Social Worker Ms. Orit Lymphoma, CLL and acute leukemia patients Spira, and courtesy of Novartis Oncology was held at Kfar Hamaccabiya, under the and Sanopy-aventis. direction of Prof. Eliezer Rachmilevitz, Director of the Hematology Institute at Wolfson Seminar for colorectal cancer patients Medical Center. ICA Director General, Miri and their families Ziv, opened the seminar, and her greetings 2008 – In the end of March a seminar for were followed by the lectures listed below: colorectal cancer patients and their families • "Treating leukemia – present and future", was held at Kfar Hamaccabiya, under the delivered by Prof. Ofer Spielberg, Director direction of Dr. Ayala Hubert, Head of of the Hematology Institute at Rabin Medical the Digestive Tract Tumors Unit at Hadassah Center, Beilinson Hospital. Medical Center, Ein Karem. Mrs. Miri Ziv, • "Treating lymphomas – present and future" ICA Director General delivered greetings, and delivered by Prof. Dina Ben Yehuda, 42 her opening remarks were followed by the Director of the Hematology Institute at lectures listed below: Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem. • "Risk factors, prevention and genetics" • "Comprehensive treatment for the delivered by Prof. Dan Edreka, Director hematology patient" delivered by of Digestive Tract Tumors Unit, Oncology Dr. Irit Avivi, of the Hematology Institute Institute, Sheba Medical Center at Tel at Rambam Health Care Campus. Hashomer. • "Bone marrow transplant and new • "Innovations and updates in the treatment directions toward the future" delivered by of colorectal cancer" delivered by Dr. Alex Dr. Avihai Shimoni, Director of the Bone Marrow Transplant Dept. at the Hematology • "Patients with neuro-endocrinological tumors Complex at Sheba Medical Center at Tel – diagnosis and treatment" delivered by Hashomer. Prof. David Gross. • "Innovations in neuro-endocrinological Following the lectures, a special performance treatment" delivered by Dr. Ido Wolf of was staged: "Through the heart – a meeting by the Oncology Institute at Sheba Medical Yuval Dor" with artist Yuval Dor. A question Center at Tel Hashomer. and answer panel was held towards the end, • "Surgical treatment of endocrinological featuring the seminar lecturers and dietician tumors" delivered by Prof. Petahya Reisman, Limor Ben Haim from the Tel Aviv Medical Director of the Dept. of Surgery at Shaare Center. The seminar was held courtesy of Zedek Medical Center. Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. • "The genetic basis of neuro-endocrinological tumors" delivered by Dr. Simona Gruzinsky, Endocrinologist at Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson Hospital. • "We're all in the same boat" delivered by Ms. Yael Shpatz, clinical nutritionist at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer.

At the end of the seminar, the lectures were followed by a question and answer panel featuring the seminar lecturers, led by Dr. Asher Shalmon, Sharett Institute, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem, and the Medical Administration of the Ministry of Health. The seminar was held courtesy of Novartis Oncology.

National mid-annual conference for patients who have undergone complete Seminar for patients with neuro- throat removal endocrinological tumors 2008 - The end of May saw a national mid- 2008 - A seminar for patients with nuero- annual conference for patients who have endocrinological tumors was held in early undergone complete throat removal. The 43 April at Beit Mati, ICA's head office. The conference was held at Beit Mati, ICA's head seminar was moderated by Prof. David Gross, office. At the outset of the meeting, the Coordinator of the Treatment Complex for participants and lecturers met over a cup of Patients with Neuro-endocrinological Tumors coffee for free conversation and visited the at Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem. ICA exhibit on supportive equipment, such as a Director General, Mrs. Miri Ziv, delivered speech valve, stoma covers, etc. Dr. Andy opening remarks, followed by the lectures Wolf, dentist and President of Selivell Ltd. listed below: lectured on "Coping with a dry mouth: what's new?" a "Laughter Yoga – releasing • "Coping with exhaustion, anemia, and sleep experience" workshop was led by Ms. Bella disorders during treatments" delivered by Evron, a certified laughter yoga instructor, and Dr. Itai Levi, Director of the Hematology a discussion was held among the conference Complex at the Soroka Medical Center. participants. The day's events were summed • "The safe use of medicinal herbs and up by Ms. Frieda Kornbrut, ICA Speech dietary supplements" delivered by Dr. Lee Therapist. Goldstein, Pharmacology Service, Ha'emek Medical Center. Joint Seminar of the ICA and the Israeli • "How the family copes with cancer disease" Society of Pediatric Hematology and delivered by Social Worker Yaniv Ben Oncology on childhood and adolescent Shoshan, Family Therapist, the Upper cancer Galilee Supportive Treatment Staff. 2008 - A seminar for parents of children • "Intimacy and Couplehood during treatments" with childhood and adolescent cancer, led by delivered by Ms. Livia Kislev, ICA Head Prof. Miriam Ben Harush, Chairman of the Nurse. Israeli Society of Pediatric Hematology and • "Morning of three sunrises – a guide to an Oncology, was held at Beit Mati, ICA's head optimistic way of life" delivered by Ms. Hagit office in early June. ICA Director General, Siman Tov, lecturer and instructor. Mrs. Miri Ziv, opened the seminar, delivering opening remarks, which were followed by The seminar, organized by Ms. Ariela lectures on the subject. The seminar ended Litvitz, ICA Northern Region Social Worker, in a question and answer panel led by ended with a question and answer panel. Prof. Yosef Kapelushnik, Director of the The seminar was held courtesy of Roche Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Institute at Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. Soroka Medical Center. For more information, please see the "Professional Seminars and Seminar for kidney and bladder cancer Conferences" Chapter. patients Seminar on "Quality of Life for cancer 2008 - A seminar for kidney and bladder patients" cancer patients was held in late June at 2008 - A special seminar on quality of life for Kfar Hamaccabiya. The seminar was led cancer patients was held at Kfar Hamaccabiya in by Dr. Zohar Dotan, Director of the Uro- mid-June. The seminar was led by Prof. Rafael Oncology Service at Sheba Medical Center Katan, Director of the Oncology Complex at at Tel Hashomer, and the following lectures 44 Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. ICA were delivered: Director General, Mrs. Miri Ziv, delivered • "Updates and innovations in kidney and opening remarks, which were followed by bladder cancer" delivered by Prof. Avishai lectures on the following subjects: Sela, Director of the Oncology Institute at • "Coping with side effects of chemotherapy Assaf Harofe Medical Center. treatments" delivered by Dr. Rivka • "Surgical Treatment of kidney and bladder Katzenelson, Senior Oncologist at the cancer" delivered by Prof. Jacques Beniel, Oncology Institute at Kaplan Medical Director of the Urology Dept. at Rabin Center. Medical Center- Beilinson Hospital. • "Side effects and quality of life among Regional Conferences kidney and bladder cancer patients" delivered by Dr. Avivit Neuman, Senior Physician Joint ICA and Ziv Medical Center Breast at the Oncology Institute at Sapir Medical Cancer Seminar Center. In early February, a joint seminar was held by the ICA and Ziv Medical Center on breast A special performance entitled "How are cancer at the Canaan Spa Hotel in Safed. you?" was delivered by artist Ms. Rina Greetings were delivered by Dr. Oscar Fadwa. The seminar, organized by Rachel Ambon, Director of the Ziv Medical Center, Ophir, ICA Southern Region Social Worker, Prof. Jamal Zidan, Director of the Oncology was held courtesy of Pfeizer. Institute, Ziv Medical Center, and Ms. Ariela

Patients and families were invited to participate in a unique activity in which their point of view on quality of life would be committed to paper. Among other things written by patients were phrases expressing their feelings such as "sleeping through the entire night until the morning", "Seeing the sunrise and sunset everyday", "Living in happiness and knowing that everything is still ahead of me", "Positive thinking is imperative", and more.

45 Litvitz, ICA Northern Region Social Worker. The seminar featured the following lectures: The following lectures were delivered: • "What is Lymphoma? And what is advanced • "Updates on breast cancer" delivered by treatment for this disease?" delivered by Prof. Jamal Zidan. Dr. Michael Benett. • "Early detection of breast cancer via • "Innovative treatments for chronic mammography screening and ultra sound" lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) delivered by delivered by Dr. Ariel Prober, Director of the Dr. Ivgeny Chover, Senior Hematologist Radiology dept. at Ziv Medical Center. at the Hemato-Oncology Institute, Ha'emek • "Is there a biological difference in breast Medical Center. cancer? Comparative research between • "Supportive treatment for side effects of Arab and Jewish women" delivered by chemotherapy" delivered by Dr. Israel Prof. Jamal Zidan, Director of the Oncology Gavish, Senior Hematologist at the Hemato- Institute at the Ziv Medical Center. Oncology Institute, Ha'emek Medical • "Intimacy and couplehood during treatments" Center. delivered by Ms. Livia Kislev, ICA Head • Coping with cancer of a family member" Nurse. delivered by Ms. Hagit Zuker and • "Lymphatic draining – caring for and Ms. Sara Eshel, social workers, Social preserving hand health" delivered by Service, Ha'emek Medical Center. Ms. Lotti Miller, Physiotherapist, Ziv Medical Center. The seminar concluded with a personal • "Intelligent nutrition" delivered by account of cancer patient, Ms. Ofra Kayin Ms. Michal Eilon, clinical dietician, Ziv and a question and answer panel featuring Medical Center. the seminar's lecturers. The seminar was held courtesy of Roche Pharmaceuticals A question and answer panel featuring the Israel Ltd. seminar lecturers was held at the end of the seminar; Mr. Yigal Yehezkeli, Behavioral, Seminar on Innovations in treatments Organizational and Educational Consultant and cancer-related information delivered a lecture on "Taking life easy and A seminar on innovations in treatments and humor seriously". The seminar was held courtesy cancer related information was held in March of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. 2008 at the "Tikvateinu" community center Seminar on Lymphoma and Chronic in Kiryat Shemona, organized by Ms. Ariela Lymphocytic Leukemia CLL Litvitz, ICA Northern Region Social Worker, 46 In early March a seminar for cancer patients and with assistance from the Chairperson of and their families on Lymphoma and Chronic the ICA Kiryat Shemona Branch, Ms. Ruth Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) was held at the Schwartz and a social worker student from Ha'emek Medical Center in Afula. The seminar Tel Hai Academic College. Ms. Ariela Litvitz opened with greetings from Ms. Ariela Litvitz, opened the seminar with greetings which were ICA Northern Region Social Worker, and followed by a lecture delivered by Dr. Gidi Dr. Michael Benett, Director of the Hemato- Gross, Head of the Biotechnology Faculty Oncology Institute at Ha'emek Medical Center, at Tel Hai Academic College, on "Cancer who orchestrated the event. and the immune system", Social Worker Mr. Yaniv Ben Shoshan, a family therapist Seminar on aspects and innovations in at the Upper Galilee Hospice, lectured on cancer treatment "How the family copes with cancer", and Upon a commendable initiative of the Tiberias Prof. Sna'it Tamir, Dean of the School of Branch of the ICA, a seminar was held for Science and Technology at Tel Hai Academic cancer patients and their families on aspects College, lectured on "New research in nutrition of and innovations in cancer treatment, held for cancer patients". at the Caesar Premier Hotel in Tiberias. ICA Tiberias Branch Chairperson, Ms. Dalia Seminar on breast cancer Slutzky, and Ms. Ariela Litvitz, ICA Northern A seminar on breast cancer was held in the Region Social Worker, opened the seminar. end of July at Rambam Health Care Campus. They were followed by Dr. Yitzhak Shnirer, The Director of the Oncology Institute at Director of the Oncology Institute at the Baruch Rambam, Prof. Avraham Kuten, opened Padeh Poriya Medical Center, who lectured the seminar with greetings, followed by the on "Innovations in cancer treatment" and lectures listed below: Ms. Levana Bernstein, a Breast Health • "Innovations and updates in breast cancer Coordinator at the Oncology Institute treatment" delivered by Dr. Georgette at Baruch Padeh Poriya Medical Center, Fried, Director of the Breast Health Care lectured on "Intimacy and couplehood during Center, Oncology Institute, Rambam Health treatments". Care Campus. • "Intimacy and Couplehood during and after treatments" delivered by Ms. Livia Kislev, Continuing Education Courses for ICA Head Nurse. Professionals • "Post breast surgery pain" delivered by The ICA has been recognized by the Ministry Ms. Naomi Gottlieb, physiotherapist of Education as an authorized institution specializing in treatment of pain and for continuing educational courses. The lymphedema, Pain Relief Clinic, Rambam professional continuous educational courses Health Care Campus. are an important part of ICA activity to train • "ICA activities in the northern region" professionals in the unique field of treating delivered by Ms. Ariela Litvitz, ICA Northern cancer patients and their families. This training Region Social Worker. is especially designated for oncology and is • "Opting for happiness, meaningfulness, and not provided in an academic framework. hope, by employing body and soul skills to cope with cancer" delivered by Ms. Devora • A seminar for Hemato-oncology 47 Reicher, ICA social worker. secretaries was held in November. Lectures The seminar concluded with a question and were delivered on the following subjects: answer panel featuring experts and led by "Supplementary medicine", by Dr. Ofer Ms. Hana Zohar, Breast Care Coordinator Kaspi of Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson nurse, Oncology/Breast Institute Rambam Hospital, "Innovations in colorectal cancer Health Care Campus. The seminar was treatment", by Dr. Benny Alexander of held courtesy of Roche Pharmaceuticals Rambam Health Care Campus, "Psycho- Israel Ltd. social treatment at oncology institutes", by social worker Ms. Tatyana Gleiser of • "The characteristics of psycho-social treatment Ziv Medical Center, and "Dilemmas: the of older patients with cancer" delivered by terminally ill patient law", by Dr. Shlomit Dr. Miri Cohen, Dept. of Gerontology, Perry of Rabin Medical Center - Belinson Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Hospital. Haifa. The seminar was organized by Ms. Ariela • "Geriatric Oncology: do older cancer patients Litvitz, Orit Spira and Rachel Ofir, regional require different treatment than younger social workers. individuals with the same diseases?" delivered by Prof. Lodovico Balducci of the H. Lee Israel Psycho-oncology Society Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute Seminars Tampa, Florida. An Israel Psycho-oncology Society seminar • "Tablets and fragments of the tablets: was held in the end of November 2007 at elderly patients from a Jewish perspective" Beit Mati. About 100 nursing, psychology delivered by Dr. Uriel Levinger, Internal and social work professionals who care for Ward B, Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson cancer patients, participated in the seminar. Hospital. Dr. Michaela Berkovitz, delivered a lecture • "Being elderly and a cancer patient: legal on "Dilemmas at the end of life: when to stop and ethical issues involved in the treatment curative treatment", Dr. Yaira Hamama-Raz of cancer patients" delivered by Dr. Israel lectured on "How melanoma survivors adapt, Doron, Dept. of Gerontology, Faculty of and how personal strength, communication Welfare and Health Sciences, Haifa. style and cognitive evaluation contribute to this At the end of the seminar Prof. Lea Beider, survival", Prof. Michael Zilberman lectured Head of the Psycho-oncology Unit at Hadassah on "The Middle East Cancer Consortium Medical Center, Ein Karem, moderate a (MECC) – its nature and relevance to psycho- clinical panel. oncology". Ms. Inbar Cohen recounted the personal story of a mother with breast cancer Medical Students Day and her adolescent daughter who coped About 50 second year medical students together with the disease. from Soroka Medical School in Be'er Sheva convened for an intense seminar at Beit An additional Israel Psycho-oncology Society Mati. This is a long time tradition, in which seminar on: "Treating the elderly cancer patient" medical students get a taste of oncology 48 was held with the financial assistance from and psycho-oncology. Ms. Nira Tammuz, the Leah and Eliyahu Arbel Foundation ICA Resource Center Director, gave an at Beit Mati, in early November 2008. overview of ICA activity on behalf of patients Dr. Shlomit Perry, Chairperson of the Israel and against the disease, Ms. Livia Kislev, Psycho-oncology Society and Director of ICA Head Nurse, lectured on: "Sexuality the Psycho-oncology Unit at Rabin Medical and body image among cancer patients", Center – Beilinson Hospital, organized the Ms. Sherry Marcus, speech therapist at the seminar. Opening greetings were followed Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson Hospital, by the lectures listed below: lectured on the subject of speech rehabilitation after throat removal. Ms. Orit Spira, ICA central in nose, ear and throat medicine, as well as region social worker, presented the activity at schools for the study of ADDH disorders of the Rehabilitation Dept. and particularly and at various hospitals. Electronic speech highlighted the "Young Adults – Embarking devices for patients who have undergone on life" project. Two "Yad Lehachlama" throat removal were introduced into the volunteers ended the day with their personal health basket this year, under the tutelage story of how they coped with breast cancer. of Ms. Frieda Kornbrut. The feedback was extremely positive. The seminar was led by Ms. Yonina Rendler, Onco-Pediatric Social Workers Forum "Yad Lehachlama" Coordinator. The Onco-Pediatric Social Workers Forum continued its activity since November 2006. Continuous educational course for speech About 30 social workers from hospitals around therapists the country who care for child cancer patients A continuous educational course has been and their families participate in the forum. held for the past 6 years on a regular basis The participants receive unique therapeutic (once every two months) at the ICA head tools for treating children with cancer and office for speech therapists who care for their family members. The forum is under the patients who have undergone throat removal professional direction of the ICA Rehabilitation or different kinds of head and neck cancers, and Welfare Dept. in order to help them rehabilitate speech and swallowing. About 10 speech therapists from Workshops for medical teams on sexual hospitals around the country participate in the health of cancer patients meeting. The workshop is led by Ms. Frieda To promote sexual health of cancer patients, Kornbrut, ICA speech therapist. the ICA holds workshops for teams that treat During the meetings, they meet with patients cancer patients at medical centers and within and their families who receive counseling, the community. These workshops include an and acquire practical experience in treatment overview of attitudes and difficulties, imparting and rehabilitation. The families' readiness to knowledge regarding the impact of the disease conduct a consultative-educational meeting and treatments on sexual health, providing contributes significantly to the treatment tools for basic intervention, according to the skills and knowledge of the speech therapists PLISSIT model, and exercises. specializing in speech and swallowing To date, the workshops have been conducted rehabilitation, and head-neck tumor patients. at the following medical centers: Hadassah Ein The participants are updated on questions Karem, Soroka Medical Center, Sheba Medical 49 that arise in professional literature and Center at Tel Hashomer (Gyneco-oncology research and they are given a platform for and Oncology Dept.), Tel Aviv Sourasky questions and discussions on case studies. Medical Center, Assuta, Tel Aviv. Similarly, a Frieda Korbrut is invited regularly to lecture workshop was held for the oncology staff on speech and swallowing rehabilitation in of Clalit Community Healthcare Services in patients with head-neck tumors as part of the the central region. Additional workshops residency training for nurses and physicians will be held at other medical centers, such who are completing supplementary studies as Meir, Kaplan, Sheba Medical Center at Nurses and Social Workers Network for Coordinating Treatment of Breast Cancer

The ICA has initiated, financed and trained course which took place at Beit Mati, nurses and social workers to coordinate shall consist of four monthly meetings the treatment of breast cancer throughout as of November 2008 and until February Israel (for additional information please see 2009. The course is being held courtesy the "Medical Services" Chapter. of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.

Breast Care Nursing Forum Joint Activities for the ICA and the The meetings of Breast Care Coordinators Israel Oncology Nursing Society have been held regularly at Beit Mati, ICA Bone Health – conducting national nursing head office, to update knowledge, share research on the following subject: evaluating problems and experience in ongoing training and monitoring of patients treated work, and provide mutual consultation. with biphosphonates, for the prevalence Additionally, the nurses work on several of Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the jaw. subjects, according to their preference. For The research, initiated by Sara Ben Ami, example, one sub group chose to conduct Chairperson of the Israel Oncology Nursing a national research study and a second Society, is now awaiting approval of the group chose to review the wording of the Helsinki Committee of various medical job definition of a Breast Care Coordinator. centers. The ICA research coordinator Ms. Aliza Yaffe convened the group is Ms. Livia Kislev, ICA Head Nurse. The several years ago, and Ms. Livia Kislev, research shall be conducted courtesy of ICA Head Nurse, continues its activity Novartis. since the former's retirement. Workshops for Gyneco-oncology Breast Care Coordinating Social Workers Nurses Forum Two workshops for gyneco-oncology nurses The Breast Care Coordinating Social Workers were held in November 2008 and January Forum continues its activity. 2009. Coordinators: Ms. Sara Ben Ami and Ms. Livia Kislev, courtesy of Glaxo 50 Continuous educational classes for Smith Kline. Each nurse was requested nurses and social workers who are to present an article on a specific subject breast care coordinators in addition to delivering a guest lecture. Over 20 participants have already reserved The workshops' goal is to impart unique their places in the training course led by field-related knowledge, to get acquainted Prof. Lea Beider, Head of the Psycho- with colleagues from different centers, oncology Unit at Hadassah Medical Center, and to decide on continued joint activity Ein Karem. The continuous educational for this group. Tel Hashomer for hematology, bone marrow 'Yad Lehachlama' transplant as well as for other medical staff. (Reach to Recovery) The workshops were conducted by Ms. Livia Kislev, ICA Head Nurse, and starting April, Annual 'Yad Lehachlama' Volunteer Ms. Lena Kurtz, ICA Sexuality Consultant, Conference joined in to moderate. The annual 'Yad Lehachlama' volunteer Stoma Nurse Training course and Stoma conference was held at the Hilton Tel Aviv Nurse Meetings Hotel, under the direction of ICA Director In May-June 2008, a stoma nurse training General, Mrs. Miri Ziv. The conference course was held under the direction of opened with salsa dancing, and an activity Ms. Aliza Yaffe, Livia Kislev and Edith led by Ms. Anat Koren, followed by the Kogan, Me'uhedet Healthscare Services lectures listed below: Head Nurse. The program consisted of seven • "Innovations in breast cancer" delivered by meetings, attended by 36 nurses from all Dr. Bella Kaufman, Director of the Breast healthcare funds and different communities. The Cancer Unit, Oncology Complex at Sheba Stoma Care Coordinators meetings resumed, Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. under the direction of Ms. Livia Kislev, as • "Are negative feelings necessarily bad?" the Breast Care Coordinators group. delivered by Dr. Gili Goldzweig, clinical psychologist, Tel Aviv-Jaffa College. Clinical Training for Nurses at the Home • "Fertility in women with breast cancer" Hospice delivered by Dr. Tanir Elweiss, breast surgeon Ms. Livia Kislev, ICA Head Nurse, began at Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem. serving as a clinical counselor for nurses • "Is this the child we longed for?" – how studying advanced oncology courses at the parents with cancer cope with their children" Home Hospice. The students accompany delivered by Dr. Inbar Cohen, psychologist, home visits, participate in multi-disciplinary Sharrett Institute, Hadassah Medical Center, staff meetings, and in clinical discussions. Ein Karem. Delivering lectures at international • "Updates in genetics of breast cancer" conferences delivered by Prof. Efrat Levi-Lahad, In May 2008 Ms. Livia Kislev was invited to Director of the Medical Genetics Unit at deliver two lectures at the Gyneco-oncology Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Conference in Turkey. One of the lectures was • "Female power in a male world – female about the side effects of radiation therapy biblical and literary figures" delivered by to the pelvis among women suffering from Dr. Rachel Freudental, historian at the 51 uterine cancer and cervical cancer. The second Hebrew University and Alma College, and lecture dealt with the rehabilitation of sexual Ms. Agi Mishol, poetess, and Hebrew health among gynecological cancer patients. University Prize Laureate. In September 2008, Ms. Livia Kislev presented a research study at the European Research Towards the end of this enriching day, Conference held in Austria on: "White lies a dialogue entitled: "Volunteering – its that couples tell each other, when one of significance and contribution to me" was them has terminal cancer". held among the volunteers, led by Prof. Lea Beider, Head of the Psycho-oncology Unit at `Yad Lehachlama' Volunteer Telephone Hasassah Medical Center, Ein Karem. This was Monitoring Group Expanded followed by a moving farewell to Ms. Levana The volunteer telephone monitoring group Cohen, Director of the "Yad Lehachlama" of 'Yad Lehachlama' began operating also Rehabilitation Division, who retired after from Claire and Emmanuel G. Rosenblatt years of productive activity. The seminar was Support and Welfare Center at the Rosenfeld held courtesy of Novartis Oncology and House in Haifa. A periodical meeting was held Glaxo-Smith-Kline Oncology. in early July for volunteers who are members of the telephone monitoring staff. They New Project – Integrating 'Yad Lehachlama' heard an overview of updates on innovations volunteers in Breast Clinics in breast cancer treatment, delivered by In January 2008, a new project - 'Yad Ms. Livia Kislev, ICA Head Nurse, and Lehachlama' volunteer rotation program - was with help from central region social worker, launched at Tel Aviv Medical Center Breast Ms. Orit Spira, during the second half of Clinic, in which volunteers will be at the the meeting, they discussed cases which they disposal of every woman who arrives at the had encountered in their conversations with clinic, for diagnosis, removal of stitches, post- post-op patients. Ms. Aliza Dolev, Director surgery consultation and treatments, and of the Rehabilitation Dept., and Ms. Yonina may be interested in talking with a woman Rendler, 'Yad Lehachlama' Coordinator also who had the same experience. The project is participated in that meeting. overseen by: Ms. Orit Spira, central region social worker and Ms. Yonina Rendler, 'Yad Workshop for New Volunteers Lehachlama' Coordinator. Ended the workshop for new 'Yad Lehachlama' Emulating the "Tel Aviv Brother" project, this volunteers, led by Prof. Lea Beider and project was launched in September 2008, for Ms. Levana Cohen. 12 volunteers participated, volunteers rotation at the Oncology Institute mostly young women, from all over the at Ha'emek Hospital in Afula. The project is country. being conducted in close collaboration with the psycho-oncology hospital staff and is `Yad Lehachlama` Meeting at the Ben overseen by Ms. Ariela Litvitz, northern Gurion University School of Medicine region social worker, and Ms. Yonina Rendler, in Be'er Sheva 'Yad Lehachlama' Coordinator. A unique meeting was held between first year medial students and two `Yad Lehachlama` 52 Two 'Yad Lehachlama' volunteers volunteers. This meeting, moderated by participated in the European Breast southern region social worker Rachel Ofir, Cancer Coalition "Europa Donna" (ED) was held for students to get in touch with Aviva S. and Maya A. participated in the the emotional process that breast cancer annual ED conference. They met representatives patients go through. The feedback that we from European countries, exchanged opinions received, from the students as well as from and made strong new connections with some the volunteers, indicated that both parties of the delegates. gained a great deal. The meeting offered an important glimpse into the issue for participating. About 40 'Yad Lehachlama' students, and the volunteers had a unique volunteers from all over Israel arrived at the experience. hotel in the afternoon. Following a festive dinner, they heard a lecture delivered by Social meetings for 'Yad Lehachlama' Ms. Miriam Bernhardt, "What is good volunteers – toast in honor of for our lives". The evening ended as they Passover sang along with singer Andella Nir. The Ms. Yonina Rendler, 'Yad Lehachlama' following morning, after a "pilates" lesson Coordinator, initiated social meetings for and breakfast, they heard a lecture delivered 'Yad Lehachlama' volunteers. A meeting by Ms. Shiri Havkin about bach flowers for volunteers from Haifa and the northern and the chiropractor, Mr. Dov Rosneblit, region was held in early April at Claire and delivered an enriching lecture on "The Emmanuel G. Rosenblatt Support and journey to palm". The participants enjoyed Wellfare Center at the Rozenfeld House the fascinating lectures and an entertaining in Haifa, with 20 volunteers for a social evening of song and dance, enabling them meeting. In the second half of the meeting to unwind, laugh themselves to tears, and participated Mr. Doron Orseno, who ran really bond. the music therapy group, Ms. Judy Raviner, 'Yad Lehachlama' Haifa Branch Director, "They're All Winners" foundation Ms. Yaffa Koren, Haifa Branch Coordinator contribution was presented to 'Yad and Ms. Yonina Rendeler. A similar meeting Lehachlama' volunteers was held at Beit Mati, ICA head office, in A gala evening, celebrating the opening of the April for volunteers from the central region Electra Ramat Hasharon national basketball and Be'er Sheva. The volunteers met with team season, was held in early October 2007, 'Yad Lehachlama' ICA staff, Ms. Orit Spira, in Ramat Hasharon. The new basketball team central region social worker, and Ms. Yonina members were introduced during the gala Rendler, 'Yad Lehachlama' Coordinator. evening, as well as the team's new sponsor, During the second half of the meeting, Electra. The event took place in the presence there was a laughter yoga workshop led by of the city's Mayor, Mr. Yitzhak Rochberger, Ms. Bella Baram. This was a fun-filled, and members of the City Council. The singer relaxing meeting. Korin Elal gave an artistic performance. "They're all Winners" Foundation is a joint "Female-One on One" Meeting initiative of the Electra team and Roche A special meeting was held in September Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. established 53 2007 at the Canaan Spa Hotel in Safed within for cancer patients. The foundation's aim the framework of "They're all Winners" is to increase awareness of the disease, as Foundation activity for the welfare of 'Yad well as to support cancer patients and lift Lehachlama' volunteers who coped with their spirits. Funds for the foundation were breast cancer. The meeting was overseen by raised through sports activities. The number Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd., with the of points earned by the team's lead scorer Electra Ramat Hasharon basketball team was converted into money that in turn was donated by the team, multiplied by 18 shekels Fun Day for 'Yad Lehachlama' Volunteers by Roche Pharmaceuticals and collected in at the foot of Gilboa mountain the "They're all Winners" Foundation, for As part of the "They're all Winners" Foundation the welfare of female patients. To date, activity for the welfare of female cancer patients the Foundation has collected 250,000 NIS sponsered by the Electra Ramat Hasharon which has been used for the benefit of 'Yad basketball team and Roche Pharmaceutical Lehachlama' volunteers. company, about 50 volunteers were invited in the end of September 2008 for a day of relaxation and pleasure that included: an indulging breakfast, kayaking on the Asi stream, Tibetan yoga combining movement and music as well as lunch by the stream. To conclude the day, a unique artistic event combining body music as well as playing music with different objects, alongside the creation of a symphony using drums and percussion instruments.

"Relaxing Weekend" at Dan Caesarea Hotel Cancer patients and their spouses were invited in early January 2008 to participate in a relaxing weekend courtesy of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. About 40 couples, one of each partner is a cancer patient, participated in three days of relaxation and indulgence. This unique weekend provided them with renewed hope and additional tools to cope with the disease. The participants' satisfaction was manifested in their enthusiastic responses during the activities and in the feedback that they submitted. The warm and supportive atmosphere that prevailed 54 throughout the weekend allowed them to take an active part in the program and to feel comfortable, even though they didn't know one another beforehand. Remarks such as: "I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard", were repeatedly heard. The meticulous preparation and thorough organization as well as the diverse program all contributed to the event's success. Fun Day for 'Yad Lehachlama' Volunteers and Electra Ramat Hasharon basketball players at the Caesar Spa in Caesarea

'Yad Lehachlama' volunteers met Electra Ramat Hasharon basketball players in February 2008 for a day of bonding and fun at the Caesar Spa in Caesarea. They took part in belly dancing and a laughter yoga workshop. The atmosphere and the unwinding "recharged their batteries" for many more months of productive volunteer activity and the participants thanked for the moving and enjoyable day.

Flower Planting Ceremony at Ramat Workshops and activities for the Hasharon welfare of cancer patients The ceremony, marking Breast Cancer Awareness Month, took place in early October 2008 in "Look good feel better" Ramat Hasharon, in the presence of the city's The ICA presents and runs the "Look good feel Mayor, Electra Ramat Hasharon basketball better" project initiated by `Yad Lehachlama` team, Roche Pharmaceuticals CEO, and volunteer, Dr. Francine Robinson, who the 'Yad Lehachlama' volunteer group who directs the project on a volunteer basis. In 55 thanked for the commendable endeavor that this project, beauticians, make-up artists, makes the "They're all Winners" Foundation wig-dressers, and hairdressers volunteer activity possible. their services, attending to female cancer patients at oncology institutes, at day care • There are 48 volunteer beauticians, make- centers at hospitals, at ICA branches, in up artists, hairdressers and wig-dressers home hospices and within the community. participating in this project. The patients receive cosmetic treatment and • About 5,000 women participated in the guidance on how to take care of their hair project over the course of the year. and/or to adapt their hair-cut in order to help • 10 workshops for female cancer patients are them feel that if they look good they'll feel held throughout the year at Beit Mati and better. Additionally, volunteer hairdressers at different centers, such as ICA branches tend to wigs and select and style them to fit and hospitals. Similarly, there were four patients. The wigs are provided to women meetings with project volunteers for bonding, in need, free of charge. to provide professional guidelines and to discuss relevant issues. To date, the project is run at 41 different centers throughout the country. In 2008 there were make-up and beauty care workshops at Ma'agan Support Center for Cancer Patients in Be'er Sheva, at the Oncology Day Care Center at Rambam Health Care Campus, at the Oncology Day Care Center at Laniado Medical Center, at a Fun Day for cancer patients and their families held at Park Yehoshua in Tel Aviv, as well as a workshop in Arabic held in Sahnin.

Special beauty care and cosmetics day for female cancer patients marking the new year A special beauty care and cosmetics day for female cancer patients sponsored by the "Look Good Feel Better" project was held at the end of September at Beit Mati. About 20 women took part in this exhilarating day, and had a special beauty care experience that was offered by Mr. Yarin Shahaf`s make-up 56 artists, who volunteered their services, and had their hair and their wigs done courtesy of Rivka Zehavi Wigs and Yanir Sela courtesy of Studio Yanir Sela took the quality and professional photos. Representative photos were selected to appear on a special poster to be distributed to cancer patients throughout Israel inviting them to participate in this unique and successful ICA project. Additional workshops and for this program. Each participant receives activities that were held at the a booklet, a monitoring booklet, a steps end of 2008 gauge and an elastic band for exercises. The project began at three medical centers: the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Hadassh • A beauty care and make-up workshop for Ein Karem and Sheba Medical Center at Tel women with caner at the ICA Haifa Branch Hashomer. Meir, Rambam and Kaplan have courtesy of Yossi Biton. also joined its ranks, with the aim being to • A workshop for patients at the ICA "Strong expand this program nationwide. Together" Day Care Center (Hazakim Beyahad) in Givatayim • A production of "Look Good Feel Better" newsbulletin. • A volunteer workshop at Beit Mati.

"Marching towards quality of life" Project The aim of this project, began toward the end of 2007, is to expose cancer patients to the health-related advantages inherent in physical activity, as well as to encourage them to integrate planned and structured activity into their routine and provide them consultation and professional accompaniment. The health-related, physical, and emotional advantages of physical activity among cancer patients have been researched a great deal in recent years. The various research studies have focused on diverse patient populations such as: bone marrow transplant patients, breast cancer patients, patients who receive chemical or radiation treatment, and more. The professional literature consistently indicates an improvement in sleep patterns and in quality 57 (physical and emotional) of life of patients as a result of engagement in physical activity. The project courtesy of "Yensen Sileg" is run by the ICA under the professional guidance of Dr. Na'ama Constantini, an expert on sports medicine, and Mr. Shahar Nice, an exertion physiologist of the Hadassah Medical Center launching of Marching towards quality of life project at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, under the direction of Edna Bukstein, and Ms. Livia Kislev, who is responsible expert in walking. Arik Ze'evi, Marina Maximilian Blumin, their families such as: laughter yoga, listening Danny Robas and Ohad Chitman at ICA workshop, make-up corners, workshop on happening "Strong together", held for how to walk properly, performance delivered the second consecutive year by Chico the Clown, and Mediterranean style The ICA held a happening entitled "Strong refreshments such as falafel and pita breads. Together" for cancer patients and their At the entrance to the happening, Judo families for the second consecutive year at champ Arik Ze'evi awarded a medallion to Breishit Forest at Hayarkon Park courtesy of each cancer patient and signed his personal GlaxoSmithKline. About 500 cancer patients autograph on shirts upon request. The climax from all over Israel participated and enjoyed a of the evening was the performance delivered wide range of activities and workshops with by Marina Maximilian Blumin, Danny Robas and Ohad Chitman who volunteered their services. During Ohad Chitman's performance, the singer told cancer patients in the audience that he himself coped with cancer twice and gave a tip based on personal experience: "Focus on the fact that there's a future, and nurture your dreams". Marina Maximilian Blumin got up on stage barefoot and sang quiet songs along with the audience. When she finished performing, she invitedDanny Robas and Ohad Chitman to the stage and together they improvised on stage, based on phrases that they asked from the audience, and the captivated crowd gave a huge round of applause. The event was produced by Mr. Alon Ben Shoshan, with assistance from the Ganei Yehoshua Park administration, Breishit Forest, and the Tel Aviv Municipality – Events Dept., Nira Rabinovtich, Sinai Harel, Zachi Yaniv, Shlomit Langerman, Dr. Francine Robinson, Kineret Products Modulart, Phasa Amplification and Lighting, Ruthy 58 Hai, Gitam BBDO, GlaxoSmithKline and Magen David Adom.

Meeting on "New medical approaches and the emotional aspect" The ICA Hadera Branch, under the moderation and direction of northern region social worker Ariela Litvitz, conducted a meeting on "New medical approaches and the emotional aspect" at the end of the November at the the ICA Clair and Emmanuel G. Rosenblatt ICA branch in Hadera. During the meeting, Support and Welfare Center at the Rosenfeld Dr. Orit Sofer, Director of the Hemato- House in Haifa branch, by Ms. Lena Kurtz, oncology Unit at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center oncology nurse and ICA sexual health in Hadera, lectured on new approaches in consultant. The ICA Beer Sheva branch oncological treatment, and Ms. Livia Kislev, provides similar consultation services since ICA oncology nurse and sexuality consultant, October. Naturally, this service is free of lectured on intimacy and couplehood during charge and is designed to provide a solution and after treatments. The Hadera branch for patients who find it difficult to get to the volunteers, Ms. Tali Shabtai and Ms. Adi ICA head offices. Since Ms. Lena Kurtz Shita, assisted in organizing the event along entered her position in March 2008, the with social worker Ariela Litvitz. sexual consultation service is also provided in Russian, and this has expanded the service Being a parent and coping with cancer to a broader population. The following are – parent workshop sexual health programs for cancer patients In January 2008 was held an inaugural that are planned: updating a male sexuality workshop for cancer patients at the initial booklet, publishing an instructional booklet stages of the disease and their spouses who for the religious society, holding workshops are parents to children up to the age of 18. for patients, renewing meetings of a nurses' The workshop was held at Beit Mati. The interest group in order to promote the subject workshop opened with greetings delivered and a nurses' continuing education course that by ICA Director General, Mrs. Miri Ziv, and provides remuneration is in the works. Dr. Michal Braun, Senior Psycho-oncologist at the Oncology Institute at Hadassah Medical Stoma Organization activities Center, Ein Karem. This was followed by The activities are organized by Ms. Livia group work on "What will I tell my children" Kislev, Silvia Alashvilli and Mr. Meidad led by psycho-oncologists from medical Gissin. In addition to the annual conferences centers throughout the country, Dr. Ilanit and training for professional staff, another Hasson-Ohayon, of the Psychology Dept. edition of the periodical "Pitchon Peh" was at Bar-Ilan University lectured on "Tell and issued. The main subjects in this edition was share", and Dr. Michal Braun lectured on "Coping with stoma" and the activity of Ms. "Children's responses and identifying distress". Aliza Yaffe which left its mark on stoma Psycho-oncologists led additional groups patients and attending staff alike. that discussed "How my children react" and 59 "Routine and changes". Dr. Michal Braun The Young Stoma Patients Organization: summed up the workshop sponsored by Two meetings were held at the homes of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. group members over the past year. Yafit Na'or and Ran Rubinstein who established Sexual consultation courtesy of ICA the group with Ms. Aliza Yaffe, coordinate throughout Israel its activity along with Ms. Livia Kislev and For some time now, sexual consultation Silvia Alashvilli. The Young Stoma Patients services have been provided once a month at website was set up courtesy of the ICA. In April 2008, a Knowledge Update Day Support Meetings for Cancer was held for those who graduated from Patients the previous group of stoma nurses. This course was also coordinated by the ICA in Support groups – women and cancer collaboration with the Me'uhedet healthcare Led by Ms. Orit Spira, central region social fund. This day was dedicated mainly to honing worker, and social worker Anat Zakkai of equipment adjustment skills and to update the Breast Health Center at Assaf Harofe knowledge on the subject of biological drugs Medical Center. About 15 young female for colorectal cancer cancer patients between the ages of 30-40 meet once every two weeks. The group "The Wishes Ambulance" constitutes a source of support for women This is a new joint ICA and Magen David with different kinds of cancer, who are in Adom project. This humanitarian project is different family situations. The group discussed designed for cancer patients at an advanced couplehood, work, coping with anxiety, stage, mainly for those who are in hospices children, the switch from illness to health or home hospices. The idea behind this and more. A similar group is held once a project is to help fulfill the wishes of cancer month at the ICA Netanya branch, led by patients who are aware that their days are Ms. Orit Spira, central region social worker. numbered. Their wishes will be fulfilled with This group serves as a source of support and the help of an ambulance, wheelchair with encouragement for women residing in this high traction, purchased with the help of the area. The northern region has a similar support friends of the ICA in Holland, and accompanied group led by Ariela Litvitz, northern region by a medical staff who will enable people social worker and social worker Tatyana who have lost their mobility to attend family Gleiser of the Oncology Institute at the events, visit unique sites or places that bring Rebecca Ziv Medical Center. back memories, attend cultural performances, visit relatives, etc. Fulfilling patients' wishes Support Group for Spouses, Widowers is a significant achievement for them. This and Widows who lost their dear ones to assistance is provided to each patient regardless cancer is led by northern region social worker of religion, race or nationality, and each patient Ariela Litvitz and social worker Devora receives the same warm service free of charge. Reicher of the Claire and Emmanuel G. Magen David Adom will provide the patients Rosenblatt Support and Welfare Center at with a new full equipped ambulance with 60 the Rosenfeld House in Haifa. Devora Reicher state-of-the-art devices to serve the patient, is also a leader of "Body & soul combined and the ICA for its part, contacts volunteers therapy" groups in the north, and Prof. Ora mainly from the relevant wards of various Gilber, social worker of Haifa University, hospitals, who were selected based on their leads a support group on women and cancer professionalism and experience. in Haifa. The Colorectal Cancer Patients Support Prostate Cancer Patient Forum Group continues its activity, led by central • In September a meeting was held for prostate region social worker Orit Spira and social cancer patients and their families at Beit worker Arza Ashkenazi of Tel Aviv Medical Ma'agan in Be'er Sheva, with specialist Dr. Center. Vilmush Marmelstein of the Oncology Institute at Soroka Medical Center, and led The Young Adult support group, led by by Ms. Rachel Ofir, southern region social Ms. Orit Spira, central region social worker worker. and Ms. Rachel Ofir, southern region social • A prostate cancer patient forum take place worker, ended its activity and a new group once a month at the started its activity. Claire and Claire and Emmanuel G. Rosenblatt Support and A support group for spouses of female Welfare Center at the Rosenfeld House in cancer patients, led by Ms. Orit Spira, Haifa, led by northern region social worker central region social worker, and Ms. Anat Ariela Litvitz. Zakkai, opened. • An additional prostate cancer patient forum Over the past year, meetings have been held is also being convened at Beit Mati, led by once a month for bereaved parents who Dr. Arieli and coordinated by nurse Sara lost their children (over the age of 18) to Nissimov. cancer. Most of the participants are parents of sons and daughters who were involved Activity for Children with Cancer in the Young Adults project. This group is accompanied and led by central region social ICA Annual Family Vacation during the worker Orit Sapira and ICA Head Nurse, Sukkot Holiday Livia Kislev. 2008 - Once again this year, the Rehabilitation and Welfare Dept. held the ICA annual Sukkot A "from illness to health" support group family vacation for children and their families, for women opened in Tiberias; this group which provided children and their families is geared toward residents of Tiberias and with a brief respite to enjoy themselves and the surrounding areas and is led by social be happy. The 4-day vacation took place worker Dalia Givoni of Poriyah Medical at the Hotel and Water Park. The Center and Ariela Litvitz ICA northern participants enjoyed diverse activities such region social worker. as a kite workshop, a foam truck, an illusion Two meetings of the female cancer patients performance, balloon making, and improvised group were held in July in Arad, with the artistic performances, a "science on the go" 61 aim of supporting, guiding and counseling. mobile vehicle, and spent time at the Water The meeting was led by Ms. Rachel Ofir, Park and Motor Park, and more. This year southern region social worker in conjunction the participants enjoyed a visit from actors with Mr. Danny Shor, Chairman of the ICA Hani Nachmias, Ran Bechor and Asaf Arad branch. Ishtar, "Nachshon and Friends" from ICA Annual Family Vacation during the Sukkot Holiday

2007 - 150 children with cancer participated from leading Kochav Nolad (Israeli version in a 4-day ICA annual family vacation of American Idol) singers and others, as well which took place at the Shefayim Hotel as artists, entertainers, and dancers. Other and Water Park during the 2007 Sukkot diverse activities were held for the children holiday. The children came with their and their families throughout the day. The siblings and parents from all over Israel; artists' visit was made possible by the Electric Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, Co. and upon the initiative of Mr. Mottti new immigrants and native born Israelis Wagner, Welfare Director of the Electric participated. The participants enjoyed Co. in the north, who collaborated with the diverse activities such as a kite workshop, producer Arele Giladi. Ziv Tourism also an illusion performance, balloon making, contributed to the event. The children and and improvised artistic performances, and their siblings also received an assortment spent time at the Water Park and Motor of gifts that were contributed to the Park, and more. They also went on a safari project. The vacation is organized by the and enjoyed a plethora of performances ICA Rehabilitation and Welfare Dept. and and plays delivered by artists and singers. is coordinated each year by Ms. Levana This year the participants enjoyed a visit Cohen and Zehava Katz. Yossi Weiss Yossi

Eviatar who is 2 years and 8 months old, at "Challenges" Association activity at the ICA vacation Miriam Tokan, Chen Aharoni, and Motti Wagner – on a ride at a high Hodaya with the pigeon that with Sharon altitude grants wishes 62

Dana Dvorin with Motti Wagner, Rotem and Dana Rotem with Si Hyman Dvorin's daughter the Hop channel, the Eliav family, singer sessions that are held in different regions by Moshe Peretz. Other diverse activities regional social workers, Ariela Litvitz, Orit were held for the children and their families Spira, and Rachel Ofir. throughout the day. The artists' visit was made possible by the Electric Co. and upon Impact Project the initiative of Mr. Mottti Wagner, Welfare The "Impact for the Community" Project Director of the Electric Co. in the north, who coordinated by Social Worker Dalia Stern collaborated with producer Arele Giladi. is currently in its third year. Students are The children and their siblings also received active in several tracks throughout the year: an assortment of gifts that were contributed Assisting cancer patients who live on their to the project. The vacation was organized own, accompanying and supporting children by the ICA Rehabilitation and Welfare Dept. with cancer, accompanying and supporting and coordinated by Ms. Aliza Dolev and children who have a parent or sibling who Zehava Katz. 103 Jewish and Arab families has cancer, assisting in the oncology wards from across the country participated in the and institutes at hospitals. At least once a vacation this year. month, the project coordinator gives each of the students who professional guidance, Children's plays for children with cancer counseling, accompaniment and support. In This year, about 450 tickets to the Hannuka addition, two group meetings were held over Festigal performance were provided by the the course of the year in the regions. The first Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality, in addition to meeting focused on orientation for activity tickets to Narnia, and Around the World and the second one focused on preparing for in 80 Days, in collaboration with Mr. Ron the anticipated parting from the child/family/ Makrin, Marketing Dept. Director. staff. The training groups for students are led according to region by ICA regional social Hope for Life workers in collaboration with social worker The "Hope for Life" project continues this year Dalia Stern, Project Coordinator. The warm under the tutelage of Project Coordinator, feedback on the ground underlines the great Ms. Zehava Katz. Child cancer patients who significance of this noteworthy project.128 miss school frequently due to treatments can students who contributed 16,640 hours of continue advancing scholastically. Hundreds activity on behalf of the community of cancer of children, ranging from preschooler to 12th patients and their families participated in the graders preparing for matriculation exams, ICA project this year. are assisted in this project. Students visit the 63 child at home and help him/her with school "Give Kids the World" project work so that the child can remain actively As part of the "Give Kids the World" project, involved in the material covered in class while child cancer patients and their families go for he/she was away. The investment in the child's a week-long holiday to the Children's Village future provides strength and hope to the in Florida, United States. This trip is a bonding patient and to his/her family in this complex experience for the family, and allows family situation that is difficult to cope with. The members to "recharge their batteries" to student tutors meet for training and guidance deal with a difficult disease requiring long- term treatment. The families enjoy their stay through the theater medium, which allow at the village and receive entrance tickets child patients, and their close environment to parks such as Disney World, Sea World, to cope and overcome the disease. and Universal Studios, they also receive a vehicle and if necessary, they receive an "Young Adult Cancer Survivors English speaking escort. About 15 families – Embarking on Life" go on this trip coordinated by Ms. Frieda Kornbrut. The "Young Adults – Embarking on Life" group is a community that was conceived by Shahak - Social Services for the the ICA and designed to provide a supportive Community setting to meet the needs of young single The Shahak project also continues its activity. cancer survivors between the ages of 20 and The ICA runs a cooperative program for the 30. The group consists of members who were welfare of cancer patients, with new immigrant "caught" by the disease just as they were about students integrating in the support network to begin their adult life and who must make a for cancer patients; these students are sent start from a particularly problematic starting to conduct social and communal activity. The point. The ICA initiated a program that was participants are accompanied individually and created to provide a warm environment by in a group by the project coordinator, social a support group that holds weekly meetings worker Orit Spira and the regional social led by social workers Orit Sapira and Rachel workers throughout their volunteer work Ofir. Ongoing accompaniment and support in the project. In January a training group is offered to the young members according was held for IMPACT and Shahak project to their special needs. Several new groups participants, led by Orit Spira. open during the course of the year. Upon the conclusion of the meetings, social activities Amidudu Project are offered, like trips, parties and various Ms. Tal Zolotogora runs this project at events. These activities are conducted by Schneider Children's Medical Center. This dedicated volunteers, with support from ICA-financed project has children prepare the ICA, "Haruah Hatova" Association colorful dolls built on chemotherapy stands. and earmarked contributions collected by Creating these dolls cause the treatment time project volunteers. Jeep tours and parties go by faster and gets young patients' minds are held throughout the country during the off their difficult treatments. course of the year. 64 Carriage Theater Project "Young Adults" crossed the Sea of Galilee The Carriage Theater Project, under the on a Raft direction of Mr. Erez Meshulam, continues About 30 young adults, between the ages its activity at the Pediatric Oncology Ward at of 20 and 30, who are members of the ICA the Hadassah Medical Center with financial "Young Adults Embarking on Life" Group, assistance from the ICA. got together on a summer weekend in early Erez helps patients and their families and friends August for a unique experience: they built to discover transparent "circles of strength" their own rafts, and together, they crossed the Sea of Galilee. The members of the group The assistance is usually provided until the met on Hokok Beach and began building the community and National Insurance services rafts. On Friday, after a night of a singing, enter the families' homes. they sailed toward Dugit Beach and crossed the Sea of Galilee. The joint activity provides Workshop to train new volunteers held a kind of mutual support that only a 'person in Nahariya, Migdal Ha'emek, Tiberias who's been there' can provide. The rafting and Carmiel, led by Mr. Tzvika Biran, was made possible by the ICA in collaboration Coordinator of the northern branches of the "Haruah Hatova" Association. the ICA and northern region social worker Ariela Litvitz. The Young Adults Embark on a Challenge Journey along the Coast of Holland A group of volunteers who will make At the end of August a group of about 20 home visits was set up. The group will Young Adults accompanied by Central Region collaborate with the home hospice, Clalit Social Worker Orit Spira and Dr. Mark Healthcare Services and is geared toward all Shilkrot, Oncologist at Rambam Health Care Haifa residents. The volunteers will undergo Campus, and volunteers Ms. Liat Sakuk training and will be accompanied by social and Mr. Amir Chayat, and Young Adult worker Olga Agur of Clalit Healthcare Graduate, Mr. Dan Rubinstein, gathered Services and northern region social worker, for a challenge sail off the northern coast Ariela Litvitz. of Holland. According to tradition, the trip is made on an authentic sailboat on the North Guidance group for community Sea facing the magical shores of Holland. On volunteers the journey, the participants steered the ship, A guidance group for community volunteers hoisted the sails, prepared food, cleaned and was held once every month at the ICA Netanya maintained the ship. They also went on hikes branch in the central region, led by Ms. Orit and bike trips along the picturesque islands of Spira central region social worker. Holland. The journey was made possible with resources collected by dedicated volunteers Cooperation between social work and with the help of a special performance students at Tel Hai College and ICA initiated by popular singer Ohad Chitman, This is the second year of cooperation between graduate of the Young Adult group. Tel Hai College and ICA Rehabilitation and Welfare Dept., in which college students assist in developing activities for cancer patients in 65 Ongoing Activity of Regional Social the Kiryat Shemona area. Physical activity Workers classes are planned, as well as information days and additional activities. Northern region Initial Material Assistance for Cancer social worker Ariela Litvitz, oversees and Patients accompanies the students' activities. Initial material assistance activity for cancer patients recently diagnosed with the disease Three National Service girls, serving at Soroka continued to assist thousands of families. Medical Center, and a National Service girl The Claire and Emmanuel G. Rosenblatt Activity and Support Center in Haifa

The Activity and Support Center in Haifa, established two years ago, is a support center for cancer patients and their families. The center operates under the auspices of the ICA and with financial assistance from donators. The center is a place where the patient, the recovering patient and his/her family may find diverse activities to assist them in their psychological, emotional and physical struggle with the disease, which complement the treatment provided by the medical system. All meetings for patients and their families are provided free of charge. About 200 recovering patients and their families currently participate in these activities.

Center Activities Support groups – body-soul, from illness to health, widows/widowers, siblings of cancer patients. Physical activities – 5 activities are held each week: Feldenkreiz, yoga, Chi Kong, Pilates and belly dancing. Workshops – 2 workshops are conducted at the center: music therapy and photography as a form of expression. Classes – art class (in all realms of art in order to provide a wide range of subjects). Individual and couple sexual treatment – geared toward patients and their families who are interested in individual meetings, consultation and guidance. Lectures – a lecture meeting is held once every month on relevant subjects. The center is currently working on additional "culture over a cup of coffee" meetings, which will also be held at the same frequency. Library – we set up a library several months ago.

66 New activities scheduled for the coming year: A choir is currently in the initial set-up stages, and will be conducted by a professional conductor, a drama therapy group will be led by psychologist- social worker who is a group moderator, there will be a class on "drawing as a therapeutic perspective", which will be delivered by professionals, personal-group coaching group to be led by a social worker specializing in this subject, and workshops for professionals will be delivered by Ms. Frieda Kornbrut, ICA speech therapist. serving at Barzilai Medical Center, assist Joint professional meetings were held the professional staff attending to cancer between southern region social worker patients and their families. The girls are Rachel Ofir, and the staff of Ma'agan Be'er guided by Ms. Rachel Ofir, southern region Sheva to review problems and mutual ideas social worker. for developing additional projects for the welfare of cancer patients at Ma'agan in Seven National Service girls are active in pediatric Be'er Sheva. oncology wards at Schneider Children's Medical Center and Hadassah Medical Center, Ein In May a professional meeting was held Karem. They are guided by northern region with oncology nurses of the Maccabi social worker Ariela Litvitz. Healthcare Fund southern region, under In mid-December, a meeting was held for the tutelage of Ms. Mali Patihi, Oncology cancer patients who are members of the Coordinating Nurse. An overview of Maccabi Healthcare fund in the Krayot region, ICA activities and various projects was on "Information, rights and services for the provided by southern region social worker cancer patient". Northern region social worker Rachel Ofir. This was followed by an open Ariela Litvtiz lectured at the meeting on: discussion among the participants, which "Services and assistance provided by the ICA included the possibilities for cooperation with an emphasis on body-soul activity". in daily work.

The Wellness Community - The "Strong Together" Support Center for Cancer Patients The Wellness Community "Strong Together" Diverse activities held over the past year center, established 7 years ago, is a support Support groups- cancer is a personal, center for cancer patients and their families, couple, and family journey. Support groups according to the American model. It enable patients and their families to expand operates through Beit Mati and is run by their ways of coping with cancer. The center the ICA. has 11 support groups: groups for patients The Tel Aviv School of Social Work and who are at the initial stages of the disease, the School of Health Professions provide patients who have a recurrent disease, as professional patronage to projects and well as groups for families, parents and research activities. "Strong Together" serves bereaved family members. 3 additional as a home within the community that offers groups out of the 11 existing groups joined 67 patients and their families diverse activities over the past year: the group for bereaved which assist them in emotionally coping family members and 2 groups for patients with the disease in addition to the treatment with recurrent disease. provided by the medical system. All the Physical activities for strengthening meetings for patients and their families are body-soul- 10 activities are held each week: offered free of charge. About 700 patients Feldenkreiz, yoga, Chi Kong, Pilates (twice a and their families currently participate in week), physical coaching and salsa dancing. these activities. The last two activities were added this year. Workshops - there are 6 workshops at for employees who have a patient in their the center: nutrition and cooking, personal family. coaching, humor and laughter, psycho- drama and 2 art therapy groups. The last 4 The following is planned for the coming workshops were added this year. year Support group for couples with one member Individual and family treatment – geared who has cancer, to discuss maintaining toward patients and their families who are couplehood in the face of the disease; Nature interested in individual meetings and one-time therapy group for cancer patients and consultation and guidance meetings. their families launched a new approach which combines group treatment with Lectures – 3 lectures or "Wellness Café" unique landscapes; Evaluation research on meetings are held every month, and they the contribution of physical activity to are conducted on a voluntary basis for the patients' souls, conducted in conjunction most part, for example: "The magic of color", with Dr. Rina Feigin of the School of Social "Conflict between women – Sara and Hager", Work, and Prof. Tamar Karolnik of the Health "Geishas and Japanese rituals". Professions School; A series of lectures and physical activity delivered at the large Library – we set up a library over the past clinics of Clalit, Maccabi and Meuhedet year, and we have opened a reading hall. Healthcare Funds in collaboration with the The plan is to hold 3-4 such meetings each multidisciplinary staff. Additionally activity year. with the Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan and Givatayim Welfare Services will be continued. Trips – we hold 3-4 trips each year throughout Israel. Last February, there was a trip to Haifa Additional Activities in the Northern on the subject of the three major religions Region and in June there was a tour to the northern Wellness Community Center in Afula – border – in the wake of the Second Lebanon the additional branch of the center in Afula, War. under the auspices of the Israel Cancer Association and courtesy of the Mayor of Community Activity – in conjunction with Afula and the Schneider family, began the Tel Aviv Municipality welfare services, there its activity over the past year. A wide range have been community meetings in Ramat of activities are held at the center: such as 68 Aviv, in Jaffa and in Shapira neighborhood yoga, belly dancing, workshops on music and at Day Care centers for adults. In Ramat therapy, combined arts, drawing on silk and Gan and Givatayim meetings were held with personal coaching. Similarly, there are trips social workers to heighten awareness about and lectures are delivered on art and on families coping with cancer. In affiliation with many other diverse topics. Diverse activities the IAI Human Resources Dept., there were are held at the center such as: yoga, belly groups for employees who are patients and dancing, music therapy workshops, combined arts, drawing on silk and personal coaching. A Yoga group in Carmiel that opened last Similarly, trips were held and lectures delivered year continues to operate, led by Mr. Haim on art and other diverse topics. Feingold who volunteers his services. Ms. Mira Ron of the ICA Carmiel branch A yoga group for cancer patients from organizes this group along with northern Nazareth and the surroundings opened region social worker, Ariela Litvitz. in January, led by Ms. Vered Longman. Ms. Longman volunteers her services for A Tai Chi group, led by Mr. Shlomo Bonomo, the welfare of patients. Mr. Alex Gedalkin, opened in April in Acre and was accompanied Chairman of the Nazareth Branch of the ICA by Ms. Sonia Shaked, Chairperson of the and northern social worker Ariela Litvitz ICA Acre branch and northern regional organize this group. social worker Ariela Litvitz.

69 The Sir Charles Clore Hostel

The Sir Charles Clore Hostel was established by The Sir Charles Clore Hostel offers the the ICA (in 1976) with the help of a generous following services: contribution provided by Sir Charles Clore of •Accommodations 5 days of the week, from blessed memory. The ICA-run Hostel is located Sunday morning to Thursday afternoon. The in Givatayim, adjacent to the ICA offices, Beit Hostel is closed on weekends. Mati, in a building encompassed by a beautiful •Spacious rooms shared by two patients, including garden. The building was recently renovated with en suite bathrooms, air conditioning, and a financial assistance from the Clore Foundation, patient-nurse call system. for the welfare of Hostel patients. The Sir Charles •Cultural activities room, TV rooms, arts and Clore Hostel takes in cancer patients who receive crafts room. treatment at oncology institutes at the large hospitals •Three meals a day, including fresh and assorted located in the central region. The Hostel can foods, cooked on site, and adapted to patients' attend to up to forty patients at once. dietary needs. •Daily transportation to and from treatments The Hostel staff consists of certified oncology at hospitals, accompanied by trained nurses, headed by Ms. Roma Luria, who have volunteers. the capacity and experience to assist patients •A wide variety of leisure activities: exercise, with a wide array of oncology-nursing related handicrafts, a tour group that tours the city problems. The nurses are in regular contact accompanied by a volunteer, cosmetics, internet with the attending physicians at the oncology station. institutes and attend to any side-effects caused •Support groups and lectures led by professional by treatments. Senior oncologists from Tel Aviv moderators. Sourasky Medical Center are "on call" in the evenings and at nights. The nursing staff has The Hostel opened its doors on the Passover vast experience in treating patients who require holiday for the first time ever, after undergoing professional supervision, as well as experience a ritual Passover cleaning and receiving a kosher in coping with chemical and radiation treatment certificate from the Chief Rabbinate of Givatayim. side-effects and with other diseases from which At the kitchen staff meeting, Ms. Frieda Kornbrut, patients may suffer. In addition, the kitchen staff ICA speech therapist delivered a lecture on cooks hot meals on a daily basis with a diverse "Eating difficulties in head-neck patients" and menu, according to the special needs of each the Hostel information pamphlet was translated 70 patients, and the cleaning maintenance staff sees into Arabic (through the ICA Information and to the cleanliness and orderliness of the rooms Education Dept.) and distributed at hospitals. The and provide a warm and homey atmosphere for patients are also invited to participate in diverse those residing at the Hostel. activities held by the "Strong Together" support center at Beit Mati adjacent to the Hostel. About 430 patients were accommodated By the end of the year, courtesy of The Clore from January-July 2008, most of whom reside Foundation, the patient beds in all rooms will a far distance from the medical institution be replaced and significantly upgraded for the where they received treatments. welfare of the Hostel patients. Professional Seminars and Conferences

ISCORT • "Initial surgical treatment" delivered by Dr. Danny Leibovitz, the Urology Dept. The Annual Meeting of Israeli Society for at Assaf Harofe Medical Center. Clinical Oncology and Radiation Therapy - • "Initial treatment with radiation and ISCORT was held in Eilat in January 2008. Miri hormonal treatment" delivered by Dr. Ziv, ICA Director General, gave an overview Zvi Symon, the Brachitherapy Unit, of ICA's extensive activity and awarded a Oncology Dept. at Sheba Medical Center prize to Outstanding Oncologist, Dr. Rabinov at Tel Hashomer. Karen of the Oncology Institute at Soroka Medical Center in Beer Sheva. Prof. Mary Towards the end of the conference, case Gospodorowicz, of Toronto Canada, whose studies were presented for discussion regarding participation in the conference was sponsored locally advanced and increased risk prostate by the Shofar Foundation of Canada, delivered cancer. The meeting was held courtesy fascinating lectures that had enthusiastic of Abott. reaction from the audience. An additional meeting of the Uro-oncology Group was held in mid-July at Beit Mati,. Urologic Oncology Group Meetings The meeting dealt with "Testicular tumors The Urologic Oncology Group meeting – Germ Cell Tumors". The meeting featured took place in mid-January at Beit Mati, ICA the following lectures: head office. The meeting dealt with "Locally •"The role of the pathologist in evaluating advanced and high risk prostate cancer". The testicular tumors – establishing a diagnosis and meeting was opened by Dr. Zohar Dotan of risk factors according to radical orchiectomy", the Uro-oncology Service, the Urology Dept. delivered by Prof. Romalia Koren, the at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, Dept. of Pathology, Rabin Medical Center who delivered greetings, followed by the – Hasharon Hospital. lectures listed below: •"The role of initial RPLND in treating NSGCT • "Evaluating natural factors in the prevention patients" delivered by Dr. Ilan Leibovitch, and treatment of prostate cancer" delivered Urology Dept. at the Meir Medical Center, by Dr. Fuad Faras of the Molecular Genetics Kfar Saba. Dept. at Carmel Medical Center, Haifa. •"Adjuvant chemotherapy for NSGCT patients • "Definitions and epidemiology of locally - clinical stage 1" delivered by Dr. Michael 71 advanced prostate cancer and high risk" Vigoda, Oncology Dept., Hadassah Medical delivered by Dr. Zohar Dotan, the Uro- Center, Ein Karem. oncologic Service of the Urology Dept. at •"PC-RPLND – selecting patients and oncological Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. results" delivered by Prof. Jacques Baniel, • "Local staging of advanced prostate cancer Urology Dept., Rabin Medical Center – MRI" delivered by Dr. Tamar Sela, the – Beilinson Hospital, Petah Tikva. Radiology Dept. at Hadassah Medical Center, •Presenting cases on testicular tumors with Ein Karem. the participation of Prof. Jacques Baniel, Dr. Michael Vigoda, Dr. Ilan Leibovitch, Sklaire Levi of Hadassah Medical Center, Dr. Avivit Neuman and Prof. Romalia Ein Karem and Prof. Pappa of Sheba Koren, moderated by Dr. Zohar Dotan, Medical Center at Tel Hashomer lectured Urology Dept., Sheba Medical Center at on evidence based indicators for performing Tel Hashomer. The meeting was held Breast MRIs, Prof. E. Even-Sapir lectured courtesy of Sanofi-Aventis. on Imaging of breast cancer using PET-CT, Dr. A. Fisher of Meuhedet Healthcare Breast Disease Consortium Meetings Fund lectured on advanced breast cancer • An Israeli Breast Disease Consortium seminar imaging technologies: from the insurer's was held in late January at Beit Mati. The perspective, and Prof. A. Kuten of Rambam seminar was opened by Prof. Reuven Health Care Campus and Dr. M. Vigoda Orda, Chairman of the Breast Disease of Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem, Consortium, who delivered greetings. lectured on partial breast radiation. The The seminar was divided into two parts. seminar concluded with several case studies In the first part Dr. M. Kurtz of Soroka followed by a discussion. Medical Center, moderated a discussion: The multidisciplinary breast centers – is Supplementary Training in data collection their existence justified?" Dr. T. Karni of and medical information regarding Assaf Harofe Medical Center spoke of the colorectal cancer center's experience, and Dr. D. Hershko A continuing education course in encoding of Rambam Health Care Campus, spoke of and reporting colorectal cancer was held the center's experience. A discussion was at Beit Mati, as part of the supplementary held at the end of the first part. The second training in cancer disease data collection part was moderated by Prof. R. Catane of and medical information for employees at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. A pathology institutes. Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA lecture on "Pathological examination during Director General, opened the session by breast surgery" was delivered by Dr. J. greeting the participants, followed by greetings Sandbank of Assaf Harofe Medical Center delivered by Dr. T. Tishler, Oncology Dept. and "Innovations and updates in radiation Director, Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson therapy for breast cancer" was delivered by Hospital, and member of the Training Program Dr. M. Ben-David of Sheba Medical Center. Planning and Implementation Steering Dr. T. Elweiss of Hadassah Medical Center Committee, Dr. M. Bar- Hanna, National updated attendees on innovations from Cancer Registry Director, and member of the 72 the San Antonio conference. In conclusion Steering Committee, Ms. Z. Chona, Training a case study was presented for discussion and Continuing Education Coordinator, Training by Dr. E. Evron of Assaf Harofe Medical and Development, Ministry of Health, and Center. member of the Steering Committee, and • An additional seminar of the Israeli Breast Ms. R. Hecht, Data Collection and Medical Disease Consortium was held in early April. Information, Ministry of Health and member The seminar was led by Dr. Tanir Elweiss of the Steering Committee. of Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem and Dr. M. Bar- Hana provided an introduction to several subjects were presented: Dr. M. the subject of colorectal cancer, followed by Ms. Y. Fishler of the Israel Center for Disease professionals, such as palliative care for non- Control, Ministry of Health, who lectured on cancer diseases, psycho-social aspects of "Colorectal Cancer – terminology and definitions palliative care, end of life dilemmas and the and on "Guidelines for morphology encoding terminally ill patient law and more. – a refresher course". Several case studies were presented for practice and reporting by 10th Annual Oncology Conference and a Ms. Fishler, Ms. V. Cohen, National Medical workshop on Radiation Therapy for the Registrar of the Clalit Healthcare Services and Head and Neck, Stomach and Rectum Ms. R. Gil, Medical Data Collection Section The 10th Annual oncology Conference of the Health Ministry. The meeting ended was held in late February in the north of with the screening of a training film: "A race Israel along with a professional workshop with no finish line" followed by feedback on "Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck, and summary. Stomach and Rectum Cancer – the Factual Basis" at the Dan Carmel Hotel in Haifa. The 13th Annual "Tmicha (support)" Society conference was held under the auspices Conference – Palliative Care – Everyone's of the Rambam Health Care Campus, the right? Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Technion, The 13th Annual "Tmicha" Society conference The Israeli Society of Clinical Oncology and on "Palliative care – everyone's right?" was Radiotherapy, the Israel Cancer Association, held in late January at the Dan Panorama Hotel the Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC) in Tel Aviv and was opened with greetings and Shapira Family. delivered by Dr. Yehoram Zinger, Chairman The conference was opened with greetings of the Tmicha Society, the Unit for Palliative delivered by Prof. Rafael Bayer, Director of Care at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the Rambam Health Care Campus, Prof. Ido Beer Sheva and Calalit Healthcare Services, Perlman, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine southern region, as well as greetings delivered at the Technion, Prof. Yoram Cohen, by Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General. Dr. Chairman of the Israeli Society of Oncology Bilha Noi of Jerusalem shared her personal and Radiotherapy, Prof. Eliezer Robinson, story "Revealing inner strength", Prof. Muli Israel Cancer Association Chairman, and Prof. Lahad, Resources - Tel Hai Academic College, Avraham Kuten, Director of the Oncology lectured on "Life and Death from a multicultural Institute at Rambam Health Care Campus. perspective", Dr. Amitai Oberman, Acting The conference was divided into two sessions Director, Geriatric Dept. of the Poriya Medical covering various topics such as innovations in Center, and Dr. Doron Garfinkel, Director treatments for cancer, treatment management 73 of the Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Dept. and innovative treatment methods. Visitors and the Palliative Care Unit at the Center for from abroad, Prof. Vincent Gregory and Geriatric Medicine in Pardes Hanna, lectured Prof. Karine Heestermans, Chair people on "Enhancing the palliative perception in of the European Radiologists Association the 21st century: The right of the patient, the (EORT) of Belgium and Prof. Sidat Turkan duty of the caregiver and the achievement of Istanbul honored the attendees with their of society and the state". Sessions were held presence and delivered fascinating lectures on diverse palliative care fields led by leading on related fields. Annual Conference for the Treatment are engaged and take an interest in palliative of Cancer care, internal medicine, oncology, geriatrics, The 2nd Annual Conference for the Treatment pain, rehabilitation, psychiatry, physiotherapy of Cancer was held at the Hilton Hotel in and social work. The conference covered Tel Aviv in early March. The conference was the following subjects: palliative care around opened by Prof. Baruch Klein, Director the world, palliative medicine as a medical of the Oncology Institute at Meir Medical field – here and now, palliative medicine's Center, who later lectured on "Innovations importance for non-cancer diseases, team in treatment of colorectal cancer and the work, palliative medicine in various medical significance of early detection". This was services, professionalism in palliative medicine, followed by a discussion on "metastatic encouraging volunteer support, palliative colon tumor – removing the metastasis at the medicine and spiritual support, palliative initial stage or neo-adjuvant chemotherapy". medicine research, complementary medicine, Prof. Avraham Cherniak, a liver, bladder spiritual support in diverse cultures, controlling and pancreas surgery specialist, Director of pain, legal aspects in palliative medicine, Surgery A Dept. at Wolfson Medical Center, various approaches to controlling symptoms, and Dr. Arie Arish, Director of the Liver and quality of life, ethical approaches, etc. Gallbladder Surgery Service at the Surgery B Dept. at Rambam Health Care Campus, 2nd Northern Conference in Oncological also discussed this subject. Israel Cancer Gynecology: "Treating Cancer during Association Chairman, Prof. Eliezer Robinson, Pregnancy" lectured on "The road to recovery - surviving The Second Northern Conference in Oncological the disease". Two sessions were then held Gynecology took place in mid-May and concurrently discussing innovations and focused on an exceptional topic full of updates on esophagus and stomach cancer, misgivings, fears and doubts among young ovarian tumors, combined treatments of the female cancer patients who must undergo stomach cavity, biological treatments for treatment during pregnancy. Dr. Y. Farbstein, breast cancer, innovative sarcoma treatments, Director of Poriya Medical Center, opened breast reconstruction following mastectomy, the conference with greetings, followed palliative radiation treatments and impotence by greetings delivered by Dr. O. Lavi, among men undergoing chemotherapy. The Chairman of the Israeli Gyneco-oncology sessions concluded with a panel discussion Association, Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director on supplementary insurance policies offered General, Mr. Zohar Oved, Mayor of Tiberias, 74 by the healthcare funds. and Prof. E. Shalev, Chairman of the Maternity and Gynecology Association. 2nd Annual International Palliative The conference was divided into four Medicine Conference sessions. The first sessions featured lectures The 2nd Annual International Palliative Medicine delivered by Dr. P. Argenta of the University Conference entitled "Palliative Medicine in of Minnesota, United States, on "Treating Diverse Cultures" was held in mid-March at the cervical cancer during pregnancy", Dr. Y. Herods Hotel in Eilat, sponsored by the ICA. Shnirer, Director of the Oncology Institute The conference was held for professionals who at Poriya Medical Center, Dr. P. Gaston of the University of Minnesota, United Center – Beilinson Hospital, opened the seminar States, on "Chemotherapy treatment along with Ms. H. Yaniv, Oncology Nurse during pregnancy – the impact on mother and Artist, who lectured on "Danny at the and fetus and significant aspects". The Radiation Institute" – on how to prepare children second session featured lectures delivered for radiation therapy through storytelling. by Prof. G. Zidan, Director of the Oncology This was followed by a lecture delivered by Institute at Ziv Medical Center in Safed Dr. Y. Yaniv, Director of the Hemato-oncology on "Breast cancer during pregnancy", Unit, Schneider Children's Medical Center on Prof. S. Granai, Director of the National "Radiation in children- the pros and cons". Center of Excellence in Women's Health at Dr. M. Vigoda, Director of the Radiotherapy Brown University, United States, on "Treating Unit, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem, ovarian cancer during pregnancy". This lectured on "Fundamentals of pediatric was followed by a round table discussion radiation treatment". Ms. A. Pillin, Radiation moderated by Prof. Y. Burnstein which Treatment Coordinator, and Ms. S. Treister, dealt with multidisciplinary treatment during Movement Therapist at the Hemato-oncology pregnancy – about timing the delivery, maturity Complex, Schneider Children's Medical Center amniocentesis, steroids, the mother's right to lectured on "Preparing children between the refuse treatment for the fetus, when to get ages of 3.5 and 6 for radiation treatment, by pregnant after cancer and the fetus' right in multi-professional staff". Dr. Z. Shenkman, advanced stage cancer, with Dr. Y. Perlitz, Anesthesiologist at the Anesthesia Unit at Sheba Dr. A. Atlas, Dr. A. Kushnir, Ms. M. Tal medical Center at Tel Hashomer, lectured on and Ms. S. Mitchell participating. "Fundamentals in anesthetizing children for The fourth session featured a simulation radiation therapy". Ms. R. Elkayam, Head of tumors during pregnancy presented by Nurse at the Radiation Unit at Sheba Medical Dr. G. Cohn-Hagar, Imagining Dept. of the Center at Tel Hashomer, lectured on "Pediatric University of Minnesota – a live video broadcast radiation therapy – treatment process and from the University of Minnesota. Towards anesthetizing children – experience of the the end there was a round table discussion Radiation Unit at Sheba Medical Center at by live video broadcast with the University Tel Hashomer". Ms. R. Uziel, Radiation Unit, of Minnesota led by Prof. S. Granai. The Rambam, Academic Human Health Center, Israeli panel consisted of Dr. P. Argenta, lectured on "Accompanying children and Dr. P. Gaston, Dr. T. Levi Dr.O. Lavi. The preparing them for and during radiation American Panelists were Prof. Linda Carson, therapy – experience of the Radiation Unit and Dr. G. Levi, and three case studies were at Rambam". 75 opened up for discussion by Dr. Y. Ben David, Dr. A. Amit and Dr. A. Atlas. Teachers and Graduates of INPACT National Training Courses for Palliative Pediatric Radiation Therapy Seminar Care A seminar on pediatric radiation therapy was A meeting of teachers and graduates of national held in mid-May at Beit Mati. The initiating training courses for palliative care was held force behind this event, Ms. S. Gardin, Head in mid-May at Beit Mati, aimed to heighten Nurse of the Radiation Unit at Rabin Medical the awareness of palliative care. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director Joint Seminar of the ICA and the Israeli General. Her greetings were followed by a Society of Pediatric Hematology and lecture delivered by Dr. N. Cherny, Director Oncology on childhood and adolescent of the Palliative Care Unit at the Oncology cancer Institute, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, on A seminar for parents of children with "Sedation as treatment for treatment-resistant childhood and adolescent cancer led by symptoms at end of life", Ms. Y. Dreyer, Prof. M. Ben Harush, Chairman of the Head Nurse of the Hemato-oncoloy Unit at Israeli Society of Pediatric Hematology and Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson Hoxpital, Oncology was held at Beit Mati in early June. lectured on "Sleep disorders and palliative ICA Director General, Mrs. Miri Ziv, and Prof. care", followed by reports from the round Ben Harush opened the seminar, delivering on initiatives to promote palliative care in the opening remarks, followed by lectures on wake of the continuing education course, "General overview and epidemiology of and Prof. P. Schwartzman, Director of the childhood and adolescent malignancies" Dept. of Family Medicine and Sial Center, delivered by Prof. M. Ben Harush. "The Pain Treatment and Palliative Care Unit at genetic basis for childhood cancer" delivered Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Clalit by Prof. G. Rechavi, Director of the Cancer Healthcare Services, southern region, lectured Research Center, Sheba Medical Center at on "How to enhance palliative care". Tel Hashomer. "Using imaging tools for the diagnosis and monitoring of childhood Meeting of the National Genetics, Ethics malignancies" delivered by Dr. O. Konen, and Law Forum Imaging Dept., Schneider Children's Medical The Genetic and Bioethics Policy Unit, headed Center. "Using PET CT technologies in by Prof. Goldman, holds seminars in the childhood malignancies", delivered by National Genetics Ethics and Law Forum. Prof. E. Even Sapir, Director of the Nuclear Figuring among the consortium members Medicine Institute, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical are senior research, medical, legal and social Center. "Innovations in treatment approach science professionals. The Consortium aims for childhood malignancies" delivered by Dr. to clarify and discuss ethical and legal issues A. Toren, Director of Pediatric Hematology- relating to genetics. The two previous meetings Oncology Dept., Sheba Medical Center at Tel that were held discussed the issue of "DNA Hashomer. "Using Radiotherapy (radiation databases for investigation, enforcement treatment) to treat childhood malignancies" and prevention" and "The umbilical cord delivered by Prof. A. Kuten, Head of the 76 blood bank law – legal, ethical and social Oncology Complex, Rambam – Human Health aspects" which had great resonance with Center. "Bone marrow transplants in children" the audience. In late May, an additional delivered by Dr. Y. Yaniv, Director of the meeting was held, entitled "Breast Cancer Hematology-Oncology Complex, Schneider and Genetics – scientific wish for social Children's Hospital. "New techniques implementation" with ICA Director General, for preserving fertility in girls and female Miri Ziv participating. adolescents" delivered by Dr. A. Horovitz, in vetro fertilization unit, Sheba Medical The ICA marked Cancer Research Day in Center at Tel Hashomer. "Complementary Israel for the first time this year medicine in pediatric oncology" delivered by ICA Cancer Day was held for the first time Mr. O. Hargash, Dip.Ac, Chinese medicine in mid-June. This special day was initiated therapist, Schneider Children's Medicla by Research Committee Chairman, Prof. Y. Center. "Parents' psychosocial coping with Yarden. About 120 cancer research scientists their children's disease" delivered by Dr. from all over Israel participated in this special E. Glili-Weistaub, Child and Adolescent day, which featured Israeli scientists presenting Psychiatry Unit, Hadassah Medical Center, a wide range of research studies conducted Ein Karem. with funding from the ICA. The seminar ended with a question and Since its inception, the ICA has invested answer panel led by Prof. Y. Kapelushnik, tremendous resources in financing clinical, Director of the Pediatric Hematology-Oncology basic, epidemiological and psycho-social Institute at Soroka Medical Center. research grants. The scope of ICA investment in research over the past decade is estimated Annual Seminar of the Israel Oncology at about 50 million shekels. This day was the Nursing Society beginning of a tradition to be held every year. The Annual Seminar of the Israel Oncology The Research Day seeks to increase reciprocity Nursing Society was held in mid-June at within the cancer researcher community in "Avenue", at the airport complex (Airport Israel, and hosts different research scientists, City). Dr. I. Asher opened the seminar with the aim of information exchange and with a lecture on "Innovative trends in creating a dynamic forum for new collaborative oncology in the 21st century, the merger efforts, mainly between oncologists and of biotechnology, nanotechnology and research scientists. Financing research that neurotechnology", Ms. I. Buchwal and produces results which may advance the fight Ms. N. Schneider lectured on "The against the disease – get us one step closer Society on the Web", Ms. S. Ben Ami, to our goal of eradicating the disease. For Society Chairperson, and Ms. L. Kislev, more information about this special day ICA Head Nurse, lectured on "Leadership please see the "Research" Chapter. workshop for oncology nurses in the Middle East". The day was divided into Spring and summer meetings of the Israel five concurrent sessions with each session Gynecologic Oncology Society focusing on a different topic – coping • The spring meeting of the Israel Gynecologic strategies, support and treatment for Oncology Society was held in late March 77 childhood cancer, community nursing, in collaboration with the Israel Society for enhancing service, health and quality of Complementary Medicine at Beit Mati. The life, telephone intervention, breast cancer, meeting dealt with "Integrative medicine: developing the roles of oncology nurse, the combination of complementary medicine post-trauma responses and workshop on in gynecologic oncology treatment". The coping for supporting staff. meeting was opened by Dr. O. Lavi, Chairman of the Israel Gynecologic Oncology Society integrative plan for gynecological oncology and Dr. E. Ben Arie, Director of the Unit for patients, moderated by Dr. O. Lavi, and with Complementary and Traditional Medicine, Dr. E. Ben Arie, Dr. E. Shiff, Dr. O.Kaspi, Family Medicine Dept., Haifa, Chairman Prof. U. Beller, Prof. B. Fiora and Dr. H. of the Israel Society for Complementary Levavi participating. Medicine, who delivered greetings. The meeting was divided into three sessions. • The summer meeting of the Israel Gynecologic The first session dealt with the "Integration Oncology Society was held in late June of complementary medicine in the Medical at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Ashkelon. The Establishment" and included the following meeting opened with greetings delivered lectures: "Complementary medicine by Dr. O. Lavi, Chairman of the Israel integrated in oncological service – the Gynecologic Oncology Society, and Dr. S. integrative challenge" delivered by Dr. E. Sherf, Director of the Barzilai Medical Center Ben Arie. "Treatment with complementary in Ashkelon. Prof. U. Beller introduced medicine for patient symptoms during the guest lecturer Prof. I. Jacobs, Dean oncological treatment with an emphasis Health Sciences Research and Director of on EBM" delivered by Dr. E. Shiff, Bnei the University College London Institute Zion Medical Center, Director of the Ethics, for Women's Health, who lectured on Law and Complementary Medicine Unit, "Recent developments in ovarian cancer Haifa University. "Art therapy for the screening – English experience". Dr. O. oncological patient" delivered by Ms. Y. Lavi introduced Prof. E. Levi-Lahad, Barak and Ms. Y. Bruno, Art Therapists Director of the Genetics Unit at Shaare with an anthrophosophical approach. Zedek Medical Center, who lectured on "Has the time come to screen the Israeli The second session dealt with "Safety, risks population for BRCA1,2 mutation carriers? and ethics in the Integrative Treatment" and Developments in research on Israeli males". featured the following lectures: "Safety and Dr. Ofer Gemer introduced Prof. L. Unger, risks in complementary treatment – from myth Director of the Gynecologic Oncology to EBM" delivered by Dr. O. Kaspi, Director Unit at the National Institute of Oncology of Integrative Medicine at Rabin Medical in Budapest Hungary, who lectured on Center – Beilinson Hospital. "Interactions "Updates on the results of radical surgery between nutrition and plant supplements and and preservation of fertility in cervical chemotherapy and radiotherapy" delivered cancer". Prof. I. Jacobs lectured once 78 by Dr. L. Goldstein, Clinical Pharmacology again towards the end of the meeting on Service, Ha'emek Medical Center. "Ethical "Preliminary cervical cancer screening in aspects of combined treatment in oncology" the Third World". delivered by Ms. N. Vichner, International Center for Health, Law and Ethics, Haifa Annual Israel Radiology Association University Conference The Annual Israel Radiology Association The third session opened a round table Conference took place in late October at discussion dealing with the outline of the the Dan Eilat Hotel. As in previous years, the conference hosted the members of the Joint Conference on "Prevention and AFIIM – French-Israel Medical Association of early detection of malignant diseases: Imaging. The conference program included innovations and controversies" a refresher course devoted to pelvic and The Joint Israeli Association of Public Health pediatric imaging. Many international lecturers Physicians, Israeli Association of Family were invited to this year's conference: Prof. Physicians, Israel Association of Oncology Herbert Carsel and Prof. Daniel Kopens and ICA Conference on "Prevention and early of the United States, Prof. Katherine detection of malignant diseases: innovations Garelle and Prof. Marc Sefobel of France, and disagreements" was held in late November Prof. John Spencer of England and at Kfar Hamaccabiya in Ramat Gan. Plenary Prof. Fred Avni of Belgium. Among lectures were delivered at the conference with the local guests were Prof. Hadassah experts from Israel and abroad participating, Degani of the Weizmann Institute and Dr. and sessions were held to discuss controversial Sigal Sedetzki of the Gartner Institute, issues involved in the prevention and early whose research on the impact of cellular detection of malignant diseases.. phone radiation financed by the ICA has evoked tremendous response. The guest of Further information on ICA sponsorship honor at this year's conference was Prof. of scientific conferences may be found Rina Tadmor one of Israel's pioneers in in the chapters: "Professional Training" neuro-radiology. and "International Conferences".

79 Professional Training

• In view of the fact that precise data encourage research work in these settings. and proper conclusions are derived from This year's grant recipients were: broad-based research studies, the ICA encourages Israeli centers to participate • Dr. Pfeffer, Dr. Weizen, Dr. Ofir and in international clinical research conducted Dr. Morag of Sheba Medical Center at under the auspices of EORTC (the European Tel Hashomer – advanced study course in Organization for Research and Treatment Milan, Italy, on research promotion and of Cancer). treatment of sarcoma patients. As a branch of the large scale project, the centers participating in clinical research • Dr. Avivit Pe'er of Rambam Health Care studies are under high quality supervision Campus – advanced study course in euro- and quality control. Prof. A. Kuten is a oncology in North Carolina, United States, member of the Steering Committee of in December 2008. the EORTC Radiotherapy Group. This year • Dr. Nicola Nassar of Shaare Zedek Medical as well, the ICA continues to support the Center, research on the antiangionic properties participation of Oncology Departments in of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin. EORTC Radiotherapy Group activities with the aim of encouraging them to participate • Dr. Alon Aharon of Rabin Medical Center - in general European clinical research. Beilinson Hospital, research on mesomark in the treatment of malignant mesothelioma. • The ICA supports the participation of research students and interns in the annual • Dr. David Geffen of Soroka Medical conference of the Cancer Biology Research Center, advanced study course on clinical Center. research and lab studies on breast cancer in the Oncology Dep. at Sheba Medical • The ICA finances the purchase of professional Center at Tel Hashomer. literature and scientific journals for oncology departments in medical centers throughout the Travel Grants for Long-Term Advanced country. Thanks to this project, new and up to Study Abroad date information is available to professionals. • Dr. Shaul Avraham, Hematology Ward, Likewise, the ICA Information Center is a Rambam Health Care Campus, advanced 80 resource available to professionals, where study course in the impact of a transplant they may conduct a search of international against lymphoma in mycosis fungoides computerized databases. patients in London, England from June 07 – June 09. Clinical Research Project 2008 • Dr. Menachem Bitan, Hemato-ocnology The ICA continues to fund basic or clinical Unit, Dana Hospital, Tel Aviv Sourasky research projects carried out by oncology Medical Center, advanced study course interns at Oncology Institutes, in order to in the Hematology Oncology and Bone Unique program initiated by the Israeli Society of Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy and the Israel Cancer Association: Physician-Patient Communication workshop for physicians and interns

The ICA in collaboration with the Israeli Society of Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy launched a unique program for imparting physician-patient communication skills in oncology. In the current state of affairs, in which physicians are burnt out, oncologists in particular, imparting a skill which will reduce the tension and frustration is of utmost importance. Practicing and imparting communication skills have been found to have a positive effect on the work of professional staff engaged in treating cancer. The method and nature of the communication between physicians and patients have an impact not only on patients and on their family, but also on the physicians. The impact is also on the decisions physicians will make during treatment of the patient and on their feelings as caregivers. While oncology interns in Israel are exposed to many different possibilities to broaden their scientific and clinical knowledge in diagnosis and treatment of the disease, there is no framework that enables development and practicing of skills in the field of communication and physician-patient relations. This field is an important component in the training of an intern and it is a tool that the intern requires in his/her daily coping. Practice through simulation has been successfully endeavored in several fields of medicine and has set new standards of impacting clinical and practical skills to and interns alike and is increasingly being used. The center for medical simulation – MSR has garnered experience and an international reputation in training medical staff in different situations with which they cope. This center has developed a kit of prevalent scenarios in the realm of oncology – combining a workshop designed to impart physician-patient communication. The following situations figure among the scenarios: delivering bad news, coping with the advanced stages of the disease, suggesting expensive drugs, participating in clinical trials, etc. The workshop participants were shown different situations that were enacted by professional actors and each scenario was analyzed and studied. The workshop 81 was held in the basic sciences of Dr. Shani Palloch-Shimon and led by Dr. Amitai Ziv, Managing irector of MSR, Dr. Natan Cherny and Dr. Bella Kaufman. Four days of coaching were held during the year for interns who have completed at least one a year of internship and one special workshop was held for physicians specializing in oncology. The program was held courtesy of Roche Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd. Marrow Transplant Division at Cincinnati advanced study course on sarcoma tumors Children's Hospital Medical Center, United at M.D. Anderson Texas, United States, States, from July 2008-July 2009. from September 2008- August 2010.

• Dr. Friedman Tal, Plastic Surgery Dept., • Dr. Ehud Miller, Plastic Surgery Dept. Assaf Harofe Medical Center, advanced Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, study course in reconstructive plastic surgery advanced study course on MOHS surgery, scheduled to take place at the University of Holland, from January 30, 2010 to January Pittsburgh, United States, from Sept. 2007 15, 2009. to Sept. 2009.

• Dr. Eiran Sharon, Surgery A Dept., Rabin • Dr. Helena Martinez de Morentin, Skin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital, dept. Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, advanced study course in breast oncology advanced international study course on surgery scheduled to take place at the Dermascopy. University of Toronto Hospital, Canada, from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2010. • Meron Tikva, Dept. of Radiotherapy, Rambam Health Care Campus, advanced • Dr. Nethanel Avraham Horowitz, the study course on palliative care for advanced Institute of Hematology and Bone stage cancer patients, University of Nottingham Marrow Transplants, Rambam Health in England, from September 2008 – September Care Campus, advanced study course on 2009. hemostatic system components and NK cells influence on metastatic potential and innate immunity, Cinncinati Ohio, the United • Dr. Einat Shalom-Paz, Department of States, from May 1, 2008-May 1, 2011. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, advanced study course • Dr. Zvi Vaknin, Gynecology Dept. Assaf on fertility preservation, Montréal Canada, Harofe Medical Center, advanced study from August 2008 – August 2010. course on gynecologic oncology, Montréal, Canada, from July 1, 2008 to June 30, • Dr. Judit Haver Kraus, Institute of 2011. Pathology, Ha'emek Medical Center, Afula, advanced study course on the role 82 • Katya Voskoboynik, Institute of of sunburn in the cause of melanoma, New Pathology, Bnei Zion Medical Center, York, United States, from October 1, 2008 advanced study course at the School of to March 31, 2009. Cytotechnology, Los Angeles, California, from August 2008 – August 2009. • Dr. Shani Paluch-Shimon, Oncology • Dr. Daniela Katz, Oncology Dept. Complex, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem, Hashomer, advanced study course for master's degree studies in epidemiology • Prof. Miriam Ben-Harush, Director of the to be held by correspondence with the Pediatric Hemato-oncology Ward at Meyer University of London as of October 2008. Children's Hospital, Haifa, initiated the invitation of Dr. Patte Catherine of Paris, Invitations to Guest Lecturers from Head of the National Pediatric Lymphoma Abroad Protocol and Dr. Alfred Reiter of Germany • Prof. Avinoam Shofar, Director of the to lecture at the Annual Pediatric Oncology Neurology Dept. at Schneider Children's Conference held on April 14, 2008. Medical Center and Dr. Yitzhak Yaniv, Director of the Hematology Oncology • Prof. Schlomo Schneebaum, Chairman of Complex at Schneider Children's Medical the Israel Society for Surgical Oncology, Tel Center, initiated the invitation of Prof. Roger Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, initiated the Packer to a conference on New Horizons invitation of Prof.E. Eggermont of Holland in Neurofibromatosis, April 28, 2008. to lecture at the Bi-Annual Conference of the Israel Society for Surgical Oncology, • Dr. Yehiel Ziv, Chairman of the Israel Society held from February 14-15, 2008. of Colon and Rectal Surgery initiated the invitation of Dr. Marvin l. Corman of New • Dr. Shlomit Perry, Chairperson of the York, United State, to lecture at the Israel Israel Society for Psycho-oncology and Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, held Dr. Miri Cohen initiated the invitation of on October 25, 2007. Prof. Lodovico Balducci of Florida, United States, to lecture at the Psycho-oncology • Sara Ben Ami, Chairperson of Oncology and Geriatrics Conference held in November Nursing Society initiated the invitation of 2008, with financial assistance from the Ms. Barbara Summers of Dallas, United Lea and Eliyahu Arbel Foundation. State, to lecture at the Middle East regional conference held at the Guest House, • Dr. Ofer Lavi, Chairman of the Israeli from December 13-15, 2007. Society of Gyneco-oncology initiated the invitation of Prof. Ian Jacobs to lecture at • Dr. Ilan Atlas, of the Gyneco-oncology the summer meeting of the Israeli Society Dept. at Padeh Medical Center, Tiberias, of Gyneco-oncology held on June 27, 2008 initiated the invitation of Prof. Skip Granai, in Ashkelon. Director of the Women's Cancer Treatment Center at Brown University, United States, • Dr. Yitzhak Yaniv, Director of the Hemato- 83 Dr. Peter Argenta, gynecologic oncologist oncology Complex at Schneider Children's of the University of Minnesota, and Prof. Medical Center initiated the invitation of Patricia Judson gynecologic oncologist of Dr. Timothy Triche of Los Angeles United the University of Minnesota to lecture at a States, to lecture at the conference on: conference on Cancer Treatment during euing's sarcoma: past, present and future, Pregnancy held in May 2008 at Baruch in memory of Prof. Rina Zaizov of blessed Padeh Medical Center, Tiberias. memory, held on June 26, 2008. Support for Professional Conferences Travel Grants for Short-Term Advanced • As per the request of Prof. Miriam Ben- Study Abroad and Participation in Harush, Chairperson of the Israel Society International Conferences of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, • Dr. Avior Galit, EEG Unit, Head and Neck the ICA assisted in financing the Annual Surgery at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center Conference of the Israel Society of Pediatric – Advanced Study Course on neck surgery Hematology and Oncology held from March and head & neck oncology held in Paris, 13-15, 2008 in Mitzpe Ramon. France from April 1 – June 30, 2009.

• As per the request of Dr. Amitai Oberman, • Hashem Awad, Pediatric Hemato- Director of the Geriatric Ward, Poriyah oncology, Rambam Health Care Campus Medical Center, the ICA assisted in financing – International Pediatric Oncology Conference the Annual Conference of the `Support` held in October 2008 in Berlin, Germany. Association held on January 23, 2008 at the Dan Panorama Hotel. • Dr. Arad-Cohen Nira, Pediatric Hemato- oncology Dept., Rambam Health Care • As per the request of Dr. Amit Amnon, Campus – International pediatric oncology Director of the Gyneco-oncology Dept. at Conference – SIOP- held in October 2008 Rambam Health Care Campus, the ICA in Berlin, Germany. assisted in financing the workshop for reinforcing the infrastructure of the multi- • Ben-Gal Yael, Schneider Children's professional staff in their professional and Medical Center – International Pediatric humanitarian efforts. Oncology Conference held in October 2008 in Berlin, Germany. International Conferences • As per the request of Dr. Orly Toren, • Barhad Rachel, Bone Marrow Transplant Nursing Director at Hadassah Medical Unit, Rambam Health Care Campus Center, Ein Karem, the ICA assisted in – World Bone Marrow Transplant Conference financing the lectures on nursing research held in Florence, Italy in March, 2008. at the International Nursing Conference held from June 30, 2008 to July 3, 2008 • Dr. Bernstein Zvi, Oncology Institute, at the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem. Rambam Health Care Campus – PET Applications for Radiology Planning 84 • As per the request of Dr. Michaela Course held in November 2008 in Vienna, Berkovitz, Chairperson of the Society Austria. of Palliative Care, the ICA financed her participation and that of nine nurses at the • Dreyfus Tamar, Oncology Institute, International Conference of the Society of Soroka Medical Center – Multidisciplinary Palliative Care at Herrods Hotel that took Research Conference held in July 2008 in place from March 19-22, 2008. Prato, Italy. • Dreyer Yehudit and Anat Peck, Hemato- Advanced Study Course on Radiotherapy oncology Unit, Rabin Medical Center for Radiology Physicists held in June 2008 – Beilinson Hospital – Oncology Nurses in Toledo, Spain. International Conference held in Singapore in August 2008. • Dr. Levi Yitzhak, Infectious Diseases Unit, Schneider Children's Medical • Dr. Eyal Golderberg, Upper Galilee Center – scientific conference on infectious Hospice – Palliative Medicine Conference diseases in immuno-repressed patients held held in September 2008 in Montreal, in June 2008 in Saloniki, Greece. Canada. • Suar Mahul-Huri, Pediatric Oncology • Dr. Yaakov Goshen, Pediatric Hemato- Ward, Meyer Children's Medical Center, oncology Ward, Schneider Children's Rambam Health Care Campus - SIOP Medical Center – work meeting of the Conference (pediatric oncology) held in coordinators for pediatric protocol for October 2008 in Berlin, Germany. Soft Tissue Sarcoma held in Milan, Italy in September 2008. • Dr. Michaelson-Cohen Rachel, Gyneco- oncology Dept., Shaare Zedek Medical • Dr. Kagna Olga, Oncology Institute, Center – 39th Annual Conference of the Rambam Health Care Campus – PET American Society of Gynecologic Oncology Applications for Radiology Planning held held in March 2008 in Florida, United in November 2008 in Vienna, Austria. States.

• Katz Yaakov, Distric Pharmacist Ministry • Nevelsky Alexander, Oncology Ward, of Health, Ramle District – Oncology Rambam Health Care Campus – Advanced Pharmacology Conference held in June Study Course on radiobiology held in England 2008 in California, United States. in April, 2008. • Kislev Livia, Israel Cancer Association – continuing education course in oncology • Ovadia Ronni, Hemato-oncology Day nursing held in Sofia, Bulgaria in March Care Center, Sheba Medical Center at 2008. Tel Hashomer – Advanced Study Course on oncology nursing held in March 2008 in Sofia, Bulgaria. • Prof. Don Krast, Tissue Typing Dept., 85 Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson Hospital - Conference on Innovative Technologies in • Anat Peles-Burtz, Hemato-oncology Life Sciences held in February 2008 in Utah, Ward, Schneider Children's Medical United States. Center - Conference of the American Society of Pediatric Oncology Nurses held • Kreitman-Butansky Yehudit, Oncology in September 2008 in Albuquerque, United Institue, Soroka Medical Center – States. • Piatgorskaya Vera, Oncology Center, • Tonin Rina, School of Nursing and Sheba Medical Center – Annual Conference Oncology Clinic, Hadassah Medical of the ESTRO European Society held in Center, Ein Karem – Advanced Study September 2008 in Sweden. Course on oncology nursing held in Sofia, Bulgaria in March 2008. • Dr. Reines Rinat, Gynecological and Obstetrics Ward, Shaare Zedek Medical • Yisraeli Moshe, Tissue Typing Lab, Center – Advanced Study Course on Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson Hospital gyneco-oncological surgeries held at the – Annual ASHI conference, held in October Groningen University Hospital, Holland 2008 in Toronto, Canada. from March 15-June 15, 2008. • Zakkai Anat, Breast Health Center, Assaf • Dr. Shalom Jim, Upper Galilee Hospice Harofe Medical Center – Psycho-oncology – course in Education and Leadership in Conference held in Madrid, Spain in June Palliative Care held in April 2008 in Boston, 2008. United States. • Zohar Hana, Oncology Institute, Rambam • Sharon Marina, Oncology Ward, Rambam Health Care Campus – 39th Annual Health Care Campus – Annual Conference Conference of the American Society of of the American Association of Medical Gynecologic Oncology held in March 2008 Dosimetrists held in June 2008 in Cleveland, in Florida, United States. Ohio, United States. Summer Grants • Shoger Varda, Plastic Clinic, Rambam The ICA continues its summer grants program Health Care Campus - 15th International for medical students at oncology institutes. Conference on Cancer Nursing, held in This year’s grant recipients were: August 2008 in Singapore. • Liat Zwergel, Rambam Health Care • Dr. Yael Sobol, Surgery A Dept., Tel Aviv Campus Sourasky Medical Center – Advanced Study Course on Breast Surgery held from • Wafa Bilan, Rambam Health Care Dec. 13 2007-March 7, 2008 in San Antonio, Campus United States. 86 • Gila Beikin, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem • Dr. Toledano Helene, Pediatric Oncology, Schneider Children's Medical Center • Ligomski Haggai, Sheba Medical Center – Conference on Brain Tumors in Children at Tel Hashomer held in June 2008 in Chicago, United • Yifat Weiner, Sheba Medical Center at Tel States. Hashomer Summer Grants – Groningen, Holland relations with their patients. The relevant For the 12th consecutive year, the WHO professional unions select the award recipients organized a two-week international course and the award is presented to them at the in oncology for medical students held at union's annual conference. the University of Groningen, Holland and alternatively in Vienna, courtesy of the UICC. The 2008 ICA award winners were: The course covers oncology-related subjects, • The Israel Pediatric Hemato-Oncology and places an emphasis on the principles of Association: prevention, early detection and palliative Outstanding Specialist Award was care. The ICA believes that it is imperative presented to: that physicians be involved in these fields; Dr. Abed Abukoidar, of Soroka Medical hence, this year as well, it was decided to Center grant 2 scholarships to medical students from Israeli higher institutes of education, • The Israeli Oncology Nursing Society: so that they may participate in this course Prize for the development of Cancer in Holland. Patient Services was awarded to: Ms. Bruriya Yachini, Breast Cancer Treatment This year's grant recipients were: Coordinator, Sourasky Medical Center, Tel • Asaf Ahiron – Tel Aviv University aviv • Shalom Guy – Ben-Gurion University, Be'er Ms. Shula Lev, Coordinating Orthopedic Sheva Oncology Nurse, Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv Awards This year the ICA presented annual awards • The Israeli Society for Clinical Oncology and to physicians and nurses who care for cancer Radiation Therapy Award was presented patients and demonstrate professionalism in to: Dr. Robinov Karen of the Oncology their work while excelling in humanitarian Institute, Soroka Medical Center.

87 International Conferences

Impressions and summary of the Annual "The time is right to make cancer control UICC Conference a development priority". The UICC Conference was held at the end of Dr. Chan said that she believes that several August 2008 in Switzerland. A World Cancer recent trends in public health make the Treaty was signed during the conference international community especially receptive to attended by dozens of researchers, scientists the Declaration’s arguments, and responsive to and health system personnel from across its call to action. Former UN Commissioner for the globe. This treaty set targets to further Human Rights, Mary Robinson, who chaired develop strategies against cancer diseases the World Summit, said cancer control is a throughout the globe-Cancer Chronicles Film human rights issue, tied to the right to health Festival, an international documentary film through access to an effective health system. competition was held for the first time. The "Ultimately, it is a question of human rights ICA "hookah" public service announcement and above all, it is a question of human dignity. won (PSA) first place in the public service Adoption of the World Cancer Declaration is announcement category (for further details another step in a real commitment – vision please see "Information and Education" – of how to tackle this huge world health Chapter). issue," said Robinson, who is now President of "Realizing Rights", an international human Closing of the conference: World Cancer rights organization. Much can be done to Declaration sets ambitious targets for tackle cancer in the developing world, the 2020 experts said. About one-third of cancer The World Cancer Summit - a meeting of cases can be prevented and another more than 60 high level policymakers, leaders third can be cured if detected early and and health experts adopted a global plan treated properly. aimed at tackling the growing cancer crisis in Targets recommended in the declaration developing countries. The plan contained in include significant drops in global tobacco the World Cancer Declaration, recommends consumption, obesity and alcohol intake; a set of 11 cancer-busting targets for 2020 universal vaccination programs for hepatitis and outlines priority steps that need to B and human papilloma virus to prevent liver be taken in order to meet them. It was and cervical cancer; dramatic reduction in the 88 presented at the close of the UICC World emigration of health workers with specialist Cancer Congress and offered as a global cancer training; universal availability of effective template for governments and other groups pain medication and the dispelling of myths to tailor as they devise their own plans to and misconceptions about the disease. guide local efforts. "The rise of cancer in The idea of a global fund for cancer, similar less affluent countries is an impending to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis disaster", World Health Organization (WHO) and Malaria, was tabled as a possible goal, Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan, told given that cancer kills more people than delegates at the opening of the congress. those three diseases combined. Other highlights of the World Cancer Congress closing ceremony The AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) Other highlights of the World Cancer Congress Centennial Conference in conjuction with Israel Cancer closing ceremony include an award to Raul Association entitled: "Translational Cancer Medicine 2008: Pitarque and Javier Bou, who won the Bridging the Lab and the Clinic in Cancer Medicine" prize for a symbol to designate smoke-free The AACR Centennial Conference was held in early November 2008 environments for children. Pitarque and Bou at the Congress Center in Jerusalem in conjunction with ICA. The are tobacco activists in Argentina, and their AACR is an important organization of international repute headed simple but evocative design was judged to by Dr. Margaret Foti. The 4-day conference featured top cancer be widely usable, communicating effectively research experts hailing from Israel, The United States, England, across cultures. Scotland, Spain, Switzerland and Belgium, who delivered lectured on Also recognized at the ceremony were the various subjects, such as: clinical trials, strategies in drug development, winners from the "Reel Lives" film festival biological components of cancer treatment, advanced treatments for – the first ever devoted to the theme of cancer. different cancers, tumor response to chemotherapy, cancer-related Jan Gassman from Switzerland was honored immunology, angiogenesis and the micro setting of tumors, inter- for his film "Chrigu", a moving and surprising cell responses, as well as an open panel on "Challenges in cancer portrait of a young man who once had great research in Israel", principles of treatment for breast cancer, identifying plans for the future until, at the age of 21, a mechanism that may assist in evaluating the risk and early detection an advanced-stage tumor was found in his of lung cancer, real time imaging of molecular orientations, clinical neck. Additional winners were "The Truth treatment of ovarian cancer and breast cancer, new imaging biomarkers about Cancer" (USA) for best reportage, in oncology, cancer and epigenetics. The Art of Living (India) for best personal story, The Children of Avenir (Morocco) for Ziv's second term as a member of the Executive best education or organizational film, and Board consisting 14 members from around "Hookah" (Israel) for the best public service the globe. The UICC consists of 330 member announcement. organizations from 100 countries around the The World Health Organization (WHO) globe that collaborate to advance the global fight forecasts that by 2030, the annual global against cancer. Miri Ziv's extensive activity in the death toll will rise to about 11.5 million. The health system for over 25 years played a role in UICC holds a World Cancer Congress every the UICC's decision to appoint her as a member two years. The next World Cancer Congress of its Executive Board, which sets global policy for will meet in Beijing, 18-21 August 2010. the fight against cancer diseases. Miri's broad- based activity in various managerial positions 89 We extend our congratulations to ICA within the ICA, the organization which leads Director General, Miri Ziv, who was Israel's fight against cancer diseases, has made chosen to serve an additional term as a significant contribution to the development of UICC Executive Board member at the national screening programs, the promotion of Annual UICC Conference prevention methods, the expansion of services Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, was elected for cancer patients and the general population, to serve as UICC Executive Board member and to unique and diverse activity on behalf of at the Annual UICC Conference. This is Miri the community and Israeli society. Research

Each year, the ICA awards dozens of fellowship presenting a wide range of research studies grants to physicians in medical centers conducted with funding from the ICA, and and to scientists in research institutes and heightening awareness as to the importance universities throughout the country. This of cancer research. The research day held involves basic, clinical, and epidemiological at Beit Mati, ICA head office, was opened research, as well as studies investigating the by Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General and psycho-social aspects of the disease and the Prof. Yosef Yarden, who delivered greetings. coping strategies of cancer patients and This was followed by an overview of ICA's their families. Mrs. Vardit Danziger, ICA extensive activity, delivered by Miri Ziv, Assistant to the Director General, oversees Prof. Gadi Rennert, of Carmel Medical Center, the Research Committee. delivered the first lecture on "The impact of molecular tests on the definition of the risk, diagnostic methods, treatment modalities We extend our congratulations to and cancer survival – individualization of the Prof. Yosef Yarden, a cancer research medical endeavor". The seminar was divided scientist of international repute, from into two sessions, with each session featuring the Dept. of Biological Control at the lectures on diverse topics. The session, led by Weizmann Institute of Science, and Prof. Yosef Yarden, featured the following Chairman of the ICA Research Committee, three lectures: on his appointment as a member of the Israel National Academy of Science. The • Dr. Shai Izraeli, Sheba Medical Center at ICA highly respects and appreciates Tel Hashomer, lectured on: his endeavors and is very proud of this Prediction of Brain Metastasis by the Expression prestigious and significant recognition of of Three Genes in Primary Non Small Cell which Prof. Yarden is certainly worthy. Lung Cancer • Prof. Nitza Lahat, Carmel Medical Center and the Technion, lectured on: A special day dedicated to research was held Hypoxia inhibits iNOS activity in macrophages for the first time this year at Beit Mati, and tumor cells by disrupting its interactions ICA head office. with α -actinin 4 90 • Dr. Abir Ronit, Rabin Medical Center The ICA marked Cancer Research Day – Beilinson Hospital, lectured on: for the first time this year Ovarian cryopreservation for fertility ICA research day was held for the first time preservation after initiation in mid-June. This special day was initiated by Of anti-cancer therapy-Should it be Research Committee Chairman, Prof. Yosef considered? Yarden. About 120 cancer research scientists • Prof. Moshe Pappa and Dr. Ronit Yarden, from all over Israel convened to participate in Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, this special day, which featured Israeli scientists lectured on: BRCA1 mediated ubiquitination and Targeted Drug-carrying Filamentous Phage proteasomal degradation of G2/M cell - Nanomedicines cycle proteins is required for preventing • Dr. Yaron Shav-Tal, Bar-Ilan University, unscheduled mitotic entry following DNA lectured on: damage and for maintenance of genomic Analysis of cyclin D1 Proto-Oncogene Promoter stability. Control Using Single-Cell in Vivo Imaging • Dr. Daniela Katz, Hadassah Medical Center, • Dr. Shahar Lev-Ari, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Ein Karem, lectured on: lectured on: Discordant expression of estrogen receptor Curcumin: a potential radio-sensitizer in between primary breast tumors and head and neck cancer corresponding involved axillary lymph • Prof. Moshe Oren, Weizmann Institute, nodes may impact prognosis. delivered the last lecture entitled: "P53: • Prof. Maya Horowitz, Tel Aviv University, Natural Defense against Cancer" moderated the second session which featured The outstanding poster was selected from the following lectures: among the posters presented at the seminar • Prof. Rachel Bar-Shavit, Hadassah Medical and a summary was delivered and lessons Center, Ein Karem, lectured on: were learned for the next Research Day. Molecular signatures in the promoter of human Protease Activated Receptor; hPar1: Outstanding Female Researcher Grant Implication to tumor progression In 2008, an augmented fellowship • Dr. Micha Bar-Hanna, Haifa University, grant was presented to Dr. Sharon lectured on: Eden of the Hebrew University, for Incidence and Survival patterns of Malignant her research on the "Delay of RAC Diseases among Holocaust Survivors in dependent actin polymerization, a key Israel process in the wandering of cells and • Prof. Uri Nir, Bar-Ilan University, lectured the development of metastases"; this on: grant was provided by the Outstanding TMF/ARA160 a novel protein that mediates Female Researcher Fund established by the proteosomal degradation of NFKB the children of The late Prof. Dafna P65 Izraeli and The Late Prof. Dov Izraeli, • Prof. Benhar Itai, Tel Aviv University, in memory of their parents. lectured on: 91 The following is a list of the fellowship grants that received funding in 2008:

Inst. + Researcher Research subject Funded By Tel-Aviv University Mechanism of Beclin 1 The Ber-Lehmsdorf Dr Pinkas-Kramarski R. mediated autophagy memorial Fund in Memory of the Late John Furman The Hebrew University Differential gene regulation The Ber-Lehmsdorf of Jerusalem by the tumor suppressor P53 Memorial Fund in Memory Dr Simon I. - the role of modifications and of the Late Prof. Nathan cofactors Trainin The Hebrew University Developing a novel inhibitor Through the Miriam and of Jerusalem peptide as a potential drug for Benjamin Stanton Fund Prof. Razin E. melanoma and prostate cancer Tel-Aviv University Inflammatory cytokines and Donated by Linda R. Dr. Ben-Baruch A. chemokines in breast cancer: Kaminow in memory of Possible role in Epithelial-to- Claire and Emanuel G. Mesenchymal Transition Rosenblatt Tel-Aviv University The cooperative therapeutic The estate of the late Dr. Flescher E. potential of methy1 jasmonate Alexander Smidoda and endoplasmic reticulum stress inducers - Tunicamycin and Thapsigargin, evaluated in human colon cancer cells Bar Ilan University, Interference with the The estate of the late Ramat-Gan interaction of VLA-4 on AML Alexander Smidoda Prof Sredni B. cells and Fibronectin, by the Dr. Kalechman Y. Tellurium compound AS101 results in their sensitiztion to chemotherapy Bar Ilan University, Potential usage of specific The estate of the late 92 Ramat-Gan hemopoietic cytoskeletal Alexander Smidoda Dr. Barda-saad M. Alexander proteins as a target of T-cell lymphoma Haifa University Perceptions, Emotional The estate of the late Dr. Cohen M. Reactions and Ways of coping Alexander Smidoda of Arab women with breast cancer Inst. + Researcher Research subject Funded By The Hebrew University Structural studies of intrinsically Miriam and Shlomo Hasid of Jerusalem active ERK2 variants: basis for memorial fund Dr. Livne O. anti cancer drug design Ben Gurion University. Combined bichemical, Donated by Harry & Ida Beer-Sheva molecular & genetic approach Shooster, Florida Dr. Abdu U. to elucidate the function of checkpoint kinase 2 in including tissue-specific appotosis during Drosophila meiosis Rabin Medical Center, Fertility Restoration to Cancer Donated by ICA USA Beilinson Campus, Patients by Use of Multiple in honor of Ida & Harry Petach Tikva Growth Factors Shooster Prof Fisch B. Dr. Abir R. Sheba Medical Center, Profiling the expression Tel Hashomer patterns of mirRNAs during Dr. Avni D. the malignant evolution of malignant melanoma - umplication for diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutics Rabin Medical Center, Regeneration following Miriam and Shlomo Hasid Beilinson Campus, subtotal hepatectomy: memorial fund Petach Tikva the effect of erythropietin Dr. Hochhauser E. post irinotecan / oxaliplatin asministration Soroka Medical Center, Mechnisms of NF-Kb Miriam and Shlomo Hasid Beer-Sheva inhibition and apoptosis by memorial fund Prof Gopas J. hydroxythionuphlutine B (NUP) in Hodgkins lymphoma cell lines 93 Ben Gurion University. The mitochondrial protein The Chaya and Naftali Beer-Sheva VDAC1 as a novel target for Bloch Memorial Fund Prof Shoshan-Barmatz V. including cancer cells death Ben Gurion University. O-GlcNAc modification in The Chaya and Naftali Beer-Sheva cancer metastasis Bloch Memorial Fund Dr. Halaila I. Inst. + Researcher Research subject Funded By Ben Gurion University. Characterization of a newly Donated by Harry & Ida Beer-Sheva discovered leukemia tumor cell Shooster, Florida Dr. Isakov N. marker Dr. Ignacio S. Rabin Medical Center, Auto-antibody profiles for the The Raya (Rela) Golambo Beilinson Campus, diagnosis of transitional cell Memorial Fund Petach Tikva carcinoma of the bladder Dr. Margel D. Rambam Medical Investigating the role of the The Raya (Rela) Golambo Center, Haifa pro-apoptotic protein-arts in Memorial Fund Dr. Larisch S. lymphoma, as basis developing an anti-cancer drug The Hebrew University Targeted prevention of donated by ICA USA in of Jerusalem tumor recurrence and distat honor of Linda Kaminow Prof Rubinshtein A. metastasis of breast cancer by a novel biodegradable- biocompatible platforms for brachytherapy Rabin Medical Center, The performance of 18F Donated by Linda R. Beilinson Campus, - fluorodexyglucose position Kaminow Petach Tikva emission tomography diagnosis Dr. Gafter-Gvili A. of infections hematological cancer paients with persistent neutropenia and fever Sheba Medical Center, The role of tumor suppressor Tel Hashomer protein p53 in ARE-mRNA Dr. Bakhanshvili M. degeradiation Sheba Medical Center, Economic Efficiency for Tel Hashomer maximaizing the health benfit Dr. Abadi-Korek I. among oncology patients in 94 israel Technion, Haifa Study of e4orf4 nduced cancer Prof Kleinberger T. specific apoptosis in vivo in a drosphilia model system Technion, Haifa Molecular mechanisms of Shimon & Irena Gross Dr. Yavlonsky D. metastasis: odentification of Research Fund genes required for chemokine- inducted cell migration Inst. + Researcher Research subject Funded By Technion, Haifa The relationship between hSef Shimon & Irena Gross Prof Ron D. loss of expression and the Research Fund malignant process Hadassah Medical New echcardiographic Through the Miriam and Center, Ein- Karem, parameter for early detection Benjamin Stanton Fund Jerusalem of trastuzumab related Dr. Uziely B. cardiotoxocity Dr. Katz D. Hadassah Medical Detection of minimal disease Donated by Nancy and Center in breast cancer patients using Peter Brown Dr Nissan A. specific micro RNA Hadassah Medical Do women wit non-metastatic Center, Ein- Karem, breast cancer have a higher Jerusalem risk of colorectal adnomas? Dr. Kaduri L. - prospective cohort study Prof Peretz T. The Hebrew University Inhibition of Rac-induced The Outstanding Research of Jerusalem actinpolymerization, a key Fund in memory of the late Dr Sharon E. process in cell migration and Prof. Dafna and the late metastasis Prof. Dov Izraeli Tel-Aviv University Communication of genetic Dr Bar-Noy Z. information to cancer patients relatives: practice, law and ethivs in israel Tel-Aviv University Cellular technologies as a tool Dr. Dar R. for behavioral intervention in smoking cessation Tel-Aviv University Tel-Aviv University Dr. Rephaeli A. Enhancement of anticancer Dr. Kessler-Icekson G. efficacy and reduction in therapy associated 95 cardiotoxicity by ptodrug AN-7, application to breast cancer Tel-Aviv University Targeting pancreatic cancer Donated by David Markin Dr Satchi-Fainaro R. with polymer conjugates of in honor of his wife Tracy angiogenesis inhibitors Tel Aviv Sourasky Cofocal endomicrosoy as a tool Medical Center for earlt cancer detection in Prof Bruck R. high risk population Inst. + Researcher Research subject Funded By Sheba Medical Center, Promotor methylation Tel Hashomer as putative modifier of Prof Friedman E. penetrance in BRCA 1 / 2 mutation carriers Sheba Medical Center, The role of ETS transcription Tel Hashomer factors in human prostate Dr Cohen Y. cancer tumorigenesis Assaf Harofeh Medical Phase II multicenter clinical Center, Zrifin trial of prophylactic irradiation Prof Kuten A. to the contralateral breast for BRCA mutation carriers undergoing treatment for breast cancer Sheba Medical Center, Risk for cancer in subgroups Tel Hashomer of schizophrenia and their first Dr. Gilad G. degree relatives Hadassah Medical Targeting invasiveness inducing Center, Ein-Karem, high molecular weight Jerusalem melanoma associated antigen Dr. Mecklankin A. with highly functional cytotoxic T cell Hadassah Medical Perioperative administration Center, Ein-Karem, of beta blockers and Jerusalem COX2 inhibitors in women Dr. Allsweiss T. undergoing breast cancer Prof Ben-Eliyahu S. surgery: an intervention to decrease immune suppression, metasttic potential and cancer recurrence Hadassah Medical Quality of life in children cured 96 Center, Ein-Karem, of retinoblastoma Jerusalem Dr. Weintraub M. Technion, Haifa Early diagnosis of lung cancer Donated in honor of Helen Dr. Haick H. via breast samples and Arnold Hoffman's 60th wedding Anniversary (Florida). Inst. + Researcher Research subject Funded By Tel-Aviv University MC1R genotyping and Dr. Azizi E. functional analyses in Malignant Melanoma Jewish Patients Bar Ilan University, Analysis of cyclin D1 Proto- Ramat-Gan Oncogene Promoter Control Dr. Shav-Tal Y. using single-cell in vivo imaging Bar Ilan University, The role of the ranscription Ramat-Gan factor E2F in enhanced Dr. Ginsberg D. sensitivity of human transormed cells to chemotherapy Tel-Aviv University A novel mechanism of c-Jun Prof Vardimon L. regulation in tumor cells

Tel-Aviv University Interdependence of TGF- Prof Henis Y. beta receptor internalization, signaling and oncogenic potential Tel-Aviv University Restoring the in vivo function Donated by Jane & dick Prof Segal D. of mutant VHL tumor- Karp Prof Gazit E. supressor by protein folding manipulation Bar Ilan University, Role of cellular ubiquitin E3 Ramat-Gan ligases in the Infectious Cycle Dr. Sarid R. of KSHV Weizmann Institute of Assessing CAP diagnostic value Sceince, Rehovot of prostatic zinc: entire-gland Prof Breskin A. (prostatectomy) mapping Prof Raamon Y. Dr. Dotan Z. 97 Dr. Fridman E. The Hebrew University Cancer and chromosomal Donated by Linda R. of Jerusalem instability at fragile sites Kaminow in honor of Ed Prof Kerem B. Fox The Hebrew University Regulation of p53-mediated The ICA friends in of Jerusalem apoptosis: providing a basis for Switzerland Dr. Friedler A. the design of anti-cancer lead compounds Inst. + Researcher Research subject Funded By Hadassah Medical The association between Center Ein- Karem, marital status, social networks Jerusalem and volunteer activity on Dr. Paltiel O. cancer incidence and mortality Prof Manor O. in the older persons: a Dr. Barchana M. population-based study Ben Gurion University. Functional evaluation of Beer-Sheva polymorphsms in the BRCA2 Prof Raveh D. interacting protein DSS1 in Yeast Ben Gurion University. Biomimetic system for the Beer-Sheva study of cell motility Dr Bernheim-Grosvasser A. The Hebrew University Linking kit with CD300a and of Jerusalem CDw328: a novel strategy to Dr. Levi-Schaff F. inhibit myeloid leukemias Tel-Aviv University Studies on the combined effect Dr. Lederkremer G. of proteasomal and unfolded protein response inhibition on hypoxic cells Tel-Aviv University Studies on the role of clathrin Dr. Ehrlich M. and the vitronectin receptor in cell attachment, cell spreading and anoikis Tel Aviv Sourasky The functional effects of HIF- Medical Center 1 alpha P582S mutation in Dr. Mabjeesh N. prostate cancer Hadassah Medical Molecular signatures in the Center, Ein-Karem, promoter of hPar1 gene and its Jerusalem silencing by SiRNA approach 98 Dr. Bar-Shavit R. Schneider Children's mmunotherapy for Medical Center, neuroblastoma: induction of Petach Tikva graft versus tumor reaction by Dr. Ash S. hematopoietic chimerism and tumor-sensitized dendritic cells Inst. + Researcher Research subject Funded By Sheba Medical Center, The role of BRCA1 E3 ligase Tel Hashomer activity in the cellular response Dr. Yarden R. to radiation and chemotherapy Prof Papa M. Ben Gurion University. Involvement of signakung Shc Ida and Harry Shooster in Beer-Sheva proteins in brain tumorigenesis: memory of Carl and Anna Dr. Fraifeld V. association with potential Grossman and Frank and aggressiveness of low Dora Shooster grade astrocytomas and neuroblastomas Tel Aviv Sourasky The role of elastase and SDF-1/ Medical Center CXCR4 axis in the development Dr. Tavor S. of human AML Sheba Medical Center, Activation of the hedgehog Donated by Adele Hoffman Tel Hashomer pathway: a novel mechanism in in honor of Jan Hoffman Dr. Wolf I. breast cancer pathogenesis and Gene Hoffman Sheba Medical Center, Characterization of the Tel Hashomer edutung patterns and the Prof Rechavi G. editing machinery in human tumors Rambam Medical Regulation of the cell cycle Donated by Linda R. Center, Haifa protein p27 in advanced breast Kaminow in memory of Dr. Hershko D. cancer Claire and Emanuel G. Rosenblatt Tel Aviv Sourasky Treatment of orthotopically Medical Center growing human lung cancer in Dr. Star A. athymic mice by combination therapy with anti-ErbB-4 monoclonal antibody and Paclitaxel Tel-Aviv University Regulation of protein 99 Prof Lavi S. phosphatase 2 Calpha by phosphorylation Memorial Funds Donated to ICA

• The Boaz Adar Memorial Fund established and their mother Sonya Golombo; Miriam by Yael and Shimon Adar, in memory of Gerster and her parents Raphael Gerster their son Boaz, for the provision of research and Rela (Raya) Gerster-Golombo nee grants. Kaplanowitz; Sonya Lev, husband Yossef • The Israel Jacob and lila Alter Memorial and their daughters Kasnya and Avigail, Fund for the provision of an annual who perished in the Holocaust; Yossef research grant for outstanding research Golombo and Dina Kaplanowitz. project in environmental health and/or • The Ronit Greenfas Memorial Fund for epidemiology. special projects. • The Lea Arbel Memorial Fund for provision • The late Simon and Irma Gross Fund for of training programs for para-medical cancer research. professionals who treat cancer patients. • The Rafael Hadar Memorial Fund, for the • The Ber-Lehmsdorf Memorial Fund establishment of the Oncology Day Center managed by executors of the estate of the at Sha're Zedek Medical Center. late Dr. Ber-Lehmsdorf of Switzerland, for • The “I Care” Fund in memory of the late the provision of research grants. Ofira Navon, for the support of psycho- • The Chaya and Naftali Bloch Memorial oncology conferences, workshops and Fund bequeathed by the late Chaya Bloch seminars. for the provision of research grants. • Joint Headquarters of Quality Assurance • The Annetta Cherna Fund, bequeathed by Fund the deceased to finance activity on behalf • Fund bequeathed by the late Prof. Daphne of child cancer patients. Izraeli and the late Prof. Dov Izraeli to • The Sir Charles Clore Foundation in finance the Outstanding Female Researcher support of maintaining the Sir Charles fellowship grant. Clore Hostel in Givatayim. • The Sara Kantarovitch (Arna) Fund, • The Ethel Cohen Memorial Fund for the bequeathed by the deceased, to finance provision of cancer research grants. fellowship grants. • The Rivka Dror, Esther and Leon Arditi, • The Yehudit Kleinberger Memorial Fund Miriam and Shlomo Hasid Fund for of Munich for the provision of research cancer research and for the acquisition of grants. 100 medical equipment. • The Charlotta Kolber Memorial Fund • The Dina and Zalman Goldberg Memorial bequeathed by the late Charlotta Kolber Fund for the promotion of research conducted for the provision of research grants. by students and young doctors working in • The Mina Margot Laveh Memorial Fund the Oncology Department at the Rambam for the support of cancer research. Health Care Campus in Haifa. • The Sarah Markovich Memorial Fund • The Raya (Rela) Golombo Memorial Fund bequeathed by the late Sara Markovich in bequeathed by the late Raya (Rela) Golombo memory of her children Micki and Shimon in memory of Reuven and Meir Golombo Salpeter who perished in Holocaust, for the provision of treatment and rehabilitation for • The Leah and Yosef Solomon Fund cancer patients in need in the Rehovot area bequeathed by the late Yosef Solomon and to finance social workers positions. to finance fellowship grants. • The Mathilde Recanati Memorial Fund • The Miriam and Benjamin Stanton Fund for the support of special programs in the established by Miriam and Benjamin battle against cancer. Stanton of England, for the support of • The Tamar Rodich Memorial Fund cancer research. established by her son Ilan Rodich to • The Hanna Uldak Memorial Fund, for support Hospice and Home Hospice (special the purchase of computers for children who programs). have cancer, as part of the home tutoring • The Avraham Rubinstein Memorial Fund support network. bequeathed by the deceased for home • The Moshe Wolf Memorial Fund for the tutoring of child cancer patients. provision of cancer research grants. • The Miriam Eva Sharoni (Stern) nee • The Ronni Yudison Memorial Fund, Lang Memorial Fund established by her established by the deceased’s husband, husband, Avraham Sharoni, to support Meir Yudison, for the provision of research ICA activities. grants. • The Alexander Smidoda Memorial • The Ronit Zilberfarb (Mer) Memorial Fund bequeathed by the deceased for the Fund for financing research fellowship in provision of research grants. stomach cancer.

101 Data Collection and Follow-up

The National Mammography Project are undergoing treatment according to the The ICA assisted in establishing an infrastructure National Protocol, which is a unique extension for mammography quality control as well of the German Protocol – BFM. All statistics as with the purchase of new equipment are processed by the Department of Statistics for screening centers located throughout at Hebrew University. Since the protocol’s the country. Approximately 56 operating inception some 17 years ago, there are no centers have the Ministry of Health’s approval longer any differences recorded in the of equipment quality and radiation levels, survival rates of children afflicted with with the prerequisite that each center runs leukemia treated at the various medical regular tests to examine image quality and centers. Nor are there any differences film development procedures. recorded between the survival rates Fifty mammography centers currently operate of Jewish and Arab children afflicted under clinical quality assurance, within the with the disease. Over the past decade framework of the joint ICA-Ministry of methods for submicroscopic detection of Health National Mammography Project. In leukemia cells have been developed, whereby this ICA-financed mammography centers intensive treatment in patients at low risk which have been computerized, and all test for recurrence may be reduced, thus saving results undergo comparative data analysis long-term treatment damage and enabling performed by radiologists, surgeons and the detection of high risk patients who require oncologists. To date, this program headed life-saving intensive treatment. The ICA has by Prof. Gad Rennert has collected data assumed the task of assisting in the upgrade on over three million tests. of this method until its effectiveness is proven. Following an ICA-initiated discussion at a This year the ICA has approved additional meeting of the Israel National Oncology Council, financial assistance in order to enable the a special task committee was formed, which completion of the requirements for joining recommended rules of procedure reflecting the International Protocol for the Treatment further aspects to be implemented by the of Childhood Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, Ministry of Health. (Further information and the procedures were included in the on the National Mammography Program Drug Basket. (For further information on this and educational activities relating to early subject please see Chapter on Equipment, 102 detection of breast cancer may be found Construction and Development). in the "Early Detection" and "Information and Education" chapters). Collaboration between the Israel Society for Pediatric Oncology and the American Children's Oncology Group and Other Upgrading National Protocol of Childhood International Groups Acute Lymphatic Leukemia The Israel Society for Pediatric Oncology was The ICA continues to provide financial aid to accepted by the American Children Cancer collect and process data on children afflicted Group to join in the formulation of various with acute lymphatic leukemia and who treatment projects. The ICA funds part-time Data Manager Breast Cancer in Israel. Prof. Efrat Levi- posts in the Pediatric-Oncology Departments Lahad of Shaare Zedek Medical Center of Schneider Children’s Medical Center in coordinates the research in collaboration Petah Tikva, Sheba Medical Center at Tel with the Sheba, Rambam, Rabin, Tel Aviv- Hashomer, Rambam Health Care Campus Sourasky, Wolfson, Kaplan, Soroka, Ziv, in Haufa and Hadassah Medical Center in Shaare Zedek and Carmel Medical Centers. Jerusalem. These posts enable the expansion The Consortium is also conducting research of the national protocols framework under studies under the direction of Prof. Efrat the proper quality assurance and enable the Levi-Lahad, representing the Israel Breast various departments to become a part of the Cancer Consortium, in conjunction with American Children’s Oncology Group. Prof. Mary Claire King of Washington University, Seattle. The treatment protocols which currently Over 660 BRCA1 and BRAC2 gene mutation exist in Israel are: carriers in Israel and the United States were • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Chairpersons examined in one of the researches, which Prof. Batia Stark and Dr. Shay Izraeli was published in the international scientific • B-cell Lymphoma, Chairperson Prof. Miriam literature, demonstrated that familial factors Ben Harush may have a significant impact on the risk of • Neuroblastoma, Chairman Dr. Yitzhak contracting a specific type of malignancy in Yaniv and Dr. Hana Golan BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutation carriers. • Retinoblastoma, Chairperson Dr. Nili Continued Consortium activity was approved. Remo Additionally, the ICA finances software and a • Rhabdomyosarcoma, Chairman Dr. Yaakov research nurse who coordinates the activity. Goshen • Wilms' Tumor, Chairman Dr. Yoram Israeli Breast Implant Registry for Neuman Reconstruction Purposes The ICA has assisted in establishing an Israeli Central Data Collection of Children with Breast Implant Registry of women who have Cancer in Israel undergone mastectomy and reconstruction The ICA continues to finance the Data Manager with implants and is endeavoring to integrate posts for central pediatric treatment data Israel's registry within the International Registry collection in order to compile national data, network. Dr. Morris Topaz, Director of the expand the national protocols framework Plastic Surgery Ward at Hillel Yaffe Medical and strengthen international ties with the Center, and Chairman of the International 103 United States and Europe. Breast Implant Registry, coordinates the Israeli registry. Joint Genetic Research Within the Israeli Ovarian and Breast Cancer Computerized Cancer Patient Consortium Databases 10 institutes are engaged in cancer genetics In the past, the ICA installed computer research which conduct a joint ICA-funded systems in oncology institutes. With the study on the Genetics of Ovarian and aim of enhancing database quality, a Data Collection Sub-Committee has formulated high hopes of Israel's joining this research a standard data structure which may be and the capacity of its scientists to promote integrated in any information system that and complete this research and publish its is available. This Sub-Committee along with results. The research objective is to conduct the Directors of Oncology Institutes decided an experiment at the second stage to to allow for gradual integration of the new compare the administration of docetaxale data form. Every year, patient data obtained chemotherapy to that of carboplatine from oncology institutes are transferred chemotherapy in women who have genetic to the Cancer Data Collection Unit at the breast cancer and have developed metastases. Ministry of Health in a format formulated and The research will recruit 148 patients: 74 defined by a Sub-Committee consisting of BRCA 1 carriers and 74 BRCA 2 carriers who members of the Data Collection and Follow will be randomly treated with docetaxale up Committee. In order to implement this or carboplatine in a ratio of 2:1 in favor of project, the ICA finances registers of new carboplatine. The research is scheduled patients and follow up in many oncology to take place at Sheba Medical Center at centers throughout the country. Tel Hashomer, Hadassah Medical Center, Rambam Health Care Campus, Soroka Multi-center clinical research on women Medical Center, Nahariya Hospital and with breast cancer carrying BRCA gene Assaf Harofe Medical Center In order to mutations, as part of Anglo-Israeli centralize the research, a research coordinator Cooperation has been recruited to work out of ICA Several Israeli centers gave their consent to headquarters. This research coordinator participate in a multi-center international mediates between the various centers and research as part of an Anglo-Israeli the center in England. An experiment has collaborative effort that began two years ago recently begun at Sheba Medical Center at a workshop on genetics, at Tel Hashomer, and at other centers initiated by Prof. Mike intense efforts are being made to receive Baum of London. Since the necessary approval according to the the BRCA 1/2 mutation standard Ministry of Health procedure is more prevalent among dating (2006), and to begin recruiting women of Eastern/Western patients for the research study. European descent, there are 104 Equipment, Construction and Development

Laughter Room for the Welfare of Reuben Foundation Comprehensive Breast Children who have Cancer – in the Care Center at the Linn Clinic Hemato-oncology Complex at Sheba With the help of a generous contribution provided Medical Center, Tel Hashomer by David and Simon Reuben, and family, Thanks to ICA initiative and assistance, and a fundraising event held by the Friends of the establishment of the new and unique the ICA London, chaired by Ms. Vered Aaron, Laughter Room was completed during the work began in 2007 on the construction of the year of 2008 for the welfare of children Reuben Foundation Comprehensive Breast Care who have cancer. The Laughter Room is a Center at the Linn Clinic in Haifa and it was special interactive space where children at inaugurated at the end of October. The Linn the Medical Center can enjoy a respite from Medical Center is a professional community the prolonged battle with their disease, medical center which provides ambulatory service and enter a world that is sheer adventure, to the insured of Clalit Healthcare Services in the a celebration of the senses, and laughter. and the northern region. The new The Laughter Room was set up thanks to center will constitute a professional and high a donation from the estates of Bronstein quality service that will provide women of the Dora of blessed memory and Chernia Haifa area and northern region with medical Antel of blessed memory. service, accompaniment and personal support from the moment they are diagnosed with breast Late Sarah Markovich Breast Care Center cancer, and until the completion of the coping at the Kaplan Medical Center process and rehabilitation. In 2007 construction began on the Sarah Expansion of the Suzy Eban Oncology Unit Markovich Breast Care Center in memory at Ziv Medical Center in Safed through the of the late Sarah Markovich's children who contribution by The Clore Foundation perished in the Holocaust, Micki and Shimon The expansion of the oncology unit honoring Salpeter, of blessed memory. Construction Suzy Eban, ICA Founding President, began has continued vigorously in 2008. The towards the end of 2008 for the welfare of Center is designed to provide comprehensive patients admitted in this unit. treatment to women diagnosed with breast cancer in order to help them cope with the Update of the Childhood Leukemia 105 complicated ramifications of this disease, Monitoring Protocol and to provide them with personal support Today's aim throughout the globe and at from the moment they are diagnosed until ICA is to cure all children, while maintaining all treatments are completed and throughout optimal quality of life, free of restrictions, for a the rehabilitation process. recovering child. The objective is to succeed in "tailoring" the appropriate treatment for each assist them in fulfilling their aspirations. The child according to the specific type of leukemia device was purchased with the assistance of and its degree of risk, in order to abstain from the Friends of the ICA in London, chaired using chemotherapy and radiotherapy for by Ms. Vered Aaron. low risk cancers, seeing as these treatments involve physical and emotional damage later Purchase of a device for detecting cancer on. Conversely, treatment is increased as are in bone marrow for Bnei Zion Medical chances of a cure among high risk patients. Center With generous assistance from the ICA, the The new device is designed to assist Bnei Zion new MRD lab methods have been implemented, Medical Center in detecting bone marrow and an Israeli group has been integrated in a cancer for the entire population of the northern large international group for the monitoring and region. The device enables the receipt of more treatment of childhood leukemia. This procedure reliable and more precise results, at a much has also entered the health basket. Thanks to quicker rate. Additionally, the device enables ICA support, child cancer patients in Israel will the testing of a larger number of cases each continue to receive optimal treatment provided year. by modern medicine. For further details about the protocol please see the "Data Collection Earmarked Donations for Constructing and Follow up" Chapter. Wards and Purchasing Medical Equipment The ICA assists in constructing wards and Assistance in Purchasing Medical clinics, and in purchasing state-of-the-art Equipment for Hospitals medical equipment for treating cancer patients. The ICA raises earmarked funds to finance the Purchase of a Laser Device for photodynamic costs involved in this activity. No overhead is treatments for solid tumors for the Oncology taken from the earmarked donations. Lab at Assaf Harofe Medical Center through the Stuczinski Foundation The Estate of Israel Alter of blessed Photodynamic treatment is an innovative memory treatment method using laser rays combined The estate of Israel Jacob and Lila Alter of with a special drug that is sensitive to light; this blessed memory was accessed in 2007. In the treatment is implemented to destroy abnormal first Israel Alter Estate project, starting 2009, an cells in the body. annual fellowship grant will be awarded to an outstanding scientist in the field of environment 106 Purchase of an ovary freezing system for and /or epidemiology. unmarried women, prior to chemotherapy The new branch in Jerusalem has been purchased treatment, for Soroka Medical Center, Beer with the financial assistance of this estate. The Sheva, thanks to donation current Kokia Family branch in Jerusalem is Young women who have contracted cancer do to be moved to this new building. The branch their utmost to maintain their fertility capacity offices will be dedicated in honor of theKokia following cancer treatments. The possibility of Family and the activity area for patients will freezing eggs is of optimal importance to female be dedicated to the memory of the late Alter cancer patients. The device was designed to of blessed memory. Volunteers and Special Events Thousands of ICA volunteers dispersed throughout event. Prof. Ciechanover, received a research over 70 branches all across Israel actively grant from the ICA at the outset of his career participate in diverse events throughout the as a young researcher, and served as a member year: initiating conferences, performances and of the ICA Research Committee for nearly a special events, the proceeds of which go to decade, until he received the Nobel Prize. Prof. the ICA. Some of these events have become Ciechanover spoke about the importance of a long time tradition. contributing to the ICA for the benefit of cancer research in particular and for its noteworthy Main Fundraising Events held this activities in general, and called upon donors Year to open their hearts to achieve this significant goal. The event was opened with greetings Tel Aviv delivered by ICA Vice Chairman, Leon Recanati The traditional Tel Aviv event was held this and Moshe Gaon who spoke about his father year at the home of Yossi Meiman, and was Benny Gaon of blessed memory, who served made possible thank to his great generosity and as ICA President. The moderating of this special contribution. Many guests and dignitaries, such evening was dedicatedly volunteered by Amnon as heads of the Israeli economy, gathered in Pe'er. Yossi Meiman, who served in the past as the garden of Mr. Meiman's house decorated a successful Annual "Door Knock" Fundraising by faithful Tel Aviv Branch Manager, Malka Campaign Chairman, began this hosting and Zur. The festive evening was dedicated to the fundraising tradition for the benefit of theICA . promotion of cancer research and enhancing Among the fundraising event participants were the means of eradicating the disease. The guests Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA Chairman, Miri enjoyed an artistic performance delivered by Ziv, ICA Director General, Ami Ganiger, Lehakat Hagevatron, Israel Prize laureates, Amos Shapira, Moshe Gaon, Prof. Aharon who sang the ensemble`s prime songs from Ciechanover, Aliza and Prof. Ariel Yaffo; over the years. Another prize laureate, David Tamir, Danny Gilerman, Gad Ze'evi, Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, who won the Nobel Dan Oren, Dafna Bester, Hila and Rani Rahav Prize in Chemistry, took part in the fundraising and many other public figures and financiers.

107 Friends of the ICA Abroad

Friends of the ICA in countries throughout body index measurements and free tickets the world continue to lend their support with for training with personal trainers. It was great dedication and devotion to advance also a huge success. the continuous and untiring battle against cancer. Our circle of friends overseas has Guests of honor were: assisted us in continuing to expand our • Dr. Petra Roth, Lord Mayor of the city of support activities for cancer patients, and in Frankfurt making an effort to increase early detection • Mr. Uwe Becker and his wife, Treasurer awareness among the general public. Many of the city of Frankfurt projects were fulfilled in the fight against • Dr. Ernst Gerhardt, former Treasurer of cancer in spite of these difficult times in the city of Frankfurt Israel, economically and security-wise. We • Mr. Ralph Hofmann, President of the are in need of this significant and vital Frankfurt B'nai Brith Loge support so that we may continue assisting • Prof. Marek Glezerman in promoting research, treatment modalities, Dr. Roth gave a beautiful and moving rehabilitation and improving patients' quality speech honoring the work of the group of life. Cancer knows no territorial boundaries and encouraging participants to pledge a and does not discriminate against patients donation. Prof. Glezerman spoke about based on nationality, ethnic background, race the new possibilities in treatments after or sex. The promotion of the fight against chemotherapy and radiation and reported on cancer, support for funding of research an impressive operation on young women, studies and technological development whose ovaries were saved and replanted and the outstanding achievements that after treatment to give them the possibility are accomplished through donations raised to reproduce her own children. People were abroad are to be commended and held in fascinated by these new and innovative high esteem. treatments. The main event was followed by Frankfurt entertainment by Israeli singer Dganit Daddo The gala of the Frankfurt Branch, headed accompanied by Yuval Kaido on the piano. by Ms. Petra Kaffeesieder, was a big She performed in Yiddish, Ladino, Hebrew success, everybody was in a very good and English and the audience grew enthused. 108 mood and a good time was had by all. A Then there was dancing into the night with bingo game was held with very nice prizes the Jose Rodriguez Band. The event was such as jewelry, tickets for various beauty held at the Flamingo Hotel in Frankfurt; care treatments, tickets for sporting events, the hotel manager Mr. Ignatz Blodinger flight tickets to New York, autographed of blessed memory, who passed away this footballs from the local football team, etc. year, was a dedicated longtime supporter of The "Wave" Fitness Center from Frankfurt the Friends of the ICA in Frankfurt and he with its manager Mr. Mosby had a stand did not make it to participate in this event during the reception with health drinks, as he had wished. ICA USA – West Palm Beach, Florida the U.S. and Canada whose mission is to The season began with the Board of Directors develop, implement and support initiatives installing three new board members: that strengthen the unity of the Jewish people. Mr. Roger Benjamin, Rick Stone and Mr. Bronfman spoke about his dedication Lexye Aversa. to breast cancer research. Mr. Jan Willinger Mr. Benjamin was founder, owner and of Palm Beach served as chairwoman of the chairman for 38 years of the board of event which also featured a Silent Auction M.H. Hausman Company, a real estate and with exquisite pieces created by talented investment and management company in artists from the Association of Israel’s Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Stone is a successful Decorative Arts (AIDA). securities attorney with a focus on class action litigation. Ms. Aversa is director Dr. Ido Wolf, Oncologist, Principal Scientist, of the Women’s Chamber of Commerce Cancer Research Center of Sheba Medical of Palm Beach County and a director of Center at Tel Hashomer, Israel, was invited the Palm Beach County Hotel & Lodging to be a guest of ICA USA. He met with Association. She is President of Professional the directors of ICA as well as potential Touch International - Global Incentive Travel donors. & Meeting Planning. Dr. Wolf was invited to be the guest speaker Mr. Roy Apple continues to serve as president on December 16th at the Palm Beach home of the ICA USA Board of Directors. Executive of ICA USA board members Joan and Vice-Presidents are: David Genser. Deena Freeman, Gene Hoffman, Dianne Dr. Wolf received a research fellowship from Meckler and Harvey Poppel. ICA and in his lecture he presented his uniqe Treasurer is Mr. Joel Levine and Secretary research findings: "A recently discovered is Mr. Richard Karp. connection between aging and breast cancer – the hormone Klotho". ICA USA was a proud sponsor of the prestigious American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Centennial Conference held in Jerusalem, November 3-6, 2008. Fourteen ICA USA Board Members contributed to the sponsorship of the conference banquet on November 6th. 109 On December 7, 2008 ICA USA held its Annual Membership Brunch at The Four Seasons Resort in Palm Beach. The guest Left to right: Dr. Ido Wolf, Mr. Roger Benjamin speaker was Mr. Charles Bronfman, world- renowned philanthropist and entrepreneur. The presentation was a huge success. Dr. He established the Andrea and Charles Wolf’s travel costs to South Florida were Bronfman Philanthropies, Inc., a family of underwritten by ICA USA board member charitable foundations operating in Israel, Mr. Richard Stone. Fellowships ICA USA cancer research fellowships for 2008 donated by:

Linda R. Kaminow, Linda R. Kaminow in memory of Claire and Emmanuel G. Rosenblatt, Harry & Ida Shooster, ICA USA in honor of Ida & Harry Shooster, Ida & Harry Shooster, ICA USA in honor of Linda R. Kaminow, Nancy and Peter Brown, David Left to right: Dr. Ronald Freied, Prof. Robert Aumann Markin in honor of his wife Tracy.

Canada Munich Mr. Doron Opher, President of the Friends The annual fundraiser of the Friends of ICA of the ICA in Canada continues his devoted in Munich, headed by the dedicated and activity on behalf of the Israel Cancer energetic Mrs. Anita Kaminski began at Association. the new synagogue, followed by an Israeli dinner at the Einstein restaurant. Switzerland The guests were welcomed by Ms. Charlotte This year, the Friends of the ICA in Switzerland, Knobloch, leader of the "Zentralrat of Jews headed by Dr. Ronald Fried, and outgoing in Germany" and Mrs. Kaminski. Chairman Dr. H. Evilau continue supporting The famous German comedian Willy Astor cancer research, and this year financed the performed to the enjoyment of the audience outstanding research of Dr. Asaf Friedler and a great Tombola (Italian bingo-like on: Control of Mediating Apoptosis by P53 game) with donation of two flights to Spain Protein: Basis for the Design of Anti-Cancer was held. Drugs. The impressive evening was concluded with Mrs. Anita Kaminski's speech about the The big event this year was the visit of Nobel aims of ICA and the reading of 's letter. The Prize winner Prof. Robert Aumann from guests enjoyed the evening tremendously. the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Swiss Friends of the ICA together with the Jewish community of Basel sponsored and organized 110 this weekend. Professor Aumann gave two separate speeches on “Game theory” and “Game theory and war and peace in the Middle East”. An additional Gala-Dinner was held in the community center and attended by a majority of members of the jewish community in Basel and guests. All proceeds were advanced to the fight Standing from right: Anita Kaminski, Charlotte Knobloch, Ulrike Heuss, Helga v.Ferenczy, Christa Volke, Julia Kaisser against cancer. Sitting from the right: Laili Gitbud, Nira Schneider. Berlin members held the annual event on January In May 2008, the Joint Germany-Israel Friends 2009. There was a delicious buffet dinner of the ICA in Berlin, headed by President prepared by the committee members. All Ruth Galinski, and Vice Presidents Mr. Mike those who attended also enjoyed the musical Zehden and Mr. Alfred Weiss, as well as performance of the talented young Israeli Organizational Manager Beatrice Laub, Sagi who had performed for the Queen marked 20 years of activity on behalf of of England on her birthday. The evening children with cancer. The event took place continued with an auction with all proceeds at the Jewish Museum in Berlin. going towards the advancement of the fight against cancer diseases in Israel. The Holland wonderful evening ended with a presentation The Friends of the ICA in Holland continues of Dr. Sigal Sadetski on her research of to sponsor the Annual Family Vacation project the impact of new and old technologies of held during the Sukkot holiday for families cell phones and x-rays. with a child who has cancer – Give Kids the The Reuben Foundation Comprehensive Breast World. The Chapter, headed by Mr. Bob Care Center at the Linn Clinic in Haifa has Drake, financed the purchase of a special been under construction and was inaugurated wheelchair for easy access to places such as in October 2008. the beach, for the use of terminally ill cancer With the generous contribution of David patients. The wheelchair was purchased as part and Simon Reuben and family, and the of the "Wishes Ambulance" project that will fundraising event held by the Friends of ICA be run jointly by the ICA and the Magen David in London, chaired by Ms. Vered Aaron, Adom, upon the initiative of Mrs. Yael Gra. the clinic now functions for the benefit of For more details about the project please see the patients. the "Welfare and Rehabilitation" chapter. Friends of ICA in London assisted in the purchase of an ovary freezing system for London unmarried women, prior to chemotherapy The Friends of ICA in London, headed by treatment. The system was purchased for devoted Ms. Vered Aaron and committee Soroka Medical Center in Beer Sheva.


(from right to left): David and Simon Reuben at the inauguration of the Reuben Foundation Comprehensive Breast Care Center at the Linn Clinic in Haifa Annual Door Knock Fundraising Campaign – 2007

Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA Chairman, has set itself the objective of continuing and Benny Steinmetz, Chairman of the its activities on behalf of all sectors of the Annual Door Knock Campaign 2007, population of the State of Israel: to provide announced the launch of the ICA Door education on cancer prevention to the Knock Fundraising Campaign, held at general population, and to increase the October 15-16, 2007. chances of a cure and to enhance quality of life of cancer patients. Cancer survival Dr. Micha Bar-Hanna, Director of the National rates are steadily on the rise, as are the Cancer Registry at the Ministry of Health, number of survivors who wish to return to presented a "Map of Cancer in Israel" for their normal routine, regular work and a the year 2007; Prof. Gadi Rennert, revealed normal life, with the shadow of the disease a new research study that discovered that behind them. Soon there will be a more Jewish women of Eastern European and Iraqi comprehensive research study conducted descent have identical genetic mutations that in Israel to examine the needs of survivors cause about 10% of all breast cancer cases, here, the extent to which they reintegrate and that mutation carriers and women who into society and their return to their normal are not mutation carriers have the same routine. This study will be conducted in order chances of recoverey. to identify survivors' needs and thereby enhance their quality of life, as well as Prof. Eliezer Robinson and Mrs. Miri their families' quality of life". The research Ziv, announced at the press conference is based on a questionnaire courtesy of the that the ICA would provide an augmented Lance Armstrong Foundation, which research grant of 150,000 shekels this conducted a similar study in the United States year which would be earmarked for the that cited the needs of cancer survivors in research of environment and cancer. It different states. should be noted that over the years, the ICA has granted tens of millions of shekels Benny Steinmetz, Chairman of the Annual to research in diverse fields related to Door Knock Fundraising Campaign 2007, 112 cancer diseases. According to the National delivered the following greetings: "The Door Cancer Registry statistics presented at Knock Campaign has become an inseparable the press conference, there are currently part of Israeli life, and constitutes, in my 200,000 cancer patients and survivors in opinion, a symbol of a community that Israel. This accounts for about 3% of the enlists to achieve the noblest objective of general Israeli population. all – saving lives. I wish a speedy and full recovery to thousands of patients who benefit Prof. Eliezer Robinson, ICA Chairman, from diverse ICA activities, and I wish good reported: "The Israel Cancer Association luck to all those taking part in this campaign: the school children, volunteers and ICA lives and may result in a 90% chance of employees, and I would like to thank in recovery and more". advance all those who donate and join this significant battle against cancer." New research study discussed at the press conference reveals: Jews of Eastern Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, announced European and Iraqi descent have identical that: "The battle against cancer is our common genetic mutations that cause about battle – both of the general population 10% of breast cancer cases. It further and cancer patients. The donations that emerged that genetic mutation carriers will be collected during the Door Knock and non-carriers have the same chances Campaign will enable the ICA to endeavor of recovering. on several fronts: from promoting research by providing research grants to dozens of 1,514 breast cancer patients were examined in physicians and scientists, diverse activities to the comprehensive research study conducted prevent cancer such as the 'Michal' mobile by the Communal Medicine Dept. and the mammography Unit which bridges gaps in National Cancer Control Center of the Clalit early detection between different sectors Healthcare Services at Carmel Medical Center of the Israeli population, and ending with and the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the early detection and assistance for patients by Technion, by a staff headed by Prof. Gad purchasing innovative medical instruments for Rennert in collaboration with Prof. Steven hospitals and financing the employment of Narod of the University of Toronto Canada. nurses and social workers in hospital wards The results of the case analysis showed that and within the community. the chances of survival among women with ICA marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month a genetic mutation that led to breast cancer, this month, concurrent with the international were at least as good as those among breast month marked throughout the globe. The cancer patients who were non-carriers. early detection rates in Israel are on the The scientists explained these findings by a rise as are survival rates. I call upon every different treatment reaction in breast cancer woman to get to know her breasts and in patients who were genetic mutation carriers, case of any changes to see her doctor. Every and women who contracted breast cancer woman over the age of 50 must undergo a with no genetic mutations. "Contrary to mammography screening test on a regular what was anticipated, we found that there basis – once every two years. Women with is no difference in survival between carriers a 'family history' of breast cancer must and non-carriers. In spite of the fact that 113 undergo a mammography screening once a mutation carriers contract the disease with year, from the age of 40, or according to their more severe clinical manifestations that are physician's recommendation. Carriers of the usually connected with low survival rates: known mutation must have undergo an MRI they have no receptors for estrogen in the scan. Many women undergo mammography tumor and the tumors usually appear in a low screening but do not do so on a regular differentiation level. An additional important basis or according to recommendations. finding indicated that among carriers, the Just remember – early detection can save size of the tumor has no impact on survival as opposed to the case in women who are Types of prevalent cancers in Israel non-carriers. There was a slight indication – updated for 2007 that chemotherapy in carrier women is of According to the statistics of the National greater benefit than in non-carriers, lowering Cancer Registry of the Health Ministry, there the mortality risk by up to 50%", explains are currently 200,000 cancer patients and Prof. Rennert. survivors in Israel, 120,000 of whom are The frequency of genetic disorders unique to cancer patients undergoing treatment or being people of Jewish descent was discovered for monitored (the count refers to 5 years from the first time in a population of non-Ashkenazi the day the disease was detected). 25,000 (none-Eastern European) Jewish heritage, new cancer patients are detected in Israel and it was found that they also appear in each year, 450 of them children. the Jewish population of Iraqi descent at a frequency of 7% and focus on a mutation in one gene, BRCA1. To date, two genes with mutations have been discovered; these mutations significantly increase the risk of contracting breast and ovarian cancer. In the Jewish population of Ashkenazi and Iraqi descent it emerged that these mutations are responsible for about 10% of all breast cancer cases. The results of this research study were recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The following are the most prevalent types of cancer in Israel, as publicized at the press conference: • Breast cancer – about 4,000 women each year. • Colorectal cancer - about 3,200 women and men each year. • Prostate cancer – about 2,000 men each year. • Lung cancer – about 1,500 women and men each year. 114 • Lymph node cancer (Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's) – about 1,300 women and men each year. • Skin cancer (melanoma only) – about 1,200 women and mean each year. • Bladder cancer – about 1,100 women and men each year. • Brain cancer, Kidney cancer, Blood cancer (leukemia), Stomach cancer - about 600 women and men each year. • Pancreatic cancer – about 500 women and men each year. • Uterine cancer – about 400 women each year. Tens of thousands of school students and supermarkets and franchises participating members of youth movements participated in in the campaign: McDonald's, Mega, Mega the fundraising campaign held from Oct. 15, Ba'ir, Ribua Hakachol, Shefa Shuk, Shufersal, 2007 to Oct. 16, 2007. The children knocked Shufersal Big, Shufersal Deal, Shufersal on doors to raise funds for 120,000 cancer Sheli, and ACE. The donations that were patients in Israel undergoing treatment or collected during the Door Knock fundraising under surveillance. About 5,000 ICA volunteers campaign will enable the ICA to purchase spread throughout ICA's 70 branches joined innovative medical devices for medical the school students and youth movement centers treating cancer patients, as well as to members. These volunteers included new finance dozens of cancer research studies immigrants and volunteers from the Arab conducted by physicians and investigators populace, as well as cancer survivors who in Israel and throughout the globe in the joined the campaign. Volunteer representatives hopes of finding a cure to cancer diseases, from all sectors of Israeli society participated conduct informational activities in in this event, representing ICA's 70 branches order to promote cancer awareness throughout the country. Due to the high among the general population, initiate school teachers' union strike, the number of and construct national early detection students who went to knock on doors was programs of different types of cancers, drastically reduced. Each year, over 70,000 which could lead to higher recovery rates, students go knocking on doors, whereas support financially cancer patients this year less than 50,000 were involved in in need, assist child cancer patients the campaign. in keeping up with their homework, Upon the completion of the door knock running summer vacations for cancer fundraising campaign, the ICA invited the patients and their families, establishing general population who didn't donate to cancer wards at hospitals throughout donate via SMS by sending the number the country, financing the employment 10 to the number 5999 – for each SMS 10 of nurses and social workers who assist shekels were donated to the ICA, courtesy cancer patients at hospitals and community of cellact. Similarly, people could donate at clinics, and more.

115 According to tradition – the Honorable President of the State of Israel launched the "Door Knock" Fundraising Campaign and made the first donation pledge

On the evening prior to the launching of the "Door Knock" Fundraising Campaign, the traditional opening ceremony was held at the Presidential Residence in Jerusalem, with the Honorable President of the State of Israel, Mr. Shimon Peres participating. Mr. Peres opened the 46th annual "Door Knock" Fundraising Campaign in the presence of many distinguished guests. The President of the State of Israel made a donation pledge on his behalf and on behalf of the Presidential Residence. Mr. Shimon Peres delivered the following remarks at the ceremony: "Cancer is not the tragedy of one person, but rather of an entire family. A difficult and challenging battle lies ahead. I thank you all on behalf of the entire nation…to save one life is equivalent to saving the entire world. I call upon all citizens to enlist in meeting this lofty objective". Ms. Ruthy Shitrit, ICA Chairperson of Foreign Relations, was awarded certificates of appreciation for her energetic activity in the "Give Kids the World" Foundation established by the ICA, along with Ruthy and MK Meir Shitrit, in memory of their daughter, Miri, who died of cancer. Through this Foundation, children at an advanced stage of the disease travel with their families to the Children's Village in Orlando, for what is often participants' last experience together as a family. A certificate of appreciation was also awarded to Abas Suan, who volunteered for ICA's informational campaign to increase cancer prevention and early detection awareness among the Arab population. Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director General, addressed the Honorable President: "As Israel's new President, the torch has been passed to you, as patron of the 'Door 116 Knock' Fundraising Campaign, a national campaign that is relevant to the entire population, the general population and cancer patients alike, children and adults, women and men. On behalf of the ICA and on behalf of all cancer patients and their families, we wish to express Flash 90 - free of charge Flash 90 - free our support for you and wish you success and thank you… and you, the volunteers: your extensive activity throughout the year provides patients with hope and renewed spirit and assists them in persevering in their struggle against disease and all the difficulties involved. Your personal support justifies all our gratitude and appreciation". ICA Chairman, Prof. Eliezer Robinson, said that today about 50% of adult cancer patients and 80% of child patients are recovering from the disease. "There is still a long road ahead, however, it should be noted that increasing survival rates over the years provide hope for a future in which all cancer diseases will be eradicated". Ohad Chitman, who recovered from cancer, became an active and dedicated ICA volunteer. Ohad, a popular singer, sang the song "From the darkness", he wrote about his own struggle with the disease. Ohad is a member of the Young Adults Group, for 20-30 year olds starting their independent lives in the aftermath of the disease. With the help of ICA professionals and volunteers, this group holds jeep tours and special treks. The young adults emerge with renewed energy and a feeling of being reinforced. The outgoing "Door Knock" Fundraising Campaign Chairman for 2006-2007, Mr. Avigdor Kaplan, handed over the torch to this year's Chairman, Mr. Benny Steinmetz. This year's campaign target was set at 10 million shekels. Mr. Steinmetz donated one million shekels and personally enlisted his business colleagues to donate to the ICA. Health Minister, 117 Yaakov Ben Izri, said: "The war against cancer is a national objective of top priority… the State of Israel's painful economic slowdown and difficult financial situation, we need to rely on noteworthy associations to assist us. I call upon the Israeli citizens today to open their pockets and their hearts and to contribute to the ICA". "Door knock" Campaign and 2007 Activity by the students who raised funds. Closing Ceremony ICA President, Mr. Benny Gaon of blessed The annual conference summing up activity memory, moved all those present when for 2007 was held in Givatayim in early on a personal note, he picturesquely and March, in the presence of Givatayim's poetically described his own persistent battle Mayor, Mr. Reuven Ben Shachar. Veteran with the disease (see separate frame). ICA and novice volunteers gathered from all Chairman, Prof. Robinson, and ICA Vice over Israel and convened for the traditional Chairman, Mr. Leon Recanati, delivered yearly meeting. The Children's Choir of Tel greetings and emphasized the laudable Hai School in Haifa, under the direction of activity of ICA volunteers and their significant musical director Mr. Felix Shpitz, opened contribution to the advancement of the fight the event and moved the audience. The Tel against cancer. Mrs. Miri Ziv, ICA Director Hai School participates in the annual "Door General, warmly greeted the audience and Knock" Fundraising Campaign each year, and gave an overview of ICA's 2007 activity. last year received the award of excellence Gabi Weiss, Head of Branches Dept. and for their contribution to the campaign and ‘Door Knock’ Fundraising Campaign Manager, for the great commitment demonstrated cited and commended the devoted work

118 of branch volunteers who tirelessly assist Mr. Abu Ahmed, Chairman of the Nazareth in promoting the significant objectives of Branch, delivered greetings on behalf of the the fight against cancer. Certificates of volunteers. Prof. Rafi Catane, member of appreciation were awarded to outstanding the ICA Research Committee and Director volunteers, and shields and certificates of of the Oncology Institute at Sheba Medical excellence in various categories were also Center, Tel Hashomer, awarded research presented. grants to outstanding research scientists Deceased volunteers were remembered at the and Dr. Ella Evron, Director of the Breast ceremony, and on a different note, mention Health Care Institute at Assaf Harofe Medical was made of those volunteers who were Center, delivered thanks on behalf of the awarded certificates of excellence in their fellowship recipients. To conclude the cities for their laudable volunteer activity. ceremony, comedienne Dina Or delivered The ICA also parted ways with two retiree a performance that featured skits from her chair persons: Rivka Sternfeld and Tzippi act "it'll end in roaring laughter", and indeed Cohen and welcomed their replacements. the ceremony ended with a big smile, with The Dimona Branch was mentioned this all those present emerging content and year as the Outstanding Branch for 2007. feeling good.

119 Segments from the candid and moving greetings delivered by Benny Gaon of blessed memory at the closing ceremony of the "Door Knock" Fundraising Campaign – March 2008

…."In my childhood home, the word 'disease' was analogous to catastrophe. The word 'cancer' was never mentioned, and if it was referred to by mistake by a visitor or a relative who dared utter the forbidden word, it would evoke a harsh response from my mother. 'Leshos!' she would say angrily. 'Leshos!', or 'far away' in Ladino, as though with mere words she could drive out the evil spirits brought by whomever dared utter the 'C' word. We were raised to think that just by talking about cancer you could catch the disease. Even when we realized this wasn't the case, we preferred not to talk about the 'dreaded disease'. Weren't there enough things to talk about? 'Leshos!' We grew up in a wary atmosphere in terms of anything that had to do with the body in general, and health in particular. We were raised to think that our body is almost a separate entity from us, something that requires almost mystical treatment, and in any case, it was an infrastructure that had only two scenarios: complete health or clinical and final death. There was no in between. Cancer easily topped the list of threatening diseases. It was an unmentionable monster, the shadow lurking under your bed, the sharp blade of the Angel of Death awaiting the first opportunity to snatch another soul. Compared to cancer, heart attack was a walk in the park, and hepatitis a spring afternoon. This is how things were during my adolescence and for most of my adulthood. When I was relatively older, I had the good fortune of being appointed President of the Israel Cancer Association, at the request of my friends Leon Recanati, Prof. Eliezer Robinson and Miri Ziv….. There is a huge difference between a patient who withdraws from society, draws the blinds, and shuts the lights, basically saying: 'I give up', and a patient who enlists all his mental strength and goes to battle. I am convinced that some of the people who contracted cancer could have recovered or could have lived longer, 120 had they not associated the word 'malignant' with certain powers of which it is not worthy. 'Malignant' is a medical term –'the desire to live' is an emotional and spiritual definition which I believe, in all honesty, has an impact on the patient's condition. Moreover: if you have decided 'to give up', you have not only killed yourself, but you have also killed your loved ones, and those around you. Fight – not only for yourselves but also for those who want you to recover, and who will mourn your passing. What I gained from this experience is mainly the sense of responsibility, for my health and for those around me. I have learned that during a medical crisis, there's always someone you can depend on: physicians, nurses, an entire network and the ICA that stands by your side. I have learned that to a great extent, a man's fate is in his own hands, or at least to a 'certain' extent. We still haven't been able to expropriate God's monopoly on the bumps in the road of our lives. Additionally, I would like to talk about another oxygen, a different kind of fuel that keeps the system going, and about the need for courage and mental strength in large quantities, that burst forth issuing from within, and gust around your body, until these forces converge into one strong current, because basically, in this horrible confrontation, there is always a massive attack on your body, led by a destructive white army that persistently and cruelly seeks to devour, devastate and upset the balance between the enemy task force and the red army in your body; this is when you courageously connect in cast lead with life's backup team, through transparent tubes comparable to outside auxiliary forces, to help defeat and eradicate the white army and to make it revert back to its natural state, and then when the battle is over and the soldiers are exhausted, and everyone takes respite, so do you!!! Until the next battle…. And hence, and in spite of the fact that you are surrounded and embraced by loved ones from all sides, you wage the real war with yourself, with incorrigible strength that is larger than life!!! And you, the white winged volunteer angels who come and lend a hand, sent from heaven above, perform a holy deed with all your heart and with great respect and we, the fighters, all thank you for this".

Benny Gaon 121

About two and half months after delivering his moving speech at the "Door Knock" Fundraising Campaign closing ceremony, ICA's President succumbed to cancer. The ICA extends its heartfelt condolences and mourns the untimely passing of its President. May his memory be blessed. Annual ‘Door Knock’ Fundraising Campaign Chairmen

The following is a list of public figures who served as ‘Door Knock’ Campaign Chairman on behalf of the Israel Cancer Association. Former Chairmen and the positions held at the time of appointment:

1962 – Lt. General (Res.) Mr. Haim Laskow 1978 – Mr. Yisrael Pollack (dec.), Industrialist, (dec.), Managing Director, Port Textile Conglomerate Owner Authority 1979 – Mr. Benno Gitter (dec.), Economist, 1963 – Attorney Gideon Hausner (dec.), Businessman Government Legal Advisor 1980 – Mr. Moshe Schnitzer (dec.), President, 1964 – Mr. David Ben-Gurion (dec.), Israel Diamond Exchange Israel’s first Prime Minister and a 1981 – Mr. David Hachmey (dec.) Chairman, Member of Knesset Insurance Companies Association 1965 – Mr. Kadish Luz (dec.), Knesset 1982 – Mr. Yekutiel Federman (dec.), Speaker Hotelier, Businessman 1966 – Mr. Yisrael Barzilai (dec.), Minister 1983 – Mr. Aharon Meir ( d e c . ) , of Health Managing Director, Bank Hamizrahi 1967 – Mr. Yigal Alon (dec.), Minister of Hameuhad Labor 1984 – Mr. Avraham Agmon (dec.), 1968 – Mr. Teddy Kolleck (dec.), Mayor Managing Director, Delek Co. of Jerusalem 1985 – Mr. Mordechai Gur (dec.), Minister 1969 – Mr. David Horowitz (dec.), Governor, of Health Bank of Israel 1986 – Mr. Shlomo Lahat, Mayor of Tel 1970 – Prof. Albert Sabin (dec.), President, Aviv Weizmann Institute of Science 1987 – Mr. Yisrael Kessar, Secretary 1971 – Mr. Victor Shem Tov, Minister of General, Labor Union Health 1988 – Mr. Dani Gillerman, President, 1972 – Mr. Yosef Almogi (dec.), Minister Chamber of Commerce Association of Labor 1989 – Mr. Leon Recanati, Co-Director, 1973 – Mr. Shimon Peres, Minister of I.D.B. 122 Defense 1990 – Mr. Ehud Olmert, Minister of 1974 – Mr. Asher Yadlin (dec.), Chairman, Health Clalit Healthcare Fund 1991 – Mr. Simcha Dinitz (dec.), Chairman, 1975 – Dr. Yosef Burg (dec.), Minister of Jewish Agency the Interior 1992 – Mr. Eli Horowitz, Managing Director, 1976 – Mr. Mark Moshewitz (dec.), President, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Manufacturers Association Ltd. 1977 – Mr. Gideon Patt, Minister of Housing 1993 – Mr. Benny Gaon (dec.), Managing and Construction Director, Koor Industries Ltd. 1994 – Mr. Emanuel Gil, President, Elbit 1995 – Mr. David Wainshal, Managing Director, Migdal Insurance Ltd. 1996 – Mr. Yair Hamburger, Managing Director, Shiloah-Harel Insurance Ltd. 1997 – Mr. Yaakov Peri, President and Managing Director, Celcom 1998 – Ms. Galia Maor, Director General, Bank Leumi 1999 – Mr. Shlomo Nechama, Managing Director, Arison Investments, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bank Hapoalim 2000 – Mr. Kobi Alexander, Chairman of the Board of Directors and International President, Comverse Technology 2001 – Mr. Lev Leviev, Chairman, Africa Israel Investments 2002 – Mr. Yossi Meiman, President of Merhav Group and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Channel 10 2003 – Mr. Shraga Biran, Attorney and businessman 2004 – Mr. Muzi Vertheim, Chairman Coca Cola Israel 2005 – Mr. Israel Makov, CEO Teva 123 Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 2006 – Mr. Avigdor Kaplan, CEO Clal Insurance Company 2007 – Mr. Benny Steinmetz , businessman 2008 – Mr. Haim Katzman, Chairman of income-yielding real estate company Gazit-Globe Bequests, Legacies and Commemorations

The Israel Cancer Association deeply appreciates all its friends and volunteers who during their lifetime left special bequests to continue contributing to ICA activities for the patients and against the disease. • Alter Israel Jacob and Lila of blessed memory Tel Aviv • Aton Babi Kalima of blessed memory Herzliya • Belinko Priestater Esther of blessed memory Netanya • Biggs Asher of blessed memory Netanya • Elisar Victor of blessed memory Overseas • Kotler Geula of blessed memory Tel Aviv • Liebman Rosa of blessed memory Germany • Lieberman Haviva of blessed memory • Lovitz Edith of blessed memory Tel Aviv • Mens Valdszemir Ze'ev of blessed memory • Mikenbrun Jacob of blessed memory Kiryat Haim • Proshovska Paula of blessed memory Tel Aviv • Rothschild Michael of blessed memory Tel Aviv • Sheinfeld Hermina of blessed memory Netanya • Shoef Albert of blessed memory Moshav Timorim • Silverman Fay Tel Aviv • Sirota Erwin of blessed memory Germany • Tarif Ilana of blessed memory Jerusalem • Toledano Moise of blessed memory Jerusalem • Windmiller Goldie of blessed memory USA • Yaakovi Hava of blessed memory Haifa

Commemorations Commemorations honoring the memory of loved ones may be made 124 through the Israel Cancer Association in several ways: The name of the loved one may be engraved on an ornate plaque on the Commemorative Wall situated in the Sir Charles Clore Hostel garden, or at ICA headquarters, or in different hospital wards around the country.

Commemorative Wall in the Sir Charles Clore Hostel garden in Givatayim The Israel Cancer Association Board and Committee Members 2007-2008

Executive Board Prof. A. Kuten Oncologist Prof. E. Robinson Chairman Prof. S. Lelchuk Surgeon Mr. L. Recanati Vice Chairman Prof. A. Lubin Nuclear Medicine Mr. B. Gaon of blessed memory Prof. M. Mittleman Internist President Prof. T. Peretz Oncologist Prof. A. Durst Prof. E. Rachmilewitz Hematologist Mr. Y. Feldshaw Prof. G. Rennert Epidemiologist Prof. A. Levitzky Prof. V. Rotter Scientist Prof. M. Mittleman Prof. M. Schlesinger Scientist Prof. M. Shani Hospital Director Ms. R. Shitrit Chair of Foreign Mr. M. Shitrit Minister of Interior Relations Dept. Prof. Y. Skornik Surgeon Prof. S. Slavin Hematologist Executive Committee Prof. A. Sulkes Oncologist Ms. S. Eban Founding President Prof. Y. Weitz Scientist Public Figure Prof. Y. Yitzhak Radiologist Mr. B. Gaon of Prof. A. Zeligson Hematologist blessed memory President, Corporate Executive Prof. G. Rennert Epidemiologist Prof. E. Robinson Chairman, - ICA Advisor on Oncologist Epidemiology and Mr. L. Recanati Vice Chairman, Cancer Control Corporate Executive Dr. Y. Alkelai Dermatologist - Dr. A. Azizi Dermatologist ICA Advisor on Dr. Y. Balshar IMA Chairman Early Detection of Dr. S. Batzia Public Figure Skin Cancer Prof. H. Brenner Oncologist Prof. R. Shafir Plastic Surgeon - Prof. R. Catane Oncologist ICA Advisor on Prof. S. Chaitchik Oncologist Educational Prof. Y. Cohen Oncologist Activities in Schools 125 Prof. A. Durst Surgeon Mr. Y. Feldshaw Public Figure Board of Trustees Prof. M. Inbar Oncologist Mr. B. Gaon of Prof. Y. Kedar Scientist blessed memory President, Ms. A. Kimchi Health Educator Corporate Executive Prof. Y. Klausner Surgeon Ms. S. Eban Founding President Ms. M. Klein Former ICA Public Figure Director General Prof. E. Robinson Chairman Mr. L. Recanati Vice Chairman Mr. Y. Dori President Dori Group Corporate Mr. B. Dotan Public Figure Executive Prof. A. Durst Surgeon Judge S. Adler President Ms. Y. Efron Director General, National Labour Oceana Relations Board Mr. A. Eiran Public Figure Mr. D. Agmon Public Figure Dr. Y. Farbstein Hospital Director Ms. G. Almagor Former Chairperson Mr. Y. Feldshaw Public Figure Tel Aviv Branch Prof. B. Fiyora Gyno-oncologist Ms. Y. Alon Chairperson, Prof. B. Freund Surgeon Holon Branch Mr. A. Gil Business Person Dr. A. Ambon Hospital Director Prof. M. Green Chairman National Judge Eilon Retired Judge Disease Control Prof. V. Insler Gynecologist Center Prof. Y. Orgler Chairman of the Prof. A. Halevi Surgeon Board Stock Prof. Y. Halevi Hospital Director Exchange Dr. E. Halperin Hospital Director Ms. S. Akerstein CEO, Akerstein Ms. N. Hilu Knesset Minister Dr. A. Azizi Dermatologist Mr. A. Horowitz Chairman, Teva Dr. Y. Balshar IMA Chairman Prof. M. Inbar Oncologist Ms. Orna Banai Actress Prof. A. Israeli Ministry of Health Prof. R. Bar Internist, Technion Director General Prof. G. Barabash Hospital Director Mr. A. Kaplan CEO, Clal Insurance Dr. S. Batsia Public Figure Prof. Y. Kedar Scientist Prof. G. Ben-Ari Surgeon Ms. A. Kimchi Health Educator Prof. Y. Ben-Bassat Hematologist Prof. Y. Klausner Surgeon Prof. M. Ben-Harush Pediatric Oncologist Ms. M. Klein Former Director Mr. A. Ben-Nun Public Figure General, ICA Prof. H. Ben-Shachar Public Figure Ms. L. Koenig Actress Mr. R. Ben-Shaul Corporate Executive Prof. A. Kuten Oncologist Dr. Y. Berlovitz Hospital Director Mr. G. Lahav Public Figure Prof. R. Bier Rambam Medical Mr. D. Lautman Public Figure Center Director Prof. S. Lavi Scientist 126 General Prof. S. Lelchuk Surgeon Mr. S. Biran Attorney Mr. D. Levitan Public Figure Prof. H. Brenner Oncologist Mr. L. Leviev Business Person Judge A. Carmi Prof. A. Lubin Nuclear Medicine Prof. R. Catane Oncologist Mr. Y. Makov Public Figure Prof. S. Chaitchik Oncologist Ms. A. Manoach Public Figure Mr. Y. Ciechanover Public Figure Ms. G. Maor Director General Prof. Y. Cohen Oncologist Bank Leumi LeIsrael Mr. A. Dar Actor Prof. Y. Menczer Gyno-oncologist Ms. L. Meridor Public Figure Prof. A. Sela Oncologist Prof. J. Mishel Hospital Director Ms. A. Serugi Public Figure Prof. M. Mittleman Internist Prof. A. Shani Oncologist Dr. M. Modaei Public Figure Prof. M. Shani Gartner Institute Prof. S. Mor Yosef Hospital Director Prof. Y. Sheinfeld Internist Mr. S. Nehama Public Figure Prof. Y. Shemer Public Figure Mr. Y. Nimrodi Public Figure Dr. S. Sherf Hospital Director Prof. A. Novogrodestky Ms. M. Shezifi Former Chairperson of blessed memory Cancer Research Haifa Branch Scientist MK. Mr. M. Shitrit Minister of the Interior Prof. T. Peretz Oncologist Ms. R. Shitrit PR Rep., Chairperson Mr. Y. Perry Chairman, Bank ICA Foreign Mizrachi Relations Division Dr. Y. Peterburg Public Figure Prof. Y. Skornik Surgeon Prof. S. Pinchas Former Hospital Prof. S. Slavin Hematologist Director Dr. M. Steiner Oncologist Ms. D. Rabin-Philosoph Public Figure Ms. D. Stern Public Figure Prof. E. Rachmilewitz Hematologist Prof. A. Sulkes Oncologist Ms. T. Raveh Attorney Mr. D. Tal Former Knesset Prof. M. Ravid Internist Member Prof. G. Rechavi Hematologist Prof. H. Tabenkin Director of the Prof. G. Rennert Epidemiologist Family Medicine Dr. M. Rimon Surgeon Ward at Ha'emek Prof. M. Roa Former Hospital Hospital Director Dr. D. Tchernihovsky Ad-hoc Advisor Prof. P. Rosen Gastroenterologist on Medical Prof. V. Rotter Scientist Economics Prof. Y. Rowe Hematologist Mr. D. Wainshal Public Figure Mr. A. Sadeh Public Figure Prof. Y. Weitz Scientist Ms. R. Saker Public Figure Prof. Y. Yodfat Family Physician Mr. A. Sapir Public Figure Prof. G. Zaidan Oncologist Prof. M. Schlesinger Scientist Prof. A. Zeligson Hematologist Prof. P. Schwartzman Director, Family Dr. Y. Zilberg Hospital Director Medicine Dept., 127 Beer Sheva Early Detection Committee Prof. Y. Skornik Chairman – Surgeon, Ichilov Dr. P. Barak Oncologist, Barzilai Medical Center Dr. Y. Dresner Family Medicine Prof. A. Friedman Oncogenetics, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. M. Haj Breast Health Center, Nahariya Dr. T. Karni Surgeon, Assaf Harofeh Hospital Prof. M. Kraus Surgeon, Rambam Medical Center Prof. H. Levavi Gyno-oncologist, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. N. Mavajish Urologist, Ichilov Prof. A. Nativ Urologist, Bnei Zion Rothschild Medical Center, Haifa Prof. Y. Niv Gastroenterologist, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. M. Ramon Surgeon, Holy Family Hospital Prof. G. Rennert ICA Adviser on Cancer Control Dr. S. Sadetzki Gartner Institute, Tel Hashomer Dr. M. Sklare-Levi Imaging Institute, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Prof. G. Zaidan Oncologist, Rebecca Ziv Medical Center

Medical & Welfare Services Committee Prof. M. Mittleman Chairman – Internist, Ichilov Medical Center Dr. M. Cohen Social Worker, Haifa University Dr. A. Fenig Radio-oncologist, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. A. Gez Oncologist, Rambam Medical Center Dr. M. Gottfried Oncologist, Meir Hospital Dr. A. Hubert Oncologist, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. O. Merimski Oncologist, Ichilov Medical Center Ms. N. Pessach Social Worker, Ministry of Health Ms. S. Reicher Nursing Services, Ministry of Health Ms. T. Sadeh Clalit Healthcare Services (CHS) Dr. S. Winker Family Medicine CHS Central District Dr. Y. Yaniv Pediatric Hemato-oncologist Schneider Children’s Medical Center

Data Collection and Follow-up Committee 128 Dr. M. Bar-Hanna Chairman, Cancer Registry Prof. S. Ariad Oncologist, Soroka Medical Center Prof. D. Aderka Oncologist, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. L. Friedman Bar-Ilan University Dr. T. Safra Oncologist, Ichilov Dr. A. Solomon Oncologist, Hadassah Medical Center Professional Training Committee Prof. A. Kuten Chairman – Oncologist, Rambam Medical Center Dr. T. Elweiss Surgical Ward, Hadassah Medical Center Prof. M. Gutman Surgeon, Meir Hospital Dr. S. Izraeli Pediatric Hemato-oncologist, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. A. Levi Hematologist, Soroka Medical Center Dr. S. Nakar Family Medicine, Clalit Healthcare Services Dr. S. Reiss Family Medicine – Haifa Dr. S. Reizel Oncologist, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. S. Schneibaum Surgeon, Ichilov Prof. A. Sela Oncologist, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center

Research Committee Prof. Y. Yarden Cancer Research Scientist, Weizmann Institute Dr. D. Engelberg Scientist, Hebrew University Prof. R. Apte Scientist, Ben-Gurion University Prof. N. Arber Gastroenterologist, Ichilov Medical Center Prof. A. Balin Pediatric Hemato-oncologist, Wolfson Medical Center Dr. N. Ben-Baruch Oncologist, Kaplan Medical Center Prof. R. Catane Oncologist, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. A. Fikerski Clinician - Scientist, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Prof. M. Horowitz Scientist, Tel Aviv University Prof. O. Kaplan Surgeon, Ichilov Medical Center Dr. B. Kaufman Oncologist, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. A. Lahad Geneticist, Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center Dr. B. Leshem Chief Scientist's Office, Ministry of Health Prof. U. Nir Scientist, Bar-Ilan University Prof. Z. Solomon School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University Prof. A. Spielberg Hematologist, Rabin Medical Center Prof. Y. Voldevski Oncologist, Hadassah Medical Center Ein Karem/Technion Dr. Y. Zendbenk Pathologist, Assaf Harofeh Hospital

Psycho-oncology Research Sub-Committee 129 Dr. N. Ben-Baruch Oncologist, Kaplan Medical Center Dr. M. Cohen Social Services, Haifa University Dr. B. Kaufman Oncologist, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. A. Nahshoni Psychiatrist, Rabin Medical Center Dr. S. Perry Social Services, Rabin Medical Center Prof. Z. Solomon School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University Committee for Continuing Education Abroad Prof. B. Klein Chairman – Oncologist, Meir Hospital Prof. U. Beller Gyno-oncologist, Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital Ms. S. Ben Ami Oncology Nurse, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. A. Figer Oncologist, Ichilov Medical Center Prof. Y. Kapaloshnik Pediatric Oncology, Soroka Medical Center Prof. M. Pappa Breast Surgeon, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. S. Perry Social Services, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. A. Sela Oncologist, Assaf Harofeh Hospital Prof. L. Vardiman Cancer Research Scientist, Tel Aviv University Dr. M. Vigoda Radiotherapy, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem

Audit Committee Prof. Y. Orgler Chairman-Former Chairman of the Board of Directors, Stock Exchange Mr. N. Gur Public Figure Mr. D. Levitan Corporate Executive

Finance Committee Prof. Y. Orgler Chairman-Former Chairman of the Board of Directors, Stock Exchange Ms. A. Zochovitzky CPA, Company CEO Mr. N. Gur Public Figure Mr. D. Levitan Corporate Executive Prof. A. Ofer Tel Aviv University Mr. Y. Shahak CPA Dr. D. Yariv Bank of Israel Dr. Z. Yosef Ipex

Investments Committee Prof. R. Eldor Chairman, Multidisciplinary Center Mr. D. Friedman Former Chairman, Union Bank Mr. Y. Katz Economist Prof. A. Ofer Tel Aviv University Mr. A. Sapir Chairman, Ma'alot 130 Mr. Y. Toitsh IBI Dr. Z. Yosef Ipex

Advisory Committee on Environmental Carcinogens Dr. Y. Shacham Expert on Carcinogens, Fetal Health Institute Dr. M. Bar-Hanna Cancer Registry Unit, Ministry of Health Dr. S. Brenner Physicist, Ministry of Environment Prof. Y. Cohen Oncologist, Soroka Medical Center Ms. D. Cohen Ministry of Health Dr. L. Cordova Environment Ministry Eng. T. Enavy Ministry of Health Dr. M. Freund Ministry of Agriculture Dr. Y. Katz District Pharmacist, Coastal Plain Region Dr. S. Kendel Prof. Y. Lerman Occupational Physician, Clalit Healthcare Services Dr. A. Levinger Physicist, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Mr. M. Levita Physicist, Ichilov Medical Center Dr. E. Neeman Environment Institute Ms. I. Ortenberg Ministry of Environment Mr. A. Pardo Environment Center Dr. A. Priel Ben-Gurion University Dr. L. Pushnoi Industry Trade and Labor Ministry Prof. G. Rennert Epidemiologist, Carmel Hospital Prof. Y. Riback Ichilov Medical Center Ms. R. Sapir Pharmacist, Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center Prof. T. Schlesinger Nuclear Physicist, Nachal Sorek Dr. A. Stern Israel Atomic Energy Commission Dr. R. Versno Food and Nutrition Services, Ministry of Health Dr. A. Weiner Rambam Medical Center Dr. A. Ziv Food Services, Ministry of Health

Special Advisory Committees Dermatology: Prof. R. Shafir Plastic Surgery, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Prof. Y. Alkalay Dermatology, Maccabi Healthcare Services Dr. A. Avinoach Pathology, Wolfson Medical Center Prof. R. Bergman Dermatology, Rambam Medical Center Dr. A. Chodek Dermatology, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. F. Feldman Dermatologist, Clalit Healthcare Services Dr. L. Gilad Dermatologist, Hadassah Medical Center Dr. M. Lotam Dermatology, Hadassah Medical Center at Ein Karem MPharm A. Marom Senior Assistant to Pharmacology Division Manager Dr. D. Mimuni Beilinson Medical Center 131 Dr. N. Nathanson Dermatologist, IDF Dr. Y. Pappo Surgery, Assaf Harofeh Hospital Dr. Pavlotzky Dermatologist, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. L. Rosenberg Plastic Surgery, Soroka Medical Center Dr. Y. Shechter Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. Y. Tzhelinski Plastic Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. E. Winkler Chairman, Israel Society of Plastic Surgery Prof. R. Wolf Kaplan Medical Center Lung: Dr. M. Kropasky Lung Institute, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. Y. Ben-Dov Lung Institute, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. Besset Lung Institute, Rambam Medical Center Prof. A. Eliraz Lung Institute, Kaplan Medical Center Dr. D. Geffen Oncology, Soroka Medical Center Dr. M. Gottfried Oncology, Meir Hospital Dr. M. Kremer Lung Institute, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. B. A. Sela Institute of Pathological Chemistry, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. D. Shacham Guided Imaging, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. A. Sichon Oncology, Assaf Harofeh Hospital

Intestinal Tract: Dr. A. Benny Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Dr. A. Figer Oncology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. Y. Ilone Internal Medicine, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Prof. N. Arber Gastroenterology, Souraski Medical Center Dr. B. Brenner Beilinson Medical Center Prof. Z. Fireman Gastroenterology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center Prof. E. Friedman Oncogenetics, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. P. Greif Surgery, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. A. Hubert Oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Prof. H. Kashtan Surgery, Kaplan Medical Center Prof. B. Klein Oncologist, Meir Hospital Prof. Y. Niv Gastroenterology, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. M. Rabaw Surgery, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Prof. A. Rivkind Surgery, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Prof. A. Shani Oncology, Kaplan Medical Center Prof. S. Shneibaum Surgery, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Ms. R. Tziperstein Stoma Nursing Services, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. N. Woloch Assaf Harofeh Hospital Dr. Y. Ziv Gastroenterology, Assaf Harofeh Hospital 132 Breast: Dr. N. Ben-Baruch Oncology, Kaplan Medical Center Dr. T. Elweiss Surgery, Hadassah Mt. Scopus Dr. E. Evron Oncology, Assaf Harofeh Hospital Dr. Z. Fried Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Dr. H. Goldberg Oncology, Nahariya Prof. H. Gutman Surgery, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. D. Hershko Surgery, Rambam Medical Center Dr. I. Kadmon Breast Care Nursing, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. H. Kaplan Plastic Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. V. Katz Breast Surgery, Soroka Medical Center and Le'umit Healthcare Fund Dr. B. Kaufman Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. M. Kerner Pathology, Rambam Medical Center Prof. B. Klein Oncology, Meir Hospital Dr. M. Kurtz Surgery, Soroka Medical Center Dr. A. Nissan Oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Prof. M. Pappa Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Ms. R. Peleg Physiotherapist, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Prof. T. Peretz Oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Ms. D. Sadeh-Tessa Social Services, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. F. Sperber Breast Care Center, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. Y. Shtadler Surgery, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. E. Winkler Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. Zingelman-Danieli Oncology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center

Urology: Prof. O. Nativ Urology, Bnei Zion Hospital Prof. J. Baniel Urology, Beilinson (Davidoff) Medical Center Dr. Y. Chen Urology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. A. Gez Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Prof. A. Kuten Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Dr. I. Leibowitz Urology, Meir Hospital Prof. A. Lindner Urology, Assaf Harofeh Hospital Prof. H. Matzkin Urology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Ms. A. Morag Nursing Services, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. A. Neuman Oncology, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. Y. Ramon Urology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. E. Rosenbaum Oncology, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. A. Sela Oncology, Assaf Harofeh Hospital

Neuro-oncology: 133 Dr. S. Constanini Neurology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Ms. A. Friedman Pediatric Neurosurgery, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. D. Loven Oncology, Ha'emek Medical Center Dr. S. Maimon Neurology, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. R. Pfeffer Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. T. Ram Neuro-surgery, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. M. Sadeh Ms. R. Seat Social Services, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. T. Segal Neuro-oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. R. Speigelman Neurology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. T. Tzuk-Sheena Neuro-oncology, Rambam Medical Center

Pediatrics: Dr. I. Yaniv Pediatric Oncology, Schneider Children’s Medical Center Prof. M. Ben-Harush Pediatric Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Ms. A. Buchvald Nursing Services, Schneider Children’s Medical Center Dr. S. Constanini Neurology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Ms. D. Gerbler Dr. Y. Kapelushnik Pediatric Oncology, Soroka Medical Center Prof. I. Meller Orthopedic Oncology, Sourasky Medical Center Dr. M. Michowitz Neuro-surgery, Schneider Children’s Medical Center Prof. G. Rechavi Pediatric Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. N. Remo Oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. M. Sadeh Dr. A. Toren Pediatric Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. M. Weintraub Pediatric Oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem

Palliative Care: Ms. S. Ben-Ami Oncology Nursing Services, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. F. Barak Oncology, Barzilai Hospital Dr. G. Bar Sela Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Prof. R. Catane Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. N. Cherney Pain Clinic, Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital Dr. E. Eisenberg Pain Clinic, Rambam Medical Center Dr. S. Perry Social Services, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. P. Schwartzman Family Medicine, Ben-Gurion University Dr. Y. Singer Home Hospice, Beer Sheva Dr. A. Waller Hospice, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer

Gyneco-oncology: 134 Dr. S. Rizel Oncology, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. G. Ben-Baruch Gyneco-oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. I. Cohen Gynecology, Meir Hospital Ms. Z. Duvdevani Retiree Dr. E. Fenig Oncology, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. A. Fishman Former Chair of the Israeli Gyneco-oncology Society Dr. D. Grisaro Gynecology, Ichilov Hospital Dr. H. Levavi Gyneco-oncology, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. O. Lavi Chair, Israeli Society of Gyneco-oncology Dr. O. Levi Gyneco-oncology, Wolfson Medical Center Prof. E. Levi-Lahad Genetics, Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital Dr. D. Meirov Gynecology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. R. Pfeffer Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. T. Safra Oncology, Ichilov Hospital

Genetics and Bio-markers: Dr. S. Argov Pathology, Soroka Medical Center Dr. V. Barak Oncology Lab, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. A. Birk Genetics, Soroka Medical Center Prof. R. Catane Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. A. Fieder Gastroenterology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. E. Friedman Genetics, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. R. Gershoni-Baruch Genetics, Rambam Medical Center Prof. E. Levi-Lahad Genetics, Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital Dr. A. Or-Ortergar Genetics, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. M. Sagi Genetics, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Prof. M. Shochat Genetics, Beilinson Medical Center

Medications: Prof. A. Gabizon Oncology, Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital Prof. N. Chaim Oncology, Rambam Hospital Prof. D. Aderka Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. M. Inbar Oncology, Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv Prof. E. Livneh Microbiology, Ben-Gurion University Prof. A. Shani Oncology, Kaplan Medical Center Prof. A. Sulkes Oncology, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. T. Tishler Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer

Hemato-oncology: Prof. D. Ben-Yehuda Hematology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. R. Appelbaum Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Prof. A. Balin Pediatric Hemato-oncology, Wolfson Medical Center 135 Prof. Y. Cohen Oncology, Soroka Medical Center Dr. I. Levi Hematology, Soroka Medical Center Prof. M. Mittelman Internal Medicine, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Prof. A. Nagler Hematology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. P. Raanani Hematology, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. M. Prokochimer Hematology, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. Y. Row Bone Marrow Transplants, Rambam Medical Center Prof. O. Speilberg Hematology, Beilinson Medical Center Radiotherapy: Prof. A. Kuten Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Dr. R. Bar-Druma Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Prof. Y. Cohen Oncology, Soroka Medical Center Dr. B. Koren Oncology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Prof. E. Fenig Oncology, Beilinson Medical Center Dr. S. Fireman Oncology, Soroka Medical Center Dr. R. Pfeffer Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. M. Vigoda Oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem

Orthopedics: Dr. Y. Bikles Orthopedics, Ichilov Hospital Prof. Y. Meller Oncological Orthopedics, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. O. Marimski Surgery, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. Meushar Orthopedics, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. G. Moses Pathology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Prof. M. Sali Orthopedics, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer

Ear, Nose and Throat: Prof. R. Feinmesser Ear Nose Throat, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. D. Felis Ear Nose Throat, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Ms. F. Kornbrut Speech Rehabilitation, Israel Cancer Association Dr. M. Litner Tel Aviv University Dr. Maharshak Oncology, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. D. Ofir Ear Nose Throat, Meir Hospital Dr. H. Sela Ear Nose Throat, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem

Psycho-oncology: Ms. R. Abramov Social Services, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Prof. L. Baider Psycho-oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. M. Braun Psycho-oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Ms. S. Carmel Ben-Gurion University Dr. M. Cohen Oncology, Rambam Medical Center 136 Prof. A. Henig Soroka Medical Center Dr. S. Perry Oncology, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. R. Yaakobi Psychology Department, Tel Aviv University

Imaging: Prof. O. Israel Nuclear Medicine, Rambam Medical Center Dr. A. Angel Radiology, Rambam Medical Center Dr. E. Even Sapir Nuclear Medicine, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Prof. M. Gomori Radiology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. Gornstein Ziv Medical Center Prof. M. Greif Radiology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Prof. Y. Kraus Nuclear Medicine, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. M. Shapira Radiology, Meir Hospital Dr. M. Sklaire-Levi Radiology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. F. Sperber Mammography Unit, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center

Complementary Medicine: Prof. E. Robinson Israel Cancer Association Dr. G. Bar-Sela Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Prof. R. Catane Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. D. Aderka Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Dr. O. Caspi Oncology, Davidoff Center Prof. A. Kuten Oncology, Rambam Medical Center Prof. S. Pintov Complementary Medicine, Assaf Harofeh Hospital Dr. L. Schechter "Maccabi Natural", Maccabi Healthcare Services, Complementary Medicine Dr. N. Sheinman Naturopath Dr. E. Shiff Internal Medicine, Bnei Zion Medical Center Dr. I. Ziv-Ner Complementary Medicine, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer

Cancer Prevention: Prof. N. Arber Gastroenterology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Mr. Y. Lahav Dietitian, Wingate Institute Ms. O. Raz Dietitian, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Prof. G. Rennert Community Medicine and Epidemiology, Carmel Hospital Dr. N. Shapira Dietitian Dr. Y. Yarom Meuhedet Healthcare Services, Sports

Thyroid Cancer: Dr. O. Cohen Endocrinologist, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Prof. T. Dikstein Endocrinologist, Bnei Zion Hospital Dr. T. Horn Nuclear Medicine, Assaf Harofeh Hospital 137 Prof. Y. Liel Endocrinologist, Soroka Medical Center Dr. M. Malul Isotopes, Meir Hospital Dr. S. Mechlis Nuclear Medicine, Beilinson Medical Center Prof. N. Stern Endocrinologist, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Dr. B. Uzieli Oncology, Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem Dr. M. Weiss Endocrinology, Assaf Harofeh Hospital Dr. G. Zidan Oncologist, Ziv Medical Center Advisors Advocate Y. Horesh S. Horowitz and Associates – Legal Advisor Luboshitz Kasierer – Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants R. Aharonovitch Computing Consultant A. Ben Cochav Computing Consultant

Administration and Department Directors Ms. M. Ziv Director General Ms. V. Danziger Assistant to Director General Mr. M. Bar Haim Chief Financial Officer Ms. R. Froehlich-Zeltzer Spokesperson and Director, Public Education and Information Department Mr. G. Weiss Head of Branches Dept. and ‘Door Knock’ Fundraising Campaign Manager Mr. R. Makrin Director, Marketing and Cooperation Department Ms. A. Dolev Director, Rehabilitation and Welfare Department Ms. R. Idan Director, Human Resources Dept. Mr. A. David Director, Maintenance and Logistics Dept. Mr. S. Dolinski Internal Comptroller