Bulletin PTE No. 2/2014 Special Edition
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no. 2/2014 Special Edition ISSn 1507-1383 BulletinPoliSh Economic SociEty ISSn 1507-1383 headqurters of the Polish Economic Society, 49 nowy Swiat Street, Warsaw Polish Economic Society 200 years of tradition Bulletin PTE No. 2 (65)/2014 I 1 Polish Economic Society contents Introduction 4 Excerpts from the Statute of the PTE 5 Polish Economic Society as a Public Benefit u 6 Organization – Elżbieta Mączyńska 6 An Outline of the history of the Polish Economic Society – Artur Pollok 8 Thursdays at the Economists – Elżbieta Mączyńska 11 Economic knowledge competition – Artur Pollok 15 20 u Forum of Strategic Thinking – Elżbieta Mączyńska 18 International cooperation of the Polish Economic Society – Stanisław Rudolf 20 Publishing Activities of the PTE – Artur Pollok 24 Activities of Branches of the Polish u 26 Economic Society – Stanisław Rudolf 26 The PTE Research council – Bogusław Fiedor 30 The 9th congress of Polish Economists – Stanisław Rudolf 32 There Is no Single correct Theory of Economics – Elżbieta Mączyńska 35 The 9th congress of Polish Economists – Summaries of Selected Papers – Marek Belka, Andrzej Wojtyna, Marek Ratajczak, Andrzej Sławiński, Grzegorz W. kolodko, Jerzy Wilkin 39 Forum of Presidents of Economic Societies – Stanisław Rudolf 46 Polish Economists known in the World u 48 – Jan Toporowski 48 The Guardian on the Polish Economist 52 news 53 The Investment Future of Poland 55 Authorities of the Society 56 Memorial on the Intellectual crisis – Jerzy kleer 58 Questionnaire Economist – Stanisław Rudolf 59 59 u 2 I Bulletin PTE No. 2 (65)/2014 Polish Economic Society ladies and Gentlemen Bulletin PtE For the first time the Polish Economic Society (PTE) has prepared Free magazine the Bulletin in English and hence, it is different than those directed to our members in the 23 PTE Branches throughout Poland, as well as Publisher: to students and teachers of economics, business practitioners, etc. Zarząd krajowy Polskiego This Bulletin is addressed mainly to foreign readers, who do not Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego know our Society. The main objective of this publication is to pro- 00-042 Warszawa, vide information about the nature and activities of the PTE. Af- ul. nowy Świat 49 ter a general presentation of our Society and its history, we present Tel.+48 22 551 54 01, Fax + 48 22 551 54 44 selected forms of our activities such as: Thursdays at the Econo- www.pte.pl mists, the Economic knowledge competition, the Forum of Stra- www.kongresekonomistow.pl tegic Thinking, international cooperation, publishing, activities of the PTE Branches, and activities of the PTE Research council. In particular, we devote a lot of space to the 9th congress of Polish President of the national Board: Economists which took place in november 2013. As demonstrated Elżbieta Mączyńska by the history of congresses of Polish economists, they were held in [email protected] highly diverse socio-economic and political conditions, hence the slogans of congresses were kind of a sign of the times. (See: http:// Edited by: www.kongres.pte.pl/kongres/idea-kongresu.html). Artur Pollok, Stanisław Rudolf, Stanisław Gliński, Paweł In addition, the reader will find brief information in the Bulle- Adamczyk, Michał Plewczyński, tin about the Forum of the Presidents of Economic Societies in the and Iwona Dudzik countries of central and Eastern Europe which was organized by our Society. The Bulletin also recalls the profiles of the deceased Graphic design, DtP: prominent Polish economists such as, Michał kalecki, Oskar Lange, Studio Ling Brett and Tadeusz kowalik. translated by: The Bulletin is addressed to economic societies in other countries, Tadeusz Wejchert and through them to a wide range of economists abroad. Reading the Bulletin should introduce them to the nature and objectives of Print: our activities, as well as their scope and scale and encourage them to sowadruk.pl establish cooperation with us. Both the national Board of the PTE and our Branches are open to such cooperation. The Bulletin is also addressed to economists of Polish origin, who for many years have lived abroad, whether as academics or in busi- ness. With many of them we maintain constant cooperation; they participate in our seminars and congresses. Some of them have sent their cVs which we have posted on our website (www.pte.pl). We are very keen on expanding such cooperation and we hope that our Bulletin will contribute to this. This may be scientific, business, or organizational cooperation. At the same time through the Bulletin we encourage you to be- come interested in Poland and in the changes in its socio-economic situation. Poland owes its economic successes among others to in- vestments. Therefore, in the Bulletin, we present information on the Polish Investments for Development as an institution oriented on measures to intensify infrastructure investment in Poland. We invite you to visit our English website. Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska, dr Artur Pollok, prof. Stanisław Rudolf Elżbieta Mączyńska, Stanisław Rudolf, Artur Pollok Bulletin PTE No. 2 (65)/2014 I 3 Excerpts from the Statute of the PtE the Polish Economic Society (PtE) is an independent association of economists and is a legal entity. the goals of the Society 3. Publishing, co-publishing and research institutes of the are to: and supporting in other form socio-economic profile, publications on economics 1. Promote the economic 9. Participating in the devel- and other social sciences, thought and contribute to the opment, modernization, and including the “Ekonomista” development of economics dissemination of curricula and magazine, as well as promot- and present its achievements, training in socio-economic ing socio- economic knowl- issues, 2. Improve professional edge through the mass media, qualifications of economists, 10. The dissemination of 4. The Economic knowl- 3. Focus on the lifelong learn- the principles of professional edge competition, in coop- ing of teachers of economic ethics and ensuring their eration with the Ministry of subjects, observance, national Education, 4. Inspire and support the 11. Setting up and running activities aimed at the social, 5. Assessment and econom- houses of creative work, clubs, economic, and spatial de- ic expertise and information libraries and reading rooms, velopment of the country in activities in the field of socio- and Internet portals, economic issues, an environmentally friendly 12. cooperation with state manner, 6. Initiating and conduct- administration and self-gov- 5. Promote economic ing research in the field of ernments, economics and other social knowledge and disseminate 13. cooperation with sciences, economic culture amongst the national and international as- general public, 7. Awards for outstanding sociations and other entities. achievements in economic 6. Protect professional inter- The principal authorities of sciences and for the imple- ests of economists, the Society are: the national mentation of effective man- Assembly, the national Board, 7. Integrate economists agement methods, from academia and business. the national Audit com- 8. Setting up and running mission, and the Arbitration the goals of the Society high schools, universities, Board. are implemented through: The Branches are the basic 1. conventions, congresses, organizational units of the So- conferences, symposiums, ciety, they have legal personal- talks, lectures, consultations, ity. The resolution to appoint and competitions, the Branch Society is passed by the national Board of the 2. Training involving educa- Society at the request of the tional training and profession- founding group consisting of al development in the field of at least 15 people. economic knowledge, 4 I Bulletin PTE No. 2 (65)/2014 Polish Economic Society Elżbieta Mączyńska Polish Economic Society as a Public Benefit Organization Polish Economic Society (PtE) is a public benefit organiza- tion aimed at disseminating and popularizing the knowledge of economy, the development of economic theory, and its rational use in practice. the Polish Economic Society, created in 1945, is a continuation of over 200 years of tradition of social movement of economists which continued to operate even in the toughest, most dramatic periods of Polish history. this is confirmed by his- torical documents. he thoughts and recommenda- bulent changes, gains in importance. Ttions in these documents are an Daily life proves that solid economic important point of reference even knowledge helps one not to surrender 23 October 2013, Professor Amit Bhaduri, University of today, in the current activities of the to the difficulties. Measures for the Jawaharlal Nehru in Delhi, Professor Kazimierz Łaski, PTE. This concerns also the message dissemination of this knowledge are Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, “What Has formulated nearly 100 years ago, con- therefore necessary in any system in Globalization of Finance Economic Policy Done it? “ tained in a speech delivered on 1 March which such knowledge is one of the ments of the mission and the place of 1921, by Baron Jan Götz-Okocimski fundamental factors in economic de- economics in shaping the socio-eco- on the occasion of the establishment cision making and rationalization of nomic transformations. controversies of the of Economic Society in kra- economic decisions. Deficiencies in concern the practical utility of the kow: “We want to be the eye that sees such knowledge can lead to a variety basic trends of economic theory and wealth slumbering in the country and of severe, adverse events, confirming their relevance to economic reality. the population. We want to be the ear the well-known aphorism that the The crisis has revealed deep failures in that catches general needs and means market has no enemies, but it has many the global economic system, pointing striving to satisfy them. We want to be victims. to the challenges facing economists. the brain that is considering, criticiz- The relevance of this aphorism has Therefore, one can regard as almost ing, and shows the way. however, our been spectacularly confirmed by the as a memento the thought formulated activities will not be only on paper, largest crisis in the post-war period, nearly 70 years ago, in 1946, by the didactic or agitative.