July 2020 | Issue 13 A Monthly Newspaper Issued by The Levant News Media International - London Founder & Director: Thaer Alhajji | Chief Editor: Shiyar Khaleal

Hail Erdogan’s The Room Britain’s Caesar? Dilemma in Where It falling Happened statues

Page: 11 Page: 8 Page: 9 Page: 12 Lebanese International Support escalation for 1559 for 's “red line” in Libya Hezbollah evades taxes Lebanese protesters have demanded the implementation of Resolution 1559 which calls for the disbanding and disarming of all Lebanese militias. The protesters held signs particularly demanding that Hezbollah must be disarmed. Others participating in the protests expressed their despair of any change the political class could make. Due to the impact of the ongoing economic crisis and stifling living; the most severe in the history of Lebanon since the end Fighting continue in Libya of the war in 1989, and in light of France has welcomed the Merkel, saw the declaration and more civilian casualties in the shared responsibilities among Cairo Declaration stressing its as a continuation to the Berlin Libya” said Italian Foreign Minister political forces, lawyer, Majd significance in the prevalence of the conference, adding new elements Luigi de Mayo. Harb, son of Boutros Harb, the political track as an ultimate solution and dimensions that are effective Many «NO’s» were raised against Lebanese politician known for for the Libyan crisis, in consistency in the Libyan political process. mercenaries, foreign interference, his stances against the Lebanese with UN resolutions and relevant She has also praised the Egyptian terrorism and division , asserting Hezbollah, has appealed to the international efforts. France has also constructive efforts to solve the the urgency of a political solution, Financial Prosecutor General praised the Egyptian tireless efforts Libyan crisis. unity, and stability in Libya. The Judge Ali Ibrahim to take action to settle the conflict and restore peace “I have raised our concerns with Al resolution also called for immediate against Hezbollah for «tax in all Libyan lterritories. Sarraj that the military operations in cease-fire and the protection of evasion, customs evasion and The German Chancellor, Angela Sirte that could lead to more fighting civilians. money laundering».

The summer of Caesar, which sparked

In conjunction Al-Assad’swith the American announcement Palace the economicin Damascus sanctions were imposed to punish them, of sanctions on the Syrian regime through the essentially. implementation of what is known as Caesar Act, the Meanwhile, American officials announced that the regime has been increasing, in advance, the impact aim of the Act that came into force on 17th June, is of sanctions on Syrian people by exploiting and «not to change the Syrian regime» rather to «change its monopolizing goods that were not included in the behaviour.” sanctions or drastically raising their prices. The Syrian James Jeffrey said that the Syrian people are the decision regime keeps brainwashing people into believing that makers in changing the system. Reports Trump does Russia a favor by deepening the rift with Berlin The discord is escalating from to what Rolf Mutzenich, the German society.» highlighting that he will Germany, led by Chancellor Angela time to time between Washington deputy and head of the Social communicate with the American Merkel, on June 6, denounced the and its European allies, which was Democratic Party bloc in Parliament, authorities, regarding reports of the decision of US President Donald referred to by the American Politico indicated on May 18, when he said German channel Deutsche Welle Trump to withdraw part of the recently. It said that intense disputes that US President Donald Trump's crew being shot at by the American American soldiers from Germany and and discussions took place between influence is devastating to NATO, police, while covering a protest keep 25 thousand. Johann Wadephul, the American President, Donald comparing it to 'bacteria',» and march in Minneapolis. the deputy chair of the parliamentary Trump, and German Chancellor, accusing the American president of This seems to have made matters group of Angela Merkel’s Christian Angela Merkel, during a phone call treating the Europeans like enemies worse between Washington and Democratic Union (CDU), told between the two leaders that week. and a source of weakness for Berlin, prompting US President Reuters: «The plans show that the The newspaper quoted an unnamed NATO, highlighting the danger of Donald Trump on June 5 to order Trump administration is neglecting official in the US administration, the new American nuclear doctrine the Ministry of Defense to withdraw an elementary task of leadership, to saying that both parties› views and that considers the possibility of 9,500 American troops from bind coalition partners into positions were very different on preemptive use of nuclear power. Germany until next September. decision-making processes.» topics such as NATO, the «North Earlier in May, the German MP Reuters reported a senior US He added: “Everyone profits from Stream-2» project between Russia demanded the withdrawal of US official, whose name was not the alliance sticking together, and Germany, and relations with nuclear weapons from Germany, revealed, saying: «The total number only Russia and China profit from China. which drew criticism against him of American troops in Germany is discord. Washington should pay Many differences have emerged. from the Christian Democrats, currently 34,500, and some of the more attention to that.” He described recently In addition to the rifts that the Christian Social Union, and departing soldiers will be redirected the withdrawal as a wake-up call for surfaced at the beginning of Trump's German Foreign Minister Heiko to Poland and countries allied to Europeans to position themselves tenure, and his call for NATO allies Maas. However, Mutzenich stressed Washington, while the rest will in a better position concerning to raise their financial contributions that his call was notmotivated by a return to the United States.»This security policy. The leader of the to the alliance to the equivalent desire to weaken NATO. The Bild was one day after comments by parliamentary group of the leftwing of 2% of their GDP, new political newspaper quoted the German German Chancellor Angela Merkel party Die Linke told Deutsche Welle clashes emerge from time to time. politician›s recent statement: «If criticizing «Trump's controversial that «the decision is not technical; it On May 7, US Secretary of State the American nuclear weapons in approach» in managing the protests is purely political.» Mike Pompeo was dissatisfied with Germany and other countries are the in the United States following the German Foreign Minister Heiko the German appeal to reconsider only link, then this is not very good killing of George Floyd. Maas said on June 7 that relations Washington's decision to cut funding for NATO.» While prominent with the United States are to the World Health Organization. It representatives of «complicated,» stating that if the was in retaliation to the international the ruling United States goes ahead with The German position organization's handling of the bloc in plans to withdraw thousands Coronavirus outbreak. on the emonstrations makes of troops stationed in German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung matters worse Germany, Berlin will «be noted that Pompeo commented on a It appears that the American anti- aware of that.» He added letter from his German counterpart, racist demonstrations that erupted that Germany and the Heiko Maas, in which he referred to after the killing of George Floyd on United States are «close the United States› full commitment May 25 by a member of the American partners in NATO, to «work with the international police were an opportunity for but the matter is now community to combat the Corona Berlin to retaliate to Washington›s complicated.» pandemic» despite the funding failure to respond to its request to freeze, highlighting that the United reconsider its position on the World States was the most significant Health Organization. On June 2, contributor to the World Health German Foreign Minister Heiko Organization over the years, despite Maas considered the protests in the Chancellor what he described as a «series of United States «legitimate.» Merkel mistakes” made by the Geneva-based «The peaceful protests taking place organization, which he accused of in the United States are more than appeasing the Chinese Communist legitimate and understandable,» regime. Maas said at a press conference, A situation that seems to have adding: «I can only express my provoked resentment among German hope that peaceful protests will not politicians, but it is not comparable turn into violence, rather that these protests will have an impact on the The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 2 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Reports Iran does not see its problems

It is as if its record is whiteand echoing criticizes a 2018 statement from U.S. fromWashington Khamenei, the security he was among 200 prisoners who as snow, or it is not among the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo forces opened fire on the unarmed managed to escape from the prison. leading countries in the world addressing the protests in Iran in protesters directly, killing at least On April 10, Iranian intelligence told to carry out executions of their 2018. 1,500 citizens, wounding more than his family to take a farewell look opponents, human rights 4,000 and arresting 12,000 at their son before the execution. activists or minority people, most of whom Indeed, he had been executed at the rights advocated; Tehran are held in the regime›s dawn of April 11, at four o’clock in manages to condemn prisons.» prison Saqqaz. ” He added: «Selimi the killing of an African The organization also was a political detainee and spent 17 American by an mentioned the names of years in Iranian prisons.» American police officer, about 800 of the victims. Amnesty International reported, on although this crime is not It said: “although it has April 9, that about 36 prisoners in stipulated in U.S. laws been six months since the Iran were feared to have been killed and is not approved by November uprising, the by security forces after using force its legislators. Contrary government did not provide to control protests over fears of a to what may be in other a statistic and the number Covid-19 outbreak. countries, those who of martyrs, wounded, resort to using well- and detainees during that Racial discrimination against polished excuses and uprising.” phrases to justify the Commenting on those in Al-Ahwaz killing of their citizens, “crimes,” Maryam Rajavi, Besides the execution of opponents in the name of protecting a leader of the PMOI, said: after years of detention, and the national security, as “The regime refused to suppression of prisoners afraid of the in Iran and Syria, or hand over the bodies of the Coronavirus, racial discrimination labeling opponents with martyrs to their families. affects Arabs in Al-Ahwaz, which, terrorism, including With terrible insolence, according to a statement issued by deputies and journalists he demanded the fathers the media office of the Arab Struggle in other countries. and mothers to pay for Movement for the Liberation of the bullets that killed the Ahwaz on April 21, prompted them sons of Iran. There is no doubt that to confront the Iranian police. Washington needle Iran the killer of children this dreadful massacre is one of the The office stated at the time that “a in the eyes of Tehran in demonstrations most heinous crimes in the twenty- few Ahwazi citizens work in this the killing of the African American But does Tehran have the right to hold first century, and it is a high crime company doing hard work, while citizen George Floyd in Minneapolis the United States accountable for a against humanity by all accounts. its general manager, its engineers, was an opportunity from Tehran's policeman›s crime, after Mahmoud She added: “Religious fascism must accountants and most of its employees point of view to criticize Washington. Abbasi, an assistant to the Minister be expelled from the international are generally Persian settlers, and it Tehran directed a sharp criticism to of Justice in Iran, stated that children community. was established with Khomeini›rule the United States. Iranian Foreign were killed during the November after the expropriation of thousands Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif 2019 demonstrations, as part of a of hectares of Ahwazi lands by force tweeted: “Some do not think black confession that «Etemad Online» Opponents executed and allocating them to the company.” lives matter,” using the hashtag reported on April 2, in which he said: after long years in prison From the preceding, it seems «Black Lives Matter.» «Concerning the injured, no accurate In addition to killing the clear that regimes such as the The Iranian minister ignored the statistics are available yet, but many demonstrators, the Iranian Iranian regime, which has wreaked lives of hundreds of activists whom of those individuals and children authorities do not hesitate to kill the corruption inside and outside Iran, his authority executes on an annual were affected during the riots and political detainees, despite spending are the last to talk about human basis, from ethnic minorities such as were victims and lost their lives.» long years in prison, which happened rights, extremism, and racial Arabs and Kurds, or human rights This was part of a report of the on the eleventh of last April. Arif discrimination. All these violations activists and even women human opposition PMOI website, which Bawah Jani, head of the Kurdistan are just the tip of the iceberg, not rights advocates. stated that some of victims were Independence Party, confirmed that to mention the destruction and Zarif continued: “To those of us who children under 18 years old and that the Iranian authorities had executed intimidation practiced by the Iranian- do: it is long overdue for the entire arrangements had to be made to a Kurdish political detainee. backed militias in several Middle world to wage war against racism. compensate their families somehow. Bawah Jani told Levant News that Eastern countries. Therefore Time for a #WorldAgainstRacism.» According to the organization›s the executed Kurdish detainee is Iran's condemnation of «The U.S. government is squandering website during the November Mustafa Salimi. He highlighted that America Policeman's crime is its citizens› resources,» he tweeted, 2019 protests, «Following order he was detained in Saqqaz prison, meaningless. The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 3 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Reports On World Refugee Day Various violations of Syrian refugees June 20 annually marks a number of them, including children most prominent violations of Syrian to themovements of such refugees World Refugee Day, an event and women. Arbitrary detention is defined as restrictions other than thosewhich approved by the United Nations In early March, the Turkish the arrest and deprivation of liberty are necessary and such restrictions General Assembly in 2000. The government announced that it would of a person outside of the confines shall only beapplied until their United Nations and UNHCR work not prevent the transit of migrants of nationally recognized laws or status in the country is regularized, to raise awareness of refugee issues, and refugees on its territory from international standards. orthey obtain admission into highlight their suffering and needs, crossing into Europe via the Greek The patterns of this detention in the another country. TheContracting and find ways to support and help border, which led to the influx of countries that the Syrians resort to States shall allow such refugees with the ever-increasing crises and thousands of Syrians and other are varying between detention during a reasonableperiod and all the disasters creating asylum. nationalities of asylum seekers. attempts to cross to seek asylum, and necessary facilities to obtain During the past nine years, the The Greek authorities closed their arrests inside these countries with admissioninto another country.” number of Syrian refugees has border gate near the Turkish state of illegal allegations and without being It violated the Dublin Convention exceeded six million, distributed Edirne, where thousands of refugees brought before the judiciary. and its subsequent amendments to among neighboring countries of gathered. In the Greek Republic of , the regulate asylum in European Union Syria and the rest of the world, Not only did the Greek authorities Cypriot authorities are still holding countries, which stresses the need seeking protection. It is considered close the border, but they used tear many asylum seekers, both Syrians to fastly and effectively process one of the most important things gas and live bullets to disperse the and from other nationalities, in one asylum claims and inform asylum- that are offered to a refugee under gathered refugees. This led to the of the security centers designated for seekers of decisions as quickly as international laws and treaties. killing of a Syrian youth on March 2 foreigners since the beginning of this possible. But despite the explicit texts in near the Greek border gate, beating year, without giving them the right In Lebanon, arbitrary detention international humanitarian law, refugees and stripping them of their of asylum, or providing them with was a prominent feature of the international customary law, and the clothes and phones and destroying facilities to move to a third country Lebanese security services’ dealing 1951 Asylum Convention, which them. to receive them. with Syrian refugees, in particular, define refugee rights and duties, and and Greece in such actions These detainees have carried out the intelligence of the Lebanese determine the form of dealing with violate their international obligations a hunger strike more than once, army, which is detaining Syrians refugees, many Syrian refugees under the 1951 Asylum Convention, due to their prolonged detention in in violation of Lebanese law that are still subject to various types of which forbids any country from unsanitary conditions, especially criminalizes arbitrary detention violations in host countries. returning asylum seekers to a state as the Coruna epidemic has spread following Article 367 of the Syrian refugees are killed on the in which they would be in likely during the past months. A judicial Lebanese Penal Code. border danger of persecution based on race, decision was issued recently to deny In addition to prolonging detention Between July 2019 and the end of religion, nationality, membership several of them the right to asylum, periods for Syrians without being March 2020, at least 50 instances of a particular social group or without providing reasonable brought to the Lebanese judiciary. of gunfire from the Turkish border political opinion, according to the reasons. The arrests were made on charges guards “gendarme” were recorded first paragraph of Article 33 of the Thus, Cyprus and Egypt violated such as lack of work permits, or against Syrians fleeing the shelling agreement. Also, they must receive the 1951 Refugee Convention, as failure to renew residence papers. of the Syrian regime army and these refugees, study their asylum the two countries are party to this The arrest often resulted in the Russian aircraft on the northern applications, and grant protection to agreement. Cyprus has violated forcible transfer of numbers of Hama countryside and the Idlib those who deserve it. Article 31 of the Agreement “The Syrians to Syria and their handover countryside, leading to the killing of Arbitrary Detention: One of the Contracting States shall not apply to the security forces.

One of the refugee camps by the Syrian Turkish Border The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 4 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Reports The Libyan army to Levant News: We will not hesitate to ask for Egypt's support to repel Turkey In exclusive statements to The director of the Department of about Egypt›s right to protect its the region, to Syria and Libya, and Levent News, Brigadier Khaled Moral Guidance in the Libyan Army national security, and so on. This they were the ones who contributed Al Mahjoub, Director of the Moral told Levant News: «We will not means that Sisi›s speech caused a to their transfer to Egypt at the time Guidance Department of the Libyan allow Turkey to seize the resources violent jolt among them. Indicating of the Brotherhood›s rule. Thus, if National Army, said: «We are ready of the Libyan people in light of the that «The message reached them, this organization takes control of to repel any attack by Erdogan›s collapse of state institutions and the Turkey went too far, and this cannot the region, there will be an export of militia, and we will not hesitate to ask dominance of militias. There is an be tolerated, and they realized this terrorist organizations to the world, Egypt for support.» Stressing that Egyptian red line, and trying to cross very well, and Egypt is waiting for and the world will drown in chaos Sisi›s message means «we are here, it means eliminating it, and this is a the appropriate time to take actions, until they achieve their malicious and Turkey will not be allowed to go military and diplomatic language at and the discourse will take a practical project, so the Brotherhood and further than that.» He said that «the the same time». turn.» Erdogan must be rein in the region.» end of Erdogan is near, we are trying On the red line that President Sisi set On Turkish interference in Libyan Stressing that Erdogan›s mercenary to prosecute him internationally, and for the cities of Sirte and Al-Jafra, internal affairs and support for numbers reached more than 18 we have documented evidence of Brigadier Mahjoub said to Levant: Al-Wefaq militias with weapons thousand, they were brought to his crimes against humanity.» «We «Sirte and Jafra are located in the and extremists, Al-Mahjoub said: Syria and then Libya, and they have have legal advisers, the Ministry middle of the Libyan coast, and «Turkey claims to support Al-Wefaq several nationalities. We published of Foreign Affairs, and the House Sirte is the western gate of the Oil government, but it has brought in confessions of a group of them of Representatives. These entities Crescent, and therefore it is the front large numbers of mercenaries, far during the past days. have documented and submitted line to enter the region and dominate more than what is needed to defend Regarding Turkey›s persistence tevidence of crimes against the ports that include oil pipelines (11 a specific place or region, its real in interfering in Libya, Brigadier- humanity.» He stressed that the Lines) and gas (3 lines)» Stressing ambitions emerged.» Highlighting General Khaled Al-Mahjoub told number of Erdogan›s mercenaries that this Libyan wealth is a strategic that «the Brotherhood wants Levant News: «Turkey has bared its reached more than 18 thousand, goal for Erdogan for which he to control the entire region, for teeth because it feels that it has not including 9 thousand terrorists from entered Libya. So (Sirte - Al-Jafra) domination purposes mixed with achieved a political, economic, or known extremists. is a red line, and it is absolutely Ottoman Turkish illusions.» military victory. And it did not reach Brigadier Khaled Al Mahjoub told forbidden to allow Erdogan›s militia Al-Mahjoub also stressed that «We the area where it can implement the Levant News: «The Libyan National to approach it. must understand that the Brotherhood border agreement it concluded with Army is ready for any escalation Brigadier Khaled Al-Mahjoub seeks to control the region and they Al-Wefaq, and it is not in western the Turkish regime and its armed emphasized that after Egypt hinted are an organization that excels in Libya.» Adding that «Erdogan militias,» stressing that the Libyan at military intervention in Libya, producing terrorist organizations, did not reach the oil-rich region forces are ready to repel any attack, the intensity of Erdogan›s discourse and they, along with Erdogan, controlled by our armed forces.» and will not hesitate to ask for declined, and they started thinking brought terrorist organizations to He spoke of «changing the military support from Egypt if needed. strategy based on blatant Turkish Brigadier Mahjoub emphasized interference because they counted that what Egyptian President Abdel on the elimination of our forces in Fattah El-Sisi said affirms the Arab , but we intelligently did not identity, patriotism, strength, and announce it at the time. The strategy capacity of Egypt, and its long was modified, and the reality of lasting role a safety valve for Arab Turkish intentions was revealed.» national security, stressing that what The Director of Moral Guidance Sisi announced is clear evidence Department of the Libyan that what is happening will not be National Army confirmed that the tolerated, and that the upcoming Libyan forces are highly prepared. confrontation will not be merely a We have a destructive military confrontation with the Libyan forces. force, unlike before, where it was Mahjoub highlighted that everyone challenging to use massive force in knows that if Libya fell, Egypt›s Tripoli. He added: «Now we have western borders would be subject to included the Ranger forces. The a fierce attack from the Brotherhood battle is a battle of a homeland and and terrorist organizations and would the preservation of its capabilities also create chaos in the eastern and wealth, not just the elimination region. Brigadier Khaled Al Mahjoub of militias.» The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 5 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Interview Brigadier Fahad Al-Shalimi: The Cairo Declaration is the closest

Amid initiativeserious turmoil in Davutoglu, to Deputy solving Prime Minister diplomatic the move Libyan by holding a containing crisis differences in the past, the Middle East in recent times, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and conference for African countries. especially internal disputes in especially in light of the Turkish- Ali Babacan, the Turkish economics Turkey is not an African country, countries. Qatari complicity in promoting engineer. and Egypt›s presence in the African Another dimension is the removal extremist ideologies, Levant News Thus, to maintain popularity, Union is essential for Egypt to obtain of foreign parties that bring in interviewed Kuwaiti political balance, and economic growth , political support. mercenaries because they may analyst, Brigadier Fahd Al-Shalimi, Erdogan must achieve international conduct other operations in the head of the Gulf peace and Security and financial gains. This can be ■ What is your comment on the neighboring countries of Egypt, forum, to hear his views on the achieved by two things: Turkish Cairo Declaration announced by hence the importance of including latest political developments in the companies drilling for oil in Libya, the Egyptian and Libyan sides two the withdrawal of foreign fighters region. and taking advantage of gas in the days ago? It calls for the formation in the solution, as stated in the eastern Mediterranean. If he can of a Libyan presidential council initiative. An essential thing about ■ What is your reading of the succeed in both goals, he can direct that guarantees the representation the Cairo Declaration is its wide unprecedented intensification of these funds to the Turkish interior of the three Libyan regions and the acceptance, and the contacts made at Turkish military intervention in and talk about successes by which dismantling of extremist groups the highest levels to end the Libyan Libya? he avoids the economic crisis. In my opinion, the Egyptian crisis. The Turks have economic interests initiative is the closest to the As for the rejection of the Al-Wefaq and consider Libya their gateway ■ Are you in favour of a calculated solution, internationally, and on the government, it is not a government to North Africa, the presence of the escalation towards the Turkish plans, Arab level. It is acceptable, and this that can make decisions It is Turks in Libya is a threat to Egyptian or do you see the need for military is evident from the enthusiasm of subject to the Turkish side, which is national security. Also, among the intervention, especially with Turkish the international community. It is maneuvering to evade this agreement economic interests, is the eastern intervention in Libya? a logical initiative that stems from to fulfill its ambitions in Libya. In Mediterranean gas. The Turks want As for Libya, the Egyptians have Libya›s interest and stability, and fact, it is unfortunate, but let›s see to export gas to Europe to occupy the right to defend their security it has full support from the Arab what the days have in store for the a more prominent position than because Libya is one of the countries League countries and the major Justice and Development Party, Russia in the future and to be able neighboring Egypt. Therefore, the countries in the world. which the currently to export to European countries such presence of hostile elements close This initiative and this reject and are preparing to remove as France and Spain. to the Egyptian lands is a danger to Egyptian effort in the upcoming elections. The ideological goal is to support the Egypt and the region. are not strange Al-Wefaq Brotherhood government Egyptian intervention should because Egypt has to weaken Egypt›s security and be more significant, but this experience in stability. Also, it is a gateway to intervention should be supported mediating and neighboring Tunisia, Algeria, and by an Arab resolution. Also, the de-escalating Morocco. Thus, Erdogan believes response can take many forms. It conflicts. that his success in Libya with the is not necessary to have Egyptian Egypt has presence of elements in Morocco forces on the ground, but there succeeded and Tunisia and Algeria will give must be administrative and in him political influence in the Arab logistical support for the Libyan region. National Army forces by military aircraft and intelligence. Also, by Fahad Al-Shalimi ■ How do you evaluate the popular preparing the Libyan National and political standing of the Turkish Army to cut off marine supplies regime today? through Turkish convoys in the Erdogan suffers from a crisis in Mediterranean. popularity and problems in the This needs more capabilities economy following the Corona than the Libyans have, but the crisis. He wants to prepare for the Egyptians can help. Also, they upcoming elections with his Party›s can use air defense missiles victory and his own victory, in to enable the Libyans to light of the fragmentation of the move more freely. Justice and Development Party There must be Egyptian-Arab by two opposition figures, Ahmed support and an Egyptian The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 6 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Opinion What are the determinants of NATO’s existence in Iraq?

Diyari Salih

Since 2003, NATO has been trying to consolidate its ties with the Iraqi state. While Iraq was addressing the threat of Da’ish in 2014, NATO offered its readiness to give help in case the Iraqi side formally asked for it. As a part of a mutual program between them, NATO had sent in 2011 a delegation to train and rehabilitate the Iraqi forces. In 2017, NATO asserted its strategic alliance with Iraq in the fight against Da’ish, the organization endangering the NATO soldiers march international community. NATO’s existence in Iraq other NATO members – Germany, to classify NATO as a hostile force NATO promises that its presence in France, and the UK- might be more that has no right to stay on the Iraqi PMFs and NATO Iraq will mean that there is a strong welcomed in Iraq. Hence, NATO soil. This will hinder their mutual Iraqi army. It alleges that this will might be permitted to stay without The relations between popular relations and put Baghdad in an make Iraq more secure and the any direct American participation. mobilization forces (PMF) and embarrassing situation. Middle East more stable. Therefore, As it seems, this will be one of the NATO are not stable. Many Shiite The PMFs claim that NATO has it’s advisors have begun their works Iraqi conditions to deal with NATO. factions have declared their refusal started to interfere in Iraqi political with the Iraqi authorities to reform For cooperation with NATO, for the presence of foreign troops, affairs. Some months ago, NATO the Iraqi military and security stipulations have been established including NATO. They exposed criticized the ways on which PMFs institutions. by some Iraqi parties. They have that if any external power does not relied to deal with protest movement announced that it must not have respect this request, it would be dealt engulfing the country, describing any forces on the ground, nor must with as an enemy violating Iraqi NATO’ surge in Iraq those means an absolute tragedy. it use Iraq’s airspace. Moreover, sovereignty. Therefore, they have Thus, NATO called the government a couple of months ago, the US they have insisted on the protection many times threatened to target any to restrain those atrocities, stressing president, Donald Trump, demanded foreign power if it does not leave the of Iraqi sovereignty. By this, they it had no relations with those NATO to reinforce its troops in Iraq. country. would prevent regional powers groups. In return, NATO demanded He wanted to minimize the burden – Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia- Many signs prove that we might see Baghdad to give more tasks to the on the American side in this context. from breaching this principle. These an escalation in the discourse of the Iraqi military institution to curb that Here, it is worth noting that NATO’s politicians are planning for restoring PMFs against NATO. They consider violence. Shiite leaders said that delegation in Iraq includes 500 Iraq’s role in international affairs. the presence of NATO in Iraq as an NATO was preparing a conspiracy members and has started its work Thus, NATO’s future in Iraq will umbrella for the American troops. since 2018. be one of the files to be discussed They also think that if NATO remains to topple their strategic place in the There is still a lack of clarity in Iraq’s in the next Iraqi-American dialogue operating on the Iraqi land, this will Iraqi scene. vision towards NATO. Iraqis are scheduled for the coming weeks. be a reflection of the American In conclusion, all these variables will divided as some of them want this Iran also has its word in this scene. aspirations. Consequently, they affect the relations between Iraq and organization to stay. This coincides In 2018, when NATO demonstrated refuse the notion stating NATO’s NATO. Forces opposing NATO’s with the reappear of Da’ish. its desire to establish a permanent presence is welcomed in this country. role in Iraq will remain effective. Some media sources have stated that military base in Iraq, it rejected that Nowadays, many important leaders Furthermore, geopolitics will also moderate Shiite politicians might be agenda and repeated it would not let in the PMFs are hinting that NATO overshadow this subject and might less aggressive towards NATO. They NATO have a formal presence near considers them a military force make it more difficult. This means affirm that it did not give orders its border. Iran believes that NATO acting outside the authority of the that this relation will be organized to assassinate Qasim Sulaimani is plotting to target its geopolitical Iraqi state. They suppose it is a under special conditions agreeing and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis near influence in this region. Thus, its clear message consistent with the with the ambitions of these players. Baghdad airport. They also state leaders have reiterated that they will American attempts to demonize the Otherwise, NATO will not be able to that the US is not the only party in never tolerate this event. NATO’s Shiite fighters. Hence, it is expected stay safe in Iraq. NATO’s existence this organization. In return, many existence in Iraq that they will mobilize their followers in Iraq The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 7 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Opinion

(LNA) special forces gather in the city of

Erdogan’spresence of terrorist organizationsDilemma to control vessel movementin Libya and the Syria. However, the Turkish in Libya encouraged Erdogan, the gas pipes in the area. The legitimacy involvement in Libya is another Dalia Ziada Turkish president with the chief- of the agreement has been disputed story. Erdogan’s support to GNA thief mentality, to take advantage by affected countries in the eastern is already acting as a threat to the of the situation to satisfy Turkey’s basin, Europe, Russia, and the interests of North African countries, You are being constant hunger for Mediterranean United Nations. The illegal game South European countries, as well as deluded, if the recent developments gas and energy resources. Turkey is Erdogan has been trying to play in Russia and the United States. in Libya made you think that the biggest energy consumer in the Libya is now firing back at him. On June 6th, the Egyptian President Erdogan and his Muslim brothers at Mediterranean basin, with annual The international community which Abdel Fattah El Sisi, LNA the Government of National Accord energy bill that exceeds 41 billion tolerated Erdogan’s war crimes in Commander General Khalifa Hifter, (GNA) are winning the civil war dollars. Syria over the past six years, cannot and Speaker of Libyan parliament against the Libyan National Army The Turkish strategy “Mavi Vatan” turn a blind eye to his harassment Aqila Saleh, released the Cairo (LNA). Look again, Erdogan is in or “Blue Homeland,” launched of east Mediterranean countries. Declaration, as an initiative to end real trouble in Libya and he does 14 years ago, encompasses an Turkey’s support of the political the civil war and finding a political not know how to get out of the hole ambitious plan for Turkey to win Islamist agenda of the GNA and solution to reconstruct the Libyan he dug for himself, without further a geopolitical supremacy over the implanting mercenaries in Libya national state. The surprising hurting the economic interests and eastern Mediterranean, and, thus, poses a serious national security international support to the Cairo foreign affairs of Turkey. sharing oil and gas drilling rights threat, not only to North African Declaration proves that Libya cannot Last year, Erdogan decided to move with east Mediterranean countries; countries like Egypt, Algeria, and be the new Syria for Erdogan. He his proxy war from Syria to Libya. including Egypt, Greece, and Israel. Tunisia, but also to Israel, France, is now fighting alone against the He flew more than 15000 of his Other indirect stakeholders of Italy, and Greece. The Turkish whole world for a territory that he mercenaries from Syria to Libya via interest in the oil and gas production assault on Syria has been tolerated by has no right to claim, with foreign Turkish airlines, and then deployed at this region include the European super powers, like the United States mercenaries and a depleting Turkish 1600 Turkish military officers from Union and Russia. In December and Russia, because it served their economy. Syria to Libya, under the claim of 2019, Turkey and the GNA signed respective foreign policies in the In all this, Erdogan fails to protecting and supporting the Islamic a first-of-kind Maritime Boundary Middle East. Erdogan is the US and understand that he is the real political agenda of his brothers at the Treaty to establish an Exclusive Russia ally closest to Syrian borders, obstacle in the way of Turkey’s GNA. But, that is not the real reason economic zone in the Mediterranean and Erdogan’s party has strong prosperity and his removal from for Erdogan’s involvement in Libya. that allows both Turkey and Libya to economic and political relations, power is the actual solution for all The ongoing civil war, disagreements claim rights to ocean bed resources. though illegitimate, with Islamic Turkey’s economic, political, and between tribes, and the safe The agreement also allows Turkey State terrorists (ISIS) northeastern international troubles. The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 8 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Opinion Bolton’s book on Trump The final official nail in the coffin democracy, and national interests has been a change in different and Simultaneously, the US pastor was in some occasions. For example, even shocking way comparing to detained in Turkey at the time of the Zara Saleh President Trump has agreed with the decades of history of American incident and Ankara offered a deal the Chinese president XI treatment involvement in the Middle East. to release the pastor and “give US of the Uighurs minority by building He also had mentioned in his book Syria policy to Turkey”. John Bolton the former a camp for them despite the world’s several examples of how President Bolton describes the US dealing with American National Security Advisor condemn in this case. That had Donald Trump had supported the main reliable ally such a Kurds and has written the book ” The Room happened in Trump’s meeting with dictatorship regime in China and Syrian Democratic Forces was in Where It Happened” about the President of China according to Turkey, and “give personal favours favour of Turkey’s national interests. Donald Trump administration. The Bolton, and asked his counterpart for to dictators he liked,”. That was more obvious when the book has attracted attention around support to be re-elected “stunningly, The book portrays Trump’s offer to pro-Turkish ambassador James the world more than expected even turned the conversation to the support the Turkish President Recep Jeffrey became anti-ISIS envoy and before it has been released to go on coming US presidential election Tayyip Erdogan in 2018 when the holdover Brett McGurk in 2018. At sale. However, Trump has called , alluding to China’s economic American administration was that period, Turkey’s officials were John Bolton “incompetent” and a capability and pleading with Xi to running an investigation on Iranian ordering the American president “boring old fool” and he attempted ensure he’d win,” . economic sanctions that have been what to do in Syria and their policy to stop the book’s release. According to broken by Turkish companies close towards the Kurds. As a result, the The importance of this book the former to the Erdogan. However, the most US president agreed to Turkey’s comes not only from Bolton’s National embarrassing incident during the invasion in Northeast Syria. The critics on Trump’s ignorant Security Trump administration had happened Turkish-backed jihadist group had of basic geographical and Advisor John after Turkish presidential security attacked Kurds in Syria in October political knowledge and Bolton’s book, attacked American demonstrators 2019. facts. But because the book since 2017 and police in front of the White House To sum up, Bolton’s book could have is disclosing Trump’s main when Trump’s during Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s a crucial impact on American policy decisions based on his administration visit. In this crucial case for the US not only in the Middle East but also personal desire to be re- began. The US sovereignty and principles, Trump it can affect the ongoing President elected. That could have a policy towards again was looking for making another Trump’s election campaign as he significant impact on the the Middle East deal with his Turkish counterpart. desires to win the second time. upcoming US election at the end of this year. furthermore, the book seems to be the latest and final nail in the coffin of Trump’s presidential election. In his book that should go for sale today, Bolton tries to show Trump’s inexperience on basic knowledge which is unexpectable for such US president. For instance, in his meeting with Russian President Putin in Helsinki, Trump did not know if Finland a separate state or part of Russia. Also, in his meeting with the UK prime minister 2018, Trump said to Theresa May “oh, are you a nuclear power”, despite the UK is a member of nuclear-armed states since 1952. The most stunningly in Bolton’s book about President Trump is how he tried to use his authorities and relationship with the other states in favour of his personal interests. Added to that, he even had to overwhelm the American principles, President Trump (Left) and John Bolton the former National Security advisor The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 9 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Opinion Iran on the back-burner for the U.S.?

the terrorist Shia group Hezbollah, military capabilities. This is marking with another dozen individuals. Olivier Guitta Hassan Nasrallah. He had the last the end, for now, of a large-scale Furthermore, the U.S. publicly word and finally gave his approval military build-up to counter Iran. threatened to trigger a return of all for the government to be formed. Indeed the Pentagon considers that United Nations sanctions on Iran if In 2016, United States How did Washington go along with Iran isn’t posing as large a threat as it the UN Security Council does not presidential candidate Donald Trump this charade? It seems that the deal was once feared. Pentagon planners extend an arms embargo on Tehran put Iran at the top of his foreign over the nomination of al-Kadhimi believe that limited U.S. military that is due to expire in October policy agenda. When elected not only was quite one-sided but the Trump resources, including warships and under the Iran nuclear deal. did he go after the Islamic Republic administration needed it. It has been Patriot missile systems, should be Iranian President Hassan Rohani hard but also fulfilled his promise to reported that the US agreed to de- devoted to other priorities, including has said multiple times that Iran will cancel the worst deal the U.S. made, escalate militarily in the Gulf and to efforts to counter expanding China’s respond yet again to the Soleimani’s the 2015 nuclear agreement with “look the other way” if a third-party military influence in Asia. In other assassination. These threats should Iran. Washington also implemented country in Europe released some words, China has replaced Iran as not be taken lightly at all: Tehran has crippling sanctions on Tehran of the Iranian money frozen when the Number 1 enemy of America, shown in the past how the regime is and acted militarily by killing in sanctions were applied. The logical especially since the emergence of skilled at planning and carrying out January 2020 the de facto Number country where Iranian assets would the Coronavirus pandemic. terror attacks around the world, via 2 of the regime, the terror master be unfrozen, is Luxembourg that Some of the thinking behind the its best proxy Hezbollah. Qassem Soleimani. Since then, in has blocked an American request rationale of downgrading the Historically, Iran takes its time to a re-election year and the Covid-19 to transfer $1.6B in Iranian assets, threat of Iran is linked to the huge retaliate: it needs to plan accordingly pandemic originated in China, Iran held by Clearstream, to victims of void left by the death of Iran’s and a year timeline is not unusual. In seems to have taken a backseat on the 9/11 attacks in a case dating real gifted military strategist this case, Iran will likely wait at least Trump’s agenda. back to 2012. and terrorist-in chief Qassem for the US elections in November to While pundits were talking about an In March 2020,17 years later after Soleimani. Indeed, since January strike at the US, whether at home or imminent war between Iran and the its withdrawal from Saudi Arabia, all the regional projects that the abroad. U.S. over the killing of Soleimani, American armed forces returned Iranian Revolutionary Guards Washington is far from naïve about both countries were actually, for to the kingdom to deter Iranian (IRGC) were running, have been the Iranian regime’s real stripes: different reasons, de-escalating attacks, in particular after the stopped. Additionally, Soleimani’s during his recent trip to Jerusalem tensions. No other place in the world successful attack on Aramco oil successor, General Esmail Ghaani, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo is this more obvious than Iraq facilities in September 2019. About is not up to the task of running the said: “Even during this pandemic, Iran and the U.S. have agreed on 2,500 Americans soldiers along Al Quds Brigade of the IRGC. On the Iranians are using the ayatollah Iraq’s latest nominee for Prime with launching F-15s and manning top of this he doesn’t speak regime’s resources to foment terror Minister, the well-respected Patriot missile batteries arrived and doesn’t have any history in the across the world,”. While it is true intelligence chief Mustafa al- at a base near Riyadh. Then just region. that Iran has a lot on his plate right Kadhimi. Khadimi has accepted not two weeks ago, the U.S. decided While it is true that the U.S. military now, the military de-escalation is to intervene in the affairs of Iran’s to remove the Patriot antimissile pressure on Iran has gone down a godsend for Tehran and the U.S. proxies in the country in return for systems from Saudi Arabia. a notch, the sanctions strategy is would be wise not to let its guard the support of Shia Muslim political Washington is also beginning still going strong. For proof, the down too much, despite President blocs. What is very concerning is to leave the Middle East, from U.S. Treasury sanctioned on May Trump’s eagerness to ink a more that the fate of the new PM was trimming the 90,000 troops present 20 Iran’s Interior Minister Fazli advantageous new nuclear deal with decided in Beirut by the head of in the region to reductions to other for human rights abuses, along Iran. The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 10 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Opinion lessons have been learnt from the past and that this new approach is targeted James Denselow and contains provisos to “enhance the protection of civilians.” One way Hail Caesar? of doing this is to explicitly avoid deaths of detainees suggests that the effective economic policy, or launder penalizing humanitarian assistance, “The North Wind and the Government of Syria is responsible money in Lebanese banks”. including medical and food supplies Sun” is one of Aesop’s Fables that for acts that amount to extermination A fragile country already trying to intended for civilian use. However, teaches about the superiority of as a crime against humanity.” cope with a poverty crisis now faces the Regime itself has proved itself persuasion over force. In it the sun If the arc of justice bends long, then a clampdown to those third parties willing to politicise this supposedly and the wind argue as to who can a critical question is what kind of that were providing such essential neutral assistance and few can doubt force a traveller to remove his cloak, impact will the Caesar Sanctions support in propping up the Regime. the lengths they are willing to go to for all the wind blowing the traveller have? In expanding sanctions to Of course the nominal purpose of the in order to preserve their rule. holds on tight, whereas the burning include third parties, the Caesar Act sanctions is not to change the Regime If the sanctions can avoid harming heat from the sun persuades him to explicitly tries to raise the costs of itself but rather affect its behaviour, normal Syrians whilst deterring take it off. economic engagement with the Assad outlining specifically aims to erode third party allies from investing the In Syria almost ten years of fighting regime. Already the Coronavirus the Regime’s capacity to wage war, Regime’s war machine then it seems has failed to remove President Assad crisis has caused seismic economic and to ‘create meaningful economic hard to argue with them, but it is a from power, but since June 17 the waves to hit war ravaged Syria. incentives to induce the Assad big “if” that could rapidly spiral most wide-ranging U.S. sanctions The Syrian currency has effectively regime to free political detainees, into further hardships for Syrians. ever applied against Syria have gone collapsed, with areas outside of the end violence against civilians, and Interestingly the Caesar sanctions into effect. Could sanctions succeed Regime’s control in the north starting demonstrate “irreversible progress” highlight how far we’ve come from where force has failed? to use the Turkish Lira. It’s worth toward the implementation of U.N. that narrative of the Regime being “The Caesar Syria Civilian remembering that when Bashar al- Security Council Resolution 2254’. secure and now looking to reap the Protection Act”, passed into law Assad inherited the presidency from Understandably many are nervous benefits of reconstruction. Instead as part of the most recent National his father two decades ago, Syria was as to what kind of impact these new their vulnerability and reliance on Defense Authorization Act. Fittingly a middle-income country. Now over restrictions will have on the average external support, that could now be it is named after a defector who took 80% of its people are poor. Syrian citizen. People remember the choked, has been exposed something 53,275 photographs of the bodies The US special envoy for Syria, devastating impact of the sanctions that may have been on the minds of of detainees from two military James Jeffrey claimed that the that isolated Iraq throughout the the protestors that took to the streets hospitals and smuggled them out of crumbling Syrian currency was 1990s leading to estimates of in the city of Suweida. The coming the country. In response to the torrent partly due to US actions; “the Syrian hundreds of thousands of child months will reveal the true cost of the of images of mutilated corpses, pound’s collapse proves that Russia deaths. The danger is that Caesar sanctions to the Syria elite, its people the head of the UN Commission and Iran are no longer able to float will be further punishment rather and and its allies all against the backdrop of Inquiry on Syria, Paulo Sérgio the Assad regime while the regime a solution to Syria’s woes. of an impending Coronavirus Pinheiro, stated, “the mass scale of itself is no longer able to manage an Defenders of the sanctions argue that outbreak.

"Ceaser" testifying about the war in Syria during a Senate Foreign Relations committee hearing on Capitol Hill The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 11 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Opinion Britain’s falling statues Ian Black

It is too early to say what – if any – will be the long-term consequences of the brutal killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis in the US. But the shock waves have been felt worldwide, including in Britain, where the event has sparked widespread protests and an unprecedented debate about slavery in the past and racism in the present On June 7, in Bristol, angry crowds gathered – largely peacefully – to topple the statue of Edward Colston, a wealthy 17th-century slave trader who endowed many local institutions. Demonstrators dragged Protesters Pushing the statue of the slave trader Edward Colston into the River Avon his bronze memorial into the river protestors. In Poole on England’s independence- supported apartheid- The main focus since Floyd’s death Avon, echoing the fate of black south coast, the local council style measures in southern Africa. has understandably been on black slaves who died and were thrown announced plans to remove a statue Campaigners also called for the people and racist attitudes to them, overboard from overcrowded ships of Robert Baden-Powell, the Scout university curriculum to be changed but other ethnic or religious groups This attention-grabbing act movement founder, over concerns to reflect diversity of thought beyond are also uncomfortable with statues provoked a heated debate – not anti-racism activists would target it. the western canon. and memorials in adoration of their only about the importance of statues The plans were thwarted, however, Not only Britain has been affected own persecutors. England’s King commemorating famous people but when dozens of local people, some by outrage over the Floyd killing. Richard the Lionheart abused Jews also the teaching of history. Critics in Scout uniforms, surrounded In the Belgian city of Antwerp and slaughtered Muslims during have complained for years that the the statue. Baden-Powell, who demonstrators toppled the statue the crusades; Edward II expelled UK school curriculum airbrushes died in 1941, has been accused of of King Leopold II, whose brutal the Jews from England in 1290 and out darker chapters – including the homophobia and support for Hitler. rule of Congo from 1885 to 1908 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella legacy of the British empire, on He is among those added to a growing caused an estimated 10 million were responsible for the Spanish which, famously, “the sun never set.” “hit list” of nearly 80 statues across deaths through murder, starvation Inquisition. The British-Nigerian historian David the country. Prime Minister Boris and disease. Images of Leopold are Boris Johnson has been criticized Olusoga compared the action to the Johnson responded: “To tear these present in Belgium’s squares, parks for over-focusing on protecting toppling of the statue of Saddam statues down would be to lie about and university buildings. Joseph Churchill’s statue and generally Hussein in Baghdad in 2003. But our history.” Conrad wrote his famous novel Heart being condescending about the the home secretary, Priti Patel, urged Over 10,000 people also signed of Darkness after visiting the colony. “victimization” felt by black people. police to respond forcefully to an petitions demanding the removal Apologists say Leopold never set But far bigger issues loom. “Statues “utterly disgraceful” act of public of a statue of the 18th-century foot in Congo – provoking sarcastic are a symptom of the problem, not disorder. colonialist Robert Clive, known as responses that Osama bin Laden was the problem itself,” as David Olusoga In the modern way, much of this Clive of India, in Shrewsbury. Clive not present with the perpetrators of wrote. “The real conversation has to be found its way onto social media, with has long been accused of “white the 9/11 attacks on America. about racism and how we confront it.” the hashtag #britishhistorymatters supremacy” and benefiting from In Germany the horrors of the Nazi Another answer is that statues trending alongside #blacklivesmatter. “blood money” due to his role in era have been dealt with impressively that were erected in the past to Other statues were targeted by the British domination of India and but it has still not managed to come commemorate controversial demonstrators. In Parliament Square much of south-east Asia. to terms with its earlier colonial historical figures need to be in London, one of Winston Churchill, Another old controversy has also history- especially in what was then removed from public spaces and Britain’s wartime prime minister, been re-ignited. That concerns the called southwest Africa – today’s contextualised in the safe and was daubed with slogans denouncing Victorian-era imperialist Cecil Namibia. German settlers carried educational space of museums. It him as racist. On Whitehall, the Rhodes, whose statue in Oriel out the first genocide in the early is all a vivid and painful reminder Cenotaph – Britain’s national war College Oxford has been the target years of the 20th century and there of the old saying by the American memorial – was also defaced. of anti-racism groups. Rhodes – who are still street names and monuments writer William Faulkner: Other controversial statues have Rhodesia was named after before honoring the generals who carried “The past is never dead. It’s not also been removed or threatened by it was changed to Zimbabwe after that out. even past.” The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 12 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com Opinion

Assad, the Caesar Act and suffering of Syrian civilians effect, Assad’s Embassies and lobbies There is no doubt that Caesar Act across the world organized rallies and is a step in the right direction. Ali Reza campaigns against the Caesar Act, Many believe that it should have blaming the United States and the been implemented much earlier or pending sanctions for the suffering simply more should be done. These Caesar Syria Civilian of the civilians in Syria. This is sanctions, however, will make it Protection Act (Caesar Act) is named while the sanctions do not include much harder for Iran and Russia to in honor of a brave Syrian military humanitarian support and medicine. send weapons and aid to Syria; and it war photographer who defected Not surprisingly, Assad tried the will prevent the Lebanese war brokers than 70 independent NGOs decided the Assad regime and smuggled same technics as Iran’s Foreign and traders affiliated to Hezbollahto to suspend their cooperation withUN thousands of images of the regime’s Minister, blaming the the collapse of from providing a back channel to agenciesand Syrian ArabRed victims in 2013. The new Caesar Act the economy and corruption on U.S. the Syrian regime. It would also Crescent (SARC) in Damascus due sanctions against the government of sanctions, while they continue the make it extremely hard for Russian to Assad’s influence and interference Bashar Al Assad came into effect on gross violation of human rights. businesses to risk their international on their work. Wednesday, June 17,2020. In response to Assad’s claims and reputation for a share of a corrupt and The recent videos published by Rami U.S. Treasury and StateDepartment in support of the Caesar Act, Syrian damaged Syrian economy. Makhloof, Bashar Al Assad’s cousin designations are part of a whole-of- activists posted images of the victims The current situation in Syria is the and most powerful and wealthiest government campaign by the United photographed by Caesar on social direct result of Assad putting large man in Syria, also portrays the States aimed at deterring the Assad media and shared the stories of some civilian populations under siege, corrupt economic system within regime from continuing its attacks of the victims or family members bombing and forcible displacement. Assad’s regime. against the Syrian people. searching for their loved ones. On top of that, the Assad regime Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act Human Rights Watch announced, it is The images Caesar smuggled out has to co-opt humanitarian and comes in respond to 9 years of human confident that the total 53,275 images reflect only a portion of the crimes reconstruction funding for his own rights violations and crimes against smuggled out by Caesar, documents under the Syrian regimein the interests, forcing all humanitarian humanity by the Syrian regime and the death of 6,786 people while beginning of the revolution. Many support to go to government- its allies. Bashar Al Assad, Iran and in detention detention in Assad’s more have been detained after he fled controlled NOGs operating in Russia are the ones to blame for all prisons. the country; their whereabouts is not cooperation with his security the suffering of the Syrian people As the new sanctions came into known. services. In September 2016, more during all these years.


The Levant | Issue 13 - July 2020 13 www.THELEVANTNEWS.com