Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Summer 2004 AUSTRALIAN NAVAL INSTITUTE The Australian Naval Institute was formed as a self-supporting and non-profit making organisation; incorporated in th; Australian Capital Territory in 1975. The main objectives of the Institute are: • to encourage and promote the advancement of knowledge related to the Navy and the maritime profession; and • to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas concerning subjects related to the Navy and the maritime profession. Membership subscription rates are located on the inside back cover of the Journal. Further information can be obtained from the Business Manager, Australian Naval Institute, PO Box 29, Red Hill ACT 2603, email: a_n_i(S>, or via the website at Patron pages - anything larger should be submitted to the -. Chief of Navy VADM Chris Ritchie, AO RAN Power Centre-Australia for possible publication as i Working Paper (spca.seapower(5) Council Members President RADM Rowan Moffitt, RAN Editorial Board Vice President CAPT Gerry Christian, RAN Editor Mr Andrew Forbes Secretary CMDR Peter Leavy, RAN Treasurer LCDR Craig Opie, RAN History articles Dr David Stevens Journal Editor Mr Andrew Forbes david.stevens3(£ Councillor CDRE James Goldrick, CSC RAN New Zealand articles CMDR Kevin Corles Councillor CDRE Peter Jones, AM RAN kevin.corles(£; Councillor CAPT Ray Griggs, CSC RAN Shiphandling Comer CAPT Ray Griggs Councillor Dr David Stevens rav.griggs(S; Councillor CMDR Kevin Corles, RNZN Book Reviews Dr John Reeve
[email protected] Fudfic Officer CECfTPatience Ne&(, RAN Disclaimer Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Views and opinions expressed in the Journal of the The Journal of the Australian Naval Institute is Australian Naval Institute are those of the authors and published four times a year: at the end of January, not necessarily those of the Institute, the Royal April, July and October.