• or posting At a periodica' — Category A

Cents THE NAVY. The magazine of tha Navy League of Registered tor posting as a periodical — Category A

Vol. 34 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1972 No. 3 A Special Edition for Navy Week in Australia — Featuring the CONTENTS Page Page The Australian Fleet in the 1980's 3 Message from the Federal President of Message from the Minister for the Navy 5 The 27 Message from the Chief of Naval Staff 7 Ecumenical Church Service — Approval of DDL Project 9 Sunday, 8 October — Open to the public . 43 H.M.A.S. Watson — History and Activities 13 H.M.A.S. Penguin — Public Open Day — Programme 17 Public Open Day — Programme 45 Purchase of Sea King 19 H.M.A.S. Ntrimba — H.M.A.S. Platypus — History and Activities 23 History and Activities 47 Public Opan Day — Programme 25 Public Open Day — Programme 47 New Survey Ship 35 New Oceanographic Ship — Cook SI Navy Weak in Australia — Sea Cadet Corps News — All States 55 Programmes of Events for all States 29 Navy League of Queensland — Annual Report. 64

Pi US SUNDRY STORIES AND PHOTOGRAPHS The views expressed in artcles appearing m this publication are those ol the authors concerned They do not necessarily represent the views of the editor, the Navy League, or oMicial opinions or policy

Published by the Navy League of Australia. Box 1719, G.P.O., Sydney, N.S.W., 2001; Phone: 2411008 All correspondence should be directed to the EdRor. Bo* C17S. Clarence Street Post Office. Sydney. NSW Australia. 2000


SYDNEY MELBOURNE ADELAIDE PERTH HOBART 862 Elizabeth St. Greenan Publications 17 Currie St 72 Eagle St 194 St George s Tee 152 Collins St Waterloo Pty Ltd Adelaide 5000 Brisbane. 4000 Perth 6000 Hobart 7000 N S W . 2017 374 Little Collins St Phone 51 6225 Phone 31 2531 Phone 22 4072 Phone 34 4098 Phone: 699 2600 Phone: 67 1334


PATRON: The Governor-General Hon. Secretary: Miss E. C Shorrocks. 528 Collins Hon. Secretary: Mrs v M Slide 12 Allen Street It's got everything! Street. Melbourne. 3000 FEDERAL COUNCIL Fannie 8ay. N T 5790 President Commander F G Evans. M B E. Queensland Division South Australian Division V.R.D.. R.A.N.V.R. Patron: His Excellency the Governor ot Queens- I he Oce 1250 clcclro copier has got ever)thing >ou single »>r multiple copies, whichever \ou choose and H Patron: His Excellency, the Governor ot South Vice-President: Captain L. F Vickridge. OBE. land. Australia need in an hlcciro copier li will cop> from almost features an exclusive buill in paper dchumidificr which V R.D.. R.A.N.R. Chairman: Surgeon Commander A. H Robert Chairman: T Francis Matters. Esq anything: books. M) items, newspaper clippings and eliminates an> possibilitv of the cleciro paper Secretary: Lt Cmdr. A A Andrews. M B E R A N son. R.A.N.V.R Hon. Secretary: Miss Penny Wardle. Box 1529M (Ret'd). 28 Royal Street. Chatswood. N S.W Hon. Secretary: Colonel PV.O Fleming. E D . 39 ihe usual things like letters, reports, manuscripts, even absorbing moisture even in high humidil) conditions G P O . Adelaide 5001 2067 Pmecrott Street Camp Hill. Queensland 4152 Tasmanian Division if written with pencil. cra>on or ball point. vou gel good copies everv time. Australian Capital Territory Division New South Wales Division Patron: Vice Sir Guy Wyatt KBE CB I he Oce 1250 features eas> roll loading, trims paper to Before >ou bu> a copier gel ihe fuels about I he Oce Chairman: Commander J B Howse. VRD Patron: His Excellency, the Governor ol New President: Commander J Robb R N (ret'd) R.A.N.V.R si/e. uses Oce electro paper (it's the bcsl. vcl costs no 1250. Phone vour nearest C'roshv Office anil gel vour South Wales Hon Secretary: Lieut D J Heath 3 Wmmarletgh Chairman: Rear Admiral H A Showers. CB E Hon. Secretary: Commander D M Blake. R D . more), makes a clean, clear cop\ cvcr\ 5 seconds. cop\ of the colour brochure giving further details. Street. Taroona 7006 RANVR. 12 Darmody Street Weetangera Secretary: Lieut Cmdr A A Andrews. M 8 E Western Australian Division A C T.2614 R A.N. (Ret'd). 28 Royal Street. Chatswood. 2067 Patron: Hts Excellency, the Governor ot Western Victorian Division Northern Territory Division Australia Patron: His Honour the Administrator Patron: His Excellency, the Governor ot Victoria Chairman: Roland Smith Esq Chairman: Lieut Cmdr J J Ravenscrolt. V.R.D.. Chairman: Commander F G Evans. MBE. Hon. Secretary: R A Hannah Esq 182 Coode R A N V R V.R O.i R.A.N.V.R Street. Como. 6152


' Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Adelaide Perth Hobart Canberra Director ot Naval Reserves and Cadets: Captain B L Cleary R A N . Representatives ot each Dtvrston ot the Navy League 439-5811 36-0644 62-0671 42 4907 21-2481 34-2111 95-0345 Chairman Representative trom T S Sydney. Snapper Island StaHOfficer : Lt Cmdr E 0 Sandberg R A N Merchant Shipping Representative Federal President and Vice-President ot the Navy League Honorary Secretary Lt Cmdr A A Andrews M B E . R A N (Ret'd)

AugySept./Oct.. 1972 THE NAVY Page One The Royal Australian Navy will see great change in the next 10 years A Close Liaison, the Navy Department and . . . RUSLIT AUTOMOTIVE R.A.N.'s first major support facility on the Indian Ocean, at Cockburn Sound. Western Australia, will be commissioned late in 1975 or early INDUSTRIES 1976 And now the Navy is preparing for the most ambitious and exciting pro- ject it has undertaken — the Who are Proud to be Associated building of its own light destroyer (DDL). This ship will be the first front- with the Navy Department line ship to be entirely Australian designed and built, it: endurance, habitability. all-round armament for surface, anti-aircraft and anti- * Contractors to the R.A.N. submarine warfare and its heli- Following the tendency of the last Mackay. at Williamstown Naval copters which will provide an air decade, the emphasis in R.A.N, Dockyard on 29 July. 1972. reconnaissance and attack potential planning will be towards enabling the Design of the fast fleet replenish- will enable this type of ship to add FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS fleet to operate with a high degree of ment ship H.M.A.S. Protector is further to the R.A.N.'s long-range independence in several different almost complete and planning of independent fighting capability. roles in its own area of operations, the oceanographic ship H.M.A.S. The light destroyer, more than any rather than just as an integral part of Cook is at an advanced stage. The other type of ship, will determine RUSLIT AUTOMOTIVE a larger Allied force. expected delivery of two more the type of fleet the Navy has 10 and Only three major ships which Oberon submarines. Orion and more years from now and will appear in the 1961/62 edition of Otama, in 1975, will increase the influence other development of the Jane's Fighting Ships are still in capabilities of this arm of the R.A.N. INDUSTRIES service — the destroyer Anzac, now a service from one primarily of anti- With the withdrawal of the Royal training ship, the Diamantina, submarine training to one which Navy's Far East Fleet from Singa- now a survey ship, and Sydney, con- includes an attack capacity. Modi- pore and less U.S. interest in South- verted from an to a fied Daring Class destroyers East Asia, the strength of the R A N. fast troop transport. Vampire and Vendetta will be the and its ability to operate within its The 1971/72 edition of Jane's most modern gunships in the world. own resources will become progres- 195 Parramatta Road, shows the development of the sub- There is a good chance that the sively more important. marine arm of the service. Skyhawk and Trackers and Wessex in Mel- Auburn, N.S.W. bourne, Ikara in six Type 12s. three guided missile destroyers with surface, anti-air and anti-submarine primary armaments. 20 patrol boats, six minesweepers and mine- hunters and Stalwart, the escort 648-0591 Phone 648-0591 maintenance ship. The small hydrographic ship H.M.A.S Flinders was launched by Mrs. Ruth Mackay. wife of the Minister for the Navy. Dr. Malcolm

Page Two THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 Kindly sponsored by A Message from the Minister for the Navy AUSTRALIAN PORTLAND The Honourable Malcolm Mackay. B.A.. B.D., Ph.D.. M P.

Navy Week 1972 falls near the mid-point of the greatest CEMENT LTD. period of progress and expansion the Royal Australian Navy has seen since the end of the Second World War. The gains of the 1960s in terms of new equipment, purchases and successful operational experience In Malaysia, Manufacturers of Highest Quality Cement Vietnam and elsewhere with our allies, have been consolidated. The Navy's task in the 70s and 80s is to build on this solid achievement and for over 70 years show its capability of adapting to further technological change and new strategic responsibilities ahead. A.R.C. Brand Geelong Cement At a time when the defence emphasis is swinging further towards sea power, a demanding new set of challenges confronts the Royal Australian Navy. In terms of naval air power, a current study is nearing completion which will Normal Portland Cement Low Heat Cement help to decide the future as regards the replacement of H.M.A.S. Melbourne. This ship will almost certainly be beyond her present role by the end of the 1970s. The rapid High Early Strength Cement advancement of V-STOL aircraft such as the Hawker-Harrier and the increasing capability of helicopters, brings new dimensions to our thinking in this region. The R.A.N, s growing all Oberon class submarine fleet, to which two more units will be added in the 70s. will continue to face a potent under-sea threat in the years ahead. At the same time the anti-submarine capability of the Escorts will be increased in extended refits, which, with other important modifications, will keep these ships HEAD OFFICE operationally effective well into the 1980s. In addition, the acquisition of 10 helicopters in 1975 will ensure an important branch of Australian Anti-Submarine Warfare forces retains its capability after the ageing Wessex helicopters have been phased out of service. 41 Yarra Bank Road But perhaps the most interesting prospect the Royal Australian Navy looks forward to in the decade ahead is the design and construction in Australia of the new all-purpose destroyer — the DDL. Sth. Melbourne The decision to go ahead with this vessel which will take ship-building in this country into a new era. is right in line with the Government's aim for greater defence self-sufficiency. The decision was only taken after exhaustive studies of alternative projects showed there was no better design or adaptation of a design offering overseas GEELONG DEPOT - 91661 These then will be some of the important elements of the R.A.N, of the immediate future. New front-line destroyers, new submarines, new aircraft, modernised Escorts, WODONGA DEPOT-24-1074 and an up-to-date support force, together making up a fleet which, ship for ship, is the equal, or better, of any non-nuclear Navy in the world. The capital cost added to increased maintenance, better pay and allowances ECHUCA DEPOT - 1936 and vastly improved living conditions in the Service will not be a light burden. But no lesser effort is required of Australia if we are to retain a sufficiently creditable Naval capacity in the future to deter aggression.

Ptg* Four THE NAVY Aug./S«pl./Oct, 1972 XvX Kindly sponsored by General Credits Ltd.

and A Message from the . . . •I'Xvlw! A.F.G. Insurances FIRST NAVAL MEMBER AND CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF Ltd. Vice-Admiral Sir . K.B.E.. C.B.. D.S.C.

My belief stated in last year's Navy Week issue that thinking people are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of our geographical situation and Members of The Commercial that the Royal Australian Navy has a vital role in the defence of our island continent has been borne out by events in the last twelve months. The Australian Defence Review issued by the Department of Defence in March Bank of Australia Ltd. Group 1972 "calls for military capability, evident to other countries, to project Australian strength beyond the continental boundaries". This call, which, to me. is a call for essentially maritime military capability, is expanded to include other Australian interests: of Companies the security of our neighbours in South East Asia and the South West Pacific: the security of our peacetime and wartime lines of communication through these areas; the security of our offshore resources; the security of the ocean areas generally from which direct threats to 277 William Street the security of Australia could be brought to bear in the longer term. In addition to this statement of policy, the Defence Programme for 1972-73 approves four major naval projects, the DDL. the ASW Helicopters, the updating of the Melbourne DDGs and the extended refits of the first four DEs. The project costs of these four items total close to $500m and represent nearly all of the total cost for approved new projects for all three Services. This allocation of the major share of new projects to the Royal Australian Navy is. I believe, an indication of the shape of things to come. Elsewhere in this journal there are articles on the DDL and the new ASW Helicopters. I hope that these will give you sufficient background to support the TELEPHONE: 60-0241 wisdom of the Government's decision on these two major projects. We rely on the Navy League of Australia to educate the people of Australia about the need for strong maritime forces, as you have done so ably in the past.

Page Six THE NAVY Au(./S^ltyOct.. 197' Grown for DDL PORT BY EXPERTS PROJECT

Government approval has been given to the DDL project for the design and construction of three light destroyers for the Royal Australian Navy.

The next stage — following the than 20 knots. Endurance will be the R.A.N, and recently fitted in the Mildura & District Citrus Fruits already completed preliminary adequate at maximum cruising Darings. design stage — will be the detailed speed and will be up to 6.000 miles at The radars will be those about to design. economical speed which will be at enter service in the latest American The vessels will be about 450 ft. least comparable with that of our destroyers. The sonar has yet to be long at the waterline with a beam of most effective guided missile des- decided upon and may be one of Aus- 48 ft.: a maximum draught of about troyers of the Charles F. Adams class tralian manufacture and design. 20 ft and displace 4.200 tons. They (DDGs). Space will be provided for the fit- "RIVERLAND" will be powered by Olympus and The armament will be a single 5" ting of six surface-to-surface mis- Tyne Rolls Royce gas turbines, the using the same ammunition as the siles in what are called Coffin former giving a maximum speed of DDGs with a gun control system launchers. more than 30 knots and the latter a developed from that already fitted in Provision is being made for two maximum cruising speed of more the later River Class destroyers of radar controlled close range guns to Australia's finest export quality be fitted amidships. The missile launcher will be the same as that already fitted in the DDGs. The missile will be the Stan- dard, a development of the Tartar now in service with the DDGs. A set of triple Anti-Submarine War- fare (ASW) torpedo tubes will be fitted each side and space will be available in a magazine for * additional torpedoes for two heli- copters which could be stowed side by side in the hangar. The heli- copters though possessing some Marketed throughout the world by ASW capability will be primarily for reconnaissance and. when armed with air to surface missiles will be able to deal with those missile firing patrol craft which lack an effective anti-aircraft armament Ships' SUNRAYSIA DISTRICTS CITRUS stabilisers will enable the heli- copters to be operated in all save the worst weather. It will not be neces- sary to decide the make of heli- CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LIMITED copters for some time. They will be the first Australian ships to be fitted with a computer- based command and control 58 Pine Ave., Mildura, Victoria system which should ensure that the best use is made of the armament and which will enable the rapid The Royal Australian Navy * now clast of daatroyor (DOU constructor of wfMch ta aipactwl to in 1975. reaction which is so necessary now in naval warfare

Page Eight THE NAVY Aug./SaptyOct., 1972 AugTSeptyOct., 1972 THE NAVY DDL PROJECT

The ship s complement will be the This page kindly sponsored by . . . order of 210 officers and men and their accommodation will be of a higher standard than has ever before been achieved in any Austra- lian destroyer. To improve arrange- ments for the individual's privacy maximum use is being made of cabins for Warrant Officers. Chief Petty Officers and Petty Officers and sailors' accommodation will be in four berth cubicles arranged in J. H. TATE mess decks with a central recrea- tion space in each Recreational facilities will include closed circuit TV Plumber All this will be wrapped in a hull which will be in accordance with the latest naval standards and which has been specifically designed for high speed with good sea-keeping qualities and long endurance. The three DDLs will be built in Aus- An artist's drawing of tha OOL. Tha vaasata «W tea tralia — at Williamstown Naval capabia of carrying two ha»coptar» of a type jrot to ba daddad. Dockyard. The lead ship will be commenced in March 1975. with the others fol- SUBSCRIPTION FORM lowing at about two year intervals. The first ship should be completed To "The Navy", in early 1980 after a five-year con- struction period, and the third ship Box C178, Clarence Street Post Office. should commission in June. 1984. Sydney, N.S.W.. 2060. Australia. The ships are estimated to cost I enclose $1.60 being 'subscription to "The Navy" magazine for Ifc years $73m. each at 1972 prices. Other (refer notes below I. costs associated with the project include design, initial stores and spares, ammunition, helicopters, shore-based spares, training, dock- yard works, barracks accommo- Street dation and housing and establish- ment of Australian manufacturing and repair facilities, together Suburb amounting to $135m. This makes a 126 Albert Avenue total project cost of $355m at 1972 prices. Post Code


• Please Print Clearly • Boronia, Vic. Please make cheques postal orders or monev orders payable to The Navy League Please place a tick in the square if a receipt is required Li Subscriptions commence in January of each year at which time a subscription reminder notice is forwarded to current subscribers — Annual Subsci ipi ion SI .Mi j:j: Tracker anti-submarine aircraft £ 'Persons commencing subscriptions to The Navy magazine during with guided missile destroyer >•: the quarter commencing APRIL • i.e. sub. lor l:i years* should remit H.M.A.S. Brisbane in | S2 30. Jl'LY «sub for 11 * years »$2 00. and OCTOBER • sub lor 1'« yearsi Telephone: 762-1176 background. $1 60 I';! (R AM. OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH) Subscriptions for shorter periods than 12 months cannot be accepted Overseas subscription rates i by air sea mail > supplied on request

Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Page Eleven Page Tan THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 H.M.A.S. WATSON (Sltufd it Wateon't Bay, HJ.W. - occaaa via MMUij Wn< • litli l> Jolti fcy Hiprtpim Atmn WAYNE(A/ASIA) or OM South HniltoM.) H.M.A.S. Watson will be open for PUBLIC INSPECTION on Sunday, 8 October, between 1.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m.

PTY. LTD. Brief History. On 14 March. 1945. H.M.A.S. Watson was commissioned as a Radar Establishment having been known as H.M.A. Radar School from 1 June. 1942. One of the world's largest producers of With the development of radar and plotting techniques H.M.A.S. Watson rapidly became an impor- tant training centre. Power Sweepers for city's Commerce In May. 1952. the Action Infor- mation Training Centre came into operation ano this gave officers and sailors training and experience and Industry under conditions as close as pos- sible to those met at sea. By this time H.M.A.S. Watson had become firmly established as the Navigation Direction School. In 1956. as a result of the growing complexity and importance of Anti- 67 Levanswell Road Submarine Warfare the Torpedo and Anti-Submarine School was moved from H.M.A.S. Rushcutter to its present site in H.M.A.S. Watson. Moorabbin, Vic. With the addition of the Torpedo Anti-Submarine Warfare School came the Administration. Accom- modation and Amenities Blocks. The name Watson was chosen for Telephone: 95-5392 - 95-7035 this establishment to indicate its location at Watson's Bay and also as a tribute to Sir Robert Watson-Watt the founder of Radio Location. The device on the crest for 76 Violet Street Revesby H.M.A.S. Watson is Macquarie Light- ment must be trained to a high Officers are trained chiefly in the house. Watson s Bay was named degree of professional skill. tactical aspect of A.S.W. and learn to after Robert Watson, the Quarter- Watson trains naval personnel in employ ships, aircraft, weapons and master of H.M.S. Skius, the Flagship the specialised fields of Torpedo other equipment to best advantage of the First Fleet. Robert Watson Sydney, N.S.W. Anti-Submarine Warfare (T.A.S.) in any situation. established the first lighthouse and and Navigation and Direction (N.D.). Seamen Sailors are given courses signal station on South Head and TAJ. School. to advance in the specialised cate- was the superintendent of Our Torpedo Anti-Submarine War- gories of Underwater Control (U.C.) Macquarie Lighthouse in 1818. fare School is situated on the shores and Underwater Weapons (U.W.). Telephone: 77-3046 Tha Schools. of Sydney Harbour overlooking Underwater Control Sailors We live in a naval era where expen- Lady Bay. It provides training in anti- operate sonar equipment which is sive and complicated equipment submarine Warfare (A.S.W.) which capable of detecting and tracking make it essential that the officers involves the protection of convoys submarines. Information from this and sailors who man such equip- and the destruction of Submarines. equipment is presented to com-

Paf e Twelve THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oc«„ 1972 Augy Sept./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Paga Thirteen H.M.A.S. WATSON Best wishes to "The Navy" from puters which process it for appli- cation to weapons which are manned by Underwater Weapons RIVER HAVEN HOTEL Sailors. Anti-Submarine Weapons include mortars, and sophisticated homing torpedoes and Australia's own ad- vanced A/S weapons system, the Ikara.

21 units all fully air-conditioned and facilities Navigation and Direction School. Navigation is fundamental to the including TV movement of ships across the oceans and it taught to officers in Heated pool to 85 degrees this school situated at the southern end of the establishment.

Direction is a naval art aimed at For bookings and service directing aircraft and surface forces to achieve the most effective use of sea and air power in naval operations. Greatest use of this art is made in aircraft carriers and is PHONE: 22521 practised by Direction (D) officers and Radar Plot (RP) sailors. How- ever. these officers and sailors are to be found in all major fleet units.

The school teaches Radar Plot sailors to operate radar sets and to plot all action information so that the command can readily appre- ciate a situation. Wran RP's are trained by and employed in the Best wishes from om receMng Instruction on tha operation of tha Ikara anti- school. submarine mtaafla.

Tactical School. Officers and sailors comprising the Command teams of ships are trained in all tactical aspects. Other Cross Country Motel courses are conducted to ensure that all Officers remain current in tactical doctrine With the completion of the new PRINCES HWY., NOWRA, N.S.W. Tactical Trainer building in 1973. a Tactical School equipped with the latest computerised training equip- ment will allow more personnel to 19 most attractive suites, including family units. be trained and ensure that the stan- All have been redecorated and modernised dards remain high. Naval Reserve Training. H.M.A.S. Watson is now the reserve training establishment for the Piped music — Television — Refrigerators Sydney Port Division of the Citizen Naval Forces. Swimming pool and restaurant — Most The transfer of this training facility reasonable tariff from H.M.A.S. Rushcuttar took place on 19 August. 1966 The main training periods occur every Thursday night with other Phone: NOWRA 20281 training activities taking place on Tuesday Nights and Saturdays.

Paf e Fourteen THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 Aug./Sapt./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Paga Fifteen H.M.A.S. WATSON

SEGRAVE'S The Officers and Sailors of the Naval Reserves tram to carry out 21 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000 specific tasks in war both at sea and ashore and so enable the per- Phone 27 2245 manent Naval Forces to be released AS AUSTRALIA'S FOREMOST NAVAL OUTFITTERS WE OFFER VOL to conduct the more highly OLR SPECIALISED SERVICES specialised aspects of Naval ictivities

f t We Carrv Stocks o - S T\ Tropical Shirts. Wish and Wear. Correct R A N Pattern 8.25 Marcolla Dress Vests . 10.50 H.M.A.S. WATSON Dress Shirts 9 99 Plastic Collars 75 OPEN DAY, Sunday W hitc Nubuck Shoes 14.99 8 October, 1972 Our Workroom Offers Madc-to-Mcasure: Terylene Long White Tropical Uniforms. 5 w's . 42.75 I.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. — winching demonstration in Lady Bay D.B. Uniforms DocSkin 108.00 2 30 p.m. — Helicopter demonstrates anti-submarine operations. Superfine 89.00 2.45 p.m. — Canoe landing, beach clearance and demolition Blue Serge 85.00 MEMBERS OF demonstration. Tcrylenc/Viscose f»9.50 3 00 p.m. — Helicopter winching demonstration. THE PUBLIC D.B Black Gabardine ex-stock 69.50 3 15 p.m — Diving and swimming display. 3 30 p.m — Anti-Submarine mortar firing. Mess Undress Jacket and Trousers Superfine 83.00 ARE In addition, static displays of the following will be on show all Mess Undress Vests Superfine 24.50 CORDIALLY afternoon:— ALL PLUS BRAIDINGS INVITED (a) Cookery and Catering. (b) Explosive Ordnance including a comprehensive display of Viet N B Campaign Ribbons and Medals as requested TO ATTEND Cong and Allied weapons, booby traps and mines. (c) Anti-Submarine weapons. (d) Mines (e) A Helicopter. Further attractions will consist of roundabouts and playground for By Courtesy of ... children, food and soft drink stalls and performances by the Royal >Australia n Naval Reserve Band. Astoria Knitting Mills CONTRIBUTIONS INVITED The editor invites persons to submit articles. photographs and dra.\ nujs 'black ink* for inclusion in the magazine, but regrets that no payment can !>.• mad»- f- t < ontribwtions A Division of Osti Consolidated Limited submitted.. Contributions should be addressed The Editor Th> (\J>ivv Bo* (.178 Clarence Street Post Office. Sydney. NSW. 2000. Australia The Editor, does not hold himself responsible for manuscripts, though rver. rffort will be made to return those with which a stamped and addiessed envelope is enclosed • Home of ASTRA KNIT The New Image in Fashion Fabric Kindly sponsored by SEAFOODS (MELB.) PTY. LTD.

129 PRINCES HIGHWAY Manufacturers of Convenient Foods and "White Cliffs" crumbed fish ST. PETERS, N.S.W. products Maribyrnong Street, Footscray, Vic. Phone: 519-4111 Telephone: 68 3679

Page Sixteen THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 19; Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Page Seventeen 1 7 Z~ Purchase of Ten Sea King Compliments to all members from / ASW/Cargo Helicopters for 1/Miller Ropes The Royal Australian Navy

Twines and Recent studies within the Defence group have confirmed that the helicopter is an integral part of a modern balanced Anti-Submarine Warfare (A.S.W.) force, and is complementary to ships and fixed wing aircraft in A.S.W. operations. / The ASW helicopter has a unique integrated tactical display. The air- capability in that it can deploy an craft carries a crew of four as does active sonar of similar capability to the Wessex. Two pilots share the model and will be more Textiles that fitted in destroyers whilst being flying task while an observer and air- suited to Australian conditions par- able to move from one search crewman in the rear cabin operate ticularly in the warmer waters to our position to another at a speed some the sonar, radar and tactical display. North. The Mk. 50 will also be four times faster than a nuclear sub- The Sea King Mk. 50. to be built to capable of being fitted with the Aus- marine. All major navies, including R.A.N, specifications, is based on tralian BARRA submarine detection that of the Soviet Union, now the Royal Navy Mk. 1 version but will system if the latter is introduced operate helicopters in the A.S.W. have an improved sonar, more into operational service. role powerful engines, an uprated gear- The Sea King has a substantial The present A.S.W. helicopter, the box to absorb the additional power, lifting capability and will be well able Wessex. entered service in the Royal and a redesigned tail rotor to to fulfil the vertical replenishment Space kindly sponsored by Australian Navy in 1962 and since improve directional control. Overall role for the new Fast Replenishment that time has contributed very con- it would be superior to the present ship. H.M.A.S. Protector, due to siderably to the fleet's A.S.W. capa- bility Because of ageing equipment, the Wessex will, by 1975. have reached the end of its "ife as an effec- tive A.S.W. vehicle. GRANT & WILSON PTY. LTD. The acquisition of 10 Westland Sea Kings in 1975 will ensure that Australian A.S.W. forces retain the capability of the A.S.W. helicopter beyond the mid decade, and that the skills and expertise of operating and ol "Yarrawonga" maintaining this arm of our A.S.W. forces will not be lost. The buy of 10 helicopters constitutes the first phase of an envisaged two phase pro- Manufacturers of Riverina flour stock & ject to replace the 20 Wessex which poultry foods remain in service. A decision regarding the second phase of the project awaits the outcome of the Naval Air Power Studies currently being conducted within the Defence group of departments. Telephone: YARRAWONGA 3953 The Sea King is a large sophisti- cated machine with an advanced

Automatic Flight Control System, Th# Drklth Mfilon of th# Sm KIhj hdlcoptif. Tm mudllW vtnlOM ol till® chopper i radar, medium range sonar and an ocqulrod foe tti# Koyil AmtnNw Nivy.

Pag* Eighteen THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 Augyseptyoct. 1972 THE NAVY Page Nineteen I

SEA KING HELICOPTERS A Satisfactory Connection the Navy Dept. and: enter service in 1976. Additionally, the A.S.W. equipment can be removed and seats fitted for a trooping role. This role change can Echo Dairies Pty. Ltd. be effected reasonably quickly. The Sea King, which is manufac- tured by Westland Helicopters Limi- ted of Yeovil. England, entered NEWBRIDGE ROAD, MOOREBANK, N.S.W. service in the Royal Navy in August. 1969 Sea Kings are also in service in. or on order for. the Federal Ger- Who Are Proucl To Be Associated With man Navy, the Indian Navy and the Royal Norwegian Air Force. They are the Navy Department in the Supply of expected to remain in production in Britain into the late 1970 s

MILK AND CREAM TO QUAKER'S HILL Two other aircraft, the French SNIAS Super Frelon and the Ameri- can Sikorsky SH3H were evaluated and maintenance personnel, and a craft. This level of offsets will be o by the Navy. After a detailed and weapons system trainer. The latter achieved within 5 to 7 years of our lengthy investigation the Sea King will greatly reduce the need to use placing the order. was determined to be the aircraft CONTRACTORS TO THE NAVY aircraft for training purposes and In summary, the Sea King has a which most closely and economi- enable better supervision of crews considerable A.S.W. capability and cally meets the R.A.N.'s require- in their initial A.S.W. training. the potential for further develop- ments. Arrangements are being made with ment of this capability. The acqui- Telephone: 602 8168 The total project cost for the 10 air- Westland Helicopters Limited for sition of ten Sea Kings will ensure craft will be $43.1 million. In offset production in Australia of that the R.A.N, maintains its exper- addition to the aircraft, this will pro- aircraft components to the value of tise and capability in this important vide spares, training for aircrew over 30 per cent of the cost of the air- field of anti-submarine operations. ZINCLINE Kindly sponsored by STANDARD TELEPHONES PTY. LTD. & CABLES PTY. LIMITED


Page Twenty THE NAVY Aug. Sept./Oct.. 1972 Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Paf. Twenty-on. Compliments to all R.A.N, personnel and H.M.A.S. Cerberus H.M.A.S. NIRIMBA (Situated at Quakars HM. N.S.W. WILL BE OPEN FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION on Sunday. 6 October. 1972,12.30 p.m.-5.30 p.m.) Flinders Hotel Refer Programme of Events at conclusion of this article

Situated 25 miles from Sydney, in gradual sloping FLINDERS, VIC. country, H.M.A.S. Nirimba is the Royal Australian Navy Apprentice Training Establishment (RANATE) and is responsible for the training of Naval Apprentices Mechanics in the various trades required in a modern and • Counter lunch served daily highly technical Navy. Until June 1972. a Naval Apprentice entered the Navy for a period of twelve years. The first three and one-half years were spent at Remember, chaps, when at the gunnery range call in for a cold Nirimba followed by 18 months with the Fleet gaining experience at sea. beer This completed their apprenticeship. In June 1972 the new four year system was introduced. The present First Term lads are the initial entry under this scheme. These Phone: FLINDERS 89-0301 apprentices now spend two years at Nirimba learning the basic skills and then go to sea for two years to complete the practical section of their trade. Ouring working hours they are engaged in working on lathes, Best Wishes to all Members of H.M.A.S. Cerberus ... shapers. computers and many other

DES FIDLER House of Furniture

up-to-date machinery, in one of the Furniture — Floor Coverings three branches available to them. Marine Engineering Technical Electrical Goods — Large Range (MT). Electrical Engineering Technical Special attention given tc all Navy Fund Loans (ET). Aircraft Engineering Technical (AT) Within each branch are sections which specialise in respective 77 High Street, Hastings, Vic. facets of the branch. Each apprentice is allowed to choose his branch, subject to his Phone: 79-1642 proving that he has the practical and 1 Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Page Twenty-three Page Twenty-two THE NAVY Aug./Sept/Oct, 1972 H.M.A.S. NIRIMBA

A Recommended Contractor to the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY academic ability to cope with the par- H.M.A.S. NIRIMBA ticular training, and subject to the Programme of Events Navy's requirements for numbers in each category Sunday, 8 October, 1972,11.00 a.m.-5.30 p.m. The apprentices are required to (MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC INVITED TO VISIT) undertake regular Private Study and Time Programme of Events Duration KARLANDER qualified instructors are available 11.00a.m. Catholic and Protestant Church Services. 60 min. for tutorial assistance. Those who 12.30 p.m. NIRIMBA • Open" — Field Gun. have not made satisfactory progress 12.30 p.m. Soccer — Invitation "Six-a-Side" receive additional obligatory Knockout Competition. Continuous NEW GUINEA LINE LIMITED instruction. 12.30 p.m Steam and tractor train rides tor children. Continuous In their free time, the apprentices Slot car racing. Continuous have a large number of activities 1.00 p.m. Band recital. 15-30 min. available to them Theatre parties 1.30 p.m. Assault course "run" 15 min. A First Class Service from enable apprentices to visit most of 2.15 p.m. WESSEX Helicopter winching drill. 15-20 min. the live theatres in Sydney for about 2.30 p.m. Sky-Divers display. • SYDNfcY to the MANUS ISLANDS via \\ HW AK 50 cents, and the film theatres for 2.30 p.m Gymnastics display. 20 min. • Part of the Complete Network of Pacific Shipping Services offered b\ karlander about $1 Also films are shown at 3 00 p.m Gliding Club display. Nirimba three nights a week. 3.10 p.m. Band recital. 30 mm. Assault course "run". A library, games room. T.V. rooms 3.20 p.m. 15 mm. WESSEX Helicopter winching drill. and cinemas are provided. There is 3.45 p.m. Final Judging of Poster Competition. also a canteen in which parents and 4.15 p.m. ALLIANCE HOLDINGS HOUSE friends may be entertained as well Band marching display — to include 5.00 p.m. as specially decorated Guest rooms BEAT RETREAT, culminating in ceremony to 3rd Floor, 19-31 PITT STREET, SYDNEY in each Divisional Block. of Sunset with Guard. Nirimba has facilities for most 5.30 p.m Evening Gun — Field Gun. popular sports. Rugby. Australian Telephone: 27-6301 Football. Soccer. Hockey. Athletics. Tenms. Basketball. Baseball, etc. There are clubs for those interested in Car Rallies. WaterSknngtthere are two beats). Rifle Shooting. Trap Shooting and Boxing. A SATISFACTORY CONNECTION THE NAVY DEPT AND In all. Nirimba provides a young lad with practically every oppor- tunity. both with an apprenticeship and the pursuit of mcst sports or British Box Co. Pty. Ltd. hobbies available.

667 3054 — PHONE — 667 3054 Who are Proud to be Associated with the R.A.N, in the Supply of WOODEN CRATES & PALLETS

For All Enquiries . . . MR. H. KAY BRITISH BOX CO. PTY. LTD. Coward Street, W/Mascot, N.S.W.

Pigs Twenty-four THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 Aug./Sapt./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Pa«a Twanty-flva MWMiPWi

This space kindly sponsored by Wm. Holyman & Sons | Annual Message from the Pty. Ltd. Federal President Shipping Agents of the 390 Flinders Street, Melbourne Navy League of

TELEPHONE: 62-2411 Australia Commander F. G. Evans, M.B.E., V.R.D., R.A.N.V.R.

One of the most Interesting developments in the defence area in recent times has been the increasing attention given to the Navy and naval defence. It indicates I believe a growing awareness in the community at large that Australia, after all, is essentially a maritime nation, and that all events related to the sea concern us in one I way or another. ACROSS THE NATION A few years ago many Australians were questioning the future of navies, but events abroad — not least those famous Russian ships in the Indian Ocean and realistic staff-work at home, have done much to change the situation. FOR INFORMATION In the po'itical sphere the importance of maritime defence does not appear to be doubted by either Government or Opposition parties: such differences as exist relate in the main to the best methods of achieving the desired goals of effectiveness and self-sufficiency. This approach reflects credit on those especially concerned with defence, on both sides of the Parliament Amalgamated Wireless We in the Navy League are taking an increasing part in these development!.: Several study groups have been established with the object of making Leagt.e members familiar with the various problems facing the Royal Australian Navy — and (A'asia) Ltd. the other Services — and the search for information has already brought us into contact with a good many people involved in defence matters: We are not neglecting our association with the Navy Leagues in other countries as a source of information. In short, we are actively pursuing the objects for which the League was established so far as they relate to Naval defence. Our other prime ob|ect. the main- 12 MILES STREET, MULGRAVE, VIC. tenance of the Australian Sea Cadet Corps, at the time of writing continues to be a major task imposing a considerable strain on our slender resources, both in terms of manpower and finance. The Federal Council seeks your continued support in both spheres Telephone: 560-4533

Aug./Sept./Oct.. 1972 THE NAVY Page Twenty-lev en Aug./SaptyOel.. 1972 Pag* Twenty-tin THE NAVY Electrical Installations Pty. Limited Navy Week

Specialists in all classes of electrical ship repairs, motor and dynamo repairs, installation of light and power, radar and instrumenl wiring. In Australia 6 NAPOLEON STREET SYDNEY mm&smm Navy Week is one week in each year when Australians Telephone: 29 5311(4 lines) from coast to coast are urged to pay grateful tribute to those who have served and those now serving Australia at * Contractors to The Royal Australian Navy sea. During this week it is fit and proper nucleus of what they hoped would be that a nation of free men and women their own Fleet. give well-deserved honour and recog- The Squadron comprised the nition to the patriotic and victorious Battle Cruiser Australia; Light A Recommended Contractor ... achievements of its men of the sea. Cruisers Encounter, Sydney, Mel- It is the week for Australians to re- bourne and the Torpedo Boat Des- dedicate themselves to those prin- troyers Warrego, Parramatta and ciples of freedom and self- Yarra. government which they cherish. It is It is appropriate at this time to a week in which grateful citizens recall the words expressed by the RIVERSTONE MEAT should salute their Royal Australian then Prime Minister of Australia. The Navy and make sure that it is Honourable Sir Joseph Cook: adequate to fulfil its contribution to "Since Captain Cook's arrival, no our national security. more memorable event has hap- CO. PTY. LTD. In the Royal Australian Navy the pened than the advent of the Austra- month of October has always held lian Fleet. As the former marked the special significance. The 21st com- Who are proud to be associated with the Navy Department in birth of Australia, so the latter memorates the 167th anniversary of announces its coming of age. its THE SUPPLY OF FROZEN MEATS the victory of the Battle of Trafalgar. recognition of the growing responsi- Fought in the Atlantic, off the bilities of nationhood, and its southern coast of Spain, it was the resolve to accept and discharge last great Naval battle to be fought them as a duty both to itself and to * Contractors to the R.A.N. under sail alone the Empire. The Australian Fleet is Fifty-nine years ago. on 4 October. not merely the embodiment of force. 1913. the Australian Fleet steamed It is the expression of Australia's For Further Information Contact... into Sydney Harbour. Navy Week. resolve to pursue, in freedom, its 1972. was planned to coincide with national ideals, and to hand down FROZEN MEATS DEPARTMENT the anniversary of the Fleet's entry. unimpaired and unsullied the The arrival of the ships in 1913 was heritage it has received, and which it an event Australians had looked for- holds and cherishes as an inviolable 83 GOULBURN STREET, SYDNEY ward to for half a century. They were trust. It is in this spirit that Australia their own ships, paid for by their own welcomes its Fleet, not as an instru- Phone: 212 2633 money and manned in large ment of war. but as the harbinger of proportion by their own men: the peace."

Aug./S«pt./Oct.. 72 Pag* Twenty-eight THE NAVY THE NAVY Paga Twenty-nine Kindly sponsored by PROGRAMME OF EVENTS McColl Electric Works arranged for Pty. Ltd. NAVY WEEK, 1972 A.C. and D.C. motors & generators — Diesel alternator power plants — Motor control equipment. Switchboards and Dynamotors

134 Springvale Road, Springvale, Vic.

TUESDAY. 3 OCTOBER 12.30-1.30 p.m. Navy Band recital at West Circular Quay.

WEDNESDAY. 4 OCTOBER Afternoon Navy Band to play at Randwick Spring TELEPHONE: 546-8622 Carnival Race Meeting. THURSDAY. 5 OCTOBER 12.30-1.30 p.m. Navy Band recital in Fitzroy Gardens (bounded by Macleay Street. Elizabeth Bay Road and Greenknowe Avenue. Kings Cross). All Day Navy static display including IKARA missile — Grace Bros. Department Store. Bondi Alexanders Junction. Night Navy Band recital — Grace Bros. Department Store. Bondi Junction.

Conveniently situated at FRIDAY. 6 OCTOBER Morning Navy static display — Grace Bros. Depart- ment Store. Bondi Junction. 17 Station Street, Frankston, Vic. 12.30-1.30 p.m. Navy Band recital. Wynyard Park. Carrington. York and Margaret Streets. Sydney.

Alexanders have the most up-to-date fashion gear for men and SATURDAY, 7 OCTOBER Midday Navy Band will lead Waratah Spring Festival boys Pageant through the streets of Sydney.

SUNDAY, 8 OCTOBER 10.30 a.m. Ecumenical Church Service. Garden Island Up to $150 interest-free credit Dockyard Church (refer to separate article) — R.A.N. Band to participate. A small deposit secures any item 1.00 p.m. H.M.A.S. Watson open for Public Inspection (refer separate article). Also available at H.M.A.S. Nirimba open for Public Inspection Alexanders Fashion Centres to (refer separate article). H.M.A.S. Platypus open for Public Inspection (refer separate article). 13 Branches throughout the suburbs H.M.A.S. Penguin open for Public Inspection 5.00 p.m. (refer separate article).

Aut./S«pt./Oct., 1972 Page Thirty THE NAVY Aug./S«pt./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Pag* Thirty-on*


FRIDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER Sea Cadet Training Ship PALUMA open to public at Cadet FRIDAY. 29 SEPTEMBER Navy Week Annual Reunion, Footscray Naval Headquarters Gibson Park, Stafford. Centre. Naval Association Ball at Ipswich. SUNDAY. 1 OCTOBER 11.00a.m. to 4.30p.m. H.M.A.S. Cerberus OPEN DAY. SATURDAY. 30 SEPTEMBER "Old Ship's Reunion" at Naval Memorial Club. ESCA House. 11.00 a.m. Navy Week Service. Christ Church. South Brisbane. Yarra. SUNDAY. 1 OCTOBER March and commemorative service at Central Park. MONDAY. 2 OCTOBER Navy Week Golf and Lawn Bowls Gladstone. Tournaments. Waverley Golf Club TUESDAY. 3 OCTOBER Navy Day Dinner at United Service Club. Brisbane. Navy display opens at SOUTHLANDS WEDNESDAY. 4 OCTOBER Navy Day talks at selected Secondary Schools throughout Shopping Centre. Nepean Highway. Queensland. Cheltenham. THURSDAY, 5 OCTOBER H.M.A.S. KIMBLA to arrive at Brisbane FRIDAY, 6 OCTOBER TUESDAY. 3OCTOBER 12N00nt0 Navy Band and Physical Training display at H.M.A.S BARBETTE to arrive Mackay. 2.00 p.m. Melbourne City Square. Swanston Street H.M.A.S. BARRICADE to arrive Townsville. R.A.N. Band Ensemble at SUTTONS Music H.M.A.S. BAYONET to arrive Bundaberg. WEDNESDAY. 4 OCTOBER Store. 105 Elizabeth Street. Melbourne. Navy Golf Day at Nudgee Golf Club. Brisbane. R.A.N. Band Ensemble at ALLANS Music Store. Navy Week Dinner at R.S.L. Club. Cairns. THURSDAY. 5 OCTOBER 276 Collins Street. Melbourne. Maritime Supper Dance at H.M.A.S. MORETON. Navy Week Ball. H.MA.S. LONSDALE. Port SATURDAY, 7 OCTOBER Navy Golf Day at Colliope Golf Club. Gladstone. FRIDAY. 6 OCTOBER 8.30 p.m. Melbourne. Navy Week Flying Handicap at Eagle Farm. Williamstown Naval Dockyard OPEN DAY. Band Concert at Queens Park. Toowoomba. SATURDAY. 7 OCTOBER 9.30a.m. to 4.30 pm Navy Week Service. Melbourne Synagogue. Naval Association Ball at Toowoomba. South Yarra. SUNDAY. 8 OCTOBER Naval Memorial Service. Anzac Square. Brisbane. March from 2.00 p.m. Sea Cadet Units open for Public Inspection — Anzac Square to St. John's Cathedral. R.A.N.. R.A.N.R.. T.S. VOYAGER (Williamstown). T S. BARWON Cadets, Ex-Navalmen and Women headed by R.A.N R. Band to (Geelong). T.S. HENTY (Portland). T.S. will march. Seafarers' Service at St. John's Cathedral. Church 4.00 p.m. MILDURA (Mildura). T.S. BENDIGO (Bendigo). Parade at St. Saviour's, Gladstone. Luncheon available at new SUNDAY. 8 OCTOBER 10.30 a.m. St. Paul's Cathedral Seafarers' Service in the Naval Memorial Club. presence cf H E the Governor of Victoria. Sir Navy Bowls Day at Wavell Heights BowlingClub. Rohan Delacombe and Lady Delacombe St. Patrick's Cathedral Mass. 3.00 p.m. Memorial Service at the Shrine of Remembrance (Sea Cadets will form guard of WESTERN AUSTRALIA honour with other Naval personnel). SUNDAY, 1 OCTOBER H.M.A.S. LEEUWIN Open Day. TUESDAY. 3 OCTOBER Naval Officers' Wives group luncheon for sponsors. WEDNESDAY. 4 OCTOBER Dress Ship for Navy Day Junior Recruit Training Establishment. March through City of Perth. TASMANIA FRIDAY, 6 OCTOBER Navy Week Trotting Richmond Raceway. SATURDAY, 7 OCTOBER Ascot Navy Week Race Meeting. SUNDAY. 8 OCTOBER Navy Week Commemoration Service St. John's Church, Fremantle. SATURDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER Hobart Sub-branch of the Navy League Cocktail Party at Naval Memorial House. SUNDAY, 1 OCTOBER Wreath Laying at Hobart Cenotaph. Mariners Service St. George's Church. Hobart. SOUTH AUSTRALIA Navy Week Ceremony in Launceston. FRIDAY. 6 OCTOBER Navy Week Ball. Devonport. SUNDAY, 1 OCTOBER Special Mass at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. Special Navy Week Cabaret. Launceston. Ever,song at Holy Trinity, North Terrace. SATURDAY, 7 OCTOBER Navy Ball. Hobart. THURSDAY, 5 OCTOBER Naval Officers Club Dinner at Naval and Military Club, An Ex-Navalmen's Dinner will be held at the Naval Memorial Adelaide. House. Davey Street. Hobart. during the week, and also FRIDAY, 6 OCTOBER Wreath Laying Service at State War Memorial North Terrace. throughout Navy Week commercial interests in a number of SATURDAY, 7 OCTOBER Navy named races at South Australian Jockey Club meeting. Tasmanian centres will publicise the R.A.N. Morphett Vale Racecourse. A Company of the Vickers Group VICKERS COCKATOO DOCKYARD Pty. Limited


COCKATOO ISLAND, SYDNEY Telegraphic Address: CODOCK Telephone: 82 0661 Telex: AA 21833

Best Wishes from THOMAS ROBINSON & SON PTY. LTD. * Woodworkers Engineers



• Chain and Chisel Mortiser • Band Mills Resaws 4 - Cutters. Sanders * Woodworkers


77-0421 Phone 77-0421

Page Thirty-four THE NAVY Aug./Sapt./Oct., 1972 NEW SURVEY SHIf

Kindly sponsored by After sea trials, scheduled for the first quarter of 1973. Flinders will replace the 26-year-old. 336-ton H.M A S Paluma. Flinders' first task will be in the ROSE MUSIC PTY. LTD. Barrier Reef area and waters around Papua New Guinea. Flinders' keel was laid in February. National distributors of 1971. She is powered by two Paxman Ventura diesels. giving her a cruising Yamaha musical instruments speed of around 13 knots and a cruising range of more than 5.000 nautical miles. "FOR A RICHER LIFE" The 150-foot ship will have a dis- placement of 800 tons, and will carry a ship s company of 37 men. Flinders will be fitted with various electronic aids to assist in her 17-33 MARKET STREET Th, M, hy*ocrapMc ship H.M.A.S. Fhnderi mow, down th, tllpway .fit, being launchad on 20 survey mission. She will be per- July by Mr,. Ruth Mackay SOUTH MELBOURNE r' H.M.A.S. Flinders, the Navy's new hydrographic survey ship, was i launched on 29 July, at Williamstown Naval Dockyard, Victoria, by Mrs. Ruth i Mackay, wife of the Minister for the Navy, Dr. Malcolm Mackay. Telephone: 699-2388 i

Kindly sponsored by J. B. & E. M. DOWIE Dry Cleaning & Laundry Service

Using "Sanitone" process exclusively

Throughout Orbost & East Gippsland areas

Factory: Stanley St., Orbost, Vic. Shop: Nicholson St., Orbost, Vic.

Telephone: Orbost 239 H.M.A.S. Paluma Orlflnally a motor .tora, llfhtar of raplacad In 1S73 by tha naw hydrof.-aphlc tN. H.MJt.S. Fl.ndart

Page Thirty-six THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Page Thirty-seven "LtT S CHARTER A COACH FROM MCKENZIE'S" —

For your next Picnic to the hills or beaches, lake, mountain or Donna Buang manently fitted with distance- helicopters although she will not and humid weather, but electronic • Charter Tours Interstate • Comfortable Travel • Modern Coaches measuring equipment, deep echo herself carry one. gear will give better service and and normal echo depth sounders, The new hydrographic ship will have a longer life. Phone or write us for a quote — Our charges are surprisingly low radar and sonar carry small craft for work away from Heavy seas will not bother Flinders She will also be fitted for satellite the parent ship. Flinders will have as much as another light ship, for McKENZIE'S TOURIST SERVICES navigating equipment for special one 34-foot aluminium survey boat she is being fitted with stabiliser fins duties. This unit will be in com- (this craft will probably be water-jet to reduce roll and pitch. ponent form so it can be transferred propelled instead of the con- 53 BARKERS RD„ KEW, VIC. (Near Kew Tram Depot) Newly designed living spaces from Flinders to the Navy's major ventional propeller driven type now aboard will make the sailors' long Telephone: 86-6264. After hours: 288-6079 — 86-8099 hydrographio ship H.M.A.S. in service) and two 17-foot absences from shore easier. Officers Moresby, depending on the ships' aluminium "runabouts" for shore and Chief Petty Officers will have tasks. party use. Flinders is designed to set up and single berth cabins. Petty Officers New precision radar will allow maintain three shore camps and will have double-berth cabins and Flinders' position to be calculated one tide reading camp while still sailors will have two messes with accurately to within 10 yards at 20- being able to carry out normal every- accommodation for 15 men each. 30 miles. Another radar set will be day running of the ship. The vast areas to be surveyed by accurate to within a few feet at a She will be air-conditioned the Royal Australian Navy Hydro- distance of up to 50 miles. throughout. Not only will this mean graphic Service include some 6.500 ANSAIR She will also be fitted to work with more comfort to the sailors in hot miles of coastline and a continental A Division of Ansett Transport Industries (Operations) Pty. Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN VICTORIA)

Manufacturers and Distributors of MMOD/U/LOK" Plaster Sound-Rated and Fire-Rated Partitions

Suspended Ceilings. Office Furniture. Special Joinery. Complete Design and Installation Service. Manufacturers of Bus Bodies. Aircraft Seating. Com- mercial Vehicles and Sheet Metal Products.


Page Thirty-eight THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 AugySapt/Oct.. 1972 THE NAVY Page Thirty-nine NEW SURVEY SHIP the remaining parts are still based commission with the R.A.N, the on old surveys. Kindly sponsored by larger H.M.A.S. Moresby, is a modern A recent study found that, with the specially designed vessel completed shelf that extends on the average, present resources of the R.A.N. in 1964 while H.M.A.S. Paluma. was SleetfuccJl H. HOSKING & SON PTY. LTD. about thirty miles out from land. Hydrographic Service, it will take built as a motor stores lighter in more than 25 years to produce up-to- Charting Australian waters is a 1945-46 and converted to a hydro- date accurate Australian charts. Electrical Contractors large responsibility with the Gulf of graphic vessel in 1957. Flinders will play a large part in the Domestic Commercial Industrial Carpentaria alone approximately A new oceanographic ship. coming years in these surveys. Her Repairs Installations Maintenance the same size as the North Sea. and H.M.A.S. Cook, now being designed much greater in area than the Baltic output will far exceed that of the by the Navy, will be 315 feet long. 44 Sea ageing Paluma, and in addition her feet wide, and will displace about superior sea-keeping qualities will 14 Effingham Road, Newport, Vic. 2.300 tons. She will have a platform About one-third of Australia's area enable her to work in more remote and hangar for a helicopter which Telephone: 391 1023 — 391 4337 of responsibility has been charted and exposed areas. will be carried when the ship is used by modern survey methods, while Of the two survey ships now in in a hydrographic role.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS Kindly sponsored by A satisfactory connection, the Navy Dept. and Important notice to Subscribers to "The Navy" and Fellows of the Navy League of Australia. 7

Australian h IP U EdHOr F dW S C Ur TOOTAL rJlu.""!^ * ' '^J^., ' * " * " » <>«*• If you would kindly complete the form provided Mow prior to moving from the poatal address registered with the 1i Navy League, thereby ensuring that The Navy" reaches you on time. who are proud to be associated with the iMroniMri. Berry Baskets Navy Dept. in the supply of r~ NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS Co. Pty. Ltd. Polyester and Liscose uniform fabrics To: The Editor, "The Navy" magazine. Box CI78, Clarence Street Post OITtce. Sydney. N.S.W. 2000, Australia

(PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) For all inquiries Mr. 175 Kent St. 153 Flinders Lane Name: Mrs. Miss Richmond, Vic. Melbourne, Vic. Rank Telephone: 63 8061 Present address:

Telephone: 42 3263 Branches In all States

I will be moving from the above postal address on

. to reside at: Kindly sponsored by (date) N. C. WALLDER

BUTCHER (please include your postcode)

Finest quality cuts of meat and smallgoods I ant a -Subscriber or 'Fellow of the ( , Division of the Navy League (• delete inapplicable words) Call in at Sydney Street, Kilmore, Vic. Signature: . Phone: Kilmore 50

AugyS«pt/0ct., 197 Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Page Forty THE NAVY Page Forty-one MARINE PLUMBER and C. W. CHATER SHEET METAL MANUFACTURER 1-6 Reid Street ECUMENICAL KANGAROO POINT, QLD. ^ CHURCH PHONE: (3 lines) All Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work on 91-3316 Ships SERVICE Interested Members of the Public are invited to Attend R.A.C.V. S„ nrJ^fl n".mKeniCal.!erXiC®,0r Navy Da* 1972 wl" be at 10.30 a.m Sunday, 8 October, in the Garden Island Dockyard Church. All-year-round motoring service We will meet to worship together as an outward demonstration of our Wales Methodist Conference and essential unity as Christians. | By THE CHAPLAIN J the Reverend M A. Spence repre- Together we shall thank God for senting the Moderator of the New those who have given so much in South Wales General Assembly of the Provides security for over The Right Reverend F O. Hulme securing the protection and safety Presbyterian Church of Australia. Moir. Bishop Coadjutor. Diocese of of our Country, and pray that we So far as is known, the first Service Sydney and Anglican Bishop to the to be held in this Church was in 600,000 may be responsive to His will and Forces will preach the occasional 1902. and was a thanksgiving guidance in the years to come sermon. Service for peace at the end of the Members throughout Victoria We are grateful that leaders in the Participating clergy will include His South African War. Churches in Sydney have agreed to Grace, the Most Reverend James share in this Service and bring the The first stained glass windows Freeman. Roman Catholic Arch- Join now at distinction of their presence to this were installed in 1904 Since then bishop of Sydney, the Reverend E. A. occasion the Church has been beautified by R.A.C.V. Head Office: Bennett. President of the New South many Memorials, all of which tell 123 Queen Street their own poignant story. For many years the Church has Melbourne, 3000 been used for all Church Services held in Garden Island. Protestants Telephone: 60 0251 and Roman Catholics have come to or your nearest R.A.C.V. Branch feel that it is their Church An ecumenical spirit has always existed in the working relationships between serving Chaplains. But this has grown in the new atmosphere of unity and trust which we believe is God's will for His Church. It is appro- Redbank Meat Works Pty. Ltd. ^ priate therefore that we should together thank God for His grace and and S pray for His guidance in the future. The Dewhurit Retail Butcher Shops J There are a number of groups which hold their Annual Church For Quality Meats & Smallgoods S Services here — amongst them are Sydney Legacy, the Naval Associa- 149-157 Melbourne St.. South Brisbane J tion of Australia. The Australian Phone:45821 I Sea Cadet Corps. Sea Scouts and Sea Rangers. Ship providores to the Navy ^ We hope that some from these organisations as well as interested Tha pulpit, shaped in tfw form of a ship', bow is ona of tha promlnant fur>X,hl.«t I. members of the public will |Oin with island Dockyard Church. us in this Service. Page Forty-two THE NAVY AugyS«pt./Oct., Aug./Sept/Oct.. 1972 THE NAVY P«(e Forty-three Kindly sponsored by H.M.A.S. PENGUIN A. LEWIS & CO. PTY. LTD. S Timber & Hardware Merchants i Open for Public Inspection on Sunday, 8 October, 1972 1 Cnr Jasper Road & Lewis St. 1.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m. Ormond, Vic. gg H.M.A.S. Penguin 1. situated at Balmota!. Sydney, with access via Middle Head Road. H.M.A.S. Penguin comprises the Naval Hospital and a Specialist Training Establishment Telephone: 58 II5S — 58 5916 covering an area of 43 acres. After Hours: 58 8161 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS Sunday, 8 October, 1972—1.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m. 1 00 p.m to 4 00 p.m — Fishing Competition (a trophy will be presented) Kindly Sponsored by: gX: 2 00 p.m. — Diving display including helicopter drop and recovery Kindly sponsored by the 2 30 p.m. to 3 30 p.m. — Band concert 3 30 p.m. — Diving display including helicopter drop and reco.w-ry. •:•:*:•: 4 30 p.m. — Band marching display Throughout the afternoon there will be entertainment provided especially for children and STEAMCRAFT :*:£ will include boat trips and films. Kyneton A number of Static Displays and Demonstrations have been scheduled and will include — Cookery Display — manned and demonstrated by Navy Cooks. Xv Hydrographic 3nd Seamanship Schools demonstration vX ENGINEERING School of Underwater Medicine display :'•:'•:' Motel :•:•:•: Refreshments will be available. PTY. LTD. i|

For the best in accommodation at a moderate tariff 553 ST. KILDA ROAD Kindly sponsored by MELBOURNE Telephone: 51-9481 101 Piper Street Elmaco Pty. Ltd. Kyneton, Vic. APPROVLD CONTRACTORS TO GOVT DfcPTS An F & T Industries Co. Telephone: 22 1098 Recent Prujecr Water Tube Boiler Installation, From Melb. STD 059 22 1098 f-'ishermans Bend For plastics — Complete design, tooling and production facilities

Capacity injection moulding lozto 300oz Best wishes to all members from Blow moulding compression and transfer SHEPPARTON HOTEL moulding 344 Wyndham Street Shepparton, Vic. Check with Elmaco first

Drop in for a glass of good cold beer uidc range of wines & spirits 17 Franklyn St., Huntingdale, Vic. Now featuring the new Bistro Bar Telephone: 544 2099 Lunch 12 to 2 p.m. Dinner 6 to 10 p.m. Sundav 12 to 2.30 p.m. — 6 to 10 p.m.

Page Forty-five Aug./Sept./Oct., 197 Aug./Sept./Oct„ 1972 THE NAVY THE NAVY Page Forty-tour Sponsored by Serving All Drayton & Garson Pty. Ltd. Faith$ FUNERAL DIRECTORS H.M.A.S. PLATYPUS (Situated at Neutral Bay, Sydney, will be opon for impaction by members of tha public durl«« 1646 High Street. Glen Iris, Vic. Navy Day. Sunday. 8 October, 1972. between 1.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m.) 24-hour scrvicc Telephone: 25 4416 — 25 5945 The road to H.M.A.S. Platypus leads off Hipwood Street, For the timc-honour;d scrvicc of our affiliated compan> Neutral Bay; Intending visitors are advised to watch for newspaper announcements details transport SLEIGHTS of Melbourne arrangements. H.M.A.S Platypus is the base for four Oberon Class Submarines operated by the Royal Australian Navy Once before, in 1919. the Kindly sponsored by name Platypus had naval con- Kindly sponsored by nections. This was the Submarine Depot Ship. H.M.A.S. Platypus, com- missioned for the six "J" Class Sub- marines of the Royal Australian Navy. The present holder of the name once more "cares" for submarines. Located at Neutral Bay in Sydney. Platypus, with modern machinery shops and clean dust-free rooms for the repair of delicate instruments, provides full maintenance and repair facilities and safe alongside berths for the submarines. The Australia'* (our Oberon class submarines moored at tha submarine base H M A S. Platypus

wharf is equipped with servicing Specialising in exchange bumper bars SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FOR OPEN DAY points from which submarines alongside may charge their — grilles and general electroplating Sunday, 8 October, 1972 — 1.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m. batteries, operate normal power 1 00 p m — HMAS Platypus open tor public inspection supplies, take on lubricating oil. 1 00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. — Submarine H.M A.S Ovens open for inspection. fresh and distilled water, and 125 Sussex Street receive high pressure air. 424-430 Malvern Road 2 00 p m. — Swordsmanship display. Prahran, Vic. Coburg, 3058, Vic. 3 00pm — Helicopter rescue display. Platypus provides the administra- 4 00 p.m — Swordsmanship display. tive backup for the submarines, During the afternoon visitors may inspect the facilities at the fighting the paper war on their Telephone: 51 5329 Telephone: 35 1281 submarine base: an historical display will be mounted. behalf; for example arranging travel — 51 7586 tickets *or sailors going on leave, pro- cessing welfare matters, main-

Kindly sponsored by BUTTONS DRY CLEANING AND WARREN & BROWN PTY. LTD. LAUNDRY SERVICE I Division of Repco l imited) KAMTONKCKRTIKlt D MASTKR l>m CLEANERS Manufacturers of automotive service equipment and torque wrenches 119 Ballarat Road, Footscray, Vic. EGANS LANE. NOW R A, N.S.W. Telephone. 68 1201 Telephone 2 2537

Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 H M A S PLATYPUS Kindly sponsored by This space kindly sponsored by taining pay records and personal documents for the submarine crews. Provisions are ordered and Gordon & accounted for in the base. The Naval Store holds a range of 25.060 items NILSEN to assist in the never-ending task of Gotch maintenance. Accommodation for off-duty PORCELAINS personnel is provided in H.M.A.S. (A'asia) Ltd. Penguin. The complement of the base includes a spare crew to keep submarines manned fully when (AUST.) crew members are on course, sick, VICTORIAN BRANCH or on leave.

Wholesale Magazines — Paper Apart from Promotion Training PTY. LTD. which is a normal function in all Stationery — Books H.M.A. Ships and Establishments. Platypus conducts Continuation and Part III Training. With Con- tinuation Training. Sonar and Radar 221 Separation Street operators are taught and maintain a 407 Tooronga Road H.M.A.S. Ovens procMd* to mj (this submarine will t» open for public Inspection at H.M.A.S. very high standard of skill and Platypus during Navy Day). Northcote, Vic. Hawthorn East efficiency in their respective fields, factors essential to a submarine's marine training in the United King- Commander G. R. Dalrymple. Royal operational readiness. During Part dom proceed to become fully quali- Australian Navy, is also Com- Telephone: 48 2177 Telephone: 20 3391 III Training Officers and sailors who fied submarine personnel. mander of the First Australian Sub- have completed their initial sub- The Captain of H.M.A.S. Platypus, marine Squadron.

Kindly sponsored by Kindly sponsored by Liner 3L Collins Bros. Pty. Ltd. RED CROSS Services LATROBE TERRACE Pty. Ltd. GEELONG, VIC. Physician blankets and flannels 60 Market Street Melbourne BLOOD DONORS Ladies1 dress materials

Depot arid terminal Appleton Dock West Melbourne GIVE NOW! Telephone: 21 -2477 Telephone: 689 2244

Aug./S«pt./Oct.. Pag« Forty-tight THE NAVY lIlliilVMliiililMl Kindly sponsored by R.A.N.'s New WESTERN Kindly sponsored with best wishes from Oceanographic Ship EXPORTS DOUGHERTY'S PTY. LTD. Major Australian dockyards are expected to be invited to tender in October, 1972 for SPORTS construction of the new oceanographic ship H.M.A.S. Cook. The ship will replace the frigate studies, expected with the use of Also it will provide more H.M.A.S. Diamantina which was H.M.A.S. Cook, will increase substan- information for testing R.A.N, equip- Sheepskin Exporters STORE completed in 1945 and has been tially the Royal Australian Navy's ment at sea. for the investigation of employed full-time on oceano- anti-submarine capability through the economic potential of the seabed graphic work since conversion to its a greater knowledge of the ocean and waters, and for scientific oceanographic role in 1959-60. environment. research projects. H.M.A.S. Cook will be similar in 216-232 Kensington Rd. 87 Wyndham Street design to H.M.A.S, Moresby, the R.A.N.'s large hydrographic ship South Ken., Vic. Shepparton, Vic. built in Australia and commis- sioned in 1964. It will accommodate 13 scientists Telephone: 689 1815 Telephone: 21 2328 — compared with six in Diamantina and. as it will have greatly improved research facilities. H.M.A.S. Cook is expected to double the effective- . t ness of civil and military research programmes. Best wishes to all members from Designed by the Navy, the new ship will be 315 feet long. 44 feet wide R. L Buller and will displace about 2.300 tons. She will have a platform and hangar A. & J. M. for a helicopter which will be carried when the ship is converted to a & Son hydrographic role. Total cost is expected to be about $17 million. Maxwell H M> 5 Diamantina. a eoimrM Ww dau frlgaU bum in 1949. Slw The advance in oceanographic Cook. W1NEMAKERS CATERERS •>:¥:>¥:!S¥:!S!S : Full range of table, dessert and

Weddings — Parties — Home functions — sparkling Catering for bus parties and picnics wines Bulk and Bottled

Open from 10 a.m. at the Botanical Garden Pavilion

505 Sebastopol Street Ballarat, Vic. Rutherglen, Vic.

Telephone: 39 1487 Phone: Rutherglen, 11 OS A.H.: 32 2953

Page Fifty THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct.. 1972 Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Page Fifty-one Kindly sponsored by Sponsored by Brown & Galvanising Bureau Industries Ltd. "The Civilian Arm of the

Pty. Ltd. The principal objective of the Navy We invite you to swell our ranks Victoria — Room 6. 2nd Floor. 528 Manufacturers and so keep up to date with Maritime League of Australia is to stress the vital Collins Street. Melbourne. 3000. Representatives importance of Sea Power to the Affairs to help to build an Queensland 39 Pinecroft Street. Commonwealth of Nations and the ever-increasing weight of informed important role played by the Royal public opinion. The Navy League will Camp H ill. Queensland, 4152. 30-38 Albert Street Australian Navy. then become widely known and Tasmania 3 Winmarleigh Street. exercise an important influence in the Taroona. 7006. Cnr Ireland & Preston, Vic. The League, in conjunction with life of the Australian Nation. Kavanagh Sis. the Commonwealth Naval Board, South Australia Box 1S29M G.P.O., administers the Australian Sea Cadet The League consists of Fellows and Adelaide, 5001 Sth. Melbourne, 3205 Corps, by providing finance and Associates. All British subjects who Telephone: 44 2580 Western Australia - 182 Coode Street, technical sea training for boys who support the objectives of the League Como, 6152. 44 2429 — 44 4704 intend to serve in the Naval or are eligible for membership. Members Telephone: 61 3411 and 44 1581 Merchant Services, also to those receive copies of the League's magazine Australian Capital Territory - 60 sea-minded boys, who do not intend to 'The Navy". Limestone Avenue, Ainslie, 2602. follow a sea career, but who gi\en this Northern Territory - CI- Mrs. V. M. DIVISIONS knowledge will form a valuable reserve New South Wales Box I719.G.P.0., Slide, 12 Allen Street, Fannie Bay, for the Naval Service. Sydney, 2001. 5790.

Kindly sponsored by Kindly sponsored by THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA Dimet John F. Coghlan Application for Membership To: The Secretary. & Co. The Navv League of Australia. Cnntracting ' Division). Sir. I am desirous of becoming a Member of the Navy League of Australia with whose objects I am Pty. Ltd. Pty. Ltd. in sympathy. (Mr . Name (Mrs Application of anti-corrosive Customs & Shipping (Miss» (Rank) coatings Atmosphere Marine Agents chemical or foods Please Print Clearly. Street Suburb Cawley Road 53 Queen Street State Post Code Brooklyn, Vic. Melbourne Signature Date Enclosed is a remittance tor $4.20 being my first annual subscription. Telephone: 314 0255 Telephone: 61 2755 AFTER COMPLETION. THIS FORM SHOULD BE DISPATCHED TO YOUR DIVISIONAL SECRETARY - NOTE LIST OF ADDRESSES ABOVE

Page Fifty-two THE NAVY AugTSaptyOct., Aug./S«pt./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Page Fifty-three Best wishes to "The Navy" from BAINBRIGGE SMALL SHIP NEW SOUTH WALES & SONS QUARTERLY REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS This report is for the period 1 April to 30 June. 1972 K.C.V.O.. C.B.E.. K.St.J. presented Cadet Forces Medals and covers Continuous Training, Weekend Training and and Clasps to the Medal to 11 members and former CHANDLERS other activities carried out by the Naval Reserve Cadets members of the Naval Reserve Cadets. in New South Wales. The Senior Officer and members of his Staff attended Continuous Training was carried out in H.M.A. Ships T.S. Albatross on Saturday. 29 April for celebrations Motor Body Works • Complete Marine Equipment Melbourne, Brisbane and Bandolier for 47 Cadets who marking the 25th Anniversary of the commencement of • Service above & below decks were completing promotion courses for Cadet Petty Cadet Training in the Wollongong area. Officer and Cadet Leading Seaman from 7 to 14 May. On Sunday. 30 April, the Senior Officer was present at • Survey & Safely Equipment Specialists 1972 Eight Cadets took part in the Cadet Physical the Scots College Memorial Day Parade. • Fibre glass cowelvents to Standards Trainer s Course and 22 Cadets in the Cadet Mechanical During the period under review all Units completed at Engineer s Course conducted in H.M.A.S. Nirimba from required. least one miniature rifle shoot. 7 to 14 May. 1972. In addition. Continuous Training for The strength of the New South Wales Division is at 30 Cadets was held in H.M.A.S. Albatross from 7 to 14 present:— 8 Jane St. May. 1972 for the Cadet Naval Airman's Badge. Eight Staff Officers 4 Nowra, N.S.W. Cadets attended the Army Adventure Training Course Officers 27 75 The Corso from 11 to 20 May held at Singleton. N.S.W. Instructors 31 Manly, N.S.W. Sea training in H.M.A.S. Parramatta was held from 8 to Cadets 427 Phone: 2 2323 15 May for 8 Cadets. TOTAL 489 Weekend Training took place in the following H.M.A. Commander R. J. Rust. R.A.N . Staff Officer Reserves, Ships:— No. OF representing the Flag Officer Commanding. East H.M.A. SHIP DATES PERSONNEL Australia Area, inspected the following Units:— Perth 7-9 April 23 UNIT DATE OF INSPECTION Perth 21-23 April 23 Sydney Grammar School 9 June Best wishes to "The Na»y" from • Recommended Supplier to the R.A.N. Sydney 28-30 April 37 T.S.Warrego 17 June Swan 19-21 May 24 The Scots College 23 Ju ne Swan 26-28 May 23 T.S. Parramatta 24 Ju ne #/ /# Brisbane 2-4 June 15 The Cadet Liaison Officer. Lieutenant N. A. Commander R. J. Rust. R.A.N.. representing the Flag McPherson. R.A.N.V.R . representing the Senior Officer. SUSSEX KING GEE Officer Commanding East Australia Area inspected the Naval Reserve Cadets, visited Coffs Harbour 19-22 June following units:— to confer with the Coffs Harbour Naval Association on UNIT DATE OF INSPECTION the formation of a Naval Reserve Cadet Unit. He also HOUSE T.S.Shropshire 8 April attended a public meeting chaired by the President of T.S Condamine 6 May the Coffs Harbour Shire Council seeking public support (W.J. & J. H. BUTLER, Props. | T.S. Tobruk 27 May for the proposed Cadet Unit. T.S.Sydney 3 June (Sgd.)L. MACKAY-CRUISE. OVERALLS-TROUSERS On Saturday. 22 April. His Excellency the Governor of Commander. R.A.N.R.. SUSSEX INLET, N.S.W. New South Wales. Sir Roden Cutler. V.C. K.C M.G.. Senior Officer & SHIRTS and SHORTS Albert Chantry & Co. Pty. Ltd. Right on the waterfront Safes — Strongrooms — Combination locks Holiday cotlages and cabins al reasonable Locks opened — Repaired — Supplied and fitted tariffs with full facilities Abloy lock and key service 549 Mt. Alexander Road "KING GEE" WORK CLOTHES FOR THE Moo nee Ponds, Vic. TOUGHEST WORK OF For Reservations and Inquiries Telephone: 37 2455 — 37 5366 THE NATION Phone: STD 044 412017 A.H.: 379 1569

THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct.. '2 Pag* Fifty-four Aug./Sept./Oct.. 1972 THE NAVY Page Fifty-five :ADET CORPS NEWS AT YOUR SERVICE For Your Holiday Requirements

Information & Bookings: Call or Telephone VICTORIA Howard Smith Travel Centre

SYDNEY 269 George St - 27 5611 MELBOURNE: b?2 Cotl.ns SI T. S. BENDIGO 62 3711 EREMANTLE: 1 MoujM SI - 3S6133 NEWCASTLE 16 Wan St -24711 CAIRNS: 18 Abbot St -21 IS* Earlier this year T.S. Bendigo Cadets started working out with the local ROBIN HOOD INN Coastguard patrolling the 93 odd miles of Lake Eppalock, BIACKTOWN, N.S.W. twenty miles from Bendigo. The lake is. the site of the i Popular Mine Host. JOHN LAZANASI new Adventure Camp for this inland Sea Cadet Unit. It is • Icy Cold Tooths Beer at Its Best also hoped that Cadets from * Popular Snack Bar other centres of Victoria will be able to make use of the Phone: 622-0205 Camp.

The site is a seven-and-a-half acre area on the shores of the lake, and building starteo about four years Kindly Sponsored by: ago. One building is 60'x 18". used by cadets for sleeping on weekends. LOTHERINGTON There is also a galley and toilet PHARMACY block. About $6,000 has been spent since work started, most of this |M. ROCKMANL Repatriation and jll Prescriptions \S ide Range of Cosmetics. Gifts. Cameras. Films, etc. 397 SYDNEY ROAD BRUNSWICK, VIC. Opp. Post Office money being raised by the small but Telephone: 38-8783 very active local committee. On weekends abcut 20 cadets can now be accommodated. The Cadets join the Coastguard on Kindly Sponsored by: Saturday and Sunday going out on patrol with the flotilla and manning K. & G. JOHNSTON the radio at the base station. The Cadets are learning a lot from PTY. LTD. working alongside men who know boats and the lake itself. They log TOOL & CUTTER GRINDERS every radio call Something like 332 calls each day. Metal ( ut-Off Saws to 72" Diameter This type of work is a far cry from 14 MILTON CRESCENT the normal sailing on Lake PRESTON. VIC. Weeroona. T.S. Bendigo's official headquarters, where a gale is Telephone: 44-2565 needed for a day's sailing. Photographs reproduced arc by courtesy ol Tha Dandifo Advertiser

Page Fifty-six THE NAVY Augyseptyoct.. Aug./Sept./Oct.. 1972 THE NAVV Pa,. Fihy^.n CORAL TREE LODGE All supporters of 'The Navy" will be especially made welcome and be well cared for at the GREENS ROAD GREENWELL POINT. N.S.W The most fully self contained Holiday Resort, Riviera Caravan Park including Caravan Park — Swimming Pool — RIVER ROAD Boat Ramp — Jetty — Shop on Site Overnight — Weekend — Weekly Bookings SUSSEX INLET, N.S.W. Adjacent to Bowling and Sports Club F. & D.WEBB All enquiries to VERN or VERA GOODE Phone 47 1358 Phone 41 2112

HISTORIC VILLAGE Best wishes to "The Navy" from MOTEL NOWRA MOTEL COOLANGATTA 202 Kinghorn Rd., (Princes Highway) Sue of the first area on the South Coast. Existing historic buildings converted into modern motel units NOWRA, N.S.W. hut retaining the old world charm. I i 26 First Class Units available with all • Boatwork was provided by two Situated in spacious grounds only I mile from | facilities including T V. whalers, a motor boat and three 14 Shoalhaten Heads — Occan Beach — Riding Club For Bookings and Service foot R.N.S.A.'s from T.S. Derwent. We also have a Swimming Pool H.M.A.S. Bass in one day took four parties of 30 cadets for a short trip to For Reservations Phone 48 7131 Phone 22883 sea. Small bore shooting was con- ducted on an outdoor range. Many cadets used the camp to qualify for petty officer and leading seamen. Best wishes to "The Navy" from Best wishes to "The Navy" from. . . TASMANIA Highlight of the camp came on On 8 May, 22 Officers — 19 Instructors and two Emt.gency Reserves Sunday 14. when after Church, the SHOALHAVEN HEADS plus 146 cadets of the Tasmanian Division, Australian Sea Cadet Corps State Colour was paraded and then ALONGA HOLIDAY COTTAGES entered Fort Direction near Hobart for seven days' continuous training the whole division marched past — MOTEL-HOTEL The camp was under the command of the Senior Officer Tasmania the salute being taken by the Naval RIVER RD., SUSSEX INLET, N.S.W. Lt. Cmdr. B. J. B. Morris R.A.N.R. The cadets came from all six units of the Officer in Charge. Tasmania. Com- RIVER RD., SHOALHAVEN HEADS mander Morrell. R.A.N 9 Units with Full Facilities for your Comfort Comfortable Cottages Situated by the Waterside During the camp several com- situated right on the Waterfront along the 7 Mile petitions were held, and the results: Beach For that Memorable Holiday The Senior Officers' Trophy for the Unit with the highest shooting aggre- For Reservations and Enquiries Phone 41 2046 gate — T.S Mersey (Lt. Aiiiton). Phone 48 7125 Best Part-of-Ship during the camp Maintop — Lt. Bates. Runners-up — Quarterdeck Lt. McMeekin. The A. J. Williams sailing trophy — Best wishes to "The Navy" from T.S. York (Sub./Lt Coleman). Second HUSKISSON HARDWARE — T.S. Tamar (Lt. Cleaver). Whaler pulling — Maintop Division. HOUSE BOMADF.RRY HOTEL The cross-country was won by A/B Broomhall of T.S. Derwent. ( Props.. Tony & Lilian Booth 1 MKRRO RD., BOMADERRY, N.S.W. A large number of cadets requalified as marksmen. I TOMERONG ROAD Where a Cool Creamy Ale is always on Tap HUSKISSON. 41 5055 Full Range of Wines and Spirits Annual Inspection of Builders* & Plumbers'Supplies Excellent Counter Lunch 12p.m.- 1.30p.m. Tasmanian Sea Cadets Annual inspections of Tasmanian Hardware Homewares Tools Phone: 22146 Sea Cadet Units by the Naval Officer- Dulu* Paints Camping Requisites in-Charge. Tasmania (Com- mander F. G. Morrell) were held at the end of May and early in June. Page Fifty-eight THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 2 Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 THE NAVY Page Fifty-nine The training ship Mersey, at Devon- disrepair, and is in danger of being If repaired it would be the ideal Best Wishes from: port. was inspected on 31 May. then Best Wishes from: declared unsafe. spot for mooring the Reginald M. T.S. Leven, at Ulverstone. on 1 June. And no organisation or Govern- The cadet unit's headquarters in the T.S. Emu at Burnie on 2 June, and K. COOK BORONIA MARINE ment department will accept res- old railway station building also T.S. York, George Town and T.S. CENTRE ponsibility for its maintenance. The fronts on the wharf. Quality Butchers Tamar, Launceston. on 3 June. wharf is now used largely by fishing (A T LOONE. Prop ) The Hobart Unit. T.S. Derwent, had vessels — for mooring and unload- Parents of the cadets have added For THE Best Quality Cuts at Sensible Prices their inspection on 16 June. Authorised Dealers for: ing catches. As many as 20 boats use their support to those of fishermen PONGRASS EIBREGLASS BOATS it during the height of the fishing 20 STATION STREET in moves to have the wharf made JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS New Sea Cadet Unit season. safe for use again. PAKENHAM EAST, VIC. For Queenstown 274 DORSET ROAD, BORONIA, VIC. Phone: The newly formed Queenstown Telephone: 762-2444 Branch of the Navy League has PAKENHAM EAST 108 A.H.: 762-1736 —707-1629 obtained the old railway station at Regatta Point. Strahan. as head- quarters for their planned sea cadet unit.

Kindly Sponsored by: Strahan. a fishing port on Kindly Sponsored by: Macquarie Harbour, is on the West Coast of Tasmania. VI-TREX PRODUCTS ROCKA STEEL CO. The League is now negotiating to buy a suitable boat. PTY. LTD. STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATION Officers elected at the inaugural and METALWORK BIRD SHED SPECIALISTS meeting held early in June are: President. Mr. L. Jacobs: Secretary. 10 MANTON ROAD Mr. D. Hickson: Treasurer. Mr. V. 53 MORELAND STREET HUNTINGDALE, VIC. Stevens. FOOTSCRAY, VIC. Telephone: 68-322* Telephone: 544-7966 Navy League Branch Gets Training Ship The newly formed Navy League Branch at Queenstown. on Tas- mania's West Coast, has recently This Space Kindly Sponsored by: bought the former Mt. Lyell Co.'s 87 Kindly sponsored by ft. explosives carrier Reginald M. for use as a training ship for a Sea Cadet HOUSE OF LEROY Balwyn Cellars Pty. Ltd. Unit which it is in the process of forming. Manufacturers of: Licensed Grocers Free delivery at your convenience President of the Queenstown LADIES FASHION WEAR Vintage Club Outlet Branch (Mr. L. Jacobs^ said the sea cadet unit would be the most 71 CITY ROAD 67 DONCASTER ROAD fortunate in Tasmania, and possibly Australia. SOUTH MELBOURNE NORTH BALWYN, VIC. Telephone: 85-1245 He said the Navy League had Telephone: 62-3384 already acquired the old railway shed building at Regatta Point for use as unit headquarters and that most cadet units had to wait a couple of years to obtain a head- Kindly Sponsored by . . F. & V. S. BERRY quarters building, let alone a vessel such as the Reginald M. Your Local Licensed Grocer Bob Buy's Motor Cycles Until purchased it seemed that the Reginald M. was destined to rot at its 45 FOOT STREET Leading Agents for OSSA. SUZUKI. KAWASAKI moorings at Regatta Point Wharf. FRANKSTON, VIC. and TRIUMPH MOTOR CYCLES Strahan. Now the vessel is being also Motor Mower Repairs given a new lease of life. But there is Free Delivery All Grocery Lines at Competitive one drawback. Since the ships of the Prices Well Slocked Range of Wines and Spirits Union Steamship Company ceased MANCHESTER ROAD using the Strahan Wharf a year or so MOOROOLBARK, VIC. ago due to the Mt. Lyell Co. sending Phone: 783 3121 Telephone 725-6937 their cargoes overland by road and rail to Burnie. it has fallen into

Page Sixty THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., AugySept/Oct. 1972 THE NAVY Page Sixty-one DALE CARNEGIE COURSES Gibney's Dry Cleaners for courses In: Pty. Ltd. •Effective Speaking 'Human Relations 'Control- ling Worry and Tensions • Developing Sett Confi- Hate just installed the per feel pleat, guaranteed no dence * Memory • Increase Enthusiasm AUSTRALIAN SEA GAI shrink curtain machine, just phone 35 2449 for pick up * Leadership Training. and delivery service. Contact: H yw m batwaaa the ages of 1) mi 18 yaan 309 South Terrace Roy G. Banks & Assoc. Sth. Kremantle, W.A. 44 Ventnof Avenue The Australian Sea Cadet Corps is a confirm they are capable of carrying sporting activities and other varied West Perth voluntary organisation administered out the normal duties and activities of subjects. Phone: 35-2617 by the Commonwealth Naval Board Phone: 21 7033 the Cadet Corps. If injured while on Instructional camps are arranged for and The Navy League of Australia. duty, Cadets are considered for Sea Cadets in Naval Establishments, The aim of the Australian Sea Cadet payment of compensation. and they are also given opportunities, Corps is to provide for the spiritual, Parades are held on Satuiday whenever possible, to undertake Bcsl Wishes lo All Naval Personnel from: afternoons and certain Units hold an FUNERAL DIRECTORS social and educational welfare of boys training at sea in ships of the Royal and to develop in them character, a additional parade one night a week. Australian Navv. sense of patriotism, self-reliance, The interesting syllabus of training Cadets, it considering a sea career, Noske Flour Mills MEAD SON & CO. covers a wide sphere and includes citizenship and discipline. are given every assistance to join the seamanship, handling of boats under Pty. Ltd. L. W.IWinl MEAD Uniforms are supplied free of charge. Royal Australian Navv. the Mercantile sail and power, navigation, physical Cadets are required to produce a Marine or the Royal Australian Naval FLOUR MILLERS. STOCK and 190 Albany Highway. V ictoria Park. W.A. training, rifle shooting, signalling, certificate from their doctor to Reserve, but there is no compulsion to POULTRY FEED MANUFACTURERS splicing of wire and ropes, general MODERN NEW PREMISES join these Services.

MARY TERRACE Phones: 61-1158,6-3482 For further information please contact the Divisional Senior Officer in your State, using the MURRAY BRIDGE. S.A. 5253 Ask us to send >ou a cop> of our informative r orm provided below. Telephone: Murray Bridge 32-2422 publication ... "Important factsconcerning funerals" Sealor Officers. Australian Sea Cadet Corps Adelaide Office: 40-4791 NEW SOUTH WALES: Staff Office Cadets. H.MAS VICTORIA: C/- Room (. 2nd Floor, S2« Collins St., Watson, Watsons Bay, N.S.W., MM. Melbourne. MM. QUEENSLAND: C/- 39 PIMCTOA Street, Camp Hill Bcsl Wishes lo all Naval Personnel from: With Compliments and Best Wishes to all Naval Queenaland. 4152. ' TASMANIA: C/- J Winnurieigh Street. Taroonn, 70*6. Personnel from: l, S R AN C PITAL WESTERN AUSTRALIA: C/- 182 Coode St., Como C1SZ £ . J !^ . * TERRITORY: Industry House, CELLULOSE National Clrcall, Barton, 2


Bcsl Wishes lo all Navy Personnel from: Best Wishes to All Naval Personnel from the .. . ALBERTON HOTEL STREET SUBURB S.A. STEVEDORING (P.* K. BRIEN, Prop.) CO. PTY. LTD. Call into our New Drive-in Bottle Department. STATE OR TERRITORY POST CODE The only Drive-in Bottle Department on the Up-SMe LIPSON STREET FRIENDLY & COURTEOUS ATTENTION PORT ADELAIDE 124 PORT ROAD PHONE No ALBERTON. S.A. AGE. Telephone: 47 5833 (Please Print Clearly) Telephone: 47 1069 Please address your envelope to the Senior Officer in your State oi Territory Page Slaty-two THE NAVY AugySept./Oet., 2 —see list of addresses above THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA QUEENSLAND DIVISION Annual Report Joyce Presented by the President, Surgeon Commander A. H. Robertson, R.A.N.V.R., on 25 August, 1972.

His Excellency the Governor of use. Certain recurring outlays must composed of men and women of Queensland, Air Marshal Sir Colin be provided for but the disposal of action. foldabeds Hannah, K.B.E., C.B., has consented the residue will require a balance The opening of the Headquarters to become Patron of the Queens- between the creation of Navy League of T.S. Bundaberg in November. land Division of the Navy League of assets, such as building additions 1971 was one of the most impres- Australia. Ha has indicated that ha and gifts to the Navy in the form of sive events in the nineteen years' will attend the Navy Day Dinner in equipment for the training of Naval history of the Queensland Division. Brisbane on 3 October. 1972. Reserve Cadets. Every aspect of ceremony, public can take it relations and fund raising was effec- During this financial year the pro- Rent will not continue indefinitely tively covered. The basic organi- tracted rationalisation process has and some Branches with short leases sation came from the Branch Execu- entered a decisive phase. In May. should prepare for eventual acqui- tive but the operation was a com- 1972. the President and the sition by the Navy. The overall policy bined effort by members, interested Honorary Secretary. Colonel P. V. 0. for Queensland would be an excel- lying down citizens, and many wives who pro- Fleming, met the Chief Property Offi- lent subject for a Divisional Con- vided secretarial and logistic cer of the Department of the vention which could be hosted north support. Interior to initiate the process of of Brisbane in 1973. leasing Navy League properties for The Federal Council met in Mel- Naval Reserve Cadet training. The Navy Day Dinner was held in bourne in December. 1971. and Brisbane during October. 1971 and delegates from every Division except Joyce Fold-a-beds are made to take it lying dov.n To simplify subsequent rental pay- among the guests were Rear Admiral the Northern Territory were Ready lor tho unexpected guests, taking up ments. the Committee controlling Stevenson, the Second Naval present despite the travel costs very little space. Fold-a-beds fold away T.S. Paluma agreed to receive their Member, and Mr. K. G. Day. the involved. Full discussion occurred ready to use in seconds There's a rents through the Navy League, thus dynamic secretary of the Bunda- but no significant policy changes .old-a-bed to suit you. See enabling future payments to be berg Branch, which seems to be developed. them on display at your administered by one authority in nearest furniture store, Brisbane. or write to Trojan- Mr. Huxham and his Officers have Please Support the Joyce Forsyth speedily implemented their survey Street. O'Connor. of properties and freely advised the Executive in all matters of pro- RED CROSS cedure so that it is probable that the first rent will be received before the Become A Blood Donor Today end of 1972. When the quarterly flow of income actually commences Branches The Life You Sove May Be Your Own should formulate a policy for its

Best wishes to ull members

PETER MARIOS Fruiterer and Greengrocer

411 Sturt St, B«ll«r*t. Phone: 31 2486 102 Bridge St.. Bailarat. Phone: 32 1131 On display at your nearest furniture store. 204 Sturt St, Ballarat. Phone: 311363 A TROJAN-JOYCE PRODUCT (A division of Joyce Bros.) Choice fruit & vegetables fresh daily Forsyth St., O'Connor. Free delivery service

PrmM .nd p„bl,.hM b, P„c„.l PuWnl™, Co PI, LM <62 870 El,..b.lh Sl.e.1, W.l.rloo, 2017 Phon, 699 2600 -,lh pi.fmi.iior ol th. N.vy I».,Uf of » Page Siity-four THE NAVY AugySept./Oct.. 1972

THE NAVY. Th« magazine cf th« Navy LM|U« of Australia Registered lor posting as a periodical — Category A

Close Liaison, the Navy Department Vol 34 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER-JANUARY, 1972-1973 No 4 and . . . CONTENTS Page Page

Periscope on Australia 3 Defence Report 1972 35

Book Review 51 RISLIT AUTOMOTIVE Idaal Christmas Gift 9 They Smooth the Troubled Nautical Notes from all Waters of Ship Design 54 Compass Points **

Sea Cadet Corps News 57 INDUSTRIES 198 Yaars Old — U.S. Navy's Posture Today 21 Corvettes for Nigeria 62

PIUS SUNDAY STORIES AND PHOTOGRAPHS Who are Proud to be Associated The views e*pressed in articles appearing in this publication are (hose of the authors concerned They do not necessarily represent the views ot the editor, the Navy League, or official opinions or policy with the Navy Department A» correspondence should be directed to Hw Editor. Box C17S. Clarence Street Post Office. Sydney. N.S.W.. Australia. 2000 * Contractors to the R.A.N. Published by the Navy League of Australia, Box 1719, G.P.O., Sydney, N.S.W., 2001; Phone: 2411008 ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION: PERCIVAL PUBLISHING CO. PTY. LTD. SYDNEY MELBOURNE ADELAIDE BRISBANE PERTH HOBART 86? Elizabeth Si Greenan Publications 17CurrleSt 72EagleSt 194 St George s Tee. 152Collin*St Waterloo Pty Ltd Adelaide. 5000 Brisbane. 4000 Perth, 6000 Mobart 7000 FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS N.S.W . 2017 374 Little Collins St Phone SI 6225 Phone: 31 2S31 Phone 224072 Phone 34 4098 Phone 6992600 Phone: 67 1334


RUSLIT AUTOMOTIVE PATRON: The Governor-General Hon. Secretory: Mrs V. M Slide. 12 Allen Street. Hon. Secretory: Miss E. C. Shorrocks. 528 Collins FEDERAL COUNCIL Street. Melbourne. 3000 Fannie Bay. N T . 5790 President: Commander F G. Evans. M.B.E.. South Australian Division Queensland Division V.R D. R.A.N.V.R. Patron: His Excellency, the Governor of South Vice-President- Captain L. F Vickrtdge. 0 B E . Patron: His Excellency the Governor of Queens- Australia. INDUSTRIES land. V R 0.. R.A.N.R President T. Francis Matters. Esq. Secretory: Lt. Cmdr A A Andrews. M.B.E.. RAN President Surgeon Commander A. H. Robert- Hon. Secretory: Miss Penny Wardle. Box 1529M. (Ret'd). 28 Royal Street. Chatswood. NS W.. son. R.A.N.V.R. G P 0.. Adelaide. 5001 2067 Hon. Secretory: Colonel P. V. 0. Fleming. E.D.. 39 Pinecroft Street. Camp Hill. Queensland. 4152. New South Wales Division Patron: Sir Guy Wyatt. K B E . C.B. Australian Capitol Territory MvMon Patron: His Excellency, the Governor ol New President Commander J Robb. R.N. (ret'd). Hsstdent Commander J B. Howse. V.R.D.. South Wales. Hon Secretory: Lieut. D. J. Heath. 3 Wmmarleigh 195 Parramatta Road, President: Commander L. Mackay-Cruise. R.D.. R.A.N.V.R. Street. Taroona. 7006 R.A.M.R. Hon. Secretory: Commander D. M. Blake. R.D.. Weetorn Australian Division Secretory: Lieut Cmdr. A. A. Andrews. M.B.E.. R.A.N.V.R.. 12 Darmody Street. Weetangera. Pie we His Excellency, the Governor ot Western R A N. (Ret'd). 28 Royal Street. Chatswood. 2067. A C T . 2614 Australia Auburn, N.S.W. Victorian Division Northern Territory Division PiilMliiL Captain L S. W Vichridaa. O B E Patron: His Excellency, the Governor ol Victoria. Patron: His Honour the Administrator. V.R.D.. R.A.N.R. President: Commander F. G. Evans. M.B.E.. President Lieut. Cmdr. J. J Ravenscroft. V.R.D.. Hen. Secretary: K. M Johnson. Esq Boa 57S. V R.D.. R.A.N.V.R. R.A.N.V.R. P.O Fremantte6160

AUSTRALIAN SLA CADET COUNCIL 648-0591 Phone 648-0591 Director of Naval Reserves and Cadets: Captain D. J. Martin. R A N.. Representatives of each Division of the Navy League. Chairman. Representative from T.S. Sydney. Snapper Island Staff Officer Sea Cadets: Lt. Cmdr E. D Sandberg. R A N. Merchant Shipping Representative. Federal President and Vice-President of the Navy League. Honorary Secretary: Lt. Cmdr. A. A Andrews. M.B E., R A N. (Ret'd)

Nov./Docyjan.t 1972-73 THE NAVY Pago One Season's Greetings to all Naval Personnel... leadership through l\>risco/)(> on [uslrnlio balanced design Lij Cjromnn'l

STRENGTH OF ARMED Duchess, originally loaned to the Michael Pollock. GCB. MVO. DSC. FORCES RAN by the Royal Navy, has been pur- visited Australia last September for The strength of the Permanent chased by Australia from the United discussions with Australian defence Forces as at 30 September. 1972. Kingdom for 150.000 pounds officials, including members of the totalled 81.393 — Navy 17.155; Sterling. Chiefs of Staff Committee and the Army 41.536; RAAF 22.702. The Naval Board. figures for the Navy represent an Duchess is to work in a role as a During his visit he called at HMAS increase of 21. in total strength over training ship and refitting and Platypus and later flew to New the June. 1972. figures. conversion is scheduled to begin late Zealand. this year. HMAS DUCHESS PURCHASED O 0 » ROYAL COLLEGE OF DEFENCE FROM UK BRITAIN'S FIRST SEA LORD STUDIES The Daring-class destroyer HMAS The First Sea Lord. Admiral Sir Fivfe Senior Service and civilian officers will attend the 1973 course at the Royal College of Defence Studies. London. The Australian students at the course: Captain B. H. Loxton. RAN; Brigadier D. R. Begg. OBE: Colonel D. F W. Engel. OBE; Group Captain G. G. Michael. OBE. AFC; Group Captain H. A. Hughes. DFC; Mr G. Adamson. Department of the Army. During the course representa- tives of Commonwealth and other countries receive training in the broadest aspects of strategy and study the organisation and direc- Mack Trucks tion of the resources of the Common- wealth for war.

NEW SUBMARINE The keel of the Royal Australian Navy's fifth Oberon-class sub- Australia Pty. Ltd. marine. HMAS Orion, was laid in the on Friday. 6 October. Construction of the $15 million BRISBANE: submarine at the yard of Scott Lith- gow Ltd is expected to take three years, followed by trials with the Royal Navy before Orion arrives in 1728 IPSWICH ROAD, ROCKLEA Austra'ia late in 1975. The sixth Oberon, HMAS Otama is due for delivery in 1976. QLD. 4106 Both submarines will be up-dated versions of the four Oberons now in service with the RAN. being equipped with sophisticated sonar, an Telephone: 47 1644 advanced Snort system for recharging batteries while sub- merged. and improved com- munications.

Page Two THE NAVY NovyDacyjan., 1972-73 S was originally loaned to the RAN to replace HMAS VOYAGER and hat now been | RAN foe usa as a tralnlm SEATO EXERCISE Eleven ships of the RAN (HMA Ships Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Kindly Sponsored by ... Supply, Stalwart, Onslow, Vampire, Derwent, Teal, Curlew and Snipe) participated in a major SEATO exer- cise held in the South China Sea t« sr from 16-29 October. I • T Ships and aircraft from New ID m Zealand, the Philippines. Thailand. United Kingdom and the United imc «• 'i. i States were involved in the exercise Griffith | named SEA SCORPION. The main phase of the exercise was designed to test convoy protection from submarine and air attack. Naval personnel at major ports of SEATO members' countries in the Laboratories area also conducted a "paper exercise" on the control of shipping in the South China Sea. • * • TURANA ACCEPTANCE TRIALS

The Turana target aircraft, being Pty. Ltd. developed by the Department of Supply for the Royal Australian Navy, completed a first series of acceptance trials at sea off Jervis Bay last August. The radio-controlled drones were launched and recovered from HMAS MANUFACTURING Swan, using part of the existing Ikara installation on the ship. FOOD CHEMISTS AND BLENDERS During the flights the aircraft were engaged by the ship's 4.5-inch guns JOINT EXERCISE WITH using non-explosive practice projec- INDONESIAN NAVY tiles. The first joint exercise between the The eleven-foot-long Turana Spices, Seasonings, Cures RAN and the Indonesian Navy was travels at speeds up to 500 knots and held from 13-20 November. is thus extremely difficult to hit at The exercise was designed to estab- long range. Scoring information is Soy-Proteins and Prague Powder lish mutually acceptable training pro- provided to the ship by a locally cedures and to test these pro- developed miss-distance recorder cedures in a combined sea passage. which detects the shock wave of the Australian vessels that partici- passing shell and transmits the pated were the guided missile information to a display unit in the 10 Ram age Street destroyer HMAS Brisbane and the ship's operation room. destroyer escort Derwent. The exercise was another step for- Two aircraft were used in the three ward in the growing co-operation flights, one being flown a second P.O. Box 157 between the two countries' Navies time after recovery from the sea. and a welcome addition to Aus- The flights took place at distances tralia's defence co-operation pro- of up to 20 miles from the ship, and gramme with Indonesia. the aircraft flew between heights of Bayswater 3153 200 and 15.000 feet. High-speed dive and low altitude attacks were effec- CHAIRMAN. CHIEFS OF STAFF tively simulated. COMMITTEE Turana is primarily designed as a The appointment of Admiral Sir Service target, but it has substantial TELEPHONE: 729 3511 . KBE. CB. DSC. as Chair- payload capacity and can also be man. Chiefs of Staff Committee, has used for battlefield reconnaissance been extended to 8 May. 1975. and similar purposes.

Nov ./Dm ./Jan., 1972-73 NovyDecyjan., 1972-73 Pag. Four THE NAVY THE NAVY Pace Five The cost of the contract is $70,000. The total cost of the project, including Navy supplied items, will be approximately $120,000. nu-swift For use in gunnery exercises, the craft will be capable of simulating evasive manoeuvres like those of a fast patrol boat. They will be THE LEADING NAME IN FIRE EXTINGUISHERS controllable from a shore base, vessel or helicopter. —V" It is planned that the first of the targets will undergo' initial Navy trials in December. 1972. and that the other craft will be delivered in 1973. The Navy will supply the radio- control equipment. ESW PATROL BOATS REGROUPED The existing Papua/New Guinea Engineering Pty Ltd of Brisbane will The First Australian Patrol Boat Patrol Boat Squadron retains its design and install an electronics Squadron was reorganised into identity. system to control the throttle and three squadrons from 1 September Other Permanent Naval Force steering. Permanent Naval Force vessels patrol boats are based at Jervis Bay A Perihelion-designed radar based in Sydney now form the First and at HMAS Cerberus. Patrol boats reflector fitted to the 7'/?-foot mast Australian Patrol Boat Squadron used by the Naval Reserve are still will simulate reflections made by and vessels based in Cairns and based at Brisbane. Sydney. Mel- much larger craft. Darwin are known as the Second and bourne and Fremantle. The hull, based on the commercial Third Squadrons respectively. • * « Haines Hunter V1600 hull, will be of The new squadrons will be under TARGETS FOR RAN glass reinforced plastic. The craft the command of the senior patrol A contract has been let with will be fitted with plastic foam boat officer afloat in each of the Perihelion Pty Ltd of Jindalee. buoyancy blocks to prevent it areas. Queensland, for the design and con- sinking if it is holed by solid practice Uni-Flath-i niolutioowy Three boats are based in Cairns, struction of radio-controlled surface shot. (ilinguiihif IOf ill tfPti ol targets for the Royal Australian llftl. but pfiMfilr 'Of uu on three in Darwin and two. with one in A Volvo/Penta 115/100 petrol liiniantving notof vihicltt operational reserve, in Sydney. Navy. engine will power each craft. indlnfilltttiicil equipment. Modtl 4001. lot. Auto CONTRIBUTIONS INVITED Thr editor nvitf . p. i suns ti> submit titul'". |)h(itotjr.t|jhs ,mmI (It.i .'mi hi,ti k ink 1 fni inclusion m th »• mutiuns submitted Co itrih'itio is IN mid J),' iildri'ssfil 1 In Editm 1 hi' IN.' . Hux «. Cl.m nrr ^r»" t Post Off I. . S idii.-s MSI'. .'(HID Aust!.ill.' The NU-SWIFT range of Th.- f elitor riot's not In,Id limsrll 1 fspiinsiltli' Im m.inusi Mf)t tlnmi(h .. 1 . will extinguishers covers all !)»• m.idf ti> rt'ti irn thosr with vhith .1 sl.impi-il fill nidi ,'ssed • 11. rlf,|). 1 . 1. I

Merry Christmas & Happy Nc» Year to all Naval and Best wishes from Bx-Naval Personnel from West Australian agents T. EARLY & SONS Cross Country Motel and distributors PTY. LTD. Princes Hwy., Nowra, N.S.W. Manufacturers of 19 most attractive suites, including family units. QUALITY FURNITURE All have been redecorated and modernised. 44 Belmont Avenue 300 LYTTON ROAD Piped Music — Television — Refrigerators Swimming Pool and Restaurant — Most COLMSLIE, OLD- 4170 reasonable tariff Belmont Phone 650111 Telephone: 95 2788 Phone NOWRA 2 0281

Nov ./Dec ./Jan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Sevan Page Six THE NAVY Nov./Dec./Jan.. 1972- MERCANTILE CREDITS The Ideal Christmas Gift LIMITED Have regular copies of "The Navy" magazine sent to your friends as a Christmas gift COST. ONLY $1.30 (within Australia or $2 overseas) FOR ONE YEAR. It couldn't be simpler — just complete the form provided below. The editor will forward a Christmas card with a copy of the magazine to advise 62 7364 your friends that the magazine comes as a gift from YOU.


FINANCE TO: Tha Editor. "The Navy" Magazine, MOTOR CAR & TRUCK FINANCE Box CI78. Clarence Street Pott Office. Sydney, New South Wales. Australia. 2000.

Please add the names entered hereunder to the list ol subscribers lor 1973 to "The Navy' MERCANTILE CREDITS LIMITED Magazine. I enclose $1.30 or $2 (refer notes above) lor each name entered.



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NovyDacyjan.. 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Nina Page Eight THE NAVY Nov./DacyJan., 1972-73 Nautical Notes from all Compass Points

- 'una r

BRAZIL Board (DRB) established a second course, speed and depth and it can Ikara for Brazilian Navy radar receiver system at Cambridge take evasive action when under As lirst reported in these Notes in Bay. on Victoria Island, about 550 attack. The DMT can operate at an earlier edition ol "The Navy". miles to the west. Actual experi- depths down to 1,200ft (360m) and WAYNE (A/Asia) Ikara. the Australian-developed anti- ments began in October following stay submerged lor almost two submarine guided-weapon system is testing of both facilities, and are hours. Powered by a silver zinc to be fitted to ships of the Brazilian scheduled to conclude in August. battery, it has a maximum speed of Navy 1973. 26 knots. The launcher, missiles and asso- Although minute in size compared Conventional radar is limited by ciated equipment will be worth with a submarine, the target is line-of-sight restrictions. One way to approximately $20 million, repre- equipped with electronic devices to extend the range is to ure OTH radar. Pty. Ltd. senting the largest single sale of simulate the dynamic and acoustic OTH radar detects airborne defence equipment designed and characteristics of a full-sized objects beyond the horizon by produced in Australia. submarine. bouncing radar waves oil the The Ikara system for Brazil, ionosphere 60-160 miles above the One ol the DMT's most important including missiles and support earth's surface. As the fluctuating facilities is a miss-distance indicator equipment, will be supplied under a nature of the ionosphere sometimes which computes and records the per- contract between the Australian reduces the radar's elfectiveness. formance of attacking weapons up Department ol Supply and its additional data is needed to evaluate to 350 yards (320m) away from the ONE OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCERS overseas sales representative the operational and cost effec- target. On recovery, these records Hawker Siddele, Dynamics Ltd. UK. tiveness ot OTH radar in polar enable the evaluator to tell not only who will provide the equipment to OF POWER SWEEPERS FOR latitudes. how close the weapon passed to the the British shipbuilding firm Vosper target but whether it missed ahead COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Thornycrott Ltd and will be respon- Remote control radio beacons may or astern, to port or to starboard. sible lor its installation, with be established at several sites in the The torpedo-shaped deep mobile support from the Department of high Arctic to simulate targets for target is 12.75in (32.3cm) in Supply. testing the radar. diameter and weighs about 5001b The Ikara weapon system is (230kg). It can be launched from a already at sea in ships ol the RAN ship, either by tube or chute, and and is to be fitted to lurther units of from an aircraft. On hitting the water y.|j|. TIIIIII 67 LEVANSWELL ROAD the Australian Fleet. A modified u..p noon, i. |vu it sinks to a programmed initial version of the system to the require- Recording Designs (EMI) Ltd. is to depth before starting off on its run. ments of the Royal Navy, known as supply the German Research Estab- For recovery purposes, the target is RN Ikara. is incorporated in HMS lishment lor Underwater Weapon fitted with a 9.5 kHz sonar "beeper" MOORABBIN, VIC. Bristol, the type 82 destroyer Ikara Systems with a number of its deep which automatically emits a is also fitted to Lundw-class mobile targets — torpedo-shaped homing signal when the DMT of the RN programmable submersibles surfaces after its run. Strenuous efforts are being made employed for torpedo evaluation Telephone: 95 5392, 95 7035 • • • to sell Ikara to other countries, and and as low-cost submarine simu- the prospects appear to be good lators for anti-submarine exercises • • • by surlace vessels. The German con- Acoustic UndOTMtar Tracking tract also includes an amount of Rant* Polar Cap III acoustic underwater tracking equip- ment. Recording Designs (EMI) Ltd. ol the 76 VIOLET STREET, REVESBY An $8 million joint Canada/USA United Kingdom, is to supply the evaluation of Over-the-Horizon This 10.5ft-long unmanned sub- Italian Navy with an acoustic under- (OTH) radar in the Canadian Arctic's mersible has been developed to pro- water tracking range which will be SYDNEY, N.S.W. Auroral Belt has commenced at Hall vide a realistic target for training used to evaluate torpedo per- Beach on Melville Peninsula. sonar operators at a fraction of the formance and other underwater Called Polar Cap III. the project cost of using training submarines. weaponry currently being developed will be conducted by the Defence The DMT is also employed to inves- by Italy. Telephone: 77 3046 Research Board in collaboration tigate the efficiency of both active The acoustic tracking system com- with the Air Force. homing torpedoes and passive ones prises hydrophone assemblies sus- Installation of both the USAF radar which rely on the noise from a sub- pended from three moored buoys and its associate receiver at Hall marine underway. and a transportable control cabin Beach began in June. 1972. At the Controlled by a punched-tape pro- containing three-dimensional plot- same time, the Delence Research gramme. it can be made to alter ting facilities and computer-

Nov./Dec ./Jan., 1972-73 NovyDKyjan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Paf. El.v.n Pag. Ten THE NAVY corvettes armed with guided loaded into the central cabin. Bulky NAinu:Ai Nuns missiles. stores are carried externally on the It has been provisionally decided to sidedecks. In this role, a payload of controlled analysis equipment. build a number of the vessels 14 tons, comprising mixed loads of Equipped with its own diesel- overseas and to investigate the V« ton trucks, scout cars, howitzers Kindly Sponsored by . . . powered generator, the air- possibility of building others in and anti-tank guns may be carried. conditioned cabin can be based on South Africa. For combat missions, the side- land or on board ship. Already negotiations with Portu- decks can be used to carry During exercise operations, the guese governmental agencies and surface/surface or surface/air mis- progress ot underwater vehicles or industrial concerns to build the sile systems, such as Exocot, See weapons such as submarines and hulls of the vessels in Portugal have Sparrow or See Kilter and the central torpedoes is tracked by the hydro- reached an advanced stage. cabin can be adapted for use as an phones which transmit the Camperdown- operations and fire-control centre. • . • intormation to the control station by • • • a UHF radio link. In the shore or ship- UNITED KINGDOM based control centre, the speed and HydropkX Makes Charts HOVER VEHICLE direction of the underwater The RN has specifically stipulated FOR WAR vehicles are displayed on an X-Y that its latest "H" class ocean sur- A British company has designed a Glenormiston plotting system with a depth dis- veying ship, currently under con- revolutionary warship — a play unit providing a real-time struction. be fitted with the hovercraft that packs all the arma- indication of the depth ol each computer-based hydrographic ment punch of a small frigate. vehicle being tracked. A compre- system developed by Marconi Space Vosper Thornycroft. which hensive computer system ensures and Defence Systems Limited. Called specialises in making small accurate and rapid analysis of the HYDROPLOT, this will be the first warships, says although only still at 1 performance of each vehicle after such system to be installed during the "paperwork ' stage, the hover- Dairying craft is based on the company's VT-1 the exercise. the building of a vessel. Hoverferry. The Recording Designs trans- Based on the 900 series of com- By using the hovercraft portable tracking system has a puters. Hydropiot. is used to cor- technique, the company claims i» number of advantages compared relate data from any number of will have certain advantages ovei with alternative designs ot ranges seabed and navigational sources. By conventional craft. employing either hydrophones processing this information in real Company The hover patrol boat will have a located permanently on the seabed time, the system can rapidly pro- speed of 46 knots. or fitted to booms carried by surface duce a plot of the measured para- vessels. meters and ship's position as the Its weapon-load will be equivalent to that of a small frigate Unlike a permanent seabed track- work progresses, with an accuracy Its speed and shallow draught will ing range, the EMI range can be used well within the Admiralty's renowned make it virtually immune to torpedo in a variety ot locations and is easily standards. Limited attack and very difficult to see air-freighted between sites. It achieves a high degree of tracking BRITISH HOVERCRAFT HIGH SPEED capability and the system can be Mora Orders from Iran A company spokesman said. "We easily extended or modified to meet The Imperial Iranian Navy has have found over extensive trials that future requirements. • • • placed the largest contract ever the hovercraft offers very good load- PRINCES HIGHWAY received for hovercraft, worth five carrying. is most economical, has NEW ZEALAND million pounds Sterling. The very high speeds and excellent Fishery Protection Veeeets contract is with the British Hover- seakeeping." New Zealand is to buy four craft Corporation for the supply of Another advantage is that it can be CAMPERDOWN, VIC. fisheries protection patrol boats four 60-knot Wellington (BH7) class beached for repairs on any hard, from British yards to replace its hovercraft. sloping surlace. and yet can be tied aging navy fleet Already the Imperial Iranian Navy up to a jetty like any other boat They will cost about $1.5 million is the largest hovercraft operator in • • • each and be delivered in about two the world with eight 10-ton SR-N6 Converted Hovercraft for Brttlsh years. and two 50-ton BH7 Mk 4 craft in Army The vessels are 107ft long and service on a fully operational basis. LEURA-GLEN BUTTER capable of 18 knots and will be The craft to be supplied are of the Two SR-N6 Mk 5 hovercraft built armed with cannon, mortars and BH7 Mk 5 type — the latest variant ot by the British Hovercraft Corpora- machine guns. BH7 — which has been designed as a tion have been handed over for Some of the New Zealand Navy's multi-role craft. service with the British Army. existing patrol boats are unfit tor In external appearance, it differs These new cralt are based on two 7 offshore duties and are unable to mainly from the existing BH 7 Mk 4 in ton SR-N5 hovercraft, and their Telephone: Camperdown 93 1666 match modern fishing trawlers for that it features wide flat sidedecks conversion to the SR-N6 Mk 5 speed. instead of troop cabins adjacent to standard involved substantial • • • the main central cabin. modification and new construction. SOUTH AFRICA For logistic support and re-entry Radically different in appearance Ne* Corvettes operations, the bow door is retained from previous craft, the SR-N6 Mk 5 South Africa is to acquire six to enable vehicles and weapons to be is 53 feet in length, some 5 feet

NovyDecyjan.. 1972-73 NovyDacyjan., 1972-73 PafaTwahra THE NAVY THE NAVY Pi|c Thirteen NAUTICAL NOUS

longer than the standard craft, and features an open well-deck, flat side- decks and twin control-passenger This Page Kindly Sponsored by. cabins. The craft were built to meet a vehicle-carrying requirement, and are capable of accepting a dispos- able load of 14.000 pounds. Typical cargoes include Land Rovers, tracked snow vehicles, and 105mm howitzers, but troops and other equipment can also be carried H. J. HEINZ should the need arise. Although heavier than the SR-N6 Photo* show the British SR N6 Mk 5 hovercraft, racantiy acquired by the British Army to moot a Mk 2. these craft possess a com- whida carrying raqukamanL parable performance with additional power for lift and propul- sion coming from 1000 shp Rolls Co. Aust. Royce Marine Gnome 1201 gas turbine engine. a a a RADOT TRAINER GOES INTO OPERATION AT HMS DRYAD Limited An $160,000 Ferranti Radar Operator Training Equipment (RADOT). has recently become fully operational at the Royal Navys shore training establishment. HMS Dryad. The equipment was installed in November 1971. RADOT provides facilities to train Manufacturers of the personnel in the recognition of different types of echo and the many forms of radar clutter, interference and jamming. It also enables the so desired. The system includes a worth $140,000 to the Ministry of operators to familiarise themselves Famous facility whereby any selected group Defence (Navy). The lamps are for with the use of their display controls, of displays can be switched to any of use on ships engaged in night reporting procedures and with the four recorders, thus giving operations. radar plotting. The equipment, complete flexibility to the training The colour of the lamps is critical, which is completely portable, can programme. and is pitched at a point of the be used to feed live radar video to the The radar recorders may be used spectrum which enables personnel display system of an operations HEINZ 57 VARIETIES in conjunction with any standard using them to see without upsetting room in a ship or at the shore surveillance radar currently in their night vision. trainer, so that a crew may be service. It is designed so that it can The lamps, rated at 40W and 60W trained in their respective responsibi- be plugged directly into the video in four voltages, are made to a rigid lities. when no other source of live distribution system, and no MOD (Navy) specification and have radar is available. modification of the radar is specially-designed caps and The equipment supplied to Dryad required. Similarly, the recorder filaments to withstand the shock and consists of four Ferranti radar may be interfaced to any type of vibration of a ship in action. recorders each comprising a video display, and to any number of PRINCES HIGHWAY tape deck and an interface unit. The different displays. a • a recorder can be coupled with radar In addition to its training function. Radar Beacon for Marine Navigation receivers to record live data, or to a RADOT has operational uses in Buoys display system for playback. recording exercise data from sea Positive identification of marine Operators under training, either at operations for later evaluation. buoys and markers on a ship's radar DANDENONG sea or ashore, will thus see radar in a a • screen is made possible with a new exactly the same form as they would Night Operation Lamps pulse-coded radar beacon, or Racon. in re^l conditions at sea. The system for Navy introduced by EMI Electronics and at Dryad is currently feeding up to Crompton Parkinson Ltd.. a Industrial jOperations. Fitted to a 40 displays, but has sufficient capa- Hawker Siddeley Electric company, navigational buoy, this solid-state city to feed a much larger number if is to supply special ruby glass lamps transponder transmits a coded

THE NAVY NovyDecyjan., 1972-73 NovyDecyjan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Pafe Fifteen Page Fourteen NAUTICAL NOTES

signal which results in an enhanced echo on a ship's radar. The battery-powered Racon costs This page kindly sponsored by . under $2,000. and is one of the cheapest high performance devices of its type available. It is effective at ranges up to eight nautical miles depending upon marine traffic conditions. A range of seven different five-bit codes is available GIBBS BRIGHT for the beacon s RF transmissions. & CO. PTY. LTD.

Agents for:

position of the navigational marker Lieutenant-Commander Drury. by appearing as a line of "dashes" who was designated a public affairs commencing from the buoy's officer, will assist the Navy in its Law, Union & Rock position. This line of radar echoes information programme. He is to measures about 3.000 yards long on be attached to the Navy Public the PPI range scale and can be Affairs Office. West Coast. identified by the Racon's preset code. • • • Cylindrical in appearance, the EMI Litton Awards $39.3 Million Multi- Racon is lighter and more compact Year Sub-Contract to Univac for US Insurance Co. Ltd. than most competitive devices. It Navy Destroyer Computer Systems Positive identification of marina buoys and weighs about 201b and is 9in high Litton Industries has awarded to markers on a ship's radar screen It mad* and has a diameter of 8in. the Univac Division of Sperry Rand posslbU wrth a new pulsa-coded radar baacon, or • e m Racon. Fitted to a navifational buoy, this toMd- Corporation a multi-year sub- state transponder transmits a codad tignal which USA contract with a potential value of results in an enhanced acho on a ship's radar. The Virginian Goes Navy $39.3 million to produce basic The coded transmission is Actor James Drury. well known for shipset electronic computer 143 QUEEN STREET, MELBOURNE triggered off by the scanning signals his TV roles in "The Virginian" and systems for 30 US Navy Spruance- of a ship s radar — these signals "Man From Shiloh". was recently class (DD-963) destroyers. being picked up in the Racon by an commissioned a Naval Reserve The initial award is for $28.1 mil- RF receiver via a slotted wave-guide officer on Universal Studio's back lion. This covers the production of VICTORIA aerial. Transmitted every 40 lot in Universal City. California. computer systems for a shore seconds, the RF output of the Mr Drury. who received a direct station and the sixteen ships funded transponder is slowly swept over the commission as a lieutenant-com- by Congress. marine frequency band with a fast mander. was sworn in by Captain L. Design, production, integration amplitude-modulated waveform V. Altz. commanding officer of the and test of the destroyer's Telephone: 67 9551 superimposed on it to broaden Los Angeles Navy Recruiting Dis- electronics system will be con- effectively the bandwidth of the trict. The special ceremony was ducted by Litton's Data Systems divi- ship's radar. staged on the western set where sion. Van Nuys. California. On the ship's PPI display, the "The Virginian" television series Each of the basic shipset systems beacon's signal pinpoints the was filmed. to be manufactured by Univac's

Nov ./Dec./Jan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Seventeen Page Sixteen THE NAVY NovyDacyJan.. 1972-73 supply of six fast patrol boats for the NAUTICAL NOILS Venezuelan Navy. Armed with modern fire controlled, Defence Systems Division plants in guns and missiles, these fast craft. St Paul. Minnesota, and Salt Lake 37 metres in length, have been City. Utah, will consist of a three designed by Vosper Thornycroft processor AN/UYK-7 computer especially to meet the requirements system and supporting equipment. of the Venezuelan Navy. The AN/UYK-7. which will be wired Delivery of the first patrol craft will for future expansion, is a general take place in the autumn of 1974. purpose high performance com- puter adaptable to a wide variety of real-time data processing appli- cations. It will be utilised as part of SUBSCRIPTION FORM the command and decision sub- system aboard the US Navy Spruance-class destroyers. This To "The Navy", computer system combines the Box C178. Clarence Street Post Office. advantages of modular building Sydaey. N.S.W.. 2000, Australia. block construction and micro- electronic integrated circuits to pro- I enclose SI JO knag 'subscription lo "The Nity" magazine foe I year vide high reliability and fast pro- I refer notes below I. For training - this lull-scale "boilerplate" of the deap submergence rescue vehicle (DSRV). New Ship Class cessing speeds. which the US Navy will use to rescue crewman from sunken submarines Is shown prior to tests in a The patrol frigate (PF). a new class "wet tank". The mod*! was used to train the handli.* crews. The Spruance-class. the first of ship, will have Both AAW and ASW Name general purpose destroyer pro- capabilities, for use as an ocean duction programme since the late The 50-foot, torpedo-shaped Deep Connecticut, to provide the pro- escort. Presently in the Ship System Street 1950s, will be the backbone of the Submergence Rescue Vehicle pulsive power plants for a new type Design Phase, contract award for the US Navy's destroyer forces in the (DSRV) passed 5.000 feet an hour of naval vessel called the Coastal lead ship is expected in April. 1973. The 420-foot. 3.400ton ships will 1970s and beyond. The primary after submerging and sat briefly on Patrol Interdiction Craft (CPIC). Suburb mission of these ships is anti- the bottom at 5.128 feet have a single shaft, controllable- Each CPIC will require three tur- reversible pitch propeller, powered submarine warfare, including Developed for the Navy by Lock- bines and the engine model chosen by two 20.000-shp gas turbine State Postcode operations as an integral part of heed Missiles and Space Co. DSRV's is the Avco Lycoming TF25. one of a engines. Each PF will have a hull- carrier task forces. The destroyers 1 and 2 are the major elements in a family of Lycoming engines which mounted sonar, over-the-side were designed by Litton Ship prospective rescue system for have been marinised for sea use torpedoes. LAMPS helicopters with Date Systems. Culver City. California. saving the lives of submarine crew- applications. torpedo-delivery capability, stan- Using modular techniques, they will men whose vessels are stranded on i Please Print Clearly i be series-produced in Litton Ship dard surface-to-air and surface-to- the ocean floor. Please make cheques, postal orders or money orders payable lo "The US Navy officials report that the surface missiles, and a point Systems' new ship production The highly manoeuvrable rescue new CPIC boat, with its tri-turbine defence gun. About 50 ships may be Navy League". facility at Pascagoula. Mississippi. subs can seal themselves to the power train, will be capable of attain- built with deliveries expected Please place a tick in the square if a receipt is required I—1 Litton was awarded the prime escape hatch of a stricken vessel and ing very high speeds. Each of the Subscriptions commence in January of each year, at which time a multi-year contract from the US take aboard as many as 24 rescuees between 1977 and 1982 boat's three Lycoming engines is • • • subscription reminder notice is forwarded to current subscribers — Navy with a potential ceiling price of on each dive. rated at 2.250 shaft horsepower (59 Annual Subscription within Australia $1.30. Overseas Subscription $2 (Sea $2.14 billion for the production of The DSRV system is designed to be VENEZUELA degree day) and they will drive three Mail). 30 Spruance class (DD-963) highly mobile to provide quick, Fast Patrol Boati propellers. 'Persons commencing subscriptions to "The Navy" magazine during destroyers in June. 1970. The three A contract valued at over $12 mil- worldwide response to submarine the quarter commencing APRIL lie. sub for yearsi should remit increments funded so far in this lion has been signed between the disasters. The goal of the system is Delivery of the first engines to $2 30: JULY isub for 14 years I $2.00: and OCTOBER isub for Pi years i planned five consecutive fiscal year Ministry ot Defence of Venezuela to place a DSRV on the site of an Tacoma Boatbuilding Inc was made SI 60 procurement programme are $214 accident within 24 hours of its and Vosper Thornycroft Limited ol during August of this year Subscriptions for shorter periods than 12 months cannot be accepted. million in FY 1970 three ships. occurrence. Portsmouth. England, lor the $357.8 million in FY 1971 for six The rescue subs can be trans- Avco Lycoming also has sold its ships and $417 4 million in FY 1972 ported on their own specially marinised gas turbine engines for for seven ships. designed trucks, and the complete use in powering some of the Navy's The contract to Univac is one in a system can be airlifted aboard three Riverine-type boats, as well as in FLY AROUND THE WORLD FOR ROBIN HOOD INN three different commercial ferry continuing series of significant C-141 jet transports. DSRV can be ONLY $727.10 major sub-contracts that are being carried to the accident site on a sur- hovercraft, soon to be operating in both Europe and Japan. BLACKTOWN, N.S.W. awarded on this important national face submarine rescue ship, or it (On regular international airlines) defence effort to produce a fleet of can ride piggyback aboard a sub- More powerful versions also have (Popular Mine Host. JOHN LAZAN AS) these advanced multi-mission merged nuclear attack submarine. been selected for the four-engine Single air ticket to London only $435 destroyers for the US Navy. • • • power plants of two Amphibious • • * Contract to Power New Navy Craft Assault Landing Craft prototypes in Howard Smith Travel Centres • Icy Cold Tooths Beer at Its Best Rescue Sub Dives 5,000 Feet An initial $669,892 contract for the Navy's AALC programme, and • Popular Snack Bar The US Navy's second rescue sub- gas turbine engines and spares, for one of the Navy's two 80-koot Sydney: 269 George Street - 27 5611: Melbourne: 522 Collins marine has completed its first deep from the Tacoma Boatbuilding Cor- Surface Effect Ship testcraft proto- "Street - 62 3711; Framantte: 1 Mouatt Street — 35 6133: dive to 5.000 feet. 35 miles south- poration. has been awarded to Avco types which is already undergoing Nawcattt* 16 Watt Street - 24711 Cairns: 18 Abbot Street — Phone: 622-0205 2115-6 west of San Diego. Lycoming Division. Stratford. sea trials.

Page Eighteen THE NAVY Nov./DecyJan., 1972-73 Nov/Dacyjan.. 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Nineteen 198 YEARS OLD ^ m GROWN FOR VP°RT "RIVERLAND" ^f^.BY EXPERTS THE US NAVY'S


Australia's Finest Export Quality



Compliments to the members of H.M.A.S. Cerberus and their families

FLINDERS by JOC Byron S. Whitehead Jnr, US Navy This article was especially prepared for 'The Navy" magazine by the US Department of the Navy

HOTEL In the 1970s the United States lulled by a false sense of security The Office of Emergency Pre- maritime force, which has enjoyed a bred from victories in past wars. paredness (OEP) in Washington not position of superiority on the high only confirmed this figure but pro- The US Navy's primary strategic seas in recent history, is finding vided additional emphasis: "Of the mission is to provide a mobile shield FLINDERS itself face to face with a formidable 72 raw materials. 60 must be with enough retaliatory power to foe. imported in whole or in part". ensure adversaries will not be The preceding statement, in its tempted to strike first: in a word, In other words the US is a raw A Cool Beer with warm cheer briefest language, is the US Navy's deterrence. Freedom of the seas is materials-deficient nation, "tit for tat" posture today. another Navy role which provides dependent upon waterborne com- Counter Lunch served daily The challenge affects the well- peaceful commerce and com- merce for imports from all corners being of all Americans, as well as munications essential to US national of the earth. To cite a few. according their allies. But while the military Remember, Chaps! When at the Gunnery interests. to OEP reports: has an insight into the adversity of Range call in for a Cold Beer the many current challenges the There are no less than 72 raw The US must have manganese to US faces, many people are toying materials and commodities that the make steel — 85% of this material is withx the old cliche of overlooking US cannot do without if its present imported. It must have columbite. a Telephone: FLINDERS 89 0201 threats they cannot see or do not economy is to be maintained — an stabiliser in stainless steel — the US understand. For too long now much economy and nation that consumes imports 90%: also 86% of bauxite of the American public has been 30 per cent of the world's energy. requirements, the ore from which

Pag* Twenty THE NAVY NovyDacyJan., 1972-73 NovyDecyjan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Twenty-one every year, and that figure is passenger-carrying ships on 150 198 YEARS OLD increasing each year by six per cent. regular routes. aluminium is refined. Chromite By 1980 the US will require 60 to 80 This fast-growing mercantile imports, used to toughen steel, come tankers to import its requirements capability is centrally controlled and to 90%. And. remarkably, more than of this valuable fuel. Today the US co-ordinated by the Soviet Govern- 99% of the tin and one-third of the has only one such specialised ment. and available for integrated entire world supply of crude and "freezer" tanker. operations with the Soviet Navy. refined oil is imported by the US. There are some 9.000 free world The para-military nature of the Due to increasing reliance on oil in and Communist merchant ships Russian maritime fleet and its T. & G. the US. by 1980 this nation may have moving commerce across the seas growing Navy are in sharp contrast an oil deficit of one million barrels a daily. Of this number, only five per to the decline of US commercial flag day for the West Coast alone. cent are American. vessels and warships. The increasing The Australasian Temperance and These raw materials are not In other words, the 200 million reliance on foreign flag vessels to everyday household words, but the American people, six per cent of the transport US ocean cargo pre- products manufactured by the US world's population who enjoy the sents a new vulnerability to foreign General Mutual Life Assurance from these resources are. eg. braces world's richest economy, rely on political and military influence. In for children's teeth, gas for auto- foreign merchant ships to bring 95% times of general or regional crisis, it mobiles. washing machines and of US trade to its shores. is not difficult to envisage the pres- Society Limited dryers. TV sets, drilling rigs, earth- The US took delivery of 22 sures and intimidation that a moving equipment, aircraft, tele- merchant ships in 1969. That figure capable adversary might direct phones. and many more. may seem like a lot. Compare it. towards foreign governments and Incorporated in Victoria in 1876, the T. & G. is one of the largest life assurance In 1961 the US developed a tech- however, to the 79 ships of the same their flag carriers to bring US com- offices in Australia and New Zealand. It has branches and offices throughout these nique to cool natural gas to 260 size or larger the Russians com- merce to a standstill. two countries and its assets are over $700 million. degrees below zero so it could be missioned during the same period! What does this mean to Americans? liquefied and hauled in ships. This Between 1958 and 1968 Soviet Besides providing all kinds of life assurance and superannuation plans, the Take Texas as an example. The last was a big technological break- worldwide seaborne trade Bureau of Census survey available Society, with its subsidiary, the T. & G. Fire and General Insurance Company through considering that US increased from 26 to 114 million (1969) shows the state exported 1V4 Limited, is able tc offer complete insurance protection. industry, offices and homes burn 32 long tons (one long ton is 2.240 billion dollars worth of overseas Young men and women can enjoy satisfying and interesting careers in the trillion cubic feet of natural gas pounds). In 1969 Russia had 170 shipments. This translates into Society's service. 150.000 jobs. As a portion of this. Corpus Christi (Texas) exported Prospects are good for young men in Accounting, Electronic Data Processing. almost $50 million in goods, which Investments, Actuarial and Administration progress depends on ability. Young equates to 5.000 jobs. ladies are employed as stenographers, typists, clerks, punch card and accounting It takes little imagination to see machine operators. that, if the Soviet Union should ever Qualifications:— dominate the sea lanes and ocean trade. US maritime interests could Leaving standard passes in English and three other subjects including, for become dependent upon Soviet will. preference. Mathematics or Commercial subjects. What Russia needs in terms of mili- Young ladies need Intermediate as a minimum. tary preparedness is different from Training:— US needs. Russia is primarily a land power with a great potential enemy On the job. Financial assistance for approved part-time courses. to its East. With extensive coast lines, Five-day week. Good salaries. Generous home Finance terms. Superannuation the US. of course, is a maritime Scheme. Non-Contributory Medical BeneFits Scheme. Good working conditions. Staff nation and thus US national security Dining Room. Social and Sporting Club. Library.

Further details from:—


Page Twenty-two THE NAVY Nov^Dec./Jan., 1972-; McCOLL ELECTRIC WORKS Pty. Ltd. A.C. & D.C. MOTORS & GENERATORS 198 YEARS OLD The Soviets have projected their of Okhotsk and Japan, the Barents. DIESEL ALTERNATOR POWER PLANTS presence throughout the oceans of Norwegian. North. Philippine. needs are different, but this is only the world with increasing visibility in Mediterranean. Black and Baltic MOTOR CONTROL EQUIPMENT AND SWITCHBOARDS part of the picture. It is the contrast- the 1960s, and in the 1970s in par- seas. To US observers it was a posi- DYNAMOTORS ing developments in overall mari- ticular. This expanded presence has tive indication of a growing Soviet time activity — seapower in its had a profound political effect in sophistication in naval planning and broadest sense — that reveals the many areas. Their optimisation of conduct of worldwide operations, alarming nature of Soviet growth. air. surface and submarine forces and demonstrated the existence of a 134 SPRINGVALE ROAD It would be helpful here to realise has given them a capability to deal a capable command and control the doctrine of the seas, a doctrine damaging blow should a naval organisation. built by the nations of the world to conflict take place. So many people in America do not SPRINGVALE establish coastal boundaries and to Soviet naval deployments to the understand the seriousness of the establish international laws for free Indian Ocean commenced in 1968. Soviet Navy threat; a threat being use of the international sea lanes. They have maintained a con- designed to deny the US the use of Telephone: 546 8622 Whatever the law of the sea. tinuous combatant naval presence the seas to support itself and its 1 however, when nations fight they there since May. 1969. Soviet nava allies overseas. units have made numerous goodwill cross the sea at their own risk. The Furthermore, the people's distrust visits to the nations of the Indian forces of each will do their utmost to for the war in Asia is such that they Ocean littoral and have sought to deny passage of military and often- do not even want to talk about broaden their influence through times commercial shipping to the means of preventing such an even- assistance to these nations. Kindly Sponsored by ... other(s). Throughout history, the tuality. In such a climate, the desire In April. 1970. the Soviets con- great and powerful nations were is to put one's own head in the sand ducted a worldwide command, usually those able to maintain and hope the whole affair will control and operations exercise control of the seas. From ancient disappear. Persia to World War II. empires fell which is noteworthy. It was the FAIRCHILD when they lost their influence on the widest in scope conducted by any In the long view of history. Russia's sea. Even the land- and ice-locked post World War II navy. It lasted three current drive for maritime domi- Soviet Union had to rely heavily on weeks and involved over 200 ships nance may well become the most US seaborne support to resist the with heavy air activity. It included important development of the latter Nazi onslaught. simultaneous operations in the half of this century. The ambitious maritime policy of the USSR is sup- (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LTD. At the end of World War II the US Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the seas Navy was supreme, numbering in the order of 5.000 ships. Through subsequent years these numbers Transistors — Diodes — Integrated Circuits were severely reduced through post- and Elco Connectors war economics, although a peak force of about 1.000 ships was Distributors for G.E. Range of reached during the Vietnam conflict. Fiscal restraints, beginning in 1969. Semi Conductors necessitated new reductions. On 1 July. 1972. the US Navy numbered 658 active ships. While the US has been steadily 420 Mt. Dandenong Road, Croydon, Vic. decreasing its fleet, the Soviets embarked on a programme in the late 1950s which reveals a singular TELEPHONE: 723 4131 awaVeness of the importance of sea power and an unmistakable resolve to become a powerful maritime force.

P«f(Twenty-four THE NAVY Nov ./Dec./Jan., 1972- Electrical Installations Pty. Limited

Specialists in all classes of electrical ship repairs, motor and dynamo repairs, installation of light and power, radar and instrument wiring

6 Napoleon Street, Sydney TELEPHONE: 29 5311

* Contractors to The Royal Australian Navy

198 YEARS OLD areas of vital interest, such as the this respect. Russia is going ahead Middle East or Berlin. Our President, with its submarine-launched bal- ported by a number of major pro- whoever he is. would have to nego- listic missile development and grammes. unmatched so far. in the tiate as best he can from a position nuclear submarine programme — West, in size or scope. of weakness, if he gets a chance to building ballistic missile sub- In simple terms. Russia is attempt- negotiate at all". marines at a rate of nine to ten a By courtesy of ... ing to do these things: acquire the Comparison of major combatant year. From 1966 to 1971 the Soviets largest merchant fleet in the world: forces. US versus Russia, in terms of built over 200 general purpose com- operate the largest and most modernity shows more than 37% of batant and amphibious ships as com- modern fishing fleet in the world: all US surface combatant ships are pared to 88 built in that period by the WHITE ROSE FLOUR MILLING and strengthen materially the deep- over 20 years old while almost all US. sea elements of the Soviet Navy. It those of the Soviet Navy have been already has the world's second commissioned within the past 20 Unfortunately, all this comes at a CO. PTY. LTD. largest fleet. It appears that Russia years. time when demands for funds for recognises the significance of The USSR Navy has become the domestic programmes, coupled * Who are proud to be associated with developing the means to control or world's most modern large fleet, sur- with inflation, are forcing reduc- THE ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY neutralise the narrow sea bottle- passing that of the United States in tions in all the US armed forces. necks of global shipping. In short, a recent article by Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine is similar to the preceding paragraph, "...we are on the Also Incorporating . . . threshold of a world that will be unimaginably different from any that Americans have ever known — a GOLD STAR BAKERIES world in which our President will not be able confidently to demand, for example, that the Kremlin remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba. Or that Russia refrain from establishing air We make the beautiful bread bases there for its strategic bombers. Nor will the President be able to press credibly for equitable resolutions of problems in other

Pat* Twenty-ilx THE NAVY NovyO«yj»n.. 1972 The answer to efficiency lies In QUALITY CONTROL DISTRIBUTED BY V /CI Anr u c L1 U ft

suppliers to Royal Australian Navy of QUALITY CONTROL equipment for Refrigeration, Airconditioning and Industrial applications, Du Pont FREON refrigerants and solvents F. C. LOVELOCK PTY. LIMITED

Head Office and Sydney Branch: 19-21 BUCKLAND STREET, BROADWAY - Phone: 211-2811 NEWCASTLE CANBERRA PERTH 766 HUNTER ST. 3 WILUN A ST. J.G PRITCHARDP/L NEWCASTLE WEST FYSHWICK 88 HAVELOCK ST. Phone: 61-5785 Phone:95-1422 Phone: 21-6546

ADELAIDE BRISBANE MELBOURNE 162-164 GOUGER ST 67-73 MARY ST 602 LITTLE COLLINS ST Phone: 51-2154 Phone:2-3481 Phone:61-2545

A Recommended Contractor to the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY

In the Navy, limited dollars mean hmited numbers of ships and men. As mentioned earlier, the Navy has KARLANDER only 658 active fleet ships. This is a reduction of almost one-third in just four years. With regard to active duty per- NEW GUINEA LINE LIMITED sonnel. the US has 602.000 in Navy uniforms as of 1 July. 1972. a reduction of almost 25% On a broader scope, between 1952 A First Class Service from . . and 1971 there has been an increase ot $130 billion in overall Federal • SYDNEY tothe MANUS ISLANDS via WEWAk expenditure Nearly two-thirds of this increase has gone to domestic • Part of the Complete Network of Pacific Shipping Services offered by Karlander programmes, and only one-fifth has gone to defence spending. These figures spell the US Navy's "sailing orders" for the present and the fore- ALLIANCE HOLDINGS HOUSE seeable future. Those orders read: "Do more with less". 3rd Floor, 19-31 PITT STREET, SYDNEY Everything Admiral Elmo R. Zum- walt Jnr. Chief of Naval Operations, has done since taking the Navy's Telephone: 27-6301 helm has been pointed towards doing more with less. He (Zumwalt)

NovyDecyjan., 1972-73 Paf • Twenty-eight THE NAVY Nov ./Dec./Jan., 1972- THE NAVY Page Twenty-nine 198 YEARS OLD A Recommended Contractor ... is guiding the development of the US Navy of the future, a smaller Navy, but at the same time a Navy with the most advanced and versa- tile ships, and the best aircraft and RIVERSTONE MEAT weapons that US research and tech- nology can offer with the amounts of money allotted from defence spending. CO. PTY. LTD. Several new weapons systems are being procured or requested for the US Navy. These include fast attack Who are proud to be associated with the Navy Department in nuclear submarines. F-14 fighter THE SUPPLY OF FROZEN MEATS

planes, new gas-turbine-powered •Contractors to the R.A.N. Spruance-class destroyers, two new nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, sea control ships and surface-to- For Further Information Contact... surface missiles. Not by priority, other recent and curfent programmes being FROZEN MEATS DEPARTMENT researched and developed by the US Navy include: a A joint study with the US Mari- 83 GOULBURN STREET, SYDNEY time Administration to examine emergency uses in wartime of mer- Phone: 212 2633 chant ships in underway replenish- ment and for rapid deployment; a Encouragement of US allies to build up their own sea control forces and to accept responsibility for control of sea lines of communi- cation contiguous to their shores. The US ship loan programme is Wishing The Royal Australian Navy every success from the important to this effort; e Increasing the readiness of exist- ing US Naval Reserve ships and squadrons; a Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System (LAMPS) helicopter to ROCK & ROLL HOTEL operate from surface escort ships and provide anti-air. anti-submarine (Eve & Ray Prosser, Props.) and anti-ship capability; a Anti-ship missile defence systems, including point defence and advance defence systems; e Procurement of secure com- munications equipment and the development of fleet satellite com- * Resch's Beer Served at its Icy Cold Best munications; e Development of an ocean sur- * Well Stocked Bottle Dept. veillance system; a Development of increasingly effective electronic warfare capa- 2 Bourke St., East Sydney bilities: e Development of a more effi- Phone: 357-1609 cient. survivable. sea-based strategic offensive system — the Undersea Long Range Missile System, nicknamed "Trident" by the Navy, capable of launching

Pag* Thirty THE NAVY No»70*yj»n., 1972-73 Page Thirty-one

i 198 YEARS OLD 198 YEARS OLD longer range ballistic missiles from authority at all levels; to foster better improved, quieter submarines; lines of communications between personnel and commands; and to • New or improved aircraft: the E- improve the mode of daily life where 2C Hawkeye will have improved consistent with good order and detection and classification equip- discipline. ment; the EA-6B Prowler is to accom- "In seeking to attract officer and pany strike aircraft to their targets enlisted candidates to join the Navy and provide greater protection for 70 hours of work per week per Added to family separation is the and Naval Reserve, we must ensure against air strikes; the S-3A Viking, man at sea and 42 hours on the insecurity caused by personnel that quality standards are main- an all-weather, long-range earner- same scale in port. Actually, many turbulence which has charac- tained." said Admiral Zumwalt. "If based jet anti-submarine aircraft; men work in excess of these hours terised the past three years. Between there must be a compromise I will the P-3C Orion, capable of delivering because of Navy exigencies. Many 1969 and 1972 the Navy has had to accept fewer people to meet those a combination of homing tor- ships are deployed a third of the cut its personnel strength by standards rather than achieving pedoes. depth bombs and mines; time Even in home waters they 172.000 people This necessitated manpower goals at the expense of Atlantic Ocaan - A Mk 109 minaswaaping unit with tha hydrofoils In tha downward position is and the F 14 Tom Cat, which will spend a third or more of their time rapid mactivations of many ships quality and future potential. pullad through tha watar by a CH-53 SEA STALLION hallcopter provide needed air superiority and training at sea. In port, the men and aircraft units and was imple- However. I believe we can do both, Navy, regardless of their origin or 1970s the United States must look air defence for US forces at sea spend a fourth of their time in a duty mented in part by early out" pro- and we must strive to do so." beliefs, so long as they are loyal to with increasing concern to the The existence of these new status m their ships. The arithmetic grammes The adverse .effects on To lend added emphasis to the their trust and capable of per- oceans. The US is dependent upon systems is not just a happenstance, of this is that out of 18 months it is fleet readiness and on the morale of quality aspects of naval service. forming their duty. and must use the oceans for its but is the result of dynamic research normal for a sea-going Navyman to Navymen and their families have Admiral Zumwalt has established In summation, the political. future wellbeing: for its ability to and development — an expensive be separated from his family for 12 been incalculable "Pride and Professionalism" as the economic and military influences at meet treaty commitments effort, one that is essential if the US months The US Navy's programmes and Navy's theme during 1972. work in the world, together with the concert with its allies: to provide a wishes to maintain its influence at material initiatives will not suffice to To this end. Navy men are com- US social and economic situation, credible deterrent to both nuclear But the US Navy has not operated sea. improve its exercise of power at sea mitted to the concept that respon- and the broad areas in which the and conventional war; and to help in a normal fashion for years. With The Navy is not concerned only unless it is able to make service sibility. authority and opportunity Soviet Union seeks political counter the spread of Soviet few exceptions its combatant and with developing better hardware It more attractive to the people it belong equally to everyone in the influence, all suggest that in the influence in foreign lands. replenishment ships in both fleets. is finding ways of acquiring and needs. Pacific and Atlantic, have spent less retaining Navy people with higher Measures to improve the attrac- than 50 per cent of 1969 through degrees of professionalism, more tiveness . of Navy life offer the 1971 operating from home ports skills and better motivation than greater single potential payoff in where the men's families are settled. ever before in US history. increased combat readiness and. The recruiting slogan. Join the To relieve the family separation accordingly, are receiving high Navy and see the world" still attracts problem, the US Navy recently priority by the Bureau of Naval moti? the young and adventurous, and life requested and received approval to Personnel at sea and elsewhere in the Navy still homeport a carrier task group staff The efforts include reduced family attracts many career men. But even of 55 Navy personnel and 20 depen- separations: pay levels raised to in normal times the Navy generally dent families in Greece, starting 1 reflect the professionalism and the makes extremely heavy demands July. 1972 The US Government is unique problems associated with a upon its families Adventure and discussing with the Government of naval career: improvement of travel are often not enough for the Greece the possibility of home- personnel support facilities: and family-minded individual who com- porting other Navy units in Greecc restoration of the zest of a naval prises 74% of the career enlisted Also, other foreign homeporting of career men and 77% of the officers. US Navy ships with their crews' On the latter point, "zest of a Criteria upon which the Navy deter- dependants is being considered by naval career ", new measures are mines the manning of its ships call the Navy. being designed to delegate increased

Bcsl wishes to "The Navy" from


SANITONE CERTIFIED MASTER DRY CLEANERS i iej EGANS LANE, NOWRA, N.S.W. i/^' Telephone 2 2537 w. excuse Mf GHtsK - but MfM$ ma tuapyMo/mee

Page Thirty-two THE NAVY NovyDecyjan., 1972-73 Novyoec/Jan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Thirty-three Text of the Annual Report presented to Parliament by the Minister for Defence. The Honourable David Fairbairn. DFC. MP ZINCLINE DEFENCE REPORT 1972 PTY. LTD. Tke Rmyal Amfrallm Navy

A high state ot operational readiness is being necessary for Naval operations, including the pro- SPECIALISTS IN ANTI-CORROSIVE TREATMENTS, maintained by ships and aircraft of the Royal Australian tection of sea lines of communication; Navy. to conduct Naval offensive operations against BLAST CLEANING, ACID DE-SCALING, This has been demonstrated by performances in a enemy forces and installations; PAINTING, METALLISING, GALVANISING continuing intensive series of international and local to conduct Naval reconnaissance and surveil- exercises involving all types of Fleet units. lance; anti-submarine warfare, the protection of The exercises have improved the RAN's ability to shipping and hydrographic and oceanographic undertake its roles, which are: surveys; • To organise, train and equip Naval forces, including Naval aircraft, for timely and sustained combat • To provide Naval support for land operations; Tucks Rd.# Seven Hills operations at sea: • To provide military sea transport support for the to detect and destroy enemy Naval forces and sea Australian Services; and commerce: • To provide seaward defence of ports and 622-2183 to establish and maintain superiority in areas as anchorages.

SEGRAVE'S 136a Liverpool St., Sydney, N.S.W. 2000 — Phone: 61-8225

AS AUSTRALIA'S FOREMOST NAVAL OUTFITTERS, WE OFFER YOU OUR SPECIALISED SERVICES S We Carr> Slocks of: Tropical Shorts, Wash and Wear, Correct R.A.N. Pattern 8.25 Tropical Shirts. Wash and Wear. Correct R.A.N. Pattern 8.25 W li Marcdla Dress Vests 10.50 it Jm Plastic Collars 75 While Shoes Curiam 14.9V Our Workroom Offers Made-to-Measure: |j Terylene l.onp White Tropical Uniforms, 5 w's 42.75 D.B. Uniforms Doeskin 108.00 Superfine 89.00 * 1 Blue Serge 86.50 • Terylenc/Viscose 69.50 r : I D.B. Black Gabardine ex stock 69.50 Mess Undress Jacket and Trousers Superfine 85.00 Htf Mess Undress Vests Superfine 24.50 Mess Jackets While Tcrslene ex slock 20.50 J ALL PLUS BRAIDINGS j 136a LIVERPOOL STREET, SYDNEY, N.S.W. 2000 N.B. Campaign Ribbons and Medals as requested.

& SEGRAVE Pty. Limited

Page Thirty-four THE NAVY No»yD*yJan., 1972-; HMAS AITAPE* PTF84 DEFENCE REPORT 1972 HMAS LADAVA* PTF92 HMAS LAE* PTF93 Ships of the RAN HMAS MADANG* PTF94 A satisfactory connection — the Navy Dept. and ... HMAS SAMARAI* PTF85 1 Aircraft Carrier: HMAS AWARE PTF91 Flagship HMAS MELBOURNE R21 HMAS ARDENT PTF87 3 Guided Missile HMAS BOMBARD PTF99 Destroyers: HMAS BUCCANEER PTF100 HMAS PERTH DDG38 First Australian HMAS ARCHER (R) PTF86 HMAS HOBART DDG39 Destroyer Squadron HMAS ADROIT (R) PTF82 British Box Co. Pty. Ltd. HMAS BRISBANE DDG41 HMAS ARROW (R) PTF88 3 Daring-class HMAS ACUTE (R) PTF81 Destroyers: HMAS BANDOLIER (0) PTF95 667-3054 — PHONE — 667-3054 HMAS VAMPIRE DDI 1 Second Australian HMAS VENDETTA DD08 Destroyer Squadron * Papua/New Guinea Division HMAS DUCHESS DDI 54 (R) — Naval R•serve Training Who are Proud to be Associated with the 6 River-class Uestroyer (0) — Operational Reserve at 30 June. 1972. R.A.N, in the Supply of Escorts: HMAS YARRA DE45 Third Australian WOODEN CRATES & PALLETS HMAS PARRAMATTADE46 Destroyer Squadron Training Ships HMAS STUART DE48 1 Transport: HMAS DERWENT DE49 HMAS SYDNEY First Australian For All Enquiries ... HMAS SWAN DE50 1 Destroyer: Training Squadron HMAS T0RRENS DE53 HMAS ANZAC 4 Oberon-class MR. H. KAY Submarines Support Ships First Australian BRITISH BOX CO. PTY. LTD. HMAS OXLEY SS57 1 Destroyer Tender: Submarine Squadron HMAS OTWAY SS59 HMAS STALWART AD215 Coward Street, W/Mascot, N.S.W. HMAS OVENS SS70 1 Oiler: HMAS ONSLOW SS60 HMAS SUPPLY AO 195 4 Coastal Minesweepers: 1 Surveying Ship: HMAS HAWK (0) MSC1139 First Australian Mine HMAS MORESBY AGS573 HMAS TEAL MSC1152 Countermeasures 1 Coastal Surveying HMAS GULL (0) MSC1185 Squadron Ship: HMAS IBIS (0) MSC1183 HMAS PALUMA AGS337 A Close Liaison, the Navy Dept. and .. . 2Minehunters: 1 Oceanographic HMAS CURLEW MSH1121 Research Ship: HMAS SNIPE MSH1102 HMAS DIAMANTINA AG0R266 20 Patrol Boats: 1 Trials and HMAS ADVANCE First Australian PTF83 Oceanographic Ship: Patrol Boat Squadron HMAS ASSAIL PTF89 HMAS KIMBLA AG0R314 HMAS ATTACK PTF90 2 Reserve Training Kenwood Peerless Pty. Ltd. HMAS BARBETTE PTF97 Ships: HMAS BARRICADE PTF98 HMAS BASS GS247 HMAS BAYONET PTF101 HMAS BANKS GS244

Who are Proud to be Associated with the NAVY DEPT. in the supply of ... * FOODMIXING MACHINES Squadrons HT 723: Helicopter aircrew training and pilot continuation training Iroquois & Scout helicopters Fleet support and search and rescue duties •CONTRACTORS TO THE NAVY DEPT. VC 724: Fixed-wing strike lighter pilot training and Fleet requirement Macchi jet trainers. flying and trials TA4G Skyhawk trainers * For all Enquiries ... and A4G Skyhawks HT 725: Anti-submarine helicopter operational training and Fleet Wessex31B helicopter KENWOOD PEERLESS PTY. LTD. requirement duties VF 805: Front-line strike fighter squadron A4G Skyhawks 14 WENTWORTH AVENUE, MASCOT VS 816: Front-line fixed wing anti-submarine squadron S2E Trackers HS 817: Front-line helicopter anti-submarine squadron Wessex 31B helicopters Phone: 667-3948 VC 851: Training squadron lor pilots, observers and aircrewmen S2E Trackers and Dakotas Twin-engine conversion, communication and Fleet requirement flying

Page Thirty-six THE NAVY Nov ./Dae ./Jan., 1*72-73 Nov/Dac/Jan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Pag* Thirty-saver The Flagship HMAS MELBOURNE, with aircraft DEFENCE REPORT 1972 embarked, the guided missile destroyer HMAS HOBART, OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES the destroyer escorts HMA Ships TORRENS and YARRA. We extend Seasonal Greetings to all Navy Personnel and the submarine ONSLOW took part in a thorough Five Power Arrangements trial of the Ikara missile system at the US Navy's Barking The RAN's commitment to the Five Power Arrange- Sands Tactical Underwater Range off the island of ments is to maintain one destroyer or destroyer escort Kauai. Hawaii, in November. continually in the area and for a submarine to make The Ikara trial was held in conjunction with US Navy's two visits of 15 weeks each year. In addition an RAN task Rimpac 71 exercise. CITRA group is to make occasional visits. During February eight RAN units took part in the The last ship to serve in the old Commonwealth SEATO exercise Sea Hawk. Ships were HMA Ships MEL- Strategic Reserve. HMAS SWAN, took part in a farewell BOURNE. HOBART. STALWART. SUPPLY. DUCHESS. exercise with the Royal Navy ships in October. 1971. The TORRENS. SWAN and OVENS. exercise was named Curtain Call. On 1 November This exercise was directed for SEATO by Australia and CONSTRUCTIONS operational control transferred to the ANZUK Force Australian officers filled all major posts on the exercise Commander. staff. Naval units from the United States. Britain. New In February HMAS SWAN escorted the Royal Yacht Zealand. Thailand and the Philippines took part. Britannia, in which Her Majesty the Queen. His Royal Exercise SEA HAWK was conducted in the South China Pty. Ltd. Highness the Duke of Edinburgh and Her Royal Highness Sea off Manila and it placed greater emphasis on anti- the Princess Anne visited Thailand and later Singapore submarine warfare than previous similar exercises. The and Malaysia. realism of this training was improved by the inclusion of In March SWAN was relieved by HMAS TORRENS. a a nuclear submarine. USS SEADRAGON. among the CIVIL ENGINEERS, MECHANICAL ENGINEERS sister ship, which in turn was relieved in May by HMAS USN units taking part. STUART. After a visit to Hong Kong the RAN task group visited AND CONTRACTORS The submarine HMAS OVENS was based in Singapore Singapore before taking part in the ANZUK exercise from February to the end of April. Later this year HMAS Genesis. ONSLOW will serve with the ANZUK Force for 15 weeks. MELBOURNE. DUCHESS and SUPPLY paid a visit to Exercises Indonesia during their return passages to Australia. G.P.O. Box W2059, PERTH, W.A. The first ANZUK maritime exercise, named Genesis, Vietnam was the last of three major international exercises in HMAS SYDNEY has returned to full-time duty as senior which a task group of RAN ships and aircraft took part ship of the RAN's First Australian Training Squadron between November. 1971. and March. 1972. after making 23 return voyages to South Vietnam since

Compliments of the season to all Navy personnel from .. GLOBE MEAT PACKERS Pty. Ltd. -„ / 380-384 Beaufort Street, Perth Telephone: 28 6233

Nov ./Dec./Jan., 19720 Page Thirty eight THE NAVY DEFENCE REPORT 1972

1965. The last voyage was made in March, the same month in which HMAS JAPARIT was decommissioned Wilson & Hemphill and returned to the Australian National Line at the end Best Wishes to all Members of H.M.A.S. of her 43rd trip to Vietnam. Cerberus HMAS BRISBANE returned to Australia in October. The final deployment of BRISBANE was the ninth by an Pty. Ltd. Australian destroyer to the gunline off Vietnam with ships of the US Navy's Seventh Fleet. HMA Ships HOBART and PERTH were deployed to Vietnam three All year round supplier! of Fresh Apple times. BRISBANE twice and HMAS VENDETTA once. Patrol Boats DES Juice and Cider Patrol boats from the First Australian Patrol Boat Squadron and the Papua/New Guinea Division of the Suitable for Alcoholic and Non- RAN took part in an exercise. Planti Manua (Many Alcohohc Ciders Warships), in the Milne Bay area of Papua in March. The training destroyer HMAS ANZAC operated as command, FIDLER communications and maintenance ship. Other activities have included fisheries protection TUCKS ROAD patrols, while HMA Ships LADAVA. AITAPE. SAMARAI and BARRICADE have all been involved in search and MAIN RIDGE, VIC. rescue operations this year. HASTINGS HOUSE RN Submarine Phone: The Royal Navy Oberon-class submarine HMS ODIN will join the First Australian Submarine Squadron in (059)89 6050 December. She will be manned by a Royal Navy crew OF FURNITURE and will remain an RN vessel during her deployment. Her presence will facilitate maritime anti-submarine training, and she will be programmed with the RAN's four Oberon-class submarines in meeting the joint Australian/United Kingdom submarine contribution to Furniture; Floor Coverings; the Five Power Arrangements based in Singapore. Fleet Air Arm HMAS VENOCTTA In dry-doct at WMiamttowm Naval Dockyard, where the I* Electrical Goods; Large undergoing a S10 mMIOfi refit. The Fleet Air Arm of the RAN has seven squadrons in Range service, three of which embark in HMAS MELBOURNE. Kindly Sponsored by The others provide training and fleet support. modernisation of the four older River-class destroyer Front-line squadrons have been particularly active. escorts, modernisation of the surface-to-air missile Following a period of deck landing practice, the system, installation of computer-based command and Special Attention Given to Navy squadrons embarked in HMAS MELBOURNE in control systems in the DDGs and the purchase of 10 September and after further working up from the carrier Westland Sea King helicopters. Foreshore participated in Exercise RIMPAC 71 in Hawaiian waters. HMAS VAMPIRE has returned to the Fleet after com- Fund Loans After their return to Australia in early December, they pleting an extended refit at Williamstown Naval re-embarked in MELBOURNE for the latter part of Dockyard. Changes to the superstructure have altered January. 1972. when she sailed for the Far East. Squad- the ship's silhouette. The refit has updated this * Dry Cleaners rons participated in the major SEATO exercise SEA specialised gun ship which will increase the Navy's HAWK, in exercise Transitex while on passage from capacity for naval gunfire support of troops — a role Hong Kong to Singapore and in the ANZUK exercise which the RAN undertook with great success in Vietnam. Genesis. VENDETTA is undergoing a similar modernisation in For Safe, Sure Handling of all your The front-line squadrons are programmed to embark which the fire control systems will be renewed, new air Garments in HMAS MELBOURNE for a further two major exercises warning and navigation radars fitted, three twin turrets Pressing While You Wait later this year replaced with updated versions, the operation room The last of 10 Macchi jet trainers for pilot training and modernised and enclosed bridge fitted. VENDETTA 77 HIGH STREET, HASTINGS, VIC. fleet training exercises have been delivered. Two Hawker should rejoin the Fleet at the end of the year. Siddeley 748 aircraft for training, trials and electronic HMAS HOBART. the first of Australia's three guided warfare exercises, are on order in the UK. NINTH AVENUE missile destroyers to undergo gun mount ROSEBUD modernisation, is to have the work carried out at the Telephone: 79 1642 SHIP CONSTRUCTION Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, near San Francisco. The Telephone: 868443 AND MODERNISATION two five-inch gun mounts of the ship will be updated to the latest US Navy standards. The mountings of Proposed new construction, modernisation and new HOBART'S sister ships. HMA Ships PERTH and purchases include three light destroyers (DDLs) to be BRISBANE, also will be modernised built in Australia to enter service in the 1980s. HMAS FLINDERS, a hydrographic ship of 750 tons, has

Nov/DacyJan.. 1972-73 THE NAVY Pa«a Forty-one Nov ./Dec ./Jan., 1972-73 Pace Sixty-four THE NAVY The Service undertook an extensive series of mathematical studies of weapons effectiveness in PERSONNEL comparing destroyers with alternatives in meeting the Manpower tasks loreseen for the 1980s Other mathematical Personnel serving full-time as at 30 June. 1972. studies which have been performed included a number comprised the following: to assist decisions on the most effective method of providing afloat support. Uselul progress has been made in the area ol military Permanent Naval Forces 2.163 13 593 WRANS oceanography and work in this area has been extended 35 710 RANNS 24 0 to include the Indian Ocean. PNG Division 12 23? HMAS DIAMANTINA and HMAS KIMBLA have also Naval Dockyard Police 10 342 continued to provide assistance for oceanographic Personnel on Loan 5 8 research, to civilian authorities, including the CSIRO been launched at Wilhamstown Naval Dockyard and HYDROGRAPHIC AND and universities. will replace HMAS PALUMA early in 1973. SCIENTIFIC SERVICES A fruitful outcome of the RAN Research Laboratory's Because of the higher priority of other work, the Naval Reserve Forces work in underwater acoustics and sonar signal pro- Naval Reserve personnel serving pari time at 30 June. design for the large oceanographic ship (HMAS COOK) Hydrographlc Service cessing has been the specification for a new. greatly 1972. were: which will replace HMAS DIAMANTINA has been New work undertaken included surveying the western improved sonar to replace that currently fitted to the delayed, and it is now expected that tenders will be approaches to Thovenard and Ceduna (South Australia) River-class destroyers. called late this year with construction beginning in mid- which was carried out by HMAS MORESBY Earlier. Investigations into causes ol nitrogen narcosis (the 1973 and completion early in 1976. MORESBY, assisted by patrol boats, undertook a RAN Emergency Reserve bends) are being undertaken at the School of Under- 854 The detailed design of the fast combat support ship, harbour approach survey in the Cape Bougainville area Citizen Naval Forces 3.708 water Medicine in association with the University ol WRANS Reserve which is to be named HMAS PROTECTOR, has been ol northwest Au.tralia for the proposed bauxite 329 NSW II the research is successful, it will lead to a completed, while in Scotland at Scotts Shipbuilding complex at Port Warrender 4891 reduction of hazards in deep sea diving. 6.299 Company. Greenock, two further Oberon submarines HMAS PALUMA spent five weeks working in Paiai Inlet (HMA Ships ORION and OTAMA). which will increase the in the Gulf of Papua surveying approaches for shallow RAN's strength to six. are under construction with draught vessels PALUMA also continued work begun in delivery scheduled for 1975 1971 between Booby Island to Goode Island proving routes for deep draught passage through Torres Strait, WELCHMAN'S Kindly Sponsored by Disposal of Ships and finished a survey of the approaches to Hay Point, AUTO SERVICE The training destroyer escort HMAS QUEEN- near Mackay. for a bulk loading coal terminal All Repairs Expertly done BOROUGH has been paid off into reserve pending Survey work in Endeavour Strait for alternate routes BAILEY DRY CLEANERS disposal, having reached the end of her life QUEEN- through Torres Strait and routes lor small Brakes — Tune-ups — Front End Alignments • BOROUGH is the last of five lormer RN ships of the class coastal vessels in the Crab Island area, west of Torres Open 6 days a week 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. which have served in the RAN. Strait were other tasks undertaken by PALUMA. 300 HUNTINGDALE ROAD HMAS DIAMANTINA is now the only ship to have During the 12 months to 30 June. MORESBY covered 672 GLENHUNTLY ROAD 29.704 miles on surveying outies. PALUMA 4.176 miles served in World War II remaining in service. An era SOUTH CAULFIELD HUNTINGDALE ended for the RAN this year when the World War II and ACUTE 950 miles. Telephone: 544 3159 veterans QUIBERON. QUICKMATCH. WARREGO. Scientific Service Telephone: 53 5772 C'JLGOA. GASCOYNE. BARCOO. the terry KARA KARA The naval Scientific Service continues research and and the Korean veteran TOBRUK were sold. development studies in a wide range ol naval activities.

THE NAyy Nov^OecyJan., 1972-73 Nov./Dec ./Jan.. 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Forty-two Pag* Forty-three Kindly sponsored by /# II INarren & Woolnough Brown Tyre Service Pty. Ltd. 36 HAWTHORN ROAD CAULFIELD, VIC. DEFENCE REPORT 1972 sailors. Many new courses will be shorter than those (Division of Repco Limited) they replace. Sailors Civil Personnel Batteries and Recaps About 2.000 sailors commence initial training each Manufacturers of Civilian personnel employed by the Department of the year as junior recruits, adult recruits or apprentices. Navy numbered 12.748 employed full time and 56 Automotive Service Equipment This training is followed by more sharply focused employed part time as at 30 June. 1972. The full-time and Torque Wrenches Full Stocks of training designed to fit them for particular areas of Navy employment figure included 20 locally engaged staff employment. Apprentices' training will continue to be employed in the United Kingdom and 338 locally Goodyear Polyglas Tyres directed towards full civil recognition of a trade. The 119 BALLARAT ROAD engaged indigenous staff in PNG. training of non-apprentices will, wherever possible, FOOTSCRAY Of the total civil personnel strength at 30 June. 1972. cover the first stage of an adult apprenticeship. Further Telephone 50 8448 6.400 were employed on work associated with the training will continue to be available at later stages to^ Phone: 68 1201 design construction, repair and maintenance of naval those sailors and WRANS who can benefit from it. ships, submarines, aircraft and equipment. A further Wherever possible service skills are related to civil 2.520 were employed directly on the logistic support of employment with a view to making the transition from the Fleet. service to civil life less difficult than it has been in the past. Elective Discharge Officers An elective discharge scheme for RAN sailors was introduced in June. Under certain conditions sailors will Degree training for about one-third of officer entrants Kindly sponsored by to the RAN College is continuing. An additional degree be able to leave the service before their initial engage- in surveying has now been included to augment the arts, ment period o* 9 or 12 years expires. science and engineering degree courses available at the New Rank University of New South Wales, and selected officers are The new sailor rank of Warrant Officer has been also studying for diplomas at the Royal Melbourne GLASS & ROOFING introduced to all branches of the Navy. The rank is Institute of Technology. equivalent to the Army rank of Warrant Officer 1st In 1971. four officers gained degrees (1 BSc. 2 Class. BE(Elc). 1 BE(Mech)). and two officers gained diplomas Personal Services (1 Dip Elc Eng and 1 Dip Mech Eng). These officers are Pty. Ltd. During the first half of 1972 personal services organi- now under training in the Fleet where they will remain sations were established in Sydney and Canberra to until posted to the United Kingdom for specialisation deal with expanded assistance programmes for training later in 1972. For Supply and Fixing of all Types of Roofing members of the RAN and their families. Similar organi- The results of a junior officer job analysis will be sations in Victoria and Western Australia are envisaged. finalised by the end of 1972. This is expected to Agents for Roofing Tiles The additional services, mainly advisory, include the introduce new training criteria and improved training in reception of families, assistance in obtaining the future. accommodation, improved legal advice facilities, Efforts to encourage sailors to become officers in the We Specialise in Supply and Fixing of all Steel Deck Aluminium welfare advice and information about the education of RAN continue and each year up to 100 sailors children. commence full-time courses to achieve the necessary and Cement Sheet Roofing prerequisites for officer rank. Overseas Personnel Stramit-approved Fixers for Stramit Roofing Systems TRAINING During 1971. 26 officers and 118 sailors from Asian Because of changes to the sailor structure of the RAN countries were trained at Royal Australian Navy training during 1972 many training courses have been establishments. Students were from Malaysia. Singa- 204 HIGH STREET, SHEPPARTON redesigned. pore. Indonesia and Brunei, The range of courses taken Courses have been based on objectively determined is increasing and this trends expected to continue and standards from job analysis. The transition from the old develop in the future. During 1972 South Vietnam and Telephone: 219709 courses to the new will be without interruption to the Khmer Republic started sending students to RAN training or reduction in the flow of trained officers and schools.

Nov./Dec./Jan., 197: NovyDecyjan.. 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Forty-five THE NAVY Page Forty-four Provision is made in the 1972-73 programme for an DEFENCE REPORT 1972 expenditure of $17 million on buildings and works. TlilillliMi'lillHttl Construction will commence on new living-in accom- BUILDINGS, WORKS AND modation. a wardroom mess and reconstruction of No Navy Expenditure HOUSING 4 Taxiway at Nowra (HMAS ALBATROSS): a new caisson Expenditure on buildings and works during 1971-72 at Sutherland Dock. Cockatoo Island. NSW. new messes was $14,773 million, in addition $3,559 million was and accommodation and provision of water supply at Ettimatwd Actual 1972-73 1971-72 advanced to the States under the Quakers Hill. NSW (HMAS NIRIMBA). additional sleeping Sm Sm Commonwealth/States housing arrangements towards accommodation, a new senior sailors' mess, a new administration block and extensions to canteen and houses under construction and the cost of a further RAN Pay and 217 houses and flats for married Navy personnel. recreation facilities at Coonawarra. Darwin. NT. Pro- Allowances Construction of the causeway between Point Peron vision has been made in the 1972-73 new works 81.606 programme for construction of base facilities and Garden Island. WA. estimated to cost $9,500 million, 77.160 is progressing according to schedule. It is due for including wharves and service area, workshops and .completion mid-June. 1973. and will give road access to stores buildings, engineering services, etc. at the Naval Civil Salaries 54.166 the Island for the construction and operation of the Support Facility. WA. at an estimated cost of $15,500 million. The balance of the project ,$14 million) will be Naval Support Facility. 51.596 Major works projects in progress during 1971-72 programmed in 1973-74. As at 30 June. 3.257 houses had either been obtained, included the tactical trainer building at South Head. General Expenses . 20.534 Sydney (HMAS WATSON). This project is due for were under construction, or on approved programmes completion in May. 1973. Three instructional buildings under the Commonwealth/States housing 19.708 at the Naval training establishment. HMAS CERBERUS. arrangements. Maintenance Westernport. Vic. are due to be occupied by September. In addition, as at the end of June. 1972. 988 Service- Stores 45.116 1972 owned married quarters had been obtained, or were Other major works projects let to contract during under construction. There are also 61 houses for Naval 40.992 personnel in Papua/New Guinea and 40 houses for 1971-72 included a new Radio Receiving Station at Maintenance of Shoal Bay. NT. Contracts were also let for new accom- locally enlisted personnel. Equipment 20.455 modation blocks for senior sailors and junior officers at Provision has been made for a further 137 houses to the Naval Air Station. Nowra (HMAS ALBATROSS): for be programmed from advances to the States 17.819 cadet officers at the Naval Cadet College. Jervis Bay. amounting to $2,807 million during 1972-73. A further Compliments of Maintenance of Build- NSW (HMAS CRESWELL). for sailors at the Naval six are programmed for construction by the Common- ings and Works . 4.800 Apprentices' School. Quakers Hill. NSW (HMAS wealth in Australia and 10 houses for Australian service- NIRIMBA) and for senior sailors at HMAS CERBERUS. men at Manus Island (HMAS TARANGAU). 4.284 Naval Construc- Western tion 25.637 Flooring Specialists of the North ... 14.182 Aircraft Australian Purchase 12.889 : 7.215 K L00R TILES ft COVERINGS Other Capital Egg Marketing it Equipment 30.509 (Dave & MarJ. CHAPLIN — Prop*.) 17.984 Buildings. Works, Board FOR FLOORS OF DISTINCTION Sites and Housing 20.216 CROSBY CERAMIC TILES 18.404 Recoverable Expendilure Contractors to the for Other Govts .727 •Vinyl Tiles * Polyflor Vinyls * Wall Papers 'Polishing 'Curtaining Royal Australian Navy * Congoleum .899 A Complete Range of Armstrong-Nylex Products Total Navy . . 316.655 270.243 m P.O. BOX 895, CAIRNS Source— Telephone: 51-1403, 51-1433 Appropriations . 305.388 254.270 WEST AUSTRALIAN United Stales GOLDEN EGGS 44 McLEOD ST., CAIRNS, QLD. Credits 11.267 15.973 (Opposite Railway Station) ARE BETTER THAN EVER Total Navy . 316.655 270.243

Nov ./Dec./Jan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Forty-eeven Page Forty-six THE NAVY NovyDe** / Jan., 1972-73 CHA NGE OF A DDRESS Beat Wishes from Important notice to Subscriber* to 'The Navy" and Fellows of the Navy Greetings to all, from ... League of Australia. Oriental It would be helpful to the Editor. Federal Secretary and Post Office If you would kindly complete tha form provided below prior to moving from the postal address registered with the Navy League, thereby ensuring that 'The Navy" reachas you on time.

Hotel TMralflara. C. W. Chafer 90 ALBERT STREET I I BRISBANE I NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS MARINE PLUMBER and (Mine Host — SHEET METAL MANUFACTURER DES ( RABBKl To: The Editor, "The Navy" magazine, Box CI78. Clarencc Street Post Office. Sydney. N.S.W 2000. Australia.

(PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) 1-6 REID STREET Gold Top on tap Full range ol wines and Mr. KANGAROO POINT, 4169 spirits stocked Call in to the Oriental Name: Mrs. Phone: 91 3316 (3 lines) for counter lunches Miss Rank Phone: 29 3269 Present address:

I will be moving from the above postal address on

l.o reside at: (date) For Future Contracting Specify... ij New address:

(please include your postcode) I

I am a 'Subscriber or 'Fellow of the ( ) Division of the Navy League FALKINER CHAINS (* delete inapplicable words) Signature: |

Who are proud to be associated with the 1 ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY in their Works Programmes Best Wishes to the Navy League from Suppliers of Mooring Chains and Bridles The Season's Greetings Irom the Staff & L. SUMICH & SONS Management ol

For Further Information, write to: MANOOGALUP ROAD. SOUTH COOGEE, W.A. MR. A. ROBERTSON P.O. Box 113, Hamilton HHI. Phone: 90 1501 CHEYNES BEACH FALKINER CHAINS PTY. LTD. Suppliers of Quality Fresh Vegetables to the Navy WHALING CO. (1963) Army and Air Force Establishments THYNNE ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, BRISBANE Also Exporting Fresh Vegetables to Singapore PTY. LTD. Markets and to the North West Frenchman's Bay, Albany. W.A. 991122 PHONE 991122 Recommended to all for full support ii _ • —

Nov ./Dec ./Jan., NovyOacyjan.. 1972-73 THE NAVY Pace Forty-nine Page Forty-eight THE NAVY things go better,! COMMERCIAL ^with CLEANING Coke SUPPLIES

(Fred Margaria, Prop.)

State Distributors of GREY WOLF, GREY SEA BRAMIL Aboard the German Submarine U 124 in World War II Floor Polishing Machines. Scrubbing by E. B. Gateway Published by Arthur Barker Limited. London; 245 pages. 14 photographs Machines. Vacuum Cleaners and Nylon Price $5 Copy supplied by Hicks Smith & Sons Pty Ltd. Sydney Maintenance Pads

In May. 1938. with Britain now umwl at a possible 64 Alver Road, Doubleview, W.A. enemy, Hitter and hit naval tuff formulated Plan '7', which was Intended to ensure that tliteen capital thlpt (Including Tlrpitz. Scharnhortt), two aircraft-carrlert, Phone: 46 4410 all hours several heavy and light cruisers and more dettroyert BOI fLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCACOIA COMPANY Bv COCACOLA BOTTLERS PERTH together wtth one hundred and twenty-tit modern COCA COLA AND COKE ARE THE REGISTERED TRADE MARKS ocean-going U-boats would be available for deployment OF THE COCA COLA COMPANY by 1944-43. A supplementary programme called for additional heavy units and U-boats to be completed by IMS. Admiral Karl Doenitz had calculated prewar that three hundred U-boats would be needed to bring the British convoy system to its knees Plan "Z" and its supplement Exporters of would, therefore, enable this goal to be attained. As it happened. Hitler s precipitate committal in September. 1939. of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe to a land war in Central Europe caught the Kriegsmarine flat-footed and. by 10 June. 1940. there were barely 20-25 U-boats Finest Quality operational and at sea in any one period. The aforementioned date was the commissioning day of U-124; a Type IX B craft and the heroine of this fascinating true story She and her corsair sisters Seasnap-Foods wrought fearful havoc out of all proportion to their numbers amongst the plodding merchant vessels in the crowded Atlantic Ocean sea-lanes. Like so many of her kind, she perished violently as a result of the simultaneous assaults made upon her by two British escort vessels or. the night of 2 April. 1943. She carried to her grave off the coast of Portugal her entire complement of forty-eight officers and men. U-124 was longer-lived than many of her contem- poraries: nowever. she had only two Commanding Officers: Wilhelm Schulz and Jochen Mohr. both M. G. KAILIS EXPORTS PTY. LIMITED excellent men of high calibre, and this book is as much their story as that of U-124. Schulz. the surviving CO. assisted the author in making his work the fine piece it 17 MEWS ROAD FREMANTLE undoubtedly is with its smooth narrative style spiced at intervals with highly entertaining incidents and facts in Phone: 35 6266 addition to personal glimpses of her crew and their efficient easy-going relationships with their officers and

NovyOecVlan., 1972-73 Page Fifty-one NovyDecyJan., 1972-; THE NAVY Page Fifty THE NAVY each Other. The image ol the mindless, blindly obedient On page 137. Brinker is awarded the "Gold Cross" for Teuton, so often encountered in puerile fiction, dies heroism. On page 184 he is decorated with the "German Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all Naval swiftly in this tale. Cross in Gold" for further sterling behaviour. Is this the Personnel from ... PENINSULA SCHOOL The lives led by the crew ol U-124 were rarely, if ever, same award? The wording appears to be deliberate. OF BALLET monotonous or dull: their days being marked by events There were further inconsistencies which tended to FRICKER CARRINGTON which ranged Irom being quite hilarious to those that irritate me: however I will not enlarge upon them beyond GROUP OF COMPANIES Principal MARIE COUPIR. MJM.O.. AJ4.T.0. brought the chill odour of fear and death. For too long U the comment that they tended to slow my reading pace Introducing Nn* CdlMI ol Mod«rn Ballet - Also T jp Dancing boat crews have been depicted as soulless beasts ol pending their clarification. destruction, gaining nothing but pleasure from the In the performance of their duty, the U-boat arm ol Building and Civil Engineering Contractors FRANKSTON - SEAFORD - CRIB POINT - MORNINQTON — horrifying sight of their victims succumbing to death in OPOMANA — PINES ESTATE — ELIZA AND KARtNCAL a welter ol loam and blood It is a matter of record that, the Kriegsmarine sullered appalling losses because ol the ever-widening use (amongst other items) of radar 388 CARRINGTON STREET on two occasions. Mohr surfaced and gave medical aid. STUDIO S, BUNDARA COURT, FRANKSTON provisions and directions to the survivors of his torpedo and escort carriers. Of the 842 U-boats that saw action, ADELAIDE attacks. Not only did he place his own crew and ship in only 68 remained by 6 June. 1944. and only three of Telephone: 23 1733 Telephone: 783-5161 grave danger from patrolling allied aircraft but actions these were alloat at war's end. This represented over such as these were strictly lorbidden by authority. It is 90% material loss. Seagoing personnel lared no better also worth noting that severe space limitations Out ot a total strength ol 39.000 officers and other prevented him from actually taking survivors aboard. ranks. 32.000 were lost. These figures (bear in mind there were no wounded) represent the worst defeat The U-boat branch of the Kriegsmarine. as a whole, suffered by any service in any war in history. Incredible was exonerated ol war crimes charges at Nuremburg. Kindly Sponsored by but true. Kindly Sponsored by Only one instance ol a U-boat firing on survivors was substantiated Complex excuses notwithstanding, her This book is a magnificent tribute to brave men and captain was executed by hanging. their ship U-124 which, by the time she died, had The bitter wartime political partition ot become the third most successlul submarine, all Wolf between the Vichy adherants. Free French and Com- nations included, ol the SecondWorld War. I thoroughly munists is brought into sharp locus when one reads ol recommend it as a work to be enjoyed. There are too lew Franks & Co. the pro-German feelings shown to U-boat crews by a fair good books in or out ol print on this subject: especially percentage ol the Lorient citizenry, whose town was a so in the case of German submarine activities. This book Newsagents main base lor U-boat operations makes an interesting comparison with HMS Thule Scrap Metal There is a plethora ol technical and environmental Intercepts, by Lieutenant-Commander Alistair Mars. detail which should hold the interest of most readers. DSO. DSC and Bar. which deals with British submarine Items like the use ol potassium cartridges placed in the warlare against the Japanese. For all Stationery Requirements mouth to cleanse inhaled air ol carbon dioxide during Buyers and Sellers of all classes of prolonged dives U-boat crews held some firmly Periodicals. Soft-Cover Novels Scrap Metal — Cast Iron — Machinery, entrenched superstitions that would make the average Friendly Service Assured Best Wishes to Naval Personnel Irom etc. British matelot green with envy! The book however, was not without its faults. Crew D. L. & A. C. LARSEN members present in one chapter are inexplicably absent in the next. The post ol Chief Engineer is a prime Milk Vendor* 184 RYRIE STREET example: the identity of that gentleman changing from Suppliers of Dairy Fresh Malanda Milk and Cream Steinmetz to Brmker between chapters two and three. to strips and depots of the R.A.N. GEELONG When an emergency dive was necessary, the depth 5 HILLWIN STREET Telephone: 9 5006 order "2A plus 60" was issued. We are inlormed that A equals 80 metres: thus "2A plus 60' equals 220 metres. 82 BO LAND STREET RESERVOIR What the reader is not told is why such a curiously CAIRNS, QLD. constructed order existed, apparently as a matter of Phone: 2216 Telephone: 460 1370 course, instead of simply ordering a dive to 200 (or 220) metres

Best wishes to all Navy Personnel from the .. . Kindly sponsored by ... ENTERPRISE BOXES Pty. Ltd. ASCOT HOTEL (Varn Fuller, Lie.) 8-12 SHELLEY ST., RICHMOND "THE NAVY'S HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Printing —Cartons. Boxes Good Accommodation — Icy Cold Beer on Tap — Comprehensive Range of Specialists in Textile Sample Books and Folders Wines and Spirits in Our Bottle Shop

For Enquiries Please Telephone 42 2729 181 Musgrave Road, Rockhampton, Qld. Telephone 2 3639

Nov ./Dae ./Jan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Fifty-two THE NAVY NovyDacyjan., 1972- Pag* Fifty-three drilling rigs, floating breakwaters There is every indication that a To provide sufficient volume to and fishing nets are handled at the ship fitted with the device could prac- carry the vast loads transported by Ship Division, alongside the bread tically turn in its own length. bulk carriers and oil tankers, the and butter work of testing super- The Ship Division's research principal dimensions of the ship tankers. trawlers and ferry-boats in vessel, the VIC 62. has been fitted must naturally be increased. model and mathematical form. with a rotating cylinder rudder and is Because of this, waterways in many The total income for contract undergoing trials near parts of the world once considered research is about $240,000 a year, Southampton. Tables of cylinder deep in relation to the draught of which absorbs about one-third of the sizes and rotation speeds are being ships are now considered shallow. available effort within the division, worked out. so the shipbuilding "Squatting" Problem the remainder being financed by the industry can be advised on how to The problem is complicated by n government. The result of this form install it. "squat", the tendency of a ship to of financing gives a healthy balance Ducted Propellers sink deeper when underway in between government and industry- Ducted propellers, another device, shallow water, reducing still further sponsored research. may be used to improve the propul- the clearance beneath the keel. sive efficiency of very large slow Grounding can occur when the water Rotating Cylinder ships such as tankers and bulk depth exceeds the "at rest" draught The advent of the supertanker has carriers. Propellers of this type have of the ship. brought its crop of special problems been used on smaller vessels but the Experimental and theoretical such as manoeuvrability and keel engineering uncertainties asso- investigations at the Ship Division clearance which will multiply when ciated with very large units involved have been aimed at the prediction the million-ton supertankers take have delayed their introduction of squat of large full ships in order to over from the 250.000-ton giants of until recently. provide information for ship's today. The trend towards ever-larger officers. n?val architects and vessels is keeping the research The largest fixed unit afloat at designers of ports and harbours and teams well occupied. present has a diameter of 9.4m and is fitted on a 251.000 deadweight a method has been developed by Among several major projects tons tanker. which the underkeel clearance can concerned with improving the safety With the ducted propeller, there is be deduced with reasonable and performance of supertankers Waters no need for a rudder and it is pos- accuracy. is the rotating cylinder rudder Con- sible to steer the ship by swivelling The Division's research is con- ventional rudders are satisfactory the duci 1 lie ship can be steered ducted in some of the best and most for steering in open sea but as the with the screw running astern, an modern ship-model facilities in the number and size of ships increases, important safety feature not enjoyed world. At the main base at Feltham. waters become relatively confined. by ships with conventional screws near London, it has a 400-metre of Normally a rudder cannot be and rudders. towing tank with a wavemaker and turned through much more than 35 towing carnage capable of speeds of degrees and still retain its effec- The design of ducted propeller up to 15 metres per second. tiveness. a factor which militates units for large vessels is com- Testing Models against making really sharp turns. plicated by the irregular flow con- The tank is used for testing models The addition of a rotatable cylinder ditions at the stern of these ships. Ship Work at the Ship Division is intended of all ship types, including high- at the leading edge of the rudder speed craft such as fast patrol boats: avoids stalling of the rudder and to shed light on this and on the and hydrofoils and hovercraft are thus maintains its effectiveness at propeller-hull interaction problem. also put through their paces to find high angles. Cushion of Air their characteristics of resistance In Emergencies Plans are also afoot to fit the VIC and propulsion. Design Trials on models at the Ship 62 with a pneumatic device to blow At nearby Teddmgton. two older Division have shown that rudders air from underwater pipes. The tech- towing tanks are also in regular use. by CLARE DOVER Assistant science correspondent of "The Daily Telegraph". London fitted with this device can be nique will have application as a Until it outgrew its premises and effective when turned through 90 cushioning device to fend a ship off a moved to Feltham. the Ship Division degrees To achieve the best effect quay while docking. was housed at Teddmgton It was cope with the problems that will Whenever a naval architect runs by furnishing scientific background the device, driven by its own motor, It may prove a practical propo here that Sir Barnes Wallis did his arise from future shipping trends into difficulties or needs advice on information necessary for framing is rotated at a speed greater than the sition at busy quaysides to fit the dam-busting experiments and and conducting pure research to an advanced prqject. the Ship Divi- legislation and by providing infor- water flow velocity. The assembly device to the quay rather than the invented the bouncing bomb. build up the bank of basic knowledge. sion of Britain's National Physical mation on ship hydrodynamics and can be fitted to existing ships as well ships, so that all vessels tying up Other facilities include a square Laboratory is always available to other factors affecting marine safety. as new vessels. benefit from it. Contract Research tank for seakeeping and help. The division is a source of infor- The work for the government is The manoeuvrability of any ship is When installed aboard ship, the air manoeuvring experiments, two mation on ship design for both primarily directed towards The division also conducts at its worst at low speeds but with jets can also be used as variable pressure water tunnels, a government and private shipping. increasing safety, that for industry contract research. A firm of naval large vessels particular problems manoeuvring devices. By venting at circulating water channel equipped It aims at increasing ship concentrates on optimising a ship's architects will bring the lines of a are presented As speed drops and the stern on one side and forward on for detailed flow and pressure efficiency and safety and helps to performance. proposed vessel for an estimate of manoeuvrability deteriorates — as the other, the ship can be induced to measurements and a variety of raise the profitability of the British The division's research pro- the power needed to reach a certain in docking — the rotating cylinder turn. The effects of air jets have been smaller test rigs. speed A scale model of the hull may marine industries by assisting ship- gramme into the basic principles of can be switched on It could also be demonstrated by Waertsila in Fin- If there is a problem concerning be made and put through trials in owners and shipbuilders in ship behavior for the shipbuilding used in emergencies at sea. such as land on the cargo ship Fmncarrier hull resistance in either calm or simulated sea conditions. The improving the hydrodynamic design and shipping industries is formu- when two ships are on a collision built in 1969 on which an air troubled seas, propulsion devices, company will pay for research con- of ships and other marine vehicles. lated in close collaboration with course and the situation has come to injection system was installed to propeller vibration or manoeuvring, ducted on its behalf and the results Background Information industry. light almost too late assist icebreaking. the Ship Division will try to solve it. are treated as confidential. The division's primary function, A careful balance is struck however, is to serve the government between orientating the research to Problems concerning offshore NovyDecyJan.. 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Fifty-five Everything for the Engineer and Welder SEA CADET CORPS NEWS | GRAYRAY PTY. LTD. Continuous Training was carried out at Snapper Island Manufacturers and Importers of Engineering Supplies for 3 officers. 2 instructors and 50 cadets from the Sydney Grammar School Cadet Unit from 10 to 19 Full range of "H P. Brand" U.N.F.U.N.C. High Tensile Bolts and Nuts. "Poldi" OF AMIRICA August. High Speed Drills. "All State" Welding Alloys and Fluxes Naval Saa Cadet Corps Observes 10th Birthday Weekend training took place in the tollowing HMA Ships: The Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC). an all-volunteer, 11 Warner Street, Nth. Coburg, Vic. youth-training organisation of young men 14 through NO OF TELEPHONE 350 1666 17. will observe its tenth anniversary this fall. Federally HMA SHIP DATES PERSONNEL chartered in September. 1962. the Naval Sea Cadet 7-9 July 13 Corps is jointly sponsored and administered by the Navy BRISBANE 25 League and the US Department of the Navy. CRESWELL 7-9 July SYDNEY 7-9 July 38 After rigid mental and physical requirements have SYDNEY 38 been met. the Sea Cadet recruits are given an 14-16 July 22 opportunity to learn the ways of the Navy and Marine BRISBANE 14-16 July Kindly sponsored by STALWART 35 Kindly Sponsored by the Corps. But they are in no way obligated to any of the 1416 July 35 Services. The Corps is not a recruiting programme. (If a STALWART 21-23 July 13 Sea Cadet develops a true interest in the Navy, however, BRISBANE 21-23 July 9 he can enlist as an E-3.) Patriotism, courage, self- VAMPIRE 21-23 July SYDNEY 39 Woods & reliance, and confidence are qualities which the Naval 21-23 July 50 Sea Cadet programme develops. While some Cadets go SYDNEY 28-30 July 9 Aroha on to lifetime careers in the Navy, others are sparked to VAMPIRE 4-6 August scientific and scholarly pursuits fostering oceanic BRISBANE 4-6 August 13 Reeves advancement. VAMPIRE 11-13 August 9 MELBOURNE 11-13 August 15 The Naval Sea Cadet's training includes classroom SYDNEY 38 training, a two-week summer programme, shipboard 11-13 August Guest House BRISBANE 13 training and. on occasion, exchange programmes with 11-13 August ANZAC 12* Pty. Ltd. allied countries. Sea Cadets are afforded the oppor- 18-20 August (Sister Ellis) ALBATROSS 34 tunity to study in various disciplines, including oceano- 1-3 September CRESWELL 1-3 September 25 graphy. construction, medicine, naval officers' CRESWELL 25 preparatory courses, engineering aspects of avionics 8-10 September Agricultural Machinery SYDNEY 68 and nucleonics. In addition to the classroom and 16-17 September Dealers advancement-in-training programmes. extensive •All Cadet MEs who assisted with engine room 507 ORRONG ROAD instruction is provided in water safety, military bearing, maintenance. and Navy history customs and traditions. Cadets are 22 PALMERSTON ST. ARMADALE, VIC. also given presentations explaining both civilian and TS PARRAMATTA was adiudged the Most Efficient Unit military career opportunities during special career WARRAGUL, VIC. Telephone: 512120 in New South Wales and was subsequently inspected by counselling periods. the Flag Officer Commanding East Australia Area. Rear The activities and accomplishments of the Sea Admiral W. D. H. Graham. CBE. on Saturday. 19 August Phone: 2 1221 Cadets are varied and worthwhile. Indeed, the Navy The Senior Officer was a guest at a Mess Dinner given League and the Navy share a deep pride in their Sea by the Air Training Corps on 1 July Cadets. In this, the tenth year of the NSCC. opportunities The Naval Reserve Cadet Force was represented by for advancement are unprecedented. The Corps has the Senior Officer at a Farewell accorded the Com- grown to 300 units with nearly 10.000 cadets and mander. 2nd Cadet Brigade upon his retirement. This Kindly sponsored by officers participating. It is an unusual opportunity to function was held at Victoria Barracks on 3 July. both educate and learn. For science, exploration, tech- The Senior Officer attended the Education Week nology. jobs and adventure, the seas are a new frontier. March of Cadets on 15 August. HOTEL INTERNATIONAL Those who seek to join will be those who meet the chal- Rear Admiral and Mrs Graham were Guests ot Honour lenge of sailing far into the future. at a buffet dinner given by the Senior Officer and LANCEFIELD ROAD. AIRPORT WEST • • • Officers held in HMAS WATSON on 19 August A meeting of all Chiet Petty Officer Instructors and (Turn off freeway at Sharps Road exit) NIW SOUTH WALKS their Commanding Officers was held on 21 August to Excellent Lounge — Entertainment — Copper Gnu — Luncheon and discuss the recent Navy Office letter which indicated Dinner — Drive-in Bottle Department QUARTERLY REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS that the rank of Chief Petty Officer Instructor was to be FREE DELIVERY 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. This report is for the period 1 July to 30 September. phased out from 1 January. 1973 1172. and covers Continuous Training. Weekend Cadets from TS WARREGO and TS PARRAMATTA Telephone: 338 1300 Training and other activities carried out by the Naval formed a Guard at Garden Island on the occasion ot Reserve Cadets in New South Wales. Legacy Sunday. 27 August The Guard was inspected by

NovyDaeyJan., 1972-1 THE NAVY THE NAVY NovyDwyjan., 1972-73 Page Fifty savan Page Flfty-aU CADET CORPS NEWS TASMANIA Kindly sponsored by .. . Kindly sponsored by ... the Flag Officer Commanding East Australia Area. Rear Admiral W. D. H. Graham. CBE. STORMY FOR SEA CADETS Over 200 officers, instructors and cadets attended the TERRENCE BUTCHER SALLOWS PTY. LTD. Annual Church Parade held at the Dockyard Chapel. Are the men and equipment on TS MACQUARIE good enough? PTY. LTD. OFFICE FITTERS Garden Island on Sunday. 17 September. Prior to the Church Service, a Guard and Divisions were inspected by The organisers of this sea cadet unit were stirred ESTATE AGENTS Commodore H. J. Bodman. On completion of the 58 LEVANSWELL ROAD recently by suggestions that neither instructors nor Service. Commodore Bodman took the salute as the their 87ft ex-Mt Lyell ketch. Reginald M. matches up to MOORABBIN 3189 Parade marched past. 28 Shaw Street, East Doncaster required standards. At the Annual General Meeting of the New South Wales There has also been doubt thrown on the oilway TELEPHONE 95 8133 Division of the Navy League of Australia, held on the 29 TELEPHONE 842 3000 station as a headquarters because of the lack of indoor August, the Senior Officer was elected to the Executive parade facilities. Committee. The Senior Officer was elected State However, the unit's commanding officer. Mr R. C. President of the Navy League of Australia on 19 Boyd, said the unit was unrecognised and his men September. would be out to prove their worth. During the period under review Boards were con- Mr Boyd had extensive service in three wartime navies vened. in HMAS WATSON, on five occasions to and had the rank of able seaman. View Room Receptions determine the suitability of candidates for either Mr R. R. Wells, a first lieutenant, also had extensive appointment or promotion. war service and has extensive knowledge of the waters The strength of the New South Wales Division is at All social (unctions catered lor — weddings. 21st of Macquarie Harbour. DL present: birthdays, club dinners and functions in a Mr W. Black, a chief bosun's mate, also had extensive magnificent garden setting Staff Officers 4 wartime naval experience. MEDIUM PRICE RANGE Officers 25 Mr R. J. Smyth, a petty officer, has 23 years' sailing Instructors 32 experience, including a national title, served in the RAN. FITZROY GARDENS RED CROSS Cadets 417 and spent eight months on the CSIRO research vessel Telephone: 41 2544 Derwent Hunter. TOTAL I4ZS "Also Private Home Catering" Mr M. Ross, a coxswain, has years of sailing experience L. MACKAY-CRUISE. and Mr M. Finlater. an engineer, has extensive naval Commander, RANR, experience and is a marine engine expert. Senior Officer. Swimming instructor will be Mr P. Devine. a former Australian champion. The Rev L. Farrier, one of the appointed chaplains, Mcrr\ Christmas & Happ\ New Year to all Naval has 26 years' experience as a master fisherman. Kindly Sponsored by Personnel Mr M. Minchin. an accountant at Zeehan. has been appointed sailing master. OLIVERS AUCTIONS PTY. LTD. BLOOD DONORS NOOSAVILLE GARAGE & He has sailed a cutter from England to Australia with a stopover in the West Indies, where he crewed on a We will pay cash for all types of furniture, SERVICE STATION 200ft schooner. antiques and paintings I ALEC LOCK ART - Proprietor I He has sailed since he was a boy. taught himself Specialists in deceased estates General Repairs We'ding Prompt Reliable navigation and has his own 30ft yacht in Hobart. NO OBLIGATION Service Guaranteed Mr Boyd considers his officers' qualifications to be equal to the task of training the 50 sea cadets now 138 GYMPIE TERRACE GIVE NOW! signed up. 971 BURKE ROAD. CAMBERWELL NOOSAVILLE. QLD. He also considers the boat and headquarters to be the Telephone: 82 3179 Phone: TEWANTIN 47 1157 finest anywhere although months of hard work are needed to renovate the ship

Kindly sponsored by RIVERSIDE COAL TRANSPORT CO. PTY. LTD. HANSEN &YUNCKEN Operators of Landing Barges. Tugboats. Dumb Barges up to 800 tons and Oil PTY. LTD. Fuel Lighters AND BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS RIVERSIDE OIL BUNKERING CO. PTY. LTD. 110 Church Street, Richmond. Vic TELEPHONE 42 1972 Macquarie St., New Farm, Brisbane Branch offices in Hobart. Adelaide and Darwin Telephone: 58-2122

THE NAVY Nov ./Dec./Jan., 1972- Page Fifty-eight Nov ./Dec ./Jan., 1972-73 THE NAVY Page Fifty-nine SHELL HEATING Best wishes to "The Navy" from ADVISORY SERVICE

For the Best Deal in Space & Central Heating BAINBRIGGE Also: Oil-Fired Hot Water Service

For Scrvicc or I nquiries: & SONS The Australian Sea Cadet Corps is a confirm they are capable of carrying sporting activities and other varied voluntary organisation administered out the normal duties and activities of subjects. Motor Body Works bv the Commonwealth .Naval Board the Cadet Corps. If injured while on Instructional camps are arranged lor Shell Co. and The Navy League ol Australia duty. Cadets are considered for Sea Cadets in Naval Establishments, The aim ol the Australian Sea Cadel payment of compensation. and Ihev are also given opportunities, For First Class Panel Beating and Duco Corps is to provide lor the spiritual, Parades are held on Saturday whenever possible, to undertake Spraying social and educational welfare of bovs afternoons and certain Units hold an training at sea in ships of (he Royal of additional parade one night a week. Australian Navv. and to develop in them character, a Free Insurance Quotations The interesting syllabus ol training sense of patriotism, self-reliance, Cadets, it considering a sea career, covers a wide sphere and includes citizenship and discipline. are given every assistance to join the seamanship, handling of boats under Aust. Ltd. Uniforms are supplied tree ol charge. Royal Australian Navy, the Mercantile 8 Jane Street sail and power, navigation, physical Marine or Ihe Royal Australian Naval Cadets are required to produce a training, rifle shooting, signalling, 170 NORTH TERRACE Reserve, but there is no compulsion to Nowra, N.S.W. certificate from their doctor to splicing of wire and ropes, general ADELAIDE join these Services. Telephone: 51-0301 Phone: 2 2323 For further information please contact the Divisional Senior Officer in your State, using the Or Contact sour Local Home Heat Dealer who is Form provided below. listed in lhe Pink Pages - Or sour I oca I Shell Agents Senior Officers, Australian Sea Cadel Corps

NEW SOUTH WALES: Staff Office Cadets, H.M.A.S. VICTORIA: C/- Room 6. 2nd Floor. 528 Collins Sl„ Watson. Watsons Bay, N.S.W.. 2030. Melbourne. 3000. QUEENSLAND: C/- 39 Pinecroft Street, Camp Hill TASMANIA: CI- 1 Winmarleigh Street. Taroona. 7006. Queensland, 4152. AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Industry House. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: C/• 182 Coode St., Como, 6152. National Circuit, Barton, 2600. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: C/- Box 152SM, G.P.O., Adelaide NORTHERN TERRITORY: Mrs. V. M. Slide, 12 Allen BE A SPORT 5001. Street, Fannie Bay. 5790.

TO: The Senior Officer. SUPPORT THE Australian Sea Cadet Corps I am interested in joining the Australian Sea Cadet Corps and would be RED X BLOOD BANK pleased to receive further information. .NAME



SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN PHONE No AGE. (Please Print Clearly)

Please address your envelope to the Senior Officer in your State or Territory Nov ./Dec ./Jan., 1972-73 Pace Sixty-four THE NAVY —see list of addresses above room has been provided through- There is general access space NNS DORINA AND The two Mark 3 corvettes designed CORVETTES FOR NIGERIA out the living and working spaces. around the engines in the main and ouilt by Vosper Thornycroft The Captain has a day cabin, NNSOTOBO machinery space. Each engine has a comfort for the crew. Two electric Limited for the Nigerian Navy have sleeping cabin and toilet, separate Corwftos pneumatically controlled hydraulic hull and fire pumps, one each in the Dimensions been completed and the first. NNS from the Admiral's combined clutch connecting it to its own main and generating machinery Length overall — 202ft Dorina handed over. The second sleeping and day cabin with its own gearbox which incorporates a spaces, supply a fire main with hose Length between perpendiculars — vessel. NNS Otobo, is due to be toilet. Officers are accommodated for Nigeria reverse drive at a ratio of 2.64:1. coupling points throughout the 185ft handed over later in 1972 followed in two single cabins and one four- The engines are air-starting and ship. Magazines have seawater Beam moulded — 31ft by a dual commissioning. Dorina berth cabin and share a large ward- there is a donkey engine with its own spraying and quick-flooding valves. Depth moulded — 18ft 6in has completed her trials pro- The remaining guns are two 40mm room. Ratings sleep in bunks on compressor which can provide Draught over propellers — 11ft gramme. which included functional L/60 Bofors mountings aft. and two A planned maintenance scheme their messdecks. adjacent to the starting air if the main supply fails. has been prepared for the two cor- testing of the armament and MOD(N) Mark 7A 20mm cannon, one galley, and each has his own locker. Performance Electrical power is supplied by three vettes by the Vosper Thornycroft weapon control system, and Otobo on either beam. Two Mark 5 2in The coxswain's office also acts as a Maximum continuous speed — 22 176-kW MAN R8V 16/18T diesel alter- Support Services department. This is at present carrying out a similar rocket flare launchers for target sickbay and contains the switch- knots nator sets, which are accom- provides for the regular servicing programme. The order for these two illumination are also fitted. board for the shore telephone equip- Sprint rating (Vj hour) — 23 knots modated in a separate generator and maintenance of all machinery ships, which was placed with Vosper Long range air and surface ment. The ship's office controls the Range at 14 knots — 3.500 nautical room. There are three supply vol- and equipment. The ship's Thornycroft in 1969. was then warning is by a Plessey Type AWS1 sound reproduction equipment for miles tages 440v 60Hz 3-phase ac. 115v engineering office has a progress valued at about $8 million. radar. An optical sight on the open ship's entertainment and public 60Hz 3-phase. and 24v dc. the last board showing the maintenance bridge provides visual target address system. There is also an The two ships are the first to be being mainly for electrical control status of major items, and the main- Armament information to the fire-control Engineer's office and a separate built to the Vosper Thornycroft circuits and instrumentation tenance files are also kept there. MOD(N) Mk 19 twin 4in gun system, or alternatively can be used Damage Control HQ. mounting — 1 Mark 3 design for a 600-ton cor- throughout the ship. Two of the There is a workshop aft. on No 2 to aim the 4in mounting by remote The two Nigerian corvettes are Bofors L/60 40mm gun — 2 vette. The layout and armament, diesel alternator sets also drive air deck. control. good examples of a type of warship MOD(N) Type Mk 7A 20mm gun — 2 which are the same in each of the compressors which serve the air two vessels, has been designed to the The corvettes' design allows the Accommodation which combines an effective arma- 2in Mk 5 rocket illumination re^osp«tive fitting ol an. S^SJ^AT ment under modern automatic fire launcher — 2 specific requirements of the The ship is divided into 12 water- anti-submarine weapons should control, with robust simplicity in Nigerian Navy. These were for prac- cooled diesel generator set pro- tight compartments. requirement for ASW capability operation and maintenance. Target identification and tracking tical sea-going corvettes with a good duces a 115v single-phase emer- arise later. Air-conditioned accommodation Costing about a quarter of the price equipment and radars top speed and cruising radius, gency supply for the radio equip- Operations room is provided for art Admiral (so either of a modern frigate, they can carry capable of engaging air and surface ment. Hollandse Signaalapparaten M22 The operations room, which is corvette can act as flagship). Cap- out many of the frigate's duties, targets. There was to be provision Main engine and generator spaces fire-control system; Plessey Type housed in the port side of the super- tain. six officers. 13 senior and 46 ranging from the fully operational AWS1 long-range air and surface for fitting anti-submarine weapons are laid out for unmanned structure below the bridge, next to junior ratings. Working spaces also role to training and ceremonial warning radar: Decca Type TM626 and detection equipment later if operation, starting, stopping and the Admiral's and Commanding are air conditioned. Generous head- functions. true-motion radar. required. Account was to be taken of monitoring of the operation of pro- Officer's living quarters, accom- the conditions imposed by the ships pulsion and generating plants being modates the radar displays and plot- being based in Lagos, and operating carried out from the ship's control ting equipment for target acquisi- in the long Atlantic swells as well as centre, which is on the main deck tion and tracking, and is the centre the tropical environment of aft. Bridge orders are communi- for operation of the ship's Nigerian coastal waters. cated to the control centre by push- armament in action. button telegraph, and emergency As completed for the Nigerian Navigation and communication control of the main engines is from Navy these two ships displace 650 Decca TM626 true-motion radar is positions in the engine room, com- tons each, with a length of 202ft fitted, with duplicate displays in the mands coming through the internal overall, and draught of 11ft. The pro- chartroom and operations room. communications system. pulsion machinery consists of two There is also a Marconi Lodestar Evaporators for a daily output of MAN diesel engines driving twin direction finder. Kelvin Hughes MS 12 tons of fresh water are installed screws to give a top speed of 23 32 F echo sounder. AGI electro- and there is storage capacity for 20 knots and a cruising range of 3.500 magnetic log. and Arma-Brown gyro tons. Fuel tanks can hold a total of nautical miles at 14 knots. compass with repeaters. 68 tons, with provision for refuelling The radio room accommodates Armament at sea. transmitters and receivers for ship- The main gun armament of the A Vosper electro-hydraulic steer- to-ship. ship-to-shore and ship-to-air new Nigerian corvettes is a MOD(N) ing system is fitted, with twin[ W/T and voice communications, Mark 19 twin 4in mounting forward, rudders linked mechanically. Dupli- and a teleprinter. There is provision directed by a Hollandse Signaalap- cated electric motor-driven pumps for some of the equipment to be paraten M22 fire control system provide hydraulic power for the controlled from a communication giving automatic direction against rudder actuators, and there is an position on the bridge when either air or surface targets. The emergency hand pump for manual necessary. successful marriage of this steering. The electrical control Main and auxiliary advanced control system with the system provides for steering by machinery well tried and readily available Mark autopilot, or by a bang-bang wheel The two main propulsion engines 19 manually loaded gun is one of the control. most interesting features of the new are MAN Type V8V 24/30B diesels Vosper non-retracting fin corvettes. The HSA fire control driving twin fixed pitch propellers, stabilisers afe fitted to reduce rollingl system incorporates both search and are rated at 3.940 bhp n the interests of providing a stable and target tracking radars, with (maximum continuous) at 950 . , stabilised aerials enclosed in a rev/min w,th a sprint rahng of 4.430 ««pon platform, .mproved per- radome at the mainmast head. bhp at 988 rev/min for 30 mmutes. lormance in a seawa>'- and grealW

Nov ./Dec ./Jan., 1972-73 Pace Sixty-four THE NAVY Joyce "The Civilian Arm of the Navy" foldabeds The principal objective of the Navy We invite you to swell our ranks Victoria — Room 6. 2nd Floor. 528 League of Australia is to stress the vital and so keep up to date with Maritime Collins Street. Melbourne. 3000 importance of Sea Power to the Affairs to help to build an Queensland 39 Pinecroft Street. Commonwealth of Nations and the ever-increasing weight of informed Camp Hill, Queensland. 41S2. important role played by the Royal public opinion. The Navy League will Australian Navy. then becomc widely known and Tasmania 3 Winmarleigh Street. can take it cxercise an important influence in the The League, in conjunction with Taroonu. 7006. life of the Australian Nation. the Commonwealth Naval Board, South Australia Box IS29M G.P.O.. administers the Australian Sea Cadet The League consists of Fellows and Adelaide, 5001 Corps, by providing financc and Associates. All British subjects who Western Australia - 182 Coode Street, support the objectives of the League technical sea training for boys who Como, 6152. lying down intend to serve in the Naval or are eligible for membership. Members Merchant Services, also to those receive copies of the League's magazine Australian Capital Territory - 60 sea-minded boys, who do not intend to "The Navy". Limestone Avenue. Ainslie, 2602. Northern Territory - C/- Mrs. V. M. follow a sea career, but who given this DIVISIONS knowledge will form a valuable reserve New South Wales Box I719.G.PO.. Slide, 12 Allen Street, Fannie Bay. for the Naval Service. Sydney, 2001. 5790. Joyce Fold-a-beds are made to take it lying down Ready for the unexpected guests, taking up very little space. Fold-a-beds fold away ready to use in seconds. There's a fold-a-bed to suit you. See THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA them on display at your nearest furniture store, Application for Membership or write to Trojan- Joyce Forsyth To: The Secretary. Street, O'Connor. The Navy League of Australia.

I Division). Sir. I am desirous of becoming a Member of the Navv League of Australia with whose objects I am in sympathy.

(Mr.) Name ( Mrs (Miss) (Rank) Please Print Clearly.

Street Suburb State Postcode

Signature Date

Enclosed is a remittance for $4.20 being my first annual subscription. On display at your nearest furniture store


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