Volume 16 Number 1 October 2007 Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health Deployment Health Surveillance Australian Defence Force Personnel Rehabilitation Blast Lung Injury and Lung Assist Devices Shell Shock The Journal of the Australian Military Medicine Association Every emergency is unique System solutions for Emergency, Transport and Disaster Medicine Different types of emergencies demand adaptable tools and support. We focus on providing innovative products developed with the user in mind. The result is a range of products that are tough, perfectly coordinated with each other and adaptable for every rescue operation. Weinmann (Australia) Pty. Ltd. – Melbourne T: +61-(0)3-95 43 91 97 E:
[email protected] www.weinmann.de Weinmann (New Zealand) Ltd. – New Plymouth T: +64-(0)6-7 59 22 10 E:
[email protected] www.weinmann.de Emergency_A4_4c_EN.indd 1 06.08.2007 9:29:06 Uhr Table of contents Editorial Inside this edition . 3 President’s message . 4 Editor’s message . 5 Commentary Initiating an Australian Deployment Health Surveillance Program . 6 Myers – The dawn of a new era . 8 Original Articles The Australian Defence Deployment Health Surveillance Program – InterFET Pilot Project . 9 Review Articles Rehabilitation of injured or ill ADF Members . 14 What is the effectiveness of lung assist devices in blast injury: A literature review . .17 Short Communications Unusual Poisons: Socrates’ Curse . 25 Reprinted Articles A contribution to the study of shell shock . 27 Every emergency is unique Operation Sumatra Assist Two . 32 System solutions for Emergency, Transport and Disaster Medicine Biography Surgeon Rear Admiral Lionel Lockwood . 35 Different types of emergencies demand adaptable tools and support.