AUGUST SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER, 1972 • or posting At a periodica' — Category A Cents THE NAVY. The magazine of tha Navy League of Australia Registered tor posting as a periodical — Category A Vol. 34 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1972 No. 3 A Special Edition for Navy Week in Australia — Featuring the Royal Australian Navy CONTENTS Page Page The Australian Fleet in the 1980's 3 Message from the Federal President of Message from the Minister for the Navy 5 The Navy League of Australia 27 Message from the Chief of Naval Staff 7 Ecumenical Church Service — Approval of DDL Project 9 Sunday, 8 October — Open to the public . 43 H.M.A.S. Watson — History and Activities 13 H.M.A.S. Penguin — Public Open Day — Programme 17 Public Open Day — Programme 45 Purchase of Sea King Helicopters 19 H.M.A.S. Ntrimba — H.M.A.S. Platypus — History and Activities 23 History and Activities 47 Public Opan Day — Programme 25 Public Open Day — Programme 47 New Survey Ship 35 New Oceanographic Ship — Cook SI Navy Weak in Australia — Sea Cadet Corps News — All States 55 Programmes of Events for all States 29 Navy League of Queensland — Annual Report. 64 Pi US SUNDRY STORIES AND PHOTOGRAPHS The views expressed in artcles appearing m this publication are those ol the authors concerned They do not necessarily represent the views of the editor, the Navy League, or oMicial opinions or policy Published by the Navy League of Australia. Box 1719, G.P.O., Sydney, N.S.W., 2001; Phone: 2411008 All correspondence should be directed to the EdRor. Bo* C17S. Clarence Street Post Office. Sydney. NSW Australia. 2000 ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION: PERCIVAL PUBLISHING CO. PTY. LTD. SYDNEY MELBOURNE ADELAIDE BRISBANE PERTH HOBART 862 Elizabeth St. Greenan Publications 17 Currie St 72 Eagle St 194 St George s Tee 152 Collins St Waterloo Pty Ltd Adelaide 5000 Brisbane. 4000 Perth 6000 Hobart 7000 N S W . 2017 374 Little Collins St Phone 51 6225 Phone 31 2531 Phone 22 4072 Phone 34 4098 Phone: 699 2600 Phone: 67 1334 THE NAVV LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA PATRON: The Governor-General Hon. Secretary: Miss E. C Shorrocks. 528 Collins Hon. Secretary: Mrs v M Slide 12 Allen Street It's got everything! Street. Melbourne. 3000 FEDERAL COUNCIL Fannie 8ay. N T 5790 President Commander F G Evans. M B E. Queensland Division South Australian Division V.R.D.. R.A.N.V.R. Patron: His Excellency the Governor ot Queens- I he Oce 1250 clcclro copier has got ever)thing >ou single »>r multiple copies, whichever \ou choose and H Patron: His Excellency, the Governor ot South Vice-President: Captain L. F Vickridge. OBE. land. Australia need in an hlcciro copier li will cop> from almost features an exclusive buill in paper dchumidificr which V R.D.. R.A.N.R. Chairman: Surgeon Commander A. H Robert Chairman: T Francis Matters. Esq anything: books. M) items, newspaper clippings and eliminates an> possibilitv of the cleciro paper Secretary: Lt Cmdr. A A Andrews. M B E R A N son. R.A.N.V.R Hon. Secretary: Miss Penny Wardle. Box 1529M (Ret'd). 28 Royal Street. Chatswood. N S.W Hon. Secretary: Colonel PV.O Fleming. E D . 39 ihe usual things like letters, reports, manuscripts, even absorbing moisture even in high humidil) conditions G P O . Adelaide 5001 2067 Pmecrott Street Camp Hill. Queensland 4152 Tasmanian Division if written with pencil. cra>on or ball point. vou gel good copies everv time. Australian Capital Territory Division New South Wales Division Patron: Vice Admiral Sir Guy Wyatt KBE CB I he Oce 1250 features eas> roll loading, trims paper to Before >ou bu> a copier gel ihe fuels about I he Oce Chairman: Commander J B Howse. VRD Patron: His Excellency, the Governor ol New President: Commander J Robb R N (ret'd) R.A.N.V.R si/e. uses Oce electro paper (it's the bcsl. vcl costs no 1250. Phone vour nearest C'roshv Office anil gel vour South Wales Hon Secretary: Lieut D J Heath 3 Wmmarletgh Chairman: Rear Admiral H A Showers. CB E Hon. Secretary: Commander D M Blake. R D . more), makes a clean, clear cop\ cvcr\ 5 seconds. cop\ of the colour brochure giving further details. Street. Taroona 7006 RANVR. 12 Darmody Street Weetangera Secretary: Lieut Cmdr A A Andrews. M 8 E Western Australian Division A C T.2614 R A.N. (Ret'd). 28 Royal Street. Chatswood. 2067 Patron: Hts Excellency, the Governor ot Western Victorian Division Northern Territory Division Australia Patron: His Honour the Administrator Patron: His Excellency, the Governor ot Victoria Chairman: Roland Smith Esq Chairman: Lieut Cmdr J J Ravenscrolt. V.R.D.. Chairman: Commander F G Evans. MBE. Hon. Secretary: R A Hannah Esq 182 Coode R A N V R V.R O.i R.A.N.V.R Street. Como. 6152 CROSBY SENSITIZING AUSTRALIAN SEA CADET COUNCIL ' Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Adelaide Perth Hobart Canberra Director ot Naval Reserves and Cadets: Captain B L Cleary R A N . Representatives ot each Dtvrston ot the Navy League 439-5811 36-0644 62-0671 42 4907 21-2481 34-2111 95-0345 Chairman Representative trom T S Sydney. Snapper Island StaHOfficer Sea Cadets: Lt Cmdr E 0 Sandberg R A N Merchant Shipping Representative Federal President and Vice-President ot the Navy League Honorary Secretary Lt Cmdr A A Andrews M B E . R A N (Ret'd) AugySept./Oct.. 1972 THE NAVY Page One The Royal Australian Navy will see great change in the next 10 years A Close Liaison, the Navy Department and . RUSLIT AUTOMOTIVE R.A.N.'s first major support facility on the Indian Ocean, at Cockburn Sound. Western Australia, will be commissioned late in 1975 or early INDUSTRIES 1976 And now the Navy is preparing for the most ambitious and exciting pro- ject it has undertaken — the Who are Proud to be Associated building of its own light destroyer (DDL). This ship will be the first front- with the Navy Department line ship to be entirely Australian designed and built, it: endurance, habitability. all-round armament for surface, anti-aircraft and anti- * Contractors to the R.A.N. submarine warfare and its heli- Following the tendency of the last Mackay. at Williamstown Naval copters which will provide an air decade, the emphasis in R.A.N, Dockyard on 29 July. 1972. reconnaissance and attack potential planning will be towards enabling the Design of the fast fleet replenish- will enable this type of ship to add FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS fleet to operate with a high degree of ment ship H.M.A.S. Protector is further to the R.A.N.'s long-range independence in several different almost complete and planning of independent fighting capability. roles in its own area of operations, the oceanographic ship H.M.A.S. The light destroyer, more than any rather than just as an integral part of Cook is at an advanced stage. The other type of ship, will determine RUSLIT AUTOMOTIVE a larger Allied force. expected delivery of two more the type of fleet the Navy has 10 and Only three major ships which Oberon submarines. Orion and more years from now and will appear in the 1961/62 edition of Otama, in 1975, will increase the influence other development of the Jane's Fighting Ships are still in capabilities of this arm of the R.A.N. INDUSTRIES service — the destroyer Anzac, now a service from one primarily of anti- With the withdrawal of the Royal training ship, the frigate Diamantina, submarine training to one which Navy's Far East Fleet from Singa- now a survey ship, and Sydney, con- includes an attack capacity. Modi- pore and less U.S. interest in South- verted from an aircraft carrier to a fied Daring Class destroyers East Asia, the strength of the R A N. fast troop transport. Vampire and Vendetta will be the and its ability to operate within its The 1971/72 edition of Jane's most modern gunships in the world. own resources will become progres- 195 Parramatta Road, shows the development of the sub- There is a good chance that the sively more important. marine arm of the service. Skyhawk and Trackers and Wessex in Mel- Auburn, N.S.W. bourne, Ikara in six Type 12s. three guided missile destroyers with surface, anti-air and anti-submarine primary armaments. 20 patrol boats, six minesweepers and mine- hunters and Stalwart, the escort 648-0591 Phone 648-0591 maintenance ship. The small hydrographic ship H.M.A.S Flinders was launched by Mrs. Ruth Mackay. wife of the Minister for the Navy. Dr. Malcolm Page Two THE NAVY Aug./Sept./Oct., 1972 Kindly sponsored by A Message from the Minister for the Navy AUSTRALIAN PORTLAND The Honourable Malcolm Mackay. B.A.. B.D., Ph.D.. M P. Navy Week 1972 falls near the mid-point of the greatest CEMENT LTD. period of progress and expansion the Royal Australian Navy has seen since the end of the Second World War. The gains of the 1960s in terms of new equipment, purchases and successful operational experience In Malaysia, Manufacturers of Highest Quality Cement Vietnam and elsewhere with our allies, have been consolidated. The Navy's task in the 70s and 80s is to build on this solid achievement and for over 70 years show its capability of adapting to further technological change and new strategic responsibilities ahead. A.R.C. Brand Geelong Cement At a time when the defence emphasis is swinging further towards sea power, a demanding new set of challenges confronts the Royal Australian Navy.
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