Rotary Ashmore in Action People of Action Issue No. 44 14th March 2021 St. Patricks Day Celebrations

Club President R.I. President District Governor Assistant Governor

Norman Coventry Holger Knaack Andy Rajapakse David Bisiker

In This Issue The next meeting of the Ciriello’s Whist Night 1 Ashmore Rotary Club Club Officials for the Year 2020-21 NUMBERS NEEDED is at the President: ……………... Norman Coventry Meeting Report 10/03/21 2/3 Ashmore Rotary Community Centre Vice president: ………...Heather Yarker Correction Statement 2 at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, the 17th of March President Elect: ………. Denise Payne Catering at this venue is by the “A” Team. Treasurer: ………………. Ian Wilson Message from Coomera 3 Valley R.C. Advice of your intention to attend is required by midday Secretary: ………………. Joan Adams

Kiva Project 4 Contact: Robyn Schatz Service Directors SMS: 0439 794 092 Club Service: ……………... Denise Payne Final Funnies 4 Email: [email protected] Community Service: ….. Barbary Healey Youth: ………………………. Jan Heap This week we will be celebrating the Irish part of our heritage. It is Foundation & International Service: ...Justine Dillon probable that most of us whose ancestors emanated from the British Isles Membership: ……………. Norman Coventry (even the Scots) will have a smattering of Hibernian Blood in our veins. Vocational Service: …… Robin Schatz We apologise to those with an Indigenous, European, Oriental or Support Sub-continent heritage. Please be patient with us for the day. That minute Attendance: ……………… Robyn Schatz number of Irish genes contain a significant proportion of alcoholic DNA. Welfare: …………………… Marcia Waller Your meal on this night will be Irish Stew. Stews came into prominence Elaine Williams during the early 19th century when an economic downturn brought Barbecue Events: ……… Brian McAllan poverty to Eire. It was found that by throwing everything in a pot and Rob Deshon adding water - especially if one could get hold of cheap meat (mutton) - and letting it simmer over the fire for a few hours, a very tasty meal resulted.

Date Venue Duty Team Guest Speaker/Event Each year, Tony and Lorenza Ciriello open 17 Mar ARCC RED St Patrick’s Day their home to the club for a “WHIST NIGHT”. Apart from the fun of this very 24 Mar ARCC GREEN T.B.A. light-hearted progressive game of cards, there are some very tasty snacks provided. 27 Mar CIRIELLO’S SOCIAL WHIST NIGHT This is not a night for serious card players. Numbers to Marcia no later than 17th March In fact, the relaxed atmosphere you 31 Mar ASHMORE TAVERN ——— 5th Wednesday experience when you first arrive will ensure that it is impossible to be serious about 7 Apr ARCC GOLD T.B.A. anything; other than, perhaps, social distancing. This event has been arranged for the evening of the 27th of March. Lorenza would like numbers as soon as The above arrangements may change as the date approaches. Check future issues for the latest information. possible: so if it is your intention to attend, please contact Marcia Please Note: All raffles held at club meetings will be CASH ONLY immediately. You won’t regret it. Bring the family to this night of good fun. Page 2

Collectables Bottle & Can Income Report Meeting Report: 10th March 2021 - Duty Team: RED Total deposited for January ‘21 $ 448.80 Meeting opened at 18:55 (Members present: 17 , No Guests) Total deposit for 1-7-20 to 31-1-21 $ 1,773.20 “Chairperson”/Co-Ordinator: John Stanfield Total deposit 2-11-18 to 31-1-21 $ 4,093.50 Apologies: Ian & Heather Yarker, Ken Cowan, Denise Payne, Justine Dillon ———————————— Elaine Williams and Brian McAllan. Bottles - plastic and glass, Cans with the 10c re- Chairman, John welcomed members to the to the meeting. He thanked the Club turn bar code: To Barbara H. members for their help with team duties in the absence of the majority of the Gold Team. Tea Bag Tags: To Heather Y. Last week was International Women’s Week with the theme “Women in Stamps: To Ian McPherson. Leadership. Achieving an Equal Future in a Covid-19 World.” Bread Clips: To Jan Heap “In 1811 women had no rights. In 1902, women achieved the right to vote. In Aluminium Ring Pulls: To Jan Heap? 2021 women are always right”. ———————————————————————— Cane Toads: Frozen— In plastic bag Director’s Reports see procedure at • President, Norman Coventry. The Cluster joint meeting will be held on To Michael H. …………….Will pick up Tuesday, 13th of April at 18:00 for 18:30 at the Burleigh Heads Mowbray Park Surf Life Saving Club replacing the usual meeting of the Ashmore Social & Volunteer Calendar to June club on Wednesday, 14th April, Guest Speaker will be a senior member of PLEASE BE SURE TO MAKE A NOTE IN YOUR DIARY the Queensland Scout Movement. OF THE DATES OF UP-COMING EVENTS LISTED A three course dinner will be served. The cost for the evening will be $30. BELOW:

• Youth Services Director, Jan H. Following her verbal “thank you”, Lily Wednesday 17th March: Brown sent an email repeating her thanks. (SEE PAGE 3) Saint Patrick’s Day: Announcements Food is organised. Elaine will organise Marcia Waller: decorations and we will need help to organise this fun There are three upcoming events where numbers attending are required: night. Everyone to wear green. Leprechauns are invited. • Next week’s meeting will be a celebration of St Patricks Day This event was cancelled in 2020 due to Covid –19 therefore a double celebration will Saturday 27th March be the form for this year. “A” team leader, Pat F., Barbara H. and Janet H. Whist Night at the Ciriello’s will be providing traditional Irish Stew, Brad F. has volunteered to bring Tony & Lorenza have again invited us to join them for Frozen Mixed vegetables and Barbara H. will supply an appropriately col- a light-hearted game of cards. Numbers now required. oured Desert. A raffle prize of a bottle of Baileys will be on offer. All members are requested to wear green. Wednesday 31st March: th • The Whist Night at Ciriello’s home will take place on Saturday, March 5 Wednesday of the month. Social Event: 27th at a time to be advised. Entrance fee is $20 per head. Dinner at Ashmore Tavern – NOTE CHANGED VENUE • 31 st March is the fifth Wednesday of the month and no formal meeting is Wednesday 28th April : scheduled. A social evening has been arranged. It has been found that the Pay-it-Forward day. chosen venue, Benowa Tavern, is undergoing refurbishment and the area where the club's previous function was held is no longer available. The Barbara to organise this special event. Club Services Director will be consulted with regard to an alternative Sunday 2nd May venue.1 Sausage Sizzle at Gold Coast Potters Association. 1 NOTE UPDATE: IT IS NOW CONFIRMED THAT THE VENUE IS CHANGED TO ASHMORE TAVERN - LOCATION : Cnr. CURRUMBURRA ROAD & COTLEW STREET ( JUST SOUTH OF THE ARCC). Volunteer names to Brian Mc. please. Rob Deshon: th Bunnings sausage sizzle - Sunday 7th March Sunday 16 May: Sales: 380 sausages, 140 soft drinks. BBQ at Michael and Janet Hyland’s home. Expenses: $364 Arrangements to be advised. Net profit: $796 within 1% of the income from the previous event. Wednesday 23rd June: “On behalf of Brian, who should be luxuriating on a beach at Port Douglas by Changeover Dinner at the Southport Golf Club. now, thank you all for helping out yesterday”. th Wednesday 30 June: Guest Speaker: Social event at the Centre. Joan Adams - Queensland Animal Welfare League. “The Great Debate”. Roast dinner. The organisation came into being as a result of an inability by the local council to properly care for stray and unwanted pets. After 48 hours at the council pound, the All of the above events will continue to be advertised animals were taken to the council dump and shot. on Page One of this publication under: In 1959 a small group of animal-lovers founded an organisation that provided ATTENTION: EVENT DETAILS sanctuary for these unwanted pets. The group was leased a block of land by the Council at Paradise Point, where a boundary fence and shelters from wire netting and packing cases were built. That organisation, founded by Neil Anderson OAM is now known as the Animal Welfare League Queensland. With the spread of development in the area, facilities were relocated to a site at Shelter Road, CORRECTION Coombabah. The AWLQ Head Office is also at this site. It was reported in last week’s issue of Ashmore in Action Joan arrived in Australia in 1998, having been involved with animals through the that the Easter Eggs donated by members would be RSPCA in Singapore and Phuket. Wanting to become a Veterinary Nurse, she distributed at the Nerang High School. found the best path was to train whilst a volunteer. Joan Joined AWLQ as a That is incorrect. The Easter Eggs will be sent to the St. volunteer in 1999 and qualified as a nurse in 2000. Johns Crisis Care Centre in Surfers Paradise to be given to the children of needy families - of which there are far The organisation operates “Rehoming Centres” at Coombabah, Stapleton, too many in this affluent region. Willawong and Bracken Ridge and Veterinary Clinics at the Head Office site, We apologise to our readers for printing this misleading Ipswich and Daisy Hill. AWLQ is assisted by 500 volunteers, working at such information. diverse duties as washing, gardening, driving, general animal care (cleaning) and training, Continued on Page 3 Page 3 Continued from Page 2 From the Editor’s Desk Joan Adams - Animal Welfare League Queensland socialising, laundering and calming animals when distressed . I was wrong again; Ken Cowan did not return to our meeting last week. Ken, we hope you are recovering now and will be able to AWLQ are always looking for more volunteers. be back with us soon. Give me a call if you need a lift. 14 Veterinarians are on the organisation’s books of which six Yet more sad news out of the United Kingdom with a are on duty at one time. They are assisted at the three Clinic Metropolitan Policeman accused of kidnapping and murdering locations by 13 nurses. 33-year-old, Sarah Everard who was last seen walking home Joan runs the instrument sterilising operations at Coombabah. across Clapham Common. It is a long time since I have walked Funding comes from many sources, both private and business. through that area. But it always used to be well lit and a generally Two individual bequeaths have been received. One went to safe and social area. I am at a loss to understand how this can rebuilding some outhouses and a second, from a lady cat-lover, happen. It seems to me that there are so many more ways for to modernise the cat area. people to interact in these times without reverting to violence. The President Norman Coventry closed the meeting at 19.40 with a whole philosophy of sections of one group wanting to dominate (joke?) and called on all to recite the Four-Way test. another confounds me. I guess that it must have been present in my young days but our communication systems weren't as The following message has been sent to us by The Rotary comprehensive. If it did, it certainly didn’t happen in the wide Club of Coomera Valley variety of social groups within which I mixed. On a brighter note, our social night for Wednesday 31st of March Would you recognize the warning signs of someone has been relocated to the recently refurbished Ashmore Tavern. contemplating suicide? Suicide is a major problem in our society Marcia has had a “Test Run”, of course; and has given the venue and affects all sectors in our communities and 5% of people the “thumbs up”. We have had a sluggish response to the Whist taking their own lives are male. We ALL have a role to play in Night at the Ciriello’s. Hopefully some have not yet spoken with the prevention of suicide and to do this we need to educate Marcia. However, she will need numbers no later than next ourselves in the basics of prevention. Wednesday to allow Lorenza to cater correctly. The Gold Coast Primary Health Network (GCPHN) are offering I wonder why the Powers-That-Be didn’t combine the FREE online training sessions for Gold Coast residents to assist International Day of the Bagpipes with St. Patrick’s Day in recognizing the warning signs. With just some basic instead of making them a week apart (the former was last knowledge we can build a local safety net and help those Wednesday). contemplating suicide. Sometimes a caring word from a friend is We know of course, that neither the Irish tribes nor the Scottish all it takes to prevent it. Clans were the inventors of the bagpipes. Bagpipes were carved on a Hittite slab that has been dated at around 1,000 B.C. Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency response to someone in It is apparent that pipes used to create music moved north and crisis and can save lives. QPR is a self-guided online training west from that time on. It seems that the Romans may have made program that aims to teach people to recognise the warning signs the first major innovation, adding a reservoir to enable a of a suicide crisis and how to respond following three simple continuous sound. Historians have noted that coins of the time of steps: Question, Persuade, and Refer. Many of us are in regular Nero depict the Emperor playing the bagpipes, suggesting that he contact with people who are at risk of suicide without knowing was a proficient piper and actually played the bagpipes, not the it. People who are experiencing suicidal thoughts may not be fiddle, whilst Rome burned. It is suggested that the invading able to communicate their distress directly, and so warning signs Romans took the pipes to Ireland and by the time the colonising may be missed or misinterpreted. Gaels moved to Argyll they were a well established battlefield instrument. Whilst there are many training programs that deliver skills in Unfortunately we have no Irish born members in the club but I mental health awareness, Question-Persuade-Refer (QPR) has know of at least one Scot with a few Irish genes. Perhaps he the most and strongest evidence for building skills to help with a could play us a reel!!! suicidal crisis. She’s still on holiday in Cairns but as a dedicated Rotarian, QPR training is being offered to the Gold Coast Community as Denise is still thinking about the organisation and the club. She part of the Gold Coast Joint Regional Plan for Mental Health, has sent me this thought: Alcohol and other Drugs, and Suicide Prevention and the Gold What are the qualities of a good leader? Coast Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s answer was:- Course details “Leadership is the art of getting someone to do something that you want done because he/she wants to do it” Duration: 1-2 hours self paced online training. Eisenhower gained a reputation as a strong and tactical military leader. He was also one of the more Key components covered: capable U.S. Presidents. He served two terms between 1953 and 1961. • How to Question, Persuade and Refer someone who may The following message was sent to Jan Heap on the day following be suicidal. Lily’s visit to us. Space restrictions prevented entry into last • How to get help for yourself or learn more about week ’s AiA. preventing suicide.

• The common causes of suicidal behaviour. • The warning signs of suicide. Good morning Jan, • How to get help for someone in crisis. I just wanted to thank you very much for the lovely evening, it was so nice to Recognition: see everyone again and share my experiences from NYSF.

Upon completion of the course, participants will I would also like to express my gratitude for your club's support in my receive a certificate. attendance this year, I could not have done it without you. Claim your spot by visiting: Question Persuade Refer (QPR) online training - I feel incredibly fortunate to have met such a wonderful group of people Gold Coast Primary Health Network ( creating positive change in the community. I wish you all the best for the and completing the form year ahead and hope to see you all again soon. Best,

Lily Brown. Page 4

Kiva Project The picture (right) is of Mavluda, another of the people we are helping to sponsor. Mavluda is 35 years old and mother of two girls. Her husband works in . She is well educated and teaches at the local village school. Mavluda also owns a small herd of cattle, supplying produce to the village. Her last loan was used to increase the size of her herd. Mavluda’a present loan was to pay for school uniforms and educational supplies for her daughters, one of whom is at High School and the other at Primary. is in the south western, Khation region of , about 85 km south of the Tajik capital . It is rural high country being around 500 metres above sea level. It is predominantly cattle country although the regional capital Qurghonteppa is a commercial hub. Loan Amount: $ 975 Date: 27-08-20 Funded by: 37 Lenders Loan Period: 14 Months 38% Repaid:

Final Funnies

Another three from Joan and three from Neil

“You know when you’re getting older when you are told to slow down by your doctor, instead of by the police”. Joan Rivers “As you get older, the pickings get slimmer but the people don’t”. Carrie Fisher “You know that you are getting older when the candles cost more than the cake”. Bob Hope

Member’s Welfare Celebrations If you are aware of any member who is sick or is in need of help, please contact Again, there are no member birthdays Marcia Waller on: or anniversaries to celebrate this week

Mobile: 0413 730 820 So I found a few Celebrities who were born this week :- Albert Einstein; 1874 at Ulm, Germany Email: [email protected] Elton John; 1947 at Pinner, London. Dick Smith; 1944 at Roseville, Sydney. Kurt Fernley; 1981 at Cowra, N.S.W.