nngn PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. S PRICE THREE 0SNT8. ^"ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL.’39. PORTLAND, MAINE. THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 28. 1901. tR&Srff&SH ■ ■ .. ______j--———— p—ft— M i.i ■■■■■■■ ■— «»i — j~"~_”-_a iwuivhio auu nwa uv« ■UCEUANKOM- MUM, nHIVII KH KlUpiMtt, UB/*I ™, "e*, |neiw (7. T«»r». He called Ur. McKean’* atten- beneficial to the farmers. 1 be seen t iry tbe of t he the Daring early part day, tion to the matter In the fall of 1890. consulted with the different member* r_ SPOOM LAW. oonfenmoe report upon tbe fortifications appropriation bill aooepted by the Later Mr. McKeen said he found no ac- •nd thoe k«pt In tonch with them. Mr. Senate, count of the matter, bat would attend Adams volunteered the statement lhat The The Philippine amendment at agreed to It. Nothing more * heard by the not a cent of the state’s motley waa used to In tbe Senate Is ae follows wltneee until latt December when Mr. In furthering hie campaign for tbe po* All military, olell ana judicial power* Consumption necessary to govern the Philippine lsl- MoKeeii nettled the bill. The matter attlco of oattle oommlaatoner. of our famous brands of Harvard anue, aoqalred from Spain by toe treatise wae mentioned to several members of Mr. J. A. a member of the cigars-has ltoberta, of Donoloded at Parla on tne tenth of reached the enormous amount day tb* board. Board of Agriculture, sel l that he had December, 18UH and at Washlogton on nearly "•■RS^IOc.CIflARS of who talked with Mr. Mo Keen In to Adopted By Senate By Par- the seventh day Ot November, 1KW shall, The MeKeon Investigation Charles K. Wheeler Cbestervllle, regard until otherwise provided by congress, wae treasure? of the Homological sooiety tbe alleged Irregularities In the nnanoee be vested In each a manner as tbe Pres!- In 1890, testified that be had correspond- of the office, Mr. Koberte advised Mr. lent of the United htatea shall direct, Vote. Ends. ed with Mr. McKeen about tbs McKeen to aak for an Investigation at ty ror tne establishment of olvll govern- stipend A MILLION ment anil for maintaining and protecting In that year. Mr. MoKeen wrote that the hands of tbe Board at the time of the Inhabitants ot said islands In the be would attend to the matter as soon as the last annual meeting, and Mr. McKeen tree of their enjoyment liberty, property convenient and sent flop on account said that he could not do It as the pro- ind religion. Provided that ell franchises granted Mr. McKeen'a letter was shown to the gramme of tbe meeting had been already A WEEK under the authority hereof shall eon- secretary. Mr. MoKeen wrote from time arranged. Mr. Koberte Bald be had never lain a reservation of tbe right to alter have never been achieved by any brand of cigars to time giving excuses for not attend- made a careful examination of tbe books These astounding figures intend or repeal the same. been reached maintaining the Further Facts to the mutters On cross-sxumlna- of Ur. McKeen On oroes examination, in the world, and have only by constantly Mr Hoar Republi- Until a permanent government shall Brought ing of the U.S. Internal Only highest quality and absolute uniformity. The records Dave been established In said aroblprlngo tlin Mr Wheeler suld the letter* were Mr. Koberts was asked about an Inter- in the of our two Revenue Department show that the increase production can full report* shall bs made to Congress Out Yesterday. destroyed and that he w«« testifying view purporting to be with him In was that the total of aiiy Opposed. in or before tne first day or each regu- brands in the past two years greater production from recollection. He hsd destroyed wblcn ha made references to the ques- in one lar session of all legislative acts and pro- other cigar factory in New England any year. one les-tinge ot tbe temporary government the letters with the exception of tion of the secretary's giving bond. Sold fmjrwton. Instituted under the provisions hereof; which went Into the bands of Mr Koowl- Us denies statements made In the Inter- of ths of ind tall reports aots, doings ton Mr. Wheeler said be destroyed the view wbloh were printed In the Maine laid goveoment and as .to tbe condition letters a few months not he then Karm»r Mr. Koherta on redirect exami- 31 tbe aroblpelnyo and of Its people, shall ego, H.TRAISER&CO., he made tu the President, Including all i*.ld not know that this mutter wus to nation, said It was bis purpose to seonre MAKERS, Gifts President Power in information which may he useful to the Rite’s Report Shows Only be Investigated. He could not say n ore meetings of the Board and more PIPPINS a Expert Supreme In more ARAB A Unrivalled either MAS8< Congress providing permanent whether he had destroyed the letters be- authority for It. The Board Is In session Cn Q BOSTON, government. or fore or after be bad read the letters of two and then the members VVs UlUMlfOin quality Mauds. that no sale or lease or other Cartless Rook Keeping. only days go and the ThoLargoat Union Olgar Factory Provided, sales, Deposition of tbe publlo lands or tbe Mr. Utlbert attacking Mr. McKeen. home In to Mr. he said In tho reply Spear, smoke on earth. U.S._ or tbe greatest jc. timber thereon, mining rights "That’s all,'* said Mr. Sp

—.—- all ifaifftttt ,.... _r -.UaaMtr.sif-gauaernM, in u -.- — -"77—--^.- "T.T ™<.....n —— i . i . nopsi c ■ » poet Longfellow’* birthday yetterday by oonducted at Bed Men's hall, Mosrtils. a apeclal programme at lhe of thi WESTBROOK. Tcatry last evening. Tha party was largely at- Warren ohoroh. Congregational tended and was oondnotsd by Mrs. r. C. Dr. A. H. Burrongha, D. D. O. M. o Parker, Mrs. G. B. Varney and Mrs. the Moaonio went to Uorhain order, loel Hill, 'l'be oroeerds of the evening are to evening, accompanied by hie anlte ol be given for tbe benefit of the Home for nffioen and 1 Ward Four Democrats they natal led the officer*' Friendless Hoys on the Hlverton road. elect of Harmony lodge. Tbe topper and danoe whlob was to The Nominate. following are the Demooratto noml have been held on Thursday evening by nationa made for Ward 6: Mr. K. P. White and friend I at Uoagg Alderman—Daniel U. Tbenault lien hall has been postponed owing to the Ill- hen Holstein. ness of several of tbe party. East evening ■ Warden—Mahlon Webb. WARD OWE. West Ena hotel and a U'rh—Freemen Babb. Mr. Castnsr of tbs _ISLAWD of friends from tbs West End, en- Constable—John Cobb. • party Events Club to Give IHusi- ft Current joyed a danos and social evening at the WOODFORDS. same hall. ealc. Mr. 0. F. Ingalls, Concord street, Hearing Center, a well known oltlsen, At the annual election of Lebenon wav itrloken yesterday wltb paralysis Commandery, Knlgbta of Malta, held The stroks fatal ana he died In Xneoday evening the following offioert proved the Y. P. S. were e'eoteil: Fir Knight Commander, evening. Congregational Edward S. Walker; Ueneralleelmo, D. W. Mr. Samuel Fogg, Stevens avenue, Is still 111 at bis C. E. Elects Officers. lloegg, Jr.; Captain General, A. J. Hearing Center, quite Conary; Prelate, Edward U. Jones; home. REPUBLICAN. DEMOCRAT. PROHIBITION. Fenlor Tbe fourth entertainment In the Hear- Warden, Lester V. homes; Kp- _ school alumni coarse of enter- corder. Arthur K. Walker; 'treasurer, L. ing High FOR MAYOR. FOB MAYOR, FOR MAYOR, tainments was given last evening at C.Gcddard; Trustee for eighteen months, Crosby ball, Ueertng blgb school build- DAAIICI D D A DI/CD 101 Free Street. Ward Poor, S. U. Kedmjnd. The offioers are to be tbe Eewls Conoert or FREDERIC L JOHN P. K UAniLL I. Portland, Main-. The Cleave* Kifles Leave For ing by oompany BbOTiiW^y^mK MERRILL, rrtnlVtni Installed next Tuesday evening by Past Massachusetts. Tbe oompany Isoom- of Atbtnn violin Grand Commander Arthur E. Walker. posed Eewls, virtuoso; Washington Tonight. Lucy Oliver Thaoher, reader; Nettle Tbe ladles' circle of the Woodfords Unl- FOR Young llaker, soprano; Mary Coburn ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN. versaltst church are to bold a sapper and llankell, pianist. Tbs oompany rendered Cl UCD P fiCDDIQU 29 EutornProroenadc.Warii Ward a tine ocnoert each member ClmCn Hilll CV P PUDTIQ UCMDV U/ QTDAU/ Congrem Btwet, entertainment Friday evening In the programme, Ui ULnlllOn, One, Portland. Maine. UAIMl! U. One. ortUn I, Main. ntnn I If. OI nA One, Portland, Main*. skilled in hts or her UUnilO, TT, of tbe being thoroughly The educational committee of the Cur- vestry compel. particular role. The entertalDinent was The Woodfords Auxiliary olub are to both and of a high order. rent Events cluo has arranged for a par- Interesting a drama on some kind of an en- The oourss of entertainments pill con- For held afternoon present Common Counollmen, For Common Counclimen, For Common lor muslcale to he Friday clude In Mareh with a drams to be Councilmen, tertainment at the Woodrorda Unlveraa- pre- at the home of Mr. Lemuel 8. Lane, Main sented by the Alumni association. 11st chapel parly In March. B. Onr, rortlKiiil Main... 1 William I' rl :,r, l, '**1 atroet. Mrs Helen W. Libby of Gorham, lindsay Griffin, F. Birnie, li.lli..'1 Charles E. Trefethen, There is to be a meeting of the offioers soprano; Miss Helen K Marshall of liar GOItHAM. and teachers of tbe Woodford* Congrega- Mills, contralto, and Kev. E. li. liarber tional church Thursday evening, Febru- of this oity are to render solos, llakets Hon. W. J. Cortbell, was In Augusta John C Corr 39 Coupon Htnct, Ward One. 0n*’ ary 38th at tbe church vestry at 7.30 Tuesday and appeared before tbe com- lames A. JUllll L. I Portland, Maine. Frank I are to be had from members of the club. Conneilan, 011, McDonald, I^ortlBml?t|ll.tlnHrd o'olook. mittee on eduoatlon on tbe resolve for The Westbrook Congregational Y. P. 130,000 offered by Kepmsentstlve Purln- Hooky Hill lodge No. fil. K. of P.,wlll 8. C. E have elected the following offi- ton of Uorham a abort time ago, for Iro- confer tbe rank of esquire on three can- orovementsa nd nlt-rollons of the school cers: President, Nell’e L. McCann; vice- at meeting to he held this with firs escapes, Osman C. Thomas J. Simeon K li didates the buildings Equipments Monroe, Skillings, president, Mary Kay mono; correspond- electric lights and other needed repairs. Hogan/^l^iix evening. ing secretary, Nellie L. McCann; record- These improvements are greatly needed The ladles’ auxiliary of tbe Portland ing secretary, Carrie A.McCann; treasur- to meet the Inoreaalug demands of the Y M. C. A., held a social tsa yesterday eohool. For Warden, For Warden, For Warden, er, Annie Morrill. afternoon the home of Mrt C. A. Wes- Nearly one hundred young peonle of 8tar of at Liberty council, Daughters of our village and vlolnlty attended tbe ton, 10 Pleasant avenue, from 3.30 to live H. One, Portl’aml^U.'n *.rJ I James Liberty have adopted resolutions on the masquerade ball at the Crystal Spring Joseph Wallace, Cummings, o'clock. The affair was well attended death of Mrs. N. li. Lowell. hotel Tuesday evening. Sherman's or- and chestra furnished the . The occa- Miss L’llereauz and Miss Martin of very enjoyable. sion was beu 11 the Miss Saunders street, who ly enjoyed by large For Ward Clerk. For Ward Lewiston, formerly of Westbrook, are In Mary Elwell, Clerk, For Ward ClerK. Is of the Cnmmlnga grammar oompany. the city on a brief visit as guests of principal Mrs T. 11. Edwards and son Dana have school at Lunt's Corner, resumed her moved to South Portland. Asa G. P, Mr. Narcissi Boucher and family, King Littlejohn, John BickPorf, duties at school Mr. William South street, '"1“-;§^^.]^; street. the yesterday, although Edwards, has ted a poaltloD at tbe laundry, she has not fully reoovered front her Ill- acos| Mr. L'Uereaiiz of Lewiston, Central tqunre. ness with of the a resident of is In congestion lungs.. Mr. Daniel Feeney, Highland avenue, For Constable, For Constable, For formerly Westbrook, ~ Constable, who has been 111 several days la now able the city on a brief visit. to attend to hla business. The Cleaves MOIUMLLS. Joshua C. Waller Kllles, N. G. 8. M., Capt. Master WUlle C Chapman and Ernest Doughty. Harrington, J. W. Graham, commanding, with Major Hand, wbo have beeu passing a few days F. B. W.Welch of Portland, accompanied Tbe Nortb Deerlng Congregational at Mr. and Mrs Cyrus Abbott's, have re- turned to tbelr homes In Portland. by the Maine and Co oburcb Is to tbe drama For Member Superintending School Committee. For Member School Committee. For Member 8lgnal Corp3 C, present comedy Mr. William Usher of a form- Superintending Superintending School Committee. • Portland, of Bath, leave tonight on the New York •’The Old Country htore anil Post Ullioe er well known resident, visited friends en route for New .York and Wash- by looal , this evening at Uooil here Tuesday. Lucy G. mavHSSSl: G. Miss E. who hns been Coolidge, Lucy Coolidge,la* ington, where they are to attend the In- fellows’ ball, North Doering, tor tbe Mary l.oweli, j vis lu Uorham has returned to her of President of ting augural McKinley. Every benefit tbe churoh. home In Everett, Mass. member of Co. M Is to take this trip, Tbe annual reunion and banquet of tbe Mr. Jeffrey of tha Hoston Maine, di- making 47 enlisted men and three olli Westbrook hem I nary Alumni association Worcester, Koobeater and Portland vision, recently attended the conductors 0818. is to be held tbls evening at Klverlon meeting In Portland. Thera were seven voters real ft area on casino. Tbe programme prepared for the Mr. W. W. Davis passed several days TutBJuy by the board of registration. occasion Includes a banquet at 7.80 In Augusta. Mrs. Wm, P. South street, Is Yesterday, up to noon, only two were o'clock to be followed by dancing and Kimball, confined to her boms by illness. whist. registered. Mr. Charles brackets, East Uorham, The Aiumoncogln club observed the A successful obarlty wblst party was was In our village yesterday on business STATE OF MAINE—CITT OF PORTLAND,

Tiie followJug is a correct list of all the candidates, duly nomi- nated, tlie resilience anil party or political appellation of each candi- date. to be voted for in tlie various wards of the city, March 4. MMM, substantially in the form of the general ballot to he so used therein. EDWIN 4., DI ED. City Clerk.


FOR MAYOR, FOR MAYOR, rprnCDip C DrtnTUOV -1- M 1 n miJW C i UCPPII | Spring Street, Ward REPUBLICAN. DEMOCRAT. PROHIBITION. rntULnlu t. uUUInDI, Four, Portland, Maine. JUfllt I. A. mthnlLL, Four, Portland, Maine.

FOR MAYOR, FOR MAYOR, FOR MAYOR, HA Klin P PADI/CD 101 Free 8treet, Ward Four, FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN, FREDERIC E, miff UANItL I, Portland, Main*. BOOTHBY, rAnAtn, 1AUC0 C I CiPUTHM 40 WaterviileBtrwt. Ward JAmto t, LtllinlUrl, Two, Portland, Maine. FLORENCE F. DRISCOLL,

FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN, n RArn 47 Kaatern For Common P pCDDIQU Promenade,Ward KiwUrnPromenade,Wtl Mrect, \v For Common Councllmen, Councilmen, LLITIliI Ui One, Portland. Maine. fUmY P PIIDTIC UCWDV Ml OTDAU/ ULIinlon, UnlVLLI U. UUnllo, One, Portland, Maine. ntnnl TTi ulllAflj On*, l’ortland, Maine. Jidwml Brown, Portland, Maine. 1 Edward W. Murphy, Two, Portland, Mtdltc. For Common Councilman, For Common Councilmen, For Common Councilmen, Lindsay R Griffin,183 William F. Birnie, Portland, Maine. I Charles L Trefethen, Alonzo 0. Butler, 1'orlUnd, Al Ine. | Michael J. Landers,

Inhn C Corr 39 Congreae Street, Ward One, °D'' Janies A. Connellan, 81<4ffmrr^.rJ JUIIII L. 1(111, Portland, Maine. Frank McDonald, ^UrtUDdtMalne.d I George F. T. Owen, James E. Hassett,_^ Portland, Maine.

For Warden, For Warden, Osman C, One, Portland, Maine. I Thomas J. Simeon A. On»??grui!nd? Maine.* Monroe, Hogan, Skillings, Motthnu/ Q Ptirl/Q w Anderson Street, Ward ..George E. Dunham, agar lUdllllCW 0. Dill Kuj Two, Portland, Maine.

For Warden, For Warden, For Warden, Inhn PnilOOnC* MS OongreeaStreet, Ward One, U/i!lio U Pnv 11 Lafayette Street, Ward One, Crflfl Ki Proiir 8 14 Sherbrooke Street, Ward For Ward Clerk, For Ward Clerk, JUilH Portland, Maine. irllllo n. Portland, Maine. Hull Vi. Oue, Portland, Maine. lUlloClIS, OUAj Uldl^ Phnrlno Ml Pnrr S3 Anderaon Street, Ward Two, Clarence F. Hepburn, CMri ulldlioo W. udllj Portland, Maine.

For Ward Clerk, For Ward Clerk, For Ward ClerK, ^ UoHo M Kloncan WBt. Lawrence Street, Ward For Constables, For Constables, Thomas H. 'oigrg mdUO l»li One, Portland, Main*. PercyR. Horton,80 Gately, Jr., NdlloOll, Potriol/ U MrMamara 2®w»*hi®ittonAv^,Wurd Charles TTfibbetts, I (ill ILK n. MlRdllldid, Two, Portland, Maine.

For Constables, For Constables, For Constables, TimothyL Hartnett, George R. Simpson, Philip a. toiler, Thomas Jordan,* Two, Portland, Maine.

School Committee. For Members School Committee. * ll/illinm Drinn 14 l’onoe Street, Ward One, For Members Superintending Superintending Edward K. Portland,’Maine. I VYilllcilli Portland, Maine. Heath, rilUJ, I nthom Trim 153 Cumberland Street, Ward Two, Lainam I TUB, Portland, Maine. Joseph I McGowan^^CT^Mr1

For Member Superintending School Committee. For Member Superintending School Committee. For Member Superintending School Committee.

* * TiicyTcooiidp, Lucy B. Coolidge, Lucy G.Cooiidge, "Portland* Maine. ’I Lucy G, Coolidge, Portland,Mali:e. I I


FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN, prnDOC 0 mcc Fw Straet,Ward Four, ’ll tine1 W Maine. LF. FoarJRortleud, Mal'iie. 1 I IENRY W. UlUIiUL U JUotPortland, JOSEPH CONNOLLY, 0/^LEY C. CURTIS, Onefrorilentl, STRAW, *

\ Councllmori, Councllmen, For Common Councilman, For Common For Common Councllmen, For Common ^ T. -William F.Binalfl, Hugh Barker, GeorjtePTThomas,

JolTFarr, 89 < CTn^rr.r*sr^rr<*"■ •rank McDoiia«>”MBfeM^OMr Beniamin F. Crosman, TyttieFFRolrts, 3U^r.».rd

Uanrv U/ U/a»l 87 Port****** 8tr*«t, Ward Four, W. Portland, Maine. Martin J. ""?oru«md.' Thomas J. Hogan, : iimeonA. Skillings, nolllj TVdji Kelley,

For Warden, For Warden. For Warden, For Warden, "i Michael L Portland,'Mstne. Michael F. &ur, Portland, Waine. Charles 0. Blackman, Conley,>T J McDonough,

For Ward For Ward Clerk, I Ward Clera. Clork, For Ward Clerk. For Robert A, 61 John E. Morrison, 3 Herman a Littlejohn, Fogj

For For Constables, Fo- Constable, Constables, For Constable. Frank Howard F. ^^PorlUml,’Maine. William a Bennett, Merrill, Hall,

For Member Superintending School Committer. For Member Superintending School Committee. Arthur I. Sawyer, Zebulon Jackson, 17C*M^asrwrjdy°u7' Lucy 6. CoolHlg^«s«Kl^ For Members Superintending School Committee. For Member! Superintending School Committee. ” _- Tobias A, Burke,

Lucyl, Coolidge,1M S^,h1' Lucy G, Coolidge,




FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN, nilliri W PllIPl/ l-'fl P»rk Street, Ward Five, JEROME a ffJXSa&S? UANItL W. llllilm, fortlmud, Maine. TDWCOT TDIIC 175 Pearl Btroet, Ward Three, PCHDPC THI M A kl 'i08 Cumberland Street, Ward "WALTER H. LEIGHTON, Lfirltol I nUtf Portland, Maine. lltUtlUL lULmArlj Three, Portland, Maim*. 'CHESTER L

Councilman, For Common Councllmen, For Common Councllmen, For Common For Common CouncIImen, For Common Councllmen, For Common Councllmen, George W. Foster, Portland, Maine. I ~7 Herbert s’ Dyer,101 Frank g MacdonaM,^^.^' Main., W, Three, Port haul, Main*. William Cammelt, *o: land, Charles F. Stubbs, Arthur Hawkes, j 3 6Flr™ Portland, Maine. I Charles W. Marston, Iverett G.Scully,;:" nTn^^F1'- William 0. Hough, Walter H. Lysetli^ John Lewis,loa gt,Quyprt,^rMl%rdFlve> EdwardA. Shaw, CharTes a Wish. "Hugh Gray, Frank A. Mitchell, Thomas f. Bishop, Leland S. Coffin, For Warden, For Warden, For Warden.__ For Warden, For Warden, For Warden, George A. Bynon, GW C. Edwards, ”**£23:32^ George S. Staples, Throe, Po Hand, Maine. Fred 1 Close,3M^S^nd'Fbrcc’ For Ward ClerK. For Ward Clerk, For Ward Clerk,

For Ward For Ward For Ward ClerK, nnn 422 Cumberland Street, Ward Clerk, Clerk, Dkllln n I nrinir dlata Ktrw-t, Ward Fire, Pnluin 0 I 1‘urtlai.d, Maine. bdlvin 0. L3IIB, Fife, Portland, M*»ne. “ ** Philip U. LOring, _ William^ Horse,79 wtl,a^:^!Thre< Thomas J. Wagner, PurtUud, Malue. I For Constables, For Constables. For Constables, For Constables, For Constables, For Constables, _ nv°: F. ~ George Hayes, -- Edwin F,Tniilh7^e^1ua,1nrs:Vl,..li > SaieTFT Hatch, Stephen Foley, U*U%&A32Z**~- Ihil Perry,“7 0umlp^dr^n^r^ William 1 Roach, Edgar E. Rounds, Por andMaine. James W. Healey, School Committee. School Commlttet. For Member Superintending Por Member Superintending School Committee. For Member Superintending For Member School Committee. ** For Member Superintending School Committee Superintending * Lucy G. Conlidge,1M ^Vurllaud’ Mama. Lucy G. Coolidge, W^oolitlge>^^a^^: Lucy G. Coolidge,

» i- S13r-1 I I I I



FOR ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN. IWWwrtb ook8t..W*rd 81,1 \lill I 1A Id D inukicnu 166 Av.ou.,W.r PI iDCWPC U nOCCCCD ARTHUR K. HUNT, "ARTHUR! BQSWORTH, fo"3asg’.S£! CHARLES M. ABBOTT,^. ?rort?andjl(»lD«. I nlLLIAnl 0. JUnrioUn, Ki«ht, Porti.mi, m»id« ULAntrlUL n. UmLOOLIIj Eight, Portland, Maine

For Common Councilman. For Common Counoilmen, For Common Councllmen, For Common Councllmen, For Common Councllmen, For Common Councilman. Ward nt,‘|:„ I nAArimr Cumberland Street, Ward CHu/ird D Pftffin 826 Woodford Street, Malar. Ward h’ii, Portland, UtlnJ LUWdlU D. bl) 11 Kigbt, Portland, Maine. George FT¥yes,^j^r^.^: Philip J, Ueenng, him, Portland, Warles S. Norcross, Arthur Chapman, John J, McDonald, III] % _ WlanTTwillard, Frederick H. Cobb, M) William L Cobb, John sfRnsse^70 Kl

w U/apI flu I U/nir 0 n or ton Place, Ward Six, Fr^etlckL. JertTs, "Charles & Peake, ttuoluj J. fTGil| Portland, Maine. John], Baody, Eugene R Winslow, Eight,'Portland’ Maine. I

For Warden, For For For Warden, For Warden, For Warden, Warden, Warden, ~17 THuiin A Prntf 61» Cumberland Bt., Ward 81*, K",b1' D, Frank Portlaud, Maine. John H. ,:i'^L°»^,,i.^. W, "Eight rrortlind^irSne! tOWin A, bray,_Portland, Maine._ Maper, Card, George Furlong,

For Ward Clerx. Ward For Ward For Ward ClerK. For Ward Clerk, For Ward ClerK, For Clerk, Clork, Unrru P Ditco H3 Coyle Street, Ward Sight, Richard'll. Ball, James' L. Blair, "Albion L Chapman, Ktfht, I'orllu <1, M.lii' ndliy D. nllM, Portland, Maine.

For Constables, For Constables, For Constables, For Constables, For Constables, For Constables, “ ’Samuel t Thomas Morgan, *&£££?**■ Tred E. Wheeler, Bernard J. McCafferty, ^SgKSSSSrgSSS

Clarence A. Johnson, "gttaflcftgy Patrick ft Smith, nTft£SS2sS:*M’ U % t* « Chauncey R, Berry, Thomas A. Sweeney, *®3?piSS3I^.

School Committee. ^'or Member School Committee. For Members Superintending School Committee. Per Members Superintending School Committee. For Members Superintending: Por Member .Superintending .School Committee. For Member Superintending School Committee. Superintending

I nrnu I Uirrht 608Cumberland Street, Ward Six, Leroy L. nlglll, Portland, Malm James W. Kelley, Lucy G. Coolidge, Lucy B. Coolidge,_

Tucy G. CflOMp, ““’•ftgSfrg£jw‘“V Lucyfl. Coolidge,

I--,-1..—-1 i-----T---1

REPUBLICAN. DEMOCRAT. PROHIBITION. REPUBLICAN. DEMOCRAT. PROHIBITION. MAYOR. FOR MAYOR, FOR MAYOR, FOR FOR MAYOR, FOR MAYOR, FOR MAYOR, 60 Street, War.! Four. MUM C 1 MCDDtl I Sprio* IflUM C A MCPPII I 93 Spring Street. Ward nAMICI D DADl/CD 101 Free Street, Werd FREDERIC Four, Portl.u V:, ru' I JUnPI I. A. mtnnlLL, Four, Portland, Maine. DANIEL my^M£Fo°' TrederTcT. Four, Portland, Maine. I JUnli || A. Four,Portland, Maine. UAHIcl r. rflnKcn, poni»-u, E.B00THBY, P._PARKER, boothby, mtunlLLj _

FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN. FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN, FOR ALDERMAN. nrnonc U PDAU ISM Foret A.enne, Ward NATHAN PI irrnpn 391 Street, Ward CHARLES s, utUnut III. bHAW. Nino, Portland, Maloe. mellenT Men, iitoT.affit"“i ARTHUR H. MOULTOHr^^M^e! AA I HAA ULIrrUnU} Seven, Portland, Maine. EDWARDIT. BURIWE^^^SSlw^ ¥RNlAi,a?ia^K?

For Common Councllmen, For Common Councllmen, For Common Councilmen, _ For Common Councilmen, For Common Councilman, For Common Councllmen. Portland, Muine. Samuel G, Heorge F. Kavanough, James H. Kelleher, Francis A. Bent, Wiliiam F. Phinney, Howard 0. Merrill, j Davis,

P, Lemuel Rolfe, William C. Eaton. x&Z* Enoch W. Hunt, Thomas HcCleery, Charles W. Hanson, Edgar Ramsdell,

PoIqIi P Troou loOO Washington Are., Ward bdlBU D. Nino, Portland, MAline. Edward W. Knight, Joseph D. Randall, John E. Greene, Washington Franklin nltiTT»y: IldCy,

For Warden, For Warden, For Warden, For Warden, For Warden, For Warden, Inhn A Pnunn II® Congreae Street, Ward Seven, W. C. Charles F. Scamman, Lyman W. Hanson, JUfill A. WjyilG, Portland, Maine. lames Roberts,

For Ward ClerK. For Ward Clerk. For Ward Clerk, For Ward Clerk. For Ward Clerk, For Ward ClerK, W;> Xl'-- Francis Silas E. Walter E Burrowes, Heveu 1‘orUuid, Me. I William P. E. Carroll, 'aSSgrSstX f'War, Strout,14

For For Constables, For Constables, Constables, For Constables, For Constables, For Constables, Charles E Cousins, Willard G. Frank, Abel H. Strickland, George C. Cribb,

Charles A. Jones,"ti»^£g^r' Pliieas N. Pingnie, *^J&gS&£iif SylvanusE. Stevens,

For Members Superintending School Committee. Fur Members Superintending School Committee. For Member* Superintending School Committee. Pur Member. Superintending School Committee. For Membera Superintending School Committee. For Mrmhcn Superintending School Committee. George H. ¥an, Ge^gTlT^nfahtr^1^8^.^^^0"' Daniel W. Heseltine, Adam f. Winslow,4 Portland, Maine. ^

iam*h sented at the Louisiana Purobaae Exposi- Is delivered at these rates The DAILY PRESS tion. Then arguments will be advanced with 45 onirat hi* to snbscrll>ers in all parts of every morning and the legislature will receive them & HEAT CO. Tort laud, and iu Westbrook and South Port- with Interest, and be Influenced by them VOK.ES land. The Punishment of Pro- EXTRACT ofBEEF/ r.\rrKT«._ la for But Guilty — providing representation. of Biddeford and Saco) MAINE STATE PRESS (Weekly) "Cut la Monglca) oST* THE FLOOR WALKERS. or at the end from a historical point ot view there By the year, $1 In advance, $1.23 vincial Officials. Company Includes Lucy Paly, Margaret Daly. Yokes, tieo. Sldnpy, Burt Kstelle than dollars Ifaverly, of the year. an evsn stronger argument Bird. Louis Powers and a Cnorus «»f Thirty. For six months, .30 cents; for three months, 25 and oenta for the Importance of onr REFUNDING MORTGAGE 412 Bcgiilnr Prices—fJ.00, 75, M, 05c. Matinee 25, 00c. Heats now on sale. rents. joining In the celebration of the Louie- ___ PER CENT BONDS. Next Attraction—AII Next Week. !*na Purchase This Is the fact that the and not delivered Buy genuine Subscribers whose papers are Missouri Is Maine’s epeolal nartnar in the WAY DOWN EAST. of 70c, floe. 25c. Seals on Hale to the office Will Endoi’se $\.0Q, Friday. __ promptly are requested notify union of states. In 1880, when Maine Germany _Prices, the DAILY PRESS, No. 97 Exchange street, avoid disappointment caat oB the leading strings of her alder Old 6’s due April 1,1901, Portland, PORTLAND THEATRE, llrMpr in, .l|,„ay,r. Me._ __ slater, Maeeaohueetta, and took bar plaoe Proposition. with inferior and imi- taken In exchange, the town aa a free and sovereign state In Week .Unlliiett Patrons of the PRESS who are leaving to ComnirticinK Woinluj ^vrniiii;, February 33, was Ferfull particulars apply temporarily may have the addresses of their Union, her admission only possible tation brands. the Dully Br|lnnliiK Tnr«ila). papers changed as often as they may desire by under the plan for maintaining notify ing tlie office. balance of the South against of Suicide of Leaders A neat cook book containing over l§o the North In the United States Senate K(>|iort The recipes for soaps, sauces, various kinds PORTLAND THEATRE STOCK CO. Missouri. Mason also I & 4. by admitting Confirmed. of savories and for invalid cookery Merrill, The superb organization of popular favorite* presenting for the first time in this city the »uo- [LECTION MONDAY, MARCH were oouoled to- a cf svfnl four art drama, Maine and Mlaeourl sent free to any housewife. Drop pos- 98 Exchange St. comedy gether In 18J0, bound together In a Siam- tal to Liebig's Extract of Meat Con P O Box New York Republican Nominations. ese twin like attitude by the necessities 8718, City. THE LUCKY of the While theoreti- star, FOR MAYOR. slavery question. A of intense heart Interest, clever and dramatic climaxes. A cally In opposition for many ysars, they will play comedy powerful $.'»o,oo Berlin, February 117.—Germany Parlor Suit will bo given awav at the Saturday Night l'ef'ormaneo. were united In the f*PKC'I A I. »OT!CM. NEW ENGLAND supporting principles endorse tbe proposition of tbe United Kveulng Price*-10, 20, ,w, 50a. Matinees—10, 70 and 30c. Scat* on sale at the box office for Frederic E. of the old Jeffersonlan and It was entire week. Boothby party, Metes, Great Britain and Franoe for ths WARD 1. In the before the Civil war ('oiiimiitfp on I.praI Affair*. only days punishment of tbe guilty provincial INVESTMENTS. Alderman—Elmer G. Gerrish. that were In aotual and aotlve op- committee on Affair** will they offlolals and will support tbs same In tbe The Legal give REV. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT Councllnien— B Griffin, .lames A. in it* room at the BLate House Lindsay position. They hava been widely separat- public hearings of C'ouneilau, Osman C. Munroe. conference of tbe ministers of tbs pow- in August*. County Washington, Me, Will Udur4n €li(»lnul SI. 71. C. I Inirch, Warden—John Cousins. ed but the Missouri sum- slnoe, growing ers In Bekln. This statement Is made 2*. 1E1, at 2 p. m. 19234) ( K. Horton. Thursday. February’ 4s, Jerk—Percy mer In Maine la an indication of 166 -On an a«*t to amend Section Itt of Chap- Thursday T veiling, March 7, on oolony on tbe best It la an! *d WARD 2. authority. rag ter (U of the Itevlsed Statutes *s amended !>y City of Portland, due 1907 the good day* yet to corns, and onr ao- Alderman—.Tames K. Leighton. here also as praotloally oartatu tbat the < hapter 174 of tile Public Laws of l*i« entitled of South Portlands DS1V inT.r~»T»7VTm rsJT OXT* DBMOOnACY O. In tha World's Pair In and steno- City l-2s, Counclhuen—Edwin C. Brown, Alonzo tlve participation will be An act relating to exceptions proposition adopted unanimously. on sale at Haskell * Jones’s and Trank II. E. T Owen. of graphers.” City of Deoring 4s, 1912 Admission. 36o. Gallery. 25o. Tickets llutlcr, George 1908 should linallj cement the bonds of Warden- Ueo*e E. Dunliam. German otliolals emphasize tbe faot that 147. -On an act to amend section 14 chapter of Aulmrn 1903 Clark’s. an abiding union. Missouri Deed* Mains 134 of the revised relating to criminal City 4s, _fetmdtd. Clerk-Clarence F. Hepburn. the Is but tbat statutes, True. proposition non-German, in court. School Committee—Latham tor rest and health and recreation, while proceedings Portland Water Co. 4s, 1927 Is to It. |4n— on an act to amend clause C of section WARD 3. Germany friendly FINANCIAL* KOTZSCH MAR HALL. Maine will welcome the advent of the 6ft of chapter no of the revised statute*. relating Maeliias Water Co. os, 1910 Ernest True. The report of tbe aulolde of Ylng Lien Alderman from tbs Southwest to trustee process. Oakland Water Co H. th. William surplus capital great oon- 5s, 1908-18 Tiioiltiy afternoon. Slnrrli .>tli. Counelimen—Walter Lyse and Chao ana Chaio is omoiany Wednesday, March 0,1201, »t 2 p m. Frank A. Mitchell. which Is shown the fact that St. Louis Cammctt, by bat the that Coant Von of Water Co. 4s, 1929 at o'clork. Warden George S. Staples. firmed, report 166. On an act to repeal section 62, chap- Newjx>rt alone baa over capital of revised statutes as amended by Clerk-William P. Morse. LIO.OO'i.OOJ surplus Wuklereee has ordered a discontinuance ter 27 the Bangor & Aroostook, Maine of laws of WANTED. out In the state of New York. section 7, of chapter .!<«. the public WARD 4. loaned of la not Line, 5s, 1943 punitive expeditions oonilrmetl, issr». relating to State constables. Syrneiia* Kapld E un.il Bonds Pianoforte Recital Alderman—George (\ Jose. i.m (in mi ;»ct mlfllft«ml to chanter 75. of 1*. TtiK INSINt ITIONS AGAINST COL. although It la regarded as very probable and Aroostook, Pisca- A Counelimen--Henry W. Way, Benjamin the revised statute*, relating to descent ot per- Bangor Slock, By the Imiucnt Pianist, Cnfesmau. Hugh i'. barker. The Lokai An Niger's special corre- sonal property. Division, 5s, 1943 Denver I'nlon Winer Ronds A K. of taqnis Warden—Michael Conley. with Count Von Waldereee 1H0. (Mi an act to amend section 23, chap A We have uo doubt that our esteemed spondent, of entitled an act and Van Stork, Clerk- Robert Fogg. ^ ter t.T7. «»f the public laws 1S87. Bangor Aroostook, the iu Omaha Water Bonds A WARD 3. Democratic contemporary will heave a gives following particulars regard to aboil-h imprisonment for debt, except Bnren 5s, 1943 Stock. case* of fraud. Extension, CARLO BUONAMSGI. Walter II. Brown. when the last of ing the execution of Chi tflu and lieu Alderman great sigh of roller day 161. On an act to amend section I I. of chap- 4 1912 We ileal In nnllsled seenrites Ilmen Herbert S. Charles W. Maine Central, l-2s, Counc Dyer, arrive* To be Cheng Yu: ter 116, of tin- rev hied statutes, relating to fees Murston. Edward A. Shaw. tae municipal campaign and Boston and New York t in l> Tickets $l.oo Now ou sale at M. Ste inert & Lsurenstcln Count and costs. Warden -George A. By non. obliged to grind out day after day such "Major repreeeuted mill Sonst o. Von waldereee and the Chinese govern- fobbdtd BKK( it lit 1*1 i n aM. Secretary, Slock accurately quote Clerk—Philip Q. Luring. II tutu been for the articles as producing ment s."Dt the minister of justlon to wit- sa me. t omnalitve on sTKnwii piano lest the "oold toed ness execution. After It was JmliciRry. MERCANTILE boys may the Alderman Vrtliur K. Hunt pist week, over, fetxndtd. oniiellrnea— Fred H. .1 orris*, George K Noyes, complain that It "Isn’t doing nothing for the executioners eewed the heads upon The CommH tee on Judiciary will give a pub- V illiaui II Willard. the trunks, and, having placed the lic heating in its rooms at the State House in the party," must oreate a very tired and Warden Kdwin il. Gray. bodies In splendid coding, turned them Augusta. COPPERS. CITY Eve. Mar. 1. II. Hull. because to do HALL—Friday Clerk Pie hard disgusted feeling. Tired, over to the relatives of the beheaded Tuesday. March 5. 1901. at 2 oMi*ck p. m. TRUST COMPANY, School I.. Hight. section two of Holders of and dealers.n t Committee—Heroy what one has no heart In Is ex- olholali.,# No. 67. (Mi an act repealing up- always to Middle and Sis. W AP1) 7. chapter _‘7 of the revised statutes, relating Cor. Ecrhange will be furnished ceedingly and because IMPALED ON FITCH FOKK. and Yietualers. per Storks by II. Moulton. lrskome, disgusted Inn Holder* JaiiI-MU Alderman- Arthur amend 27 of the F. William to be to make Insinua- No. i»J8. On an act to chapter ns stilh reliable Information on (Hincilmen George KavaiiougU, compelled unjust China, February J7—As a result of be- to Innholders and Ik Kaudall. revised statutes, relating C. F.atou..Ioteph tions a reputable man must al- ing impaled upon a pitchfork handle In Yietualers. lliese serin illes through Messrs. against POLOLRWI8TON vs. Warden W. Hanson. PORTLAND. l.yman from the mow last No. ion. (Mi an act to the of Hurrowes. a with the Instincts falling hay Saturday, regulate practice STONE A CO., Bos- cieik Walter K. ways disgust person and the of the bodies HAYDEN, (lame called at s.:w> o’clock. H. Allan, John Morton, aged years, died at the embalming transportation School CoiiiiniUei1 -George of fairness and The instigators w have died of infectious diseases. member* Boston mid New UeservecJ scats on sale at C. C. Hawes' Jr decsncy. home of his parents today. The youn.4 of person* ho ton. WAIU) 8. No. 16ft. On an act to fix the terms of tin* 8 .1. Music store. Congress and Temple Sts. of these Innuendoes against Col. loan was very well known In this section York sioek wlcli H. Johnson. Court in the counties of Franklin, Knox, Saga- Exchanges, Alderman William the William L. lioothby know perfectly well that they or oounty. dahoc. Somerset and York. BONDS our orders. coimeitinen Vrtliur I,. Chapman. whom we place On an act to fix the time of holding FINANCIAL, Cold). John J. Goody. are unjust. They know perfectly well STILL FIUHTINU IN CHINA. No. no. Warden John 11. card. the terms ot the Law Court, proper- Is an honorable man who would in. Covering great Clerk—Albion I.. Chapman. that he iierlln, February 5J7.—The war otlioe n Wednesday. March 6, 1901. at 2 o'clock p. No. 171 tin an act to amend chapter 310 of ties in the MAPI) V. uo more think or compromising any In- has received the following from Coant populous the laws of 1897, relating to Political IMS: public — Alderman -Charles 1,. Farnham. terest placed In Mb care than he would of Von Waldereee,dated Pekin* February Caucuses. centers of the FOR Franklin Germans country, I. Waterfiouse k F. "A or o'clock in. d. ouneilinen William I’liinney, Yet for a patrol eight repulsed Feb. 2§. tool. at 2 p. Co., his hand off Thursday. W Hannon. cutting right mar- H. Halt I) Charles an attack by 160 Chinese Imperial troops No. 152. bn an aet additional to chapter 64. and having a wide Warden—.lames v\ c. Hubert*. weou past they have dally Insinuated at Sullng Pass, killing twenty/’ of the revised statutes, relating to the conceal 1st Nal’l Bank Bids., Clerk—Francis T. Miller. himself to be ment and embezzlement of property of de ket in case the holder W. Ileseltine. t hat he has allowed put ME. School CommitU»c—l>anlcl SCUOONEK KMFKESS UKOCNUEU. ceased itersons. PORTLAND, INVESTMENTS torward by the Host on & Maine as a ohu- No. 153. (Mian act lo amend chapter 3. sec- desires to sell them fe 921-23-26-28 revised statues, to the taking Admiral Sampioo baa plaoed In the uldate for mayor, with the understand- Kookiand, February ¥7 — Em- tion 55, relating that arrived heie for ot lands tor public parks and squares. again. bands of hi« enemies, of whom there are ing that if that corporation shall ask any press, today repairs, —FOB PALK HY— reports having grounded on Monbegan Wednesday, March «, 1901. at 2 o'clock p. in. & WE OFFER a which can use with of the he will help them The Rockland, Thomasfon many, weapon they privilege city last Sunday. As it is seldom Indeed that No. 175. On an aet additional to chapter 86 the costs of CHAS. F. great effect. To objeor. to the promotion get It, no matter now It may affect the a vessel holds together long after striking of the revised statutes regulating FLAGG, summoned as trustees. of a otherwise because he Interests of the In all matters that on the rooks at Monbegan, the crew of parties l!>4 HIDDLE NT., Portland, Mr. man, qualified, olty. No. 176. -On an act to amend chapter 66. pub- Camden Street the all things In readiness Railway might not be thoroughly versed In the may arise between the city of Portland Empress got lic laws of ihw. relating to the Jurisdiction of for the vessel In a small boat courts. 1 Municipal Bonds, as leaving municipal and police has by as etiquette of the drawing room, was, and tbe lioston & Main* railroad, he, as Hooted clear at flood of issue of acquired purchase, provided The schooner tide, No. 177. On a resolve in favor the bv Act of January Senator All-n asserted, evidence of mayor, according to these people, will act and altboueh badly was volumes 12 and 13. of the York Deeds. Legislature, approved however, leaking do, the and franchises of snob is not of to Camden, where her cargo of No. 179. On an aet to regulate proceeding* 1901, property Water Works Bonds, auobblshnes9, and the popular lor the Interests the latter ratbor than navigated the cosl from New York was unloaded. The on Certiorari. WANTED. with the American p ople. Sampson of tbe former. Of course the cas3 1s at 2 o'clock m. Empress will go on the marine railway Thursday, March 7. 1901, p. has been hU own iiurctmrd. not put It in language quite as plain as In the morning. No. t»i. On an act to amend chapter *7. of KNCX & ELECTRIC CO. to GAS Railroad Bonds, this—there is a good deal of veneer and the revised statutes, a* amended, relating According to the Boston ilerakl the tlic limitation of actions against executor* and Local Bank of Itm kluml, Mr,, varnish, thore is Insinuation rather administrators. Stocks, sentiment of the Colby Alumni who gath- 1 ONTAOION AND INFECTION. lull of for refund- than direct statement—but this la Its No. 182. On an act to amend section 40. of and particulars plan Bank Stock. ered at Boston, was against coeducation chapter 64, of tho revised statutes, relating to ing the following securities will be sent meaning. Colonel lioothby baa lived In tin* notice of bond of executors and adminis- at the Watervllle the resolution Portland Trust Co. to holders of the same on to college, trators. application this olty a good many years, and has re I,r Grippe Is Infections but Not fonts- the t that effect being voted down simply on No 183.- On an act to amend section to. of peatedly been honored by his fellow citi- 1 >7. of the laws of »st>5, the that action at this time would glous. chapter public relating ground title descent. Stock, zens Today, as for three years past, he to by Union Safe & Trust be premature. Toe ground of the objec- Contagions dlsear.ee are communicated fcbisdtd H. T. POWERS. Sec. Deposit Co,, Is of the Hoard of an or- president Trade, trom one to Infectious : tion was that coeducation Imposed upon person another; Porthind, Tlniiie of the business men the air. ganization composed diseases are conveyed through Committee mu IlmiUs uixl llixik- Portland Railroad & Co. the college a heavier financial burden Thoinaston & Camden Street H. M. Is a Locklund, Payson of this olty, both Kepuhllcans and Demo- Smallpox contagious disease; La than It was able te bear. Aside from Is Infectious. When an »ng. Kailway .Vs, due 1922. optional after crats. Tbe universal testimony of these Grippe epidemic Co. Stock, 32 EXCHANGE ST. the of the merits or the opinions of the grip Is prevailing It Is in the air The Committee on Banks and Banking will July 1, 1902. iettfdtI qustuu is he himself men that has proved we breathe and no one Is sare. hold a public hearing in its room at the .slate Knox Gas * Electric Company G’a, due advanced, we are Inclined to think that "S. one of the most active and elliolent The only safeguard is Co keep the sys- House in Augusta. 1903. 3 B1. An act February 1, the discussion at this meeting will event- tem In the highest possible condition of Wednesday, Fi b. 27. 1901. at p. Portland Gas Certificate of Mock of the Knox Gas A president that body ever had, and baa In to incorporate the South Portland Saving* Light ually be the means of doing good. What health and on the hint appearance of a that In hla labored Bank. Electric Company. every way lay power, some safe A(JCritIM >ALR V Uolby needs more than anything except- cold In the bend to use antisep- Thursday. Feb. 28. umi. at 3 p. tn. An act to Co. Stock, to uromote the Interest* of the city or tic like Stuart's Catarrh Tablets freely, a Incorporate the Maine Loan Association of Old ing a good man to succeed President to the day he was nomi- tablet taken every hour or two for a Orchard. Portland. Up :i tn UNIUN SAit lit. UMl & Butler, is money, and If the agitation couple of days will be sufficient to break Thursday. Feb. 28. I9)t. at p. m. An act Bradford Furniture nated for mayor he hid eujoyed the oon- incorporate the old Orchard Trust and Banking Toiman, Go., begun at the dinner has the effect, as It up the attack. Portland & Ogdens- tldenoe and esteem or every merchant La Urione attacks the weakest part of Company AUOTIONBBIIS Is llkelr to. to stir tin the alumni and Thursday, Feh. 28.1901, at 3 l». m. An act to TRUST In Portland. At 6O0n a* he had accepted the system, it may be tbe lungs, beart, extend the charter of the North Berwick Trust CUMPANY, C'umiiiissioii iMcrrliauts. friend* of tbe that need will Railroad Ami Institution, or wherever Maine. the candldaoy of the Kepubllcana for liver, stumaob kidneys but Company. btirg Portland, probably be supplied. There is abun- It Unally locates It almost Invariably f»*biJeod:»w 17 Preble St. he was held to the Salesroom, mayor np oold In tbe bead and throat or dance of money in the denomination start* with Committee on Taxation. Stock. UEO. lOLRlA.V 4t WJI.T. BIlABfORI), as a people man who was In other words, the disease at the begin- a whloh Colby represents, and a little agi- The committee on taxation will give public UOV30 AtXTIOVUKRS tf ready to sbII out Ms olty to a Massachu- ning Is uonte oatarrh hearing in its room at the Stale House in tation will, we believe, oall some of it This Is tbe reason Stuart's Catarrh setts corporation, and it was even Insin- Augusta. lorth. Tablets have been so successful In break- Tuesday, March 1901, at 7 p. in. F. O. BAILEY & CO. uated that it was to do this an act In Go. On to tax interest Trust very bearing Portland thing ing up attooks of The antlseptio deposits grip. Trust ami The convention to nomi- that he the nomination for of the the Banking Companies. itepublloau accepted properties romeay destroy Q V l:l> \ I F. SWAN&BARRETT, J.4M4KY 190 1 P. M-c'y. 1, before the whole Is thor- fcb4dtd_1L Aactioneers andCoBmiMiMBtrclaab nate a candidate for Congress in tbe mayor. If this kind or a campaign suc- germs system oughly Infected. ( oimnmee on in*uite iio*|»ii;ki. 186 Middle St. Nalesroom 4H Street, Fourth district will be held at ceeds with the of Portland we shall iltf IYfbange Bangor people Ur. AnnWton says: Stuart's Catarrh fet>12 to The on Insane will meet Stock, IV* ALUS'1 today. Everything oolnts to a very tame be roroed the oonoluslon that their Tablets being free from oocalue and Committee Hospital Capital $200,000.00 W. O. BA1LUI. at ;i in. in the until should be used at ■ p. every Thursday Library uia.il p meeting. There have been several candi- IntelllgBnce and falrmlndeiness has been harmful drugs freely further notice. _** tnls lime of on the first dates before the voters, but ex-Covernor greatly overestimated. year appearanoe Cl I as. s. PRINCE. Chairman. and Profits, $201,317.47 of grip symptoms F A. PORTER. Secretary. Surplus SPECIAL MOTICK8. Bowers has an We do to the In- secured overwhelming not propose dignify They check the excessive oatarrhal secre- aulTdtf number of the delegates, and his nomina- sinuations against Colonel Uoothby by tions, stop the fever and prevent pneu- Total $2,078 626 60 Cum ill If fee oil Wny« anil Coiuniltlee on Interior Hsilei*. Deposits, tion au Is them We are monia. Casco National Bank by overwhelming majority arguing seriously. fully . are of and TUey oomposed antlspetlos The committee on Interior Waters will give a XM «...•••• OT •••••»••*•«• assured. The probability Is that recog- satisfied that the people who utter them of the committee on be used by little children as freely as hearing in its room at the State House luvesied in The regular meetings may public Capilul wholly and will be held at the ofllce of nizing this, tbe other candidates will do not believe them themselves They adults and with henetlt. in Augusta. Ways Bridges, by great 2 o’clock on Feb. 1901. An aet to Incor- PORTLAND. MAINE. bunds tin* State Pension Agent, at p. in., withdraw and his nomination are out In the Ur. Lewiston usual Thursday. 28th, high grade home (Mote pjrmlt by put purely hope that they says: My prescrip- the Point Wednesday of each w eek until further notice. tion tor the Is Stuart's Catarrh Tab- porate Long Improvement Company. l. ph att. acclamation. A strong oandldute may deceive and trlok some grip Feb. 1901. An act to author- and at jansedtd kkkl>. might Kepubllcans be at all Thursday, 28th, Municipal) par. * lets whloh can found drag ize .Morrison to erect ami maintain have made some headway against the ex- into voting for Mr. Merrill. Manley 1824. stores. Keep to the house for a day or * and piers in the Sebastleook River. Incorporated CoiuiuiUi e on Agriculture. governor, even though his cam- two and use the tablets and 1 have Feb. 1901. Petition of Passa- probably, freely, Thursday. 28th, AND tIVliPl.Ul The Committee on w ill give a Room Co. to :unend charter. CAPITAL. Accounts of Savings Rank*, Agriculture paign has been under for two years CURRENT never heard any oomplalnt of failure to dumkeng in its room at the State House iu way COMMENT. The on au aet to the Pis- public hearing aura. hearing Incorporate But there was no candidate of that kind tol .stream l>aiu Co., will occur Thursday. Feb. Trustees, I Iritis, Corporations Augusta. COLON KL 28 19 >1. afternoon, March 1001 at o’clock. n the Held. Mr. Beal hus no notable BOOTHBY. Tuesday Feb. 1901. On an act to ex- and Individuals received. On a resolve In favor of North Berwick Agi- (Watervllle Mali ) Thursday, 38th, qualifications for the place, and what tend au act entitled "an act to incorporate the cultural Society. MILLION o ONE at 2 clock. March he Col. F. K. Boothby of Portland has al- Enchanted Stream Dam and Improvement Tuesday afternoon. r>, 1D01, strength bad among the voters was and duties of ways retained so keen an Interest In Wat- Company." On an act relating to the power con fined to a few wards In Interest on demand Bangor. Mr. ervllle and Its atlslrs thst he almost March 5tli. lfioi. paid deposits the Board of Agriculture. Belt Buckles. Tuesday, the on wildcats. An aet to authorize the Machias Lumber Co., On an act to bounty Hall's candidacy under the olroumstanoes seems like a Watervllle oltl/.en and repeal today, to the and of the pro- On that the Town of Hampden may n Is purchase rights property to check petition was not tak?n very partly for this reaeon that Watervllle of Machias Boom. subject be admitted to the Waldo ana Penobscot Agn seriously by anybody ——————— prietors — people are peculiarly Interested and The on au aet to In- DOLLARS. exotpt himself. grat- Realignment*: hearing possibly ified because of the that he the Pistol Stream Dam Co., D. HAMMOND, -ire proapect will corporate formerly Interest Paid SPECIALTY: °"teb!?dW>CM!l'VHENLY be the next mayor of Portland. For Some of the newest fancies in advertised to occur Thursday, February 2sth. pn MAINE AND MISSOURI. 1901. some years Col Boothby has been presi- will occur Tuesday, March Mil, Comm Hot oil MlBBlWliirei. Ladies' Belt Buckles for The heal ing on an act to Incorporate the | The great state of Missouri reaches out dent of tne Poitlaud Board of trade and Spring Tim: on win meet in Long Pond Improvement Co., heretofore adver- DEPOSITS. The Committee Manufactures In that he won tne Investment Bonds for Saie. at the rail of the ohair- across the continent and asks the help of position warm praise different from tised to occur Thursday. February 38th, 1901, the Assessors' Room of all Interested In the business wearing, wholly [ 1901. jan: dii mau. UENJ. COFFIN, Secretary. Maine In a success of the World's develop- will occur Tuesday, March 5th, making ment of Maine s an act en- lanat-dtf metropolis. Ills ieoord last season’s The hearing on an act to extend _ Fair which at 1st. Louis In 1908 com- styles. will as the head of the Board of trade has put titled "an act to incorporate the Enchanted or Stream Dam and Co.," heretofore LETTERS OF CREDIT AND IN- CO. memorate with all dignity and pomp the him In line for the honor of being named Barette Pins for Improvement PORTLAND GAS LIGHT Clasps to occur as a candidate for the oflice of advertised Tliursday. February 28th, great Louisiana Burchase by Jefferson, mayor, the 1901. will occur March 5th. the new will be a much hair, cleverly designed— Tuesday. position more j on of Pussadmnkeae TERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE NOTICE. which saved the nation from provincial- The hearing petition CHEQUES EXAMINATIONS, dltlloult one than any Col Boothby has Boom Co., to amend charter, heretofore adver- stylish—ornamental rook ism and placed it unon the piano occupied yet lilled, but hla friends have no fear A tised to occur Thursday, February 28th, 1901, into the Civil Scr- April tst the demand tor gas lug FOR SALE. .^Tho quicken way j even w ith the be will not Ha will occur Tuesday. March 5th. 1901. AFTERranges w ill be so great that, only world Tbe that discharge duties well. — vTCb in our without by towers Declaration through school, force of pipers. It will be Im- feblldnl 8. L. PEABODY, Secretary. t ori npoaiteace solicited from ladl. largest practicable of was a study you oauuot pass the to fill th« orders without delay. \\ e Independence hardly moisdsdiig IN MILL ridaalt, Corporatloaa, 11a. aka and preparatory possible cur COTTON WALKS. examinations. therefore would earnestly urge those w ho con- venture than Jefferson's on FiiitturJul Affair* »there to open uccoaati os wall required defiance of Eng- ('omiiiittee dMlrlag in a this season to Norwich, Conn., February 27.—Notice Ceo.T. im from those to transact can write us template putting gas range wishing Baakr We help you, today. our busi- land on hl« own Springer, < their order To facilitate by taking responsibility was l in nil of the The Cemmittee on Financial Affairs will give butiotu of any place early. posta departments ng description through a discount of w ill be a in Its room at the State House his HmuN ness in this particular, $1.50 the imperial domain whloh England cov- SBetuoket Cotton Mills company of public hearing the month of JEWELER* in Augusta, made on all ranges sot during et ?d and the of Ureenvllle, this morning of a 10 per cent International School, March. upon possession whloh Tuesday. March 5th. 1901. < Correspondence j reduction In the wages after March 4. 513 Cougreii Stmt. and Ear 1 ITEPH't .1 SMAU PrWi,f PORTLAND GAS LIGHT TO., she had counted, amt this, moreover, In On resolve iu favor of the Maine Eye (Portland Agency) The reason given Is the low market price fel>2Geodt! Inflnuarv. MARSHALL K. CuMs. Ter E. H. York*. Kngin»M. face **•*■> BOOMS. 1 Portland, Me. the of Jeffsrsor rrilbbafcth* of the goods. About BOO arc affected. I- H. IRVIN HIX, Secretary. MTtil Boyd Block, h-htOtf %_ MUSIC AND DRAMA. rio-AiERicAi mmm THEpZBfc* """ Portland, Feb. 28. 1*01 THE ULUIUOMKSIEAD. l'lay* may oom. and plays may go. bnt window today "The Old Uomeetaod” MOma destined lias n brilliant dis- ilk* Tennyson's brook, to no on for- Is Spreading in Insur- ONE ever,'babbling with It* wholesale philoso- of now phy of life end Inculcating lessons play gent Strongholds. the whloh a younger generation delight* to things from Hosiery listen to as] did tb.tr predeosaaora many Twentieth years ago. its eoenot never weary and department. while Its Characters are rural type*, Century novelties of art- somewhat exaggerated, perhaps, they Over 1200 Took Oath of Alhgiasee istic and never trrow stale, but appeal strongly designs gor- to tbe eeutlmente and emotion* of every In Two Flares. all very at th# geous coloring, auditor. The play wo# produced an different from An Excellent Combination. Jefferson theatre last evening before any you’ve be andlenos whteb Oiled every teat—to The met lux 1 and beneficial seen. pleasant wae effects of the well known remedy. brief, the house packed. wannest welcome greeted Denman Black cotton Syrup or Figs, manufactured by the The Hosiery and hie Joahua Whlteomb Gen. Torres Ready To California Fie Syrup Co., illustrate Thompson, with vertical the value of obtaining the liquid laxa received a presentation which only he gilt stripes tire of known to be ae ever wtth Surrender. principles plants con glva. It Is as artlttte on, 50c laxative and presenting printed pair. medicinally no frayed edges and the part which tlte them in the form most refreshing to the on Lisle him so well be to The Wide Persian black Thread, very taste and to the system. It playe perfection. Stripes acceptable laxa- wae thoroughly is the one perfect strengthening ■upportlng oompany stylish, $1.00 a pair. B ack openwork lace effects tive, cleansing the system effectually, adequate and tbe familiar eharaoter of and fevers Additional Evidence with silk dispelling colds, headache.; Cy Prime was moat Intelligently por- Againat in tine lisle thread, the fronts decorated and enabling one gently yet promptly trayed by that talented actor Charles in color. Beautiful shades of azure Co overcome habitual constipation per- Carmen and Carranza. any Carter, while with him a* Aunt Matilda, embroidery manently. Its freedom iron; perfect wae Mrt. Eoulta Morse, who did an ex- blue, scarlet and violet with narrow vertical white every objectionable quality and sub* or work In her eharaoter /■ _ at. a nee, and its acting on the kidneys, cellent piece of silk Broad black-and-white liver and bowels, without weakening sketches, bringing out the ecceotrloltle* stripes embroidery. or them, make it the ideal tbe Miss Annie on a lace like de- irritating of recognized splinter. Manila, February 87.—Pro-Amerlaan stripes ground, particularly laxative. In the dual roles of Hloket.v Thompson -ontlment la spreading In former Insur- wear. In the process of manufacturing figs was for house Black Hosiery Ann and Mrs. Uenry Hopkins quite Six hundred and sixty signed silk-plated aro used, as they are plea*nut to the gent strongholds. versatile and kept every one amused, af in colors. All the new tade, but the metliciual qualities of the live persons voluntarily took tbs oatb with instep embroidered bred Clare showed evsry phase of the remedy are obtained from senna and allegiance at Camlllng, provlnoe of Al- in lisle from n method a* Happy Jaok, and violet shades thread, other aromatic plauts, by gentleman tramp hay, at one time reported ae tbe worst In- fancy openwork known to the California' Fig Syri » an Inimitable Celia Daker contributed surgent oentre next to Lilian, and 66* 75c to the Pearl and Violet tints in Co. In order to pet its beneficial Hu* Kauimelee e $1.50 pair. only. Irish characterization book tbe oatb at Calainba. effects and to avoid imitations, please was a clever bit and the solid laeework silk and lisle 75o Henry Hopkins Cbasa with a detachment of Hosiery, thread, remember the full name of the Company Captain were exceedingly well taken, printed on the front of every Package. other parts the Hist regiment In a three days soout to 1.50. oa«t $ making up a oo nine tent Ing expedition, dispersed 800 Insurgents double was one looks like a bed- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. The singing of the quartette and destroyed their main oatnp. A very attractive heavy note and 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. a feature worthy of special ot tbe Lieut. James, withe detachment ford cord with an stitch in LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. N- Y. chord In all hearts alternating drop stripe touched a responsive slgbtb Infantry, bas raided a ladrone For sale by ad Druggists.— Price 60c. per bottlt encores also such as to lead to numerous rendezvous at Macqnlllng, Island of all the desirable shades of grey, red and blue, and one The soenery was approptlato Folo, killing two men, securing 176 white and b at P.nin colors in y WON’T BUT < L'SHING’N. set In particular, that representing Grace prisoners anil destroying twanty tons of ack, $2.50 pair. cbuioh by mooullgbt, was decidedly rice and other insurgent supplies. silk with or without embroidered in- the federal party leader pure Hosiery "'The Old Homestead" will ChrjBOftcino, For effective. for a Portland People In Washington at Malolus asked General Wheaton And an almost endless of black be again tonight and an audi- to visit General step $3.75. variety niton. played pass Xorrea, concerning lining in Is ence as largw as that of last evening the latter s surrender, It being under- in lisle-thread and from 25c stood that, Xorrea was to surren- Hosiery cotton, silk, already almost assured. willing der, but was belu back by friends and line of colored TOTHK to $5.00 the A fancy LSTJ-CIAL PRESS.] PORTLAND 111KA1KK. followers. General Wbeaton granted tbe pair. superb liass, but at Maloloa, Cbrysnstomo was Washington, .February 27.—The appro- In the sl*« at 30 and There was a decided Increase persuaded not to visit Torres and wrote Hosiery, 25, 50c, oi for the of priation 1225,000 purchase of the audiences at Portland theatre yes* blm a letter instead, No reply has yet land on Cushing a Portland, was island, afternoon and evening and the been received. I terday from tbe conference report on The armored oruleer Brooklyn has re- dropped enthusiasm that was aroused by the OalsT turned here from tbo fortifications bill when the latter | Bong Kong. Oats is I splendid acting of the company and the Additional evidence against Carman (QuakerScientifically speaking, Quaker wan agreed to today. A like fate Udell that and Carranza tbe merchants acoosed or CO. scenes of the & strong dramatlo play a balanced ration. It contains sufficient H OWEN, MOORE this a year ago. Tbe Senate dealing wltb tbe Insurgents bas de- preposition are enhanced by a series of magnificent ( but tbe House veloped. The investigation Into tbe was tar the appropriation, of the most B Protein to and the tissues: B stage sittings, was empha- charges against them Is being vigorously develop repair conferees would not agree to It. tlo kind and the audiences demonstrated prosecuted. a reserve of The crowds of time are I Fat to heat and Inauguration their entire satislactlon with both play enough provide i beginning to arrive. rounds of IN WARD ONE. to furnish and players in well merited B force; plenty of Carbohydrates | Among the Portland people here are applause. One of the members of this H. H. Shaw and and ex-Mayor wife, Is a decided fa- company who brooming C ol. To Be Ulvf n » Itou#lng of Mr. and Mrs K O. Kootliby Merrill Peering. Portland thea- vorite with the patrons of There To- B Mineral Matter to enrich the blood and to I Jordan will also be here on the fourth. Reception by tb« Voter# tre is Margaret Nelson, who portrays night. I l KTHER TgKEEMEXT. the engenue and soubrette roles In the Mls6 Nelson Is a various plays. young All the veters In Ward 1 are Invited to B No other food so meets all of the B versatili- entirely woman of pleasing personality, be at the reoeptlon to be Revenue ltediitelon Hill preeent tonight Feb. 3H(li. Tli* Searing and a dis- ty and much ambition gives aooorded Col. f. K, Booth by, the Repub- AQC^I Al ntimday, Perfection. tinct to eaob sbe Or tV/IALi One day only. lndiTldusllty part lican oandldate for mayor at tbe Ward B Cook it Right. Directions on package. B has been seen In but four assumes. She l club's room* on Consress will meet 27.—The Republican We up® sure till* announcement Washington, February Kepub- characters since the eutfageinent of this B At all Grocers’. In 2-lb Quaker B street. There will be speakers present packages only. ok who are about lloan conferees on the war revenue reduc- work in each the approval many just oompany began and her different of the who will from parts city in white on fl a new to wear tlo bill have reached an agreement on the of B every package. to pettleoat Instance has shown stamp origi- make and All figure panel really purchase In ad- things lively Interesting. down, can’t afford many of tbe items in controversy, Miss Nelson Is a clever actress with'the new Spring you nality. voters are invited to attend whether they bank a dition to those on beer, tobacco, has made friends In to wear a shabby shirt when little money who already many belong to the club or not. The reoeptlon checks and medicine, heretofore given. Portland who will watch her tuither drill Iwoin sxhniif, M n'nlnnlf will boy a beauty. the tax on The House provision rap»>allng Impersonations with great pleasure, and life and are re- insurance policies, lire, who will also watch her work with The tained. Senate provision regarding keen satisfaction. conveyance* of r3al estate, etc., are pre- WARD AND VOKKS. One lot of Taffeta Silk Petticoats, ferred over those of the House The Senate prevision exempts 'There Is a suggestion of fun anu New made with conveyances under £2600 and Im- Spring Styles deep laughter in the very names of Ward and poses a tax of twenty-live oents for each accordian flounce—ruffle trimmed— 9300 over 92500. Voltes Whether It Is beoause these trfo Tin numerous special taxes on the favorite comedians have become so thor- and dust ruffle—Colors theatres, circus?* and exhibitions are underpiece oughly Identified with fun lu all Its ns the House. He- A New taken otf, provided by or or one Immediate- and for one slCes the of i».00 oents on to- classes not. whether Department black, day only, compromise bacco, the claar rates come In for inuob ly thinks of that ridiculous "Percy and discussion. Hut owing to some question Harold" sketch they did so long, it is as to the rights of the conferees over this A New hard to Certain H Is, however, that Departure. say. Hem, the rate on cigars probably will re- at these comedians have solidly established main 93 per thousand. Wo have secured the services of twn expert Ladies' tailors who are The |3 rate on cigars Is that fixed the themselves as tn tbs fun at by experts business, reaclv to take orders and make Ladies' Suds, (’ostumes, Waists and Skiits House and is a repeal of the entire 80 if not and the announcement of their coming to all an to hive an order made garment equal oents added for war purposes The Sen- prices give opportunity irnnMPAllv manna irood business for the those some ladies’ have been in tbe habit of paying exorbitant ate proposition was to take oil half of the better than V.line, $7,500 a line of materials to select from and (Actual sixty cents making the rale 93 30. theatre at which they appear. This thor- prices for. We have large guarantee A new has been fit and finish. proposition agreed up- oughly reliable attraction will be the perfect on steamship tickers, the tax being at the and Sat- fixed at fifty oents on eaon |50 aiul 25 offering Jefferson, Friday cents one each additional $5D. There will urday and Saturday matinee. no tax on tickets under be |50. WAY DOWN FAST. To introduce This New Department DEFEATED BATH. One of the most substantial successes scored In theatrloals In N'ew York city we will make Suits to order of Hue Venetian or plain broadcloth Cheviot, or Aetna! ▼line, lined Coat and line lined Skirt for tjC-'OHO, last season was the production or Joseph homespun taffeta pen:aline JPorliumil roll* Tram Won In « or better iu lit or to those you have to pay fti-VOO for in K. tirlsmer s laboratlon of Lottie Blair equal workmanship suits at low Slow Game. Boston or elsewhere. V, e shall make higher grade equally Parker's rustlo comedy drama, 'Way a more • prices during the month of March but will have to charge little later. Down Fast. it crowded the Manhattan Hath, February 27.—Portland defeated ■V Theatre for seven months season before -■ liath In a alow polo here tonight by last and run for the entire seatou at the $7.50. the scare of 8 to 4. The line up: Academy 01 Mnslo last winter, and Hath Pcaltloc. Portland. nothing but the dog days of the latter Tarrant, first rusher Campbell end ot Jane caused its withdrawal. R„ M. Lewsen & Higgins second rusher Whipple ‘May Down Fast,” has duplicated Its Co., Farrell centre Mckav New York suocess Id Boston and Phila- Mtirtaugh hair back Cameron and Uetailers of Ladies* at the Tailors, Importers Burae.se goal Mallory delphia, and It wlll.be presented Jet- BROS. & BANCROFT. fersoD all next week. The pnbllo will be Outerwear Garments. EASTMAN Goals Won By. Caged By. Tima. febSS-lt pleased to know that Mr. Bartley McCol- 1— Portland Whipple 6.20 lum is the of the as ST. 2— Portland Whipple .30 playing part eqnlre, 008 CONGRESS 3— Hath Higgins 2 00 be did last season. *4—Portland McKay 1 30 CAULU BBON'AMICl. I V. 5— Portlaud Whipple 1.30 6— Portland Whipple 6.00 The Boston Times says of Carlo WANT A BOKO and Miss Emma Bu ter Be Id of 7— Bath 2.20 "In the num- PUltCllASK OF T'lMBKK LAND MEKC1EHS GAME. Farmington Higgins Bnonamlct: Beethoven » 8— Portland 1 30 Temple. ADAMS & Campbell ber the young man was as an artist 37.—Mr. Payton Blob The polo team of tbe Meroler Meat Iu TUoinaston. Feb. 20. Otis Robinson of rush- ANDERSON, CO., Bath Bethel, February 9— Farrell 1.00 Kecord of Auburn mime M. Coombs of isleau Ilnur. or the fnlleat Ula was sn of Bethel and Salmon market U to the and log and Miss 10— Portland Campbell 5.00 maturity. willing play Hlbby Fisb and Miss Fire Insurance, have recently nineteen lota of In Mat-bias, Feb. IS, Ernest K. Cameron rendered. We have a corner purchased team at any time tor ran bolli ol Jonesboro. 11— Portland J.40 Ideal Interpretation, faultlessly oo lend In of the Ml 111- Chlpman polo Annie I). Norton, ; (I IvK-liuugc Si. of (lie timber Byron Ueorge Feb. Charles 1. Foss Agents 12— Bath Murtaugh 3 30 — In North Waterboro. 16. Better Beethoven playing from a young a ken estate, l'nls Includes some lUbO ttoree or money. The Morclere hope that a trousers cozy coroer ana -Miss Marcia I-:. Woodward. Boore—Portland, 8; liath, 4. Hushes— musician or even from an experienced of territory which le said to be well game may be arranged In tbe near future. In Burfcetvllle, Feb. 16, Fred Malay anil Miss PHtENIX INSURANCE 6. where near covered with timber. It Is tbe Intention K. Blmiuone. CO., Campbell, 9; Tarrant, .stops—Bur- we have seldom beard. It was tbe approach Marge __ artist, Edmund R. W. McConnell >f llmrtford, Conn. 1851, gess, 31; Mallory, 38 Foul—McKay. of Messrs. Klob and lteoord to operate on Io Boston, I-'eli. 17. Organized broxd,clear and straightforward; scholar- of Spring has melted are and Miss Morton of Rockland. Hefree-Connolly. Timer—Fields. At- tbe title land at onoe and preparation! In TO SUCCEED SEYMOUK. Augusta STAtESENT tendance—300. ly, rellnedp and noble. Mr. Buonamlol progress to locate a mill upon It for the price. Condon, February 27.—Vice Admiral —-s has a One technique aod be invariably manulacture of the lumber. )a the 1st Itaj of .lanimrj, Ii)01. STANDING. Now $2.98 will Sir hae bean selected to makes it the handmald|of his art. He la match Cyprian Bridge DEATHS. Won. Lost. P. Ct. UHANITK COMPANY FAILS. Boooeed Sir Edward Seymour aa cora- an adc pt In tone ehadlng and produces out that coat and vest and me Capital Stock of the company, macder in ohlaf on tha China Fab. Charlos F. In- Lewiston, 38 29 501 with subtle end sglll New February 37.—The New etatlon, In Deerlut Center, 37, which is ail paid in, is.$2.OOo,000.00 Impressive the a below York. 37 32 543 make good fiQisb Monument dealere in galls. are as Portland, most orchestral effect that oould be klngland company, Notice of funeral hereafter. rile Asset* of the Company work and oontraotora Bath, 34 35 493 overcoat. granite and bronse this city. Feb. 27th, Nellie J. yuusest follOAVI! from the pianoforte.” your MARRIAGES. Iu 2S 36 438 Imagined today assigned for the benstlt of creditors child ot John 1*. and Marcaret Connell. Biddeford, and with Seats are selling well at M. Stslnert & to Theodore Pentlarae. Charles B. Can- Notice of fuuertil hereafter. !asli on Hand, In Bank, $742,055.45 Held la of the Feb. 26. Albert Earle. Infant child Agents. Son s store for his matinee recital st president corporation. In tilts city, Bate Stocks and Bonds. 11,900.00 and B. Sou e. h ed « the of Albert K. days. {artford Bank Stocks 502,878.00 Fotzsohinar hall, Marcn Oth. Spring style hats, ( athe wife of Law- PE NSYLVANIA RAILROAD. OKATH TjF MHS. A. P. WILLIAMS. In Feb. Ernest S. Jordan end Iu llith city. Fob. 27. tno, Bank Shirks.. Auburn, 24, 68 Miscellaneous 448,527.00 will never be so Miss Gertrude L. Larrabee. renco Mills, aged year*, and Kallroad Stocks variety February 37.—Mrs. funeral hereafter. Corporation the sunuky civil bill Augusta, Apple At Booth bay H.rbor. Feb. 21. rapt. Samuel Notice of and Bonds. 2,865.832.50 Putnam Wllliutns, widow of the late ©x- In tliis city, Feb. 27 Lei u s Mahouy. and Water Bonds... 37.—The complete. S. Kimball of Hootlibay aud Mrs. Carrie A. 'ouuty. City 313,900.00 Washington, February Senate Oovernor Jcsrhp H. Williams, died at Nichols of Hath, [Notice sf funeral lieiealter. leal Estate 608,245.82 Iu this Feb. suddenly, Ellen Counor, WASHINGTON committee on appropriations today com- Young’s hats of New her home in this olty today. Her age was In Farmington, Feb. 21, ForeAD. Hubert ot city. 27, Aian.s on Collateral. 9,060.00 TOURS- consideration ot the sundry civil aged 60 year*. .cans on Heal Estate. K4.l69.61 pleted sight r yrart. At St. Horn.-*. Deering district, l eb. Vlaftlliia Philadelphia Kn Rome bill The committee rec- York. Opeomg today. Joseph’s Accumulated Interest ant Bents... 36,085.87 appropriation 20. Mrs. Mary Mctiini). aged 70 years, F. rioiMllj ®Covets All ommends the addition of appropriations at 2 o clock. Set vices ... C'oiiitsitcd • Kxprmri. Funeral this afternoou TOTAL CASH ASSETS. $3,583,494.25 amounting to 13,378,873 and redactions at St. Dominic’s church at 2.30. Will leave Boston March 11 ami 25. April reaching 5313,0)0, the net total carried In Atiburu, Feb. 24. William Arthur Drake, LIABILITIES. 8 ami 22. by the bill being *63.759,780. aged 33 years. ash GkTTYSBt’Rti. 1.1 RAY. WASHING- 23. Henrietta M. Carvtllo. Capital.$2,000,006.09 the Items of Increase Tu Lewiston. Feb. {or Losses— 253,052.15 TON, seven lour, 17. Kate £35. Among principal aormri. Reserve Outstanding day May FRANK M. LOW & wife I.f Jordan (i. Carville, aged Reserve for 17 are the Pan-American Re-Insurance.. 2,087,882 Chaperon for Lathes unaccompanied by following: expo- GO., Feb. 36, Mrs. L. V. Whitney, to In Newport. If ET SC R 93 escort. Stop-over privileges and side trips. sition at Buffalo. *500,100; payment formerly ol Rockland, aged about 73 years. PLUS.JL242.549 la on box of tbe Detailed Itinerary of D. N. Bell, Tourist the government of Mexico on account ot Jlen’ii Outfitters, This signature every genuine Iu Rockland. Feb. 26. Marcia F. Cobelnnd, TOTAL ASSETS.$5,583,494723 Agent. 206 Washington St. Boston. la Abra and Well revenue 46 .I K. claim,*413.578; I Laxative ( aged year. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, at lobster batoh- Bromo-Quinine In Warren. Feb. 17. Emma F. Creighton, aged D. W. C. SK1LTOX, President cutter Boston, *50,000: moxrmEMT square. • la mm* GctiM Pass. Agt. Asst. Ucti4 Pass. A gt. ili» rwuodjT that even c«M <»» 36 ;el>23eod3w EDWARD MILLIGAN, Secretary i«ry on the ooast ot Maine, *10,000. felt 9 Sdlt yean.

-"V -,y -y-r—""" .-..wra»Ml

__.-. -.. ..,maa. piciLMHMnn auccLLARion. m, CB.4flBERL.iI1 ROME. FflUUG THE VACANC f. _mmcmxawboctl ■uttmiwt_uckluhovi.~ ■ lien Shall Senator llalrfsa'i lan«|. r mntrvm CENTRAL aor B* Clioeen. LOCATION EUROPEAN PLAN

Returns From His Trip Must the Main* Senate nil tbe vaoanoy THE NEW In tbe Uumberland oounty delegation T m 11,7,1 IT 11 11,^111 Abroad. oaneed by the Oeatb of Senator ilodfdonf ■ I ly I rj I I Ilk III This In n question which wot being gen- erally aleoneeed In Portland yeeterday, you noarer Mature'a heart. and tbt opinions of gori lawyer* seemed ourea to be somewhat at vorlonoe at to the law HOTEL BELLEVUE Places of Interest Which He In tbe oats. That portion of the oonetl- Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Many whloh to this asss Beacon close to State House, Common, tutlon of Maine applies NERVOUS PROSTRATION. On Hill, Visited. Is as follows: Business Centers ami Amusements. Article 3. See. 6. The 8»uet* shall on Tones Up the Entire System. of an the said first Wednesday January, The most wonderful combination of roots, herbs, nually, determine who are elected by a and barks ever placed before the American people. New Modem Fireproof plurality of vote* to bo Senator* in eacb More than double the number of Ingredients than in His of Mod- district; and In oas* the foil number of any other remedy make this the Impressions S motors to be elooted from each district GREATEAT BLOOD ABO NERVE REMEDY the mem- ern shall not bar* been so (looted, the world has ever known. BEACON NEAR TREMONT ST. Egypt. and ST., ber* of tbo House of ItepreentatlT** Your Ormwatmt horn M. Two at.oo, AOo. and at. ee shall have been •uoh Senator*, elected, The American Remedy Co., of Boston, man- BOSTON, HI ASS. shall, from the highest numbers of.the ufacturers of Dr. Ray's Yellow Parilla Compound, persons Toted for, on sold list, equal to will send to any address testimonials from persons in New England who have HARVEY & ol Senators deficient. been cured Yellow Parilla WOOD. Beneficent Effects of English twloe the number by Compound. feb2lTuThS2(St IW~ Dr. Ire consulted, free of all or mail, at In every dlsirlot, II there be so many Ray may charges, personally by his Boston Ofhce, 5 Music Mali Building, Hamilton Place and Winter Street. Administration. voted for, elect by Joint ballot tbe num- ■ ■ 1 and In this __'■ ber of Senators required; --- manner *11 vacancies In the Senate shall be supplied as soon ss may be, after said vaoanoles happen. General Jcsbua I*. ChainterHln, sur- The constitution provides that vaoanoles veyor of the port of Portland, arrived In the House of Kepresentatlve* may be home yesterday alter a trip of nearly four tilled by a new election, but in tbe osse SOLE ACENTS FOR months spent In Kjypt lie went In hoje of the vaoanoy In the Senate the section of Improving his health and was succee- In tne constitution above quoted seems ful, hi) physical condition bav g been mandatory that the vacancy must be O: Oil SI'RITG S1YI.I S of his ega On the most greatly bettered. trip a was tlie tilled In tbe manner there eel forth. Cold In tho Chest—If porous plaster he was aooompanled by a paity of frism’s. Tbare were four MepubMoans, four cured cold in the chest or in the •*I started for borne from AlaxanJ r o only thing which pains liemooratlo and lour Prohibition candi- DUNLAP HATS the seventh of this m h th; t >t ohed be some excuse for one on, but day dates voted for by tbe electors ol Cum- chest, there wot!73 putting at Naples and hava been at fea very much berland county last fall. AooordtDK to there’s something ten times better. It’s Omega Oil. Rub all of the time since, said Gen. 1 ham- this paragraph tbe two Senators receiv- Opening Day Sat. Feb. 23. tbs number or votes shall te chest and throat with berlaln. "1 leached New York Monday ing highest your taken and balloted for in Joint conven- and ar- it and to-morrow forenoon but left there yesterday tion. Tne vote for the Uemooiatlo oandl- to-night, rived here this afternoon on the steamer dutjk, tor the .Senate wes a* follows: be all received P*nneil morning you’ll right. Horatio Hall. So you see that just now Gibb* of iirldgton Mtfcl, of Brunswick Jordan of Cape Ellza- Oil is a liniment a full line best to sbako sea tHTil, We keep of Hats, 1 am doing my my legs of Portland 68110 Omega Dunlap batn tdob and McGowan not 1 hsve had a great experience and hare Therefore Gibb* and Pennell ar« tbe con- that does burn, blister, RIGHT— for tne Soft Hats. seen many thlrgs of interest during my stitutional candidates vacancy or itch like a Silk, Stiff, Opera, and (allied Senator Uodgdon'i death porous plaster. journeys. by One of these two men, as Bmany lawyers It doesn’t stick to the skin •'After we had arrived at Genoa we leleoted to here view tho matter, mast bi either. IN THE LEAD SOLE ACENTS FOT went through all of the cities of Italy. HI! the noexptred term of Senator llnitg- like glue, Every not This was while there was a tremendous dun. Whether this will bs done or mother knows ... is ... remains to be seen. cold streak or weather ana wnne me ui that old-fash- ROBERT F. SOMERS & agreeable rains were raging. The result FUKEKAL OF SENATOK UOUSUON. CO., sweet oil was that my condition was no little ioned The funeral of Senator Joseph Y Hods- affected. Aly wounds were troubled by is a real RED HAT STORE, do of Yarmouth, was held from his good this weather and for several days 1 was late residence yesterday arternoon at 2 for rub- laid np in a hotel critically til. My remedy 232 Hld«ll<* Street. o'clock. There was a large attendance of friends did not want me to be taken to a on the towuspeople and others. The delegation hospital and so 1 was obliged to remain chest when a mrrniiBrrjM the Included from the • •••Styles from legislature •*©!' In a hotel. Fortunately I became im- Senat), Meesrs P. O. Vickery, -V P. cold has settled proved and then left on an old East Af- Noble, H. IS. Virgin, and P. M Fernald; rican liner and went to lshmalla and there, but sweet and from the House, Mesers. Fred Chare, then to Cairo where we 6truok a fine oil isn’t near so Waldo Petttngtll, Edward Page, Howard climate. 1 went all over Egypt ud to the Overcoatings, Gooding, ear Fool of Exchange BAXTER BLOCK. from a condition of practical bankruptcy lationships It Is tbe open door to a and Dus won Tor Egypt such a financial — largei life. Tbe divine order 1s not brok- STOCKBR106E HALL standing that all of her pecuniary obli- en. Death has no mortgage upon human gations are at a premium and there Is a School for Ladies. souls The Invisible Is tbe real. Tre Home Young MUrplas. Aildrrss BTOCKBIUDO* II A 1»L. members of the legislature are uot here Yurinuulb, .Me. Not only are all of her obligations at a Kefereuce—Hr. Itev. Robert Codman. THAN OTHERS. lor a mersiy formal purpose, but to t. stl- IT’S BETTER premium bai her Incomes are very large- uoraooiti fy tbelr sincere regard for their associ- ly in exoess of her expenditures. 1 think .Ol'K. ate and friend For a like purpose these \< ( IDENT INSURANCE. that this Is due.almosi entirely to English iiMil'iMP CASTORIA For Infants and Children. management. Every deoartment or In- " """-"55 f" lie has oltso eat, anil where brothel 1/ MARYLAND CASUALTY CO. dustry Is being Improved to a wonderful | CHECKERBERRY Bat prevailed. degree. The great dams on the Nile are Surplus to Poilryholdcr* December lie waa a ooneplouous citizen, twice 31, 1898, 8741,317.80 the means of reclaiming the country The Kind You Have eleoted to the legislature, and In many I IYKI) INDEMNITY POLICY. from a condition of 6torlllty and useless- 1 MOLASSES CANDY. he has worked (or the welfare of Ordiunry Accidents. For Death. 9.’»,OOI>. ness so that hundreds of thousands or ways the community In which he lived. Hut aCUKlJULJ!: "A.#*s THY IT. acres of land are made use of. That It was to bis home that his best quali- As Always Bough! Boas of Both Kyes, *5,000 the first of for •• bridge at Assouas, at cataract AVegetalk Preparation •• One 685 ties were most manliest, at they always Kye, the Nile, Is the most wonderful pleoe ot the Food andRegula ■* •* noth 5,Ul)U He made borne We similaling Hands, should bs. bappy. •• Both 5,000 SAWYER’S, engineering In the wolrd. The influ- ting the Stomachs and Dowels of j Feet, leb23iltl may sootbe this sorrow; bsaven alone '* Hand and loot, O.OuO ence of that one dam alone will be to •• can heal It We rest oar faith In the Might Hand, 8.500 uuuuiv luc Ultra ui piuuuuiifo .nuui c»* *' " Beft Hand, 8,000 eternal. In the area of cotton " 8,600 peclally enlarging Beg, _. After a fervent prayer Mr. •• •• these two by Crosby, 1.660 and sugar raising. Already •• 1-oSt, tbe Commandery took oharge, and the Promotes Digestion.CheerfuP •' One or more Fingers, 800 products are being exported over to •• 800 Impressive and beautiful burial ssrvloe ness and Rest Contains neither One or more Toe*, BURROWES’ Araerloa, their output feeing so great was said by Commander Fred Sanborn "B ’• FOK FKACl’UKK Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. SCHKDUBK Mot only will this Inure to the advanttge and Prelate Kev. Ur. Worcester. OF BONKS. 5 PIANO There were tloral tftbutsi,notioe- Not Narcotic. BALLETTO of the people but also to the revenues of many both *386 them beautiful offer- Skull, tablet!, ably among being Bower 75 the government England has a controll- from tbe Senate and Port- Jaw, GAME BOARDS. ings Houte, Collar 153 Influence in tbe Suez canal. Whoever the Bone, ing land Commandery, factory employes Shoulder Blade, 800 and tbe Hums olub An anohor from J^trOUJtSANLTLPtrCHO* controls the Great Lakes, which are the Shoulder Blade (with oompllcatona) 860 BARGAINS! Seal Governor Hill rested upon the casket. IS^Jtw. 300 sources of the Mile, will control tbe river Ax StnMt * 1 Thigh. The pall bearers were Dr. Seth C. Gor- which the of abso- &MUSJ*- I Thlsh (Involving lilp Joint) Kvery one a sound investment. upon prosperity Eygpt don, Frank G. Stevens, John C. Small, 800 K. Beg (below Knee) 1 Hardman Piano. lutely depends. England cduUI not afford Ueander Fobes, George Raymond, Knee 800 Upright J, 1. (Jap, to bare another power get possession of Clayton Farrington, Augustus Knee Cap (with complications) 860 1 (tablet* Moulton, and Charles E. Clark. “ Arm, between Klbow and Shoulder, 300 1 that]Afrloan country. It is a sad fact that within two years 160 Singer Arm, between Klbow and Wrist, 44 “The matter of education shows a sur- three of the most lntluentlal citizens nl 1 One or more Klbs, 100 Sterling l'armoutb who were prominent In affairs 44 prising Improvement, Indeed, almost a Hand or Fingers, 186 1 Steinway SQUARE at have died First, was Mr Remedy forConstipa revolution In the matter of methods and Augusta, Aperfect Foot or Toes, 185 tlarlan P. Prlnoe, who wis the repre- Uon. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea All in perfect condition, though slight- instruction I visited all of the Institu- to the Then oame FOK DISLOCATIONS. that must sell them at sentative legislature. Worms !Convulsions .Feverish *100 ly used, at prices death of Hon. E Dudley Free- Shoulder, tions rroin the great university at Cairo, the tragic «• ness and Loss OF Slefp. Klbow, 10° Similar to Combination once. man. for several years n member of tbe _ where there are now thousands and 185 executive council. And now comes tbe Wrlat, all 300 BILLIARD AND thousands of students from over the of Senator Hodsdon. Facsimile of Hip, denth Signature 800 Mohammedan and which Is the Knee, world, 150 POOL TABLE. M. St EINERT & SONS CO., THOMPSON GREETED Hi Any Bones of Foot or Toes, oldest lmtltutlon In the world, through DENMAN dLt/fftUcjb*. 160 Ankle, Sizes 2V»x5 and 3xC feet and smaller. For 5i7 < o\e of ihe Most "Beautiful Styles Special Prices

Business Men Indignant At Argos thar e-Oer entered Tort land in one in-Ooice. -ON- Attacks. The most harmonious quartette (four grades) that e-Oer Knocked at the gates of the Forest City at one call'. It took.courage and plucks as Well as confidence in the taste of our clien- tele, to bring so many SILK. ELECAfICES to this northern latitude before Such UnJ tt Talk Makes Winter Was banished. BLACK DRESS GOODS Votes. Republican fiot a penny, not the fraction of a cent, is askedfor the STALES, you I * ;_r (a moderate sum) the the texture, the only pay for quality, Wea-oing. -FOR THE- Four grades. 7Bc, 89c, $1.00, $1.25 Are Not Commercial Travellers The "FIRST VIEW" Exhibition of these Elegances will be in the new. Opposed To Col. Hoot h by. electrically lighted Furnished Rooms in our Furniture department. Remainder of the Week. On Iff A VCV'RA TlOff-DAy, Monday March 4-th. and the two days following, you are in-oiled. The success attending the sale of Black Tbe belief that Col. Boothby will be a J.R. Dress and elected major Portland by large major- LIBBY CO. Goods Monday Tuesday, induces us ity on Monday next le now entertained to offer some values for Fri- con eervatlve men of both extraordinary today, llg all parties. _— —i He is a man eminently fitted for tbli Mm*M»*MM** »»*»»»*• »****»*»**»»»»** day and Saturday. ollloe, having for years ooonpled a posi- tion which taxee a man's executive Small ability to tbe utmost and hie long train- Be Up i 42 inch Black Perola Cloths that affairs will be of ing In handling large were 75 cents per yard, at only untold advantage to Mm In administer- With the Times ing tbe duties of mayor of the olty. \ TROUSERS Col. Bootbby has had assuranoes of support and letters of congratulation or possiMy a little ahead. | from Uraad Trunk officials who bave You will lead the proces- * At Smaller Prices. long counted him as one of tnelr strong 39c pvea"bd. friends Portland’s sion In among progressive j security, good { the old. and to the burlnsH* men. Many Uemoorats who For 4-year up big boy methods and fair if ♦ a Z dealing have never before cast a vote for Ke- of 16,—we have all tne sizes in good KNEE that this publlcan candidate say year they ♦ your insurance account is $ TROUSERS,—selling at the price of left- 42 inch Nuns’ that are going to do eo to help give loj. Figured Veiling a handsome Tote. with new, handsome, dur- Boots by g overs, yet they’re have been $1.00, now only It Is tru* that the Deraoorata are | able,—made for strong boys’ wearing. making every effort to win out In wards Flue Worsteds that would be marked $2.00 in one, three aud nine, which are usually quality for ItepubUoau by large majorities. They are I DOW & PINKHAM, busy times, are seeking your boy only #1.50 relying on the power of the rum vote and Excellent Worsteds that will give tUe boy .is much ser- will receive a largj percent- j as in «5c undoubtedly ♦ Writers of all classes of Insurance in solid companies only. z vice any $1.00 goods town. only 50c pvarrD. of It If not all of It. believe age They in three that we »*••**«• »*»»«**« Corduroys qualities ean^warrant equal that with rum vote they can win thle L to higher priced trousors,—have cut tho profit to bring you election, while the lfepnblloans feel that here this week, 75r, 79c. 95c tbey can get along wlthoQt this vote very 48 which did Dot tend much to help the oltj Annual inch Black Camel’s Hair Chev- well and bad much rather that the "rum* Meeting. Extra Blue Cheviots worth 75e,—selling today It will be I Quality ot Portland and on eleotlon da; Thraunuil of Ilie KKMALK mles should vote for the Democratic meeting for 50c iots that have always been $1.00, re- tound that the men who pa; the taxel ! SAMARITAN APftOt IATION for the elec- candidate!. man who casts a vote tion of officers and such other business as may Kvery the welfare of the of Other Knee Trousers at 99c mid ttOc duced for this sale to and who have oltj come will l»e held only for the Democratic candidate this year legally before the meeting Portland at heart will maroh to the poll- wffli Sirs. W. T. Kllborn, Brackett street. Tues- votes with tbe rum sellers who era work- day, March the seventh. 1901. at three o'clock. ing place* tn solid platoons to show their ing teeth and null to administer punish- HARRIET E. FARIIINOTON, •*«»*. disapproval of any ench mean lnslnua. febjsdtd meet, to the Kepuoilnan party to whlob tlons as have been made by the Demo- they attribute all of their mlsfortunee Standard cratic papers against Col. Doothbv who Caucus. Co., and the "drought" which la now preva- Cape blizabe h Citizen’s Clothing Is not only respected for his ability bul lent. Elizabeth are 50c ?aSd. The cfti/.eus of Cape .... for bis and publlo spirit. requestedtown New St. has ever done integrity I to meet in caucus in Hall In said Store, 544 Congress No polioe administration (irauge : _ “When you hear this Democratic howl ; on Thursday the seventh day ot March. 1901, at ao much toward cleaning up the city as I two o’clock in tbe afternoon to nominate tow n about Col. Hoothby's .connection with'* W. C. has tbe one under City Marshal Sylvester. officers for tlie ensuing year. Ware, Manager. ask this Per Order Citizen's Committee. railroad monopoly just question ■ have been served by tbem Klizabeth. Feb. I90l.febjautd Nofwarrants to silence the dies of the oOloeeeeklrg Cape In a halfhearted way, but every time tbe 50 inch Black Cheviots pack,'' ealJ a prominent business men t A ft A (CfLit A A AiLhJYAAjCIAJUliUULfJLAAARAJLAAJCRJiJ »VAiClUVAl\JUUVtUULlf Diagonal polioe struok tbey brought blood and left yesterday. “How did the Democratic * that were $1.00 reduced to behind them a rum shop without liquids your majority per yard, member* of the board of aldermen, In- or material with whloh to do business. THE HOOPER STORE. S; cluding the present oandldate for mayor 7n ward oneT To ptrains this department for doing on the Demoeratlo tloket vote when a their duty the Demoorata rely upon the THURSDAY’S STORE NEWS. rival eleetrlc light oompany wanted to g: rum vote and that they will get about all U'.l. Hoolhby Toll. Utv.M. Hoe.lug mr. come into this city to bring down the of It there Is little doubt. (Jo Monday by lb. Vetera Thrr. To- for eieotrlo lights for the oltj and ■anpllon HeraJd Ranges. £ It oan be told whetber the rum price night men? ! ulgbt. 50C YARD. our business 'Theyall fought _ sellers own Portland or whetber the good Tbe entire line made by Thomas of Taunton, Mass., has just against the new company and the oouips- jg people of thle town who don't care muob All tha Titan In Ward 1 ara Invited to been added to our already assortment They are heavy, tltlon which dually resulted In saving large 3^ for rum sellers own themselves Kvery be present tonight at tb. raoeptlon to ba an i are lew Portland and more a year In eleo- fine'y cast goods—fully warranted, priced exceedingly 5c be hurled $10,000 poastole Insinuation that oan aooordad Col. r. K. llootdby, the iiepab- are a number size with trlc bills and gave the business for high grade ranges. We selling eight oandldate has been lighting Ward Jg et the Kepuhlloao lloan candidate tor mayor at tba can Cheviots. all men of Portland their lights at half the Inch oven,—as good a range as money and brains 57 inch English tlung by the Argus whloh relies more on 1 Kepubllsan club', room, on Conaresa full,20 3^j price they were before paying. Some construct for #22 abuse and Innuendo to make votes (han street. There will be upeaker. pre.ent sponged and shrunk, have been $1.38, tt» publicans voted against the new com- It does od arguments or statements of from different parte of the olty who will pany coming Into Portland too, but the ♦ 75 to close out reduced to only facts. make thing, lively and lut.rs.tlng. All Wash Boilers. value, solid Demoeratlo vote In both boards In- When tbe Argus said that many people votart are invited to attand wbatbar they $45 cash cluding the vote of tbe present oandldate 9 would vote Col. Uootbby because to th. olub or not. Tb. reoeptlon 50 highest grade No. coppei against belong ■ for mayor on the Demoeratlo tloket was ■ » ha was connected with tbe Maine Central ; will begin about 8 o'olook. bottom wash boilers, wood Good Mattresses cast for monc poly railroad business man of good, sound “Then you oan ask them about how bandes. * 1.50 quality, 9Hr for Little common sense and a love of lair play be- SILVER ANNIVERSARY. Money. the Democrats conduoted themselves nine came Tbey know tnat Col. _ YARD. Indignant. Into Ask For the rest of the week we I .00 years ago when they got power. $ has been a faithful and an able Bootbby Mr. a ad Mr*. II. It. Libby of Pearboro If they remember the oondltlon of Fifteen Furnaces wi I make to order African fibre official of tbe Maine Central for many Iieople In ( rlsbratr Fifth Wedding An- City ball in those days, of toe way Tweuly years, but that above all other things of the latest and most soft top mattresses, any size de- which the building was kept up so that niversary. design know that he Is a citizen of Port- _ they It with- in two with durable no man or woman oould go into approved construction Dust sired, parts, land and has done more to help this city These are for this week only out being Insulted by some of the otdoe The home or Mr. anil Mrs Have 24 for prices positively than any Demooratlo candidate that was pleasant tight and gas tight. tick $3.Sft seeker* who were ever to be found there. Henry K. Libby ot Soorboro woa tbe asthe new Goods will demand all our at- evsr brought forth. The older business inch fire pots, adjustable grat s They are well worth 17 50 and Spring Ask these howlers If they remember bow tee lie ot a and brlllant teclal gather- men recall some aots of Demo- large previous is__In win fhu aloflMnn of cur ing Tuesday evening, th. oooaalon being and best ga van’zed casings. Will are considered by many tention after this week. cratic mayors and city governments had to barri- of by fraud, how their mayor tbe oelebratlon of the -5th annlveraary heat readily seven or eight customers almost as good as cade hie door to keep from being mobbed thole mnarUoa A flftll O h tf 111 OOIU NL K I* HI SKI). rooms. curled hair by Democratic olamorere for office, of posed tor tbe oooaslon by Miss Edna E howl- how these Democrats who are now j Libby, was road by Mr. D. W. Robin- In Flavor of Food Won Her. ing so much about corruption City son. Vooal solos were rendered by Mr. 24 INCH hall left the olty.linanolally at the end of Haskell The Ladles' Orchestra "When the landlady told me that the Zylpba Oren Sons, their oareer and what all good citizens inusio tbe evening Hooper’s furnished throughout | new dlah at my plate was the much p th ought of their administration. refreshments were served Alter talked of food Urape-huts, 1 tasted It Dainty “Mr. Merrill Is a nloe man without evening the dis- Shaw Silks a delightful oompany Printed Summer languidly expeotlns the usual tasteleis, doubt, but he Is young and though hr persed, giving Mr. and Mrs Libby their Insipid compound posing under some one STIMi SELLING AT had the etrenatb of Sampson he could hearty congratulations. The presents the various names ot ‘breakfast foods.' the Board of Railroad Com- of the whloh To the Honorable, not stand np long under load were numerous and elegant, Inducting of the State of Maine. a school teacher and board missioners "1 am hb Louts B. Whetldon, the Democrats would put on many beautiful articles of silver ware Respectfully represent*. Have usually been In robust health, but F. H. Morse and .James II. Boyd of Portland, 49 Cents Per~Yard. shoulders. Mr. Merrill knows what would of Somerville, Mass., and 1 had the muob dreaded FOK MILITARY ENGAGEMENT and John Kelley last spring symp- CANDIDATES of Brookline. Mass that they happen If he were elected and 1 don't be j iieorge A. Bruce toms of rever set In with ee- HONORS. have been chosen as directors of a company to be ACIIULLV WORTH »5c. spring great hare consented td Here he would ever formed for the purpose or constructing and op- verltv. I oould hardly keep at my work In cuoles is that AND in that Dart of the hare become the Democratic candidate li The talk iullltaryj erating a streetraifroad city Peaks Island. and headaohes were almost oonstant. A. Dow of the Portland of Portland known as be had thought be bad a ghost of t Capt. Ueorge convenience requires the con- Food had bsoome nauseating and 1 only That public cbanoe of being elected." Light Intsnlry is to have his resignation struction of said road. of aDT sort ot food from a sense the of Sections oue and partook In tbs hands for aooeptauce WEDDING That all provisions proper two hundred and sixty-eight of of two of (’harder duty. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS Maiob 1. In the event of tbe aooeptaooe the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-three were spent in distress, 'l'he State of Maine have been compiled with. •'My nights of the tbe logloal oandldals of the reelgnatlon RINCS And Petitioners request first taste ot Urape-huts yielded a Uavor t all On t'ol. Boothby to your respectfully llanr ofTIlriu for succession Is First Lieutenant H- that vour Honorable Board will approve the Ar- was new and attraoted me at onoe. of said company that Assure Ulus or TSrlr Support. E. Eennard, who will douttless;be elect- to #40« ticles oTAsaooiatlon railway $34 hereto anuexed and find that public conve- X arose from tno table satisfied, having tbe ed. To Oil »be vaoancy oaused by nience the construction of said street the requires enjoyed my meal as 1 bad not dons tor The Argus lute said that trarelling Lowe Is railway as embraced in said CO. Seoond and petition. BROTHERS promotion, Lieutenant Diamonds LOP 18 H. WHKIMMJN. BINES So 1 had food for salesmen of Portland are going to cal weeks Urape-huts deemed a sale winner. For tbe position HKORCE A. BRl'CK, and eoon found oth- CoL Boothby at The Argni all other JOHN KELLEY. Somerville. breakfast every day, the'polls of seoond lieutenant there Is likely to precious these ooinmerds I RAN KLIN If. MORSE. er reasone besides my taste Tor continu- does not claim tnat be a lively contest, although at tbe pres- stones JAMES A. BOYI). the food. trarellere are Democrats They acknowl YOU CAN’T BEAT IT! ing ent time tbe only name talked of In of the fever ayraptotne dis- edge that this olass of men, the hnetler< a thousand to show is ns near ••All eprlng connection with tbe position Is Frank We have Our laundry work perfection the foregoing the headaohes left, my oum- and leaders In all progresslre morements On petition. as modern methods and appliances can appeared, Cummings, a former olboer In the We can make you any Ordered; That the petitioner cause to be of the you. and tills and need ask our regu- cleared up, and alter a supper of are Uepublloana, oourse,and Argo the published a true copy of said petition, make it, you only plexlon Ltlgn School Cadets and during Sp.n- successive- to cn a in our Factory, of notice thereon, three days lar for their of it con- 1 found myself able to sleep a if pots to tellers they are going to Id ml of Ring order pations opinion Urape-huts uh-American war a member ot tbe First in the Portland Daily Press, a newspaper wisdom of ly umber- vince you of the patronising a In of a hard day and Col. on election day. at Portland. In tlte County of like Baby, spite Boothby Maine and later, after ble en- it short notice. published for a trial order. You needn’t regiment, tlie first in said paper to be at us, if only wprk. ‘l'he food has never Slnoe that statement was printed Col land. publication house—a will hard evening's listment In the infantry brauob expired, least five days before Thursday, the fourteenth stir out of your postal been let 1 the on nor failed In fur- Boothby has reoelrlng callers, day of March. A. D. 1901, on which us to your door, will return your palled my appetite enlisted in tbe engineer oorps. serving willday lie In bring from com Board of Railroad < ommlssioners same a meal. lull of ters and telephone messages In tbe and In China. to the place. nlsl lug perfect strength Pblllnplnes session at the West End hotel, in Portland for goods “We are all Said 25c per dozen, with flat pieces and vigor. I know from my own experi- merolal trare(lers. right the purposes Indicated in said petition. Washing these mm of the trarelllni petitioner shall send copies of the pe- ironed. ot the value of this food for any one Colonel." say McKENNEY foregoingof the ence, tition and order to the municipal officers are to to What Shall We Have for Dessert ? who feels strength lagging und ;r the bay. "We going support you i of Portland, also to the Portland Railroad arises in he The Jeweler, City of beoause we belters In you am 1 This question family every five days at least before the date strain of work, and It Is evident that the mayor Companv. day. Let ua answer It today. Try Jell-o, sail nearing. DEERING STEAM LAUNDRY, Is a hare oonhdenoe that you will glre ou olaim made by the makers that It a .lalinAMS UtlH hft<hflll ftflASArt PTfl- Monument Square. j B fkaKK. Chalrmaiw This talk o lh« Board ol Railroad CommlsaUmersol E. IK BANCROFT, Prop. brain food Is wall taken. Please omit oity a tine sdmlnlstratlon. ]anl3dtf For ’* men onttlng you Is al my name If you publish this 'l'he lady the trarelling Datedthia 18thday of February. A. V. 1901. 926 St. it Congress Ind. Name nonsense. Don’t belters a word of > Mt to cool. Flavor*:—Lemon, Orange, lives In Hanover, supplied K. C. FARRINGTON. Clerk.* TKl.KHtlO>K lose-4. It are oounted am 1 and Get a paok- Poetum Cereal Hattie but watt until the rotes Raspberry Strawberry. by Co., Ltd., ots. UttadJt of the > I age at your grocers today, 10 Greek, Mlob, you will find the knights gri

r ^sjiwMrrLiii ; --**- —■ ■ * «* 7~ * I,.—-, ■ i.ii r ■ 1 .".j ji ~~Ji TO MET. muCTtxAWKori. to oontlnns to preach nt tbs afternoon rOR SAIA SOUTH PORTLm •errloos for another month. This evening at tbe home of Mrs J. W. Forty wotiIi IntfitH wilder this head r*rtr w#H« ln«*rt««i aadci tkta kr«4 Harbour In a whlat >■» fat JiA Willard, party will be •ne week for !lft rrnti, rash In advawca. pwi f»nu, taah la tdvMMt given by the ladles of the Unlverssllst circle for the benefit of the oburoh piano RENT HAI.E-d>ne act of J*«»R More at m Portland fit., near POR complete Maine re- fund. W p •< Room l*ft porta, all In good condition also a nmnl*er £«iK!WIAft- 'ARK. 4, *f latest edition Mrs Fred Uetcbell, who has been tick Middle St 28-j legal text books, good as new; ogethrr or Address II et her home on Kincaid it lor a separately. W., Bo* Republican Prospects rest, 557, Portland, Me. Vl loan time, le able to be about tbe bonse. rTENKMKNT TO I.ET- -The beat tenement on ■ all A benettt concert le to be Mies Mmifoy Hill, right rooms, conveniences, Are given will l»e vacant sometime the D1 II.IUMi LOTS I offer several Bright. Ethel Houee during first part of building hloseley at the Union Upera For to J. 11. HI, A lots for Hale that are among f!»»• most co- April. par.leulars apply KK. ral next Tuesday •veiling at which tbe beat M Idgery’s Wharf. .‘s-t and desirable in the flooring district. |a innsl'V'l or this olty and Portland *ate«l Mn A lmgton and Clifton 8t»., near l on-st LET—One Clavier on and an Park will appear, the Ladles' f| O Virgil reasonable ^yenue joining Covle To buy for l"c!tidlng /.ylpba * tenns. at ZM STATE MT. .'♦Vi » home or divestment wifl orchestra, tbs Oakdale Mandolin and Inquire surely pav you at Apply to KKANK \< M»K- and other well known mn- K'2£"‘Prl,;r.' Uultar club, fTO I.ET and lower rent*. 87 Wllmot KO>ft, Vo. 4 Arlington At.. Woodfords. fel»27-i been at the roper For Coni rolling A>xt Board of Al- slolana. Mist Moseley has ■ slreet; also two other low cost rent*. Ap- Mil Ini' Ueneral hospital nndsrgolng treat- lo HINES BROTHERS. 251 VOlt SALK—On Western Promenade, beaut I- p’y ful residen ment for some time, and the brneUt le ce, 1J rooms and bath, steam KENT House between and Heat in all. 3 When have that obstinate dermen. Congress open fireplaces and all modern yon IJIORCuint>erlAi)d street*. eontalning 1ft room*. | •onvenlenees. large lot, will be sold at a great which will no: suitable for also several desirable mcrlflce W. II. WAl.ltpoN a iso Middle cring cough think will be beneoclal to her. roomers; CO., flats and apartments, at rentals that will Inter- shaken off. Mr. Will Pnrlnton or tbe Co-operative est prospect!*e tenant*. For further pari ini "I have used three bottles of Dr store. Is confined to bis home with a tars apply FREDERICK S. VAILL, Real SALK—On the highlands of Portland Pi erce’s G< Iden Medical Discovery severe coll Estate. First National Rank Building. zv-i hM)Roverlooking the city and surrounding John of *.» house of 7 rooms with since my correspondence with you.'* Capt. Wallace tbe steamer Per- •ountry, story hi and Willards Blaze Yester- O LET—In good quiet neighlmrhood. large ‘table, cellar uiid**r all. a acres of good writes Mr. A. F of New cy V., who has been seriously ill with f|■ imago Novotny, well furnished room; steam heat, gas arid and. first time offered, fiav*. \\ n York. N. Y (Box "I feel that pneumonia, Is imnrovlng. price 14^7). large closet. tft GRAY ST., between State and iVALDKON & C(> U<) Middle At. jt I 1 am in of tio more medical as- need day Morning. PLE AH ANTI) ALE. zm to Park.__ sistance. When I started take your SALE--For Investment, a block ol fRO LET l'p|*er tenement of seven rooms, medicine I had a consumptive Mr and Mrs. Ueo. Etront of Chestnut FOR 12 in i*«. regular 1 five on Hat with bath, two attic chainl»ers. story houses. years old. perhH of which I was and street have returned to vatr. rentals $7M annum, in a location cough, afraid, from a brief trip good cemented cellar, famllv of adults |>er colu- and me pre- mn iit assessed valua- everybody cautioned warned Huston. ferred ready for on or about March ding |*eimam occupancy, occupancy !on jfls m. must be sold. Price •4'too. a concerning it. 1 was losing weight Mrs W. W. Morrison, Kim street, 1st. Apply on premises. 82 VKsPER sT. zM nn*rt- mge of $:*>.».) can remain. W. H. \V.\l.l»PON rapidly, was very pale ami had no will enteitaln Che Ladles' Aid on Xhurs- ap- Ollier Items Gutlirroil About the and board in a b CO.. 1*> Middle st. .7 whatever. Now my condition is private family ; steam petite heat, electric I>atli and I do not cough at H0OMS lights. telephone; changed entirely. Mrs. Horace Arderson, Forest avenue, rooms large and sunny ; table with POR S.ILF Second hand wood working ma- in City. supplied a all, have gained eight pounds Is report ed very 111 good variety of food well served. 77.'» cn\. ■ cldnery. 1ft horse steel holler. §90;»; horse weight, have recovered my healthy The laet qntiterly conference, to have GREKS ST. W1 •ngine. $4.'.: K R. cut off machine, f.r.. -awing color,#and my appetite is enormous." been held at Elm street this evening, hns tint boring machine, fift; universal saw mu- rro LET—A room tenement corner Greenteaf dline, fjn; lock corner machine. .*C Inch been until one week from ■ poetooned & Everett Sts.; also3 room tenement sain** wmy f4‘; power bone cutter. «1. All 8 planer. Friday evening, Msroh Iwnse all newly filled up. painted and paired it perfect running order also all the shafting, Mr Kohert Is able to be month 3 rooms; *r, '1 he board of registration Is now In Logan, Hr., complete, fr» j>er per month uingers, pulley*, netting. etc. Full particulars out after a severe attaok of bronobttla ft rooms. Apply to Sl'Bt'RBAN REM.TV »n request. ('. W. COATKLLOW. Sanford. and It It the of the several ft.J session, duty Mr. Harry lilake, a fireman on tbe Bos- CO., Exchange 8|.___ j,Mf Maine. -*:» 1 name ol warn oominlttees to see that the ton & Maine, has gone to bis home In LET—Pleasant and convenient j rent, 7 HALF—Old established business in llour- N. for a few days. rooms steam In at. to in every veter ts on tbe list, and Manchester, II,, TO and hath, SHER- Kj'OR llepablloan town of h.ffflb- The daughter of Mr. and Mrs MAN or of 0. B. DOTKN, i«7 l-shing manufacturing to.noo be assisted yoong ST., enquire Hants, roll. little In this task they should by le < omroerclal deei7dtf large p„v very c«Mii|»etM uti. Howard Latham, Chestnnt street, veiy street._ Investigate Indore coming to a conc|u-ion. & on the ticket. While tbe HI. every candidate fltO Two of the flues! flats in the Sickness <-ause of selling. W. P. CAltlt. i;<» -hi Missionary (2) l, Oxford contest for mayor la a keen one, It by no The Ladles' Foreign 1 city; one down stairs, seven <7) rooms* Building. will hold Its m Inteiest In society regular meeting new. all modern Improvements. $20.(k>; one sec- w means overshadows the gnat m Friday afternoon, with Mrs John A. H. ond floor, seven (7) rooms, all very fine, Wift.oo; SALK—House of large rooms and lino FlOH steam heat. the various aldermanlo candidates, and a L)y»r. Hummer sweet both rents very sunny, sure to please any on«a. hath, House In perfect repair, I comer lot situated on Forest avniue. ; also to let. ban men la every ward mandolins, Jos. guitars, violin*, ceptionally strong lll(el|, )< 111 HIM. 11 [* '.I SI crate, could pick out seven more repre- *b|e prices. Address EKED A. STAKUI l I *0 53 .lory, KO 1.00 per inoulli if let ■■ i sentative candidates than William ii, ssBsrsrt EXCHANGE ST., Beekeft Hf.. Portland, Me. Yri'erdaJ the itekuiBr Canihroman of once. If uot inkrii before May Cobb, t’raok W. Klohsrdson, Frank !S. SALE Elegant detached I*i icm- line and of The International VSJ ■ I.. U(n_ ir U».ll llaaew lb thg Homlnlon the liaoknej l\l price Milt be one dollin’ per i/OKdeuce on New 11 igh street dear ongr* h. tnig Real It large rooms, hath and billiard room. ample the Thomson line tttlled from pjr» Estate. ■nonlli more. lo Harter, Thomas H. Haskell, Geo. E Correspondence Schools, Apply 'team heat in all, onen lire places !• »r first ami The former l« bound for Liver[i>ol and M*eoml 7 .two feet land with room for an- •OMANTON. PA, Made Daily. Sl/BIUtltAN HKAf.TV CO. .VI tb*ors, Tapper. The Kxrlianges other house. w. II. NY A LIMP >.\ CO., 1*0 took a full oargo and 4"0 rattle. r decTdtf With ruoh an array of strength against Kvcliunife Ml. or U. I.. 111,1*11, Middle street. la to London and baa a full H Is no wonder that the Democrats liaoknej goes It nliflll vil le. them, UK IN VIOLIN I oargo and d8i cattle and 1450 abeep. AIN have .mold \ io'in are trending every energy to secure, If DOR SALK Fine farm at Freeport. 100 acres, HA that 1 have no use for and will sell the saute The Horatio Hall arrived from New A a continued control of the twenty 120. minute* from railroad station, to any om-who wants a good instrument. It possible, ctly the York at tnreo o'clock In atternoon Kboobaadpottofllce, i\\<> barns, twelve yl2) Collage at Peak's Island To Let. lias a brilliant tone and ,i nice instrument for. council, and in each close wards as one, The Manhattan la lata op at the Port- room house, good laud, wood and timber. In orchestra work. Write at mice. J. KTt'HKLLS, condition and fine location and will nuillniKl Muiulcii on Jr.. Maine. •«.'«•>• two, three and live, ar3 making the fight land con. pinj while work la being done Mo* aM Win Mm M«f«twka)Hl KarnMit if good yield coMhkp. Ittddeford, TW imin to uala it* U a* riam ui *■; laamr}. good alone cost will to her machinery, bhe will probabij bo returns; building* $2500; IsliUMl Peuk’a Ivlnnil Is to of their lives, and that, too, with almost tie sold at a great sacrifice If taken at once; lvf„ SALK- Hotel Heselton, Kkow began, laid for a week. F'OltMaine, one «»f the best hotel certain defeat them In the face up N»w can be seen liny time at our office we pay ex- l«‘( far siiiiiiiiit of 1901. ’('Ills is property's in staring Th« Sfttwn *1 Ediealiaa the mu-1 be sold to pense of trip. C. B. DALTON, 63 Exchange state, close the estate it Last year In Ward one, Gherman Willard WH AT CUBA WILL AG UK E TO ar>d St. leb-'Tdtf one of Hie lint's! collude* on till' lias mif humiied rooms well furnished, >teaiu It Simplt, Thorou(k, liixpusiv*. lieat, eleetrle lights, electric bells and had about votes to the better Islmitl. io every- only eight 4|>|tl) that with an »«• iCf MO *«OM. tODUHMTUia SALK—New house, eight (8) rooms and thing goes u|Mo-date hotel, witli of his and these W«» C*». two stables with <;* one Republican opponent, •Tt'BT »QC FORbath ami Brighton Avenue, near Fessenden M lU IOfW KCAI.TV «'0„ large stalls, nearly a'-ro Itraoliillons Which Are M land on the the m.iin street, near is are to be more than overcome by Apparently Op* Park; every modern improvement, sewer, depot likely Prloe® Low. Terme lAt liiiiitif aired. feblHdtf a business will the A Halo of Keey. fcebago, fireplace, heated, electric lights. GOno lolng pro»per«nis and bear Beauty the enthusiastic support which is prom- posed to Naval Stations. •losest investigation; if not sold at private sain car mark of when the hair Writ* Atr Circular*. #r S«* feet of land, directly on car line. Price only turns loan age 'TOI.ET- Ml1., room by mi or before March .Nth will lx* sold at ised william U. Cobb by his Republican % $35(i0. Terms easy same as rent. DALTON |iUm':uiI. tunny day public becomes or faded. a very ■ or week with bath room note* met ion March‘.'1st. 1901, Would like to hear thin, gray Many &( (>., 53 stai i. febi dtf privileges, blames when she friends and a contingent or Democratic Exchange Imt need < .til Torn looking for of this kind. woman age, really ought Havana, U7.—The convention quiet, respcetable-|**ople apply. anyone property February or Portland. 28 l IN K. Si I Skow Maine. to blame herself. If she will not take the voters who recognize in Mr. Cobb ster- DOR SALK—On I leering avenue, opposite address 64 Free St.. IILSKLTON, began, renminbi in session until tf o clonk this OFFICE r I*, o. Box 7-d. trouble to care for herself, why should she PORTLAND, ME., Fessenden Park, modern eight 18 room -'l-J ling business qualifications and posltlve- sewer, RENT- and others to do so. MAY’S the work of draw- house with bath, electric lights, pOK Storage, wharfage dockag-. expect morning, completing r font of SALE ness of character which admirably fit him <1 cemented cellar, open fireplace, hardwood on Sturdivant's Wharf. Park St., l^ul! \ta bargain, farm containing ing uu the clauses of the constitution 1 Klock, floors, large piazzas, heated, flue location, large for vessels, lumber and general merehaudlse, at I- ouelmndred aer*•-> line hay land; just the for the To his defeat, to a position. compass to the relations between Cubu lot of land, more if desired. Price only 9 >sod. moderate prices; gi>od faidlilies for vessel- dace for milkman situated near Riverton. referring unload to and Irom of 1.1 HAIR-HEALTH our Democratic lrlends will have to trump OPPOSITE POST OITTCE. DALTON \ CO., 53 Exchange St._Icbiadtf load and cars. Apply For further particulars inquire A. C. BUY and the Unled States, A public session PIIKhKHK K s. \ All.!., First National Rank, It CO., 42 Ex h ing street. g] besides the talk of DORSAL! Now room bouse on has been a blessing tr* many thousands of men am! up something puerile held atternoon to eight (8 or WM. F. WII.LIAKI), 430 Commercial st. will be this sign the Office Open EvenliiK(i> * Lawn avenue. four house 8 women (over ti.ree million bottles of tins preparation votea claiue. We Derrhig Highlands; (4) iehKultm SALK—-i story containing lulluecclng by buying four • 4> cliftinber.s and bath; tine turnae.* h-at. walar closet and have been old in the United States and England following resolutions, which have been living rooms, FORlooms, gas. _1 unsur- 1 mention this to show to what Ilia location, sewers, near two (2) car linos, vith stable and ized lot of land, situated during iV?) who are now enjoying a fine head of hair simply |i i M TW1 RENT— rpper tenement of eight rooms good adopted: g—yfyy«|naiM] j near schools and * >n Kirn street, near Portland rt; Roehester It It. this for dire straits are and as conduc- passed neighborhood, besides bath and halls, newly painted, produced by unequalled repaution restoring, they put, modern I^OR pa- « 1—The government of Cuba will not churches, flnished in cypress, every and all lirst steam heat. in- For further particular-' inquire ot A. 1.1 BP.Y MrengtheniuK and beautifying: the hair Mui'--Health or the hold In pered tinted, class, ive evidence tight which make a or with convenience. A beautiful suburban home. ti co i.’j Exchange street. & ji cleanses the scalp, removes the dandruff, and treaty agreement any quire ti DEEH1NG SI feba-tl quickly S.'woo, anv reasonable terms of payment. DAL- and breaking of the hair they find themselves There is no reason foreign power whloh may compromise stops falling TUNiCO. febl.Ultf ri O LET—Lower tenement 232 High street. SALK—Three Hat house, line hu-a- or limit the of or _ 11*01* very Mr. HloUardson and Mr. Willard lndependencs Cuba, 1 ■ V ONE BOTTLE DOES IT." why Sore Throat, A.-hss, Old nmc root idem coq tlon and central, always rented, lirst iim« whloh may parmlt or authorize any ll.it« Yah Pi-aplss, Copper-Colorfd Spot*, DOR fcALK—Ten (101 room bouse. 52 Hleu- That is the of many who have bad their gray should not reoelve the vote of Re- lldtl lvU Ulcers in tho Mouth. Fair \\ rite venienees. pleasant and situated, good »flered, no better real estate investment in expression every means or Failing? r wood avenue; modern con- centrally cov- power by colonization or for every in fact a ino>t desiralde liberal of I P. Bl 4> Ex hair* restored to natural color and their bald spot for proof* of rtirw. We tolicii the moat obstinate yard room, rent; I'nrtlaud. Impure TLKK, 1 publican In their wards, and In ward or naval venience, baiti, electric lights, fireplace, heat, to ered with hair afier using one bottle of Hair-Health. up military p irj>3»-i,or in aoy oth- (rune*. Wa hava enrad tin* Srofnt cases in 15 to 96days. concession ginxl responsible party. For par- •hange street. branch offices hard wood set till*'', etc. lot 58x110; tine Ask for Hay 's Hair-Health and refuse all substi- five Alderman h'camman has on his bands er manner, any or a Capital *500.000. 10u*paga book Fit EE. No floors, ticulars address I‘. K. DOCKER I’ Y.’Box lfih*. foothold, authority w ill be sold low if taken now. tutes. H. H. H. is leading druggists every CO location very feblM SALK-The property situated on lum- sold,by hardest or light, over any portion of Cuba. COOK REMEDY where. Sent iu plain sealed package, by P. H an the political light of his life. DALTON & CO., 53 Exchange I/OKbcrluul St., on Munjov Hill, consisting of prepaid, y—L’he will not Its 3'1H Masonic Temple. Chicago. Ill St._11-tf Sr-EciALTUts t o rig laiUyette St.,Newark, N J .also a government permit TO LET—Tenement of 8 rooms and bath, all double house, now rented tor $ :r».on per month, There Is row of first clase proportions house Stevens’ avenue a 25c cake Harfina Medicated Soap, best for bath, territory to be used a-) a base of opera- IVOR SALK—New * in and with corner lot. over irjno feet A perfect order, sunny exposure large containing square toilet, skin and hair, all on receipt ol 60c. and this ad. In the ranks of his former supporters, tions for war againtt the United States near Kaekleff street, directly mi ear line, yard, cemented cellar, lauicastcr street, corner •f land. Price low. Inquire of A. c. LIBBY & (H) rooms and bath, thoroughly plumbed J LARGE 50c. BOTTLES. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. and It Is a of or against any nation. eight of WIRnoL Apply to 22 WILMOT. dcelMf 1*0.. 4‘J J Exchange street. IH piece political gossip that foreign ami electric lights, lire place, cemented a —The government or Cuba In heated, Ahak’i Indian stoni- bo much feeling followed the action of accepts cellar, etc. No reasonable offer refused. DA L- TO LET —Furnished room with excellent ta- I/OR SALK—T>r. great Its the ■ aim Blood It will cure ihs* entirety treaty of Paris, In wblon TON Si ( O 63 Exchange st. 11 tf & Lie board; sunny front room; hoi water ach Remedy. the caucus that It required almost the ami all stomach troubles. i>. NN.llKS- are adlrmed the rights of Cuba, and the heat, bath, gas. near corner Para and < onuresa pepsu |j|ANLY yiGOR KLTINE&co.. Congress and arm of the law to land the obligations whlon are Indicat- SALE--N«\v house at Fast Dcering. streets, and eleetriea. No. 6 CONGRESS Myrtle streets, strong pro- explicitly RESTORED In weak men of all age* Night N «*t street. IJ J IjlOR ami twelve ilJ. min uid t K. KNVt u.MIl, Vesper ceedings In the office of the city clsrk. ed, and especially those whloh the Inter- losses and drains stepped at once. host .Man seven tT) rooms bath, PARK._^ llOVi:Mlf national law for the Ludevelopment, lin aui utes from Pity Hall, furnace heat, large piazza, SALE story house containing 14 imposes protection hood, Atrophy, potency — As a matter of Mr. JSoaroman le and Imme- electric Will be sold at OR FACTORY EtTILDIMi The I;OKrooms into two rents of 7 rooms fact, of life and property, substituting Itself Weaknesses cured privately quickly. sewer, Sebngo, lights. divided —JUST— j heurflts and sure euro with u terms. DALTON & OFFICEfirst floor of the building occupied by the all modern diate absolutely bargain. now well has not the nominee of the caucus, but was for the United States In the which great Easy pacli rented, improve- pledge 63 Exchange street 11 tf American Express Company on Plum street is ments, >l/ed lot and very exposure. on the tloket to fill the In CO., good sunny plaoed vacancy they ugsuin8d that sense accenting to DR.CA TON’S VITA LIZERS oflerea for rent. Apply to E. ▲. NOYES, Port- N«.. 5 Laurel Sf. For further particulars inquire caused by the resignation or the first articles 111, and 10 of the treaty of Paris. lots at Oakdale. land Savings Bauk. KMf M A. C LIBBY vY CO.. 4‘Jl St, icb04 standard indorsed and sold JOB SALE—Choice building Exchange nominee Ail of these little episodes lend 4—Cuba as valid all A registered remedy, ami recognizes legally first-Hass throughout the world. 1 Fessenden Park. Deerlng Highlands Interest to the result in this ward the by druggist* choice lots at Ottawa Park Every- acts of military government during They reach and remove the most obacure cause also cottage (Cliff WANTED—MALE HEl-P. RECEIVED. Elizabeth. All kinds of real BRICK RESIDENCE body concedes the election of lilon li the period of occupation, also the rights of Nervous derangement or Functional Disorder. Cottage). Cape tamt of estate taken In terms. DAI*- Small and Thomas H. Haskell, so that arising out of them in conformity with They completely eradicate every exchange. Easy llrANTED Massachusetts corporation de- TON & CO.,63 Exchange v* No. 101 Cumberland Street For The very swellest things in Night after a careful survey of the field It is the joint resolution and the Foruker street._11-lf sires an energetic man to represent them rafe to say that the prospects of the Re- amendment and the existing laws of the BLOOD POISON and SKIN DISEASES. DOR SALE—Those magnificent building lots in Portland and vicinity; exceptional op|*>itu- Robes and A to insurance or real estate Sa!e or Exchange, Pajamas. publicans securing a working majority them and all the pleasures of per- oil Fessenden, Pitt William and Dart- nity light party; country. Try enjoy man address mail A. F. are what or what mouth streets. Oakda e. Perfect electric ear preferred; by only. in the city oouncll of a most reassur- 5.—The governments of the United fect mauhood. No matter your age 28-1 will make strong, sldewalk> an l sure to DOW, Congress Sq. Hotel. ll:i*> 1 lint- rooms nuil bull, ing nature. To bring this abont, all that States and Cuba to their the cause, they speedily you service, sewers, fcebago; $ ought regulate new fall vigor, and advance to double their cost; Interest set line Night Robes, 50, 75c, Is Is a giving Ilf**, present HON SIM »KK THE GOVERN Vl IN IT lieuterl, g;ii«, lull,, repair, required strong pull together on commercial relations by means of a treaty Price, ; mail, waled, ex- Fresh courage. fl by only 5 p<*r cent; othor property taken in 1JOS1Tbmm.iiuls of nnoointmenl* will be made for or next based on and with tendencies ti for to cure the most obstinate jusl right Istrue i'omily Monday reolprooity §5. guaranteed change; It will pay rmi to investigate. DAL- from Civil Service examinations to Do new every- 2.50 case. Information, testimonials, etc., FREE. l)[)iirilers or rooiurrs, Pajamas, $1.50, 2.00, towards free trade In natural and manu- TON & CO., 63 Exchange street. octlfidtf where In March ami Ca talogueof informa- BURNED TO THE GROUND. OATON MED. < <>., Hoslon, Mass. Sold by April. cull over but factured product*, mutually assuring tion free. ( ol.CMBl AN COKRESl’ONDENCE Annuity $S,>0i) J. W. Perkins A Co.. C. !!. A Co., .1. II. William 11 and a half In their re Guppy I), C. 17-2 Hill be- solil tor $.>,600 it t;iken Angel’s story ample special advantages Hammond utid C K. Wheeler, it. If. ll*>’a bona. COLLEGE, Washington, markets. new. $l,loo need be paid louse on Angsl street, Willard, was rpeotlve Fuss’ Drug More, Portland, Me. MISfELLAX ROM. Only BARBER SCHOOLS, 735 Washlhg- [low n. Ilulunce on easy terms. turned to the ground y ester Jay morning, UALl/Ston 81.. Boston, elegantly wages SAWYER & for equipped, MOODY, kl>out b o’clock. The lire caught near the WIT AND WISDOM. NOTICE—We shall continue Saturdays, terms moderate; tools, trial, lodg- iblmney In the second und SPECIALanothei week otu* ii>whi mHs and over- ings. railroad ticket and catalogue free. Send DALTON & story, spread coats at 6.00 and 9?.o*> cacti. CO., 237 and 239 with such that the 9:1.50. i.ot*, :..oo, fl. for “Hall's Barber Manual,” explaining rapidity only thing These gds sold from 9>5oo to 916.00 movement in learning barbering, illustra- A3 Exchange St. ;h« oould do was to set Still at It. formerly every occupants to work each. See goods and prices In allow w indow. ting the different styles of hair cutting, beard MIDDLE STREET. .o remove the furniture on the first lloor. “I say, Jones, you remember Longfol-, HASKELL Jk .ION KS, Monument Sq. -V-l trimming, with rules, recipes, etc. Write t<>- r '■ ...1 --a This, with the ail of was ac- fchS-4 feliQfclt! neighbors, low, tlie chap w ho used lo tell such tre- tlay. At; K ATS U A AT ED. complished. but everything else was de- mendous stories?” desirous of obtaining com- itroyed. The Willard hose oompanv NOTICE—Thoaopetent help for hotels, boarding houses, “Yes; what abqut him?” or families, diets, WANTED. Forty uorih lu»rrtr—We have A N TK1 > —Farm. To on terms a spray pn*«P. vlil be about flOOU, on which there Is an Wff buy easy leuer neetfs and cannot afford to he without. fl.r>0». $2,000, $:i0o» and 9*>«»0e U» loan on small farm suitable for gardening ami nauranoe policy of f“*00. Ihis is a great labor saver, and pays a good Nasal Catarrh first mortgages on real estate ; parlies desiring imultry, within 12 miles of Portland; give par- The room In which the quickly yields to treatment ■ommitsioii to agents. A. L. HAWKKs. West- lire originated can obtain liberal amounts at f* ticulars. Address BOX i», White Rock, Me. Cream Is loans, j*-r brook. Maine. feb27dlm *ae occupied by John Cahill and wile by Ely’s Balm, which agreeably cent, interest by applying to FREDERICK S. 2*1 when the It is received the Bank vbo, lire start sd, were at aromatic. through nostrils, j VAILL, Real Estate, First National all lines of business (Splen- on JkM llr ANTED—Experienced baaoue and shirt flu- >reakfagt the lloor beneath. cleanses and heals tile whole surface over Building. SALESMEN—Fordid Side Line) to sell our ff Uliers. Apply to Till: MISSES BISHOP. Advertising Fans, The Maze had gained such headway which it diffuses itself. A for Nasal, '5 ditterent styles, newest, latest patterns, just remedy 1" 1 o» Ant u W4 Congress St. 27-1 vhen discovered that It wag not possible If OX El OAK he eustoineis want; we pay the largest Catarrh which is drying or exciting to the IH. on Real Estate also loans made on things or Mr. Cahill to save or hie house- gages ■ommissions. Many of our men give their co- any or oilier collateral Man and wife to board and care diseased membrane should not be used. Cream i stocks and bonds any good WANTED ire time to our line and make from $73 t » d*’j hold chtots on which there is no insur- of A. C. Ll BBY & f* for old invalid, for use of large farm. Balm Is as a Price 50 cents securities. Inquire CO., 42J lady week; best side line tier ance. A benellt danoe will be Mm recognized specific. | 12-4 Address-w illi l'. O. ROBINSON, wery guaranteed given Exchange particulars ifTered. Write with references. « om- it the Willard nose house at druggists or by mail. A Cold HI the head St._Jan Wiudhain Center, promptly Saturday eve- Maine._27-1 nlssions on «>f orders, \merl- when Cream 4 BSOLt’TELY reliable flowing machine rc- paid acceptance ling neit by the Willard orchestra. immediately disappears Balm is jau O. J\. pairing and cleaning; all work done at nfANTED Every one i<* tn Dr. tlnk’i Novelty Co., Cincinnati,. jun-5-5 used. 5ti Warren New if not Ely Brothers, Street, I your home two weeks’ trial given and »f great Indian Stomachanu Blood Reme- The regular meetina of the South York. satisfactory no charge; difficult repairing a dy after having the grip and for a spring tonic: FERSOX AL. Send a imjsUiI or call. J. B. &. II. there is better. D. W. 1IESKLTINE Portland gohool board will bs held siiecialty. nothing ENVOYS WILE BE MEUCIFUL. M. BRONSON, 114 Pearl street. 19-2 & CO., Congress and Myrtle Sts. 12-2 Ik KTECTIVES Mon wauled, experience not daroh at 7 30 in. If state PRUDENTIAL Oth, p. UFA N I ED v nuu dren necessary. experienced particu- 36 —A crowd of for 1 have big clocks. Ars. BOX 123 1 At the meeting of the (Jnlversaltst har- Pekin, I'ebrunry everybody. f f to take charge of a dairy farm. The man Philadelphia, Fa._- CLOCKSlittle common even’ clocks amt fully 111,IKK) people witnessed the execu- docks, day must be a good milker ai.d understand farming Insurance sh It was voted to invite ltev.Mr. Davis CMICHEBTER’» ENGLI6N docks for all occasions. line is one of the ul'KK cure for nail biting. 25 cts. .1. W, Company tion of Phlh Slu and Hsu Cheng lu who My to BOX 51, Bridgton, t>ost in the to select from and as thoroughly. Apply 5 FEAHHON, Frovincetown. Mass. M were beheaded In accordance with dty my pHces Maine. 22-4 OF today _ AB1KR1CA, ENNYROYAL PILLS low- as the lowest Every dock guaranteed. the demands of the pawera. The mem- ini Only (•(■ulae. W. 398 ANTED -All sufferers from Asthma to Cl'RED OK NO PAY. C. \ _ _ Original OEOROK BARBOUR, Congress street, JET EAFNESS hets of the various were con- ■•AFF.. Alway.reliaMa Lad!©*. *»k l»ru«lrt Hall. ff send address to Box 656, Cortland, Me, WIs. febld-4 legations for (1IK ULS1KK S KNGI.1SH opposite City Janlsnltf KOWAN, Milwaukee, Offers a va- that If Enclose ten cents and we will send you a bottle spicuously absent, feeling they iu »ol boita. great RFD Oold metallic ieae,1 to suffer 4re were with bloc rtbbou au of the medicine to try. No need You seem Take ©flier. Nervous? present they might to be gloat- Hr-fua© HUSBANDS AND WIVES’ over their fallen adversaries l*«*traui Subatltutioua uad inlta- longer. janD-4 "DESIRABLE of con- ing Every tloaa. af or acid 4e. iu Buy yaur Dru**i*t, the New riety policy Do feel Irritable and “out oi power, however, wax lirgely represented ataaapa for Fartlealara. I .atlaaonlala nay bo obtained through England you sorts?" and free. by military officials and soldiers and there ‘‘Relief far l.»dte*,N m {war, hr re- Agency. Ladles' names received Semi tracts suitable to four stomach ig weak and doos not pro- turn Mali. 10,000 raaumanlala Hold by For Women. WANTED. damp for particulars. Address 44oJ COM! It KsjJ was also present a stall from each of the ©11 !)ru**iau. < h|. heater Chemical C©, Dr. Tolmau’s has $T., Portland, Me. fcbtl-lm >eiiy digest your food. You need llos- foreign Bealaea these many mis- W*f. Madlaoa Syuare, Pill LA.. PA. Monthly Regulator brought powers. to hundreds or anxious women. the wants of all sionaries witnessed the executions happiness active 10 sup. etter's Stomach Ultlers. It will drive motutbaA ast-tf There is no other known Yoiiiiim painter Mlars Tell* ^ positively remedy Personal-lour 'The oondeiuned men met death stoical- to medical that will so quickly and rrlul«-uK. DKltOLLl. P. «». B»*.v I'orlland and oilier in carried out, the ruin liters Ueld a meeting to auoh a atep will not carry plan. remedy pain, danger, febjnd 1 W points Mra Interference with work. The moet difficult 1,874, Boston, Mass.fthti-Im ourness of the stomach, belching or and determined oa the pert of the ma jor- \ postal card from Nation very the Slate. cases successfully treated through corres- _ to draw a curtiln over further de- brief and makea known tbatwom- latulency. It is an excellent general lty pointed and the most complete satisfaction WANTED SITUATIONS. for in's of tbe maker’a pondence LOST AND FOUND. mands blood. disapproval olgar in every instance. 1 relieve hun- onic. Sec that (lur Private Revenue wblob guaranteed dea. Tbe communication al- dreds of ladies whom 1 never see. Write for Forty words Inserted under this head covers the of the la prized further All letters truthfully words inserted under this head ARTHUR IT I damp neck bottle. MBS. NATION OBJECT'S. though disappointing highly by particulars. uu.' week for 515 cents, cash tn advance. Forty GOULD, in &b* man who reoelred it follows: answered. Free confidential advice al] sue week for 45 cents, cash iu advance. or nature. Bear Gen*l for Stale of Maine Leominster, Muse., February 87 —A It one should dare pat my name aa matters of a private delicate Agent Prevents OSTETTER’S any in mind this is absolutely safe under |-J olgar maker of this town, who oonoelved t brand to a deatb-daaling hellish olgar remedy A 13 foot Owner can havo 1 1 every possible condition and will positively dory. Utaclts or STOJTACH the project of nne of the brands L would make him for It dearly. IjHJCND—the same and NO. *2 EXCHANGE ST., Portland, Me naming pay leave mvafter ill effect* upon the health. By by proving propel ty paying after Mrs. Nation on aooount of the Mrs. Nation. mail securely sealed, 92.00. Dr. K. M. TOL- [»oiisehoi00: sheep strong; Iambs & MAINE H. R. FINANCIAL For Fast Yarmouth BOSTON STEAMBOAT CO. Heady to stow good to choice wethers at 4 8ft Peering, Falmouth and CASCO BUY 6.46 a. m. hourly till 12.4-r» nv. half-hotirlv til 16.46 B4 75 ;fair to enoiee mixed 8 60*4 10(Western |> In Effect Ocl. *, *»00. Cortland. We. A.brrt To Hava II in., HU 10.46 in. I.eave Yarmouth Custom llouso Wharf, Colby Alumni ineep 4 76: Texas sheep at 2 6 76: 1 1, p. hourly p. 2r.jp4 {8 Jackaontllle; Emma Angel for Portland 6.40 a. m till m., half Dative in rubs 4 00tfft 35 (Western do at ft 00 m ind 9 M Bird, j hourly 12.40p. WKRTKRN DIVISION Abolished, hourly till 6.40. t 40. 8.4ft, 9.40 p. rn. VVKKK DAY TFRK TABLB. 5 30. Rebecca A Tau- Trains leivi Dolou Station lor 8r»rb»ra Leora 11 Thorlow. Sundays for Underwood at ».IA hourly UU la Kfftct Kfb. 1. 1VOI. ProdneU in Uie ^Rid^clw Charles 1 10.0ft a. 6.20 a Scarboro Quotations of Staple laiiii and Kmllie K Btrrtsnll. Baltluioea; 11.15, 11.46 a. in., 12.45. half Hourly till 6.15. roului, m.. rn.j I'oioMiie ftftaraet. Marlon K Rockhlll, 9ear.li. Pina Point, 7.00. 10.00 L m.. 3.5% For Forrit ( Ity UnrilitR, Peaks ft- WnterrlU*. February 87 —The member* W Aleott. Win M Hsllay ana 7.45, 8 45, 9.45 p. in. For Yarmouth 8.15. 9.15. M Brunswick. 3.15. lialf .23, 6.JO, p. UL ; Old Orchard. *««•«. Bid land, r,.4i. >*.00 a m.. *.13, A13 p. m. are olr- (By Teleicrtph-t Vlminla; Weslev Oler. a. m., 12.45. 1.45. 2.15. hourly of toe alumni lu thle oily Markets. II Stud ley, lefnrd. Krone brink. 7 JO. %50, 16.00 For Lit I lr and Great Diamond Islands, Colby leading Feb. 17. 1P01. B08T0N-dd 20th, ach W Oler, UU 5.15, 6.15. 7.45, 8.45. 9.46 p. m. Leave Yar *; L in.. 12.8% 8,30. 6.20 a ■ nd Trefethena LwimIImrs, I'eaka lal. petition, aaklng that after the (Urgent?Ille and Baltimore. mouth 1 hour 6 minute* earlier- %7% oulntlng NRW YORK-The Flour maraev-receinw %5\ 10.00 a *»»•. ■ 8ld steamers New England t»*r). IJ>er. n.; Kennebnnkport, 7.00, nd, e.43. s.oo. %. m., 2.13. p. m. women shall be grad- 9.2bfl bblst export* 19.630 barrels; sates 4600 27th, Wall* Beach, *.50 Island, year 1«05 no more itool; Granarv (Dan). Portland and Hamburg; 2J0,a3ft,». Sp.m.1 7.00. For Poace'a LaiullaR, Long pcmrs: market ami easy. bwges um. 3 30. 25p. 111.; North Berwick. Hol- 2.16 in. from the Thla la In Hue au<» %»rli Hock, Moocp • «nll Fred K RlcUarda. Hockand. towing k m.. p. uated oollege. Flour—Winter pte 3 65*4 uOjwipter straights tug W 11 NATURE'S Insfnrd, Nome re worth. 7.00, 9.51 a UL. W. GOD I General win- Kockland. RookportCoa No l and 2; ach* (; T. NO, Manager, made at the Boston 3 46*3 f 0; Minnesota paienie 4 10(44 801 2.30, 3.80, 6.25 p. Ul Horkeater. Farming- with tne auegeatlon Marital Review [>ler, and Baltimore; Kaunle Si ray, novaotf tei extras 2 1 86: Minnesota bakers 3 004 Argentlue Alton Hay, Wolfboro, I60a.ni, 12.30. alumni of that last 60* for New York; Co* A Green, Hag- on, meeting of the olty do low araues 1 4AA2 8o» Uonlngton IJO p. m. 5 Laconia. Writ*. 9 2f>: rett’s Cove and Baltimore: Mary Mannlns, Greatest Monuments Lnkeport, Plymouth, 8.50 a inM 12.30 p. m.; Manches- night. bust exports 828.826 Rr in*wick. Ga. Concord and Northern connettona, HAMBURS AMtRICAN LINE. New 27.—Today's W^Teat^HPWoeiPls 41.400 north 27ib, a Ave- The Miff Tree* of Calaveras aud Mariposa er, York, February bush ftiture. afto.0-o Ilighlana Light—Passed .00 a. rn.. %39 p. m.: Itorer, Bveter, Haver- wiSTSE? 8.PI 6.000 Groves are hut one of the THOUR A 510 AT- SCAKBOKO DEMOUKAT8. while No S Red rt «sted schooner. _ | 9.5ft in the (took market quite bush pot t spot fairly active, steady: line of the three till, Lairrenec, Lotrrll, 7.0ft. a in., I trading 79c elev; No 1 liA LTlMOUE—Ar 26th. ach Clara Goodwin. INACTION* along the Keguliir Nnlllngs Beiu'frn a tew %t at <0 o anoat:No9 Red, p. m.; Itoefon, 14.03, 7.00, %5ft A TO this raiul was muoh congested in 80',{e Port Routes of the Magnificent toritciAL Urge Tory Northern iniluth at 87»4c fob afloat. FMnkham. Tampa. a, 12.30, 5.30 p. m.; Ijnvo Boston In 12 acb Wm H Clifford. MaUncss. West Soar 87.—At the stocks. There wae oontloued strength Corn-receipts 171.600 busp: exports 286.8 Hid. ror Portland. 5.»» 7J% 8.31 a. m 1.15,4.15, !IA^IRUI(» und PURTMWD boro, February Y-Ar 27th. achs John S Deerlng. )us: sal s 70.000 busb futures. 240,000 hush BOOTH BA ». ill. arrive Portlautf, 10.10. 11.50 a. Ul. Democratic caucus held thla afternoon and a late buoyant rlee lo eugar Cutler; John Caa- ; (Germany.) (Maine.) St. Pan! weak; No 2 at 48*.4e in elev and louthern port: W K Keen, 2.10. 5.00. 7.50, Ul. the were nominated to the the leee >por*. spot Southern Pacific p. following and notable galne by eom# ot 17*4 f o. b. afloat 2S3 wallader. coastwise. Company. FROM FROM aer* r.U town oQloes: Moderator, Alexan- Hanson. Norfolk. 61' N DAY TRAINS. SAILINGS. POKTf.AMB Hut Oats—receipts 81/200 btuht exports 12fl bus: SM, John most that can IIAMBT K(1 NKXT El bridge S high priced lndnetrtal*. Ga— Ar 26th, ach Henry Wei- The alluring trips Imagination der lllgglna; town clerk, prominent ipot quiet, easy : No 2 at 31c: No 8 atSOvsc: BRUNSWICK, Leave Union 8ta:lon lor Searbnrn Beach, wae not mnob In- conceive. Ueorge M. Oliver, the market 2 No 8 white 831 tracx mixed Trainor. Savannah. _ Old Orchard, Saco, iTs* "Frisia Feb. ttfi Oliver, selectmen, general So white 83c: *c. er, T For full Information, free Illustrated pnm- Pine Point, HI-, j Aiubroee Hear- the at 26th, sch Ernest Lee, North Her* Feo. nth 8. S. ••GranariM." Mar. 3th floraoe Mancnaster aDd clined to reepond In eympathy with Western at 30' s 43-c; track white Western rfuCKSPORT—Ar phlet*. maps, aud time tables, lowest rates, 9ld«lefordt Kminrhimk, l-.-i*. 17th 1 > s. I Mar. lTtlt w. H. UralTam; collector, 12*36‘4. and steamer reservations, bag- tick, Dover, Farter. Haverhill. l.ad> Armstrong ing i treasurer, ot these Individual stocks al- IIA R BOR-SM 26 th. sells sleeping-oar road oommlaaloner, w strength Beet quiet; family 11 604$12; mess at f9£ *1 HITCH ISLAND checked. etc., to SOUTH RUN |,awroller, bowell, Boston. 12.5% 4 39 Jonn H Deavltt; Provldenue Kl?er for New Haveui gage apply And regularly thereafter. F. r. which existed In > AO. Kred 170 Washington Ht.. i. ui. arrive Boston, 5.18. 8.22 p .in V Alvin F Moulton and though the depression for do. PACIFIC COMPANY, , ; oil inland Mowley, Arm: nlckle bellies 75* ; do tirace BaPey. Mouut Hope Bay Through rates to and from points. board, rreu a. In the (Hit meats at «,9H for Boston, Mass. oct29M&Th4m KAS riCRN DIV SION. Story; mem ter of 800001 some parts ot the list early day hams Sid 27th. acha Ellen Golder, sargentville Boston and For further particular* apply to Mlw ihoulders oVfcMft** ; do HU q,9U. Fisher a lal- 1-eavs Union station lor Way of i:bool«, tone New Haven; Allen Green, do for Miller; supervisor was relieved. The speculative Lard (inner; Western steamed at 7 80:reflned New Rations, p.oo a. tn Blddeford, KMtery, Jobn M. haler; partly Hattie Bliss, 81 John. NB. for York, OffI< F OK OVBBSKBRS of POOB, 1 llamliui'i' American Packet Co., J£. Libby; town agent, juiet: conilneut 7 96; 8 A at 8 GO; compound md; Provl- Portsmouth, Newbury port, Salem, was more Inclined to with Rockland for ao; Helen. Portland, Feb- 12, 1901. | auditor, John M. haler; truant officer, sympathize S'/a. Maggie Hurley. aim, Boston. 2.00. 9 00 a m.. 12.45. *'.00 p rn.; Flunks*, Withy A Co., Limited Agent* the heaviness ot the steel Fork steady: mess at 14 00A14 76: family at irrlva Boston Uia in, 12.4% 4.0% 9.45 p. in.; MAINE. P. Nugent. continued 2Ctn. ach B L Eaton. Naw PORTLAND, of 15 00 a 15 60: short clear 14 /5*16 60. J

7Vc havn a few more of the storm I One lot Ladies’lNeck Ruchlnrs juet One lot French Flnnnel Waist* best Ono lot or Dross Skirts, in lot Eiderdown Another lot of Electric Seal Scarfs, One lot French these skiits One Dressing from New Coney worth from (2.00 to (11.50: mohair anti all woo* skirts left at 89e, are well I trimmed with six and chain York. To^adverttse I lie quality, homespun, Such its sell elsewhere at I tails, Hof fa, worth $1.50. For this tale worth Sacques. we shall sell some at 7 On Our anle price, $1.39 an accumulation of odd $1.75. at Site. Worth HAS. department plaids, styles 80c. Our Sale- I’rlcc 33c fastener, only 40c. Worth (1.25. will go at 1iSc Cost us from 13.30 to f.j.03. i.aon;*' ri.4i\ and hocoii ELECTRIC SEAL JACK NEW 8II.K WAISTS and \I W BOX A AI'TOtlOBILE COAT*. LI'S.- UOU CAPES. CLOTH I APE«, STO1131 LADIES' A HISSES' JACKET*. We have iccured a lo. of Klcctrlo and 311. W SK.l7.H au,, NPKI.Wi SUITS, All our Box Coats have been divided Near Seal Jackets from a N. Y. furrier All our Qolf Capes have been divided NCH DIICRSSKIHTS, some In on sale five lota of Jack- in three lots and will be sold at who was pressed for money, at tucli a suitable for middle aged ladies, ranging price. Wo shall put $4. 50, for this sale in three lots and will go at made In tho flounce and low price to enable us to sell flaring style, lo ets at 5.00, 7..50, 10.00 autl 0.5It anil *.50. licgular prices were these low $3.50, are plain, satin lined, other* are fur Wallis from $t».OS $13.00. $3.50, ♦110 Jackets for $15.00 ridiculously prices, ltrcss Skirls, a!I handsomely trimmed, from to •• 13.50, which soiil formerly from 57.50 HO 22.50. former were are our as Suite from 1(10.118 lo 40 20.00 4.75,110110.50, piicea trimmed, all of better grade, ranging in price from .3JH to fiij.OO. S|,rlii|[ arc all All Automohilo Coats have been di- 45 from to to #35. They handsomely lined, 22.60 §0.98 15. made A lo |i

You are all cordially invited to attend this sale which commences Be sure and call forenoons as we expect the usual rush Friday morning, March 1st at 8.30. None of the above goods will be sold afternoons and we cannot possibly promise so much at- at these prices before Friday morning. tention.

-•-. R. M. LEWSEN 8c CO., 538 congress street, Tailors, Importers and Retailers of Ladies’ Outer-Wear Garments.

■ 1 TililSS. Custom House wharf and stole a small THE quantity of tish and a few pairs of boats, SALE .... worn by men about the shop The break HEW AUVKHTIsKMEXTS TODAY. was discovered when the market was .OF. Ahderson. Adams & Co. opened yesterday morning and report Klnes Bros. Co. to the was made. RINES HtnndHid Co. police BROTHERS COMPANY. Clothing Oren Hooper’s Hons. The polloe are investigating the lar- FINE FURS Frank 1\ Tibbetts A Co. ceny of a mandolin and roll of mnslo Bailey's Leather Store. AT GREATLY Waltt* Bond Cigar. from a Munjoy Hill girl, who was walk- Annual Meeting. on the street and suffered PRICES Dee mg Steam Laundry. ing recently REDUCED .1. Ib 1libbv Co. loss of her property at the hands of a Elizabeth Citizens Cane Hi. Previous to Cape Intrusted with Its Storing. li. K. ( onmiLisioners Notice. ooumaratlve stranger w W. 1 pvitfin-. transportation, He deoaiuped boldly with FRIDAY, SATURDAY it. -—-TODAY—- T. HclilosUorg. the property and though the vlotlrn later Given. Moore & Co. anil MONDAY only, Kiotiimu Bros. & Bancroft reported the larceny, she was at the time M. Low & Co. and Itli. FranK too much abashed to oaute the tblel’s March 1st, 3nd T. F. Foss A Sons. Bchlotterbeck A Foss Co. arrest. FINANCIAL. Workmen have begun the work of at- Seo Friday and Saturday 31 a-'on & Merrill. taching patent safety treads to the stone morning's papers. post office steps on Its Exchange street New Wants, For Sato. To Let, Lost. Found and similar advertisements will be found on side. The contract was awarded Ueorge heads. Cage 10 under appropriate M. Smurdon & Co. I.. II. ScliloNbcrg, Ray at No. £3 A case of diphtheria High 8 FREE | ST. Bargain street, bae been reported to the board of YOU WANT a fu*b28«lltlastp WHEN health. Stenographer, advertise Yesterday the sheriffs moved from their PAST GRANDS ASS’N. in the DAILY PRESS. quartern ocoupled since Sheriff Cram's Please Note Announcements in This Ad, the in administration, tc department’s circulation An of Odd Prllo ux Ef- Largest former offioee, np stairs on the county Orgaiilzition the homes of Portland. side of City hall. fected Lmt Night. 25 cent a week for 40 Petitions In tankruptoy were hied yes- Ellas E. alarston of word*. terday by Portland, The newly organized Past Grand Asso- Ernest I. Dorr and William O. Tapley OVER ONE HUNDRED NEW SUITS ciation met last evening and adopted a ANNOUNCEMENT of Lewiston. » for Wear—direct from the best tailor Made Suit * t of by-iaws. The annual meeting oc- Early Spring At the of Sons in New York. Suit all wool. Correct in Prices ! BKIEF JOTTINGS. meeting Shep'ey Camp, curs Thursday, March 14 A temporary No. I. I Makers Every shape. of Veterans, to be held next Tuesday organization was effected with the choice ____ *10.75 Tr> *25.00. at the Baxter the evening blook, ques- of the following o Ulcer*: The Dlrlgo Literary club meets with -----—■ —.—-1 tion of changing the night of meeting President—A. J. 11. Fessenden Cummings. ______Mrs C. Lombard. street, from Tnesduy to Wednesday will ooinc Vice President—Nathan E. Kedlon. "W'f. are better prepared than any former season to furnish SEP” Maroh at 2.30 in. on Friday, 1, p. up. Secretary—J. U. ilenry. arate skirts «ut i y Men Tailors, using only all wool The Twilight oiub a very pfoas- Treasurer—J. N. Head. ANNMINHF MFfdT spent The Samaritan association will rniet nllllUUIlUL SVlkll I liest of anil at prices as low as usually at the home of At the annual a set materials, linings trimmings, nut afternoon Saturday, with Airs. W. T. Eli tt meeting permanent born,Brack, street, »i n Made Skirts. This season Trimmed Skirts have come the of ollicers will be selected and an execu- paid for Factory the Mieses Wells, Allen are,, study afternoon. A full attendance IMOa Am Thursday into We offer for Trimmed Flounce Skirts, comment* was Longfellow, and sketches of his life tive committee of seven chosen. The vogue. Today is requested. ———— and •».(K). and the unveiling of h!s bust In Westmin- meeting was a very entbaslastlo one nod ing at ?1.‘J8. Other materials, same style, Stl.ltS, 3.50, 3.S18, Air. Al. K Aluriay of Bsth will give his ster Abbey were read. Evoh member read the new organization bids fair to be a Our leader at 15.00 is prettily trimmed flounce Skirt, Pebble Mohair, Illustrated lecture on the Passion Play, or molted her favorite poem, while papers flourishing one. Past Grands In the Port- new this evening at 8 o'clock In the Y. Al. C. (a material.) from several long poems were read, the land, Heerlng district and South Port- A. hall for the benefit of the association programme was Interspersed with appro- land lodges are eligible for membership members Kaon member has the priv- lino of we arc priate songs by Miss Martha F. li. -“I $6.00 NEW WAIST, choice colors, ilege of bringing one lady friend. 442 HOKE VOTERS. liawes. Mrs. Keed, the club secretary, at sale We invite you to visit this The regular monthly meeting of the ANNOUNCEMENT selling special price $5.00. presented each member with a tine pic- to directors of Alaloe Horae for Friendless and see the display of Waists whether you wish pur- ture of the poet. Next meeting with Mrs Hoard of llrgiatrallon Complctt-s II* department will be held on Alaroh 1st hays Friday, I chase or not. Addle Cobb. W ork for Spilug Electlou. No. 3. at 3 30 p. in., with Airs. Al E.AlacUregor, All uiuuuoti nuBnuuu uruci vui j/n MADE <.ou SHOE jirvruicui, jh *3.8 are earnestly requested to be present at The board of completed its To tho Public: —Man who forme rly registration realize that \N. L. March paid 95.00 for shoes, now the regular meeting, Triday, 1st. nuift hip uuiuuri PERSONALS. jrBfccumj, Douglas 9.1.50 shotrs are as good in every way. The have a to and Die past presidents plan pre- registered for tli« session was 630; rein- I use the same high grade leathers, For is to £.">.(>») alio** made. sent by which they hope to put soiue Only. workmanship e>iual any strloken 107. Today stated, 13; cnanges, 14; off, ANNOUNCEMENT I The reason 1 can sell a 'jO.OOiho*- t<>r £.i.5Q the sell more slices money Into treasury. Mr. E. of the Maine Tne net Increase in the registered voters is because I make and 9-'1.50 Percy Robbins, «• » for T0C ) two this im- W. U. the who Flannelette Wrappers Worth *125 than any other manufacturers; Littlejohn, painter, left for ol tne city la 444. Thu by mo to make a fair Central offices, Tuesday night registration for .... 79c ) mense hunt ness enables an elevator the store Percale a above was crushed by at 1) and will return after wards is as follows: Wrappers profit by charging few cents per pair Washington, C., 4._| Others fewer ot MUllken, Cousens & Short, Tuesday _NO. tho actual cost. producing the Inauguration. Added. Htroek 03. Gain. shoes, havo to reduce the quality or Increase _ morning, lies at the Mains Leneral hos- the to make a profit. Uen. illakeslcy, who haa been spending Ward 7b bb price 1, 10 >0 shoe* are equal to tlio best custom pital In a critical condition which has hie Mrs a at a few days with diughtsr, Clar- Ward 8, 6H 7 61 ——■—————■——■When passing our store take good look the window eontain- «nad» thus far prevented the surgeons from Ward 3, 110 18 111 ence W. Peabody, has returned to Au- AillinllUnCBICilT ing ML'SLIS C.NOERWKAR SAMPLES that we shall put on sale ascertaining the precise nature of his in- Ward 4, 61 81 80 burnaale. Ward C3 7 45 I March 4, at nearly ONE-HALF PRICE. This is are certain that 6, ANNUUNUCmCN Monday Morning, juries, though they fairly Miss Urace Elkins Is the this 80 0 guest Ward b, 30 _ .. the second sale for the 1901. The are the noted W. L. Douglas Shoo Do.. Brockton. he Is seriously hurt internally It was 80 great year samples week of Mrs llorry Josselya. Ward 7, 10 70 *'*0» Om Maaa., will aondyou a pair by mall tated that he was not In Ward 8, 43 0 37 Brand." yesterday E. S. Hoardman of Hoston, was In the "Eagle for S3.7 S. Catalog free. W ard 86 30 15 used Immediate danger of death. 9, Fast Color Kyelets exclusively, city yesterday having come here to at- Island Ward 1, 6 0 6 Tuesday night burglars forced an en- tend Senator Uodsdon's funeral. laltml Ward 8._5_3_3 PORTLAND STORE, 546 Congrass St. trauoj to U. A. Wyei’s fish market on jjMr aod Mrs. J. E. Marr of Hoston are Totals, 6C3 181 448 visiting their former home In this city. T1KK IN AN ATTIC. Mr. James K. Hiller, a veteran of the Host b was oalled still alarm about Civil war and member of Thatcher Post, by 7 o olook last to the house of No. Ill, U. A. U„ Is at his boms oor- evening HORSE 1080 street. 'The ner of Cumberland street and Washington George Jordan, Congress ■Ire was In tbe attlo of tbe house and Id O | suffered a stroke avenue, having slight COMPANY.! alt was act by mtoe carry- BROTHERS a few probability RINES COMFORT. of paralysis days age. of 2(5 ing matobee The lire was extinguished COODgJg Miss Elizabeth Stevens Oak street, TO LADIES. a stream from the chemical tank and MoALL MISSION. NEWS OF IN'TKHEST Is spending a few Cays In Hoston on by FULL DRESS Blanket whom the damage will not be over |46. Many ladle* In thl* olty, *ome of In Our Window'. business. from 11 to Ciijar — ElV'edneeday morning 12, meaning an Vnder. cannot be fitted with ready-made gar- THE BEST proved a pleasant Innovation to the Me- j ments. and others who prefer the custom- # ]d D1C. ABBOTT a LKCTUBK Workmen, Harness Blanket,—is a RELIEF COUPS AND U. A K. POST All members, who oame out In goodly 5c. made, will be pleased to learn that H. d # Capadura, SOCIAL, Bar. Dr. who Is to lec- The devotional exercises Materials, 6 for 25c. needed if the Lyman Abbott, numbers. yes- have started a ladles' , sa.fe-gua.rd M. Lewcen & Co., # $1.90 members of Urant connect- ture In Cheitnut street oharob Thursday terday were lead by Mrs. O. W. Fullain- will Equipment, l!pmanns, horse is much in the The circle, tailoring department where they of 50. weather, March Is assured Mrs. w Methods f Robert Dunlap, Jr., box ed with Thatcher National Relief Corps evening, 7tb, already Mr Wm. 11. Fenn offered prayer. to order at: —s».\es medical service or make all kinds of garment) # lTotluce the Best # buy. of a orowded house. Tbe entire floor of Edward Staples gave an Interesting pa- Opia. of Thatoher Post, No. Ill, U. A. li., prloe* to salt a'l. Mr. Lewssn says that a new horse. There Is a ing afternoon at the home of the church Is reserved large rer on Frenoh Sunday schools- Mr* RESULTS. in met yesterday while the ooet of au order made garment | { $ Close fitting, heavy Kersey demnnu iur seats and those wno intxul trammed a Frenoh re- A We Have Them All. i Mrs. John U. Rose, Pieasantdaie, for Wallace rioyes Is a deal higher than the ready or or great wool,—dark green, stripes work. In the the members of hearing him should 'secure tickets at from Epernay, the station which svonlng port made, be is going to make the difference H. H. HAY’S SONS, and plaids. Hoods detachable, the Post to the nnmber of about once. the Fortland auxiliary eupport*. Mis* “DYE HOUSE, i 15, in prloe smaller than ever before. Two I FOSTER'S A Pretolo St. d —sold or with the the and of a basket Frances Chapman gavs a delightful ex- se- 18 MIDDLE ST. separately joined party partook expert outtere and Utters have teen lunch. After a from the stories wbloh Blanket. supper pleasant social ercise Montyon cured for thle department and others with rnuelo and ere In Farit. Mist Ueorgla Meloher evening games helped edited will be added as soon as the business murder In tie uric a evening. The to Take a translation of tne Bret vlotiooa for degree pass away pleasant par- Easy read prayer warrants. and and for deatOe caused by araon iroken out agalnat the Multan ot Wadat returned to the olty about 11 o'olock. offered at the Bret meeting In Farts, ty train wreotlng, wae rejeoteil by tba (also written Waday ),'aouth of the great Bailey’s to 1872. Mre. detute of tbe Easy Operate January 17, Lyman Couaena, CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BE'TAINED llouea after tbe longeet teaert, owing to toe many exeomiona. CERVEKA promoter. Because thor- Mr. Edward H. Mrs. Albro \hiued, son of the late aultan All. haa purely vegetable-yet staples, *7.—In the Leather Store. healthful, satisfactory.— Hartford, CV, February • n king by the rebels A Madrid? February 2/.—The Queen Re- ough, prompt, Chase were choaen a nomination commit- the bill proclaimed Uonnectlout legislature today, A HKbKLUON IN WADAI Crenob force le recocted to be half way has a decree Rear tee to at the annual meeting the death and substi- 264 Middle St., Near Free. gent signed appointing report abolishing penalty baa e tween Xuat and Wadat. for life In all oon- February 117.—A rebeUlon Admiral Ctrvera to be a vice admiral. Hood's Pilfs which ooours March 27th. tuting imprisonment frnpoll,
