Portland Daily Press: February 28, 1901
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nngn PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. S PRICE THREE 0SNT8. ^"ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL.’39. PORTLAND, MAINE. THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 28. 1901. tR&Srff&SH ■ ■ .. ______j--———— p—ft— M i.i ■■■■■■■ ■— «»i — j~"~_”-_a iwuivhio auu nwa uv« ■UCEUANKOM- MUM, nHIVII KH KlUpiMtt, UB/*I ™, "e*, |neiw (7. T«»r». He called Ur. McKean’* atten- beneficial to the farmers. 1 be seen t iry tbe of t he the Daring early part day, tion to the matter In the fall of 1890. consulted with the different member* r_ SPOOM LAW. oonfenmoe report upon tbe fortifications appropriation bill was aooepted by the Later Mr. McKeen said he found no ac- •nd thoe k«pt In tonch with them. Mr. Senate, count of the matter, bat would attend Adams volunteered the statement lhat The The Philippine amendment at agreed to It. Nothing more wa* heard by the not a cent of the state’s motley waa used to In tbe Senate Is ae follows wltneee until latt December when Mr. In furthering hie campaign for tbe po* All military, olell ana judicial power* Consumption necessary to govern the Philippine lsl- MoKeeii nettled the bill. The matter attlco of oattle oommlaatoner. of our famous brands of Harvard anue, aoqalred from Spain by toe treatise wae mentioned to several members of Mr. J. A. a member of the cigars-has ltoberta, of Donoloded at Parla on tne tenth of reached the enormous amount day tb* board. Board of Agriculture, sel l that he had December, 18UH and at Washlogton on nearly "•■RS^IOc.CIflARS of who talked with Mr. Mo Keen In to Adopted By Senate By Par- the seventh day Ot November, 1KW shall, The MeKeon Investigation Charles K. Wheeler Cbestervllle, regard until otherwise provided by congress, wae treasure? of the Homological sooiety tbe alleged Irregularities In the nnanoee be vested In each a manner as tbe Pres!- In 1890, testified that be had correspond- of the office, Mr. Koberte advised Mr. lent of the United htatea shall direct, Vote. Ends. ed with Mr. McKeen about tbs McKeen to aak for an Investigation at ty ror tne establishment of olvll govern- stipend A MILLION ment anil for maintaining and protecting In that year. Mr. MoKeen wrote that the hands of tbe Board at the time of the Inhabitants ot said islands In the be would attend to the matter as soon as the last annual meeting, and Mr. McKeen tree of their enjoyment liberty, property convenient and sent flop on account said that he could not do It as the pro- ind religion. Provided that ell franchises granted Mr. McKeen'a letter was shown to the gramme of tbe meeting had been already A WEEK under the authority hereof shall eon- secretary. Mr. MoKeen wrote from time arranged. Mr. Koberte Bald be had never lain a reservation of tbe right to alter have never been achieved by any brand of cigars to time giving excuses for not attend- made a careful examination of tbe books These astounding figures intend or repeal the same. been reached maintaining the Further Facts to the mutters On cross-sxumlna- of Ur. McKeen On oroes examination, in the world, and have only by constantly Mr Hoar Republi- Until a permanent government shall Brought ing of the U.S. Internal Only highest quality and absolute uniformity. The records Dave been established In said aroblprlngo tlin Mr Wheeler suld the letter* were Mr. Koberts was asked about an Inter- in the of our two Revenue Department show that the increase production can full report* shall bs made to Congress Out Yesterday. destroyed and that he w«« testifying view purporting to be with him In was that the total of aiiy Opposed. in or before tne first day or each regu- brands in the past two years greater production from recollection. He hsd destroyed wblcn ha made references to the ques- in one lar session of all legislative acts and pro- other cigar factory in New England any year. one les-tinge ot tbe temporary government the letters with the exception of tion of the secretary's giving bond. Sold fmjrwton. Instituted under the provisions hereof; which went Into the bands of Mr Koowl- Us denies statements made In the Inter- of ths of ind tall reports aots, doings ton Mr. Wheeler said be destroyed the view wbloh were printed In the Maine laid goveoment and as .to tbe condition letters a few months not he then Karm»r Mr. Koherta on redirect exami- 31 tbe aroblpelnyo and of Its people, shall ego, H.TRAISER&CO., he made tu the President, Including all i*.ld not know that this mutter wus to nation, said It was bis purpose to seonre MAKERS, Gifts President Power in information which may he useful to the Rite’s Report Shows Only be Investigated. He could not say n ore meetings of the Board and more PIPPINS a Expert Supreme In more ARAB A Unrivalled either MAS8< Congress providing permanent whether he had destroyed the letters be- authority for It. The Board Is In session Cn Q BOSTON, government. or fore or after be bad read the letters of two and then the members VVs UlUMlfOin quality Mauds. that no sale or lease or other Cartless Rook Keeping. only days go and the ThoLargoat Union Olgar Factory Provided, sales, Deposition of tbe publlo lands or tbe Mr. Utlbert attacking Mr. McKeen. home In to Mr. he said In tho reply Spear, smoke on earth. U.S._ or tbe greatest jc. timber thereon, mining rights "That’s all,'* said Mr. Sp<ar, counsel tn it tbs member In each county Is In therein shall oe made, and provided for Mr. MoKeen. touch with tbe secretary and the member* further, that no rraoohlse shall be lanted which la not approved by tha At this point, Mr MoKeen was asked oo respond with tbe secretary !ro far as President of the UnlTd elites and Is not hy Mr. llescltlne It he kept a letter h knew, the relations had alwaye been in his for the HOPEFUL FEE L1\€I. Judgment clearly neosiuary book. He said that bs did, but be could satisfactory. The Institutes had been Ifpmeaiate government of the Islands South Portland Annex- not that 111 letters were Id well attended and Notable Speech By ind Indispensable for tbe lotereete of any oopled suooeasful. the jwopls thereof and wbloh cannot It. Letters which he wrote personally W. 11. Moody of Liberty was the next without mischief bs Wakefield i Bacon of great publlo post- ation Bill. might not be oopled. witness. Me bad been a member of the Georgia. ths establishment of 1 poned until perma- board six years and at one time waa Mr Frank S. Adams of lfowdolnbum nent olvll government; and all such fran- Its president. Me we* a member testified that be was a member of the during British Encouraged In ibises shall terminate one year after tbe the Blue Mill tnberenlosls Inveetlgatlcn. iBtabllsnment ot auoh permanent olvll Hoard of Agrioulture during the first He did not advise Mr. McKeen to pro- GO-CARTS : South Africa. government. two years of Mr. MoKeeD’s adminis- ceed In that matter. The matter was | talked over by the members of tbe board IS TBE HOUSE. tration. Mr. Adams le now one of tbe cattle commissioners He said he hud Washington, February 87.—Tbe House Across Harbor Mr. Hoar’s Protest Against the had a busy day of routine agreeing to Why People worked for the Hoard of Agrlonltuie he oonterenoe on the fortltloa- The-j: reports and there had been delay In piylng him | Ions, District of Uolnrabla and the mili- Object To It. Measure. At one time he was slok and wrote to General French's Recent Success Has tary academy bills, the last named con- I tained tbe antl-hazing legislation Tbe Mr. MoKeen tnat he needed the money, Waitt & Bond Best-: was sent book Duval appropriation bill ft wae two or three months before b e Caused It. to conference alter the defeat of a mo- was paid. At the time Mr. Adame was tion to oonour in the Senate’s provision World. for throe more snhmartne torpedo boats a candidate for osttle commissioner, he BLACKSTONES. \ In the The Louisiana bill noawn ud pnronuse exposition was suppjrteu uy nr. irbloh bus baen In a * precarious parlia- [srK iAl. to xiir. prtss.3 cross-examination, Mr. Adams said that The sale of Waitt & Rond’s Washington. February VS.— The Senate mentary state, was Hnaliy sent to oonfer- all the members ot the Hoard of Agri- » This season’s models have •uch for an of Augusta, February 87.—Tbe MoKeen Klackstone Cigars is mil- He Is the Hero of passed tbe army appropriation bill at aujnstment differences. ! Quite Several bills for statues ware disposed Investigation was resumed in tbe ball of culture supported him and there was a lions ahead of > every known device for com- ID 54 o clock, containing the propositions any other 10 >f by parliamentary manoeuvres Tbe tbe House at 3 o'clock after- desire on the of the Hoard ror a ot the for tbe tem- Wednesday part cent Londre. » and the Hour Now. Hepubllcan majority revenue cutter bill alto received a re- j fort safety,—adjustable ', noon. obanae In tbe commission Mr. Adsn,s norary aovernment of tbe Philippines rerte, tbe House adjourning wben an The namo is a guarantee now was made to take First In orde came anotber admission thought Mr.MoKeen s Institute work had » backs and foot rests, and for the future relations between the •ffort U np.