Fishery Publications
gust 1966 COMMERCIAL FISHERIE RE VIE\\ FISHERY PUBLICATIONS FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE PUBLICATIONS THESE PROCESS EO PUBl I CAT IONS A RE A VA I LA BlE FREE FROM THE CE OF I NFOR MA TION, U. S . FISH AND WilDL I FE SERVI CE , WASH I NG- " D . C. 20402. TYPES OF PUBLICATIONS ARE DE SIGNATED AS FO l - .5 : crs _ CURRENT FISHERY STATI STI CS OF THE UNI T ED STAT ES . SEP.- SEPARATES (REPRINT S ) FROM COMME RCI AL FISHERIES ~ . California Fishery Mar ket 1 -ews Monthly ~mm n, -L!. II - Fishing Information, May 1966, 19 pp., IUU • ~u m ber Title S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Tuna Re FS-4054 - Frozen Fishery Products, 19 65 Annua l ru. sources Laboratory, P. O. Box 271, La Jolla, elf Summary, 15 pp. 92038.) Contains sea-surface temp r t res, ft hin S -4080 - Frozen Fishery Produc ts, March 1966, 8 pp. and research informatlOn of Illterest to the West F'S-4 11 5 - Maine Lan dings , February 1966 (Revised), Coast tuna-fishing industry and mann Be nit 4 pp. the month indicated. - North Car olina Landings , Marc h 1966, 4 pp . - Georgia Landings , Marc h 1 966~ 3 PI? ' Middle Atlantic Fishery Trends--Monthly umm IT - Frozen Fishery Products , Apnl 1906, 8 pp. --xpril 1966, 16 pp. (Market News Servlc, .• Fi h -F ish Sticks, Fish P ortions , a nd B r eaded and Wildlife Service, 346 Broadway, Rm 1003, ew Shrimp, January-Marc h 1966, 4 pp. York, N. Y. 10013.) A nVlew and analySiS of New - Florida Landings, 1965 Annual Summary, York City' s wholesale f!l;;hery trade--r celpts, 1 nd 18 pp.
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