Analysis of the Midland Texas Housing Market As of August 1 1966
ll,8,l '.sr:7 FAL fft i+t -r'{4, T*{' t16b W"ltfr"e MIDLAND, TEXAS HOUSING MARKET as of August 1, 1966 ffs^slr{tl;il';t;:",.u'" $ltHlllcTof{' -- i9'ot M.i.: 1 1 A Report by the DEPARTMENT OF HOUSTNG AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FEDERAT HOUSING ADMIN !STRATION WASH INGTON, D. C . 20111 Moy 1967 I ANALYSIS OF THE MTDLAND TEXAS HOUSING AS OF AUGUST 1 L966 ., . r,?' r,,:.n'i.lF-ilo'l:' i,i '' 1, r, , rl , irrc " )N' ,- tNAsltlNGl ' t! " i 1 19tt/ Field MarkeE Analysis Service Federal Housing Admlnistration Department of Housing and Urban Development. Foresord As a eervlce to a66ist local houslng actlvities through clearer understanding of local housing markeE condlEions, FllA lnltlated publlcatlon of lts compreheneive housing markeE analyses early ln 1955. Whlle each report ls deslgned specifically for FHA use ln admlnlsterlng lts mortgage lnsurance operaEions, 1t ls expected that the factual informaElon and Ehe flndings and concluslons of Ehese reporEs wtll be generally useful also to bullders, mortg,ageee, and othere concerned with local housing problems and to othere having an lnterest in local economic con- dltlons and trends. Slnce aarket analyeis is not an exsct sclence, Ehe judgmental factor 1s lmportant ln the developnent of findtngs and conclusions. There wlll be dlfferences of opinlon, of course, in the lnter- protatlon of avallable factual lnformatlon in determining the absorpt,lve capacity of the market and the requiremenEs for main- tenance of a reaeonable balance ln demand-supply relatlonships. The factual'framework for each analysis is developed as thoroughly as poaslble on the basle of lnformation available from boEh local and natlonal lources.
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