July 20, 1966 Issue (Dig072066.Pdf)
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION ~mw~ IDU@m~1r A brieFsummary of financial proposals Filed with and actions by the S.E.C. Washington, D.C. 20549 (In ••d.,I", .... t ... 0' R.I..... ".. Publlcotlo.. Unit. cit. "u.b •• ) (luue Ito. 66-137) FOR RELEASE JyU 20. 1966 yOUIG JAa OlDl! ISSUED. The SIC hal i••ued aa order under the Securiti •• IKch.ale Act (lel•••• )4-7921) barriD, Robert I. S. TOURI, of Col.-bUl, OhiO, fro. further ."OClatiOD witb .DY broker-de.ler fir.. Toual vas a for.er director of eo..Da.e.1tb Securiti •• Corpor.tion. In April 1963 the eo..i •• ion ordered .a-iai.tr.- tive proceedia ..... iat tha fir. and certain individuall, iadudial YOUDI. Th. ord.r all ... d (.-oDI other tbiDIS) that TOUDI off.r.d .ad .old .tock of Certified Cr.dit .Dd Thrift Corpor.tioa ia .iol.tioD of th. Securiti•• Act r.,i.tr.tioD .nd anti-fraud provi.ioDl. Youal .ubaitted •• tipulatioa and CODa.nt in wbich he vai ..d • hurinl a.. , without .aitCinl or denyinl the .UepUon., conaented to the b.r ord.r. The bur- inl witb reapect to eo..o.... ltb S.curit1e •• nd the otber re,poDdent. i•• cbeduled for Auauat 22. muo IlA&DI DIS. PIOPOSES OFI'IUIIG. 'l'be Tokio Marine .nd Fire Iaur.Dce eo.p.ny, Ltd., 110. 6-1, l-ChlMe, Marun"chi, Cbiyod.-ku, Tokyo, J.ND, fUed • relbtreUon .tate.Dt (FUe 2-25289) with tlae SIC on July 15 .eekiDI reli.tration of 10,000,000 .hare. of co..Ga .tock.
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